Woodhurst Parish Plan Survey Results

Spring 2013 Contents

Foreword ...... 3 Introduction ...... 4 Welcome to the Woodhurst Parish Plan ...... 4 About Woodhurst ...... 5 Woodhurst: A brief history ...... 5 Key Views From Our Community ...... 6 The Adult Survey ...... 8 Section 1: General ...... 8 Section 2: Public Transport and Travel ...... 9 Section 3: Crime ...... 15 Section 4: Public Services ...... 17 Section 5: Community in Woodhurst ...... 20 Section 6: Social Events ...... 29 Section 7: Planning ...... 31 Section 8 : Local Government ...... 38 Section 9 : Demographics ...... 43 The Youth Survey ...... 46 Section 1: General ...... 46 Section 2: Public Transport and Travel ...... 47 Section 3: Crime ...... 49 Section 4: Public Services ...... 50 Section 5: Community in Woodhurst ...... 50 Section 6: Social Events ...... 52 Section 7: Further Comments ...... 53 Section 8: Information About You ...... 54

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Woodhurst Parish Council was encouraged by District Council to prepare a parish plan in order to gauge the views of residents within our parish. It took some time to gather enough momentum to begin the process but once the parish council had initiated the first parish plan meeting, a steering group of volunteers was soon formed to create the plan.

The group then undertook the important tasks of obtaining finance, designing and printing the questionnaires, processing of all the data and finally drafting the plan. ACRE gratefully supplied the grant funding and initial guidance as to how to proceed with the plan.

The high level of response to the questionnaire has undoubtedly helped to provide a true measure of the aspirations and opinions of residents. The parish council, as the first tier of local government, will be able to use the data to obtain support from Huntingdon District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council when considering what actions are needed to be taken and prioritise them accordingly. Following the principles of localism, some of the actions to be tackled may require the help of enthusiastic volunteer groups, such as Natural Woodhurst.

This is the start of a process of engagement between the parish council and parishioners and one which will hopefully continue. It may well become modified as future priorities become apparent, but I am confident it will benefit our community.

It has taken a lot of time and effort to produce this plan and I hope you will join me in congratulating all those who have worked on this project.

Cllr Alistair Marr

Chairman, Woodhurst Parish Council

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Welcome to the Woodhurst Parish Plan. Hopefully you will recall members of the committee delivering and collecting questionnaires back in 2011. It has taken a while to collate and analyse the results and produce this document so we apologise if you had been wondering what had happened to your hard work.

So, can we start with a big thank you to all who took the time to respond and provide us with your views and opinions on a large range of issues affecting us all.

What is a Parish Plan? All Parish Councils are “encouraged” to produce a Parish Plan – failure to do so sends a signal to government about the level of active interest there is within the Parish and this can contribute to parishes being absorbed into larger parishes, thus losing our independence and focus on our village.

A Parish Plan must be produced by volunteers from within the Parish community, not by the Parish Council although they do need to approve the Plan prior to its publication.

The Parish Council have been very supportive in its production and we thank them for their time.

What Will Change As A Result? Change of any nature results from a consensus and from there calls upon the various agencies of government or in the case of community projects, by ourselves the residents organising and making things happen to improve and deliver the facilities we want.

Generating this Plan has enabled us to gain a consensus the key concerns and these will be taken forward via the Parish Council to the various agencies. The Parish Council cannot be expected to do all the work, the success of any campaign or petition will be dependent upon volunteers from within our community coming together on various projects.

You have all chosen to live in Woodhurst, no doubt for a variety of reasons, and together we are responsible for the community that we create and enjoy. We cannot make a shop or pub appear by ticking a box on a questionnaire but we can make a difference to our village in a lot of other ways.

Your Parish Plan committee will be suggesting some projects in the near future and your support will be vital to achieve success.

As with all villages, we are a community of individuals bound together by our decision to live in Woodhurst. The village will continue to flourish for as long as we want it to and by the look of this survey, there is a very positive desire for it to do just that.

Andy Notman, Tony Reynolds, Shirley Firth Woodhurst Parish Plan Committee [email protected]

With thanks to Annabel Farbon, Avril Mayall, Gary Davies, Sharron Davies

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About Woodhurst

Woodhurst is a small Village to the North of St Ives in Cambridgeshire. It falls under the jurisdiction of District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council and also has its own 7 member Parish Council.

It has limited amenities and facilities, with no retail units or schools. There has not been a Village Pub or Post Office for a number of years and there is no designated ‘play space’ within the village.

Public Transport links are scarce, with a single bus to St Ives each morning, which returns three hours later.

Very few residents now work in the village and the Children go to many different schools in the surrounding area.

With no mains gas, most residents rely on oil or gas tanks for heating and a large portion of the village has unsightly electricity cables on poles. Broadband access is limited and much slower than neighbouring villages due to the distance from the local exchange (Warboys).

Woodhurst: A brief history

The oldest written reference to Wodeherst is found in a ‘feet of fines ‘ (a conveyance of land agreement) dated 1209; and in 1229 a letter from the Pope confirming that the church of Wodehurst is a chapel belonging to the Prior and monks of St Ives. Hurst is an Old English name meaning ‘wooded hill’. ‘Wode is a Middle English name meaning ‘wood’

Woodhurst has been known as an Anglo Saxon Ring Village for a long time, however there was a settlement here before the Anglo Saxons came. A survey carried out by Cambridge and Birmingham Universities Archaeological Field Units before Harradine Close was built in 2001 found evidence of Roman and probably Iron Age settlement; they came to the conclusion that at that time Woodhurst had been a lower order Roman settlement on the edge of the Fens.

When Moot Way was built, remains of an Anglo Saxon house were found along with some burial sites, which the archaeologists concluded were probably plague burials as they were a distance from the churchyard.

The outer boundary of the village has not changed, although in the 18th Century there were more houses on South Street than on Church Street. The population reached a peak of 554 in 1861, with most of the population employed in agriculture, there were 2 blacksmiths, 2 bakers and grocers, a postmaster and bricklayer. There were 2 schools 4 pubs, 2 chapels and a church and a thriving farming community.

By 1901 there were only 253 inhabitants, and even less in 1951 when there were only 233. Since then there has been a steady growth in population, the 2001 census recorded 327 people. Luckily the concept of a ring village hasn’t altered, even though the makeup of the population has.

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A Guide To This Plan

We carried out an Adult survey and a Youth survey; the results of each are published in this document. We received 163 completed Adult questionnaires back, around 55% and 23 Youth questionnaires, around 30%. These figures were higher than we expected based on advice we were given.

We have summarised and aggregated all of your responses to each question so that we can all gain an understanding of the community response. Some people did not answer each question so you will see these listed as “skipped question”.

Some questions encouraged “Other...” responses. In some cases there were many differing comments so we have simply listed all different responses received for your information. These detailed comments will be very useful for any resultant projects that will follow in due course.

Key Views From Our Community

To help get an overall view of opinion on some of the key issues raised, we have summarised views expressed at the time of the survey by the adults:

Public Transport – 86% of us never use the village bus service but the majority of us would if it were more frequent and provided direct links to the guided bus and Huntingdon railway station.

Speeding – there is very high concern over vehicles speeding through our village and the majority support some form of traffic calming system.

Road Safety - the junction between Woodhurst and (Wheatsheaf Road joining the Somersham Road) remains the single major concern with our local access.

Public Services – Broadband speed is felt to be totally unsatisfactory by most of us but most people are satisfied with other local services provided.

Our Community – most of us are satisfied with the events currently organised in the village and 84% would support a replacement Village Hall.

Woodhurst Church – there is strong feeling that the Church is important as a place of worship and a focal point for the community with the majority in favour of concerts and exhibitions. The first concert to be held for many years took place last April and was very well attended. A large number of villagers also feel that it is very important as an historic building that must be preserved.

Village Newsletter & Website – the newsletter is read by virtually everyone and most of us visit the Woodhurst website from time to time.

Facilities – in terms of new facilities that we would like within our village a pub and shop would clearly be of benefit to the majority of us as would a children’s play area.

Village Events – most people are satisfied with the organised events that take place and their frequency, but would also support a greater variety of activities and events.

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Planning – most of us are pleased that part of our village is a designated Conservation Area and are satisfied with the extent of it although many feel it should be extended. A small majority feel that we have no need for new housing although many would support some more family homes and affordable/starter homes.

RAF Wyton – whilst a third of us would oppose any development at Wyton, most people would decide on the merits once more information on any proposed scheme was made available.

Wind Farm – although there are no current plans, most people would either support such a development or would prefer to wait until the details of any proposal become available.

Parish Council – the majority of us feel that the Parish Council listen and communicate well but most do not feel that the same can be said of the County and District Councils. The majority would also support a small increase Council Tax provided that it went directly to our Parish Council.

Turning to the survey carried of our youngsters (up to 17 years old), we can draw the following observations:

Living in Woodhurst – it is good to see that our youngsters appreciate many of the benefits of living here but most of them feel that there is not enough to do. They do not have concerns over crime levels.

Public Transport – as with the adults, most youngsters never use the local bus service but would if it were more regular with the right connections.

Local Cycle Routes - the provision of local cycling routes was overwhelmingly supported.

Community & Events – most youngsters who responded attend events at the Village Hall if they are suitable for young people but want more events for younger children and teenagers. As with adults the majority would support a new Village Hall.

So, you have the headlines but read on...there is a lot of detail and interesting reading ahead.

