Classifieds Editorial Statement Contents SYMPATHIES EDITORIAL STATEMENT MAYNOOTHNEWSLETTER EDITORIAL With deepest sympathy to the sister, sisters-in-law, nieces, The Newsletter is published as a service to the PUBLISHED BY Apartheid Maynooth Style nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends of Hannah people and organisations of the neighbourhood. It is an Nelson Mandela is a hero in most people's eyes. He has McGoldrick (Nee O'Neill) formerly of Maynooth 'open access' publication and will generally carry any MAYNOOTH COMMUNITY devoted his life to fighting apartheid and spent over twenty and Clonmel. material submitted to it, subject to the law of the land and to COUNCIL years in jail for leading opposition to a system of blatant editorial judgement. This judgement is exercised by the With deepest sympathy to the husband, sons, daughters, discrimination in his country. Many black and coloured editorial committee in order to preserve the independence sister, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, sisters-in-law, brothers­ Editorial Board people in South Africa may still be poor but at least they and balance of the Newsletter. The committee reserves the in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nephews, nieces, Peter don't have to carry the hated 'pass cards' and they can look right to alter, abridge or omit material which in its opinion relatives and friends of Breda Brady (Nee Conway) Clock Maeve Moloney any white person in the eye and know they are equal under might rend the Newsletter the promoter or mouth-piece of House, Maynooth. Amy Rubotham the law. So what has all this to do with Maynooth? sectional interests. Any contributor seeking further guide­ Unfortunately it seems that a form of apartheid operates in With deepest sympathy to the son, daughter-in-law, brothers, lines in this matter is invited to contact the cOmmittee. Brina Casey Maynooth. Over the Christmas period, the season of sisters, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, grandchildren, NOTE TO CONTRffiUTORS Staff Members goodwill to all men, residents from our local halting site nephews, nieces, relatives and friends of Thomas were refused service at a number of business premises in the We request all our contributors to make sure their material is Richardson, Mariaville, Maynooth. Regina Furey town. To be more specific, they were refused service in legible. If possible, material should be typed, but as not OrlaMurphy some of our public houses. A number of witnesses have With deepest sympathy to the sisters, brother, sister-in-law, everyone has access to typewriters, the best way to present confmned that the only possible reason for the refusal was nephews, nieces, relatives and friends of Albert Phoenix, material is to use either neat legible writing or block letters, \ The opinions and statements expressed in the that they were travellers. They were sober, quiet and Maynooth formerly Pheopoistown, . on one side of the paper. In future all Letters to the Editor articles are those of the contributors and not reasonably dressed and yet were asked to leave. Customers must have the writer's name and address available for With deepest sympathy to the nephews, nieces, necessarily those of the Editorial Board. All were embarrassed and the travellers themselves were deeply publication. We emphasise that material submitted after the grandnephews, grandnieces, Dominican brothers and hurt. The residents of Maynooth who happen to live in the copydate will not be accepted and will be withheld until the material to be included in the next edition of the colleagues of St. Patricks College former pupils and friends halting site have as much right to drink in one of the town's following copydate. Newsletter should be addressed to:- . of Rev Fr Michael T. Casey O.P. M .. Sc. Ph. D. F.I.C.I. public houses as you or I. The Newsletter asks Maynooth's Emeritus, Professor of Chemistry St. Patricks College, All Material Copyright Maynooth Newsletter 1998 The Editor, Maynooth Newsletter, Main Street, publicans to reconsider this policy of discrimination. Maynooth. RIGHT TO REPLY Maynooth. Main Street Standards With deepest sympathy to the brothers, sisters-in-law, In fairness to our readers and given that this magazine is not Tel. 01-628 5922, 01-628 5053, Fax 628 5079. The last meeting of the Community Council had a useful nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, relatives, insured against libel damages or cost, we undertake the Maximum number of words 500 per article discussion on the condition of the Main Street and the fact friends and Divine Word Missionaries Maynooth with whom following: that a number of premises are in breach of the planning laws he worked as a lay Missionary of Maurice Carty, Maynooth In case of errors of fact we will publish corrections when we Copydate: Monday 16th February 1998 before 5 pm in displaying neon signs. Over the next few months we're all formerly Hospital Limerick. become aware of such. likely to suffer as the Co. Council get down to work In the case of unfairly impugning the reputation of any With deepest sympathy to the brothers, sister-in-law, nieces, beautifying the street. It would seem a pity if at the end of person we hereby offer that person or their representative DIARY DATES nephew, relatives and friends of Martin Cosgrove Tallaghan all that work illegal signage is allowed spoil the overall the right to reply in this magazine subject only to reasonable Dubh, Geesala Ballina Co. Mayo late of Maynooth and Tue Feb 3rd: Senior Citizens A.G.M., Health Centre 8pm. effect. So traders, get them down! length, the laws of libel and our right to respond to such London. Thurs Feb 5th: Maynooth I.C.A. Meeting 8pm. reply. Thurs Feb 5th: Fiddler on the Roof, Parish Hall 7.30 pm. With deepest sy~pathy to the wife, sons, brotlier, daughter­ Letter to our Readers:This is just a note to remind you all Contents in-law, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, Thurs Feb 5th: Tidy Towns Meet. MCC Office 8.30 pm. that the Newsletter exists for your enjoyment and that we Editorial 3 nephews, nieces, relatives and friends of Bernard (Benny) Fri Feb 6th: Fiddler on the Roof, Parish Hall 7.30 pm. welcome all contributions from our readers. We would 'like Fri Feb 6th: Edward White - Glenroyal Martin, Maynooth late of Stradone Street, Ballyjamesduff. to hear from any new organisation or indeed from Letters to the Editor 4 Sat Feb 7th: Fiddler on the Roof, Parish Hall 7.30 pm. individuals with something to say or suggest. We hope you BIRTHDA Y GREETINGS Sat Feb 7th: Scoil Ui Riada, Table Quiz - G.A.A. continue to enjoy your monthly read and keep us informed of Community Council Notes 6 Sun Feb 8th: Fiddler on the Roof, Parish Hall 7.30 pm.. Birthday wishes to Linda Conway, Greenfield who your activites. Mon Feb 9th, 16th, 23rd: Maynooth Branch Library celebrated her 21st Birthday on January 2nd. A party for the Clubs, Organisations & Societies 8 - 24 Lectures. happy day was attended by her family and friends in the Community Council & Newsletter Staff Tue Feb 10th: Immigration Control Meet. Glenroyal 9pm. Residents Associations 26 River Forest Hotel, and ajoyful time was had by all. BIRTHDA Y GREETINGS Tues Feb 10th: Maynooth Community Festival Meeting Birthday wishes to John Saults, Laurence Ave, who 8.30pm. Features 28 -70 celebrated his birthday on January 10th. A surprise party by Birthday wishes to Sean Durack, Kingsbry, age 7, who Fri Feb 13th: Valentines Disco - Glenroyal Maynooth Planning Alliance 28 family and friends for John was held in The Roost, and what celebrates his birthday in February, love Mammy, Daddy, Sun Feb 15th: Senior Citizens Valentine's Party 3.30pm Telethon 1998 32 fun was enjoyed by all. Grandad, Aunties, Cousin Connor and Pal Rikki. Mon Feb 16th: No Name Club A.G.M., Arts Building, Interview with Robert O'Reilly 36 Maynooth College 8.30pm. Gardening Hints 56 Birthday wishes to Maeve McTernan, Silken Vale who Birthday wishes to Mrs Ita McTernan, Parson Street, Tue Feb 17th: Maynooth Flower and Garden Club, First Simply Delicious 58 celebrates her 21st birthday on January 24th, also good luck (January 11th), her sons Gerard, Greenfield (February 25th), Meeting 8pm. Children's Comer 65 - 67 and God bless to Maeve as she leave~ home for New York, Larry, Kilcock (February 27th), Larrys wife Marie (February Wed Feb 18th: Summer Project AGM - ICA Hall 8.30 pm. January 16th from Daddy, Mammy, sister Deirdre, Granny, Crossword 72 1st), their daughter Gillian age 16 (January 24th) and son Fri March 6th: Boys National School Fund Raising Night, Paul (February 4th). Grandad and her many friends. G.A.A. Club 8.30pm. Party Political 74 -76 Birthday wishes to Anne-Marie Burke, Newtown who Fri March 20th: Irish Night, Glenroyal Hotel. Birthday wishes to Phil Brady who celebrated his 91st celebrates her 17th birthday on February 21st, best wishes Fri 24th April: Telethon 1998 RTE. Classified 78 birthday on 19th of January, from friends and family. Daddy, Mammy, brother Shane and Granny. Fri 15th May: GolfClassic.- Knockanally Golf Club.

78 Letters to the Editor Mediterranean Dear Editor, Dear Editor, -

I was appalled on reading the feature on the proposed Carton I am writing to you, the members of Maynooth Community & Development which appeared on the January edition of the Council to inform you of my necessary decision to resign newsletter. To begin with the article was neither signed or from representing the Main Street area on your Council. Irish Cuisine acknowledged and the pro development bias contained in the article is totally at odds with what is needed in the North I unfortunately have had to leave the wonderful town of Mill Street, area. Carton Estate is one of the few remaining 18th Maynooth, to take up a doctorate position here in the Maynooth, century landscaped parklands remaining in Ireland., created University of Limerick. on the backs of toiling Irish peasants, and the proposal now Co. Kildare. to hand it over to a commercial developer to create not one, Thanks to my involvement in Maynooth Community but two additional golf courses, a luxury hotel, a conference Council I feel I have learnt quite a lot about the power of Telephone/Fax 6291229 centre and 78 houses to be built as "Ireland's foremost community spirit and co-operation. I hope I can bring these luxury resort with global recognition" is scandalous and valuable gifts to where ever I settle in the future. utterly short-sighted. The estate is an integral part of our heritage and should be preserved intact for future generations I hope in the future that the Council will encourage more of Irish people to enjoy and reflect on this period of our students to sit on its membership, as it is only through co­ history. In the year of '98 what better way to honour the operation will the balance be struck between locals and memory of Lord Edward Fitzgerald than for the people (read students (as opposed to the term 'scrubber') so that Government) to acquire his birthplace for the nation. Maynooth can continue to grow and prosper. Mutual respect as opposed to hard-hand tactics is the way forward. I hope Yours sincerely, that the current tradition of the Chairperson of the Young Fine Gael Branch within the University will always make the Padraig 0 Mllrchll effort to gain a seat on your Community Council and work hard in this council role. 10% OFF

Thank you for the opportunity, and hopefully the problems I helped correct with some of the traders on Main Street and Dear Editor, the students have been of some benefit. "A LA CARTE MENU" The Legion of Mary would like to thank most sincerely Fr. Good luck with Maynooth and its future looks bright due in Supple P.P. for facilitating them with use of the church for no small part to a great community spirit and to the work of Fr. Aiden McGrath's excellent talk. your members. on

We would like to thank also Fr. Sinnott for co-ordinating Yours sincerely, procedures. The Legion are indebted to both of them. The Monday's, Tuesday's & Wednesdays Parish of Maynooth is indeed fortunate in having two such Shane Morris excellent pastors. We encourage all to keep them in your prayers. so that God will grant them health and grace to continue in their ministry. for the month of February In the talk itself Fr. McGrath gave a glimpse of the untold story of China. In the words of the Pope, China experienced Sophia Weir & Clinic "the greatest Martyrdom in history" under Mao Tse Tung. Health Beauty M.S.A.C. & Graduate of C.I.D.E.S.C.O. He related his own miraculous survival in China. Open 6 days - Mon - Wed - 9-6 "Valentine's Night" Late nights Thursday and Friday Saturday 14th Feb. For 3 years he was incarcerated in a cell so small that he Saturday 9 -6 could not lie down. He had no bed or no chair "just a bucket Lose 1-8 inches in 1 session with Ionithermie. that stank". If he was caught with his eyes closed he was Aromatic Facials - deep cleansing. taken out and punished. Yet he survived while his torturers went crazy. Non-surgical Facelifts with Collagen. 5 Course Set Menu Waxing, Electrolysis. Today at 92 he is a man of amazing energy. He travels the length and breath of the Phillipines promoting the Legion of A veda - Bridal & Graduation mlup Mary. Manicures, Pedicures. Detoxifying seaweed body masque. Have you booked your table yet? Yours sincerely All beauty services. Phone: 01 6290377 John Tighe

4 5 Community Council Notes

COMMUNITY COUNCIL NOTES CITIZENS INFORMATION CENTRE Community Council gives thumbs down to Neon Signs KNOW YOUR RIGHTS COON At the January meeting the Council unanimously passed a There is now no qualifying period required for holidays and 2 motion condemning the use of neon signs by some all employees regardless of how long they are in the job are businesses in the Main Street area. The proposal included eligible for paid holidays. Holiday pay will be earned that the Council clarify the position regarding the against time worked. Part-time workers previously had to requirement for planning permission and the conditions work for 8 hours a week for 13 weeks to qualify; this is no required to make alterations or erect signage in the Main SOLD longer the case. The Organisation of Working Time Act SOLD Street area. ESTATE AGENTS & FINANCIAL SERVICES. 1997 which came into effect from September '97 repeals the Kingsbry Moyglare 1973 Holiday (Employees) Act and sets out the legally Maynooth Community Festival 1998 enforceable entitlements for all employees to holidays and public holidays. This Act also sets out statutory rights for The planning of this year's festival gets under way with the employees in respect of rest periods and maximum working Festival Committee holding their first meeting on February hours. Once again Coonan Auctioneers lead the way 10th in the Community Council offices at 8.30pm. Under the Act the minimum holiday entitlement for achieving record prices for property in the The Railway Footbridge and Parking in the Harbour employees will be increased on a phased basis up to the year Area 2,000. (Note: the legislation sets out minimum entitlements Maynooth area. only; an employee by virtue of their contract of employment Community Councillors expressed their annoyance at the may have a greater entitlement to leave). SOLD inconvenience caused as a result of the closure of the SOLD footbridge over the to the Railway Station. It Part-time workers entitlement to annual leave will be Meadowbrook Beaufield was a general opinion that the Council write to Iarnrod improved on a pro rata basis. By 1999, part-time workers Eireann seeking that a new bridge be built. It was also COONANS will be entitled to 8% of time worked, in holidays, for e.g. 8 agreed that the Council write to the Bord of Works seeking hours per 100 hours worked. In the leave year 1997/1998 public use of the former temporary carpark in the Harbour Coonans Property and Finance they are entitled to 6.4% of hours worked subject to a area. maximum of 16 days, the entitlement of full time employees. In 1998/1999 they will be entitled to 7.2% of hours worked Community Council Co-options and resignations in a leave year. The leave year for holiday entitlement is 1st SOLD Tel: 6286128 SOLD April to 31st March. The co-options of Ms. Carol Courtney and Ms. Francena Kavanagh both to represent Silken Vale was agreed. Mr. Note: Whilst the requirement to work '8 hours per week, Castlebridge Rockfield Adrian 0' Donovan remains on the Council as a student and 13 weeks' for part-time workers is no longer representative. As a result of relocation to Limerick, Mr. required for holiday entitlement or maternity leave it is Shane Morris has resigned from the Council. still required for protection under other areas of employment legislation such as unfair dismissals or c___ =::> Community Councillors annoyed over the condition of redundancy etc. the Road. CIC Opening Hours: Community Councillors are lOOSing patience with the CONSIDERING A MORTGAGE OR RE",FINANCING !! Developer involved and over the Monday to Friday 10.00 - 4.00pm (above Kehoe's) condition of the Rathcoffey Road. The poor state of the road Monday 2.00pm - 4.3Opm ( Library) surface and footpaths follows work to provide the services to Tuesday 2.00pm - 4.00pm (Maynooth Library) new housing developments in the Newtown area. Wednesday 11.00am - 1.00pm (Dunboyne Community Do you know who has the cheapest iongterm Centre) Community Council AGM Thursday 1O.30am - 12.3Opm (Leixlip Library) mortgages? Friday 1O.00am - 12.00am (Kilcock) The Community Council Annual General Meeting will take place during MarCh. All Community Councillors will be This Column has been compiled by Maynooth Citizens notified of the details nearer the date. Information Centre which provides a free and confidential Contact Patricia now! service to the public. Paul Croghan PRO Tel: 6285477 Address: Main Street, Maynooth. Tel: 6286128 COONAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 6 7 Clubs & Organisations in Maynooth Clubs, Organisations & Societies = A.C.R.A. National Association of Residents Associations BAND BULLETIN Contact: Michael Quinn, 13 LaurenceAve., Maynooth ...... 6285258 The final count-down to USA '98 is nigh and the excitement Thomas Clarke ATHLETIC CLUB is really mounting. It will be so strange marching down the Contact: Marie Gleeson, 5 Way, Maynooth ...... 6285246 Main Boulevard in Kansas City on March 17th and wishing BADMINTON CLUB Building & General Maintenance Contact: KevinMurphy ...... 6290194 you could have been in Maynooth at the same time. It will CASTLE COMMITTEE be the first time in many many years for us to miss our own Contact: Gerard & Joan Howard-Williams, Carton Demense ...... 6289239 parade but we will be flying the flag for Maynooth in the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE USA. Gerry Bolger (Sec) ...... 6291407 COMMUNITY GAMES Annual General Meeting Contact: Brighidfn Breslin, Maynooth Community Council ...... 6285922 There was a full house for our AGM last December and a CONRADH NA GAEILGE very successful meeting elected the following committee for Roofing - Plumbing - Decorating. Colm O'Cearuil, 7 Moyglare Abbey, Maynooth ...... 6290525 the New Year. DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Insurance Claims. Mary Cullen, Main Street, Maynooth ...... 6286297 Presidents: Fr. B. Supple, Phil Brady FLOWER CLUB Chairman: Paddy Boyd Contact: Moira Baxter, Applewood, Laraghbryan, Maynooth ...... 6289102 Phone: 6290776 G.A.A. Vice Chairman: Michael Dempsey Maynooth G.A.A. Club Secretary: John Curran Mobile: 087/2239147 , Hurling, Handball, Camogie, Ladies Football. Contact: Noel Farrelly ...... 6285020 Asst. Secretary: Michael Dempsey GOLF Treasurer: Elaine Bean Maynooth Golf Society, Contact: Sean O'Connell ...... 6285048 Asst. Treasurer: Jennifer Quigley Captain: Gerry McTernan ...... 6285968 GYMNASTICS. Committee: Cliff Murphy, Niall O'Connor . Contact: Leonard Bhattachayia ...... 087 -462885 Tara Boyd, Helena Healy, I.C.A. Colm Carroll, Mick Murphy, William E. McDonald Rosemary Hanley (Sec) ...... 6286334 Peter Brazil, Rachel Alcorn, Veterinary Surgeon MarionSouhan (pres) ...... 6285714 Seamus Nevin, Paddy Maher. LARAGHBRYAN CEMETERY COMMITTEE "Windermere" Laraghhryan, Maynooth Lenny Murphy, 841 Old Greenfield, Maynooth. Sec. Helen Johnson ...... 6272807 All correspondence in connection with the Band should be LIONS CLUB addressed to our Secretary John Curran, 34 Beechdale, Phone: 6286239 Contact: FrankBoylan ...... 6287654 Dunboyne, Co. Meath. Car: 087 506190 Fax: 6285518 MORTALITY SOCIETY . Contact: Paddy Nolan ...... 6286312 On the Right Track MOTHER & TODDLER GROUP. In an unexpected 'departure' for the Band, we were invited SURGERY HOURS Imelda Carroll, 18 Parsons St., Maynooth ...... 6286783 to play some seasonal music at Pearse Station Westland Row MUSIC & ACCORDION BAND Monday to Friday: Contact: Rita O'Reilly, 57 Laurence Ave., Maynooth ...... 6289095 by Iamr6d Eireann in December to wish a merry Christmas NO NAME CLUB to travellers on their way horne for the festive season. The 12 noon to 1.15 pm and 6.45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Contact: Melanie Oliver (Sec.), 40 Maynooth Park, Maynooth ...... 6285918 feedback was extremely positive and we hope to receive Saturday: PITCH & PUTT CLUB further invitations over the corning year. 11 a.m to 12 noon and 6.45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Contact: Tony Bean ...... 6285233 PRESERVATION SOCIETY Pre-Valentine's Disco Otherwise by Appointment Royal Canal Amenity and Restoration Group ...... Office ...... 6290980 We hope you will keep "Friday 13th" February free for our Contact: Matt Kennedy, 83 Maynooth Pk., Maynooth ...... 6286443 pre-Valentine's Disco in the Glenroyal Hotel. The Resident SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE Contact: Josie Moore. Greenvilla, Straffan Rd., Maynooth ...... 6285206 D.l provides the music and there is a bar extension to see SOCCER CLUB you right into St. Valentine's Day. The usual admission Contact: Lenny Murphy, 841 Old Greenfield, Maynooth (Men's). Contact: Francis Kearney (Ladies) ...... 6286719 charges apply. Hope to see you there. MAYNOOTH POST OFFICE SCOUTS Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland USA Fund MAYNOOTH DELIVERY OFFICE Contact: Tony Muldowney, Laragh, Maynooth ...... 6286033 Once again we would extend a huge thank you to all who AT DONOVANS CathalGaffney, 165 Kingsbry ...... 6286836 have supported our fund. It is indeed a wonderful boost for Scouts' Associations ofireland Maynooth and we will do everything to put the town (and Contact: AnneGreene ...... 6272073 County and Country) on the map during our visit. Thanks ST. MARY'S BRASS & REED BAND 4 Main Street, Maynooth Contact: Deirdre Stynes, Moneycooley, Maynooth ...... 6286443 again. Phone: 6286259 SWIMMING CLUB Good Luck Niall Contact: Mary Molioy, 214 Kingsbry, Maynooth ...... :...... 6285790 Opening Hours: STUDENT UNION (CLUBS) Finally our best wishes to our conductor who has been Information ...... 7083669 extremely busy of late between Band rehearsals and doing Mon - Fri 9.00 - 5.30 pm TAEK'WONDO his pre-marriage courses in Waterford. Weare sure he will Contact: Sean Foy, 25 LeinsterCottages, Maynooth ...... 6289476 apply himself in his usual efficient way to the theory part of Sat 9.00 - 1.00 pm & 2.00 - 5.00 pm TIDY TOWNS tlle nuptials and will have absolutely no problem willi the Post Despatched: Contact: Richard Farrell, 11 Greenfield Drive, Maynooth ...... 6286044 practical side of things when he does his "Finals" next SUMMER PROJECT Mon - Fri 3.00 & 5.00 Contact: NorahMcDermott ...... 6285922 Easter. Maynooth Community Council ...... 6285053 See you all here next monlli for the final send-off. Sat 12 noon

