The Australian CANCER CAMPAIGN ROLLS ON | LESSONS FROM THE USA | BRANCH NEWS pproved543pp 451/00009 a t 49 ISSUE 1 2012 pos t Showdown: meets prin VOL the World’s Toughest Firefighter Can you tick all the boxes? Yes, my super fund:

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Superannuation Scheme (ABN 53 226 460 365). January 2012. 0112 AFF TICKBOXES

TICKBOXES_AFF_0112.indd 1 30/01/12 11:10 AM VOL 49 ISSUE 1 2012 The Australian Firefighter

CONTENTS 2 Contacts

3 Editorial

6 National News

16 International News

18 Presumptive legislation

21 Committed to prevention of burns, Presumptive Legislation 18 burn survivors and after fire support

22 Louie Wright

25 The rise and fall, and rise again, of Boston

26 Toughest Firefighter Alive

31 UFU picnic

Cover: WA firefighter Darryl Ray, at Murdoch, , meets Joachim Posanz, current holder of the Toughest Firefighter Alive title, on a promotional visit to Australia for After Fire Support 21 Louie Wright 22 the 2012 World Firefighters Games in . Darryl won the title in 1998 and 2000.

Toughest Firefighter Alive 26 UFU Picnic 31

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 1 CONTACTS United Firefighters Union of Australia

United Firefighters Union of Australia

UFU National The Australian Firefighter Magazine National President: Mick Farrell 410 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065 National Secretary: Peter Marshall Editor: Andrew Taylor website: email: [email protected]

UFU ACT Advertising and publishing President: Greg Abrahamffy Secretary: David Livingstone PO Box 110 Belconnen Mall, ACT 2606 189 Flemington Road, Mitchell ACT 2913 02 6175 3434 Countrywide Austral Pty Ltd ACN 068 899 696 UFU Aviation Level 2, 673 Bourke Street President: Joe Stenhouse Melbourne, Vic 3000 Secretary: Mick Farrell Ph: (03) 9937 0200 Fax: (03) 9937 0201 86A O’Shanassy St, Sunbury VIC 3429 National Office Ph: (03) 9746 3722 Fax: (03) 9746 3766 Contributors We welcome your contributions to UFU Queensland The Australian Firefighter Magazine. Australian Capital Territory Branch President: Steve Bunney Make it a letter, story, column, feature Secretary: John Oliver or even just an idea. Send us you photographs Level 1, 286 Montague Rd, West End OLD 4101 too, but make them a minimum of 120mm x Aviation Branch Ph: (07) 3844 0366 Fax: (07) 3844 0367 80mm at 300dpi. We like travel and workplace stories, as well as personal profiles. UFU SA Email all to [email protected] NSW Branch President: Barry Luke Secretary: Greg Northcott Authorised by P Marshall 148 South Rd, Torrensville SA 5031 410 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065 Queensland Branch Ph: (08) 8352 7211 Fax: (08) 8234 1031 All material in The Australian Firefighter UFU Tasmania magazine is subject to copyright and cannot be published or reproduced without permission. Tasmania Branch President: Darren Gye Secretary: Vincent Males Opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, the 379 Elizabeth St, North Hobart TAS 7000 Victorian Branch Ph: (03) 6234 9331 Fax: (03) 6234 9505 United Firefighters Union of Australia, or the publisher. UFU Victoria Contributions are accepted on the basis that West Australian Branch President: Dave Hamilton the material is accurate and not defamatory. Secretary: Peter Marshall No responsibility is accepted for error or 410 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065 omission and every effort is made to verify Ph: 03 94198811 Fax: 03 9419 9258 submitted material. UFU WA It is not possible for the publishers of The Australian Firefighter to ensure that President: Kevin Jolly advertisements published in the magazine Secretary: Graeme Geer National comply with all aspects of the Trade Practices 21 View St, North Perth WA 6006 President Act 1974; that responsibility rests with the Ph: (08) 9228 8122 Fax: (08) 9227 7822 Mick Farrell person, company, or advertising agency submitting material for publication.


Advertising: Advertisements in the publication are solicited from organisations and businesses on the understanding that no special considerations, other than those normally accepted in respect of commercial dealings, will be given to any advertiser. National Secretary Not a phone list: It is the desire of the publishers that the Australian Firefighter Buying Guide Peter Marshall be used for the benefit of its members and valued sponsors. Therefore we ask you to respect the intention of the Australian Firefighter Buying Guide and not to use it for the purposes of telemarketing and soliciting of donations. Any person, group or company who decides to use the directory in this way is deemed as having accepted the following rates and becomes legally liable to pay these amounts: 1. An amount of $20.000 to a charity nominated by the publisher for the use of the directory as a mailing list, 2. An amount of $50,000 to a charity nominated by the publisher for the use of the directory as a telemarketing list.

2 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 EDITORIAL

• Set up an interactive website From the to inform the community National Secretary and where Tasmania’s can easily send a pre-prepared Fire and emergency services in Britain, Europe and the United letter to their local members States have been under serious attack for the past 18 months as of parliament calling for the Governments sought to slash funding in the wake of the global reversal of the funding cuts; financial crisis. • Complemented that website Internationally we have seen attacks on firefighter numbers, with a radio advertising closures of fire stations and a concerted campaign to reduce hard- campaign and linking it into fought for pension schemes. Our colleagues around the world have other social media such as had wages and conditions undermined as they, and other public Facebook; sector emergency workers, have been expected to bear the brunt of • Briefed the Tasmania Fire cost-cutting measures. Commission on the key points Australia has yet to see such an onslaught but already various National Secretary Peter Marshall. of the cofFEE report and the state governments have been sharpening the knives and tightening steps that needed to be taken to ensure the Fire Service was the public sector purse strings. maintained and received adequate resourcing Tasmania has been one affected with the Tasmanian Government Since our briefing to the TasmaniaF ire Commission the Tasmania reducing its State contribution to the fire service by $1 million a Fire Service has decided to defer its decision on a proposal to year. This was serious enough but the Government also made the closure TasFire Training which is integral to community safety by extraordinary decision to further reduce the Tasmania Fire Service providing training to community groups, business and industry on the funding by cutting a prescribed increase of the Fire Service Contribution appropriate response to fire and emergencies as well as educating Levy which is unrelated to the Government budget or expenditure. about legal compliance. The Fire Service Levy is paid by households in their rates collected Recently about 200 firefighters and their families attended UFUa A by local councils. The relevant legislation provides for a 5% increase rally on the steps of Parliament Buildings in Hobart to hear from per annum – the Tasmania Government elected to only increase it by politicians on the issue. While we are still waiting to hear if any of 3% this year even though that will not result in one cent of saving for the funding cuts will be reversed, it was evident by the speeches the Government. from the Minister, the shadow Minister and Greens Spokesperson To put that in perspective – the difference between 3 and 5% for that the link between funding a well resourced fire service and Tasmanians is on average $1.04 per year for rural households and community safety is now well understood. $4.48 per year for urban households. Contemporaneous to these events we received information that Those decisions combined will reduce the Tasmania Fire Service Federal contribution funding to various state fire services was likely funding by approximately $15 million over the next few years. Cost- to be reduced. cutting measures are likely to affect operational firefighter numbers As firefighters were are facing a period of hardened government and may even result in the closure of a station. attitudes and attacks couched in economic terms. As a union we It was evident that this was not just an issue for our Tasmanian are well placed to face those challenges head-on and utilise our Branch and colleagues but was symptomatic of current Government resources to battle on the budget-front. The Tasmania situation has attitudes across the country and similar cuts would be in store for demonstrated that we cannot rely on governments, or fire services, other states and territories. It was clear to the National Executive to comprehensively review fire services prior to making budget cuts that this was a national issue and the fight needed to be conducted and proposing cost cutting measures. and resourced accordingly. Globally there has been a tendency to address the financial crisis The UFUA has launched an extensive campaign to reverse the by going line by line through a budget like an academic exercise funding cuts and the flow-on cost-cutting measures contemplated cutting expenditure without holistically looking at the relevant service by the Tasmania Fire Service. That campaign is being fought at all and its functions and obligations as a whole. fronts. A more detailed account can be read in the magazine but This short-sighted method of belt-tightening is likely to cost our briefly theUFU A has: communities more in the long term as any reduction in fire service • Commissioned the University of Newcastle to provide a coverage will result in increased costs due to more deaths, greater comprehensive analysis of the Tasmania Fire Service funding and property damage and business interruption. implications of cuts and proposed cost-cutting measures (the As a union we will be steering the discussions to ensure all cofFEE report); benefits of well-resourced fire services are not only understood – • Submitted a budget submission prepared by a consultant for but are included in any economic or budgetary consideration. Treasury for consideration in this year’s Government budget round; On a brighter note the UFUA campaign to roll out presumptive • Meet with relevant Tasmania Members of Parliament to educate legislation in all states is well underway. Following closely on the them about the issues and to seek their support to reverse the funding cuts; continued on page 8

