October 15, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 19 27193 HONORING LAVENIA ‘‘BEANS’’ or coercion. It codifies the FISA process as 22, who died October 6, 2007 while serving VANDIVER, A TRUE the means by which foreign intelligence may our Nation in Afghanistan. ORIGINAL be obtained and it gives members of the Sen- Prior to joining the Army, Adam graduated ate and the House of Representatives stand- from DeLand High School in DeLand, Florida HON. CHET EDWARDS ing in court to challenge presidential signing where he was a leader in the Junior ROTC OF TEXAS statements that declares the president’s intent program. He also attended the First United to disregard certain aspects of a law passed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Methodist Church in DeLand with his family. in the U.S. Congress. It prohibits kidnapping Adam joined the Army and took great pride Monday, October 15, 2007 and extraordinary rendition of prisoners to for- in serving his country. His colleagues remem- Mr. EDWARDS. Madam Speaker, I rise eign countries on the president’s unilateral de- ber a compassionate individual who cared today to honor a true Texas original, Lavenia termination that the suspect is an enemy com- deeply for others while his family recalls his ‘‘Beans’’ Vandiver who recently passed away. batant. It defends the first amendment by clari- uncanny ability to make people laugh. Adam’s Born and raised in Moody, Texas, Beans was fying that journalists are not to be prevented character earned him the respect of his family, an inspiration and true friend to many, includ- from publishing information received from the friends and fellow soldiers. He was assigned ing a young state senator running for Con- legislative or executive branch unless such to the 82nd Airborne Division based in Fort gress in 1990. Beans stayed true to her Cen- publication would cause immediate, direct, and Bragg, North Carolina which was deployed to tral Texas roots attending Moody schools and irreparable harm to the . Afghanistan. Adam served with great distinc- later attended Mary Hardin Baylor University. Finally, the legislation would prohibit the use tion—the recipient of the Bronze Star Medal, A devoted wife to her husband of 50 years of secret evidence to designate an individual the Purple Heart and numerous other awards Bert Vandiver Sr. and a loving mother to her or organization with a United States presence and citations. children and grandchildren, Beans Vandiver to be a foreign terrorist or foreign terrorist or- We should all remember Adam’s courage was the best America and Texas has to offer, ganization. and his ultimate sacrifice for our nation. The a vibrant force of nature that will be dearly I invite my colleagues to join my efforts to freedom and liberty we enjoy and the peace in missed. restore the U.S. Constitution by enacting the the world for others for which he fought are As a businesswoman, Beans was the hard- American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007. part of the great legacy that SGT Adam Quinn working driving force behind several success- f leaves behind. He was laid to rest at Oakdale ful local businesses and real estate endeav- CLUBCORP, THE WORLD LEADER Cemetery in DeLand, Florida on October 12. ors. Some of her proudest moments were IN PRIVATE CLUBS CELE- To Adam’s wife, Faye; their child who will helping young couples to realize a dream of BRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE arrive in March of 2008; his parents, Charles owning their first home. Because of her suc- and Sherry; his brother, Asa; and his entire cess, Beans proved to be ahead of her time HON. family, we extend our deepest sympathy. setting a positive example for others while Madam Speaker, because of SGT Adam OF TEXAS shattering the glass ceiling for women in the Quinn’s sacrifice for our country, I ask all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES business world. Members of the U.S. House of Representa- As her beloved daughter Karen Vandiver- Monday, October 15, 2007 tives to join me in recognizing his service in King also reminded us, Beans was a generous Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam our Nation’s Armed Forces and remembering person who cared for the less fortunate and Speaker, congratulations are in order for both his life and his dedication to the United dedicated herself to giving back to the com- ClubCorp of Dallas, TX. ClubCorp, the World States of America. munity. Leader in private clubs, is celebrating 50 great f Madam Speaker, today’s world needs more years of service and tradition. people like Beans Vandiver and I join those It is an honor and a privilege to represent CONGRATULATIONS TO DR. DREW who mourn her loss but celebrate the many the numerous employees at ClubCorp who MAYS lasting contributions and joys of her wonderful have generated millions of dollars for chari- life. table causes and philanthropic events. HON. SPENCER BACHUS I thank God for the life of Lavenia ‘‘Beans’’ On October 19, 2007, ClubCorp will host the OF ALABAMA Vandiver and ask his blessings for her family. world’s largest one-day charity golf and dining IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f event to commemorate their anniversary. Instead of receiving gifts for their 50th anni- Monday, October 15, 2007 STATEMENT INTRODUCING AMER- versary, ClubCorp will again be giving back Mr. BACHUS. Madam Speaker, today I rise ICAN FREEDOM AGENDA ACT OF and helping as many lives as possible. The to commend an individual from the District I 2007 tournament, the dinners, and the auctions are represent, the Sixth Congressional District of all designed to give aid to four different foun- Alabama, whose recent achievement in the HON. dations and charities. field of music deserves the accolades and es- OF TEXAS All proceeds raised during ClubCorp Charity teem of this body. Classic will be divided and donated to The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On June 3, 2007, Dr. Drew Mays of Bir- Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), the mingham took top honors in the world re- Monday, October 15, 2007 PGA Foundation, the Susan G. Komen for the nowned Van Cliburn Foundation International Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, today I am in- Cure Foundation, and ClubCorp’s Employee Piano Competition for Outstanding Amateurs troducing a comprehensive piece of legislation Partners Care Foundation. in Forth Worth, Texas. His winning perform- to restore the American Constitution and to re- ClubCorp continues to provide great service ance in the final round included Beethoven’s store the liberties that have been sadly eroded and tradition to its members and charities. Sonata in C major, Op. 53 ‘‘Waldstein’’ and over the past several years. Congratulations again, and thank you, to Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz No. 1. This legislation seeks to restore the checks ClubCorp. This event, whose prestigious sponsor has and balances enshrined in the Constitution by f long been recognized internationally as a our Founding Fathers to prevent abuse of HONORING THE SERVICE OF SER- champion of musical excellence, gives its par- Americans by their government. This proposed GEANT ADAM QUINN TO OUR ticipants from around the world an opportunity legislation would repeal the Military Commis- COUNTRY to compete for top honors as amateur pianists. sions Act of 2006 and re-establish the tradi- Created in 1999, the Van Cliburn Foundation’s tional practice that military commissions may amateur competition is the most respected be used to try war crimes in places of active HON. JOHN L. MICA amateur piano competition in the United OF FLORIDA hostility where a rapid trial is necessary to pre- States, and was created to ‘‘celebrate the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serve evidence or prevent chaos. amateur spirit.’’ The legislation clarifies that no information Monday, October 15, 2007 It is remarkable to note that as amateurs, shall be admitted as evidence if it is obtained Mr. MICA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to competitors may not derive their principal from the defendant through the use of torture honor and pay tribute to SGT Adam Quinn, source of income from public performances or

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