A Thesis submitted to the University of Surrey

for a Degree of




August 1986

Division of Clinical Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry

University of Surrey




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Using an established radioimmunoassay for Immunoreactlve

gastric inhibitory polypeptide (IR-GIP) the metabolic actions

of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) were investigated. It

was found that there was no circadian rhythm in basal plasma

TR-GIP and immunoreactlve insulin (IRI) concentrations in

normal human volunteers, but that there was in stimulated

IR-GIP and IRI plasma concentrations following a mixed meal.

It was shown that short-term adaptation of both humans and

rats, with high-fat diets, could cause moderate insulin

resistance as demonstrated by the removal of the feed-back

inhibition of exogenous insulin on fat-stimulated IR-GIP

release. It was shown that GIP via its role in the

enteroinsular axis, might play a part in the development of

the hyperinsulinaemia and obesity of the genetically obese

hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mouse.

It was demonstrated that the pre-requisite for fat-

stimulated IR-GIP release in the ob/ob mouse is the absorption of fatty acids and glycerides capable of being esterified into triglyceride. Any physical, chemical or metabolic interference with this process resulted in a decrease of the amount of IR-GIP released. It was further shown, using a combination of both exogenous and endogenous lipid and GIP, that GIP has a role in the removal of chylomicron triglyceride from the circulation of the rat. It was not possible to confirm this in humans using exogenous lipid and endogenous glucose-stimulated IR-GIP release. It was shown in the insulinoma bearing NEDH rat that exogenous porcine GIP was able to augment the insulin stimulating ability of glucose when co-administered intravenously with glucose, thus providing strong evidence for GIP's role as an incretin.



I should like to express my thanks to the following

people for their help over the last few years.

Firstly I must thank Profesor Vincent Marks for his

constant help and encouragement in the execution and (0 completion of this thesis. I must also express my djepest

gratitude to Dr Linda Morgan, who in the early days taught me

all I knew about GIP, who advised and encouraged me through

the initial experimental work and who, more recently, proof

read the first drafts of this thesis. I must also thank Dr

Shelagh Hampton for her immeasurable help and advice on


I would also like to thank Drs Peter Flatt and Clifford

Bailey for their help with the ob/ob mice. Dr Kim Tan for his

help with the insulinoma bearing rats, and Drs John Wright,

Bob Cramb, Mike Dunne and John Wong for their help with the


Finally, I would like to thank my parents for

encouraging me and making it possible for me to start, and my wife Christine, without whose proof reading and constant and untiring encouragement and help I would certainly not have finished.








1.1.0 General Background 2

1.1.1 Historical 2

1.1.2 Special Aspects 3

1.1.3 General Concepts 5

1.1.4 Recent Developments 8

1.2.0 Enterogastrone Concept 15

1.2.1 Endogenous Lines of Research 15

1.2.2 Exogenous Lines of Research 16

1.3.0 Incretin Concept 19

1.3.1 Endogenous Aspects 19

1.3.2 Incretin Candidates 21

1.4.0 Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP) 24

1.4.1 Discovery of GIP 24

1.4.2 Isolation and Purification 26

1.4.4 Localisation 27

1.4.5 Physiological Actions of Exogenous GIP 28

1.4.6 Metabolic Effects of GIP 31

V 1.4.7 stimulation of Immunoreactive BIP (IR-GIP)

release 36

1.4.8 Inhibition of IR-GIP Release 42

1.5.0 46

1.5.1 Historical Background and Discovery of

Motilin 46

1.5.2 Structure of Motilin 46

1.5.3 Cellular Localisation of Motilin 47

1.5.4 Physiological Actions of Motilin 47

1.5.5 Modulation of Circulating IRM 49

1.6.0 Summary of Introduction and Aims 52



2.1.0 The Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP)

Assay 54

lodination 54

Standards 56

Charcoal Stripped Serum 56

Assay 57

Antibody 57

2.2.0 The Motilin Assay 64

lodination 64

Antibody 65

Assay 65

2.3.0 Plasma Triglyceride Assay 73

VI 2.4.0 Plasma Glucose Assay 74



3.0.0 Introduction 76

3.1.0 GEP Hormones During a Twenty-four Hour Fast 77

3.1.1 Methods 77

3.1.2 Results 78

3.1.3 Discussion 79

3.2.0 Function of the Enteroinsular Axis at 1100 h

and 0200 h 87

3.2.1 Methods 87

3.2.2 Results 88

3.2.3 Discussion 88

3.3.0 Investigation of the Insulinaemic Responses

Following Intravenous Glucose at 1000 h and

0200 h 95

3.3.1 Methods 95

3.3.2 Results 96

3.3.3 Discussion 96

3.4.0 Function of the Enteroinsular Axis

Throughout the Day 107

3.4.1 Methods 107

3.4.2 Results 108

3.4.3 Discussion 108

VII Summary of Results - Chapter Three 117



4.0.0 Introduction 120

4.1.0 Effect of a Short-term High Fat Diet on the

Enteroinsular Axis in Rats 123

4.1.1 Methods 123

4.1.2 Results 125

4.1.3 Discussion 131

4.2.0 Effect of Both High and Low Fat Diets on the

Enteroinsular Axis in Man 134

4.2.1 Methods 134

4.2.2 Results 137

4.2.3 Discussion 147

Summary of Results - Chapter Four 151



5.0.0 Introduction 153

5.1.0 Role of i.p. GIP in the Clearance of i.p.

Intralipid from the Plasma of the Rat 157

5.1.1 Methods 157

5.1.2 Results 158

5.1.3 Discussion 163

VIII 5.2.0 Role of Exogenous GIP in the Clearance of

i.v. Intralipid in the Rat 165

5.2.1 Methods 166

5.2.2 Results 167

5.2.3 Discussion 171

5.3.0 Effect of Anti-GIP Antibodies on the

Clearance of Plasma Triglyceride Following

Oral Triolein in Rats 174

5.3.1 Methods 174

5.3.2 Results 175

5.3.3 Discussion 180

Summary of Results - Chapter Five 182





6.1.0 Introduction 184

6.1.1 Methods 185

6.1.2 Results 187

6.1.3 Discussion 194

Summary of Results - Chapter Six 196




7.1.0 Introduction 198

IX 7.1.1 Methods 200

7.1.2 Results 201

7.1.3 Discussion 210

Summary of Ressults — Chapter Seven 212




8.0.0 Introduction 214

8.1.0 Immunoreactlve Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide

(IR-GIP) in the Plasma and Small Intestine of

the Obese Hyperglycaemic Mouse 216

8.1.1 Methods 216

8.1.2 Results 217

8.1.3 Discussion 220

8.2.0 Involvement of GIP and the Enteroinsular Axis

in the Metabolic Abnormlities of the Obese

Hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) Mouse 221

8.2.1 Methods 222

8.2.2 Results 225

8.2.3 Discussion 236

8.3.0 Effect of Chain-length and S^uration in

Fatty Acid Stimulated IR-GIP Release in

the Obese Hyperglycaemic (ob/bo) Mouse 239

8.3.1 Methods 239

8.3.2 Results 241

8.3.3 Discussion 246 Summary of Results - Chapter Eight 249



9.1.1 The Enteroinsular Axis 251

9.1.2 The Release of IR-GIP 256

9.1.3 The Enteroadipose Axis 257

9.1.4 Other Future Lines of Research 258





paqe 1 1.1.0

General Background

1.1.1 Historical

The physiology, origin, chemistry, pharmacology and

clinical aspects of gastrointestinal hormones, or gut

hormones as they have been more succinctly labelled, has

become one of the most rapidly expanding and interesting

fields in contemporary endocrinology and gastroendocrinology.

One of the more eloquent pictures of the ever growing field

of gut hormones was painted by G.B.J. Glass.

"Tbis territory is reminiscent of a subtropical forest

full of proud and established trees, jungle-like bushes

inter-woven with each other, beautiful flowers not yet

classified in the Linnaen code, and also frail and weak

growths struggling for survival. In this new territory

the steps of the explorer are both risky and highly

rewarding, but certainly full of excitement." (Glass,


The study of gut hormones as we now know them, dates back to the very beginning of this century. Bayliss and

Starling published a paper entitled "On the causation of the so called 'peripheral reflex secretion' of the pancreas."

(Bayliss and Starling, 1902).

The "peripheral reflex" referred to in their paper was that propounded by Popielski (1901) who claimed that the secretions of the pancreas were under nervous control.

However, with Bayliss and Starling's discovery of the age of "endocrinology" had begun and any serious thoughts

page 2 of the involvement of the central nervous system

secretions of the pancreas were set aside for decades.

In 1905 Edkins described the chemical mechanism of

gastric secretion with the discovery of (Edkins,

1905). More than twenty years later it was discovered that

yet another hormone contributed to the normal function of the

gut. It was shown that when fat was introduced into the small

intestine a hormone was released which caused gall bladder

contractions. This hormone was named (CCK)

(Ivy and Oldberg, 1928), and thus the entire workings of the

gut were explained by the actions of these three hormones;

gastrin controlled gastric acid secretion, secretin that of

pancreatic bicarbonate, and cholocystokin in-pancreozymin (as

it became known) gall bladder contraction and pancreatic

enzyme output. Even as late as 1970 it was argued that the

hormonal regulation of the digestive tract and pancreas could be totally explained by these same three hormones (Grossman,


Although the fuse was lit in 1902 the explosion in

interest and "understanding" in the working of the gut did not occur until 60 - 70 years later. Although the hormonal actions of secretin have been known for over 80 years it was not until as recently as 1961 that the purification of porcine secretin was accomplished (Jorpes and Mutt, 1961). It then took a further 5 years before it was sequenced (Mutt and

Jorpes, 1966). The situation was analagous for both gastrin and CCK.

1.1.2 Special Aspects

When compared to other fields in endocrinology, progress

page 3 in the study of hormones of the gastrointestinal tract has

been hampered by some very real problems. Unlike hormones

which are synthesized and secreted by small discrete glands

such as the pituitary hormones, thyroid hormones or adrenal

hormones (to name several). Populations of gut hormone

secreting cells are distributed throughout the

gastrointestinal tract according to their own individual

freqencies (Bloom and Polak, 1978). This situation is

complicated further by the fact that in any one section of

the gut several populations of different gut hormone

secreting cells co-exist. Thus the anatomical dissemination

and intermingling of different endocrine cells within the gut

and their interactions have made defining the role of a

single gut hormone in (uncharacteristic) isolation a most

difficult task.

Returning to the development of the study of the

glandular endocrine system, it was found that surgical

removal of a gland gave rise to the symptoms of a deficiency

syndrome, and the administration of. a glandular extract to

those of over production. These cells are formed into a gland

because they are required to respond to a blood borne

stimulus. Reacting in this way to concentration changes of

the stimulus they are only required to sample blood from one artery or to the stimulus from a single discrete nerve. This is in contrast with the situation in the gut where the stimuli to the diffuse endocrine system, as it has become known, are the irregular components of our diet; fat, carbohydrates and proteins, whether present as liquid or solid. The task of the diffuse endocrine system is to produce an integrated response that reflects the total relative proportions of the nutrient classes ingested, modulating the

page 4 necessary physiological and metabolic processes as and when

required. In this respect the diffuse endocrine system has a

different role to the glandular endocrine system; it responds

not only to just one stimulus but many, be they mechanical,

osmotic or chemical. As the digestive tract has mechanically

disruptive, secretory, digestive and absorbtive functions

which are spatially distinct, the individual gut hormone

responses reflect this spatial organisation to facilitate

absorption and assimilation in a manner to the overall

advantage of the organism. It is in this way, in some

cultures, that gut hormones control the consequences of one

of man's more time consuming occupations and via satiety its

frequency and duration, as detailed in a short review

(Koopmans, 1981).

Finally, there have been very few simple and obvious

connections between dramatic diseases and over- or under-production of gut hormones. Most disturbances in gastrointestinal function are not usually life threatening or sensational, and lack the "medical charisma" of diseases such as juvenile onset diabetes melitus or thyrotoxicosis. In all but their severest forms, diarrhoea, constipation and other gastrointestinal disturbances have been endured as part of man's lot in life. As a result of this lack of interest and clinical motivation, efforts in this area of research have quite naturally been limited.

1.1.3 General Concepts

The term "gut hormone" has already been used several times in this introduction. However, as a definition of the substances in question it can be misleading as not all of

page 5 these are hormones in the classical sense, nor are they all

confined to the gut. Hence, the term regulatory or

regulatory peptides of the gut has found favour as a new

title for these substances (Grossman, 1981), Various stimuli

(physical or chemical) from within or without the body can

cause the release of (in this context) regulatory peptides

and are delivered to their target cells in one, or possibly a

combination, of three modes. These are endocrine, classically

the manner in which a regulator is borne by the blood to a

distant target, neurocrine, in which the regulator diffuses

across a narrow synaptic gap from neurone to target cell, and

paracrine, in which the regulator diffuses through the

intercellular space from the releasing cell to a nearby

target cell without entering the blood stream.

In table 1.1 there is a list of peptides which have been

found in the digestive tract. The digestive tract, in this

context however, is usually considered to include the

pancreas in addition to the stomach and intestine, so to the

list of names giving a blanket description to the peptides

dealt with in this introduction (i.e. gut hormones /

regulatory peptides of the gut) we may add

gastroenteropancreatic hormones (Walsh, 1980). Most of the

hormones in table 1.1 have been isolated and sequenced from

tissues of the gut. and TRH were isolated and

sequenced from brain tissue and subsequently found to be

present in the gut by immunocytochemistry. Of the peptides

present in both brain and gut not all were found to be

identical in structure at these sites. (Kitagbi,

Carraway and Leeman, 1976) and (Carraway and

Leeman, 1979) were identical but from the gut was found to be larger than that in the brain (Pradayrol et

page 6 al., 1980). Several forms of CCK were found in the gut but

only the smallest of these, CCK8 (Dockray, 1976), was found

in any quantity in the brain.

In recent years it has become evident that most, perhaps

all, regulatory peptides exist in multiple molecular forms.

There are two forms of heterogeneity. Micro-heterogeneity is

where the overall length of the molecule is unchanged but

individual amino acids in the sequence are altered. This is

most readily seen in differing amino acid sequences of the

same hormone in different species. The evolution of the gut

hormones has been reviewed by Marks and Morgan (1982).

Macro—heterogeneity, however, is where the hormone exists in

several forms (within the same animal) consisting of

fragments of various lengths of a precursor molecule. All

these fragments include the biologically active part of the

molecule. Macro-heterogeneity is seen following the synthesis

of the preprohormone, which is first cleaved to the

prohormone and then again to yield the circulating hormone.

The cleaved fragments may have biological activities of their

own, as has been shown for the connecting of insulin

(C-peptide) (Dryburgh, Hampton and Marks, 1980). This

"circulating hormone" may be cleaved further yielding several

molecular sizes of hormone. This has been found to be the

case for gastrin, CCK, somatostatin and others (Marks and

Morgan, 1982). A single precursor molecule may give rise to

more than one regulatory peptide, a prime example being the

synthesis of ACTH and endorphin. These originate from a common precursor found in the corticotrophin cells of the anterior pituitary (Mains, Eipper and Ling, 1977).

Table 1.1 shows that all of the hormones detected in endocrine cells of the gut can be measured in the peripheral

page 7 circulation by. radioimmunoassay (RIA). Whether this is also

true for the peptides present solely in neurones is unclear.

There are several criteria to be met if a peptide is to be

considered a hormone (Grossman, 1981). It should be present

in endocrine cells. It should be released by feeding or other

stimuli, thereby increasing plasma concentrations and

producing characteristic biological actions. Finally, what

-Grossman (1977) called copying, where an infusion of

exogenous peptide, mimicking the plasma concentrations

observed with endogenous release, cause the normal biological

action. The mechanism of paracrine and neurocrine "hormonal"

action is as yet only a hypothetical concept, albeit

generally accepted, and not an established mechanism. There

does not yet exist a method by which inter-cellular or

synaptic concentrations of peptide can be assesed, as can

blood concentrations for endocrine hormones.

1.1.4 Recent Developments

As has already been stated, following the discovery of

gastrin and secretin, except for the discovery of CCK, very

little happened in the field of gut hormones until relatively

recently. Figure 1.1 shows these substances arranged by year

of discovery and cumulative number up until September 1980

(Rehfeld, 1981). Most of the progress after the discovery of

CCK until recently was in the description of new hormonal mechanisms based only on functional evidence such as the incretin and enterogastrone effects.

Only about eight of the structurally characterized hormones shown in figure 1.1 are thought to act as circulating hormones; figure 1.2 shows their general

page 8 locations. Table 1.2 gives the probable distribution and main

pharmacological activities of the major gut hormones.

There were several reasons for the explosion in the gut

hormone field in the sixties and seventies. Most of these

were technical, but the contributions of individuals at this

time were also very important. It was the impetus provided by

Roderick Gregory in Liverpool and Viktor Mutt in Stockholm in

the purification and structural elucidation of gastrin, CCK

and secretin in the early sixties which triggered the great

upsurge in interest in the area of gut hormones. Profesor

Mutt's laboratory continues to play a major role in the purification and sequencing of a large number of regulatory peptides. In addition to secretin (Jorpes and Mutt, 1961) and

CCK (33 and 39) (Jorpes, Mutt and Toczko, 1964), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) (Brown, Mutt and Pederson,

1970), motilin (Brown, Mutt and Dryburgh, 1971), gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) (McDonald et al., 1978), PHI and PYY

(Tatemoto and Mutt, 1980) have been sequenced.

page 9 Tab le 1.1

Gastroenteropancreatic regulatory peptides and their

Lbution in neurones, endocrine cel Is and blood pi

Marks and Morgan, 1982).

PEPTIDE BRAIN GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Neural elements Endocrine cells Secretin - - + <31ucagon - - + €ilP - - + M otilin - - + Neurotensin + - + ^Gastrin + - + PP + ?+ + CCK + ?+ + + ?+ + ACTH + ?+ + Somatostatin + + : + Enkephalin + + +

Bombesin + ?+ -

Substance P + + - VIP + + -

+ = present - = absent

page 10 Table 1.2

Nomenclature and classification of the major gut hormones

(from Marks and Morgan, 1982).

Substance Probable distribution Main pharmacological activity

{il) Choiecystokinin Duodenum and jejunum Stimulation of gall-bladder contraction; (CCK) stimulation of pancreatic enzyme release

(iii) Secretin Duodenum and jejunum Stimulation of pancreatic juice secretion | . j "(iv) Vasoactive Most of gastrointestinal i intestinal tract polypeptide (VIP)

(v) -Gastric Duodenum and jejunum Stimulation of insulin secretion. inhibitory Inhibition of gastric acid secretion polypeptide (GIP)

(vl) Motilin Duodenum Stimulation of gastric motor activity

(v iii) Chymodenin Duodenum Stimulation of chymotrypsin secretion

(ix) Somatostatin­ Antrum, duodenum Inhibition of many gastrointestinal and like and jejunum pancreatic hormones immunoreactivity

(x) Met/leu Most of gastrointestinal Inhibition of GI motility and secretion tracts

(xi) Urogastrone Duodenum Inhibition of gastric acid secretion

(xii) Pancreatic Most of gastrointestinal Inhibition of exocrine tract secretion

(xiii) Neurotensin Lower part of small Hypertensive and hyperglycaemic intestine actions

(xiv) PHI Duodenum and jejunum Stimulation of insulin, amylase and bicarbonate secretion.

page 11 Figure 1.1

Gut hormones arranged by year of discovery and cumulative number up to the end of 1980 (from Rehfeld, 1981).

• : a structurally characterized hormone

Number 0 : a hormonal mechanism (only functional evidence) □ : a hormonal peptide also found in nerves

30 • PH I @ AC IH a T R H a Enkephohn a Neurolen*. ir. BH G lucagon a Bombe&in a PP a Somoloslolin 20 a Oubslonce P • Cbymodenin O vogogostronç • M t t i l i n O Enfero-0»yn|in @ V IP • G IP O Buiboga&trone O Antrol Cholonp • t nlerofjlucogon 10 • U'ogastronp O Gosifone O f nierocfinir O Q V.llik.n.r. O f nlcfoqoslfone

P I n c f e l m ]# | CholeCySlokimr a G a s t r in S 1900 1910 1920 1930 1960 1950 1960 1970 1980 Year

page 1: Figure 1»2 tides with a hormonal role Distribution of gut regulatory pep

in man (from Bloom and Polak, 19B1).


secretin GIF CCK motilin



page 13 Figure 1.3 Distribution of IR-6IP in the human gut (from Bloom and

Polak, 1981).

G IF pmol/g <02

40 Î 6

< 0 2

11-30 « > 3 1 Number o( cells per mm'

page 14 1.2 .0 ,

Enterogastrone Concept

Ttie term enterogastrone was coined by Kosaka and Lim

(1930) to describe a hypothetical hormone which inhibited

gastric acid secretion. Its release from the upper small

intestinal mucosa, was caused by the presence of fat or fatty

acids within the upper small intestinal lumen.

To study the mechanism .or mechanisms of humorally

mediated gastric inhibitory processes two lines of research

have been followed. The first was by using physiological

stimuli such as fat, acid and hypertonic solutions in the

small intestine, and observing their actions and relative

potencies in both innervated and denervated preparations. The

second mode was by attempting to isolate and purify the

substances responsibe for the observed inhibitory mechanisms

from the gut mucosa.

