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Turner Valley LilTIestone Oilfield Past, Present, Future

By M. P. PAULSON* and J. WAHLH Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 (13th Annual Technical Meeting, , May, 1962)

ABSTRACT Development and Production NQ. 1", was drilled in the southeast ".; A review of the history of de­ The discovery well for the crude quarter of Lsd. 13, Section 26, Town­ velopment of the field is presented ship 18, Range 2, W.5M, which was oil zone came into production on along with the production history downdip from gas production in the over a 26-year period. The perfor­ June 16, 1936, almost 26 years ago. mance of the reservoir indicates that limestone. Initial production was the major recovery mechanism has This well, "Turner Valley Royalties 960 barrels in 24 hours. ,,'.- been a gas in solution drive aided to a small extent by down dip water intrusion and gravity drainage. Water ~ flood perfonnance predic. tions, based on detailed study of the TURNER VALLEY LIMESTONE OILWELLS north end of the Turner Valley field will be presented. Water injection on the down dip edge of the total DAILY AVERAGE PRODUCTION field is in progress. Current results are difficult to evaluate because of 100,000 100,000 relatively short period of injection and change in operating conditions. The injection pattern and facilities ~ I~ are described. Potential response .... '<, ,~, areas are dealt with. / 'IIi .... 1\ ~"': ',~' GAS PROD. - Mef. J.- HIsTORY / / L- Introd:uction ~ '"?' • , ....,,- HE Turner Valley Limestone Oil­ "" T field is located 30 miles south~ ...-<~ west of the City of Calgary, Alberta. ~ It extends in a north-northwest I OIL PROD. - Bbl5.1\ .I direction from Lsd. 16. Section 5, /0,000 10,000 Township 18, Range 2, W.5M in the 7 P south to Lsd. 8, Section 24, Town­ / ./' ship 21, Range 3, W.5M in the north. 1/ " The oil reservoir is 23 miles long ~ and varies in width from a half to one and one half miles. Production ...... "-. ~ k ~ is obtained from the Madison Paleo­ l'. zoic limestone. There is a gas cap GAS/OIL RATIO "' associated with the oil reservoir.

" :

. ~ " '" M. P. Paulson. Manager Produc· /000 1000 ;:~;~~~f;, :;'{.:~.: tion and Pipe Lines3 Home Oil GompanY3 Calgary3 OX> 0>0 r<) r<)v It'> It'>'" ­'" ~~~;':~~~~:; ~~:;"'.: n J. Wahl, President. James A. 0> 0>0> 0> 0> 0> Lewis Engineering3 Ltd.• Galgary3 -- Alberta. Figure 1

Technology, Fall, 1962, Calgary 9S ~!Ifi ~"-_.-,,,,-.., , ~-"~.,--"- -~~f_';~~ :;?~~0f.~~~~"_' ,~.

'.' '. :.' "." ' The development of the field pro. .... ' gressed at a fairly constant rate TABLE I over the next ten-year period, duro TuRNER VALLEY OILFIELD ing which 293 wells were drilled Crude Oi~ Limestone Production - Barrels 1936 . 1961 primarily on 40-acre-· spacing, The No. Daily No. Daily m'aximum number of completions in Year Wells Tota~ Avge. Year Wells Total Avge. anyone year was 42. A total of 317 1936 3 218,974 1948 314 3,815,715 10,454 oil wells have been completed in the 1937 26 1,708,675 4,694 1950 316 3.325,788 9,112 pool to date. 1938 67 5,876,848 16,101 1951 317 2,935,885 8,004 1939 101 7,145,733 19,577 1952 317 2,644,791 7,226 The crude oil production reached 1940 137 8,097,414 22,124 1953 317 2,388,635 6,544 ,.", . a maximum in 1942, when the 1941 179 9,483,713 25,983 1954 317 2,135,041 5,849 average rate was 26,478 barrels per 1942 208 9,664,592 26,478 1955 317 2,053,852 5,627 '.:, ":<:;-," 1943 232 8,962,374 24,554 1956 317 1,774,484 4,848 • '·1.' day. Only 208 wells were com­ 1944 271 7,855,108 21,462 1957 317 1,593,673 4,366 pleted by the end of 1942 and despite 1945 286 6,996,726 19,169 1958 317 1,457,471 3,993 additional development drilling dur­ 1946 297 5,915,648 16,207 1959 317 1,351,463 3,703 ing the next several years, the 1947 304 5,006,153 13,715 1960 317 1,206,939 3,298 1948 310 4,419,055 12,074 1961 317 1,147,140 3,143 production declined at a rate of Cumulative 109,511,320' ". ....• , .. approximately 9 per cent per year. .... ~ ..

