THE ANTI- MOVEMENT 15 Endsleigh Street, London, W.C.l A Protest Against Racial Discrimination Telephone : EUStoxi 5786 HON PRESIDENT: MRS. BARBARA CASTLE, M.P.

June 5> 1964 JiJ M jm

JUDGEMENT in ’s 'Rivonia1 trial will be given on THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH.

SENTENCE on the accused will, be announced in Court


The trial is n6wadjourned until these dates, and the nine accused, are nov/ in their prison cells awaiting sentences which can only have severe political repercussions for the South African Government, and provoke world-wide reaction.

The accused ha^ne stated their defence - in the words of it was"a struggle for the right to live.,, for the "ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities".. "It is an ideal for which I hope to live for and to achieve. But, if needs he, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."

The Prosecutor told ’th e Court in his summing up - "This is a case of high treason par excellence .... The accused took it upon themselves to tell the entire population and indeed the whole world that the Bantu were suppressed, oppressed and .depressed, '•'/hen one takes into account the motley collection of the accused, and the people they say they represent, and being as generous as possible, they could only speak for less than 1 per cent, of the entire po pulati on." (C ape Argus, May 2 0)




VISIT-the South African Embassy, and ask to sign the Visitors’ Book in protest at this and other political trials; and also to see the Ambassador or his Secretary and convey your protests in person*

VIGIL opposite the South African Embassy:

Thursday - 5 P*m. to 12 midnight Friday - 12 noon to 12 rnidmight

Saturday - 10 a.m. onwards

SEND Telegrams, Postcards, Letters - in protest to Dr. Carel de Wet, South African Ambassador, Trafalgar Square, W.0.2. HOUSE OF COMMONS, WESTMINSTER, S.W.l.

LOBBY -- from' Thursday evening at 7 P*m. onwards. AAM representatives will be in the Central Lobby with Lists of MPs and information.

SEND - Telegrams, Postcards, Letters - in protest to

Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Prime Minister, Downing Street, S.W.l* / over SEND messages of support to the nine accused men - c/o the Palace of Justice, Pretoria, South Africa* Their names are; NELSON MANDELAs , LIONEL BERNSTEIN, , , DENNIS GOLDBERG, RAYMOND MHLABA, ELIAS MOTSAOLEDI, AND ANDREW MLAGENI

USE as widely as you can the posters, postcards, stickers and leaflets all available on this campaign.


Make your Town Hall the focus of protests at the judgement and sentences.' Protest to your Mayor, and ask him to convey your protests to the Prime Minister and the South African Ambassador#

(A shortened version of Nelson Mandela’s speech made in Court in his defence is -now available from us ? (ll pp. duplicated), price Jd plus postage).


BIRMINGHAM AAM - holding demonstration immediately verdict known, and march and meeting on following Saturday.

EDINBURGH AAM - torchlight procession with official backing of the Edinburgh & District Trades Council; a number of Labour Councillors will be on the march, and a wide range of organisations in the city have been invited to take part.

MANCHESTER AAM - protest demonstration and meeting being organised.

IRISH AAM - indoor protest, meeting being organised.

READING UNIV. - students have booked coach to come to London Thursday •afternoon5 meeting in Reading arranged for Saturday June 13th.

CHRISTIAN ACTION ~ planning a five-hournobservance at St, P a u l ’s Cathedral London, on Thursday, June 11th, from 7 p.m. to midnight Collection Number: AD1844 State vs Nelson Mandela and 9 Others ()

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©


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