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When: Thursday, September 20 at 6pm Where: Impulse on 2 &2%$$)%,%%'%449)-!'%3 3ECRETARYOF$EFENSE2OBERT'ATESSAID3UNDAYTHAT0RESIDENT"USHSHOULDVETOA BILLBEINGPUSHEDBY$EMOCRATSTOGIVETROOPSMORERESTBETWEENDEPLOYMENTS 6PcTbB_TPZb>dc 0VPX]bcCa^^_1X[[ pZke^`bleZmbhg%@Zm^llaZki^g^] =^_^gl^l^\k^mZkrlZrl abl\kbmb\blfh_P^[[ÍlikhihlZe'Bm ebfbmbg`]^iehrf^gml phne]k^jnbk^mkhhil`^mZlfn\a phne]\Znl^ikh[e^fl mbf^Zmma^bkahf^lmZmbhgZlma^bk ]^iehrf^gmlmhma^pZk_khgm' F0B78=6C>=k=^_^gl^L^\k^mZkr ÊB_bmp^k^^gZ\m^]%p^phne] Kh[^km@Zm^llZb]Lng]Zra^phne] aZo^_hk\^fZgZ`^f^gmikh[e^fl k^\hff^g]Zo^mhh_ZL^gZm^ikh& maZmphne][^^qmk^f^er]b__b\nem ihlZemaZmphne]`bo^N'L'mkhhil Zg]%bg_Z\m%Z__^\m\hf[Zm^__^\& Grab the girls and see it first, with informal modeling of the absolute fhk^k^lm[^mp^^g]^iehrf^gmlbg mbo^g^llZg]i^kaZilihl^`k^Zm^k newest threads from BCBG Max Azria, French Connection, Kensie, Miss Sixty, BkZj%[kZg]bg`bmZ]Zg`^khnlÊ[Z\d& kbldmhhnkmkhhil%Ëa^lZb]' Matty M and more! Chat up our fashion experts and find out what to wear, ]hhkpZrËmh]kZp]hpg_hk\^l' B_P^[[ÍlZf^g]f^gmp^k^ and how to wear it! Feeling lucky? Enter to win† a new DELL notebook in =^fh\kZmlie^]`^]mhinla ^gZ\m^]%@Zm^llZb]%bmphne]_hk\^ a sizzling fashion color! Score a professional pop art self portrait and our* Za^Z]pbmama^ieZg[rL^g'Cbf abfmh\hglb]^kZ`Zbg^qm^g]bg` exclusive Impulse wristlet bag with any $50 Impulse purchase. P^[[%=&OZ'%Zg]^qik^ll^]\hg_b& mhnklbgBkZj'A^^qieZbg^]maZm ]^g\^ma^r\hne]khng]nima^ohm^l ma^fbebmZkr\hffZg]^klphne][^ Plus, enjoy refreshing sips and sweets, groove to the sounds of mhiZllbm%Zemahn`ai^kaZilghm[r \hglmkZbg^]bgma^nl^h_ZoZbeZ[e^ our guest DJ and have lots more fun! ma^fZk`bgmhho^kkb]^Zo^mh' _hk\^l%\k^Zmbg``ZilZg]_hk\bg` Through September 29, the more you indulge ÊMa^hi^kZmbhgZem^fihmaZmhnk `k^Zm^knl^h_ZgZek^Z]rlmkZbg^] the more the savings rack up! _hk\^lZk^ng]^kbl^q\kn\bZmbg`er]b_& GZmbhgZe@nZk]Zg]K^l^ko^' Spend $120 on Impulse clothing and get a $25 Macy’s Savings Certificate _b\nem_hkhnklhe]b^kl%FZkbg^l%Zeeh_ ÊBmphne][^^qmk^f^er]b__b\nem_hk hnki^klhgg^eZg]ma^bk_Zfbeb^l%ËlZb] nlmhfZgZ`^maZm'Bmk^ZeerblZ[Z\d& towards your next Impulse purchase. Spend $250 and get a $50 Savings L^g'CZ\dK^^]%=&K'B'ÊMa^r]^l^ko^ ]hhkpZrmhmkrZg]_hk\^ma^ik^lb& Certificate. Spend $350 or more and get a $100 Savings Certificate. ma^lZf^Zfhngmh_mbf^[Z\dahf^ ]^gmmhZ\\^e^kZm^ma^]kZp]hpg%Ë Zlma^rlmZrbgma^_b^e]'Ë @Zm^llZb]'Ê:`Zbg%ma^]kZp]hpgl Pbmama^L^gZm^^qi^\m^]mh aZo^mh[^[Zl^]hgma^\hg]bmbhgl k^lnf^]^[Zm^mablp^^dhgZgmb& hgma^`khng]'Ë7>?4H4=0?

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Advertisement 8aP]½b7Xc7^[^RPdbc3aP\P hg^k^ieb^l'Ma^a^kh%AZ[b[IZklZ% IhineZkfbgbl^kb^lblZ ma^g[^`bgl`bobg`BkZgbZgiZllihkml lrfiZma^mb\ihkmkZrZe 8fT_c mhC^plmhZeehpma^fmh_e^^h\\n& Special Report solves the h_C^pl]nkbg`PPBB fWT]8 ib^]?kZg\^mhma^g&IZe^lmbg^' [TPa]TScWa^dVWcWT Mahn`ama^AZ[b[\aZkZ\m^kbl “My home isn’t selling” problem C47A0=8A0=kBmblBkZgÍlo^klbhgh_ _b\mbhgZe%bmbl[Zl^]hgZmkn^lmhkr ÊL\abg]e^kÍlEblm%ËZfbgbl^kb^lmaZm Ä[\fWPcPSaTPSUd[ h_]biehfZmlbgma^BkZgbZg>f[Zl& WASHINGTON METRO – A Mr. Sanya states that the m^eelma^mZe^h_ZgBkZgbZg]biehfZm STbcX]hcWTb\P[[ lrbgIZkbl' “Special Report” explodes Report represents the bgIZkblpaha^eilC^pl^l\Zi^ma^ ]PcX^]WPS» Ma^lahpÍlZii^ZkZg\^ghp what its author exposes as “The compendium of his many years Aheh\ZnlmÉZg]ob^p^klZ\khllma^ fZrk^_e^\mZgZmm^fim[rBkZgÍl <071>D147A070<0C88A0=80= myth of slow home sales.” In of real estate experience and \hngmkrZk^kbo^m^]' e^Z]^klabimhfh]^kZm^bmlbfZ`^ fact, the Report explains, in can be of substantial value to MaZmÍllnkikblbg`^ghn`abgZ ZlZgmb&L^fbmb\' clear and plain English, how a homeowners, especially those \hngmkrpa^k^aZk]&ebg^Ik^lb& Bmlahplf^g%phf^gZg]\abe]k^g LmZm^f^]bZaZo^lZb]ma^l^kb^l home owner who wants to sell whose homes have been on the ]^gmFZafhn]:afZ]bg^cZ]aZl pbmar^eehplmZklhgma^bk\ehma^l blihineZk4bmaZl[^^gZk^o^eZmbhg can not only count on a sale market unsold for a jn^lmbhg^]pa^ma^kma^Aheh\Znlm [^bg`mZd^g_hk\b[erhnmh_ma^bk _hklhf^BkZgbZgl' within 120 days but can be considerable period of time. guaranteed that the sale will The author emphasizes that ^o^gmhhdieZ\^'PaZmÍlfhk^lnk& ahf^l[rGZsblhe]b^kl' ÊHg\^%Bp^impa^gBe^Zkg^] occur. although he does not accept ikblbg`blmaZm`ho^kgf^gmf^]bZ ÊPa^k^Zk^ma^rmZdbg`ma^f8Ë makhn`ama^_befpaZmZ]k^Z]_ne every listing, by following the ikh]n\^]ma^l^kb^lZg]blZbkbg`bm Zldlma^ahkkb_b^]a^kh%Zrhng`BkZ& ]^lmbgrma^lfZeegZmbhgaZ]]nk& The Report proves its accuracy Report’s procedures he hglmZm^&kngm^e^oblbhg' gbZg]biehfZmpahphkdlZmma^BkZ& bg`ma^phke]pZkbgma^a^Zkmh_ by quoting specific local accomplishes a sale in every Ma^l^kb^l%mbme^]ÊS^kh=^`k^^ gbZg>f[ZllrbgIZkbl' lh&\Zee^]\bobebs^]>nkhi^%ËlZb] instances in which the instance in which he is the Mnkg%Ëbl\e^ZkerlrfiZma^mb\mhma^ ÊMa^?Zl\blmlZk^mZdbg`ma^C^pl FZa[hn[^aKZaZfZmb%ZM^akZg technique it describes has sold broker of record. homes time after time, quickly, C^plÍieb`am]nkbg`Phke]PZkBB' mhma^\hg\^gmkZmbhg\Zfil%Ëlhf^& [Zgdm^ee^k'=0BB4A:0A8<80? efficiently, and at a favorable The secret, says the Report, is price. a combination of traits and procedures that consistently ma^[nk]^gh__ The author of the report, noted result in a successful sale. For 1aP]b^]0XSb=3>=kKb\aZk];kZglhg%\aZbk& ma^fmh\hgmkb[nm^mhZe^`Ze]^_^gl^ ^qm^g]^]_Zf& made numerous appearances a private but available Web site on both television and radio. fZgh_Obk`bg@khni%ie^]`^] _ng]_hkDZm^Zg]@^kkrF\=30Hk ( &! &k4G?A4BBk(


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Monday, September 17, 7p.m. Author Michael J. Klarman an account of racial equality and civil rights throughout American history.

Panel discussion with John Hope Franklin, distinguished historian and lifelong civil rights activist; Lonnie Bunch, Director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture; and Michael J. Klarman, Professor of Law and History at the University of Virginia. Moderated by Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States.

A book signing will follow the program in the theater lobbies. FREE. No reservations required. Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

The William G. McGowan Theater at the National Archives Constitution Avenue between 7th & 9th Streets NW. Metro Accessible, Archives/Navy Memorial Metro Station www.archives.gov • 202 357 5000 <>=30Hk ( &! &k4G?A4BBk


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WAR (R)-IDREQ'D FURY(PG-13) OF BALLS HALLOWEEN (R)-IDREQ'D YUMA(R)-IDREQ'D TO 3:10 UP(R)-IDREQ'D 'EM SHOOT WOODCOCK (PG-13) MR. ONE(R)-IDREQ'D BRAVE THE WARS (PG-13) DRAGON PROJECTION(R)-IDREQ'D DIGITAL - ONE BRAVE THE ★ Adv. TixonSale HAIRSPRAY (PG) ULTIMATUM(PG-13) BOURNE THE 3(PG-13) HOUR RUSH STARDUST (PG-13) SUPERBAD (R)-IDREQ'D FUNERAL(R)-IDREQ'D A AT DEATH DIARIES(PG-13) NANNY THE FURY(PG-13) OF BALLS HALLOWEEN (R)-IDREQ'D SOLOMON(R)-IDREQ'D BROTHERS THE YUMA(R)-IDREQ'D TO 3:10 UP(R)-IDREQ'D 'EM SHOOT UP(R)-IDREQ'D 'EM SHOOT OC: WOODCOCK (PG-13) MR. ONE(R)-IDREQ'D BRAVE THE WARS (PG-13) DRAGON ★ Adv. TixonSale PHOENIX(PG-13) THE OF ORDER THE & POTTER HARRY ULTIMATUM(PG-13) BOURNE THE 3(PG-13) HOUR RUSH SUPERBAD (R)-IDREQ'D DIARIES(PG-13) NANNY THE HOLIDAY(G) BEAN'S MR. FURY(PG-13) OF BALLS HALLOWEEN(R)-ID REQ'D OC: HALLOWEEN (R)-IDREQ'D UP(R)-IDREQ'D 'EM SHOOT YUMA(R)-IDREQ'D TO 3:10 WARS (PG-13) DRAGON WOODCOCK (PG-13) MR. ONE(R)-IDREQ'D BRAVE THE ★ Adv. TixonSale SOLOMON(R)-IDREQ'D BROTHERS THE STARDUST (PG-13) PHOENIX(PG-13) THE OF ORDER THE & POTTER HARRY 3(PG-13) HOUR RUSH HOLIDAY(G) BEAN'S MR. HALLOWEEN (R)-IDREQ'D FURY(PG-13) OF BALLS UP(R)-IDREQ'D 'EM SHOOT WARS (PG-13) DRAGON ONE(R)-IDREQ'D BRAVE THE PROJECTION(R)-IDREQ'D DIGITAL - ONE BRAVE THE ★ Adv. TixonSale Adv. TixonSale Adv. TixonSale Adv. TixonSale Adv. TixonSale . 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ENDS SOON! 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 1:30, 4:10, 7:30, 10:10 2:05, 4:40, 7:30 Jenifer and Wisconsin


