DOUBLE T Omorrow
V - ; ■ i . : j : \ ■ " " ♦ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER l9, IM V; PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT jllanrtjf^B&r lEofnitig l|walJ» Give a Pint of Blood'-^Mobile at Tomorrow, 10:45 a, m. to 6:30 p. m . Girl Scouts of Troop 7 will not Civitan Parade- meet tomorrow night as planned. Miss Tingley Sets The Weetber About Town Girls are to meet at the’ Highland (To Open Annual A'rence Daily Net Preea Ron Park, spring Saturday at 10 am. Retirement Date . < For WMk Baded Forteaat of D. 8L Wee#w Bai—u Th» PtrtUfli Women’* AUUnce, for a hike. o< ^ 15, u i o Group 246, wiU meet tonight at The rotlremejit of Katherine A. Fruit. Cake Sale Fair, much colder toniglit. Low 7 :30 at the clubhouse on Clinton St. Edward'Hlrth of Rockville has Tngley, Extension clothing spe la 80*. Friday fair, eoMer. High la been elected first vice president, The ManchSster Civitan Club 13,243 Bose Oo. No. J. Town Fire De and Francia Hart of Manchester a cialist at the Univetoity of Con will open Its annual • fruit eaka of the Audit 40’*. partment, will sponsor a ladle* member of the executive commit necticut. ha* been announced by sale Saturday with a parade. Clifford Ulm,. chairman, an . «f Obcolatteu. bowling night on Nov. 8 at the tee of the Hartford branch. Nation Albert N. Jorgensen, University 'TMCA. Co-chalrmien are Russell al Association of Postal Super nounces it will be an old ear pa president. Miss 'Rngley's retire rade, like last year, with Junior Matteson and Jack May.
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