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 3

From the National President

I trust your year has begun well. sully the reputation of many We finished 2011 on a high, withF ederal Parliament passing of our comrades. It was an presumptive legislation for ACT and Aviation firefighters. As you will extraordinary campaign of see in this issue of Australian Firefighter, celebrations continued into vilification that eventually February when we ran a function in Canberra for the politicians and failed, and public trust was won their staff who gave us such a fair hearing, and eventually passed back – a story of pay rises and the law unanimously. other benefits that motivated The non-partisan support we enjoyed with the federal MPs is the employer’s desperate tactics. a reminder of our unique standing in the community. When the The lesson from Boston, public are fleeing a fire, our members are running in. The dangers though, is that our union National President Mick Farrell. we face, including the insidious ongoing exposure to unknown comrades stayed united through carcinogens and other chemical threats, also make their darkest hours and months and years. It would have been easy a unique profession. to lose faith in their union leaders when the media ran such hostile stories. But the firefighters knew that what was happening to them was just history repeating -- their fathers and uncles had faced “We hope that all of the State similar hostility and mis-truths a generation earlier. On a more positive note, from Kansas, is the story of retiring governments will show the union leader, comrade and mate Louie Wright. Such was Louie’s community profile that his retirement announcement was a front same non-partisan support page story in the local daily paper. People may not have always for firefighters whose lives agreed with him or liked him, but there is no denying their respect for him and the causes he fought for. are turned upside down when Both Louie Wright and Boston’s Mike Mullane are good friends and comrades of the UFU in Australia. Louie attended the UFUA NCOM they contract cancer due to meeting in June 2011. We salute their achievements. their occupation.” Back home we are reminded daily of the importance of the union. You will read in the branch reports of extraordinary and often stupid disputes, issues that defy common sense, and which have been We hope that all of the State governments will show the same non- righted by the efforts of local branches. Several, you will read, have partisan support for firefighters whose lives are turned upside down been resolved -- income insurance in Victoria, or allowances for when they contract cancer due to their occupation. Already the WA instructors in WA. You will read also of the WA branch’s successful and Tasmania branches have engaged with local politicians on this input into the Keelty bushfire inquiry. issue and have so far had encouraging responses. Other matters are ongoing, such as the threat to close TasFire Presumptive legislation is just one example of what we can do Training. In Tasmania and a number of branches, State governments when we are united, through our national union. It is not something are facing financial pressure. We need to speak up and get the that an individual could achieve. community on our side. Times might be tight, in some States, The importance of the union is well demonstrated in two feature but cutting corners on public safety is false economy and cutting stories in this issue. corners on firefighter safety is just completely unacceptable In Boston, firefighters went from 9-11 heroes to villains and back to heroes in nine years, when their employer used dirty tactics to Mick Farrell ■

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 5 NEWS ACT Branch

The UFU ACT Branch is currently locked that our members can carry out this vital members lose money and superannuation. in negotiations with the ACT Government work in the safest, most effective way In more exciting news, we are well on to secure decent wage increases and possible. This claim has also been rejected the way to locking in station designs for our recognition for the increasingly diverse role by the government, who seem more two new stations, with the first being set that firefighters play in our community. interested in saving up money for expensive for building during this year. These stations The pay offer put to the UFU is for 3.5% public artwork, than ensuring that our will be the homes and workplaces of our per year for a two-year agreement. That is members, and our community, can be safe members for decades to come, and we are less than the cost of living increase, and a from harm. ensuring that they are done properly, with shameful show of disrespect towards our A crisis meeting of members has been the needs of our members squarely in mind. members, who showed courageous wage called to establish a new strategy and make As we go through branch elections, we are restraint during the Global Financial Crisis some key decisions about the way forward. excited to move into the next term of office in 2010. In response to our claim for wage For too long this government has asked with our strategic goals in place to make the increases to keep up with rising costs of us for financial restraint, increased our ACT the best fire service to work in. living, the government has threatened our workload, and shown no respect or gratitude jobs and our leave entitlements. All this in return. Members are angry, and so they with an ACT Government election looming should be. UFU ACT Branch in September. Our agreement expired in June 2011, Branch President: Greg Abrahamffy Our branch has also claimed for and so, with every day that passes, the Branch Secretary: Dave Livingstone Website: increased training and structural changes government negotiates in bad faith and email: [email protected] to Emergency Medical Response, to ensure refuses to budge on their position, and our

6 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 NEWS Aviation Branch

After more than 10 years, this is my last Airservices Australia, was only prepared service should be established however; report for the Australian Firefighter as to pay the legislated 9%. We had engaged if it were not for the UFUA the ARFF would Aviation Branch Secretary. Forgive me actuaries to advise us as best as they could have been privatised in 2003 and broken some indulgence, but I’d like to briefly look as to the percentage required to ensure that up. The plan then was that each airport back on some of the achievements of the our new members were not disadvantaged would oversee their own local ARFF; that of Aviation Branch over the past decade. It by this alteration to the superannuation course would have seen the demise of one is easy for many to overlook the history of scheme. The actuaries advised that of the only Federal fire services in the world. what the BCOM have dealt with during that members would require the employer to pay We fought long and hard to prevent that period and I feel that perhaps now is the in 12%. Members may recall that a dispute occurring and during this very tense time the appropriate time for a reminder. ensued over this because that then was our National union was crucial as was the ACTU. It has been an unprecedented time goal and the employer was adamant on 9%. We won that battle as we did in latter days in the aviation industry, with the tragedy Through the industrial arrangements of that the attempt to privatise Townsville. of 9-11, the collapse of Ansett, and the time we notified of a stop work to be held at In my opinion, this very brief mention financial straits of theGFC . All of them Melbourne Airport for two hours. We were of some of this Branch’s achievements huge justification (from the employer’s pursued through the courts by Airservices (and there are many more) demonstrates perspective) to negotiate very minimal wage but eventually had our rights upheld to what can be achieved by a united collective. increases and they used those prevailing conduct the meeting. The ARFF then flew This success is part of your history as a circumstances at the time to their best scabs in from around the country, to staff member of the UFUA. It is important that advantage. I recall one CA in particular the vehicles that had been vacated for those you be very proud of that legacy, however based on the predicted effects of one two hours during the stop work. it is imperative that as a collective you of those tragedies, where the wage increase The outcome was that we achieved 12.5% work together to protect that legacy and offer was .9% over three years. An offer for our members; the extra .5% we required where possible improve on it for current of a total increase of 2.7% over the life to cover any administration fees that may and future members. of that agreement. apply in the future. Around December this year the BCOM will Yet against that backdrop we have The CASA regulation 139H plays an begin negotiations on the next agreement. successfully negotiated three very good enormous part in the day to day operations As of writing this article we do not know collective agreements – and recently won of the ARFF. This Branch played an the outcome of the triennial elections. the campaign for presumptive legislation, absolutely integral part in the development We are not aware of what we will face in to recognise Aviation and other federally- of the standards and practices enshrined negotiations with the employer nor perhaps employed firefighters who contract cancer within that document. It was essential even which party will be in power. through occupational exposure. to us for a number of reasons that ARFF We have no control over those matters. As an indicator, at the conclusion of this standards for training and operational What we can do something about though current CA, the three collective agreements excellence were pursued and maintained is ensure that strength through unity in question will have seen compound in a legislated regulation. That goal was dominates our thoughts and actions which; pay rises on the base rate of 61% for the very successful unfortunately; since that will empower your elected representatives LFF rank ranging up to 66% for the Fire day the ARFF have sought every avenue to to strive with full confidence on your behalf. Commander rank. That does not include avoid compliance where there are dollars In unity the productivity increases, sign on bonuses, concerned and that is another fight we need back pay or the extra allowances won. to embrace and win. Another issue was the dispute over Our membership continues to increase as UFU Aviation Branch superannuation. In 2002 the employer the ARFF expands. This is a great portent Aviation Branch President: Joe Stenhouse closed the defined benefit scheme to all new of things to come but how does the ARFF Aviation Branch Secretary: Mick Farrell Website: http :// starters, therefore only the accumulation expand? There are establishment figures email: [email protected] scheme was open to join. The employer, that dictate when and where an ARFF

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 7 NEWS NSW Branch

NSW Government’s advice they wanted? Advice that will deter have had difficulty claiming annual leave firefighters from claiming this entitlement? because it would result in shortages and war on workers Members are entitled to refreshments cost overtime if they took holidays. Unions NSW is continuing to engage with -- such as tea, coffee, biscuits -- after two Members have been advised that Premier Barry O’Farrell over the NSW hours at an incident, or three hours outside management cannot direct them to take government’s latest IR changes, which the metro zone, and to a substantial meal more than their current annual leave, include fines for industrial action increasing -- equivalent to an inflight domestic meal unless they agree. to up to $220,000 per day. -- after four hours at an incident. If these are Recommendations by the Commission not provided, members can apply for and be Bad Santa of Audit also pose dire threats to frontline paid a refreshment or meal allowance. The traditional visit by Santa on a fire services in NSW. If Management hoped to cut costs by engine to the NSW Central Coast and The NSW Police Force is proposing to deterring firefighters from claiming these Hunter Valley was scrapped when local cut 150 senior police officer positions, benefits, the move will backfire and costs management refused to pay retained leaving the NSW Government less will increase if firefighters exercise their members for their involvement in protected next time that unions march rights to these allowances-- despite the community Christmas activities. on NSW parliament. threat of tax. Although the Department boasts Workers compensation is also threatened The tax attack is a new front by of its Christmas involvement, the long- with the government signalling it will abolish the Department. Previously it argued standing role of firefighters in local cover for travel to and from work (journey that tea and coffee are diuretics and Christmas activities was scrapped to claims) and a five-year limit on all benefits. counterproductive to the hydration needs save a few dollars. of firefighters. For decades Santa has arrived at Meal and Refreshment community Christmas events in fire Retained annual leave trucks driven by on-duty permanent allowances The retained firefighters system is firefighters or retained firefighters on Meal and Refreshment allowances under threat after an order for retained authorised duties. were to be taxed from March 16 2012. firefighters to use all acquired leave within Management says this follows advice from the next 2-3 years. their tax consultants, and the ATO, but It’s a big turnaround by the department. they refuse to share this advice. Is this the For nearly two decades retained firefighters