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The Adult Survey

Section 1: General

How long have you been living in Woodhurst

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Less than 12 months 4.4% 7 1 to 2 years 7.5% 12 3-5 years 11.3% 18 6 - 10 years 20.6% 33 11 - 15 years 16.9% 27 16 - 20 years 13.1% 21 More Than 20 years 26.3% 42 answered question 160 skipped question 5

Below are some things people have said about living in Woodhurst. For each, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree

Agree Disagree Response Answer Options Agree Disagree Strongly Strongly Count

It's just the right size 69 82 8 0 159 It's peaceful 88 70 2 0 160 It's beautiful 71 80 7 0 158 The people who live here are friendly 50 100 5 1 156 It's a good place to raise a family 45 99 9 0 153 There's not enough to do 15 57 62 13 147 It's too quiet 2 11 85 49 147 answered question 161 skipped question 4

How important is each of the following to you personally

Neither Extremely Important Not Very Not at all Response Answer Options Important Important or Important important Count unimportant

Access to Public 28 53 36 29 15 161 Transport Level of Crime 100 56 5 1 0 162 Availability of Public Services i.e. post, refuse collections, 103 53 7 0 0 163 street lighting, electricity, broadband etc. Sense of community 55 85 20 2 0 162 Village Social Events 40 80 35 7 0 162 answered question 163 skipped question 2

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Section 2: Public Transport and Travel

How often do you use the village bus service?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count At least 3 times a week 1.9% 3 1-2 times a week 1.2% 2 Once every couple of weeks 2.5% 4 About once a month 0.0% 0 Less than once a month 8.1% 13 Never 86.3% 139 answered question 161 skipped question 4

What would encourage you to use the bus more often?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

More reliable timetable 19.9% 30 More frequent service 66.2% 100 Easier access for pushchairs/disabled access 6.6% 10 Cheaper Fares 12.6% 19 Greater choice of destinations 41.1% 62 A link to the guided bus 70.9% 107 A link to Huntingdon Railway station 45.0% 68 Other (see below) 23 answered question 151 skipped question 14

 A timetable that allows more time to be spent at the destination; An hour currently is insufficient before return.  I work full time during the week, but would use the bus on a Saturday; Weekday buses useful for visitors  Nothing - I'm happy as it is.  At 70 years+, how long can I continue to drive? So for the future years the bus is essential.  There is NO SERVICE when there's only 1 per day. We need a better service all round  Run at more convenient times  Buses that run at suitable times  Less antisocial behaviour on them  Hinchingbrooke Hospital and Huntingdon!  Able to take dogs on bus  A service at a time which would allow commuting  Greater choice of destinations that go direct  Make it available for working persons to be able to commute eg 8am service for work return 6pm  Don't use the bus as I have a car.  Buses timed to meet employment needs  Unlikely to use as we do not have regular journeys. A minibus that can be booked the day before seems a better option  buses that run in the evenings especially at weekends  A later return time e.g. 1415 not 1315  I wouldn't use it

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 A more frequent service to St Ives so that you can spend a few hours there or link with services to Cambridge/Huntingdon/Peterborough  Bus services to/from St Ives/Huntingdon will never be sufficiently frequent to encourage me to use it  Buses that left at times which would mean you could use them to get to work  London access, Hunts stations as above v good.

How interested would you be in a community transport service, similar to the Fenlands FACT services, which provide support for essential (medical) non-essential (for example visiting friends in hospital) and social activities?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Extremely Interested 6.9% 11 Very Interested 26.3% 42 Not Very Interested 45.6% 73 Not at all interested 21.3% 34 answered question 160 skipped question 5

How interested would you be in a car pool (e.g. getting together with other villagers to share a car journey)?

Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Interested interested interested interested Count

To local towns 8 22 67 61 158 To Huntingdon station 7 24 51 68 150 answered question 161 skipped question 4

How interested would you be in local cycling routes, for example to and from local towns i.e. St Ives and Huntingdon? Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count Extremely interested 32.9% 52 Interested 35.4% 56 Not very interested 15.2% 24 Not at all interested 16.5% 26 answered question 158 skipped question 7

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How concerned are you about each of the following factors?

Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Concerned concerned concerned concerned Count

Speeding 73 69 20 0 162 Volume of traffic 32 78 47 1 158 Streetlights 23 46 77 11 157 Condition of the roads 30 62 59 5 156 Parking 25 35 75 21 156 Road markings 10 35 89 22 156 Woodhurst/Bluntisham 99 26 31 5 161 (B1040) cross roads Oldhurst Junction (old Ramsey 47 42 60 9 158 Road) Oldhurst Road / A141 38 40 72 8 158 Junction answered question 163 skipped question 2

How likely would you be to support a traffic-calming scheme in the village?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

I would strongly support a traffic calming scheme 40.1% 65 I would support a traffic calming scheme 38.9% 63 I would not really support a traffic calming scheme 13.0% 21 I would definitely not support a traffic calming scheme 8.0% 13 answered question 162 skipped question 3

Which of the following would you support? Would Definitely Would Would not would Response Answer Options strongly support really not Count support support support Speed bumps 34 28 30 52 144 Priority Chicanes 42 48 22 26 138 Speed cameras 42 31 36 29 138 Other (See Below) 35 answered question 159 skipped question 6

 Flashing "slow down" signs when exceeding the limit  Speed Warning Signs  I would support a scheme similar to that in Hilton. i.e. Chicanes & Signs which are illuminated if you exceed the 30MPH speed limit. It seems to be effective. However in Germany, there are even more effective signs which actually flash up your precise speed - they are very effective and worthy of investigation.  Countdown to 30mph signs coming into the village  Fence at each end of the village

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 Gates at Village Entrance  Sign that lights up to remind of speed limit  Illuminated speed sign  Flashing Speed Sign  Flashing speed sign  Gates on verge at each end of the village  Low speed diagonal bumps (ripples);  Move the 30mph sign on Wheatsheaf at least 50ft back  Mobile Speed Cameras  Electronic slow down to30 mph  Speed Indicator Signs ONLY  Availability of off street public village parking at either end of the village (3 or 4 spaces) to take account of walkers, dog walkers who visit village to use walkways etc. so that streets remain accessible.  Renewal of 30mph signs in Church St  Change to 25 mph speed limit  National Electronic in car 30mph speed reduction, let's be the first village to have it  Speed Indicators  flashing lights showing speed restriction as in Warboys  Automated Warning sign  Put barrier down South St, halfway to stop through traffic  Road narrowing in "chicanes" within village.  Consider closing South Street  Flashing speed sign  Encourage people who have off road parking to use it - then again it does act as a natural chicane in Church St  Flashing speed limit reminders  signs showing excess speed as they have in Hilton  NO HUMPS! If found speeding - car taken and crushed (with driver) when exiting the village!  Not needed. the parked cars are enough  flashing speed indicator  Life here is impossible without a car or other transport  Community Vascar?  actual speed warning signs

Any other comments about public transport and travel in and around Woodhurst?

 It would be great if there was a good cycle path to St Ives  The bus service currently does not provide a viable alternative to using a car. The services are not people friendly, not allowing sufficient time to stop before return time.  Car pool to St Ives Park and Ride?  Most of us who live in the village have at least one car per household, so we are responsible for a lot of the traffic in the village. I am concerned about the no. of people who still use phones while driving, especially whilst driving round the pond one-handed. This is probably the most frequent crimes that is committed in the village and is often committed by villagers  It is essential that we keep a bus service in the village. We seem to have a token service at the moment that is no use to anyone.  The above (traffic calming measures) were investigated some years ago. When we were informed about the details of the possibility of certain changes being made by Hunts DC. Then what happened? As usual TALK, TALK, TALK and no DO , DO , DO  We seem to be a little neglected, although the School bus service is good.  I am unable to get to work in Huntingdon if I needed to use public transport. A bus getting to St Ives or Huntingdon before 9am and one returning after 5pm would be useful. Not only for commuters but for links with HRC and schools  Speeding is a great concern. We have several families with young children in the village. Within a few years we will have many young children on our village paths; let's not wait until something awful happens before the village takes action

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 Safe cycle route linking village to St Ives and Huntingdon is what I would like to see. I would use a bike to get to the station or Huntingdon, but the A141 is not a safe option for cyclists  I currently work full time in a rural location, 18 miles from Woodhurst. When I retire in a few years, public transport will become more important for me.  A concern I have is that if the Village Hall were rebuilt and used more often, parking could become a major issue in St Johns Close as people currently park thoughtlessly in the close so this would only get worse.  There is just so much traffic through the village including those with noisy exhausts. It is a real rat run.  Need a bus service that runs at times that people can use  Speed of large farm machinery  20mph speed limit in South Street  Having not lived here long enough, it's difficult to know what the best option is. Traffic calming and safety is important to me but it's a difficult balance. I would be happy to be involved in a discussion.  10mph Speed restriction / signs at the sharp corner of West End and South Street  Low bumps makes ride uncomfortable at speed. They only need to be about 2-3 inches tall and do not rip sumps/exhaust off  The number of HGVs running through the village and ignoring the 7.5 tonne limit  Priority chicanes can be quite hazardous. I have nearly been hit when exiting Abbots Ripton in both directions several times!  Access for older children to be able to travel out of the village for work/social would be ideal  Bus service should be better  I have noticed more and more lorries using Church St (using satnavs?) I've had a couple of near misses with lorries trying to navigate the bends at the end of the village. Something should be done to stop them coming through the village.  I think that the 30mph signs at the entrance to the village should be at least 50+ yards before their present position  Parking on blind bend opposite the chapel is a concern  A cycle path/route to St Ives would be of huge benefit. Could the bridleway to the SW of the village be linked to the Old Ramsey Road?  Buses: Could the school buses be made available to the public?  Pond Corner dangerous with "high-speed" cars on wrong side of road. Why not have LARGE arrowed sign from Wheatsheaf Rd end. Also 25mph restriction  To utilise the guided bus, Woodhurst needs a half hourly link bus along with the other small villages, particularly in term time for children. Public transport is underused because it is too infrequent, unreliable and expensive  Have no experience of speeding in the village as our house is tucked out of the way!  People (including villagers) who speed along South St to the bend that joins West End. Dog walkers and pram pushers take their life to the edge along this part of the village.  Public transport should be available for people to get to and return from work, or to go shopping. Young Persons or school leavers have to rely on parents to take them to work because the bus doesn't arrive until 10.30 and returns at 1.30. What a waste of time, nobody needs these stupid times and you can't get anywhere within this short time.  Parking is a major concern  Speed bumps ruin cars' suspension! Parking to be on one side of the road in Church St  Speed bumps will adversely affect villagers by reducing suspension life. Priority chicanes will not significantly improve on the existing sharp bends. The village doesn't meet the criteria for a camera and it would be vulnerable to cuts. An automated sign will influence those who can be influenced. parking opposite junctions causes problems. Some imposed discipline on parking in Church St could improve safety but exactly what is a task for experts. Unnecessary signage at B1040 cross roads should be removed and grass regularly cut to improve visibility in St Ives direction.  I have 2 children aged 10 and 7, they are very active children and I get frustrated with the lack of safe cycle areas where they can ride their bikes. Just biking around the village is boring and riding out of the village is dangerous on the main roads. I understand that bikes are not allowed on public footpaths but surely with consideration (i.e. not riding on them in the wet and stopping to let people pass) this would be the safest answer especially as I do not see the point of putting the bikes in the back of the car to go for a bike ride.

