Scientific Diving Techniques, a Practical Guide for the Research

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Scientific Diving Techniques, a Practical Guide for the Research Scientific Diving Techniques, A Practical The next three chapters of the book are devoted Guide for the Research Diver to specific techniques. Chapter 4 describes methods of underwater location, marking, and John N. Heine mapping. Chapter 5 presents the underwater 225 pages. Best Publishing Company research techniques used by geologists, ISBN: 0-941-33269-1 physical oceanographers, and archeologists and Chapter 6 focuses on measurements Review by Alice Alldredge of biotic factors and processes. I found University of California, myself absolutely fascinated by the ver- Santa Barbara, California USA satility, ingenuity and cleverness of sci- entific divers. They have invented The key word in the title of John Heine's devices to measure the shear strength thorough and extensively referenced book on of sediments, generated seismic scientific diving techniques is "practical." The waves with spear guns, mapped book is not only packed with clear descriptions sunken ships with underwater com- of the huge variety of methods, samplers, and puters, performed surgery underwater, and instruments developed by underwater figured out how to attach temperature probes to researchers over the last half century but also pro- wild dolphins. Perusing the literally hundreds of tech- vides extensive citations to the scientific literature niques Heine describes and thoroughly references, describing each technique and specific contact informa- including new high tech instruments being developed tion for manufacturers and suppliers of everything from for diver use, actually gave me a number of new ideas underwater transect tapes, epoxy, and pneumatic drills for my own underwater research. to diver-held fluorometers. Heine, himself a veteran The final chapter is devoted to underwater photogra- researcher and dive officer at Moss Landing Marine Lab phy and video. It references protocols for making video for 20 years, has produced a treasure house of informa- transects and photographs for quantitative assessment. tion for novice and experienced scientific divers alike. Many color photographs of instruments, equipment, The book begins with a brief description of the histo- and divers working underwater illustrate techniques ry of scientific diving and of the role of the American throughout the book. The book is also enhanced by Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS), the national- brief outlines of suggested training exercises aimed at ly recognized scientific diving organization through familiarizing scientific diving certification classes with which the scientific diving community maintains high underwater scientific techniques. standards of safety and diving reciprocity. It then Although laudably comprehensive, a few helpful summarizes the variety of aquatic habitats in which topics are missing including a discussion of high scientific divers work including everything from reefs altitude diving and tips for scientific divers asked to and rivers to offshore platforms, caves, and the open sea. untangle lines from ship propellers or search for and The third chapter describes specific underwater diving recover lost equipment. The book would also be equipment, including Nitrox and rebreathers. It particu- enhanced by the addition of an index although each larly focuses on the special equipment needed in severe chapter is divided into clearly labeled subsections. conditions including very cold, turbid, dark, caustic, or Overall this is a well organized, clearly written, polluted waters. In some cases Heine makes specific rec- engrossing, and above all "practical" guide for scientif- ommendations for types and even brands of equipment ic diving techniques sure to provide a valuable refer- known to operate reliably under extreme conditions and ence source and stimulate the research creativity of cites studies documenting his recommendations. even the most experienced underwater scientist. rqo .~ra Markgr~ /adhams, G ed by Char] Neil Andn Oceanography • VoZ. 14 • No. 1/2001 9i .
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