National Secretary report continued continued from page 3 The App is designed by firefighters for firefighters and is based heels of the enactment of the Fair Protection for Firefighters on the highly successful IAFF shift calendar/organiser App. Act by the Australian Parliament in December, a similar In closing, I would like to acknowledge the recent Branch Bill has been tabled in WA. Once again our global partners elections and thank all those who have served their Branch and have come to the fore and Winnipeg Fire FirefightersU nion the National Union for the last term. For those who chose not to President and IAFF Canadian Trustee Alex Forrest and stand for re-election, we thank you for all of your work and efforts Ken Block have been back to Australia in protecting the terms and conditions as well as progressing the to help the presumptive legislation campaign. They met interests of our members. with a range of WA politicians and then headed down to We especially recognise the dedication of outgoing Aviation Tasmania to promote it. Their presence attracted significant Branch Secretary Mick Farrell. Mick decided not to stand for media presence and interest from politicians. As a result re-election as Aviation Branch Secretary. I cannot do justice the Minister for Emergency Services in Tasmania tabled to Mick’s work and achievements in this column but we will a motion in support of recognition of occupational cancer acknowledge all of his work at a more appropriate time and for firefighters. forum. It is difficult to put in a few words his outstanding and A positive advancement for our members is a firefighter shift wide-reaching contribution to not only the Aviation Branch but calendar/organiser for iPhones and shortly also Android phones. the UFUA and its members as a whole. Under his extraordinary The UFUA has secured for its members this most advanced stewardship the Aviation Branch and the UFU A have gone from phone application (“the App”) for scheduling and tracking critical strength to strength and Australian firefighters will benefit from job related information with a range of features including change his work for generations to come. of shift, sick leave, workers compensation time and overtime. Peter Marshall ■

8 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 NEWS QLD Branch

Personal Floatation I wish to thank all of our UFUQ members Certified Agreement for standing behind us throughout this Device (level 1) campaign and also for providing numbers to (CA) Career and UFU Queensland is still in dispute over attend the Queensland Industrial Relations Auxiliary (Queensland) the PFDs supplied for Level 1 Swift Water Commission in Brisbane in a show of The QFRS and the UFU will be moving into Rescue. The PFDs purchased by the QFRS Firefighter support. We were able to get formal negotiations when the new LNP are not suitable for Swift Water Rescue. As a comprehensive media coverage on the major government has had time to settle in and result of our conference in the QIRC and the commercial channels and also the ABC’s set policy for Government departments to evidence put forward by the Cairns Branch, 7.30 program in Queensland. There is a link follow. I expect to meet with the LNP in the the Division of Workplace Health and Safety on our branch website for your viewing, and coming weeks to discuss Qld issues and has now placed a “Provisional Improvement also some of the newspaper articles. In many our upcoming EB. Notice” on the QFRS stating that they have campaigns the difficulty is keeping media contravened the Work Health and Safety attention and your efforts helped to sustain National Office: Regulation 2011, regulation 44(2), 33. their interest at a very busy time, considering The QFRS have asked that the Division the Qantas dispute was in full swing. Presumptive Legislation It’s good to confirm once again that of WHSQ conduct an internal review of their I wish to formally thank the National firefighters are a force to be reckoned with decision and until this occurs the PIN does Secretary Peter Marshall, National once challenged or treated unfairly. not come into effect. President Mick Farrell and our National Industrial Officer Wattie Watson for Member with epilepsy Flood Commission an outstanding year’s performance. fights on of Inquiry The Presumptive Legislation campaign that passed through Federal Parliament The UFUQ went before the QIRC regarding The Flood Commission of Inquiry Final in blistering speed can largely be attributed our industrial action in support of one Report has now been handed down with to their determination and effort. Once of our members. Senior Industrial Officer a number of recommendations. The UFU again, well done and I look forward to Henry Lawrence and I appeared on behalf put forward a number of submissions, continuing this campaign for Queensland of the UFU at the conciliation conference including the single skill Swift Water Rescue in the near future. with Deputy President Bloomfield. Operator. These courses have already As a result of these QIRC conferences, started with increased numbers of career political pressure and our media strategy, and part-time Firefighters being trained our member was returned to his former across the State to a Level 1 and 2 SWR position. The case will now be taken to Operator. These positions will also attract UFUA Queensland Branch the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity a remuneration accordingly for career Branch President: Steve Bunney Commission for determination. This will members and it will also form part of the Branch Secretary: John Oliver Website: no doubt have national ramifications, claim in the upcoming negotiations for the email: [email protected] depending on the outcome. Auxiliary Certified Agreement.

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The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 9 NEWS SA Branch

Enterprise Bargaining • An increase in our maternity leave were not addressed and quite often took provisions. three months to be paid; this has now been On February 22 2012 we signed off on a three- Some allowances and pay structures were reduced to six weeks, which although is year agreement which followed 12 months of also improved. unacceptable, is still an improvement. negotiations. It was endorsed by a 91% “yes” Although the negotiations were lengthy Finally with the elections upon us, vote in a ballot held in January. Throughout and disrupted, both parties did negotiate as Secretary it is my intention to again these negotiations we saw a change of the in ‘good faith’, which allowed for us to nominate and I am pleased to say that our Industrial Relations Minister, the Emergency negotiate on issues such as access to 12 State Councillors are also re-nominating. Services Minister, the State Treasurer and leave, interstate deployments and over- Many of you interstate would have met most Premier. With these continual changes it time performed before shifts. Previously of them last year at the NCOM in Melbourne. was frustrating for both the Union and our the Union has continually argued with We all look forward to working together membership. Our previous agreement expired management regarding our members’ and ensuring that our Presumptive Cancer on January 1 2011, and the delay in our entitlements in the many grey areas that Legislation can be included in all States bargaining was caused by previous industrial surface within these areas. We now believe within this next period. issues. However, with all of these obstacles, that with little cost to management our All of us in South Australia would also like I believe we have had a positive outcome. entitlements on interstate deployments and to take this opportunity to wish Mick Farrell, With no negative changes to our our ability to access more leave is very clear Secretary of the Aviation Branch, all the best conditions of employment our new and defined. in his retirement and I would especially like agreement sees: In 2008 for the first time we negotiated to thank him for the mentoring given to me • A 3-year agreement backdated to January an agreement for our retained regional when I first becameS ecretary. Thanks, Mick. 2011. staff, and following this several areas have • Salary rise of 10% over the life of the been identified as needing further inclusion. agreement. In this agreement they have gained: • A further 2% employer contribution • Fortnightly pays. to superannuation. • Clearly defining their retained payment. UFUA SA Branch • Twelve new staff for our Communication • Recreation leave now accumulative. Branch President: Barry Luke Centre phased in to July 2012. • Paid maternity leave. Branch Secretary: Greg Northcott Website: • Access to 5 days special leave for The significant gain here was the email: [email protected] paternity leave. fortnightly pay as quite often shortfalls

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10 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 NEWS TAS Branch

Budget Cuts Representatives from the UFUA met with TasFire Training the State Fire Commission and presented Premier Lara Giddings announced a an overview and a copy of “A Fire Safe In July 2011 the State Fire Commission massive budget deficit blowout when Community” a UFUA commissioned report made a decision to close down TasFire delivering the mid-year Budget review. from the University of Newcastle. Some key Training. This was advised to the UFUA The year’s projected shortfall has more than points regarding the level of fire cover in in September 2011. The UFUA considers doubled to $246 million. Tasmania are: the decision was made in an environment This amounts to a blow out of 117 where good corporate governance and per cent from a target of $113 million set detailed research were absent. The UFUA in the 2011-12 Budget estimates just six Tasmania’s fire risk also protested strongly regarding the lack months ago. of timely consultation afforded to the UFUA Based on population, the highest: Premier and Treasurer Lara Giddings on this matter. • Tasmania has Australia’s highest death cited falls in GST receipts from the federal Initial research conducted by the UFUA rate from fire government and lower than expected state indicated that the decision was not justified. • Tasmania has Australia’s highest revenue income mainly from conveyance Subsequent research conducted property losses due to fire – nearly double duty income due to a continued decline in by the University of Newcastle in the what the residents of other States pay in the property market. The Premier indicated UFUA commissioned report “A Fire Safe fire losses. that a State Budget surplus did not look Community” recommended that the State • Tasmania has Australia’s second highest possible in the future. The deficit blowout Fire Commission fully review all aspects rate of fire incidents (only theN T is worse) will impact the public service with the of TasFire Training operations before any likelihood of further budget cuts and more decision to close up TFT is made. job losses. Tasmania’s Fire The SFC subsequently decided at a The Tasmania Fire Service was not meeting on February 15 to defer any exempted from the budget cuts and has set Resources decision regarding the closing up of TFT savings targets of $800,000 for the 2011- Based on population, the lowest: until the outcome of the State Government 12 financial year. • Tasmanian Government fire funding budget relating to TFS for 2012 is known. However the measures taken by the state is lower than all States The UFUA has eight members employed government to implement budget cuts, • Tasmania has fewer career firefighters in TasFire Training. All of these members, if allowed to proceed, will result in the TFS than all States except WA to their credit, have continued to espouse losing a further $10 million in income in • Tasmania is also below the national solid union values in support of their the next few years. average for volunteer firefighters campaign to highlight the importance The UFUA Tasmania branch is opposing • These resources add up to Tasmania of TasFire Training to the Tasmanian any reduction to the TFS budget that having Australia’s worst response time community. impacts on operational capacity and, in a to fire calls Poor management decisions over recent concerted campaign with the National Office, • The cost is high: Tasmania has Australia’s years and a failure by management to listen has publicly opposed the proposal to reduce worst rate to UFUA member’s suggestions, submitted the TFS budget income. to improve TFT functionality, are in part some of the reasons why TasFire Training is UFUA University Report not performing at a higher standard. UFUA Campaign; “A Fire “A Fire Safe Community” UFUA members are experienced in their Safe Community” field of work and since the campaign to save The UFUA commissioned a report from the TFT commenced the Tasmania branch has The United Firefighters Union of Australia University of Newcastle and provided the received numerous feedback and support is currently organising a campaign government with a budget submission in for the high standard of training delivered opposing measures taken by the State support of the campaign. by TFT staff. This is testament to their Government to reduce funding for the The report is a detailed response to dedication and desire to make Tasmania Tasmania Fire Service. the proposed budget cuts, the decision a safer community. We have launched a website to close down TasFire Training, other The UFUA posted the following on the fire to engage measures being considered by the State crisis website; support and to advise the government Fire Commission, and highlights the need for TasFire Training belongs to all Tasmanians of the need to: more firefighters both career and volunteer The threatened TasFire Training facility • Restore government funding to the TFS in Tasmania. provides essential training for industry, • Maintain the fire service contribution levy A copy of the report is available on the business, community organisations, and at 5% Tasmania Branch Website Australia’s Antarctic Division. These include • Provide Tasmanian communities with and through the fire crisis web page at an adequate level of fire cover continued on page 12