1.2.1. Endogenous Lines of Research

It had been shown in the previous century that the

addition of olive oil to a test meal of starch paste produced

a delay in gastric emptying when given to human subjects

(Ewald and Boas, 1886). It was subsequently found, that the

addition of fat to a meal fed to dogs inhibited secretion of

acid and pepsin, and that the reflex secretion of acid and pepsin produced by sham feeding was inhibited by prior

feeding with olive oil (Pavlov, 1910). The same treatment

inhibited motor activity in the stomach and brougj^ about a delay in gastric emptying, and it was the presence of fat in

page 15 the duodenum rather than in the stomach itself which produced

this inhibitory action. It was demonstrated in transplanted

gastric pouches that fat could inhibit gastric motor

activity, and that this was caused by a humoral agent

(Farrell and Ivy, 1926). It was later shown that this

inhibitory effect was not produced by absorbed fat and its

digestion products, nor was it the result of the passage of

bile into the intestine following fat digestion (Feng, Hou

and Lim, 1929).

Fat has to be in an absorbable form to cause the

inhibition of gastric acid secretion; oil has to be

pre-incubated with pancreatic juice (Sircus, 1958). Exclusion

of bile and pancreatic juice produced a lesser degree of

inhibition (Menguy, 1960). Duration of inhibition and rate of

absorption was correlated positively, using oleic acid

and triolein (Long and Brooks, 1965), and, using micellar fat

mixtures, the inhibition could be produced from all levels of

the small intestine. However, the degree of inhibition was

the greatest from jejeunal loops, where the rate of

absorption was fastest.

Fat and fatty acids in the small intestine were not the

only stimuli to the inhibition of acid secretion and motor

activity studied. Hypertonic sugar solutions introduced into

the duodena of conscious dogs inhibited the motor activity of

transplanted fundic pouches, an effect shown not to be due to

glucose absorption (Quigley and Phelps, 1934).

1.2.2. Exogenous Lines of Research

Injections of saline extracts of the duodenal mucosa were shown to inhibit the acid respnses of Heidenhain pouches

page 16 in animals following both meals and histamine. Purification

of the extracts was attempted and they were reportedly free

of secretin and vasodilatory agents (Kosaka and Lim, 1930).

In later work extracts were shown to be active against meal-

and histamine-stimulated gastric acid secretion and to

inhibit motor activity from innervated gastric fistulae in

dogs (Kosaka et al., 1932). An enterogastrone extract

prepared from porcine duodenal mucosae demonstrated the

ability to inhibit both hunger and distension induced

contractions in the empty fasted stomachs of dogs (Gray,

Bradly and Ivy, 1937). However, further purification attempts

on the enterogastrone extract were unproductive (Greengard et

al., 1946).

An essentially pure preparation of secretin (Jorpes and

Mutt, 1961) demonWrated an inhibitory effect on acid

secretion stimulated by exogenous gastrin (Wormsley and

Grossman, 1964). These studies were confirmed when it was

found that a preparation of Jorpes et al. (1964) containing

cholecystokin in-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ), a less pure

preparation than the secretin, also inhibited acid secretion

from an Heidenhain pouch stimulated by exogenous gastrin

(Gillespie and Grossman, 1964). This preparation also

inhibited low dose histamine-stimulated acid secretion. It

was eventually shown that the inhibitory properties of

synthetic secretin were the same as those for the natural

material (Vagne et al., 1968). Secretin, not an impurity, was confirmed to be an acid secretion inhibitor from Heidenhain pouches of dogs when gastrin was the stimulus, but in Pavlov pouch dogs, in which acid secretion was stimulated by insulin hypoglycaemia, secretin was ineffective (Way, 1970). CCK-PZ has been suggested to behave like gastrin, stimulating acid

page 17 secretion in low doses, but at high doses acting as an inhibitor (Magee and Nakamura, 1966).

page 18 1.3.0.

Incretin Concept

1.3.1. Endogenous Aspects

The term "entero-lnsular axis" introduced by Unger and

Eisentraut (1969), described a proposed regulatory mechanism

which comprises all the stimuli from the small intestine

influencing t+ie secretion of the pancreatic islet cell,

including hormonal, neuronal and direct substrate stimulation

of insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic

polypeptide. The existence of an inter— relationship between

gut hormones and the pancreas was proposed, with a function

of augmenting or accelerating islet cell hormone responses to

ingested food. It was suggested that the islet cells release

appropriate amounts of insulin and/or glucagon in response to messengers from the gut mucosa, in addition to the absorbed substances themselves. It had been shown many years earlier that the oral administration of porcine duodeno-jejunal extracts, containing secretin, improved the glycosuria of diabetics (Moore, Edie and Abram, 1906). This study stimulated further interest in the hypoglycaemic properties of duodenal extracts (Dixon and Wadia, 1926; Laughton and

Macallum, 1932).

The factor with hypoglycaemic activity within the duodenal mucosa has had a number of names, such as

"hypoglycaemic secretin", "incretin", "duoden in" or

"insulinotropic hormone". The hypog1ycaemic factor was shown not to be secretin (Zunz and Labarre, 1929; Labarre and

Still, 1930), and Labarre (1932) coined the term "incretin"

page 19 to identify thier factors which stimulated the internal

secretion of the pancreas. The factor within their crude

secretin preparation which stimulated the exocrine pancreas,

however, he named "excretin". Loew, Gray and Ivy (1940)

failed in their experiments with fasted, rather than

hyperglycaemic, dogs to find a hypoglycaemic factor in the

duodenum. They also showed that intraduodenal hydrochloric

acid was ineffective in lowering blood sugar levels in both

fasted and hyperglycaemic animals. Their conclusion "denied

tbe entire evidence which has been advanced in support of the

theory that the duodenum exerts a hormonal control over

carbohydrate metabolism by producing a hypoglycaemic

substance". Research on incretin did not resume for over

twenty years.

With the revival of interest in the differences of oral

and intravenous glucose tolerance, spawned by the

availability of an RIA for insulin, the estimation of plasma

insulin concentration was applied to the problem. McIntyre,

Holdsworth and Turner (1964) compared, in human subjects, the effects of glucose administered intravenously or by direct

intra-jejunal infusion. Lower blood glucose levels were obtained during the intra-jejunal infusion, but the plasma insulin levels were higher than those following the administration of intravenous glucose. They concluded that a humoral substance was released from the jejunal wall during glucose absorption and that this, together with the hyperglycaemia, stimulated the greater release of insulin.

Also in that year, it was shown that when glucose was administered orally a greater and more sustained insulin release was seen than with intravenous glucose (Elrick e^ al., 1964).

page 20 Creutzfeldt (1979) considers that there are two criteria

which must be satisfied for a candidate hormone to be

considered the incretin of Labarre. It must be an endocrine

transmitter produced in the gastrointestinal tract which is

released by nutrients and especially by carbohydrates. It

must also stimulate insulin secretion in the presence of

glucose if exogenously infused in amounts not exceeding blood

levels achieved after food ingestion. The dependency of the

incretin effect upon glucose levels, at least at

physiological concentrations of the hormone, is an important

prerequisite to the prevention of hypoglycaemia. Thus, an

incretin can be released by different intestinal stimuli, but

elevated incretin blood levels stimulate insulin secretion

only in the presence of elevated blood glucose levels, i.e.

when insulin is required.

1.5.2 Incretin Candidates

Injection of a crude preparation of secretin

significantly increased the disappearance rate of

intravenously administered glucose and elevated

immunoreactive insulin (IRI) in humans (Dupré, 1964). Similar preparations, when administered as large single doses, were found to stimulate insulin both in vitro (Pfeifer et al.,

1965) and in vivo (Dupré et al., 1966). It was suggested that

IRI release by secretin was potentiated by glucose (Dupré ejt al^. , 1969). It has been proposed that glucose and secretin probably stimulate functionally separate storage pools of readily releasable insulin (Lerner and Porte, 1972). However the dose of secretin required to show an insulinotropic action far exceeds the amount released endogenously and has

page 21 therefore been regarded as pharmocologleal (Buchanan et al.,

1968). Increases in plasma IR-secretin following mixed meals

had not been demonstrated (Bloom, Bryant and Cochrane, 1975;

Chey et al., 1975) until it was shown that small and

transient spikes of secretin could be detected after a meal

(Chey et al., 1978). As glucose does not stimulate secretin

release (Creutzfeldt and Ebert, 1985) the necessary criteria

to establish secretin as an incretin have not been fully


Like secretin, gastrin has not been shown to satisfy the

necessary criteria to be considered an incretin. Plasma

gastrin levels show only transient elevation after oral

glucose in man (Buchanan, 1973). There are conflicting

opinions on the effect of exogenous gastrin administration;

there have been reports of stimulation (Unger et al., 1967;

Dupré et al., 1969; Iverson, 1971) and no effect (Buchanan,

Vance and Williams, 1969). But to date gastrin is still not

considered an incretin (Marks and Turner, 1977; Creutzfeldt

and Unger, 1985).

It has been shown that an intestinal mucosal extract

with biological activity similar to CCK-PZ enhanced the

increase in serum IRI produced by the intravenous infusion of glucose (Dupré and Beck, 1966). It was also shown that under

the appropriate conditions this preparation was also g lucagonotropic (Unger et al., 1967; Buchanan et al., 1968).

It was subsequently suggested, following isolated perfused rat pancreas experiments, that insulin was secondary to glucagon release (Füsganger et al., 1969). In all of these studies the CCK-PZ preparation was that of Jorpes and Mutt.

It was from this preparation that gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) was initially isolated (Brown et al., 1969;

page 22 Brown, Mutt and Pederson, 1970), so that the activities

attributed to CCK-PZ might be assigned, in fact, to GIP. On

reviewing the literature, Marks and Turner (1977) concluded

that CCK-PZ probably had some insulin-releasing effects in

the presence of hyperamino-acidaemia and could be capable of

potentiating the insulin stimulating effect of

hyperglycaemia. They also thought that CCK-PZ was unlikely to

be responsible for the insulinotropic effect of oral glucose,

but they concluded that it made a contribution to the overall

insulin response to a mixed meal containing fat^protein and

carbohydrate. So, even though CCK is not stimulated by

glucose (Creutzfeldt and Ebert, 1985), and cannot itself be

an incretin, it might be part of a net incretin effect, as

GIP and CCK-8 in low doses, which alone exert no effect, possess strong insulinotropic activity when injected together

in mice (Ahren, Hedner and Lundquist, 1983).

page 2ô 1.4.0.

Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP)

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide has been the subject of

diverse physiological and chemical studies since its

isolation (Brown, Mutt and Pederson, 1970). However, since

its isolation and characterisation the polypeptide has

aquired new names from groups of workers who considered the

old name to be misleading, and their "new" name to be more

appropriate. These names include glucose-dependent insulino-

tropic polypeptide and glucose-dependent insulin-releasing

polypeptide. Fortunately, all these names can be shortened to

the perfectly adequate GIP, which is how it will be refered

to below.

1.4.1. Discovery of GIP

While investigating the actions of gastrointestinal extracts containing CCK-PZ, Brown and Pederson (1970) found evidence that there might be another inhibitor of gastric acid secretion present in some of the preparations being used

in their study which had been characterized as having inhibitory activity for both exogenous (Gillespie and

Grossman, 1964) and endogenous gastrin-stimulated acid secretion (Brown and Magee, 1967). Preparations of similar purity had also been described as being inhibitors of basal

(Johnson and Magee, 1965) and stimulated motor activity

(Brown Johnson and Magee, 1967). However, apparently conflicting reports of an acid inhibitory effect (Magee and

Nakamura, 1966) and the stimulation of basal acid secretion

page 24 (Murat and White, 1966) of CCK-PZ preparations needed

explanation. From these results with impure preparations it

was inferred that the gastric actions might have been due to

the presence of hormones other than CCK-PZ.

To test this hypothesis the effects of the two

preparations of CCK-PZ on intra-gall bladder pressure changes

and on the gastric parameters of acid secretion, pepsin

secretion and motor activity were studied (Brown and

Pederson, 1970). The two preparations were described as "10%

pure" and "40% pure". The model was used in the dog with a

vagally and sypathetically denervated pouch of the body of

tbe stomach. When the preparations were administered in doses

that gave similar gall bladder-contracting effects (50% of

maximum) no difference in antral motor activity was seen.

However the "40% pure" preparation showed a greater

stimulation of gastric acid than the "10% pure" material. Two

possible explanations for the uncoupling of gall bladder and

acid stimulatory effects were proposed. Either a stimulator

of gastric acid secretion had been selectively concentrated,

or an inhibitor of gastric acid secretion was removed during

the purification procedure. Further experiments with another

CCK-PZ preparation convinced the workers that there was an

inhibitory factor for acid secretion in the CCK-PZ preparation other than CCK-PZ itself.

At the same time as carrying out physiological studies

in dogs (Brown and Pederson, 1970) Brown and his co-workers were pursuing the possible enterogastrone using tissue extraction techniques (Brown et al., 1969). Their starting material was an approximately 10% pure CCK-PZ prepared as described by Jorpes and Mutt (1961). After chromatography three fractions were obtained. One of the fractions showed

page 25 little cholecystokin in activity but strongly inhibited I gastric acid secretion. They had achieved the separation of

cholecystokin in from acid inhibitory activities. Purification

procedures were amended and subsequently material of

sufficient quantity and purity for qualitative amino acid

analysis and bioassay was obtained (Brown, Mutt and Pederson,

1970). Hence, GIP came into recognition.

1.4.2. Isolation and Purification

As mentioned above GIP was separated from CCK-PZ and

purified by the method of Brown, Mutt and Pederson (1970).

Its purity was assessed using polyacrylamide gel

electrophoresis, and was found to be homogeneous. The amino

acid sequence was determined using a highly purified

preparation of GIP which yielded only one peak by

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and high-voltage

electrophoresis. It was determined by sequence studies with

peptides produced by tryptic digestion of both the complete

molecule and the c-terminal cyanogen bromide fragment

yielding a 43 amino acid polypeptide (Brown and Dryburgh,

1971). A synthetic 1-38 GIP preparation was found to have

poor acid inhibitory activity (Moroder et al., 1978), thus

the primary structure of natural porcine GIP was

reinvestigated (Jornval et al., 1981). It was shown that

porcine GIP was actually only 42 amino acids long, and that

in the original sequence the glutamine at reside 29 (shown below) had been duplicated.

page 26 NH^î-Tyr-Ala-Glu-Gly-Thr-Phe-I le-Ser-Asp-Tyr-Ser-I le-




More recently, human GIP has been isolated and

sequenced. It has been found to differ from porcine GIP at

only two residues. Amino acid residues at 18 and 34 are His

and Asn respectively in human GIP (Moody et al., 1984).

1.4.4. Localisation

Cellular localisation of IR-GIP using indirect immuno­

fluorescence techniques have shown that the polypeptide is

present in cells situated predominantly in the mid zone of

the glands in the duodenum and upper jejunum in both dog and

man (Polak et al., 1973). The cells demonstrated positive

immunofluorescence using guinea-pig anti-porcine GIP serum

and fluorescein labelled sheep anti-guinea-pig IgG. They were

found to be more numerous than secretin cells found in

similar areas. Cytochemical and other staining reactions

characterised the GIP cells as lead haemotoxylin-positive,

Grimelius positive, non argentaffin and weakly positive for

tryptophan. The cells were considered to belong to the APUD

series or endocrine polypeptide cells (Pearse, 1969). The GIP

cell was tentatively considered, as a result of electron

microscopy, to be the Di cell because the distribution most

closely matched the small granule-containing cells first

described by Vassallo, Capella and Solcia (1971). In further

studies immunofluorescence preparations demonstrated the presence of numerous medium sized endocrine cells which reacted to anti-GIP sera in the duodenum and jejunum from

page 27 man, pig and dog (Bu-ffa et al., 1975). After further

investigations the GIP cell was eventually allocated to the K

cell (Solcia et al., 1974) in all three species. Buffa et al.

(1975) concluded that the immunofluorescent GIP cells were

ultrastructurally indistinguishable from the K cells, and

that the D % cell was not involved in GIP production. The

distribution of IR-GIP has been investigated in the small

intestine of the hamster (Gaginella et al., 1978). IR-GIP

could not be detected in nervous or muscle tissue, but only

the mucosal layer of the gut. Figure 1.3 shows the

distribution of IP-GIP in the whole human gut.

1.4.5. Physiological actions of exogenous GIP

In the early studies on the purification of GIP the

parameter measured was the ability of the extracts to inhibit

acid secretion. The animal model used throughout these

studies was the vagally and sympathetically denervated pouch

of the body of the stomach of the dog following pentagas^trin

stimulation (Brown and Pederson, 1970). In the innervated

stomach preparation in dogs it was found that, following

pentagastrin stimulation of acid secretion, the inhibitory

effect of GIP was only weak (Soon-Shiong, Debas and Brown,

1979a). In addition, in the innervated stomach in man, pentagastrin stimulated acid and pepsin secretion was only weakly inhibited (Maxwell et al., 1980). It has been suggested that GIP acts indirectly on the parietal cell via a mechanism which can be regulated by parasympathetic innervation (Brown et al., 1980). Exogenous somatostatin is a potent inhibitor of acid secretion from the stomach, and in an isolated perfused rat stomach preparation exogenous

page 28 administration of GIP produced dose-related increases in

somatostatin-1ike-immunoreactivity (SLI) (McIntosh et al.,

1979). It has been demonstrated that the acid inhibitory

action of GIP can be blocked by the administration of a

cholinomimetic substance (Soon-Shiong et al., 1979b). The

perfusion of a rat stomach with GIP released SLI and a

plateau was maintained. When acetylcholine was introduced

into the perfusate a prompt and complete inhibition of SLI

release was seen. A similar effect was observed if vagal

stimuation was introduced after the establishment of SLI

release. The above would indicate that GIP may exert its

enterogastrone activity via SLI, but that this effect can be

overridden by the gastric innervation, so that in the

innervated stomach the enterogastrone effect of GIP is very

weak (McIntosh et al., 1979).

In addition to the inhibitory effect of GIP on the

parietal cell, an acid inhibitory function for the hormone,

via the inhibition of gastrin release, has also been described (Vi liar et al., 1976). A standard meat meal was fed

to dogs that had been prepared with Heidenhain pouches. GIP

was perfused intravenously for two hours. It was found that gastrin release was suppresed when the food was taken one hour after the commencement of the infusion.

The effect of different doses of GIP on pepsin output from both the vagally denervated gastric pouch and the vagally innervated gastric remnant has been studied (Pederson and Brown, 1972). Intravenous GIP inhibited pentagastrin stimulated pepsin secretion from the vagally innervated gastric remnant: hypoglycaemia-induced pepsin secretion

(bolus insulin injection) could be reduced by co-administration and susequent infusion of GIP. However,

page 29 inhibition of pepsin secretion has not been demonstrated in

humans when using intravenous infusions yielding

supraphysiological serum IR-GIP levels (Maxwell et al.,


It was demonstrated long ago that the presence of food

in the upper small intestine stimulated secretion from

isolated denervated intestinal loops (Nasset, Pierce and

Murlin, 1935). A humoral mechanism named enterocrinin was

postulated (Nasset, 1938). The existence of such a humoral

mechanism was confirmed more recently using balloon exclusion

experiments (Wright, Barbezat and Chain, 1979). When GIP was

infused intravenously, at a dose now known to result in

supraphysiological circulating levels of the peptide,

secretion rates from both Thiry-Vella fistulae of the upper

jejunum and lower ileum were increased (Barbezat and

Grossman, 1971). There was a large net reduction in water

absorption from the jejunum when human subjects were infused

intravenously with GIP, at a dose shown to elevate IR-GIP to

a level within the normal postprandial range (Helmon and

Babezat, 1977) . The reduction in water absorption was

associated with a change in chloride flux which was reversed

from a net absorption, during the control period, to secretion. The absorption of sodium, potassium and bicarbonate ions was significantly reduced during the GIP infusion period, but returned to pre-infusion levels when GIP administration was ended. It was concluded that these effects were not due to an interaction with adenylate cyclase, a conclusion in agreement with the findings of Schwartz et al.,

(1974). Other actions attributed to GIP include various effects on electrolyte transport in the main excretory duct of the mandibular gland of the rabbit (Oenniss and Young,

page 30 1978), and a dose-dependent increase in cat superior

mesenteric blood flow (Fara and Salazar, 1978).

1.4.6. Metabolic effects of GIP

Brown (1982) has reviewed the literature on the

insulinotropic actions of GIP and other gut hormones. He drew

attention to the equivocal nature of much of the evidence

which suggested insulinotropic roles for gastrin, secretin

and CCK-PZ. Particular attention was drawn to the lack of

information concerning the purity of hormone preparations

used, the magnitude of the dose, the method of administration

and the prevailing serum glucose concentrations.

There is much evidence to suggest that GIP is

insulinotropic in man and other mammals. In human volunteers

when GIP is infused to physiological concentrations

concurrently with glucose, an improved glucose tolerance

curve is observed together with an increase in IRI (Brown e^

al., 1975). However, in fasted normoglycaemic subjects a

similar infusion of GIP yields only small and transient

increases in IRI release. The insulinotropic action of GIP is

clearly glucose dependent, the results having been shown repeatedly in humans (Andersen et a1., 1978). It has also been demonstrated in vitro in isolated rat pancreatic islets

(Schauder et al., 1975) and the perfused isolated rat pancreas (Pederson and Brown, 1976). Again when GIP was infused to achieve serum levels which were supraphysiological, transient insulinotropic effects were obtained in the dog (Pederson, Schubert and Brown, 1975).

Using a constant perfusion level of GIP, and increasing concentrations of glucose in an isolated perfused rat

page 31 pancreatic preparation, Pederson and Brown (1976) found that

there was a threshold glucose concentration below which

physiological levels of GIP did not significantly stimulate

IRI. This glucose concentration was approximately 5.5 mM.

This compares favourably with the figure of 25 mg/dL above

basal (Elahi et al., 1979). The potentiating action of GIP on

insulin release in the isolated perfused rat pancreas was

maximal at a glucose concentration of 16 mM. The insulin

output, however, was several-fold higher than could be

produced by glucose alone. At a fixed glucose concentration

of 8.9 mM, increasing the GIP concentration of the perfusate

produced a dose-dependent increase in insulin output.

