BANJO, MANDOLIN, GUITAR and Kindred Instmmenrs
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Vol. XXI JANUARY, 1929 No. 7 A fretted instrument month l)' for BANJO, MANDOLIN, GUITAR and kindred instmmenrs 19:,,9 , Januar~ 19:,,9 ~ViV: N. 7if £ . Jv'ED. 7/i u. "TRI. iSAr. I 2 J 4 5 fJ r 8 .9 JO II 12 15 14 15 16 12' 18 1.9 20 21 22 23 2.f- 25 26 22' 28 29 JO JI ~app p jtleW !@ear 20 Cents Per Cop y PUBLI SH [O BY H. r . 0 D[LL COMPA NY $2.00 Per Y ear COP YRIGHT lt21-A LL IIIGHTSRU ERV[ O [NT[R[O AS SECON D CLASS MATT ER JUN £ •• 1901, .-.r TH[ POST Of rl C[ AT BOSTON . MASSAC HUS[TlS, UN O [ R 4CT or MARCl 1 l. 11:, Prl~ld 1ft U.S.A. I 100 BOOKS FOR PLAYERS AND TEACHERS OF I F~~!!~!?E!~~~~~ ~~~rs /.\I I NSTRUM ENT MUSIC IN THE WORLD TENOR BANJO BANJO _ __E _ Z. Tenor-Banjo Method .......... $ .35 (CNotation) _ Fotlen's Chord s for Tenor -Banjo . .50 __ Paramount Tenor-Ba njo l\lethod . .75 _ Smith' s Banjo Gems (Finger) ...... 1.00 _ _ 'fen Original Tenor-Banjo Duets . .75 ___ Smith' s Song s for Banjo (Finger) . l.00 _ Favor ite Tenor-Banjo Seleetions . .75 _ ....Paramount Banjo Method (Fi nger) . .75 _ __P lea sing Tenor-Banjo Duets . .75 _ __ Bradbury' s Banjo I'llcthod (Finger) .. 1.25 _ _Moyer's Tenor-Banjo Method ....... 1.00 _____ Bradbut) ''s Plectrum Method • .. 1.25 _ Smith's Songs for Tenor-Banjo . .. 1.00 - Fo<len's Chord s for Banjo (Finger) . .50, _ Smith 's Tuneful Tenor -Banjo Solos .. 1.00 ___ Van Ep s Danjo Solos (Finger) . .. 1.50 - Scheidlme icr's 1'cnor-Banjo l\Icthod .. 1.50 _,_ ...Smith' s Tuneful Banjo Solos (Finger) LOO ---11 1art cll's Ja zz Strokes . .50 ____ Smith' s Tuneful Plectrum ... .... 1.00 __ Ten Modem Tenor-Banjo Solos . .75 ____ Twe lve Radio Fa\'orit es (Fin ger ) .... 1.00 - Sm ith' s Chord s for Tenor-Ban jo . .75 _ Scheid leme ier's PiYe Ma ster Solos ... 1.50 =-~Jt11~aci~~~:\~~dll~~~~~g~~!.::::'. :: : ~~ · -- Schcidlemeier 's Novelty Fox Trot s .. 1.60 _ __ "i\lontana' s" Plectrum Mctholl ...... 2.00 _ Rov Smeck's Tenor Banjo l\lethod ... 1.50 ______Bowen' s Plectrum Method 1.50 - -- Clifford's 15 Easy Solos . .75 ____..J. \lerz 's Banjo Dami 1st Banjo . .75 __ l\Ien's Banjo Band (Solo T. B.) . .75 ____... Sm ith' s Banjo Band 1st Banjo . .75 _ _All Star Tenor Banjo Folio No. 1 • . • . .50 ---A ll Star Banjo Folio No . 1 .50 •-M• All Star " " " No. 2 .• : .50 _____.All Star " " No. 2 .50 ----A ll Star " No. 3 . .50 _ __A.I\ Star " " No. 3 . .50 _ __A. II Star " No. 4 . .50 ____...All Star " " No. 4 . .50 _ Feist Popular Hits No. 6 1.00 -Feist " " No. 7 ............ 1.00 MANDOLIN _ _ _ Fei st " No. 8 .•.•..•..... 1.00 _ --Pa ramount Mandolin Method . .76 HAWAIIAN GUITAR _ __P cat e' s Mandolin Method . .75 __ Sm ith 's 200 Old Favorites . .. 