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Government encourages exercise for children, I honestly think the Woodhurst parish council should help parents with this problem.  Speeding around blind bends  Parking on pavements denies freedom of movement to those of our community confined to wheelchairs  Homes that park cars on the ring road lead to driving around them - swerving around them. Acceptable for homes with no other options but not for those with driveways and parking/garages  Bus service is too inadequate to use regularly. A service that included a stop at the co-op supermarket each way would be a boon to both drivers and non-drivers living in the village.  Those working in St Ives would benefit from an early morning and late afternoon service to avoid using a car all the time.  Would like Butt Lane to become a bridleway to allow cycling to St Ives  Car Share for kids to Somersham  Full width speed bumps I do not have a problem with, but speed cushions are particularly damaging to cars and large cars/vehicles are not slowed by them at all  Parking of cars on footpaths forcing pedestrians into the road and tearing up grass verges in wet weather are a concern. Cars parked on the edge of the road, no problem - they slow down through traffic  It's only a matter of time before someone dies at one of the junctions mentioned. The only way to pull out of those junctions is to shut your eyes and take a chance most of the time.  Too many markings and signs encourage drivers not to use their natural safety instinct and I question the value of overzealous road markings etc. Chevrons at bad corners and speed signs should be sufficient.  Farm traffic will ignore speed bumps  Improved pedestrian routes, kerbs etc.  "NO ACCESS" signs to South Street would be a good deterrent to cars using South Street as a quick short cut  I would be more supportive of speeding warning sings electronically activated by speeding drivers than speed cameras, speed bumps and chicanes. I think these cause more problems and noise.  Snow clearance could be quicker  At the West End of South St. it would be very greatly acceptable if there were more traffic calming signs to slow down for the corner. Even if the hedgerow could be kept in trim a little more quickly and often than it is done now. The corner has become quite dangerous for oncoming traffic, pedestrians with children, wheelchairs and runners. It would be great too if only we were connected for the guided bus or to Huntingdon, it would save finding somewhere to park the car.  I would like to see a warning notice at both ends of South St. alerting motorists that there are no footpaths and beware of walkers, horses and pedestrians pushing prams and buggies. Or the positioning of speed bumps either side of the entrances to South Street would at least slow traffic down

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Section 3: Crime

Please indicate the extent to which the following crimes/ anti-social behaviours concern you.

Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Concerned concerned concerned concerned Count

Physical assault 35 29 67 27 158 Theft 50 73 30 8 161 Car theft / break-ins 48 61 41 9 159 Vandalism 40 46 57 12 155 Fly tipping 56 73 24 6 159 Litter 42 64 44 6 156 Dog fouling 53 68 31 9 161 Drunkenness 25 36 75 24 160 Noise/ disturbance 29 35 69 25 158 Illegal drug activity 44 34 48 29 155 answered question 164 skipped question 1

How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the local police service?

Neither Not Not at Answer Extremely satisfied Not Response Satisfied very all Options satisfied nor applicable Count satisfied satisfied dissatisfied

Visibility (presence, 5 23 65 47 18 5 163 frequency of patrols etc) Advice (crime 7 22 79 28 9 12 157 prevention) Response time 6 28 59 15 10 42 160 answered question 163 skipped question 2

Any other comments on crime, anti-social behaviours or local police services in Woodhurst?  Friendly village and friends/neighbours look out for each other, particularly children. Children in this village are friendly and approachable unlike some other areas  Many householders are very irresponsible with their dogs. They go out and allow them to bark all day. It is turning a normal peaceful village into an unpleasant environment.  Illegal parking over part or all of the pavements preventing pushchairs and pedestrian access - forcing pedestrians into the busy road.  All of the above concern me, but I have not experienced any problems (other than dog fouling) since living in Woodhurst  Would like to occasionally meet our local policeman (if we have one!)  We have so little crime in this village that whatever the police are doing must be pitched at the right level.  The police seem to spend all their time and resources in Somersham and Ramsey; although we don't have much crime in the village, they never appear to do patrols until it's too late.  Would like to see a pro-active neighbourhood watch scheme again  We are very fortunate to live in a quiet peaceful law abiding village and long may it continue

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 Again, we were informed some 3 or 4 years ago that the RAF Wyton Police were involved in our welfare. I have not heard of any activity.  Not fair for me to comment - I work for another force.  My reply is a general comment but the only crime experienced in the village is theft, car theft and dog fouling  I have never had need of the police in Woodhurst so am unable to respond in respect of response times but would comment that I have also never seen a police patrol in Woodhurst.  We have little crime in Woodhurst which leads me to believe that whatever the police are doing and however they are deploying their limited resources - it's working! Well done Cambs Police!  Never see the police in the village  CCTV is relatively cheap and could capture number plates of vehicles in and out of the village  The local police are a joke.  never see the Police so don't know response time  None of the above has affected me in 30 years in Woodhurst- if they did I would be extremely concerned.  Happy that the crime rate in Woodhurst is very low.  Have only very rarely seen police in the village - but haven't had any need for them  I don't believe I have ever seen a policeman in the village  Can we opt out of the Band A £120, Band F £250 Cambs. Constabulary Council Tax charge and employ our own bobby with one or two other villages, who spends 3-4 hours a day around the village on a bicycle.  On phoning 999 on one occasion was asked to investigate the burglary myself and ring back if the intruder still in the house. I declined! In current climate wouldn't expect to see a "bobby on the beat" daily!  The village feels safe, but dog fouling is a problem  Dog Fouling is rife in the village  Would like to see more Police  I am obviously extremely concerned that the current low level of crime in the village is maintained. However I don’t sense any immediate threat to it.  Phoning local police is almost a total waste of time. On a number of attempts to report suspect activity phones were just not picked up  Crime appears low but seems to be due to the residents & the low key profile of the village rather than police intervention  Was unaware crime prevention advice was available. Scope for an active neighbourhood watch scheme?  Not aware of what police service is in place on a regular basis  we were told at a meeting some time ago to get a dog by the police as they would be unlikely to get to Woodhurst in good time  Never seen a policeman/woman in woodhurst!  Noisy people talking at the top of their voices late into the night in back gardens (ARGHHH!)  We do not seem to have a problem in Woodhurst, but I would be concerned if we did.  Yes. The man who hides behind walls with his binoculars and speed gun. I'm concerned about him.  I have no personal experience  Cans (alcohol) left on walking paths regularly

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Section 4: Public Services

How satisfied are you with the following services? Please give one answer for each service that is relevant to you/your household

Neither Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Satisfied satisfied nor N/A satisfied satisfied satisfied Count dissatisfied

Post – delivery 36 96 14 14 1 0 161 Post - 26 96 24 7 1 5 159 collection Refuse 39 91 21 7 2 2 162 collections Electricity (i.e. reliability of 20 101 21 18 2 0 162 supply) Broadband (i.e. availability, 3 22 12 38 67 17 159 speed, reliability) Street cleaning 11 85 48 13 0 3 160 Local recycling / waste 51 95 13 0 0 4 163 facilities Milk delivery 21 39 30 4 0 64 158 service Mobile library 6 29 49 3 0 70 157 Water / sewage 17 96 37 6 4 1 161 Maintenance of 9 91 32 20 7 0 159 grass verges answered question 164 skipped question 1

What public services / amenities would you like to see more of / improved?  Postal delivery times vary according to who is on duty that morning. Occasionally when I have more than 1 black wheelie bin perhaps could call HDC to arrange extra for a nominal fee. If not enough demand for recycling collection point, suggestion: is there a mobile collection service for old clothes/shoes etc. for those unable to go to the tip  Our broadband is rubbish. We should be campaigning for a better service  A decent rural broadband access and speed.  A solution to the smelly sewage manhole in Church Street/Moot Way  Improved Broadband in the village  A pocket park and better access to the picnic area facility at the conservation area (i.e. a footpath)  Broadband speed is a major issue for the village. With more people working from home, the poor broadband speed/service could have an adverse effect on property prices.  The sewage system seems to get blocked on a regular basis and the rainwater drains are not much better as Church St is often flooded after a downpour.  Broadband Speed  I would like to know the extent of the Parish Council's efforts to improve broadband speed. My opinion is that they are not interested!  Do we have a Mobile Library?  Library bus visits village during weekday working hours; I am at work and children are all at school.  Grass cutting in public areas - once or twice a year is not good value and take advantage of us that do our bit.

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 Grey Bin collection in summer months is not frequent enough - bin full of maggots.  Very interested in improving broadband speed.  Improved broadband internet speeds  Better rights of way  A pocket park  A village pub  Post-delivery has deteriorated over past few weeks - it used to be excellent  Improved Broadband service  Option to investigate a private fibre optic network for village  Faster broadband would be nice and cable TV  A Pub or three!  Broadband speeds  Extension of plastics recycling  The drains are always getting blocked and therefore smell frequently  Travelling Shop  Local Newspaper Delivery  Would like weekly collections on refuse.  Electricity fails several times a year. Kicks out computers and associated equipment requiring clocks etc. resets throughout the house.  Electricity & Broadband  It would also be appreciated if we had a gas service to the village rather than having to depend on electricity & oil or liquid gas storage/supply  Maintenance of Grass Verges : Not at all satisfied with repeated cutting of meadow opposite pond, Otherwise satisfied  Broadband: Would be good to have it in the 21st Century  Electricity: Improve Reliability  Weekly collection of recyclable waste. Weekly collection of green waste during high summer  Refuse collections: A weekly collection of separated food would be a significant improvement (as in North Northants)  Broadband: Reliability OK, speed poor to very poor.  Street lighting: Could it be turned off from 11pm to 5.30am to save electricity?  Broadband, Refuse Collection, in particular General Household  I would not want to see grass verges cut permanently low, if anything, managed as wild meadow would be best  Broadband  Post Office services in village, or offered by post van or mobile library  Grass cutting of the peripheral road is frequent enough. It is good to let the grass mature around the more rural places. Outside homes, if the householder keeps the verge tidy they should be permitted to use moveable bollards to protect it from irresponsible road users.  Broadband needs updating ASAP. Our council tax should be used to invest/improve essential services such as this. Post: it would be good to have a parcel collection point for commuters to use. Milk: it is a shame internet shopping cannot be combined with a milk, bread and paper delivery.  Internet service very limited - Suggest village petition for BT/Virgin fibre optic broadband- gives opportunity to have fast internet/cable TV (May be applicable to the majority of the village e.g. when working from home, education, social networking)  Faster Broadband  Would love milk before breakfast - but that is probably a bit unrealistic!  Saturday Post Collection  Household refuse collection weekly  Household refuse collection; weekly not fortnightly!  See street cleaner about twice a year  BROADBAND  Weekly Refuse Collections!  Maintenance of trees and grass verges on Street  Maintenance of verges & trees cut at end of street  Surface water drainage is poor on church street and needs improving  Low score for maintenance of grass verges applies mainly to junctions with main roads which are not always cut as regularly as they should be

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 A shop. Funding to assist with anyone volunteering to open one.  Village bar opened more often to develop the 'business' and maybe entice a real pub to open  Broadband +++  Grey bins collected every week in the summer  Refuse collection on a weekly basis would be an improvement  Desperately need better broadband  Cable/Virgin from South Street? or Fibre BT !!!  Drain is always blocked in Church Street  More availability of dog poo bins in the village!! It is not nice to have them put in the general public rubbish bins  Cable, optical  Mains Gas?  Collection of litter, especially on approaches to the village.  Play park of some kind for the children  On purchasing a property in Woodhurst the adage of 'buyer beware' is appropriate. Accept the situation for what it is, unless you are prepared to instigate change and not expect other people to do it for you!  Mobile shop  Paper deliveries - we do not get any free deliveries e.g. Hunts post etc.  Broadband  I didn't know there was a mobile library  High speed broadband  Electricity that doesn't cut out  South Street sewage pumping station smell is totally unacceptable. 2011 technology needs to be introduced by Anglian Water since the charcoal filters they state were introduced in 2002 and an odour logger introduced in 2007 clearly do not function effectively. I would welcome faster broadband.  BT inform us that if more villagers request it they will install 'infinity' broadband which is much quicker, but will do nothing if nobody asks!! Have put up with 'smell' from pumping station for 9 years and always complained  Faster Broadband  Street Lighting in Church Walk  Street Cleaning: Is there any?  Broadband Speed  Paper Delivery. Would love to get daily papers - also we do not get any free newspapers  Refuse collections - green bin. It would be much healthier if the green bin was emptied each week during the summer months, especially when the bin is not emptied properly, so the contents are still there, making the time a month before collection.