It has been reported that high levels of GIP can

stimulate the release of glucagon from the in vivo rat

pancreas (Brown et al., 1975). However, the concentration of

GIP used in this experiment (100 ng/ml) can certainly be

regarded as supraphysiological. Glucagon and insulin

responses of the perfused rat pancreas to glucose in the

presence and absence of GIP have been investigated (Pederson

and Brown, 1978). A glucagonotropic effect of GIP was

observed at low glucose concentrations, but this response was

suppressed by increasing the glucose concentration. The

potentiation of glucagon release by GIP was not significant

at glucose concentrations above 5.5 mM, at which the

insulinotropic effect of GIP became apparent. In man,

however, when GIP was perfused at a concentration which

achieved a post prandial-like elevation in plasma IR-GIP, no

rise in IR-glucagon was observed (Elahi et al., 1979).

Portal hyperinsulinaemia and hyperglycaemia both

suppress glucose production by the liver. Other factors also contribute to this metabolic process. The role of GIP has

page 32 been studied in this process in dogs with chronic portal

venous catheters (Andersen et al., 1980). A GIP infusion was

shown to reduce hepatic glucose output without concomitant

increases in IRI, glucose or glucose disposal levels. It was

suggested that GIP possesses a significant suppressive effect

on hepatic glucose output in both the basal state and when

already lowered by hyperinsulinaemia. It was also shown to

potentiate the effect of insulin on net glucose disposal. The

conclusion was that GIP may act synergistically to augment

the hepatic glucose response as well as the B-cell response

to ingested food.

Possible interactions between GIP and glucagon in fat

cells prepared by collagenase digestion of epididymal fat

pads have been studied (Dupré et al., 1976). GIP was not only

non-lipolytic but also inhibited glucagon-stimulated

lipolysis. It had, however, no effect upon the lipolysis

induced by secretin or VIP. GIP could displace bound

isîtsj-g lycragon (biologically identical to "cold " glucagon)

from fat cells. VIP and secretin had previously been shown

unable to displace læoi—giucagon (Bataille, Freychet and

Rosselin, 1974). GIP was itself demonstrated to have a weak

lipolytic effect, but a stong anti-lipolytic action on

glucagon-stimulated lipolysis by selectively blocking the

action of adenylate cyclase, hence blocking the lipolytic

action of glucagon (Ebert and Brown, 1976).

GIP has been shown to stimulate lipoprotein lipase

activity in 3T3-L1 cells, an established mouse fibroblast

line resembling an adipocyte (Eckel, Fujimoto and Brunzell,

1979). These authors considered that the increased

lipoprotein lipase activity produced by GIP could provide a mechanism for clearance of chylomicron triglyceride after

□aae 33 feeding.

The theory that GIP could provide a mechanism for the

clearance of lipid from the circlation after feeding was soon

put to the test in vivo. Chyle was collected from donor dogs

via a thoracic duct fistula and then reinfused into normal

recipient dogs during the infusion of either porcine GIP or

normal saline (Wasada et al., 1981). It was found that in the

GIP-infused animals the rise in plasma triglyceride was

significantly below that of the control animals. The authors

concluded that GIP does indeed have an effect upon the

removal of chylomicron triglyceride from the blood. They also

found that plasma glucagon rose significantly during the GIP

infusion, and continued to rise during the infusion of chyle,

while insulin levels remained unaffected. Thus, earlier work

(Rouiller et al., 1980) which claimed a glucagonotropic

action for GIP, was confirmed.

Pro-insulin biosynthesis has been studied in

collagenase-isolated rat pancreatic islets (Schafer and

Schatz, 1979). Both incorporation of =*H-leucine and release

of insulin were augmented by GIP when the islets were

incubated with 1.0 and 2.0 mg/ml glucose for 3 h in the

presence of 5 pg/ml GIP. This insulinotropic activity was not

observed with 20 pg/ml of an amino acid mixture in the

presence of 5 pg/ml GIP. Insulin levels were not augmented by

GIP in the presence of the amino acid mixture when the

glucose concentration was 1 mg/ml. However, using

physiological concentrations of GIP, other workers have shown

an enhanced insulin release in response to GIP in the

presence of amino acids using monolayer cultures from islet cells of neonatal Wistar rats (Fujimoto et al., 1978). The authors confirmed, however, the glucose-dependent nature of

page 34 the insulinotropic action of GIP. They showed that GIP doses

as low as 1.0 ng/ml significantly enhanced the IRI release in

the presence of 16.5 mM glucose, but at a glucose

concentration of 1.7 mM a GIP concentration of 10 ng/ml or

greater was required to elicit a response. Using short term

cultured isolated rat islets, Siegel and Creutzfeldt (1985)

have shown that, at physiological concentrations, GIP

augments glucose stimulated (16.7 mM) insulin release. They

also showed that under these conditions islet cyclic AMP

concentrations were also increased. The authors conclude that

GIP exerts its insulinotropic effect via cyclic AMP.

Results obtained by other workers seem to indicate that

insulin release is enhanced to a relatively greater extent

than insulin-pro-insulin biosynthesis by GIP (Schafer and

Schatz, 1979). As indicated above, collagenase isolated

islets did not respond with the release of IRI until

extremely high (and probably supraphysiological) concentra­

tions of GIP were added (Schrauder et al., 1975). The monolayer cultures on the other hand (Fujimoto et al., 1978) responded in a way similar to perfused rat pancreas preparations (Pederson and Brown, 1976) to GIP concentrations as low as 1.0 ng/ml. Brown (1982) considers that these apparently contradictory pieces of work support the hypothesis that collagenase treatment alters receptor sites for GIP on the islet cell membrane, which will recover following short term culture. Hence, non-cultured collagenase-isolated islets must be considered an unsuitable model for studies on the action of GIP and probably also for other insulinotropic peptides.

page 35 1.4,7. Stimulation of immunoreactive GIP (IR-GIP)


A radioimmunoassay (RIA) for GIP was first described by

Kuzio et al. (1974). It utilized an antiserum raised in

guinea-pigs to pure porcine GIP conjugated to bovine serum

albumin (BSA) by the carbodiimide condensation reaction

(Goodfriend et al., 1964). Since then many other groups have

developed their own GIP assays (Morgan, Morris and Marks,

1978; Lauritsen and Moody, 1978; Sarson, Bryant and Bloom,

1980; Burhol, Jorde and Waldum, 1980).

Kuzio et al. (1974) used their RIA to study the

physiological regulatory mechanism of GIP release. They

reported that the serum IR-GIP levels in normal human

subjects following an overnight fast were 237 + 14 pg/ml

(mean + SEM) with a range of 75 - 500 pg/ml. After feeding a

mixed meal, serum levels increased in a biphasic manner to

approximately 1200 pg/ml within 45 minutes of food ingestion

and remained significantly in excess of basal levels for over

4 hours. Similar results have been reported using the assays

developed by Morgan, Morris and Marks (1978) and Lauritsen

and Moody (1978). One group, however, have reported absolute

fasting values five times lower than those of other groups

(Sarson, Bryant and Bloom, 1980). There were, however,

similarities in the degree of change observed in the response

to a mixed meal.

With the development of a RIA it was soon demonstrated

that GIP played a significant part in the enteroinsular axis.

It was shown that GIP could be released into the circulation by the ingestion of a secretogogue known to release insulin, namely glucose. Serum levels of IR-GIP, IRI and glucose were

page 36 monitored following the ingestion of 75 g glucose (Cataland

et al., 1974). Serum IR-GIP levels became elevated within 15

minutes of glucose ingestion and peaked at 30 minutes with a

doubling of basal levels. The IR-GIP levels appeared to

plateau from 30 to 60 minutes, before declining slowly over

the next two hours. Intravenous glucose given as a single

bolus injection (25 g) did not produce an increase in serum

IR-GIP levels. By measuring portal venous levels of IR-GIP,

IRI and glucose, these workers also demonstrated that portal

IR-GIP levels were significantly elevated within 2 minutes of

glucose ingestion, whereas insulin levels were increased at 5

minutes. It was further reported that several of the subjects

demonstrated a fall in fasting levels of IR-GIP at 20 to 40

minutes after intravenous glucose. They suggested that

glucose, insulin or some other factor may bring about

regulation of IR-GIP by feed-back inhibition.

The release of IR-GIP and its association with insulin

release was studied after oral glucose in normal human

volunteers using a hyperglycaemic clamp technique (Andersen

et al., 1978). Little change in plasma IR-GIP levels occurred

when intravenous glucose alone was administered (maintaining

the hyperglycaemia at approximately 125 mg/dL above basal),

but following oral glucose (40 g/m=^) IR-GIP levels doubled

within 40 minutes. The oral glucose ingestion produced a

highly significant increase in IRI levels (above those

produced by intravenous glucose alone). These studies

confirmed the work of McIntyre, Holdworth and Turner (1964)

in demonstrating that blood glucose levels are rigidly

controlled. In addition they demonstrated that the time course of the rise of IR-GIP and IRI were nearly identical.

In further similar experiments Andersen et a 1. (1978)

page 37 established an euglycaemic clamp in normal human volunteers

to maintain basal blood glucose levels. A primed continuous

insulin infusion of 120 mU/m^/min was given together with a

servo controlled glucose infusion, producing a

hyperinsulinaemia of approximately 300 pU/ml. On the

administration of a similar dose of oral glucose at 60

minutes, plasma IR-GIP levels were found to increase in a

manner similar to that in the hyperglycaemic clamp

experiment. However, if the plasma glucose levels could be

maintained at euglycaemia, no increase in endogenous insulin

release was observed, despite the rise in IR-GIP; In several

instances blood glucose concentrations could not be

maintained at basal and it was noted that, if an increase of

20 mg/dl or more occurred, there was an increase in plasma

IRI associated with the elevation in IR-GIP. The authors

concluded that the effect of glucose-induced IR-GIP release

on insulin secretion was dependent upon the prevailing degree

of hyperglycaemia, and was not inhibited by the presence of

marked hyperinsulinaemia produced by the exogenous insulin

infusion. These studies did not, however, investigate the

involvement of other gut hormones in the enteroinsular axis.

It has been shown that IR-GIP release occurs in a dose related manner following oral glucose in man (Crockett et al., 1976) and in the dog (Pederson, Schubert and Brown,

1975). IRI release has been studied following oral plus intravenous glucose and also after exogenous porcine GIP plus intravenous glucose in dogs (Pederson, Schubert and Brown,

1975). Although the serum levels of IR-GIP achieved by the intravenous infusion of porcine GIP were higher than those achieved following oral glucose, the insulin output was also greater. Studies in dogs with Mann-Bollman fistulae showed

page 38 that equal volumes of both 10% and 20% solutions of glucose,

introduced directly into the duodenum, were potent stimuli

for the release of IR-GIP (Martin et al., 1975). Naturally

the higher concentration glucose solution was the more potent

stimulus. No effect on IR-GIP was observed when hyperosmolar

solutions of galactose and mannitol were used. The authors

concluded that the IR-GIP response to glucose was dose

related and that, in dogs, duodenal osmoreceptors did not

play a primâtry role in the physiological release of IR-GIP.

In man, however, oral galactose was found to release IR-GIP

(Cleator and Gourlay, 1975; Morgan, Wright and Marks, 1979).

Oral galactose was also found to be slightly insulinotropic

and during hyperglycaemia, caused by an intravenous infusion

of glucose, this affect was augmented. In the rat it has been

shown that glucose, galactose and sucrose stimulate IR-GIP

release while fructose does not (Morgan, Wright and Marks,


It would appear that for the release of IR-GIP release by a sugar, the monosaccharide must be absorbed via a Na*^ dependent carrier system in the mucosa (Morgan, 1979). If the carbohydrate is present in a poorly-hydrolysable form IR-GIP release is impaired. The failure of lactose to stimulate

IR-GIP release in the rat has been attributed to the low levels of lactase found in the adult (Sykes et al., 1980). It was also shown that other molecules which shared the Na^ dependent glucose carrier such as galactose, 3—0-methyl glucose and alpha- or beta- methyl glucoside, could also produce significant increases in IR-GIP. The transport of fructose (which does not stimulate IR-GIP) is generally considered to be passive or facilitated (Crane, 1968; Gray,

1975). The addition of sodium chloride to an oral glucose

page 39 load significantly enhances the IR-GIP and IRI response.

(Ebert and Creutzfeldt, 1980). The prevention of intestinal

absorption of glucose by the use of an inhibitor such as

phloridzin also prevents the release of IR-GIP (Creutzfeldt

and Ebert, 1977; Sykes et al., 1980). In other situations

where glucose absorption is impaired, such as patients with

coeliac disease, the release of IR-GIP is also reduced

(Creutzfeldt et al., 1976; Besterman et al., 1978).

TRIS (tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane), a compound which

competitively blocks intestinal brush border sucrase, when

ingested with a glucose load significantly reduces the

expected IR-GIP and IRI responses (Ebert and Creutzfeldt,

1978). Again, if a glucosidase inhibitor, such as BAY g 5421,

is ingested with a starch load lower IR-GIP and IRI responses

are observed (Creutzfeldt et a 1., 1979).

Triglyceride has long been known to be one of the most

potent stimuli to IR-GIP release. It was first described by

Brown (1974) who claimed that the ingestion of 100 ml (66 g )

of a corn oil suspension (Lipomul) in normal human volunteers

caused a large rise in serum IR-GIP levels, reaching a peak

of 3 - 4 times basal within approximately 120 minutes of the

load. These results were confirmed within a short time (Falko et al., 1975), and it was also reported that the ingestion of emulsified corn oil had no effect on glucose, IRI or non-ester ified fatty acid concentrations. It was clear that the endogenously released IR-GIP was not insulinotropic in the absence of hyperglycaemia.

Work has been done to show that, in the same way as for glucose-stimulated IR-GIP release, triglyceride-stimulated

IR-GIP release requires the hydrolysis and subsequent absorption of hydrolysis products to elicit an IR-GIP

page 40 response. Again the mere presence of the nutrient within the

small intestine is not enough to cause the release of IR-GIP.

Groups of children with and without cystic fibrosis each

ingested corn oil and serum IR-GIP was measured. The normal

children had a ten-fold increase in serum IR-GIP following

the triglyceride, but no increase in serum IR-GIP occurred in

the children with cystic fibrosis (Ross and Shaffer, 1981).

These authors then went on to assess the relative importance

of the products of triglyceride hydrolysis and also fatty

acid chain length in IR-GIP release. On separate occasions

adult male humans consumed equimolar amounts (40 mmol) of

corn oil, medium chain triglycerides, long chain fatty acids

and glycerol. Long chain fatty acids caused a four— fold

increase and corn oil a twelve-fold increase in IR-GIP

levels. No effect was observed with medium chain

triglycerides or glycerol. The volunteers also consumed a

monoglyceride with no effect on serum IR-GIP levels. However,

it seems unlikely that the monoglyceride used in this

experiment would have been well absorbed as it is still solid

at 35*C and thus unlikely to be in an appropriate state to

stimulate IR-GIP release. Other workers published data from dog experiments which were in broad agreement with the above results, confirming that corn oil is better at eliciting an

IR-GIP response than its components when equimolar doses are administered via gastric tube (Williams, May and Biesbroeck,


It has been reported that the ingestion of a meat extract did not cause any measurable change in serum IR-GIP

(Brown, 1974). It was also observed that the ingestion of 280 g fillet steak was also unable to elicit an IR-GIP response

(Cleator and Gourlay, 1975). However, it was subsequently

page 41 shown that the intraduodenal instillation of a mixture of

amino acids caused a transitory elevation in serum IR-GIP

concentrations together with a brief increase in serum IRI

(Thomas et al., 1976). Quantitative differences were further

demonstrated with respect to the IR-GIP releasing activity,

the insulinotropic activity and the pancreatic exocrine

stimulating effect of certain amino acids (Thomas et al.,

1978). It was shown that a mixture of amino acids containing

arginine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine and threonine caused

a marked rise in integrated IR-GIP and IRI secretion but only

a small exocrine pancreatic effect as indicated by trypsin

output. It was also shown that a solution of amino acids

containing methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and valine

had only a slight effect on IR-GIP and IRI release, but

there was a marked rise in bilirubin and pancreatic trypsin


1.4.8. Inhibition of IR-GIP release

other interactions between glucose, GIP and insulin were

sought (other than those where glucose stimulates IR-GIP

release and they together stimulate IRI release). The role of

exogenous insulin in the regulation of IR—GIP release was one

of the first of these to be studied (Brown et al., 1975).

Following an oral fat load, plasma IR-GIP levels were significantly diminished when the subjects also received a bolus injection of insulin (7^U) followed by an intravenous infusion of glucose (to prevent hypoglycaemia). Similar results were also obtained following an oral fat load when accompanied by only an intravenous infusion of glucose

(Cleator and Gourlay, 1975). However, fat loads did not cause

page 42 an IRI release. In the second experiment it was noted that

intravenous glucose with simulataneous oral triglyceride

produced a significantly greater IRI release than intravenous

glucose alone, resulting in better serum glucose control.

Many workers have found the concept of a feed-back

inhibitory control for IR-GIP release involving insulin an

especially attractive mechanism. It would help to explain the

elevated IR-GIP levels found in patients with insulinoprivie

diabetes and could also explain the higher levels found in

patients with chronic pancreatitis (Botha, Vinik and Brown,

1976; Ebert et al., 1976). A significantly elevated IR-GIP

release in response to a test meal in patients with chronic

pancreatitis has been observed (Ebert et al■, 1976). When the

patients were divided into three groups on the basis of their

insulin responses, a significantly higher IR—GIP release was

observed in the group with the intermediate IRI and glucose

responses than those groups with the highest and lowest

responses. The group with the lowest response had the

greatest impairment of exocrine pancreatic function and

therefore the greatest absorption problems.

Although insulin has not been found to inhibit glucose- stimulated IR-GIP release (Brown, 1982), many workers have

found that intravenous infusions of either glucose or insulin reduce the rise in fat-stimulated plasma IR-GIP release

(Brown et al., 1975; Crockett et al., 1976; Cleator and

Gourlay, 1975; Verdonk et al., 1980). But although obese subjects have been shown to have exaggerated IR-GIP responses after a mixed meal (Ebert et al., 1976), exogenous insulin fails to inhibit fat stimulated IR-GIP release in these subjects (Creutzfeldt et al., 1978).

An intravenous infusion of glucagon has been shown to

oaoe 43 depress -fasting IR-GIP levels, together with an increase in

IRI and serum glucose (Ebert, Arnold and Creutzfeldt, 1977).

It was also shown, in normal human volunteers, that prior

intravenous administration of exogenous glucagon was able to

completely suppress the serum IR-GIP response to a liquid

test meal. Discontinuation of the glucagon infusion resulted

in an immediate rebound increase in IR-GIP release above that

seen with the test meal alone. In a further experiment the

glucagon infusion was started 60 minutes after the ingestion

of the test meal, resulting in a prompt and almost total

inhibition of IR-GIP. The rapid fall in fasting and test

meal-stimulated IR-GIP release, after the onset of glucagon

infusion, may be indicative of a direct effect in the

GIP-producing cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa, or

modulation of its release by changes in serum levels of

glucose or insulin (Ebert, Arnold and Creutzfeldt, 1977).

Furthermore, it has been argued that glucagon was not exerting its effect by influencing absorption because the

inhibition could not be observed in the fasting state.

Hyperglycaemia, which was also observed in these studies, was considered not to be a cause of the inhibition because it has been reported (Creutzfeldt et al., 1976; Ebert, Frerichs and

Creutzfeldt, 1976) that there was an exaggerated IR-GIP response to a test meal in patients with pathologically high glucose levels (diabetes). It was concluded that the most probable mechanism by which glucagon inhibited IR-GIP secretion was via direct action at the cellular level.

Overal other substances have been shown to have an inhibitory effect upon the release of IR-GIP. Rat C-peptide

II has been shown to inhibit fat stimulated IR-GIP release

(Dryburgh et al., 1980). C-peptide released after stimulation

page 44 of the pancreas by intravenous glucose and tolbutamide in

combination with insulin antiserum, was also shown to

significantly inhibit fat stimulated IR-GIP release.

Intravenously administered atropine has been shown to inhibit

intraduodenally perfused glucose-stimulated IR-GIP release in

humans (Larrimer et al., 1978). The subcutaneous injection of

atropine sulphate has also been shown to abolish completely

the meal stimulated rise in IR-GIP; there was, however, no

effect on basal IR-GIP release (Baumert et al., 1978).

Intravenous administration of somatostatin has been found to

delay the increase in serum concentrations of IR-GIP, IRI and

glucose in dogs (Pederson, Dryburgh and Brown, 1975). When

somatostatin was injected prior to triglyceride ingestion,

the mean IR-GIP serum levels were suppressed for the entire course of the experiment. It was further shown that pretreatment with somatostatin produced a substantial reduction in the peak IRI response to a dose of porcine GIP usually found to be insulinotropic. The IR-GIP response to a

liquid test meal in man has been shown to be suppressed completely by the infusion of somatostatin (Creutzfeldt and

Ebert, 1977). IRI was also suppressed for as long as the somatostatin was infused. Blood glucose concentrations, however, sowed no difference, again indicating that the inhibition of IR-GIP release by somatostatin was not secondary to changes in glucose absorption.

page 45 1.5.0


1.5.1. Historical background and discovery of motilin

The existence of motilin was postulated because of

studies which demonstrated that alkalinization of the

duodenum in dogs, with either fresh pancreatic juice or 0.3M

TRIS buffer pH 9.0, induced an increase in the motor activity

in pouches of the body of the stomach (Brown, Johnson and

Magee, 1966).

