Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 41,2 2000415{427 415

Lo ops and quasigroups: Asp ects of current

work and prosp ects for the future

Jonathan D.H. Smith

Abstract. This pap er gives a brief survey of certain recently developing asp ects of the

study of lo ops and quasigroups, fo cussing on some of the areas that app ear to exhibit

the b est prosp ects for subsequent research and for applications b oth inside and outside


Keywords: quasigroup, lo op, net, web, semisymmetric, Lindenbaum-Tarski duality,mul-

tiplication , lo op transversal, lo op transversal co de, o ctonions, Cayley numb ers,

sedenions, vector eld, knot, link, quandle, surgery, Conway , split extension,

centraliser , multiplicity free, fusion rule, statistical dimension, Ising mo del

Classi cation : 20N05

Intro duction

Compared to the theory of groups, the theory of quasigroups is considerably

older, dating back at least to Euler's work on orthogonal Latin squares. In the

rst half of the twentieth century, b oth theories exp erienced comparable mo der-

ate progress. But from the nineteen- fties to the nineteen-eighties, the theory of

quasigroups was eclipsed by the phenomenal development of the theory of groups

to such an extent that the former sometimes came to b e considered as a minor

o sho ot of the latter e.g. as witnessed by the American Mathematical So ciety's

1991 Sub ject Classi cation 20N05 for lo ops and quasigroups under the heading

\Other generalizations of groups". With the initial completion of the classi ca-

tion of the nite simple groups, however, attention is once again b ecoming more

evenly divided b etween the two theories. The current pap er aims to give a brief

survey of some of the recently developing areas of research within the theory of

lo ops and quasigroups, esp ecially those areas with connections to other parts of

mathematics and to applications outside mathematics. The topics presented are:

1. Nets and homotopy;

2. Transversals;

3. , top ology, and knots;

4. Representation theory.

For background details, see [Al63], [Br58], [CPS90], [Pf90], [Sm86], [SR99].

416 J.D.H. Smith

1. Nets and homotopy

Historically, homotopybetween lo ops and quasigroups has b een treated geo-

metrically, isotopic quasigroups corresp onding to isomorphic nets [SR99, The-

orem I.4.5]. Gvaramiya and Plotkin [GP92], [Vo99] reduced the isotopy of

quasigroups to the isomorphism of heterogeneous or \automata". It is

now p ossible to give a purely homogeneous algebraic treatment of homotopy, us-

ing the variety of semisymmetric quasigroups [Sm97]. Recall that a quasigroup

is semisymmetric if it satis es the

1.1 yxy = x:

Each quasigroup Q; ;=;n then has a semisymmetrisation Q, a semisymmetric


quasigroup structure on its direct cub e Q in which the pro duct of elements

x ;x ;x  and y ;y ;y  is given by

1 2 3 1 2 3

1.2 y =x ;y n x ;x  y :

3 2 1 3 1 2

A homotopyf ;f ;f :Q; ;=;n ! P; ;=;nbetween quasigroups corresp onds

1 2 3

to a

1.3 f ;f ;f :x ;x ;x  7! x f ;x f ;x f 

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3

between their semisymmetrisations, so that two quasigroups are isotopic if and

only if their semisymmetrisations are isomorphic. This observation places new

imp ortance on the variety of semisymmetric quasigroups.

Nets reapp ear within a duality theory for quasigroups. This duality theory

is based on the so-called Lindenbaum-Tarski duality between sets and complete

atomic Bo olean algebras, the duality relating a f : X ! Y between

1 1

sets to the inverse function f : }Y  ! }X ; B 7! f B  between

their p ower sets [Jt82, VI.4.6a], [RS96, x 7]. On a quasigroup Q, consider the


binary op erations of p : Q ! Q;x; y  7! x  y , left projection p :

3 2

2 2

Q ! Q;x; y  7! x, and right projection p : Q ! Q;x; y  7! y . Dualising, one




obtains the inverse image functions p : }Q ! }Q  given bymultiplication,


1 1

2 2

p : }Q ! }Q  given by left pro jection, and p : }Q ! }Q  given by

2 1

right pro jection. These of complete atomic Bo olean algebras are

sp eci ed by their e ects on the atoms of their domains, namely on the singleton

subsets of Q:




1 p : }Q ! }Q ; fbg7!fx; b j x 2 Qg;







2 p : }Q ! }Q ; fag7!fa; y  j y 2 Qg;






3 p : }Q ! }Q ; fcg7!fx; y  j x  y = cg:



In net terminology, p fbg in 1.41 is just the 1-line lab elled by b. Similarly,


1 1

p fag in 1.42 is the 2-line lab elled by a, while p fcg in 1.43 is the 3-

2 3

line lab elled by c. Thus the dual of a quasigroup is a net. The dual ob ject is a

Lo ops and quasigroups: Asp ects of currentwork and prosp ects for the future 417

that decomp oses as the direct pro duct of anytwoofaset of three isomor-

phic images [SR99, p. 88]. This de nition of a net is purely categorical, and may

thus be interpreted in the of top ological spaces or other categories of

geometric interest. It o ers new approaches to the problem of co ordinatising con-

gurations in web geometry that has b een studied by Akivis, Goldb erg, Shelekov

et al. [Ak92], [Go88]. In geometric contexts, one should replace the \combina-

torial" Lindenbaum-Tarski dualityby a duality appropriate to the context, e.g.

Gelfand dualitybetween compact Hausdor spaces and C*-algebras [Jt82, IV.4],

or the dualitybetween lo cally de ned smo oth maps and their pullbacks acting

on di erential forms [Ol95, p. 26].

2. Transversals

Lo ops, or more generally right lo ops, app ear naturally as algebraic structures

on transversals or sections of a subgroup of a group. This observation, going

back to R. Baer [Ba39], lies at the heart of much current research on lo ops,

e.g. work of Karzel, Kreuzer, Strambach, Wefelscheid et al. in geometry [Ka93],

[Kr98], [KW94], [Na94] or work of Kikkawa, Sabinin, Ungar et al. in di erential

geometry and analysis [CPS, Chapter XI I], [Fr94], [Ki98], [Sa72-98], [Un91-94].

It is also closely related to the question of when or how a given group action

arises as the multiplication group action of a quasigroup or lo op, cf. work of

Dr apal, Kepka, Niemenmaa, Phillips et al. [CPS90, x I I I.6], [Dr93-94], [Ke93-97],

[Ni95d-97], [NK90-94], [NR92], [NV94], [PS99].

Let H b e a subgroup of a group G; ;=;n; 1, and let T b e a right transversal


to H in G such that 1 represents H . Thus the group is partitioned as G =  Ht.



De ne a " : G ! T ; g 7! g by


2.1 g 2 Hg ;


so that g or g" is the unique representativein T for the right coset of H that

contains g . It is also convenient to de ne a map  : G ! H ; g 7! g by


2.2 g = g g :

 "  " 

Note that 1 =1 =1. Moreover h = h and h = 1 for h in H , while t = 1 and


t = t for t in T . Now de ne a binary multiplication  and a binary right

k on T by

2.3 t  u =tu"; tku =t=u"


for t; u in T , i.e. by tu 2 H t  u and t=u = tu 2 H tku. Then T; ; k; 1 is

a right lo op. If this right lo op happ ens to b e two-sided, then the transversal T is

called a loop transversal . To within right lo op isomorphism, every rightloopQ

may b e obtained via 2.3 from the transversal T = R Q to the stabiliser H of 1

in the rightmultiplication group G of Q.

418 J.D.H. Smith

The lo op theoretical concept of a lo op transversal even has fruitful applications

within ab elian groups. In co ding theory, the lo op transversal T;  to a linear

co de C; + within an ab elian group channel G; + is the set of errors corrected

by the co de [Sm92l], [SR99, I x 4.4]. Using the notation of 2.2: If a word

g is received, it is deco ded to the co deword g under the assumption that the

transmitted co deword was sub jected to the error g". The most ecientwayto

de ne a co de in a go o d channel is to sp ecify the lo op structure an ab elian group



t inductively by on the set of errors. For elements t ;t ;::: of T , de ne

1 2



0 m m1 m 0


t = 0 and t inductively by t . De ne t = t + t = 0 and


i i i i i

i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

m1 m


t = t  t .


i i

i=1 i=1

Principle of Lo cal Duality. Let T b e a lo op transversal to a linear co de C in

achannel G. Supp ose that T is a set of generators for G. Then

m m


C = f t t t ;:::;t 2 T g:



i i

i=1 i=1

Note that the Principle of Lo cal Duality may be used to obtain the co de C as

so on as the lo op structure T;  is sp eci ed.