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Section 5: Community in Woodhurst

How satisfied are you with the following community facilities / services? Please rate all that apply to you personally

Neither Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Satisfied satisfied nor N/A satisfied satisfied satisfied Count dissatisfied

Church services 8 49 44 0 0 52 153 Church events – open mornings, Christmas fayre, 23 77 35 0 0 23 158 open days e.g. history of Woodhurst Village Hall 8 76 34 22 5 13 158 Public rights of 17 96 25 10 2 8 158 way Newsletter 36 97 16 4 0 5 158 Village Website 35 75 23 2 0 19 154 Feast week (inc. scarecrow 35 81 29 5 1 4 155 festival) Line dancing 0 10 29 0 2 104 145 Parish council 8 68 46 7 2 16 147 Woodhurst in Bloom / Natural 18 74 37 8 1 11 149 Woodhurst Woodhurst Golf 6 15 34 2 1 88 146 competition Village Conservation 13 65 45 6 1 18 148 Area Mother & Toddler 7 11 25 1 1 102 147 group answered question 162 skipped question 3

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How important is Woodhurst’s church, St John the Baptist, to you, in terms of the following?

Neither Extremely important Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Important important nor important important Count unimportant

As a regular place of 19 30 40 22 47 158 worship For festival services such as Easter and 33 53 30 12 31 159 Christmas For baptisms, weddings and 35 58 34 8 25 160 funerals As a focal point for the community – eg. 32 59 34 11 20 156 the monthly open mornings As an historic 74 72 10 2 4 162 building For private prayer 21 37 44 17 36 155 As a venue for special occasions or 35 76 32 7 8 158 events, for example the advent fayre Other (See Below) 7 answered question 163 skipped question 2

 I think our local church is an asset. However I am not involved with the current organisation. It is difficult to accept that we do not have a resident minister. I have not had anything from the Church other than a newsletter stuffed through the letterbox since I have lived in the village. That is not to say I do not consider the church important, I do.  Non-religious gatherings/meetings  Should be used for the new Village Hall  More cultured events - concerts, exhibitions etc.  Weekly Coffee Morning/Social Club/Society. (Needs a very active clergy)  As a place of "refuge"  As a place that isn't just for private living or buying and selling

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If falling attendance meant that regular services at our church were no longer feasible, do you think that the church should…..?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Close 4.3% 6 Open just occasionally, for special services such as Christmas and Easter 92.0% 127 Be converted to a house 3.6% 5 Other (See Below) 37 answered question 138 skipped question 27

 Become a village hall - amenities centre  Everything should be done to keep the Church open, but it needs some commitment from the minister other than just turning up for services.  Kept as a resource for the local community - more community orientated services might encourage higher attendance (more Christian Outreach)  Converted to be used as a village hall/church  If it has to close, convert it into a proper village community centre  plus Christenings, Marriages and Funerals  Use for community education?  I didn't think closure was an option?  Be used as a community room  The new village centre  Share a vicar with other small villages  Turned into a pub  Open for other events - exhibitions/pub/talks/parties etc.  Use as village hall. Sell hall land to buy church?  Used as a village hall  Should be used for the new Village Hall  Community hall  Funerals  House...Definitely not!  The church should not under any circumstances be closed  Social Focal Point  Events/celebrations & private prayer/weddings etc.  Also for weddings, baptisms and funerals  Combine with Village Hall - share costs and income. Sell land from Village Hall and use proceeds to support future of both.  Community Events; Private Reflection  Close? No chance. Converted to a house? No chance.  Leave it as it is.  Also Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms  Remain available as a place for "reflection" and as a village monument,  Look into other public amenity options  Could it be converted to village hall?  Never be a house!  Increase community use, part time shop, crèche etc. etc.  Try to run performances and other events  continue to rotate with other parishes  Have it as new village hall  Use for additional activity

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Which if any of the following additional activities would you like to see at the church? Please select all that apply

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Church open during the day for private prayer 38.2% 52 Concerts e.g. music, singing 78.7% 107 Exhibitions e.g. photographic, local history 90.4% 123 Other (See Below) 15 answered question 136 skipped question 29

 Social gatherings  Bring and Buy sale for people's excess veg/fruit in the summer/autumn  Make it Multidenominational  Not large enough for concerts  Art exhibitions  The church needs updating by the addition of mains water, toilets and a small kitchen if it is to survive as a viable building. Too much focus on the historic building aspect will mean it will not adapt to today’s needs and will therefore fall out of use.  Pub  Pub/ gatherings/business meetings/anything  Play Group etc.  Sunday school  For parishioners of other faiths  Pop up swap shops/tea room etc.  Community drop in facility  Poker nights  Lectures?

Which of the following statements best sums up how you use the Village Hall?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count I try to attend as many events as possible, whether they interest me 16.8% 27 personally or not I try to attend the events that interest me 48.4% 78 I rarely attend Village Hall events 25.5% 41 I never attend events in the Village Hall 9.3% 15 answered question 161 skipped question 4

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Which of the following might encourage you to support more events at the village hall?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

More events for adults only 29.8% 42 More family friendly events 38.3% 54 Special interest events such as talks, clubs 47.5% 67 More suppers / meals 19.1% 27 More pub nights 40.4% 57 Regular quiz nights 32.6% 46 Regular bingo nights 16.3% 23 More daytime events e.g. lunches, coffee mornings 23.4% 33 More attractive surroundings / décor 53.2% 75 Better heating 32.6% 46 More comfortable seating 44.0% 62 Softer / improved lighting 34.8% 49 Help to get to there (someone to walk with me / give me a lift there and 2.8% 4 back) Other (See Below) 19 answered question 141 skipped question 24

 Events should be for everyone. The village hall needs a face-lift. It could and should be the centre of the community.  Better toilets & kitchen facilities. Combined pub & quiz nights.  Youth Club  A total rebuild would be good  Better Toilets  move to the church  Move Village Hall to the church  The Mother and Toddler group should be held in the hall  Better Village Hall  Rebuild!  Less Dust; How about a "homeworkers" lunch once a month  I attend all village functions  Total upgrade e.g. Bluntisham  TV Sport for major events  Quiz nights which include families as babysitters/grandparents not always available  Games nights for children - maybe weekly  Film Shows  Public Bar Licence  Lighting outside hall

How likely would you be to support a new building to replace the current Village Hall (e.g. on the same site)?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

I would strongly support a replacement building 44.3% 70 I would support a replacement building 39.2% 62 I would not really support a replacement building 13.9% 22 I would definitely not support a replacement building 2.5% 4 answered question 158 skipped question 7

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Did you know that the Village Hall is available for hire?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Yes 87.6% 141 No 12.4% 20 answered question 161 skipped question 4

If the building was replaced, how likely would you be to consider Woodhurst Village Hall if you were looking for a venue to hire?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Very likely 40.0% 64 Likely 45.6% 73 Not very likely 11.3% 18 Not at all likely 3.1% 5 answered question 160 skipped question 5

How often do you visit the village website?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Most days 3.1% 5 Once or twice a week 6.1% 10 Every couple of weeks 9.8% 16 About once a month 21.5% 35 Less than once a month 30.7% 50 Never 28.8% 47 answered question 163 skipped question 2

What improvements / additions would you like to see to the website?  Notices on boards/website should be the same for consistency  How to contact the POC for group oil ordering  Inclusion of young people/children in village  More regular updating  Can't always find newsletters; No results of quizzes  Very satisfactory as it is  Nothing, serves all purposes  Put more notices on boards or let people know better for people who can't use the web  It's a great facility for a small village  Occasional printouts of info posted on the noticeboards for non-computer villagers would be appreciated,  More activity from the villagers  Pictures of noisy people/speeding drivers/dog foulers that are put in stocks  I feel very guilty about not visiting it more frequently - I shall do better!  I haven't looked at it since we moved in so don't really know how it could be improved  I think it is very good in its existing format

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Do you read the Woodhurst Newsletter

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Yes 95.0% 153 No 5.0% 8 answered question 161 skipped question 4

What improvements / additions would you like to see to the newsletter?  More people getting involved and writing articles  A welcome to new people in the village  The newsletter is well compiled and whoever is responsible should be thanked. This is the only thing that keeps me informed of village activities. Thanks You.  Broader inclusion/links with St Ives/surrounding villages  None, it is very informative  Regular Editions  To include minutes of Parish meetings. Not everybody are able to visit village notice boards  Maybe let people know who do not have a computer results of things that take place e.g. Village In Bloom & 100 Club winners  Pictures of noisy people/speeding drivers/dog foulers that are put in stocks  Very satisfied with it as it is  Regularity of production  ok in current format

Do you look at the village notice boards?

Response Answer Options Regularly Occasionally Never Count General notice boards (near the Church wall) and 60 77 14 151 on South Street opposite Fullards Farm) Church notice board (next to the Church gate) 41 75 28 144 Parish Council notice board at the bus shelter on 42 86 23 151 Church Street answered question 161 skipped question 4

Do you have any comments or suggestions for how the General, Church and Parish Council notice boards could be improved?  Old Notices/out of date notices to be removed so that the current notices stand out more  No  Could do with a larger one on South Street as it's always very crowded.  Larger boards would be useful. Ban commercial advertising.  More posters showing local walks, events in the area.  Need a larger board on South Street!  General noticeboard in Churchyard improved  Add it to the newsletter  Send them out to residents in email form  Map of the village always on show (names of houses)  Better, more visible locations i.e. near pond; made more attractive

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 Old notices taken down regularly as (especially) the one in South Street gets very overcrowded. Also results of competitions should be put on noticeboards, not just the website.  Difficult to read in poor light  Why can't Parish Council minutes be included in newsletter? Many people cannot get about to read noticeboards.  A section on each for villagers to recycle unwanted items, plants etc. with donations to village funds if appropriate.  Kept more tidily and out of date notices removed immediately after the events they advertise

In the focus groups some people mentioned a number of different facilities they would like to see in the village. Although there is no guarantee we will be able to get some or any of these, how interested would you be in the following?

Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Interested interested interested interested Count

Village shop 73 72 9 3 157 Village pub 73 50 20 9 152 Children’s playground 45 37 26 31 139 Allotments 14 32 41 37 124 OAP club 7 29 44 47 127 Youth club 14 29 44 38 125 Cable TV 37 33 33 30 133 Mains gas 48 35 20 29 132 Faster broadband connection 106 26 9 9 150 Underground power (electricity) 41 46 34 14 135 cables answered question 161 skipped question 4

Do you have any other comments or suggestions about Community in Woodhurst?  Although there may not be the demand for a village shop, perhaps some residents would like the use of a mobile shop?  A public tennis court would be nice!  Could a new village hall have a facility for a small shop/pub?  The village is ok as it is. Children have been brought up without playing fields, so why should the elderly be expected to pay towards playing field upkeep via precept? THE VILLAGE ISN'T BROKEN, SO DON'T TRY TO FIX IT.  Lack of facilities means a lack of communication. I came here over 10 years ago and since then there has been no change to my knowledge. My only joy was being a member of the HMVC (Huntingdon male voice choir), after being connected with all kinds of organisations e.g. theatre, local council, hospital and medical staff also dental in my varied life. Had I have known...well that’s another story.....  More for young people/social  The new village hall could also be the shop/pub?  If pub nights were held more regularly at village hall, we wouldn't need a pub  We had a pub and a shop but people chose to use other places, that’s why the pub closed. We also had a youth club,  What bloody focus groups? It sounds like a MORI poll (do you know anybody that took part in one)  A play area would enable all the children to mix together in a safe place.

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 We desperately need a playground and a meeting place for the pre-teens and teens to hang out  Given the number of young children in the village now, I think a children's playground should be a priority  More things for children and teenagers  The village is lovely as it is, and people who move here knowing the facilities on offer should think about whether they will be happy here.  Shop & pub could use the same space at different hours - could be part of village hall?  Availability of PO services (basic e.g. purchase of stamps, weighing facility for overseas mail, money withdrawals - to a limited value if this is more feasible  As my children get older I expect I will be interested in a Youth Club. For now, a playground would make it much easier to meet with other children and save having to drive out of the village to visit one.  There is a village pub night every eight weeks or so with quite good support but I don't think the village could support a pub. If a new village hall was built it could have a room for a small village shop with local produce and essential supplies.  If more people supported village functions then perhaps a new village hall could be built. Only certain people support woodhurst.  The broadband level in this village is very poor. BT should be able to improve this situation apart from repeatedly saying "too far from exchange"  Perhaps we could have more table top sales in Village like before. Would be nice maybe in the summer.  The meadow behind Moot Way / West corner of South Street would be ideal  Too many people who do not attend or bother to do anything community wise  Not really. It is impossible for every community to have every facility known to Man. Woodhurst is still, just about, a rural community. Long may it be so!  The coffee mornings may be better attended if advertised differently e.g. Book Exchange morning. Possibly held in village hall. You may get more non-church goers attending

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Section 6: Social Events

How satisfied are you with the organised social events on offer in the village? Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count Extremely satisfied 14.6% 23 Satisfied 71.5% 113 Not very satisfied 13.3% 21 Not at all satisfied 0.6% 1 answered question 158 skipped question 7

In terms of frequency, would you say the number of organised social events is…?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Too many 0.6% 1 About right 74.2% 115 Not enough 25.2% 39 answered question 155 skipped question 10

Which of the following events would you be interested in attending IN THE VILLAGE?

Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Interested interested interested interested Count

Local walks 21 65 26 16 128 Bird/wildlife walks 19 56 37 15 127 Cinema evening 30 39 34 23 126 Dining Club 19 32 46 23 120 Wine Tasting 27 51 29 23 130 Bridge Club 4 13 50 51 118 Gardening Club 8 57 39 22 126 Camera Club 8 25 54 36 123 Sports Club 6 43 38 32 119 Book Club 14 43 38 32 127 answered question 156 skipped question 9

Do you have suggestions for social events, activities or clubs you’d like to see in Woodhurst?  In the Village Hall, it would be nice to have Yoga, Pilates & Keep Fit Classes. Also Ballroom Dance classes, Talent Evening?  Horse Racing nights. Too many quizzes.  Something for the dog owners in the village e.g. a dog agility competition in feast week or a “scruffts” like competition (waggiest tail, prettiest bitch, child's best friend etc.)  In Q37 there are plenty of options to establish a wholesome community

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 Woodhurst Cricket Club :-)  Number of events can get a bit much in the summer  Mothers & Toddlers  Pilates  Indoor Heated Swimming pool  Running Club  Haven't been to any social events yet.  Cribbage Club  Rifle / Clay Pigeon / Sculpture  Speakers on various subjects

And which of the following would you be interested in attending OUTSIDE the village?

Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Interested interested interested interested Count

Day trips – theme parks 12 18 48 58 136 Day trips – stately homes 10 48 43 37 138 Day trips – to the coast 15 47 37 37 136 Day trips – shopping / sightseeing 10 36 43 44 133 Day trips – to France 16 41 37 45 139 Theatre outings 23 56 29 35 143 Bird watching trips 2 19 61 47 129 Greyhound racing trips 10 27 41 54 132 Huntingdon races 12 40 38 48 138 Football matches 5 12 41 75 133 answered question 157 skipped question 8

Are there any other social events you would be interested in, not covered here?  Day trip to some RHS open gardens or Risley and/or Hampton Court Garden Show/ BBC Gardeners World in Birmingham; walk/cycle round Grafham Water or Rutland Water.  Recording of BBC Radio shows in London or elsewhere.  Trips to exhibitions etc. i.e. Good Food Live, Gardeners World Live etc.  Festivals, concerts  Rugby / Cricket Matches  Visits to Gardens  Other walks e.g. Grafham Water, Rutland Water!  Ascot, Burghley, Open Golf etc  Equestrian events  Gardens e.g. RHS events - Wisley or gardens tours e.g. Waddendon  Trips with other families with similar aged children  Rugby Matches  A village bus for people to go to maybe a theatre or seaside or different towns shopping at a nominal price.  Christmas Market  Comedy Nights  St Ives "Booze on the Ouse" Beer Festival  Trips to museums

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Section 7: Planning

Do you believe that the Conservation Area includes……..

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Too much of the village 5.0% 8 The correct area within the village 47.2% 75 Too little of the village 34.6% 55 No opinion 13.2% 21 answered question 159 skipped question 6

How important do you consider the designation of all or part of the village as a conservation area to be?

Extremely Not very Not at all No Response Answer Options Important important important important opinion Count

All of the village 49 43 28 9 14 143 Part of the village 44 38 9 2 13 106 answered question 157 skipped question 8

Do you think that the number of new houses/ conversions built in the Parish in the last 10 years is…..?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Too many 15.0% 24 About right 67.5% 108 Not enough 5.6% 9 No opinion 11.9% 19 answered question 160 skipped question 5

Here are some views people have expressed about new housing/conversions in the Parish. For each one, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree.

Agree Totally No Response Answer Options Agree Disagree totally disagree opinion Count

Too expensive 18 34 34 8 51 145 Too big 11 30 45 8 53 147 Too small 0 4 51 15 62 132 Good mix of different sizes 10 72 27 8 33 150 Sympathetic design 18 70 16 6 37 147 Unsympathetic design 4 17 52 19 44 136 answered question 159 skipped question 6

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Which of the following do you think Woodhurst needs more of? (Please select all that you think Woodhurst needs)

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Family homes 22.6% 35 Affordable homes (shared ownership) 18.1% 28 Affordable homes (rental) 9.7% 15 Mobile homes 1.9% 3 Private homes (rental) 3.2% 5 Retirement units 15.5% 24 Sheltered housing 11.0% 17 Starter homes 17.4% 27 Lifelong homes' that can be adapted easily to meet people's changing 16.8% 26 housing needs Flats 1.3% 2 Live/work units 5.8% 9 No additional housing needed 52.9% 82 Other (See Below) 7 answered question 155 skipped question 10

 Unless additional land is available for development, there is not much point in answering this question  Where are they going to be built?  A good mix of housing to suit all budgets and attract more people to live here - balance  Don't think there is a huge need, but if facilities like shop/pub were to be maintained I think some expansion would be necessary. I think an open mind is very important!  The Village is large enough  VILLAGE IS FULL  Children’s play area

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In your opinion, which of the following types of housing development would be acceptable in the Parish?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Single dwellings in controlled locations 33.8% 53 Small group(s) of less than 10 10.2% 16 Carefully designed larger group(s) 1.9% 3 Conversion of redundant buildings 47.8% 75 Expansion within the inner ring of the village 10.2% 16 Expansion around the outer ring of the village 8.3% 13 Use of infill plots within the existing village envelope 22.3% 35 Other (See below) 8.3% 13 No additional housing needed 44.6% 70 answered question 157 skipped question 8

 All to be kept in keeping with the village  There needs to be a balance between maintaining the character of the village and any proposed development, especially as the village has so few amenities.  Renovation of the derelict house on Church Street - it's an eyesore and lets the village down.  If there ARE to be new roads in the village e.g. for a small development, they should be named after the fallen soldiers that are honoured in the Church e.g. Furness Close  Carefully designed, medium priced, medium size groups  I think that some infill plots have made houses very close to each other with insistence of them not going further back than existing properties. Would suggest some degree of flexibility more appropriate to allow development without existing properties being boxed in.  Keeping development as part of the ring only  Single dwellings that aren't made by developers  NO EXPANSION WITHIN INNER RING  infill of outer ring only i.e. only 1 line of housing,  Individual self-build homes, both traditional and contemporary  But not too large

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What, if any, type of business development do you think would be of benefit to Woodhurst?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Small business workspace units 31.5% 34 Craft workshops 36.1% 39 Leisure facilities 29.6% 32 Garden centre/nursery 27.8% 30 Shops 63.0% 68 Tea rooms 54.6% 59 Social enterprise 15.7% 17 Other (See Below) 16 answered question 108 skipped question 57

 Small Shop/Post Office  Shop within new Village Hall  None  No other until development has made progress  None - there is enough traffic already  Craft Shops (Within converted redundant buildings)  Shops (within a new village hall)  Village is OK as it is  Woodhurst is a residential community with no work/leisure/shop facilities and this is not likely to change.  None  None of the above  NONE  any business development must have plenty of on-site parking - preferably out of view of the street.  Small shop for essentials built into new village hall  I would prefer just one traditional village shop.  Based round existing underused premises i.e. church and village hall  All depends on how many new houses get built

Are there any traditional design features you would like to see incorporated in any new development, whether business or residential?  Providing it fits in with the current eclectic mix of design in the village, I have no preferences.  Should be in keeping with the average age of the traditional buildings in the village.  Should match the existing street scene  In keeping with current buildings  Sympathetic styling or tasteful modern energy efficient, or using traditional skills that would provide local employment  Some houses are over extended and spoil the street scene  Yes, to reflect the older properties lost in the fire  Should use local brick & roofing, Wooden windows and also include sustainable heating/insulation  To be in keeping with the village  No  Thatched roofs  Traditional looking brick/stone  Built to blend with the character of the village  Sympathetic to village in local brick  Slate Roofs (or composite)

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 Of good design using traditional methods  The design of buildings in the village vary so much it would be hard to pick one design, but buildings should fit in with the street scene if visible from the street  Would like to see NON TRADITIONAL features! Variety is what has made Woodhurst what it is!  Rural yet contemporary; List too long.  NO. Please modern design instead of a slavish adherence to harking back to pre-history  Use of Warboys Brick  None particularly as this village has a mix of different styles i.e. thatch, tile etc. but would just like them to blend in  If there is a conservation area the planning guidelines should be clearer and should reflect the traditional look of the village. No flat roofs or excessive use of plastics, sympathetic designs & materials etc.