• Includes 329,430 Bbls. of crude oil and naptha production from Model Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 The daily average production rate No.1 and No.2 prior to 1936. in 1961 was 3,144 barrels. The Note: No. Wells indicates the completions at years end and not nec­ production history by years is shown essarily the wells on production. There is a significant differ· in Tables I, II and III and graphic­ ence for the period July 1, 1960, to the end of 1961. ally illustrated in Figure 1. Records of Production indicate a TABLE II total liquid production of 132,232,299 TuRNER VALLEY OILFmLD barrels and 1,829,010,513 Mcf of gas Natural Gas Production Crude Oil Limestone Wells-MCF at 14.65 psi and 60°F. from the fol­ 1936 . 1961 Daily Daily lowing sources, .' : " ,. Year Total Average Year Tota~ Average :', ;.. 0 a> rl '"0 a> '",..; ,..;'" a> 1936 919,711 1949 29,370,975 80.468 rl '""1. 0 1937 7,902,287 21,701 ",' "'. '"0 "'. 1950 28,794,224 78,888 ~ 0 ~ rl ro' '" 1938 19.323,440 52,941 1951 26,597,501 72,870 '" t-: 0 OJ. ~~ ",''" '" '" 1939 20,250,786 55,482 1952 24,597,074 67,205 ~ ;:'1 1940 27,335,573 74,687 ~ '" 1953 22,558,710 61,805 '"r< '" '"r< rl"'. 1941 35,780,521 98,029 1954 22,355,511 61,248 1942 30,245,981 82,866 1955 23,383,281 83,927 1943 28,717,045 78,677 1956 21,456,742 58,625 1944 30,597,951 83,601 1967 18,904,254 51,792 1945 32,036,604 87,772 1958 17,559,944 48,109 1946 31,382,923 85,981 1959 15,702,144 43,020 1947 31,256,313 85,634 1960 13,626,354 37,230 1948 30,578,301 83,547 1961 10,727,298 .; rl 0 a> 29,390 :c Cumulative 598,772,598' ,

TABLE III TuRNER VALLEY OILFIELD '., ~;- Ga-s-Oil Ratio of Grude Oil Limestone Production 1936 - 1961 Oil- Gas Gas· Oil Year Ratio Year Ratio 1936 4,200 1949 7,697 1937 4,625 1950 8,658 1938 3,288 1951 9,059 1939 2,834 1952 9,300 1940 3,376 1953 9,444 1941 3,773 1954 10,471 1942 3,130 1955 11,361 1943 3,204 1956 12,092 1944 3,895 1957 11,862 ,'-;',',,'; ," Reservoir 1945 4,579 1958 12,048 1946 5,305 1959 11,619 The reservoir rock in the Turner ' .. 1947 6.244 1960 11,290 .': «..... ~...! /.' "~: Valley field is the Upper Rundle 1948 6,920 1961 9,351 Limestone of Mississippian Age. The structure, which contains both reverse faults. The southern two· This is demonstrated by the fact an oil section and a gas cap section, thirds of the field is relatively free that in some cases there is 1,200 is an elongated, anticlinal structure, of major faults within the produc. feet difference in elevation between In the North End, it is characterized tive zones. There is high structural wells that are one·quarter of a mile by numerous large displacement relief across the oil prodUcing zone. apart.

96 Journal of Canadian Petroleum ~"'-_-'- •• ~_~,.~_,__ • __,,,,,,,,,,,,-~__ ,~,__ 0_ .~_.~ "- J __,_. ~ __->. __ ~ __ • ,:'; ~i:f :-,' There are two distinct porous <. zones known as the Upper Porous <4 Zone and the Lower Porous ZOne_ The Upper Porous Zone averages 100 feet in thickness and the Lower Zone about 60 feet. The two zones are separated by approximately 100 feet of dense crystalline limestone. This crystalline limestone has been found to contain porosity and be productive in some areas. The Lower Porous Zone is absent in the central part of the field. Production from both zones has been com­ mingled in most of the wells. The original gas-oil contact at the ;, time of discovery was estimated at 2,200 feet subsea. The orginal oil­ .',. water contact on the west flank of Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 the Turner Valley structure in the southern portion of the field was at 4,500 feet subsea, and at 4,700 feet subsea on the west flank of the structure in the north portion of the field. The mean for­ mation depth of the crude oil sec· • tion is 3,550 feet subsea and the original mean formation pressure • ."" and temperature at this depth were 2,800 psig and 149°F., respectively. A:~' ,_. 6 '~.'.' _. '0< • Detailed reservoir studies were prepared in mid·1957 to determine the optimum producing mechanism to deplete the Turner Valley Lime­ stone reservoir. These studies were confined to the North End of the field, wherein the reservoir extent approaches 7 miles in length and 1 mUe in width. "-" Since the preparation of the de· tailed studies, the entire Turner Valley Limestone oil reservoir has been placed on water-flood. This program has not yet progressed to the stage where actual performance

