VOL. XXI. NI?W YORK, SATURDAY, 1)I CEMBRl: i6, 18y3, Nus i I. 6,267,

ncurred in examining title of the premises No. 331 West Fifty-second street, as specified in the resolution adopted by the Board of Education on November 15, 1893. Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be requested to exempt the said stock from taxation by the City and County of New York, pursuant ter an ordinance of the ('nntmon Council, approved by the Mayor October 2, 1880, and the vis 'us o 137

The Comptroller presented the following :

CITY OF NRw YnRIC—FINANCE, I )I': tAK ts1P:S t,' COSIPTROLLER s OFFICE, November, 1893. To the Board of E.rtinzale and Apportionment At a meeting of this Board, hell November IS, 1893, there was referred to the Comptroller a BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT resolution of the Board of l?ducation, adopted Novemher I, 1893, rertuestin. the appropriation for the purchase of supplies for the Drafting Department of one thousand dollars, out of the proceeds of bonds heretofore ts;uetl 1)y the Cutuptroller, as directed by resalutiou of the Board of Estimate and itt ARID OF FSI'DI A"I'E AND APPORTIONMT;NT--CITY OF NEW YORK, Apportionment, adopter) September 20, 1892. MaYOR's OFrtcr:, CrrY IIALL, On thi, last-naiued (late the Moan) of E.,tinmte and Apportionment authorized the issue of one \IoNoAV, December I 1, 1893, 11 o'clock A. M. thousand dollars of School-house Bonds to pay the bills of Eugene S. Ives and George 1'. Webster, as l'hc Board net in pursuance of the following call : retainer; under the certificate of the Counsel to the Corporation in certain school site proceedings, OFFICE OF THE tTAYORALTV, " frith tl.e approval of the Board of Education thereto," which latter Board, by resolution adopted h.xi.Ct'TIVE T)FFs'.TMENI', Cu-r% H.LL,} November to, 1892, decided not to request the appr.)priation for the pure rse mentioned. The suns New Voss, December 7, 1893. of one thousand dollars is therefore to the credit of the Board of Education on the books of the In pu:.uan,.e of thy: authority contuine'l ill the 189th section of the :;ew York C ty Consolidation jt of ,882, Finance Department. and chapter to' , L:rw; of r,;53, a meetinz i, Itcrul,v called of the May,, r, C,irn -roller, Pr -sident of the Board of Aldermen, the President of the I).~partmcnt of 'tax :s .urd :\sse;sments and Counsel to the Corporuiun, constituting 'l he appropriation of one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars for supplies for the Drafting a Ifo. d of Estimate crud Apporr•unment, to be held at the ofC a of the ,I'r yor rot Monday, December ti, 1893, at rr Department, made by resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionutent, adopted July 6. o'clock A.M., for the purpose of transacting such basiness as may be brought before the Board. 1892, has been exhausted, and considerable work is nom awaiting a new appropriation. 'I hr wort THO.. F. GILROY, Mayor. is necessary, and I accordingly submit the foliowing resolution. Respectfully, INDnnSEU : Arlmiscu.n of a copy of the within as served upon us this 7th Ila, of December, 1891. THEO. W. MYERS, Comptroller. '1'nos. F. Gt.riov, Mayor Whereas, By a resolution of the Board of Estimate and Appo: iiouutent, adopted Septenlhet Tm t-;o. W. MvEns, 20, 1892. the Comptroller was au'horizl and di'ected to issue School-house Bunts, pursuant to the Comptroller provisions of cltaptet 191 of the Laws of 1888, to the amount of one thousand dollars, the proceetf5 (;I', r. B. N1CCLELLAN, of which were to be applied to the payment of a retainer of five hundred dollars (S5o3) to George 'residr-.0 of the Board of Aldermen; 1'. Webster, in the matter of the Seventy-seventh street and Thirty-fifth street school sites, and five 1:. Y. hundred dollars ($-oo) to Eugene S. Ives, as a retainer in the utatter of the scho.i sites at Kinks- I'rc, let of the Detrartment of Taxes and Assessments \Yxt. H. CL.oee, bridge and in Erlgecoml:e avenue, with the approval of the Board of E-iucation thereto ; and Ceummset to the Corporation. Whereas, In pursuance of thisaulit rity, the Comptroller did issue the said bmd-s above men- Pre;ent--Thomas F. (,port, this V.t , fheodorc W. Myers, the Comptroller ; George B. tioned, and the Board of Education, by a re;Motion adopted November t6, 1892, decided not to McClellan, the Yresitleut of the L'u.trd of Aldermen ; Edward 1. Barker, the President of the request the appropriation for the purpose mentioned, whereby the sum of one thousand dollars Department of Taxes and Assessments. ($1,000) remains to the credit of the Board of Education on the books of the Finance Department Absent— William H. Clark, the Counsel to the Corporation. and Whereas, 'l'he Board of Education have requested that this amount be applied to the purchase The minutes of the meeting held November 20, 1893, were read and approved of supplies for the Drafting Department for the preparations of plans, etc., for new school building; '['hc President of the Board of Aldermen offered the following : Resolved, That the sun: of one thousand dollars ($I,000) be and the same is hereby appropri- Rcsivetl, 'l'liit this Board does hereby designate Tuesday, the 19Lh day of December, 1893, ated from the proceeds of bonds s ii by the Comptroller, pursuant to chapter 264 of the Laws of at I I o'clock in the forenoon, at the office of the Mayor, as time time and place for the commence- 1891, as direl:ted by a resolution of the B yard of i stimate and Apportionment, adopted Septembe' ment rif the con=ideration of the Final Estimate for 1894, and that notice thereof duly signed by the 20, 1892. to the purchase of supplies for the Drafting Depattlneut of the Board of Education for tht Secrrtaiy be published in the Crry Rl:cl RI), inviting the taxpayers of,this City to be heard on that preparation of plan;, etc., for new school buildings, as specified in a resolution of the Board u+ (late in regard thereto. Education adopted November I, 1893. \I'hic]t were adopted by the fitilowimig vote Which was ac4,pted by tite following vote Aftirtnattve-1 lie Mayor, (omptroller, President of the Board of .AIderulcn anti President of Allirntative—The Nlayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, and President of the Department of 'faxes and Assessneuts-4. the Itepartutent of Taxes and Assessments-4.

The Comptroller moved that he be requested to invite the Comptroller-elect to attend the The Compt roller presented the following : meetings of this Board to be held for the consideration of the Final Estimate for the year 1894. CITY OF NEW \ ORK—f IN.vNCE 1)Ei'AttlMENT, Which was adopted. COSIVTROLLt;R's ()FFICE, Decentber tt, 1893. )( l'he Chairman announced that the final Estimate would be considered as follows : 7o the Board of Estimate and 41Aporliorznze'x1 \\'ednesday, 1)ecemher2o, 1t A. at.--Public Works, Public Parks, Fire Department, Street 1 present herewith a resolution adopted by the Board of Education December 6, IS93, Improvements, l'wenty-third and Fwenty-fourth \yards. ' requesting the nppruvtl of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to the appropriation of Thursday, December 21. 11 A. M.—police, Bureau of Elections, Charities, Health. j fourteen thousand t,nc hundred and sixty-four dollar; {5t4, 16.i) from the proceeds of School-house I,riday, December 22, a A. M.—hdut.ation—Colleges, Street Lleaning, Buildings. Binds, to 1-e applied in payment of the contracts awarded to the lowest bidders for furniture for Tuesday, December 26, t t A. at.—Sheriff, Register, Surrogate, District Attorney, County Clerk, the new building at h:idhty-fifth street and . Commissioner of Jurors. t From rzplrrt made to me by the En rineer of the Finance f)epartment, it appears that care- And to be taken up from day to (lay as the business before the Board will permit—Legislative, fully prepared plans were made for most of this furniture :,nil sam 'oven f"r Iii Ic,i. Mayoralty, Mayor's 1larshal, Finance, Law, 'faxes, Civil . ervice, City Record, Street Openings, I In the case of each item the award has been made t the I 'tr I I,i i lrr, :nl,! I titciriure oflcr Commissioners of Accounts, Courts, Civil Justices, Police Justices, Notional Guard, Libraries, for adoption the following re;ulution. Examining Plumbers, Charitable Institutions, tliscellan ous. I Reopecfftthly. And moved that the Clerk to this Board be directed to notify the heads of Departments and I II:U. Al'. \1\l F:hg < "rmpt:olier. other officers of the crates fixed for the consideration of the Final Estimate for their respective I Departments and offices. HALL or 'role huAttn or Bucc.trto~', Which adopted. No. 146 CRANE) STREET, Tfte Comptroller presented the following : NEW YORK, December S, t893. (In Board of Education, December 6, 1893.) C i ry OF NEW YORK—FINANCE DEPARTMENT, 7o the Board of Education : COJtPrROi.LER's OFFICE, p November 23, 1893. )1 'The Finance Committee, to which was referred the communication from the Trustees of the To the Lard of Gslii title and rlpporlienuie3zt : Nineteenth \Ward, awarding contracts for furniture, Items r, ;, 4 and 5, for the new building at Eighty-fifth street and Madison avenue, respectfully report that in respon-e to the usual duly I submit herewith a resolution of the Board of Education, adopted -November 15, 1893, request- authorized advertisement, the following bids were received ing the approval by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of an appropriation of eighty-eight dollars awl seventy cents to be applied in paymrtt of the bill of the Counsel to the Corporation, due October 13, 1893, for disbursements incurred in examining title to the premises NO 331 AVest --- ITEM I. ITEM 3. ITEM 4. I1EM 5. Fifty-second street, purchased for a school site. The hill is for the usual items in such an examina- tion, namely, for survey, f>Io ; for Register's searches, $26.4o, and for County Clerk's searches, $52.30, making a total of eighty-eight dollars and seventy cents. I accordingly submit the follow- Favorite Desk and Seating Company ...... sr,800 0o ffiz•359 00 5 ,559 00 St7,940 00 ing resolution. Andrews School Furnishing Company ...... ...... ...... a,r67 0o 8,967 00 Respectfully, THEO. W. MYERS, Comptroller. A. Loewenbein's Semis...... ' 1,897 00 2,247 cO 2,379 00 •.•.--..

BOARD OF EDUCATION—NO. 146 , C. 1-I. Browne ...... ...... 2,269 5o 2,358 00 I ...... NEW YORK, November 16, 1893• (In Board of Education, November 15, 1893.) . The Trustees awarded the contracts to the lowest bidders, in which action the Committee con- curs, and submits for adoption the following resolution : Resolved, Tbat the stun of eighty-eight dollars and seventy cents ($88.70) be and the same is Resolved, 'I hat the sure of fcnrteen thousand one hundred anti sixty-four dollars ($14,164) be hereby appropriated from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the Comptroller, with the approval and the same is hereby appropriated from the proceeds of bonds to be is,ued by the Comptroller, of a majority of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to chapter 264 of the Lows of with the approval of a majority of the Iloarci of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to chapter 1891, application for the issue of which is hereby made, said suns to be applied In payment of the 282 of the Laws of 1893, application for the issue of which is hereby matte, said sum to be applied bill of the Counsel to the Corporation dated October 13, 1893, for disbursements incurred in in payment of the contracts to be entered into by the School Trustees of the Nineteenth Ward, with examining title to the premises No. 331 Vest Fifty-second street, purchased for a school site, requi- the under-mentioned contractors, for furniture for the new building at Eighty-fifth street and Mad- sition for which sum from said proceeds is hereby made upon said Comptroller. ison avenue, as follows : Extract from the minutes. ARTHUR McMULLIN, Clerk. Item I, Favorite Desk and Seating Company ...... $i,800 oo Item 3, A. Lowenbein'sSuns ...... 2,257 00 Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 264 of the Laws of 1891, the Comp- Item 4, Andrews School Furnishing Company ...... troller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue School-house Bonds in the name of the 2,167 00 Item 5, Favorite Desk and Seating Company ...... Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to be known as " Consolidated Stock 7,940 00 of the City of New York," as provided by section 132 of the Consolidation Act of 1882, to the amount of eighty-eight dollars and seventy cents ($88,70), to run for such period as the $14,164 00 Comptroller shall determine, not longer than twenty years from the date of issue, at a rate of interest not exceeding three per cent. per annum, the proceeds of which bonds are to be applied in —requisition for which suns out of the proceeds of said bonds, when issued, is hereby made upon payment of the bill of the Counsel to the Corporation, dated October 13, 1893, for disbursements said Comptroller.

.~O24 THE CITY RECORD. lllaralli:i 16, 1893

But no part i ,f s.tid appropriati"n authorized by this resolution is to 1,e paid uutl the tichool Rc-olved, -f hat, ptusunnt t,, the provi ic,us of chapter 53; r'1 the Laws „f t`tg3, the bill , ustee, of the Nineteenth \\ and shrill have tiled the contract, to be entered into by them tsith the Bloomin;•dalc Ins., Baled August , 1, 1803, htr eight hundiv(1 and thirty.eight dollar, all I fu - :ractor, herein nant.d, to wh ,nt the attards are niade, :tid contracts to be in such Lorin and Imll-cclas (48;8.44), on accr,unt nl furniture ai1dsltppliestICerlcd for the Nety ltuspital (et•tnent shell nl l rot, H. nth .ec.!rity for the faithful pert(,rm:lnce of the stine as shall he sati,fachrry to the Pinmee adl,linm llie \\ II:erd Parker Itost,igil om ti:xtcenth street, 1„• and the salve i, he ehy t!cc, the Iulc, ut Ihi. Hoard in reganl tiloeto, and a, to the payments to he mute on account and !hc ('0niptrol1er is mth, +rized to I,ay the said amount so certifiedl and approved to file poll'n< e . , mpLicL itit. eutilleLl thereto, and to l.+u^_ Revenue Bond, of the \iav r, aldermen and l'Dlnmotatty of the( t% adopted, of \'e - 1',nk to the am• unt •,1 ci ht hundred and thirty-.ihl rl, llar and t irty-four t at a rate not exceeding Ihrce l er cent. per annnro, !hc proceeds of the I I , t of \t hich bonds hall b :,p•,lictt to [lie payment of the c 1tract. for futniinre for the new >ch( 01 CI rti' , n `.l ., 1 ,!, i. tt , !:,,! t.! 1:'. ! ;.I Ir!:, lint at Ei •hty fifth I 1 urni;hing Company ...... health at it.ti mettiu~ held \ocemb^r [ ~, t`~9J, in j tnsuance of atal to Laws of 1893, an ...... 9lo 00 5.i5, I avorite Desk and _ ling Company ...... as appropriated be [lie rc~olution of the maid of Estimate and Apportionment dated Scptem!,.•r ']'his nay-roll completes the too months' service contemplated by the 1nt-named a(,pr,- 6[;.t64 oo 'S' oo.,. priation ; it i, certified by the President and Sceretary of the lleilth Depaitmen!, and I after f a adoption the following resolution. R-:~pectfully, Resolved, That the (Toiomi.,icners of the Sinking Fund be rcque.ted t, exempt the said stock 1'IIEU. W. ~Il'I:RS, Comptro!Icr. n taxati.,n by the City and County of \e iv A-,n~I:, pursuant G , an ordinance of the Common veil, ai,proved by the 11:ryor October _, ISSo, and the provisions of section 137 of the New Ili I;I-1t ])!.rtment of Taxes and .As_es,tnents-4. I of 51,500, pur'uant to chapter ;;5. Laws of 18~~3, and as per re.;olut!on of the Boar „f ; aim s, __ and Apportionment dated Sept;ml,er 28, [593, the said pay-roll completing the two month vice for which these Phy,icians were apl,oin eel. to lo:n F troller oliere l the followitt g Very respectfully, ,- olved, That, I,ursuaut t • the prov;siou, of chapter ,42 of the Laws of i rig, the Board of Ey\1( )NS (..'LARK, Secretary. I C am? Ap)or0tonment hereby approves of the requisition matte and certified by the Commis- f Taxes ., nd .1; ess:neIlls r f th_- City of \ew '5 iI., date,', November :3, IS93, to the amount I es*ived, That, pursuant to the provisio'.ts of chapter 535 c,f the Laws of 1893, tI e pa} -I 0 (III thousand c1.,1Iars t5I,000l to ba expended in p.eparing lie IV tax and asessnirnt neaps, and the Health Department for the month ending November 28, 1893, ann,unting to fifteen hemclre, Comptroller i> herehv authorized to issue from time to time, as necessar}•, revenue b ends for dollars (llt,5eo), be and the same is hurebv approved, and the Comptro!ler ik authorized to pay I H .r, amount, made payable in the year ISq_ 4, and to pay from the pro:eed- thereof bills of expenses re,l ,ective amnnnts thereon, approved and certilierl to-be due to the persons entitled thereto, and i„ ,recd for s I Ii puip0>e dull certttied to him by the Said Coin ui oner:, the said amount to be issue Revenue B.,nds of the Afavor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City ut lets York t~, th, nded in the 1•inal t_s:im.IIe fir Licit t,ar. amount of tif'eeo hundred dollars for the payment thereot, on account of the appropriation n::, lr \'i hick \S-1 :.!o!~:ed h0 tl,e io!l rat i' H ,axe : tieptember 2S, tSc)3, b:arinb in!ere-t at a !ate not exceeding; three per cent. per annum ; and il!:- leut rC the I and it Ahlermen and ]'resident „I amount n•quired for the redcutpti-m of said bonds to be included in the Final 1•:stimate for the } • t S94. Which was adopted by the f,1lowinL, vote .AIlirmative-l'l:e i1:a}-,,r. Comptr.,ller, Ire., Ici~ II ; I , ,.1 I , ! AI I, r:.r•,:. ii Pr, :d.w i the Board of kdueaiios for the issue of 598.coo the I)epartmeut of Taxes and Asses, meets-4. ..,: ,i ~,:hoot Building \u. 43. to the Twelfth 1\'art. p fur;i:e: i:,ccst.gau ,;: t,) ;he l otnptroller, at a meeting held September 2S, [893. The Comptroller pres_nte.l the tollotvi }; :,a:e was had thereon. whereupon the matter way referred to the Comptroller. C!i, •'I \!.'.t „r r. I- I\tn'I Ii1j.t!•:!\II I. - I- I-r., ! )I:I:,, ;. _ e t- ,• _r ,'.: re-eta u I t f .1; :%0i 1c \uvenulier 28, 193, \; ti \'oRK-FIN.NC1I Dka'ARI'\lf-N T, j j, the J-'ai! it Estimate rIOu'.1ptoriolt „rvtl - ' •) IrI ROl1.RR•s OFFtrl:, Herewith I present for approval a pay roll of the Ilealtp I)c-partment for one Forem:tn .ii .I November 28, IS93. , fourteen Laborers for the mo:tth of November, 1893, .tountin u~ g tou five hundred and ninetc-~ri Ii dollar: an, thirty three cents, duly approved be the Board of I1calth at its Ineeling on Novcml•. r I .'.: I i •; .. _ ..::I I • , - . , ,,...d of health of the Ileai:h Department. i IS9;, in pur>uance of c!!al,tet 5;; of the bate, „f 1893, and as I er resoluti ors of the Board Awem;;er 22, tbg3, requesting the Bard of E,timate girl \ p,rtionmcnt to appropriate the Estimate and Anportionmcnt etafe,l Afay }, [89;, ' •ptember 2), t893, ❑ nd O t„ber 30, tSo3. of tin) thoasind one hundred and s_veuty-sev,n dc,llars and hfty cent. pursesant to chapter The nay-roll i< certiticcl by the fre;iitent and Secretary of the tcalth I)epartment, and I „Ii r ,; of the, of iS93, to continue in the ser- ice of that Department as \"a,-cinaltors. from I)e- fur adoption the following, resolution. b°r 5 to December 31 (27 days), the tweat_v-ttvc Medical luspectors now acting a, such. Respectfully, The special expen iiture.> of the Board of Health under charter 535 of tl:e Laws of 1S9_, as TlIEO. W. \L1'ERS, Comptro,ii-t. '. appear oil the boiks of the Finat_ce Department. are as follows : -I Ml'I'---\0. 'OI \Ir r'[r Laborer,, lli-ir.Cec~ing ~orp~, Lune to October...... ...... 52, 03 6 tiY:ll:Il1 1)F. I':\R STREFI. I 4 ~ 7 \hit' 1'oRK, November 24, 1893. I Medical Inspectors. June to November...... ...... . 5,997 1 9 cinaturs. September to Octuber ...... ...... 1.,=64 S4 I/nn. '[to-:o. \\-. 1LvIRS, coviptro!lrr..1"'t. }-o,•k C'!!l disinfecting apparatus, hoipltal goods, furniture and (:eating for hos- SFR-Inclose: piea~e find pay-r"ll of th Firemen and laborers for the month of Noveml,, I ...... ...... ...... 4, 797 53 amounting to 5598. J3, for audit and payment, p'.rrsuant to chapt_r 5J5, laws of ISo3, and a Cr ----- resolutions of the Board of Estimate and ppurtionmeut, date't \lay 4, Septemher 2S an-', tal ...... .... ...... ...... 514,563 32 Octob:r3c, Ii93• --- \ cry respectfully, ,t I i;. ti!MuUNS CLARK, Secret:uv . itespectfully, ].'IIE I. 1\'. 111'E ILS, Comptroller. Resolved, 'I hat. put-want to the provisions of chapter 535 of the L tw; of 1893, the pay-i. .''1 • i the health Department for the month of \oventber, 189, amnwuing cu five hunclrc•d and I;mCir - II I If 1iiI vR'r>t}'yi', Ao. 301 'dOT'r STRIFT, 1 eight dollars and thirty -three cents ('.5qS-33I be and the same is hereby apprc,oed, and the Loin+,,- Nt.w \"ORK. November 24, 1893. t trailer is authorizer( to pay the respective amounts t;iereon approved and certified to be due to ••.h,- entitled thereto, and to issue Revenue Bonds of the \favor. Aldermen and i , t 1, 1 ark C~lr : per,-,ns Commonalty t "~~ the City of New Vuric to the amount of five hundred and ninety eiglu dullarsaud thirty-three set:., SIR-At a meeting of the board of Health of the I-iealth Department held November 22, (S59S•33) for the payment thereof, on account of the appropriation made iiay 4, 1893, and in put - ,ras suance of the resolutions of this Board pas,•Id September 28, 1893, and October 30, 1893,'atd Resolved, •That on account of the continued prevalence of small-pox in this city the Board of bonds to bear interest at a rate not exceeding three per cent. per annum, and the amount required -mate and Apportionment be and is hereby respectfully requested to appropriate and place to for the redemption of said bonds to be include([ in the Final Estimate for 1894. e account entitled •• Health Fund-Salaries,'' the sum of two thousand one hundred and seventy- Which was adopted by the following Site .Ien dollars and fifty cents, pursuant to chapter 535, Laws of 1893, being the amount necessary Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, President of the B,,aid of Aldermen and President •,i ,.i required to continue in the service of this Department as Vaccinator, from I)ecember 5 to I)e- the Department of Taxes and Assessments-4. -(nber 31 (twenty-seven days), the twenty-five Medical Inspectors now in the service of this The (-' omptroller presented the following 'r s•_l ' true copy. E\I\IONS CLARK, Secretary. Ciry • ,1 \L,c \-olct; I i' -\I t I)i:r.t!,I`ii "t. Crrstl':Rnt.l.t.D Ortt r t:, i.esolved r That, pursuant1 to the provisionsP chapterf 535 of the Laws of i893> the Board of Decembe r 2, t8:~3. I'.-tut:ate and Apportionment hereby appropriates the sum of two thousand one hundred and seventy- q , the Board of Estimate and Atporlionnenr! :e,en dollars and fifty cents ($2,177.50) for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses required approval a hid of c - be incurred by the Board of IIe , kh fur the preservation of the health of the community, as Herewith I present for Rlo-mmngdale Bros., amounting to nine huvdied -l,e:ified is its resolution under date of November 22, t893. and fifty-two dollars, on account of furniture and supplies for the new Hospital (cement sheds.) Which was adopted by the following vote : adjoining the Willard Parker Hospital on Sixteenth street, under the provisions of chapter 535 of Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen an'l President of the Laws of 1893, and as per resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, dated :H- I /c },ar;ment of Taxed and Asse5sments-4. I July 18, I893. 1'his hill is duly certified by the Commissioners of Health, and I accordingly offer for adoption the following resolution. Respectfully, !'hI c-omptr,iler presented the Tolloosim; : THEO. W. MYERS, Comptroller.