SUMMER 1-800-FANDANGO #711 1-800-FANDANGO #713 LASER HAIR & HAIR LASER 7850 Tysons Corner Center — 3426 Connecticut Avenue N.W. LOEWS DUPONT 5 LOEWS UPTOWN 1 — 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 10:20 PM 1:00, 5:50, 10:40 PRESENTED IN DIGIT PRESENTED IN DIGIT — ASHINGTON AMC MAZZA GALLERIE Express — Diamonds 1243 W. Broad St. Falls Church 703-536-3600 Broad St. 1243 W. AMC POTOMAC MILLS 18 AMC TYSONS CORNER 16 W SPIDER VEIN VEIN SPIDER REMOVAL THE BRAVE ONE (R) THE BRAVE ONE (R) MOVIE (PG13) HARRY POTTER ANDPHOENIX THE (PG13) ORDER OF THE THE BRAVE ONE (R) THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) HAIRSPRAY (PG) KNOCKED UP (R) NO END IN SIGHT (NR–NOT RATED) THE BRAVE ONE (R) SHOOT ‘EM UP (R) DEATH SENTENCE (R) HALLOWEEN (R) BALLS OF FURY (PG13) MR. BEAN’S HOLIDAY (G) THE NANNY DIARIES (PG13) WAR (R) SUPERBAD (R) RUSH HOUR 3 (PG13) STARDUST (PG13) THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (PG13) RATATOUILLE (G) THE BRAVE ONE (R) DRAGON WARS (PG13) MR. WOODCOCK (PG13) 3:10 TO YUMA (R) THE BROTHERS SOLOMON (R) SHOOT ‘EM UP (R) DEATH SENTENCE (R) HALLOWEEN (R) BALLS OF FURY (PG13) MR. BEAN’S HOLIDAY (G) THE NANNY DIARIES (PG13) THE NANNY DIARIES (PG13) WAR (R) SUPERBAD (R) RUSH HOUR 3 (PG13) STARDUST (PG13) THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) MR. WOODCOCK (PG13) BALLS OF FURY (PG13) MR. BEAN’S HOLIDAY (G) THE NANNY DIARIES (PG13) SUPERBAD (R) THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) THE BRAVE ONE (R) DRAGON WARS (PG13) MR. WOODCOCK (PG13) 3:10 TO YUMA (R) THE BROTHERS SOLOMON (R) 7:00, 9:40 — — - Closed Captioning · Feb 16 Nov 14 Nov 03 — — Nov 05 Oct 30 Sep 29 Sep 25 Dec 08 Oct 19 — — 1:00, 3:40, 6:45, F — —   1:00, 1:55, 3:40, 4:55, 1:25, 4:10, 7:00, 9:55 1:15, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 4:30, 7:15 2:00, 4:55, 7:40, 10:20 % % 1:55, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 9:20 T T ADVANCE F  10:25 PM 9:50 PM 1:30, 2:30, 4:20, 5:20, 7:15, C C 2:40, 5:00, 7:20 E E 2:20, 4:50, 7:35, 10:15 2:10, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 1:55, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05 F AL PROJECTION AL PROJECTION AL PROJECTION rograms 2:35, 4:45, 7:10, 9:40 5:10, 7:20 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:15 L L    1:00, 3:15, 5:35, 7:55, 10:20 1:35, 4:20, 7:05, 9:45 E E P 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 9:20 JF 4:40, 7:00 2:15, 4:35, 7:10, 9:30 1:40, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 2:30, 5:30, 8:20 1:30, 3:50, 6:10, 8:30, 10:35   S S 1:55, 4:15, 6:30, 8:50 5:00, 7:30 2:35, 4:50, 7:25, 9:55 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 1:00, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 5:30, 8:00 2:05, 4:50, 7:20, 10:10 1:35, 3:55, 6:20, 8:40   1:40, 4:15, 7:10, 9:40 1:15, 3:30, 5:50, 8:10 2:05, 4:25, 6:40, 9:00 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 10:05 5:40, 7:50 C C 1:50, 4:50, 7:30  2:20, 5:15, 8:10  GROW M M 2:25, 4:40, 7:05, 9:25 2:25, 5:00, 7:35, 10:10 1:10, 3:40, 6:00, 8:20, 10:25 1:35, 4:25, 7:20 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:25 202-342-6441 301-948-0906 703-971-3991 2:15, 5:00, 7:45, 10:25 1:30, 3:00, 4:25, 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:20 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:10 703-998-4AMC A A 1:50, 4:40 2:25, 5:10, 8:00, 10:30 1:45, 4:35, 10:30 2:00, 4:40, 7:20 2:10, 5:15, 8:00, 10:30 2:15, 5:00, 7:40, 10:15 - Special films for select tastes. 3111 K Street, N.W. 1:20, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 2:20, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 1:25, 4:10, 7:50, 10:20 $ $ 10300 Patuxent Parkway — — Loisdale and Franconia Road 9811 Washingtonian Boulevard — — 7:55, 10:25 evelopment PRESENTED IN DIGIT PRESENTED IN DIGIT PRESENTED IN DIGIT — — LEARN D — — LOEWS RIO CINEMAS 18 AMC COLUMBIA MALL 14 LOEWS GEORGETOWN 14 AMC SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 THE BRAVE ONE (R) THE BRAVE ONE (R) THE BRAVE ONE (R) THE NANNY DIARIESSUPERBAD (PG13) (R) STARDUST (PG13) THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) IN THE VALLEY OF ELAH (R) DEATH AT A FUNERAL (R) THE NANNY DIARIESWAR (PG13) (R) SUPERBAD (R) RUSH HOUR 3STARDUST (PG13) (PG13) THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) THE SIMPSONS MOVIERATATOUILLE (PG13) (G) DEATH AT A FUNERAL (R) ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (PG13) ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (PG13) MR. WOODCOCK (PG13) 3:10 TO YUMATHE (R) BROTHERS SOLOMONSHOOT (R) ‘EM UPHALLOWEEN (R) (R) DRAGON WARS (PG13) MR. WOODCOCK (PG13) 3:10 TO YUMASHOOT (R) ‘EM UPHALLOWEEN (R) (R) BALLS OF FURYMR. (PG13) BEAN’S HOLIDAY (G) RUSH HOUR 3THE (PG13) BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) THE BRAVE ONEDRAGON (R) WARS (PG13) MR. WOODCOCK (PG13) 3:10 TO YUMATHE (R) BROTHERS SOLOMONSHOOT (R) ‘EM UPHALLOWEEN (R) (R) BALLS OF FURYMR. (PG13) BEAN’S HOLIDAY (G) THE NANNY DIARIES (PG13) THE BRAVE ONEDRAGON (R) WARS (PG13) MR. WOODCOCK (PG13) 3:10 TO YUMASHOOT (R) ‘EM UPHALLOWEEN (R) (R) BALLS OF FURYMR. (PG13) BEAN’S HOLIDAY (G) MR. BEAN’S HOLIDAY (G) THE NANNY DIARIESSUPERBAD (PG13) (R) RUSH HOUR 3THE (PG13) BOURNE ULTIMATUM (PG13) HAIRSPRAY (PG) THE BRAVE ONE (R) 6:45, 8:00, 9:50 9:50 8:15, 10:10 AMC Select — — rofessional — — For complete outline and schedule, P — — Arlington, Herndon, Loudoun and Manassas — — No passes or discount coupons 1:50, 4:30, 7:10 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 1:00, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00 2:50, 4:10, 5:20, 6:50, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30 % % 703-842-7404 [email protected] T T visit our website at http://ite.gmu.edu/techadvance 10:25 PM C C 12:30, 2:40, 4:50 3:00, 5:00 2:15 (A+, Network+, MCP, CCNA, Security+) E E - All seats $4, $5, or $6, Digital 3D $7 or $8, before noon on Fri., Sat., Sun., & holidays - denoted by ( ) 1:50, 4:35, 7:20 2:55, 5:10, 7:40 2:05, 5:10, 7:55, 10:45 AL PROJECTION IT Project+ Oracle 10g Database Administration Web Design Web Developer Certified Info. Systems Security Pro - CISSP MCSE Windows 2003 Information Technology Foundation Cisco Certified Network Associate Microsoft Project 2:30, 4:40, 7:00 1:00, 3:30, 5:50, 8:10, 10:30 L L   Advance 2:20, 4:50, 7:40 1:00, 3:15, 5:55, 8:25, 10:40 E E 2:20, 4:30, 6:40 1:50, 4:25, 7:15, 10:10 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 12:20, 2:45, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10  7:50 S S 12:45, 3:15, 5:25, 7:55, 10:05 2:10, 4:30, 7:30, 10:00 2:45, 5:30, 8:15 1:40, 4:40, 7:40, 10:40 12:25, 2:35, 4:55, 7:25, 9:50 1:20, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30   1:30, 4:10, 7:10 1:45 1:10, 4:05, 7:25, 10:05 1:50, 4:40, 7:50 7:20 3:10, 5:35, 8:15, 10:45 2:10, 4:20, 7:30 C C 4:45, 7:35, 10:15 12:35, 1:35, 2:50, 4:15, 5:00, 6:25, 7:15, 2:00, 4:10, 7:00 1:40, 4:15, 7:00 12:40, 1:05, 3:35, 4:05, 6:35, 7:00, 9:35, M M 2:20, 5:20, 8:20 1:55, 4:20, 7:05 12:50, 3:00, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 1:30, 4:10, 7:10, 9:50 2:25, 5:45, 8:50 301-324-4220 2:00, 4:35, 7:20 12:55, 3:55, 6:55, 9:55 2:00, 3:20, 5:00, 6:20, 8:00, 9:20 North Bethesda 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4AMC A A 2:40, 5:15 1:35 1:40, 4:30, 7:20 3:50, 7:05 12:35, 3:05, 6:05, 7:10, 9:05, 9:40 2:40, 3:40, 5:40, 6:40, 8:40, 9:40

703-671-0910 801 2772 South Randolph 2:20, 4:20, 5:20, 7:20, 8:20,F 10:20 $ $ 1-800-FANDANGO #741 Courthouse and Birch Rd. 800 Shopper’s Way, Largo — — A.M.Cinema — —

4:50, 7:50, 10:35 PRESENTED IN DIGIT options — — LOEWS WHITE FLINT 5 LOEWS SHIRLINGTON 7 experience — — with industry requirements DoD 8570.01 Courses meet units awarded AMC HOFFMAN CENTER 22 AMC COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria Flexible payment -SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT weekend classes



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Activism ACCOUNTANT: Full charge accountant for small CUSTOMER SERVICE Executive Assistant BANKING Save the Bay! Learn the basics of political law firm. 5 yrs experience. CPA firm experience National Children Center is currently accepting Be a Part of The Washington Post Team... organizing and fundraising while working with desireable. Accounting degree. Close to metro, applications for outgoing, motivated persons to Our VP of Finance and HR is seeking an experienced the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Passion for the benefits, collegial environment. Fax resume to answer moderate to heavy incoming phone calls. Must professional with excellent administrative skills. You environment and good communications skills a 202-457-8585 or email: [email protected] enjoy working with the public and have a pleasant must have outstanding interpersonal skills, a strong must. Hours M-F 1:30-10:00p.m. 400-510/wk + phone voice. General office duties included. Potential service orientation and an ability to work well under Admin/Personal Asst—PG Co. Exec needs career, for advancement based on performance. Apply in pressure in an ever-changing environment. Primary bonus. Call Citizens Campaigns at 202-895-0420 sales & detailed achiever. Car a must. ext 113. person at: 10811 Tucker St. Beltsville, MD 20705, responsibilities include managing a high volume of 301-523-8986. Jump Start Your Career! Monday-Friday 8am-4pm traffic, arranging travel/meetings, coordinating special events and problem resolution. Strong computer skills ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Credit Union DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG w/ experience in MS Office Suite and Lotus Notes a Administrative The Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Employment County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. must. Get More Info at www.washingtonjobs.com. Qual- Washington, D.C. has two positions. FT and temp Opportunities 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 ified candidates should email resume, cover letter and (Sept. 21 - Jan 3). The requirements are: salary req Attn: FINHR/AACS/JL EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATE • Fluency in English and Greek languages Justice FCU, a full service credit union serving Data Coordinator/Analyst [email protected] • Adequate computer skills the Justice and Law Enforcement communities GTI, a leading environmental and en- • Typewriting skills in both English and Greek for over 72 years, seeks professional, PT, detail oriented, Microsoft Excel skills is a must. • Organizational/filing experience Process and validate address data destined to ergy R&D organization, has an excit- dedicated team players to join the Justice FCU colleges and universities using various electronic Submit resumes by Sept 19 for the temp family. ing opportunity for an Executive Asso- tools. Crystal City metro stop. Compensation com- We are committed to diversity & promote a drug-free position & Sept 21 for the FT position to: mensurate with skills. Send resume to ciatein our DC office. This position is Chantilly, VA Corporate Office: environment. responsible for purchasing, preparing Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus [email protected] 2211 R Street N.W. Washington, D.C., 20008 Collections Manager Dental Assistant/Front Desk documents, reports and spreadsheets;- Email: [email protected] Network Administrator FRONT COUNTER managing electronic data entry and Tel: 202-462-5772 or Fax: 202-483-6710 Business Development Officer S. Alex area, part-time. Seeking indiv. with 2 yrs Financial Accounting Assistant Manager chairside exp. X-Ray cert. Working knowledge Soft- PT experienced Front Counter person to tag & electronic files. In addition, the person AUTOMOTIVE dent or similar, and CDT Coding. sought garments. Must have drycleaning will coordinate meetings and make Justice FCU offers a competitive salary and Fax resume: 703-780-6099. experience. Good oral skills and good ASSISTANT CFO/CONTROLLER appearance. 3 days/week. Call 202-381-8237. travelarrangements and will assist the one of the best benefits package around that Dentist Associate—in Severna Park. Call Executive Director of Washington Op- For the largest auto dealer in the area. 5 years includes generous leave, (including your 410-356-5032 erations in all aspects of administrati- experience. Good multi-tasker. Great benefits: birthday!), 401k with excellent employer DRIVER $— A great opportunity for 5 professional Healthcare •401 K match, health, dental and prescription couriers! Comm + gas incentives. Potential $600- veactivities within the office. •Life Insurance coverage, tuition reimbursement, training $800 a week. Benefits offered by a 3rd party co. If FT/PRN for a RN, respiratory Therapist, •Health Insurance opportunities and more! you own a car or van, call Don (M-F) 301-419-2626. LPN, PTA, Speech & MSW & CNA. Five years administrative experience, Call Estrit Home healthcare 703-998-7400 attention to detail, excellent organiza- Please fax resume to :301-718-0522 To apply, e mail resume and salary DRIVER tional and interpersonal skills arere- Automotive requirements to [email protected]. Good credit HOTEL GENERAL MANAGER history and the ability to pass a security Bring your own car, van or truck, 24/7 delivery in quired. Associate’s degree or estab- Seeking a General Manager for several car rental clearance are required. EOE the Mid-Atlantic. Paid weekly. Call 301-495-0000 lished training in computers and agencies in the Washington DC area. Will manage Microsoft Office applications (Word, and direct the company toward its objects and DRIVER oversee budget goal. Min of 4 yrs exper. req’d. Must BARBERS & STYLISTS. Many openings in fully Class A CDL with H & T endorsement for local Excel,PowerPoint) is required. Knowl- have a strong work ethics and high energy. Great loaded shop. DC lic req’d. 202-497-8947 construction co. Call 301-277-8220 edge of Congress and Federal govern- incentive program and benefits package. Send bf08 AUTO DRIVER-DUMP TRUCK ment a plus. resumes to: Wash. Post. Box M1205, DC 20071-6250 Family owned multi location auto repair shop seek- Exper. CDL Class B drivers needed in Gainesville, VA DHS Job Fair ing ASE cert. Techs. 401K/ insur. Call Kelly, 703 501 Area. 703-966-2072 or 703-927-2143. GTI offers an excellent benefit pack- Automotive 9800. Wednesday September 19, 2007 bf08 AUTO DRIVER — Earn $600-$800/week FT, $9-14/hr PT. 2:00pm - 6:00pm age and a business casual environ- MASTER TECHNICIAN Family owned multi-location auto service & tire Driving for TakeOut Taxi, the area’s largest restau- ment. You must have authorization to Milex & Mr. Transmission, in Lanham MD, has an center seeking Service Advisor. 401K/ insur. rant delivery service. Own vehicle req’d. Call: Please dress professionally and excellent opportunity for an experienced master Call Kelly, 703-501-9800. 301-571-0111. bring plenty of resumes! workpermanently in the U.S. Please auto technician with 5+years of exp performing Drivers/Delivery visit our website at: www.gastechnol- Bookkeeper—For small co. Car a must. 12 AM- qualtiy auto repairs. Current ASE certifications a 3AM 301-523-8986. Fx 301-498-0838. Immediate positions available. Must have clean Donohoe Hospitality Services is one of the largest definite plus! Call 301.429.9800 or fax resume to driving record and own transportation. Good pay ogy.org and apply online. Only ac- CNA’s independent hotel management companies in the cepting onlineapplicants. EOE 301.429.5700. EOE and benefits. Call 301-598-3843. Washington metro area. We are currently recruiting 50 Live-ins MD & DC for all Front Office positions for our Marriott and AUTOMOTIVE SALES Needed immed. 1yr. exper. req’d. Call 301-587-9600 Intercontinental Hotel Group brands. The ideal Experience required. Signing bonus. Excellent pay DRIVERS Administrative—Seeking PC tutor for help with candidates must meet the following requirements: plan. Full benefits package. 45-hour scheduled Construction We are looking for Non-CDL Drivers to do faxing, scanning, webcam, etc. Call Jim at workweek. deliveries in the early morning hours, 1AM-9AM. 301-420-8285. • Minimum of six months cash handling experience No “Bell to Bells” required. Crane Operator Must pass 10 yr. criminal bckgrnd. check/no required. Pohanka Used Car SuperCenter negative points on DMV record. Pay is up to • Detail oriented and dependable Administrative 13915 Lee Jackson Metropolitan DC/Northern VA $16/hr DOE. Come to our JOB FAIR on • Ability to multitask. Memorial Highway Thursday, Sept. 20, at 11:00 AM. Technical Assistance Coordinator C.A. Murren & Sons, a land development road/ • Excellent communication skills. Chantilly, VA 703-738-3280 1033 W. Glebe Rd., Alex, VA 22305. Behind • Proficiency in the use and operation of computer DB Consulting Group Ask for Paul or Tamahn contractor, is seeking a Linkbelt RT-850 Hyd 7-11. MUST BRING DMV Record & 10 yr. police Crane Operator, with NCCCO certification. systems Silver Spring, MD Beauty bckgrnd check to qualify. WE ARE HIRING ON • Flexible Schedule required HAIRSTYLIST & MANICURIST—Needed for down- Must have stable work history, & clean driving THE SPOT! CALL CAESAR AT 703-496-0719. record. Excellent pay, medical, paid vacation, GENERAL FUNCTIONS: town Silver Spring salon. Call Cathy or Dana: Donohoe Hospitality Services offers a competitive The TA coordinator will have knowledge of the 301-589-0288. 401k w/co contrib. Pre-employment drug DUMP TRUCK DRIVER screening required. Send resume to: salary with bonus, health, dental, 401K and following categories: With experience. Must have own transportation. Discounted Room Rates. • Partnership development and maintenance; [email protected] Competitive salary. Call 202-607-4481. Construction Ph: 703-579-8533 / Fax: 678-597-0919 • Employment/job training program design and Where??? implementation; Holiday Inn Georgetown • Tracking and evaluation of performance; Utilities Superintendent/ Construction 2101 Wisconsin Ave N.W • Micro-enterprise development; Foreman Washington DC, 20007 • Applying for 501c(3) tax exempt status; Metropolitan DC/Northern VA 202-338-3120 ext 7249 • Health resources; ROOFER WANTED EOE • Outreach to stakeholders; C.A. Murren & Sons, a land development/road • Outreach to resident; Paid by square, experienced in transportation. contractor, is seeking a management profes- INSURANCE — Independent insurance agency • Business plan dev.; and sional w/5 yrs experience in all phases of FT work. Work is in Catonville, MD. Call Phil • Grant writing 703-615-5139. located in Rockville, MD has immediate opening sanitary, storm, and water line construction. for commercial lines customer service repre- Must have stable work history, & clean driving Please email resume to: Counselors sentative. Duties include marketing accounts for record. Excellent pay, medical, paid vacation, renewal, obtaining quotes, issuing certificates & [email protected] 401k w/co contrib. Pre-employment drug JC Counseling services has an opening for a Counselor (LPC). Fax resume to 202-610-0001 ID cards, preparing proposals for delivery. Indi- screening required. Send resume to: vidual should be licensed for property & casualty Administrative Assistant [email protected] COUNSELORS, RESIDENTIAL with at least 2 years experience in commercial Ph: 703-579-8533 - Fax: 678-597-0919 Evening staff needed for MR/DC citizens. Will super- lines. Able to work independently & meet dead- Busy security firm seeking a FT Administrative vise and assist with ADL skills, household duties and Assistant. Able to multi-task, Windows XP, Excel, lines. Competitive salary + health care with Construction outings. $9/hour. H.S. Diploma or G.E.D. required. employer participation, 401(k) plan, paid vaca- effective communication skills req’d. College grad Full-time, part-time and on-call hours available. or 3 yrs. min. pref’d. 7 yrs. of office exper. req’d. tions & free parking. Please e-mail resumes to: Carpenter, Commercial Window Installer. Experi- Apply in person, M-F, 9:30AM - 4:30PM. Total Care [email protected] Call: 301-352-9070 for an appointment. ence a plus. Call 412-551-5326. Services, 5780 2nd St., NE. !%k4G?A4BBk ( &! &k<>=30H Classifieds

