SURREY. 1882 ( KELLY's Gi·Avel and Sand
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1166 Et.STEAD. SURREY. 1882 ( KELLY'S gi·avel and sand. The crops a~ barley, wheat, carrots, Awtant Overseer, Charles Carpenter potatoes and rye. The area is 4,119 acres; rateable ~-alue, PoST OFFrcz.-Mrs. Lydia l.llackman, receiver. Letters ro- £3,804; and the population in 1881 was 679. ceived rrom Godalming at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5.25 HANKLEY is a hamlet half a mile west. p.m. Tho nearest money order & telegraph ollicc is at Godalmina Paris/1 Clerk, George Hockley. National School, Arthur Macklin, master Daynes Charles IDurgess John, boot maker Mitchell Willinm, carpenter (;hurlesworth Rev. Joseph Rhodes M.A. Collier James, farmer Paine Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rectory Ellis Arthur, farmer Parsons Charles, carpenter lngram Charles,Elstead house Elwin Mariner, farmer Parsons William, shopkeeper ' .Jephson Lady, River house Hills Henry, farmer Prentice Robert, Golden Fleece Mangles Frederick Hillyer Frederick, farmer Shrubb Daniel, Woolpack inn Marshall Mrs Jeffrey Henry. builder 'l'idy Martin, 7'he Star .Mortimer Thomas Keen James, farmer, Hankley common 'Voods Geo. (Mrs.), farmer, Hankley Williams Rev. Thomas[Congregationnl) ILegg Annie (Miss), shopkeeper common COMMERCIAL. Moorey Cornelius, potato salesman & Wyatt Wm. farmer, Hankley common Blackman Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, & carrier post office Mitchell George, farmer :EPSOM (originally Ebbisham) dorinid its name from St." men's sons, those of medical men being cducnted at a lower Ebbs, a Northumbrian princess, and i:1 a market, union and rate; there arc fifty foundation scholarships, open to orphan 1·ailway town, head of a county court district, and OQe or the sons or medical men. who are clothed, bo1\rdcd and educated polling places for the Western division or the county and is in gratis; besides these there are also about 170 other pupih: the first division or the hundred of Copthome, archdeaconry a house for 30 private boarders, with tho head master, has or Surrey, rural deanery of Leathcrhead and diocese of Win- been erected at the cost or ProfessorSirErosmus Wilson f'.n.s.: chester, 15 miles from London by road and 17 miles from there is a chapel connected with the college: the office or London, by the llrighton and South Const .Rail"-ay and about the council is at 37, Soho square, London. The nlmshouscs, 14 by South Western, 16 north-east from Guildford and 9 founded by John Li,·ingston, a parishioner, in 1703, for tweh·e north rrom Reigate, delightfully situated on the western verge poor wido\vs, have been rebuilt upon tho site or the old <>f Banstead Downs,on the main road from London to Dorking, foundation in East street, and receive twe)ye inmates, e:\ch Horsham, Guildford and Worthing. The town is paved, or whom has about £4 3s. yearly: charities producing £so lighted with gas .md plentifully supplied with pure water yearly are distributed in bread, clothing and fuel. 'fhere is from the water works arrd is thoroughly drained. The a branch here or the London and County J.lanking Company. government or the town is vested in a Local JJoard or In the High street is a tower containing an illuminated Health or 9 members. All the public and county meetings clock. Drick making and brewing are carried on here, and .are held here for this division of the county and petty there are also nursery grounds. The com market is held sessions arc held here for this division or Epsom comprising on Wednesday and a fair on the 25th July. The Water fourteen parishes, every Monday at the Court House. The Works in East street, erected by the Board of Health, fur High st.reet is on the main road: there are many private re- nish an ample supply or excellent water. The medicinal .sidcnccs in this parish. The great celebrity or Epsom is de- springs, 1 mile west or the town, contain sulphate of. ma;:' rh·ed from it.s races, the Spring Meeting in April and the nesia, with 11 little byclrochlorate or lime and magnesia: m Derby! w~ich t.