and theoretical predictions can be "." 34 compared. Consequently, the refer­ ence point of January 1st, 1957, em­ <. ployed in the detailed study has not been altered in this presentation. The Study Area essentially encom­ passes the area now called Turner Valley Unit No.6, operated by Home Oil Company Limited. As a result of the original study, a pilot was recommended, followed by a step-wise conversion of the entire area to a downdip, peripheral water injection operation. Conse­ quently, reference in this paper, dealing with the detail study, will be made to the Pilot Area, Main Flood Area and Secondary Gas Cap STRUCTURE MAP • Area. TOP OF UPPER POROUS ZONE Geological studies were required TURNER VALLEY FJELD • to develop a better understanding of the primary producing behaviour Figure 2 and to design an injection pattern ., ~<-.", """ , , Technology, Fall, 1962, Calgary 97 1-4-21-3WS I-S~21-3WS 4-4~21-3W5 3-4-21-3W5 2-4-21-3W5 ELE~41$ ELEV401~ EL~399~ Et.EV.3999' ..... _....:'~.;:'.:..Et.EV410t ~~::.::::- -.::;:..;:= ...:::=rT- nl_~2000 -2000

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to permit flooding of the greatest than that by laboratory measure· has been constructed and is included amount of oil zone, and to provide ment. as Figure 5. This relationship in~ dicates that the irreducible water the most practical operation at the Actual laboratory measurements saturation is 10 per cent of the existing stage of depletion. The of porosity 'and penneability were pore space, at a distance of 520 feet structure map included as Figure 2 made of 160 samples taken from 5 above the oil-water contact. Al­ shows the fault-complex of the wells. From these data, a relation­ though a transition zone of 520 feet Study Area and indicates a maxi­ ship between porosity and perme· is apparent, only the first 80 feet mum structural relief of 2,500 feet, ability was established, as shown have high water saturation. with surface locations less than 1 on Figure 4. This relationship was mile apart. The shaded area out­ then employed to translate the The Weighted average w ate r lines the position of a secondary gas microscopically estimated porosities saturation in the Pilot Area is cap, detennined by analysis of the into penneabilities, thereby provid­ estimated to be 13.5 per cent and primary producing characteristics ing a tool to construct a perme­ in the Main Flood Area, situated of individual wells. ability profile of the reservoir. In­ higher structurally, is estimated to be 11.0 per cent. " ·~C. The Study Area is characterized volved in this conversion were 81 by 1a r g e displacement reverse wells containing some 12,630 net Study Area Reservoir Volume and faults, parallel to the long axis of feet of pay. Original Oil-ln.-Place the field. A typical cross-section is Reservoir Fluid Oharacteristics Net pay, as defined in this study. shown on Figure 3, whereon a ver~ is that pDrtion of the Upper and tical displacement of 1,000 feet is Reservoir fluid properties vary Lower Porous Zones occurring "'~ /....:." .. -; . indicated, with the temperature and pressure above the oil-water contact and of the fonnation. Since the struc­ having visible porosity when viewed BASIC DATA tural relief in the area studied is under the microscope stage. The approximately 2,500 feet, the reser­ , ....., '. " Oore Analysi.s latter part of the definition essen­ voir fluid properties vary consider_ tially requires a minimum estimated Little coring has been done In the ably. At a reservoir pressure of porosity of 2.5 per cent. The nature field for laboratory analysis of the 3,000 psig, the reservoir fluid had a of the faulting and folding in the ,.porosity and penneability charac· formation volume factor of 1.44 and North End has resulted in an ob­ teristics of the reservoir. Mr. a solution gas-oil ratio of 890 cubic lique penetration of the pay section W. D, C. MacKenzie devised a feet per barrel. The original oil by several wells, in which the method for estimating porosity by viscosity was 0.38 centipoise. At apparent pay section is not indica­ counting pore spaces in cutting the estimated saturation ~ressure tive of the true formation thickness. samples as viewed on a microscope of 2,400 psig, the fonnation volume In all such cases, an adjustment stage. Porosity estimates by this factor was 1.447 and the oil viscos­ has been made to provide a more ity was 0.36 centipoise. method are available on most of representative reservoir v 0 I u m e. the wells in the Study ·area. Com­ Further, no effort has been made to parison of a limited number of Oonnate Water estimate the added thickness present samples indicates that the porosity From all capillary pressure data, in those areas of severe overturned estimated by porosity count is lower an average capillary pressure value folding,

98 Journal of Canadian Petroleum " " 1,000 stage of depletion can be attributed : ~;~'" :~"/'" ,., POROSITY - PEAAEABILITY RELATIOKSIIIP to both producing mechanism.

The primary oil reserves of the " :. Hisslsslpplan Form... tion Study Area were estimated by extra­ polation of the decline curve estab­ HORTH END ~ TURHER VALLEY FI ELD lished for each lease. Ultimate primary recovery under competitive operations is estimated to be II 37,874,,451 barrels, which represents 100 20.8 per cent of the original oil-in­ place.