I I t OF New YORK---FINANCE I)F:P.AR I MES"r, + HEAI.TH DEI'ARTME\T, No. 301 NIOTI STREET, COMM ROI-LEA'S OFFICE, NE1\' YORK, November 29, 1893. 1 November 28, 1893. Hen. 1•HEO. W. MYERS, ComplroI/es-, : Vew York City r-~ R-'ara o_% L ,!r'+,:!. •iicI .IFin-ti,"r„rent.' SIR-Herewith inclosed please find bill of Bloomingdale Bros, for bedding, etc., for the Herewith I present for approval a bill of Bloomingdale Bros., amounting to eight hundred corrugated iron building, East Sixteenth street, amounting to the sum of $952, for audit and pay- id thirty-eight dollars and forty-four cents, on account of furniture and supplies for the new Hos- ' men(, pursuant to chapter 535, Laws of 1893, and as per resolution of the Board of Estimate at),( Apportionment dated July 18, 1893. ,)it.d (cement sheds) adjoining the Willard Parker Hospital on Sixteenth street, under the provisions Very respectfully, •i chapter 535 of the Laws of 1893. and as per resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apporticm- E.MMONS CLARK, Secretary. m :rat dated July IS. iS9l fhi, bill it ,line certifier) by the Commissioners of Health, and I accord- , n;l, offer fr a~I e,ti. n ;h_ I-lino ii.g n_,,,lud< n. Resolved, That, pursuant to the pro•:i-ions of chapter 535 of the Laws of [893, the bill of Respectfully, ! Bloomingdale Bros., dated August 24, 1893, for nine hundred and fifty-two dollar; ($952), Oil THEO. WX11. ERS, Comptroller. account of furniture and supplies needed for the New Hospital (cement shed) adjoining the h'sI I If IIep.RiMtM, No. Sot , I Willard Parker Hospital on Sixteenth streut. be and the same is hereby approved, and the NEW \ oRx, November 22, 1893. i Comptroller is authorized to pay the said amount so certified and approved to the persons entitled thereto, and to issue Revenue Ponds of the Mayor, Aldermen and ('ornmonalty of the City of f/vr, s Hr.o. \\ . l t.c ! rn•~.n l'., , . eu~ I or k Citt' . New York to the amount of nine hundred and fifty-two dollars ($952) for the payment thereof. StR-Inclosed please hod bill of Bloomingdale Bros., amounting to the sum of $838,44, on on account of the appropriation made July 18, 1893, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding three account of furniture, etc , for the remodeled cement shed, for audit and payment, pursuant to per cent. per annum. and the amount required for the redemption of said bonds to be included in chapter 535, Laws of 1893, and as per resolution of the Board of Estimate and .\pportionment, the Final Estimate for the year 1894. dated July i8, [Sq;. I Which was adopted by the following vote V-cry re.pectfully, Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, 1'rc•.i,len! if !1ic, Roard „f AI lermen and I'revident of 1-IMMI iNi CLARK. Secretary. the Department of Taxes and Assessments--4.

UI•:CI•:~I[1[-:R 16, 1893. TIDE CITY RECORD. 4025

I'hc Comptroller presented the following : Education was obtained to [lie temporary use of the school site Nus. 6(j and 68 Elm street, formerl1v occupied by Grammar School N. 24, for the engine cmnpany. ,,w YORK CITY OF Ni -FlN.%Nc•F. [)EPARTMENT, An application of the lire Departments now pending before the ('ummitasioners of the Sinking ((IM 1'1RUL[.l•;R'S ()r•F[Ce, Fund for a part of the property owned by Ilse City(m the northeastr r tier of \Vhitc and Elm streets, December' 5, 1893. ) I, !kr Board n,J Lrlrrzza[e and ilppnztiounreul: to be used f,r the permanent headrinarters of Engine C:u. No. 31. In the meantime, hOWeVel. I becomes necessary to furnish this engine company, with asuitable building for temporary occupnti, :n. At a meeting of this Board held October 30, 1893, a resolution was adopted appropriating the until permanent headquarters can be erected. ,um of twenty- live hundred dollars, under the atuh-,lity of chapter 535, I•aws of 1893, and in pur. I submit herewith a eDllmtaication from the President of the Fire Department, requesting the nancr of a request of the Poard of t Leal th, to be allowed to continue in the service of the Ileallh amount of three thousand (Iollars, in order to fit the school premises Nos.66 and 68 Elm street for 1) hartment for one month from November 4, as Vaccinators, twenty-five Medical Inspectors then the purposes of Engine Co. No. 31, that anronnt heintz the estimate of the Fire Department for the m the service of that Roard. I necessary work. 'I he only soiree from which this money can be ohtaiuerl is by transfer from the I lerewith I present for approval the pay-roll of said Medical lnspe-:tors for the month ending "' Judgment Fund," and its neccsity being most urgent, 1 submit the following resoluti,,n fur U;ceml er 4 . IS93. 'I'llc pay -r„II is 1uIy ;ertidwtl to I y the ('resident and Secretary of the Board of adoption. I tcaltli. and I accordingly )It} thr 11)11oowinc rc;outiva, Respectfully, Rc5pcc(fully, TII1?O. W. MVERS, Comptroller. I'HLO. W. M'. ERS, Comptroller. 1-IEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPAR'ro I:Nr, Ifs tt tIt l) PARr>IEN'r, No .3o1 MOTT STREET, ( Nos. 157 AND 159 I?AS'r Sr .rY-SF\' I', I[t')TREET. \t•:w YORK, December 4, 1893. ( NF:w YORK, November 20, 1893• 1 /JoL 'Cola,• W. NlrI.RS, (owploll,•r, N•su York (ut . i Ilan. THEODORE \V. M ERS, Cotnplroller: SIR herewith please find pay-roll of twenty-five Medical Inspectors, amounting to S1R-_I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of yours of the t8th instant, stating that the hren.- thc Sant of 52,500 f)1 one month, from Novemher 5 to December 4 (continuous service), for audit ises now occupied by Fire (Engine Company No. 31 have been sold with an agreement that possession 1111 I1aumIcIt. uur;uant to chapter 535, Laws of 1893, and as per resolution of the Board of Esti- shall be given iu sixty (lays, and that for the temporary accommodation of the company the convent inate and :Apportio:lmcnt dated October 30, 1893. of the Board of Educationhas been obtained to the occupation of the school building on Ehu street. Very respectfully, fifty feet north of Loonard stem, etc., and askini to be advised if the Departmentonsents to this 1:\I\TONS CLARK, Secretary. arrangement, and. if so, sugnc,ting that it would be well to make immediate arrangements for of the Laws of [S93, the pay-roll Plans and estimates for placing the school-house in proper condlti ,n. Re.- ,I c. d, That, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 535 I , I the Health l)ep-utment for the month from November 5, 1893, to December 4, 1893, for bleilical In response ther~•to I have to say that an estimate has already been r I ! udttcr Inspectors employed as Vaccinators, amounting to twenty-five hundred dollars (c2 )CO) be and the required to fit thz sch;,ol premi+es for the purposes of Engine Company 1 -i t u: nme is hereby approved, a.nd the Comptroller is authorized to pay the respectve amounts thereon amounts to three thonslnrl rlollan, for tvltich sttm application is hereby mw 1l . certified and approved to the persons entitled thereto, and to issue Revenue Bonds of the Mayor, Very respectfully, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York to the amount of twenty-five hundred dollars J. J. SC :A N V I I ! =i•'.. ut. (52.500) fir the payment thereof, on account of the appropriation made October 3o, [N93, said bonds Resolved, That the sunr of three thousand dollars ($3,000) l,e and i c:cH is Frau,frrleil try to hcar interest at a rate not exceeding three per cent. per annum, and the amount required for the i the 1ppr, Iiriatiom made by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the • year 1893, entitle-, IC lemption of said bowls to be included in the Final l?,timale for the year 1894. °' Jud~lnents- For Payment of Judgments Recovered against the Mayor, Aldermen and Commu,o- Which was adopted by the following vote : ally of the City of New A'irk not otherwise Provided for," which is in excess of the amnm:l Affirmative--'1•he Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen and President of required [or the purposes and objects thereof, to the appropriation nude in the same year to tl.L !hc I4I,artment of Tayes and Assessincas-4. Fire Department, entitled -Apparatus, Supplies, etc.-For New Apparatus, ITorses, Renta, II,a. -- and all Supplies and Expenses of the Dep.arunent not otherwise Provided for, including Maui- Flu: c Ill ti Ilcr ptc>eli c i the fohouin;; : teuance of hire Steamboats," the ammiot of which appropriation is insuffie:ent, 1\'hich was ado t,d by the following vote : t'trr' OF \I:~c \'oRl:-htvt N rr: llt•:PAR•[~Ir:N'r, P COMPTROLLER'S OF[•tCt:, I Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Iresidr_t• L. I: ... December 8, 1893. the T)epartment of Taxes and Assessments-4. I , th ./;rnd r/ /;l;r•„(r ;nzd .1/r„rrzvavrt. Mlle Comptroller presented the 6dtuwing nlerctsiub I present for approval a bill of Iden & Co., amounting ;o three hundred and twenty lollnrs and ci hty cent,, for gag tixtures in the new corrugated lion building in List Sixtecntl HEAt i ~.':: i I I I. i .I'. i)t:: .. , ,tt_N- ~treet, under the provisions of chapter 535 of the Laws of 1893, and as per resolution of the Board ; Nos. 157 At 151) Las'r >tx I' -S1,ct:v'rt[ .rtt rr. of Intimate and Apportionment dated Jnly t3, 1893. NEW YORK, Novelnher 27, 1893. fhis (,ill is duly certitie'[ by the I'ommissioners of Health, and T accordingly offer for Honorable hho.zrd of L•slirzzate and Af,portionment ; :,1 .0 r, tip_ i ;. ,i .(; .lug ,n. GENT! .t•:5tEN-I have the honor to inloizn you of the adoption of the f ol low ing preambiC .l l.espectfully, I resolution at a me tm of the Board of Co unitsstuners of this I)e artnieut held this day : 1'1-IEO. \V. M1"ERS, Comptroller. \Whereas, Under the authority of the Commi,sioneis of the Sinl:in,, Fund the premises No. ; i tt:rtt I)t•FPARTNIENT-No.3o1 'l(Tr SrREEr, I Liberty street, heretofore occupied as quarters for Engine Company No. 4, and the Ilcewises No. I it \F_tv FuRK, I)ecemLer 5, t8,J3. [.collard street. occupied as iluirteis for Engine Company N,,. 31, have been sold ; and \\ hcreas, It is understood thou the premises Nos. 187 and 18) Pears street are to be purchasc~. !rvr. 'l'u!• ~~.1~'.• Ait ri:- (,~v .`~., fork ii he 0 by this Department as quarters for I ng n-- Company -NII.4, and that t}te Sinkins. ti[,;gfL_r ar,h 1'lease tin l tali of [clen \ Co., amauntin,{ to )-20 8o fot nas fixtures in the byF11111 the City Comnnssi for , mers will assign part of the old City Armory pramis:•s at \\ hit and E!m streets t'; new corrugated iron building in E.lst Sixteenth street, for audit and payment, pursuant to chapter the Department for quarter, of Engine Company No. 3t 535, Laws i,f 1893, an•1 a- per rc, slut:on the Board of Estimate and Apportionment dated July RLsolvei!, 't'itat the L'oar l r.f Lstilnate and Apportionment be and is hereby requested to perms! Is. Ih`;. the amendment of the Departmental Estimate of this Department for the year 1894 by including \cry respectfully, j therein, under the head of '' New (louses for Engine and Hook and la l ter Companies," th. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. following : lies iv ,l, y]seI. c lr Fl t" ti ii' to' `in,t< ..t chapter 535 of the Law_; of 893, the bill of For Fngme Company No. 4 ...... g36,6t9 oc cen 't ,,cco daft. July 2.}, J3• tlurcc hundred and twenty dollars and eighty cents I For l-.ugine Company Nu. 31 ...... ...... 56,3to !ell 1 onoil iC Lunt of furniture, etc., necessary} for the htrnishin amt et w ~tueut of the corru gated I g 1 I ', t"erg: r^;l~:rt.l,c,l,~. run building .ast Sixteenth street, be and the sane is herebY appra roveoved, 1, and the Com ppt roller ~ i> authorized to pay the amount so certilie(l and approved to the per.,ons entitled thereto, and to issue Revenue (Sands of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York to the nuefcrreet to the Comptroller. .amount of three hundred and twenty dollars and eighty cents ($320.80) for the payment thereof, j ,, n account of the appropriation made July 18, 1893 ; healing interest at a rate not exceedin,d three I I he Comptn,ller presented the following l ei cent. per annum, and the amount required for the redemptoitr of said bonds to be included in C t I the l final I':;ttuilue for the year 1894. • uMF tCoLLtR Lit- t~C, Which was adopted by the following vote: November 29, 1893. Afhrmathe-'i'he Mayor,Y Coo Ptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen and President of To tlto Board ,f F.sIsnreII and Ap~ortzonnzent : the Department of "('axes and Assessntenls--4, I meeting of this Board held October 30, 1893, there was referred to the Comptroller a communication from the Commissioner of l's lie \V- , inks, requesting the Hoare( of Estimate and the I ii~l,tr.~llrr I~~c=e'ucd Ile I 1 ow in Apportionment to authorize the repavemcat, with asphalt, on the l:regent stone-block pavements. IFEAI.qi,iRTFRS FIRE DEPARTMENT, I of Hester street, from the flowery to I)ivision street, and Exchange place, from to \i is. 157 AND 159 EAST SIxTY-sEvE?sTFI STREET, New street, in pursuance of the of chapter 35, L-lws of 1892. • NF:st' YORK, December 7, 1893. F I submit herca%ith a supplementary communication from the Commissioner of Public Works, /I ,,',a( /aol of /i Ali ,:;%/ ,~%rrsIrcurst stating that the estimated cost of the repacem-nts referred to is as follows : Gt.-N-ri,Fm •:N-I have the horror to inform you of the adoption of the following resolutions at a Hester street, from the to Division street, , 5,800 square yards, estimated meeting of the lsDarcl. of Fire Commissioners held ye-sterday : cost ...... $23,200 CO Resolved, That the resolution passed by this IS„ard on the 22d ultimo, requesting transfers of Exchange place, from Broad to New street, area, 3e0 square yards...... 1,200 no appropriations for salaries, amounting in all to eight hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-six rents, be and the same is hereby rescinded ; and, in lieu thereof, I Dual ...... 2},40O nc Resolved, 'l hat the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and is hereby requested to authorize the transfer of the ;ullotietng. to wit : From an examination I have caused to be ]lade, it appears that while the pavement oc Front the appropriation for - Salaries for the year 1893: Hester sure-t is not old (it having been laid in the later part of 1887), it is neverthelessconsider- Headquarters' pay-roll ...... $341 05 ably worn on S.OIIC blocks ; and that if it is to be repaved, the use of asphalt should be recom- Chief of Department and Assistants' pay-roll ...... 283 87 mended, on account of its sanitary advantages. The repaventent of Exchange place would be a Bureau of Combustibles' pay-roll...... 58 22 desirable improvement, as the sRletcalk is extremely narrow, snaking the use of the street by Fiureau of Fire Marshal's pay-roll ...... ...... 41 68 pedestrians almost a neceasty. According to the statement of the Conunis inner of Public \Yorks there is an unexpended :---82 balance of thirty-two thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars and ten cents remaining on = the books of his Department to the credit of the appropriation heretofore made for repavements, -for which purposes the said balances will not be required, to the appropriation ' Engine and in pursuance of chapter 35 of the Laws of 1892. This balance, however, does not take tub (look and Ladder Companies' I'ay-rolls," for the year 1893, for which the same is needed. account "Salaries and Contingencies," chargeable to this appropriation to January I, 1894, after Very respectfully, ~ deducting the estimated amount of which, only twenty thousand dollars would remain. This JOAN J. SCANNELL, President. would leave a deficit of about four thousand dollars. should the work of repaving Hester street And offered the following : and Exchange place, as requested by the Commissioner of Public Works, be authorized, but it is Resolved, That the sum of seven hundred and twenty-four dollars and eighty-two cents ($724.82) possible that some of the contracts now let and under way will be completed for less than their be and the scone is hereby transferred to the appropriation made to the Fire Department for 1893, estimated cost--in which case there might be sufficient to warrant the authorizing of this wutk. entitled '' Engine and Hooltiand Ladder Companies' Pay-rolls," the amount of which appropna. I offer the following resolution. tion teas insufficient, from the appropriations made to the same Department for 1893, and as Respectfully, follows : THEO. NV. MEYERS, Comptroller. Headquarters' pay-roll ...... $345 05 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS-COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Chief of Department and Assistants' pay-roll ...... 283 87 No. 3t CHAMBERS STREET, Bureau of Combustibles' pay-roll ...... 58 22 NEW YORK, November 27, 1893. Bureau of l ire Marshal's pay-roll ...... 4! 68 (don. TiiFo. \V. MYERS, Comptroller : DEAR SIR-I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 23d instant, calling 82 72±_. attention to the fact that, in the letter of October 14, 1893, to the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment, recommending the repavement with asphalt of Hester street, from the Bowery to Division -which appropriations are in excess of the amounts required for the purposes and objects thereof. street, and Exchange place, from Broad to New street, under the provisions of chapter 35, Laws of Which was adopted by the tollois ing vote : 1892, the estimate of the probable cost of such repavements required by that act was omitted. Atlirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen and President of the 1 beg to inform you that this omission has been corrected by a supplementary letter of this elate Department of Taxes and Assessments-4. to the Mayor, as Chairman of the Board, and that tile cslimited cost of the repavemeuts is : (nester street, $23,200, and Exchange place, $1,2c0 The Comptroller 1presented the funloNsin .: Very respectful)-, CITY OF NEW YORK-FINANCE DEPARTMENT, MAURICE 1'. I-IOLAHAN, Deputy and Acting Commissioner of Public \Works. COMBTKOELP:R'S OFFICE, November 28, 1893. } - DEPARTMENT OF P(BLIC \\"UIIKS-COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, 7i, the boar.( ,f F,stenie1e and ~1j,jorllaulterrt : No, 31 CHAMBERS STREET, f NEW 1"ORK, November 27, t893. On November 15, 1893, pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, the property of the City kuowu as No. [ t6 Leonard street and occupied by the Fire Department as Hon. T[IOMAS F. G[l.RC,S', Czar'rmmt, Board of Estimate and rl;5porlionntent . quarter for Engine Co. \o. 31, was sold at public auction. ]t ii win been agreed that possession DEAR SIR-The Coluptroller has called my attention to the fact that, in the communication of of these premises should be given to the purchaser within sixty days, the consent of the Board of l Octobcr 14, 1893, asks to the authorization of your Board for the rcpavcoeaI with asphalt on the

t)26 THE CITY RECORD. DlC lIIiIIZ 1 6, 1893.