At the focus groups, some villagers expressed concern about RAF Wyton; both the current situation and potential future scenarios which have been reported/rumoured. How concerned are you about any of the following?

Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Concerned concerned concerned concerned Count

Aircraft noise 21 51 44 41 157 Air safety over the 20 39 53 41 153 village/surrounding area Residential development 51 49 36 13 149 Commercial development – 49 52 34 16 151 industrial Commercial development – 48 47 41 13 149 container/ storage Resumption of commercial/military flying 43 38 40 32 153 activity Relocation of Marshalls to RAF 46 34 40 30 150 Wyton (if resurrected) answered question 157 skipped question 8

To what extent would you support or oppose any of the following developments at RAF Wyton? Would decide once No Response Answer Options Support Oppose more interest Count details known Residential development 20 54 70 9 153 Commercial development – industrial 11 55 77 9 152 Commercial development – container/ storage 9 58 74 9 150 Resumption of commercial/military flying 29 54 63 7 153 activity Relocation of Marshalls to RAF Wyton (if 28 55 62 7 152 resurrected) answered question 155 skipped question 10

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If a wind farm was proposed for Woodhurst, would you support or oppose it?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Support the scheme 16.7% 26 Support the scheme as long as it wasn’t visible from my property 3.2% 5 Oppose the scheme 28.8% 45 Decide once more detailed proposals were available 46.8% 73 No opinion 4.5% 7 answered question 156 skipped question 9

Any other comments about planning/development in and around Woodhurst, either currently or in the future?  What about solar powered farm, less obtrusive than a wind farm  Some of the new houses blend in well, others do not (e.g. The Paddocks) It seems to me that the original mapping of the conservation area was designed to allow development in certain areas. Is it significant who was on the Parish Council at the time ?  It is important that we retain the character of the village. I would most definitly support any plans to renovate homes which do not detract, or which add to, the character of the village. We don't want any modern boxes!  To plan further would be wrong, until initial steps are made. If I may quote "Pie in the sky"  Moderate and well planned development in full consultation with residents welcome. Village needs better facilities, a vibrant community for all age groups but character and beauty are respected and valued.  The relocation of units from RAF Brampton to Wyton should secure the future of the station for now. The safety records of the UAS (University Air Squadron) and No 5 Air Experience Flight are very good. Light aircraft are less intrusive - Close the airfield and it may become an open prison or immigration centre. With the Police helicopter going in the near future it will be quieter. I LIKE the sound of aircraft.  As a retired Parish Clerk, my experience of planning was that the Parish view was ignored by HDC when there was disagreement  I would strongly oppose any wind farm or traveller site proposals  The open spaces in Woodhurst and the fields surrounding should not be developed as this would totally spoil a most attractive village. The village was not consulted about the installation of the gate across Butt Lane; consequently emergency vehicles cannot access the lane easily. I feel that public money has been spent on installing a gate to combat a problem that we have never had. Where is the statement of need?  Generally in support of development if it is sustainable and promotes the positive/proactive side of Woodhurst whilst preserving what is already here and working well  It's a Saxon ring village and the conservation area should cover the whole ring.  Solar Fields  I would be interested in Solar Power at the right price. Maybe if a few villagers opted into a scheme?  I think it is important to be very open-minded about planning applications. I find the insistence of no applications being favourably received if they are further back than existing properties (when there are already exceptions) rather bewildering.  Would like to be officially appraised of any such developments before being able to comment  I think before any further development is considered the following aspects should be considered;

o Traffic levels and safety to pedestrians o Crime levels

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o Character of the village - if we wanted to be surrounded by further development surely we would live elsewhere.  We should invest in more renewable energy schemes  I do not think Woodhurst needs any more development, apart from a Children’s playground.  We moved from a small village where a lot of building had taken place so we hope this does not happen again.  In order to have the community/commercial facilities it is almost essential to expand the number/type of dwellings in Woodhurst - if planned with sensitivity.  Less opposition to careful development within conservation area and central - Green space (already more than 50% developed). Play area for small children e.g. South Street opposite Fullards or opposite pond away from road  Realistically we all need jobs in the local vicinity to keep our village viable. So development at Wyton may be a necessary option if not ideal for us.  Part of Woodhurst's charm is the fields between and around the houses. I expect development is inevitable eventually, but would not like to see the 'ring' shape lost or all the green spaces within the village lost  Wind Farm : Definitely NO NO NO  RAF Wyton should stick to the agreement with the parish council not to fly over the village  I find it of interest that the majority of development in recent years has been within the conservation area rather than outside. As a policy, I believe the parish should support controlled sympathetic development. To oppose it would eventually be overruled by vested interests and leave us with no say in what happens  There is no infrastructure to support expansion or additional homes  It has been rumoured that the pumping station on South Street/ Sewage system could not cope with any more development in the village. Frequently Anglian Water is in Church Street dealing with blockages already. I myself having to call them on one occasion  When we were looking to buy. Many houses in our price range had very small gardens. They were all 3+ bedroom family houses  Would want to preserve the Saxon Ring Village overall layout  Occasional fast jets flying directly over the top of houses at low level is extremely worrying  Certainly no infilling of the land between Church Street and South Street  Would be concerned about the planning development in the context of the infrastructure needed and the potential increase in traffic  Any development will impact on the surrounding roads which are already at breaking point at different times of the day  Woodhurst is too tiny and quaint to have residential development added to what it is now. There are too few amenities for more houses to be built and the village in area is too small for expansion. It would cause more traffic problems too.

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Section 8 : Local Government

To what extent do you agree that the following authorities listen to the opinions of people living in the area?

Agree Disagree Response Answer Options Agree Disagree strongly strongly Count

Cambridgeshire County Council 3 49 70 15 137 Huntingdon District Council 3 61 62 11 137 Woodhurst Parish Council 27 88 22 2 139 answered question 142 skipped question 23

How effectively does the Woodhurst Parish Council communicate what it does?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Very effectively 10.8% 16 Effectively 56.8% 84 Not very effectively 30.4% 45 Not at all effectively 2.0% 3 answered question 148 skipped question 17

A small proportion of everyone’s Council Tax (termed “the Precept”) goes to the Parish Council to pay for the services it provides. How willing would you be to support a small increase in your Council Tax if it went directly to the Parish Council to help provide the improved services and facilities discussed earlier in this survey?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Very willing 23.5% 36 Willing 54.9% 84 Not very willing 15.0% 23 Not at all willing 6.5% 10 answered question 153 skipped question 12

Any other comments or suggestions for the Woodhurst Parish Council?  No other comments. I think that they are doing super job. Well done!  It could perhaps do with some fresh blood. The role of a Parish Councillor should be advertised at Village Events such as the Church Open morning, village hall events etc to try to drum up interest.  Canvass your parishioners before you make decisions on our behalf. Nobody in the village was consulted before the barrier was put at the top of Butt Lane. This was not at all necessary and I am concerned that emergency vehicles could not gain access in an emergency. There has already been a situation where an ambulance could have been needed.

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 Apathy by residents towards Parish Council. How many residents go to Parish Council meetings?  I personally know 1 Parish Councillor. I was president of the Weybridge Conservatives - and the purpose of having a position like this is to make yourself known and enter into regular contact with your parishioners.  Better communication/info and inclusion  Only been living in the village a short time, but everyone has made us feel very welcome. We look forward to attending village events  Need to engage with local community better  On the whole very happy here, it's a lovely place to live. It's the volume of the traffic and speed that concerns me the most for the safety of the children. Too many lorries come through despite the weight restriction in place. Twice I have felt in danger from the speed of cars driving through the village.  The Parish Council tends to be insular. I would like to see councillors actively canvassing the opinions of the parishioners on important matters  Is it possible for the newcomers either to receive information on what cannot go down the sewers or if not, perhaps it could be included in the village newsletter each time it is edited  To focus on the demographic make-up of the village to assess needs for now and the future. To be more open and forward thinking about traffic management, play area  It's not communication that is the problem; it's proactively engaging the community. To that extent this survey is very welcome, but Councillors need to knock on doors occasionally  I'd be more willing for the Parish Council to have a bigger slice of the pie, but not my pie, so to speak. Take it off the council before they spend more on plush furniture,  No - Appear to do a good job already  It would be great if when new people moved into the village - rental or ownership - they received information on the Woodhurst sewerage system. Newcomers do not know what is not allowed for disposal down the toilet hence blockages. Also waste disposal systems are not permitted. For people at the end of each line, blockages regularly occur.

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Tell us about any aspect of living in Woodhurst you’d like to talk about. It could be your hopes (or your fears) for the future of the village, any concerns you have, or any suggestions for how life in Woodhurst could be improved.