.c I WATER-FLOOD PREDICTION '" I Gw-eral a: / Although the amount and reli­ ;;: ability of basic data on the Turner 1/ Valley Limestone is well above

0 Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 t- I average for a field of the vintage '-. 10 and depth, a pilot operation was -'. >- ~ recommended preparatory to under­ ..J taking full-scale repressuring by iii <[ .J' water injection. With the exception UJ ,., of the faulting and the secondary a: gas cap in the higher reaches of the '"UJ .. /' reservoir, all factors analyzed in / this study indicate that a successful .. 2 , u. water·flood 'Operation can be effected , U 1.0 I in the North End of the Turner (~ ..UJ Valley field.

I Royalite Pilot Water-Flood }" In August, 1948, a pilot water in­ jection operation was initiated in the Upper Porous ZOne by Royalite ?" ,j Oil Company Limited. This Pilot .,'.", Area included one injection well, 4 0.1 Royalite No. 75, and fourteen pro· 0;; ducing wells on 40-acre spacing. As ~~ o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 of January 1st, 1961, a total of POROSITY, PER CENT 4,919,645 barrels of water had been ': ': '. Figure 4 injected into Royalite No. 75, resuIt­ , ,:; . ing in an apparent recovery increase Separate isopachous maps were encountered along the entire west '. " '., "f 513,805 barrels of oil over and constructed of the Upper and Lower flank of the reservoir. To the east above that recovery expected by Porous ZOnes, from which a reser­ of the main overthrust fault a normal decline. At the time of voir volume of 548,080 acre-feet was structurally lower water-oil contact this study, one of the structurally computed. From these isopachous is present. As a result of the struc­ low producing wells had been shut­ maps, combined with a composite tural relief which approaches a in due to excessive water production. isovolume map of both ZOnes, a maximum of 2,500 feet, combined Weighted average porosity of 6.93 with the low permeability of the The reservoir volume per unit per cent was calculated. The reservoir and the partial barriers area, at Royalite No. 75, was average thickness of the two Zones effected by the numerous fault estimated to be 600 porosity-feet. amounted ro 122.7 feet. planes, the dominant recovery From this value and from the in­ .~ , mechanism has been expansion of jection history of this well, it Was By combining the appropriate gas originally dissolved in the reser­ concluded that the injectivity index values of porosity, water saturation, "' voir crude. The producing charac· during the first five years of the .. and formation volume factor, the terestics of wells in selected areas Pilot test was in the order of 0.1 original unit oil-in-place was cal­ indicate that the acquifer has ex­ barrels of water per day, per psi. culated to be 332.3 barrels of stock panded into the oil column to a very pressure differential, per 100 pore-­ tank oil, per acre-f'Oot. Total stock '""-,, limited degree. In the structurally sity-feet. This value has been used ',:. ','. ~ \'.' oil originally in-place in the area higher area of the North End, a as a basis for estimating the water studied amounted to 182,118,000 substantial secondary gas cap has injection rates for the water·flood barrels. (Material balance calcula­ developed due to gravity segrega­ of the North End of the Turner tions indicate a much larger oil-in­ tion. Although no effort has been Valley field. Other than guidance place figure). made to evaluate the relative con· for estimation of injectivity, study tIibution of the limited water drive of the Royalite Pilot provided no PRIMARY DEPLETION compared to the gravity segrega­ criterion by which water-flood re­ VV"ithin the area encompassed by tion, the higher oil productivity in coveries could be estimated. Of this study, a water level has been the down-dip wells during this late interesting note is the fact that al-