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 11 NEWS TAS Branch

continued from page 11 • This is likely to cost more in charges The Tasmania branch is committed and possible travel to the mainland. to finalising this matter and will increase critical courses in planning, evacuation and • Community groups who currently enjoy the pressure on TFS to go to tender before fire suppression. a subsidised rate for this emergency winter this year. Community awareness can save lives and response training are unlikely to be granted prevent fires spreading before firefighters the same training at a lower charge. Running Short arrive. It’s also a valuable source of revenue • The loss of this training will reduce the to the Tasmania Fire Service. Strangely it’s community understanding and knowledge The Tasmania branch is aware of the Fire been allowed to run down in recent years. of appropriate response to a fire situation. Service recently failing to fill substantive There’s been a deliberate reduction in • Without this training, people at work or positions at short notice. The incidence the number of courses and the number in retirement homes or in more isolated of this is being monitored by the branch and of participants per course, an increase in communities will be at more risk should whilst it may only for a few days at a time subsidising fees as a community service fire break out. it is unacceptable that operational numbers obligation, and a reduction in courses with • The Tasmanian Government’s vision are so low that substantive positions are higher daily fees. For example, previously of being the gateway to the Antarctic being left vacant whilst staff take leave. lucrative training in confined space and could suffer. The Tasmania branch is monitoring working at heights has been discontinued. this situation since January this year and TFS has not conducted an assessment of worryingly we have noted several incidents the true value of TasFire Training’s Community Personal Protective where the Fire Service has run short in Service obligations by providing discounted Clothing field work operations, fire investigations, or free training to community groups. project work and learning and development. The Tasmania branch is continuing the This was a policy decision – not an These matters will be raised with the campaign for TFS to purchase new turn economic decision. Fire Service at the next scheduled SCC out gear for Tasmanian firefighters. and HR meetings. If TasFire The Tasmania Fire Service however continues to drag its heels espousing Training is lost: AFAC type excuses about colour and • Tasmanian community organisations, markings on turnout gear whilst losing UFUA TASMANIA Branch government agencies, industries and the plot on the quality of the turnout gear Branch President: Darren Gye small business will have to look to private that will stand up, wether wet or dry, to a Branch Secretary: Vincent Males Website: providers, probably from the mainland to flashover and provide maximum protection email: [email protected] source the breadth of training. to the firefighter.

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12 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 NEWS VIC Branch

The latest UFU deciding our legal strategy in consultation MFB has some responsibility for improving with a senior barrister and preparing our income protection” industrial victory - witness statements and submissions; Income protection schemes that are fully the Income Protection until finally the day came in late January funded by the employee will now be a thing Insurance Campaign to arbitrate our case before FWA. of the past for MFB operational employees. Most MFB and CFA employees will Those employees will now have access to In January 2012 the UFU engaged in know someone who has suffered a loss either an employer-subsidised leave bank arbitration at Fair Work Australia that the of income due to accident or illness. Most scheme or alternatively employer-subsidised tribunal agreed was unprecedented in of our members will also be aware of group income protection insurance. The Australian industrial relations history. members making donations into `leave scheme chosen will involve a commitment The story behind this ground breaking banks’ established by the UFU, or members from both employees and the MFB, with arbitration begins in 2010 during bargaining working shifts for injured firefighters, in the employer now having to bear some of of the MFB/UFU Operational Staff order that an injured or ill employee does the cost of supporting employees who are Agreement. As members would be aware, not go without an income. The generosity injured or fall ill and who elect to be part the 2010 EBA campaign is one of the and solidarity amongst the UFU membership of the group scheme. The value of the celebrated success stories of our union’s as displayed by such donations was employer subsidy could be up to 50% of history. We achieved fantastic increases itself a significant argument to justify the the cost of the scheme. The subsidy figure in pay and conditions for all of our MFB introduction of group income protection will not be known with certainty until the operational members (with some of those insurance. Clearly our membership believes income protection arrangements are settled members receiving more than a 21% pay it is wrong for one of our own to be left for introduction on 1 July 1 2012. Other increase over three years). The lesser known without an income due to accident or benefits include that the scheme will be achievement to come out of that campaign illness. Clearly our membership is willing open to all operational employees and there was the industrial strategy of the UFU to to make personal donations to ensure the will be no qualifying age. Employees will not obtain the right to pursue certain additional welfare of ill or injured firefighters. TheUFU have to divulge their medical history to join claims at Fair Work Australia during the life members who donated to leave banks and the scheme. of the EBA. who worked shifts for other UFU members The breakthrough achieved will have One of the claims that the UFU negotiated set an example and a standard for the significant flow-on effects for allUFU as a matter to be reserved for arbitration employer and FWA to follow. members employed under all EBAs and in all was Income Protection Insurance for Commissioner Roe of Fair Work Australia fire agencies.U sing the decision as a spring employees. The present situation is that handed down his 27 page decision on board the UFU is committed to ensuring that private and individual income protection February 6 2012. The decision is a income protection insurance that is paid for insurance can be taken out by MFB landmark breakthrough for the introduction by the employer is a standard employment employees. This is typically an expensive of collective income protection for MFB condition for all our members. This will be option, like any insurance policy. It is also operational employees. our goal over the next few years. However very difficult for employees who have a Commissioner Roe said at paragraph at present we are delighted to be able to history of illness or injury to obtain any form number 98 of his decision: celebrate our immediate success for MFB of income protection insurance at all. “Much of the advantage of income operational firefighters. The UFU decided that the best solution protection comes from employees having Finally, the UFU would like to applaud to these problems was to seek the knowledge that it is available to them as and thank those members who provided introduction of a group income protection a safety net. I accept the evidence and their time and assistance to the campaign, insurance scheme in which any employee submissions of the UFU concerning the including UFU members Wylie Hodder, can join simply because they are a member advantages of consistent and collective Shane Lucas and Paul Meehan. This of the group. Such a scheme would also arrangements over individual arrangements achievement would have been impossible turn out to be significantly cheaper for for income protection. The overall costs are without their contributions. our members than the cost of individual lessened and the overall benefits are also insurance policies. Finally, the UFU thought increased. Equity considerations also favour for various reasons that it would be right this approach” that MFB contributed to some of the cost And at paragraph number 116: of the insurance, and thus lessen the “I consider it appropriate that the cost for the employee. Put simply, this problems of lack of equality of access to the was the claim brought by the UFU to FWA. right to income protection at a consistent UFU VIC Branch It involved months of preparation in the minimum level and a consistent cost should Branch President: Dave Hamilton form of researching how insurance policies be resolved. I consider that a collective Branch Secretary: Peter Marshall Website: operated, researching the insurance market rather than an individual approach should be email: [email protected] to justify a collective insurance solution, adopted. I consider it appropriate that the