 No concerns. I think the Woodhurst Questionnaire has covered all aspects  The village is fine just the way it is, however we would like better services i.e. Broadband Gas etc.  Over the years the through traffic has increased out of all proportion. A large number of drivers take no notice of speed limits, road conditions or other users. It has spoilt the original image of the quiet rural village. As we are now "the big society" it would be an improvement if the anti-social driving was effectively tackled. What about a police presence? Not been seen at all and the efforts of the volunteer group monitoring speed has been ineffective. There was a time when riding a bike or horse through the village was a pleasure, now it is a risk with death.  Woodhurst is a fantastic village and I love living here. I hope the views/comments/ideas/concerns expressed by the residents in these questionnaires will be noted and in some cases acted upon. It would be a shame to let all this valuable information go to waste.  This village has no pub, no Post Office, No park, hardly any bus service, a phone box with no phone, a village hall that needs demolishing and a Church that no-one goes to very often. We also have a small group of people that run and support the events and facilities that we DO have. It should be incumbent on every resident to support the village way of life before it turns into just another place where nobody knows their neighbours.  I love the peace and quiet of the village. I think this would be at risk were there to be too much further housing development. I think our roads are already overcrowded; Housing development at RAF Wyton would only create further havoc on the roads.  Most people who move to the village choose it for its peace, quiet and community spirit. Any expansion would be to the detriment of all these qualities.  There are too many people in the Parish Council who have an interest in farming/agriculture - a better balance would include more private citizens.  Don't destroy what we have. If you don't like what is Woodhurst, why do you live here? I believe it is near perfect - If it ain’t broke don't fix it.  Thank you for the opportunity of being available for comments. I do realise that this is the time to speak up for the community as a whole and as a senior citizen (83) to speak out for the forthcoming generations.  We moved to the village 5 years ago not knowing a great deal about it. Were impressed by how pretty it is. However, with 3 children it needs more facilities, especially a shop. We are thinking of moving home but would stay if there was more choice in affordable housing, better public transport and a park. It is a lovely place but could be more welcoming and vibrant.  For me, cycle routes; safe, would improve health, lower carbon emissions and get long term use. It would reduce traffic volumes.  Faster broadband is a must  Mains gas would be nice as would cable TV  I like Woodhurst as it's a friendly quiet village with low crime rates. I hate the crossroads at Hemsby's (B1040), which I have to cross twice a day to get to work. Speeding through the village is still an issue.  I would like a pub and a shop - we currently go to St Ives every Sunday for a newspaper. I would support a co-operative approach to wholesale fruit and veg and wholesale purchasing of goods.  Cycling is gaining popularity and a safe cycling route to St Ives would be desirable NOT next to B1040  A cycle route would be extremely beneficial to our village. It would enable young and old to get out of their cars and enjoy the surrounding countryside, enjoy exercise at their own pace and keep congestion down. This is extremely important to the whole community and would have a huge effect on other services provided by local government  The church has so few regular worshippers that it is not really viable financially. Thought should be given to modernising the heating and seating, adding toilets and a kitchen and using the building as both a church and a community room. The current village hall could be dispensed with and the site used as a car park for the church/community room.

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 It is a shame that you have to get in a car and use fuel to drive to a shop for simple things like stamps and bread.  Planning seems to be inconsistent when you look at what has been built and where  Concerned about overdevelopment of the village - it would lose its unique character. Traffic could become a problem - especially because development in other villages mean that Woodhurst sits on a 'rat run' Traffic calming will become increasingly important.  Although there are always pros and cons for further development, I feel strongly that the character of the village should not change and the main reason for this is the impact this would have on safety/crime-rates and the feeling of security  I think we are in a good location for more renewable energy schemes to be put in place. e.g. Wind Farm.  A regular bus route to St Ives bus station would be most useful, especially with working parents in school holidays. It gives teenagers a chance to get out of the village if they don't have/can't get a lift.  I enjoy the peace & quiet of life in Woodhurst.  I feel safe and secure. I am happy to let my daughter play outside and walk to a friend’s house. People are friendly and generally helpful. However I am concerned that there are no facilities for children or young people. I am concerned about the increase in traffic and people using it as a "cut through". I also fear Woodhurst could expand, or development spread around the village.  People should not move to this lovely peaceful village if they then want to change it.  Something has to be done about speeding traffic, which would then perhaps impact on traffic at peak times (i.e. Morning and Evening Rush Hour). More prevalence of monitoring would be useful.  I'm not sure how realistic it is to push for commercial ventures in the village. That said a new village hall is a must. Many other villages in the area all have new halls. I would be more than prepared to be on a committee/working group to achieve this end. A pub would be wonderful, but hard to achieve, but maybe possible as a community shareholder venture, possibly as a hub type venture; e.g. shop, post office, coffee shop etc. I would buy shares in such a venture.  Traffic management is a priority - restrict parking in the streets or make car parks or laybys. Remove bus shelter in Church Street and replace with modern transparent structure to aid driving and local road access  Woodhurst is a beautiful, well kept, quiet village. I wouldn't want much changed so it would become a different place.  The main concerns I have are the junctions for St Ives & Huntingdon that you pull out from in a car; they are/seem dangerous (especially St Ives B1040). Also the internet service is very poor and could be changed to benefit the whole village,  I would hate to see the size of the village expand, with housing estates etc.  There is quite a nasty smell in the village which seems to come from ENVAR. Can anything be done about this?  I frequently notice a sickly smell, not a farmyard smell, in the air followed by a strong chemical smell and I can only think that this comes from ENVAR. Could this be investigated by the Parish Council and a report circulated to the village.  I would like the Council and Parish Council to take more pride in the way residents take care of their homes in my street. I have complained to the council about my neighbour’s garden. It is disgraceful; they seem to do nothing about this. If I can do my garden and take care of my house then these people should be made to do it. I am a pensioner and I take pride in where I live.  Concerns: Speed & Amount of Traffic. Needs : Local Shop, Playground  I'd like to think that no further monies will be squandered on environmental improvements 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile outside the village. The far end of Butt Lane - which used to provide shelter from full sun or driving rain for dog walkers (the most common users) now looks like a recovering bomb site and does nothing to enhance Woodhurst  I moved here to experience the community village spirit and already see it has declined. I would love to find ways to get the village spirit back. Shops, post office and pubs tend to do that. I fear without them it will just become a series of houses owned by people we never meet. There seems to be a daytime village life and an evening village life - but perhaps some of those could overlap. Could mothers and toddlers not meet at weekends sometimes too for working mums?

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 Look to see if organisations that support community development or social enterprise (Co- op?) would be a potential partner to develop some of the ideas in the survey.  A pub would aid the village. The only way we could achieve this is to build a new one with extra housing towards St Ives  Extensive expansion of the footpath network would be good  Please provide a play area somewhere in the village! And of course the obvious...a shop. Just for a paper, milk and bread would be nice!  I love Woodhurst just the way it is. Nice people, nice size, but that's going to change with the number of people needing housing. I'd rather existing villages and towns grew a little than lose our green belt areas to build new villages and towns, as long as they are in keeping with our area  I think that the survey is a comprehensive one. We are a small village and therefore I believe we should establish an identity appropriate to a small community, not that of a high priced housing estate or show village. Whilst it would be beneficial perhaps to have more of the facilities mentioned, their success is dependent upon the willingness of people to become involved, make commitments of time, energy or money, rather than complain about existing events, facilities especially when it appears to be a very small proportion of the village who are actually prepared to do anything - and then it seems to be the same valiant stalwarts who are the regular organisers/supporters  I have loved living in Woodhurst and have enjoyed the community spirit since arriving. However, am becoming concerned that several events have been cancelled due to lack of interest and aware that the same people organise and support these events. There are lots of people living in our wonderful village who are not supporting our events (for whatever reason) therefore not contributing to continuing community spirit. One small concern is the number of large Lorries that use our village in the 'wee small hours'. They obviously ignore the weight restriction and believe that at night the restriction does not apply to them!  Sustainability; Warmer homes in winter; eco technology and integration into traditional surroundings; Bio fuel infrastructure - cheaper greener fuel for villagers  I would like to see all householders sweep the stones from outside their drives/pavement so that people walking the streets have a more pleasant/smooth passage  We have to accept that we live in a small village - nice and peaceful as it may be - and therefore lack of facilities is a fact of life. We do however have to ensure we keep the facilities we have i.e. church and village hall as these are the only buildings that can be used to bring people together and further enhance the existing feeling of community that exists  A very comprehensive questionnaire - nothing further to add

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Section 9 : Demographics

Which of the following age bands do you fall into?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

17 0.6% 1 18-24 3.8% 6 25-34 10.0% 16 35-44 21.3% 34 45-54 20.6% 33 55-64 15.6% 25 65-74 21.9% 35 75-84 5.6% 9 85 or older 0.6% 1 answered question 160 skipped question 5

Are you male or female?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Male 48.4% 75 Female 51.6% 80 answered question 155 skipped question 10

Which of the following best describes your working status? (please choose one response only)

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Employed full time 35.4% 56 Employed part time 12.0% 19 Self-employed 14.6% 23 Carer full time 0.0% 0 Carer part time 0.6% 1 Homemaker/looking after children full time 3.8% 6 Student (full or part time) 3.2% 5 Retired 23.4% 37 Semi retired 3.8% 6 Unemployed 1.3% 2 Unable to work 1.9% 3 Other 1 answered question 158 skipped question 7

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Do you work at home or go out to work?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Mainly at home 5.7% 9 Mix of working at home / going out to work 17.6% 28 Go out to work 42.1% 67 Not applicable 34.6% 55 answered question 159 skipped question 6

Where do you work?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Woodhurst 6.3% 10 St Ives, Huntingdon or the parishes surrounding Woodhurst 26.4% 42 Cambridge 7.5% 12 Peterborough 1.3% 2 London 6.3% 10 Elsewhere 15.1% 24 Not applicable 37.1% 59 answered question 159 skipped question 6

Do you drive?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Yes 95.6% 152 No 4.4% 7 answered question 159 skipped question 6

Which of the following vehicles do you drive?

