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START HERE Welcome to the Thame Fletcher Cl fields A41 Berry 140 o Haydon Hill Park Walk se

ay W As part of the Active Communitiese project to promote sitting less

Pershor ame and moving more, we have paced out this walk. Th

D The route is marked out by a set of wooden posts that show the Haydon Hill Park icks W d a and Play Area 300 ay direction to take. Each also has a QR code which you can scan with

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your mobile phone to learn lots of interesting information about the y field


Active Communities project, the benefits of adding a little activity to e y m r u b your daily routine and special event news. Tha Ayle s 300 Gainsbor

ough Place Try the walk either one way or there and back. It is a great outdoor A41

Road activity, especially if you can complete it regularly. n

Th Jackso Cotton a me Wheel

ya Place Go Bic Did you know? ester Road


s ya If you walk one way just once you will cover 920 steps. Howd far Gogh Road el Place Berryfi Ayle would you travel in a year if you walked this route oncesbury a day? 180 Tesco Express

R * embr An amazing 191 miles. You would use nearly 17000 calories too! Laut

a For more information about Active Park walks, visit r n ec W dt End

*Based on one step = 1 yard and average person uses 1 calories for every 20 steps a activemovement.co.uk/active-community/active-park-walky


Map data provided by © OpenStreetMap contributors openstreetmap.org/copyright


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For more information on the Active Communities programme and how we can support you, please visit .gov.uk/activecommunities

© Active Movement 2021