•rr ent stone-block pavements of IIester street, from the Bowery to Divi.h,n street, and Exchange CITY OF NEW }MIRK -Dt?1'ARYNIENT OF 1't~at.IC ('ARKS, COMMISSIONERS' OFFict:, Nos. 49 AND 51 CHAMBERS 'tRE CT, htcr, from Broad street to New stiect, the requirement of section 3, chapter ;5, of the 1.tws of _, that a recommendation from this Department for rcpavements under that act be accompanied Noveutbcr 22, 1893. Mn estimate of the probable cost, inadvertently overlooked. Non. 7- ttP.o. W. \1yERs, Comptroller: I now have the honor to supplement the letter of October 14, by stating that the probable cost DEAR SIR-- I have the honor to inform you that at a meeting of the Board of Parks, held this ~f he repavervents referred to is as follows : day, on motion of Co.iimi;sioner Straus, it was ordered that the Comptroller be requested as 1l. ter street, from the Icowery to Divi;i.m street ; area, 5.Soo square yards ; esti- $2 speedily as possible to issue bonds to the amount of $5,000, to provide for the final expenses of the m:,:c i r -t ...... 3,200 00 Engineering Corps on the River Driveway. '•ee rum Broad to New street ; area, 320 square yards ; estimated cost . 1,200 00 'fiery respectfully, CI I:\RLES DE F. BURNS, Secretary, D. P. P. l :a1 ...... $24,400 00 Resolved, "That, by provisions of chapter 102 of the I.:uvc of iS93, the Comptroller is author- H ri : w the records and accounts of this Department there is an unexnen,led balance of izec} to issue stock of the City Itf New \'I irk in the mats ncrprovided by llw, and this Board approves f ;I I e appropriation heretofore made for repavements, in pursuance of chapter 35, of an issue of stock t ) an amInitt ii- it exceeding five thou.a rd dollars (S5,000), beariug interest at a rate not exceeding three per cent. per annum, and redeemable to not less than ten nor more than \ cry respectfully, flit) years, the pruceed, of the sale of such bond, to be applied to the payment of the expense; to \IAL'RICE F. HOLAIIAN, Deputy and Acting Commissioner of Public \Yorks. be incurred by the Department of Public farts h iii airing survey and doiup other preliminary work for the construction of the public driveway provided for in said act, which stock shall be denomi- .. e 1. That, in pursuance of chapter J5 of the Laws of 1872, the Board of Estimate and nated "Consoldated Stock of the City of yew York." . :;ruentherebv authutizes and determines that the t, d;osviitg-namrd streets be re paved with Which was adopted by the following vile :

.. rvavement, to l ,e laid on the present stone-block pavements, provided that a balance Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller. }'rcsideut of the Bengt of Aldermcn and Yicsislctt of atus of the Lend appropriation of one trillion five hundred thousand dollars, male January 23, the Department of Taxes and Assessments-4. • t, sufficient to provide payment therefor, after satisfying all other charges against the saute : Square Yards. Estimated C~urt:ot.l.-Nov (a 'suces:, Ile reports the specifications ample al:d sufficient for the construction and completion of the November 28, 1893. re xork in a substantial and storkmanlike manner. Respectfully, 7o 11r: Board of L•sti,uate and .fiportiwriri•ni: ECG. E. 'icLEAN, Engineer. 1 present herewith a request from the Iloard of Excise for two '' transteis," as folks A transfer of five hundred dollars fro m the account '' Salaries of Inspectors, etc.," for .he hate was has thereon, whereupon the Comptroller of}ered the following : year 1802-3 to the "Contingency" acc.unt of that year; a transfer of three lutudrel dollars ,n of the Bard t,f Estimate and Apportionment on July 18, IS93, in Aved. That the acti, front the account •' Salaries of lnspectots, etc.,'' to the "General. Administration Account," for the _;.:e to the approval of the plan• 5pectfications and estimae of the cost of the Sedgivick year 1593-4. - awe and ()gdeu avenue approach to the New Mcldumb's Dam Bridc, as approved by the Board ' ~' !'arks on June y;. i'93, and also the action of sail Beard of Estimate and Appurtionmeut in The last-mentioned transfer is required for the payment of the additional salary to the Chief a tree '.o the i :e of bonds to the amo.tnt of one hundred thousand dollars ($ioa,coo) for the Application Clerk, which wa- in.tdvertently -,witted from the estimate for the Board of Excise for nose of defravin the expense of constructing the said appraach, I.e and hereby are rescinded. the }ear I'93-4, :.ncl spin which subject a report urns made at the last meeting of this Board, and Which was a i:pted bti the following vote : action taken deriving tile request of the Board of Excise to have three hundred dollars added to its -1 , ?,~ t'~~ rl ;. ire-i,;ent of the Boarcl of Aldermen and President of estimate for the year 1843-4, in order to' this additinal salary. The request for the transfer of live hundred d.Tars to the "Contingencies " account for the year 1802-3, i, explained as follows ; At a meeting of this Board held July 28, 1592, the Board of Excise asked for and obtained a transfer of twenty-seven hundred dollars to the appropriation made to that Bard for the year ending April 30, iS93, entitle,!, •' For (;eneral Aclnministration." This trait-fee was obtained as follows : i:. ; ,Ives I, 'I ha:, poor .,t t t~, the ii visions of chapter 207 of the Laws of 1890, and chapter From " Salaries of Inspectors, etc...... ...... $r,Soo 00 9co 00 - t , the Laws of 18gi. the Board of Estimate and Anpottionment hereby approves of the From " Contingencies '' ...... ...... :m:nd_d plan and revised estimate of the cost of the Sedgwick avenue and Ogden avenue approach --- ,l:e new \IcComb's Dam Bridge over the Harlem river, approved by the Board of Parks on Total ...... $2,7oo 00 ,-i tember 8, IS93 ; and Resolved, "I hat, in pursuance of the provisions of said acts, chapter 207 of the Laws of iS9o, I t:d chapter 319 of the Laws of 1893, the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to prepare and In asking to have this transfer trade in this manner, the Board of Excise undoubtedly made =site bonds of the %lavor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of _New York• to be known as an error of jwtgment, too much being taken front the "Contingencies" account and not enough t-:ousolidated Stock of the City of New York," as provided by secti ,n r32 of the New Y,.rk City from the " Salaries of I t:p_cturs, etc." The whole amount of the transfer should have been taken :. insolidation Act of 1852. to the amount of one hundred and fifteen thousand ei;ht hundred and I from the account of " Salaries of Inspectors, etc.," in which there is now an unexpended balance of eIshty eight dollar, (St 15,883), bearing interest at a rate of three per cent, per annum, and redeem- one thousand one h:mdr-d and twenty-one dollars and eighty-two cents, whereas, the "Con- aLHle from tine to tome, but not less than twenty years from the date thereof, for the purpose of tingencie " account for that year is not sufficient to meet the liabilities whicli have been charged defraying the expense of con,tru-eting the Sedguvick avenue and Ogden avenue approach to the ! against it. flaw bridge over the Harlem river at McComb's Dam Bridge. I I submit the following resolution for such action as the Board deems proper. Resolved. That the map or diagram with technical description of the land required for the Respectfully, edgwick-Ogden avenue approach to the new McComb's Dam Bridge, approved by the Board of THEO. W. bIYERS, Comptroller. f.irkson August 2, 1893, be and hereby is approved by the Beard of Estimate and Apportionment in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 319 of the Laws of 1893- 1 CITY OF NE\v YORK, Which were adopted by the following vote : OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF EXCISE, No. 54 , -- \ffirmati e-"l h< Macor. Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen and President of November 21, 1893 --- I , .. „a a,i I.\rye nlC its-4. Ho,:. Txos. F. GILROY, Chairman, Board of Estimate and Apportionment: SIR-I am directed by the Board of Excise to request that transfers of moneys from the account, The Comlt;c:er laresrt:;~•'. the f ,IIuscin~ : "Salaries of Inspectors, etc.," to other accounts be made as follows: 1:T1" 115 _XF«' YORK-FINANCE DEPARTMENT, A transfer Irons the account, " Salaries of Inspectors, etc.," of $500 to the " Contingencies C tOMPFROLLER'S OFFICE, Account, for the year 1892-1893. NovemLer, 1893. A transfer from the accoun:, '' Salaries of Inspectors, etc.," of $300 to the '' General Adminis- Ti the Bi u-1 r1f l'.tiintte 17112 .-I. ^orJiortnn,01 tration " account, for the year 1893-1894. By a resolution of this B-,ard adopted April 25, 1893, the Comptroller was authorized to issue Respectfully, " Consolidated Stock of the City of New York " to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars, JAMES F. BISHOP, Clerk. ti pay for the expenses of making surveys and doing other preliminary work for the construction if the Public Driveway, provided f.or in chapter 102 of the Laws of 1893• Resolved, That the sum of three hundred dollars ($300) be and the same is hereby transferred I submit the following communication from the Department of Public Parks, from which appears from the appropriation made to the Board of Excise for the year ending April 30, 1894, entitled that an additional five thousand dollars is required to enable the Surveyor and Engineer to complete '' Salaries of Inspector, etc.," which is in excess of the needs thereof, to the appropriation made the work of laying out the Driveway now in progress north of High Bridge, including all prelimi- to the said Board for the said fiscal year, entitled " For General Administration, etc.," which is nary work preparatory to doing the contract for the second section. insufficient for the purposes and objects thereof. I accordingly submit the following resolution. Which was ads ipted by the following vote: Respectfully, Affirmative -The Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen and President of THEO. VV. MYERS, Comptroller. the Department of Taxes and Assessments-4.

I)1'.('1:\IRI:R 10, i8q . THE CITY RECORD, 4027

'fhr Comptroller presentctl the following : Amauni Expended for .Snow, Oeccmb r 6 and 7. i.Aa'1)gm,acTNtI•:NT Extra labor ...... 5750 25 UFt`Irlt O1+ 'I'ttt: (.nt"VS[?I. 't'O ~rH!•: CORI'ORATI~;K, (~artti ...... ..... ...... 646 97 Niw } on, November 24, 1893. ` I hired horses ...... ...... 171 50 Si Pt:t•:\rn.CoH;T. I,598 72 Balance Decemher I ...... ...... 41 22 ;h Matter 1 Amount needed...... 41,557 50

The Al'pli ;Iti„n ,>f Ijiu C nmii-,in,rcm of Public Parks of the Anil offered the following : av of New \ orl:, relative to acrluirin'• title to the .orc Resolvedl, That the stns of sixteen hundred dollars he and the same is hereby transferred from the of laud north of One Ilumfred ands Fifty-third street, al,l,ropriution oracle to the I teparunent of Street Cleaning for the year 1893, entitled '' Administra- I:etwcen the 5evcnth avenue and Nlc(-'omb' Uam road, in tion," the saute heing in esce.,s of the :unotuit required for the l,urpos,x and objects thereof, to the t lie 'Fuelfth \Ward of said City', for the purpose of the cun- oppropriatiun made to the same I)efiartmcnt for thu year I&)_;, entitled °° Removal of Snow and ,truction of a I;ridtic and approaches theret >, with the Ice," the amount of

1/ a, "I Itico. \\'. \(1'1•:rti, co,IrtrrolEr The following coin m nit icalions were receive,! SIR-I inclose herewith a voucher in favor of each of the sic expert witues,es cmployed by me Front the Board of E'ducation- Iii the above entitled tnalt-r, as follows: ILv.1. iii flit: UO.eRn 1 Ill f I log ,, riiiclair Mycrs ...... ...... $250 00 \u. 146 (;RANI) -,rt_t,: r, I).Phovnix Ingraham & Co ...... 250 00 Nutt YORK, Uaccmbcr 7, 18113. James Dle,'cker & S,n ...... . 250 00 (In Board of Education, December 6, 1893.) W. G.I. King ...... 250 co I„hn F.I)awson ...... ...... 200 00 Resolved, That the sum of twelve thousand dollars (512,000) he and the same is perch) al Charles \'. IIuugh ...... ...... too 00 priated froth the land derived from the sale of la'entises under the authority granted by chapter 89 1'hc expenses thus incurred are reasonable and were necessary in order to properly protect the of the Laws of 188[, for the purchase as a Site for school lflu poses of the lots of land and premises inteic,t, of the City before the Commissioners of Estimate and in Court in said matter. located itt the 'llventy-third W~'ard, in the City of New A'irk, ilescril ed together as follows : All Respectfully, yours, those certain pieces or parcels of land which on a certain Pao, entitle't " Map of the Sub,liviulon of the Property of henry I I. Tiflanv," being- part of the Fox estate, etc , and known as I.of, Nro. 3, \\'\I. IL CLARK, Counsel to the Coruoration. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 of Block 466 and more particularly described aS follows liefc,rcl Iii iii Comptroller. ' Beg,nning at a point formedby the intersection of the southerly >ide of East One Honchred at:'I I he I nu Ia I-,llcI hr, cn'crl the following Sixty-seventh street and the westerly line of Simpson street ; thence we,terly along said One hi ii- lieuand Slsty-seventh street, distance about two hundred and thirteen and five hundred sr ,i lb I sR'rsu:NT OF N-ILIcI \\'i-iRKS --Cc,MnusSIONI.I:'s OIF[ct•:, ttventy-six one-thousandths feet to the corner formed by said One Hu,idred and Sixty-sevuttlt NO. 31 (JILAJtnERS, StRI.l r, street and the easterly .,ide of Fox street ; thence .southerly about one hundred and tell and se': en NFw YORK, Anvembcr 23, 1893. one-hundredths feet along said Fox street ; tlierice easterly at right angle, to Fox street, ii -i- tance about two humlred feet, to the westerly line of Siml',,on street ; thence northerly about ',ne Itr:aR Ste-By a resolution adopted December 9, 1092, the Commissioners of ti he Sinking hundred and eighty-four and eight hundred and forty-five one-thousandths feet aloe", Sinn--on Fund, ai the request of the C nntui.ssiuner of Public AWorks, authorized the making of a saplIlemen- street to the point or place of beginning. taiv contract with the ( t. A. Evans Construction Company, the contractors for the heating and yen- Said sum to be paid by the Comptroller on the presentation to hint of the deed or deed: tht ie- I apparatus in the new Criminal Court Building, for [lie temn-i,rary use and operation of the for, together with the certificate of the Counsel to the Corporation that the title thereto i- -,ai-!:,. - i,ca tin 'g plant of the building, and the necessary fuel to heat it during the past ti inter, and pending tory and free fn ,m ail incuutbrances, and is vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commur :I , its completion and the acceptance of the contract referred to. The sum of S9, J91.75 wa- apt ropri- the City ut New folk. ated for this purpose, of which 49,257 has been expended, leaving a balance of only 5134.75' Extract from the minutes. '1 'lie buiichng is not yet really for occupancy, :,nil the work underthe contract of the O.N . I'vans \RT[f! l; ~1\li'I.I TN, ('I-;h. t_i,nstruction Company has not yet been accepted as completed. "1' he a1 , pro l,riation for last winter Referred to the Comptroller. I- Hi the supplementary contract were male under the provisions of section 5, chapter 371 of the I.nNt- of 1887, that the Commissioners of the Sinking h}tnd, be the coucurreut vote of all the From the County CIerk- ucmhers, and the conoeots of the contractor an,l sureties, might alter the plan of the 1,uilding and „~ t I!ic terms and specification, of any ciuteact, provided such alteration should not require an in- COUNI Y CLERK`- ii r ii r -~ r t, '~ '. . , creased eypense greater than live pea cunt. of the ii hole expenditm'e under the contract, and the A tat, l ~,l:l:. N ~vcuil,e. 2, t5 t ;. -1110 appropriated is exactly five her cent, of the total amotuu of the contract. 7o the IIo+zolrrhts' 1!,r R~si,'d o} Bari, aml.4,sportioenont : '1 he coming winter season is now very near at hand, and it become, necessary to make i (;l.N t•LEaIEN-In pursuance of the rerlue,t of the Justices of the Supreme Court, a n ccial provision for the temporary heating of the building. Inasmuch a.. the entire apparatus is ! the comm unication add reaed to m.: under date of N'wemher 21, inst., and here t ' i e I I, '-till in the hands of the contractors and not accepted by the City, the arrange uulcuiti for such leave most re,l,ecttitl,y to submit the following supplemental estimate for the year [2~) }. f,-nporary heating, until the final acceptance of th.e work, will again have to be made with the Q. N. I•'van, I onstruetion Cuntpany'. The heat ii should l,egin not later than December proximo. SUPREIIIi COURT. ! h: O. N. Evan, Construction (_ompauv agrees to fumi.slt ai I the necessary fuel, labor, etc., for i One. (I)Stem,gral,het for !'art III., Special Term ...... ... d_.5cc, ;_c >u It temporary heating during the ell;utng tinter, or until the company s contract is accepted as Five (5) attenifa iii t's for Part Ill., Special Term at $t,000 ...... 5,03 r 0 „inplete,l, at the same rate at which such heating wa done last winter. At this rate the estimated '_t ff,r h cat in ic the building during the month of 1)ecemher of this year is : Total.... ...... ...... ...... w.0o u< I ,dolor, 1i0I,er week ...... 664 33 I' I 1 „ I, ,i 1 coal at $6 ...... 930 CO ~ he;pect[ully, }'our>, --- - IIENRV D. PURR (t\ Ilal ...... ... ...... .... 51,59.1 33 _ St farad: COURT -JUDGES' Cll.tatnl:a -. i i:, ~-it iiiiatit at the same rate from December I, 1893, to April 30. 1894, is : Ni•:w ViIRK, November 21, 189 . I , r Ir.'s :. i-• ... . .. ...... .. 53,2352 93 lit•:NR', f). I't- RRcs\, Esq., Coumlr C/'r/,q ere. r r I. 7CC t., i,; at $6 ...... 4, oo 530 SiR-A"ou are requested by the Justice, of the 5w?rente Court ti , apply to the floor,] off .. ui I'...1 ...... ..... ...... ...... 5 93 ctnd Apportionment to iusc•rI ill the amount to I,~ riisc,l for taxation ill iSg4, au amount ~ti:.,-i,.~' '~ X7,76 I to hr:tide for aStenographer to Ise ahpou:te~l fur 1',ir; ill, of the Special 'term ul this Court. C.. section 251 of the Corte, wi,ich Is in ..uL,tance a re-enactment of aection 147 of the Consoli lati~ui t I ' re. i< ;,,) available appropriation in this I )epartment to pros i,le for this expen-e for the the f usticm of the Supreme Cu ii Gn tlr- First luilicial District, or a ivajority of them, must apt „ in,inth of llccemin:r, and there i; no pruvisin a in the Departmental and Provisional inc ttenonraphcr f,r each Special Terul of the wore ac Court, whichconstitutes asep:n'ate l i;. i -I II t~.r for 1594 to have the heating, atte•r 1.auuory 1, done bi' the t ). N. Evans Con;truction Cann- \\ e ht estan1tis1ted for tIi _ years IS94 au,l tsg5 three special rIerros of the tiupletnc Cow t, ea.'h cou- p.uty, through whom it will have to I e do iii :- until their work is coin Iihetcd and accepted. s itutin a 'epolote p.u't, :nod a, wit li;ne now a Steno_draph-'r but f~,~ to ,part>, it will be neceary I therefurc respectfully ask that the t'nmu,i,siouet:s of the Sink lug Fund take such action and t„ a[~l,,,int :l:,tcno iapl i er for the third part. the eounnous numlxi nl c,iws ill regard to the Elevated I ot'i,ie such appropriation a; is necessary to have the temporary heating of the build ng Iluue as I Railroad Company has so blocked the calendar of the St~eci.d "I'crut that at the piestnt rate of the I ein indicated. in order to protect the entire building;, and all its content, from damageby frost trial of equity case, now upon the calendar, with the present facilities for the tpsp-suiln of causes. a ,I!,-! tn,tu storm dtuing the cunning Winter s_ason. j nety case cannot be reached for several yeas, and we have theref,re made an arrangement to troll 1 crt rest-ectfully, a third pvt of the Special Term. AV'e will also iei1uuire live (5) additional Attendants for the "IAClIC1' F. IIO,,:A1I.ANB D=puty and Ac:ink Commissioner of Public Worla. "pecial 'I erns, and is Is ulul request you to ash the Board of ,\f,p_,rtiunulent to make provision for _1n,1 offered the lollowin5 : the payment of their salaries. liv secti„n 93 of the Code the Juetice: of the Supreme Ci urt, .ar a RRcs„lverl, 7hac the sum ciI fie, lutntired dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from ' maiority of them. are authorized to appoint hie Attendants for each past of the Court, and thenum. lit - appropriation mad, to th° Department of I'ublic Worksfor 1893, cutiticcl, '' Lamps and Gas I her of Attendants that are at preaeut appointed, viz., 34, tvhen the number allowed by this an ,1 N. kit rii, Lighting," the same being in excess of the amount required f ' the purposes and oh- I section of the fide is forty-toot (44), tt ithout counting{ Part 111. of tl,e Special Tenn. It is but fair to j'-cts thereof, to the appr,priation made to the same Department for 1893, entitled, '' Supplies for say that upon the opening of the Criminal C stunt -hon-e additional room Will be provided fur the ;;ncl C lea niuf; 1'ublic Offices, including Directories " (fur heating the new Criminal Court-house), j Cuurt of (-lyer all I Tcrminer, and that Court can then be held whet:evcr the publ!c business .he amount of said appropriation being insufficient. rec1uires OTilicut adjoining a Circuit Ccuit, and see will therefore require additional Attendants for \Vhich was adopted by the following vote : that Court. .lffirmativc-"1'he Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen and President of The Justices of the Supreme Court in this District have unanimously resols•: d the app ,,hit. the'l)epartment of Taxes and Assessments-4. merit of a Stenographer and the Attendants above-named is absolutely nec-s.try f'r t1:c ,,actien of business, and have requested life to make this drterutination known to y,,ii. '1-he Coin,:tr ller to c ented the f llun iug : . Yours, etc., LAW DEPARTNIt•:N't', (Signed) GI':U. 1'. 1 N' : ()IFICE OF TAE COUNSEL TO THE CORPOR.I.TION, ~- Referred to the Comptroller. NEW FORK, December 6, 1893. 1J Ti) !!ec hoarut of h.atrnrnte au

..028 THE CIT Y RECORDD. Dh:cl:a► B1:K 16, 1893.