A very crude preparation of CCK-PZ was used in early

purification attempts (Brown and Parkes, 1967). These workers

chose this material as their starting point following the

observations that, of several gut hormone preparations, it

was only the "Pancreozymin" which was capable of reproducing

the gastric motor activity stimulatory effect of duodenal

alkalinization (Brown and Parkes, 1967). Motilin was finally

purified from side fractions produced during the purificaton

of secretin obtained from Mutt and Jorpes (Brown, Mutt and

Dryburgh, 1971).

1.5.2 Structure of motilin

Following isolation and purification of the peptide hormone, it was sequenced and found to be 22 amino acid resides in length (Brown, Cook and Dryburgh, 1973). Various analogues were synthesised with substitutions at positions

13, 14 and 15 with little or no differences in immunological or biological activities (Wiinsch et al., 1973; Yana i hara et

paqe 46 al., 1977; Brown and Dryburgh, 1978).

Motilin has been found to exist in multiple molecular

forms. In human gut extracts, subjected to gel filtration,

two peaks of immunoreactive motilin (IRM) have been resolved,

one peak co-eluting with pure porcine motilin (Christofides

et al., 1981).

1.5.3 Cellular localisation of motilin

IRM was first reported to be localised in the

enterochromaffin (EC) cells of the dog, pig and baboon

(Pearse et al., 1974). Subsequently IRM was shown to be

present exclusively in the ECs* cell type (Heitz, Polak and

Pearse, 1978). The presence of IRM has been described within

nj^rones in the submucosae and muscle layers of human

oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and bladder (Chey

and Lee, 1980). IRM has been found widely distributed in the

rat central nervous system (O Donohue et al., 1981).

1.5.4 Physiological actions of motilin

In vitro, the action of motilin is specific to smooth

muscle of gastrointestinal origin (Domschke et al., 1974).

There is a gradient of sensitivity to motilin down the alimentary tract, the highest susceptabi1ity being in gastric and duodenal muscle strips (Strunz et al., 1975). It has been found that the effects of motilin on isolated gastrointestinal muscles are not mediated by nervous pathways, and it was concluded that motilin causes contractions by stimulating receptors on or in the muscle cell (Strunz et al., 1976).

page 47 Natural porcine motilin or a synthetic analogue, when

given intravenously, has been shown to stimulate contraction

of the stomach (Brown, Mutt and Dryburgh, 1971), lower

oesophageal sphincter (Jennewein et al.,1975; Meisner et al.,

1976) and small intestine in the dog (Lee, Hendricks and

Chey, 1974; Jennewien et al., 1975). Motilinhas been shown

to cause an increase in tone of the sphincter of Oddi in dogs

(Neya et al., 1981). This was shown to be unaffected by

denervation or atropinisation.

Two groups of workers (Wingate et al., 1975; Itoh et

al., 1975) reported independently that motilin produces a

typical aborally propagated interdigestive myoelectric

complex (IMC). The existence of a cyclical pattern of fasting

gastrointestinal motor activity was originally demonstrated

in the dog (Boldyreff, 1911: cited by Rees et al., 1982) to

be confirmed many years later, again in the dog, as a

migrating electric complex (Szurszewski, 1969). It was

reported that 13-norleucine-moti1 in evoked phase III

(activity front) of the IMC, starting in the antrum and

proximal duodenum and slowly migrating along the small

intestine to reach the terminal ileum in 60 to 80 minutes

fWingate et al., 1975), It was shown that the intravenous bolus injection of synthetic motilin resulted in a prompt occurrence of phase III, thereby shortening the duration of phases I (quiescence) and II (occasional, irregular contractions). Following the premature phase III, phases IV

(decline in activity front). I, II and III occurred at their expected regular time intervals (Chey and Lee, 1980).

The effects of exogenous motilin on gastric emptying have been studied in man (Ruppin et al., 1975; Christofides et al., 1978) and in the dog (Debas, Yamagishi and Dryburgh,

page 48 1977). In man synthetic 13-norleucine-moti1 in was found to

delay gastric emptying of liquid meals, while intravenous

natural porcine motilin accelerated the gastric emptying of

solid meals. Comparisons of these two results are difficult

as different preparations and doses of motilin were used. In

dogs it has been observed that natural porcine motilin

enhanced emptying of a liquid meal while the emptying of a

solid meal was not affected (Debas, Yamagishi and Dryburgh,


Apart from its many actions upon gastrointestinal smooth

muscle a few other actions have also been ascribed to

motilin. It has been shown to affect the secretory function

of the stomach by stimulating pepsin secretion (Brown, Mutt

and Dryburgh, 1971); Koch et al., 1976). It has also been

shown to affect exocrine pancreatic function by weakly

stimulating bicarbonate and protein secretion, and to act as

an inhibitor to secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion

(Konturek et al., 1976).

Finally, the most important action of motilin (in the

context of the experimental work which will follow) is that

it has been shown that exogenous motilin can cause an

increase in the initial rises of IR-GIP and IRI following

oral glucose (50 g ) (Long et al., 1982).

1.5.5 Modulation of circulating IRM

Plasma concentrations of IRM have been determined using

RIA by several groups of investigators (Dryburgh and Brown,

1975; Bloom, Mitznegg and Bryant, 1976; Itoh et al., 1978;

Tai and Chey, 1978; Thomas, Kelly and Go, 1979). Basal IRM concentrations have been found to be subject to large

page 49 inter-personal variations (Bloom, Mitznegg and Bryant, 1976).

Fasting plasma IRM concentrations in 110 subjects showed a

skew distribution, with levels ranging from 11 to 945 pg/ml.

It was shown that duodenal alkalinization in dogs caused

an increase in plasma IRM (Dryburgh and Brown, 1975; Lee e_t

a_^. , 1978). Duodenal acidification has also been shown to

increase plasma IRM levels in man (Mitznegg et al., 1976),

dog (Lee et al., 1978; Tai and Chey 1978) and pig (Mitznegg

et al,, 1978). A mixed meal has been shown to cause a

significant, but transient, rise in plasma IRM levels in

human volunteers where IRM levels returned to 'basal' within

60 minutes (Christofides et al., 1979a). The same authors

went on to show that oral glucose was a potent inhibitor of

IRM, whereas oral double cream was a potent stimulus to

plasma IRM concentrations. Distension of the stomach, either

by mechanical means or ingestion of a large volume of water,

results in large increases of plasma IRM (Chr istof ides ejt

a1., 1979b). Plasma IRM concentrations can also be modified

in man by intravenous nutrients. Infusions of glucose and

amino acids both result in a suppression of IRM, whereas

intravenous fat provokes an increase (Christofides et al.,


Release of IRM does not appear to be under cholinergic

influence. Atropine was reported to be ineffective in

Inhibiting the rise of IRM provoked by gastric distension

(Christofides et al., 1979a). Basal motilin levels are,

however, atropine sensitive; giving a large reduction lasting

several hours (Christofides and Bloom, 1981). Other

gastrointestinal hormones also appear to provoke large motilin response. Somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide

(PP) infusions cause a substantial suppression of IRM

page 50 concentrations, while appears to stimulate its

release (Adrian et al., 1980).

The role of motilin as an interdigestive hormone has,

more recently, been questioned. In a study investigating the

action of PP in stimulating intestinal activity, it was

observed that PP substantially suppressed plasma IRM

concentrations without inhibiting the initiation of motor

complexes; activity fronts could be initiated even when

peripheral plasma motilin levels were suppressed (Adrian ejt

al., 1980).

A large group of women were investigated at 16 and 36

weeks pregnancy and one week post partum. At both time points during pregnancy plasma IRM levels were very significantly lower than those observed at one week post-partum (Christofides et al., 1982). It is thus that motilin has been implicated, by the above authors, in the recurrent heartburn, epigastric discomfort and constipation often reported in pregnancy.

page 51 1.6.0

Summary of introduction and aims

The above describes how GIP seems to be a hormone of

many parts. Although its originally characterised action of

gastric inhibition seems fairly equivocal in humans, its role

in the enteroinsular axis as an incretin seems more secure.

In addition, important new metabolic roles for GIP have

emerged in post prandial lipid metabolism.

Plasma IR-GIP is stimulated by fats carbohydrates and

proteins/amino acids. It seems fairly reasonable to postulate

a general role for GIP in the humorally mediated management

of the metabolic aspects of digestion via the enteroinsular

axis and its actions on the adipocyte, even though the

physiological management of digestion, such as gastric

emptying, mesenteric blood flow, compostition etc.,

seem less well established. Hence it will be the aim of this

thesis to investigate the metabolic actions of GIP. The physiological actions of GIP will be considered as and when they occur, but will not be a prime objective. To this end some basic parameters must first be examined.

Firstly, of importance in the timing and planning of experiments, is there a circadian rhythm in either basal

IR-GIP release or in stimulated IR-GIP release? Also, as most of the experiments are carried out following oral stimuli, factors which may affect gastric emptying, such as motilin, should also be considered. Having established the basic parameters, the bulk of the experimental work will seek to further elucidate the metabolic roles of GIP.



page 5^ Unless stated otherwise all reagents were obtained from

BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, and were of AnalaR grade. All water

was double glass distilled water, stored in glass until

required. Pipettors and tips used were either Gilson (Anachem

Ltd.) or Oxford (BCL Ltd.). They were used in accordance with

manufacturers instructions and regularly cleaned and checked

for accuracy (assuming 1.00 ml water = 1.00 g at 20*C).

2 . 1.0

The Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP) Assay

The IR-GIP assay was the main tool of the experimental

work which follows. The assay was essentially that of Morgan

et a 1. (1978) with only a few minor modifications.

lod ination

The iodination was a modification of that of Kuzio ejt

a 1. (1974). Pure porcine GIP (EG III, Prof. J. Brown,

Vancouver, Canada) stored dessicated at -20*C was used for

the production of the iodinated tracer for the assay. The vial containing the GIP was allowed to equilibrate to room temperature before opening (10 - 20 minutes). Approximately

20 jjg was quickly removed from the vial (in order not to allow the stock to absorb too much atmospheric water) and weighed on a microbalance (Perkin Elmer AM2). It was dissolved in phosphate buffer (pH 7.5, 0.4M; 5 pg GIP per 10 pi buffer). Aliquots (10 pi) were pipetted into plastic Auto

Analyzer cups (Sterilin) and used immediately or stored at

page 54 -40*C until required.

To the 10 pi of GIP solution was added ^^^I-sodium

iodide (10 pi = 1 mCi; IMS 30, Amersham International) and

chloramine-T (15 pg in 10 pi phosphate buffer pH 7.5, o.4M)

in quick succession. The reactants wereagitated for 15

seconds with the pipette tip that was used for the addition

of the chloramine-T. Sufficient mixing was achieved by

drawing the reaction mixture up into the tip and expressing

it 8-10 times. The reaction was stopped by the addition of

sodium metabisulphite (40 pg in 20 pi phoshate buffer pH 7.5,

0.4M). The reaction mixture was immediately diluted with

chromatography buffer (0.5 ml, acetate buffer 0.1 M, pH 5.0

containing 0.5 % human serum albumin CHSA, Lister Institute]

and 500 KlU/ml aprotinin [Novo, Denmark]) and transferred to

1.1 X 15 cm column (Wright/Amicon) of superfine Sephadex G15

(Pharmacia) which had been previously swollen and

equilibrated with the chromatography buffer. The column was

then eluted with the chromatography buffer. 35 - 40 ten drop

fractions (0.5 ml on a LKB Ultrorac 7000 fraction collector)

were collected. 10 pi fractions were counted for 10 seconds

on a LKB 1260 Multigamma II. The two fractions with most radioactivity were pooled and diluted 1:1 with acid/ethanol

(1:100, concentrated HCl:absolute ethanol) and kept at -20*C until required.

A typical elution pattern is shown in figure 2.1, the first peak being the iodinated-GIP and the second being free iodine. It can be seen that this protocol yields two "clean" peaks of free and bound iodine. Typically the yield of iodinated GIP is 50 - 60 % of the iodine used in the iodination. The maximum theoretical specific activity for mono-iodinated GIP is 390 nCi/ng. The specific activity of

page 55 the peak -fraction shown in figure 2.1 is 211 nCi/ng. The

specific activity is estimated by calculating the

concentration of IR-GIP in increasing amounts of

radioiodinated-GIP added to the assay (Walker, 1977).


Pure porcine GIP (EG III) was weighed out (approximately

40 pg, as above) and dissolved in a buffer as described by

Sarson (1980) consisting of 0.14 M lactose, 0.04 M HSA, 11 nM

citric acid, 6 nM cysteine hydrochlorise and 1600 KlU/ml

aprotinin in 0.1 M formic acid. 100 pi aliquots containing

100 ng GIP were freeze dried to constant vacuum and stored at


Charcoal stripped serum

Pooled fasting human serum was used to produce the

charcoal stripped serum (CSS). 20 % (w/v) charcol (GSX,

Sigma) was added to the serum pool. It was stirred overnight

(18 h) at 4°C. The mixture was centrifuged 6000 g for 30

minutes (J6 centrifuge, Beckman), the supernatant was

filtered through a Filtrox filter (grade W-Steril, H. Erben

Ltd., Ipswich), and if necessary the filtration was repeated

to remove any residual fines, until a pale coloured serum

was obtained. The CSS was aliquotted into 5 ml portions and

stored at -20*C.

New batches of tracer, standard and CSS were always tested against the previous batch (except tracer) and quality controls, before use on samples, to ensure continuity of resu1ts.

page 56 Assay

The assay was unaltered from that of Morgan et al.

(1978). Assay buffer was 0.04 M phosphate pH 6.5 containing

0.5 % HSA and 500 KlU/ml aprotinin. The assay protocol is

shown in table 2.1. Standard curves were always set up in

CSS. Donkey anti-rabbit antibody D41 (titre 1:16 initial) was

obtained from Guildhay Antisera, Guildford. Normal rabbit

serum (heat inactivated, Wellcome) was used at an original

titre of 1:135. Following the addition of the normal rabbit

serum and second antibody, 0.12 ml 12 7. PEG (mol. wt. 6000)

was added, to accelerate the reaction, and the assay was left

for 4 h before centrifugation (15 minutes at 5000 g , Beckman

J6 centrifuge). The tubes were aspirated (Pasteur pipette and

water pump) and counted for 2 - 4 minutes (to obtain 20 000

counts in the "total count" tubes) on a LKB 1260 Multigamma

II. Data was processed by the on-board microprocessor using a

Sp1ine-function best-line fitting program.


All assays were performed with rabbit anti-porcine GIP

antiserum (RIC 34/11 If, kindly provided by Dr. LM Morgan).

The rabbit was immunized with a GIP/ovalbumin g lutaraldehyde conjugate. The antibody was used routinely at an initial dilution of 1:8000. The antiserum shows less than 1 7. cross-reactivity with glucagon, VIP, secretin, pancreatic polypeptide, insulin ot C-peptide. The antiserum recognises both the 5000 and 8000 molecular weight forms of GIP (Morgan et al., 1978).

A typical standard curve is shown in figure 2.2. The limit of detection of the assay when calculated as 2 x SD from zero (n = 12) was found to be 80 pg/ml. The limit of

page 57 detection of the assay, when taken as a 10 % drop from zero,

gave a figure of 130 pg/ml. Both figures were in line with

that obtained by Morgan et al. (1978). The intra-assay

coefficients of variation are 14.9 % at 515 pg/ml, 6.2 % at

945 pg/ml and 5.0 7. at 1388 pg/ml (n =6). The inter-assay

coefficients of variation are 20.9 % at 492 pg/ml, 9.0 % at

967 pg/ml and 8.8 7. at 1373 pg/ml (n = 6). These figures are

in line with those of Morgan et al. (1978). Figure 2.3 shows

that human, rat and mouse IR-GIP (pooled samples) run

parallel in the assay.

In chapter eight where serial blood sampling from mice

was required it was neccessary to run the GIP assay with just

20 pi plasma samples. This was achieved by adding an extra

100 pi buffer to all tubes (except total counts) and adding

20 pi CSS or sample to the appropriate tubes. The standard

values were thus increased by a factor of five. The limit of detection of the assay when calculated as 2 x SD from zero (n

= 10) was found to be 392 pg/ml. The limit of detection of the assay, when taken as a 10 7. drop from zero, gave a figure of 692 pg/ml. These figures are in line with what would be expected from the standard assay. The intra-assay coefficients of variation are 38.9 7. at 711 pg/ml, 14.3 7. at

945 pg/ml and 8.2 7. at 4359 pg/ml (n = 10).

The maximum binding of label in the presence of excess antiserum was 71.2 7.. Figure 2.4 shows that Scatchard analysis (Scatchard, 1949) of the antiserum gives a binding affinity of 3.23 x 10** L/mole. Again these values are in line with those obtained previously (Morgan et al., 1978).

page 58 Table 2.1

GIP assay protocol

Reagent (ul) Total NSB Zero Standards NSB Samples Counts Binding Samples

Assay diluent 300 200 100 300 200

GIP-free 100 100 plasma

Standard — — — 100

Sample 100 100

Antiserum 100 100

Incubate at 4°C for 24 hours 125 I-GIP 100 100 100 100 100 100

Incubate at 4°C for 24 hours

NRS 50 50 50 50 50

DAR 50 50 50 50 50

Incubate (a) at 4°C for 24 hours or (b) for 4 hours. If (b)

PEG 120 120 120 120 120

page 59 Figure 2. 1

A typical elution profile of radioiodinated (1 mCi) porcine

GIP (5 pg) from a Sephadex G15 column, 10 p 1 aliquots of the

0.5 ml fractions were counted. The first (larger) peak is

iodinated GIP the second (smaller) peak is free iodine.


z: 2 0

20 30 35 Fractions

page 60 Figure 2.2

A typical IR-GIP standard curve, with porcine GIP standard and charcoal stripped serum. Total count tubes = 4500 cpm, non-specific binding = 3.8 (n = 6, mean + SD) .


^ 2 0 (0 4-" c 3 P Ü

*5 ■ + - » 0 H- •— , "O 1 10 o

0 12 3 4 GIP concentration (ng/ml)

page 61 Figure 2.3

Standard curve demonstrating parallelism between porcine

IR-GIP (n=6, mean + SD) and IR-GIP In human, rat and mouse plasma pools.

% 30

o mouse a human « 20 + rat c 3 O Ü 75 4o-» H* u c 3 o “ 10


0 1 2 3 4 GIP concentration (ng/ml)

page 62 Figure 2.4

Scatchard plot -for antlserum RIC34/IIIf.

Slope = -3.23 X 10^‘^ L/mole, x-lncp. = 4.12 x moles/L,



M 1 - b/f


10 1 5 20 M/Lxio-n TOTAL GIP

page 63 2. 2. 0

The Motilin Assay

The IR-motilin (IRM) assay was set-up by myself. There

were several reasons for setting-up this assay. Motilin may

be a hormone of interest, as set out in chaprer 1.5. A

quantity (1 mg) of synthetic porcine motilin (a gift from

Prof. N. Yanaihara, Japan) was available. Also an important

factor was that radioimmunoassay (RIA) was to be the main

analytical tool in the experimental work, but the main RIA,

that for IR-BIP, had already been set-up. Thus, this

opportunity was taken to "work-up" a new assay, almost as an

exercise in itself, but always in the knowledge that the IRM

assay would form a very minor part in the research which was

to follow.


Motilin was iodinated by a modification of Yanaihara ejb al. , (1980). In practice most of the conditions were

identical to those of the GIP iodination, detailed above. 2 pg aliquots of synthetic porcine motilin (NY i.FS-111—58) were diluted in phosphate buffer (20 pi), and to this were added in quick succession chloramine-T (25 pg in 20 pi) and

:^^“^I-sod ium iodide (1 mCi in 1 Op 1 ) . The reaction mixture was agitated for 15 seconds before being stopped with sodium metabisulphite (150 pg in 50 pi). The tracer was then chromatographed and stored as for the GIP tracer. Typically motilin iodination profiles were identical to those for GIP.

page 64 An t ibody

Two three month old half-lop rabbits (high antibody

producing strain, Ranch Rabbits Ltd.) were each pre-primed

with 20 pg unconjugated synthetic porcine motilin (NY^FS-III-

58) in 0.1 ml sterile water (Difco), 0.1 ml BCG (Difco) and

0.4 ml Marcol (mineral oil, Guildhay Antisera). They were

injected intra-dermally (50 pi emulsion per site) on the

upper back between the shoulder blades. This pre-priming

procedure is not normally part of antiserum production, but I

had been advised that in this situation it was desirable (Dr.

J Dryburgh, personal communication). Two weeks later they

were given a priming dose of 60 pg motilin conjugated to 120

pg bovine gamma-globulin (Koch-Light Laboratories) by the

glutaraldehyde technique of Reichlin et a 1. (1968). To

motilin in sterile water (0.125 ml) was added the bovine

gamma-globulin in sterile water (0.125 ml), BGG (0.05 ml) and

glutaraldehyde (0.05 ml at a 1:50 dilution). This was

emulsified with Marcol (0.7 ml) and immediately injected

using the same method as previously, into twenty sites on the

mid backs of both animals. The animal producing the best

antiserum was not boosted and after 5 months produced an

antiserum with an initial titre of 1:15000. All the work

below was carried out using this antiserum MF/R/PK2-Pr.


Standards (20 ng aliquots of synthetic porcine motilin) and charcoal stripped serum were prepared in an identical manner to those for GIP.

Buffers and conditions for the motilin assay were essentially the same as for the GIP assay. However, aprotinin had been omitted from the assay buffer and the assay had a

page 65 two day incubation with no pre-incubation with antibody, as

this had not been found to increase binding. To a series of

polystyrene LP3 tubes (Luckhams Ltd.) was added either 0.1 ml

assay buffer, 0.1 ml motilin standard in the range 7.8 - 2000

pg/ml and 0.1 ml CSS or 0.2 ml buffer and 0.1 ml plasma

sample. Next was added 0.1 ml antiserum at a 1:15 000

dilution. All tubes were set-up in duplicate (at least) and

non-specific binding tubes were included as required. 0.1 ml

tracer (5 000 - 10 000 cpm), was then added and the tubes

were vortexed and incubated at 4®C for 48 h. The motilin

assay protocol is shown in table 2.2. Phase separation,

centrifugation, aspiration, counting and data processing were

as for the GIP assay.

