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Crimes Against Peace Fordham Law Review Volume 34 Issue 1 Article 1 1965 Crimes Against Peace Manuel R. García-Mora Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation Manuel R. García-Mora, Crimes Against Peace, 34 Fordham L. Rev. 1 (1965). Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fordham Law Review by an authorized editor of FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Crimes Against Peace Cover Page Footnote This article, intended as a chapter of a book, was originally entitled, "Crimes Against Peace in International Law: An Attempt at Clearification from Nürnberg to the Present." Other chapters of the book, which was incomplete at the time of Professor García-Mora's death, will appear throughout the year in other legal periodicals. His intended book was to explore not only the law of extraditable offenses, but also the concept of political (nonextraditable) offenses. * Late Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law. This article is available in Fordham Law Review: FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 1965-1966 VOLUME XXXIV @ 1966 by Fordham Universitv Prezs EDITORIAL BOARD PHmip R. FORLENzA Editor-in-Chief ROBERT A. FERms JoNrx A. LANZETTA Articles Editor Articles Editor ROBERT A. FoRuzzo MAURICE M. McDEPxoTr HENRY P. WASSEaSTEIN Case Notes Editor Case Notes Editor Case Notes Editor MAuREzN R. DaiscoL MicHAE D. GRoss Comments Editor Comments Editor Runoa HRADECKY III Managing Editor MEMBERS OF THE BOARD JON C. Atmoio ARTHUR D. GRAY RICHARD T. McDmuxon STEpHEN P. BoNA.ARTE DENIS R. HURLEY EDWARD C. MENDRZYCXI JOEL A. BRANDT PATRICIA M. HYNas ANTroNY V. NANNi PAUL R. BRENNER RicuAm L. KANDELL CHEARLES J. NEOARO CmsrToPHER F. DsARIE JAxEs M. KEsTENA-um RITA H. QuAsxAN FRAcis J. D~vm. JosEpH J. KLOVEXORN RONALD S. RAUCIIBERO JoHN A. DoNovA CnRISToP ER LANE JOuN J. REIux JORDAN J. FIsKE CYIN rHA LEsow HARoLD L. SCHINEIER THomAs FITZPATRICK NoRAN Lm~v CRMo M. SMELDS DAmEL W. FID-uxA GARY MAIMAN RIcARD I. Woiwrr VINCENT A. MAlno ANN V. Su=AxAN Business Secretary EDITORIAL AND GENERAL OFFICES Lincoln Square, New York, N.Y. 10023 Published four times a year-October, December, March, and May. Member, National Conference of Law Reviews. Printed by the Heffernan Press Inc., Worcester, Massachusetts. Second class postage paid at Worcester, Mass. SuBsemPTioN PRICE $5.00, Si nE Issum $2.00. Make checks payable to FoRDIIA. LAW REviEw. Subscription renewed automatically unless notified to contrary. TABLE OF LEADING ARTICLES-TITLES AssAumr, B.%msr AN MAIMG W Nnw Yo=: FnoIX CoM-MoNT LAw O=nzG-s To E'cLIGHmEN-m RIXIsio. Robert M. Byrn .................................... 613 TzE Bxrr.upT EsTATE, TAx-rn Ico-s An'D T TRusirr r B, nUrcyt. Sydney Krause and Arnold Y. Kapioff ............................................. 401 Cn s AoeazsT Pxcr. Manuel R. Garcia-Mora ................................ 1 Dombrowski v. Pfister: Fx.DmepL Iiq-uNcroNs A.mG sT ST.= Pnos =rxo's r.T Civ RIGHTS CAsEs-A NEW Turm ni Fxnm.- -STm Jui)icmI R AwiXozI3. Bradley R. Brewer ................................................................. 71 FNs Am AILowmqcEs To ATroprins ni Bmm~umyIr A Cirnn = PRncMna;Gs. William J. Rudin .......................................................... 3S7 FoREworm. Charles Seligson .................................................... 3S3 FRom United States Realty To American Trailer Rentals: THm AvALADu=w or Dzmo% REIrIE FOR TE MaDE-SZED ConpsonAiox. Benjasnin Weintraub and Harris Levin 419 TE NEGRo REvoLuTIoz u TH Lw or CoI.ECm B.%a. , ;. William B. Gould 207 PBIvAcr A"D = FsT Aznrncum. Isidore Silver .............................. 553 Tm PaorosD TwE"n-F m A Eim-mmh-T To THm Co=S-imrnozN. John D. Feeric ... 173 A RADicAL REsTAT , r or T=E Lw or SEIXW's D.mmmcs: Nnw Yonx RESULTs Como.AED. Robert J. Harris ............................................... 23 THE RIGHTS .ND ST.Tus or Sunrnns Il BAmmo'prcy C.sns or Co ,n.crons. Harry S. Gldc' .................................................................. 451 SEcunyT AsPECTs or CHATTR Lr.ASES In BA'mmurTc. Russell L. Hiller ............ 439 SuaRvvG SpousE's RI;Hr or Eu~cnou ni NEw YoR War,TRusT k;co= Mmz BE D=TmEO: Tim NEm FOz A Ftmrm Cmumw. Francis X. Conway .......... 593 THE VAIIT or GB T-BAcx Ao -Ts Umrn Tim )x-n-Musr Lw3. Paul G. Chevigny ................................................................. 5G9 TABLE OF LEADING ARTICLES-AUTHORS BE En=, BwRD= R., Dombrowd-d v. Pfister: Federal Injunctions Against Stale Prosecutions in Civil Rights Cases-A New Trend in Fcdcral-State Judicial Reld- tions ...................................................................... 