8 9 Clubs, Organisations & Societies ,

MAYNOOTH HANDBALL TOWN CENTRE FUELS Sean Donovan, the chairman of the before the competition even started. Nevin. With Declan Quigley and Joe Maynooth GAA Handball Club, He was out of the country. In stepped Nevin in one semi-final and Martin PH. (01) 6286853 expressed satisfaction with the years Joe Nevin. The new partnership were a Brambrick and Pat Nevin in the other work just completed by him and his bit slow to get going and lost their first there was always the chance that the committee. The alley got finished, game to Anthony Fingelton and Joe Nevin brothers would meet in the several players participated in the Gorey. However they picked up the final. However, Des Lyons and Kevin Glenroyal Shopping Centre County Championships, a start was pace and won the second game by one Mc Guinness had other ideas and they made at coaching juveniles and the ace. They also won the tie breaker progressed to the final at the expense year ended with club tournaments at 11-7. Des Lyons and Kevin of Brambrick and Pat Nevin. Joe with Orders Taken For Deliveries both adult and juvenile level, while he McGuinness looked like title winners partner Quigley made it to the final complemented the full committee, he when they brushed aside the challenge after a dour struggle against Sean Polish, Texan, Anthracite and Briquettes etc. singled out Declan Quigley as the one of Mick Galvin and Eamon Toomey. Molloy and John 0' Shea. who really kept the show on the road. Nicky Cunningham and Simon Laurence defeated Niall Leavy and The Final had everything. Quigley all available Appropriately enough, the prizes for Matt Carroll by the narrowest of and Nevin got off to a slow start and the tournament in December were margins 21-20,11-21,11-10. Leavy lost the first game 21 - 16. Lyons and turkeys. The runners up got a drop of sustained an injury which may well McGuinness faded slightly in the the hard stuff. There were twenty eight have cost him the game. second game and lost it on a score of entries for the competition. The draw 21 - 18. The stage was now set for a was made in such a way that each pair The experienced Paul Hand ably grand finale but some strong words . was made up of a strong and a weak assisted by Michael Barry outclassed passed during the interval which had OVER 18 YEARS EXPERffiNCE player, Des Fitzgerald and Pat Carroll Christy Stokes and Seamus Boylan but seemed to take the edge off Lyons and Locksmiths & Safe Engineers - Covering the Region were the first to enter the fray against Stokes showed good class for the partner. Quigley and Nevin took Telephone (01) 6275605 Mobile 087 - 630870/452620 Mick and Patrick Duffy. The strength future. Sean Molloy and John O'Shea, advantage of this and ran out easy Celhridge Shop, Bridge House, Main Street, Celbridge and experience of Fitzgerald proved my outside bet to go all the way, winners. I expect both pairs had much too much for the Duffys and they were proved too strong for Des Fitzgerald to ponder over while eating their hard professional resigned to playing in the plate. and Pat Carroll in the quarter final. earned Christmas dinner. Does this locksmith Opening hours Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat 10-4 Francis Conway and Joe Walsh, my tip This was a keenly contested and close make Joe Nevin a super sub? services ltd. to win the turkeys, defeated Daragh encounter. Paul Hand and Mick Barry • Intercom Systems & Access Controls Kelly and Larry Cummerford 21-19 also bowed out at the quarter final Joe Rossiter 21-l3, Declan Quigley lost his partner stage to Martin Bambrick and Pat Sec and PRO • Electric Locks • Master Key Systems • Safes, Filing Cabinets repaired & serviced MA YNOOTH FLOWER & GARDEN CLUB • All types of locks supplied & fitted The Annual Dinner on 20th January was in Moyglare Manor • Repairs to Aluminium Door Locks Hotel. Sixty members and friends enjoyed a beautiful meal. After dinner Toni Read had organised a quiz - most BARRY'S NEWSAGENTS A- /\ enjoyable and the evening ended with everyone receiving a small gift from "The Surprise Basket". Newsagents - Tobacconist - Confectioners 11 x abe" :7&w

Scoil Vi Riada News sponsoring some of the drinks; All the Mammies, Daddies BOND BRIDGE ACTION GROUP and children for supporting the day! A word from our Cairde Committee The Bond Bridge Action Group continue to press for the NEWS-4-U realignment of Bond Bridge, Maynooth. The motion from Glenroyal Shopping Centre Tel. 629 0994 Many thanks to all who the Celbridge Area Committee to raise a loan to proceed Upcoming Events OPEN 8.00 a.m. ·8.00 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. attended the Scoil Vi Riada with the project is still on the agenda at full Council level. 8.00 a.m. ·.9.00 p.m. Thurs., Fri. Christmas Party held on Friday 7th February Table Due to pressure of business the item has not yet been 9.00 a.m.• 6.30 p.m. Sun. Sunday 20th December in Quiz GAA Hall, reached but it has now reached the top of the motions listings and is expected to be discussed at the January the North Kildare Club. It Maynooth Stockists of a wide range of Stationery and Magazines, meeting. The decision reached at this meeting will decide turned out to be a very Newspapers, Call Cards, Stamps, Toys at very keen successful event with over where our campaign will go from here. Friday 20th March Irish prices and a wide range of books by Irish Authors. 160 children" passing Night Glenroyal Hotel Replies have been received from Mr. Harry Lyons (County Now stocking Cre Porcelain & Kane Crafts through" Santa's Grotto. No excuses for not attending Secretary K.C.C.) and Noel Dempsey T.D. (Minister for Ideal Gifts for Special Occasions Santa Arrived on his Harley will be accepted, book the Local Government) to representations made on our behalf, Davidson motorbike much baby-sitter now! Further of our three local T.D.s. Although both letters are far from Agents for National Lottery Scratch Cards. to the delight of many of information re tickets, etc, the children who had adequate responses we would like to express our thanks to For Relaxing Shopping Friendly Service will be sent out shortly via gathered outside singing our Dail representatives for their efforts and hope they will News-4-U is the Place For You "schoolbag post". Christmas Carols while continue to press our case until we have reached a Guaranteed night of ceol awaiting his arrival. satisfactory conclusion. An update is published elsewhere agus craic. in the Newsletter. Drinks, popcorn, goodie bags and a disco and raffle Friday 15th May. Golf kept the children L-R: Curtis Mac Treinjhir, Ciara Nt Raghallaigh, CMr Classic Knockanally Golf Health Centre (and adults!) amused while Nic Chonmara agus Eoin 6 Bailie ag tabhairt & Country Club. SCOUTS NEWS they waited for their turn bronntanas do Daidt na Nollag. Maynooth to see the man himself. Happy New Year!!!!! It's 1998 and Maynooth Cubs and If anyone has any ideas or would like to join the committee Scouts are still rocking the mountains. Many thanks to the following (my apologies if I forget please do not hesitate to contact any of the following anyone!). Daidf na Nollag and his co- driver - thanks for representatives: Our last outing was a joint "effort" with Confey Scouts i.e. A weekly Breast Feeding Support Group we had an overnight stay in the Den finishing with a hike taking the time out to help us!; Cairde Committee - round Kilcock Area: Peig Bailey and Karen Crehan Reilly. along the Canal Banks finishing at Louisa Bridge - with all of applause for ajob well done; Eimer Crehan & Robert Mc Co. Meath: Mary Jo & Michael Mc Gowan, will meet at Maynooth Health Centre our fit leaders bringing up the rear - hence the effort. No Donald - two overgrown elves on loan from the North Pole Maynooth Area: Paul Broughan, Aine Traynor, Emer stretcher was needed for our Tony although some thought for the day!; Sean O'Callaghan & his father for a brilliant Sherwin, Michael 0' Corcora and oxygen would be required. He managed quite well for an on and from Wednesday February 18th 1998 disco Highly recommended; North Kildare Club for the use Maire Nf Lionn. elder lemon! of the facilities; Pat Hendrick for his help with the shopping Enrolments for 1998 and advice on the day; John Fox for the popcorn machine; from 10.30a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Also, our investiture was a great success with many thanks thank you to all those who helped to wrap presents, Scoil Vi Riada is now enroling pupils for September 1998. to Fr. Sinnott, who is now an honorary scout, (God help Courtown Residents Association; Pepsi and Mc Donald's for enrollment forms are available from the school or by telephoning 01-6287906 him.) But on the day all the Cubs and Scouts showed up without a hair out of place and it was great to see how many Karen Crehan Reilly, Cairde Committee. parents are interested in what their children are involved in and effort they put in to it. Complete Accountancy Service Available MARLEY TARMACADAM CONTRACTORS No Assignment too Big or too Small Presentation Girls Primary DRIVEWAYS OF THE FUTURE Names of Scouts Invested 25% DISCOUNT Sinead Brady Cathal Fitzgerald School and St. Mary's Drives, Paths, Yards, Car Parks Jessica O'Connell Niarnh Higgins Personal Attention of Qualified Accountant Boys Primary School, Maynooth Tennis Courts, Patios, etc. Justin O'Connell Jessica Penny V AT • PA YE • Ledgers • Costing All expertly excavated, Hard Cored and Power Rolled, Alice Cunningham Brian O'Rourke Stock Control· Annual Accounts· Returns Laura Cunningham Patrick Byrne Kerbed & Rubbish Removed. Hot Tar Spray (gravel). Cash Flow • Budgets etc. Sarall Fitzgerald Enrolment for the New School No Deposit • Fully Guaranteed • Keen Rates. Contact Also Fencing & Concrete Driveways, Manholes & Drains Year September 1998 Our next expedition is hopefully a weekend in Larch Hill Fitted. Play Areas. Herringbone Brick Paving. Asphalt will take place in the above with our intrepid leader Dervla. NO PAYMENT UNTIL WORK IS COMPLETE MICHAEL GLEESON, FCMA schools from 9.30am - 3.00pm More news soon and all the best for 1998. FOR A FREE - NO OBLIGATION· 5 STRAFFAN WAY, MAYNOOTH during the month of February. QUOTATION PLEASE PHONE Yours in Scouting 01·6791846 OR 087 428806 Anytime 8th Kildare Maynooth TEL. 6285246 A. Staunton, PRO

13 12 Clubs, Organisations & Societies GAELS COIL VI FHIAICH GAELSCOIL uf FHIAICH fapaigh an deis I Seize the opportunity. children played an active part and the contribution of the ACHADH AOIBHINN / BEAU FIELD local musicians did us and Maynooth proud in a national MAIGH NUAD / MAYNOOTH La Feile Bhride heralds the start of Spring and the end of forum. The piece de resistance came from our own Laura Ni Tei!. 6290667 winter. It is now time to consider the Educational options Dhuibh, muinteoir to the Junior Infants, when she sang the for your children. We, in Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich, are pleased Psalm. to announce that there is a choice of primary education now lvailable in Maynooth. Our school, which was established Drama! na Nollag FOIRM CHLARAITHE I REGISTRATION FORM two years ago, is now accepting enrollments for 1998 and Weare all amazed how Mairin and Laura managed to co­ I subsequent years. The children who enter Junior infants this ordinate the children to produce a magnificent nativity play. RANG NAlONAN SOISEARACH JUNIOR INFANTS year, like their predecessors, do not need to have Irish as a We have some budding actors and actresses in our scoil. prerequisite for entry. The children are gradually introduced Mile buiochas do Lucht Mhuchta Tine Mhaigh Nuad. CAILINi AGUS BUACHAILLi to the language and over time gain a natural proficiency in A belated thanks to Maynooth Fire Brigade who transported the language. A n enrollment fOITIl is attached for your Daidi na Nollag to the Gaelscoil. The excitement was . ;;onvenience and an early application is desirable. We palpable as the children heard the siren hearlding the man strongly recommend that you come up and visit our school in from the North Pole. Chief Fire Officer Lenny Murphy Ainm I Name. Beaufield in the afternoons between 2.30 and 3.30. You will explained how his sleigh was too big for Beaufield, so the nave an opportunity to meet the Principal, staff, and parents wise man landed in the Harbour field and was transported to Seoladh I Address who will be happy to answer any queries you may have scoil by the Maynooth Fire Brigade team. All in the school regarding the Gaelscoil. are very appreciate to the Fire Brigade. Aifreann na Bhliana. Ranganna Oiche The annual school mass was celebrated in the Gaelscoil There have been a number of applications for the adult before the Christmas holidays. The celebration was Uimh. Teileaf6in I Telephone conversational classes in Irish. There are some places left, broadcasted live on Radio na Gaeltachta. We wish to thank so get your name in as quickly as possible. the celebrant An tAth. Oirm Padraig 0 ConchUr for making Data Breithe I D. O. B.. Gneas I Gender. Shill go F6ill. the event a unique occasion and for his genuine interest in the children and the school, gurbh fada buan tu. The Colm 6 Cearuil

TUISMITHEOIRi / PARENTS MAYNOOTH TOWN A.F.e. Mitthair I Mother Athair I Father liter the Christmas break all teams are now back in training. Under 8' s, 9' s and 10' s are training in the North Kildare Club It 7pm on Thursday nights. All other team members should contact their manager's for time and venue. At the half way Ainm I Name joint two of the schoolboys teams are in pole position at the top of their leagues and all other teams are holding their own. Jood luck to them all and here's hoping the success will continue through to the end of the season. Below are the weekly otto results to date. Thank you for your continued support. Seoladh I Address


7-12-97 8,13,29 £450 G.McTernan David Mulready Michael Hyland Siniti Tuismitheora I Caomhn6ra. 7 - 12 - 97 ONE JACKPOT WINNER FOR £450 Parent's / Guardians Signature.

14 - 12 - 97 16,23,30 £300 K. Horgan B. McCullagh Tom Flatley Ditta / Date.


21 - 12 -97 13,22,30 £325 D. Lucas Mary Murphy E. O'Kane D. O'Driscoll M. McCarron Seoladh ar ais chuig / Kindly return to: An Priomhoide 28-12-97 NO DRAW Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich 4 - 1 - 98 14,19,29 £350 Kay Flynn Frances Nolan Don Foley Thomas Nealon O.Naughton Achadh Aoibhinn MaighNuad. 11 - 1 - 98 5,6,24 £375 A. Naughton Ma. Dempsey Sean O'Neill M. Gannon W.Healy

18 - 1 - 98 2,3,10 £400 1. Thompson Alan Dolan John Saults K. Connoly P. Corraway

15 14 Clubs, Organisations & Societies


We would like to thank all those who supported us on our English Classes for Au-Pairs Glenroyal Hotel recent Flag Days. The money will go towards our day trips & during the month of July. Contact Leisure Club Conference Centre We would also like to hear from any persons who are free Maynooth, Co. Kildare Hibernia English during July and would like to give us some of their time Mon - Sat Sunday voluntarily to helping us out on these trips. Language Carvery Lunch 12.30 - 2.30pm 1.00 - 4.00pm Glen Lounge A.G.M. will take place on Wednesday 18th February at Programmes Ltd., Early Bird Menu 6.00 - 8.00pm 4.00 - 8.00pm Obelisk Restaurant 8.30pm in the LCA. Hall. Please contact: Norah Office No.7, A la Carte 8.00 -10.00pm 8.00 - 9.00pm Obelisk Restaurant Bar Food Menu 4.00 - 8.45pm 4.00 - 8.00pm Glen Lounge McDermott, Community Council Office or any Committee The Glenroyal Centre, member. Phone: 6285922 ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS Maynooth. 1998 Glenroyal TALENT COMPETITION All help is very much appreciated. Friday 6th "RUMOURS" and back by huge demand Claire OJ Rourke In Association with Heineken. Every Thursday Night. "EDWARD WHITE" - Comedy Hypnotist P.R.O. Tel. 01 - 6285774; Fax 01 - 6289181 Musical support and backing each week Saturday 7th "GEM" Bands, Singers, Comedians, Novelty Acts all welcome Wednesday 11 th "BOG THE DONKEY" £1000 cash prizes Friday 13th "CRAZY TRAIN" and "LIGHTENING STRIKES" MAYNOOTHATHLETIC CLUB NOTES O/fU/E9-Q!9{

16 17 Clubs, Organisations & Societies

MA YNOOTH I.C.A. NOTES The Competition for February is "A Word Search." Dr. Linda M. Finley-McKenna