A typical standard curve is shown in figure 2.5. Under

these conditions the tracer has a specific activity of 386

nCi/ng. The antiserum when subjected to Scatchard analysis

has an affinity constant of 1.0 x lO^i L/mole; see figure

2.6. The limit of detection of the assay when calculated as 2

X SD from zero (n = 12) has been found to be 10 pg/ml. The

limit of detection of the assay when taken as a 10 % drop

from zero gives a more modest figure of 42 pg/ml. The

intra-assay coefficients of variation are 7.7 % at 120 pg/ml,

6.3 % at 400 pg/ml and 5.4 7. at 610 pg/ml (n = 7; all these values are within the physiological range). The inter-assay coefficients of variation are 11.7 % at 260 pg/ml and 14.6 % at 470 pg/ml (n =7). Figure 2.7 shows that human motilin runs parallel in this assay. Figure 2.8 shows that the antiserum, under the conditions of the assay, does not cross-react with glucagon, VIP, gastrin, GIP, C-peptide or insulin.

page 66 In conclusion, the motilin assay described above is at

least as rapid and sensitive as any other published motilin

assay (Chey and Lee, 1980). It does not require an initial

methanol extraction step (Tai and Chey, 1978). It requires

only a two day incubation unlike that of Yanaihara et al.

(1980) which is a four day disequilibrium assay. Finally, it

is as sensitive as those of Bloom et al.. (1976) and Dryburgh et al. (1975).

page 67 Table 2.2

Motilin assay protocol

Reagent (>il) Total NSB Zero Standards Sample Sample Tube Tube NSB

Day 1

Buffer 300 200 100 300 200

HFP 100 100 100 - -

Standard — — - 100 - -

Sample — — - - 100 100

1st Antlserum — — 100 100 - 100 125_ I-motllln 100 100 100 100 100 100

Incubate at 4°C for 48 hours.

Day 3

NRS 50 50 50 50 50

DAR 50 50 50 50 50

12% PEG 120 120 120 120 120

Incubate at 4°C for 2—4 hours then centrifuge. aspirate and count.

page 68 Figure 2.5

A typical IRM standard curve, with synthetic porcine motilin

standard and charcoal stripped serum. Total count tubes =

8000 cpm, non-specific binding = 3.5 %. (n = 4, mean + SD). 60r


CO +-* c 30- D O Ü

CO 4-* o H c20 o CD


0 1 Motilin concentration (ng/ml)

page 69 Figure 2.6

Scatchard plot for antlserum MF/R/PK2-Pr.

Slope = -1.0 X 1011 L/mole, x-incp. = 1.0 x 10"~ii mole/L,






2 M/Lx10-n Motili’n concentration

page 70 Figure 2.7

Standard curve demonstrating parallelism between synthetic

porcine motilin (n = 4, mean + SD) and IRM in a human plasma


50 r


m 30 c D O Ü

03 •f-* 0 H 1 20 D O CO


0 ^

1 Motilin concentration (ng/ml)

page 71 Figure 2.8

Cross-reactivities of antiserum MF/R/PK2-Pr with some other gut hormones.



20 VIP


b/t GIP



50 100 n g /m l Peptide concentration

page 72 2. 3.0

Plasma Triglyceride Assay

Plasma triglyceride concentrations were estimated using

a manual enzymic colourimetric technique (H. Lange et a 1.,

unpublished), Peridochrom Triglycerides (Boehringer, London).

The plasma sample (10 pi) was incubated with the reagent

mixture (1 ml) for 30 minutes at 20 - 25*C and the absorbence

read at 578 nm (Cecil 272 spectrophotometer) against a

reagent blank within 900 minutes. The absorbence multiplied

by a factor of 5.68 yielded the concentration of

triglycerides within the sample in mM. The assay procedure

was a multi—enzyme system utilizing the glycerol liberated on

lipolysis of the triglyceride in a sequence of reactions

which result in the formation of a chromogen via the

reduction and subsequent oxidation of NAD. The reaction

sequence is set out below.

Triglyceride + 3 H.~>q (Lipase/Esterase)

------> glycerol + fatty acid

glycerol + NAD^ (Glycerol Dehydrogenase)

—------> dihydroxyacetone + NADH +

NADH + MTT (Diaphorase)

— ------> formazan + NAD"*"

Formazan is the chromogen and MTT stands for 3-(4,5- d imethy-2-thiazoly1)-2,5-diphenhy tétrazolium bromide.

page 73 2.4.0

Plasma glucose assay

Plasma glucose concentrations were estimated using a

semi-automated glucose oxidase technique (Stevens, 1971)

using a Glucose Analyzer 2 (Beckman Ltd., Glenthroes).

The sample (10 pi) was injected into aerated enzyme

solution, and appropriate aeration was achieved by shaking

the bottle containing the reagent several times with several

changes of air. The method takes advantage of the fact that

B-D-glucose from the sample reacts with dissolved oxygen in

the solution by the action of glucose oxidase yielding

gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. This reaction is set out


Glucose + 2H-,o + 0^ (Glucose Oxidase)

— ------> Gluconic acid +

There is an equimolar consumption of glucose and oxygen.

The change in oxygen concentration is monitored by an oxygen

electrode located within the reaction cuvette giving a direct reading of the glucose concentration within the sample. The system is calibrated using a Beckman aqueous glucose standard

(8.3 mM).



page 75 3. 0. 0

It was long ago suggested that insulin injected at

different times of day produces quantitatively different

effects on circulating glucose levels (Forsegren et al.,

1930). It has been shown that in normal subjects glucose

tolerance was diminished and the plasma immunoreactive-

insulin (IRI) response was delayed in the evening (Carroll

and Nestel, 1972). A diurnal variation in insulin sensitivity

has also been described in normal humans (Gibson and Jarrett,

1972; Gagliardiho et al., 1976) and in subjects with impaired

glucose tolerance (Schulz et al., 1980).

This chapter describes experiments concerning gastro-

enteropancreatic (GEP) hormones. These were undertaken in

order to shed some light on a previously neglected area, to

see whether or not GEP hormones, and more specifically those

involved in the entero-insular axis, show twentyfour hour

rhythms in their response to a standard meal. In addition to

plasma glucose and IRl, circulating levels of immunoreactive-

gastric inhibitory polypeptide (IR-GIP) and immunoreactive-

motilin (IRM) were measured. IR—GIP was measured as it is the

chief incretin candidate. IRM was measured as it is a hormone

which has been implicated in gastric emptying (Ruppin et al.,

1975; Christofides, Bloom, Besterman, 1978; Christofides et al., 1981), bile flow and other factors influencing the rate of absorption of nutrients, hence affecting the magnitude and timing of post-prandial IR-GIP release. Furthermore, intravenous infusions of motilin have been shown to increase the initial rise in IRl and IR-GIP following an oral glucose load (Long et a 1. , 1982) via an effect on gastric emptying.

page 76 3.1.0

GEP hormones during a twentyfour hour fast.

Plasma concentrations of IR-GIP have been reported to

have a diurnal rhythm (Jorde et al., 1980; Jones et al.,

1985), but these variations appeared to be due solely to

subjects eating meals during the day and fasting (i.e.

sleeping) at night. Notice was given of preliminary results

that indicated a diurnal rhythm in plasma IRM (Christofides,

1979b), but no data , save that IRM levels were higher in the

morning than later in the day, were given at that time or

since. IRM levels have been measured in just five subjects

for 24 h on two occasions. However, the subjects were not

fasted but fed meals of different compositions during the day

(Shima et al., 1979), so that no clear picture of what

happens to circulating IRM levels through 24 hours could be

established. There is no published data on twenty-four hour

variations in insulin or C-peptide release. However, an

ultraradian variation has been described for the basal

secretion of insulin and C-peptide, with a small amplitude

and a period of 10 to 15 minutes (Lange et al., 1979).

3.1.1 Methods

Twelve normal, healthy volunteers, four men and eight

women aged 20 - 39 years (mean = 27.9 + 1.58 SEM), took part

in the experiment. None of the group was under medication, except three of the women who were taking contraceptive steroids. Each volunteer ate a standard breakfast of a bowl of corn flakes, two slices of toast and two cups of tea or

page 77 milk from 0710 h to 0730 h, followed at 0945 h by two jam

doughnuts and two cups of tea or coffee (10% protein, 36%

fat, 54% carbohydrate, 695 kilocalories total). Blood (10 ml)

was sampled by indwelling venous catheter (antecubital vein)

at hourly intervals for 24 hours at 1000 h. During the

sampling period volunteers remained fasted but were allowed

unlimited drinking water. During the day volunteers occupied

themselves with light activities (reading, watching

television etc.). During the night most of the volunteers

slept between (and sometimes during) blood sampling. Blood

was centrifuged immediately and plasma divided into aliquots

for the individual assays, then frozen and stored at -20*C

until assay. IRl estimations were performed by Dr. SM

Hampton, using an antibody raised to pure porcine insulin,

porcine standards and iodinated porcine insulin (Hampton,


3.1.2 Results

The IR-GIP. IRM, glucose and IRl results are shown in figures 3.1 to 3.4 respectively. Areas under the curve and statistics for the IRM results are shown in table 3.1. In all the figures mean values are shown + standard errors of the mean (SEM). These results, with the exception of IRM results, but with the addition of melatonin, cortisol (free and bound) and immunoreactive-C-peptide appeared in Arendt et al.


Owing to the large inter-personal variations in plasma

IRM, all values were expressed as a percentage of the individual's own mean basal level from 1500 h to 0200 h (mean

314 pg/ml + i16 SEM, range 84 - 1436 pg/ml). This is a method

page 78 which has been used by other workers to reduce raw IRM data

to a form more amenable to meaningful statistical analysis

(Shima et al., 1979). Areas under the curve were submitted to

Student's t-test for paired observations.

The results show that, following breakfast, IR-GIP

concentrations were elevated and following the test meal were

stimulated a little further and stayed elevated for a very

long time, i.e. about 7 hours. Once IR-GIP levels returned to

basal they remained there for the remainder of the time

studied. Following the test meal IRM levels fell briefly,

then rose and returned to an apparent "basal" level by about

five hours following the test meal. They did not change

significantly for about ten to eleven hours. Mean IRM levels

fell to a nadir at 0400 h - 0500 h (151 + 40 and 172 + 48

pg/ml i.e. 62.0 and 65.5 % of basal at these time points

respectively; p < 0.05). Basal levels were regained by 0900 h

except for a brief peak at 0600 h. The mean area under the

curve 0300 h - 0800 h was significantly lower than that for

2100 - 0200 h; p < 0.005. Glucose concentrations did not vary

greatly over the 24 h period. IRI levels having been raised

by the breakfast then rose still a little further after the

test meal and returned to basal within about 3 hours of the

test meal. IR-GIP levels at this point were still about twice

basal levels. The decrease in circulating IRM concentrations

coincided with a peak in melatonin release and the onset of a peak in plasma cortisol concentrations (Arendt et al., 1982).

3.1.3 Discusion

The IR-GIP results are at least partly in agreement with those of Jorde et al. (1980). They found that in normal

oaoe 79 individuals plasma IR-GIP levels remained elevated -from early

morning until late at night, the subjects having eaten four

"normal" meals during the day. IR-GIP levels took about 9

hours to return to basal levels after the last meal at 1930

h. The IR-GIP results from this experiment appeared to

demonstrate that, following a meal, nutrients take several

hours to be completely cleared from the stomach and small

intestine, since it is the absorption of nutrients which

causes the release of this hormone.

No circulating venous glucose response was observed

after the test meal at the time points studied. This is,

perhaps, not surprising as IRI levels were already elevated

from the breakfast eaten earlier. Neither plasma glucose nor

IRI levels altered from basal in the remainder of the time

studied in the experiment. So, although there may be an

ultraradian rhythm in IRI release there would seem to be no

overall circadian variation in its basal levels. In addition

to Christofides' (1979b) preliminary results one other group

of workers has monitored IRM levels through a twentyfour hour

period, taking samples every 15 minutes (Shima et al., 1979).

Five subjects were studied for 24 h on two occasions; the

subjects were not fasted but fed meals of different

compositions during the day. Their resuts, expressed as a

percentage of the mean from 0045 h to 0815 h, showed that IRM

levels continue to fluctuate rhythmically through the night

with a period of approximately 90 minutes. Their results also

showed (although they did not comment upon it) that on one occasion mean plasma IRM concentrations showed a marked fall

from 0300 h to 0600 h. This fall would not appear to affect the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC) as this has been reported to continue with its approximately 90 minute cycle

page 80 through the night (Finch et al., 1982). It is not clear what

causes the fall in mean plasma IRM levels in the early

morning. A clue as to whether the cause is neural or hormonal

might come from further studies to investigate possible

interactions with other hormones which have been suggested to

share moti1 in's cyclical release and interaction with the

MMC, such as pancreatic polypeptide (PP) (Janssens et al.,

1R82) and gastrin (Peeters et al., 1980).

Finally it is interesting to note that although IRI

levels return to basal within 3 - 4 h of the meal, and

therefore glucose is no longer being absorbed to any great

extent, fat absorption and processing continues for a further

few hours, as IR-GIP levels continue to remain elevated. It

is possible, therefore, that in the first few hours after a mixed meal GIP's incretin activity is important, later to be superceded by its enterogastrone and/or possible lipid clearing activity. It might further be speculated, when considering the mean plasma IRM results, that the "dip" in mean values after the meal could be accounted for by glucose absorption and insulin release, and that the subsequent rise be due to continued fat absorption in the absence of elevated glucose or insulin concentrations.

page 81 Tab le 5.1

Plasma IRM area under the curve data at two time periods following a test meal ant 0945 h, eaten within 15 minutes and subsequent fast.

Subject Area 2100 h - 0200 h Area 0300 h - 0800 h

(% basal.h> (% basal.h)

A 590.8 478.9

B 567.2 402.7

C 740.5 360.8

D 654.1 471.5

E 706.2 453.6

F 555.6 433.2

G 626.0 461.2

H 602.5 854.4

I 696.4 468.3

J 704.3 358.5

K 610.0 338.6

t = 3.5556; p < 0.005

page 8: Figure 3.1

Plasma IR-GIP levels in healthy human volunteers following a test meal at 0 9 4 5 h, eaten within 15 minutes, and subsequent fast, (n = 6, mean + SEM).

o o cn o

o o m o

o o


o o CO a. o . I

to o 3 o CL. cn o E cn C u J


page S3 Figure 3.2

Plasma IR| levels in healthy human volunteers following a test meal at 0 9 4 5 h, eaten within 15 minutes, and subsequent fast, (n = 6, mean + SEM).

O O cr> o

o o IT) o

o o

O L U o z C\J o o _J o

o o

o o CO

a: LU o to o cr> —I o Q. Î K. J o o o o If) CO C\J o

page 84 Figure 3.3

Plasma ; levels in healthy human volunteers following a test meal at 0945 h, eaten within 15 minutes, and subsequent fast.

O o 1 CTl o

o o cn o

o o

O L U o s: CM o o _J o

o o CO

LU ZD —I < LU o o C cn CO o m I— -J o o LO o o cn o

page 85 Figure 3.4

Plasma^\ucc'S'Ç levels In healthy human volunteers following a test meal at 0 9 4 5 h, eaten within 15 minutes, and subsequent fast, (n = 6, mean + SEM).

o o m o

o o

O L U o z: CsJ o o o

o o

o o CO

LU (/) o o e> o g o (/) cn

Lf) CO CVJ o

page 86 3. 2.0

Function of the entero-insular axis at 1100 h and

0200 h.

As no rhythms in basal plasma IR-BIP, glucose or IRI

levels were observed in the previous experiment (3.1), this

further experiment was carried out to see if any differences

in stimulated IR-GIP, glucose or IRI could be observed at two

different times of day. As Arendt et a1■ (1982) maintain, the

pineal gland may have a role in the control of carbohydrate

metabolism, and melatonin (an index of pineal function) most

certainly does have a circadian rhythm (maximum concentration

at 0200 h, and by 1000 h has reached a minimum

concentration). It may also be of note that it is from about

0200 h that plasma IRM levels are seen to decline.

3.2.1 Methods

Five normal healthy volunteers, four men and one woman,

aged 23 - 28 years(mean = 25.4 +1.96 SEM) took part in the experiment. None of the group was under medication. At 1100 h after a 16 h overnight fast each volunteer consumed a standard meal consisting of two cups of coffee, one glass of milk, one bowl of cornflakes, two slices of toast, 25 g sucrose and two jam doughnuts (17 g protein, 37 g fat, 101 g carbohydrate, 779 kcal) within 20 minutes. For the next 15 h they again fasted, but were allowed free access to water. At

0200 h the following morning the volunteers again ate the same meal, within 20 minutes. Blood (10 ml) was sampled by indwelling venous catheter (antecubital vein) at hourly

page 87 intervals for 24 h commencing at 1100 h. The remainder of the

protocol was the same as that for the previous experiment


3.2.2 Results

The plasma IR-GIP, IRI and glucose results are shown in

figures 3.5 to 3.7 respectively. Areas under the curve and

statistics for the IR-GIP and IRI results are shown in tables

3.2 and 3.3 respectively. IRI estimations were performed by

Dr. SM Hampton. The results show that the second meal gave a

lower but broader IR-GIP response, having also a slightly

greater area under the curve (p < 0.05). The glucose results

were most striking. After the 1100 h meal there was

practically no change in plasma glucose concentrations, but

following the 0200 h meal glucose levels rose from about 4 mM

to over 9 mM, and remained elevated for over 3 h after the meal. The meal at 0200 h gave a significantly greater IRl release (p < 0.005), the peak level being greater by 31 % and the response longer (about 50 %) when compared to the meal at

1100 h.

3.2.3 Discussion

The glucose intolerance that was observed in the early morning following the mixed meal might be interpreted as insulin resistance. Although after the 0200 h meal the IRl response was greater, it had less effect on the lowering of plasma glucose concentrations than the IRl released following the 1100 h meal. However, it is not possible to tell, from this experiment, whether the augmented IRl release following

page SB the 0200 h meal is due to an increased sensitivity of the

pancreatic B-cell to GIP, to the hyperg1ycaemia, to a

decreased clearance of IRI or to a combination of any of

these factors.

The duration and magnitude of the IR-GIP response

following the two meals might be explained when considered

together with the IRM results of the previous experiment

(3.1). The reduction in the mean plasma IRM concentrations in

the early morning might indicate an increase in the gastric

emptying time, and this might help explain the slight

blunting in the IR-GIP response. An increase in gastric

emptying would result in a diminishing of the magnitude of

the IR-GIP response, by increasing its duration. It may also

be worth noting that although post-prandial IRI levels

following the 0200 h meal are higher and elevated for a

longer period, the IR-GIP levels do not appear to be much

reduced by these higher levels. Although insulin does not

inhibit glucose-stimulated IR-GIP release (Service et al.,

1978) it does inhibit fat stimulated IR-GIP release (Brown ejt al., 1975), and the late phase IR-GIP release is probably almost entirely due to fat absorption.

The results of this experiment, consistent with a degree of insulin resistance in the early morning, are interesting but inconclusive, since factors affecting gastric emptying cannot be excluded. The results of this experiment also beg the question of what happens at other times of day.

page 89 Figure 3.5

Plasma IR-GIP levels in healthy human volunteers over 24 h,

■fasted from 1900 h the previous night, with two test meals

o o o

o o o

C ÜJ o z: o CVJ o

o o w oj s: CVJ I— I


o o 0 0

o o CD I q;

(jj o o E o cn


page 90 Figure 3.6

Plasma IRI levels in healthy human volunteers over 24 h,

•fasted from 1900 h the previous night, with two test meals

(eaten within 20 minutes) at 1100 h and 0200 h, and fasting following the meals, (n = 5, mean + SEM)

o o o

o o o

o o CVJo



CVJ •— <

o o o

o o 00

o o



Q. o o o

o o o VO CVJ o

page 91 Figure 5.7

Plasma glucose levels in healthy human volunteers over 24 h,

■fasted from 1900 h the previous night, with two test meals

(eaten within 20 minutes) at 1100 h and 0200 h, and fasting following the meals, (n = 5, mean + SEM)

o o o

o o CO o

o o CM O

o O UJ CVJ s: CVJ I— I

o o o

o o 00

o o UJ to o



o Q. o o E L _ CVJ CO CO CM

page 9: Table 3.2

Plasma IR-GIP area under the curve data taken from figure 3.5

Subject Area 1045 h - 1845 h Area 0145 h - 0945 h

pgml-ih pgml ~*-h

L 9378.0 9467.5

M 10392.5 10842.0

N 5642.5 8000.5

P 8567.0 9854.5

S 6176.0 7629.0

Mean 8071.2 9158.7

S. D. 2065.8 1331.8

t = 2.3500; p < 0.05

page 93 Table 3.3

Plasma IRI area under the curve data taken from figure 3.6

Subject Area 1045 h - 1845 h Area 0145 h — 0945 h

mUL“ ^h mUL~^h

L 133 163

M 96 213

N 73 169

P lOl 218

S 133 197

Mean 107 192

S.D. 26 25

t = 5.0521; p < 0.005

page 94 3.3. 0

Investigation of the insulinaemic responses following

intravenous glucose tolerance tests at 1000 h and 0200 h.