George C. I)eW'itt, representing owners of land tlken by the City for Corlcar's Park, appeared Edwardl ('.,nn.,rs, I.;tburer, November 24. --- — ------— — _ a nd requested speedy action by thi. board relative to the issue of bonds for the purchase of said John 1 itapat rick , Laborer, November 24. 0 and. 11. S. Otis, Laborer, November 24. I)cbate was had thereon, and inasmuch a; the item of cost for fees of Commissioners, Clerk Randolph hoterce, Laborer, November 2S. Ind Stenographer appearing excessive. Oscar Mticrscf, Teautster, with team, Noven~lx r 32. On motion of the Mayor, the subject we. referred to the Counsel to the Corporation to report Philip Iiirkenmei;tcr, Laborer, November _S. what action can be taken to reduce .uch cost and report to this Board before the 31st instant, John B. Carpenter, Laborer, November 2S. William Strang, Laborer, 'November 28. n the board ad;-urncd. On motion of Commissioner Scott. the same was adopt I. F. P. BARKI R. secretary. The Committee also presented six similar property ui:,l,;. re.-citecl fn.m the C nit iii i,si tier of Public Works oil November 27, 1893, showing certain ailcIitimlma1 reel of Iand rc Juiced for the construction of the New Croton Reservoir, in the villv„e of Hronab, AV'e,tcbester County, New K D 01 CITY RECORD. York, and recommended the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That the six similar property maps received from the Commissi ncr of Public Works Ott Novetnk er 27, 1593, showing certain additional parcels of land required for the construction of the New Croton ltesgervoir, in the village of liatonah, AvestchesterCounty, New York, be and the \IAvOR's OFFICE. CITY HALL, same are hereby approved and adopted, and directed to he certified and (rmsmittecl to the Counsel New Y(IRK, December it, IS93. to the Corporation for lilitig and delivery to the Commissioners cif Appraisal, in accordance with i:n::Aillim 11. Clark, Counsel to the Corporation, and the provi,ions of chapter 490 of the Lairs of iSS3 of the State of New York : and the Counsel to T. I la]v, loinniissiuner it Public \\ irks, the otticer, designated by section 66 of the New the Corporation is hereby requested to take the stcp necessary to acquire for the City, under chapter 490 of the Laws of i8S3 of the State of New York, the fee in the land; described on said maps : l_ ity Consolidation Act. stet tlii da\'. and the Secretary is here'.hy directed to furnish to the Counsel to the Coipomati.m all iii aiF' l,l:ut.. I ie minutes of the meeting of November 27 were read and approved. etc., which he may require in the premises. equisitions were laid before the board, and were acted on, a, follows The same tens adopted by the fAloiviug Note Aflnmati se—Coin n li.lom1crs Duane, Tucker, t'cott and Cannon-4. Acrtos or TheCotnmi(tee also pte;ented map, in triplicate, rrttcet ..... ...... ...... .. T\V'EN'F -FOURTH WARDS. NI~.AVT YORh CI'I'Z-. 50 copies e.- -imare for regulating, etc., One Hundred and Thirty-ninth strc•et ...... o cupie e-tintate for regulating. etc.. t)ne Ilundred and ( triter: or t iii: (octat 55! IN, : lxty-sixth .,iced ...... ...... .... ... .. .... Roam ;S, No. q6 ihtoauvvtv, Nrat VoRK, :o copies estimate f • re grilating, etc., One Ilumlred and \Ic,tU.t]', November zo, IS9,i, 2 o'clock t'. st. tevcnty-third street ...... The Commi.,-,i ,n it- rtti ant to aeljdurntnemmt. copies contract for coal ...... ...... I'resent --iatdcs M. \'ari:uut (('hatrman pri tent.), and Daniel P. Ilan'-, to mtni sstomt Cr.. ;u copies estimate for coal ...... ( it Counsel--lame: M. \Yard. 1::q., representinm4 the,n Counsel ; Thomas S. 3o envelope :...... ford , Esq., and 1'red. (. I,ut a.ter, Esq., rel;resrntinti numrr„u;m laiu:ani> ; \(e> r,. Porter l I' ilvert, numernt, claimants. 20, " j 300 S5 per cent. vouchers fur New Bride.... The !eadling of the minutes of the proce_cfings of the last :pectin, was disdensed with. the Clerk stated that he had procured hr nn the County Clerk'; office a certified copy of the Bt' Dipdni c't of ./re. Cl'aniu~. oath of I ).iniel P. I lays, and a certificate that said oath had been duly filed in said office on Nov- ;,e. 4. '` 50o daily expense blanks...... ember IS, 1893. The followiui• is a certified copy of said oath : loo sheets senu-carbon paler. S z 12 ...... a . 1, Daniel P. Hass, do solemnly swear that I will support the l'on,tituti'n Of the United Stated. and ti,e Constitution of the State of New V iik, and I gill faithfully discharge the duti um 6 purple copying ribbons ...... the office of Commissioner of Appraisal. Twenty-thin l and 'Twenty-fourth \Card., (under dma-o to 537 I,con paper, S x 13 ...... l'o,c the fs,lm 'ul,i lit (', urt of saki 5tateyf r 11u1t Count },era certify tRd1 t l bait c co.,i'I ,are,l time l tccerin v:i:li time igin.ii BI Ma ti'. I oath of IJanie: P. flays, as a Cmmnussion_t of Appraisal, etc., etc., on file in any i e, and that the sauce i, a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original. ordinance,)...... Ililorsed, Filed :November IS, IS93.

- 'is District Court. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed niy name and affixed my official ", :l, this t Stl~ .: day of November, 189 3. i SEAL.] IIENRV' I). PURROV, Clerk. _ The following is a aipy of time certificate of the County Cleik as to the filing of said oath ncutrtint vote of the three officers, the ti titers isor wai instructed to procure by direct I, Henry 1). 1 ucrov, Clerk of the ti s and County of New York, do hereby certify that, pn- a tint to ct' 9,vr 537 of the laws of I'q , there was tiled in this office on November 1S, 1893, time thin tt' c 1 itract let after advertisemet:t, the articles called for by the 1l.(lUl Ition i ivr. that is, cvi ritten oath of office c I I )anmel 1'. liay?, one of the Commissioners appoittte 1 by the Afavor of ti City owed, that course being deemed to be for the best tntetcats of the Ca}. I of New York, under and in pursuance of said Act, in place and stead of James A. Deering, resigne, , The Supervisor of the City Record reported that bid, to supply books were to he opened on and that said oath t is now on file in the office of time Clerk of the City and County of New 1'orl:. fur, as the 14th instant. H said t' h had r ceis•cd all the requi lit tin , for stationery, printing Dated, xevv Yo n et., \.,vember IS, 1893. IlHNRl' U. PURROI- r_. iiic:,ti in for contracts in preparation. There were a few items , Clerk. d Dhographing, a had (h t The Cotttmission then proceeded to take L,;timonc in the matter of the following claims : \ ,. i stationety—such as rubber sta:ncs, memorandum calendar pad,, etc.--and also of printed or 6o (Kasper Hartmann), No. 6t (George i Hey and Mariana A. III v), N. 64 (John C. Harfl), No. ;q i,itosraphed matter that would be needed on or before January 2, IS94. (Rerun Brothers), -Nn. 45 (Mary J. Elwardsl, N. 71 (Mary A. Smith), No. 69 (Burnett C. Melutyre), On motion of the blavo~, an,l by a concurrent vote of the three officers, the Supervisor was NO. 77 (\larie Reinharrlt), No. 76 (Eliza Landauer), No. 75 (Hannah Vi einecl.u), Ao. 79 (Patricl: Hughes), and \o. 53 (Joseph Smith). I horized to procure such artices by direr: or ier, that tour .;c being for the best interest of the City. The Conuuis;iiii then, upon motion of Commissioner Hays, aljourned to \\'ednesday, \o em Bills were approved as follow : '' New York Law Journal," 5333.33 (Voucher 141) ; ,Martin her 22, 1893, at 2 o'clock P. tit. t,. Brown, $4,Io4.7o (\oucher 142) ; William P. Mitchell, $360.15 (Voucher 148) ; Thomas Cosgrove, • I.AAIONT DIcLOUIILIN, Clerk, 52 (Voucher 147)• ~.~.• Pay-rolls were approved : Robert McManus, 517.50 (Poacher 143) : William H. 1,evett, $17.50 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION, (Voucher 144) ; Robert McManus. $17.50 (Voucher 143) ; William H. Levett, 517.50 (Voucher Roo.I 58, No. 96 BRO,tDVV.~Y, NE~t• YORK, WEDNESDAY, November 22, 1893, 2 o'clock. P. m. 1405 I The Commission met pursuant to adiountment.

\V. J. K. KLNNV, Secretary. Of Counsel—James M. Ward, Esq., representing the Corporation Counsel ; Fred. J. Lan- aster, Esq., representing numerous claimants. The minute.., of the proceedings of the meetings of November,15, 16 and 17 were read and .AQUEDUCT COMMISSION. pproved. The Corvmmi,,ion then proceeded to take testimony fit the matter of the following claims ;o. 61 (George Hey and Uarisna A. fley), No. 79 (la1ricicc Hughes), and No. 64 (John C. t/ ;, , ,t _ _]/ ,tut, 0/ 1/te _fJucdxcl Contniissiorz,°rr, held at their oce, c\. 209 Stewart larff). Lrrililu,', on II e-M -silat, _Vovcntbcr 29, I~93, at 3 o'clock P. .11. The Comnti;si in, on motion of Commi.,,ioner I Iays, then adjourned to Friday, November 24, 893, at 2 o'clock, P. ,t. l'resent—Commissioners Duane, Tucker, Scott and Cannon. I-AMONT McLOUG1ILIN, Clerk. I. me Committee of Finance and .audit reported their examination and audit of bills contained 11 , sachets Nos. 921I to 9222, i',clusive, amoanting to S536. to. I i On motion of Cotnmissi-per rocker, the same were approved and ordered certiffel to the if n I: (II' 'till O.'INJss1o1 I:o. , At 55. Nir. 96 131t,,A1IWAY, Ness' YORK, Comptroller for payment. i' Rtt,:», November 24, 1893, 2 o'clock i'. Ni. The Construction or Executive Committee recommended the adoption of the following resolu. tion The Conuni;siun tnet pursuant to adjournment. Resolved, That time action of the Chief Engineer in appointing the following persons, on the 1're.ent—Jaines M. A'arntmm (Chaiomai: pro (ern.), and Daniel P. Mays, Commissioners. dates and at the raics nercinaftcr named, be and hereby is approved Of Counsel—James M. ]Card, Lsq., representing the Corporation Counsel ; Frederick J. Lan- Abraham Clemke. Laborer, S2 per day, -November 21. aster, Esq., representing numerous claimants. t_'+car Meirsch, Teamster, with team, $4 per day, November 21. The reading if the minutes of the proceedings of the la,t meeting was di,pensecl with. m on motion of Commissioner Scott, the same was adopted. The Commis ion then proceeded to take testimony in the matter of the 1,,hlowiiy claims : No. The Committee also recommenricd the adoption of the following resolution o (Burnett C. McIntyre), No. 77 (Marie Reinhardt), No. 76 (Eliza Landauer), No. 78 (Anna .c.olveci, ']'hat the action of th^ Chief Engineer in discharging the following persons, on the i'einecke), No. 45 (Mary I. Edwards), No. 39 (Bertin Brothers) No. 63 (Joseph Smith), and No. 6o da _ - hereinafter named, be and hereby is approved x.asper Ilartmann). t.o;well B. Totten, Foreman, November 24. On motion of Cotnmi,s,inner IIds., tat_ Commi-lion then adjourned to Monday, November 27, .,t,Jm1mm 1 v~ r. I,al,urer. Ac~cemLer 24. 393, at 2 o'cla.h r. at te1.L !..A. 1I, :u I. I m, or. , =\,\ntl- 24. l.A .IONT McLOUGIILIN, Cleric. U1:[l[:1; 16 , 1393. THE CITY RECORD. 4029

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION, BOA IS 11 OF ES'1'I MA'L'E AND APPORTIONMENT Special Term Chambers and will iie held in Ru,r,n No. Roots 58, No. gf, llto AOS AY, Ar:w Voii:, .limo ,,,,tau , Ct,irmman: R. I. i1.111Kltk (President; '0, to A. Sits' 4 t'. \I. Clerk's Office, Room No. to, City Hall, 9 Ant. to 4 P.M. Uepartmcnt of Titres and Assessments), Secretary, Mos o sv, November 27, 1893, 2 o'clock 1'. 1,I. Solos :11.10151ruff, Chief Justice; JMiNltY P. Aic. the CuMPTROI.t.ER, PRmmvtDHNm- OF 'I nH BOARD OP r A. V,sN V v( K, J'SII S 11. FffrsstMONS The ('ommi,,si, ,n met pursuant to adjournment. A L OEIm NI EN and the 00vNSeI, Ti THE CO I(PONA LION, tGO tea , Rim's:l:- Members ; CHARLES V. ADEE, Clerk. Jn5,-i-il I:. N iii l•'m- I:';rlc and Jens 1L Af C.sst'lly, Ju;- l're cat—Jaines si. Varnnm (Chairman pro tern.), and Daniel 1'. Hays, Commissioners. Clliice of Clerk. Department of Taxes and Assess- tice',: )OHN B. Ah t;nl I l--, (tlot:. (1f Coumel—James Vii. Wer(I, Ystl., repr seating the Corporation ,'douse, ; Fred. J. Ian uastcr, ments, Stewart Building. Feel., representing numcrou: claimants. The reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the last meeting was dispensed with. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND BOARD OF ASSESSORS. APPORTIONMENT. The Commission then proceeded to take testimony in the matter of (Aaint No. 61 (George I[ey Office, 27 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. and Jlariana A. Hey.) EDWARD (;ILON, Chairncm ; EDWARDCAHILL, --^— I); 1-s11F1t IF, 18gj. On Iii em of Commissioner I lays, the Commission then adjourned to \Vednesday, November CHARLES K. WENDT and P.aratcK Al. HAVLKrv; \Vat. H, N(YI'I(h. '1'O T.\Xl.'-U 1RS. JASPER, Secretary. 29, Iti93, al 2 'cl IS I. yI. 11l E'1'INt; to- 'iHtt BOARD OF 1:STI- BOARD OF EXCISE. A I LAMMONT %I(•LOUGIILIN, Clerk. L1 mate and Auportiounle nt held I)ecember rt, 189;, No. 54 Bond street, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M the fnllowiug re-lutirit •.vas adopted : OFFICE OF TILE CalAINtISSION, WILLIAM DALToN. Presdent ; LmtcEsTFR HOL5IE Resolved, "That this Hoard does hereby designate Tuesday, the Ir)th d.,y of December, iSgi, at xi o'clock Rlt( 8, No.96 I)ROAI,WvAv', Nttw YORK and MICHAEL C. MURPHY, Commissioners ; JAMES F. L'tsttom, Secretary. _— i,t the tur•_ iii- :itlit the office of the M.tyor, as the time \Vra)NESDAY, November 29, 1893, 2 o'clock 1'. hi. and place for the eommcmiccomrilt of the consider:rtiol: SHERIFF'SbH OFFICE. of the Final I:stimat - for 18)4, and that notice therer.:• 1.hc C"1111 nt,'':t1 I, n Inc[ pursuant to alljoutnntcnt. duly signed bi' the Secretary, be published in the (.:m m Nos. 6 and 7 New County Court-house, 9 A. M. tO 4 P.M Present - lnlnc, :AI. Varuhut (Chairman, pro. tern.), and Daniel 1). 1 lays, (;ommissioners. Rim-mute in.itin., the tat- ltaycrs of this city to b'.• helr'. JOHN J. GORMMAN, Sheriff; JOHN B. S,txTo N, Under on tLetdLuc hl re:vd thereto. Of Counsel Jame, M. AVard, Esq., representing the Corporation Counsel ; i red. J. Lancaster, Sheriff. I:. I,. I::ARKER. Esq., representing uuoreboros cia nmants. Secretary. On application of Judge Ilawes, the Clerk was directed to file copy petition and notice of COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. hearing, si Ph proof of service in re Plaint No. 401 (George. W. I )ilcteett), for damages by reason of Room 127, Stewart 11uilding, Chambers street and , 9 A. M. to 4 P. St. i FINANCE DEPARTMENT. change of grade r,n l,rook avenue, mate pro torte, as of se-ptetimter 25, :893. RooERi' B. NoosEV, Commissioner; JAH(ES E. The reacting of the minute... of the proceedings of the last meeting was dispcimscd vwith. CONNER, Deputy Commissioner. SALE OF (_ORIOR-\lION LEASE 01• The Commission then procecie(1 to take testimony to the matter of the following claims H)CSl'; ANI) I.i.YI', No. 18 'J'ENTJI No. 60 (Kasperllartmanti), No.61 (George Hey and Mariana A. 1 fey), No.64 (John C. Harf,) REGISL'ER'S OFFICE, I AVENUE. No.6y (Rurnet((.trlclntyre), No,45 (Mary j. Edwards), No.39 (lie'-till l;rother:,), No. 76 (Eliza East side City Hall Park, 9 A.M. to 4 I'. M, Landau's), Nu. 79 (Patrick I Iuglies), No.77 (Marie Reinhardt), No. 78 (Anna \Veineckc), and No. FERDINAND LIiv1', Register; Jot;\ VON GLAtIN Deputy Register, T HE COMPTROLLER UI- THE CITY (lF NEW 83 (Joseph Smith). ur , m pursuanc e n a reso utton o t c(-ommts- sinner.; of the Sinking Fund adopted _November r5, The Commission, on motion 'If Comtnisaoner flays, then adjourned to Monday, December CUUN'1'Y CI,I:RK'S- 01 FILE. 1893, will sell at public aucnau to the highest bidder 4, 1893, at 2 o'Clnck 1. M. toss 7 wad 8 New County Court-hotlse. 9 A. M. to 4 P. a' of yearly rental, at his office, Room r5. Stewart I,AM )NT M'FcLOUG[ILIN, Clerk. HENRY I). PcRROY, County Clerk; P. J. Scu:.LV build.u;;, No eto Rroadw'ay, on 'Thursday, tic Deputy County Cierk. 58th eLy of December, r8y„ at :z o'clock nt., for the term of nine years :utrl six months from November OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Bureau of the City Cltanrberlain. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE r, 091, a lease of that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, pith the btrlding thereon eri-cted, known as No Nos. 25, 27 Stewart Building, Chambers street and Seuond floor, Brown.-stone Building, City Hall Park r3, l coot ae,'nue. and itoated at the southerly corner of TATEMMEN'1 UF' THE IIOIJRS DURl2 6 Broadway, 9 A. to 4 P. is 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. S which the Pubic Offices in the City are open for M. 'Tenth as•enrlc and I.ittlo N'cst 1'wcltth street.,in the Cits- JOSEPH J. O'IJOSOHUE, City Chamberlain. DP. I,ANrev Vlcot.L, District Attorney ; EDWARD T. nl -Newyork, facing al,nut fifty feet fronton Little ABest business, and at which the Courts regularly open and FLVsN, Chief Clerk adjourn, as well as et the places where such offices are Office of the City Paymaster. 17 seelfth street and aInut seventy feet fn,ut on Tenth CHL CITY RECORD I)FI ICF:, avcnuc, on the f,,ltowing 11110 :md conditions: kept and such Courts are held ; together with the heads No. 33 Reade street, Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M C t Departments and Courts Arid Bureau or l'rA:tit(S, Statronery, and Blank Gooks j 'the rental shall be (,mild -juai tar-y earl}' in advance, amid JOHN H. TIMMERMAN, City Paymaster. highest shll be rcy:tirctt to pay the EXECU'rl\'E DEPARTMENT. Na. 2 City Hall, ((' A. St. to 5 P. u., except Saturdays, on the bidder auc- tioneer's fee lit the time and place of alc ; the ups,t lllayor's O(/tce. which days 9 A. Ill. tO rz nt. LA\V DEPARtMENT. W. J. K. KENNY, Supervisor; EntvaxD 11. IlAves, Price or yearly renua thereof is foxed at the sum cm No. 6 City Hall, to A. Si. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, m Office of the Counsel to the Cortarat:on, Assistant Supervisor ; JOHN J. McGRa'tit, I(xaminer. I three thousand two hundred :ul,l fifty elitesi$3,2go, A. M. to [2 Al. Staats Zenung Buil•hng, third and fourth floors, 9 - the lessee shall covenant that inHnediately after th-' 'l HOAIAS F. GILROY, Mayor. \VILI.IS HoLly, Sec- A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturdays, 9 A. M. to t2 M. execution of the lease he )cilintakc all necessary repa!rc retary and Chief Clerk. to the bui ldiny„ al an expendiulre of from live thou-am: WVILLiAnt 11. CLARK, Counsc ; to the Corporation. CORONERS' OFFICE. ANDREW I. CAnt•rnELL. Chief Clerk. to six thoustttmd dollars 05,10.1 to '.6,000), to the satin-. AJO-or's Marshal's Office. No. 27 Chambers street, 8 A. si. to 5 r. Al. Sundays and faction of the Comptroller, hut Ii as to the amountes- No. i City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Office o} the Public Adu:inisf rafor. holid;'ys, 8 A. A'. to tz,3o V. Ii. pcnded vithin six thousand dollars '50,0201 and tIc DANtet ENGELHARD, I''ir.t 1larshal. No. 4y Beekman street, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M. ;111r it I L J. B.AIESS FM1-N, Loris (V. Sett urzE, JOHN nature of t i,calvcratiun s and repairs, D.asIEI. Al. DoamG.ts, Second 1larshal. WILLIAM 20.Ilcws, Public Administrator. B. SHI A, and WILLLI?I I. do KEN NA, Coroners ; Ne, person will be received is less(.e or surety who i, O(Jice of the Corporation Attorney. EnivARG F. REYeOLus. Clerk of the Board of Coroners de imlucnt on any former lease front the Corporation C0:11MISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. No, 49 l:eekntan street, 9 A. nt,tO 4 - ,5t, _ and no time tl ill be accepted t'rom any person who is in R -c- ; l.t and rt5, Stewart Building, 9 A. M. tO 4 P.M Louis HANNEMAN, COrporatlolt Attorney. COLJR'[' 01' GENERAI. SESSIONS arrears to the Corpor-ation upon debt orcontract, or Will C LliA., I;. F. \VAHLI: and EDWAI:u Owes. is a dmfaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any oblig - Office o/ Attorney /or Collection of Arrears of i ersona No. 3z Chambers street. Court open at is o'clock A..0 [inn to the Corpuratiuno is provided by I:IW. Taxes. adjourns 4 P. II. AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. '1'lie. lease trill contain the ustinl e s ennnts and con - Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street. 9A FkrnratcK SMY1 H. Recorder; RANDOLPH B. lit A!- ditirns, reserving to time ('r,rporution the right to cancel Rnonl so;, : ;tcwart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. Al. to 4 P.M M.to4r.AT. TINE:, J:sites I' ttZGl:RALLI and Roes B. Con•t:er;, the Lase and t.,kc poss•_ssan of the premises upon JA}1R5 C. DUANE, President ; JouN J. TUCKER, JOHN G. H. MEVF',', Attorney. Judges• thirty day,' notice by the Contmis.i:lmm rs of the Sinkin_ FRANCIS Al. SCOTT, H. W. CANNON, and the MAYOR, MICHAEL 1. DOUGHERTV, Clark. JOHN F. C:tRrOLt, Clerk's Office, Room No. ti, tc Fttnd. COMPTROLLER and I. OAUMISSn,sER OF PUBLIC WORDS; A. Al. till 4 P. Al. All repairs will be made at the exp Inse of the lessee, ex o icio, Commissioners ; .I. C. LULLRV, Secretary; except for ocean—am' repairs of the rool'of the building A FT¢LEY, Chiet Engineer; E. A. WOLFF, Auditor. POLICE DEPARTMENT tlic lesseee to par Croton wa'terrent. Central Office. OYER AND TERMINER COURT New County Court-house, second floor, southeastcor. Phe Icrosec (S ii be required to give a load for double No. 300 Mulberry street, 9 A. M, to 4 P. 51. the amount of the :mnual rent, with one surety, to be BOARD OF ARMORY COMMISSIONERS, JAMES J. I\f ,ARTIN, President; CHARLES F. MAC. nerl2oom No. is. Court opens at to; o'clock A.M. JOHN F.CARRnLI.,Clerk. voice, Brown-stone Building, approved by the Comptroller, conditioned for the p:n - „rmE MAYOR, Chairman ; PRRSIDRNT OF DEPARTMENT LEAN, JOHN MCCLAYR and JoH\ C SHEEHAN, Commis. meat of the rent yoadter-yuarl}• and the lulfiliutcnr ,gin sioners ; WILLIAM H. Kee, Chief Clerk ; To F City Hall Park, second floor, northwest corner, Room of TAXES AND ASSESS'IENTS. Secretary., 10 A. M. till 4 P. St. his,:art of the covenants o' the lease. Address EnwARD 1'. BARKEks, Stewart Building. RonENlsoucH, Chief at Bureau of Elections. "1'he Comptroller reserves the right to reject any i s . Office hours, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. St. ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to T'HFU W \11 FR.. HEALTH DEPARTMENT c2 M. _— COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ComptroiJcr. No. 301 Mott street,g A. St, to 4 P. M. CITY OF New YORi:—FINANCE DEPARTMENT, 'l bird floor, New County Court-house, 9 A. nt. to 4 P, M. COMMON COUNCIL. CHARLES G. WILSON, President, and CYRUS Co11P'mROLLER's OFFICE, Dec. 15, EDSON, .1t, D., the PRESIDENT OPTHE POLICE ItOARD, Assignment Bureau, Room No z3, 9 A. Ii. to 4 P. iii. c)(/,'e of Clerk o/ Comtnen Council. ex o,iFcia and the HEALTH{ OFFICER OF THE PORT, Cx Clerk's Office, Room No. 21, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. At. No 8 City Hall, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. nt, effecs Commissioners ; EMMOMONS CLARK, Secretary. General 'l erns, Ronnie No. 24, II o'clock A. At to ad. NiOTICE' Oh ASSI'SSMEN 1' FOR (ll'l:NiAt GEORGEB. itICCL1iLL.4\, Presideut Board of Aldermen. bourn ale tit. SI'REITIS AND A\'ENVE'S. MICHAEL F. BLAKE, Clerk Common Council. Special 'Term, Room No. 22, xi o'clock A. Ni. to ad- DEPARTMENT OF CHARITIES AND COB REC. jottrnment. DEPARTMENTOF PU1;LIC WORKS 7' I ON. Chambers, Room No. cc, to.Soo'clock A. Si. toadjourn- N PURSUANCE OF Si':C11ON 976 O1 I'H1'• No. 3! Chambers street, ) A. M to 4 P. M. Central Office. ment. I " Nine York City Consolidation Act of t i8s, Part I. Room No. 26, It o'clock A. St. to adiournmenl. It1ICImAF,L '1', DALY, Comntissioner; MAURICE F. No. 66 Third avenue, corner Eleventh street, 9 A. M. to amended, the Comptroller of the City of New Vork i'lL.JdAN, Deputy Commissioner Room A). 4 P. M. Part II., Roost No.24, rI o'clock A.M. to adjournment. hereby gives public notice of the confirmation Iv Equity Term, Room No. 25, at o'clock A. Si, to ad- Roset:T H. CLrFFO11D, Chief Clerk (Room 6). HENRY H. PORTER, President ; CHAS. E. Smststoss, the oupreine Court of the assessment for opening :uci GeoR,R W. BIRDSALL., Chief Engineer (Room 9) Al. D., and L•'nw'ARU C. SHEEHY, Commissioners; journment, acquiring title to JOSEPHRILEY, Water Register (Rooms z, 3 and 4); GEORGE 1. BRITTON, Secretary. Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 23, 9 A. Al. to 4 P .nt R„bbms avenue, Irom Kelly street to St. Nrlr. _-. Wnt. M. DEAN. Superintendent of Street Improve- Purchasing Agent, FREDERICK A..; USHMAN. Office JUSEPH F. DALY, Clime; J udge ; MILES BEACH, F[ENOY Park. Confirmed \ovember 23, Bo,KST:tt t;l<, HENI

