FACING THE JUDGE MAKING MUSIC Keys man accused It’sanannual rite: of school threats The conch shell heads to court, 2A blowing contest, 3B VOLUME 65-NO.17 STAY CONNECTED /KEYSINFONET NEWSALL DAY. YOUR WAY. WWW.FLKEYSNEWS.COM FACEBOOK.COM WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 28,2018 50 cents THE FLORIDAKEYS 778679022222 IMMIGRATION Man in Keys jail settobe deported. Location: Vietnam Authorities won’t releasewhy he wasdetained in August 2017. He’s 38 and leftVietnam as arefugee when he was10. BY DAVID GOODHUE
[email protected] APalm Beach Gardens man is being held in the Monroe County jail await- ing deportation back to his native Viet- MARATHON HONORS nam because of a2006conviction for conspiracy to deal ecstasy and marijua- na, for which he completed his prison PARKLAND VICTIMS time in 2011,two years earlier than his original sentence. Hundreds of students watch as Marathon It’s not clear why Thang T. Cao, 38, High School students and administrators was detained by U.S. Immigration and walk one by one with rosesduringa Customs Enforcement agents in Au- ceremonyTuesdayinmemoryofthe 17 gust 2017 because ICE won’t discuss victims killed by agunman at Marjory the case. Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland “That is something Icannot release,” ICE spokesman Nestor Yglesias said in on Feb. 14.Each victim’sname and agewere an email last week. called out prior to amomentofsilence after There are no federal charges listed in the roseswereput in avaseinthe school’s his file and he faces no local charges in courtyard. Monroe County, said Deputy Becky PHOTOSBYKATIE ATKINS Keynoter Herrin, media relations officer for the Sheriff’s Office.