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 13 NEWS WA Branch

For the first time in 19 years theU nion 2. Plus the retention of the Other Duties Instructor Case brought on Industrial action that stopped Allowance. (ODA) In April 2010 the UFU of WA went into a Recruit School. The UFU has always been The Commission determined that this dispute with FESA over allowances paid mindful not to interfere with the training was paid as a compensation payment to Station Officers at the Forrestfield of Recruits but in this instance the blame for coming off shift work that incurred Training Centre. lay clearly with FESA. The previous CEO sent extra expenses through travel and loss The dispute had erupted because FESA a clear message that she would not negotiate of overtime income normally attributed had refused to pay the Station Officers with us on this matter. with working on shift at the . Instructing on Recruit School 67 the Area The dispute escalated, the recruits were Conclusion: Officer rate of pay which had been paid sent home to study and FESA filed in the The UFU of WA would like to thank our previously since 2006. Western Australian Industrial Commission dedicated members who helped with this The Area Officer rate of pay was 9% above in April 2010 to seek mediation. very successful case. It is testament to that of a Senior Station Officer and was WAIRC Commissioner Harrison listened what can be achieved through commitment, thought to be reasonable compensation for to both sides, quickly determining that an determination, strong leadership, and having the extra qualifications and competencies arbitrated case was the only alternative, people prepared to stand up and take on a required of a Recruit School Instructor. obtained a “Status Quo” on the payments, hostile management, by putting themselves During our 2008 EBA the UFU had this reinstated the Area Officer rate until the out there, all for the benefit of everyone else. negotiated an allowance for all the Day Duties dispute was arbitrated, importantly returning This result reflects the strength ofU nionism positions. These positions were traditionally the Instructors and the Recruits back to work. at its very best. hard to fill positions and theO ther Duties The employer agreed to back pay Instructors Allowance (ODA) would help compensate from May 2010. Station Officers andS enior Fire Fighters for The Union listed 10 witnesses and FESA Keelty Report into the coming off the 10/14 shift roster to take up listed only three. The employer’s advocates Margaret River Bushfires these positions. The ODA was approximately were not knowledgeable of the history of 6% of a Senior Station Officer rate. the matter; they were not respectful of the November 2011 Unfortunately Senior Management within complexity of the training that firefighters and FESA decided to replace the Area Officer rate officers do on and off station. The case ran (Parliamentary Inquiry) of pay, paid to Station OfficerI nstructors over many months with deliberations finishing The Keelty report into the Margaret River with the Other Duties Allowance, without in December 2011. Fires was handed down in State Parliament consultation and without consideration and Special thanks must go to all the by the Premier Colin Barnett on Wednesday because no one applied for the positions, Union’s witnesses; they did a great job. February 22 2012. people were then randomly selected and Our members need to understand that UFU of WA State Secretary Graeme Geer, transferred by direction to the Training Centre. without the witnesses we would have had President Kevin Jolly and Industrial Officer To further exacerbate the situation, the no case. Steve Mathews, Rob Forster, Phil Lea Anderson were present in the public Senior Fire Fighter Instructors maintained Brandrett, Peter Sutton, Len Hull, Laurie gallery to hear the proceedings. Interestingly their Station Officer rates of pay and also Campbell, John Gordon, Lynton Mincherton, this fire arose from a prescribed burn received the ADO. George Vanderklau, and Kevin Jolly, also to being undertaken by the Department of Many words come to mind to describe FESA be thanked are Graeme Geer, Lea Anderson Environment and Conservation, that was Senior Management and the way they handled and our legal team at Gibson and Gibson. planned and implemented to protect the this dispute, but “dumb, dumb and dumber” The result was that the Union had achieved communities, the same communities which probably sums it up the most. Management’s everything we sought - under the work-value ultimately were devastated when this fire pigheadedness and lack of respect for our principle. broke through containment lines and became hardworking, dedicated Instructors led to the 1. A new classification to our classifications a fully involved emergency fire. Instructor dispute. Many conferences and structure called “Instructor” that included It consumed 3400 hectares of coastal eventual arbitration ultimately brought about a tiered pay structure depending on heath land and bush and totally destroyed our new Instructor Classification. TheU nion competencies and qualifications and not 32 homes (including historic Wallcliffe organised and won a work value based case necessarily rank. House), nine chalets and four outbuildings. for the new Instructor classification - inspired Starting at 92% of a District Officer rate Partial damage was also sustained by 16 by the value paid to Instructors in the Union’s of pay for a Trainer. houses, a shop and four sheds. Luckily no Aviation Branch ( Fire Commander rates with 94% of a District Officer rate of pay for lives were lost, thanks to all the hard working an additional 18% allowance). The WA Branch a Trainer/Assessor. fire crews that attended, both professional could not argue for an increased allowance 96% of a District Officer rate of pay for and volunteer, and all the other emergency under the “no extra claims” provision in our a Senior Trainer/Assessor. responders, in what could only be described EBA and the employer again was not clever 98% of a District Officer rate of pay for a as a horrendous week that began on enough to make a reasonable offer in the Point of Contact (POC) Training Resource November 22 2011. In addition many homes next EBA negotiations which occurred in the Kit (TRK) developer/Senior Trainer/ were saved after a comprehensive emergency middle of our long case. Assessor/subject matter expert. response that was deployed to the region

14 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 - this included many professional career under resourced and the Commonwealth The job ahead for the Union is to ensure that personnel from the metropolitan area. Government’s Productivity Commission the implementation of the recommendations The report has some very important Report analysis reflects this under resourcing is fully inclusive of professional fire fighting recommendations that could be considered within WA. The Union believes this is a very expertise with operational objectives at the wide reaching. The Premier stated that all important step forward, with the Premier forefront of any response. Unfortunately nine recommendations will be acted on by the committing to putting more resources into some of the representatives from the Bush WA Government. Below is a link to the Report these areas. FESA’s Risk to Resource Fire Volunteer Association have made some and the Premier’s statements about the modelling is also questionable when we appalling comments and have lost focus on Government’s response. take into account how this all happened operations as they fear a loss of their power The UFU of WA was asked to forward under their noses - thank goodness the new and influence. a submission to the Keelty inquiry and administrative regime at FESA will review and Link to the Keelty Report into the Margaret we are very happy that our input was well properly resource this modelling to ensure a River Fires and the Annexures: http://www. received by Mr Keelty because within the more effective system is in place for planning recommendations many of the issues and resourcing. sector-performance-and-oversight/reviews- raised in the Union’s submission have been The Union is pleased with the outcomes investigations-and-special-inquiries/special- addressed. The most significant is the re- of the Keelty Report and the commitment inquiries/margaret-river-bushfire-inquiry gazetting of the Fire Districts. The areas from the Premier to ensure that all nine surrounding these larger towns and cities recommendations are carried out, as well as have been under resourced for too long, and a wide range of actions extending beyond Mr UFUA WA Branch the communities have been too reliant on Keelty’s specific recommendations and this will WA Branch President: Kevin Jolly volunteers. The UFU of WA has been very include a full review of fire services in all areas WA Branch Secretary: Graeme Geer Website: vocal on these issues for six years now saying of high risk and urban interface that impact email: the regional areas of Western Australia are on the communities of Western Australia.

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The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 15 NEWS International

Canadian firefighter campaigner Alex while giving preference to hiring veterans after fire station and unable to leave, except for Forrest -- a big supporter of the UFU they return from their tours of duty abroad. emergencies. Their families will be granted campaign for presumptive legislation, with The President acknowledged that visiting rights. many visits to Australia in the past year tight municipal budgets have resulted in There would be much greater pressure -- has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth widespread layoffs of fire fighters and on retained crews, who are also facing cuts, Diamond Jubilee Medal. police officers.H e said his Veterans Job to fill the gaps.R etained crews currently get Canadian Governor-General David Corps program will boost hiring and help the limited training time and now face having Johnston said the 60 inaugural recipients economy to recover. more responsibilities added. have all made a better place. Prime “Jobs protecting our communities FBU brigade secretary Brent Thorley says: Minister Stephen Harper also took part in shouldn’t be the first on the chopping “The introduction of 96-hour shifts is a move the presentation. block,” President Obama said. “Let’s get back to Victorian days. It would confine Alex, longtime president of the United Fire more fire fighters on call, and in the process those crews to being away from family for Fighters of Winnipeg, was recognised for we will put veterans back to work. It’s good long periods of time and the long shifts contributions to firefighting, notably in having for the economy.” could be very demanding. It would devastate certain cancers identified as occupational Firefighters in theU K are also fighting the service and would have a detrimental hazards. budget cuts and job losses. effect on their family lives.” The medal presentation begins a year South Yorkshire fire crews are calling for UK firefighters are also fighting threats to of Canadian celebrations to honour the a halt to massive cuts that would see the their pensions. Queen’s six decades on the throne. closure of four fire stations, the scrapping of The Court of Appeal has rejected an The IAFF has scored a big victory on five fire appliances, the loss of 140 frontline appeal brought by a number of unions over broadband spectrum, with President Obama posts, and cuts in numbers of emergency plans to switch the indexation of public signing a bill that transfers 10 megahertz control staff. sector pensions from RPI to CPI . of broadband spectrum – or D Block – The fire authority is trying to make The switch, which affects millions of to be used solely by first responders savings of £10 million, £7 million of that workers, was announced by chancellor in emergencies. from frontline cuts, in anticipation of the George Osborne in his 2010 budget without This is a big step forward for a national Government cutting central Government consultation or negotiation. He claimed it communications network dedicated to grants next year. was the more appropriate measure. public safety. The South Yorkshire Fire Brigades Union The switch in the measure used to The September 11 2001 terrorist says the cuts are too much and too quick, increase public sector pensions annually attacks exposed problems with radios and and the fire authority is awash with cash also impacts on private sector schemes emphasised the critical need to improve with cash reserves of £15 million -- 25% which do not have the RPI indexation written interoperable communications. of the authority’s annual budget, and far in into their rules. The IAFF has worked with lawmakers from excess of reserves held by local councils Unions contend this is a deficit reduction both sides of politics to pass the legislation -- which it has built up through previous cuts measure, as CPI is around 1.2% lower on while also preserving components of the and underspends. average than RPI, but is estimated to widen bill that will help affiliates throughout the The firefighters’ cause has been to 1.4%. transition. “Once again, we are proud helped by the leaking of their employer’s The judicial review started in the that even in this highly charged partisan submission to the Government, warning High Court last October. The unions environment that our union continues to that the cuts will be ‘life threatening’. argued that the imposed move was not work with our friends in both parties to score The small but efficient Wiltshire fire permitted under social security legislation, victories for professional fire fighters,” says service is also facing cuts which would leave and that it reneged on assurances given General President Harold Schaitberger. The the service spread too thinly to guarantee by successive governments that RPI highly valued D-Block is expected to pave an immediate response to emergencies. would apply. the way for transmission of data. Fire The local fire authority plans to cut 30 full- While all three High Court judges agreed fighters will be able to download floor plans time firefighters, leaving only 140 to provide with the unions that deficit reduction was of buildings and other valuable information around the clock emergency response. the motivation for the switch, two of them while on the fire ground. With broadband Also to be scrapped are one of the said the Secretary of State for Work and spectrum proving unreliable for voice brigade’s two aerial appliances, and four Pensions was within his rights to take into communications, the IAFF focused much emergency tenders which are used at road account public finances. of its lobbying efforts on preserving access traffic incidents and building collapses, and FBU General Secretary Matt Wrack to existing narrow band spectrum used carry enhanced medical equipment. said: “This is clearly a deficit reduction for voice. The rope and water rescue team is being measure aimed at slashing the value President Obama has also outlined a halved from 10 firefighters to five. of pensions. We’re disappointed but we’ll plan to provide more than $1 billion to hire A new roster will see the creation of 96- look at the judgment in detail and decide and keep fire fighters on the frontlines, hour shifts, with fire fighters based at their our next steps.”