1.00 > -1{nmiki Hnwaiian Guitar l\Iethod . .75 _____Foden 's Mandolin Chord s . .50 _Paramount Hawaiian Guitar Met hod . .75 ---E. Z. Hawaiian Guitar Method . .35 -Hawaiian Melodies No. 1 . .35 -Smit h' s Song s for Hawaii an Guitar . 1.00 _Hawaiian Melodies No. 2 . .35 - Smith's Haw aiian Guitar Ducts . ... 1.00 ---All Stnr Mandolin Folio No . 1 . .60 _ _Sm ith 's Famous Duets . , . .... .. .. 1.00 ---All Star Mandolin Folio No. 2 .50 _ Smith 's Chords for Haw~ian Guita r . .50 ___All Star Mandolin Folio No. 3 . .50 ---All Star Mandolfo Folio No. 4 . .50 :~:1:u,::~:r:::: :3i _ Fei st Popular Hit s No. 7 .... ... ... 1.00 _= William~~:t~::s~~:::::~ Diagram Meth~ { . .75 _ __Feist " " No. 8 ...... .... 1.00 _ Feist Popu lar Hit s No . 6 , . • . .60 _ _ Merz' s Graded Comp. 1st Mandolin . .76 _ Feist Popular H its No. 6 • • • . 1.00 _---1,l erz's Banjo Band 1st Mandolin . .75 -Feist Popular Hits No. 7 ,. , .... .. .. 1.00 - Smith's Banjo Band 1st Mandolin . .76 _Feis t " " No. 8' ... ... .. 1.00 -- Concert Folio :Mandolin and Guitar .. 1.25 _Sm ith Medium Grade Selections . .75 _ Kitchener' s Mandolin Method No. 1 . .76 -Smith's Hymn s for Hawaiian Guitar . 1.00 _ Kitchener 's " " No. 2 . .76 UKULELE GUITAR - .Kami ki Ukulele Method . .50 -- Sm ith 's Chords for Guitar . .75 _Paramo unt Ukul ele Method . .75 _ ____Paramount Guitar Method . .76 _ __ MSmith's Songs for Uku lele (notes) . .75 ,_ __ _Fotlen's Guitar Method No. 1 . .... 1.25 _ Smith' s 200 Ukulele SonJ?S . .60 _ ___Foden's Guitar Method No. 2 .. .. •.• 1.60 _ Sm ith 's Comic Uku lele Songs . .35 - Foden's Guitar Chords . .60 _ _ ..Breen's Ukulel e Method . .50 ---E-Z Guitar Method . .35 ___E.Z Uku lele Method . .35 - .Songs for Guitar . ................ 1.00 _ Clarke 's Guitar Solos ... .. .... 1.00 :3~ts~~~c'1tik~=I~~~:fhoci ..... :: :• ::~ _ Roy Smeck's Guitar Blues . ..... 1.00 __ Roy Smeck Uku lele Solos . .76 -Roy Smedc's Guitar Chords . .76 ARMSTRONG 'S HARMONY FOR FRETTED INSTRUMENTS The only book 0 £ ita kind pub li, h.ed PRICE $3.00 WM. J. SMITH MUSIC CO., INC. 254 -256 W. 3ht Str ee t NEW YORK, N. Y. PU.AU MENTION Thi CRESCENDO WHEN WllmHC TO ADVUTIU.U January, '1929 T HE CRESCENDO Radio numbers ( ODELL'SNEWEST ) ARRANGEMENTS. for BANJOand MANDOLINCLUBS Young America, March - H. F . Odell A Live Wire. March -J. H. John stone After Thoughts , Valse Le.nte- H. F. Odell The Priz e Winner, March -L. Tocaben Laughing Eyes, Waltz -H . F. OdeH Love's Old Sweet Song -J. L. Molloy Invincible U.S. A. -H.F. Odell Beautiful Night, Barcarolle-J, Offenbach Boston Commandery., March-T, M. Carter The Meteor , March - W. N. Rice $1.25 per foUo of ten; 30! single copy T enor and 5-string Banjo, l s( 2nd, 3rd Mandolin ; Guitar; ) Mandala, Mando-bass, Mando-cello, Piano; Flute; Drums