71 BY-n, RoERT Al., Assault, Battery and Maiming in New Yorh: From Common Law Origins to Enlightened Revision ............................................ 613 CHEwViGz, PAUL G, The Validity of Grant-Bach Agreements Under the Antlitrust Laws 5G9 CoNWAY, FaRiis X., Surviving Spouse's Right of Election in New Yorh Where Trust Income May Be Diverted: The Need for a Further Change .................... 593 FtmEcl, Jonir D., The Proposed Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution .... 173 GAnLc -MoRA., MAmnuE R, Crimes Against Peace .................................. 1 GLEIC , MAR S., The Rights and Status of Sureties in Bankruptcy Cases of Con- tractors ................................................................... 451 GouTz, Wnx iAI B, The Negro Revolution and the Law of Collective Bargaining .... 207 HE[Rs, RoBR J., A Radical Restatement of the Law of Seller's Damages: New Yorh Results Compared .......................................................... 23 EhI=- Russrz L., Security Aspects of Chattel Leases in Bankruptcy ............. 439 KAPmorr, AmioIxD Y, Am KRAusr, SYD.E, The Bankrupt Estate, Taxable Income and the Trustee in Bankruptcy .............................................. 401 iff iv FORDHAM LAW REVIEW [Vol. 34 KRAUSE, SYDNEY, AND KArro, ARNOLD Y., The Bankrupt Estate, Taxable Income and the Trustee in Bankruptcy ............................................ 401 LEvTN, H .ns, AND WErFmAuB, BEN~ya.n, From United States Realty to American Trailer Rentals: The Availability of Debtor Relief for the Middle-Sized Cor- poration .................................................................. 419 RUDiN, W.LIAM J., Fees and Allowances to Attorneys in Bankruptcy and Chapter XI Proceedings ............................................................ 387 SEUIGsoN, CHmRLEs, Foreword .................................................. 383 SILVER, ISmORE, Privacy and the First Amendment ................................ 553 WEINTRAUB, BENJA2,MN, AND LEVIN, HARRIS, From United States Realty to American Trailer Rentals: The Availability of Debtor Relief for the Middle-Sized Cor- poration .................................................................. 419 TABLE OF BOOKS REVIEWED CowANS: BANKRUPTCY LAW AND PRACTICE. Edgar H. Booth ....................... 547 FOGELMAN: WEsT'S McINNwEY's FORMS: BUsINEss CORPORATION LAW. Thomas A. H arnett ................................................................... 378 FRmDAN: SOUTHERN JusTICE. Bradley R. Brewer .......................... I ..... 775 HIRsCH & KRAUSE: BANKRUPTCY ARRANGEMENTS UNDER CHAPTER XI. John M. Fried- m an ...................................................................... 546 HOLLANDER: THE ENGLISH BAR: A PRIESTHOOD. Robert A. Kessler ................ 375 MULDER & FORMAN: BANKRUPTCY AND ARRANGEMENT PROCEEDINGS. John M. Friedman 546 NOONAN: CONTRACEPTION: A HISTORY OF ITS TREATMENT BY TIlE CATHOLIC THEOLOGIANS AND CANONiSTS. Charles M. Whelan, SJ. .................................... 779 PROCEEDINGS OF SECOND SEMINAR FOR REFEREES nr BANXRUPTCY. Alexander L. Paskay 543 SIMON: THE TRADITION OF NATUA'L LAW: A PHILOSOPHER'S REFLECTIONS. Charles E. R ice ...................................................................... 165 SUTHERLAND: CONSTITUTIONALISM IN AMERICA: ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF ITS FUNDA- MENTAL IDEAS. Arthur Selwyn Miller ........................................ 373 WHrE: THE USE oF EXPERTS BY INTERNATIONAL TRmulALS. Gordon B. Baldwin .... 167 COMMENTS APPOINTING A TRUSTEE: A SECOND CHANcE FOR CrDITORS? ...................... 488 BUYER's LiABrrry FOR INDUCING VIOLATIONS oF SECTIONS 2(d) AND 2(c) or TH ROBINSON-PATMAN ACT ..................................................... 676 CONSENT TO SUM MARY JURISDICTION ............................................. 469 A CONTEMPORARY VIEW OF THE CONDITIONAL VENDOR'S RIGHT TO RECLAMATION .. 20 EXCLUSION OF GROUP LIFE INSURANCE PROCEEDS FROM INSURED'S GROSS ESTATE FOR ESTATE TAX PURPOSES ...................................................... 269 NEW DIMENSIONS or THE UNIoN-ANTITRUST CoNFLICT ............................. 286 THE NEW YoRy LAW CONTROLLING THE DISSEMINATION OF OBSCENE MATERIALS TO M INORS ................................................................... 692 NEW YORK'S MIsTREATMENT OF BURDEN OF PROOF AND THE PRESUmPTION AGAINST SUICIDE ................................................................... 305 PosT-PETTrioN INTEREST ON TAX CLAIMS .......................................... 504 1965-66] INTDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV v RACE Dim1Ao-N AzNDTHE FirsT AiND~- .................. 653 Smi.RTioN AcnoNs NE W Yorx: DOES ADuLTEry CoNS'rTUE TxE EXCLUSI DEFENSE TO .' AcroN Fou.%)ED
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