Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar
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Vol.XX[ MAY, 1929 No . 11 A frett ed instrument monthly for BANJO, MANDOLIN, GUITAR so let's think of Proposed P lan o f Fr etted Instrum ent Prom o tion ~" " plll(<' S Th e Ameri can Guild of B . M. & G . Th e "Bad Boy" of Plectrum Instrum ents •er pal(" ZI PUD Ll6HC D DY H. F . ODELL COMPA NY 20 Cents Per Copy COPYR I GHT Int-A LL ft l GHTS RIEU:RVED $2 .00 P er Year [NT [lt[D AS SECOND CU.IS MATTIER JUNE I.'"'· AT T H[ POST orrtC[ .. T BOSTON. MASSACHU IIE TI I . UND[R ACT or MAIICH l. 1171 Prlmtd I ■ U.L A, I 100 BOOKS FOR PLAYERS AND TEACHERS OF I 5 F~~!!~12E~~~J:~~l~!~~! •~_•! INSTRUMENT MUSIC IN T HE WORLD TENOR BANJO BANJO _ E. Z. Tenor-Banjo MethOd ....... .. $ .35 (C Not ation ) -F oden's Chords for T enor -Banjo . .50 _ Paramou nt Tenor-Banjo Method . .75 - Smith's Banjo Gems (Finge r ) ..... 1.00 __ 'fe n Originn l Tenor-Bnnjo Duets . .75 - Smi th's Songs for Banjo (Finger) ... 1.00 _ Favor ite Tenor- Banjo Selections . .76 _ Paramount Banjo Method (F inger) . .75 __ Plea.sing Tenor-Ba njo Duets . .76 - Bradbury's Banjo Method (Finger) 1.2 5 _ Moyer's Tenor-Banjo Met hod . .. • •.• 1.00 -13radbury 's Plectrum Method . 1.25 _ Smith's Songs for Teno r- Banjo . .... 1.00 _ Fodcn's Chords fo r Banjo ( Finger) . .50 - Smith's Tuneful Tenor-Banjo Solos .. 1.00 __ Van Eps Banjo Solos (Finge r ) ...... 1.50 _ Scheidlmeier's Tenor- Banjo Method .. 1.50 --5 inith's Tuneful Banjo Solos (Finger) 1.00 _ M,utc ll' s Jazz Strokes . .SO mith's Tuneful Plectrum . .. 1.00 _ Ten Modern Tenor-Banjo Solos .75 __ Twelve Radio Favontcs ( Finger) . 1.00 _ Smit h's Chords fo r T enor-Banjo . .75 8 _ _ $cheidlemeier's Five Mnster Solos . 1.50 =-~ m~th~ Ch~tJ:~:~D~~a;gcr ) . :~i _ Scheidlemeier's Novelty Fox Trot s . 1.50 ___ " l\lontnnn 's" Plectrum Metho<l . .. .. 2.00 ___ nov Smeck's Teno r B anjo Method . 1.50 llow·en' s Plectrum Method . 1.!'iO _ Clifford's 15 Easy Solos . .75 _,_ l\lcrz 's Banjo Band 1st Banjo . 7 5 __ J\1erz 's Banjo Ba nd (Solo T. D.) . .75 ___ Smit h's Banjo Band 1st Ban jo . .75 -A ll Stnr Tenor Banjo Fo lio No. l . .50 ____. All Star llanjo Folio No. 1 .50 _ .All Star " " " No. 2. .50 -·-- .All Star " " No . 2 .50 ..-- ·-·All Star " No. 3 .SO ··-- ·.All Star " " No. 3 .50 --A ll Star " " No. 4 • .50 ._...... _.A ll Star " " No. 4 .50 _. Feist Popular Hits No. 6 . • • • •. • • . 1.00 __ Feist " " No. 7 . 1.00 MANDOLIN _ Feis t " No.8...... 1.00 __ J>arnmount Mandolin Method .75 HAWAIIAN GUITA R ____J)eate's Mandolin Method . .75 .76 ..- -S mith's 200 Old Favorites 1.00 ::.-: ~:~!!. ____Foden's l\landolin Chords . .50 ~ ! ~H!~ii~~igii};:i~h~~l : .75 __ Hawaiian Melodics No. 1 . .35 --E . Z.•Hawa iian Guitar Method .... .36 _ }fawaiian Melodies No. 2 .35 -- Smith's Songs for Hawaiian Guitar . 1.00 __ Smith 's Hawaiian Guitar Ducts . 1.00 --A ll Slnr Mandolin Folio No. I .50 - Smit h's Fnmous Duets ...... ... 1.00 -A ll Sta r Mandolin F,olio No. 2 . 50 _ Smith's Chords for Hawa iian Guitar . .50 -A ll Star Mandolin Folio No. 3 . 50 --All Star Mandoli n Folio No. 4 . 50 .a5 .-.F eist Popular Hits No. 7 = ~::~~::ll::~:: ~~f :::n::~~: ~ :: : : .35 . 1.00 __ Williams Dingram Method .75 _ Feist " " No. 8 ......... 1.00 --F ei .50 ·--.....1.\lerz's Graded Comp. 1st Mando lin . .75 st Popular H its No. 5 _ Men's Bnnjo Band 1st Mandolin .75 _ Feist Popular Hits No. G . 1.00 ___ ,Smith's Banjo Band I sl Mandolin :;:; _ Feist Popu lar Hits No. 7 . 1.00 __ Feist " " No. 8 ..... 1.00 ----- Concert Folio Mando lin and Guitar . I .:.!5 _ Kitche ner's Mandolin Method No. J • • .7& _ Smith Medium Grade Selections ... .75 _____Kitchener's " " No. 2 . .76 - Smith 's Hymns fo r Hawaiian Gui~ar . 1.00 UKULELE GUITAR ___ Knmiki Ukul ele Method . .50 ·-·- Smith 's Chords fo r Guitar . .76 __ Pa rnmount Ukulele Method . :;u ___ ,.Paramount Guitar Method . .75 -·-·-- Smith's Songs for U kulele (notes) . .76 .,_ ___.F odcn's Guitar Method No. I . l.25 __ ..S mith's 200 Ukulele Son~s . .GO _ Fodcn's Guitar Method No. 2 . ... .. 