4O;O THE CITY RECORD. )I'( l-'lIll-:I,' II) IS93.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS: I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHAR- sh.11l di,nowt1v •t ,• that tact ; also, that itismadcwidt- lime to execute th, .:nnc, ti ) ii ill I-:IV t', the l'urp„r.l- - ITIES AND CORRECTION. "ot.t1) l)nctti„nw ithanyotbcrpersnnm:kingancs- unit :m y• di((rr,,mtcc bet+vicen the sutra to whip II he w i ili I., I I •, I I I I:• ~, I 10 ", + ---- _ nmate I the >ame purpuce ; and is in all respect, fair entitlerl on its ,-i,imipheti,,mm and that which the ('url , r.,- \ ~.It- I l, 1)ccc ,erRrl•, IIF.rv.T,11,curl''r.1.h,l - II,,,,I, Noe. +III .: • received at th,. (,file- of thy- I lcpartment r f time, and in such quantities as may be directed by tl. ' . that he has offered himself:., n Iret\' it ,od faith f{ I.\ 1:\- li. l I IR7 F it Pre-idenc, said Commi: loner-,. Pubic- Charities and Corre,et.on, .O 66 •l h, rd avenue, _ eC t!: the intention to execate th • Lnnd reriuiredt CH=\RI-I.i }.. ' I \l `1: 1 \ti M. L., Commis>iuner. Any udder for this contract roust be known to be :I i n the l:itc r f Aew 1-urk, until to o'clock :+. ,.I of ! >ection z7 of chapter of the Re+ised Ordinances 1.11\\- ) C - HVvfl1', Commis inner, gaged in and well prepared ter the business, and m,r: AM I }ntrDecember*day, 18, t893. The p -rton or person, he City of New York, if the contract shall he aw:,rded I`u'.:lie Charities and Correction. nave satistaetory testimonials to that effect ; and the 1,. r- the person cr persons for whom he consents to _.—_—__— making an} lid or estimate shall furnish the same In a sealed envelope, indorsed " li;d or estimate for Cnn- son or par-ens to +chow a contract may be awnrc _ - ice auretc. I he adequacy and sufficiency of the ,;ill be required to give security fur the perlormimc.- -t -,-urit} - of Bred to be spprocea by the Comptroller of 1 O (.-ONT1' AL 1 OR`. densed Cow's Mile, 1094," and ++Ith his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head the cotlinat b+- his or their bond, with two aii, i•-uc '\i,:: City ofNewYorb, __ saretics, e:+:!1 in the penal amount of TEN TIiOI'- °f said llepartment, at the said otfu'e, on or before the \obid ore •I male t Ill e received orconsideredunless I1 Fill Ol_mLti F OR TIITR I I--SI\ "I Hill. - and hour above named. at which tine amid place SA\ U (1D,U4til, DULL.Its. a da ' cuStateor by either a certified check upon one of ~;\NI) (~f),coo) "1 - - ' (11 \\ IlI •hI . - or estimates received will he publicly opened I ' h 1 .d r estimate shall entd,n and state the nnnle the bids :ul l hl:.: e 'It residence ofeacp of the persons making the :-°.e State or l:.aanoa Lacks Cf the City of Ntw York, C'f)AL FUR IS9 . I by the President of said Department and read. - raven to the order of the Comptroller, or mone+i ItOARti uF Pu't+uc CHARITIES Aso CORRECTION s.u•]e; Otte names of all persons interested with him car then) therein; and if no other person be en interested, it 1:, the amount of five per centum of the amount c, ,H- I RFSF.RW ES THE RIGHT TII REJECT :tLt. utus OR FSTI- the faithful SF IL,LEL PALS (IR FS-''}MATT':`; FOR F1K . ie s2 ~11[Ity required for perform - b1ATE', IF DEF.lED -ro RE FOR THE '0'hLtc tN OERESc, shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made with- once of the contract- such check or money must r - ill±; the Department of Public Charities and Currec- I out any connection with any other person making an e-- `I''n, during the year rbgq, as may he r-_yulrcd and in AS tauvtoet) IN sscnoN 64. CHAPTER 410, J.,vws of inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the esti- t:mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair .:e 0CC Irdance with the specification,, t88z, :niite, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract and without collusion or fraud ;and that no member If T HI kT\ --SIX iKl)tS\Nf) ;5,-.-c 'l( )N '_1240 I )apartment who has charge of the estimate-box ; ar.d awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- the Common Council, head of a department, chief of ., ::u estimate can be deposited in said box until such POUNDS EACH c)F \4Hi I L A"mI.1 COAL, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as bureau. deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other will be received at the office of the Department of Public Partition cieck or money has been examined by said officer or surety or other toe, upon any obligation to the Corpora- cer of the Corporatiau, is directly or indirectly inter- clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except Charities and Correction, \o. c6 'Third avenne, in the ested therein, or in the supplies or work to w' hick it City of New York, until to o'clock A. it. of Thursday, tt°,n' tilrlt of the succ ssful bidder, will be returned to the he award of the contract will be made a: soon as relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid persons making the saute within ten days after the Lecembcr z8, t&ga. T'he person or persons making any or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, u; hall furnish the same in a sealed Practicable after the opening of the bids. contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall re- bid or estimate , Delis cry will be required to be made from time to the party or parties making the estimate that the several .use or neglect, within five days after notice that the ' envelope indorsed "Bid or Estimate for 36,000 Tons matters stated therein are in all respects true, \t'hcre . White Ash Coal," and with his or their name or names, time, anu in such quantities as may be directed by the ~.ontract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, said Commissioners. more than One person is interested, it is requisite that t ce amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited and the date of presentation, to the head of said the vV•UFItATioN be made and subscribed by all the Department, at the said office, on or before the day and Any bidder for this contract must be known to be end retained liv the City of New York as liquidated and cu=t parties interested. hour Jove named. at which time and place the bids or engaged is and r ell prepared for the business, •.:,Irsaves for such neglect or refusal ; but ;f be shall satisfactory testimonials to that effect ; ;a)d the Each bid or estimate shall I e accompanied by the con- estimates received trill he publicly opened by the Presi- hare t .ute the contract within the time afaresaid, the • person or persons to whom the contr.,ct coact• be sent in writing, of two householders or freeholders ir, a niouutoi his deposit will he returned to him. I dent of said Lepartmcnt and read. the City of New York with their re-pective place, c,( I He BOARD or Pt ILIC Cti.otitittio AND Ct,nRticTIoN awarded will be required to ;;ic:: >ecurlty for the per- .s!L'.—The price must be written in the estimate and formonce ul the contract h}' his or their band, f 1,11 tw'O business or residence, to the ctlect that 11 the contr:lct I.,: , i'-,, stated it1 figure-, rind all estimates a-ill be eon- i RESERVES THE RIGHT 'I U REJECT ALI. fibs OR OSTtNIATES the penal 'Imou rat of I'I. ' awarded to tl,c person making the, they will. ,,n I' r, as t•RO- 1 sufficient sureties, each u: led as informal +s hitch du not coot in bids for :ill I It•' DEEMtED Tu t.t FOR THE t•c rue Pt ti 1`IiOCi.aXll l U.1111U I)OLL.t It S. its being Si) ay.L'rded, be•_umc bound as his sureties f„r its vluen IN SECTtux 64, CHAPTER 410, LAWS OF 188x. I t•.:m -'or which bids are herein called, or contain stimate sh:dl contain :md state the name ta;tflhul peri,)rirmuec ; and that if he shall omit (Sr relit- e t or estimate will be accepted from, or contract I Each bid or e 1, 1, for items for which bid, are not herewith called No Lid and place of residence of each of the pers:,ns making the to execute the same, they will pay to the n awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cm'- ! : _ r. Permission v, ill net Pc given or the ,.vithdraw•al of same ; the n:,mes of : ii per motor betso me him or any difference between the sum to which be wot:id : Lion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as ;.1,•.- bid or estimate. No bid will be accepted fro m, or p them therein ; and if no othcrother pepersonrson be

I)rct':1lII:I; 16, r8q3• . THE CITY RECORD. 4031

r !\': dional hauk- s t if the Cit3• of N cw l ' nrk draw n t Navin;; abandoned it and ns in defoult to the Cnrpnrn- Dittmcr MEN I nr' PI'nlJr (' 1tARi'fl,fv AND(;tRRECTJON, ~ upon the estimated amount of the work by which thr Ordrr of the (nmj,tri,IIc r, nr ntnnry to illc antnnnt I Lion, and the contract will be rcadvcrtisrd and relet a+ No. t,,, 'Front, Avrsl1R, t the bids arc tested. "1 lie consent above mentionerl lire per ce, tut of the :mtnunt of il)c security require prnvirlcd by law. NRw YoRlc December r 18 3. shall be 'n:companird by file mtth or affirmation, in or thr fahil(ni performance of tiv! contract. Sur• 4. i3 Liddcrs trill writenutwri • n the amount of th ctrc •sUmatc ' in "riling., of each of the persons signior; the samle, that he check or innnr•y mist Norr be inclosed in the seal, addition to inserting the same in figrtres. is a householder or freeholder in the. City of New York, envelope containing the estimate, but must br h:mde: Payntent will be made by :t requisition on time Comp- i and is worth the ;unnunt of the securityrequired for to the oflicer or clerk iii the 1)erpartntcnr who Ita 1'U CONTRACTORZS. troll'cr, in accordance with the terms of the eentract. the completion of this contract over and above all barge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can b file form of the contract, inclurlin.g specifications, I - his deLts of every nature,uud over and above hislia- deposited in soirl box until such check or mnrvy ha and showing the manner of p;tyment, can he obtained at PROPOSALS F O(Z bilitics ats hail, surety or otherwise; tutu that Ile has breU exalnined II' said offerer or clerk and fo ind to It the )fli If; Rf ICI' RILES, !'I, _ ce of the I epartntcnt. and bidders are cautioned offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the borrect. All such deposits, except that of the ~1I5IO,\5, I..l.l.. sitceesslit to examine each and ill of their provisions carefully, :IS intent ion to execute the bond relluirecl by section t of !idd, r, will be returned to the persons making the same the Board of Public Charities and Correction will insist chapter of the Revisal (trdinaue-s of the City of New within three days of ter the cont 7 r.tct is awarded. If the upon its absolute cnforrement in every p;rttcular. York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or sill cessful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five da)• Dated Nvw Yona1:, Ili-(inber is, tb93. QFAL1'a1) 1'IDli OR I• rlrilA'TES FOR FURN1SL(- persons for whom he consents to become surety, '1'Itr- titer notice that the contract has been awarrled tc lll:NRY 11. l'(fEI 1•;h, President, ing Groceries and r)ther Supplies during the year adedtmcy and sufficiency of the security offered to be him, to execute the sane, the amomhr of the dcpnsi CHARLb:S I'.til 81MiiNS,111.I).,Commissioner, X 894, in conformity r,ith samples and specifications, approved by the Comptroller r,f the City of New York. made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by till L':UWV-ARDJ C. SF-IIfI'KIY, Cwnmissioner, I will be received at the office of the Department of .\o bid or estunate will be considered unless City of New l'ork as liquidated damatzeshit such neglec Public Charities and Correction. Public Charities and Correction, No. 65 'Third avenue, or refusal ; but if lie shall execute the contract with it accompanied by either a certified check upon nnc in the City of New Vork, until to o'clock A. M. of of the State or National banks of the City of New the time aforesaid, the :unount of his deposit will ill li6,sut ninoi or I'I ti IC CilAillIna AND Cl)etitomN, Wednesday, December z7, 1893, returned to him. York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or No. 66 Too AsraIc:. i'tomsInss. money to the amount of five per a•nutm of the Should the person or persons to whom the centric amount of the security required for the faithful perfornt- may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contras pounds Oolong •lea, in half chests, free from h anee of the contract. Such check or money must NOT within five days after written notice that the same hat TO CON I RAC :ORS.O S. I all admixture and in original packages as be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the csti- been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he of imported. PROP)SALS FOR 11I~1':SII 85,3oo pounds Rio Coffee, roasted. state, bltt must be handed to the ofhcsr or clerk of the 1, they accept but do not execute the contract and give ti. FISII, ETC., 8, o pound. Chicory Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and the proper security, he or they shall be con 1 94. 3t,300 pounds Cheese State Factory•, full cream, no estimate can be deposited in said box until such •- idercd av havin.q abandoned it and as in default to th e QEAf.EI1 L:DS. UR i?51'I NA I F.', FOR FUR- fine, and bearing the State brand stencilled chuck or money has been examined by said officer or Corporation, end the contract will be readvert,scd an dd J nishing, during the year ending December 3t, 1894, on each box. clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except relct as provided by law•. FRESH FISH, RiC. i 36,330 pounds Dried Apples. that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate i n -will be received at the office of the Department of ,Soo pounds Barley, No.3. persons making the same within three days after the addition to in sifted. lie,1 uidated damages for such ne lect~g or refusal, but if lie examine each and all of their provisions carefully, as w,th his or their name or mimes, and the date of 360 pounds Ground Pepper, pure, iu foil, t Ibs. 51:111 execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the the Lord of Public Charities and Correction will insist presentation, to the head of said Department, at the 25„10 pounds Prunes. amount of his deposit rill be returned to him. upon its absolute enforcement in every particular. said office, on or before the day and hour above named, g8,65u pounds Rice. Jltould the person or persons to whom the contract Dated Nrty 1'~:I:~;, I)eccmbcr t5, 1893. at which time and place the bids orestimates received a88,oco pounds Brown Sugar. may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract •i l•:N RY I:. 1":R1CR, Presid.:nt, will be publicly opcued by the I'resirlentof said Depart- sa,7oo pour Is Coffee• Su_ar. • within five day's after written notice that the same has CHARLE, C. sI9i.ILUNS, M. I)., Commissioner, meet and read. 05,100 pounds Standard Cut Loaf Sugar. been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he , r I:DWARl: C. S111-fEHY, Cnn:ntissioner, 'IHE BOARD or Pcnt.ic CHARITIES AND CORRECTION 47,300 pounds -tand:rr Granulated Sugar. : they accept but do not execute the contract and give the public Charities and Correction. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO kejet.T At.1. BIDS OR rSTt- I0,-co pounds Laundry Search, proper security, he or they shall be considered as haciri htn'rh-S u' DEvsten To I:E FOR THE rttLlc INTEREST, b,Qoo pounds Corn isiareh. abandoned it, and as in deli.ult to the Corporation, etoil l li: 1.51 ,nlS r or 1'ceri.1c l:Hnku i Ir:S AND Caf0oa[ON, As PROVIDED IN lcCiluo 6e,, ct.0c'rER qroo LAvus OF z,67o pou~ds l:cpior,a. I the contract will be 1eedeentioed and ereie[, as peravideJ Nn. G6 '1'unl,u AsrweE. IS82. 506 barrels prime qvality American-Salt, in barrels ! by law. No bier] or estimate will lie accepted from, or contract I of _gzu pounds net. :Ire rqua/itv a/' the artic/es, .ujmhnes, roods, n-terra TO CON TRACTORS. awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- 293 barrels Syrup. ~'~ and ;nercIr,euhfise must c(l,r/iir„r in very rcs7tret to ihr potation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as 80,700 dozen Eggs, all to be fresh and candled at the y sau,J,tes a% the store oil t.c/nbuh, at the nt/ire e,1 I/i 1']tf)1'j)i'.AI,i FOR POULTRY FOR TIIE surety or othew'ise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- time of delivery, and to be furnished in stud Department, Ic, ;u file a/seprer q/ stu9d,i',S, to El...' tion. eases of th_ usual size. hr,uted sjlrci,'r erttia)IS. J0,"riders are cauti,ued to r - YI•:AR 1894, '1'he award of the contract will be made its soon as 1,360 bushel. Leans, not to lie older than the crop aOiZaic the .tJfeci/icatians dnr,Shu'E,cbelarr of the artic!' '. practicable after the opening of the bids. of 1893, and to weigh ía pounds net to the etc., rrqicih'&/, bcfo,-e walling their is!i nateb. EAT ED LIDS OR I:S'flyIA'I'E,S FUR FURNIsII- Delivery will he required to be made from time to bushel. kidders will state the price for each article, by whI. S ing Poultry for the year ending December ter, 1804, time, and in such quantities as may be directed Ly the q8o bags Pea , not be older than the crop of 1893. the bids will he tested. ,' ill Ile reeeiced at the office of the I lepartment of Public sairl Commissioners, 4°,7c0 pounds Pine Heal, free from aduiter tion, to 1%idlers )r Ill write out the amount of their esti mats Charities and Correction, No. i' 'lhird avenue, in the Any bidder for tl•i• contract must furnish testimonials bags of toe pounds net. addition to inserting the same in figures. City' of New York. until ter A. Si., Thursday, ipeeeailer z9, that he is engaged in the business of selling fish in the 500 bags Coarse Mval free from cob, in bags of Payment will be made b}' it requisition on the Cole p- r81~. The person or persons making any bid orestimnte Cit y • of New York, :md has the plint nece.sar'} tocarry )uo pounds roller. In accordance uitII the terms of the contrail[. ~h;.l! furnish the same in a'Culed envelope indented " 11id out promptly and regularly the contract, if it he ancardcd, t,000 bags Iran, in basal of 5o pounds net. or from time to time, as the C:c'.mmissioners may deter- or I'lstintate fur Poultry for the year tSj4," and with his to the entire -atisfectior of the Coloolig.ioners of Public 9,470 bushel: 9hieed No. z Oats, ur their name or nomcs, and the date of presentation, Charities and Corrcctiun. And the person or persons to the bushel. 3a pounds net to I to tlhe form of the evntz.ret,includin_ s Pecificationr, :n~' I,, tl.e bead of stpd f )epartment, at the said office, on or whom the contract may he a-.carded will be required to 16,040 harreIs White Potatoes, to be good, sound and ' showing the manneruf paynnent, will be furnished at il:•, I,_fore the day and hour above named, at which time give security for the performance of the contract by his )f Lair six a, to weigh t7z pounds net to the office of the Ueartment, and bidders are caution„,! ,nd place the bids or estimates reecised :will be publicly or their bond, with tteu goflieient suretis s, each in tlici: barrel, but robs to be returned. to examine each and ail of its provisions rcarchil!ero npc ned by the President of said Department and read. penal •un aunt of TI' N YHUU SAN 7) lii1O,UUU; a,3a0 bales Hay, prime q utal i to''Iiorothy, tare not to as the Rn:u-d of Pablie Charities noil C''rrc, ti 1: 'Illy JL,.si.0 or PfILlu CH.-utitrn. axa Cn;i,xc•alov liOLL1t Its . • exc-cd three pounds per bale, weight trill insist upon its absolute en: u r ic,,, of i t , cisi R%ts THE RIGHT to 1 tjEC1 nl L Llns lilt E8TnIAT, S R:l•.:.It Lid or estimate shall contain and state the name charged as received at Glackwell's Island paruuw1tir. It Ins:1!;11°I) TO IlK Klii '11E 1'u'Ltt,n' l.VI'F.RES'I', AS I'k0- and place of residence of each of the persons making, e,oco balcs hm„ bright Rye Straw, weight and tare H I•:NRY li. P01._II R, Presi,p cn»(t, tN Sectlo5 64, cnArTFr, 4:0, LAyvs or t58z. the same ; the names of :d1 persons interested same enl(ditiolis a, un Hay. C HA I21.l. E. el i1\(t INS, Vii. J, No hid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract with him or them therein; and If no other person a40,00.N pounds Brown Soap of the grade known to h-U'A 81 Ii C. 'ifll I~HY, awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpo- be so interested, it shall distinctly state that the trade as h' Clnoroeial:y Pure Settled Commissioners, I lepartment „f I':: r]. r., - ration upon debt or conuct, or who is..a defaulter, as fact ; also that it is nelde without any connection Gamily Soap,'' to be delic'ered in lots of not ' and Correction. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpo- with any other person making an estiut:lre for the less than jo,,;00 pi:ueds, and all to I:c dcliv. otiint. same purpose, anti Is in all respects Lcir and with. Bred within ninety d.,3's after the contrast O"i'.IIhTStesr OF PtILIC (aosRt•t us; AND CoiRlsci lox, 'I lie award of the contract will lie made as soon as out collu=ion or fraud ; and that no member of the Corn- is awarded. 'Ihe soap to be dalivored in : N,'. -`6 T'tln:u Ac to a c. 1,erqcticnble niter the opening of the bids. mon Council, head of a deportment, chief of a bureau, box,, holding about 8o pounds, and the NEW Yotas, December era, t8)3. I )slivery will he required to be made from time to deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the weight to be determined on its arrival at - time, and iu such quantities as pray be directed by the Corpor:utnn, is directly cr indirectly interested therein the storehouse. II. I.; ac average tare being r raid (:ommis,ioncrs. or in the supplies or work to wvhich it relates, or in any loused u);on the weight of twenty boxes i TO CO TR QC I ORS• Any Udder for this contract must be known to he portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must selected at random front each delivery. 'l he cnc:sped in and well prepared for the business, and must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties soap must be free front added carbonate of .UpO8A1.8 h:nv satisfactory testimonials to that effect; and the making the estimate, that the several matters stated soda, silicate of soda, mineral soap stock, or p FOR HOSPIT:1I, :UPPLIE9. person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded therein are in all respects true. Where more than one other foreign material ; it must be of good I ing hospitalSealed supplies,hid; : r estimnesviz. for fur,)ishing the fullow- .r ii be required to gee security for the performance of person is interested it is requisite that the v vu CATION firmness, solubb, in ten parts of a cohol of the cotntract by his or their bond, with tw'n sufficient Ile made and subscribed by all the parties interested. ~. ninety-four per cent., and contain not more The ar:icles. supplies, grads, wares and merchandize ,urctes. each in tar penal amount of N'I%'E Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con- than thirty-three p r cent. ofn•ater. Empty are to xc dclIytircl, free of expense, at th , r ;cneral Drug TIIt)BrSAM (i n,OUll, DOLLARS. sent, in writing, of hen householders or freebalders in soap bones to be ettinoeri and the price bid I pcpatrthnent on the grounds „f Relievae Hospital, East I' ti ll bid or e

