MVGH Monday ‘Minders For the week beginning July 22, 2019

 TREE TRIMMERS ON CAMPUS TUES., JULY 23 FROM 7:30 AM TO 12 NOON. Tree trimmers will be working by C51 and C53 and on 3rd St at the north side of the Wellness rd Center on Tues., July 23 . We don’t anticipate any disruption, but wanted you to be aware.

 WELLNESS CLASS CHANGES FOR THE DATES JULY 22-29. Katie Hamrick will be on st vacation, returning on Wednesday, July 31 . Low Impact Aerobics - will begin at 1:30 pm on Wednesday, July 24th and will

be taught by Melissa, our Water Aerobics instructor

th  NO YOGA class on Thursday, July 25

th  Total Body Workout - will be at 9 am on Friday, July 26 with Dianne Whiting

serving as instructor

th  NO BALANCE CLASS on Monday, July 29

 COVINA BAND THURSDAY NIGHT CONCERTS---JOIN THE FUN! Once again the Covina Community Concert Band is playing its concerts in the park on Thursday nights, featuring our own Monte Vista Grove "hot lips" pair, Charles Castles and Larry Ballenger in the trumpet section. The Covina band will feature “Pops Favorites" on July 25, "Film and Broadway" on August 1, and "Audience Choice" on August 8. Need a ride? Talk to Larry or Charles and be aware that this year you need to BRING YOUR OWN CHAIRS. If you just can't get enough band music, the Sheriff's band will play at Royal Oaks in Duarte on

Aug 24. Join us for some summer fun. - Larry and Judy, Charles and Shirley

 YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US: Every Sunday afternoon, for VESPERS from 4:00- 4:30 pm in The Health Center multipurpose room. Our next service will be on Sunday, July 28th and will be led by Cyndie Crowell (Trinity Presbyterian Church). Everyone is welcome.

 CHAPLAIN’S NEW HOURS: Chaplain Lauren Evans's day at MVGH has changed to Mondays! Her schedule during her day with us will remain the same: 10-11am in the Hearth, 11-12 in the Health Center, Lunch, and 2-4pm in the Gamble room.

 GUEST FROM MALAWI – The Rev. Alex Maulana, General Secretary of CCAP Blantyre Synod, Malawi will be visiting Joe and Hannah Kang the week of July 28th. Rev. Maulana will be introduced to MVGH residents on Tuesday, July 30 from 1:30 to 2:30 in the Gamble Room.

 A REMINDER: A great number of you have already paid your 2019 MVGH Resident's Association dues.....and thank you for that. For those of you whose payment of their dues may have "slipped your mind" is a gentle reminder. Dues for 2019 are $57 for each resident and $114 for resident couples. Your dues helps the Association able to offer such things as the art studio, regular Thursday convocations, new books and DVDs for loan...... and much more. Help us to be able to continue to offer all of this by remitting your dues to: MVGH Residents Association and placing it in the wooden Association box next to the regular, locked mailboxes. THANK YOU...."Your" Resident's Association Council.

 FORMER GROVE RESIDENT, MARION HAMMOND, August 21, 1926 – June 3, 2019 A memorial service for Marion Hammond (those of you who knew her are invited to attend) will be held on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30 am in the Hearth Family Room.

 COMMENT BOX – In the Dining Room, to the left of the coffee station, is an attractive new box labeled COMMENTS! Please fill out the comment cards on your table if you have a criticism, a suggestion, or even a compliment about the meal you have just eaten. Chef Melanie values your input!

 PLEASE HELP OUR NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS SUCCEED BY DONATING MUCH NEEDED SCHOOL SUPPLIES! School in Pasadena begins on August 12th this year! Please consider donating school supplies for the children of nearby Willard School as we have for the past 11 years! The students (and their appreciative teachers) need items such as copy paper, pencils, erasers, Kleenex-type tissues, constructions paper (white & colored), felt- tip markers, glue-sticks, crayons, staplers, staples, etc. Please put your donations in the BIG BROWN BOX in the Commons marked “WILLARD SCHOOL SUPPLIES.” Thank you SO much (Items can be purchased quite reasonably at the Dollar Tree on Rosemead!)

 AMAZING GRACE: A couple of Wednesday’s ago, we had our fun birthday gathering in the cull de sac. Chuck and I brought Max, our mini poodle, and his doggie bed. Within a few minutes both Karlene and Mae wanted Max to sit with them. As the evening wore on Max was perfectly content trying to eat Mae’s cookie and watching the Ballenger cat with great interest. Sitting there watching him, my third child really, it reminded me of what happened almost three years ago when I lost the sight in my right eye and more than half the sight in my left eye. I remember trying to walk Max and came close to falling several times. My greatest fear was that I would have to give up my Max and I was devastated. I prayed about it every night and one day my guardian angel, named Norm Thomas, came to my rescue! I was in the dining room at the commons when Norm said he wanted to talk to me. He told me that his physician had told him that he needed to start walking for his health. He said to me that he had this ‘win-win’ situation; how about if he would walk Max early mornings and evenings each day of the week. This way he would get his exercise and so would Max and it would certainly help me out. What a precious gift! I’ve thanked the Lord daily for answered prayers. And it didn’t stop there...Norm’s wife Mae has walked Max with Norm, or times Norm has been away on a trip, by herself. The Ballenger’s, Judy and Larry, always walk Max on Sunday mornings before church and also on Thursdays after convocations. Tom Wentz and Carol and Tom Erickson will gladly fill in when Norm and Mae are not able to walk Max. Can you believe that this has been going on for more than two and a half years! As I sat there in the cul de sac looking at my loving and caring friends in Christ and watching my Max, my heart filled with such JOY! Thank you Lord for all your blessings.- Barbro Hammond