Restaurant Managers Painter RESEARCH TECHNICIAN JOBS WANTED: Paint Shop Supervisor FAST EDDIES Like People? Like Numbers? This job has both, • Exp. Line Cooks LAB AIDE—MAPS, Path. Lab seeking FT Lab Aide Client Service Managers The National Gallery of Art is seeking an experienced requires good analytical skills, writing and com- supervisor with exemplary people skills to oversee five munication. Knowledge of Excel is helpful • Servers w/BS in Biology from 2p-10p. Fax resume to • Dishwasher 703-404-1131 painters in the Facilities Paint Shop. The individual will www.naccas.org attn, Bird; FAX (703) 379-2200 REWARD: be responsible for many public areas and all staff areas • Bartenders LEGAL PATENT SECRETARY and needs experience with color matching, spray RESTAURANT $2,500 Signing Bonus!!! painting, plaster, and furniture finishing. Secure gov- COOK, NIGHTS Great $$$! FT. Apply in person. 1520 K St, NW, Alexandria IP law firm seeking FT Patent Secretary ernment job, great benefits. Starting wages $58,800. For busy tavern. Zoobar Cafe. Washington, DC. with excellent computer, communication, grammar, Merrill Legal Solutions, a leading diversified Call Mr. MacFarlane (202) 842-6816 for more info. U.S. 3000 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC Restaurant typing and organizational skills for senior partner. litigation support and document management citizenship is required. For specific application infor- Must be detail-oriented. Min. 1 yr. IP exper. required. Restaurant Filomena Ristorante service provider, is seeking exceptional and mation and instructions go to http://jobsearch.usa Exec & Sous Chef, Benefits incl. medical, 401K, free prkg. in bldg. dynamic candidates to fill Site Manager and jobs.opm.gov/a9nga.asp. The vacancy announcement Award winning fine dining Italian restaurant inGeor- Salary D.O.E. Send resume to 703-683-1080 Legal Record Manager vacancies at our premier number is #07-72. Applications will be accepted Cashier, Dishwasher getown is looking for the following positions: or email: [email protected] DC and NoVa sites. through 10/12/07. EOE needed for established staff •Servers LEGAL SECRETARY — IP restaurant. Full time, Mon - • PT Bartender In these highly critical roles, you will be responsi- PHLEBOTOMIST PT Fri, benefits, competitive pay. • Hosts/Hostess N. End Old Town Alex. — Long established 12- Exper req’d. Fax resume: 703-461-0803 attorney IP firm seeks secretary with excellent ble for managing daily operations of a site(s) at Fax resumes to • Bus Staff the most efficient level while providing superb 703-706-0443, or email to Apply in person 1063 Wisconsin Ave., NW or FAX computer, communic., grammar & typing skills to PHYSICIAN assist with U.S. trademark prosecution, U.S. patent client service. Ideal candidates will have experi- [email protected] resume to 202-338-8806 or EMAIL ence in a law firm environment managing multi- RESTAURANT —Experienced BAR & WAIT STAFF. [email protected]. litig., and some U.S. & foreign patent prosecution. Primary care private practice serving General Min. 1 yr. exp. WP, MS Word, PCLaw & PCMaster a ple employees, handling high-volume mail, copy Nr Mt Vernon Sq Metro. Call 202-368-1238 Restaurant Waiters/Waitresses and litigation support services, as well as ex- HIV and Spanish speaking communities. Dupont Excellent tips. Fri. Sat. eves. McLean, VA. plus. Benefits incl. medical, 401K, free underground Circle, Washington, DC. Email CV to prkg. Email resume to: [email protected] press package tracking and delivery, hospitality, Restaurant Call: 703-795-5591 records management, supplies and fax services. [email protected] or fax to 202-667-0532. LIBRARY Merrill, an equal opportunity employer offers: MANAGEMENT Retail—Managers, Manager Trainees Harold The Greene Turtle Sports Bar And Grille is fun, Pener, hands on exp. Fax resume 301-853-7855 • $2,500 Starting Bonus* PROCESS SERVER or call 704-258-2274 DC PUBLIC LIBRARY - SUNDAY SERVICE • Competitive Salary Experience Necessary. Over $20/hour. Prince dynamic and growing and we are currently PART-TIME LIBRARIANS • Medical, Dental, Prescription and Vision Plans George’s and Montgomery Cos. Call 410-415-0133 seeking a qualified, experienced Kitchen • 401K with company match* Manager. We offer a competitive salary, health Real Estate insurance and great benefits. Please e-mail RETAIL OPENINGS The D.C. Public Library is seeking P/T librarians for • Growth and Advancement Opportunities FDY, Inc, Food Service Mgt. Co. has several PT and FT Sunday service (12:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.) in neighborhood resume to [email protected] or Declare Your call 202-637-8889 Cashier positions available at Bowie State Univ., Bowie, libraries. ALA-MLS degree + exp with adult/children. * Please inquire about details MD Applicant will be responsible for cash handling, Must have superior customer service skills. For more Independence! food prep and sanitation. Prior exp. in retail outlets info, see our website www.dclibrary.org/jobs To Apply: To become a part of our exceptional manage- Restaurant (Pizza Hut/KFC fast food) is ideal. Scheduled hrs Submit a DC 2000 Employment Application + resume ment team, you are encouraged to apply by Break free of the rat race of corporate America. between 8Am-8Pm Wkly. Sal $8.25-8.50 per hr with to: Human Resources Dept, Rm. 423, Martin Luther submitting a confidential resume to resu- Start your own business and become independently Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli comp. benefits. Complete app. at Bowie State Univ. King, Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G Street, N.W., Washing- [email protected] Please be sure to wealthy. If you would like to experience true America’s fastest growing deli, Heidi’s Brooklyn Dining Service Wiseman Center or call 301-860-3845 ton, D.C. 20001 or email to: [email protected] include ‘SM-DCNOVA‘ in the subject area of the financial independence, we can show you how to for appointment EEO/AA Employer email. start your own business and take control of your Deli is seeking reliable, energetic and enthusias- destiny with low risk and minimal capital tic individuals to fill the following positions: Sales-Carpet Sales— FT Experience. Mechanic investment. The first step is to get your real estate •Server 703-771-3383. Maintenance license. Visit www.longandfoster.com/careers for a •Prep Truck & RV repair. VA Inspector is a plus. Mon-Fri, • Housekeeper 7:30-4:30p. Good pay & benefits. 703-444-8900. list of day, evening or Sat. classes in over 70 SALES locations throughout Mid Atlantic area. Do it now • Cashier LEAD MAINTENANCE MEDICAL ASSISTANT and declare your independence today! Call or email Wages are generally above area competitors. CHANGE YOUR LIFE, NOT JUST YOUR JOB TECHNICIAN FOR RESTAURANTS Exper req’d. Fax resume: us for a FREE info packet on getting your real estate 703-461-0803 license. Please visit Yvette or Sonny at 1710 H Street NW, Work with us and learn how to make Popeyes franchisee in MD/DC/VA is looking to 800-543-3365 Washington DC 20006, just two blocks from the hire a FT lead maintenance person to repair Medical Billing [email protected] Farragut West and Farragut North metro $6K per month. restaurant equipment in its 12 area stores. www.longandfoster.com stations. Must have valid drivers license. Must be expe- Medical Biller. FT w/benefits. $12-$18/hr. DME Join us now and receive: rienced w/restaurant equip, refrigeration, elec- co. 1-3 yrs billing exper. preferred. Fax resumes Salary/25-40% trical, plumbing, painting, drywall and HVAC to 703-370-7985. Retail Commission plus bonuses certified. Must be able to work in the U.S. Salary Research is negotiable. E-mail resume/refs/salary reqs. to MEDICAL JOBS VA — Temp & Temp-to-Perm in • Paid Training [email protected] Fairfax, Alexandria and Arlington for Med Recepts & PROJECT SPECIALIST • Full benefits package or fax to: (703) 698-0117, Attn: A. Burd Med Assts. 2+ yrs Dr ofc exper req’d. Good $$. Fax • Company car allowance MSA 703-921-3861. The Washington, DC Research Advancement Office Candidates must: MEDICAL TEMP JOBS - MD/DC/VA — Avail immed of the University of Southern California (USC) seeks NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR a Project Specialist to join its dynamic team. Must • Have a Valid Drivers License for exp’d Med Asst’s and Med Recepts. Fax MSA STARBUCKS JOB FAIR • Be at least 24 years of age 703-921-3861. be energetic, self-motivated, and very detail-oriented. Responsibilities include interacting • Be able to work demanding hours MENTAL HEALTH with USC faculty, federal funding agencies and Is outstanding customer service your priority? researchers around the U.S. and the world, and Are you someday interested in management You also MUST have: PSYCHOTHERAPIST analyzing data related to USC’s research activities. opportunities in a socially responsible, friendly • A PROFESSIONAL neat appearance (CCSW, LMFT or LPC) Very competitive salary and excellent benefits company? Are you interested in comprehensive • Very good communication skills package. Bachelor’s degree in science or benefits that include tuition reimbursement, Justice FCU, a full service credit union serving retirement, and stock options? Apply in person the Justice and Law Enforcement communities To provide therapy for ED/LD students in private day engineering w/2 yrs. experience required. school in PG County. Excellent salary & benefits. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for over 73 years, has an immediate opening for Combined experience/education may substitute. If so, we need you! 10:00am-11:30am Network Administrator in our Chantilly, VA cor- Resume to Gail Alexanderwicz, 7100 Oxon Hill Rd., Apply online at www.usc.edu/jobs. Search req ID Oxon Hill, MD 20745 or fax to 301-839-6392. EOE 22931. Equal Opportunity Employer. Starbucks is currently hiring full-time and porate offices. The selected candidate will, part-time baristas and shift supervisors, under general direction of IT Manager, manage PAINTER NEEDED J assistant managers, and store managers for our Justice FCU s local area networks (LAN) and For residential work, Northern Virginia. RESTAURANT DC Metro stores! TEMPLE HILLS, MD wide area networks (WAN). The position partici- Background check required. Call 703-915-2022. 301-899-7800 pates in the configuration of the network, re- Greeters, Seaters & Experienced Servers On Tuesday, September 25, 2007, we are holding searches technical manuals and brochures, and Part Time a city-wide job fair at the following store SALES/MANAGEMENT/BOOKKEEPING recommends purchases of servers, worksta- CLEAN WATER ACTION. Want an awesome part time locations: Office supply co. in Landover looking for experi- job where you can make a difference and make tions, peripherals, and software. The selected • 21st & P Streets, NW enced personnel. Opportunities available in sales, candidate should have the ability to test and some money? Come work with us: speak truth to management and bookkeeping. Call 301-322-5600. power, fight against the corporate agenda, and • Chinatown - 800 7th Street, NW evaluate hardware and software to determine • Tenleytown - 4513 Wisconsin Avenue, NW SALES/MARKETING MANAGEMENT OPPTY efficiency, reliability, and compatibility with the clean up our environment. 4:30-9:30 pm, $9-$11/hr Full and Part Time. Apply in person 2-6 PM Entry level $600-$900/wk + BONUS, Flexible Schedule, Merit-Based Promo- • Pentagon Row - 1101 S. Joyce Street, system and recommend upgrade components Medical, Dental & Health Club Benefits Arlington, VA Opportunity to learn marketing and tech integration when necessary. Bachelors Degree in Computer tions. Call Today, Start Making a Difference Tomor- Alexandria, VA (King St Metro) 703-739-0777 in education field. Preset/pre-qualified appoint- Science or related field; 5 or more years experi- row! 202-895-0420 ext 113. Please come by between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm ments. NO EXPERIENCE. Training provided. ence supporting Windows operating systems to fill out an application and have an on-the-spot Salary/commission. Car required. and intimate knowledge of Windows NT/Win- interview! 703-683-8900 dows 2000, 2003 and Active Directory, XP, Microsoft applications and BackOffice solutions; SECURITY SUPERVISOR-PT Microsoft Windows Certified Systems Engineer Retail Ideal for retired law enforcement officer. Flexible (MCSE); Microsoft Windows Certified Profes- hrs. Scheduling, T & A, Roving, management of sional (MCP), and the ability to troubleshoot security officers. Call: 301-352-9070. system issues independently is expected. Justice FCU offers a competitive salary and one SECURITY of the best benefits package around that in- cludes generous leave, (including your birth- NOW HIRING!!! DC PUBLIC LIBRARY day!), 401k with excellent employer match, SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS health, dental and prescription coverage, tuition ASSISTANT MANAGERS reimbursement, training opportunities and The D.C. Public Library is seeking Special Police more! Please Visit Us: Officers for its Public Safety Dept. For more info, For other job openings, check out our website, Thursday, September 20th see our website at www.dclibrary.org/jobs. To www.jfcu.org. Please e-mail resume and salary 9:00am - 2:00pm Apply: Submit DC 2000 Employment Application requirements to [email protected]. For all open posi- & resume to: Human Resources Dept. Rm. 423, SAVE-A-LOT CAREER FAIR Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G tions, good credit history and the ability to pass a 5600 Silver Hill Road background check are required. EOE St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 or email to: District Heights, Maryland 20747 [email protected]. EEO/AA Employer.