Technology, Fall, 1962, Calgary 99 ._,,-=...-::.:..c~- _...... -,~ ,;.,- ;.=-..L'~~~~::'; ';;1::';-"t ~i~~'~l;;".:. though the voidage rate was CAPILLARY PRESSURE, PSIG approximately 6 times the injection . 0 0 0 ;; •0 0 .0 0 0 Z rate this limited injection did 0 I '" '" affo~d 0 partial control of the Pilot .",....,...' Area GOR and the injected ,...... ~.,., water '.'u""'" tended to conform to that of a <; f------f------T- I bottom water-drive without serious V- I I up-dip fingering. /' I ~ I Fifteen samples were analyzed in •~ I I the laboratory to develop data to • / I 0 l- compliment the calculation proce­ •~ '" I c I dure employed for prediction of •> I ; V I water-flood performance and reo <; 0 2 · : I- serves. These data are shown in I ~ • I Table IV, After complete flushing ~ I ~- • '"0 1 , I • with water, the oil saturation can 0 I • be reduced to 25.5 per cent of the "'i I ~ •0 I I 1- Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 pore volume, based on average ~ rr I , values obtained in the laboratory. I , •0 1 Further, the relative permeability ; • I I I- 0 to oil at 100 per cent liquid satura. " I ~ I tion was measured to be 69.9 per ·~ : '<, •0 I cent, while the relative permeability I to water at 100 per cent liquid I I ..... saturation, but with residual oil "9'''' ~1 ' ...... b •• _ •0 I saturation in the samples, was I ·.. ··1 ""..,," \ ".''j'"'- I measured to be 18.9 per cent. I <; o ; o •o '" . .o ,.,:. . •o o Water Cut·Recovery Calculations o o o HEIGHT ABO'o'I' WATER TABLE. FEET The water·flood performance of Figure 5 an oil reservoir may be calculated from the permeability and capacity from which the porosity value esti­ that the effective reservoir oil dis· distribution relationships establish­ mated for each foot of pay in each placement with water is assumed to ed from penneability measurements well was converted to a specific be a function of the penneability­ obtained during routine core anal· permeability value. A total of 81 capacity distribution relationship. yses, in conjunction with knowledge wells, containing some 12,630 feet The permeability-capacity distribu­ of the shrinkage, viscosity and rela­ of net pay, were studied in the poro­ tion relationship employed in this tive permeability characteristics of sity-permeability conversion. With engineering analysis is reliable only the reservoir to oil and water. a permeability profile established to the extent that the porosity­ on the entire North End, it was pos· permeability relationship is repre­ As discussed under "Basic Data", sible to construct a permeability­ sentative of the flood area. How. a relationship between porosity and capacity distribution relationship. ever, several calculations have been permeability was established from This is a tool employed to calculate made in an effort to either corro­ 160 laboratory analyzed samples ob­ the water break-through character­ borate or establish the range of oil tained from five different wells. A istics of a reservoir. This phase of recovery, employing different poro· graphical representation of this the water cut-recovery calculation, sity·permeability correlations and relationship is shown on Figure 4, is therefore extremely important, in actual permeability-capacity dis- TABLE IV Flood Test Data Mississippian Formation TuRNER VALLEY FIELD Relative Permeability Percent (3) Specific To Oil Residual Saturation Permeability Sample Oontaining After Flood Air Permeability PorositYJ to BrineJ Oonnate Water To Brtne Per Gent Mil!idareys (1) Per Gent Millidarcys (2) Before Flood After FIJod Oil Water 4 6 8.9 2.5 4.4 41.4 32.8 67.2 63.0 73 18.6 46.7 110.0 27.1 72.9 17.0 13.7 12.4 7.7 448 321 67.9 11.0 18.0 64 10.4 28.3 27.8 72.2 1.6 112 0.7 9.1 71.3 33.4 66.6 3.7 13.2 2.5 7.9 64.0 27.1 72.9 1.8 5.7 0.2 5 3 100.0 18.7 813 1.3 8.5 08 9.4 100.0 24.5 75.5 1.0 97 0.5 19.4 60.0 16.9 83.1 1.3 9.5 0.6 21.2 83.3 15.4 84.6 2.8 10.3 1.9 26.9 841 27.6 71.4 4.4 10.9 3.3 18.9 69.7 15.6 84.4 1.6 96 0.8 55.7 87.4 23.9 76.1 ".;'.- . !. 2.5 10.5 1.3 25.3 53.9 27.8 72.2 2.2 9.8 14 15.6 50.0 31.1 69.9 (1) Corrected for Klinkenberg effect. (2) Core completely saturated with 50,000 parts per million brine. (3) Per cent of specific penneability to brine.