4032 THE CITY RECORD. 17r:( ► MlI:r, 10, i8g3.

o pounds of pore \IELHCINAI. (:I•]'CERIN of No bid unless I .tandnrds of the Ibp.rttnent„md which certificate shall be accepted Iro t, or r ultravt aw rd •d ti,, -my perr. or estimate will he considered • or rorl the standard of the I.T. S. Pharmacopoeia accompanied by either a certified check upon one of acronlpany each dclivcry of flour, the expense of such who i+ in arrears to the Corporation upon dcht I` o , to he delivered in live-gallon ' the State or National banks of the City rd ,ew ] ork, - inspection .uld award to be borne by the contractor, tract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, up-, Itanker', so called '• r8a+>” boxed cans. drawn to the order of the ( int trullcr, or money abn certificate of weight and tare to be lurnished with anv obligation to the Corporation. will be titanic as soon + Ion till., more or lees, of genuine imported to the amount of five per rentum ut the amount each delivery. I he award of the contract +''mti'z" \]'HI'I'F'. c.AnPI1.1'. 'O.\ 1n in of the security required for the faithful perform- I'HE Iie,ARU OF PI' CIiARnTnICS AND CnRaecIlnxt practicable after the opening Ill 'lie bills. be made of Poultry • I 1_in:d bo xe, wci •ht to • he deter fined on ancr of the contract. Shah check or money oust Resat r:v Cs 'THE Rla III T+t IEJFCT ALI. HIPS t,R ns•rt- 1 lelivery will Inc required to A. II...AI :livery.1 " Id I Plibilc \. elglher', certificate. No I he innclosed it, the sealed v inn cb+pe containing Mayen 1F nnn:.I N1, -I(, It}: FOR THR 1'U tnt.IC INTRRRST, Saturday, Dcn'enl her T;. Iti , incutre 7 u'clnck _I..m ing also the tare as determined by ten the estimate. Intl must Inc handed to the officer is FRnViDFI) is sncnuN 64, CilArriR 410, L\ws ur in accordance with spe, ifica ions. '. to be .utached to the bilL or clerk of the Department who ha charge of the c•ti- ;S81. Any Uidder for tills contract must he known to s1I,PHA'1T; ( IF QUI N INE, of the Plate-box, and no ­[inh.nIc can Inc nit 1111sited in said box No bid or estimate will be accepted front, inn contract engaged in and well prepared for the business, and mu' + ard of the U. a. I haz r v.zcopwna lr89o). until such check or money has Iheen examined by said awarded tu, anv person who is m arrears to the Cor- have satintI[I ry to I nI nints to that effect ; and the per i'le deli, Bred in loo-„ante• cams, original officer or clerk and found to he correct. : kit itch Jepo.its, poration upon debt or contract, nr who is a defaulter, as I soil or persons In whnmz the Cnomtraet may be award, ic.+ges i , t tire mami.tctvrlr. except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to surety or otherwise, upon an bligatinn to the Corpora- will be required to give security for (lie performance i.I : }pure ('I I Lt1R1. IF t )R\I,, i the standard the persons making the same within three day- after the titan. the coharaa by his or their bond, with two sita1hlcnt I c C. S. PharmicoEcri.l tisoo . 10 he contract r siDcarded. I I the succes-aulhidder shall refuse The rswsrii of the contract 55 ii be made as soon as nart-ties, each In the pcn:d uuoullt of fifty '5u) per cent. . , erect nnc-halt in sine-pound bottles, and or neglect, within five dfays after notice that the contract practicable after the opening of the bids. nflI the I-S I I WIA'I I I I amount of the contract. -'salt in ten-pound tin cans, in boxes con. has been awarded to him, to execute the same. the I teiIvIry will he required to be made front time to isacin bid or estimate shall contain and state the naa, n n_ a uDuods. ' amount of the deposit made by him shall he l,rlliaed to time and in such quantities as may be directed by the ! and place of residence of cac.b of the persons making tl1r oI I ril \ACETI\, in orikinal one •and retained be the L • tit \ew ]"ark as Iieptidated said I ommis.ioncrs. s: me; the names of all persons interested with him .0 e packages damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it he shall exe- Anv bidder for this contract must be known to he en- them therein ; ;Ind it no other person inc so interested, it of pure crystallized IHT,ORAL 1-IV- cute the contract within the tine aforesaid, the amount gaged in and well prep.nrea for the business, and must i shall distinctly state that fact ; also chatIc is made w'ith- i ~I: \ I E. in one-pound glass-stoppered of his deposit will lie returned to him, have satisfactory testimonials to that effect ; and the out :my connection with any other person making an :I'i_s, packed in boxes containing o Should the person or persons to whom the contract person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded estimate for the Sainte putpose, and is in all respects lair dc. ntav be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract will be required to give security for the performance of j and with nut collusion or fraud ; and that no member of - if SL- I.FUNAT,, in original one-ounce svttlnirn five days after written notice that the same has the contract by his or t lit ir bond, with two svuicienit the Common Council, head of in department, chief of ..';.+ges. been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or ' sureties. each in the penal amount of fifty ;q per cent. a b+reau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other I: ;c il :1RISTOL. in original one-ounce they accept, but do not execute the contract and give of the IS'I'I\iA l'Fa) amount of the contract. I officer of the (orporation, is directly or indirectly inter- packages. tkhe proper security, ?le or they shall be cousiii cred as ! Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name ousted therein, or in the supplies or work to which it re - '.Inees lit -\N 11 PYRIN F. in original •fine- having abandoned it cud as in default to the Corpora- ' and place of residence of each of the persons making the ! hates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. 'I - he bid ounce packages. Lion, and the contract will be readvertised al:n relet as same; the names of :nil persons interested lvith him or or estimate must be verified by the oouh, in writing. -Ind- of pure w' hite SALICYLIC ACID, L'. S. provided br Lac. them therein ; and if ni other person Ile so interested, it of the party or parties making the estimate that th, iI.vmacopceia 1 IS o', in one-Pound car- I Vie gcr,tl. In- nifb.f.'.,u/ita/5ufrfbesrrrust:nn/in-min shall distinct]y slate thazt tact ;ahothatitI,madeo'iab,nit several maters stated therein eve in all respects true. 5, Sacked in ' Uses holding c pounds------_r r, sr'~,zt tin t-in' sr.e Uie nrti,,,rs arr,l wv:Elees, aznd an e comte,aion with..n)'other person urakin,an estimate \\"here more than one pef/ t`.r „ rthles rrqui inn / (e_/Orr making out collusion or fraud ; and that no niember of the Com- I the parties interested. - snlutie.n with distilled •.c'at- r. in one- t:ee•ir re•t4ctr!rs. "Lou Council, head of a ,:epartment, chief of a barnn:nd I, I Each bid or estimate sh:dl be accompamec. if the con cartoons packed in boxes holding 25 Bidders will state the price for each article, by which ' depot}' thereof, ur c1crk therein, or other oilier of the sent. in wrltiug, of two householders or freeholders in :;I, Is. the bids w ill be tested. - Corporation, isdirectiv nit indirectiyinterestedtherein,or the City of New \'ork, with their respective place , i I.PH.-YCEL- t1F :l(1RPHIN F, U. i. Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in in the supplies or work to tl-hich it relates, or in :my por- business or residence. to the effect that it the contract b+. i'i:: rma.oywia a:noj. in ';-ounce cizl~. inn addition to inserting the same inc tgures. n tion of the pn,lits thereof. The bid ur estimate uuut inc awarded to the person slaking the estimate, tbc, the original package E. Si A1 Alc )NA , AI. D., Commissioner, will, on its icing sin :nrarded, become bound as his I The consent above mentioned shall be acconnIpannic, 1 . Hound Skozel fn r T,ostorr Jtfdr, h. D\ti ARD C. BFI i-; 11 Ii 'n . Commissioner. sureties for its faithful pc rfurmanae ; and that if he shall ! by the uath or affirmation, in lcriting, of each of Ih, -1nr,- in Jlrrrth. iidnilicCharitiesandCorrection. omit or refuse to execute tine Caine, they shall pay to personssigningthesame, that inc isahousehxlderor Ire ,- between the sum to holder in the City of New Von:, and is worth the amnr:i l r ss I ounce. ;gross in a box. - the Corporation any difference its completion, and that I f the security required for the completion of this ciii. - 2 ounces, - f:tI 1stnlFS i "I P, 1111c Cu,ti;rtES aNu CnRRecTnis I which lie w'uuld Inc entitled on -.- 4 ., - .. Ao_ io lluau Avesnie. i w hich the Corporation maybe n obliged to paytn, the person tract, nicer and above all his debts of every nature,: u,_ .. 8 .. .. or persons to whunl the contract may be awarded at any ins-er nnnd abuse his liabilities as bail, surety orotherl,'I.c in ease to be calcu- :and that lie has oflc red himself as a surety :n good Lt'r; '• 6 •• s •• I'K( )I t( )-:1l ' 1' OP, ?.000 Ti INS OF 1' R1 .s11 °ubseque nt letting ; the amount tic,.. estfmnted amount of the supplies and in tin the intention to execute the bond required i -: _ " - •• ti l.L )\ 1. C( );AL, hated upon the MINED \\ IJITI'. .-\jII by which the bids are tested. 'Cite consent ahnve nten- I section no of cha.pter7 of the Revised Ordinance= of tlr. I'U1~ 1.1I 1•. L)1., l -1>I )(ll~ 1'(~OI~. cloned shall be accompanied Uy the n. th or aftirmaron, 1 City- of New ] ork, If the contract all be awayu, .n+n J:•oi -A uv -z,_u Jl+atk. in writing. of each tit the persons signing the in that : to the person or persons for v: hi m lie consents to i, - s r6 ounces. r gross in a box. f~R(}P( ).ALS, SEALED AND ItirORED AS he is a hnu,lholder or freeholder in the City of New come surety. The adequacy ;Ind sufficiency of i i:, _ •• i._ ~• r ahove, will be received b}' the L'nar t Public ' rk, .rttd is worth the amount of the security required ! security if red to be approled by the Comptroller all cases. the vials or bottles, when Charities and Correction, at their offiice, until to o'clock for the com:detion of thin contract, over and above all the City of New Yorlc. - Jig the full amount of the correspond- A. v., of Friday. December cc. r8g3, at which time his debts of every nature, and over and above his ha- No bid or estimate will be considered unl, - '.aasrre of ,rater at . <. F., must not be they w' ill be publicly opened and read by the ]'resident hilities as bail, screty or other,cI c ; and that he has accompanied by either a certified check upon is fete'}- tilled thereby. but must hate a of said Board, for 'IV'n I l -I]it lb5,A1 I z o00 MOSS offered himself as a surety in good faith, : n :l'th the the Mate or National Uanks of the City of New' lent space bet wean the ton of the Fresh Mine' White Ash Stove heal. of the best quality, intention to execute the bond r:qulred by section v of : drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, ti, t!:: . ,,. and the inserted cork to permit it each in it to consist of two thousand pounds ; to be well chapter 7 of the Revised I )rdinances in the City of Selo i amount of five per centuni of the amount of the securer. :Igitation rf the contents. screened and delivered in such quantities and in such York, if the contract -hall be awarded to th - person or required for the Luthp,l performance of the en ntra I - t Extra Long. strictly XX TAPER parts of the city as may be required in specifications, persons for ,n-hoot he consents to Uccn:n_ surety. The : ouch check or money most Not' be inclosed i ti KS, it, the following numbers and and ordered from time to time, 'OCTH of F: it.;II I,n adequacy and nuticicuay of the secs rits offered to be the sealed envelope containing the estimate, brut must 11. :- cities, all to be deli+cred in bags FI)L- K'I'H iiIRFL1', F'.Ab I AND Vt F s I , to be I approved liv the t'omptroll-r of tie City of New Vork. handed to the officer or clerk of the 11epsrtrnlcnt ,c t gross of a size, properly marked : subject to such inspection as the Commissioners may No bid or estimate will be considered unless has charge of the cii I check or money {' - No, ;, t _;- gross so. ;, too gross quantity, time anal manner of delivery- in every respect. , State nr National banks of the City of Neer \ ork, been examined by said officer or clerk and found to I,e 1 he a-..ard of the contract will be made as soon as fir a,vn to the order of the Comptroller, or money', to the correct. :Vl such deposits, except that of the of GRArnL ATF.D MEDICINE practicable after the opening of the bids. amount of five per contum +.f the amount of the bidder, -,vill be returned to the persons making the : ,::•: \-.t'I -. equal to =ample. No proposal will be arnsidered unless accompanied by security required for the faithful performance of the witiin three days ;after the contract is awarded. Ii t -~ f t_ \li'I.'a HAIR PENCILS. in the consent, in wr no f two householders or free- contract. Such check or alone must sot inc in I successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within fi,r ea of r dozer., rz dozen in a box, holders of the City of \es York, with their respective closed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, 1 days after notice that the contract has been awarued I, ,ioal to -iemnle. places of business or residence, to the effect that it the but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart. - hint, to execute the sanne, the amount of the dep'-'in - -.:lived at the Department of f colic Charities contract be awarded under that proposal, they vrilt, on wont who has charge of the estimate-box, and no esti- 1 tnade by him shall be forfeited to and retained by il,,: r:uctir , in the Cite_ of New h ork, until to its bein_ so a,carded, become hound as sureties in mate can be deposited in said box until such check or I Laity of '5 s York as liquidated damages for st I)OLI 'iR" each, for its t,ut iflle sh.,11 contra:: I A. ll., of Frid:.s December r_, +8yg. The SI\ THIlL- 4.]ND oco [none- has been examined by said oficcr or clerk and neglect or refusal, execute the n or persons making any bid ;or estimate shall faithful performance ; 55 hich consent must be verified found to be correct- All such deposits, except that of the within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit ',:rn: may be directed by the within five days after notice that the contract ha, been arr+f rurrcherrr,1,se flints! coin/"orur in e-try res/cct I bidders are informed that no deviation frunz thespeoI aid I_ ommissioners. awar.i-,d to him, to execute the saute, the amount of the to the sa;;r/1,:; if the same• ,rr e-rhilitinu at the fications Hill be allowed. deposit made bt• him shall be forfeited to and retained ~ ii~e. oft/re said D,/arfrrrt rn i / filers are cnun e,i \o bid or estimate twill be accepted from, or cons---t Any bidder for t his contract mu st be k nown to be ca- } b}• the City of \ea• York, as liquidated damnecs for to r.r,z,uiuc tie r ~u/;ca'ia+rs ,zr!rcrrlrers o tk awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the 11n- ~ageu in and well prepared for the Lusiness, and most I'r .l' f `°eh tie-_ler:t or refit