Example. Consider the length 3 binary rep etition co de C = f000; 111g. Inter-


pret G as Z . The right transversal T = f000; 001; 010; 100g is the set of errors


corrected by C . The ab elian group multiplication  on T given by 2.3 has the


000 001 010 100 *

000 000 001 010 100

001 001 000 100 010

010 010 100 000 001

100 100 010 001 000 .

Note that the table may b e summarised by the sp eci cation that the map


; +; 001 7! 01; 010 7! 10; 100 7! 11 2.4 s :T;  ! Z


is an ab elian group homomorphism. As an illustration of lo cal duality, the non-

trivial co deword is obtained as 111 = 001 + 010 001  010. 

In general, the key step in constructing linear co des by the lo op transversal

metho d is to sp ecify the syndrome , a monomorphism such as 2.4 from T; to

an ab elian group. The simplest approach is to use a greedy algorithm. Record-

breaking co des have b een obtained in this way, and the metho d o ers completely

automatic constructions of binary and ternary Golay co des [HH96], [HS96].

Lo ops and quasigroups: Asp ects of currentwork and prosp ects for the future 419

3. Octonions, top ology, and knots

Probably the most imp ortant non-asso ciative lo op structures are those given by

multiplication of non-zero o ctonions p ossibly of norm one, p ossibly split, p ossibly

over nite elds. The real o ctonions app ear as part of the series: real numb ers,

complex numb ers, quaternions, o ctonions. With each doubling of the dimen-

sion, there is a progressive loss of structure: , commutativity, asso ciativity.

Adams' work on vector elds on spheres [Ad60], [Ad62] showed that while the

seven-sphere supp orts a vector eld of dimension seven spanned bymultiplica-

tion by basic non-identity o ctonions of norm one, the fteen-sphere only supp orts

avector eld of dimension at most eight. This result, showing that there is no

sixteen-dimensional real , has long b een accepted as the nal word

on the sub ject. However, recentwork [Sm95] has shown that one may obtain a

sixteen-dimensional structure, the sedenions ,by relaxing the requirement of right

distributivity. This structure, which do es preserve the Euclidean norm, is not

to b e confused with that obtained by applying the Cayley-Dickson pro cess to the

o ctonions. The latter structure do es not preserve the norm. The underlying

Euclidean space of the sedenions may be realised as the direct sum K  K f of

two copies of the o ctonions, with resp ective identities 1 and f . The o ctonions are

emb edded in the sedenions by

3.1 K ! K  K f ; x 7! x +0f:

For elements z = x + yf and w = u + vf of K  K f , the pro duct z  w is de ned


1 1

3.2 if z 2 K then zu + vz f else xy  uy y v+y u + vy  xy f:

The sedenions of norm one form a left lo op on the fteen-sphere actually a lo op

almost everywhere. In this left lo op, the by f and the seven basic

non-identity o ctonions of norm one yield a vector eld of the maximal dimension

eight allowed by Adams' theorem. The problem of classifying the nite two-sided

sublo ops of this left lo op remains op en, as do es the search for the laws satis ed

by the left lo op.

Another ma jor interface b etween top ology and the theory of one-sided quasi-

groups is provided by knot theory: work of Conway,Fuad, Joyce, Matveev, et al.

[Cw69], [Fu98], [Jy82], [Mt82], [Sm92q]. Recall that a knot in the narrowest

mathematical sense may be visualised as a knotted piece of string whose ends

have b een joined seamlessly to make an endless knotted lo op. A link may be

visualised as a collection of knots, p ossibly linked by encircling each other. More


precisely, the knot is the image of the circle S under a continuous, piecewise

3 3

linear emb edding into the three-sphere S , Euclidean space R together with an

additional p oint at in nity. The link is the image of a disjoint union of circles

under suchanemb edding. Two links are said to b e equivalent if there is a homeo-


morphism from S to itself taking one link to the other. The links are said to have

420 J.D.H. Smith

the same type if there is such a homeomorphism that additionally preserves the

orientation of the three-sphere. The basic problem of knot theory is to determine

when two knots are equivalent, or when two oriented links have the same typ e.