Maynooth I.C.A. Guild held it's ftrst Meeting of 1998 in the Activities: Dublin Road, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. LC.A. Hall on Thursday 8th January. Mrs. Marion Souhan, Badminton resumed on Tuesday 13th January in the Parish President welcomed the ladies and wished all "A Very Hall at 10.. 30 a.m. Happy New Year." Crafts resumed on January 12th in the I.C.A Hall at ~~/ Tel: 6285962 There was a minute's silence for Patsy Lawlor who had died 8.00 p.m. over the Christmas period. She was a former National Jr Mobile No: 087-447621 President and a former Federation President and also a On a happy note we would like to send our congratulations member of Kill Guild. May she Rest in Peace. to our fellow member Catherine Rossney on the birth of a baby girl. A very interesting article was read out by our Secretary Chiropractor • Mentber C.A.I. Rosemary Hanley. The raffle winners for January were: (1) Rosemary Hanley The heading of the article was "Change of Name for LC.A? (2) Connie Harpur All Hours by Appointntent Only (3) Teresa Brennan Eva Coyle became President of the I.C.A. in May, and the Donegal woman predicts a busy three years. The meeting for February will be on February 5th at 8.00 p.m. "I want the I.C.A to be meaningful for the younger people. Life has changed, people are out working now." She says May Haren, LiamDuff -pointing out that formerly the I.C.A gave women an P.R.O. opportunity to get out of the house, but that now it must offer Gragadder, Kilcock, Co. Kildare. more. And she points out that this may even involve a TeVFax:(01)6287434 change of name. The organisation will consider this. Mobile No: (088) 579400 Eva has encouraged county federations to apply for leader 24 HOUR RECOVERY SERVICE funds for training courses and her immediate New Year BLOWTHERM SPRAY BOOTH priority will be to keep an eye on the eleven further such courses which are in the pipeline. MOTOR BODY REPAIRS CAR-O-LINER PULLING AND COLOUR MATCHING INSURANCE CLAIMS AND MEASURING Some of the courses have focused on public relations and SPECIALISTS SYSTEM communication, an area which Eva feels must be embraced HANDLED fully by the organisation if it is to succeed with it's big aim for 1998: Recruitment. MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY AND Also coming up is the I.C.A.'s new Tip Top Variety Show, VEHICLE BUILDERS & REPAIRERS ASSOCIATION which is to be run along the lines of Tops of the Towns. This is intended both to give the organisation a higher proftle, and as a means of getting more people to join. & The January competition was a "Slice of Christmas Cake" WESTWEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING WORKWEAR which was won by Rosemary Hanley. 2nd was Irene Industrial Estate, Enfield Co. Meath Matthews and 3rd was Maryse Killian. Party Entertainers Party Decorators Tel: 0405 - 41871 Fax: 0405 - 41622 Our contest Secretary Margaret Houlihan told us about the CLOWNS ON THE STREET Mobile: 088 - 562204 upcoming competitions. Specialists in Protective Clothing & Workwear. BALLOONMODELLING,FACEPAINTING Including: Full range of Gloves, Boilersuits, Ear Defenders, Helmets, Goggles, Spectacles, "An applique wall hanging." All the entries have to be in by March 6th 1998. FUN & GAMES FOR ALL AGES Rainsuits, Jackets, Body Warmers, Work Shirts, Work Jackets, Work Trousers, Warehouse Coats, Disposable Boilersuits, Butchers Aprons. ALB. Guild Competition which has four categories: (a) Floral Exhibit • Footwear: Safety Boots, Wellingtons, Shoes. (b) Humorous Sketch Tel. (01) 6778219 • Safety Signs (c) Wall Hanging Mobile (086) 2338329 • First Aid Kits: Standard, Deluxe, Wallmounted (d) Enterprise Ask for John • Stockists of: CATERPILLAR BOOTS The ladies are working on these at present. • For all your Personal Protection Equipment & Workwear

18 19 Clubs, Organisations & Societies

MAYNOOTH SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE ADVERTISE YOURSELF January is always a month evening was the "Old time we Senior Citizens look waltz competition" and By Taking Part forward to, because it draws Surprise Surprise!! A new • together a greater number of senior citizen is on the floor In our age group than at any in the form of other time of year, apart Norah Me Dermott. Maynooth's St. Patrick's Day from our summer outing. Parade I am referring to our Norah came to report and Christmas dinner which was take photographs of the held on Sunday 11th January party, she was asked to in the Post Primary School. dance, takes the floor and then takes 1st prize, partner For the past 15 years this Mary O'Reilly. 2nd prize, event has been provided by Angela Caffrey and Ita Name of Business Peter O'Brien, catering. He Me Ternan, and 3 rd prize served an excellent 4 course went to Matt and Peg Smith, meal with a drink of ones well done to all. Organisation, Club or Band choice. We had about 150 L-R: Pat Collins, Dick Kearns, Leo McGlynn . . present, including members from , Address and Pagestown. I feel sure every one enjoyed their meal. Our A.G.M. takes place Tuesday 3rd Feb 8 p.m. in the Health Centre. Telephone Afterwards our Chairperson spoke highly of Peter's generosity, thanking both him and his staff, and on his Number of Vehicles in Entry behalf Thomas Lawler accepted a token of our Committees We wish to extend sympathy to Nan Fleming on the death of gratitude. her sister Mollie. The family and friends of Tom Richardson. Do you wish to do a demo (3/4 mins) at Reviewing Stand To the wife and family of Benny Martin. Grateful thanks was extended to Mr. Ashe and his school staff for the use of the school for all our parties, to Pat May they Rest in Peace. Barton for his continuous generosity, supplying transport for Entrance Fee: our outing each year, to Eugene O'Reilly for his help every year with our Financial Commercial float - £25 Club / Organisation - £5 records, Kevin Me Govern, Valentine party takes place Vinnie Mulready and Owen Sunday 15th February, usual Band - Free Byrne who are always there Mass at 3.30, followed by for us, and the committee party. for their support and work The categories for which prizes will be awarded are as follows: throughout the year. Competition best Valentine verse or card. The Clergy and other guests Finally I wish to thank the 1.BestCol11J11erci~lFloat-Trophy 2. Best Club Float- Trophy + £50 including Dr. Finola staff of the Newsletter for Grogan, Nurse Nora bearing with me for the past 3. BestBand..:PerpetualCup+ £100 4. Best Marchers .;.Plaque+£25 Campbell E.H.B., Mr and year, and for all the functions 5.MostTopi~al Float - £25 6. Funniest -£25 Mrs Doyle, Moyglare they attend with camera and Nursing Home and Mr. and notebook. 7.B~stCostumes - Trophy - £25 Mrs Tom Ashe. Grateful thanks to all concerned.

After all that, the floor was More photos on opposite cleared for dancing. page. Applications with entry fee to be sent to Community Council Office Excellent music by "Bourbon Street". The £OR: Kitty Thompson, Rita Thompson, Betty Farrell before 3/3/98 or phone Freda Kelleher (office hours - 6285922) Janet Hayes and Mary Murtagh P.R. 0 highlight of this part of the or John McGinley (6285293 - After office hours)

20 23 Clubs, Organisations & Societies ~ = 0 "~"= M3~nooth €redit Union Eimlt~iJ.: : MA YNOOTH CREDIT UNION NOTES . '. Credit Union House, The Harbour, Maynooth Credit Union held its very high, indeed Annual General Meeting in the making it difficult Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Tel: 6286741 Glenroyal Hotel on Tuesday 2nd of for our independent 12 EXTRA WEEKDAY OPENING HOURS Other Services for our Members December. A new Board of Directors and unbiased judge NEW OPENING HOURS FROM 1st SEPTEMBER 1997 was elected for the forth- coming year to pick the winners, Budget Scheme We pay your bills and budget your and included three new members to presentations were DAY MORNING AFTERNOON EVENING finances for you, in strict confidence. the board. made to the MONDAY 10 -12.30 2-5 Insurance Those elected were Betty Costigan, winners and TUESDAY 10 -12.30 Discounts on your VIDIB UPA SUbscriptions. Matt Doran, Pat Dunne (new), Pat 2-5 runners-up at WEDNESDAY 10 -12.30 Closed half day Very competitive rates on Building, Contents and Car Hamey, Ann Higgins, Pat Holmes, AG.M. THURSDAY 10 -12.30 2-5 7 - 8.30 insurance. Liam Farrell (new), Ken Loane, The overall FRIDAY 10 Open Continuously all day until 8.30 Notice Michael Mooney, John Read and winning entries SATURDAY 10 -12.30 New services are offered to members from time to time. Michael O'Reilly (new) were forwarded to Watch the notice board in our office for details. represent us at the Office closed on Bank Holidays The three retiring Directors, Mary next stage of the McInerney, Sheila Kevitt and competition CHRISTMAS Michael O'Riordan were thanked for Chapter, hopefully their services to Maynooth Credit we may have a Union. winner there too. Winner ofBike - David Greally being presented with his Prize by Ken Loane. CAR LOANS Pat Arthurs, John Butler and John McQuaid were re-elected This year during our AG.M. we held a special draw for our EDUCATION HOME IMPROVEMENTS to the supervisory committee. Junior Members and the winners were, fIrst prize of a Mountain Bike and helmet to David Greally, second prize of CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE A MEMBER? The Board of Directors reported to the Membership of a Ghetto Blaster to Sarah Flatley and third prize of a . . another successful year with the growth of new members, Walkman to Sharon McLoughlin. The presentations were more savings, more borrowing and a new service i.e. Death made at our offices. Benefit Insurance. We thank all those who attended the AG.M. and indeed We also introduced a School Credit Union within both turned it into a social evening. Maynooth Primary Schools, and gratefully appreciate the co­ operation and enthusiasm of the teachers and principals who New members are always welcome, why not call in to our helped us implement this scheme for the children of offices any day Monday to Saturday. We are beside the MaynooUl. Garda Station. Note: At the time of going to press we are preparing for our During the year we held a poster competition for our yearly Primary Schools Table Quiz on Friday 23rd January members in different age categories and the standard was and we look forward to an enjoyable evening. DECLAN BROWNE MA YNOOTH OIL SUPPLIES LIMITED MAYNOOTH KILCOCK NO NAME CLUB NEWTOWN STORES Beaufield, Maynooth, Co. Kildare.

Maynooth Kilcock No Name Club AG.M. on the 16th Tel. 01 - 6285833 ~ February 1998 at 8.30 p.m. in the Arts Buildings in St. WINTER GRADE MAXOL HOME HEATING OIL Patrick's College, Maynooth. Opening Hours: 7.30 a.m. - 10.30 p.m. KEROSENE Open every day including Sunday Please note our next night out for a Disco is the 31st January Lotto Agent • Groceries • Fuel 1998 followed by a bumper Valentine Disco on the 14th 6 Day Delivery Service February 1998. Gas· Fancy Goods· Sweets Cards • Magazines Martin Caine PRO Free Delivery Service Phone6284071-6287797

24 25 Residents Association

MOYGLARE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION ;eneral Meeting 'lease note that a general meeting of the association will be The Mavnooth Bookshop leld this month to bring residents up to-date on the various JEAN'S FOODSTORE ssues, particularly the boundary with the Moyglare Road. It Moyglare Village las been the policy of the committee this year only to hold Tel 6286494 be minimum number of general meetings, so it would be rift ~ g'~ & s~ lppreciated if we could have a large attendance. Residents vill be notified when the date is agreed. NEWS AGENTS • FUEL • TOBACCONIST vloyglare News CONFECTIONERY • FROZEN FOODS rhe next issue will be issued to paid up members during fuuu ~ fo«d g'~

26 27 Features Features MAYNOOTH PLANNING ALLIANCE /Contd Car ownership levels in new estates in Maynooth are very high. )ver the past three years some 800 new houses have been built in Maynooth, making the town one of the fastest growing 4. lrban centres in Ireland. In 1971 Maynooth was a village of 1,300 people, currently it is a large town of over 10,000. But who 96% of households in Parklands have a car. Half the households have 2 cars. About one in twenty houses have 3 cars lle its new residents? What do they work at? Where do they send their children, if they have any as yet, to school? Answers or more! These are very high car ownership figures and contrast markedly with some Maynooth estates where almost :0 these questions are essential to assess what future provision needs to be made in terms of schools, sports facilities, roads, 2 households in every fIve have no car. The survey suggests that Parklands alone can muster approximately 400 cars, lealth services, churches, fIre services, ambulance services, gardai etc., indeed all of the things which make for a properly quite a convoy on the Straffan Road! Clearly any further new estates in Maynooth will contribute over 1.5 cars per functioning town. Appropriate planning policies are required to cater for Maynooths present residents as they live and grow household to the roads of the town and this impact must be considered very carefully before any new residential lands IIp in the town and it is to be hoped that the forthcoming revised Plan for the town will address these needs in a realistic way. are proposed. Perhaps not unconnected to these traffIc generating conclusions, the survey revealed that one in six As part of an extensive investigation carried out over the past several months, Maynooth Planning Alliance has been adults and children in Parklands suffers from asthma. :;onducting a survey among the residents of the town on an estate by estate basis. This has been a daunting and time :;onsuming task and Maynooth Planning Alliance expresses its appreciation to its members and to the many individuals who New estates have a high proportion of two income families. gave so generously of their time to assist with it. In this issue of the Newsletter we propose presenting some initial fIndings of 5. relevance to one of the largest and newest estates: Parklands. In later issues other estates will be similarly discussed. The average number of earners per household in Parklands is 1.65, indicating that approximately two thirds of households have presently both partners working. 60% of these individuals work in Dublin. This is approximately A Profile of the New Maynooth: Parklands double the comparable figure for other, more mature estates in Maynooth. Indeed only one earner in six in Parklands earns their living in Maynooth, indicating a lower level of integration into the town and a higher level of commuting Parklands is a large estate of detached and semi-detached three and four-bedroom houses laid out in a well designed series of than the average Maynooth resident. A similar percentage to that working in Maynooth, works in Leixlip, presumably :;ircular roads leading off a spinal through road. Over 250 houses exist in this private housing estate, of which questionnaire mainly in Intel or Hewlett Packard. returns were received from 112. This represents a sample of approximately 45% and gives a relatively good basis on which a number of conclusions can be drawn. This Parklands profIle is not a surprising one for anyone familiar with the recent growth of Maynooth, and is probably very representative of most new estates throughout Maynooth. A young, mobile, well educated population is now 1. A more diverse population than in older estates putting down roots in the town. Parklands is a vibrant estate with already a good internal community spirit and perhaps the most dynamic residents' association in the town. With the arrival of children and the inevitable greater The housing stock in Parklands is predominantly occupied by new migrants to Maynooth. The survey revealed that integration into the wider Maynooth community which this will bring, such new residents will be an enriching and 83% of residents have lived for less than three years in the town, with 77% of households having no adult born in rejuvenating influence on Maynooth. Maynooth. It is quite likely that a very high proportion would have been similarly identilled as originating outside of From a planning perspective, on the basis of this frrst investigation, clearly future population growth in the new estates ~o. Kil~ar~. Ne~ housing in ~aynooth, as elsewhere in north Kildare, is especially attractive for commuters working of Maynooth will be considerable. Such natural growth will also clearly have major implications, particularly for m Dublm city or m the new high technology industries close by. Parklands thus epitomises Kildare as a whole where educational, infrastructural and amenity provision which require the urgent attention of our planners and councillors. the majority of its inhabitants were born outside the county. Maynooth Planning Alliance emphasises, however, that on the basis of the Parklands results, none of this population growth will need to be accommodated in new residential areas until well into the second decade of the next century. 2. Many families are in the pre children stage

Less than half of the households in Parklands have children, a very low proportion by comparison with more mature estat~s .in Maynooth. Indeed 21 % of households have one child only, with a similar number having two children. Not surpnsmgly, the average age of children is very low. Half of Parklands children are below the age of 4. Only about one in fIve children is of primary school age. and a similar proportion is of secondary school age. This is highly signillcant and ~eans that it is likely that considerably more children can be expected over the next few years in the estate. Certamly the nature of the housing types would suggest that many couples purchased houses with the intention of eventually starting a family, and much of the population growth of Parklands over the next few years will consist of young children. A potential for up to 400 children exists in this estate. Again this is probably similar to the situation in many of th~ new estates .and implies that the school going population will increase sharply over the next few years, even allowmg for a declme in numbers from the more mature older estates.

3. Many schoolchildren are driven to school, probably more than in older estates

A high p~rcentage of children do not walk or cycle to school from Parklands. For those who go to school in Maynooth, onl~ ?ne m three manage to walk to school. About half appear to be driven the half mile or so every morning by obbgmg parents, while a further 18% get the school bus. It is perhaps understandable that safety concerns would be the mam factor here, particularly with very young children. It may be that older children are more likely to walk to school. However, the survey did not detect a single household in Parklands where any children cycled to school - a relati~ely safe procedure with the introduction of the new cycle paths on the Straffan road and soon on the Main Street also. Surely there must be at least one child cycling to school from this large estate? COllgratulatiolls to Darren McDermott who recently . Although fIgures are small, it would appear that a greater percentage of Parklands' children attend school married Suzallne Kinahan, Palmerstown. John Saults 40th Birthday. outSide of Maynooth than in most other estates. About 20% of school children travel beyond the town for their Also ill the picture L-R: Alina Marie (sister), Norah (Mother), L-R: W. Saults, J. Saults, G. McTernan and C. Saults schooling, their mod~ ?f ~ans~ort roughly equally divided between the parental car and the school bus. This may in Tallya (sister) who rece/ltly returnedfrom London to part ~~flect the unfamlhanty With the local school situation of relatively new residents, but may also be related to their cdl!hrate her 21st Birthday alld Philip (father). moblhty and employment characteristics. Contd....


smack it is the strongest of the opiates L L DRUGS What it does: Breathing, heart rate which includes morphine and codeine. E Barrett's Homestore E speed up, pupils dilate. Dryness of the [n recent years there has been mouth is common. High doses may What it does: Slows down the body Dowdstown, Maynooth, Co Kildare. :onsiderable repudiation of the once cause tremor, sweating, anxiety. functions of physical and emotional S S )fevalent, 'dope fiend' myth - which pain. Breathing and heart rate are Tel:(O 1) 628539116286371 Fax:62865.09 jepicted the drug addict as a Where available: Raves to street slowed. A A jegenerate and vicious criminal, much dealers. L Just Off The N4 Motorway L ~iven to violent crimes and sex orgies. Where available: Street dealers. ~ore and more people are coming to AMYL NITRITE E E lnderstand the nature of opiate drugs Costs: One gram up to £80. md the meaning of addiction. What is What it is: Known as poppers or PRE STOCK-TAKE CLEARANCE liquid gold they widen blood vessels by lddiction? Addiction to us is BARBITURA TES S S ;omewhat of a mystery. relaxing muscles surrounding them and improve blood flow. A A What it is: Known as barbs, or [ts exact causes no-one really knows - downers, they work by depressing the L L but, - nearly all of us fall victim to it in What it does: Increase heart rate, cause intense flushing, dizziness, central nervous system and are Jan. 26th - Feb. 16th E ;ome form or another throughout our extremely addictive. E lives. Addiction itself is now pounding headache, nausea, coughing. recognised officially as one of the What it does: Effect is similar to worlds greatest social problems - Where available: Legally sold new S S age sex shops. alcohol and a low dose produces ~stimated as possibly affecting as many relaxation while large amounts make A A ·people as the common cold. Although CANNABIS the user more intoxicated and drowsy. we find no problem in admitting to L L What is it: Marijuana, usually having a cold, very few people are as Where available: Prescription! E E :}uick in admitting to being an addict. referred to as cannabis, grass, hash or Up To orr All Stock pot. It is the most widely used illegal dealers. drug in the world. Apart from addiction all these Costs: 20 mg ..SOp to £6. S drugs can have serious side­ What it does: It promotes a feeling of We now have the following in stock: S effects. relaxation and well-being and is P.C.Ps. A - Hardwood Flooring - Crown Paints - Circle Paints - Internal Doors - A claimed to improve hearing and AND SOME KILL. eyesight. L - Tin1ber - Timber Mouldings - Hitatichi Power Tools - Skii Tools - L What is it: Known as angel dust. L.S.D. Hallucinogenic drug which has some E - Draper Kenwood Electrical - Beko Appliances - E Where available: Anywhere from Tools - similarities to L.S.D. but also has What it is: An hallucinogenic drug pubs/clubs. - Pre-Packed Electrical - Sutton Garden Seeds - Coving - Plasterboard - called Lysergic Acid, diethylamide and anaesthetic properties. known as Acid. COCAINE S - Heating & Plumbing Needs - Hmnmersley China - Locks & Bolts - S What it does: Increases blood What it is: Known as coke or crack, it pressure and heart rate. High doses can A - Kelly Garden Sheds - Garden Tools & Accessories _ A What it does: Causes restlessness, is a central nervous system stimulant. dizziness, terrifying hallucinations, loss lead to coma or stupor. Heavy users L - Kitchen Accessories - Household - MilTors - Picture Fratnes - L What it does: Moderate doses may also develop brain damage. of emotional control, overwhelming Ceramic Tile for Bathrooms, Ensuites, Kitchens, Halls & Conservatories feelings of anxiety or despair. overcome fatigue, produce feelings of E. £ elation. It increases heart rate and Where available: Rarely used. Bathrooms: - Shires - Heritage - Quality Ceramics - Dangerous side effects: Although blood pressure. S Costs: Unknown. S - Armitage Shanks - Ideal Standard - there is no evidence of lasting physical Where available: At raves, clubs, damage from the drug itself it increases dealers. A - Image Shower Doors - Triton Showers - rvlira Showers - A the risk of mental disturbances SOLVENTS L L including severe depression. ECSTASY - Bathroonl Accessories & Cabinets - What it is: A designer drug derived What it is: Includes sniffing of glue, E E Where available: Dance Venues. from amphetamines. gas, and aerosols.

