PARISH COUNCIL Highfield Park Office Village Office Highfield Park Visitor Centre 83 High Street Hill End Lane Colney Heath AL4 0RA AL4 0NS Tel: 01727 825314 Email: [email protected] MINUTES OF THE COLNEY HEATH PARISH COUNCIL ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD VIRTUALLY THURSDAY 30 JULY 2020, 7.05pm Members in attendance Cllr P Cook (Highfield Ward) Cllr K Slaughter (Chairman) (Colney Cllr K Barnes (Highfield Ward) from 7.17pm Heath Ward) Cllr J Mulroney (Colney Heath Ward) Cllr R Solts (Highfield Ward) until 7.57pm Clerk of the Council, Ms. L. Chaplin Due to the nature of the virtual meetings it is noted that members of the public may join and leave without notice so only Councillors leaving and joining the meeting will be documented. Other attendees 5 members of the public at commencement of meeting. 3 members of the public remained when meeting closed at 8.39pm

EC-12 APOLOGIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS Apologies received from Cllr H Brazier who was away and Cllr Barnes who would be late. Apologies were noted and accepted. Chairman apologised for the late start of the meeting due to connection issues. EC-13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST a) Nothing in advance raised with the Clerk. b) None received or noted c) None received or noted EC-14 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 7.06pm Standing Orders were suspended so members of the public could ask questions/make statements to the Council. All attendees were unmuted, and the Chairman asked for any questions. There was a question regarding land at , the Colney Heath Community Park and land at Highfield being sold. The Chairman confirmed that the land at Smallford had received some expressions of interest and the future of the land was being discussed by Council. The land in Highfield at Gloucester Park was agreed by Council to be marketed for sale. The Community Park located in Colney Heath village which was previously leased from Hertfordshire County Council was offered for a lease and this had terms discussed with Hertfordshire County Council had been rejected, therefore the expired lease will not be renewed by the Parish Council. It was confirmed that the land owned by the Council was not protected by was within the Green Belt. 7.09pm Standing Orders were resumed. EC-15 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of 4 June 2020 – The meeting minutes were circulated with papers and the Chairman asked for any comments as to their accuracy, there were none. Therefore, the minutes were duly proposed and seconded and unanimously RESOLVED by a show of hands to be a true and accurate reflection of the meeting. The minutes would be signed by the Chairman Cllr Slaughter. EC-16 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE TASK LIST The Chairman reviewed a number of items on the action list: • Warren Farm Track Gate Installation Discussion on installation and arrangements with landowners for access. It was confirmed that there would be four keys issued to the landowner, the tenant, the Common Ranger and the Clerk. Advertising would be no wider than in the immediate area. CHPC ENV COMM MINUTES 30 JULY 2020 COLNEY HEATH PARISH COUNCIL Highfield Park Office Village Office Highfield Park Visitor Centre 83 High Street Hill End Lane Colney Heath St Albans AL4 0RA Hertfordshire AL4 0NS Tel: 01727 825314 Email: [email protected] • Interpretation boards Artwork circulated was agreed unanimously. It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to purchase two further boards at a cost of £2,000 so 4 boards in total of the 2 types discussed. The placement of the boards was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to be delegated to the Chairman of Committee, Clerk and Common Ranger • Smallford play equipment Scheduled to be removed and agreement to be reached for the area to be ‘looked after’ by the new leaseholders who will take over the management and liability of the land in December 2021. • Play Area Inspections All play inspections carried out. Works have been quoted and maintenance is delayed due to the factories making parts being closed for COVID. Tyttenhanger repairs include broken slide, gate, and post issues at total cost of £415.17. Sleapshyde requires work to the see saw, flat swing and head blocks at a cost of £914.59. High Street Rec requires adjustment to the gate and replacement of bolts to the structure roof at a cost of £139.02 There are no required works to be carried out at Roestock Park therefore the total this year of £1,465.77. There were however advisories on the wear of some of the chains on all the swings which may need replacement shortly.

