Annual Report 2018 Arc Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3D Acknowledgement
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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR ALL SKY ASTROPHYSICS IN 3D ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ASTRO 3D acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Council and all of the collaborating and partner institutions in the Centre. OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Unless otherwise noted, copyright (and any other intellectual property rights, if any) in this publication is owned by ASTRO 3D through the relevant collaborating institution. EDITORIAL BOARD Bi-Qing For (UWA) - ASKAP Lilian Garratt-Smithson (UWA) - Genesis Kathyrn Grasha (ANU) - Galaxy Evolution Lisa Kewley (Director) Ingrid McCarthy (Central) Ben McKinley (Curtin) - MWA Thomas Nordlander (ANU) - First Stars Sarah Sweet (Swinburne) - SAMI Adam Thomas (ANU) - Galaxy Evolution OUR COLLABORATING UNIVERSITIES OUR PARTNER INSTITUTIONS CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 4 DIRECTOR’S WELCOME AND REPORT 6 ABOUT THE CENTRE 10 OUR VISION AND MISSION 10 OUR STRATEGIC GOALS 12 STRUCTURE 14 GOVERNANCE 15 EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 15 ADVISORY BOARDS 15 INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD 15 NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD 17 SCIENCE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 18 EQUITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE 19 POSTDOCTORAL COMMITTEE 21 STUDENT COMMITTEE 21 OUR PEOPLE 22 CHIEF INVESTIGATORS 22 PARTNER INVESTIGATORS 27 ASSOCIATE INVESTIGATORS 27 RESEARCH FELLOWS 29 RESEARCH STAFF 30 AFFILIATES 30 PHD STUDENTS 31 OTHER STUDENTS 33 PROFESSIONAL STAFF 34 RESEARCH 37 RESEARCH THREADS 37 GENESIS SIMULATIONS 37 DATA INTENSIVE ASTRONOMY (DIA) 39 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND SURVEYS 41 THE MWA EOR 41 THE FIRST STARS 42 THE FIRST GALAXIES 45 GALAXY EVOLUTION 47 THE ASKAP SURVEYS 48 SAMI/HECTOR SURVEYS 53 GALAH SURVEY 56 ACTIVITY PLAN 2019 59 PRESENTATIONS IN 2018 65 COMMERCIAL TRANSLATION 73 COLLABORATIONS 75 INTERNATIONAL VISITORS AND VISITS 77 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 82 OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT 85 MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA 90 RESEARCH TRAINING 92 PUBLICATIONS 94 2018 AWARDS 104 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 106 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 108 SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS PUTTING THE ‘3D’ IN ASTRO 3D 13 MOON HELPS REVEAL SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE 40 A GALAXY (NOT SO) FAR AWAY 46 GALAXIES GROW BIGGER AND PUFFIER AS THEY AGE 56 MILKY WAY STARS KICKED OUT BY AN INVADING GALAXY 59 PEOPLE HIGHLIGHTS PROF ELAINE SADLER 44 DR SIMON MUTCH 38 DR TIANTIAN YUAN 44 AYAN ACHARYYA 51 DR BARBARA CATINELLA 53 PROF JOSS BLAND-HAWTHORN 55 COLLABORATION HIGHLIGHTS 2018 SCIENCE MEETING 35 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION XXXth GENERAL ASSEMBLY 65 SPACE SQUAD 84 2018 ANNUAL RETREAT 91 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAO Australian Astronomical Observatory ESPRESSO Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky AAL Astronomy Australia Ltd Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic AAT Anglo Australian Telescope Observations ACFR Australian Centre for Field Robotics FLASH First Large Absorption Survey in HI ADACS Astronomy Data and Computing GALAH GALactic Archeology with HERMES Services GAMA Galaxy and Mass Assembly AGN Active Galactic Nuclei GRB Gamma Ray Burst ALMA Atacama Large Millimeter Array GMT Giant Magellan Telescope ANU The Australian National University HERMES High Efficiency and Resolution Multi- APOGEE APO Galactic Evolution Experiment Element Spectrograph ARC Australian Research Council HI H one (neutral hydrogen) ASA Astronomical Association of Australia HITS Heidelburg Institute for Theoretical ASKAP Australian Square Kilometre Array Studies Pathfinder HPC High-Performance Computing ASTRO 3D Centre of Excellence for All Sky IAB International Advisory Board Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions ICRAR International Centre for Radio ASTRON Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy Research Astronomy IFU Integral Field Units ASVO All-Sky Virtual Observatory IGM InterGalactic Medium ATNF Australia Telescope National Facility IR Infra-red BoRG The Brightest of Reionising Galaxies ITTC Industrial Transformation Training BPT Baldwin, Phillips & Terlevich Centres CAASTRO Centre of Excellence for All Sky JWST James Webb Space Telescope Astrophysics KiDS Kilo-Degree Survey CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences KMOS K-band Object Spectrograph CASS CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science KPI Key Performance Indicator COO Chief Operating Officer LIEF Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Facilities Research Organisation LIGO Laser Interforometer Gravitational- DIAP Data Intensive Astronomy Program Wave Observatory DIG Diffuse Ionised Gas LSQR Least Squares with QR Factorisation DINGO Deep Investigation of Neutral Gas MIGHTEE MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Origins Extragalactic Exploration DSTG Defence Science and Technology MOSFIRE Multi-Object Spectrograph For Group Infra-Red Exploration ECR Early Career Researcher MPI Message Passing Interface EDI Equity Diversity and Inclusion MPIA Max Planck Institute for Astronomy EoR Epoch of Reionisation MSTO Main Sequence Turn-off ESO European Southern Observatory MUSE Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer SQL Structured Query Language MWA Murchison Widefield Array STEM Science Technology Engineering NAB National Advisory Board Mathematics NCI National Computational Infrastructure SVD Singular Value Decomposition NCSA National Centre for Supercomputing TAO Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory Applications TESS Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite NIR Near Infra-Red UCSD University of California San Diego PAF Phased Array Feed UNSW University of New South Wales PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses UV UltraViolet PHISCC SKA Pathfind HI Science Coordination UW University of Washington Committee UWA University of Western Australia RSAA Research School for Astronomy and VIKING VISTA Kilo-Degree Infrared Galaxy Astrophysics Survey SAGE Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution VISTA Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope SAIL Sydney Astrophotonic Instrumentation for Astronomy Laboratory VLT Very Large Telescope SAMI Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral VO Virtual Observatory field unit WALLABY Widefield ASKAP -L Band Legacy Allsky SAM Semi-Analytic Model Blind Big Survey SHARKS Southern H-ATLAS Regions Ks-band WiFeS WideField Spectrograph Survey WISE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship SKA Square Kilometre Array ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey SMC Science Management Committee SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy DIRECTOR’S WELCOME AND REPORT “How Did We Get Here?” This question has puzzled and inspired humanity to search for our origins for thousands of years. The question covers vast ground; from the Big Bang and the first stars that illuminated the universe, to the diverse galaxies that surround us today. ASTRO 3D brings together world-class optical, radio, and theoretical astrophysicists to answer fundamental questions about our origins: What is the Origin of Matter and the Periodic Table? What is the Origin of the Ionising Radiation in Universe? No one wavelength or telescope can answer these questions. We need radio astronomy to trace the cold gas, optical astronomy to trace the hot gas and the stars, and theory to weave our observations together into a comprehensive picture of the A large and successful Centre requires formation and evolution of the universe that we see communication and meaningful collaboration today, including the effects of dark matter. ASTRO across many institutions around Australia. These 3D is achieving these goals with an incredible team collaborations are now well established in ASTRO from diverse backgrounds. 3D through our Centre-wide strategic planning retreats, our annual science meeting, project REACHING CRITICAL MASS busy weeks, cross institution meetings, all-Centre video meetings, and regular email updates. I am so excited to be leading such an excellent and In 2018, ASTRO 3D continued hiring postdoctoral engaged team of researchers, management, and researchers and attracting PhD students to administrative staff. achieve critical mass to answer our science goals. As of 13 February 2019, we now have 192 highly talented people including 13 Chief Investigators, 14 Partner Investigators, 71 Associate and Affiliate Investigators, 6 Research Fellows, 20 Postdoctoral Researchers, 54 PhD, Masters and Honours “ASTRO 3D brings together students, and 14 Professional Staff. Our young and enthusiastic team comes from across the globe, world-class optical, radio and bringing in fresh ideas and talent. Every month, we theoretical astrophysicists to receive new membership requests from both within answer fundamental questions and outside the ASTRO 3D nodes and partner about our origins.” institutions. The large number of new membership requests as well as interest from external institutions in joining the Centre is testament to the exciting science and collaborative team environment that we are building together. 6 ASTRO 3D ANNUAL REPORT 2018 EXCITING RESEARCH • The SAMI survey completed observations on the Anglo-Australian Telescope in 2018, AND MAJOR DISCOVERIES achieving its goal of 3D images of 3000 galaxies, and the next generation instrument, Our surveys and projects hit the ground running HECTOR, is progressing rapidly. Exciting in 2018, achieving major milestones and making discoveries are already being made, including exciting discoveries. Here are just some of the a 2018 Nature paper and press release highlights from 2018: showing how the intricate motions and ages of stars explain how galaxies evolve from “a • The MWA EoR Survey aims to detect neutral pancake to a soccer ball shape”. hydrogen in the universe at the Epoch of Reionisation. In 2018, the MWA EoR team • The GALAH survey reached its half-way mark, used reflected