One-sided quasigroups enter knot theory at two levels: at the \lo cal" level a one-

sided quasigroup may b e an equivalence invariant asso ciated with a single knot,

while at the \global" level an invariant of a particular kind may be asso ciated

with each link, oriented links of the same typ e having the same invariant, and

then the set of these invariants for all p ossible oriented links may carry a right

quasigroup structure.

At the lo cal level, an idemp otent, right distributive right quasigroup a quand le

in Joyce's terminology forms an invariant determining knots to within equiva-

lence [Jy82], [Mt82], [Mt91, x 8.2]. Note that quandles constitute avarietyin

the sense of . To asso ciate a quandle with a knot, consider the

knotted lo op of string laid at on a table in such a way that no two crossings

coincide. Supp ose that this knotted lo op has b een used as the design for the con-

struction of a racetrack, with small bridges corresp onding to the crossings. Now

imagine that an earthquake has destroyed all the bridges, leaving only disjoint

stretches of track on the ground. Assign a variable to each such stretch, and then

form the free quandle over the set of variables obtained. The quandle invariant

asso ciated with the knot is a quotient of this free quandle by relations sp eci ed

at each former bridge lo cation. If the stretch q at such a lo cation is now blo cked

by the stretch r , then the variable assigned to the stretch that used to continue q

over the bridge is identi ed with the right quasigroup pro duct qr.

At the global level, entropic right quasigroup structures are asso ciated with the

set of all oriented links [Cw69], [Mt91, x 8.3]. Recall that an algebra is entropic

if each op eration, as a map to the algebra from a direct p ower of the algebra, is a

homomorphism [SR99, pp. 63, 318]. The top ological basis for the asso ciation is

a general metho d for constructing a given oriented link from an oriented unlink

U with c comp onents, a collection of c unknotted, unlinked, oriented lo ops. The


metho d is known as surgery . Mixing metaphors, it will be describ ed using the

racetrack idea intro duced ab ove. In this context, the term \earthmoving" would

b e more appropriate than \surgery". Supp ose that an oriented link, the image


of d copies of S , is used in place of a knot as the design for a racecourse. This

means that there may be d di erent races held at once on the course, one on

eachof d indep endent closed tracks that maysweep over and under one another.

Moreover, the orientation of the link determines a xed direction for each track.

A right-hand crossing is a bridge from which a driver racing on the top track

would see the cars b eneath passing from his right to his left. A left-hand crossing

is a bridge from which a driver on the top trackwould see the cars b eneath racing

from her left to her right. An ordered triple K ;K ;K  of links constitutes a



surgery triple if the three corresp onding racecourses could b e obtained from one

another by a construction pro ject limited to the environment of a single bridge.

In this pro ject, K would have a right-hand crossing at the bridge. Then K


would be obtained on replacing the bridge by an underpass, thereby making a

Lo ops and quasigroups: Asp ects of currentwork and prosp ects for the future 421

left-hand crossing at the lo cation. The course K would b e obtained from K by



removing the bridge altogether. Trac that formerly approached on the upp er

trackwould b e diverted to leave the lo cation on the lower track, while trac that

formerly approached on the lower trackwould b e diverted to leave the lo cation


on the upp er track. Each oriented link K may b e obtained from an unlink K by

a series

r r 1 1 0

3.3 K 7! K 7!    7! K 7! K = K

of such pro jects, in which each step represents conversion at a certain lo cation

from one to another of the three comp onents of a surgery triple.


A Conway algebra Q; ;=;fu j n 2 Z g [Mt91, De nition 8.5] is an en-



tropic right quasigroup Q; ;= with a fu j n 2 Z g of constants,


satisfying the identities u  u = u =u = u for each p ositiveinteger n.

n n n

n+1 n+1

Supp ose that an element w K  of Q is asso ciated with each oriented link K in

suchaway that

3.4 w U =u

c c

for each p ositiveinteger c, and that

3.5 w K =w K   w K 



for each surgery triple K ;K ;K . Then w K  is a well-de ned invariant



of oriented links [Mt91,Th.8.4], readily computed by means of 3.3. The most

famous invariants of this kind are the skein p olynomials [FH85]. For them,

the corresp onding Conway algebra app ears as a reduct of a p ointed quasigroup.