16 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 firefighters have called a truce in This follows the announcement by the because they enter the public places where their eight-month industrial action over changes Port of that it would make nearly they live. The unwary fire fighter can bring which would create rostering uncertainty. 300 workers redundant and replace them the pests back to the firehouse. The ban on some non-emergency work with contractors. Entomologists and pest control was a response to plans to give firefighters Mike McEnaney, Auckland local president professionals at a Bed Bug University eight days’ notice of rosters, and potential of the NZ Professional Firefighters Summit in Chicago in September in 24-hour shifts. Union, said the dispute was similar to a Chicago say 2012 is a pivotal year in During the strike, firefighters have conflict firefighters fought in 1996, when controlling bed bug outbreaks in the responded to emergency calls, but have not negotiations with the Fire Service over . carried out training, equipment maintenance, contracts led to court action. Experts say firefighters are unlikely to home checks, community smoke “This is not about fire fighters, though see live bugs out in the open because they alarm installations and data recording. we’re well aware the same thing could are nocturnal and hide between meals Strike action ended at 8 am on Monday inevitably be happening to us.” (which can last them for several months), March 26 2012, with negotiations on their The IAFF has warned that bedbugs are but should take care when responding new agreement scheduled to resume the being introduced to firestations through to dwellings with a high rate of occupant following day. The union was to assess the firefighters being exposed to the insects turnover. state of negotiations on or before Friday when they enter certain premises. Bed bugs can be transported in used April 13 2012 to consider whether or not to Bed bugs are being found beyond furniture, clothing and bedding. Fire fighters reinstate industrial action. homes and residences, as they extend into should use care when bringing used (and Meanwhile, fed up with their own lengthy government buildings, schools, hospitals, even new) items into the firehouse. negotiations, NZ firefighters have turned public transit and retail premised. There is more at out to show their support and solidarity for Fire fighters and paramedics can provide post/2012/03/16/Keeping-BedBugs-Out-of- striking port workers. bed bugs a convenient mode of travel simply the-Firehouse.aspx

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The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 17 Presumptive

Last November Australia became the third country he legislation was proposed by a non-partisan group of federal in the world – after Canada and the United States T politicians: Greens MP Adam Bandt, – to recognise occupationally-linked cancers in Labor’s Maria Vamvakinou, the Liberal Party’s Russell Broadbent, and independent firefighters, when Federal Parliament passed the Bob Katter. Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment It was then the subject of an inquiry by the Senate Education Employment and (Fair Protection for Firefighters) Bill 2011. Workplace Relations Committee, chaired by Labor’s Senator Gavin Marshall, with deputy, Senator Chris Back of the Liberal Party. The National Committee of Management on December 19 in Adelaide was pleased to catch up with a member of the Senate committee, the Greens’ Senator Penny Wright, who reinforced her commitment to supporting firefighters.

Back, from left: Barry Luke (SA Branch President), Kevin Jolly (WA Branch President), Greg Northcott (SA Branch Secretary), Graeme Geer (WA Branch Secretary), ‘Wattie’ Watson (National Industrial Officer), John Oliver (Queensland Branch Secretary), Dave Livingstone (ACT Branch Secretary) and Vincent Males (Tasmania Branch Secretary). Front: National Secretary Peter Marshall, Senator Penny Wright and National President Mick Farrell.

18 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 legislation

The campaign to extend the federal law to State legislation is now underway, particularly in WA and Tasmania. Meanwhile, the UFU returned to Canberra in February to thank the federal MPs who introduced and supported this historic Bill. The UFU hosted a “Thank you” function in Parliament on February 29 to acknowledge the MPs whose support and interest in presumptive legislation ensured that occupational cancer was recognised for firefighters in the federal jurisdiction Sixty politicians and staff attended the function, along with the UFUA National Senator Eric Abetz, Maria Vamvakinou MHR, Russell Broadbent MHR, UFU national Secretary Peter Marshall, Executive and various branch representatives UFU National President Mick Farrell, Senator Gavin Marshall, Adam Bandt MHR, Senator Penny Wright. Speakers included Senator Eric Abetz, Liberal MP Russell Broadbent, Labor MP Maria Vamvakinou, Senator Penny Wright, Senator Gavin Marshall (Chair of the Senate Inquiry) and the Greens’ first lower house MP, Adam Bandt. All spoke of the need for the legislation to ensure that firefighters were protected in their time of need They also gave the UFUA accolades for such a well-run campaign with the provision of comprehensive submissions and Greens MP Adam Bandt introduced the Russell Broadbent MHR, Maria Vamvakinou MHR, factual information that addressed all issues legislation. Senator Matt Thistlewaite, and Senator Gavin Marshall. and was managed in a non-partisan manner. All spoke of the rare occasion where Members and Senators from all sides of the political spectrum were able to put aside party politics to ensure the inherent injustice in the workers compensation system was addressed to ensure firefighters could access their entitlements. Adam Bandt who introduced the Bill presented the UFUA with the Australian national flag that was flown in the House of Representatives chamber in Canberra on November 24 2011 when the Bill and Amendments were passed unanimously. The presentation included a certificate outlining the significance of the flag, signed by the Speaker of the House. n The presentation.

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 19

South Australian firefighters are doing their bit to help child burns survivors. Committed to prevention of burns, burn survivors and after fire support

he Australian Professional Firefighters funds being the basis of our fundraising. Camp Smokey. The 2011 ball was held at the Foundation is dedicated to burn Firefighters from Airservices Australia and Adelaide Convention Centre on May 28, and T prevention as well as survivor from the Cooper Basin emergency service are $45,000 was raised on the evening, ensuring support and recovery programs in South also members and great contributors to the an extremely well organised camp. Australia. The organisation, which was APFF. Our main purpose is fundraising for The APFF has forged a fantastic bond with formed in 1998, is committed to becoming charity, offering assistance (both financially the nursing staff in the Newland Ward of the more actively involved with its local and other) to fire victims, especially children, WCH and members of the APFF are regular communities, in particular the children’s and those in immediate need. In addition, visitors to the ward particularly at Christmas burns unit. It provides financial assistance it also aims to become more actively involved and Easter, cheering up patients and their for the purchase of equipment and assist in in its local communities, assist in the families. The Foundation has donated the operation of a children’s burn survivor provision of fire prevention information to significant funds to a campfire awareness camp. The Foundation is also committed the community, and improve the internal campaign; burns prevention is an area we network and welfare of the would like to become more involved in. fire fighters themselves. The 2007 Learn or Burn campaign resulted Camp Smokey is a in no admissions over the Easter period, a four-day camp set up in great result as far as the APFF is concerned. 1990 for past and present A new program titled ‘Learn don’t burn’ has patients of the Paediatric been implemented and has received a great Burns Unit at the Women’s response from the medical sector. and Children’s Hospital The major annual fundraiser for the APFF (WCH). The cost of is ‘Shake the boot®’, held in November, where running the camp is firefighters, nurses and family members don approximately $25,000 per fire fighting pants and T-shirts and do the year. Since 1999, the APFF rounds of the local pubs and clubs, “shaking has assisted in the running their collection boots”. Approximately of this camp with the $45,000 is raised in Adelaide and the suburbs, nursing staff adding a new with more regional areas taking part each to improving and maintaining the internal dimension to the activities and interest of the year. Funds raised in Adelaide go directly to network and welfare of professional camp for the children. The 2011 camp was the paediatric burns unit at the Women’s and firefighters. The concept for this Foundation extremely successful with 38 children invited Children’s Hospital, while the funds that are originated in Canada, where many years to attend, a vast improvement from the 12 raised in the outlying areas, goes to that areas of successful campaigning has not only children who went to the inaugural camp. local hospital or community project. assisted the community in its various needs, The APFF raises money to fund Camp The defining moment for the APFF was but also raised the profile and morale of Smokey by holding an annual charity ball. after the devastating bushfires in Victoria, the firefighters in that country. This in The cost of running the camp has increased the APFF in conjunction with radio turn, through the support of the people, has dramatically; previously the wonderful nurses station Mix102.3 and rural media partners ensured their position within the community. from the WCH had raised the funds by conducted a one off ‘Shake the boot®’. The APFF is an organisation belonging holding raffles etc. The Foundation has been The generosity of the public was amazing and solely to the member fire fighters and their running the Fire Fighters ball since 1999 $200,000 was donated to the Australian Red families. Our members each contribute and has now decided to commit part of the Cross fund, the largest donation from South a small amount each pay, with these proceeds from the evening to the running of Australia apart from the State Government. n

