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Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership Meeting

Minute of meeting held in

Council Chamber, ,

Thursday 3 March 2011 at 7pm

PRESENT Mr Angus Campbell, CnES (Chairman) Mr Archie K Campbell, CnES Ms Seonag Campbell, SDS Mr David Green, LCC/UHI Mr Scott Hay, HIFRS Mr Gordon Jamieson, NHS WI Mr Angus Lamont, HHP Ms Anne Macaulay, HIE Mr Alex A MacDonald, CnES Mr David Maclennan, SNH Chief Inspector Gordon Macleod, Northern Constabulary Mrs Katie Macleod, HVS Mrs Jessie MacNeil, VABV Mr Alasdair Nicolson, Third Sector Hebrides Mr Charlie Nicolson, CnES

APOLOGIES Mr Malcolm Burr, CnES Dr Neil Galbraith, NHS WI Mr Ken Kennedy, LCC/UHI Mr Donald Manford, CnES Mr Morag Munro, CnES Mr Anthony Standing, SDS

Item Action The Chairman advised that he intended to raise two additional maters under any other business. The first was in relation to the Change Fund and the second in relation to the MCA consultation on the future of the Coastguard Service. He stated that the Coastguard Review had commenced since the last meeting of the Community Planning Partnership in December 2010. Given the time sensitive nature of the responses, the issue had been discussed at the Executive Group. It was noted that a Task Group had been established locally to lobby for the retention of the local Coastguard Service and the group was working on an alternative proposal as a response to the consultation. The review proposed that either Stornoway or Shetland be reduced to a daylight operation and the other discontinued. The Chairman advised that initial discussions with the Minister had suggested that alternative models would be considered. It was recommended that the OHCPP submit a response in support of the task group submission, that a draft of this response would be brought to the next meeting of the Executive Group and that the response would be circulated to the whole membership of the Partnership prior to submission.

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It was agreed that: a) a draft response to the consultation, in support of the submission of the task group would be written; b) the draft response would be submitted to the next meeting of the Executive Group for consideration prior to submission; and c) the draft response would be circulated to the Partnership for consideration and comments prior to submission.

Minute of Meeting of 2 1 The Minute of the meeting of Thursday 2 December 2010 was December 2010 approved as accurate.

Action Points 2 The Chairman stated that in regard to Item 10 of the previous minute the submission on the Community Support Service Review had been compiled by the Communities Outcome Group and had been submitted with all of the requested representations. These submissions had been taken into consideration by the Comhairle‟s Sustainable Development Committee in December 2010.

It had been agreed by the Committee to recommend to the Comhairle that the Director of Development implement the recommendations arising from the Review of the Service. These recommendations were to take steps to centralise the Comhairle‟s community economic development service as far as practicable in order to provide a more flexible and equitable distribution of resources to the communities of the ; to define the future role of the Community Co-ordinators more clearly, and designate new job-titles accordingly; to continue to identify potential budgetary savings and efficiencies arising from a new way of delivering community economic development across the Outer Hebrides; and to initiate a marketing campaign, emphasizing the benefits of the „one-stop-shop‟ approach. The Comhairle had further agreed to seek a report on the practical implications of delivery to be submitted to the June 2011 meeting of the Sustainable Development Committee.

The decision of the Comhairle in this regard was noted.

Matters Arising 3 Ms Katie Macleod asked the Chairman to clarify the list of future dates for the Partnership, in particular that no meeting date in Harris was included on the list. The Chairman responded that the location of meetings was on a rota basis as previously agreed by the OHCPP; the last meeting outwith Stornoway having taken place in Tarbert, the next meeting in Harris would take place in early 2012.

Revision of the SOA 4 Following on from Item 4 of the minute dated 2 December 2010, the Chief Executive, CnES submitted a Report informing the Partnership of the progress made in revising the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA).