Recall that a pique is a \p ointed idemp otent quasigroup", a quasigroup with

an idemp otent element selected by a nullary op eration [CPS90, p. 105]. Let

Q; ;=;n;e b e the free entropic pique on the singleton fu g. De ne the op eration


xy = y=x, the opp osite of right division. De ne the constants u inductively



from the generator u by u = u  u . Then Q; ; n; fu j n 2 Z g is a

n n n

1 n+1

Conway algebra, and the skein p olynomial is de ned there by 3.3{3.5 [Sm91].

4. Representation theory

The representation theory of lo ops and quasigroups currently comprises three

separate topics: p ermutation representations, mo dules, and characters.

The study of quasigroup p ermutation representations is still in its infancy

[Sm99]. At present, the theory is limited to the construction of transitive p er-

mutation representations, analogous to the p ermutation representation of a group

Q with subgroup P  on the homogeneous space

4.1 P n Q = fPx j x 2 Q g

422 J.D.H. Smith

by the actions

4.2 R q :P n Q ! P n Q ; Px 7! Pxq

P nQ

for elements q of Q. Let P b e a sub quasigroup of a quasigroup Q. Recall that

the relative left multiplication group LMlt P of P in Q is the subgroup of the


multiplication group of Q generated by all the left multiplications by elements

of P . Let P n Q b e the set of orbits of the p ermutation group LMlt P on the set


Q. If Q is a group, and P is nonempty, then this notation is consistent with 4.1.

Let A be the incidence matrix of the memb ership relation between the set Q

and the set P n Q of subsets of Q. In particular, the rows of A are indexed by

elements of Q, while the columns of A are indexed by the orbits of LMlt P .



Let A be the pseudoinverse of the matrix A [Pe55]. For each element q of

Q, rightmultiplication in Q by q yields a p ermutation of Q. Let R q be the


corresp onding p ermutation matrix. De ne a new matrix


4.3 R q =A R q A:


P nQ

[In the group case, the matrix 4.3 is just the p ermutation matrix given by

the p ermutation 4.2.] Then in the transitive p ermutation representation of the

quasigroup Q, each quasigroup element q yields a Markov chain on the state

space P n Q with transition matrix R q  given by 4.3. The set of convex

P nQ

combinations of the states from P n Q forms a complete metric space, and then

the actions 4.3 of the quasigroup elements form an iterated function system or

IFS in the sense of fractal geometry [Bn88, p. 82].

Mo dules over a quasigroup Q are de ned as ab elian groups in the slice category

V =Q. Here V isavariety containing the quasigroup Q, and V is construed as a

category whose morphisms are the homomorphisms b etween the quasigroups in

V [Sm86], [SR99, I I I x 2]. If Q is a group and V is the category Gp of groups,

then such an ob ject  : E ! Q is just the pro jection  : Q[M ! Q; q; m 7! q

from the split extension Q[M of a mo dule M over the group Q in the traditional


Mo dules playakey role in the extension theory and cohomology of lo ops and

quasigroups work of Eilenb erg, Mac Lane, Johnson, Leedham-Green et al., e.g.

[Dh95], [EM47], [Jh74], [JL90], [LM76], [Sm76, Chapter 6]. An elementary ver-

sion of this extension theory is used in the construction of lo ops from co des, e.g.

as a step in the construction of the Monster from the binary Golaycodework of

Conway, Griess, Parker et al. [As94]. For an application to relativity theory, see


The character theory for quasigroups is to some extent but not completely

lo cated within the theory of asso ciation schemes [BI84]. The action of the mul-

tiplication group MltQ on a nite quasigroup Q of order n is \multiplicity free".