l)Fi iniIC 16 1893& THE CITY RECORD. 4033

lsnn & (alk n's ( )Ilcrt Le•axhin g prr nRie chart, GAS COMMISSION. I Each estimate molt , nr ,in tl;l• n.nna and place of deposits, except that of the succevful bidder, will be .. i and z, 1 and 4, S ;'I'd r., 7 an(I R, rt nod tz ; lie - - - residence of the person a .akin; il i.• ..aim!, the, namc WORKS tiY' I F'OR IJi'~I I'I'I\I; ,(, Lrtc, :\I "f'I' gicoe, b)• l:dw;+ids-Fbr '1'eacfiers; KcQnc's (Icrman ll HF; LSI IMA'I1.S mate, they will, upon its 6x,iu;; so aurrdsd, become i :q.recmcnts,anIItiny further intormntion desired, c:u,'ne AR F: OF'I•:\1?D: Cr,P v Iinok, !s'us. r, z. 3. 4. 5. 6, ~, 8, y, ro, per rloz, ; bound a, his sureties I'or its faithful performxucc ; ;utQ obtained :rt Room ;, \'n, 3r Chambers street. Fitcb's I ee,forec nn 1'earhing; 51un~on's Complete "amps. chat it he shall refuse or neglect to execute the same, \IAURICE F. HOLAHAN, Phonogrtphy ; Weincck's Common Sem c Conv~. xsxtffuu Avenue :1, F oil=inn to Ilrac iii y-fourth street ...... zr First avenue, lint,:tun to I they will pa}' to the Corporation any differencc between Deputy and Acting Co m nnssmner of Public Wo (Grammar of the ( germ n Lan ua e ; Lord's Rudiments lwcnfY-fourth sIre ef..... 23 g ( 'Third avenue, Itawert to Fifty-eighth street.....,, ~o the sum to which hr- would be entitled upon its cum ,le- ~f \lu~ic ; l;nikic's'fcashing of 1eugca pti Y, fiQn and that which the Corporation may be obligcr~ to 0EPAR xcte..x'r or Fluw.ic WORKS, I Pow th av-.nun•, I1otcexy to I(ighth street ... Street .. 3 I IIADI> I1i t VI(1RIARTY, Fourth avenue, Fourteenth to Forty-second street.. p;ry to the person to whom Checontract sh all beawa riled' Co`t sit iovtR's Orr it e, z6 at any subsequent letting; the amount to be calculated Reont 6, Nu. 3r Crr.a~i r.i I . ~, er:: ILI ,WAR11 BI{:.1„ :i tilt street, xth to Pnurth avenue ...... ro by NFw Y,)RK, December P.1R LL 11,51•.11 LLh., I'cnth street, Second avenue to Fast river...... uponI the. estimated amount of the work which the t i rq bids arc tested. --- lA.m1.•, \b', ,\hIt \L Rf)N, Fourteenth street, North io East river. ...... , qr 1'he consent last ahoce mentionedtioed mseu be accom- ItJtil(1'H A.GOU1.iIi N, 'Twenty-third street, Broadway to East river...... z7 I TO CON• IICAO Ct,ntmittee on Supplies. •llrrty-fourth street, L'roa.way to East Panied uy the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of I river...... 20 ^-rso di st ning the some, that he is a l wo rth I j a ,i A'r-,c A Forty-second street, Filth avenue to E:rst river .... tlC P the ,i.t I)eeember q, t893 r 7 nr frounte oft h in the t v r of \ed York, .end is worth the F,til'13[A'1'FS FOR FURNISHING I I.I.I.- ]II A Vl ---. _-. _- llrc:mt Park ...... ....-....., It G1ti amount of the security required for the• completion of the ItiG L't1R LIGfI'I'Itit; 'I lil{ I'CI;I,IC'. i•::T1.IC1) t'R:II't)S:ALS WFLi, PE I<1sCF; IV]•;ll I Irvingphtcc, 1'ourtccnth to7'wcniicth street...... 6 MARKI-A'S, ARMORIES, BUILDINGS AND Stuyvesat I Parks...... contract, o.•cr and s e lit aR his debts nl ever)' nature, the School Trustees for the Nineteenth Ward, ' "... """...... •••• x6 and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, or ICI(ti OF 'fHb: CI'I'}- (IF ~: F: A'l' YOIZ K, `tuyvesant street, Eigluh to'1'enth street...... FOR I III ,t the Hall of the Board of I?ducItion, No. t 6 ('rand 3 goo lat-th :mdthat he hayoffered surety e- I F:RIOI) II O\I JANUARY r, rd .)d, q ' Tompkins I?irk ...... ,at •1'U I)F.C,i,MJ,HR 31, t, tree:, until 'Tuesday, Ucr-ember I. t`g;, at m o'clock " "" """ •' "" ~ " ~ " good I rich, tcith the intention to eexecutexec ute tthehe bond re- t894, BOTH D:1 \ t. v., for supplying the School Furniture required for quired Iry law. 1NCLCSI VF:. the Addition to (,ranrtnar School No. 93, ``9 No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by RICItARI) ls.l I I.\,Chairman, ' cither a certifiedchecktrpononeoftheStateorNational I ~,'sTlMA'd[u FOR FUI2NISHING ILLU\ll\A'I'- L. 1L HllKNlI'HAl,, Secretary, S'IIMA'1'IS FOR 'J HI. AIsOV}_ WI1,I, lIE hanks of the City of New York, drawn to the order inggas forlighting the Public Markets, Armories, 13oarclofSchool Trustees,Nineteenth Ward. E received at the office of the Commissioner of Public of the Comptrolb. r, or money, to the amount of five ldingand I)ffices of the City of New York, or any I t.,t:..l NEW YORK, December 6, r83. Works, No. 3r Chambers street, in the City of Nety I percentum of the amount of the security required for hem, for the period from January t, 1894, to I)r- York, until rz o'clock M. of Friday, December za, 1893, the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or cember 31. x894, both days inchrsive. will be received . J•.-d propa.alc will also be received at the same at which place and time they will be publicly opened by money must Nu'r be inclosed in the sealed envelope by the Commi,sion, r of Public Works of the i.'ity of Id, c, . by the School 'I ru=tees of the 'I'vtenty-second said Commissioner and read. containing; the estimate, but must be handed to the New York, at his office, until is o'clock m. of Monday, It rd, until q o'clock r. nr., nn Tuesday, December rq, Any person making in e; urn ete for furnishing, oper- olficcr or clerk of the Departmentwho has charge of the I December a8,:8g;, at tchich time and place the estimate 19,, i, for supplying the Heating and Ventilating Appa- atiug and maintaining electric lamps shall furnish the estimate-Lox, and no e timate can be deposited in said ' received will lie publicly opened. r.rtus for the Annex to Grammar rchnol Iluilding No, cone in a scaled envelope, indorsed "Estimate for Fur- box until such check or money has been examined by personAny making an estimate for the above-nis- - ('n the lot adjoining on West Fifty-fifth street. nislting, Operatimg and Maintaining lflcctric Lamps," said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such boned supplies shell furnish the saute in a sealed c,,, el JAM ES R. CUM I Nt;, C:hairman, and also with the name of the person making the same deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be ope at said office. at or Cefore the day and hour Ill„ R. S. TRI•:ACY, Secretary, and the date of its presentation. returned to the persons making the some within three named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the uamr 1:,,ard of School'I rustecs, I wenty-second Ward. Bidders..-ire required to state in their estimates their ci:tvs after the contract is awarded. if the successful I or names of the person or persons presenting the s:utr. I t.ocd NEW Yu110, December 5, t893• names and places of residence, the names of all persons bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after ! the date of its presentation. and a statement of the w ,rk interested with them therein ; and if no other person notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to to which it relates. c lerl proposals will al,o be received at the same be so interested, they shall distinctly state the fact ; also I execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by Bidders are required to state in their estincu_s place, by the School 'Trustees of the Nineteenth that it is made without any connection with any other I hint shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of their names and place; of residence ; the names of:rll per- ,trcet, until 4 o'clock t•. Ni., on Monday, December t8, person .raking any estimate for the same supplies and ' Neti: York as liquidated damages for such neglect or sons interested with them therein ; and if no ''titer x393, for supplying the Heating and Ventilating Appa- work, and that it is in all respects fair and without refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the person be so interested, they shall distinctly state the rates for the Addition to I;rammar School Building No. I colht.ion or fraud ; and also, that no member of the tine aforesaid, the amount of the deposit will be : fact ; also that it is made without any connec tint ;. on south side of Eightieth street, between Second I Common Council, head of a department, chief of returned to him. with any other person making any estimate for tite n,1 Third avenues. I a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other THE CUAI\IISSION F:R OF PUfILIC \YORKS same purpose ; and that it is in all respects fair :,rid RICHARD KELLY, Chairman, officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly in RESERVES THE RIGHT' •It) REJISCI' ALL BIDS without collu-ion or fraud ; and also that no member of L. Dl. HORN I HAl„>ecretary, terested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it I CI?IVF:I) FOR AN 1' PARTICULAR WORK I I' I the Common Council, head of a department, chief of Boanl of School Trustees, Nineteenth Ward relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof which I I-1!': Dl' I•;Al's IT FOR THE 1 I•:ST l\ II RESCS Of bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other t rated NEW Your, December q, tf93 estimate must he verified by the oath, in writing, Ill l'. CITY. officerpf the Corporation, is directly or indirectly titter. ofthe party making the same, that the several matters Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it Plans and specifications may be seen, and blank stated therein are in all respects true. Where more iu which to inclose the same, the specifications and relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof ; trhich i r;`posals obtained, at the office of the Superintendent than one person is interested, it is requisite that the agreements, and any further information desired, can be , estimates must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the . chool Buildings, No 546 (:rand street, third floor. verification be made and subscribed by all the parties obtained at Room r, Na. 31 Chambers street. party making the estimate, that the several matters 1'he "Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all interested. aIlCHAEL T. DALY, stated therein are in all respect; true ; where more lb,t t -d the proposals submitted. Commissioner of Public Works. I otte person is interested, it is requisite that the s erificr- Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in 1 he pparty y submittin e, :t Pro por ea, and the parti ei s [ion be made and -ubscriied bby all the• arties interested. writing, of two householders or freeholders of the City p D F.I'AI.'r'AIF.KT or Yl!buc WORKS, Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, proposing to hecome sureties. must each write his name of New York, roith their e c ecf e places o/ Irrsinrsr or I place of residence on said proposal. i Co+tnusstu~~r•.a's OtFtcE, in writing, of two householders or freeholders nt resieleuce, to the effect that if the contract he awarded ltivo responsible and approved su reties, residents of Roovt 6, \o. 3r Cunnnsetcs SraEET, YYYi I the Cit )' oI, New York, u~'zth lreir resjfPCltJr fit u~ to the person or persons staking the bid or estimate, business or residence, to the effect that if the contract this city, are required in all cases. they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his Ne:w YoRh, December 6, [893. J No ier ro he awarded to the person or persons makinmaking the with be considered f m persons whose or their sureties For its faithfulperformance ; and that if P character andand antecedent dealings with the Hoard of bid, they will, on its being so awarded, become ate or they shall omit or refuse top iffere c the same, they ; O CON I'RACTOR`j. Education render their responsibility doubtful bound as his or their sureties for its faithful Pe r - . + will pay vi the lierorrth any d;fbe between I~.,c party submitting n proposal must include in his the formance ; and that if he or the shall omit ~n- sum to which lie nr theythey i.ould be entitledentitled upon its IDS O1< 1:51'ID(A'1'ES, INCL( 15F:D IN A y l-coIudl the names of all sub -contractors, and no change ft they ot ill to the completion, and that which the Corporation may be B scaled envelope, ao't;t atltc tit(eo/ t o rr'ork axd the ceII be permitted to be mode in the sub-contractors nrtnre of t(te1/d/er itxt'rscdfkereon, a is,, the it, 1eref Coups erati .execute Citey of nle rk anyy icy fference obliged to a • to theperson to whom the contract ma • between the sum to which he or they would be entitled named without the consent of the School '1'rustees and g d y p } the ;rock as in ed i na', ertisetnent, will be received at be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in upon its completion. and that which gut, is nlendcnt of School t iuilrlin ce this office on Wednesday, December so, r893, until to p p said Cor p oration each case to be calculated u on the estimated amount of may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the It is required as a condition precedent to the reception the work b • which the bids are tested ; the consent above o'clock nt., at which place and hour they will lie •~r consideration of an • contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting > p rop osals, that a certified check mentionedy shall be accom ~nied b the oath or affirma• :"rblicl}• opened by the head ofthe llepartment. upon, or a certificate of deposit of, one of the State or p' } the amount in each case tb be hich the dpon the fed. Companies [ion, in writing, of each of the persons ligning the same, No. t. FOR RF.GULA'1NG'I AND GRADING O\'IS mated amount of the work by which the bids are tasted. atioual banks, or'I'rust of the City of New I that lie is a houscholdcr or freeholder in the City of N irk, drnvn to the order of HUN URED AND 1 WENTY-FIRST The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the President of this New• York, and is worth the amount of security If and shall ato the or the pro oral to an amount of S FRF,E1'. from Boulevard to Amsterdam the oath Qxatiffrmxtion. in writing, of each of the persons required for the completion of the contract, and stated avenue, AND SETTING CURB-s'fDND;S signing the same, that he is a householder or Irec- n~~t less than three p er cent. o;po~al 1vo Posal, when in the proposals, over and above all his debts of every said proposal is for or exceeds ten thousand dollars, I AND FLAGGING SIDfvVALKS THERE- holder in the City of New York, and is worth the nature, curd over and txuzc• his (;a'iczfies as fail. anrety IN . and to an amount not less th.I five per cent. of such I amount of securit re trireci for the cam letinn of an i ,th,•rwise; that he has offered himself as a surety FOR KEGULA1IVG A1'LW GRADING ONE ! the contract and ystated q in the proposals, pover z proposal when said proposal is for an amount under ten ood infaithg and with an intention to execute the HUNDRED 'THIRTY-klFt'll STREET, above all his debts of every nature, and o✓rr arvf ab,n,< th~~usand dollars ; that on demand, within one day bond required by law. alter the awarding of the contract by the proper Board from Convent avenue to t Nicholas Terrace, his ii,(fiilitrec as bail, sferrty amt aNf a:arse; that he sit lIlrustres, the President of the Board will The amount of security required is $25.0oa. i AND i F:I TING CURB-S1lONES AND has offered himself as a surety in good fault and with an return all the deposits of checks and certificates No estimate will be received or considered unless FLAG(;ING SIDEWALKS THEREIN. intention to execute the bond required by law. The of deposit made, to the persons staking the same, i accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the No.3. FOR RICI;ULAIIN(: AND GRAI)INl; ONF. adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered will except that made by the person or persons whose StateorNationalbanksoftheCityofNewl -ork,drawnto HUNDRED AND THIR'PY-NINTH ' besubjcct to approval by the Comptroller of the City bid has been so accepted ; and that if the person the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of STREET, from Amsterdam avenue to Con- I of New York. or persons whose bid has been so accepted shall five Per centum of the amount of the security required for vent avenue, AND SETTING CURB- The gas shall have an illuminating power of not les> refuse or neglect • within five days after due notice has the faithfed performance of the contract. Such check or S'LONES AND FLAGGING SIDEWALKS than eighteen candles when tested at a distance of not been given thethat the contract is ready For execution, to money must Nair be inclosed in the scaled envelope RFl\ I less than one mile from the place of manufacture, on the containing the estimate, but must be handed to the improved form of the Bunsen Photometer, by a Sugg- execute the same, the amount of the deposit or of the FOR REGULATING AND (TRADING ONE I check or certificate of deposit made by hirnorthem shall : officer or clerk of the Department who has charge ofthe No. q. Letheby t-hole argand burner, calculated on a cin- HUNDRED AND S I X Y. S I X T H I,c forfeited to and retained by this Board, not as a estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said sumption of five cubic feet of gas per hour. The regular SI'REF.1', from Tenth avenue to F.dge- penal[y , but as liquidated damages for such neglect or I box until sttch check or money has been examined by' daily tests, however. will be made with a burner that ci ii! City said officer or clerk and found to be correct. :111 such combe avenue, ANI) _ SETTING CURB. obtain from the gas the greatest amount of ligh , and refusal, and shall be paid into the Treasury to tit Sl'ONF.S AND FLAGGING SIDEWALKS credit of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York ; deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will he - practicable for use by the consumer, and consuming at CHEREIN. but it the said person or persons whose Lid has been so returned to the personsP makingg the same within three the rate of fist cubic feet of Rgas perP hour. '1'he testingd accepted shall execute the contract within the time days after the contract is awarded.If the successful No. 5. FOR REGULATING AND GRADING ONE candle shall be of sperm of six to the pound, and con- aforesaid, the amount of his or their deposit of check bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THIRD sliming, as near as possible, one hundred and twenty or certificate of deposit shall he returned to him or notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to STREET, from Amsterdam avenue to Kings- i grains of spermaceti per hour, and no candle shall be then[. I execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by bridge road, AND SET'T'ING CURB- used for testing which consumes less than one hundred him shall be forfeited to and be retained by the City of STONES AND FLAGGING SIDEWALKS and founcen or more than one hundred and twenty-six ----- --- --" New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or 'l'IIERFIN. grains of spermaceti per hour.And as regards purity, OF STREET refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the Each estimate must contain the name and place of l the gas shall be free, within limits not injurious to the DEPARTMENT time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned residence of the person making the same, the names of public health, from ammonia, sulphureted hydrogen. CLEAN I NC . to him. all persons interested with him therein, and if no other and other sulphur and noxious compounds. Any further information, and the specifications, form person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact. ; Bidders are required to state in their estimates the DEraRTntesr (IF STRnET C~EAxisc, of estimate, etc., can be obtained on application at the That it is made without any connection with any other ! several markets, armories, buildings and offices to which YORK, '.i Ct•ry eA NEw YORK, S ISFT T Lloxu[nc. office of the Commissioner of Public Works, person making an estimate for the same work, and is in they propose to supply gas, and the illuminating power NEw LDtN August 8, NEw• YORK, December it, x893. all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. That of the gas they propose to furnish. no member of the Common Council, head of a depart- Bidders are also required to state one definite and dis TO THE OWNERS OF LICENSED TRUCKS OR THOS. F. GILROY, \layor. ment, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk I Liner price for each thousand cubic feet of gas furnished OTHER LICENSED VEHICLES RESIDING therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly ' (whether the quantity be more or less) to each or any of 1N THE CITY OF NEW VORK. THEO, W. MYERS, Comptroller. or indirectly interested in the estimate or in the work to the following p +blic markets, armone;, buildings and which it relate, or in the profits thereof, offices of the city, and this price must be written out UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, MICHAEL "1'. DALY, Commissioner of Public Works. Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, i in lull, and also inserted in figures. P pursuant to the provisions of chapter 269 of the of the party making the same, that the several matters Washington iIarket Laws of 1892 (known as the Street Cleaning Laws , the therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the Catharine Commissioner of Street Cleaning will remove or cause the ~ow ewYo rk,t oh eeffectthatif the contrctis Essex to he removed all unharnessed trucks, carts, wagons Ciy DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS the City of New• fork, to theeffect that if the contractis Essex and vehicles of any descrip tion found in any public awarded to the person staking the estimate, they will, Centre street or place between the hours of seven o'clock become bound as his sureties Clinton Market. six o'clock in DEPARTMENT OF R's O c \CE " upon its being so in the morning and the evening for its faithful perperformance;formance and that if he shall refuse Union on any day of the week except Sundays and ComnhcS[ONER's OFFICE, Roost 6, NO. 31 CHAA16E., STREET, or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor- Tompkins legal holidays, and also all unharnessed trucks, carts, fference between the sum to which he I Jefferson description found u on an NEW YORK, December Ex, 1893. poration any di wag ens and vehicles of att Y P Y entoled upon its ged to pa y and that which First District Police Court, hours of six o'clock _ would p public street or place between the Cortheporati on may be obliwa to pay to the person Thirdd rning, or on the in the evening and seven o'clock in the mo TO CONTRACTORS. whom tht contract shall be awarded an nthy subsequee estimatednt Thi rdrt Sundays and legal holidays, unless the owner of such Fouhth ~_ letting ; thethe emouamount kt ty ich uponarn the estimated truck, cart, wagon or other vehicle shall have obtained amount of sen work by whichwhich anthet bids are tested. from the Mayor a permit for the occupancy of that por- IDS ESTIMATES,the INCLOSED IN A The consent last affir at on, in must be accom- First District Civil Court. tion of such street or place on which it shall he found, ponied by the oath or affirmation, in µ•citing, of each of Second and shall have given notice et the issue of said permit sealedd envelope, 7aith the Title of tke work and tke nanze orftie 1a'd r indorsed thereon, also the number of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder 1'ourth tothe Commissioner of Street Cleaning. or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the Fifth The necessary permits can be obtained, free of charge, the work as in t/zeadvertisement, will be received at this amount of the ➢ requiredre aired For the cumcompletion of Sixth to the 111a or's Marshal at his office in the office on Tuesday, December z6, 1803, until tz o'clock b y• aPp 1 Yto g Y which the contract, overover anandd above all his debts of every Eighth Ctt Hall. place and hour they will be publicly } openedopened by the head of the Department. nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, Tenth Dated NEw YORK, August S, t893. Clock, •Third District Court-house Tower. No. r, or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety WILLIAM S. ANDREWS, FOR REGULATING AND PAVING, WITH in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond Armor y, Ftghthh Kegiment. Commissioner of Street Cleanin ASPHALT PAVII.M F.N I' ON 'I HF PRES- required by law. Eighth New York City. ENT STONE: BLOCK PAVEMENT, THE No estimate will be considered unless accompanied Ninth y CARRIAGEWAY OF EXCHANGE b}' either a certified check upon one of the State or Twelfth NOTICE. PLACE. from Broad to New street, and National banks of the City of New York, drawn to Twenty-second Regiment. _ HES•1'ER SIRESfrom"1', P,owery to Division the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of Sixty-ninth E RSONS HAVING BULKHEADSULKHEADS TO FILL, IN street. five per centum of the amount of the security required Seventy-first the vicinity of New York Bay, can procure material No. z. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WI"I'H for the faithful performance of the contract. Such " First Battery, Artillery. for that purpose-ashes, street sweepings, etc., such as GRANITE-BLOCK PAVEMENT, WI I'H check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed Second " •` is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning-free CONCRETE FOUN I)ATI ON, THE CAR- envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to Troop " A," No. :3z \Vest Fifty-sixth street. of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of Street RIA13EWAY OF BATTERY PLACE, the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of Register's Office. Cleaning, in the Stewart Building from Broadway to Greenwich street, and the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in I City Record Book Bindery. W ILI.IAM S. ANDREWS,S ,E from Broadway to Park said box until such check or money has been examined Court of Special Sessions. Commi ssioner of Steer Cleaning. I Ross'. bu said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such I New Court-house.