Cost: From £2 to £4. What it does: Works in the same way What is does: Acts as a central S S as amphetamines. FREE ESTIMATE = FREJ8: DJEl/IVERY - nervous system depressant. Nausea, A A AMPHETAMINES Where available: Dance venues. vomiting, headaches may occur, breathing and heart rate is lowered. L L What it is: A stimulant known as HEROIN E SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE E speed or uppers which increases mental Where available: High Street stores. alertness and physical energy. What it is: Known as horse, junk, or Costs: Varies.

30 31 Features

PEOPLE IN NEED Keane Windows Your Local Window Company ( HUGH Me CARTAN ) with 13 Years Experience We Design & Manufacture TELETHON 1998 - CO. KILDARE. Visit our Showrooms.. • Windows • Doors • Patio Doors • Shop Fronts SMITHS TOWN MOTORS LTD. A • Secondary Glazing in PVCu & Aluminium. People in need Telethon celebrate their 10th Anniversary this Y Tel: 627 1716 II" year when fund-raising efforts throughout Ireland will 0 Service and Repairs to all makes of Cars, RJD 0 culminate on Friday 24th April with a marathon television r [1· H presentation hosted by Gay Byrne. The "Telethon effort" in Vans and 4x4 Jeeps :a: R •JEll has been hugely successful. This year it is D Crash Repairs • Insurance Estimates carried out B. planned to surpass the magnificent achievement in 1996 JEll when £143,000 was raised. The unique characteristic of the Replacement Engines • Gearboxes Dublin Road We Repair event is that the money raised in our county is reallocated to Clutches Fitted • Breakdown Service Kildare in the form of grants. To put a human face on it, one Windows, Doors, Patio Doors, Shop Fronts, Double Glazed Units, Glass, Mirrors, Opening Hours 9.00 a.m. -7.00 p.m. of the many grant aids made in Kildare was to The Multiple Table Tops, Handles, Hinges, Locks, Wheels & Glass Cut to Size. Sclerosis Society in the county who were in urgent need of a Monday - Saturday specialist bed in order to alleviate the distress to one of their Monatrea Ind. Est., Maynooth Rd., Celbrid e, Co. Kildare. Ph: 6274455 Fax: 6274456 members. Telethon Kildare were able to respond. This kind of end result makes the great efforts of everyone from school children to company executives so worthwhile. This year the Telethon is being co-ordinated by Jim Cahill. Jim has his office in John's Lane, (Opposite Superquinn overflow VANITY FAYRE ·car park). The office has been kindly sponsored by John THE MALL Super Valu Dunne Insurances. MAIN STREETMAYNOOTH So its time to kick-start the Kildare effort once more. Phone 6286137 Glenroyal Shopping Centre, Maynooth. Phone: 629 0932/4 Telethon Kildare is urgently looking for activists in Sunbed Available Maynooth, Kilcock, Celbridge and Leixlip to form the I Opening Hours ... To Suit You nucleus of the North Kildare Telethon Sub-Committee. Jim Specialist in I also wants a Maynooth "Think tank" to come up with crazy, Easy - Mesh Highlights, Perming Monday 8 am - 7.30 pm • Open 7 days IQf£Lie~"'¢e>····· unusual and fun ways of raising funds. Please remember all & Tuesday 8 am -7.30 pm funds raisers must be registered with Jim in the Naas Office. Up-Styles • Open Bank Holidays • Phone in orders N6wtlpen Wednesday 8 am -7.30 pm Open Mon - Sat Thursday 8 am - 9.00 pm Contact Phone: (045) 896880, 896885, (087) 2386363 • In Store Bakery (mobile). Fax No: 896885. No Appointment Necessary • Tidy Towns National Friday 8 am - 9.00 pm Sponsor Saturday 8 am -7.30 pm • Easy Wheelchair Access Sunday & Bank Holidays 9 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.

Easter Revision Courses Leaving Cert Students FRENCH AND GERMAN in MAYNOOTH 13 - 17 APRIL

Back Row: Deirdre Devaney, Clair Doherty, Jennifer Daltoll. • Experienced Teacher of Leaving Cert. French and German. Frollt Row: Sarah Alcom, N oeleell Hammond. 350 Students raised £2,502.07 for COllcem. • 5 x 1 112 hour sessions. Highest mOlley every raised at the MaYllooth Post Primary. • Course content is very specific. Two full exam papers will be covered. Cora Rattigall, MaYllooth Post Primary. Willller ofSoroptimist Competitioll. FOR DETAILS RING 6285865 32

33 Features NEWS AGENTS ~:~~FIELD QUINNSWORTH A Tribute to Breda Brady R.I.P. DONOVANS BOND BRIDGE - AN UPDATE SHOPPING CENTRE MAIN STREET SHOPPING CENTRE (As requested by some locals) Bond Bridge continues to exercise all three of our local T.D's That Breda Brady was a lady, in North Kildare. The Bond Bridge Action Group has been Is spoken on the street so wide and shady. successful at pursuing the matter at the highest levels but, it Largest Selection of Greeting, Cards And the trees stand in guard 0/ honour, has to be admitted, there is still no sign of light at the end of For someone so spirited, your memory to endure. the tunnel. Both Charlie McCreevey and Emmet Stagg have Your smile like the sun sparkled on the river o/the mind, received virtually identical replies from the County Magazines and Provincial Newspapers In/ew was such strength with gentleness combined, Secretary, Harry Lyons. In summary the Council's position as stated is: A life 0/ duty is missed the most The one who stood by her post. * The costs prepared in 1987 in relation to the You shone upon the deck like stars at mid-night high, realighnment of Bond Bridge are out of date. A As Noel he manned the helm you slowly drifted by. consultant, hired in 1997 to prepare new estimates for Best Value in Stationery Your life with Phil the kind and great warrior the work, has come up with a figure of £1.5 million. Bore you so many joys to savour. According to the Council this figure should be Your children know the value o/independence and regarded as a minimum and advised the Celbridge education, Area Committee along these lines last June. Long be/ore these words were used in political oration. Large Selection of Cards for Weddings, Exams and all occasions. Though your loss their hearts do taint * Of the development levies collected in the area Now you love themfreefrom earthly constraint. £250,000 remain for the bridge realignment. Outstanding levies and levies raised from future How gracefully you strode among, planned development in the area will bring this figure Famous For Full Irisk up to £800,000. This leaves a shortfall of at least The Coffee They whose mirth was spoke and sang. Breakfast 0/ Clarkstown and Maynooth your memories were full, £700,000 which might be made up in three ways'­ Home - Cooked Such interlacing dreams made reality so dull. loan from the Department of the Environment, grant Food Kitchen AllDay When all is accomplished how the long days do annoy, from the Department of the Environment or some Genius and vision needs blurring or else it will destroy. other source and, finally, levies from further, as yet You were always surrounded by our joys, sorrow and pain, unplanned, developments in the area. As ever swirls in the populace domain. * The link road through Meadowbrook is considered ~ Your love was like the ocean store necessary to provide for proper traffic movement and •. ~. It washed upon every shore management. An origin and destination count is • • VALUE TILE • • Years spent listening and helping everyone, being conducted by consultants and Councillors are to In hard times their needs you didn't shun. be advised of the results. I/words were petals and thoughts were roses; MAYNOOTH SHOPPING CENTRE Your final oration the angels helped compose. * The Council is to consider a motion from the May you ever rest in sweet repose Celbridge Electoral Area to the effect that a loan be Among the people and place your chose. raised to finance the cost of the Bond Bridge project SALE NOW ON over and above levies which may be collected.

Last December Bernard Durkan received a written reply SELECTED TILES HALF PRICE form the Minister for the Environment and Local Government to a parliamentary question seeking to find out 1. Chinese Multicolour slate Now £19.95 yd2 why funding had not been made available to Kildare Co. 2. Wood Effect Ceramic Tile Now £19.95 yd2 Council in relation to Bond Bridge. The Minister replied 2 that in 1996 Kildare Co. Council had applied for special 3. Wall Tiles From £6.95 yd funding of £500,000 for Bond Bridge but had been turned 4. Floor Tiles From £9.95 yd2 down. More recently the Council had applied for £250,000 for Bond Bridge as part of a request for £2.45 million for the VALUE TILE county from the EU co-fmanced scheme of non-national roads grants. The Council were asked to revise their WELL WORTH A VISIT submission and the new request does not include an LARGEST SELECTION OF CERAMIC WALLAND FLOOR TILES application for Bond Bridge. Tel: (01) 6289032

Phil and Breda Brady Fax: (01) 6289831 Late Opening Thursday & Friday 9 p.m.


35 Features Features

~OBERT increase in house prices in the town. Robert believes that O'REILLY - INTERVIEWED Carton Demesne he regrets that the state did not purchase it many of the people who own these houses (most of whom ROBERT O'REILLY - INTERVIEWED Cont. in the 1970' s when they could have got it for a reasonable live locally) do not maintain them to an appropriate standard tobert O'Reilly best known in Maynooth as Chairman of price. The Harbour Field, he feels, should be maintained as for students. On top of that, in anyone year a small number number of new growth centres tl1roughout the country and a v1aynooth Tidy Towns Committee talks to Paul Croghan a green area, possibly developed as a peoples' park and of students cause nuisance to their neighbours. Originally in more even population distribution. Robert suggests that we lbout his personal feelings on the town and about some of maybe a football pitch. With so few green spaces in the the 1960's when the College took in lay students for the first must appreciate that the current combined population of he issues that have consumed his attention over the years. centre of the town it would be a mistake, he feels, to permit time, the majority of them lived with families. This meant Maynooth, Celbridge and Leixlip is comparable to the population of Co. Carlow. In this context Robert can any building on it, as it provides a beautiful open space Jnlike former U.S. President, Woodrow Wilson, who when an additional source of income for the family and more understand the strong public reaction to proposals last year feeling. peaking at a peace conference once said "Tell me what's comfortable accommodation for the students. In Robert's view, St. Patrick's College have lost out over the years in not from some Kildare County Councillors which could have ight and I'll fight for it", Robert O'Reilly is a man with Chairman of the Maynooth Tidy Towns Committee providing more "on campus" accommodation which would resulted in the equivalent of the entire population of County nany opinions of his own. Born in Maynooth, more years Robert acknowledges the value of the new residential areas have been a valuable source of income. In the future he Mayo being accommodated in County Kildare in the next 19O than he cares to remember, he has watched the town in gaining points for Maynooth in the annual Tidy Towns suggests perhaps there may be some potential for using some five years. :hange dramatically in the last two decades. competition. He would like more residents to take an active of the beautiful historic buildings presently under-utilised. Robert believes that the people of Maynooth should play an part in the Tidy Towns committee. When asked about the tobert remembers with fondness the interests of his youth, active part in shaping the future of the town. While people he most admired for their work in the town, he )articularly St. Mary's Choir and the choirmaster and school acknowledging the good work of others, he welcomes the included people such as Mrs. Bridie O'Brien Mr. Richard )rincipal Mr. Frank Walsh. Somehow I formed the opinion interest of the newer residents in the future of the town. Farrell and Mr. Paddy Nolan. Others who are no longer hat they were mixed feelings. The C.Y.M.S. was also an Maynooth Planning Alliance is one group he feels allows with us include Mr. Ted Kelly and Mr. Eugene O'Reilly. mportant social outlet as well as tlle Kilcock and District the people of the town an opportunity to voice their Robert himself will continue as an inspiration to the people \nglers. A failed attempt in the 1950' s to form a Maynooth concerns. He compares Castlebar, Co. Mayo with a of Maynooth to take a keen interest in the future of their )ranch of Muintir Na Tire sticks out in his memory as a town. Perhaps he would quote the great Irish writer Samuel .najor disappointment. population of 8,500 and Maynooth with a population in excess of 9,000. The former developed gradually over a Beckett, "I have my faults, but changing my tune is not one long period while Maynooth's growth has been telescoped of them". -lis resignation as a member of Fine Gael in 1981 ended a into a decade. wenty eight year involvements with the party. The reason Paul Croghan or his departure, which was the failure of the Fine Gael led The Traffic Problem in Maynooth :oalition government to honour an election promise to Robert had several observations to make on the traffic )rovide stay-at-home mothers with their own income, problems. Firstly, he pointed out that in Maynooth the ignifies that he is a man of strong principles. Every Month benefits of the motorway have been eroded by the increase in local traffic. Secondly, he suggested that many people views of the development of Maynooth maintain two cars in order to have flexibility because of A Roman Festival of purification was held on February (obert welcomes the on-going development of the town. inadequate public transport. In fact in a traffic survey 15th, and so giving this month its name. It comes from iowever, in his opinion, the rate of growth has been too carried out last summer, an average of 20 vehicles a minute the Latin word meaning 'to cleanse' 'februare'. Associated apid. Since the 1970' s Maynooth, has had a significant Bob ReiUy, 2ndfrom right, doing what he does best at the Tidy were recorded passing tl1rough the Main Street between 8 with this festival was a sort of ancient dating game, where ncrease in population without altering the infrastructure to Towns Prizegiving. and 11 am daily. Any further development that would men would chase the women hoping to catch them and so neet the increased needs. Between 1993 and 1995 alone, Future of the involve an increase in traffic in the Main Street would not begin a long-term relationship. learly 800 new houses have been built in tlle town. The When asked about the biggest single issue that concerns him be appropriate pending a more radical approach, he Over the centuries there has been a melting together of )iggest single problem according to Robert, has been the Rob~rt ~ediately identifies the future of the River Liffey. ' suggested. The most urgent traffic problems could be various festivals and celebrations. Valentine's day ack of local input into tlle development plans which in In hIS opmlon the Liffey is an important source of water to solved by investment in the provision of a road parallel to February 14th was at first understood by the ancients as lindsight, showed a lack of practical foresight. It s~ms to the area as well as a resource for electricity generation. the motorway, similar to the one in Clonee, Co. the beginning of the mating season, the beginning of (obert that more notice may have been taken of the needs of However, a number of serious tl1reats exist, such as more Meath near Kepak and linking with the motorway at the spring. The Roman goddess Juno was linked with this andowners and developers than those of the residents in intensive farming, water abstraction and effluent discharges. Straffan Road. This road should take the traffic from the day, for she was the special guardian of women and lelivering the aspirations outlined in these plans. In the case of the latter, the use of the river for waste water Newtown area and be extended to Laraghbryan on the marriage. Young girls wrote their names on slips of paper and treated sewage discharges from the Osberstown and Kilcock road to cater for traffic from Kilcock and before which were placed in a drum from which the boys would \nother disappointment commented on by him was the Leixlip treatment works mean that the ability of the river to any further development takes place in the north of the draw them out. :ontinuing practice of private houses in the Main Street provide drinking water is limited. town. St Valentine was a priest of the 3rd century, when the )eing turned i~to unattractive business premises. Judging by Roman emperor, it is said, tried to abolish the institution he local reactIon to some individual premises Robert is not Robert welcomes the proposal from some members of Features of the Town worthy of preservation of marriage. Husbands made poor soldiers! St. Valentine llone. As tlle renowned economist J.K. Galbraith said "with Kildare County Council to designate the River Liffey as a Robert has a keen sense of local history and pointed out that was against this and would marry secretly young lovers. ncreasing well being all people become aware, sooner or salmonid quality river. This would mean more careful Anne's Bridge on the Moyglare Road is two hundred years He was later arrested and murdered on the 14th February ater, tllat tlley have something to protect". control of the use of the river and will help the river's vatue old this year. Together with Kildare Bridge on the 269 Ad. As you can see down tl1rough the years many as an angling and tourism amenity . different attempts, games lotteries have tried to bring out .-1aynooth - the University town Dunboyne Road, both are of historical and heritage importance. Over the years Robert has fought a battle to the best and the blessed for human relationships and ~he increase in student numbers attending college in Regional Concerns preserve rights of way for the future generations who will marriage. But maybe the ancient sayings are still the best v1aynooth to the current level of 4,500, of which Robert welcomed the recent report from the National live in the town. He believes that the Railway footbridge wisdom. Success in love and marriage is more than .pproximately half seek accommodation locally, has created Economic and SOCial Council on population distribution and which dates back to the coming of the railway should be finding the right person, it is more a matter of being the . ready market for speculators which have contributed to the economic policy, which proposed the encouragement of a repaired and restored. The centre of the landlord town is right person. (Rabbi Brickner) Cont. also very important and should be maintained. As regards

36 37 Features

COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT PROJECTS The following will be eligible to participate on the Part-time Job Option: :ommunity Employment provides eligible unemployed leople and other disadvantaged persons with an opportunity o engage in useful work within their communities on a • 35 years of age or over and in receipt of emporary basis. Unemployment Benefit, Unemployment Assistance or Lone Parents Allowance for 3 years or longer t helps long-term unemployed people to re-enter the active or vorkforce by breaking their experience of unemployment • a Traveller of any age in receipt of Unemployment brough a return to work routine and to assist them to Benefit, Unemployment Assistance or Lone Parents CELBRIDGE TUTORIAL COLLEGE :nhance/develop both their technical and personal skills. Allowance for 1 year or longer or Maynooth Road, Celbridge, Co. Kildare. Tel. (01) 6272100 :ommunity Employment has two categories of participants, 35 years or over and referred by the National :ach with its own set of qualifying conditions, namely: Rehabilitation Board or Offering professional tuition and an I) Part-time Integration Option All adult dependants (as defmed by the Department of ) Part-time Job Option Social Welfare for purposes of calculating Social encouraging educational environment Welfare payments) of eligible participants from the rhe following individuals will be eligible for participation Live Register. This involves the person and their m the Integration Option: adult dependent exchanging places, the dependent leading to satisfaction and success inheriting the age/entitlements of the person, and 21 years of age or over and in receipt of ensuring that no losses are incurred in their relative Unemployment Benefit, Unemployment Assistance entitlements as a result of this exchange. PROGRAMMES INCLUDE: or Lone Parents Allowance for one year or longer or It shold be noted that in all cases the person Leaving and Junior Certificate (Teachers who have long experience a Traveller of any age and in receipt of exchanging their entitlement should continue to sign * Unemployment Benefit or Unemployment Assistance for credits. and are experts in exam preparation and for any period or on Lone Parents Allowance for 1 year or longer Note: student guidence) or * SUBJECTS Referred by the National Rehabilitation Board Breaks off the Live Register up to a maximum of 30 days in or each of the 3 qualifying years prior to application are Irish (Pass & Honours) Physics (Honours) All adult dependants (as defmed by the Department of allowed in assessing eligibility for the Job Option. English (Pass & Honours) Biology (Honours) Social Welfare for purposes of calculating Social Welfare payments) of eligible participants from the Time spent on Community Employment, a recognised French (Honours) Chemistry (Honours) Live Register. This involves the person and their training course or in prison may count as part of the Mathematics (Honours) Geography (Honours) adult dependent exchanging places, the dependent qualifying period. In the case of Travellers under 18 years of inheriting the age/entitlements of the person, and age, a minimum of 12 months spent in a Travellers Training History (Honours) ensuring that no losses are incurred in their relative Centre will suffice for eligbility. entitlements as a result of this exchange. * Extra Tuition in Primary School Subjects (To rectify outstanding problems before THE ROLE OF FAS It should be noted that in all cases the person entry into secondary school) exchanging their entitlement should continue to sign Fas will provide funding to the Project Sponsor for a for credits. maximum of 52 weeks at anyone time, by way of grants, Speech and Drama towards the cost of: * (To development imagination, intellect, self­ 'lote: confidence and personality) • wages paid by you to your project participants; Classes each Friday 4pm -7pm 3reaks of the Live Register up to a maximum of 30 days in he 12 montllS prior to application are allowed in assessing wages paid by you for full-time supervision where :ligibility for the Integration Option. applicable; To enroll: Contact The Principal rime spent on Community Employment, a recognised • certain overheads (described as Materials Grant); raining course or in prison may count as part of the [ualifying period. In the case of Travellers under 18 years of development and training, as approved wthin the 1ge, a minimum of 12 months spent in a Travellers' Training Project's Participant Development Plan. Telephone 6272100 (including after 6.00 p.m. :entre will suffice for eligibility. His will also provide advice and assistance. on weekdays and all day Saturday)


39 Features Features


1. Henry Carty from the 5. Manager of Romayo' s, Roost met his wife Trish at Celeste Macari, met his a dance in Screen, Co. girlfriend Tracey while at Meath. Henry and Trish work. Tracey, a customer have four children. For Valentines Henry is giving put him on hold for about his wife 18 roses, one for two months, then fmally every year of their agreed to go on a date. Head marriage. over heels in love, Celeste has planned a surprise for Tracey on Valentine's night.