In other words, extending the action by linearity, the C Mlt Q-mo dule C Q decom-

p oses as a direct sum of mutually inequivalent irreducible submo dules. Thus the

Lo ops and quasigroups: Asp ects of currentwork and prosp ects for the future 423

centraliser ring V Mlt Q; Q, the ring End C Q of C Mlt Q-endomorphisms of

C Mlt Q

the mo dule C Q, is a commutative C -algebra. As such, it decomp oses as a direct

sum of copies of C . One usually identi es the endomorphisms of C Q that form

the elements of V Mlt Q; Q with their matrices in terms of the basis Q of C Q.

There are then two natural bases for V Mlt Q; Q: the set fe ;:::;e g of orthogo-



nal idemp otents yielding the decomp osition V Mlt Q; Q=C e    C e , and



the set fa ;:::;a g of incidence matrices for the corresp onding orbits C ;:::;C

s s

1 1


of MltQ in its diagonal action on Q . Conventionally, one takes e to be the



n  n matrix in which eachentry is n , and one takes a to b e the n  n iden-


tity matrix, the incidence matrix of the diagonal orbit C of MltQ on Q. Set


n =j C j =n and f =tre  for 1  i  s. De ne the s  s matrix [ ]by

i i i i ij



4.4 a =  e

i ij j

j =1

for 1  i  s. Then de ne the s  s matrix = [ ]by



f  =n : 4.5  =

i ji j ij

If Q is a group with 1, then is the ordinary character table of

Q, in the sense that  is the value taken by the i-th irreducible character of Q on


each element q of Q such that 1;q 2 C . In the general case, the matrix is thus


called the character table of the quasigroup Q. These character tables provide the

foundation for extending ordinary character theory from groups to quasigroups.

Further details are available in [Jh92], [JS84-89x], [JSS90], [Sm86-90q].

Quasigroup characters implement the so-called \fusion rules" of quantum eld

theory [CP94, De nition 5.2.8]. Let  be a set equipp ed with an involution


 7!  and a distinguished element ! such that ! = ! . Then a set of fusion rules

indexed by  is a collection fN g of non-negativeintegers satisfying the

; ;; 2

following conditions:


1 8;  2 ;N =0 except for nitely many  ;







2 N = N ;

; ;






3 N N = N N ;


 ; ; ;

2 2



4 N = N =  ;


! ; ! ; ;






5 N = N ;


;   ;



6 N =  :

 ;! ;


In the quasigroup implementation, the set of orbits of MltQ on Q is the index

set  for the fusion rules, equipp ed with the involution given by p ermutation of


comp onents in Q , and with the diagonal orbit as the distinguished element ! of .

The set of fusion rules is then the set fc g of structure constants for

ij;k 1i;j;k s

424 J.D.H. Smith

the centraliser ring V MltQ; Q with resp ect to the basis fa ;:::;a g consisting



of the incidence matrices of the orbits.

For a group Q, the dimensions of the irreducible characters are integral. For

a more general quasigroup Q, this need no longer b e the case. For instance, sup-

p ose that Q is the additively written cyclic group of order 4, considered as a

quasigroup Z ;  under the op eration of . Note that Mlt Q is the


dihedral group D [SR99, I Example 2.1.2]. Then the dimensions of the charac-



2 [Sm86, Example 537]. As in , the order of the ters of Q are 1; 1;

quasigroup is the sum of the squares of the irreducible character dimensions. It

is signi cant that this non-integrality is quite typical of statistical dimensions in

quantum eld theory. For example, consider the conformal eld theory describing

the scaling limit of the Ising mo del at the critical p oint [CP94, Example 5.2.12],

[MS90]. This theory has three physical representations  ,  ,  , with resp ec-

0 1



tive statistical dimensions 1; 1; 2 [CP, Example 11.3.22], [MS90, 1.57]. Using

the notation of [Sm86, 537], let a b e the 4  4 identity matrix, the incidence ma-



trix of the diagonal orbit on Q . Let a ;a b e the resp ective incidence matrices of

2 3

the orbits of 0; 2 and 0; 1. Comparing [Sm86, 537] with [CP, Example 5.2.12],

[MS90, Theorem 4], one then sees that the quasigroup Z ;  yields the fusion


rules of the conformal eld theory under the assignments  7! a ,  7! a ,

0 0 1 2


 7! a = 2.




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Department of Mathematics, IowaState University, Ames, IA 50011, USA

Received Septemb er 29, 1999