This experiment follows on from experiment 3.2, and was

designed to compare intravenous glucose tolerance in the

early morning (0200 h) with that in the late morning (1000

h ) . This experiment seeks to investigate glucose tolerance

with no direct intervention by the entero-insular axis. Thus

any differences between the two time points cannot be

attributed to the action of the entero-insular axis. Carroll

and Nestel (1972) showed that in normal subjects glucose

tolerance and plasma IRI response were diminished in the

evening following oral glucose. The delay in plasma IRI

response was significantly less, however, with intravenous


3.3.1 Methods

Five normal healthy volunteers, three women and two men

aged 22 to 33 years (mean = 27.4 + 1.96 SEM) took part in

this experiment. None of the group was under medication. The

volunteers fasted from 2000 h until 1000 h the following

morning when, having had antecubital veins in both arms

cannulated with intravenous catheters, two basal blood

samples were taken (-15 and 0 minutes) from the left arm.

Immediately upon the removal of the second sample, 25 g

glucose (in 100 ml saline) was infused (over 2 - 3 minutes)

into the right arm. Blood sampling continued from the left arm for 180 minutes. Subjects continued to fast until 0200 h

page 95 the following morning when the above sampling and intravenous

loading procedure was repeated. Subjects were allowed access

to water at all times. Blood handling and the remainder of

the protocol was the same as in experiment 3.1.

3.3.2 Results

The IR-GIP, IRM, IRI, and glucose results are shown in

figures 3.8 to 3.11 respectively, additional data for IR-GIP

and IRM are shown in tables 3.4 to 3.7. The IRM results were

expressed as a percentage of the basal value, where the basal

value was calculated as the mean of the first two samples.

Following the 1000 h i.v. glucose load a significant and

rapid fall in IR-GIP concentrations, with a minimum of 68.4 %

of basal at 5 minutes (P < 0.025) and remaining significantly

lower for 45 minutes, was seen. N o such fall was observed

following the 0200 h load. Plasma IRM levels following both

1000 h and 0200 h meals showed a very significant but slower

decline than IR-GIP with minima of 62.6 % and 60.1 % of basal

respectively. Plasma glucose levels reached slightly higher

concentrations at 0200 h than at 1000 h and remained higher

for longer, as did IRI, although to a lesser extent.

3.3.3 Discussion

The lowering of plasma IR-GIP after the 1000 h load was most unexpected. Service et al. (1978) were unable to show any effect of hyperinsulinaemia induced by exogenous insulin on the basal secretion of IR-GIP in the absence of change in plasma glucose concentration, although Andersen et al. (1978) showed a diminution of the expected IR-GIP release following

page 96 oral glucose in the presence of marked hyperinsulinaemia with

mild or moderate hyperglycaemia. In this experiment, where

marked and sustained hyperinsulinaemia was induced by

hyperglycaemia, basal secretion of IR-GIP was inhibited

following the 1000 h, but not the 0200 h, load. Thus, the

results indicate that there is a possible feed-back

inhibition of insulin on IR-GIP release, although the above

data, when taken together with those in the literature

(Service et al.. 1978; Andersen et al., 1978), suggest that a

degree of tiyperg lycaemia must also be present for the

Inhibition to occur. The apparent lack of a significant drop

in plasma IR-GIP levels after the 0200 h load might be taken

as yet another piece of evidence of insulin resistance at

this time of day.

The IRM results are in close agreement with those of

Christofides, Bloom and Besterman (1978). They measured

plasma IRM during an insulin stress test (0.02 lU/kg) and

showed a gradual decrease in plasma IRM, reaching a nadir at

35 minutes (a fall of 58 %, p < 0.005). This result is very

similar to the IRM results shown above. The authors claimed,

however, with appropriate correlations, that the observed

effect was due to a decrease in glucose concentrations.

Obviously this cannot be the case in the above experiment.

The only similarity between an insulin stress test and an

intravenous glucose tolerance test is a sudden and rapid

increase in plasma IRI concentrations. Therefore, the

alternative and more probable explanation is that insulin has

a negative feedback upon basal IRM release. It should be

further noted that at 0200 h, following the i.v. glucose bolus, the time taken for IRM levels to reach a minimum

level, similar in magnitude to that obtained following the

page 97 0200 h load, was 60 minutes, whereas following the 1000 h

load it took just 30 minutes. Could this be yet more

evidence, albeit slight, of insulin resistance in the early


Finally, the plasma glucose results show a better

glucose tolerance at 1000 h, and hence are strongly

suggestive of insulin resistance at 0200 h, as the peak and

subsequent glucose concentrations are consistently and

significantly higher (at 15, 45 and 60 minutes) after the

0200 h compared to the 1000 h bolus. The relatively elevated

glucose levels after the 0200 h bolus may be responsible for

the slightly but significantly augmented IRI levels at 90 and

120 minutes post i.v. glucose.

In conclusion, the plasma IR-GIP, glucose and IRM results when taken together are strongly suggestive of a degree of insulin resistance being present at 0200 h compared to 1000 h. This result is in agreement with that of the previous experiment (3.2), in confirming insulin resistance in the early morning, and excludes differences in gastric emptying as a possible alternative explanation.

page 98 Figure 5.8

Mean plasma IR-GIP levels in healthy human volunteers following an intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose

In saline, in 2 - 3 minutes) at 1000 h (•) and 0200 h (o)

(n = 5).

^00 fpg/ml PLASMA IR-GIP






« « « «_____ I. .— .I.

-15 0 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 TIME (h)

page 99 Table 5.4

Plasma IR-GIP levels In healthy human volunteers following an

intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose in saline, in

2 - 3 minutes) at 1000 h (n = 5). Significant differences

shown are from zero time point (Student's paired t-test)

Time (min) Mean (pg/ml) S.D. (pg/ml) Sig (p<)

zero 418 161

5 286 172 0.025

10 326 154 0.010

15 355 154 0.050

30 307 131 0.025

45 361 170 0.050

60 384 173 n.s.

90 499 286 n.s.

120 378 187 n.s.

150 438 188 n.s.

180 423 157 n.s.

page 100 Table 3.5

Plasma IR-GIP levels in healthy human volunteers following an

intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose in saline, in

2 - 3 minutes) at 0200 h (n = 5). Significant differences

shown are from zero time point (Student's paired t-test)

Time (min)______Mean (pg/ml) S.D. (pg/ml) Sig (p<)

zero 349 214

5 323 195 n.s.

10 309 162 n. s.

15 285 163 n.s.

30 359 172 n.s.

45 350 88 n.s.

60 333 120 n.s.

90 316 213 n. s.

120 334 135 n . s.

150 284 215 n.s.

180 274 96 n. s.

page 101 Figure 5.9

Mean plasma IRM levels in healthy human volunteers following

an Intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose in saline,

in 2 “ 3 minutes) at 1000 h (•> and 0200 h (o) (n = 5).

Values are shown as a percentage of the mean zero concentration.



i.v. BOLUS

I I ... I .1 I

-15 0 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 TIME (h)

page 102 Table 3.6

Plasma IRM levels in healthy human volunteers following an

intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose in saline, in

2 - 3 minutes) at 1000 h (n = 5)- Values are shown as a

percentage of the mean zero concentration. Significant

differences shown are from zero time point (Student's paired


Time (min) Mean (%) S.D. (7.) Sig (p<)

zero 100.0 25.0

5 88.7 12.9 0.050

10 93.6 20.8 n.s.

15 84.5 19.2 n.s.

30 62.6 16. 1 0.0025

45 65.5 17. 1 0.005

60 79.6 23.3 O. 050

90 95.3 29.5 n.s.

120 76.7 16.3 O. 010

150 95.6 39.4 n.s.

180 104.5 25.5 n.s.

page 103 Table 3.7

Plasma IRM levels in healthy human volunteers following an

intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose in saline, in

2 - 3 minutes) at 0200 h (n = 5). Values are shown as a

percentage of the mean zero concentration. Significant

differences shown are from zero time point (Student's paired


Time (min)_____Mean (%)______S.D. (%)______Sig (p<)

zero 100.0 29.5 -

5 98.7 40.4 n.s.

10 85.1 25.3 n.s.

15 80.7 24.4 n.s.

30 72.7 13.5 0.010

45 61.7 15.1 0.0025

60 60.1 12.8 0.0025

90 66.9 18.5 0.010

120 74.4 37.1 n.s.

150 63.9 25.6 0.025

180 56.4 6.3 0.0005

page 104 Figure 3.10

Plasma IRI levels in healthy human volunteers following an intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose in saline, in

2 - 3 minutes) at 1000 h (•) and 0200 h (o) (n = 5, mean +









0 -15 0 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 TIME (min)

page 105 Figure 3.11

Plasma glucose levels in healthy human volunteers following

an intravenous glucose bolus (100 ml, 25 % glucose in saline,

in 2 - 3 minutes) at 1000 h and 0200 h (o) (n = 5, mean +




9— f

-15 0 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 TIME (min)

page 106 3.4.0

Function of the entero-insular axis throughout the day.

This experiment follows on from the previous experiments

in this chapter. It has been shown that although the same

oral and intravenous stimuli to IRI elicit a greater IRI

response in the early morning, the glucose clearing ability

of the IRI is impaired. However, the difference was more

marked following oral stimuli and possible changes in gastric

emptying were shown to be not the only possible reason for

this difference. This experiment seeks to go one step further

than experiment 3.2 and follow the function of the

entero-insular axis at 4-hourly intervals throughout the day.

3.4.1 Methods

Six normal healthy volunteers, three men and three

women, aged 23 - 43 years (mean = 26.2 + 1.22 SEM) took part

in the experiment. None of the group was under medication.

The volunteers fasted for at least 10 h. They were fed a test meal of two cups of coffee, one glass of milk, one bowl of cornflakes, two slices of toast, 25 g sucrose and two jam doughnuts (17.1 g protein, 36.7 g fat, 100.9 g carbohydrate,

7799 kcal). The test meal was consumed within 20 minutes.

This was done on six separate occasions over a six week period giving six time points of 1000 h, 1400 h, 1800 h, 2200 h, 0200 h and 0600 h. Blood samples were taken for 6 h following the meal. Blood sampling, handling and storage were the same as for the other experiments in this chapter.

page 107 3.4.2 Results

The plasma IRI, glucose and IR-GIP concentrations were

measured for each individual at each time point for each

occasion and the mean + SEM values are shown in figures 3.12

to 3.14 respectively. The area above the curve (increment

above basal for the hormones) for each individual on each

occasion was calculated. These results were then combined to

give six mean areas under the curve at the different time

points for glucose, IRI and IR-GIP shown in figure 3.15. Mean

fasting plasma glucose, IRI and IR-GIP are shown in figure

3.16. Student's t-test for paired observations was applied to

the resultant areas and means.

No distinctive diurnal patterns were found in basal

plasma concentrations of IRI or glucose, although basal

concentrations of IRI and glucose were lower at 1400 h

compared with 1000 h (p < 0.02). The integrated glucose

response was less at 1000 h compared with all other times and

increased during the day to a maximum at 2200 h. The

integrated IRI results also show a minimum at 1000 h and a

maximum at 2200 h. The greatest integrated IR-GIP response

following the meal was at 1400 h, and the smallest at 2200 h.

However, the integrated IR-GIP response at 1000 h was still

greater than at 2200 h (p < 0.02). A large variation in basal

IR-GIP concentrations was seen through the day. The lowest basal value was seen at 1400 h and the highest at 2200 h.

3.4.3 Discussion

There is clearly a rhythm in the integrated glucose response following the test meal through the day. The

page 108 smallest area under the curve is seen at the 1000 h time

point, indicating the best glycaemic control; this coincides

with the lowest IRI integrated area (i.e. the IRI is most

effective in lowering glucose levels), together with a fairly

low IR-GIP integrated area. The glucose results indicate that

glycaemic control deteriorates through the day to a minimum

at 2200 h. However, the increase in the amount of insulin

secreted to remove the glucose from the circulation following

the meal is roughly in step with the increase in post­

prandial glucose concentrations. This suggests that although

more insulin is released through the day it is becoming less

effective at lowering plasma glucose concentrations (losing

its hypoglycaemic effect); insulin resistance appears to

increase through the day.

The interpretation of the IR-GIP results is a little

less clear. Integrated increment over basal IR-GIP results

appear roughly to mirror the glucose and IRI results in that

they are fairly high in the late morning/early afternoon and

low in the evening/early morning. Some of the apparent

differences in IR-GIP results might, however, be attributable

to the large variation in basal IR-GIP values observed.

There are several complicating factors which affect the

interpretation of the IR-GIP results. The first of these,

already touched on, is the variation in basal IR-GIP

concentrations through the day. If one considers the time point with the lowest IR-GIP concentration, 1400 h, and the highest, 2200 h, with the benefit of hindsight it is not too dificult to postulate an explanation for the difference. All the volunteers were instructed to fast for a minimum of 10 h, so that for the experiment with the test meal at 1400 h the volunteers should have fasted from 0400 h. However, none of

page 109 the volunteers got up "in the middle of the nighf'to eat a

meal immediately before 0400 h. Rather, they all had a late

dinner, and some a snack at about 2300 h - 2400 h. One can

see from the results that the late evening stimulated IR-GIP

results are among the lowest observed through the day. When

combined with at least a 14 h fast, by 1400 h basal TR-GIP

values were very low. Then consider the basal IR-GIP values

at the 2200 h time point; the volunteers ate an early, large

lunch and fasted for just the minimum 10 h. If one looks at

the stimulated IR-GIP values at around midday, they are

considerably higher than those at around midnight, so that if

circulating IR-GIP levels were going to "linger" on the / higher side of mean basal this is the time point at which it

would occur. The above may also explain the observed slight

variations in basal glucose and IRI levels.

Should the experiment be redesigned and repeated, in the

light of these results and assumptions, the volunteers should

be instructed to fast for rather longer (at least 14 h),

having just eaten a standard meal. However, in defence of the

chosen experimental design, the preliminary experiments 3.1

and 3.2 indicated that 10 h would be sufficient to reduce

basal IR-GIP values to a minimum, but the test meals used in

these experiments were rather smaller than the type of meals

that the volunteers would have consumed before a 10 h fast.

Also possible effects of variations in gastric emptying can not be totally excluded from contributing to the variations in basal values.

Finally, the above results strongly suggest a circadian rhythm in IR-GIP release following a mixed meal. But, any possible doubts about the interpretation of the IR-GIP data cannot diminish the strong evidence that the integrated

page 110 glucose concentrations following a mixed meal increase through the day despite increasing IRI concentrations. Thus following mixed meals there is a circadian rhythm in insulin resistance.

page 111 Figure 3.12

Variation in plasma IR-GIP response to a test meal given at 6 different times of the day over 24 h. Meal eaten within 20 minutes from O h . (n = 6, mean + SEM).

3 pg/ml

1000 h 1400 h 2


3 1800 h 2200 h 2



0200 h 0600 h


0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

page 112 Figure 3.15

Variation in plasma IRI response to a test meal given at 6 different times of the day over 24 h. Meal eaten within 20 minutes from O h. (n = 6, mean SEM) •


1000 h 1400 h


1800 h 2200 h 70





0200 h 0600 h 70




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 h

page 113 Figure 3.14

Variation in plasma glucose response to a test meal given at

6 different times of the day over 24 h. Meal eaten within 20 minutes from O h . (n = 6, mean + SEM).


1000 h 1400 h

1800 h 2200 h

0200 h 0600 h

0 } 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 h

page 114 Figure 3.15

Integrated (6 h, area under the curve of increment above basal) response to glucose, IRl and IR-GIP to a test meal at times indicated (n = 6, mean + SEM). Marked significant differences are from 1000 h for glucose and IRl but 1400 h for IR-GIP.

p < 0. 1

** p < 0.05

12 mM.h GLUCOSE ****

8 ***** p

4 **


3 mU/L.h X 100 PLASMA IR I



12 pg/ml.'h X 1000 PLASMA IR-GIP




1000 1400 1800 2200 0200 0600 TEST MEAL TIME (CLOCK TIME, h)

page 115 Figure 3.16

Mean 10 h fasting plasma levels of glucose, IRI and IR--GIF normal human volunteers. (n = 6, mean + SEM).

** P < 0. 05

*** P < 0. 02

*** P < 0.01





8 - ,

6 4



10 p g /tîil X 1000 PLASMA IR-GIP


1000 1400 18000 2200 0200 0600 TEST MEAL TIME (CLOCK TIME, h)


Following a mixed meal at 0945 and 24 h fast

1) plasma IR-GIP levels return to basal within 9 h and

there is no circadian rhythm in basal levels.

2) no plasma glucose response or circadian rhythm is


3) plasma IRI levels return to basal within 3 - 4 h and

there is no circadian rhythm in basal levels.

4) plasma IRM levels fall and return to a mean "basal"

within 5 h but later fall to a nadir at 0400 h - 0500 h

returning to "basal" by 0900 h, exhibiting a circadian


5) the late phase IR-GIP release is unlikely to be due to

carbohydrate absorption but to fat absorption.

Following a mixed meal at 1100 h then fasting until a further

mixed meal at 0200 h

1) the meal at 0200 h gave a lower but broader peak in

plasma IR-GIP, but with a slightly larger area under

the curve, than the 1100 h meal.

2) the meal at 0200 h gave a large rise in plasma

glucose; none was observed after the 1100 h meal.

3) the meal at 0200 h gave a larger and longer

plasma IRI release than that following the 1100 h meal.

Following i.v. glucose tolerance tests at 1000 h and 0200 h

1) basal plasma IR-GIP concentrations are only reduced

following the 1000 h load.

page 117 2) basal IRM concentrations are reduced more rapidly but

to the same extent following the 1000 h load compared

to the 0200 h load.

3) both plasma glucose and IRI reach slightly higher

levels and are elevated for longer following the 0200 h

load compared to the 1000 h load.

Following a mixed meal at six times through the day

1) circadian rhythms in stimulated plasma glucose, IRI and

IR-GIP were demonstrated.



page 119 4.0.0


It is now more than twenty years since the work of

McIntyre et al. (1964) which re-awakened research interest in

Incretin. They established that glucose administered

intrajejunally, on a molar basis, resulted in an insulin

release which was more than double that caused by intravenous

glucose. Evidence for gastric inhibitory polypeptide's (GIF)

candidature for incretin is discussed in chapter 1.

Obesity in man is characterised biochemically by basal

hyperinsulinaemia and an exaggerated insulinaemic response to

glucose and most other insulinotropic stimuli (Karam et al.,

1963). This cause and effect relationship between obesity and

an overactive entero-insular axis is still vague and the

actual cause of the hyperinsulinaemia controversial; however,

it seems increasingly likely that an overactive

entero-insular axis is involved to some extent. Obese

subjects have been shown to have exaggerated IR-GIP responses

after a mixed meal (Ebert et al., 1976) and exogenous insulin

fails to inhibit fat stimulated IR-BIP release in these

subjects (Creutzfeldt et al., 1978). In this context an

overactive entero-insular axis would be defined as one where

a normal enteric stimulus causes a supranormal release of

incretin, thus causing the release of supranormal amounts of


Quite naturally, although very little considered in the past, the nutrients and form of diet that an individual gut has biochemically (and perhaps to some extent, physically) adapted to optimally process will affect the associated gut

page 120 hormone responses to a given meal. One again returns to the

question of whether the overactive enteroinsular axis is a

symptom of insulin resistance, or one of the causes. Insulin

resistance is where normal (or supra-normal) concentrations

of insulin produce a subnormal biological response at a

target tissue. It is not unreasonable, however, to expect

different tissues to display varying levels of resistance.

Thus, Ni 11ms et al. (1978) showed that five days of calorie

restriction abolished the exaggerated IR-GIP response to a

fat or mixed meal in obese subjects, from which one is led to

infer that previous high calorie intake might have been

responsible for the observed excessive IR-GIP production and

that diet rather than actual body weight is the significant


It has long been known that dietary composition

influences glucose tolerance in healthy individuals (Sweeny,

1927). It was subsequently shown that a high fat diet reduced

glucose tolerance and that this reduction was due to changes

in susceptabi1ity to insulin (Himsworth, 1933 and 1934). More recently it has been shown that short term feeding of rats on a high fat diet both in vitro and in vivo resulted in an

insulin resistant state (Zaragoza-Hermans and Felber, 1970;

Susini and Lavau, 1978; Lavau et al., 1979).

Reduced insulin receptor numbers (without change in affinity) have been demonstrated in the soleus muscle of rats fed a high fat diet for just ten days (Grundleger and Thenen,

1982). Other workers have found a greater than 40% decrease in insulin binding and receptor numbers, but no change in the affinity constant of insulin receptors in isolated fat cells or liver plasma membranes obtained from rats fed on a high fat, carbohydrate free diet (Ip et al., 1976; Sun et al.,

oaae 121 1977). Reports in the literature show basal plasma insulin

levels in rats maintained on a high fat diet to be unchanged

(Lavau et al., 1979), moderately decreased (Zarazoya-Hermans

and Felber, 1970) or increased (Grundleger and Thenen, 1982).

The apparent differences may possibly be explained by differences in age, rat strain, type of diet and length of

time maintained on the diet.

paqe 122 4.1.0

Effect of a short-term high fat diet on the entero-

insular axis in rats.

This series of experiments grew from experiments which

were aimed at extending the work of Dryburgh et al (1980) who

found that in rats exogenous C-peptide could inhibit the

release of IR-GIP following an introduodenal fat load.In an

attempt to repeat the experiment of Dryburgh et al. (but with

a higher stimulated IR-GIP concentration from which it was

hoped a more significant inhibition would arise), rats were

pretreated with triolein for four days prior to the

experiment. This time, however, endogenous C-peptide or

insulin did not inhibit IR-GIP release (Hampton, 1983). Thus

the following experiments in rats and in humans arose.

4.1.1 Methods

180 male Wistar Albino rats (240 - 290 g ) were used for

the three parts of this experiment. They were randomly divided into two equal groups. Group I (fat pretreated/high fat diet) were dosed daily with 3 ml triolein (BDH, Technical grade) for four days prior to the experiment; they were also allowed free access to normal laboratoy food (Rodent Breeding

Diet No. 1, Spratt's Laboratory Services, Barking, Essex).