6. Owner of the Tender 2. Valerie Boylan, owner Touch, Fiona Powell, who of Nuzstop, married to Frank recently got married in for twenty-eight years, had Rome on the 29th Dec to their first date at a dance in Anthony Thorpe, have Dublin. Valerie is looking planned a romantic meal out forward to her flowers on for Valentine's night. Fiona Valentine's Day which still, met Anthony 8 years ago at after 28 years, Frank never Parks Hotel in Stillorgan. forgets. Congratulations to you Both.

3. Bernie Hatton owner, of the Wine Cellar, unfortunately Suddenly you see beauty, excitement everywhere. will be working on Valentine's night, but herself and VALENTINE LOVE QUOTES You're not afraid to express your love: Passionately, gently, husband Jimmy will celebrate later on that night with an in words, or in silence, and you feel strong, generous, fully expensive bottle of champagne. alive". "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart". Helen Keller 1880 - 1968

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Antoine De Saint - Exupery 1900 - 1944 From "Airman's Odyssey". Est. 1981

"Love is Love's reward" John Dryden 1631 - 1700 ~ ~. Owen, the owner of Donovan's Newsagents, met DECLAN FOLEY SOLICITORS his wife Marion at a bank in Maynooth ten years "You've been in love; you know what it's like, 19O. Owen and Marion have two lovely boys and it's a sense of delight, not just in the person you love, but in hope to go out Valentine's night depending on what ~ the babysitter is doing, either way Owen will be all people, in yourself, in life. GLENROYHL CENTRE buying Marion a bunch of roses TEL.: 6289111 40 41 Features _Moyglare Transport Ltd. PARTY! PARTY! FOR THE MAGIC OF LOVE Sand & Gravel Contractors VALENTINE'S DAY Love is like Magic CHAMPAGNE COCKTAILS And it always will be, Kilcock For love still remains Life's sweet Mystery! For the romantic evening.

Without doubt the aristocrat among wines, Champagne, has Love works in ways been the symbol of both luxury and celebrations for That are wonderous and strange generations. And there's nothing in life An essential accessory for Valentine's Day, Wedding, That love cannot change! Christening or formal occasion. Love can transform Champagne Charlie ~, ...:1 The most common place Into beauty and splender liz measure Apricot brandy And sweetness and grace! SAME DAY DELIVERY 1 dash Orange bitters Chilled Champagne Love is unselfish, KEEN PRICES Garnish: Ha~f-slice of orange Understanding and Kind, . Half-fill a goblet with crushed ice. For it sees with the Heart 24 Courtown Park, Telephone: 01-628 7145 Add the apricot brandy and orange bitters and stir. And not with its mind! Top up with champagne. Kilcock, TellFax: 01-628 7067 Serve garnished with the half-slice of orange. Love is the answer That everyone seeks, Co. Kildare Mobile: 088-576118 Kirsch Kiss - guarantees a Happy Partner! Love is the Language 1 measure Kirsch That every heart speaks 1/2 measure Cointreau 2 measures Pineapple juice 1 dash Orange bitters Love can't be bought, Garnish: Slice of orange It is priceless and free Love like pure Magic Put all the ingredients in a shaker with 2-3 ice cubes. Is a SWEET MYSTERY! Shake well and strain into a large cocktail glass. Serve decorated with the orange slice. Helen Steiner Rice

The aroma is intoxicatingly attractive before you even take a sip. Specia{ tVaCentine's 9{jgfit ( Express Cabs) SMALLWOOD fJJinner "Music by Mr. Terry Martin" 24 HOUR - 7 DAY MOTORS Croghan House, Celbridge Industrial Estate, Bookings: Phone Janet 6286323 Car & Mini Bus Hire Celbridge, Co. Kildare. Servicing All Makes of Cars & Vans Carvery Lunch Daily 12.00 - 3.00 You Do the drinking Weill do the driving Bar Menu Served Daily 3.00 - 9.30 Phone 6286323 Suppliers of New & Secondhand Cars En-Suite rooms Available Maynooth 6289866 Celhridge 6274222 Contact 6288547 • 6271422 with Private Car Park

42 43 Features

HELPFUL HINTS AROUND THE HOUSE VIDEO REVIEW The Fifth Element (IS's) Cleaning Agents M.A.B.S This is an absolute roller coaster ride of a movie. From the M.A. B.S. Monev Advice & Budgeling Ser opening frames right up to the very end, the action never 1. Steeping utensils in cold water will soften remains of food. Hot water is a cleaner. stops. It will have you knackered trying to keep up with it! Money Advice & Budgeting Service The story is quite simple. The innocent bystander Corbin Dallas (Bruce Willis) is caught up in a plot by aliens to 2. Alkaline substances - soap detergents and washing soda, used in small quantities in hot water will destroy the world, and it's up to him to save mankind. Of Derroon House, Dublin Road, Maynooth. course, the aliens have a contact man here on earth, in the remove grease and dirt. Spray on or caustic oven­ stick may be used to clean dirty ovens person of Gary Oldman, who turns in a very good performance as the evil Zorg. Along the way Dallas enlists the help of a priest, Father Cornelius (Ian Holm). 3. Fine abrasives - salt, abrasive powder and pads, remove obstinate stains by friction. Brass and silver Holm as usual is a joy to watch as he hams up the role of the Operates a free and confidential service. preparations remove tarnish by friction. dithering cleric, who's the only one who knows what's going on and how to defeat the enemy. Willis complained recently Open to all, whatever the reason for debt. 4. Silver cleaning chemicals remove tarnish without of being typecast as an action hero actor. This observation is friction. probably true, but when you realise that the late John Wayne made a very good living from being 'typecast' there are worse things that could happen to your career. Take a look 5. Weak acid, such as diluted vinegar (1 tablespoon to 1 Hours of Business pint of water) and apple parings, when boiled in at your missus, Brucie baby, and thank your lucky stars! Verdict: Excellent aluminium utensils, remove dark stains. 9.30am - I.OOpm and 2pm - 4.30 pm Dante's Peak (I2's) 6. Nylon pot scrubs, used during the washing of utensils, Pierce Brosnan plays a volcano expert who loses his 'one will remove remains of food. true love' during an eruption. Four years later, he's still Monday to Friday living at the bottom of a bottle, when he's called in to Tel: 629 1660 Fax: 629 1662 investigate some strange rumblings around Dante's Peak, a cute little town just waiting to be turned into matchwood. He's convinced that the volcano is about to blow, but his MAYNOOTH BRANCH LffiRARY bosses reckon he's being over-pessimistic and order him to stop alarming the townsfolk with his predictions of doom Maynooth Branch Library will be holding a series of three and gloom. The only one who believes him is Linda Holistic Connections lectures in February '98. The series is about Reading Hamilton, the town Mayor and I'm quite sure you can guess GLENROYAL CENTRE (FIRST FLOOR) MAYNOOTH Development in children who range from Pre-school to the rest. This is really what used to be termed a 'B' movie Teens. The first will be held on Monday, February 9th, and and falls into the category of 'so bad it's good'. the title is 'Sowing the Seed'. Alice Quinn an Educational It's chock full of the usual disaster movie cliches, even down Ruth Allen M.I.A.H Consultant will give a talk on good practises for early to the lovable little dog that, of course, runs right into the Master HypnotherapistIHypnoanalyst, Adv.Dip.Hyp., reading. path of certain destruction. It takes almost an hour of your valuable time for the lava to Supervisor and Training Analyst for Hypnotherapists, 'Reaping the Benefits' is the second lecture, and it will be flow and for the action to begin, but the special effects are Registered and Certified Ethical Professional. held on Monday, February 16th. Joan Boland, a Remedial hardly worth the wait. Teacher will talk on the development of reading from 1st to Verdict: A bit of a 'disaster' movie! Hypnotheraphy Clinic (01) 6291 743 4th class and the difficulties that can arise. The Devil's Own (IS's) • Complete Quit Smoking Programme - and it works. The third and final lecture will be on Monday, February Brad Pitt plays IRA man, Frankie' The Angel' in all too 23rd, and it is called 'Moving On' John Treacy, Director of predictable, clicM-ridden movie. He's in New York on a • Weight Management Programme - Transformation through Relaxation. I.E.S., will talk about books for the Young Adult. mission to buy stinger missiles for the 'lads', and Harrison • Is Blushing a Problem? It can be helped with Hypnoanalysis. All these three February Monday lectures will start at 8p.m Ford is the cop who unwittingly gives him lodgings while • Sleep, Stress, Phobias etc. - All Benefit greatly. in Maynooth Branch Library on the Main Street of he's staying in the Big Apple. Mter plenty of buddy buddy • Concentration, Memory, Exams - Enhanced By Hypnosis Maynooth. All are welcome to attend, admission is free. If and male bonding, it finally comes to show-down time for • Sport Focus you have any queries please contact Fiona at Maynooth the two protagonists. This film was massacred by the critics Branch Library, at 01-6285530. This Lecture series was (some would say rightly so) but it's the sheer predictability • Dream Analysis organised by Kildare Schools Library in conjunction with of the piece that really lets it down. It could have been so • Inner Child Healing Maynooth Branch Library. who are part of the Kildare much better if the Hollywood moguls, in an effort to be 'seen • Therapy includes Audio Tape for Home Use. County Library and Arts Service. It was also kindly to be politically correct, hadn't insisted on calling the shots PHONE FOR FREE CONSULTATION I BROCHURE, sponsored by Intel Ireland, Leixlip. regarding the characters and the story line. All in all, a very disappointing effort. (01) 6291743 or Mobile 087 - 2226578 F.White Verdict: Only just alright 24 Hour Answering Machine if Therapist is Busy. By Appointment only. Strictly Confidential. Session Time· 1 Hour

44 45 Features


Community Garda Jim Fleming has been named 1997 Tallaght Person of the Year. Garda Fleming has been a Garda in Tallaght for 17 years and a community Garda for two and a half years. A native of Killarney, Co. Kerry, Garda Fleming has lived in Maynooth for the past 16 years and is married with two daughters. He is very involved with the young people of Maynooth and over the years he has devoted much of his spare time helping organise and run various sporting events. Acknowledgement of this work was evident by the amount of letters received by the judging committee from the various committees, clubs and schools in Maynooth. The people of Tallaght nominated Garda Fleming for this award because of all his hard work and dedication to the young people, the elderly and the disabled. An Tanaiste, Mary Harney T.D. presented Jim with this prestigious award at a gala function held in Dublin on 21st November. Jim appeared on PM Live and was interviewed by Mary Kennedy about his work on Monday An Tdiniste Mary Harney, T.D. & 8th December. Garda Jim Fleming at the award ceremony

EPIC during the day on EPIC's three display Audiovisual theatre with seating for up screens. Requests for particular video to 16 adults or 30 children. Equipped EUROPEAN PUBLIC titles are catered for and can be with computer, satellite, video and INFORMATION CENTRE watched separately in EPIC's slide facilities the theatre is ideal for YOUR KEY TO EUROPE audiovisual theatre. making presentations to visiting EPIC IS A JOINT INITIATIVE OF Comprehensive range of EU groups. THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION REPRESENTATION IN IRELAND publications. These provide details on Computer databases. EPIC's Network AND EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT issues such as the environment, health, education, the EURO and citizen's of computers offers access to EU OFFICE IN IRELAND When Paul and Deirdre Barry come back from Canada to Ireland, they rights. Publications to suit school databases. They allow quick and easy children are also available. access to a broad range of EU topics. found themselves in a not so unusual situation. From January 1997, EPIC will be putting its Mobile Information Unit on Multimedia touch screen monitors give With a new baby on ",e way, finding a new home and mortgage * to suit Students from primary to third level, the road. Visiting fairs exhibitions, a unique overview of the European their requi~ements was a priority. business people, community groups, agricultural shows as well as numerous Union, using archive material from the social groups, environmental groups, They looked around at what was on oHer, and opted for TsB Bonk. towns and villages throughout Ireland, 1940' s to the present day. An Internet research organisations and anyone with it will provide the ideal road show to link gives access to the European There they found highly-competitive interest rotes, a friendly and under­ an interest in Europe should be able to those who mightn't be able to visit Commission's site with the latest news standing level of personal service, and on easy way of doing business. avail of the varied information EPIC immediately. on EU policy developments. available at EPIC. Above all, they found TsB Bonk really wonted what was best for them. With graphic displays, touchscreens, Video hire facility. The European At TsB Bonk you'll find we wont exactly the some, for you. relevant pUblications, a computer Commission produces a number of EPIC is accessible to people with database and a small audiovisual! videos on different aspects of the EU disabilities. We want what's best for you. presentation area, EPICs Mobile each year. Copies of these are Information Unit will provide the best available for hire. For further information on EPIC in up-to-date information on the EU. If Europe by Satellite (EbS) is screened contact you'd like the Unit to visit your town , daily, from Monday to Friday giving ******** ILOANS I school or organisation, contact one of updates on European Union news. Have You Been Offered The Lowest our staff. European Union House Activities ofEU institutions, 18 Dawson Street EPIC's range of services documentaries on European themes Dublin 2 Mortgage Repayment Available Information assistants on hand to help and interactive conferences are also Tel 6625113 £6.82 a month broadcast live from Brussels and Fax 6625118 EU video documentaries screened Strasbourg with interpretation. per £ 1000 borrowed over 20 year term. APR 7.40% 46

47 Features

EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE reading CD-ROMs. The Learning Company's Interactive Gerry Kerr, CDSoft, Celbridge, Co. Kildare Reading Journey 2 is both a champion and a transgressor in 1\ I' 1'0 I NTF. () this regard: Its CD-ROM-based stories are replete with With more households now owning computers, this month colour illustrations supporting text, but its accompanying we are going to look at educational softwear. hard-copy books contain black-and-white line drawings ~SUBARU (which, it should be added, kids may have fun colOuring in). Ballygoran, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Basically, educational softwear falls into 3 categories: Engage a Child Verbally. Parents already know that reading Phone (01) 6285532 (4 lines) Reference - Encyclopediae for example to children is important for their later development. Good Fax: (01)6286777 Teach Yourself - Typing tutors, various How-To educational software gives children the choice of hearing Mobile: 088-572726 titles. stories read aloud, hearing sections of a story, read or reread, Edutainment - These include titles such as Microsoft's or hearing an entire sentence read to them as it's highlighted. 1996 Subaru Legacy Estate 4 x 4 1992 Audi 80E ABS Magic School Bus series which aim to entertain It also offers children the chance to go back and click on a 1996 Subaru Vivio 1991 Toyoto Carina children while they learn. single word if they want. 1995 Subaru Vivio 1991 Renault 5. Campus 1995 Impreza 1.6 AWD Extras 1991 Ford Escort GXL EST What Good Educational Softwear Does Even the most educationally sound program can't succeed in teaching if your child won't use it. For this reason, programs 1994 Volvo 440 Black 1990 Subaru Justy Obviously, the educational goals and means of getting to need an element of fun to help motivate kids. It's the 1994 Vivio's 4 x 4 1990 Orion 1.6 Ghia those goals are going to differ widely from product to difference between software kids may be using at school 1994 Saab 900 HlB ABS 1990 Mercedes 190 Diesel Extras product. Good educational software must do the following under close teacher supervision and the software they use at All Guaranteed things: home where they can be doing so many other things. So along with humour and plentiful animated surprises to click Its never been a better time to buy Encourage Learning. In early childhood, the youngest on, familiar, friendly characters work best for younger kids. a new or used car learners begin to form a concept of themselves as competent or incompetent at learning. During this formative time, Some Educational Software Reviewed Lowest Interest Rates Now On Offer softwear can playa vital role. The thing that's very empowering about software is that it's so encouraging. This Software: The Oregon Trail II '9~~~ encouragement gives children the opportunity to learn by Published: MECC, 1995 trial and error without getting the message that they are wrong. "Failure is also a learning opportunity. The ability The interactive game takes you on a journey through the Oregon Trail. It tries to provide you with realistic obstacles, to explore and experiment is extremely empowering for Tel: 01 6273211 children." options, and outcomes as a result of your choices. The CDSoft Ltd Fax 01 6270901 directions are sparse, but the program is interactive and we Upper Main Street Email [email protected] Foster Independence. Good educational software lets caught on quickly. Everywhere you clicked your mouse, Celbrid~8, Computer Web - http://indigc.le/-cdsoft children take responsibility for what they leain and how they you got instructions or choices as to what to do next. It's Co. Kildare Systems learn it. Kids can make choices about whether they want to very self explanatory. learn about letters or numbers or play with a character or paint. "Motivation is a critical element of learning. Any any The CD is easy to install and the graphics are unbelievable. Pentium P166MMX 32MB Ram, 2.1 GB Hard disk,lntel VX Chipset, 512k cache, 2MB PCI Video time children make self-directed decisions they have a much I read in' Time' magazine that when the authors were ~ard, 24 Speed C.DROM, 14" Monitor, Microsoft Mouse, keyboard, Creative Labs sound card, Yamaha Ac­ higher level of motivation". developing this program, they went out on the trail and took tl~e S~eakers, WIn?~WS 95 CD & Manual. Lexmark Colour Printer, 33.6KBS internal Modem, Microsoft actual photographs and videos. Everything is so realistic, Sidewinder 3D PrecIsion PRO Joystick. Offer Many Levels. The best educational software caters to even the voices. All this for an incredible a range of abilities and age groups and encourages kids to Software Pack - 0 Encarta 98 Encyclopedia, 0 Microsoft Works 4.5 - Word £1399 or £48.85 per month* expand their abilities. Providing multiple levels within a Software: Thinkin' Things Collection 3 processor, Database, Spreadsheet, Drawing, 0 Microsoft Home Bundle - Oceans Foot­ PLUS Published: 1995 Edmark Corporation ball, Magic School bus, Autoroute Express 0 Lexmark workshop CD with Certificaie program is important because it means a longer shelf life. maker, Labels Unlimited, Tee-shirt designer, Cartoon Creator, Greeting Card designer, Free Home delivery & Photo-Impressions 0 The Ultrapack including, Hutchinson Encyclopaedia, World Atlas 5, Installation Adjust to Educational Needs. While kids need There are five sections to this program each highlighting a How your body works, 3D Home designs, Collins English dictionary, Corel Draw 3, For­ * Payment over 3 years, APR 11.028% encouragement in the early years to explore and experiment, series of higher level thinking skills. They expose students mula 1 racing, Lotus Ami Pro 3.1, Visa Guide to hotels & restaurants, Library of Future. during the early-school years, kids need requisite skills to to such experiences as: analyzing and synthesizing advance. When kids have tried and failed a few times, the information, inductive and deductive reasoning, predicting, Biggest selection of games - Pentium P166MMX Printers from £169 , Modems software should take a child to an appropriate help area to working backward to solve problems, and the list goes on. All the latest titles including from £99, Scanners £199, Ed­ Multimedia PC with 16MB Ram, 2.1 GB ucational software on CD from The children were having so much fun they didn't realize Quake 2, Grand Theft Auto, learn concepts before trying again. Hard disk, 2MB ATI PCI Video Card £9.99, Joysticks from £29.99, they were working hard. Tomb raider 2 24xCDROM, Creative labs Sound Game pads £39.99 Engage a Child Visually. As children learn to read, they Large range of budget titles Card, Windows 95, Works 95 associate graphics and colour with words; indeed, they The program is presented in such a colourful, animated, and from £9.99 also in stock £995.00 inc VAT - All prices inclusive of VA T notice graphics and colours before they notice words. For exciting manner that it's appealing to the students. The this reason, graphics and colour should accompany text in sound and graphics are faScinating and eye catching. I liked 00 0 0 Come and visit us - Shop open 9:30 to 6:00pm Monday to Saturday 0 000 Cont.