Newspaper Service Technician BUILD A SOLID CAREER WITH JC EHRLICH COMPANY Work with “America’s finest” pest control company according to PCT Magazine, JC Ehrlich is 76 year leader in the service industry with 42 locations in the Mid-Atlantic region. Comprehensive Newspaper Carriers Needed training program includes career level advancement, compensation consists of base wage, incentives, bonus, major medical,vision, dental, paid vacations, 401k retirement plan and Early AM, 7 days a week. Great PT income. profit-sharing. Starting salary $30-40k with potential to mid 50k. We prefer to train candidates Routes currently available: with a solid work history dealing with the public, and ability to work on their own. Service vehicle and tools provided. Our rapid growth had provided career opportunities in our Washington Oxon Hill, Forest Heights DC/PG County, MD office. 301-446-1500 Contact Danny Harper at 301-516-0682, Howard University area, LeDroit Park fax 301-516-7938 or email resume to [email protected] 202-352-6542 For other areas in MD and DC, please call: JC Ehrlich is an Equal Opportunity Employer 301-446-1500 We welcome all men and women to apply. <>=30Hk ( &! &k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds

TEACHERS CDA or college 90 hrs. SE/DC. 202-562-6195 or 202-388-6711. Warehouse Become a JOBS Commissary TEACHERS Warehouse Supervisor Certified SECURITY Immediate PT openings for private high school in Supervisor needed to assist w/daily activ. of lrg Computer Tech downtown area. operation on Mil. base in MD. Req: forklift licenses, DC PUBLIC LIBRARY • Spanish level 1, 8:15-9:45 min 3 yrs super exp. Pref in commry or warehouse, in just 8 weeks Public Safety Manager • Pre Calculus 1:35-3:05 work flex schedule incl.alt weekends & pass Fed • Environmental Science 1:35-3:05 Govt clearance process. To apply send cover letter The DC Public Library is seeking a manager to head its Fax resume 202-785-2228 w/sal req and resume to [email protected] ATTN: Office of Public Safety. Salary Range: $88,545 - 07-CO-02-EX or fax to 202.715.2611. For details see $123,963 depending on experience + benefits. For TEACHERS www.dcgoodwill.org EOE.M/F/D/V more info, see our website: www.dclibrary.org/jobs TO Private day special education schools in Alexandria, Warehouse APPLY: Submit DC 2000 Employment Application & VA and Prince George’s County, MD for ED/LD Open House!!! On-the-spot Interviews... (888) 639-6244 resume to: Human Resources Dept., 901 G St., NW, students. Applicants must be certified or eligible for Steadystaff is hiring 75 Warehouse Workers with Washington, DC 20001, Rm. 423 or email to: certification in special ed. Excellent salary and Palletjack experience for a major Landover Distribu- Become A [email protected] EEO/AA employer. benefits. Fax resumes to Gene Meale, 703-941-4237 tion Center. $10/hr to start. Must pass Background or send to: Leary School, 6349 Lincolnia Rd., Alex., Check & Drug Test. Apply Tuesday, Sept. 18th from LICENSED PRACTICAL Security Guard VA 22312. EOE. Noon - 2pm ONLY: PT on Call. Must be 21 +. DC guard license pref. Holiday Inn Express NURSE (LPN) IN 12 MOS. Willing to train. Wkly pay. All shifts avail. Apply at 9101 Basil Court Largo, Very low tuition. AIIH 703-486-0111 www.ppssvc.com or 1050 17th Street, NW WDC MD 20774 20036, or fax resume to 202.496.1286. 301-362-3081 CAREER TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 3 MONTH/BUSINESS DENTAL ASSISTANT TRAINING CENTER Now Offering Classes. Ft. Wash, Md. Financial assistance. English or Bilingual 301-437-7784 Security Project Managers / Technicians - JOB FAIR! NetVersant Solutions, Inc. is holding a job fair at the Marriott Courtyard - Columbia 8910 Stanford Blvd. Tuesday, September 18th 7am- 7pm. Join the team! We have immediate openings for Security Project Managers and Technicians. If you are unable to attend but would like to apply, please send resume to: [email protected] or Fax (832) 202-2876 or call (713) 403-5594. Background check required. Drug free workplace. Acceptable MVR required. EOE.

Security SECURITY OFFICERS 50 immediate openings. Downtown DC. All shifts. Weekly pay, no experience necessary. Apply 9am-5pm, CES Security 8555 16th St, Ste 100, Silver Spring, MD. 301-608-8264.

Security Whelan SFI is currently seeking a qualified, experienced Project Manager for our con- tracted client. The individual will be responsible for multiple sites in the DC area, and oversee day-to-day operations of the contract. Required skills are managing payroll, scheduling, em- ployee interviewing, customer satisfaction, innovated trainer, excellent interpersonal skills, high degree of self confidence, experience with handling disciplinary issues, good oral and com- munication skills. All interested candidates TELEMARKETING please fax your resume to Liz Wells, HR Manager $75,000 Full Time at 301-459-2366. $42,000 Part Time Start earning the money We are also currently seeking Full Time Secu- you deserve! rity Officers for VA locations. Qualified individu- Work enthusiastically for our als must possess at least one year of security experience, have good customer service skills, Award Winning excellent work ethics. Must pass drug test, Marketing Co criminal record check, Motor vehicle informa- We are located in Laurel@ tion required. We offer good working environ- 312 Marshall Avenue ments, competitive wages, paid vacation, health *Call us today* benefits, and free uniforms. Apply online at: sfi.appone.com Novo1 301-361-1111

SPORTS AND MARKETING ENTRY-LEVEL MANAGEMENT Work with pro NFL/NBA/MLB sports teams. CONSTRUCTION Positions in Sales, Mgmt., Public Relations & Mar- keting. Professional image a must. Will train. Up to MANAGEMENT $800-$1000/wk. Call Melissa, 571-633-2330. www.skyhighmktginc.com Train for a career in Construction Management at Supervisors Westwood College SupervisorsJanitorial supers needed for Gov. con- Call 877-852-9712 today to receive your tracts in DC. Req: floor care exp, min 2 yrs sup. exp, free Career Success Kit! ability to clear Fed Security Clearance to work in www.westwood.edu/locations office building. To apply send cover letter w/sal req and resume to [email protected] ATTN: 07-CO- 03-EX or fax to 202.715.2611. For details see www.- dcgoodwill.org EOE.M/F/D/V CRIMINAL JUSTICE Train for a career in Criminal Justice at Systems Engineer needed for DC research/IT firm. M.S. and 2+ yrs. exp. See www. Westwood College. Call 888-792-5125 macrosysrt.com/employment.htm for details; today to receive your free email resume: [email protected] Career Success Kit! www.westwood.edu/locations TEACHERS/EARLY CHILDHOOD ENTERTAINMENT PROMOTERS JOB FAIR NEEDED. Earn $1500+ per week. Wednesday, September 12, 2007 comm. No exper. necessary. Call: 4:00-7:00 PM 1-888-632-9966 or visit: www.celebri- Marriott Child Development Center 10400 Fernwood Road typroductions.net/info.cfm. Bethesda, Maryland 20817 Located near Montgomery Mall MASSAGE THERAPY We are seeking Teachers who have experience with Evening Classes Starting! children from birth to three years old. Infant, Toddler and Twos Teachers are priorities at Marriott. Positions CALL TODAY! require an AA/BA in ECE, CDA, or 12 Early Childhood (202) 282-3012 College Credits with 1 year child care experience. We offer excellent benefits: paid sick, vacation and holi- VMT Education Center days; health, dental, disability insurance; tuition reim- An Allied Health School bursement, 401k, career advancement, training, free gym membership, hotel discounts and much more. 4201 Connecticut Av NW, #300 Washington, DC 20008 Apply on-line at brighthorizons.com/careers Metro redline stop Van Ness/UDC More information, email [email protected] Bright Horizons is an Affirmative Action Employer, Committed to diversity in our workplace. !'k4G?A4BBk ( &! &k<>=30H Classifieds