This resulted in a diet with a final fat content of 21%.

Group II (normal diet/low fat diet) were only fed the normal laboratory food; the resultant diet contained Just 3.5% fat.

The animals were weighed daily and fasted for 24 hours before each experiment. Three experimental protocols were performed

page 123 on animals from groups I and II. They were all bled by

cardiac puncture 10 minutes after an intraperitoneal

injection of 0.4 ml/rat sodium pentobarbitone (60 mg/ml:

Sagital; May and Baker, Dagenham). Blood was collected into

lithium heparin tubes and centrifuged, and plasma was stored

at -20*C until analysis for glucose and hormone


a) Time course of responses to oral fat.

Rats from groups I and II were each divided into five

sets (six rats per set). Set A from each group received no

triolein. Animals in the other four sets (B-E) each received

1 ml triolein (Skcal) orally. Blood was collected from set A

at O min and from sets B-E, after oral dosing, at 30, 60,

120, and 180 min respectively.

b ) Effect of fat pretreatment on responses to oral fat

with or without intraperitoneal insulin.

Animals from groups I and II were each divided into 3

sets (lO rats per set). They were given the following: set A,

1 ml triolein orally 2 h before i.p. insulin (1 U/kg body

weight); set B, 1ml triolein orally 2 h before i.p. saline

(0.154 mol/L); set C , 1 ml saline (0.154 mol/L) orally 2 h before i.p. saline (0.154 mol/L). Blood was collected 20 minutes after the i.p. injection in all cases.

c) Effect of fat pretreatment on the response to oral glucose.

Rats from both groups I and II were divided into 2 sets

(lO rats per set). Set A was given 3 ml glucose solution

(2.78 mol/L; 5.8 Kcal) orally, and set B 3 ml saline (0.154 mol/L) orally. Blood was collected 60 min after oral dosing.

Samples were assayed for IR-insulin, IR-GIP, glucose and triglycerides. The insulin samples were assayed by Dr. S.

page 124 Hampton using an antiserum raised against bovine insulin,

iodinated bovine insulin and a rat insulin standard, with a

sensitivity of 0.5 pg/L (Hampton, 1983). Results were

compared using Student's t-test for unpaired data and

analysis of variance.

4.1.2 Results

Throughout the study unpretreated control rats (Group

II) were slightly, but significantly heavier than the fat

pretreated rats (Group I). There was, however, no significant

weight gain in either group of rats on completion of the

fat-pretreatment (control rats 297.0 + 4.14 g before

pretreatment versus 297.5 + 4.13 g after pretreatment, p =

n.s.; mean + SEM, n = 60). There were no significant

differences in fasting plasma glucose, IRI or IR-GIP between

the two groups on completion of the fat pretreatment.

a) Time course of the réponse to oral fat.

Mean IR-GIP levels were consistently higher in animals

in the fat pretreated set, but the differences did not reach

significance at any one time point (see figure 4.1). However,

when the data was subjected to analysis of variance (two

factor with replication) the two groups were found to differ

significantly (p<0.05).

Plasma triglyceride values are shown in figure 4.2.

Concentrations were similar in both groups at the outset of

the experiment, but were significantly higher in the

fat-pretreated rats 120 and 180 min after oral fat. Basal plasma triglyceride concentrations were 0.56 + 0.04 and 0.42

+ 0.04 mmol/L in the control and fat pretreated rats respectively. At 120 min plasma triglyceride levels were 2.08

page 125 ± 0.15 in the control group versus 4.91 + 0.84 mmol/L in the

fat pretreated group, p<0.01; at 180 min they were 2.39 +

0.41 and 7.10 + 0.46 mmol/L respectively, p<0.01 (mean + SEM,

n=6). Only plasma from fat pretreated animals showed a marked

lipaemia following the oral fat.

b) Effect of fat pretreatment on the response to oral

fat with or without exogenous insulin.

Figure 4.3 shows that there was a significantly smaller

rise in triolein-stimulated IR-GIP release following i.p.

insulin rather than saline in unpretreated rats (663 + 49

versus 853 + 93 pg/ml, p<0.025). No such difference was

observed in the fat-pretreated animals showing similar

fat-stimulated IR-GIP concentrations, whether they were given

1.p. insulin (1008 + 95 pg/ml) or saline (1116 + 100 pg/ml).

In addition circulating plasma glucose levels in rats given

i.p. insulin after oral fat fell significantly less in the

fat-pretreated animals than in the fat pretreated controls

(2.6 + 0.48 versus 1.57 + 0.15 mmol/L, p<0.05); this occured despite the fact that the plasma IRI levels 20 min after the the insulin injection were similar in the two groups (4.1 +

1.7 versus 4.7 + 1.2 pg/L, p = n.s.).

c) Effect of fat-pretreatment on the response to oral glucose.

Figure 4.4 shows that 1 h after oral glucose, the fat pretreated animals showed significantly higher plasma glucose levels (10.2 + 0.39 versus 8.9 + 0.41 mmol/L, p<0.025) and

IRI levels (6.2 + 1.2 versus 2.5 + 0.59 pg/L, p<0.01) than the untreated controls. IR-GIP levels showed a tendency

(p<0.10) to be higher in the fat pretreated group compared to their untreated controls. No such differences were observed in the unpretreated control group.

page 126 Figure 4.1

Plasma IR-GIP concentrations following oral triolein (1 ml) in fat pretreated (o) and untreated control (•) rats, (n = 6, mean + SEM).

O 00


C 1 0) E H o (D

i i

page 127 Figure 4.2

Plasma triglyceride concentrations following oral triolein (1 ml) in fat pretreated (o) and untreated control (•) rats, (n

= 6, mean + SEM). (* = p < 0.01).


C 1 0) E

page 128 Figure 4.3

Plasma glucose, IRI and IR-GIP concentrations following oral triolein (1 ml) and intraperitoneal insulin (1 U/kg body weight, 2 h after triolein) in fat-pretreated (non-hatched) and untreated control (hatched) rats, (n = 6, mean + SEM). (*

= p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.025).

3 to o> Z 3.



page 129 Figure 4.4

Plasma glucose, IRI and IR-GIP concentrations following oral glucose (5 g/kg body weight) in fat-pretreated (non-hatched) and untreated control (hatched) rats. (n = 6, mean + SEM).

(* = p < 0.025, ** = p < 0.01).

(O s i

lU ÏÎ (O

page 130 4.1.3 Discussion

The diet of the rats can be controlled to within fairly

narrow limits. In our laboratory, rats' normal fat intake is

approximately 3.5%, which is very low compared to the average

western diet (about 40% fat). Oral dosing of rats using the

above regimen yields a daily fat intake of 21%. The

imposition of a high fat diet for four days resulted in

significantly increased circulating triglyceride and IR-GIP

levels following oral triolein. The increased triglyceride

levels observed in the fat-pretreated group are almost

certainly due to an increased rate of absorption of fat from

the small Intestine. It has been shown that pancreatic lipase

activity in the rat can be greatly augmented by a short high

fat diet (Deschodt-Lanckman et al., 1971). These workers

found, however, that saturated triglycerides were a very poor

stimulus to pancreatic lipase; this is presumably due to the

fact that at body temperatures fats like tricaprylin and

tristearin are still solid and hence are poorly absorbed.

Unsaturated triglycerides such as triolein (liquid at body

temperatures) did increase pancreatic lipase by about three

fold in just five days of adaptation. IR-GIP secretion relies

on the absorption of nutrients across the small intestinal

mucosa rather than their mere presence in the lumen (Sykes e^ al., 1980; Ross and Shaffer, 1981). An increase in lipase activity in the the fat pretreated group would account for the increased rate of triglyceride absorption seen, and hence augment the IR-GIP response to oral fat in these animals. The opposite of the above is also true; a reduction of nutrient absorption rate in certain diseases, for example, untreated coeliac disease, or severe malabsorption for any other cause,

oaae 131 results In a reduced IR-GIP response to enteric stimuli

(Creutzfeldt et al., 1976; Besterman et al., 1978). The

addition of the unabsorbable carbohydrate guar slows down the

rate of absorption and hence depresses the IR-GIP response

(Morgan et al., 1979).

An exaggerated IR-GIP response has been reported in

obese subjects given a high calorie mixed meal (Creutzfeldt

et al., 1978). The exaggerated response was lost after five

days of dietary restriction, although weight loss was

minimal. The above experimental results suggest that previous

diet composition is more important than body weight in

determining the magnitude of the IR-GIP response.

Many workers have suggested the existence of a negative

feedback effect of insulin upon IR-GIP release, and many

groups have demonstrated that intravenous infusions of either

insulin or glucose reduce the rise in fat stimulated plasma

IR-GIP release (Brown et al., 1975; Crockett et al., 1976;

Cleator and Gourlay, 1975; Verdonk et al., 1980). The above

results show that the control group of rats on a low fat diet

demonstrated an inhibition of fat stimulated IR-GIP release

by insulin but that the fat pretreated group did not. This is

in agreement with the results of Creutzfeldt et al (1978)

where a similar defect in feedback of insulin in IR-GIP

release was demonstrated in human subjects. Regrettably, this

was not investigated further by this group in their study of

the effects of dietary restriction on IR-GIP release in obese subjects (Willms et al., 1978).

A decreased responsiveness of the GIP-secreting cells to

insulin is probably responsible for the abolition of the negative feed-back control of insulin on fat stimulated

IR-GIP release in the fat-pretreated rats. This phenomenon

page 132 may be due to a reduction in insulin receptor numbers, since

a study of insulin receptors on human monocytes has shown

that these can be altered by dietary changes (Pedersen e^

al., 1980). It was subsequently shown that these changes

could occur within 24 h (Schulter et al., 1980). The above

results show that just four days of a high fat diet was

sufficient to make the rats resistant to the hypoglycaemic

action of exogenous insulin. Circulating IRI and glucose

levels were also significantly higher after oral glucose in

the fat pretreated animals, further supporting the idea that

fat-pretreatment predisposes the rat to insulin resistance.

One must be careful in extrapolating the above results

to the human; as has already been stated, the rats' normal diet is composed of just 3.5% fat, and the fat-pretreated group received 21% fat in their diet, but this is still far short of the average western human dietary fat content of

40%. However, the above results do show that diet, and in particular fat, can be most important in the development of insulin resistance and hence changes in the entero-insular axis.

page 133 4.2.0

Effect of both high and low fat diets on the

entero-insular axis in man.

This group of experiments follows on directly from the

previous rat experiments. They seek to answer the question of

whether insulin is able to inhibit fat stimulated IR-GIP

release in humans when maintained on short term low or high

fat diets. The low fat and high fat diets were not

isocaloric; body weights of subjects were carefully

maintained throughout the experimental period. The IR-GIP

response to oral fat and glucose was also investigated on the

high and low fat diets.

4.2.1 Methods

Nine, normal, healthy volunteers, six men and three

women, aged 23 - 31 years (mean = 28 + 1.9 SEM), took part in

the experiment. All volunteers were within 20% of their ideal body weight (Metropolitan Life Assurance tables) and informed consent was obtained from all. The volunteers showed a large variation in their "normal" daily ditary fat intake: range 12

- 157 g (99 + 20.1 g>. The percentage of energy thus derived varied 20 - 50% (38 + 2.5%).

The volunteers were split into two groups, the first of five and the second of four. One of the volunteers in the first group had ultimately to be eliminated when it was realised that their "normal" diet had a fat content higher than the high-fat diet of the experiment. The first phase of the experiment was carried out on five subjects (3 males, 2

page 134 females), who ate a low fat diet (<30 g/day) for nine days.

The volunteers resumed their normal diets for fifteen days,

followed by a further nine day period when they ate a high

fat diet. The high fat diet was achieved by supplementing the

low fat regimen with 250 ml double cream, daily. In this way

their fat intake was maintained at about 150 g/day. The

second phase of the experiment was carried out on the

remaining four volunteers. Their normal dietary fat intake

was checked to insure that it was below 130 g/day. They were

then placed on an inverted dietary regimen to that of the

first phase, i.e. high fat diet (9 days), normal diet (15

days), then finally low fat diet (9 days). All volunteers

were weighed throughout the study. Each volunteer underwent

three investigations durng the course of the experiment.

a) Effect of high and low fat diets on responses to oral


On day nine of the dietary regimen, after an overnight

fast, two of the volunteers from the first group (one male

and one female) following the high fat diet only, and all of

the volunteers from the second group after both the low fat

and high fat diets, "drank" 200ml of double cream (96g fat).

Two basal blood samples were taken (at -10 and 0 minutes)

prior to the oral load. Blood samples were then taken at 30

minute intervals from 30 to 210 minutes.

b) Effect of high and low fat diets on responses to oral

fat with exogenous insulin.

Following an overnight fast, on the seventh day of both

high and low fat diets, all the volunteers were given an oral

fat load followed by an intravenous bolus of insulin. Two basal blood samples (at -10 and 0 minutes) were taken prior

to the ingestion of 200 ml double cream (96 g fat). Following the oral load, blood samples were taken at 30, 50 and 60

minutes. Immediately after the 60 minute blood sample,

insulin (0.2 U/kg body weight) was administered intravenously

(via the catheter - group one; into the other arm - group

two). Further blood samples were taken at 30 minute intervals

from 90 to 210 minutes after the start of the test.

c) Effect of high and low fat diets on responses to oral


After an overnight fast, on day nine of both high and

low fat diets the members of the first group of volunteers

(n=5) were given an oral glucose tolerance test. Basal blood

samples were taken (-10 and O minutes) then each volunteer

ingested the equivalent of 75 g glucose (Hycal) in 250 ml of

water. Blood samples were taken at 30 minute intervals from

30 to 210 minutes after the oral load.

As with previous human experiments, blood samples were

collected via indwelling venous catheter from the antecubital

vein and kept patent with 0.12 M sodium citrate solution. The

samples were collected into lithium heparin and

fluoride/oxalate (for glucose analysis) tubes. Samples were

immediately centrifuged and aliquoted before being frozen and

kept at -20"C until analysis. Samples for insulin were

assayed by Dr. S. Hampton using an antiserum raised against

bovine insulin, iodinated bovine insulin, and a bovine

insulin standard (Hampton, 1983). LSI's were performed at the

Clinical Biochemistry laboratory of St. Lukes Hospital,

Guildford. Results were compared using Student's t-test for paired and unpaired data, as appropriate. 4.2.2 Results

Table 4.1 shows that there was no significant weight

change among the volunteers during the experiment. Basal

triglyceride, IRI and IR-GIP were not significantly different

on the two dietary regimens. However, basal LSI levels were

elevated after the high fat diet compared to the low fat diet

(29 + 2.9 versus 19 + 1.4 LSI; mean + SEM: p<0.025). The

dietary intake of the subjects is shown in table 4.2.

a) Effect of high and low fat diets on responses to oral


Figure 4.5 shows that plasma IR-GIP values after oral

fat were not significantly different at any time point, or

even with respect to the area under the curve (AUC) data,

following the two dietary regimen's. Plasma IR-GIP AUC

following high fat diet was 4235 + 715 versus a low fat diet

value of 5490 + 734 pgml^^h (mean + SEM, n = 4). Plasma

glucose and IRI showed no change following oral fat after

either diet.

b) Effect of high and low fat diets on responses to oral

fat with exogenous insulin.

Approximately 20 minutes after the i.v. insulin bolus all volunteers experienced some side effects of varying duration; they included (in more or less chronological order) sleepiness/disorientation, deterioration of vision, sweating and finally hunger. In both groups the manifestation of side effects was less pronounced following each subject's second insulin stress test.

It was at this stage that one member of the first group was excluded as his "normal" fat intake was calculated to be

157 g fat per day.

page 137 The results of this experiment are shown in figure 4.6.

It can be seen that, after oral fat, plasma IR-GIP levels are

inhibited by exogenous insulin following the low fat diet.

The plasma IR-GIP AUC results were 5677 + 962 pgml^^h (mean +

SEM) following the high fat diet versus 3979 + 597 pgml— ^h

for the low fat diet (p<0.01, n=8, paired t-test). No such

difference was observed in the IR-GIP response following oral

fat alone after the two dietary regimens (see fig. 4.5). The

volunteer with the normally high fat diet, (who had to be

excluded), showed no suppresion of IR-GIP release with i.v.

insulin following the low fat diet.

At all time points plasma glucose levels were

significantly lower on the low fat diet after insulin,

compared to the high fat diet (figure 4.7). Basal glucose

levels were elevated on the high fat diet, so the results

were re-plotted as a percentage decrease of plasma glucose

from basal levels (figure 4.8). Normoglycaemia was

re-established more rapidly while on the high fat diet than

on the low fat diet following the i.v. insulin.

Plasma IRI levels were measured in four volunteers. No

significant difference was observed in basal levels or in the

rate of disappearance of the exogenous insulin on the two

dietary regimens.

Plasma triglyceride levels were significantly raised 180

minutes after oral fat on the high fat compared to low fat

diet (1.6 + 0.2 vs. 1.14 + 0.12 mmol/L; p<0.025). The

difference is demonstrated by calculation of the areas under

the curves: AUC triglyceride 1.27 + 0.09 mmol/L.h on the high

fat diet was greater than that on the low fat diet 0.38 +

0.12 mmol/L.h (mean + SEM) p<0.005 (figure 4.9)

page 138 c) Effect of high and low fat diets on the response to

oral glucose.

Figure 4.10 shows that plasma IRI levels were not

significantly different after oral glucose on the two dietary

regimens. Figure 4.11 shows that plasma glucose was similar

on both diets following oral glucose.

Table 4.1

Effect of short term high an low fat fat diets on body

weights of subjects (n = 9, mean + SD)-

Low fat diet; start (Day 1): 66.4 + 9.6 kg

end (Day 9): 66.1 + 10.1 kg

High fat diet: start (Day 1): 66.4 + 9.3 kg

end (Day 9): 66.4 + 10.1 kg

Table 4.2

Daily energy and fat intakes for subjects on short term high

(SHF) and low fat diets (SLF). (n = 9, mean + SD).

Groups I and II Mean energy intake Mean fat intake

kJ (Kcal) / day kJ (Kcal) / day

Usual diet 523 + 228 (2188 + 952) 80 + 52

SLF 299 + 89 (1253 + 393) 21 + 10

SHF 556 + 79 (2325 + 331) 152 + 11

n a n o 1 Figure 4.5

Plasma IR-GIP réponse to oral fat (96 g) in volunteers on low

(o> and high (•) fat diets (n = 6, mean + SEM).

o OJ

o 00

o C\J



CD I a:


a. o

o C7) I c I— ro c\j o

1 An Figure 4.6

Plasma IR-GIP response to oral fat (96g) followed at 60 minutes by i.v. insulin (0.2 lU/kg) in volunteers on low

(o) and high (•) fat diets (n = 8, mean + SEM).



O 00








CO _J Cl. Lu



page 141 Figure 4.7

Plasma glucose response to oral -fat (96g) followed at 60 minutes by i.v. insulin (0.2 lU/kg) in volunteers on low

(o) and high (#) fat diets (n = 8, mean + SEM).

o CM


o CM


O to

O CD O O CO W) O o Ll_



page 142 Figure 4.8

Percentage change in plasma glucose response to oral fat

(96g> followed at 60 minutes by i.v. insulin (0.2 lU/kg) in volunteers on low (o) and high (•) fat diets

SEM) .

-, o OJ

o CO


CO CD _J D_ o _J OJ c o

o Qi CO U_ _ l J o _J

O o o cn

page 143 Figure 4.9

Incremental plasma triglyceride response to oral fat (96g) followed at 60 minutes by i.v. insulin (0.2 lU/kg) in volunteers on low (non-hatched) and high (hatched) fat die.ts (n = 8, mean + SEM) .

20 r



'_i 0*8

o E £ 0*4 ##

OL Oral fat Oral fat a lone + 1V Insulin

page 144 Figure 4.10

Plasma IRI concentrât1 ions following oral glucose (75 g) in volunteers on low (o-o) and high (#-#) fat diets (n = 5, mean

+ SEM).



O 00





o o o LO

page 145 Figure 4.11

Plasma glucose concentratiions following oral glucose (75 g> in volunteers on low (o-o) and high (•-•) fat diets (n = 5, mean + SEM).



o 00

o C\J

c E

U i


LU (/) o o


ex. o

I (_ __ I

o o

page 146 4.2.3 Discussion

There is a considerable degree of variation in the

amount of fat that humans normally ingest in their diets. In

most prosperous western countries fat contributes 35 - 40 %

of the total energy intake, while in poorer, Third World

countries this figure is about 15% or lower. In order to keep

a tighter control on the amount of fat consumed by the

volunteers during the high fat diet of this study, it was

decided that they should eat the same low fat diet

throughout, but supplemented with one high fat substance,

i.e. double cream. The amount of fat in the diet prior to the

study appeared to affect the IR-GIP response to an oral fat

load in the rat (section 4.1). However the human subjects in

this experiment showed no change in IR-GIP response. This may

perhaps be due to the large variation in normal dietary fat

intake (12 - 157 g/day). Or it is perhaps that the metabolic

and physiological chages caused even by short term adaptation

in the human, when caused by chronic modrate/high fat intake,

may not be so readily reversed in the short term. Indeed it

may be postulated, that in the case of the one volunteer

whose normal fat intake was very high that the reason why

i.v. insulin made no difference on the fat-stimulated IR-GIP

was that the relatively short term low fat adaptation was

insufficient to reverse the chronic high fat adaptation which

had occured.