Ms Gayle Findlay, CnES, advised the meeting that the five Outcome Groups had been taking part in a series of meetings and workshops in order to identify Activities; short-term Outcomes; Intermediate Outcomes and Long Term Outcomes which would contribute towards the seven new priorities chosen by the Partnership in December 2010. This work had been used to populate Logic Models and Outcome Triangles which were attached as Appendices to the

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Report, and which would comprise part of the revised SOA document.

It was noted that the Outcome Groups would now spend some time prioritising the selected Activities and Outcomes and identifying high level SMART indicators by which to measure progress with a view to submitting a draft SOA to Scottish Government for feedback at the beginning of April 2011. Partners also considered a suggested format template for use in monitoring progress with the new document, attached at Appendix 3.

It was recommended that Partners authorise the Executive Group, Community Planning Information Group and the Community Partnerships‟ Unit to continue with the development of the SOA and approve the suggested format for Report monitoring to Scottish Government.

The Partnership noted the Report and agreed to: a) authorise the Executive Group, Community Planning Information Group and the Community Partnerships’ Unit to continue with the development of the SOA; and b) approve the suggested format for Report monitoring to Scottish Government.

Public Sector Reform 5 Following on from Item 11 of the minute of the meeting of 2 December 2010, in regards to the Comhairle‟s Budget Choices, the Partnership considered a Report updating it on the latest position in relation to Public Sector Reform and the work being carried out by the Centre for Scottish Public Policy (CSPP) relating to the potential for a Single Public Authority.

The Chairman stated that the CPP had received a draft Report and Recommendations from the CSPP which was appended to the Report at Appendix 2. Appendix 1 was Comhairle nan Eilean Siar‟s initial submission to the Christie Commission. Partners noted that the Comhairle would be discussing its submission at the Highlands and Islands Convention on 14 March 2011 ahead of considering its final submission at its meeting of 31 March 2011.

Mr Alex MacDonald stated that he had met with the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrat Party and the lead agencies on Public Sector Reform from Shetland and Orkney to discuss the issue. It was noted that both political parties had indicated the issue would be included in their manifestos. A meeting was due to take place with the Scottish National Party and the Labour Party to discern whether Public Sector Reform would also be included in their manifestos. It was further noted that in Orkney the Health Board had been leading the project and that feedback to date from national politicians indicated that the Single Public Authority model was the best reform option for the island areas.

The Chairman stated that the establishment of the Christie Commission ensured that there would be reform of the Public Sector after the Scottish Government elections in May 2011. He added that this provided an opportunity as a Partnership to influence the reform process and to propose a model of mutual benefit for the service providers and users of the Outer Hebrides. In addition, he recommended that the Partnership give consideration to a more suitable name as the term Single Public Authority had developed negative connotations and was perceived as a Local Authority

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takeover, and that consultation on the proposals take place with communities.

Mr Gordon Jamieson stated that NHS Western Isles would continue to support integrated working and there were a number of areas in which agencies should be working together. He added that the role of the Health Board is to promote and safeguard the health and wellbeing of the population. If the Board was looking to do that differently through an alternative model, all options would have to be considered as part of a full appraisal. Options may include a Single Public Authority and merger with a mainland Board(s).

The Chairman said that the Public Sector Reform model would not be looking at delivering services within agencies, but at securing local jobs and retaining policy decisions within the Outer Hebrides. He emphasised that the issue could not be ignored and that he was keen to discuss a sustainable answer.

Chief Inspector Gordon Macleod stated that he had met with Fergus Ewing MSP who had been visiting the Outer Hebrides with regard to the Single Police Force. Chief Inspector Macleod reported that Mr Ewing had been informed that there was a commitment to defending the levels of policing and the rank structure in the Outer Hebrides. Chief Inspector Macleod advised Partners that the islands could be shown as best practice for Public Sector Agencies working together to retain services.

Mr Charlie Nicolson said that there was a need to safeguard the Outer Hebrides and the Highlands and Islands and added that, in relation to the retention of local Police and Fire Service provision, national consideration should be given to a four area model with the Highlands and Islands growing to incorporate Argyll and Bute.