1034 THE CITY RECORD. ' )I'C►`:A11lER 16, 18(t•

Imcitrd in the ufli,-e I,,Irm('nurt-house, Thcactfurtherprovidcstn.,tth,• ,..nerdanvsuch COMMISSIONERS OF APPRAISAL ch.trges -tntl expenses has been de :earn-.tone courc-mom' Building. the Department of I'uldic %%(,I' , there to remain lot may uaofy the ('olltnti..n,m:r , i Public \i' ,rk. in UNDER CHAPT~R 537, LAWS OF ii v fradI, writing, of fur and luriig the'.pnec of tco days, he Itllsirec, or bIntssll, hie hcIrs and I):iced Nnw' YORK:, 1),ceriler 4, i893. 111( IIAI•:I, I. N1t7LOIII-EN. i r; ,ratnI Attorney's Office. asm.glim, to be released from the •,hligntion of such OF CRADE IN THE TWENTY- BENIA\IIN I'AT'l'I•;RSlt\, iii c of Public Administrator. covenants, and elects and agrees that said lot shall he THIRD AND TWENTY-FOURTH ' ~.~inin:d Court-house. thereafterhrct liable to he assessed its above provided, and \I Al' I III.\V Cf1AI.MI'tlS, W Com to issiotte rs. i !nice of Board of Assessors, th ereupon t he owner of such lot his heirs and assigns AR OSr NEW YORK CITY. tepartment ut Ftuildinge. shall thenceforth Le relieved from any Obligation to — JOHN P. I)i-NN, Clerk. 'i a of Department of Public Works. pave, repair, uphold or m:unt tin said street, and the lot 7 1'I) 'I 'H) I I (1\'ItiIO\1, OF CHAP- )CRSU:\\'I' In the matter of the application of the Board of Street e of trom'.niatoner of ti[reet Improvements in respect of which such rimer was ;;teen shall be liable i Law'SOf Iqi, entitled ":\n At provid• ter 5;i of the t i uening and I ntprovement of the City of New York, 'itvS Of "end I %ent}--fourth Wards. to asseccment accordingly. ing for nscerrif c I and payin, the tied of damagesto for and oil behalf of the Mayor, 1 ldcrmen and ( s of \ew York Ciq• dreg ti•.rvice Board. 'Ihe Commissioner of Public \Yorks desires to give !ands and buildlncs, suffered by reason of chin es of found. Eat One I:undred and Second street. the lol'nwing explanation of the operation of this act : grade of streets or acenu's, ntide Fntrsu:mt to chapter monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring ,. •,rat}• J?il. W hen n,xice, as above described. is given to the title, wherever the sane has nut been heretofore seven hundred and twenty-one of the Laws ' f eighteen acquired, to BEACH :\\'F'Ni_'IT falthou.$h not yet rporation Vard, Fast Sixteenth street. (`ommissioner of Public Works, the owner of the lot ox of rtdn d and cks n t hevt w providing for the ley -fourth named by proper authority , extending from the •rporation Yard West Fitty-sixth street. lots therein d.:scribed, and his heirs and assigns, are of railroad tracks :n t he twenty-third aud'I'went}~-Inurth !•:' in~ton street Pipe \ aid. forever released from all obliatiun under the ;;ram in \Yards, in the City of New York, or otherwise, notice Southern Boulevard to Kelly street, in the 1'wenty- tl:ird Ward of the City of New York. Yird, Fact Twenty-fourth street, espect to paving, rcp.wing or repairing the street in :s Ii v re thy liven, that public meetings of the tommis- k 'p,,ir shop of Bureau of Streets and Roads, West rant of or adjacent to said lot or lots, exec pt ot:a assess- sioncrs appointed under said act, will be held at I.00nt t tt i;undrho and Nineteenth street. ment for such paving, repaving or repairs, as the Cam No• -8 tscherme rhorn Cuilding, Nu. 9 - Broadway. in O'I'lC'F: IS HEREBY GIVEN 'CHAT WE, THE ir Shop of Water Pu rveyor, Rest Thirtieth man Council may, by ordinance, direct to be made the City n( New York, on Monday, Wednesday and undersigned Conumssiriners of Estimate and rtrect. N thereafter. Friday of each week, at a o'clock r. Ni., until further Assessment in the above-entitled ma ter, will be in Rcpa;r shop of Water Purveyor, East Eighty-seventh notice. in street. No street or avenue within the limits of such grants attendance at our ufiice, No. z "Tryon Row, Room Dated Now YORK, September '. rSo c. said city. on Saturday, December 23, r8)3, at it o'clock Repair Shop of Water Purveyor, East One Hundred ~, can be paved, repaved or repaired tmtil said work is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council, and I)ANIl'.I. LOIR!), A. Ii., to hear any person or persons who may consider and 1\verity-fifth street. 1 A\IFiS :sr '. ARV U\1, themselves aggrieved by our estimate or assessment ;an Repair shop of \\"ater Purveyor, 10. when the owners of such lots desire their streets to be 3351 Third pa' •d, repaved ur repaired, they should state their 1)ASIEI, P. HAV'. aa>tract of which has been heretofore filed by us for and venue. desire and make their application to the Board of Alder- C'omntis.ioners. during the space of forty days in the office of the '1-oo: Shop of Water Purveyor, Nc. tS6 Mulberry LAMONT !11CLnt'cuI.IN, ('lerk street. men and not to the Commissioner of Public Works, who Comryissioncr of Public \Yorks, Nu. at Chambers matter until directed by street„ in opposition to the same ; that our said South Gate-house. has no authority in the ordinance of the Common Council to proceed with the abstract of estimate and asse,smeot may be hereafter Engine house of High Water Service at High Bridge. I p'`vement, rcpavemcnt or repairs. SUPREME COURT. inspected at our said office, No. z I ryon Row : that it Engine-house of High \VatcrServiceat Ninety-eighth •, street. MICHA1'.. T. D_1L1 is our intention to present our rep rt for confirmation I'ummissir,ner (it Public Works In the matter of the application of the Board of Street to the Supreme Court, at it Special Term thereof, to Sc- ()flee of Chief Engineer, Croton Aqueduct, High Opening and Improvemenr of the City of New York, ltrRLL e. ___ held ut Chambers titer of, ;it the County t Burt house, for and on behali of the Mayor, Aldermen and Cont- in the City of New York, on the afth day of December, 1,.t lic Bath at Batten• City nl Yew York, relative to the ,09t, at the opening of (hurt on that day, to -.which day CORPORATION . monalty of the loot of Duane street. N. R. NOTICE opening of \V\I)S\VORTH AVENUE, from Kings- the motion to confirm the saute will be adjourned, and Grand street. E. R. ___ (Inc Hundred and Seventy-third that then and then', or as seen thcri'after as counsel Filth street, E. R. bridge road, near pl'll]NO)IIS"IC L IS HEREBY GIVEN '1'O 1'HE I•aevcnth avenue, in the Twelfth Ward can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the •• Market =crew, E. R. street, to 1 „wrier or corners, occupant or occupants of all of the City of New York. said report be confirmed. EighteeEighteenthnth street. F. R. houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected Hor.,t tees I. N. R. I ated Nr:w \oRFl, December tr, ts). thereby, that the following assessments have been corn. VVI1,I.1:191 H. WILLIS, Chairman, Twentieth street, N. R. .- pitted and are lodged in the olidce of the Board of As- TTo"r10E IS HEREBY GIVEN PH Al W1:, 'I'Hyi IfAVIo'I'Ni)NlsON. 'wwrity--eighth street, E. R. secsors for examination by all persons interested, viz.: JOHN C. MuCAR IHY, " '• FlI -r street, K, K. I undersi';red, were a PP" doted b Y an order of the List 4z •z, No. c. Lacing crosswalks a_ros< Greenwich tin reme Curt, hearing date cue sd da of October, Commissioners, Fifty-first street, ee K. avenue, at the northerly and southcrl}- sides of Bank p 6 Y •' t9„;, Commissioners of I stimate and Assessment, for JOHN P. Dos', Clerk. \inetp-!ounh street. E. R. street. One Hundred and Twelfth street, the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate an d List q3t t, No . z. Alteranon and improvement provement to as. es~ment of tide loss, if an}-, over and above the In the matter of the application of the hoard of Street E. R. or, to Lewis street, between Kivinaton and Stanton (inc Hundred and Thirty-fourth ~. sire benefit and adv:mta;e, nr of the benefit and advantage, Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, streets' if an oc,r and above the loss and damage, as the case for .o d on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Cam- street, N. R. assessments include all y The limits embraced by such may bc, to the re Usee e r ested ahe monalt}• of the City of New York. relative to acquir- One Hundred and Thirty-eighth and lots of grounds, vacant lot s,pieces the se-:eral house, perSons respectively entitledentitled untuntoo or interesmtiicstedted iin the ing title 'wbcrevcr the game has not been ]teretofore F.. R. ~~ and agescic cf land situated on— i~l••t•tumetrical Room, Bnweis-:md Grand s[rcet, lands, tenements. hereditantents :end P r< mists rr 9 uIeed acquired', to MARCHER AVF;vUb: although not .. Severity-ninth street. • N. I. To the ex ent of half the block from the inter- for the purpose by cud in cons quence of opening a cer- vet named by proper a'rthority:, extending from I no amount of secu:itv req sired is ezc,ocw, but the section of Greenwich zvenu; and . taro street or avenue, herein designated as Wads c atth Jerome avenue to Featherbed Lune, in the f wenty- v . me may he reduced at the opti.,n of the 3lavor, .\lder- No. n. Toth sides of Lewis street. from Rivington to avenue, as -hewn and delineated on it certain map made third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of Nev, Seth :.rid Common.,lty of the City of New 1 ork if an Stanton sires-i. by the Commissioners of the Central Park, tinder York. ,e.,rd for a portion is made warranting a less am,unt of All per-ons whose interests are affected by the authority of an act entitled ” An Act to provide for the . _ err,. above-named ns;es;ments, and who are opposed to the layine, out .end improvin_ ct certain portions of the City ATf.,'!'HI{ TTVOF:RSI(INFD COVIMISSIONl'R.. ` I :c award of the c: ntract, if so rdd, w!ii be made i same, er either cf them, are requested to pr cut their and County ul New York," passed April 24, r8 5, and \ Y of Fstim:ue and Assessment in the above- .,. „on as practicable after the opening of the lids. objections, in writing, to the Chairman of the Board file,) by said (commissioners in the offices of the entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons iur-r- o1 A-ses,ors, at their scree, No. e7 Chambers street. , t of Public U', rk,, the 1)eparunent of Public estcd in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, \n estimate will be received or considered unites Departtne '~I within thirty ways from the date of ibis notice. Parks and the Secretary of State of the State of New I ccupant or occupants, of all house, and lets and im- _ :nFanied by either a certified check upon one of the York, on or about e5th clay of May, iS6q, and in he proved and unimproved lands affe.:ted thereby, and to ....: „r National banksof the City of New York, drawn The above-described ]its will be transmitted, as pro. office of the ReRegistergister of the City and County of all others w'hont it may concern, to wit : ardor of the Comptroller, or stoney, to the amount sided by law', to the Board of Revision and Correction of A,sessments torcentirrtatifn on the 9th day of January, New York, on or about the o7th day of May, IS~q, First—That we have completed our estimate and .is- 50.•0 per centom of the amount of the security forth in the petition of sessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- performance of the contract. 1854• I and more particularly set . ; :.fed for the f.,ithful hoard of street Opening and Improvement ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and ..eck or money must not be inclosed in the sealed EDWARD GIL(1N. Chairntau, the the Clerk of the I. and liaising objection, thereto, do present their said objc,:- ~pe containing the esumate, but iciest be handed PA'I RICK M. H_ _1VLRTY, filed in the office of New fork ; and a j st and eyuit blc esti- tions is writine, duly verified, to its at our office, Ar,. -. cc Ito has ch arge I CHART t S S. \\ EN DT, lourlty ui . _ ufficeror clerk of the Department mate and assessment of the valua of the benefit and Tryon Roc; itourth floor , in said city, or, or before the r: :.. estimate-box ;and no esrmate can be deposited EDWARD C-AFII LL, said street or a•'enue so to be opened nod day of D. ceutber, tEy;, and that we, the said Corn- • -.,Id boa until such check or money has been ex- I Board of Assessors. advantage of OFFICE uF rdE Born OF Asaess,us, or laid out and fanned, to the respective owners, missicners will hear part es so objcettug within the ten d by said officer or clerk and round to he correct. lesse.s, parties and p~-rsons respectively entitled to or week day- next after the said mad day of December, .1.. such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, I No. 27 CH.ANBFRS STREET, interested in the said respcctivc Lands, tenement:, ISg3, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our -' .. Sc returned to the persons making the ' New Yorl:, December 3, x593. _-_. hereditamentsand remises not required for the par- said oft- cc on each of said tell days at ; o'clock v. Ni. three da}'s alter the contract is p q y I pose of opening. laymgout and forming the saint, but Second-7'h:rt the abstract of our said estimrue and -. - the successful bidder shall reuse or pUBLIC -NO'T'ICE Is HEREBY GIVEN TO THE ~-!cd. If benefited thereby, and of ascertaining and dctin rig the assessment, to ether with our damage and benefit maps, i - _I,._ within five days after notice that the contract 1 owner or ow'ncrs, occupant or Occupants, of all extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or pr- and also all the affidavits, estimates and other ducu- `. con awarded to him, to execute the same, the houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected celsof' land to be taken or to be a=sr s•ed therefor, and ments used by its in makin, our report, have been dL - lilt of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited thereby, that the following assessments have been corn- ! of performing the trusts and duties require i of us by po-ited With tie Commissioner of Public Works L • the City} of N ew York as li: uidated pleted and are lodged in the office of the hoard of As. I.,! retained } L - the of the act ent,ticd `• Au Act to con- of the City of Nest York, at hi. office, No.3i Chambms neglect or refusal ; but it he shall ~, lessors for examination Foe all persons -~r.terested, viz.: ; chapterP ~6 5. .~_cs for such solidate into one act and to declare the special and local street, in the said city, there to remain until the zt,t 1,1e the contract within the time aforesaid, the List 4241, \ o. L. I lagging and reflagging, curbing laws.rffecting puilic interests in the City of New 1 irk,'' day of Ucceml,er, 1891. : it of his deposit will be returned to him. and recurking both sides of 1 irst street, from Bowery to Second avenue. i passed Jul' 1. res ,and the acts or parts of acts in ad- 4 hird—That the limits of our assessment for benefit c right is reserred, when an estimate is made con- dition thereto or amendatory thereof. include all those lots, pieces or parcel• of land, situate, Ii.; bids or stlppl}ing gas to one or more of the List 4246, No. e. Flagging and reflagging, cubing and r..curbing both sides nl -ixty-seventh street, from Cen- All parties and persons iutr:re-ted in the real estate lying and being in the City of New York, which,' taken O5 l _5, armories, .vtld,ngs, oat .es, etc., as aforesaid. for cite purpose of opening the _apt frrm such e-timate or bid so much thereof as tral Park, \Vest. to Columbus avenue. I taken or to be taken together, are hounded and described as follows, viz : List 40 8, No. ;. Flagging and refla_ging, curbing said street or avenue, or affected thereby, and having Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Featherbed e, . ire the lotrest :n respect to each particular market, demand on account thereof, are hereby ry. iu lding or office an atores-id. and to reject the and recurbing both sides of Sixty-second street, from any claim or lane, di,tant about a5: feet easterly from the southeast C. - r0quired to present the scone duly verihs d, to tu. the corner of reatherbr'it lane and Marcher avenue ; run- of such estimate or bid ,i hich may not be the Amsterdam to Eleventh avenue. ..-.sender unuenig red L mm I ii rs of F t_to i aura Assess- ning thence southerly along the centre line of the block • ,It as aforesaid. '1he r ontract for fighting any List 4;ci. No, 4. Flagging and reflagging, curbing and recurbing, south side of Sixty-ninth street. from i meat. at our uflice, Nu, o I yon Row, in the City of New between \(artiter aven::e and Macomb's road to the .ular market arnr,n-. bulid;ng. oIi:ce. etc., 0 ill be affidavits or other ,led, ~f awarded, to the lo•:rest bidder on tile light- Eighth to Columbus avenue. : Y,.rk. Room \o. r, n'iih such northerly side of a certain unn in d street or avenue ; pr ofs as the said owners or d:rmant; may desire, thence wester.y along the northerly side of said „, a each particular market, armcry, building, office, The louts embraced by -uch a,sessinents include all _•t `.. the several house, and lots of ground vacant lots, within thirty days after the date of this notice (I),ccm- unnamed street or avenue for a distance of about 150 Pieces and parcels of land situated on-- bee 19. t- r feet ; thence southerly and p.,r.,llel with the rmed t at no deviati- n from the sped_ +i dero are ie No. t. Toth sides of First street, from Bowery to And w the said Commi sioners, will be in attendance easterly line of Marcher avenue and distant 97.E as will be aLowed, uole s a written prrmasip n second avenue, includin al=_o Vs rd Nos, 3 4~4, 34'i, at our sa-d office on the r;th da}• of January, iSa4, at t, feet easterly therefrom to the northerly line of High- had LeI-n P r.. vlous y obeained It, in the Commis- g o'cic,ck in the yi n I that day. to hear the said bridge street ; thence so:rtherly along the centre line r of P bl:c \O rw'e 34 , :59 r. '5 -• i~93 X591. 359. and 8 6. moo... 1;'.,th Bid s of"iat) - cv anth street, from Central Partier acid P'perersons sons in rd:ai~.m thereto. And at such of the block, between Marcher avenue and Loscob right Is al=o reserved to r1isconErvie the I htin i r P. rk, \Ce;t, to Lo embus avenu.:, on Block rt3. Ward time and place. and at such further or other time and avenue, to the easterly line if Jerome avenue ; thence g mark_ts, arm rtes, if ai't irgs,g of the public Nrs.3 to 43, m~ lusiv:, 45 and 46, ;5 to 58. inrl usic•._, pLrce a. ice may appu rat, ~~e kill hear such owners in southerly along a line par.ullel with the easterly line of t t ~ which a ,ha l be ritrn:sned. it at any and Block rr4, \Yard Nos. I, 5 to r6, inclusive, and ty to tel tion thereto and - x.tntine the proofs of such claimant Cromwell avenue, and distant too feet seesterly as ho Id not be regl:ired in au}- such p-.Lhe _9 ur claimants, or such additional proofs and allegation-, therefrom, to the intersection of said liuc z oli'ce. inclusive. t. armory, bui!din No. oth sides of sixty-second street, from as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of with the prolongation easterly from Jerome lion to decl.n•. a'1 is resrn•ed. If Eleventh avenue to Amsterd.m avenue, on I lock t9 the Ma or, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of avenue of the northerly fin a of a certaic n, by the Colt- .. .:..e 7 for the taterrt of the CorpoCorps ati Nos. -.n to Co, inclusive, and block rg?, W a N ew' 1 oak• unnamed street or :n'en'.:e, comnlenci- g at Andersen orks, and no est m to wad be \\ aid i nor o Pu'..lic \\- ; to a', in lu-ice, x:9 and 29. Lated Neu- 1-. RS, December tz, 5893. avenue, oppo-ite Devoe street, and running to Jerome Co-p a award d t, , : ray person who Nos 1.ed fr m. o- Sixty - ninth =tree[, from Central [ A kb F alt I \I I F., avenue ; the..ce westerly and at right angles, or nearly upon d.~lt or contract, No, t. Suth. Sine of n rr sir t o the Co:pora ely Park, \West, to Columbus avenue, on Block 1:5, N'ard S4\[C CL \1-. clILf:ANK, so, with the preceding course to a point in the or is a d." ter, as so rely cr .,C taw'ise, upon any li at Nos. 3s to 4s, . ..usivc, and hS to c4, inclusive. J. RHINELAN DER DII,LON, northerly line of the list mentioned unnamed street obligati n to thethe Corps ration. All persons wh.,se inter,-is are affected by the above- C:ommissiuuers. or avenue, distint 125.86 feet westerly from the If t'ee estimate of any} include an}-markct j named asses-menu, and w'ho arc op re,Q t t the same, Jouv P. Drys, Clerk. westerly line of lerom_ avenue ; thence northerly armory, builui::g or office. pint:geed on any street in or either of them zee reque=tcd to pre<~nt [heir ob along the cc:ure line of the block between Jerome ave- which the gas main- of such Lidder;ire not laid at the ti on., in writing, to the Chairm:m of the Board of In the matter of the application of the board of Street nue and Ander-on avenue, to a point in the centre line time of the making of the bid, and ,; contract f r fur- I a.,se;sors, at their office, No. c7 Chambers street, within Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, of the block between Marcher a,enue a-Ad Anderson nishine gas to said market. armory, vn, ce for and on behalf of the .9laye,r, Aldermen and Com- avenue, distant zoo feet northerly '.f the north-v ly line such bidder. then, in thator officecase, thirty da}.; from the laic of ibis noti . shall be awarded to any The above-described lists twill he transmitted, as pro. monalty of the City of New York, relative toacqu - ring of Union street ; thence westerly and parallel with the , from the date of the idexccution of such con- vided by thirty da}- law. to the Hoard of Revision and Correct,on title (w-herever the same has not been heretofore northerly line of Lrion street for a distance of 2t5 tract hall be all awed try such bidder ;or the la}-in.~ of of Assessments for confirmation on the 8th day of acquired), to IIEACH AVF;NU -.:although not yet feet ; thence nor.herly and parallel with the easterly the gay-main, of > bidder in said street, providing ;4. named by proper authority), extending from the line of Pre' avenue fir a di-tance of abut such bidder shall have a franchise or grant from the January, t8: Southern (Boulevard to Kelly street, in the 1'wenty- u feet ; thence westerly I:aral!el with and di-.- F:UW_1RI) GILO\, ('hairman, Mayor. Aiiermen and Commonalty of the City of New PA f1:ICK M. H AVEI:T\', th:rd Ward of the City of New York. tent 3-e feet northerly from the northerly line of Union York, authorizing the laying of gas-mains in such CHARLES E. \\'FNlJI', street for a distance of about 035 feet ; thence northerly street. EDWARD CAHIL1., OTICE IS HERi(BY (.IVEN THAT THE BILL and para.lel with the westerly line of flremer ave- Blank forms of bid or estimate. the proper envelopes Board of Assessors. N of cost-, charge; and expenses, incurred by nue and distant zoo feet westerly therefrom to the in which to en lose the same, the specifications and i reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, northerly line of Birch sire et, thenc': northerly agreement=, at .d any further information desired, can be OFFICE nF THE Boson rat' Ascessot-, will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of along the centre line of the blocks between Marcher C; t .e-R over. obtained at Roust cc, No. 3 r Chambers street. Nf-s S e I)c ember 7, the Supreme Court, at the Chambers thereof, in the avenue and Nelson avenue to the southerly line of VIll_.-lEL H I. D:AI.1, County Court-house, iu the City of New York, on the Featherbed lane ; thence northerly along the pro- Commissioner of Public Works. ; --- - - ------o3d day of D;cember, IT 90, at t -•.3., o'clock in the fore- longatiou northerly front Featherbed lane of said centre DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. 005)0 of tnat day, or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be line oftt•e block, between 1larcl,er :.venue and Nelson iFF'.tkT\ieNT CAF PL't:LIC \\'ORAti, heard th_reon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges avenue to a point di-tant too test norther y of the Cr,\tt115SiUNos s OFFICE., fit. 1•'.R!:,tes1 OF 1) CI:S. ))) and ex,enses has been deposited in the office of the north rly lint: of Fe.uherbed lane ; thence easterly and Ni. ^I CH..tt1:ERS STREET, PIED. " A," li.A i7Fi