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Car / van 98.7% 151 Motorbike (above 50cc) 3.3% 5 Moped 0.7% 1 Tractor 0.7% 1 Mobile Scooter 0.7% 1 answered question 153 skipped question 12

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Which of the following best describes how you came to live in Woodhurst? (please choose one response only)

Response Response Answer Options Per cent Count

Born here 6.1% 9 Marriage /relationship 11.5% 17 To be closer to relatives 6.8% 10 Retired here 2.0% 3 To take up work in the area 14.2% 21 Brought to live here by parents/family 10.1% 15 Attracted by the environment 43.2% 64 Attracted by access to centres e.g. Huntingdon, Cambridge, London 6.1% 9 Other (See Below) 14 answered question 148 skipped question 17

 Relocated business to St Ives  Availability of house and land at the time  Found the perfect house in Woodhurst  It looked like a lovely village and proud to be so. Long may it continue.  Needed a larger house for growing family - could not find what we were looking for in St Ives.  Property and Area  Fell in love with village and its history  Liked the house we moved to  Was living in St Ives then moved here  Housed by Council  Council Accommodation  Offered council house here  Found a house we liked and liked the area  Because the house was fitted out for disabled person

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The Youth Survey

Section 1: General

Below are some things people have said about living in Woodhurst. For each, please tell us whether you agree or disagree: Agree Disagree Response Answer Options Agree Disagree strongly strongly Count It’s just the right size – not too big, 9 10 4 0 23 not too small It’s peaceful 8 14 1 0 23 It’s beautiful 6 15 2 0 23 The people who live here are friendly 7 15 1 0 23 It’s a good place to raise a family 9 14 0 0 23 There’s not enough to do 6 14 3 0 23 It’s too quiet 1 2 14 6 23 answered question 23 skipped question 0

Please look at the list below and tell us how important each is to you personally. Neither Extremely important Not very Not at all Response Important Answer Options important nor important important Count unimportant Access to public transport 4 9 9 1 0 23 (buses) Level of Crime 6 13 2 2 0 23 Availability of public services i.e. post, refuse collections, 8 11 3 1 0 23 street lighting, electricity, broadband etc. Sense of Community 6 15 2 0 0 23 Village Social events 4 16 2 1 0 23 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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Section 2: Public Transport and Travel

How often do you use the village bus service? (not including the school bus) Response Per Response Answer Options cent Count At least 3 times a week 0.0% 0 1-2 times a week 0.0% 0 Once every couple of weeks 0.0% 0 About once a month 4.3% 1 Less than once a month 8.7% 2 Never 87.0% 20 answered question 23 skipped question 0

What would encourage you to use the local buses more often? Response Per Response Answer Options cent Count A more reliable timetable (buses running on time) 22.7% 5 A more frequent service 27.3% 6 Easier access for pushchairs / disabled access 0.0% 0 Cheaper fares 4.5% 1 Greater choice of destinations 13.6% 3 A link to the guided bus 27.3% 6 A link to Huntingdon Railway Station 4.5% 1 Other (See Below) 9 answered question 22 skipped question 1

 Just more buses to more places  I get the school bus so I haven't thought of anything

How interested would you be in local cycling routes, for example to and from local towns i.e. St Ives and Huntingdon? Response Per Response Answer Options cent Count Extremely interested 52.2% 12 Interested 43.5% 10 Not very interested 4.3% 1 Not at all interested 0.0% 0 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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How worried are you about road safety in the village? Response Per Response Answer Options cent Count Extremely worried 18.2% 4 Worried 13.6% 3 Not very worried 59.1% 13 Not at all worried 9.1% 2 answered question 22 skipped question 1

How worried are you about each of the following factors? Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Worried worried worried worried Count Speeding 5 8 9 1 23 Volume of traffic 1 2 17 3 23 Streetlights 2 4 14 3 23 Condition of the roads 2 4 15 2 23 Parking 0 9 9 5 23 Road markings 0 4 14 5 23 Woodhurst/Bluntisham (B1040) cross 6 12 5 0 23 roads Oldhurst Junction (old Ramsey Road) 2 8 11 2 23 Oldhurst Road / A141 Junction 3 7 12 1 23 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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Section 3: Crime

How Worried are you about crime in Woodhurst ?

Response Per Answer Options Response Count cent Extremely worried 8.7% 2 Worried 17.4% 4 Not very worried 43.5% 10 Not at all worried 30.4% 7 answered question 23 skipped question 0

How worried are you about each of the following in Woodhurst? Please tick one answer for each of the topics Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Worried worried worried worried Count Physical assault 2 3 10 8 23 Theft 4 4 11 4 23 Car theft / break-ins 2 6 7 8 23 Vandalism 2 4 10 7 23 Fly tipping 3 7 10 3 23 Litter 1 7 13 2 23 Dog fouling 4 6 9 4 23 Drunkenness 4 4 8 7 23 Noise/ disturbance 1 3 16 3 23 Drugs 4 2 7 10 23 Bullying 0 7 8 8 23 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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Section 4: Public Services

How happy are you with the availability, speed and reliability of Broadband Services available in Woodhurst? Neither Not Not at Extremely happy Response Answer Options Happy very all N/A happy nor Count happy happy unhappy Broadband Services 2 3 4 7 6 1 23 answered question 23 skipped question 0

Section 5: Community in Woodhurst

How happy are you with the following community facilities / services? Please rate all that apply to you personally Neither Extrem Not happy Not at all Response Answer Options ely Happy very N/A nor happy Count happy happy unhappy Church services 1 8 6 0 0 7 22 Church events – open mornings, Christmas 3 9 5 0 0 5 22 fayre, open days e.g. history of Woodhurst Village Hall 5 11 5 1 0 1 23 Public rights of way 1 13 5 2 0 1 22 Newsletter 1 12 7 0 0 2 22 Village Website 5 8 5 1 0 4 23 Feast week including 7 12 2 1 0 1 23 scarecrow festival answered question 23 skipped question 0

Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about the Village Hall? Response Per Answer Options Response Count cent I go when there are events suitable for young people 87.0% 20 I try to get out of going to the Village Hall 0.0% 0 I’d like to go to some events but my parents are not keen 4.3% 1 I never attend events in the Village Hall 8.7% 2 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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Which of the following might encourage you to go to more events at the Village Hall? Response Per Answer Options Response Count cent More events for under 12s 36.4% 8 More events for 13-16 year olds 63.6% 14 Special interest events such as talks, clubs 22.7% 5 More suppers / meals 22.7% 5 Quiz evenings for under 16s 59.1% 13 More daytime events e.g. arts and crafts 36.4% 8 More attractive surroundings / décor 40.9% 9 Better heating 27.3% 6 More comfortable seating 63.6% 14 Softer / better lighting 22.7% 5 Other (See Below) 6 answered question 22 skipped question 1

 Organised events that appeal to my age group 16 and above for example music festival/nights  More events open the darts board  Place to chill with people and just have a coke & some pool  A TV  Only events for adults not many events for teenagers

How interested would you be in a new Village Hall for Woodhurst? By that we mean a replacement building on the same site. Response Per Answer Options Response Count cent Extremely interested 43.5% 10 Interested 34.8% 8 Not very interested 21.7% 5 Not at all interested 0.0% 0 answered question 23 skipped question 0

How interested would you be in a children’s section on the Woodhurst website? Response Per Answer Options Response Count cent Extremely interested 13.0% 3 Interested 43.5% 10 Not very interested 34.8% 8 Not at all interested 8.7% 2 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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In the focus groups some people mentioned some different things they would like to see in the village. We may not get any of these, but how interested would you be in them? Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Interested interested interested interested Count Village shop 17 4 2 0 23 Children’s playground 11 6 5 0 22 Allotments 2 4 13 3 22 Youth club 6 6 8 2 22 Kids committee 5 10 7 1 23 Cable TV 7 5 7 3 22 High Speed Broadband internet 15 5 0 2 22 connection answered question 23 skipped question 0

Section 6: Social Events

How happy are you with organised social events / things to do in the village? Response Per Response Answer Options cent Count Extremely happy 21.7% 5 Happy 52.2% 12 Not very happy 26.1% 6 Not at all happy 0.0% 0 answered question 23 skipped question 0

Would you say the number of social events is… Response Per Response Answer Options cent Count Too many 0.0% 0 About right 43.5% 10 Not enough 56.5% 13 answered question 23 skipped question 0

Which of the following events would you be interested in attending? Extremely Not very Not at all Response Answer Options Interested interested interested interested Count Local walks 1 7 11 4 23 Birdwatching/wildlife trips 1 5 13 4 23 Day trips – theme parks 11 7 2 3 23 Day trips – stately homes 1 8 10 4 23 Day trips – to the coast 8 10 2 3 23 Day trips – shopping / sightseeing 4 9 7 3 23 Day trips – to France 11 8 2 2 23 Theatre outings 4 11 3 3 21 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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Are there any other social events you would be interested in?

 Big picnic  As mentioned previously music nights that resemble those of St Ives festivals or pub performances like Jazz bands local bands etc.,  Sports clubs for example athletics  Grafham water, Sailing, Rockclimbing  More games nights  Just more going on in the village  Football matches and rounders  Perhaps cinema trips and swimming trips  A movie night  An arcade

Section 7: Further Comments

We’ve tried to think of everything, but if you have any more ideas or suggestions about how we could make Woodhurst an even better place to live, here is your chance to tell us! It can be about anything at all  you have asked all of the appropriate questions  having more table top sales  I think that the cycle path (designated) between here and St Ives would be very useful as currently you either have to find your way through the fields etc. on uneven unmarked ground or use the highly dangerous Somersham Road. Personally I would use a cycle path to St Ives at least 3 or 4 times a week or even for getting to school. It would be an appropriate option for my generation and as the younger children get older and visit St Ives more often.  Also I think there should not be any kind of development or attempt to expand Woodhurst. It is a lovely village and I hate to see fields and nature transformed into tarmac.  The only points I would make would be about the cycle path to St Ives, a more reliable and frequent bus service and furthering the safety of the village.  Thank you for considering my opinions. Ii appreciate the regard for the younger generation along with the older.  Us kids have been wanting a park or skate park for years it can get boring at home all day  Have a playground where we can raise money for the village  For the barn dance have a disco because younger people can invite their friends and this could make more money  Maybe a rave would be fun  Cooking club  When we have Woodhurst in bloom we could have a festival of stalls e.g. cake stalls, tombola, raffle, people selling things, games, BBQ, face painting all of this to make money for Woodhurst.  One day of the year people in Woodhurst can have a garage sale like we used to do!  I want more things to do in the village for my age because in the holidays and weekends it is not very fun to just sit inside and be bored.  Youth Centre; I would really like even though I may be too old there’s loads of little people like babies  I would like the Village Hall to be open more.  If we had a village shop a 16/17 year old can work there and earn some money as the nearest St Ives and transport costs  Have a big football pitch and every single sweet here shops & Zoo and park where every single sport is played  We could really do with something for us teenagers to do, we don’t have much to do and it gets boring after a wile  A park with a modern edge would be fun for older kids to meet, 12-16 year olds, similar to the way the park in Warboys has been updated

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 Park with a modern edge; Swings, Slide, Climbing frames, Maybe skate board. Similar to Warboys park  Better internet  Village shop  Some sort of playground but not one with baby swings  A skate park would be ideal for me and many others. I know many younger people would also like that  Trips to Cinema  Having horse riding lessons  A pub/restaurant  Could we have road markings and possibly parking restrictions? I've seen loads of cars on the road when I'm cycling and I've almost crashed into them as there isn't enough space to dodge them

Section 8: Information About You

Which of the following age bands do you fall into? Response Per Answer Options Response Count cent 8-9 13.0% 3 10-12 30.4% 7 13-14 13.0% 3 15-16 43.5% 10 answered question 23 skipped question 0

Are you male or female? Response Per Answer Options Response Count cent Male 56.5% 13 Female 43.5% 10 answered question 23 skipped question 0

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This document is also available at www.woodhurst-cambs.com