Chief Inspector Gordon Macleod added that he was lobbying to retain the identity of the Outer Hebrides command within any new Police Force models adopted locally. He recommended that a meeting with the relevant Civil Servants regarding the importance of local services be set up.

The Chairman proposed that Public consultations on the reform of local services be held and that the Partnership together with the Orkney and Shetland Partnerships could meet with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing to identify the NHS national position on Public Sector Reform.

Mr Gordon Jamieson emphasised that the Health Board was unable to engage in any public debate regarding models that would lead towards dissolution of the Board until such a policy change was directed from Scottish Government. He added that the Health Board was in regular contact with Scottish Government on the issue and was confident that such a change had not occurred. He added that the Health Board would be likely to support a centralised agenda if a Policy directive was received from Scottish Government.

The Partnership noted the Report and agreed that: a) consideration to an appropriate title for the project be given; b) Partners should consult with the public on proposed models of reform; and c) a meeting with the Cabinet Secretary and senior officials for

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health be arranged to discuss the national position on Reform.

University of the 6 The Principal of submitted a Report on the Highlands and Islands status of the University of the Highlands and Islands.

The Report stated that on 2 February 2011 the Scottish Government and Privy Council had officially announced the creation of a new University of the Highlands and Islands. The Report emphasised that while this was welcome news and the result of years of hard work the new University would be facing unprecedented financial challenges.

Mr David Green stated that major reductions in both University and college funding in 2011/12 were expected. Lews Castle College (LCC) and the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) were expected to face the effects of these reductions at the same time as striving to meet the increased expectations of students and other stakeholders.

Mr Green added that there would be potential benefits to the communities of the Outer Hebrides from the new status. These would be highlighted in a study due to be published by Summer 2011 which was expected to indicate that for every £1 invested locally £2 would be put back into the local economy.

It was further noted that LCC in conjunction with UHI intended to develop research funding and commercial contracts as well as companies made possible by the intellectual property created by applied research activity. These activities would require ongoing investment from Partners.

Partners noted that it was envisaged that the LCC UHI campus could have a specialisation in Renewables and Green Energy as well as Research in Gaelic and ICT.

The Chairman, on behalf of the Partnership, congratulated all involved in this achievement and proposed that LCC consider the feasibility of West Camp in as a campus and identify methods to bring apprentices from across the University to the islands to complete courses.

It was recommended that Partners offer support by promoting confidence that LCC and UHI could and would deliver positive solutions to meet economic, community and individual aspirations, and a willingness to commit to the University‟s initiatives; work under the assumption that the Partnership would look first to see if local solutions could be found for training, development, consultancy, research, commercial requirements, by active engagement with Lews Castle College and the extensive resources of the University of the Highlands and Islands; Provide assistance in levering funding support from a variety of sources (EU, NES, industry, for example) to support projects of benefit to the wider community; and develop a shared vision for the University of the Highlands and Islands in the Outer Hebrides. OHCPP

It was agreed that the Partnership: a) would promote confidence that LCC and UHI could and would deliver positive solutions to meet economic, community and individual aspirations, and a

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willingness to commit to the University’s initiatives; b) work under the assumption that the Partnership would look first to see if local solutions could be found for training, development, consultancy, research, commercial requirements, by active engagement with Lews Castle College and the extensive resources of the University of the Highlands and Islands; c) would provide assistance in levering funding support from a variety of sources (EU, NES, industry, for example) to support projects of benefit to the wider community; and d) would develop a shared vision for the University of the Highlands and Islands in the Outer Hebrides.

ISLEPACT 7 The Director of Development, CnES, and the Director of Technical Presentation Services, CnES submitted a joint Report and Presentation updating the Partnership on the aims, objectives and progress of the ISLEPACT project.

The Chairman invited Mr John Cunningham and Dr Ruairi Maciver from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar to make a Presentation to the Partnership. Partners noted that ISLEPACT was a 30 month project running until July 2012. CnES and the Outer Hebrides were leading on the project which included 12 participating island groups and aimed to reduce the Carbon Footprint of the participating members by 20% by 2020. This would be achieved by the support of larger projects within the participating regions, examples of which could include Greenspace and infrastructure.