NOTE :-T he Teno1· Banjo part s recently added to t he original arrangements may be used with piano accompmtiment, either as a solo or duet , yet they can be used as an unaccompanied solo or duet very effectively . The""solo part can also be used with the orchestra accompani ment. The chord or obligato patft on the same score of each arra ngement, is also suitable as the orchestration. H.F. ODELL, Puhl., 157 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. Ace Banjoist ef the South IRVINE TAYLOR, Banjoi s t wit h Joe Belle's Rit z Orc hd t~.i at the Rit z (Keit h ) Theatr e, writes :- "Th e Overtur e I play ed at the theatre last week went over big and th e new B&D Silver Bell Banjo stood out wonder ful. Quite a numb er of peopl e spoke to me about its tone qualit y and how splendid it looked under the spot light." Williai11J M,ui c House , Birmi11gh nm Agents for Alabama for Ba con B a11jos New 1929 (D e Luxe Edition ) SIL VER BELL NEWS - FREE IRVINE TAYLOR Birmingham , Al ■. The Bacon Banjo Compan y, Inc., <;;-roton,Conn. 2 T HE CRESCEN D O Jan uary, 1929 Stahl's Methods Are the Best Methods ! Bu•y teachen, ambitlo u• atudent ■, live-wiie me rchanb--all find Stah l me thod, grea t aid,. Stah l method, are the m o1t th oro ugh , comprehen1ive, prac t ica l an d comp lete publi,hed. All we aak i, a compariaon with the met hod. you are now u1ing. Stah l me thoi:11 do hot ni n around in circle; they ge:'t the pupil 1omep lace and they do it in th e 1hortc1t poHible time . Try them an d ju d ge fo r youne lf, whic h metho d turn, out the beat player ■ with the leaat effo rt and in th e 1hor te1t 'p0Hib le time, . STAHL 'S TENOR BANJO METHOD Part, I and 2 . } C;{STAH L'S PLECTRUM BANJO METHOD · Comp lete in one book STAH L'S INTERNATIONAL 5 -STRJNG BANJO METHOD Complete in on·e boo k STAHL 'S GUITAR METHOD Complete in one book · STAHL'S HAWAIIAN GUITAR METHOD Part ■ I and 2 • STAHL 'S MANDOLI N METHOD Part. 1, 2 and 3 Price $1.25 pe r boo k, es.cept the H awaiian Gu itar Method which i, $ 1.00 per part. , STAHL 'S NOVELTY FOLIO FOR STAHL 'S BRUNOVE R'S TENOR BANJO FASCINATING MELODI ES FO R EAS Y DUETS IN EA SY KE YS FO R Fourteen of the greate,t HAWAIIAN GUITAR TE NO R BANJO Teno r Banjo ,ol o, pub li1hed. Twe lve beautiful 10101 wit h re gular . A brand new co llect ion of the ea1ie1t Guitar accompt., 1uitable fo r broad an d prettie,t piece• publi,h ed. Pupil ■ Di::ult~~ ~~rYt ~\ile. ca,ting, conce rt or teaching . can play th i, grade of mu1i c in eight ContenU: Ea1y and Medium grod ea. or ten leuo n,. Ir ritating the St ring• Pr ice $ 1.00 Pri ce f../ Kromotic Kaper1 STAHL 'S Sunny Smilea Fire,ide Dream, T eno r Banjo S 1.00 ST AR COL LECTI ON FOR TH E Piano accompt.