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 21 Firefighters union boss Louie Wright leaves with no regrets By LYNN HORSLEY

When Louie Wright stepped down December 31 as head of Kansas City’s firefighters’ union, it was the end of an era.

espect him or resent him — and there Nonetheless, at age 61, he says it’s time to are plenty of people in both camps yield his leadership post. He expects to retire R— nearly everyone agrees Wright has next year from the , where left an indelible behind-the-scenes mark on he holds the rank of , and then Kansas City politics and government. may practise labor law, although he’s leaving Due largely to Wright, the MAST his options open. ambulance service is now part of the Kansas “I’ve had two careers that I loved,” he City Fire Department, and firefighters are says. “I’ve seen places in the world and been enjoying wage increases that almost no one exposed to educational opportunities that, else in the city is getting. And at a time when but for the Fire Department and the union, many other unions are fading, Wright has never would have come my way. And they’ve expanded the reach of his own union beyond been life-changing.” Kansas City. In a world where labor’s power has Even Fire Chief Smokey Dyer, who once declined for years, Local 42 bucked the trend. went to the emergency room with chest pains Under his stewardship, the union from the stress of negotiating with Wright, grew to 1700 members, including not just praises Wright’s longtime role as president city firefighters but suburban fire shops, watched heroic rescues and assisted victims of Local 42 of the International Association ambulance crews and the Jackson County himself at the notorious 1978 Coates House of Fire Fighters. assistant prosecutors. fire that claimed 20 lives at 10th Street and “He was one of the most well-educated “The reason they did was because of Broadway. He helped resuscitate two non- and intelligent fire officers and/or union Louie’s leadership,” said veteran political breathing boys in a Northeast house fire, leaders that there was in the United States,” consultant Pat Gray. and partnered with Ewing Kauffman on a Dyer said. Councilwoman Cindy Circo, who has program to train 100,000 Kansas Citizens Supporters say that Wright, who has known Wright for years, says he rode a wave in CPR. a master’s degree from Harvard and a of good economic times and helped insulate The fire station was a hotbed of labor law degree, was often the smartest guy firefighters from the worst of the city’s budget activism, and Wright quickly got involved in the room in his dealings with city and woes. But those days may be over, given the as the union fought with the city. The union county officials. lingering poor economy. struck for a few days in 1975 and again On the other hand, critics say he could “Louie took them as far as they could in 1980, giving firefighters a reputation be intimidating and ruthless, a rascal who go,” she said. “There’s always that season as hooligans and thugs. Wright was jailed sometimes cut deals for his members that cost for change.” twice and jokes that he’s the only Missouri taxpayers dearly. Bar member who was twice pardoned by a City Councilman Ed Ford, who fought Self-made man Missouri governor. Wright on the ambulance merger, points It’s been quite a career for a guy who barely With his second pardon, he had to to the union’s arm that works to elect City graduated from Ruskin High School. Wright surrender his union office for six months. Council candidates. It’s called Taxpayers was hired by the Fire Department in 1972 He used the time to go to a Harvard trade Unlimited. Ford quips that the name means, with a federal grant designed to help the union program. “You need unlimited taxpayers to pay for what “hard-core unemployable.” He spent 16 weeks in Cambridge, Mass., Louie wants.” He was assigned to the busy fire station at with 22 other trade union leaders from all Wright makes no apologies — never has — 45th Street and Troost Avenue and discovered over the globe and was exposed to some of for standing up aggressively for his union. he loved the work and the people. He the finest professional and academic minds.

22 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 Opponents, including some Local “Generally, people that are 42 members, complain the merger hurt Northland ambulance response times and working with Louie on the other may even jeopardise patient care. Wright vehemently denies that and insists side of the table are playing the merger will save the city money while benefitting the community long-term. checkers, while Louie is playing But the move intensified controversy surrounding Wright. That was apparent in chess, He’s one of the most blog postings and links to an anonymous video accusing Wright of corruption. strategic thinkers I’ve seen.” Wright struck back in August with a defamation lawsuit against both local blogger Smokey Dyer Tony Botello and the “John Doe” anonymous tipsters, saying the postings were completely false. In his legal response, Botello denied the defamation allegations.’ He came away realising that union leaders a labor/management agreement that Dyer Some say fire unions are among the most needed to educate themselves to be equals said is now a national model used by other fractious nationally, and it’s amazing Wright with the managers at the bargaining table. fire departments. has lasted as long in the presidency as he has. He followed up by getting his master’s in That didn’t mean Wright caved to Wright concurs. public administration from Harvard in 1984 management. While Local 42 accepted a two- “I had a dear friend from Seattle who said and his law degree from the University of year wage freeze in the recent recession, its anyone who survives in union office more Missouri-Kansas City in 1991. members are now getting generous “catch up” than 10 years is remarkable, because if you’re He had served stints as Local 42 president raises, while other unions got less and most doing your job, you’re going to piss off 10 from 1980 to 1988. He was again elected managers got no increase. percent of the people every year,” he said. in 1995 and proceeded to win lucrative pay “Generally, people that are working with Union members signalled they wanted increases for his members that set the standard Louie on the other side of the table are a new direction with the latest election for what other city bargaining groups sought. playing checkers, while Louie is playing November 30. Wright’s heir apparent, Talks were still adversarial, and city negotiators chess,” Dyer says. “He’s one of the most Tim Dupin, lost to Mike Cambiano, found Wright often had more clout with the strategic thinkers I’ve seen.” a 17-year veteran firefighter. City Council than they did, because he’d Cambiano declined to comment, helped those politicians get elected. Contentious battle except to say a top priority will be ensuring Wright says the taxpayers got their One big strategy for Wright has been to take the ambulance consolidation continues money’s worth. over the MAST ambulance service and fold it to improve. “We tried to negotiate fair wages and into the Fire Department. Wright will be a hard act to follow, many benefits, of course, but we have also delivered Emergency rescues were already becoming say, like lawyer and civic leader Herb Kohn. great reward to the city,” he said. He’s proud a big part of firefighter duties as structure “He’s done an incredible job for his of championing labor peace with the city fires have diminished over time. members,” Kohn said. “I can’t imagine and helping to build a firefighting force “It made sense,” he says of fire-based the membership being able to get the that consistently gets the highest citizen ambulance services. “It’s also the most advantages it has received with any leader satisfaction scores of any city service. efficient and cost-effective for the community.” instead of Louie.” n Wright says the stars finally aligned for a But the move in 2009 to merge Kansas truly cooperative relationship with the city City’s private ambulance service with the This article first appeared in the when Dyer became fire chief in 2000. The Fire Department turned into a fight that Kansas City Star and is used with two men respected each other and developed continues, to some degree, today. permission.

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 23 ADA – Proud Australian manufacturer and Supplier Most Wanted to the Australian Firefi ghter Agency Pty Ltd

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ADA – PROTECTING Ph: (02) 9516 0124 THE PROTECTORS Proudly supporting our Firefi ghters

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Email: [email protected] Ph: (03) 5231 5046 Ph: (03) 5332 8231 Fax: (03) 5231 5209 115A Bromfi eld St, Colac, VIC, 3250 Proud to support the fi re prevention Proudly supporting our local fi refi ghters handbook Ballarat The rise and fall, and rise again, of Boston firefighters Boston firefighters have gone from post-911 heroes to public villains – and back to heroes – in a bitter five-year industrial dispute with their city employer.