48 49 Features O'NEILL'S AUTO ELECTRICAL EDUCATIONALSOFTWARECont. EASTERN HEALTH BOARD Dublin Road, Maynooth the multi-levels. When you begin, it's best to start at the COMMUNITY WELFARE OFFICERS Tel: (01) 6286611 beginner level and the level gradually increases automatically. This way the students learn strategy involved From January 13th 1998 until further notice there will be no at an easy stage, then can progress from there. The manual Community Welfare Clinics at Health Centres in the Kildare is easy to read and directions effortless to follow. There is area. STARTERS an adult section where you can change the preferences and ALTERNATORS activity settings. Those in receipt of a weekly or monthly payment from the Health Board will receive same through the post. Software: Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body DYNAMOS 12 or 24 Volts Publisher: Microsoft Home, 1995 Documents for the Community Welfare Officer can continue to be left under the door at the Health Centre for collection Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Explores the Human or alternatively post them to: Car Alarms Body. This CD ROM based on the popular "The Magic School Bus" educational science book series provides a Community Welfare Section Repairs or Exchange Units riveting way for children to explore the wonders of the Eastern Health Board human body. In it, you become a member of Ms. Frizzle's Poplar House class and embark on an adventure that takes you and your Poplar Square classmates to a place never before explored by a school bus Naas - Arnold's body. The bus travels through the boy's mouth Oliver Reilly and allows the user to discover various human organs, In emergencies or new claims the Community Prosperous, Naas, Co. Kildare. 045-868230/045-868482- 24 Hour Service including the brain, skin, stomach, liver, etc. This is done Welfare Officers can be contacted at any of the through three-dimensional views of the organs' interiors, and Undertakers and Complete Funeral Furnishers various ways of retrieving facts about the parts. numbers below. (045) 876102, Wreaths Headstones Mourning Coaches Perhaps the most exciting thing about this software is its superb visuals. The panoramic views that come from the (045) 876084, bus' windshield make the child believe that he or she is Funeral Parlour at Town Centre Mall, actually inside a human organ. The detail of the body parts Maynooth and Kilcock . 045) 876029, and inside the bus show that this software is not only meant Undertakers to Maynooth Mortality Society to educate, but also to amaze. (045) 876032, (Funeral Parlour Free To Society Members) Educational software can teach your kids a subject they need (045) 876065 & or want to know about. Particulars Arrangements Con tact: And while it's not quite like having a math, science, or Paddy Nolan (Sec), 7 Castlebridge, Maynooth. Phone: 6286312 reading tutor in our home, it may be the next best thing. And Paddy Malone, Ballycahan. Phone: 6287074

- -~-- PAT REID 7- ir J'Ja 2'JiNj '~~ & CO. LTD. GERARD BRADY & CO. IRENE McCLOSKEY Laragh, Maynooth C.LD.E.S.C.O. DIPLOMA & TUTOR .... :.... Tel: 01- 6286508 Maynooth, Co. Kildare Including Facial Treatment, Aromatherapy Mobile: 087 - 575590 Remedial Camouflage, Special Classes, Arm & Leg Treatment Phone: 01-628 5257 Rene Guinot, Cathiodermie, Bio-Peeling, Washing Machines • Dishwashers Geloide Prescriptions, Facials, Body Electric Cookers • Tumble Driers ALSO IN CLONDALKIN, PHONE: 4578909 Treatments, Sun Bed. HOUSES URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR LOAN APPROVED CLIENTS Buckley's Lane, Main Street, Leixlip REPAIRS & SERVICE Tel. 01 - 624 4366 • 624 4973 ESTABLISHED 1978 INSURANCE AGENTS Auctioneers - Valuers - Estate Agents


51 Features Features

ORGANIC FARMING: A SAFER OPTION? Quality ARE YOU INTERESTED IN Freshness Organic farming is an alternative farming movement which represent a very small proportion of total sales. Mostly ORGANIC VEGETABLES? Safety developed in opposition to intensive farming, or "factory because they are quite expensive and sometimes not as fresh Variety farming". It has enjoyed an unprecedented increase in as they should be. One of the aspirations of organic farming My name is David Maury; in numbers and popularity during the 1990s. Its main aims are movements is to bridge the gap between producer and Good Value for Money. collaboration with Enda and represents to produce safe and healthy food from a healthy soil and to consumer, to take the fastest route between the field and the Kiernan who is a certified work with rather than against nature by respecting the plate. An emphasis is also put on locality, and on If you are interested or want more information, please phone organic farmer in Straffan, environment. Organic farming is not about going back to community ties. Indeed, the value of organic food is 087476474 and ask for David (you can leave a message) or holder of the Organic Trust farming as it was pre-1939, as many techniques and practises believed to rest on the fact that it is locally produced and symbol, I have set up an call to my house. are actually modern developments. These practises include consumed, that people know where it comes from and who organic vegetable box the prohibition or great reduction of the use of chemical raised it, and so can trust that it is good to eat. This is why scheme in Maynooth. fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, as well as alternative marketing is sought. A lot of organic fresh balanced rotation systems, the use of organic matter such as produce is sold through local open markets or in health shops How does it work? On a farmyard manure, composted waste and green manure to on the continent, as well as organic vegetable box schemes. weekly basis, you order a build up soil feritility. Wildlife and the environment benefit Both options make it fairer price-wise for the consumer and selection of vegetables for a from organic farming, as the risk of nitrate and phosphates the producer too. The box system seems to be more adapted fixed price, £7. The contents running off the field and contaminating water reserves is to Ireland, though the concept is just emerging. Getting of the box varies according greatly reduced and as many animal species, especially birds veggie boxes saves you shopping time since all the to the season and may vary are not exposed to pesticides. vegetables are in the box and you should have for the week. slightly according to crop You just have to pick up the box, usually only a few minutes Healthwise, organically grown vegetables are chemical availibility, but you still get £7 worth of vegetables. driving from home. You're encouraged to comment on the residue-free, which makes them safer to eat, especially for vegetables and make suggestions for the following weeks: children. They have higher vitamin and mineral content, and A typical winter box contains: its interactive. (See details in the other part) contain less water tllan conventionally grown vegetables, so they are better nutritionally and they store longer. On top of An important point has to be made: apparently, most of us Potatoes, a cabbage, a turnip (suede), a beetroot, onions, that, you don't have to peel most of the vegetables or fruits underestimate chemical residues in food, not to mention Brussels sprouts, and possibly cauliflowers. since there are no harmful residues, which cut off waste and additives. Unfortunately, it was shown that, however hard enables you to get all the vitamins and fibre contained in the you scrub, you just CAN'T wash off agrichemicals. I quote The boxes are delivered on Friday at my house (No 56 skin. Another difference is appearance. Since no synthetic Joanna Blythman, from her informative book "The Food We Newtown Court) and have to be picked up either in the pesticides are used, organic vegetables don't look as mass­ Eat" (1996): evening or the next day. produced as their conventional counterparts: you probably 'It is worth remembering that many agrichemicals are won't find organic produce that looks spotless, uniform and potential human carcinogens, and that there is no such This system guarantees you: totally blemish-free. But the difference is in the taste! thing as harmless levels of carcinogen. Others are teratogenic (affecting unborn children) or are Organic farming also includes rearing animals. Very high mutagenic'. standards are applied as regards animal welfare. They are TASTE THE DIFFERENCE! given plenty of space to provide for the fulfilment of their I think it is essential that everyone should become conscious natural instincts and the use of antibiotics, growth hormones about tile harmful effects of intensive farming both on our and other drugs is not allowed. The result is good quality family's health and on the environment so as to be able to act produce which is safe to consume. However, the availability according to our conscience. of organic eggs, meat and dairy products is fairly poor in MARY COWHEY & CO. Ireland so far, as production is mainly oriented towards David Maury MULLIGANS vegetables and cereals. SOLICITORS To protect both the consumer and the producer, a French Native Speaker GARDEN SHEDS, KlLCOCK certification system was set up. Every farmer that wants to • Litigation & Accident Claims begin or switch to organic production must go through a gIves 01-6287397 two-year convertion period to make sure that all traces of • Wills & Probate chemicals are gone and to improve soil fertility. Only then TOP QUALITY SHEDS AVAILABLE • Confidential Independent Legal Advice can he or she be certified as an organic producer. Strict FROM £159 • Residential, Commercial Sales & Purchases controls are carried out regularly by inspectors to ensure FRE CHGRINDS ALSO SUPER LAP FENCING PANELS • General Legal Services organic standards are complied with. The two certification bodies in Ireland are: the Irish Organic Farmers and 6'X6' £12.50 Growers Association (IOFGA) and the Organic Trust (OT). No.4, MAIN STREET, Each body has its own symbol which helps identification. Experience At All Levels ALL TYPES OF MAYNOOTH FENCING & TIMBER The marketing of organic produce is not easy. Although TEL. 628 5711 • FAX 628 5613 they are to be found increasingly in supermarkets, they still Call David: 087 - 476474 SUPPLIED

52 53 Features

~ BRITISH AMERICAN #lACING 1998 FIA F1 World Championship. As the Calendar for 1998 has yet to be finalised, and with some Drivers still to be confirmed, details of this year's Fantasy Formula 1 Game will hopefully be announced early in February. However for the coming year the Game will be divided into two sections. Section 1 will be as previous years with participants drawing their teams and drivers by lot. Section 2 will be for those who wish to use their skill and knowledge. The Rules governing this section are too long to go into here but basicly each participant will be given a Budget with which to put together his/her dream Team. The cost of participating will be £5.00 for each section. More detailed information will follow as soon as Runners up ill last years MaYllooth Falltasy Formula 1 Competitioll, Bernie Walsh & Muirealln Ni Bhrolchain, receive the Championship is finalised. their awards from Emmet Stagg, T.D.

SUSTAINABLEEARTHFAIR ~ FIA Formula 1 Experts will be invited to hold participatory workshops in AT MA YNOOTH UNIVERSITY ,c, I . their particular field of experience and guests may attend 28th FEB. - 1ST MARCH 1998 whichever workshop is most beneficial to them. This will Aims and Objectives: allow an opportunity for networking and for those of The objective is to promote co-operation between common goals and interest to share ideas and plan for future individuals, organisations, businesses and Government projects. Around 20 workshops will be held over the two institutions concerned with sustainable development. This days on themes focusing on sustainable development. The will be a forum whereby proposals and ideas can be shared, workshops will be aimed at empowering and educating WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 1998 discussed and put into action. It is envisaged that all participants on more detailed aspects of sustainability. participants will profit from networking with other like minded individuals. On the basis of the conference last year There will be stalls where different NGO's, community it is expected that between two hundred and three hundred groups and "green" businesses may exhibit their work. Fan Clubs diverse groups and individuals will participate. Educational events for children and installations promoting Maynooth F1 can provide information on a number of Official F1 sustainable building, appropriate technology and alternative Fan Clubs including Jordan GP, Williams, Ferrari, McLaren, The event encompasses talks from two international resources will take place in the grounds of the college. All Benneton etc. We can also supply details on Driver Clubs speakers, one representing the Northern, the other the this will be part of the local initiative. Everyone welcome including Hill, Villeneuve, the Schumachers and many others. Note. Membership of Club Jordan will be restricted this year as Southern hemisphere, and encourages representations by and further information available at • Low Impact clo The Jordan are expecting a huge demand from Damon Hill's Fans. various local groups. The incorporation of two international Students Union, Maynooth, University, Co. Kildare, Advice is also available on a number of related topics including speakers within a framework of local organisations, reflects . Tel: 01 7083669 Fax: 7083876 e-mail where the best F1 Shops are, F1 Model collecting, Memorabilia the aim of the conference to place local issues into a global Ioimpact @ maths. may. ie or daviep@ioLie and even F1 Restaurants in Dublin. context, and vice versa. Other Activities 1998 Maynooth F1 plans to run a number of ancillary events during HEALTH TIPS 4. Pinch the patients nose. the coming season including a Karting Night at Kylemore Park, a S. Take a deep breath. Place your mouth over the Motorsport Pub Quiz, (probably taking place during Community Artificial respiration, applied in time, may often save life in slightly open mouth of the patient and seal it. Week) and a visit to the Pheonix Park Motor Races in August complete with VIP passes. cases of immersion, electrocution, and gassing. A very Breathe into it. Repeat until you see his chest rise. efficient and simple method, especially for an inexperienced 6. Remove your mouth in order to allow the patient to Join Maynooth F 1 . person, is the mouth-to-mouth method, commonly known as exhale. Listen for air returning from his lungs. the "Kiss of Life", which can be kept up for hours without 7. Repeat this process at the rate of ten breaths a Membership of Maynooth F1 is open to all. Any person wishing undue fatigue. minute. to get more information on the Club and its activities should 8. Continue until the patient's normal breathing is contact either Don Foley or Keith Walsh on 6285230, (after 1. Lay the patient on his back. restored. 7PM), most evenings. Refer also to Notice Board in Caulfields 2. Clear the mouth of foreign matter. Bar for updates etc. A FREE Jordan Screen Saver is available to all Members of Maynooth F1. 3. Kneel at his side and tilt back the head fully. Note: .... tlliliry Place one hand under the chin, and the other on the Breathe forcefully when treating an adult, and delicately for 1111. crown, so as to achieve full extension of the neck infants and children. backwards. F-m J~ ~ ~~ ::!J= 54

55 Hobbies & Interests . . IGISfSfIGE ANCiEIGS (2R..E(2lIE E'I'IJ ARDENING INTS Newtown, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Professionally Run Day Care Nursery Opening Hours: 7.30am - 6.30pm Monday to Friday FEBRUARY IN THE GARDEN Under Glass: Begin sowing seeds of summer bedding plants and half-hardy Homely Atmosphere annuals in heat - 10°_ 15°C. (50°- 60°F.) Trees, Shruhs and Climbing Plants: Competitive Rates Start to grow chrysanthemums, dahlias and fuchsias and take Prepare, by double digging, new sites for hedges and cuttings when growths are long enough. Low Ratios evergreen trees and shrubs which are due to be planted in Sow lettuce seeds, broad beans, brussels sprouts, cabbages, Qualified Staff March. cauliflowers, carrots, leeks, beetroot, cucumbers, melons, Fully Insured Cut out any diseased, damaged or dead wood. sweetcorn, onions, mustard and cress and another batch of Continue to plant trees, shrubs and climbers or heel them in Member of I.P.P .A. tomatoes for greenhouse cropping. Registered E.H.B. if planting is not yet possible. Thin out seedlings when big enough to be handled. Prune climbers such as large-flowered clematis, wisteria, Water and ventilate the greenhouse to ensure the humidity honeysuckle etc. and temperature is correct and the greenhouse is free from draughts. "Have your child cared for in a warm, caring and safe environment Flowers: Ensure that plants are kept free of pests and diseases. and have peace of mind" In warm gardens, plant gladioli and anemone corms. Bring inside the last of the forced bulbs that have been grown Clumps of snowdrops can be lifted and thinned out, after in containers. Gradually harden off those bulbs that have Please feel free to call in at anytime to view our new extensive facilities. flowering, and replanted immediately. finished flowering and water with a liquid fertilizer to Herbaceous plants, previously pruned in November or replenish food stocks. December, can be cut down now. B urn or compost any dead Contact Karen or Pat at 6289245. foliage. Lightly fork or hoe the soil, adding a general­ General: purpose fertilizer. Remove all weeds. Don't forget to tread and fIrm soil around recently planted Fork and prepare the ground for new herbaceous perennials. trees and shrubs which have been raised by frost. If the soil is workable and an area is free of plants, fork now Improve the draining in waterlogged areas of lawns by for setting out summer bedding plants later. forking or spiking. Water outdoor plants in containers in sheltered areas. Rake lawns and give the fIrst mowing when the grass is Look up catalogues and order stocks from Garden Centre. 5-7.5cm. (2-3in.) high. Brush offleaves and debris. Apply a )C wormkiller. Fruit: Continue to prepare sites for new lawns. Finish pruning and winter spraying of fruit trees and bushes. Remember to keep an air hole in the ice on garden ponds: Complete the planting of fruit trees and bushes and stake Information Technology Centre them securely. Glenroyal Centre, Maynooth. Protect early- flowering fruits from frost damage by Tel: 01-6291747 covering them at night with a light material or plastic UNDERSTANDING YOUR SOIL sheeting. Open Daily 12am-12pm Cover some strawberry plants with cloches if you want some The type and condition of the soil is one of the most • Computer Classes - Improve your computer skills and your employment prospects by taking a computer early strawberries. Remove the flowers from strawberries important contributory factors to successful gardening. course. Our courses lead towards obtaining an ECDL European qualification. We can cater for beginner and planted this month, in order to prevent them from producing It is better to choose plants that are suitable for your soil advanced computer users with our qualified instructors. fruit in the fIrst year. than to try and change the soil to suit your plants. Apply fertilizer to the soil around fruit trees and bushes and Soil ranges from heavy clays to light sandy soils. Soils also • Surf the INet - See the Seven Wonders of the World or visit Disneyland all in one afternoon. Fast access to hoe it in lightly. Then add a layer of mulching material. vary in their degree of acidity or alkalinity. This is measured anywhere on the Internet with full printing facilities. by what is known as the pH scale. The neutral point on this • E-Mail - Write to friends & family at home or abroad using the Internet. Each member gets his or her own Vegetables: scale is pH7, which indicates that the soil is neither acid nor private e-mail address to send & receive information. Sow hardy annual herbs at the end of the month. alkaline. Readings below pH7 indicate an acid soil while • Games - Quake, Red Alert, Dungeon Keeper, etc. Test your skills against the computer or your friends with Prepare any ground needed for planting next month. those from pH7 upwards indicate an alkaline one. The best Protect rhubarb in order to force early stems. soil conditions for the majority of garden plants is slightly our multi-player games. You can even play across the world over the 'net. Bend broccoli leaves over the heads to protect from frost acid, i.e., from pH6 to pH6.5. • Chat - Talk to people across the world through our chat sites learning of their way of life. damage. Soil-testing kits are obtainable from most garden shops and • Refreshments - Coffee, tea, etc. plus much more. Continue to sow broad beans and peas and plant shallots. centres. These kits are a worthwhile investment, because Plant early potatoes and start sprouting maincrop seed they will save unnecessary work and frustration in trying to Why not drop in and check us out. potatoes in a light, frost-proof place. grow plants that are not suitable for your soil conditions. Open 7 days a week from 12am to 12pm 56

57 Hobbies & Interests CAULFIELDS [ Deliciously Simple MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH. PH: 628 6208

Coa Stea~ witli Turmeric Cream tj)evifs !fooa Clioco{ate CaK.f. BAR . LOUNGE r 175g/60z Long grain rice This is a rich dark cake with fluffy, crisp white frosting, FOOD SERVED DAILY 1 tspn powdered turmeric decorated with melted chocolate. 2 drops yellow food colouring \. TOASTED SANDWICHES/SOUP & ROLLSITEA & COFFEE..J 2 small lemons 100g/40z plain chocolate, broken up 4 cod steaks 125g/50z butter Salt and pepper 100g/40z dark brown sugar FRIENDLY STAFF & SERVICE 1/2 cucumber 1 tablespoon golden syrup 25 g/l oz Butter 200g/7oz plain flour

150mlN4 pint Double whipping cream 25 g/loz cocoa 4 sprigs mint 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 2 eggs, beaten Cook the rice in boiling salted water, with half the turmeric 100m1l4fl.ozmilk and the food colouring if liked. Drain and keep warm. C.P.L. MOTOR FACTORS Meanwhile, grate the rind from one lemon and squeeze the American Frosting: juice. Reserve one teaspoon of lemon juice and use the MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH, CO. KILDARE remaining juice to poach the fish steaks, plus just sufficient 450g/llb granulated sugar water to cover and seasoning to taste, for about 10 minutes, 250m1l8fl.oz water until tender enough for the flesh to separate easily from the 2 egg whites TEL: (01) 6286628/6286301 bone. Drain the fish and keep hot. Slice the cucumber 1/4 tspn vanilla essence or thickly, cut each slice into four and toss in the melted butter 2 tspns coffee essence or until limp. Cut the second lemon into quarters. Whip the 2 tspns lemon juice PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS, cream with the remaining turmeric, salt, pepper and a few drops of reserved lemon juice. To Finish: Arrange the fish steaks on a warm serving dish and pipe rosettes of seasoned cream down the centres. Sprinkle with 450g/llb American Frosting TRUCKS AND TRACTORS grated lemon rind and place the cooked cucumber in the 50g/20z plain chocolate centre. Use the lemon quarters as dividers. Divide the rice 2 tbspns water between 4 individual dishes, and garnish with the tops of the mint sprigs. Chop the leaves and sprinkle over the Line the base and grease 2 straight-sided 20cm/8 inch cake BATTERIES, PLUGS, EXHAUSTS & BRAKE PADS. cucumber. Serve at once. tins. Heat the chocolate in a saucepan with the butter, sugar and syrup until just melted. Sift the flour, cocoa and bicarbonate of soda into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre and stir in the cooled melted ingredients. Stir in the eggs and beat well, then mix in the milk. Pour the mixture E-~ E-~ into the prepared tins and bake in a preheated moderate oven at 180°C/350°F, Gas Mark 4 for 30 minutes or until set. Pancal(es Allow to cool in the tins before turning out on to a wire tray to cool. Pancake batter can be very simple, based on allowing 1 egg to each 100g/40z plain flour, and sufficient milk When cold sandwich together with some of the American Your Local Blindmaker BLINDMAKERS LIMITED and water combined to make a thin pouring consistency. Frosting and coat the top and sides with the rest, swirling it COOLDRINAGH, LEIXLIP. It can be enriched by using 2 eggs and all milk without with a palette knife, working quickly before it sets. Factory Prices the addition of any water as the liquid, and made lighter Phone: 6210100 Anytime· When the frosting has set, melt the chocolate with the water Over 20 Years Experience by stirring in 1 tablespoon or more of oil to the batter in a bowl over a pan of hot water. Stir until smooth and MOBILE: 088539628 before cooking. trickle it across the top of the cake from the tip of a spoon in We manufacture top quality Roller, Venetian and Vertical, Blackout, Velux, Keep beating the batter as you cook the pancakes, a lattice pattern. otherwise the flour will tend to sink to the bottom and Conservatory and new Type Wood Venetian Blinds. make the last one or two pancakes stodgy. Also Blinds made from your own Curtain Material. Full Repair Service to all types. Have your old roller blind reversed. 58 59 Features