Committee were asked to consider the addition of hours to a member of the current staff to inspect parks weekly or to employ either a company/ individual to carry out the visual checks required. Visual checklists have been prepared by ROSPA and the hours required would be 4/5 hours per week to view the items and travel between the parks. It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to recommend this work and this item would be placed on the HR Committee agenda for 3 September 2020. The Clerk was instructed to consult with other Parish Councils or St Albans District Council to perhaps engage their contractor or employee to save costs. ACTION: Clerk • Closed Graveyard Maintenance Grant It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to issue the grant for the closed graveyard maintenance for 20/21 of £1650 as budgeted. • Tollgate Road Bus Shelter Works have been approved by Council to be paid from EMR and installation date will be confirmed shortly. A resident of the village had located an alternative wooden bus shelter and although this was still more expensive that the current installed bus shelters Chairman of Committee asked that all kept an open mind to future Parish Council installations. • Sleapshyde Pond Committee noted the recent visit to the pond and that a group of volunteers were keen to carry out maintenance works in this area. Paperwork required to be completed would be placed on the volunteering page of the website and the insurance company would be approached for insurance advice. Approval of the paperwork and permission to proceed would need to be from Full Council. • High Street Recreation Ground Chairman confirmed that the play area was regularly checked and was accessible on match days at no charge. CHPC ENV COMM MINUTES 30 JULY 2020 COLNEY HEATH PARISH COUNCIL Highfield Park Office Village Office Highfield Park Visitor Centre 83 High Street Hill End Lane Colney Heath St Albans AL4 0RA Hertfordshire AL4 0NS Tel: 01727 825314 Email: [email protected] • Noticeboards All noticeboards have been removed except for the High Street and Firwood Avenue where the new noticeboards will be installed. There have been 2 emails with comments regarding removal received by the Clerk. One regarding Fellowes Lane noticeboard and one in Roestock Lane. It is hoped the new noticeboards will be installed in late August/early September 2020. • Roestock Park A request from a member of the public to reopen the gates at Roestock Park has been received. The gates were closed at the request of Council. It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to reopen the gates and leave them open. It was further duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Clerk should there be any anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping or other risk identified resulting in the need to close the gates again. It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to cut the grass area around the Roestock hut. ACTION: Clerk • Community Park Chairman reported that a volunteer group had approached her with a proposal for volunteers to maintain the park but would require the Parish Council to reconsider the expired lease. The Clerk confirmed that the action as instructed by Council had been completed and a response received acknowledging the refusal of a renewed lease. EC-17 HEDGES AT SLEAPSHYDE & TYTTENHANGER PARKS Sleapshyde Council reviewed the quotes and it was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to request that £1,000 be used from ear marked reserve 342 Parish Tree & Hedge Maintenance to carry out the works. Tyttenhanger It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to request that £3,000 from ear marked reserve 342 Parish Tree & Hedge Maintenance to carry out part works. Committee would consider the remaining works to take place should there be remaining funds in this ear marked reserve in last financial quarter of the year. It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the quote of £120 to remove the dead hedge at the Tyttenhanger accessway. Two salt bins would be purchased one to be placed on Charles Morris Hall site and the other a larger salt bin to be placed on the accessway for the use of residents in the area. The bollards and height restrictor quotes will be sought. ACTION: Clerk EC-18 REVIEW OF NATURE RESERVE BYLAWS After discussion it was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to investigate the dog control order on page 2 of the bylaws giving the Committee the remit of the potential order for future discussions. The bylaw boards would be printed after the decision on the dog control order was known. ACTION: Clerk. EC-19 REVIEW OF DOG WASTE COLLECTION BINS Committee reviewed the presented report and papers which included maps of the located litter and dog waste bins. It was suggested that a review of the usage provided by the contractor who emptied the bins should be requested before any CHPC ENV COMM MINUTES 30 JULY 2020 COLNEY HEATH PARISH COUNCIL Highfield Park Office Village Office Highfield Park Visitor Centre 83 High Street Hill End Lane Colney Heath St Albans AL4 0RA Hertfordshire AL4 0NS Tel: 01727 825314 Email: [email protected] further decisions are made on removal or the re-site of any bins were carried out. It was duly proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to replace the bin at Warren Farm Track. In the Highfield area it was suggested that working with the Highfield Park Trust would be an advantage in knowing where to place extra bins that might be required. ACTION: Clerk The footpath working party are keen to work with Oaklands and Highfield Park Trust on provision of litter and waste bins plus other matters and will manage this in conjunction with the Clerk. Their recommendations will be reported to Full Council. EC-20 GRASS CUTTING CONTRACT TENDER 2021-2024 Comments received will be used to prepare the tender which will go to Full Council in October 2020. EC-21 FAIRY DOORS FOR THE COMMON A suggestion of installing a fairy trail on the Common was suggested. Thanks to Cllr West who researched some fairy doors. The wooden structures are something to consider for the future and would depend on permission granted from the secretary of state for works on Common Land. Committee were supportive of the idea in principle. The Clerk was instructed to survey public opinion on this topic. ACTION: Clerk EC-22 ITEMS DEFERRED FROM FULL COUNCIL 23 JULY 2020 • Information required for a café to be placed on the Common. An outline business proposal and outline business plan would be required prior to any further instruction or permission. When received bring back to this Committee in October 2020.

• Lighting at Roestock Park, standing charge remains being paid but either lights need removing, replacing, or fixing. It was agreed that the current situation should remain in place until the future of Roestock Hut was decided. Item to be added to the action list. ACTION: Clerk EC-23 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 8.28pm Standing Orders were again suspended so members of the public could ask questions/make statements to the Council on any business that had been discussed. All attendees were unmuted, and the Chairman asked for any questions. A statement from one of the volunteers who requested the Parish Council reconsider their decision to not renew the expired lease at the Community Park. A request for councillors to volunteer to meet on site was accepted by the Chairman.

A question regarding the yearly costs of maintaining the park was answered by the Clerk at £2,500 per year. 8.38pm Standing Orders were resumed. Meeting closed at 8.39pm L Chaplin LCGI PSLCC CPFA CiLCA Clerk to the Council Drafted 31/07/2020

Noted and accepted by Full Council 24/09/2020 Environment Committee 08/10/2020 CHPC ENV COMM MINUTES 30 JULY 2020