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Uiaprogram Sm.Pdf LeadersLeaders Wanted AmericanAmerican Majority Majority is is a a political political trainingtraining instituteinstitute whosewhose mission mission is is to to train train a a new new nationalnational networknetwork of leadershipleadership committed committed to to individual individual freedomfreedom through limitedlimited government government and and the the freefree marketmarket systemsystem. Our training tracks include: Our training tracks include: Activist: Learn how to direct your efforts to organize groups of like- Activist:minded Learn people how and to the direct most your effective efforts methods to organize for holding groups elected of like- mindedofficials people accountable. and the most effective methods for holding elected officials accountable. Candidate: How do you know if you should run? Where do you start? Candidate:Learn how How to build do youa campaign know if youfrom should the ground run? up.Where do you start? Learn how to build a campaign from the ground up. New Media: The left has had an advantage here- now it’s time to Newmake Media: all the The best left tools has work had anfor advantageus! here- now it’s time to make all the best tools work for us! Campus Majority: Learn how to be the voice of reason that is lacking Campuson your Majority:campus, Learnand prepare how to for be transitioning the voice of into reason the real-worldthat is lacking of onpolitics. your campus, and prepare for transitioning into the real-world of politics. If you want to become the next generation of conservative leadership in your If community,you want to American become theMajority next generationcan help you of achieve conservative success. leadership in your community, American Majority can help you achieve success. www.AmericanMajority.orgwww.AmericanMajority.org Ed u c a t E • En g a g E • Em p o w E r UNITE IN ACTION IS A N A TION A L NETWORK OF LIBERTY ORG A NIZ A TIONS INCL U DING : American Sheriff’s Association American Grassroots Coalition American Majority Welcome Patriot, As A Mom... Athen’s Brigade We hope you enjoy the first ever Unite in Action Liberty XPO & Break The Bonds of Tyranny Symposium. Over the next two days you will find an unparalleled Concerts for Troops set of teachers and classes. Each class is designed to give you the Conservative Caucus tools you need to return to your home state, district, and precinct Conservative Messenger better equipped to help return this country to its constitutional Conservative Moms for America roots and to educate those around you. DC Works for Us Georgia 13th Colony Patriots We invite you to take full advantage of the courses offered here Golden Isles Tea Party (Georgia) GOOOH and ask that you be considerate of others by setting your phones Hero Maker to vibrate and by keeping the entrances and exits clear. We ask Heros Fallen that if you have additional questions for the presenters that you Homemakers for America please move into the lobby areas to converse so that the next class Independence Caucus can start on time. Leadership Institute Liberty First Our hope is that when you leave you will feel Educated, Engaged Liberty Central and Empowered. National Precinct Alliance National Veterans Coalition God bless, Navarre Patriots Oath Keepers Stephani Scruggs One Nation Under God President - Unite In Action Patriots for America National Co-Chair - The 912 Project ResistNet Shoals2DC Sons of Liberty (Band) The 912 Coalition The 912 Project The 912 Project Fan Site The 912 Project Network The Back Offices of America The National 912 Project The Vista Tea Party Veterans Advocacy Group Veterans & Patriots Voice for the People USA Walnut Washington Patriot Hub Waco Tea Party ...and many more! ma r c h o n dc 1 HA MPTON CONGRESSION A L AMB A SS A DOR EXEC U TIVE GOVERNORS CA PITOL EMPIRE DIPLOM A T S L OU EA I D G I E L R E ’ S R R E O L U B N A D T CL BR Y an T UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. FOREIGN AID: ROAR INTO