The regrettable facts are that our research has clearly The areas for wheelchair shown that for a person in a parking are: SuperValu, wheelchair to gain access to Glenroyal car park, Health business premises is not an Centre, Tesco's and MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH easy task. College grounds. V ery few premises cater for Proprietor: A. Macari this need. Kathleen OLeary says as a All the foot paths cause a teacher in Maynooth Post great concern., absolutely no Primary, I can honestly say, ramps to make their life a my day at school is spent in little easier; comfort due to the facilities there is always some supplied such as Two • FRESH CUT CHIPS impediment in their way. Wheelchair toilets, ramps, and the school is all on the • FRESH BURGERS TO ORDER one level.. The T.S.B. Bank is the only Kathleen 0 'Leary, Maynooth Post Primary • FRESHLY PREPARED FISH Bank in Maynooth to allow easy accessibility to the person • SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN WITH in a Wheelchair. For the Wheelchair occupant. OUR SECRET RECIPE Most shops do not cause too much of a problem. But "steps" For the Wheelchair Occupant the facts clearly show for an are a problem. Keep the Wheelchair in mind. ideal night out for proper facilities, the Glenroyal Hotel "Tops them all." All the Malls in Maynooth provide easy access for the needs ,------, of the Wheelchair Occupant. On Reflection, We found that the every day life that we take for granted provided nothing short of a nightmare for the SPECIAL OFFER Transport Wheelchair Occupant. We also hope that in publishing this WITH THIS TOKEN article the effects of what it can mean to everyone it reaches "If you avail of a taxi more often than not you have to ask - the young, the old, the people of every race and class will WHEN YOU BUY the driver for assistance because of the shortage of ramps in be more aware of the many difficulties that face the life of the Maynooth area. You couldn't even "contemplate using the Wheelchair occupant. A BURGER the train station as a means of Transport. AND CHIPS Many thanks to Kathleen O'Leary who kindly assisted us in this survey. GETA FREE MINERAL OF YOUR CHOICE PAINTING AND DECORATING DERMOT KELLY LTD ( Tom Clarke) L ______.J ~ KILCOCK lLiiJ Specialise in painting and TEL (01) 6287311 paper hanging, FOR TOP VALUE CONTACT US FIRST PENING HOURS interior and exterior. FOR BODY REPAIRS, SERVICE & PARTS Qualified tradesman. Monday to Saturday 12.00 noon - 12.30 p.m. NEW & USED CARS & VANS Sunday 5.00 p.m. - 12.00 midnight Phone: 6290776 TEXACO HEATING & FUEL OIL Mobile: 087/2239147 TEL. 01-6287311 T1XACt)

60 61 Features Maynooth Flowers DEPARTURE OF Greenfield Shopping Centre CLODAGH Maynooth, Co. Kildare O'MALLEY Telephone: 6291376 Happy Valentines Day Clodagh worked on the Editorial Board of the Newsletter for the past year. She worked on stories and Flowers to the one you love photography each month and had greatjoumalistic skills. Credit Cards Welcome Clodagh spent a year on the Community Employment Daily Deliveries Project with Maynooth Community Council. She enhanced both her technical and personal skills while working with the Newsletter and also Flowers for all Occasions took part in the Participant Developemnt Programme. Her training and work experience helped her to find full-time employment with a Security Company. We thank her for all her hard work with the Community Council and Newsletter and wish her the very best of luck in her new career. P.BRADY Clock House, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Tel: 6286225 PUBLIC SPEAKING WINNERS PROJECT LOUNGE & BAR Stephen McKeon, Sinead Keenan and Eamonn Hodge, GUARANTEED Kildare Winners of the Mental Health Association of Ireland BUS STOP Public Speaking Project. TO HELP YOU This is a Kildare Competition held in Naas Library. STOP SMOKING SOUP • SANDWICHES • TEA & COFFEE Congratulations to the team, who go forward on 15th ALWAYS AVAILABLE February in St. John of God's, Stillorgan with three other Brand new in UK and Ireland, where smoking kills over 120,000 schools. people each year? Quit for Life is the most effective 100% natural product ever developed with +95% success rate in For Best Drinks and Delicious Pub Grub This is the third time Maynooth Post Primary School have helping smokers quit. won the Kildare Final. Call now and Quit for Life! Endorsed by Dr. Edward Taub, the American Medical Association spokes-person and leading authority on smoking and nicotine addiction. For details call: Children's Ceil. Sunday February 22nd .W) SEAN 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. L1\"1~G.·. 087 430362 ADMISSION: CHILDREN £1 BRING YOUR OWN ADULTS FREE GOODIES AND DRINKS

Stephen McKeon, Sinead Keenan & Eamonn Hodge Kildare Winners: Mental Health Association of Ireland Public Speaking PROCEEDS IN AID OF LOCAL PRIMARY SCHOOLS 62

63 Features Children's TAKE TIME TO GIVE FIDDLER ON THE ROOF It is too short a day to be selfish. Have you three hours a Five daughters to be married off - that was the problem Corner week to give. The St. Vincent de Paul shop in Greenfield - facing Golde and Tevye in the small town of Anatuvka. The Fred's Fashion's - would like to hear from you. Many five - Chava, Tzeitel, Hodel, Biekla and Sphrintze all had to GUESS WH,L\ T ? people have asked if the shop could open for a longer period l be looked after. Well, a matchmaker Yente did what was rtrO/~ .CMyooworkitout so more helpers are needed. We can open Monday to Guess what the Artist haE drawn best. Motel (a tailor), Perchick (a Radical student) and Lazar Saturday from 10 - 4 if we have enough helpers. Are you (a butcher) enter the picture. Lazar had a dear departed wife free any day from 10 - 1p.m. or 1 - 4 p.m.? Frauma Sarah. Grandma Rachel too came along. Thank you to all those who give to the shop. Men's, women's and childrens clothes in good clean condition are It has all been brought to stage by the 5th year and transition welcome. Perhaps you are tired of a garment, or the children year students from Maynooth Post Primary School. They have outgrown them, well why not recycle by leaving them have been busy with their lines, with costumes, props and at the shop and buying something else there. sets. The producers, English teacher, Ms Noreen Barry, Present opening hours are 11 a.m. - I.30pm Tuesday to Religion teacher, Ms Claire Doherty and Science teacher, Ms Friday. For further information please call to the shop. Mary Murphy with Musical Director, Ms May Farrell, bave Take Time brought out the cream of talent for what promises to be a most entertaining show. We can see all this talent and more Take Time to think in early February. It is the source of power. Take Time to play Students: Stephen McKeon, Kilcloon (Tevye); Erica 0' It is the secret of perpetual youth. Dea, Kingsbry (Golde); Amy Rubotham, Leixlip (Chava); Take Time to read. Sinead Keenan, Rail Park (Tzeitel); James Mulligan It is the fountain of wisdom (Motel); David Campbell, Kilcock Road (Lazar Wolf); Take Time to pray Karen Hildebrand, Carton Court (Hodel); John Ashe It is the greatest power on earth. (Perchick); Maeve Beirne, Kilcloon (Frauma Sarah); Take Time to love and Rachel Alcorn, Kilcloon (Grandma); Shaunta Guha, 3SJO.J.:2l<1J... ~ \t '+ '~16 0Ml. 'k beloved <£B7si>' .:J7YH 7NrO NV 'Z 'S!11Q:Jc'N.L nzJft.L 'J. Killeany (Biekle); Therese Nic an Aircinnigh, Poundhill A • It is a God given privilege (Yente); Bernadette Keigher (Sphrintze) with a cast of a Take Time to be friendly hundred. The colour and spectacle will lighten the cold It is the road to happiness r.~ ~, r.P February evenings. <.'5 (.~ .. ~ WINNERS OF JANUARY Take Time to laugh 4~ i> !I!' :'>' It is the music of the soul. COLOURING COMPETITION BE THERE. ';\ '5" Take Time to give !1'i

It is too short a day to be selfish. 'r/> ""'. .~.... 4-7 8 -l2 WHERE: PARISH HALL '" ~. ...' .,0 .JU Take Time to work "": .~ ~:~ .~'J. It is the price of success. .'fI WHEN: 5,6, 7, 8 FEBRUARY 1998 THURS - SUN ~., :) Take Time to do charity 1,;' .~' ~~ 1st Prize 1st Prize

-J,. ~5 \<. It is the key to heaven. TIME: 7.30 p.m. ~t> ...~ 'lI> Catriona Crowe, ~: Emma Brennan, ->-" ,I(> .~" l204 Greenfields, 31 Laurence A venue, ,,& ...." ..... ~., Chiropody Aromatherapy ","".,.,0, • .", Maynooth. Maynooth. . ~ RICHARD'S ,,-0 ANNE O'NEILL ;'\0 '!>" ~: . M.C.S.Ch., M.I.Ch.O.,M.A.ClLI., LS.P.A., I.M.T.A. HARDWARE .", ,>-" 2nd Prize l ci>- John Curran, Fiona Nelson, TEL: 6288545 • 6271529 "," ,~ I~ Maynooth ,,;'" " Moneycooley, Killaney, CO. Kildare SUPPLIERS OF CEMENT, SAND, GRAVEL, l'f '; -\10 Maynooth. Maynooth. PLASTERBOARD, TIMBER, PLYWOOD, ~, 1- PHONE:- 6289395 FELT, INSULATION AND PLUMBING r> MATERIALS Tuesday - Friday:- 10.00 am - 6.00 pm > • 3rd Prize 3rd Prize Saturday:- 11.00 am - 3.00 pm. OPENING HOURS MON - PRI 9.00 - 5.30 ,'}. ~ -4, ~ -" SATURDAY9.00-1.30 r ~ Wayne Swords, Yvonne McCarron, Gift Tokens Available 828 Greenfield, 2 Greenfield, OPEN DURING LUNCH " .; Home visits on request * Evening surgery by appointment ~ Maynooth. Maynooth. 64 65 Features


Kildare: Mixed drinks, as we all know, have been made and consumed since man frrst sought escapism by brewing or February the first is the feast day of Saint Brigid. She had dis tiling alcoholic drinks. Generally- speaking, a 'cocktail' associations with Kildare Town. Beside the tower at St. is known world wide to us as a drink which contains three or Brigid's Cathedral (), the stained glass more ingredients, frequently including spirits and bitters. window shows St. Brigid, St. Patrick and St. Columba. It is widely accepted but not always advised to have your If you want to see the Midlands, well one of the best views is ingredients in almost limitless quantities, indeed, even the from the top of the round tower in Kildare town. To get three witches in Macbeth may have marketed their spiritual there from Maynooth take the road out by Straffan and the brew as a livener, in fact, I think many may have consumed Kildare Club to the N7. The tower is a very well preserved it. 11 th century tower about 106 feet high. For a small charge you can climb the stairs to the top. Stretched out before you The name 'cocktail has been the cause of conjecture for is one of the best views of the Midlands you are ever likely bartenders throughout the modern, drinking world. to get. The tower is open week-days in Summer from 10 a.m. and on Sundays after lunch. The most romantic story is probably the variation on the theme of the Mexican chieftain's daughter. The story tells of Then take the road south to the Japanese Gardens at Tully. a group of Spanish Conquistadors who were captivated by They were founded 90 years ago by a millionaire who also the beauty of this particular young woman. owned the stud farm near it. A Japanese gardener laid out the garden between 1906 and 1910 and they have been kept She further charmed them by preparing delicious alcoholic in perfect condition since. The gardens symbolise "mans' concoctions from a combination of pulque, an alcoholic life". There is a tea room and a garden centre. Get a bonsai drink made from the sap of the native agave plant, and fruit r tree. The gardens are open from 9.30 a.m. daily except in juices. Winter time. The Irish Horse Museum is there as well. Last admission at 5 p.m. There is an admission charge. The The Spaniards took away fond memories of the young lady y National Stud is the main centre for Ireland's racing and named the drinks after her, X-Coctel, known more industry. Horses are kept in the stables and in the fields. familiarly as 'Cocktail' 1( \\11 'f

From Kildare take the Rathangan road by Dunmurry Hill to Other explanations range from an American lady inn-keeper Peat-land World in . Lullymore was the place who served alcoholic drinks in glasses decorated with cock's where turf was cut to supply the power station at Allenwood. tail feathers, during the American War of Independence. r Now it has a museum and natural history gallery which tells the story of turf and the story of Bord na Mona. Some of the Whichever legend you prefer, cocktails have once again things which were unearthed during turf production are on become a very exciting element in today's social scene, show. served in all the world's most fashionable hotels and bars.

There is a full size model of an Irish cottage with its turf fire and oil lamp. There are models of a peat briquette factory The Tender Touch Beauty Salon and a peat fuelled electricity generating station. Visit the Fiona Powell, Centre Point very pleasant tea room and picnic area. It is open Monday to Shopping Mall, Maynooth. Friday from 9.30 a.m. There is an admission charge. The Phone 6289731 Lullymore Heritage Park is up the road from here. It tells the story of the development of Lullymore with buildings LT.E.C., C.LB.T.E.C., C.LD.E.S.C.O., DIP. Extra copies of this page are available in the Community Council Office. modelled on buildings which go right back to the coming of Including Swedish body massage, Slendertone to reduce inches, Christianity. G.S. to break down cellulite. NAME ______AGE, __ Facials, Bio Peeling, Eyelash & Eyebrow Tinting, Come back by Prosperous and Forest Park. Waxing, Manicures, Silk Rap Nails, Make-up, ADDRESS ______Super Turbo Sunbed. Gift Tokens Available. This Months Special:- ALL ENTRIES MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK OF ENTRANTS. Free Trial on Slendertone or G.5.

Opening hours: Mon. Closed, Tues. 10 - 8 This category of the colouring competition is for 4-12 year oids. Weds. & Thurs. 10 - 6, Fri. 10 - 8, Sat. 10 - 6 Closing date for receipt of entries is the 16th February by 5 p.m.

66 67 Features Features

THE GROWING TRAFFIC PROBLEMS IN carriage way and remaining on the fast lane THE GROWING TRAFFIC PROBLEMS IN GOING TO THE CINEMA OUR CITIES AND TOWNS (c) drivers cutting in without signalling (d) drivers not dipping their headlights when meeting you OUR CITIES AND TOWNS Cont. Some of the cinemas give a special rate to older people: (e) drivers blinding you with their headlights at night when For the past few years the motorists of Ireland have they are behind you. A Solution to am/pm traffle jams in our cities experienced very very trying driving conditions. Whilst The Ambassador Cinema, Parnell Square: £2 for its first roads have been improving, time taken to get from A to B show only on Monday to Friday. No pleasure in driving anymore Finally, I should like to make a suggestion regarding am and has increased. As a result more time is being spent on the pm traffic jams in and out of our cities. Would it be possible road which leaves less time for one to persue ones business. Savoy Cinema, O'Connell St. : £2.30 before 6 p.m. Motorists are fed up to the teeth. There is no pleasure in to take the nearest lane (the fast lane) from the outgoing It is said, 'time is money'. So if time is money why are we traffic on a morning (since this is virtually not being used) endangering a rare animal like the "Celtic Tiger"? Will the driving any more. To go on a short journey at any time of and reverse the procedure in the evenings? Granted there Screen Cinema, D'Olier St. : £2 before 6 p.m. Celtic Tiger, as a result of traffic jams, be brought to its day or night one must be prepared to sit at either permanent or temporary traffic lights for ages. You get held up by would be certain alterations necessary but I am sure it would knees? Observing present traffic policies and attitudes to the The Film Institute of Ireland, 6 Eustace St., Temple Bar is someone crawling at a snails pace or be almost pushed off take very little in tlle way of lighting systems and road motorists it would appear perhaps that we are endangering the national organisation with responsibility for the the road by the odd mad driver. Finally there may be a markings to achieve this. All those using tllis lane would be our economy and thus the quality of our lives. promotion of film culture in Ireland. The Institute owns, Garda checkpoint at the end of a motorway where the speed obliged to use tlleir hazard lights. This could be operative manages and runs the Irish Film Centre, a unique cultural limit suddenly becomes 40 mph with no houses on either from say 6 am to 10 am and from 4 pm to 7 pm and Enhance the free flow of traffle resource. Membership is £7.50 per annum for older people. side and the road is clear. (Surely the thousands of narrow introduced on a pilot scheme first. It would help to maximise road space at its most crucial times. With the help Admission for older people before 5 p.m. costs £2.50. The object of road improvements is essentially to make a winding roads in Ireland with houses on both sides with no of the Gardai and obviously tlle co-operation of a grateful road safe and at the same time enhance the free flow of speed limits create a far greater danger to life and limb than any motorway). and long suffering motorist I believe this idea could work. traffic, which is forever on the increase. Today it would appear that improving a stretch of road means only one thing Drivers are being victimized Leo Armstrong, BA.. HDip (Hist). W. Mulhern - the slowing down of traffic by 356 Old Greenfields. Maynooth J. (a) placing as many sets of traffic lights as possible on the improved and often widened road The driver today is being victimized. Why? Is it because & Co. Chartered Accountants they are an easy target? For almost half a century the motor (b) introducing round-abouts B.Mulhem, B.Comm. F.c.A. (c) introducing round-abouts and traffic lights combined industry was forever blaming the "nut behind the wheel" for VOLUNTARY SERVICE OVERSEAS (d) introducing zebra crossings the numerous fatal accidents and not the dangerous design of • Chartered Accountants & the vehicles being mass produced for just their elegance and (e) introducing road markings which prevent any motorist APSO is the national agency which enables Irish men and Registered Auditors passing another vehicle, no matter how slow the vehiclein high speed potential. Today, the "nut behind the wheel" is women to share skills and knowledge with people in front is travelling. once again being blamed but this time by the Government, developing countries. APSO actively encourages senior Town Planners and County engineers. personnel to take short term overseas assignments. • Fees discussed before any assignment The eternal roadworks Training and briefing requirements are provided by request, Haphazard approach to road planning exasperating after a selection process. drivers 13114 South Main Street, Naas, Co. Kildare In Ireland today, for the sake of progress ...... "that Tiger Contact APSO 29-31 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2. again ... !" we can hardly travel through a town or village Tel (045) 866535/866521 (01) 6286751 that is not being torn up for some reason or other. If it is not It is the haphazard approach to the planning and IntereuIture Ireland is an organisation involved in Fax: (045) 866521 the local Council doing some "improvements" on the road, it development of our infra structure that is exasperating intercultural organisation and exchange. It aims to promote is the ESB, Telecom or a private company improving the drivers allover the country. Drive through and between tolerance and understanding and to combat prejudice and water scheme or putting down pipes to cater for the massive almost any town or village in Ireland today and there are injustice through intercultural progran1ffies and international increase in house building. Then there is nice Mr. Good temporary traffic lights up - some with a change over delay exchcU1ges. Bear of Bord Gas also digging up the road. Finally, there is of more than five minutes - mainly due to the length of road Diathermy & Beauty Clinic the large multi-nationals which must have easy access to the engineers decide to take on in the one go. A week later, Educational study visits and intercultural workshops are their premises. a few hundred metres down the road more temporary traffic provided. carey,~:;;;~c.o. A~§ lights are erected and the road is being dug up. When this @D Contact Interculture Ireland lOA Lower Camden St Dublin 2 Road Rage particular job is finished more temporary lights are up in the same area and workers are digging up the same road and Voluntary Service International is tlle Irish branch of Main St, Maynooth (beside sometimes in the same place. This continues on and on: ~ A.I.B.)~ No sooner has any of the above organisations commenced Service Civil International, a world-wide movement working Phone 6286272 work than up goes temporary traffic lights. It is of little for peace and international understanding through the Lack of co-ordination wonder therefore why a recent phenomenon known as "Road medium of voluntary work, international exchanges, Specialising in Electrolysis, Rage" is said to be on the increase. Why should we be so Is this the price of progress? Where is the planning to ensure education and awareness programmes. Diathermy for Broken Veins, Skin Tag Removal. surprised. Add a list of bad driving manners, listed below, to work is done in such a way as to ensure minimum All other treatments including Cathiodermie Facial. the litany of problems stated above and we increase the inconvenience to drivers and pedestrians - who are, at the VSI organises international workcamps tllat bring people of Aromatherapy, Facials, Eyelash Tinting, Manicures, possibility of this phenomenon. Some of the bad driving end of the day, paying for all of this through road taxes etc? all nationalities, cultures and backgrounds together to work Waxing, Ear Piercing. habits might include: Co-ordinating the various works that presumably is of on projects tllat will help local communities and voluntary Turbo Sunbed. (a) a "Sunday" driver doing about 20 mph on a wide open necessity, should be the hallmark of any good planning organisations. Workcamps are open to anyone over 18 years New advanced Faradic Inch-loss machine road authority. Quite honestly to the man or woman 'on the of age and generally last from 8 days to three weeks. (b) a driver hogging the road, at a speed of 30 mph on a dual street' there appears to be very little in the way of co- Contact VSI, 30 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1. Gift Vouchers Available ordination at present. Cont.