100 Journal of Canadian Petroleum tribution relationships computed of water. At 90 per cent water cut, culatlons. Laboratory mea sur e­ from core analyses of the Missis­ however, the core ments w ere conducted on 15 sippian formation in other fields. data indicate a recovery of 53 samples of the reservoir rocks, ... barrels per acre-foot, which is only resulting in the folJowing fiood Although assumptions utilized in 45 per cent of the recovery deter­ characteristics: these calculations indicate different mined in this study. The limits of Residual Oil Saturation water break·through characteristics, the Upper and Lower Porous Zones Per Cent of Pore Space 25.5 .~, "'1' ,.- the main comparison is the oil re­ were difficult to detennine from Relative Permeability to Oil, ·.~~>~Ii~·~·~,-~ ~ covery calculated for each set of study of the Pincher Creek core ... conditions at the economic limit of at 100% Liquid Saturation, data and, consequently, a consider­ Per Cent 69.9 90 per cent water cut. The actual able portion of the core samples Relative Permeability to Water, penneability measurements on the have extremely low penneabilities. 160 laboratory analyzed samples at Residual Oil Saturation, 'With the disproportionately large Per Cent 18.9 were used in one computation. In number of low permeabilities in­ another water cut-recovery calcula­ corporated into the permeability­ Knowing the permeability-capa­ tion, the porosity was assumed to capacity distribution relationship, city distribution relationship, the be directly proportional to the per­ the recovery to a given water cut is fluid saturation 'Of the reservoir and meability. In effect, the actual expected to be lower. H'Owever, the relative penneability charac­ porosity values were used to con­ .:~, ...... ,-..! )} should the recovery from the North teristics of the reservoir rock to oil Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 struct the permeability-capacity dis­ End be as low as 53 barrels per and water, these various factors tribution curve. Two other calcula­ acre-foot, the reserve potential are appropriately combined in the tions were made, in which the would be sufficiently great to justify water cut-recovery equation, for ;>;·t'~<-·, permeability - capacity distribution -". the same conclusions as developed calculation of instantaneous water ,":.',... - relationships were derived from herein. The recovery, at 90 per cut as a function 'Of cumulative oil laboratory measured. penneabilities cent water cut, was calculated to be recovery, expressed in stock tank of samples from the Mississippian 91 barrels per acre-foot, using the barrels per acre-foot, as shown formation in the Pincher Creek and Jumping Pound core data. This graphically on Figure 6. The areal Jumping Pound fields. A tabular recovery is more compatible with efficiency applied in this relation­ comparison of the various water the relationship developed in this ship is 75 per cent. cut-recovery calculations made for study. the Main Flood Area of the North The behaviour of the floodable End of the Turner VaHey field is In addition to the permeability­ oil volume, as the repressuring presented as follows: capacity distribution relationships, process occurs, is calculated by in_ terrelating injectivity, pressure, pro­ ductivity, recovery and water cut. Oil Recovery, Barrels/Acre-Foot To Initial To 90 Per Gent Water Cut Water Gut I II Porosity-Permeability Relationship "1---+----+- _.._-_.-+---1+---1 Shown on Figure 4 _ 4 117 Actual Core Analyses .1--J--J--'--I----ihH----iiii I/ 160 samples, 5 wells _ 13 117 Porosity-Capacity Distribution Poro­ .1--J--1--1----,1----i6l-----i----iI II I 1/ I i sity Directly Proportional to ;.~., . Permeability _ 30 116 .,---!!_.;--l!--+I_H-JI -----1--: Pincher Creek Core Data _ 2 53 Jumping Pound Core Data _ 3 91 1--+-1------111--+-1----,i1L-+-/1--+-1 ~ The water cut·recovery relation­ several factors must be lmown 111 I I ship utilized in this stUdy is listed about the reservoir, to determine first, for ease in comparing it 'With the feasibility of water injection other methods employed to develop operations. Of prime importance .+_---j,I_<___+_/1----jI'----f--1-1--1 the same relationship. The avail­ is an accurate determination of the -+1_1 able core analyses indicated that fluid saturation existing in the 'I II II I more oil can now be recoverd, reservoir pore space at the initia­ prior to initial water break·through, tion of injection, which includes ": /I 1 I but at the aband'Onment conditions, connate water, gas and oil. The .+.L--+...---+.--"!.------,,,!.----;,."-;..io,--c,•• the oil recovery is identical to that connate water saturation has been •••~ " r_ WATER CUT - RECOVERY RELATIONSHIP presented in thIs study. Using the estimated from capillary pressure TOTAL NORTH END porosity estimates to construct the data and averages 13.5 per cent and Mississippian Formation .. ,. ' distribution relationships, a very 11 per cent "Of the pore space in the NORTH END - TURNER VAUEY FIELD favorable water cut-recovery rela­ Pilot Area and Main Flood Area, Figure 6 . ~. ;.- ."':,.,',' tionship was obtained. Again a respectively. Knowing the total Study Area Water-Flood Perform­ large oil recovery pri'Or to initial reservoir pore space, the original ance and Reserves water cut is indicated, but the oil oil content and the production, the recovery to 90 per cent water cut gas saturation can be calculated. Summarized in Tables V and VI is essentially the same as that sub­ The gas saturation in the North are the reservoir rock properties mitted in this study. The other two End of the Turner Valley field is and dimensions, along with reserves calculations, using the Pincher estimated to be 21 per cent of the compared to the secondary reserve Creek and Jumping Pound core reservoir pore space, which value potential of the Turner Valley Lime­ ":. , ' data, indicate an early appearance has been used in the various cal- stone reservoir. Assuming that the