ACTION GOD & THE 9:00 SYSTEM ENSLAVING NATIONS Dar Y N IW ICKI CONSTIT U TION NED RYU N TA TI ana MIL N E KE N T ST ran G PU TTING AMERICA PORTRAIT OF A BILL FEDE RE R : BACK IN THE HANDS CHRISTIAN NATION ROAR INTO ACTION 10 TI P S ON FU LL OF THE PEO P LE ONE DEFEATING THE Mar Y BA KE R RESTORING THE RA BBI GOLDE N MA TT COOK 10:00 SP EED NEIGH B ORHOOD AT SP ECIAL INTERESTS RUTH WHITE RE pub LIC PA STO R GEO R GE LUC A S Dar Y N IW ICKI MA TT ROBBI N S A TIME Fran K AN DE R SO N DEBBIE Jan SE N STE war T RHODES FA THE R PA UL SCHE N CK KE N T ST ran G VOICES OF AME R IC A DEBI KE A TTS ABIGAIL AD A MS PR OJECT STE V E WHITE PATRIOTISM AND HOW RACISM DOLLARS & $ENSE , RENAISSANCE OF PROTECTING 11:00 COMM U NICATION ADVANCED ... SOL U TIONS ED U CATION RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AUSTI N JA MES KEVIN JAC K SON JOH N F. MCMan US TA TI ana MIL N E RICH ar D THOM P SO N LU NCH SP EAKER 12:00 AL an KEYES THURSDAY DIGITAL 7 EVENTS THAT MADE MEET THE MEDIA AND STAND FOR THE ECONOMIC CHESS : FREEDOM ’S FU T U RE JA MES C BOOKS 1:00 PAM P HLETEERING AMERICA WIN! FAMILY Gar Y RA THBU N K. Car L SMITH BILLY AT W ELL AUSTI N JA MES Larr Y SCH W EIK ar T LOU HA M P TO N SH ar O N SL A TE R CITIZEN Opp OSITION NON -PROFIT STAT U S ORGANIZING ROAR INTO ACTION CH U RCHES , C 3 & FEDERAL LAND GRA B 2:00 RESEARCH & LEGAL PROTECTION STRATEGY Dar Y N IW ICKI THE IRS TAX CODE MY R O N EBELL NED RYU N JE rr Y THOM P SO N BOB BA SSO KE N T ST ran G BILL FEDE RE R ROB SCHE N CK ESTA B LISHING AN RENAISSANCE OF ROAR INTO ACTION PRECINCT POWER FREEDOM TO SLAVERY TAVERN TO TAVERN I’LL STAND UP AND 3:00 ECONGRESS ED U CATION Dar Y N IW ICKI BEK A ROMM KEITH Car L SMITH ST an KLOS SAY SO MICH A EL NO R BU R Y AN EL A DEE MIL N E KE N T ST ran G CHUCK DA Y COMM U NITY XTREME MEDIA LI B ERAL MINDS , THOMAS JEFFERSON TU RNING PASSION 4:00 ORGANIZERS STE P HE N BA LD W I N & LI B ERAL METHODS ED U CATION INTO CHANGE NED RYU N KE V I N MCCULLOUGH DR. TIM DA UGHT R Y AN EL A DEE MIL N E Hanna H ME A D BREAK THE BONDS OF 5:00 WORLD MOVIE PRE M IERE TYRANNY 6:00 BU NKER HILL FILM SEPTEMBER 9TH 7 PM 7:00 ROCKING THE WALL MOVIE PREMIERE 8:00 9:00 OP EN MIC CONCERT HA MPTON CONGRESSION A L AMB A SS A DOR EXEC U TIVE GOVERNORS CA PITOL EMPIRE CA LVERT T 8:00 BECOMING A SOCIAL RUNNING: A ADVOCATE FOR MODERN -DAY RESTORING AMERICA : CAM pu S ACTIVISM 9:00 CA P ITALIST POLITICAL CAM P AIGN LI B ERTY MIN U TEMOM LESSONS FROM ... BEK A ROMM AUSTI N JA MES PETE R FUSCO Dar Y N IW ICKI AN IT A REE V ES LIS A FR ITSCH ADO P T CONGRESS CONSTIT U TION SEMINAR CHILD CENTERED GO VIRAL : COMING ENTITLEMENT DEFEND THE VOTER REGISTRATION KEY OF LI B ERTY STARTING AT 10:00 FU NDING YO U Tub ING ACTIVISM TS U NAMI CONSTIT U TION AN IT A MO N CR IEF TA TI ana MIL N E 8:00AM BR U N O BEH RE N D ELISE STEF an IK MIKE Tann E R THOM A S PA I N E F ACCESS TO ANSWERING ALINKSY RESTORING THE GIVE THEM A TITLE & R TR U M P ING THE RACE 11:00 INFORMATION KE N Happ EL GET THEM INVOLVED HEART OF AMERICA CARD PANEL R E N T EIBE R T PA T R ICI A SIM P SO N ar LE N E ETE R SO N T S M P I DAY LU NCH WITH THE 12:00 FO U NDERS XTREME MEDIA GOVERNMENT A MOSQ U E ; A SEAT COMM U NITY VOTER FRA U D LEMI: FREEDOM 1:00 STE P HE N BA LD W I N & BANKR up TCY OF GOVERNMENT PRO J ECT ACTIVISM PU TTING AMERICA AN IT A MO N CR IEF AN EL A DEE MIL N E KE V I N MCCULLOUGH LEL an D BA KE R NO N IE Darw ISH BEK A ROMM ROCKING THE WALL BACK IN THE HANDS MOVIE MATINEE OF THE PEO P LE ONE TR U TH BEHIND THE TOTALLY AMERICAN THE 5000 YEAR CA P & TAX NEIGH B ORHOOD AT BREAKING THE ONLINE ACTIVISM 2:00 CANDIDATE CHAINS Dan SMEE LEA P AGAIN MY R O N EBELL A TIME AP OSTLE CL av E R AUSTI N JA MES TR E N T SEIBE R T & SHOB A SREE N I va S an PA UL B. SKOUSE N VOICES OF AME R IC A ABIGAIL AD A MS IMMIGRATION 10 TI P S ON FU LL COORDINATE YO U R WHEN NO MEANS RADICAL ISLAM PR OJECT SOL U TION 3:00 SP EED VOL U NTEERS YES TO FREEDOM LIS A PI ran EO ROY BECK MA TT ROBBI N S GOOOH YV O nn E DO nn ELLY J.M.
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