A scene taken from the Lady Chapel West Window


Priest in Charge Rosheen Browning Church Warden: The Vicarage Mr Frank Burbery 37 Trethannas Gardens Church Farm , Church Road Praze -an-Beeble Penponds Camborne. TR14 0QE TR14 0LL Tel. 01209 719022 01209 831175 [email protected] Safeguarding Officer Sharon Etheridge PCC Treasurer: 01209 719852 Mr Richard Olds AssociateParish Priest Merry Meeting Farm Fr. Neil Potter Roseworthy TR14 ODS Email: [email protected] Home Tel: 01209 612680

Church Warden: Fundraising Co-ordinator Mr Philip Gilbert Ruth Beretta Jasmine Cottage Hiddenaway ” 45, Church Road Higher Penponds Road Camborne. TR14 0QE Camborne Tel. 01209 718367 07477165697 [email protected]

Electoral Roll: PCC Secretary: Ruth Beretta Mrs Margaret Hosking Hiddenaway Treecot Higher Penponds Road 28, Trevarnon Lane Camborne Connor Downs 07477165697 . TR27 5DL 01736756870 / 07800767157 Office Contact: [email protected] 01209 610498 / [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook: Holy Trinity Church Penponds and our pages on the website: A Church Near You

2 CONTENTS Parish Contacts Page2

Noah’s Ark Page 3

Dear Readers Page 6

In Our Parish but… Page 11

Jacob’s Letter Page 12

Rosheen Writes Page 13

Fundraising Report Page 14

Recipe of the Month Page15 Craig and Barbara in S America -Back C


3 Services Suspended until further notice

Arrangements for Banns, Marriages, Baptisms, Services, Funerals, etc. please contact Francesca Thomas (Benefice) on 07378 415166

OPEN TUESDAYS Every Tuesday throughout the year

Currently Suspended

HOLY TRINITY CHURCH PENPONDS Coffee Mornings in church Saturday -will resume when we are able


Meetings held at Barripper Chapel 7.30 - 9.00pm—3rd Monday of each month Any lady from Barripper, Penponds & Kehelland will be very welcome. £1.50 per meeting includes raffle ticket, and tea or coffee Further details from: Margaret Hosking or Sylvia Rowe (01209 716918)


GREETINGS Our faith is so important in times such as these

Visit our “A Church Near You” webpage for updates and video of Mothering Sunday Morning Prayer


Will Return!!!!

01209 718367

or 07872426529


Dear Readers,

I have written this opening paragraph so many times in recent days and I have had to change it on a daily basis as the coronavirus pan- demic has evolved. Not much more can change now, as from today all churches must fully close. The uncertainty means that our APCM is postponed until the Autumn and our build may well get put back. Let’s approach the forthcoming weeks with fortitude and prayer and please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the church repre- sentatives should you need any particular help if you find your- self in isolation and in need.

On to other things As you know we are in the process of de- veloping a programme of Transforming Mission here in Pen- ponds and our four partner parishes. Recently the Transform- ing Mission Camborne Team has published its latest update sheet which can be collected from any of the five churches. However, I include some of the essential details here

Camborne Shopfront/Hub

TM Camborne Team discussion of needs and function TM Team viewed a potential property in Cross Street – positive outcome Church wardens from all five churches and clergy viewed the property on a subsequent occasion. Again, it was a very positive viewing and a decision was made to proceed initial negotiations to lease the premises. Alongside very positive commentary some have questioned the property’s size and location away from the immediate town centre. These concerns are noted.

The project’s finances mean that our resources have to be managed carefully to cover a range of projects, all of which were specified in our funding bid. £100k is the limit that we have over six years for the shop/Hub, Cam- borne Church North Door, three rural hubs and AVA requirements.

This was at the forefront of our thinking when deciding on the premis- es concerned. Town centre premises are up to twice as expensive as our chosen site. The team considered affordability, location, condition and size.

6 Project Manager

The project manager position has been filled and the team is excited that the project is gaining momentum. Our project manager along with other paid staff, yet to be appointed, will be able to support our constituent churches as they set up projects with the aim of bringing in those, who to date have chosen not to enter our doors.

Thursday Evening Update Meeting

This was attended by approximately 30 folk from across the five churches and also some of our Methodist friends. A fish and chip supper was followed by an introduction from Rosheen and a project outline from Archdeacon Paul. Participants were able to visit various stations where the TM Camborne’s work to date was displayed The evening closed with a period of prayer.

The aim of the evening was to raise awareness and enthusiasm for the project across the five church communities, while at the same time allowing folk to express their views in written and verbal form. Hopefully this objective was achieved.