Alexandria City/Rt 1 Chevy Chase—$2450+ util, 5306 Nevada Ave, Avail CAREER TRAINING AND TRAIN TO BECOME A Highrise, Garden Apts & Twnhms NOW. 3 br, 2 ba, Safe,clean: W/D, AC garden. Close SALES & AUCTION Numerous Amenities! to Metro, AU,Park EZ parking Kevin 202-362-9813 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MEDICAL ASSISTANT CHEVY CHASE $3500 Move in by 10/1/07 4BR, 2BA, renovated colonial, hdwd flrs, new kit, IN LESS TIME THAN *$400 Move-in Credit frpl. avail. 10/1. Call Menkis Real Estate Grannite Grannies 301-946-4050 YOU THINK Grand Opening Sale * No App. Fee Three locations to choose from! * 4th Month Free College Park/Lanham—Spacious 5BR 2.5BA SFH. $26 per sq ft Deck, media rm. Metro, UMD. 2195 Avail now - call Carydale East 703-751-7576 Ken 240-432-4707 Everest College Arlington Campus This Saturday *Carydale Village 703-780-6244 COLLEGE PK—SFH. 4-5 BR/3 FB, 2 sep entrances, nr 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 301-627-7630 Holly Court 703-765-7039 UMD/Greenbelt & Coll Pk Metros/bus. 240-535-9665 Arlington, VA 22203 Rolling Hills 703-780-0161 Conn Ave @ 3000 (directly across from Zoo) Washington Ave 703-765-7039 Charming & spacious 1 BR from $1580 & 2 TICKETS www.carydale.com bedroom from $2475 apartment homes available. Everest College Tysons Campus Beautiful wood floors, some w/large foyer & closet 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 ALEXANDRIA EHO (s). 3 blks to metro, Conveniently located close to McLean, VA 22102 REDSKIN TICKETS (2)—$350/pair.Sec.453,Row BREN MAR APARTMENTS Dupont Circle & Adams Morgan On-site retail ame- 10. Grn Prkg. 6 games avail. No Phila. 703-906-5555. • Just 1/4 mile to I-395 nities & parking. Pls. call 866-761-9048 REDSKINS TICKETS • Newly renovated apts with washer & dryer www.bernsteinapartments.com Everest Institute Silver Spring Campus Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO 8757 Georgia Avenue Great lower level seat available for entire 2007 • Fitness center, business center & pool season & individual games. Great seats and prices! •DogPark/petsupto100lbs. Dupont Circle (17th & Q) Newly Silver Spring, MD 20910 Over 20 years in the business. 1BR starts $1170* 2BR starts $1380* renovated 1 bedroom w/ den starting from 703-904-0647 SAVE up to $1000 off!* $2200 & 2 bedroom starting from $2450 apart- CALL: 888-259-5889 BRING IN THIS AD & SAVE $100!* ment w/ wood burning fire place, state of the art VA schools are SCHEV Certified www.brucehallsports.com 1-888-361-3043 kitchen, washer and dryer in the apartment, HVAC, WASHINGTON REDSKINS/DALLAS COW- roof deck, CATV and Panoramic views of the neigh- BOYS—November 17/19, 2007 at Texas Stadium. Alexandria—OldTwn-Lg 1br/treetop vu of heart of borhood. Conveniently located only 3 blocks to Complete Football Package. Contact JB OldTwn/on PotomacRiv/ fresh renov/ hdwd flr/ new Dupont Circle Metro. Shops & restaurants at door PARAMEDIC TRAINEE 301-449-3478 for details. appliances/ $1689 incl util/ 703-217-3049 steps. Call Joyce today at the The Dupont Executive Come join our paramedic trainee program. Classes ALEXANDRIA—Spacious 3 lvl TH w/ 3BR, 2F/2H BA, Apts, 1633 Q Street, NW 877-855-2596 meet weekly. Upon completion you will take the Off Richmond Hwy, $2000 703-389-7088 www.bernsteinmgmt.com certification exam. Call for details. Close to Metro PETS Bernstein Mgt.Corp. EHO Anacostia—$1400, 2111 18th Street SE, Apart- ECKINGTON/NE —Large renovated 2BR apt, W/D. Center. ment-Unfurnished, 900 sf, 2 BR, 1BA, water, gar- N Cap/RI Ave. Available immediately. $1350 + WESTLINK CAREER INSTITUTE bage, 12 months, newly ren, new w/w carpet, ac, cane corso—male, fawn, 11 weeks, all shots, tail electric, 202-427-7122 Sec 8 welc. 202-321-5596 202-383-2899 docked. $1000.00 call#202-236-2201 or FOGGY BOTTOM/G.W. EHO 240-315-8177. ARL N—2 BR$1475-1500. All utils incl. Walking Large Eff apts (some with balconies) avail immed. 24 CHIHUAHUAS—AKC, First shots & worms, 9wks dist. to Metro/shopg, 2 mi. to Key Bridge. Call hr. desk, pool on roof. H/W floors, util paid. Starting Pharmacy Technician old, $500 College Park, MD. 240-417-0434 703-527-1991 at $1450. Call Resident Mgr at 202-296-1645. Hous- One of the fastest growing dashchund—mini 1m & 3fem 4-4.5 mths, regis. www.fortstrongapartments.com ing Choice Vouchers welcome where rental career fields! Westwood College micro. S&W georgous personalities! Moving must Arlington amounts are within voucher limits. sell! $400 & up 540-878-9523 2 Bedroom Apartment Near Lee Highway and FOGGY BOTTOM/GWU EHO CALL TODAY! Train for a new and exciting career at DC’S AQUARIUM SUPER STORE Glebe Rd. 1 Mile to Ballston Metro. $1250 all THE ELISE (202) 282-3012 Westwood College. Call 877-852-9712 utilities inc. 703-536-5799 Large Eff & 1BR apts avail immed. Eff. from $1350. SCALES TROPICAL Johnson Associates, Inc. All utilities included! Call 202-333-7711 for Spe- VMT Education Center today to receive your free Arlington/Rosslyn Several Locations FISH WAREHOUSE cials. Housing Choice Vouchers welcome where An Allied Health School Career Success Kit! ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS! rental amounts are within voucher limits. 744 Cloverly St., Silver Spring, MD On-Site Parking, Walk Metro FORESTVILLE PARKLAND VILLAGE APTS.1BRS www.westwood.edu/locations 301-384-7839 www.scales-tfw.com *Tuition Assistance Available Upgraded Apts, 1&2BRs from $834, 2 BRS from $974, W/D, W/W carpet, German Shepherd—A.K.C. PUPS Males OFA 703-671-4045 or 703-861-7605 dishwasher. For immediate occupancy. 4201 Connecticut Av, NW, Ste 300 POSITIONS WANTED CHAMP Sire;2-YR Guar Blk/TN; Loudoun Co; www.carydale.com 1-888-288-2159 Washington, DC 20008 540-338-4024 breezewoodkennels.com BELTSVILLE—3BR TH. Clean, quiet neighb. ROTTWEILER PUPS—CKC, tails, dew claws, de- $1600/mo. 240-353-5214 Fort Washington EHO Metro redline stop Van Ness/UDC wormed, ready in 1 wk. $600-$700. 540-907-3730 CNA— seeks live-in job. 20 yrs experience. Good BETH—Spacious 2BR Condo, top flr, spectacular 5% DISCOUNT FOR references. Call (407) 973-8954. Schnauzer Min—AKC, $450, M/F, 8 wks, Bl & S/P, view, secure bldg, prkg. $1650 util inc. 240-672-6185 Military, Teachers, Prepare for a new life! hlth grt’d, 1st Shots, Severn Area, 240-461-3220 BETHESDA $3450 Firemen, & Police! Make a difference, BUSINESS AND Shetland Sheepdog—5 males available, tri, sable 5BR,3BA renovated, hdwd flrs, new carpet, 2 frpls, even with the little ones merle and dark sables. Champion bloodlines. $550 huge fncd yd, call Menkis Real Estate 301-946-4050 Metrobus at your FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES includes partial delivery. 540-641-0926 Bowie—$1995, 1500 Pittsfield Ln, Sgl Fm Hse, 1800 front door as an Ultrasound Technician. WESTIE PUPS — AKC, Cute & adorable, 2 Ms, 25 YEAR ESTABLISHED AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS sf, Crn Lt, 3 br 2 ba; FR, gar, new flrs/app, shed, wd, Train in less time than you think! parents on prem, vet ckd, S & W, guar., paper trained fp 301-802-4904 & REAL ESTATE FOR SALE— Or a 5 year lease $500. 202-399-6495. ROSECROFT Career services available w/option to buy. Business consist of tire sale & BOWIE—Bsmt rm & MBR. Nr. Metro & MVA. YORKIE PUPS— All sizes. AKC, Gorgeous! Shots & 301-755-7268 service. Auto accessory sale & is a complete auto dewormed. $850 +. Best Prices. Call 703-346-4064. MEWS Financial Aid for those who qualify. repair center. Located directly on Rte 50 in Cam- BOWIE/GLENDALE—5BR TH nr Metro. $2000+ utils. Yorkshire Terrier—ACA,7 wks.3 Females 900 & up, 2428 Corning Ave Training includes an externship! bridge, MD. For more info. about this money making Avail immed. 202-497-0239, Lv msg. Fort Washington, MD 20744 oppty call 410-221-1200 or 410-228-9201. 3 Males 750 & up. All home raised, Vet. ck, 1st. Bowie $2200 For a Brochure, shots, will be ready by Sept. 24th. Call 717-485-4990 Townhouse for Rent! 1,2, 3 BRs from $859 call now! 888-771-2433 or email [email protected] 16108 Edenwood Dr, 3 br, 2 ba, 1 1/2ba, 1 Car gar, STUFF yorkshire terrier—$1500, male, 1yo, akc. up to brick front, 301-254-7034. Sanford-Brown Institute date shots.great w/ kids. house broken. 4 gene • Washer/dryer in unit BRENTWOOD—2 BR/1BA hse nr Metro & schl. Pvt • Private Balcony or Patio blood line. must sell do to houseing arrangement. prkg. CAC. $1100. 202-549-3833. 8401 Corporate Dr. Ste 500 8’ Pool Table—Connelly table like new. Vinyl cover, lots extra call 4106108268 • Wall to wall carpet Landover, MD 20785 ball set, 8/9 ball racks, cues, cue rack. $2,000 OBO, yorshire pups—LEESBURG VA for sale 6 weeks old BW PKWY 3901 53rd St. • Dishwashers Lg 2BR: $895. AC, new kit & appls, hw flrs. Incl utils. Reston, 703-715-0963 pure&adorable 3M $1200 1F $1500 call Rosie • Parking Included 202-362-5919. Quality First Training Center 8PC-Cherry sleighbed set New in boxes $585. (571)220-6877 • PETS WELCOME Can deliver. 301-343-8630. Nice set CAP HGTS — 3BR, 2FBA, Huge bck yard, newly CALL TODAY: Classes start soon Call 301-270-5105 ALEXANDRIA 22312 703-819-4512 renov. Wlk to Metro. $1450. 202-413-3599. PHLEBOTOMY-10 WK PROGRAM 6363 LINCOLNIA RD 10-6PM RENTALS CAP HILL—New English Basement 1BR, back yd, 1-866-652-4957 SAT/SUN/MON - OLD VA PIECES washer/dryer, Eastern Market Metro $1000 incl CNA 4 WEEK PROGRAM, CNA to GNA Hours: M-F 9-5PM Sat 10-3PM PROGRAM-72 hrs. CPR-6 HRS. ANTQ & VINTAGE TREASURES utilities avail 10/1. 202-415-4011 BD $130 full sz. new in plastic. CAP.HTS—Rent to Own, 5BR, 2BA SFH. Fin bsmt, all Open late Tues & Thurs 6475 New Hampshire Ave, #501 400 M Street. —New Building. 1BR $877-$993. Can del. 240-372-6691/703-961-8383 2 BR $1001-$1134. Metro, A/C, d/w, w-w, interior appls, $1800/mo. Any credit ok. Call 301-638-0004 Hyattsville, MD 20783 www.homesjust4u.com Job Placement Assistance BD—$245/King Pillowtop Set courtyard, parking avail 202.547.6814. EHO Fort Washington EHO Day/Eves Classes. Approved by State of Md. Board of brand new/plastic, can del. 301-343-8630 Capital Heights—$1800, 5932 Applegarth Pl, TH, 4 Adams Morgan/18th & Columbia Rd. Beautiful br, 1 ba, 1 1/2ba, Close to Metro Avail now Sect 8 OK 5% DISCOUNT FOR Nursing & Md. Higher Ed. Comm. www.qfmi.com BLOWOUT SALE! Military, Teachers, Firemen, & Police! Hardwood floor $5.98 sq ft. Carpet $1.59 sq ft. Price historic bldg. located in the heart of Adams Morgan 301-856-3727 includes installation. 301-341-2499. w/fine dining & shopping at your door steps. Eff’s. Metrobus at your front door TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN DAY BED—Twin Trundle. Cargo Brand. Honey Pine. from $1310 & 1 Bedroom from $1410 incld utils. ROSECROFT MEWS Very gently used. $240. Call 703-599-0629, MELWOOD APTS, 1803 Biltmore St, NW., HOMELAND SECURITY 866-528-2905. 2428 Corning Ave Springfield, VA Fort Washington, MD 20744 AT EVEREST COLLEGE Dell/IBM P3 500 - 700 MHZ www.bernsteinmgmt.com Graduate in less time than you think! CD-Rom, 56K Laptops $149 Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO 1,2, 3 BRs from $859 www.PCRETRO.com Adams Morgan Va(703)821-1400 Ax(703)370-5440 Directly across from Meridian Hill Park. • Washer/dryer in unit Tysons Corner Campus FLOORING - BRAZILIAN HDWD CHERRY —800 Hrdwd flrs, renovated kitchens, & on-site parking • Private balcony or patio 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 sqft, best offer. Call 240-461-4857 avail. • Wall to wall carpet Efficiency from $1240(incld utils). • Dishwashers McLean, VA 22102 French Furniture—60‘ rnd dining tbl $550, mahog- • Parking included any hutch $650, custom red/copper sofa $750 CATV & highspeed internet ready. Blocks to Metro, restaurants, • PETS WELCOME Arlington Campus Waterford, VA 703-216-4078 furniture—Love seats (2) & ottoman table, natural Dupont Circle, Adams Morgan, CALL TODAY: 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 wood finish, terracotta color leather $3700 obo and U-St Corridor. 1-866-652-4957 Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 518-5379 The Diplomat Apts. 2420 16th Street, NW. Hours: M-F 9-5PM Sat 10-3PM MATT $150 Qn Double pllwtop set 1-866-850-8808 Open late Tues & Thurs CALL: 888-249-8108 new in plastic. Can del 301-399-7870 Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO VA schools are SCHEV Certified PIANO (Lester)—Betsy Ross Spinet c. 1955. Mahog- ADAMS MORGAN EHO any finish. Includes Bench w/storage. Needs tuning. Large Eff apts on quiet tree lined street near Zoo. Fort Washington EHO $400. 301-279-7110 H/W flrs. all util paid. Eff from $1150. Housing choice 5% DISCOUNT FOR TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN PIANO—Steinway B, (6’10’’) studio Grand Piano, Vouchers welcome where rental amounts are Military, Teachers, Firemen, & Police! CRIMINAL JUSTICE AT ’87, Ebony finish, perfect cond. $45K/obo. within voucher limits. 703-786-1547 Resident Manager 202-234-3636 CAPITAL HEIGHTS— 3BR, 3.5BA, 3 lvl, Deck, Fin. Metrobus at your front door EVEREST COLLEGE Pool Table—Connelly Prescott 8’ Solid Wood w/ Adams Morgan Enjoy Rock Creek Park, shopping bsmnt, W/D, newly remodeled kitchen. $1700. Leather Pockets Excellent cond. $1890.00 - pick-up, and local nightlife. Renovated bldg, spacious flr 301-503-4153 No high school diploma or GED? S.Riding, VA, 202-486-5782 ROSECROFT MEWS We have options! plans and sep. dining rm. On site fitness cntr., bike CATHEDRAL AREA EHO 2428 Corning Ave RECORDS WANTED storage rm.Efficiency from $1200 rent incl. utils. Lg 1 BR apts avail immed from $1495. All utils paid. Fort Washington, MD 20744 Tysons Corner Campus Will pay ca$h. for collection Open daily for inspection Call 202-363-8282 for specials. Housing choice 386-938-5575 THE CHALFONTE 1601 Argonne Place, NW Vouchers welcome where rental amounts are 1, 2, 3 BRs from $859 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 888-512-4791. within voucher limits. McLean, VA 22102 Sofa/LoveSeat Leather, life time warr • Washer/dryer in unit New in cartons $675 301 399-7870 www.bernsteinmgmt.com Centreville—$1695, 2BR/2BA + loft, 1310 sqft. • Private Balcony or Patio Special Hosp Bed & Mattress—$1800, Annandale, Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO condo. Avail 9/15/07. Garage & 1 space. Close to • Wall to wall carpet Arlington Campus VA, 703 941 6412 Electric Triple Action Bed & Side Aldie—Stone Ridge TH - 25145 sodalite sq, $2000 metrobus, schools & Fair Oaks Mall. Flex lease, • Dishwashers 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 Rails. 20 Cell Variable Pressure Mattress toavoid mo. aprx. 3000 sf. Loaded w/ upgrades. 3br, 3bth, Granite, new appliances. Call Robert at • Parking Included Arlington, VA 22203 creating patient bed sores. 1/2 bth, 2 gas fps, wood floors & tiles. Great Schools 703-426-5164 • PETS WELCOME & Comm. amenities. 202-420-0304. Chevy Chase, DC Spacious Efficiency fr $1100 & 1 CALL: 888-249-8093 Alex (Old Town Area) bedroom fr $1500. Incld HVAC, all utils. Hrdwd flrs, CALL TODAY: VA schools are SCHEV Certified 10 mins to dwntwn DC, close to Potomac Bike Path. dining area, great views, sun-deck. CATV & parking 1-866-652-4957 Walk to shopping, bus service @ your door. avail. Fine dining & shopping @ your door steps. Hours: M-F 9-5PM Sat 10-3PM Efficiency from $940 & 2 Bedroom from $1850 Metro accessible. Livingston Apts., 5437 Conn Ave., Open late Tues & Thurs incld utils. Call Mason Hall Apartments today NW. 866-581-4739. Or 888-669-6755 [email protected] www.bernsteinmgmt.com By appt only Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO <>=30Hk ( &! &k4G?A4BBk!( Classifieds

