Blgonla Missionar" Lrews
VOL. 22 NOV.-DEC. No. 8 ~be Blgonla missionar" lRews Ub, ~ffictal ~rgan of tbe lDioceae of Blgonla ARCHBISHOP Til ~ MOST REV. GEORGE THORNELOE, D.D., D.C.L., Sault Ste. Marie. DIOCESAN OFFICERS T he VEN. GOWAN GILLMOR,D.D. A. C. BOYCE, Esq., K.C., D .C.L. Archdeacon of Algoma, Chancellor of Diocese, SAULT STE. MARIE, Onto OTT A W A, Onto The REV. CANON PIERCY, T he REV. F. W. COLLOTON, B.A. Clerical Secretary of the Synod, Treasurer of the Synod, STURGEON FALLS, Onto SA UL T STE. MARIE, Ont. CA PT. J. n. WAY, A. ELLIOT, Esq., Lay Secretary of the Synod, Hon. Registrar. SAULT STE. MARIE, Onto SA ULT STE. MARIE, Onto J . A. \VORRELL, Esq., KC., D.C.L. The REV. B. P. FULLER, I-Ion. Treasurer (of Invested Funds) . Principal of the Indian Homes. TORONTO, Ont. SAULT STE. MARIE, Om.. 126 THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS THE PASSING OF WILLIAM: DAVID FREMLIN Under the spreading trees where he loved - to sit, and amid the flowers so d ear to him, a ve ry large gathering of relatives and friends assembled at his old home on Sunday afternoon, September 28th, to pay their last r espects to William David Fremlin, of Hilton Beach, St. Joseph 's I sland. The simple but impressive burial service of the Church was read by the Rev. H. H. Heard of St. Joseph's I sland, and the Rev. B. P. Fuller of Sault Ste. Marie, a former r esident of the Island, and heartfelt tributes were paid to Mr.
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