One of the few events that did go ahead before the various restrictions came into force was the Memories of Penponds Tuesday event. Our numbers were somewhat restricted but one important person who was there was Sylvia Rowe who was about to celebrate her 80th birthday!!!

In the afternoon of the same day Open Tuesday saw 11 of us throughout the afternoon including Christine Evans and her son and daughter-in-law, Robert and Clarise Evans all the way from Australia! As is our way we had two canine visitors as well!

7 Happy 80th Birthday Sylvia

I am very grateful to Heather, Sylvia and Barbara for their contribu- tions this month . Our international theme continues with images of Craig and Barbara’s road trip to South America (see the back page) You will remember that Connie from the US sent a photo last month of a family gathering in Park Holly back in the sixties. We wondered whether anybody could shed some light on the names of the family members. Fortunately Margaret Borrott saved the day as she remem- bers many of the family very well. I shall include some of Margaret’s response here.


Thank you for the March magazine. I was particularly interested in the Thomas family picture as I remember three of the sisters very well.

I lived at 16 Park Holly and number 12 was the home of Myrtle Trestrail and her husband Willie. She is fourth from the left in the back row of the photo- graph and was a lovely lady who always seemed to be smiling. She doted on her cat, a large and fiercesome tabby called Duke who was usually seen making for home with a mouse (or worse!) in his mouth! Myrtle and Willie were great workers at Camborne Wesley Chapel. They had one son, Ken- neth who was several years older than me and, being a war baby when everything was scarce I inherited many of his toys and books. He married Rachel Rowe, the daughter of a local bank manager and they had two sons, Martin and Dorian (John taught Dorian!) who would now be in their sixties. Kenneth was a car salesman who then became a Baptist minister and spent several years working with Rachel in the Holy Land. She sadly died quite young and I have no idea what happened to Kenneth or the two sons.

Two other sisters, Mary and Janey, lived at number 7. Mary is on Myrtle's left and Janey is third from left in the front row. They never married. Mary went out to work, I think at the Milk Marketing Board at Treswithian and Janey kept house and took in sewing. On many occasions I have been there to have clothes altered to fit a growing child or something made from a cast off adult garment - again a necessity when clothes were still rationed. Mary and Janey were great stalwarts of Treswithian chapel - now demol- ished. For many years it was a family tradition for my father and I to call in on them on Christmas Eve and they used to look forward to seeing us. Margaret Borrott




5th April 1: Isaiah 50. 4-9a 5th April Palm Sunday 2: Philippians 2. 5-11 Celebrant: Matthew 26. 14— end of 27

12th April 1: Acts 10. 34-43 12th April Easter Day 2: Colossians 3. 1-4 Celebrant: John 20. 1-18

19th April 1: Acts 2. 14a, 22-32 19th April 2nd Sunday 2: 1 Peter 1. 3-9 of Easter Celebrant: John 20. 19-end

26th April 1: Acts 2. 14a, 36-41 26th April 3rd Sunday 2: 1 Peter 1. 17-23 of Easter Celebrant: Luke 24. 13-35

3rd May 1: Acts 2. 42-end 3rd May 4th Sunday 2: 1 Peter 2. 19-end of Easter Celebrant: John 10. 1-10



Last month’s answer: The no– through lane which runs past Cornhill Farm and the gateway is that belonging to Trevorian Farm

11 Dear Rev. Rosheen,

Praise the name of the Lord!! Please it is with a lot of joy and love to read from you. I highly uplift and glorify the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please allow me to give you my personal brief background. I was born in 1972 from a very humbly family background. My family was one of the poorest in the village. Both my parents were strong Christians with a strong faith. We used to pray everyday for Gods help. Our house was one of the worst in the village, grass thatched and made of cow dung.

In 1982, God touched my life and I accepted the Lord as my personal Saviour. The Lord came a long my way throughout my education, and I got a well-wisher from Finland who paid my fees up to secondary school and the University. I then got touched by the way I was seeing children in our village walking with no clothes, no food, child rights being abused, poor education and other school charging fees which hindered several children from going to school. I decided to start this school to purely address the needs of the orphans and vulnerable children, just begging for help from well-wishers. I thank God that He has remained our provider.

…The [church] members highly welcomed the idea to form a partnership with our local church. We all thanked God for touching your heart to work together with us. …Currently we have 80 members, most of them are widows and widowers, children, and in general people from very humble economic back- grounds. We all trust God for our provisions.