MACOMB STREET/WISC AVE EHO NE/21st St—1BR apt + den. Liv rm, Din rm. Close to Large Eff & 1BR apts avail immed. Next to Shops & Metro. Call 703-403-9321. NORTHEAST EHO RESTON/HERNDON EHO RENTALS restaurants. All utilities included. Call 202-244-4095 NE—3BR, 1.5 BA, fin bsmt, new cabinets in kitchen STUART WOODS APARTMENTS or 202-489-7938. Housing Choice Vouchers wel- & new appls & ceil fans, No cred ck, Low depos. CHOOSE YOUR OWN • Just 1 mile to Reston Town Center • Fitness center, volleyball, tennis & more!! Foggy Bottom - Spacious Efficiencies starting come where rental amounts are within voucher $850. 202-683-9750. ACCENT WALL COLOR at! limits. NE SE —Renov. Effcys & 1BR $700-$725/mo. Sect 8 • Dog Park/Pets up to 100 lbs. from $1250& 1 bedrooms from $1450 with Dy- 1BR starts $1170* 2BR starts $1285* namic views of the city, Blocks to Metro, Kennedy MANASSAS/RENT TO OWN—3BR 1BA TH. Like ok 202-657-2099 FORT CHAPLIN PARK new. $1400/mo & $300 Rent Credit. 703-450-0345 Ask how to SAVE up to $1000!!* Cntr, World Bank, State Dept, Georgetown & GW NEW CARROLLTON— 1 BR Condo w/balc. Hdwd BRING IN THIS AD & SAVE $100!* campus. Central HVAC, CATV & HP internet avail- MCLEAN-FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED flrs, W/D in unit, DW, brand new kit appls, off-st-prkg, Quality Living at a 1-888-748-2858 able. York & Potomac Park Apts. 510-21st St, NW 1BR, 1½BA,w/d, frpl, utils incl. $1600/mo secure bldg. $1150. 202-489-1476 REASONABLE PRICE! (21st & E) 1-866-410-9635 Call 703-893-9018 or 703-489-6604 NEW CARROLLTON—Cls to Metro & 495, 1BR www.bernsteinapts.com Mount Rainer—Gorgeous, renovated SFH at 30th. $750+elec. 240-515-7442 • 5% Discount to all Metro & DC Gov’t. Reston Town Center—Luxury 2BR/2BA W/at- Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO and Upshur. 4BR, 2BA, on 2 floors. Porch, deck, w/d, Old Town—AlexOldTwn/Lg 1br/treetop vu of heart Employees tached pvt. garage, pool&fitnes,lake view $1700 dw, CAC. Formal LR, DR, all hdwd. Cats OK. Avail of OldTwn/onPotomacRiv/ ezDC access/ fresh re- • One block from Metro 7032163700 Fort Washington—$2950 close/nat’l harbor S/F • Ladscaped courtyards Hses, in accok or ft wash 4+br, 3+ba,deck, fps, immed. $2,000. 202-256-6888 nov/ hdwd flr/ new appliances/$1689 incl util/ 703-217-3049 • Free off-street parking Riverdale EHO move/in ready, w/opt to buy 240-417-6645 MT. RAINIER—Close to shops & rec. center. 1BR, • Window treatments FT LINCOLN N.E. —2BR, frpl, patio, bsmt, w/w $700. 2BR $765. Utils. incl. (A/C xtra) 301-277-6202 Oxon Hill— 2BR w/balcony avail in lovely com- 1&2 BR Apts/3BR Townhomes! 5% DISCOUNT FOR carpet, w/d, credit check. $1400+utils. Mt. Rainier — Great 1 & 2BR apts, in a convenient Military, Teachers, Firemen & Police 202-291-2190 plex. Central air/heat, cable ready, laundry facili- 4212 E.Capital St, NE location. On bus line, close to Metro. Prices from ties, close to Greater SE Comm. Hospital. $825 + FT WASH—2BR 2BA patio condo, W/D, secure bldg., $625 + utils. Call today! 301-864-5341, utils. 301-839-7237, 301-559-9111 CALL TOLL FREE (877) 269-4216 Efficiency, 1&2BRs res. pkg. $1600/mo. $3200 to move in. Credit check. 301-559-9111. Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome where Starting at $850 Call 301-888-9702 rental amounts are within Voucher Program FT. WASH. & UPPER MARLBORO—4BR, 2.5 BA TH, CAREER TRAINING AND CAREER TRAINING AND Limits fin bsmt, new cpt, new paint, fence, fpl. $1750. MetroBus at your front door HYATTS & SUITLAND 4BR, 2 FB SFH, new cpt, new EMPLOYMENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES NW—1BR $875 incl utils. Laundry on-site. Ft Stevens On-site laundry, Gourmet Kitchens paint, fncd yd. $1650. With option. 240 398-8200 Prop 301-316-4590 Wall/Wall Carpet, Private Balconies GAINESVILLE— 2 yrs. 4BR, 2½BA SFH, NW— furn bsmnt, BA, PVT entry, kit., TV, a/c, n/s, nice amens.$1999. 703-850-3638 pkg, $795 utils incl. Sec. dep. req. 202-234-5764 JEFFERSON HALL GAITHERSBURG $1950 NW— Gorgeous new 1BR Condo, hdwd flrs, W/D, 5402 Kenilworth Terrace Beautiful 4BR, 3½BA TH w/fin. bsmt, Garage, deck, granite Kitc-S/S appls. $1385. 703-751-0534 secur sys, non smoking. 301-262-1700. Realty Exec- NW & NE—Houses for rent. Avail now. Riverdale, MD 20737 utives 2000 Section 8 accepted. Call 301-927-4040 Georgetown, Charming & spacious efficiency Petworth Meto- 1 Bedroom with Den starting CALL TODAY! from $1380 & 2 bedroom from $2350 available in from $1350 & 2 bedroom from $1535 available! 1-866-906-9224 a distinctive apartment building. with beautiful Conveniently located directly across from the Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5PM; Sat 10-3PM fountain courtyard. Renovated kitchen, all utilities Petworth Metro Station All utils incld. Hrdwd flrs, incl., CATV avail. Near Dupont Circle metro & GU. CATV & highspeed internet avail. Convenient to Riverdale Low Down-Easy Terms Kew Gardens Apartments 2700 Q St NW, shopping, mins to downtown, Howard U & Silver Owner Financing. Move-In Today. Several Homes. 888-818-5721 Spring. Paramount Apts, 829 Quincy St, NW (@ 3/1½. Only $1650/m. Free 32in TV w/ purchase. www.bernsteinmgmt.com Georgia Ave). Pls. call for app’t. 877-832-1124 Call 301-213-7246 Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO www.bernsteinmgmt.com ROCKVILLE $1950 Germantown—$1495.00, TH, 2 br, 2 1/2ba, finished 4BR, 2BA, 1/4 mi to Twinbrook Metro. New carpet, bsmt, Carport, hsi, dw, deck, ww carpet, wd, fp, fresh paint, availl 10/15. Call 703-451-6038 Menkis Real Estate 301-946-4050 GERMANTOWN—Lovely 2BR, 1.5BA TH, 3 lvl, bsmt, fncd bk yard, community pool. $1395. 703-598-7678 CAREER TRAINING AND CAREER TRAINING AND Glover Park. Spacious 1Br Apartment available from $1390, 1 bed w/den from $1650 & 2 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Bedroom from $2280 avail in a garden-style community with a park like setting Near AU, GU & Georgetown. Hardwood flrs, CATV avail. Pls call today to take a tour 1-888-240-7138 Park Crest Apts, 2324 41st St, NW www.bernsteinapts.com Bernstein Mgt. Corp. EHO GRNBELT/LANHAM —3BR, 2½BA 3lvl TH. Fin lower lvl w/fam rm & frpl, den & laundry. New carpet, new paint. Fncd yard. Avail immed $1595. Another TH also avail. $1525 in Riverdale. 301-774-3620. HYATTSVILLE—1BR & 2BR fr $750 + A/C. Nice setting near Nr. Arts District. Off street parking. Call TODAY! 301/927-8339 Hyattsville — 2 BR apt. available in great location. A/C, W/W, walk-in closet. Close to Metro & UMD shuttle. $995 + elec. Call now! 301-864-5933, 301-559-9111.

HYATTSVILLE EHO WALKING DISTANCE TO: • Greenline Metro • Shopping Transportation at your Door!Elementary school across the street. Move In Special. 1 & 2BR from $770! 301-853-2315 Hyattsville EHO

Fall Specials 2BRS FR $729 Open Weekends • Ceiling Fan • Close to Metro, Bus • Laundry Facilities • Walk to Shopping ctr • Abundant closets • Immediate Occupancy Call 866-419-7999 Hyattsville — Spacious 1 & 2BR avail immed. From $895 + elec. W/W, Central heat, balcony. Close to shopping and public transp. 301-559-9111. KENSINGTON— All new 3BR 2½BA SFH. Avail Oct 1. Nr NIH & Bethesda Naval. $2095/m. 240-855-5466 Landmark—1&2Brapts. starting fr $995.00 utils incld. Great location. walk to metro, shopping & entertainment. Call for FALL specials . 703-370-6080 LANDOVER—Bsemt in TH. Pvt entrance & BA. Share kit. Good quiet neighborhood. Metro access. $550+util; Free cable/HBO etc. 301-537-2130. LARGO—$1050, 1BR condo, W/D, w2w carpet, nr PGCC, 301-430-5228 The Real Estate Store. Laurel—$1425.00, 19 Post Office Ave, Condo, 1 br, 1 ba, water, garbage, dw, nr pub transp, newly ren, new carpet, wd, hw flrs, avail. immed. 6 or 12 mos. 240 498 8676. Laurel— TH newly ren, 3BR, 1 1/2BA, fin basmt, stainless appls, deck, fen yd, mins to 95/295/Ft Meade, $2275 (negotiable) 301-604-3729. LeDroit Park $3200.00 Beautiful 4BR/3FB Home $3200.00, 46 W Street NW, Row House, 4 br, 3 ba, 3 Fls, 2 Car Detached gar, fenced yard, new appli- ances, walkout basement, deck, form lr, brick front, hw flrs, 202-577-1999 " k4G?A4BBk ( &! &k<>=30H Classifieds

S.E. 3048 30th ST. —Section 8 ok. 4BR, 2FBA, brand SE Suitland $1900 new renovation. asking $2388. Open Sun. 9/23 SUITLAND EHO Ready For Move In!! RENTALS Noon-3pm. 202-345-2552. Meadow Green Courts TH w/gar 3 br 2.5 bath, eat-in kitchen, 301-856-3727 avail immed near AAFB & metro SE—Effics, 1BR & 2BR apts. $632/mo & up + 1st Full Month Rent Free! Win 3 Months ROCKVILLE/GAITHS—Large 1 & 2BR 1mo free/ electricity. No pets. No Application Fee SW EHO special discounted rates. All utls/cable incl. Furn or Call 202-265-4814 or 202-889-4083 Security Deposit $99 Rent Free* unfurn. Corporate/equip kit/balc. Nr Metro, park Fred A. Smith Co. MAKE US YOUR HOME! w/gym/pool, grocery. Good rates. 301-948-0087. 5% DISCOUNT TO ALL Move in by 9/29/07 & enter the METRO & DC GOV’T. EMPLOYEES Beacon Mgmt. drawing to get 3 Eagle’s Crossing SE EHO Spacious two and three bedroom apartment homes months rent free. Your applicaton at reasonable prices and includes the heat. Conve- CHOOSE YOUR OWN CASCADE PARK nient to shopping, schools & major highways fee is free!! 1brs from $800* ACCENT WALL COLOR! APARTMENTS • Dishwasher • Walk-in Closets 2brs from $850* ENJOY GREAT VALUE & LOCATION 4236 4th Street, S.E. • Wall-to-Wall Carpet Newly Renovated Units Avail. 5% Discount to all Metro GREAT SPECIALS! Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome where & DC Govt. Employees rental amounts are within Voucher Program 5% DISCOUNT LIMITED TIME OFFER! for military, college students, Apply Today & Your Application Fee Limits will be Deducted from the 1st Month’s Rent Open Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat. 10-4 teachers, firemen & police 4BRs $1395 Minutes fr Andrews, Metro & Shops 3BRs $1295 3539 A Street, SE • 24-Hr. Emergency • Walk-in Closets (202) 582-5250 Maint • Central Laundry 2BRs $895 PINEWOOD CHASE • Wall-to-Wall Carpet • Dishwasher 5601 Regency Park Court #8 1BR $665 SE/THE NEW ANACOSTIA 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APTS. CALL TODAY 866-414-2477 132 units, extensive renovations underway, new Call TOLL FREE (866) 416-1325 mgmt., renovated kitchens, new appliances, Win 3 Months Rent Free* Bring In This Ad To Get Your An E&G Community Open Daily/on SUN. 11-3 wood floors & carpet, a/c, on-site laundry. Move in by 9/29/07 & enter the FREE APPLICATION FEE! Housing Choice Vouchers Welcome Ask about specials!!! Open Late Tues/Thurs 9am-7pm Beacon Mgmt. drawing to get 3 *on select units only www.novodev.com months rent free. Your application Must move in by 9/29/07 TAKOMA PARK 202-562-1600 202-270-4442 fee is free!! beaconmanagement.com Win 3 Months Rent Free* Move in by 9/29/07 & enter the Beacon Mgmt. SE/2505 12th Pl—New modern remod. units, hdwd MARBURY PLAZA SUITLAND drawing to get 3 months rent free. flrs, cac, new appls, onsite lndry, pvt. pkg. $950. Minutes fr Metro, Va, Vouchers welcome. 202 583-1778 METRO-CONVENIENT BELFORD TOWERS Downtown DC, 395 & Metro UTILITIES INCLUDED! SE—2BR, 1.5BA w/spacious bonus room, fin bsmt, Is accessible by bus and rail • in walking Newly renovated bathrooms & kitchens distance to nearby shopping ctrs & recre- lndry rm, no credit check, will work w/move in cost. avail. in select units. SILVER HILL APTS. $775. 202-683-9750. ation. Just minutes from Washington D.C. 2300 Good Hope Road SE I-495 and East-West Hwy. CAREER TRAINING AND CAREER TRAINING AND 888-798-1916 • Newly remodeled apt. homes with Open Late Tues. & Thurs. 10am-7pm new kitchens 2BR $950 (select units) EMPLOYMENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES *Call the community for details 3BR start at $1082 beaconmanagement.com • Hardwood floors, Mini-blinds • Laundry facilities on-site gas and water included SE WASHINGTON • Free parking 5% discount to military, government Move-in & Receive A • Directly across the street from employees and students 5 Day/4 Night Cruise for 2! Census Bureau Call Today 866-485-9179 www.beaconmanagement.com 1 & 2 Bdrms. starting at $645 SPECIAL: $300 Sec. Dep. *call the community for details OPEN HOUSE 1 Mo. Free on a 13 mo. lease TAKOMA PK/SIL SPG—1,2&3BRapts avail. $795- SATURDAY 10am-4pm 1 & 2 BRs from $765 $1100. 301-937-0100 • New kitchens TEMPLE HILLS — 2 BR, $900 + Utils. Call • Abundant closet space 301-423-3131 301-613-2030. • Sparkling Swimming Pool TEMPLE HILLS — 3BR house w/bsmt, freshly re- • Choice of Garden or Highrise living mod. Rental refs reqd. $1650. Call 301-613-2030. • Spacious floorplans. SUITLAND NEAR METRO • Gated community ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED!!! TEMPLE HILLS/AAFB Area— Beau. 3-4 BR brk SFH. • Conv. to Anacostia & Southern Ave. Metro. 2 BRS FROM $925 Poss. inlaw suite. Nr bus/Branch Ave Metro REGENCY COURT APTS 866-484-1107 $1800+util. Sect 8 ok. 301-807-3055. Handicapped Accessible Apts. Avail. Income restrictions may apply WINGATE TOWERS & GARDEN APTS 202-563-2300 *See Leasing Consultant for Details SIL SPG/WHITE OAK $1800 3BR, 2.5BA TH, backs to woods, great conditiion. Call Menkis Real Estate 301-946-4050

Silver Spring A GREAT PLACE TO COME HOME TO! 1 Month Rent Free* CASTLEGATE This beautifully landscaped community features New Cabinets, New Carpet, New Appliances and So Much More • Ceiling fan in kitchen • Tile Entrance Foyer • Washer & Dryer in all homes • Swimming Pool/Tennis Courts • Wooded picnic areas • Now under new management! Call Today for details (866) 522-5427 *restrictions may apply Silver Spring—$2500, 8306 Queen Annes Dr., Im- mac. Col. nr. SS METRO, shops, etc. LR, DR, 4 br, 2 ba, 3 Fin. Fls., Garage, lrg. cov. porch, fence yd., wd, fresh paint, refin. flrs, quiet st. 240-441-7008

SILVER SPRING—One BR garden apts. $900 mo. All utilities Included (a/c extra). Across fr Forest Glen Metro. Call 301-593-0485

Southeast AFFORDABLE The Village @ Chesapeake Newly Rehabbed 2 & 3 Bedrooms • W/W carpet • Hardwood Floors • Air Conditioning • Close to DC/MD Metro • 24HR Maint./On-Site Laundry Future on site learning center Section 8 vouchers accepted 888-854-2344 A VESTA PROPERTY EHO

TEMPLE HILLS— 3 BR, 1½ BA duplex, avail 10/1. $1500/mo + utils & sec dep $1500. Call 703-283-6872 <>=30Hk ( &! &k4G?A4BBk" Classifieds