Please see the next page…

 TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME! – A Story for the MVGH archives! Last week’s ‘Minders had a blurb asking who might have donated a black rolling laptop case to the MVGH Stores in late June. While going through the pockets of the case getting ready to sell it, Bev Grant discovered a number of paper clips, a DVD about the MVGH Founders and a very special ring…a 1963 WORLD’S SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP RING, to be exact! We were prepared for someone to step forward on Monday once they read the ‘Minders, but instead, something amazing happened. Nancy Lain went to her grandson’s Little League game on Sunday evening and when she got home, she turned on the TV to find the movie, “Sandlot,” a story about some kids and their neighborhood baseball team who lost a baseball signed by . Nancy and her husband were in a baseball kind- of mood so they proceeded to sit down and enjoy the movie. Lo and behold, in one of the final scenes, a clip was shown of an old LA Dodgers game and the camera panned the players’ uniforms with their names on their shirts….the name WILLS caught Nancy’s eye! Maury Wills, the famous baseball player who not only held the world’s record for stolen bases, but was also the father of Ruth Baird’s son-in-law! EPIPHANY! Nancy realized at once that the ring must have belonged to Maury Wills and that he must’ve given it to Ruth! Nancy Googled Maury Wills – yes, he was on the 1963 World Championship Dodgers team!!! On Monday morning, Nancy called Katharine Wills, Ruth’s daughter to give her the good news. Katharine verified that Maury Wills was a big fan of Ruth, and that he must have bestowed the ring upon her! The Baird family is overjoyed, to say the least. The ring is on its way back to its rightful home, and all is well! (Maybe this is a good omen for the LA Dodgers THIS year in their quest for another championship!)

 FROM GENE TERPSTRA…Shingrix Shingles vaccine is now available! If you have tried to get your Shingrix Shingles vaccination, you have probably discovered that the vaccine is very hard to find. Many pharmacies don't have it--including CVS, Walgreens, Ralphs, Vons, and others. One that DOES have it is Cal Oaks III Pharmacy in San Marino at 2010 Huntington Drive. Their phone number is (626) 382-2580.

(Recent additions to the Media Center are on the other side.)


#966 “JERICHO” (The Complete Series – 6 DVDs) A highly acclaimed drama. A mushroom cloud suddenly appears on the horizon of a small, peaceful, Kansas town. As people, isolated from the rest of the world, struggle to cope and just survive, some emerge as unlikely heroes!

#967 “THREE MEN AND A BOY” & “THREE MEN AND A LITTLE LADY” (PG) Tom Selleck & Ted Danson star in this two movie collection about an adorable baby girl and the comedy effect for everybody concerned.

#968 “ACQUITTED” (The Complete Series – Subtitles – 6 DVDs) This series follows the story of Aksel Bergen, a Norwegian Business Man, who worked his way to the top during 20 years in Asia, having left his native town after being accused of the murder of his high school sweetheart. But the past has not been forgotten.

#969 “THE UPSIDE” (PG-13) Based on a true story, a recently paroled ex-convict strikes up an unusual and unlikely friendship with a quadriplegic billionaire. “A funny & war-hearted buddy comedy.”

#971 “FINAL PORTRAIT” (R-language & nudity) Set in 1965 Paris, this is the touching story of the frustrating relationship between the famous well-known, temperamental artist Alberto Giacometti and James Lord, as Lord is asked to sit for his portrait (and days of frustration!). Geoffrey Rush and Armie Hammer star.

#970 “EL DORADO” ( Feature – NOT RATED) Two full-length movies. Archeologist & Adventurer Jack Wilder is given an old Conquistador diary to search for the ancient City of Gold in Peru. Kidnappings, shootings, double-crosses, along with Jack’s twisted trail, all lead to the golden city & the chance to plunder unimaginable wealth!

PLEASE: Use the sign out/in book when borrowing/returning a DVD or videotape. A description of each film, along with its rating, is usually on the back of the box.

The MVGH Week At-A-Glance is on the next page for your convenience.

MVGH Week At-A-Glance for July 22-28 (Highlighting most Campus-wide Activities that take place during the upcoming week)

 Tree Trimmers on campus from 7:30 am – 12 noon  Men’s Prayer Group at 9 am in the Hearth Family Room  Fall Prevention (Balance Class) at 10:30 am (WC) Monday, July 22  Chaplain Lauren Evans will be available in Dining Room from 12-1 pm and in the Gamble Room from 2-4 pm.  Gentle Movements in the Hearth Family Room at 10:45 am

 Art Class meets from 9 am to 12 noon in A23  Water Aerobics at 9 am in the swimming pool Tuesday, July 23  Total Body Workout at 9 am (WC)  Pilates at 11am (WC)

 Woman’s Prayer Group at 9 am in the Hearth Family Room Wednesday, July 24  Low Impact Aerobics & Muscle Strength Training-1:30pm (WC) with Melissa (Water Aerobics instructor)


 Covina Band Concert! (Bring your own chair!) Thursday, July 25  Special Harp music in the Dining Room at dinnertime.

 Total Body Workout at 9 am (WC) with Dianne Whiting Friday, July 26  Gentle Movements at 10:45 am in the Hearth Family Room

Sunday, July 28  Vespers in the Health Center from 4 - 4:30 pm

* “WC” = Wellness Center.