-ikes place in May or the beginning of June, the rei!!ll or Queen Elizabeth they were much frequented by the principal days being Wednesday (the Derby day), when the co;ntry people, and in the time or Charles I. the salts a sweepstake or great value, depending on the number of they produced were so celebrated as to sell at .SS· per ounce; entries, is run for: and Friday (the Oaks day)~ the races are in 1720 the wells were in their grentest splendour, but in held on the Downs, about a mile south or the town; the 18o4 the mansion at the old \Yells was pulled dO\Yn. The grand st.and, which was erected in 1829-30, at an expense of 3rd Surrey Rifle Volunteers have n rifle range here, 8oo f.20,000 raised by 1,000 shares, forms a prominent object on . yards in extent. James Stuart Strauge esq. is lord of the the east from the road between Ewell and }';psom. I manor; Henry Mason esq. 84 llasinghall street, London, is The church or St.. Martin, situated towards the eastern steward; the manor courts are held in April and October, extremity or the parish, is a structure in the Gothic style, 1 at the Spread Eagle hotel. William Strange, the trustees -<intirely rebuilt, with the exception or the tower, in the year ! or tho late William llutcher, the Rev. E. W. Northey, 1824, at a cost of £7,000; it consists or chancel, nave, aisles, ! Robert Brooks and George White esqrs. aro chief In:nd and a tower at the north-west comer containing a clock and . owners. The area or the parish is about 7 square miles, 3 bells; the eastern window is stained ; there is a monu-1 being about 3t miles long and about 2 miles broad. The ment, by Flaxman, to the Rev. John Parkhurst, compiler or number or acres is 41424, of which 944 are downs and open the Greek and Hebrew lexicons an<l another by CbantTey. common, and 3M5 cultn-ated lnnd, chiefly enclosed gardens The register dates from the year 1695. The living is a · and homesteads, and the site or the town ; rateable ,-aJue, vicamge, yearly value, from tithe-rent charge £350, with 14 I £39·955; the population in 1871 was 6.276 l\nd ~~1 1881, acres or glebe and residence, in the gift or the representatives · 6,9 16. The length of the highways in the parish is about <>f the late Captain Speer; (the next presentation, however, 130 miles, three or which form streets. bcin"' vested in the representatives or the late Thomas Alers HonTON is a hamlet or Epsom, a mile nnd a half north; Hankey esq.), nnd held since 1839 by the Rev. Benjamin Horton manor is the seat or Willinm Trotter esq. 1.P. llmdney Hockett M.A. or St. John':1 and Hertford Colleges, , Woodcote park is half a mile south and wns the seat or the -Oxford. Christ Church is an ecclesiastical parish formed in ! late Hobert lJrooks esq. J.1' x874: the church, situated on the common at the west-end of I Parish Clerk, William Furni~s. the town and consecrated in x876 has been entirely rebuilt and POST, MoNP.Y OttnRrt & TELEOllAPJt 0Fl'!CB & Sa·nngs is an edifice or flint with stone dressings, in the Gothic style Jlank.-Mrs. Lucy Welby Andrews, po~t.mi stress. T,etters :and consists or chancel, nave, north aisle, transept and bap· arll delh·ered at 7 & ro a.m. & 5.40 p.m. Letter box closes tistery, with sittings for 450 persons. The register dntcs at 9.15 n.m. r::i.15, 2.45 & 4.15 p.m. (no extr~ stamr ti\ ken from tho year 1876. The living isa vicarage, net yearlyvalur. for theso mails) & 9 p.m. Letters are received tall 9·15 £ 135, with residence, in the girt or the Bishop or Winchester p.m. with extra stamp; dispatched by foot post to Ewell and held since 1881 by the Hev. Archer George Hunter x .A. at 6 & 9.15 a.m. &: 540 p.m. & arrh·e on return at 9 & 12 <>f Trinity College, Cambridge. Thero is a small Cat.bolic a.m. & 8.30 p.m.; no sunday post. To Ashst.ead at 6 &: diurch in Heathcote road, dedicated. to ::>t. Joseph, as well 9.15 a.m. & arrive at 9.30 a.m. 4 & 8 p.m.; no sundK) as Wesleyan, Congregntional, Protcstnnt EYangelical and post. To Danstead & Woodmanst.crne at 6. & 9.15 a.m: Huntingdonian chapels. The cemetery, covering an area & arrive :i.t 4 & 8 p.m. To Kingswood & Walton at 6 J: :Of about 8 acres and situated on the lower road to the 9.15 a.m. & arri\·e nt 12 a.m.• ~ 8 p.m. To Headley at Downs, was completed in i87 r, at a cost of £s,500: and 6 & 9.15 a.m. & arrive at 4 & 8 p.m.; no sunday post llas two mortuary chapels. .Money orders grante<l & paid from 9 till 6 p.m. ; saturdays, At the north-cast corner of the downs, pleasantly situated, 9 till 8 p.m .and commanding fine prospects, is the Hoyal Medical LocAT. UoAJ"to OF lli>Ar.TH• .Uenevolcnt College, a handsome pile or buildings in Sittings every alternate mondny at 9.30 a.m. 'l'ndor Gothic style of red bric.k, with quoins and dressings Ottices, Court house. -Of Ca.en stone, erected in the year x855 in gronndsoccnpying Chairman, George Ratc-liffe Keeling :nn arc:i.