GAITH—Room for rent, shr bath, $400/mo + B utils. SPGFLD— MBR w/priv BA. Pref prof F, nsmkg. $640 ARLINGTON $155,000-$160,000 Columbia Hghts 301.664.9702 No smkg, no pets, 301-768-3646 + Dep. Near 495. Call 703-499-1819 Your choice of (2) ‘fix-up’ efficiencies in River Place, Huge Walk-in Closets...... RENTALS HYATTS—Room avail in 2BR apt., shr. LR, kit. & BA. Springfield—$1250, First Level Entery, 3 br, 1 just 2 blocks to Rosslyn Metro! Walk to Georgetown, Unlike any you have seen, plus we will throw in a Pkg. avail. $450/mo + utils. 301-379-2569 .5ba,.One light Majur hywys.2 parking, too! Low co-op fee incl health club and all utils. condo too!This tasteful renovation will make you LAUREL/COLUMBIA—Prof M shr cln quiet N/S hse, 703-548-4361 appreciate your decision. Great value will keep your Temple Hills EHO lg rm, pool. $595, incl utils/HS inet, cbl. Sterling—$930.00, Large Studio,full bath & storage, ARLINGTON $215,000 bank account full. Washer-dryers,parking avail and 301-412-9917 incl. all Utl.+ internet & Cable .Arman 202-230-4698 Owner will consider paying 6 months of condo fees much more! Come BUY TODAY! Open House Sept 22nd 10-4pm Tysons Corner—$850, TH to share, mstr-BR, prvt for this spacious 2 bedroom 1 bath in Stratton Studios from $139,900 MANASSAS—Shr clean hse. MBR w/pvt BA, dbl House. 1 Mile to Ballston Metro and Mall. Hardwood sink & closet. N/S, No Pets. $600. 703-863-9023 bath, 1/3 util & Sec dep, no pets/smk. 703-242-9119 1 Bedrms from $199,900 • One Month Free*! Tysons Corner—$875, Bright 670sqf LL Town floors, recently renovated. 430 Irving St NW McLean—750 sq ft mstr suite, office, bath, prv entr, www.themcmillan.com frpl, pool, utils, maid, fun/unfurn. $1695. House, 1/3 utilis. one mile, 495, 66, Own entrance, 1 br, 1 ba, LR, no smking/pets, 703-534-9615 ALEXANDRIA $256,900 Long & Foster Real Estate • No Deposit or App Fee*! 703-356-3964. See this model condition 1 bedroom in Pointe at ROCK—M sh 4BR TH w/M,Metro/ MC $600+dep incl UNIV PARK—Hse to shr, 4BR 3½BA, two blks from UMD campus & shops. $690 + utils. 301-633-0001 Park Center with gourmet kitchen and island, new • 1 Bedrooms starting at $850 util+catv+net no pets, furnished. 301-424-2789 appliances including full size washer and dryer. CONGRESS HEIGHTS 3872 9th St. SE Washington, D.C. 20032 • 2 Bedrooms starting at $950 SE—Prof M/F shr condo, n/s n/p, furn, ren, Jacuzzi, Balcony and parking space also! 7 minute private kit, w/d, cable TV. $175-350/wk utl inc. CONDOS FOR SALE shuttle bus to Pentagon City Metro! • Steps to Metro Bus and Rail 202-536-5586 MANOR VIEW II CONDOMINIUMS • Convenient to Shopping SIL SPG/ASPEN HILL — Room for rent SFH, No LINDEN, VA $299,900 Going..Going..Going.. smkg, $495 incl utils. Deposit reqd. Call ALEX/WATERGATE AT LANDMARK—Luxury 1BR Detached home overlooking the Shenandoah Valley • Spacious Closets and Floorplans 301-760-8777. $245K/$270K, Beautiful Marble BA, low flr, in/out in Apple Mountain!! What a view! Great vacation or Jr 1BR - 480 SqFt at $120K Only 2 Left retreat property if you work in the DC area. Owner • Resident Controlled Access SIL SPG/FAIRLAND—TH to shr. Rm for rent w/pvt pool, gated community, free Metro shuttle, W/D, all utilites included in Condo fee. 571-277-1831 will consider rent to own possibilities---Let’s get 1BR - 680 SqFt at $150K-$160K Only 5 Left MARLOW HEIGHTS APTS. BA, avail. Oct. 1. $600 incl utils. Pls call creative! 301-272-5851 Anacostia 202.561.3644 4223 28th Avenue 2BR - 780 SqFt at $185K-$195K Only 5 Left SILVER SPRING — N/S M, lge room, pvt entr, shwr, You Can Afford This.... Temple Hills, Md. 20748 Condo cheaper than you think!You will feel the MANASSAS $179,000 kitc, W/D, cable/internet, nr shpg/Metro, safe, $600. Great sunny 1 bedroom with cathedral ceilings and 3BR - 850 SqFt at $225K Only 1 Left 888.372.3096 incl utls. Call Kim, 240-482-7217. quality and affordability with your first visit.Great *Special for applicants on sept 22nd only. balcony in Battery Heights! Near shopping and SLVR SPR—Beautiful SFH. Bsmnt, 3lg rms, 3FBA, nr Finishes & Amenities too! Exercise Room & Roof Deck Don’t Miss Out - restaurants. Walk to VRE & Metro. Owner will TRUE QUALITY TEMPLE HILLS—TH, 2BR, 1 BA, cac, full carpet, pets bus. Wlk shops. $1,400. 301-806-3588/240-751- consider paying some closing cost! Every unit renovated w/Jacuzzi tub, granite 2970 Visit TODAY ok, sec. 8 ok. $1250. 703-893-3165 1 & 2 Bedrms from $162,900 countertops, front load Wash/Dryer, Stainless Thomas Circle:Live at one of Washington Post’s WARRENTON $475,000 Steel appls, hardwood flrs -all in a totally SPGFLD/BURKE—Shr. 3 lvl. end unit TH, lwr lvl. 210 Oakwood St SE Just listed! Beautiful historic single family farm featured communities. Spacious, bright & charming wlkout w/FB, lg. deck. Fieldmaster Dr. & O’Shad Ln. www.savoycourt.com secure gated community. Onsite parking avail. w/beautiful wood flrs1 bedroom from $1535,all house features 4 bedrooms 3 baths hardwood $575 + 1/3 utils. Avail. now. 703 250-2393 Long & Foster Realtors floors, family room with fireplace, old fashioned YES... YOU CAN AFFORD IT! utils & A/C incld. Cable & highspeed internet ready. If You Qualifyfor the program below Near Dupont Circle, McPherson Square Metro & front porch. This is lovely! Owner will consider RENTALS RENTALS paying some closing cost! $1000 is all you need to settle in 45 days. Metro Cntr. Pls call 888-210-5559 THE SELLER PAYS THE REST!! Belvedere Apts, 1301 Mass Ave., NW. “From The Beltway To The Blue Ridge” www.bernsteinmgmt.com Must qualify w/ *HPAP, *DC Bond & *DC Tax Bernstein Mgt. Corp EHO Marion Cloud Abatement for your payment to be... Tysons Corner EHO TYSONS GLEN 703 314 7033 With seller’s credit of 6% & D.C. Bond Prg. of 6% • FREE metro shuttle, near I-66 & I-495 www.marioncloud.com 30 yrs. fixed coupled w/HPAP Prg= total • Pool & Fitness Center Keller Williams Realty monthly payment $936 for 2BR @ $185K incl Condo fee. • Dog Run / Pets up to 100 lbs ARLINGTON 2 LUXURY CONDOS FOR SALE 1BR starts $1230* 1BR/Den starts $1315* BRING ALL OFFERS!—Reduced Over $100K! Dazzll- 6% CC w/D.C. Bond Prg. of 6% 30 yrs fixed 2BR starts $1450* ing lux 2-story 2BR 2.5BA PH. Desig Kitch. Granite. Townouse starts $1650* 3BR starts $1820* coupled w/HPAP prg= total monthly payment Marble. Frescoes. Rosslyn, The Atrium, 1530 Key $726 for 1BR unit @ $150,000 incl condo fee. Call & ask how to SAVE up to $1000!* Blvd. Unit 1319. $779K w/prkg. Open same hrs BRING IN THIS AD & SAVE $100!* #1303, 2BR, 2BA PH The Atrium, $665K. Pics: Check This Out! Seller will also pay a whole 1-888-688-3580 www.OwenLombardi.com or call 703-888-8130. year condo fee on all 1BR units www.TysonsGlenApts.com Arlington N New Listing $535,000 Stunning 2BR, 2BA unit w/garage parking & balcony Visit our Open House Sat & Sun 1-4. For More Tysons Corner—$1875, 1800 Old Meadow Rd, ovrlkng pool in the popular Virginia Square Condo- Info. on how to qualify to purchase call : McLean, Condo, 1339 sf, 2 br/2 ba, 1Gar Park, elev, minium. Amenities galore in this luxury bldg: fitness, hsi, dw, balc, nr pub transp, ww carpet, form lr, wd, game & community rms. Located across the street ac, 2022156626 Wyvongela 202 547-2703 from the Metro, short walk to Ballston & Clarendon RE/MAX Allegiance, 202 547-5600. UPPER MARLBORO—4BR, FBA ramb, freshly nghbrhds. Questions? Call Ellen at (703) 351-8095. painted, wd flrs, new carpet, FR, FP, OSP, fncd-in WEICHERT, Realtors yd/shed. $2600. 301-821-5622 Cleveland Park $354000 Deep Creek Lake $242,500 WHEATON $1550 NEW LISTING!!!!!! OPEN SUN 2-5pm Sougth After Deep Creek Lake SFH at apartment price. 2BR, 1BA, new CAC, fresh Ordway Gardens 135 Jeffrey Lane, Condo,900 sf, 3 br, 1 ba, Show by paint, hdwd flrs, Menkis Real Estate 301-946-4050 Rarely available top floor 1BR/1BA w/ sep. dining. appt., eat-in kitchen, walkout basement,berber + WOODBRIDGE —Rent to buy, fully renov new rf, Lots of windows. Light wood floors, fresh paint, new tile,fp,724-498-5216,lake views from deck. wins, paint in&out, hdwd flrs.$1700/mo. 4BR, 2FBA appliances 2005, W/D in unit. PARKING SPACE!!! 1 SFH. 2 mins I95&Ptmc Mills, cmmter lot, slug line. block to Metro, shops, restaurants. N. Conn, Rt DISTRICT HTS/Holly Hill $167,500 571-330-9447 or 703-646-4229 Ordway to 2726 Ordway #5 (3rd Flr) ALL CLOSING PAID— Renov. 2BR 1BA top flr condo Sarah Aschenbach 202.255.1485 w/huge balcony & much more. $500 moves you in. MOVERS DC Living Real Estate202.337.0501 L. Burton,Re/Max One, 301-335-7687. RENTALS RENTALS Movers- DC Metro Movers AMSA certified residential mover. Serving DC, MD, VA. Licensed and insured. Rates begin @ $79/hr. Free Boxes with your move! Free estimates. Short Notice OK. 202-544-MOVE (6683) www.dcmetromovers.com


ALEX/MT. VERNON — 2 prof’l. Females, share large N/S TH, each w/pvt BA. $555, $635 + 1/3 utils. No pets. Call 703-780-2016. ALEX/O.T.—F, N/S, Furn’d room. All utils w/catv. incl. Wlk Metro. All privileges. $800. 703-548-8095 ALEX— Prof, furn’d bsmt, N/S, pvt BA, shr kitc, $715 incl utils. Call 703-960-4485 Alexandria—Rte 1, Luxury townhouse, 1 BR + Prvt Bath, shr w/lady prof, $600 + 1/2 utls, 703-587-2016 ARL— Nr Metro, 2BR & Loft, 1.5BA, Bsmnt, Gar, & Jacuzzi in back. $800 + 1/2 util. 703-535-1576 ARLINGTON N — Room in 3BR, 1BA SFH; nr Metro & shpg cntr, $595 + utls. Avail now. Call 703-276-0161. Bethesda—$800, NS M/F RM, np, Bethesda, 4 br, 2 ba, heat, water, [email protected] BOWIE— Rm for rnt in beaut TH. Shr lrg BA, w/d. Nr PG College, cls to metro. $450+¼utils. 240-882-9706 BURTONSVILLE— Shr hse. Bsmt rm for rent. $800+ all utils. Another BR for $450. 301-512-4400 CAP HEIGHTS—House to shr, nr Metro/Safeway/ laundromat, call anytime 202-403-1444 CAP HTS—CLEAN RMS—$165.00/wk for rent in Capitol Heights near metro 571-451-9388 CAPITOL HEIGHTS—Furn rm nr Metro & shpg, kit priv, sep entr. Cable avail, professional,301-420- 4980 CAPITOL HEIGHTS— Male to Shr. House, $150 and up/week, good transportation. 301-499-6323 CENTREVILLE—Hse to shr, pvt BA, prkg, full kit, no pets $525 util. incl. 703-798-3448; 703-356-9474. Chantilly—$550,1 bdr avbl in 2 bdr garden apt, 1 ba, ult incld contact @ 703-855-5030 COLLEGE PARK—Rm avl in SFH. Utils incl’d. Nr Metro & 495. Inet avl. Non Smkg, $450/mo. 240-688-0711 DOWNTN/Conv Ctr— Nwly renov. Grt loc. Nr transp & shops. Effic: $795. 1BR: $995. Call 202-289-4909 FAIRFAX CITY—Bsmt rm in SFH to shr, w/kit & FBA, prvt entr. Great loc, nr 66 & 50. $700. 571-484-6501 FAIRFAX CITY—Prof. M/F shr 3 lvl TH, Non-smok- ing, NP, $340 + ¼ utils. Rm $385 + ¼ utils. 703-385-0248/703-343-3568 Fort Washington—$700, Allentown & Tucker Rd, spacious 1 br, 1 ba, water, elec, and FIOS TV 202-368-0676. Females only. GAITH—Hse to share. Male. Rm, $299 mo. Nonskmg. Nr Metro. 301-219-1066 "!k4G?A4BBk ( &! &k<>=30H Classifieds