or union leader Mike Mullane, a 43-year “The employer — the city — repeatedly was a reporter and a photographer waiting firefighter with the Boston Fire Service, try to undermine us with our members,” for him outside his home. He became the F it was an unprecedented campaign that says Mike Mullane. subject of a two-day article that questioned tested the members’ faith in the union and At the same time, the public were reading his work ethics. the public’s confidence in its firefighters. press stories hostile to firefighters. “They tried to make us afraid,” says Mike. The final result was the work of “No matter what we said, the press “We’re firefighters! We’re not afraid of anyone.” many union officials, and the members said firefighters refused to do drug tests. The PR campaign also came at a time of themselves, who raised $1.8 million in one And that’s just not true at all. high unemployment and the stock market night when they voted to each pay $1300 ‘”The city tried to spin everything their crash. When many were short on money, the in allowances (13 public holidays x $100) way in the newspapers. They spread every good wages earned by firefighters fuelled into the fighting fund. negative thing, every firefighter that acted further public resentment. “Unity was the key to our success,” says improperly. Even if it was miniscule, they “We didn’t want to bargain in the press, Mike. “The employer – the city of Boston dropped it to the press. but they kept dropping all these stories. – repeatedly tried to undermine us to our membership. Fortunately our membership didn’t buy it. “We’re not just firefighters “Members came to us a number of times and said ‘This is what the city is saying’ and — we’re community activists, I said ‘Who do you believe?’ “For all these years, I’ve never lied to you. we’re citizens of this city, we Do you believe me or do you believe the city? They’ve screwed you since you came on the participate in all the activities of job, like they screwed your father before you, and his father before him.” It began simply, as Boston firefighters the city, and we’re political too.” began their regular negotiations on issues such as wages, health and safety, and wellness. “If someone had a dispute at home, which “It was horrendous for the families. After a restaurant explosion that killed two is a misdemeanour, they had it in the press. Stuff that would never make the press firefighters, random drug testing was added “Everything they could do to discredit us normally, like DUI or spousal abuse — to the mix. and make us no longer heroes, they attempted they were trying to villainise firefighters. The union was not opposed to drug testing to do it. “And the public would say: ‘These guys but wanted an allowance for this, as was paid “The public responded as you would think are assholes. They don’t deserve a raise. to police and ambulance workers. they would if they’re told firefighters are all I’m not working. Why should they get After three years of bargaining without drunks, all screw-ups.” a raise?’” result, the city sought arbitration on the issue Even the personal lives of the union Mike says the media approach taken by — and then the world started spinning. leaders were under scrutiny. Despite the employer was unique for US firefighters. A misinformation war began as rumours working till 11pm or midnight most nights “Never in my 40 years in the job have they flew that the bargaining committee of elected at the union office, when Mike Mullane done that.” union officials were turning down substantial left home one morning to visit his mother pay rises. in a nursing home on his way to work there continued on page 32

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 25 Toughest firefighter alive Joachim Posanz is officially the world’s Toughest Firefighter Alive.Unofficially he’s also probably one of the nicest.

Andrew Taylor

26 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 Darryl and Joachim test their skills at an outdoor stair climb in Wollongong.

Two time Toughest Firefighter Alive (TFA) champion Darryl Ray from Perth, Station Officer at Murdoch Station in Perth has been a firefighter for 17 years and won the TFA in 1998 (Durban) and and 2000 (Paris) and came 3rd in 2004 (). Turning 43 this year.

n Australia to promote the 12th World with a 5th place (and 2nd in his age group). last attempt, at Sheffield in 2006 – Joachim’s Firefighters Games and his defence of the At Deagu in in 2010, it all first year, when he came 27th. Ititle he won in 2010 in South Korea, the came together and he came away with the Darryl turns 43 this year (“It’s only a German firefighter exudes the cameraderie title Toughest Firefighter Alive – and tattoos number”) and is already training hard on the and team spirit of firefighting. on both arms to prove it. bike, on hills and on stairs. “When I compete, they call out ‘Faster, In October in Sydney he’ll defend the In Sydney to promote the 2012 World faster’,” he said. “Then when I watch others, title against challengers including his German Firefighter Games Joachim, 39, and Darryl I am calling out ‘Faster, faster.’ training partner Alexander Meyer (3rd in went head to head in Dummy Drag, Hose “I want to win my title again, but I’ll be 2010) and Czech firefighter Lucas Novas Race and came out even overall in the ‘fun happy too for another firefighter to win.” (2nd in 2010). based’ challenges watched by a keen public He’s competed in 41 competitions. At the He’s also expecting a home ground in Martin Place. World Firefighters Games of 2004 in Sheffield challenge from Australian firefighters, In Melbourne, Joachim took on MFB he was 27th in the Toughest Firefighter Alive including Darryl Ray, Station Officer at leading firefighter Sam Bach in a stair competition. He skipped in Murdoch, Perth, who won the title in Durban climb at 120 Collins Street. Joachim set 2006, then came back in 2008 in Liverpool (1998) and Paris (2000) and came third at his off first but, to the delight of local media,

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 27 Sam won on time. Sam had planned on skills, including running and rolling hoses, The actual event is a series of four going to the World Firefighting Games to hammer work, climbing walls, and carrying challenges with a 10-minute rest between each. compete in the cook-off. Now he’s putting the dummy. First up is an 80-metre run carrying two up the $30 entry fee to tackle a few more “This is not just for sport,” says Joachim. heavy 70 mm hoses, then rolling them at the physical events. “This is also for the job – this is our work.” finishing line. The clock stops when the hoses Joachim’s hectic promotional tour also To complicate the training, it’s all done are boxed. included Brisbane and the Gold Coast in turnout gear – with boots, gloves and Stage two involves hammering an 80 kg where he did the Q1 Skywalk and trained at breathing apparatus – an extra 20-25 kgs. weight to move it a distance of 1.5 metres Coolangatta Airport. Training and a little luck will determine – about 20 hits will do it – then a run, then Joachim’s fitness is good but he’s timing the winner in a title where placeholders are carrying an 80 kg dummy backwards over it to peak in October. He trains hard, two seconds apart. In South Korea, second place 50 metres, before climbing a 3-metre wall. hours a day, six days a week. There are two was only 10 seconds behind Joachim, with After another 10-minute break to allow days of cardio work, two days of many, a further one second to the third placed. fading legs to recover, contestants carry a many repetitions of cross training, and two A single fumble, a few lost seconds, can ladder to a wall, run up three storeys carrying days of special Toughest Firefighter Alive cost the title. two 20 kg weights, haul up a 30 kg weight

28 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 Sam Bach and Joachim.

Sam Bach.

Joachim hit the tape but Sam won on time. on a line, then run downstairs again with station has 10 per shift). His station has a the two 20 kg weights. total crew of 160 firefighters; all double as Finally there is the stair run – 20 floors paramedics. In fact, he alternates between (although South Korea was 30 floors). the two roles; one shift he is a firefighter, Sport may be a big part of his life – the next shift he is a paramedic. The 12th World FirefightersG ames will his wife, son and daughter are even more German firefighters work an average of 56 be staged in Sydney from October 19- important – but sport has to fit around work. hours per week, in 24 hours shifts, from 8am 28 with more than 8000 competitors In Germany, 100 communities with a to 8am. Typically they work one day on, two expected. For the first time, many events population of more than 100,000 qualify for off, although this varies – sometimes they get – except the Toughest Firefighter Alive full-time fire stations. The largest is Berlin one day off between shifts, at other times it’s – are open to other services, including with 4000 firefighters, two or three days off. ambulance, military, surf lifesaving, Joachim is based at Gottingen, where he A relatively late convert to firefighting at and SES. holds the rank of Oberbrandmeister. His is the age of 24, Joachim has now spent 15 years For more details or to register go to: the larger of two fire stations in the village, at the same station at Gottingen in Germany: with 30 firefighters on each shift (the other “I never want to have another job.” n

The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012 I 29 Mobile 0422 041 219 Offi ce 1300 855 344 Fax 02 4722 8778

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Proudly supporting FireFighters

5 Redemptora Rd, Henderson Ph: (08) 9410 5100 338 Victoria Rd, Rydalmere, NSW, 2116 Ph: (02) 9638 8000 We are proudly supporting the Firefi ghter Union Fax: (02) 9638 8832 Email: [email protected] Victorian UFU members and their families were out in force on Sunday February 12 for the annual UFU picnic at Moonee Valley racecourse. continued from page 25 The city of Boston employs 1600 firefighters.M ike Mullane was It was a dark time for Boston firefighters. first elected to represent them in 1970 on the local branch of “We were losing the battle,” says Mike. the International Association of Fire Fighters, the peak union for Eventually the turnaround in public firefighters in theUS A and Canada. For the past 28 years he’s confidence came about by firefighters simply been vice president of the IAFF’s 3rd district, covering 20,000 doing their job: “The work we do every day, firefighters in the sixN ew states – Connecticut, Maine, the fires, the rescues.” Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. Community engagement was also important: “We’re not just firefighters — we’re community activists, we’re citizens of this city, we participate in all the activities — with firefighters winning an extra (Boston already has presumptive recognition of the city, and we’re political too.” 1.5% allowance. of occupationally-linked cancers.) Meanwhile the hearings on their Testing is part of a wellness-fitness Three years at the bargaining table new award continued. After more than program that the union has long argued for. and 18 months in arbitration was followed a year — and a bill of $US 1 million Early detection of problems like prostate by a campaign for Boston Council to for the union, and $US 3 million for cancer or high blood pressure means that approve the new agreement. Finally, the city of Boston — it was concluded. firefighters can be properly treated. Early Boston firefighters had won a 23% pay Firefighters got all they wanted and the intervention saves firefighters’ lives, and rise over five years, and a backdated city got the right to drug-test firefighters saves the city plenty in medical bills. package of benefits. n


Dear Peter, I would like to take the time to congratulate you on your efforts re the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation amendment. This is long overdue, as you know. I thought about the times in my 30 years service, things like asbestos, pole fires where transformers were filled with oil which was a cancer-forming agent, let alone the factory fires at 35 station in the early 1960s. We had one BA set in the watch room in the 1950s and 1960s. “Don’t be a sheila,” so no one used it. At 33 station there were two asbestos kits in the gear room. These were thrown on the backseat of the hose carriage for turn out to Moorabbin airport. These were ex- RAAF. I can remember the label: 1942. How many poor bloody firies died from these exposures, onlyG od knows.

Ron Rae Proud to be a life member

32 I The Australian Firefighter Summer 2012

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