Partners were asked to consider and identify any “bankable projects” which could be considered for the ISLEPACT project.

Mr Gordon Jamieson welcomed the information on the project and said that the potential benefits were large. He added that the Health Service did not have the expertise to sufficiently reduce emissions and stated that any help the ISLEPACT project could offer would be welcomed.

Dr Maciver stated that the Health Board and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar had accounted for 15% of total emissions in the Outer Hebrides in 2003. He added that if Partners engaged with the project, new initiatives for reducing emissions would arise and could be taken advantage of as they did.

It was noted that the work of the ISLEPACT project fed into the Partnership priority of a Carbon Positive Outer Hebrides. It was proposed that information on how Partners could feed in to the ISLEPACT project could be channelled through the Natural and Cultural Resources Outcome Group.

It was agreed that information on how Partners could feed in to the ISLEPACT project would be channelled through the Natural and Cultural Resources Outcome Group.

CCTV 8 The Director of Social and Community Services, CnES submitted a Report on Stornoway‟s CCTV system and its current operational status.

The Chairman clarified that the handover of the system to the Partnership had been planned and discussed with the company set

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up to establish the system, and that this company had subsequently been wound up as it had fulfilled its purpose. The company had faced the problem now faced by the Partnership, namely the difficulty in accessing funds for running costs and maintenance.

It was recommended that the Community Planning Partnership approve the recommendations at 3.1 a) to e). The Chairman clarified that recommendation c) regarding economies of scale savings related to maintenance and not monitoring which would be retained by Northern Constabulary.

Chief Inspector Gordon Macleod stated that it would be a retrograde step if functioning CCTV were to be lost from Stornoway. It was recommended that further issues relating to the CCTV system should be reported through the Communities Outcome Group.

The Partnership agreed: a) to reaffirm its joint commitment to supporting the existence of a fully operational CCTV system for the Stornoway town and harbour areas; b) to develop and implement a shared responsibility agreement in relation to meeting the future maintenance needs and development potential of the system; c) to consider whether economies of scale savings could be achieved by linking the current system with that of the new Nicolson Institute building via the stated requirements of the Western Isles Schools Project as detailed in Appendices 2a and 2b to the Report; d) to discuss (in relation to CCTV) the potential for widening the Partnership Membership and further extending the system to encompass a wider geographical area; e) to note the summary of recommendations from The Scottish Governments “A [Draft] National Strategy for Public Space CCTV in October 2010” as detailed in Appendix 3 to the Report; and f) that CCTV related matters and implementation of recommendations a) – e) above would be included in the remit for the Communities Outcome Group.

Low Carbon Vehicle 9 The Chief Executive, CnES, submitted a progress Report on the Procurement Support purchase and installation of Low Carbon Vehicles and infrastructure. Scheme Ms Gayle Findlay advised that Third Sector Hebrides would receive a green vehicle by the end of March 2011 and NHS WI would have installed their infrastructure. It was noted that Comhairle nan Eilean Siar had still to confirm what type of vehicle would be purchased, however due to planning, operational and time requirements, the charging point would be on the premises of the Council Offices. In addition Lews Castle College would be conducting the monitoring and bi-annual reporting.

The Chairman welcomed the news and emphasised to partners that the vehicle in Balivanich would be for use of all Partners while in Benbecula. He expressed his disappointment that it had not proved to be possible to share infrastructure in Benbecula.

It was agreed to note the Report.

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Community Planning 10 Partners considered the quarterly Financial Monitoring Report. Financial monitoring It was agreed to note the Report.

Public 11 The Chief Executive, CnES, submitted a Report for noting on the Social Partnership ongoing Public Social Partnership pilot.

The Chairman stated that the Public Social Partnership (PSP) project had been focusing on transport needs across the Public sector. The PSP had just completed an audit detailed in the Report and the results were currently being analysed. The PSP was also proposing to hold a seminar for interested parties in regard to social capital and community benefit clauses within Public Sector Contracts. Partners were advised that they would be informed more about this event when details were finalised and were urged to attend as consideration of social benefit clauses would become integral to tendering contracts in the future.