…We trust God for better things to come. Please as I said yesterday, we live a long the Lake Victoria Region where people are very thirsty for the word of God and are still attached to traditional customs…

Nissii Christian Academy has come infront with a message of love, hope and restoration to the children and the community. All our values and foundations of operations are Christian based. …Our school is still very early stage development and currently we 169 children. Our school provides them with food, education, medical care, social and moral support and shelter through foster family program which is inline with our African culture of brotherhood. …Please, we would glad if you could join us in helping the children and reaching the community with the similar gospel.

…Please on behalf of our school Board of Management, Parents, pupils, and teachers besides our church members, I wish to request you to… collect for us any items which they NO LONGER USE OR NEED for example clothes, shoes, books, or any household items.These items could still be used and have value for our pupils and parents and even very poor church members, Most of children are total orphans and others are very needy. These items could greatly touch their lives. Some have very torn and old clothes and this affects their learning specially the girls. They get ashamed when they in school with torn and old clothes.

On behalf of all our members, I want thank Mrs Rebekah (head of the school here) for putting us togeth- er. This is indeed a MIRACLE!! …Your church can become our MOTHER. Jacob

12 Rosheen Writes (Written before the closure of church buildimgs)

The month of April usually brings more sunshine and light with longer days and warmer tempera- tures. Spring has sprung and we love to see new life emerging in the garden and the countryside. In church we celebrate the joy of risen life, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Through the dark days of winter we can almost forget what warmth and sunshine feels like and we long for the sun to return. Through the season of Lent we contemplate our inner darkness and long for the Son to come and bring light into our lives once again.

Palm Sunday brings some celebration as we remember Jesus being welcomed into to Jerusalem. This year some of our churches will be waving Palm crosses made by Joseph, a ‘katekisti’ (meaning Christian teacher) from Kikilo, Tanzania who I met when I visited 18 months ago. He and his village made 5000 palm crosses for us to transport back to the UK.

It is tempting to go from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday without travelling through Holy Week. Without walking this difficult road it is easy to forget how far Jesus went and the depth to which he sank to save us from the darkness of living without God. When we face difficult days or feel alone, which is increasingly more likely to happen to all of us given the news about coronavirus, knowing Jesus has trodden this path too is a comfort.

We are living through unprecedented times. The virus shows no partiality, no concern for who you are, rich or poor, famous or not. It is a great leveller and a reminder of our common humanity. Mulling over these things brought to mind the line in St Paul’s letter to the Galatians (ch3 v28) “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” God too shows no partially, he loves each one of us equally, individually and deeply. Whether we are old or young, black or white, whatever our abili- ties we can be sure that we are known and loved by God. Nothing can come between us and God’s love, which St Paul expressed so well when he wrote to the Romans “For I am convinced that nei- ther death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This year there will be an exhibition called The Way of the Cross for Holy Week which follows the events of that first Good Friday. There will be 14 works of art accompanied by a short passage of the bible and a prayer. It will be available all week in Treslothan Church, from 10am to 4pm, simp- ly for viewing or for private reflection. I encourage you to take some time out to visit.

Not even the worst thing we can think of can separate us from the love of God, our Creator, Re- deemer and Sustainer. This was shown on that first Easter Sunday when Jesus conquered the power of the grave and rose to new life. This is what we celebrate and this is what we can place our hope and trust in.

Happy Easter and God bless you and your loved ones, Rosheen


Fundraising News Sadly we have had to cancel all our planned events for the time being due to the uncertainty about the Covid 19 virus outbreak. This meant we did not hold our Lent lunch as we had planned - that was a pity as we had some great new soups lined up for you to try! Let's hope that when all this is over and we can return to having social events, you can join us to put them to the test. One of the events we have had to cancel is our planned Easter Tea which was to have been on April 18th. Camborne Tesco have donated Easter eggs in memory of Cath Hatchell, who sadly died last year and donated the Easter eggs for the egg hunt last year. So rather than have them go to waste, please can you come up with some good ideas about how we can distribute them to our local children? Thank you. I hope to be back with some positive news soon! Stay safe everyone and hope we see you again soon.


No Snow Yet This Year!

This view by Sylvia is from the 90s


Recipe of the Month


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This month I thought I would highlight our need to build an even bigger clean- ing team to support those who already work so hard. Anne and Richard along with Frank and Evelyn form the backbone of the current number along with Ann D and Sharon seen here pol- ishing the woodwork


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volcano Sajama, Bolivia Sajama, volcano peak highest s ’

Craig riding through the Nevado Sajama heading towards the the towards heading Sajama Nevado the through riding Craig


Machu Picchu, Peru after an early start and a train and bus bus and train a and start early an after Peru Picchu, Machu

America S in Barbara and Craig