1.50 ,___ Smith 's Comic Ukulele So ngs . .35 --Fodc n's Guita r Chords . .60 _ Brcen's Ukulele Method . .50 --E-Z Guitor Method . .35 ___ E-Z Ukulele Method . .35 0 -···- Sixtee n Funny Uke Songs . .35 = ~r;~sc,;~~~8~1~;·:.. ...: : ~ :~~ __ _Roy Smeck Ukulele Method . .50 _ Roy Smeck's Guitar B lues 1.00 ___ Jloy Smeck Ukulele Solos .... .• . 75 _Roy Smcck's Guita r Chords . .76 ARMS TR ONG'S HARMO NY FOR FRETTED INSTR UMENTS Th e only book of ill kind publiahed PRICE $ 3.00 WM. J. SMITH MUSICCO ., INC. 25 4 -256 W . Jht Street NEW YORK , N. Y. !'LUU . Ml:HTION T J11 CRESCEN DO WI I UI WI.ITI NC TO ADVUTlSU! May, 1929 T HE CRESCENDO Why ·1 should buy a B&D 6161Silver Bell" B~njo I In l ooki ng over the many claims of vari ous B anjo M anufactur ers, I came to t he conclu sion t ha t t here were sO many' fine qu alities in the S ilve r Bell ban• jo, this was the ins trum ent to w hich I sho uld give the most serious conside rat ion. The So ft Peda l whic h enables the play er to pr oduce so{ t and loud ton es at his will and pl easure, producin g many beautifu l vibrato and organ effects, influ . ellced me considerab ly in my fina l decision . Ano th er thin g was the wonderfu l array of Arti sts u sing your instrument' , which ,inclu des a large majority of the best pl aye rs of the present day . Last but not least, I ha d an oppo rtunity to listen to one of your instrum ent s und er adverse condi tions, and its musical to ne quality ~as somethin g I ha ve nev er h ea rd duplicate d on any othe r banjo . After making my final deci sion it was a question of which style to pur ~ chase , the price r&nge be ing from $ 140.00 to $900.00. I finally d ecided on a No. 6 Ne Plus Ult ra at $450.00'. (Si gned) "A Satisfi ed Customer." 1929 Am erican Guild Con vention! May 5th, 6t h and 7t h Lord Baltimor e Hot el, Baltimore, Md . You are cordially invit ed to v isit ou r ex hibit r oo m No. 176 2. Here you will have a cha nce to hear an d meet th e Wor ld' s finest Banjo Ar tists a nd see the World 's finest Ba_njos. Fred erick J. Baco n in charge. It mi ght be of interest to our rea ders to kn ow that H . R. Eisenbrandt and Sons Music House. 216 West Franklin Street. Ba ltim ore, Md ., is th e o lde st Mu sic H ouse, we be lieve, in this coun try. Th ey are exclusive age nt s in t his city for B&D Silv er B ell Banjos a nd accesso ries . Carro ll McAfee is ma nage r of the Sma ll Instrum ent Department. Amon g the many prof ess ional pl ayers who use and end orse th e Silver Bell Banjos in t he city of Baltim ore , are "Th e Clover lead B anjo Boys .. of stat ion WFB R. Chas. "Duke" Ham ilton, J oseph Ow ens and Lew is P. J ohns on. W RITE FOR NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOK AND PR ICE LIST The Baeon Banjo Co., lne., Groton, Conn. I THE -CRESCENDO May, 1929 Wu~LIIZE~Offers this _Vf,t,tJ HOWARD TenorBanjo Outfit Cls49complete ~a Requlars75 Value~or Only Her e's your opportunity to buy this won~ power with a brilliant, resonant tone. derful Wurlitz er Howard Ten or Banjo Only Wurlitzer, the world's largest music outfit at a price that makes it the greatest hou se, can offe r you such money saving of all banjo values. Guaranteed 100% values. If there were a better banjo value by Wurlitzer . Think of it-only $49.00 than this we would h ave it. If a lower buys this fine tenor banjo outfit complete price w ere possible, we would m ake it. with accessories, includin g rCsonat or, fin We will ship thi s outfit to you on trial est grade Keratol covered , velvet lined for three day s, thereby giving you an op# 5 portunity to see what a really wonde rful ~~:~. i::.Sr~:chi~~db~i~t:eN~:ht~;i~f s~ value it is. \Vrite today for complete to buy . A regular $75.00 value. Th is descriptive details and easy payment beautiful banjo has unu sua l carrying plan, or clip and mail the coupon.