It was agreed to note the terms of the update.

AOCB 1) Visioning Outcomes in Community Engagement (VOiCE) Training

Partners were advised that Carmen Morrison, local Officer of the Scottish Health Council, had offered Partners training on a tool which assisted with the planning and evaluation of engagement. The tool was called VOiCE (Visioning Outcomes in Community Engagement) and had been developed by the Scottish Community Development Centre.

Partners noted that VOiCE was an on-line database which helped the user with planning and recording. It assisted individuals, organisations and partnerships to design and deliver better community engagement. It was further noted that there were a number of benefits of using the VOiCE tool including shared planning, conduct and evaluation of community engagement with colleagues/partners and communities.

The Chairman proposed that if the partnership was interested in participating in the training that the CPU set up a training event with Carmen Morrison.

It was agreed that the Partnership would take part in a training event for VOiCE as and when arranged.

2) Change Fund

The Chairman introduced a Report for noting in relation to the Change Fund. It was noted that the Scottish Government had established a Change Fund of £70m for 2011/12 to enable health and social care partners to implement local plans for making better use of their combined resources for older people‟s services. The Outer Hebrides had been allocated over £0.5Million of this fund. The principal policy goal of the Reshaping Care for Older People programme was to optimise independence and well-being for older people at home or in a homely setting. It was noted that the Change Fund would provide bridging finance to facilitate shifts in the balance of care, from institutional to primary and community settings, and should also influence decisions taken with respect to

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the totality of partnership spend on older people‟s care.

Partners were advised that developments undertaken using the Change Fund would be intended to build on the wide range of innovative work already underway across Scotland. However, it would not provide a recurring budget stream, but should cover developmental and service activities that enabled more people to be supported in less institutional settings.

Partners noted that a draft bid, which was included in the papers, had been completed and submitted by 28 February 2011. A final bid would be completed by June 2011 and would include NHS Western Isles, the Comhairle and Third and Independent Sector representative(s) as signatories.

Partners were further advised that CnES, in line with COSLA‟s position, had taken the decision that monitoring and oversight would be through the CPP. NHS Western Isles would make a final decision on monitoring and oversight for its interests by the time of submission of the final application in June.

Mr Gordon Jamieson stated that NHS Western Isles welcomed the investment and was waiting for feedback on the draft submission before making a final decision.

The Partnership noted the Report.

3) Youth Seat Mr Charlie Nicolson raised concerns over the still vacant youth representative seat and proposed that students within LCC be invited to the Partnership.

Mr David Green proposed that the Student Union and Young people‟s association at the Bridge Centre be approached to identify potential membership.

It was further proposed that as Partnership meetings moved to different locations throughout the Hebrides, young people from the area could be invited to attend the meetings and an effort made to include items on the agenda which appealed to young people.

The Partnership agreed to consider the proposed suggestions.

Dates of next meetings Thursday 19 May 2011 Thursday 18 August 2011 Stornoway Thursday 29 September 2011 Uist Thursday 24 November 2011 Stornoway


CPP Members Mr Angus Campbell, CnES (Chairman) Mr Angus Lamont, HHP Mr Alex A MacDonald, CnES Mr Archie Campbell, CnES Mr David Green, LCC/UHI Mr Charlie Nicolson, CnES Mr Archie Macdonald, HIE Mr Donald Manford, CnES Mr Anthony Standing SDS Mrs Morag Munro, CnES Dr Neil Galbraith, NHS WI Mr Malcolm Burr, CnES Mr Gordon Jamieson, NHS WI Volunteer Centre, Chair of Co-Cheangall Innse Gall Mr Scott Hay, H&I F&R Service Chief Inspector Gordon Macleod, NC

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Mr David Maclennan, SNH

Officers (in attendance) For Information Ms Laura F C MacIver Comhairle Members Ms Lesley McDonald Management Team Mr Nigel Scott Ms Gayle Findlay