Technology, Fall, 1962, Calgary 101 ."., structural complexities can be over· come and that 75 per cent of the TABLE V NORTH END-TuRNER VALLEY FIELD fioodable volume is flushed with Average Rock Properties, Reservoir Dimensions and Reserve Comparison injected water, the ultimate reo Primary Depletion and Water-Flood Operation covery can be increased from Primary Secondary approximately 21 per cent under Depletion Recovery* the existing producing mechanism Average Porosity, Per Cent _ 6.93 6.93 Average Water Saturation, Per Cent __ to 37 per cent under periphery Area, Acres _ 11.00 11.00 water injection operations. As re­ 4,467 4,467 Volume, Acre Feet _ " 548,080 548,080 ': : . -,. pressuring of the reservoir occurs, " Average Thiclaless. Feet _ 122.7 122.7 ." ..;',' ", .. ,"." :1 control of the secondary gas cap Oil Initially in Place Stock Tank Bbls.!Acre Ft. _ 332.3 ..' .,~. " 1 must be maintained to prohibit loss Stack Tank Barrels _ 332.3 of oil into this desaturated zone. 182,118,000 182,118,000 Length of Program, Years after 1-1·57__ 15 35 Ultimate Oil Recovery Gross Barrels 37,874,451 67,347,241 PRESENT OPERATIONS Unit RecO'Very Unitization Bbls.!Acre ft. _ 69.1 122,9 '",,:~ Per Cent . "". -' 20,8 37.0 The entire Turner Valley Lime­ Ultimate Gas RecO'Very stone Crude Zone was effectively Gross MMcf _ 215,674 ** 201,738 ** Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 unitized by July 1st, 1960. This was ()il,Production13bls. to 1-1-57 _ made possible by the willingness of 33,709,211 33,709,211 Gas, MMcf _ 169,474 169,474 certain operators to make studies Future Oil Recovery and co-operate in obtaining a special Gross 13bls _ 4,165,240 33,638.030 Working Interest 13bls _ Act to have various segments uni. Royalty Bbis. _ 3,748,716 29,055,073 tized. Compulsory unitization was 416,524 4,582,957 Future Gas Reserves, Gross MMcf _ 46,200 ** 32,264 ** necessary because of the com­ Gain Over Primary Gross 13bls. 29,472,790 plicated ownership of the field and ''.-,. Working Interest Bbls. 25,306,357 the fact that many owners could Royalty Bbls - 4,166,433 not be contacted. The field is * Includes water-flood reserves in Pilot Area and Main Flood Area plus presently divided into four separate primary reserves in non-floodable area. units, These units are indicated on ** Does not include blowdown of gas cap. Figure 7 Home Oil Company operates Turner Valley Unit No.6, TABLE VI ..;: which covers the north portion of NORTH END-TuRNER VALLEY FIELD the field. The Royalite Oil Com­ Summary of Rock Properties, Reservoir Dimensions and Water-Flood Reserves of the Floodahle Area pany operates Turner Valley Unit Main Flood Pilot Gas Cap No.5, l.ocated in the central portion Area Area Area of the field and Western Decalta Average Porosity, Per Cent __ 6.78 5.10 7.98 operates Turner Valley Units NO.3 Average Water Saturation, Per Cent _ 11.0 13.5 and No.4, which are located in the Area, Acres _ 10.0 southern portion of the field. 1,844 170 668 Volume, Acre Feet _ 262,900 20,650 93,660 Average Thiclaless. Feet _ 142.6 121.5 140,2 Water Injection Program Total Oil-in-Place as of I-I-57 Stock Tank Bbls / Acre FooL_ 287.3 204.1 Water is being injected into 39 Stock Tank 13bls. 75,531,200 4,214,700 ., ,-. wells located on the west flank of Mobile Oi~in-Place as of 1-1-57 Stock Tank Bbls.!Acre FooL_ 179.6 124.6 the entire field, as shown on Figure Stock Tank Bbls. .47,216,800 2,573,000 ~-.,! }J .,:. : 7, There are eleven injection wells Length of Program, in Turner Valley Units No.3 and Years after 1-1-57 _ 35 11 No.4, twelve in Turner Valley Unit Future Oil RecO'Very Gross Barrels 31,574,000 1,703,500 NO.5 and sixteen in Turner Valley Working Interest 13bis. 27,249,043 1,409,563 -<-•• -",:' Unit No.6. Water injection rates Royalty 13bls. 4,324,957 293,937 are presently averaging 38,000 Future Unit Oil Recovery Bbls.!"cre ]'Qot _ barrels per day. Cumulative water 120.1 82.5 Per Cent-Total ()il _ 41.8 40.4 injection to January 1st, 1962, Per Cent-Mobile Oil _ 66.9 66,2 totaled 21,730,000 barrels. Capa· Future Gas Reserves -.. Gross :MMcf _ cities of the individual wells vary 26,825 1,473 ~~s;y ;:~:-~}":~- considerably, ranging from 150 " This water has been filtered by the jection purposes. " ' ,': barrels per day to 2,500 barrels per , ' .". day. Top hole injection pressures natural gravel beds and requires There are seven high pressure are approximately 2,000 psig. very little additional treatment. The pump stations in the field. Total Turner Valley Unit No. 5 obtains capacity of the three stations in Water is obtained from various its water from wells about 100 feet Turner Vailey Unit No. 6 is 20,000 supply sources. Turner Valley deep just South of the Main Branch barrels per day. The one station It:t::':::;"l~~~'''''" -:', Unit No.6 obtains its supply water of the . Water for in Turner V'alley Unit No.5 has a .,.~ "- from shallow wells located in Turner Valley Units No.3 and No. capacity of 11,000 barrels per day. gravel beds along the North Branch 4 is obtained directly from the The one station in Turner Valley of the Sheep River, now known as Highwood River. This water re­ Unit No.4 has a capacity of 10,000 Three Point Creek, and along the quires considerable filtering during barrels per day, and the two sta­ Main Branch of the Sheep River. certain times of the year for in- tions in Turner Valley Unit No.3