Potomac $559,900 Chevrolet 1996 Impala SS—$15900, great cond, ALL BRICK CAPE IN AVENEL 68K, black ext, gray int, 4 dr, lthr int, alloy wheels, CONDOS FOR SALE Pleasant Gate La, 4 br, 3 ba, newly ren., 2 car parking remote keyless entry, Viper security, Alpine sound, 301-365-2027 new tires. 202-338-8413 FREE Glover Park $348,900 Reston—11547 Links Dr, 4BR 2.5 BA 2300 sq. ft TH, Chevrolet 1995 Corvette—$8499 Aqua Blue Me- ONLY 2 UNITS LEFT gourmet kitch/hdwd flrs/huge yards. MLS tallic, 112k, Loaded LT1-Auto, Full PWR, Keyless, See our tasteful renovation offering you generous #FX6517878. 703-731-8085. OPEN 9/16 1-4. Bose, Looks/Runs Great, (301)639-5839 spaces, quality finishes and a location for you to The River Runs Through It CHEVROLET 1972 NOVA—New hood, new fenders, enjoy summer in the park plus city amenities too! 600 ft River Frontage, Adjoined state forest, 350 motor, 350 trans., $4800. 301-455-4740 Bring your pet and move in now! Call us today! Garrett Country, MD. $159,900 firm. Owner Chrysler 2005 PT Cruiser—$10000.00 obo, excel- 2725 39th St NW 301-616-2349 lent cond, 31 000 mi, CANDY APPLE RED, 0/S www.thearchbold.com UPPER MARLBORO $364K — 4BR Rancher, garage Millitary Move -must sell asap, 571 265 9987 or 703 L&F Realtors 301.664.9701 & more. Special program. $5K grant +. Mr. Jordan 978 4172, Burke, VA, 22015 OXON HILL—Totally renov. 2BR condo, granite, S/S. 202-438-8748. RE/MAX Allegiance. Chrysler 2000 Cirrus—$4000 obo,Xellent cond,- UPPER MARLBORO—Lovely brick TH, 2 MSBR, 120kmi,Silvr ext,4 dr,Orginl Ownr,No Accidnts,Met- FREE Hot Location nr. New National Harbor! $199,500. Tiffany Stone 301-440-8818 2FBA, 2HBA, hdwd flrs, SS appls, fin bsmt, vacant, culus Maint,301-346-9475. Fairfax Realty 301 881-9800 $249,000. Ask for Phil. 301-203-3407 Re/Max CHRYSLER 1995 Town & Country.—Full pwr, alloy UPPER MARLBORO, MD - $220,000 Renov 2BR 2 VIENNA FFX METRO $489,900 whls, lthr, looks/runs good. Waldorf, Md $1900. full BA condo in Tree Top. MLS# PG6511036. Walk to Metro. Lg Gorgeous 4 BR/3.5 BA End Brick 703-901-2106; 301-885-2371. www.WilliamDavisRealEstate.net. Bill Davis.- TH. Pvt, facing woods, fully remod. New kitchen, Dodge 1999 Durango—$3500, Green ext-Gray int, 301-821-7615. Long & Foster 301-449-9100. baths. Sep inlaw suite, huge deck. Pool, tennis. Nr 4 dr, 4x4, auto, alloy wheels, a/c, remote keyless hwys, shops. 9533 Poplar Leaf Ct. Fairfax. olrea entry,162K, 301-370-5889 Kash Lalvani 703-856-1436 DUMP TRUCK—2001 Kenworth Triaxle W-900-guar- HOUSES FOR SALE Long & Foster, Realtors anteed work for the right person w/credit. Financing Vienna, VA $569,900 avail. Md insp. ready to work. asking $73,000. Wonderful cottage-style Cape Cod w/many up- 240-508-5621 FREE A FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER? —FHA/conv/no dwn, dates. 4 BR, 2.5 BA on .4 acre lot. Great loc: close to Ford 2004 Escape—XLS 6 cyl 4WD, $10,900, good grants/nongrants avail, MD & DC. Pre-Qual:Appts metro, shops, schools, etc. Dir: Lee Hwy to Cedar Ln, condition, new tires, 51k mi, Navy blue ext, 5 dr, Only. Steve-Realtor 202-236-8086 Fairfax Rlty Inc Entrance Overlook 2354. Open Sat & Sun 1-4 pm. automatic, 571.278.9799 571.278.0756 Alexandria - Fairfax County $329,895 Roz Drayer (703) 283-4334 Ford 2001 Ranger—$6500, Super Cab, man, 2WD, 4415 Aspen Dr,22309 Open House 09/15 & 16 Prudential Carruthers Realtors 3L V6, good cond, 85k mi, purple ext, gray int, 2 dr, 11-4 Bring All Offers WILL REPAIR YOUR CREDIT IN 60 DAYS—Call now alloy wheels, abs, 571-275-1260 End unit T/H 3/2.5/1400sq to remove bankruptcies, judgements, liens, foreclo- FORD 1992 TAURUS—Auto, 4 dr, only 83K, runs BANK OWNED—A SURPLUS OF BANK OWNED sures, late payments and more from your credit great. $1100. Call 202-744-7187 HOMES HAS JUST BEEN RELEASED! BUY NOW WITH report. Results are guaranteed. Benjamin Bridges, JUST $500.00 DOWN! CALL YOUR #1 BUYERS AGENT- Honda 06 Accord EX— 4 CYL Blue/Gray, Loaded SRA Kingdom Svcs. 703-929-9662 Navigation. 46,700 miles. $21,900. 410-320-5209 EXIT PWRHSE REALTY 202-359-3881 HONDA 1997 ACCORD—SE, 147K mi., excel. cond., BERKLEY SPRINGS, WVA—3 acres, $39,900. 4acres $49,900. Walk to private river. LOTS & ACREAGE MD inspected. $3900. 301-980-6306 FREE Owner 301-616-2349 HONDA 1995 ODYSSEY—Gold, all pwr, snrf, alloy whls, looks/runs good. Waldorf, Md $1900. BOWIE/MITCHELLVILLE—5BR 3.5BA SFH w/bsmt 703-901-2106; 301-885-2371. apt, kitchen & sep entr. 2 car gar. brick front. hdwd STAFFORD CO & KING GEORGE— Lots avail. $75K. flrs. deck. backs to woods. Closing Help. $575,000. Make Offer540-657-9910 HY-LINE 2007 PREMIERE— 30Ft Travel trailer, su- Call 301-523-4202 per slide, Fully self-contained, All the bells & whis- **Boyds Distress Sales** tles. Excel cond. Must sell. $17,800/obo Fixer Uppers-Foreclosures-C/O Properties. REAL ESTATE SERVICES 703-794-8077 FREE LIST w/ Pictures visit: Jaguar 2001 XK8—$24,870, excell cond, 44k mi, www.MdBankRepos.com Coldwell Banker Blue ext, Light Beige int, Conv., 2 dr, mem & htd $35,000 NOTE—paying 14% interest secured by seats, lthr int, 703 244 5548 BRUNSWICK $325,000 $270,000 home. Call 1-800-455-0379 X6012 NEW LISTING Jeep 2001 Grand Cherokee—Limited loaded ex FREE STOP FORECLOSURE! A TH Price for a Single Family Home cond 4.7 L Black w Grey lthr int alum whls new tires Save your credit & equity. & insp 124k mi $8,700 OBO 7039993082 3BR SFH 1½BA, lg front porch, and views of the Call 202-489-4889 Potomac River, hwd flrs w/loads of charm. 214 E. A JUNK VEHICLES REMOVED FREE STOP PAYING RENT/OWN CASH PAY FOR SOME 202-714-9835 St. Call Belinda Caron at 301-252-2589 for details. Grants up to $15K. Won’t last Re/Max Realty Services. EHO PONTIAC 2000 Montana—7 pass, auto, ac, V6, forever!!! Call Larry, 240-381-1641. keyless, 2 sliding doors. Loaded, 103k mi, excel. Burke $385,000 TIRED OF RENTING?—Its time to buy. Good credit & 3 Level Townhouse for Sale cond $3250. 703-237-1658. fair credit. Embassy Mortgage. Please call Subaru 05 Legacy— 4 CYL, AWD Sedan, 4dr, 5830 Banning Place, 3BR, 2FB, 2HB, stone patio, Olivia Overstreet at 240-593-3735 unique indoor stone bar, deck & fenced yard, new Silver/Black. Very well maintained. 101,000 miles. www.oliviaoverstreet.com Loaded. $16,500. 410-320-5209 carpet, wkout bsmt, new applcs, Hardwood flrs, WE BUY HOUSES IN ANY CONDITION ANY FREE Toyota 2004 Sienna—XLE $19,500 obo, great Close to VRE a commuter’s dream!! 703-945-8991 WHERE FOR CASH—If you need to sell quickly, Buy a house today and have no mortgage cond, 35k mi, Green ext, Grey int, dvd w/10‘ screen, we can HELP. Closing in as little as 2 weeks. new tires, alloy wheels, 571-437-5377 payment until April 2008. Call Don Ratterree Sr. 240-277-8663 at Remax Allegiance, 703-649-0915 Toyota 2001 Sienna—XLE/mint/loaded. Leather/ Camp Lejeune/Cherry Point $419,000 WE DO THE LOANS video/premium sound. Garaged/single fam/never Cape Carteret/Near NC Beaches damaged/dealer maint. 122k mostly hwy mi, teal 2150 sf, 3 br/3 ba, 2 Car gar,form dr, gas fp, hw flrs, NO ONE ELSE CAN ext/int. $9800 (below BlueBook), 7038504258 pool. Coldwell Banker First Realty 910-467-1304 If you have equity, you can get a loan. We can still do Toyota 2001 Corolla—Toyota Corolla LE $6300, yr CAP HTS / Addison Woods — 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, fin 100% purchase, sub-prime loans & below 500 2001, 89k mi, automatic, pwr windows, steering, bsmt, new carpet, fenced yard 240-462-9045 scores. Call 240-314-0399 ext 11 door locks, 979-219-2364 Toyota 1993 4Runner—$2,500 OBO, good cond, FREE Carlin Springs $629,500 Beautiful Unique Home COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 193k mi, Grey int/ext, 5 dr, mnrf, 17 S. Lexington St, SFM, 2500 sf, 5 br, 2 ba, 2 Fls, Sat JT3VN39W1P0099152, Call (202) 253-7779 & Sun 12-5, anytime by appt, hw flrs, fp, sunroom, Volkswagen 2005 Passat—GLS TDI Diesel $25,000 vault ceil, skylights, sparoom w/ 5 person hot-tub, 1629 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: On demand obo, excellent cond, 40k mi, Silver ext, Black int, 4 form dr, form lr, rec room, brick, fenced yard offices, phone, mail, Internet, incubator, other svcs. dr, htd seats, lthr int, 202-997-3711 804-814-2044 Plans $50-$200/mo. Call OSI, 202-508-3896 to Volkswagen 2004 Passat—GLS Wagon AWD, 1.8T, DEEP CREEK LAKE—6acres-$49,900. 9acres-$89,- learn more. 5 spd auto trans, great cond, 43k mi, blue silver ext, 900. Sound of Music panoramic views, private ARL— Ofc for rent. Nr Courthse Metro. Prkg incl’d. slate gray int, 4 dr, mnrf, trl hitch, warranty, $15,750, stocked pond. Owner 301-616-2349 160 sq ft. $750/mo. Avail 10/1. Call Eric, (540) 582-6818. FALLS CHURCH/CITY OF $619,900 703-248-0555 FREE Falls Church Cty Schls. EFC Metro. Lrg 3BR + Den, Harrisburg—PA. 3 multi-families for sale. 3 and 4 3½BA,Famrm+Frpl, w/huge Gtwn patio. www.Ho- units. $87K to $130K with all cap rates above 12%. mesByGarnet.com Great cash flow! Call Ray 443.865.0662 or email GARNET ROBINS-BAUGHMAN KELLER WILLIAMS RE- [email protected] ALTOR Kevin Gaughen 717-697-4673 x132 GAITHERSBURG $299,900 3BR SFH, great loc for ERA Jack Gaughen Realtor Buy 12 weeks of the Sunday home office. Dan Krell, Realtor, Fairfax RE Inc NW/Dntn/—FOR RENT, 2 lvl carriage hse. 1000 sf. 301-529-8475 (o)301-881-9800 EHO Ideal ofc/Studio/service provider. 202-289-4909 Listings&CMA email:GaithersburgHomeSearch.com Washington $1200.00 GEORGIA—Thinking about relocating or investing in HAIR SALON FOR RENT Post and get the rest of the week Georgia? Rich Core and Assoc. 404-617-2673. $1200 - equipment incl, 1304 N Capitol ST NW, HYATTSVILLE, MD - $322,000. 4BR 2.5BA Col, semi 301-802-8920 det in Univ Gardens. MLS# PG6512917. www. KEVIN BOATS AND AVIATION WilliamDavisRealEstate.net. Bill Davis, Woodbridge $0 FREE! 301-821-7615. Long & Foster 301-449-9100 Wanted - BUILDING OR SPACE IMMEDIATE DEBT RELIEF For fellowship in/near Woodbridge, VA. Please con- 185vs Ranger 2004—$18,500, Mercury 150 xr6 15 Stuck with a house payment you can’t afford? I’ll tact Pastor Keith at 703-608-4926. hrs, dual console, 2 fish finders, cover,mint, garage take over payments of buy on terms. Call kept,301-934-4588 240-252-4679. That’s 72 issues of Monday - Lake of the Woods $299900 WHEELS Golf course home Brick Rambler, 3/2/2.5, 2218 sf, fam rm w/fp, sep lr/dr, hw flrs, new HVAC, & appliances, 540-318-0834 $$$WILL BUY HONDA ACCORD 1990-1997 any Saturday FREE! You SAVE 58% off condition. 301-467-0426 LARGO/UPPER MARLBORO $232,000 3 BR Townhouse, below market, 10k grant, special Audi 2003 A6—$25k, Factory Extended Warranty, program. Joan 703-945-2767 Exc. cond, 56k mi, Silver/Black, 2.7 Turbo, 6-speed, Well Maintained, 571-235-1450 the regular 7-day home delivery LAUREL—$595,000, 1½ wooded lots in Old Laurel w/ creek, very well maint 3/4 BR 3 fl BA SFH, 2200 AUTO TRUST, INC. sqft, LR, DR, sun rm, 1st flr in-law suite, lrg unfin WE BUY CARS bsmnt, new deck. Sat 9/15, 1-4. 240-899-8713. TRUCKS, SUVS rate and pay just $1.50/week. LOVETTSVILLE, VA—Distressed sale. $50,000 price reduction. $849,900. Just built in 2006. 5BR, 4.5BA, 3 WE BEAT MOST CAR MAX OFFERS acres. 1st & 2nd flr MBR, mins. to commuter rail. We come to you. 301-785-4024 aliciayowell.com Long & Foster, 703-623-0463 BMW 2003 X5—3.0i $24,900 obo, LOW 29k mi, MANASSAS OWNER FINANCING AT 7%—Low AWD, Premium Sound, Mint Cond, Mettalic Gray ext, Down 3BR 1BA TH, like new, $229,950. Black int, Loaded, Padam 301-529-6364 703-450-0345 BMW 1998 Z3—$11,500, excellent cond, 62k mi, Call 1-888-562-0104, Ext. 31 MCLEAN —$1,995,000 Reduced by $750K. New lux. green ext, tan int, 2 dr, htd seats, dvd, lthr int,pwr SFH w/ 6BR 5BA. 70% complt. Buy as is and finish it top, pwr windows,garage kept, all records or a builder can help. May worth $3.5M-$3.8M after 703-368-9504 or visit washingtonpost.com/subscribe complet.703-498-3541. Make Money Now. CADILLAC 1999 DeVille—4 dr, auto, 91K, MD insp, MD HOME-BUYING PROGRAMS all power, lthr, a/c, airbags, alloy wheels, good cond. If you have an income of $50,000 and at least $5,000 $4600/obo. 301-459-1094. saved & would love to own a home, give me a call. Cadillac 1974 DeVille—$2800 obo, good cond, 68k Programs for almost ANY SITUATION! Rent or Rent mi, Burgundy ext&int, 2 dr, pwr lck, auto, pw, ps, pb, option. Call Ray Marshall,Re/Max 100: Direct Line - V8 strong, cloth int, 301-320-6340 301-702-4243 or Office - 301-899-1200 x243. Chevrolet 2003 Corvette—$32k obo, 50th annv NW— 5BR 3BA. formal DR & LR. breakfast area. convertible, excell cond, 25k mi, Yellow ext, black hdwd flrs. in-law suite. MBA w/Jacuzzi. fin bsmt. int, 2 dr, mem seats, lthr int, 2024879667 4319 New Hampshire Ave. NW. Open Sun. 1-4. Call Chevrolet 1998 1500—$9500 obo, good cond, Bethea, 240-462-6456, Century 21 Home Center, 107k mi, 3 dr, 4wd, alloy wheels, new fuel pmp/ Offer expires 12/30/07. Restrictions may apply. RP07 RPNE S423 2x12 301-552-3000 starter/alt w/warranties. Call 702-296-6923. <>=30Hk ( &! &k4G?A4BBk""


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