Hudson Bay to Ungava Bay a Daughter-Father Trip Across Northern Quebec
Winter 1993 Vol. 20 No.4 Quarterly Journal of the Wilderness Canoe Association HUDSON BAY TO UNGAVA BAY A DAUGHTER-FATHER TRIP ACROSS NORTHERN QUEBEC Article: Tija Luste Photographs: George Luste This past summer, my father and I did a 6OO-mile canoe trip where we spent the night, and the next day took a short flight up the coast of Hudson Bay from Kuujjuarapik, across the to Kuujjuarapik, at the mouth of the Great Whale River. height of land to the Leaf River which we descended all the Upon arrival we immediately loaded the canoe and started way, then along the coast of Ungava Bay, and finally up the up the coast. Koksoak River to Kuujjuaq. Although I was eager and look- The first entry in my journal, on 10 July, reads in part: ing forward to the experience, I was also worried - worried "Yesterday, our first full day of the trip and my first full day that my back, having been rather temperamental in recent canoeing in ten years, Dad decided that he was on a roll and years, would give out and I'd be useless; worried about we paddled for 12 hours!!! My arms are very tired from getting into a fight with my dad (could I really spend five fighting the wind, I'm covered in bug bites, I really need a weeks with the person whose role in my formative years was shower, and I'm suffering from lack of sleep (the past two as boss?); worried about being caught by huge tidal currents; nights my Thermarest mattress has deflated and I've been worried about bears, icebergs, and generally worried that I woken up by all the mosquitoes who found their way into wouldn't have a good time.
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