> .',,-,' 102 Journal of Canadian Petroleum :~{:;~:>"?~? ';~."," are capable of handling a total of Water-Flood Production Perform­ in several areas. Part of this 11,000 barrels per day. ance response is due to changed produc. It is extremely difficult to evalu­ tion methods and part to water injection. Production ProbZems ate the effects of water injection at the present time. There are a num­ The large withdrawals of oil and ber of factors that have changed TURNER VALLEY UNIT NO. 5 gas from both the oil zone and the since unitization. Fewer Wells are gas cap, with very little replace· The pilot water flood initiated in being produced. Wells with the ment by either natural water influx 1948, by the end of 1960 had pro­ high gas-oil ratios have been shut­ or injected water has resulted in duced over half a million barrels of in to conserve reservoir energy. low reservoir pressures being pre. increased oil. The perfonnance Additional artifiCial lift installa· valent over the entire field. In the has been fully covered by annual tions have been made and allow­ south portion of the field pressures reports of the Conservation Board. abIes have been tr a nsf err e d are as low as 350 psig and in the Performance of the more extended between wells. Individual wells have north portion as low as 750 psig. fiood in Turner Valley Unit No.5 responded with production increases This creates a problem in lifting the in 1961 is still inconclusive. oil to the surface, even if it gets TURNER VALLEY UNIT NO. 6 to the well bore. Operators have Past Performance Present Performance ."'.

installed conventional p u m pin g Well Bb18/Day GOR Bbls/Day GOR Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JCPT/article-pdf/1/03/95/2165881/petsoc-62-03-01.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 units on certain wells where hole H.M. No. 15 55 6,000 230 4,500 conditions pennit. Operators are H.M. No. 12 41 8,350 100 2,500 H.M. No.2 70 6,000 100 1,500 also using gas lift throughout the Major No.7 13 10,400 35 8,000 field. Presently 78 wells are on Anglo Phillips No. 1 __ 7 3,240 25 4,500 natural flow, 23 wells are on pump, H.M. No. 7 45 6,500 65 3,000 and 47 wells are prodUced with gas Alta. Oil Incomes No.2 25 7,100 70 2,500 lift. As producing gas-oil ratios TURNER VALLEY UNIT NO. 3 AND NO. 4 decline the lifting problems will Hudson's Bay No. 15__ 50 10,000 100 3,500 become more acute. Any increase Hudson's Bay NO.6 __ 40 3,700 80 2,800 in water production will also Royalite No. 46 8 9,000 60 3,000 Extension No. 1 28 4,000 60 2,000 aggravate the problem. Royalite No. 39 25 1,000 75 600 '. , R.6 R.5 R.4 R3 R2 W5

+-l------I-++-++-+-i-++~"~kL-'I':b\·~';j;__H~''+':-:+'±±t-H-r-r-II T. t-+-+-+-+-I-+-+--+--+-l-+ UNIT -=-4~ii,;::littl1~4' -----'NTlvLl~ARN~VI;;gLL~Erl_+++_M 21 /V-""'l NO, 6 P\.~ u1~f-J1<

,.... II. J Il.:~~ 1"1

,. 1\: ·1 _~ T. 1"':1;:1. .:. BLACK 20 ~LflI +-l-++--f--+--I--+-+-+--I-l-++---+ UNIT :: II '.' qlANONO, NO.5 . :~ . If.... ~TUNNEN VAllEY

v ( k·· I~, n;::: L~i T. , "J' «': ,-- 11L. It: 19 ~~>~f;.~,~.~,"~.~ ....~ " ~., -. TURNER VALLEY t-t-----t- UNIT --+-----I'ltlr.-::::;f.+:'':;1.j,.f",-'t-t--+---t-+---t­ <:: I~:" _-I NO.4 '-I ..', - LEGEND - +-+-H-f~~!f.<-rt-'ifti ..k..>t-. NfY4LTf£5 - +-IN.JECTION ~-IN.JECTION WELLS PLANTS T. O-WATER SUPPLY WEL.LS 18

LI • II ( If Figure 7 ~:;.f-~t;,..:., "'" Technology, Fall, 1962, Calgary 103 ",., , "