68 69 Features Sticky Fingers GLENROYAL HOTEL Meddling with peoples heads said PRESS RELEASE Edward, like any form of interference Day Nursery, Play School and Toddler Group ANNUAL TALENT is not recommended. Attempting to Glenroyal Shopping Centre COMPETITION EDWARD WHITE! hypnotise someone and not knowing COMEDY HYPNOTIST the consequences of doing so can be Thursday night is Talent night at the Friday 6th Feb quite dangerous. Persons who suffer All Year round Service Glenroyal Hotel and Leisure Club, from epilepsy for example, are Times available 7.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. Maynooth. generally unsuitable as subjects and the Edward White, Comedy Hypnotist is a After the hugely successful Talent posibility of inducing a fit is something Ages 3 months to 10 years complex individual who refuses to look Competition last year with over 30 a lot of stage hypnotists need to watch in a mirror in case he does a job on different acts ranging from solo singers out for, but as a rule, being hypnotised himself. to bands, the final night saw a capacity is about as dangerous as flying through Creche: Mon - Fri £55.00 per week crowd to both support and enjoy all the the air and banging your eye off a Born by caesarean section, he Play School: 9.00 - 12.00, Mon - Fri £15.00 8 finalists. cloud. maintains-has affected him to the Toddler Group: 10 - 12, Mon - Thurs £10.00 present day. Every time he stops a car, The 1998 Competition commenced on Edward's show is a mixture of rip­ he has this uncontrollable impulse to Thursday 8th January. roaring hypnotic sketches interspersed get out through the sun-roof. with his own unique brand of side After School Care / Summer School Hourly, daily and weekly rates The competition will have 9 heats in splitting comedy. "My family were always a bit strange," all, two semi finals and the Grand Final Hot Meals Provided Full Insured he says. "For example, our will be in April. Audiences who have seen his show to Grandmother has been walking five date, rate him one of the funniest miles a day since she was sixty-two, Qualified Nursery Nurse and Staff The competition is open to all performers currently on the circuit. she's seventy six next week and we entertainers and novelty acts including The show has travelled the World to Telephone: 6291393 haven't a clue where she is now"? singers, comedians, bands etc. with two huge critical acclaim and Edward for further details acts to go through from each heat. White is hailed by the pundits as the Edward White, makes no secret of the There is no limit to the amount of heats next comedy sensation. From men fact that he has difficulty with the type you can enter, so should you be giving birth on stage to flying fairies of work he does. unsuccessful you can always try again attacking the volunteers this is one the following Thursday. show you can afford to see but cannot "As a hypnotist putting people to sleep Entrants must be over 18 years of age afford to miss. was easy enough at first", he says, "but and be amateur entertainers. (FRANCIS DAVEY M.I.P.A.V.) now I end up nodding off too which is Backing and musical support will be Regards a bit of a nuisance really when you available each week. Auctioner & Valuer think about it because I can't just Edward White & ignore myself now can IT' Independenat Life Mortgage Broker Est: 20 Y cars Last years winner Paul Kirwan earned School Street, Kilcock, Co. Kildare himself a regular Friday night spot in Management John Hynes Tel: Edward firmly believes that whatever Phone: 01 6287238 Fax: 01 6287930 the Glenroyal Hotel and appeared at 8208483/4755577lFax 4758765 talent he has as a hypnotist he does not several other venues throughout the regard it as a gift handed down from To Rent Leixlip 5 bed House £650 year. above. "On the surface it may appear Rathcoffey 3 bed lux. bung. £625 that way to the The prizes again this year are Kilcock 4 bed house £700 he sponsored by Heineken and includes an audience", Kilcock 4 bed bung. £500 adds, "but to be ATTIC .s-;. overall prize fund of £1000. Kilcock Lux. cottage £650 honest I think SWOP SHOP PLUSI '1<"<\'JJ. certain people with , »~ -l)­ Maynooth 2 bed apartment As the talent in the area is of a very .s-~ high standard, the next few months will a bit of training Mill Street, Maynooth. »~<~ see many entertaining Thursday could do just as TOP STYLES, LOW PRICES.... For Sale Maynooth Lux. bung. £165,000o.n.o. good ajob". evenings at the Glenroyal Hotel. " service with a smile Maynooth Detached cottage £85,000 Maynooth Terraced cottage £65,000 The heats are every Thursday night Having said that, I SHOP AT THE ATTIC WHERE THERE would not Ce1bridge 3 bed on comer site £85,000 o.n.o. from 9 p.m., registration can be made IS QUALITY FASHION TO SUIT either beforehand or on the night. encourage people Rathcoffey 5 bed bung. on 3/4 acre £170,000 o.n.o. having read up on YOUR FLAIR. Donadea 4 bed bung. on 1/2 acre £130,000 Further details can be obtained from the subject, to rush out in an attempt CELEBRATING 5 YEARS IN BUSINESS either Shaun or Claire at the Hotel on Killeighter, Kilcock - 12.5 acres £120,000 01-6290909 to zap their neighbours. OPEN MON. - SAT. PHONE 6289713 Broadford, Co. Kildare - 19 acres £120,000


71 Crossword No. 123 ...... - ...... ' '...... ' . . .

Special Prize! • tJ.~Il~CJ~Il>· ::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::'" BOOK VOUCHER Give yourself the lUXUry of browsing and .i.Dt([) •••••• leJt~ice·· choosing the book(s) which takes your fancy from the wide selection available in the store Sale - Servicing and Repairs to all makes of Cars / Light Comm. of our sponsor Pre M.O.T. & D.O.E. Checks The Maynooth Bookshop Free Collection and Return Service The Square, Maynooth 24HRS /7 DAYS BREAK DOWN SERVICE

Free mini car valet with every full Service We care because you are our business Opening Hours: Entries before 16th February 8.30 am - 6 pm Monday to Friday Name______9 am - 1 pm Saturday

Address,______Phone Niall on 088/2719615 or 6289175

The Winner of Crossword No. 121 Phone______Connie Harpur, 11 Woodkznds, Maynooth, being presented with a Book Voucher from Maynooth Bookshop. Across: When /t- cotrteS to "h-qvel 7. Praises (6) 1. Firm (6) 8. Muscles (6) 4. Indolent (8) 11. Gratify (6) Whatever your travel plan is for '98, make sure to make Travel Options your first bet. 9. Suffer from hunger (6) 14. Epoch (3) A wide selection of fares and options, combined with competitive prices and efficient 11. Mad Russian clergyman? (8) 18. Fruit (6) service. Simply call or drop in and we'll be delighted to help you plot and plan your world 12. Main artery (S) 19. Preserve (9) travel exploits. 13. Twilight (9) 20. Atmosphere (8) IS. Heavyweight (3) 21. Large pot (8) • Faraway Places Round the world itineraries, Australia, Africa & beyond 16. Mark (S) 23. Marble (3) • Student Deals ISIC -travel reductions worldwide and great benefits and discounts in 17. Depart hastily (6) 2S. Greek goddess (6) Ireland 22. First course (6) 26. Obstruct (6) 24. Dance (S) • Inclusive Deals Sun packages, adventure and activity holidays 29. Desist! (S) 27. The odd drink? (3) • Europe by Rail Inter Rail for over and under 26's, individual country and zonal rail 30. Submit (S) 28. Mark Twain's boy (3,6) passes 31. Revolving (S) Solution to Crossword No. 122. • USA Great Transatlantic fares, Amtrak, Greyhound and excursion option 32. Raised (8) Usit 'Check-Inn' accommodation service offers the best in hotel city 33. Cheap leather worker? (6) Across: 1. Decide; 4. Activate; 9. Dearth; 10. Dumpling; • Accommodation 34. Sunset (8) 12. Cater; 13. Imbalance; IS. Gum; 16. Issue; 17. Bantry; deals 3S. English river (6) 22. Stares; 24. Cadge; 27. Irk; 28. Heartache; 31. Elect; • Summer Charters Athens, Barcelona, Madrid and other seat only options 32. Cinnamon; 33. Revile; 34. Strikers; 3S. Prunes. Down: Down: 1. Didactic; 2. Chastise; 3. Detergent; S. Crumb; 1. Nourishes (8) 6. Impel; 7. Aligns; 8. Eagles; 11. Limber; 14. Art; . we're q/WqyS f /t"St- pqSt- t-he poSt­ 2. Liveliness (8) 18. Nosier; 19. Racketeer; 20. Adhesion; 21. Restless; 3. Sea monster (9) 23. Ava; 2S. Chicks; 26. Banner; 29. Track; 30. Choir. Travel Options Tel: 01 6289289 S. Inappropriate (S) Winner of Crossword No. 122: 6. Drunkard (S) John McEvoy, 3 Rockfield Gardens, Maynooth. Travel Options /Usit, 3/4 Castle Stores, Main Street, Maynooth, Co, Kildare.

72 73 Party Political

FINE GAEL NOTES: AT THE GLEN ROYAL CENTRE Parking Regulations Main Street, Maynooth MAYNOOTH. Councillor Senan Griffin has actively sought an assurance from the County Manager that the proposed bye-laws be put A 1 day workshop on Reiki I Seichem in place in Maynooth. These bye-laws will assist the Gardai on Saturday 14th February 1998 in enforcing parking regulations along the Main Street and Levell Ladies and Gents the side streets in Maynooth. It is essential that the bye-laws are in operation immediately on completion of the street Also 1 day workshop Level II on works. Residents of Maynooth, will I am sure, welcome this development which will alleviate traffic congestion in the Saturday 28th February 1998 special offer - turbo sunbed Main Street and environs.

Moyglare Road: Phone Ruth at Holistic Connections 10 sessions - £20 6291743 (Between 3 & 6 pm) Deputy Bernard Durkan and Cllr. Senan Griffin have requested the County Engineer to expedite the laying of a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• proper footpath from the entrance to Moyglare Village to the Nursing Home. The laying of this footpath will provide : HEATING SERVICES : patients, their families and residents, an opportunity to walk • • down the Moyglare Road with a greater degree of safety. SERN1S [RBS • • • Oil Fired Boiler Burner Service • Straffan Road: • • SEAN O'NEILL • Heating Systems Maintenance • RAILP ARK, MAYNOOTH, CO. KILDARE • • Following continuous representations, Cllr. Sean Griffin has II • Heating Efficiency Testing • been given assurances, that the failed trees and shrubs which • were planted on the green in Straffan Way will be replaced TELEPHONE: • --You could be wasting over 50% of your oil -- as a matter of urgency by the contractors. This is welcome • news for the residents of Straffan Way who had always • maintained tilis green to a very high standard prior to the 01- 6286002 • • 24 HOUR SERVICE - 7 DAYS A WEEK construction of tile wall. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOBILE: • • Dermot Bradley • Footbridge at the Canal: • • • • • 49 Cluain Aoibhinn, Maynooth • Deputy Bernard Durkan and CUr. Senan Griffin recognise 088 - 539616 • : Phone: 6285387 : that the footbridge at the canal is of vital necessity for all • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• those attending Maynooth College. It is therefore of the •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• utmost importance tilat it be replaced as a matter of extreme urgency. In this regard, bOtil Deputy Bernard Durkan and CUr. Senan Griffin have proposed to Kildare County Council MAYNOOTH DRIVING SCHOOL that a similar bridge be constructed linking Silken Vale to YlJridt1! ~1re tile Railway Station. It is accepted by the residents of Silken Vale that the finances allocated for this bridge be transferred TRUCK & CARS to the provision of a proper footbridge across tile canal. The {}e!bridge • 7 Days closing of the footbridge provides an ideal opportunity to transfer these monies for the construction of a new bridge Beautiful Wedding Dresses • Bridesmaids We now have an Office in the across tile canal. • Professional Tuition Flower Girl • Page Boy • Evening Wear Naas area for Truck & Car Mona Lisa - Main Street Maynooth A Large Selection of Debs • Student Discounts I Gift Tokens Pre-test Lessons Kildare County Council planners are investigating the Dresses also in Stock OPEN 7 DAYS & conditions breached by tile aforementioned development and • Male and Female Instructors will report back to the Council. The serious breach of the Call or Phone: 01 - 6271618 LATE EVENINGS ridge roof line will have to be addressed and the development will have to be corrected. 47, Crodaun Forest Park, TELEPHONE: 045-895103 Celbridge, Co. Kildare. • 90 % Success Rate TELEPHONE: 6287368

74 75 Party Political r " Final Gift vouchers MAYNOOTH LABOUR NOTES He has also requested again that the Council resurface the Touches available entrance to O'Neill Park and provide proper footpaths. Deposits taken Maynooth Development Plan Flooding At Laurences A venue Opp. The Mill, Celbridge Tel: 6274640 Clubs A special 'In Camera' meeting of Kildare Co. Council was Cllr. John Mc Ginley has requested the Council to unblock Open Tues to Sat 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. \... Welcome ~ held on the 19th January to agree what lands, if any, need to the shores at house numbers 7,8, 12 and 25 Laurences be rezoned in the towns. without a new Development Plan. A venue in order to stop further flooding in the area. EVERYONE CATERED FOR FROM TEENS TO OAP'S At the time of writing we are unable to advise residents on GENTLEMEN the outcome of this meeting. We are not happy with the Meadowbrook Stream 'River' Flooding ••••••••••••••••••••••••• proposal for a private meeting and will await the handling of Immediate action to prevent a recurrence of the Christmas - the meeting before deciding whether to participate in it. An­ period flooding at Meadowbrook has been demanded by For Valentines Day: . ... VISA Cllr. John Mc Ginley. As residents know the stream was 20 up-to-date survey of residentially zoned lands, not yet Treat the woman you love to that special gift. ..~ developed. has been carried out by the Council. This shows feet wide and 9 feet deep in places. Photographic evidence ~ has been supplied to the County Engineer in order to Browse at your leisure on Thursday 5th and Thursday 12th Feb that Maynooth has 86 acres of such land and not 50 acres as up to 9.p.m. estimated last October. This means that in line with the highlight the problem. strategy already adopted no more than a further 50 acres Footpath - Leinster Street 9{Jfj!JtIJIf.'1!I19($ - COSTEX, SLIPPERS ETC. should be rezoned in Maynooth. This means a reduction of Deputy Emmet Stagg has requested Kildare Co. Council to LI9{gERJ.f£ 229 acres in the residential rezoning of Maynooth and this include a condition in any grant of Planning Permission for .5'WIM~ ALL SIZES. WARNERS • TRIUMPH • BALLET will be the position that the Labour Party Councillors will renovations at the Roost for the provision of a footpath on ACCESSORIES - BAGS, JEWELLERY, SCARVES ETC. adopt - Maynooth Planning Alliance please note. Leinster Street from the Main Street to the rear entrance to FANTASIE· CACHAREL • PLAYTEX THERMAL UNDERWEAR - ALL SIZES. Maynooth Parking Bye Laws the Town Centre Mall. SLOGGI • PREITY POLLY· OMSA !/iJl.'I!}{I9($- ALL EX-HIRE HATS FOR SALE FROM £3 -£25 At the Celbridge Area Committee meeting of the Council Pedestrian Walk Between Kingsbry and Greenfield Close 7!R!J;'£~!J?jIf. !JIrzrII9{.tj: Sizes30 AA - 36F - 42E held on 9th January, the Co. Secretary gave a solemn Cars are presently using this walkway. Cllr. John Mc Ginley commitment to CUr. John Mc Ginley that the Bye Laws has requested the Council to install bollards at this location would be put in place before the completion of the in order to prevent this and make the area safer for NEW LINE OF CHRISTENING GOWNS & NURSERY PRODUCTS NOW IN STOCK improvement works on Main Street, this May. With the pedestrians. commitment of the Gardai to strictly enforce the new laws, HOLY COMMUNION DRESSES FROM END JANUARY. Back Road - Old Greenfield there should be an end to the traffic congestion that we have Now that the new public lights are in place Cllr. John Mc at present. Motorists should also co-operate by acting in a Ginley has requested the Co. Engineer to carry out the long responsible law abiding manner. overdue resurfacing of this road. It is in a disgraceful Landscaping Straffan Road condition at present and is practically impassable. As a resulL of Cllr. John Mc Ginley's motion tlle Council Road Deterioration At Band Hall have agreed to do repair work to tlle appalling landscaping Deputy Emmet Stagg has requested the Co. Engineer to carried out by the Parks Department of Dublin County carry out urgent repairs to the road surface outside the Council at StraHan Road. Residents Associations are invited School House and the Band Hall. The road has disintegrated to write to the Co. Secretary or CUr. Mc Ginley outlining here due presumably to utility works at this location. their specific requirements. Maynooth Park Flooding Crash Barrier - Dublin Road Cllr. John Mc Ginley has submitted the following motion for Deputy Emmet Stagg has requested the Co. Engineer to consideration at the next area committee meeting of the reinstate the Crash Barrier at Dublin Road, near Carton BIG SCREEN Lodge. At present this area poses a considerable risk to council. pedestrians. 'That the surface water channel outside house No. 53A Moyglare Village Boundary Maynooth Park be connected to the main surface water gully FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS As a result of Cllr. John Mc Ginley's motion tlle Council in order to overcome the flooding in the area.' Planners have agreed to contact tlle developer of Moyglare Village requesting him to plant a mature hedge, similar to Labour Advice Service tile one he originally removed, at the boundary with the Deputy Emmet Stagg continues to be available to the people BEST DRINKS Moyglare Road. of Maynooth every Saturday at 4-00 p.m. in Caulfields (Private Meeting Room). He can also be contacted at the Mona Lisa Restaurant FOOD SERVED DAILY following phone numbers: Home - 6272149 - Office- The Council are presently carrying out an inventory of the 6183797. deviations from Planning Permission granted, Witll a view to pursuing the issue through the courts. Cllr. John Mc Ginley continues to be available to the people RELAXING ATMOSPHERE O'Neill Park - Public Lighting of Maynootil every Thursday at 8-00 pm. in Caulfields Following representations from local residents, Deputy (Private meeting Room). He can also be contacted at the Emmet Stagg has requested Kildare Co. Council to provide following phone number - 6285293. IN additional lights in tlle square at O'Neill Park. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS

76 77