Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:261 Price: Afs.20 Weekend Issue, Sponsored by Etisalat FRIDAY .APRIL 20. 2018 -Hamal 31, 1397 H.S www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantime 18 insurgents killed in military raids AT News Report KABUL: At least 18 militants have been killed and 10 others received injuries in multiple ex- tensive military crackdowns con- ducted by the Afghan security forces across the country in the past 24 hours, security officials said on Thursday. In a press re- lease issued here, the Ministry of The former Afghan parliament ex-President Burhanuddin Rabbani Defense (MoD), said that Afghan After two rounds of talks, the Pa- forces had erected fences in most National Army (ANA) in collab- member and vice President Mo- was one of the major achievements kistan military has handed the border area,but certain parts were hamamd Younus Qanooni says and a great honor. In regards to the check-posts constructed on Af- left open to ensure the Taliban con- oration with Afghan National efforts were made by Pakistan US-led invasion to topple the Tal- ghan soil to security forces in tinued to receive supplies, the offi- Police (ANP) and National Di- and Saudi Arabia intelligence dur- iban regime, Qanooni said the Tal- southeastern Paktia province, an cial said. But Col. Fazal Khuda Ibra- rectorate of Security (NDS) per- ing the Bonn Conference to pre- iban group was not fully eliminat- official said on Thursday. Abdul- himkhel, spokesman for the 203rd sonal has conducted joint opera- vent the fall of the Taliban regime.