On the high fat diet the volunteers showed a significant

increase in postprandial triglyceride concentrations compared

to the low fat diet. As these changes in triglyceride concentrations were not associated with an increase in circulating IR-GIP concentration, and as an increased rate of

page 147 nutrient absorption is associated with increased release of

IR-GIP (Cataland et al., 1978; Creutzfeldt et al., 1978) one

is led to two possible conclusions: that either the rate of

fat absorption is increased, but because of increased GIP

consumption at the adipocyte no apparent elevation of

circulating IR-GIP is observed, or the rate of fat absorption

is not greatly affected (nor, hence, the rate of IR-GIP

release) and the increase in circulating triglyceride is due

to reduced removal at the adipocyte. It has been shown in the

rat that insulin is required for the incorporation of fatty

acid into adipose tissue (Beck and Max, 1983). Thus insulin

insensitivity may further maanifest itself in this manner.

The fact that the above results were more pronounced in the

rat experiment (section 4.1) further illustrates the dietary

difference between the human (normally ingesting a high fat

diet) and the rat (normally ingesting a very low fat diet).

This probably, attleast in part, explains the differencees;

other factors such as gastric emptying and intestinal

motility should also be considered.

There is evidence that shows that the rate of absorption

of nutrients is a factor in determining the magnitude of

IR-GIP response. There is a reduction in rate of nutrient absorption in diseases such as coeliac disease (Creutzfeldt et al., 1976) and marked malabsorption (Besterman et al.,

1978), and, as stated previously, the addition to a test meal of the unabsorbable carbohydrate guar gum (Morgan et al.,

1979; Jenkins, 1980) have all been shown to depress the

IR-GIP response to oral nutrients. Exaggerated IR-GIP responses to a mixed meal have been reported in obese subjects (Creutzfeldt et al., 1978). These could, however, be reduced by dietary restriction (Willms et al., 1978). It has

page 148 also been shown that maintenance on a high sucrose diet

resulted in a greater IR-GIP response to sucrose compared to

subjects on high starch diets (Reisner et al., 1980). It

would, therefore, appear that diet rather than body weight is

more relevant in determining the magnitude of the IR-GIP

response to oral nutrients.

A negative feed-back mechanism of insulin on IR-GIP

release has been postulated as several groups have

demonstrated that intravenous infusions of glucose or insulin

reduce the IR-GIP response following oral fat (Brown et al.,

1975; Crockett et al., 1976). It has also been observed that

obese subjects have a defective insulin feed-back mechanism

(Creutzfeldt et al., 1978), the above experimental findings

would tend to agree with this. The results of this human

study are also in agreement with the earlier rodent

experiment (section 4.1). Although the results from that

experiment were more clear cut, this is probably due the

relatively much larger difference in the fat contents of the

two diets, as the difference between low and high fat diets

in the rat experiment was larger than that in the human experiment, also the "normal" human diet is higher in fat

that of the rat. Also, stricter control of the rats' diet was Y possible. High fat diets have been shown to alter the insjlin sensitivity of a number of tissues, including the human monocyte (Pederson et al., 1980), and rat soleus muscle

(Grundleger and Thenen, 1982). Grundleger and Thenen (1982) went on to demonstrate that although receptor numbers decreased (but with no loss in receptor affinity) on a high fat diet, post receptor metabolic changes were far more important in contributing to insulin sensitivity.

page 149 The dose of exogenous insulin used in this experiment

(0.2 U/kg body weight) in normal subjects results in mild to moderate neuroglycopenic symptoms, ‘ ^ commencing 20 to 30 minutes after insulin injection and lasting 10 to 30 minutes. This occured with all the subjects following both high and low fat diets. It was the first insulin stress test each volunteer undertook which caused the most severe symptoms with most prolonged after effects, irrespective of previous diet. The fact that normoglycaemia was re-established more rapidly following the high fat diet had no discernible effect on the severity of the symptoms or duration. One is, therefore , led to conclude that the manefestation of symptoms following an insulin stress test is atleast partly due to psycological factors.


Pretreatment of the rats with a high fat diet causes:

1) increased secretion of IR-GIP in response to an oral

fat load which is probably due to an increased rate of

fat absorption

2) abolition of the feed-back inhibition of exogenous

insulin on fat-stimulated IR-GIP release

3) some degree of insulin resistance in both glycaemic ,n coj^rol and sensitivity of the mucosal IR—GIP secreting

cell to insulin inhibition.

Pretreatment of humans with a high fat diet causes:

1) increased concentrations of circulating triglycerides

following an oral fat load but without concomittant

increase in IR-GIP secretion, possibly indicating a

slight degree of insulin resistance at the adipocyte.

2) a blunting of the feed-back inhibition of exogenous

insulin on fat-stimulated IR-GIP release

3) allows normog1ycaemia to be re-established more rapidly

following exogenous i.v. insulin, presumably as a

result of the slight insulin resistance caused by short

term high fat diet.

In short, a high fat diet appears to lead to insulin resistance which in the long term one envisages could result in glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinaemia and associated problems.



page 152 5. 0.0

Until recently most of the interest in the actions of

GIP has been centred in its incretin role, and to a lesser

degree in its enterogastrone role (Brown, 1982). It is only

within the last decade that research has been directed

towards elucidating any metabolic role that GIP may have in

the metabolism of lipids. It is strange that this area of

possible GIP action should be so neglected, as it was the

action of fat on the small intestine, causing gastric acid

inhibition (Kosaka and Lim, 1930), which prompted the

research that ultimately led to the isolation of porcine GIP

(Brown et al., 1969). With the benefit of hindsight, it would

seem sensible to find out if there is a metabolic loop to

accompany the physiological loop of fat absorption, which

stimulates the release of IR-GIP and which in turn inhibits

the emptying of fat from the stomach and its subsequent

absorption. At the time nobody looked to see if GIP also

helped in the clearance and metabolism of lipid once it has

been absorbed.

In intact rat adipocytes Dupré et al. (1976) investigat­

ed possible interactions between glucagon and GIP. They found

that GIP, even at pharmacological doses, did not stimulate

adenylate cyclase and was therefore non-lipolytic. It was

also inhibitory for glucagon-stimulated lipolysis, but it was

without effect, at pharmocological doses, on lipolysis

induced by secretin or vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).

At physiological doses, however, GIP could displace an excess

of i==I-glucagon (identical to natural glucagon in action) bound to adipocytes. VIP and secretin had previously been shown not to displace ^==”I-g lucagon (Bataille et al., 1974).

page 153 Ebert and Brown (1976) reported similar -findings in that GIP

demonstrated a weak lipolytic effect but a strong

anti-lipolytic action on glucagon-stimulated lipolysis by

selectively blocking the activation of adenylate cyclase by

glucagon, and to a lesser extent, secretin. It would thus

appear that GIP competes with glucagon for specific receptors

on adipocytes but does not activate adenylate cyclase,

thereby blocking the lipolytic action of glucagon. Very

recently, Starich et al. (1986) demonstrated that, in vitro,

GIP increases adipocyte insulin receptor affinity. It also

increases cellular insulin sensitivity, i.e. potentiates

insulin-mediated glucose uptake. Cholecystokin in had no

effect under these conditions.

It has been shown that GIP can stimulate lipoprotein

lipase activity in 3T3-L1 cells, an established mouse embryo

fibroblast line resembling an adipocyte (Eckel et al., 1979).

Cultured preadipocytes were incubated for 2 h at 37*C with

GIP concentrations ranging from 0.005 to 5.0 ng/ml. GIP

increased lipoprotein lipase activity measured in both the

culture medium and in acetone/ether extracts of the cells.

Eckel et al. (1979) were the first group to suggest that GIP

could provide a mechanism for the clearance of chylomicron

triglyceride after feeding by increasing lipoprotein lipase


The first in vivo demonstration of GIP's anti lipolytic action came in 1981 when Wasada et al. showed that exogenous

GIP was able to promote the clearance of chylomicron triglyceride from the circulation of dogs. Chyle was collected from donor dogs via a thoracic duct fistula and infused i.v. into normal recipient dogs during an infusion of either GIP (Ipg/kg/h) or saline. In the GIP infused dogs the

page 154 rise in plasma triglyceride was significantly below that of

the control animals. During the experiment plasma glucose

rose slightly but significantly. In the first phase, when GIP

alone was infused, plasma glucagon concentrations almost

doubled. They doubled again by the end of the chyle infusion.

There was no significant increase in plasma IRI.

The role of insulin in the regulation of adipose tissue

lipoprotein lipase activity in humans has also been

investigated (Sadur and Eckel, 1982). Normal subjects were

infused with insulin to maintain serum levels of

approximately 70 pU/ml while plasma glucose was clamped at

euglycaemic levels. Free fatty acids fell to a minimum by 20

minutes and triglycerides by 80 minutes. However, lipoprotein

lipase was not significantly raised for 6 h, when it was

found that it was inversely related to basal lipase activity.

In addition to insulin stimulating lipoprotein lipase, the

authors concluded that adipose tissue itself is the main

regulator of lipase response to insulin. Regrettably, IR-GIP

concentrations were not measured in this experiment.

The effect of GIP on fatty acid incorporation into

adipose tissue has been studied in vitro using the rat

epididymal fat pad model (Beck and Max, 1983). Without

insulin in the incubation medium, GIP induced a slight but

significant decrease in fatty acid incorporation. However, in

the presence of rat insulin (100 pU/ml) it significantly enhanced the insulin-induced fatty acid incorporation in a dose dependent manner from 1 - 4 ng/ml GIP. The authors considered that the existence of such a phenomenon, along with that of a hyperactive entero-insular axis in obese subjects, could represent two important factors in the development of obesity. The same group later confirmed these

oaae 155 results, and also went on to show that somatostatin has the

opposite effect to GIP at the adipocyte, but that the action

is not via the GIP mediated mechanism (Beck, Max and

Villaume, 1985).

Recently the role of endogenous GIP on the removal of

triglyceride has been studied in dogs (Ohneda et al., 1983),

with the removal of an intravenously administered trigyceride

emulsion following oral glucose and galactose loads. The dogs

were fasted overnight, the triglyceride was infused for 90

minutes and the glucose, galactose or water control was

administered orally at 30 minutes. Blood glucose and insulin

were only increased following the glucose load. Plasma

glucagon did not change in any of the groups. There was a

large IR-GIP response following the glucose load with a

smaller one following the galactose load. Plasma triglyceride

rose to the same level at 30 minutes in all three

experimental groups. The peak levels of plasma triglyceride

and integrated plasma triglyceride for 150 minutes did not differ in the three groups. Moreover, there was no difference

in the removal rate of plasma triglyceride following withdrawal of the fat emulsion. The authors concluded that endogenously released GIP does not elicit any effect on triglyceride removal.

The experiments below were designed to clarify the role of GIP in the removal of circulating triglyceride in the rat.

page 156 5.1.0

Role of i.p. GIP in the clearance of i.p. Intralipid

from the plasma of the rat.

It appears that GIP has an antilipolytic effect in rat

epididymal rat pads (Dupré et al., 1976), enhances

lipoprotein lipase activity in mouse cultured preadipocytes

(Eckel et al., 1979), enhances the insulin-stimulated

incorporation of fatty acids into the adipose tissue of the

rat (Beck and Max, 1983) and enhances the rate of clearance

of chylomicron triglyceride from the plasma of dogs (Wasada

et al., 1981). It was therefore decided that as a preliminary

experiment it might be of benefit to investigate the effect

of exogenous pure porcine GIP on the removal of a fat

emulsion when both are administered intra-peritoneally


5.1.1 Methods

54 male wistar albino rats weighing approximately 150 g

(range 135 - 165 g , mean = 154 + 8 g SD) were fasted for 24 h

prior to the commencement of the experiment. On the morning

of the experiment the animals were randomly divided into nine

sets of six animals each and then weighed. The nine sets of animals were allocated to two groups, with four sets in each.

The remaining set was the control. Group I received just 20 7.

(w/v) soya bean oil emulsion (0.5 ml Intralipid 20 %, Kabi

Vitrum, London). Group II received the same amount of

Intralipid plus 120 ng pure porcine GIP (Quadra Logic

Technologies, British Colombia; GIP III batch 26). Animals

page 157 were bled by cardiac puncture (just once) having been

anaesthetized 5 minutes previously with 0.15 ml/rat sodium

pentobarbitone 60 mg/ml; Sagital, May and Baker, Dagenham).

They were then killed immediately.

Animals in the control set were anaesthetized and bled

at the beginning of the experiment. Animals in groups I and

II were then injected i.p. with Intralipid and Intralipid

plus GIP respectively. Sets of animals from both groups were

then anaesthetised and bled at 20, 40, 60 and 80 minutes post

i.p. bolus. Blood was collected into chilled lithium/heparin

tubes and stored at 0*C in ice until centrifugation (within

30 minutes). The plasma was stored at -20*C until analysis.

The samples were assayed for triglycerides and IR-GIP.

5.1.2 Results

The plasma IR-GIP results are shown in figure 5.1 and

the plasma triglyceride results in 5.2. The weights of the

rats used are shown in table 5.1. The IR-GIP results show

that in group I (no GIP) plasma IR-GIP values varied very

little from basal, particularly in the first 40 minutes of

the experiment. In group II plasma IR-GIP values peaked at 20

minutes, with a mean approximately 3 times higher than that

of the basal set of animals, but returned to basal by 60 minutes. At no time in either group did plasma IR-GIP values vary significantly from basal. The plasma triglyceride results show that, again at no time in either group did plasma triglyceride values vary significantly from basal, but group I did show an 18 % increase over basal at its peak at

40 minutes. However, the overall trend did show that in the

80 minute duration of the experiment in the group receiving

page 158 the GIP in addition to the Intralipid, the apparent rate of

increase in plasma triglyceride concentrations, the peak

triglyceride values and overall amount of triglyceride

absorbed were all lower than in the group which did not receive the i.p. GIP.

page 159 Table 5.1

Weights (g) of animals used in experiment 5.1

20 min 40 min 60 min 80 min

Group I

160 145 150 165

145 135 165 160

145 160 145 150

155 160 145 155

140 160 135 165

145 135 145 155

159 149 147 158 mean

2 7 10 6 SD

Group 11 Control

160 155 155 155 1 160

145 160 140 160 ; 160

150 155 155 160 ; 160

160 165 150 155 160

160 165 165 155 1 155

155 145 145 160 ! 160

155 157 152 158 ! 159 mean

8 SD

page 160 Figure 5,1

Plasma IR-GIP concentrations in normal 150 g rats following an intraperitoneal bolus of Intralipid (0.5 ml, 20 %> with

(o) or without (#) pure porcine GIP (120 ng), (n = 6, mean +

SEM) .

o 00

(/) c B cn

o O C O


o c\j


cn cn o CO Q_ CL

cn c

o o

page 161 Figure 5,2

Plasma triglyceride concentrations in normal 150 g rats

following an intraper1toneal bolus of Intralipid (0.5 ml, 20

%) with (#) or without (o) pure porcine GIP (120 ng). (n = 6, mean + SEM).

T o 00


to c


o OO

Ol UJ c UJ

Q o CM


CO g CO o OO ox. Q.


page 162 5.1.3 Discussion

As a preliminary experiment the results have been

encouraging. Although neither of the parameters monitored

achieved significance during the experimental period, they

did tend to support the hypothesis that GIF has a role in the

clearance of ingested fat, as set out in the introduction to

this chapter. The main limitations in the experimental design

would seem to be that the doses of GIF and Intralipid used

were too small. However, results in chapter 4 show that even

considerably larger doses of lipid, when given orally, give

only modest rises in plasma triglyceride levels with poor

stimulation of IR-GIP, indicating slow absorption rather than

rapid removal. The dose of GXP given did cause a three fold

increase over basal, but this just r e a c h e d the range expected

for stimulated IR-GIP values following triglyceride

stimulation in normal rats.

The above conclusions assume that the rate of drainage

and/or absorption of Intralipid from the intraperitoneal

cavity was the same in both groups. A faster drainage in

group I would account for a higher, earlier peak in plasma

triglyceride as was observed in this group. However,

exogenous GIP has been shown to increase mesenteric blood

flow in the cat (Fara and Salazar, 1978). This would have the

opposite effect to that observed in this experiment and could

clearly not account for the differences observed. The

accuracy of the triglyceride results relies on the assumption

that the free glycerol in the Intralipid does not interfere

to any great extent with the enzymic triglyceride assay; this was shown to be correct in chapter 7.

In conclusion, although this experiment has not yielded any hard facts about the role of GIP in lipid clearance, and despite the limitations, as detailed above, it has been encouraging and provided the incentive to proceed with other experiments in this area.

page 164 5. 2. O

Role of exogenous GIP in the clearance of i.v.

Intralipid in the rat.

Following on from the previous experiment, it was

decided that it might be more productive to repeat the

experiment administering the GIP and/or Intralipid

intravenously rather than use intraperitoneal loads. This

would circumvent any possible problems with differing rates

of drainage or absorption of material from within the

peritoneal cavity. It was also decided that, rather than use

individual animals for each time point, serial samples would

be taken from individual animals. This would be far less

wasteful in animals and reagents, although it would mean much

smaller sample volumes. It would, however, allow the use of

paired statistics.

The use of Intralipid, rather than chyle collected from donor rats, was justified by its ready availability and its

lack of any fat soluble enteric factors which might augment the action (if any) of GIP. It has been shown that Intralipid micelles, when incubated with rat plasma, rapidly incorporate free apo-proteins and become indistinguishable from endogenous chylomicra (Robinson and Ouardfort, 1979).

Intralipid and chylomicra have identical kinetics for their plasma elimination in man and dog (Hallberg, 1965), and they both share similar kinetic behaviour as substrates in vitro for post heparin lipoprotein lipase (Boberg and Carlson,


page 165 5.2.1 Methods

12 male Wistar albino rats weighing approximately 250 g

(range 220 - 270 g, mean = 256 + 12 g SD) were -fasted for 24

h prior to the commencement of the experiment. On the morning

of the experiment the animals were randomly divided into two

groups of six, weighed and marked with a number from 1-6.

All of the animals were anaesthetized by intraperitoneal

injection of 0.3 ml Sagital (sodium pentobarbitone 60 mg/kg).

Each animal was left for 15 minutes before the femoral vein

was exposed (left side). The zero time point blood sample was

taken (cut tip of the tail, 0.3 - 0.5 ml), and each animal

then received a bolus injection via the femoral vein. Animals

in group I received 0.5 ml of a 20 % (w/v) soya bean oil

emulsion (Intralipid 20 %, Kabi Vitrum), while animals in

group II received 500 ng pure porcine GIP (Quadra Logic

Technologies) dissolved in the same amount of Intralipid.

Animals were then bled at 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after

the i.v. bolus. The sample volumes were again 0.3 - 0.5 ml and were collected into chilled paediatric (2 ml) lithium heparin tubes and subsequently treated in the same way as the previous experiment. Aliquots of plasma were assayed for triglyceride, IRI and IR-GIP. The insulin assay was performed by Dr. KS Tan using a double-antibody radioimmunoassay using an antiserum raised against bovine insulin, iodinated bovine insulin and rat insulin standard; assay sensitivity was 0.5 ng/ml (Hampton et al., 1983, Hampton, 1983). Data was subjected to Student's t-test for statistical analysis (for paired observations where necessary).

page 166 5.2.2 Results

Plasma IRI results are shown in figure 5.3 and plasma

triglyceride results in figure 5.4, weights of the animals

are shown in table 5.2. Plasma GIP concentrations were found

not to have risen above the limit of detection of the assay

(500 - 600 pg/ml as 20 pi samples were used) in either group

at any time point during the experiment.

The plasma IRI results show that at no time in the

experiment do mean plasma IRI levels reach "stimulated

values" (basal rat plasma IRI levels being 1 - 2 ng/ml with

this assay; KS Tan, personal communication). The areas under

the curve were not significantly different. At no time do

plasma IRI values vary significantly from the zero time value

during the experiment in group I (no GIP). The only time

point where plasma IRI values were different between groups

was at 15 minutes past bolus (p < 0.05).

Plasma triglyceride results show that, following the

i.v. bolus, a peak is reached in both groups at 15 minutes.

The plasma triglyceride values are significantly different at all time points, the largest statistical difference between groups being seen after the 5 minute time point (p <0.0005).

The areas under the curve (incremental above basal) were also significantly different (p < 0.0025). It is clear that the triglyceride values up to and at 5 minutes for the animals in group II are smaller than those in group I. However, for the other time points studied from 15 - 60 minutes the mean triglyceride values parallel each other.

page 167 Tab le 5.2

Weights (g) of rats used in experiment 5.2

Number Group I Group 11

1 265 265

2 275 250

3 268 265

4 243 255

5 243 235

6 248 254

mean 257 254

SD 14 11

oaae 168 Figure 5.3

Plasma IRI concentrations in normal 250 g rats following an

intravenous bolus (femoral vein) of Intralipid (0.5 ml, 20 %>

with (•> or without (o) pure porcine GIP (500 ng)- (n = 6,

mean + SEM).

o to

o If)


o CO o CO


o H- C\J



o to 00 a.

cn _I

CO c\j o

page 169 Figure 5.4

Plasma triglyceride concentrations in normal 250 g rats following an intravenous bolus (femoral vein) of Intralipid

(0.5 ml, 20 %) with (#) or without (o) pure porcine GIP (500 ng). (n = 6, mean + SEM).


o LD

O «51-

l/) c



d: ui

o f— CM

Q Or: o


O CO cc



page 170 5.2.3 Discussion

It is clear from the IRI results of group I that an i.v.

bolus of Intralipid (in human terms equivalent to an

Intralipid bolus of 230 ml or about 46 g soya bean oil) has

little effect on plasma IRI. The presence of BIP in the bolus

as presented to group II did cause a slight but significant

Increase in plasma IRI at all but the 15 minute time point.

The plasma IR-GIP concentrations immediately after the i.v.

bolus would probably have been supraphysiological, thus

causing a slight peak in mean plasma IRI at the 5 minute time

point, circumstantial evidence of GIP's presence. Although

<3IP is only insulinotropic during hyperglycaemia (Elahi et

al., 1979), infusions yielding supraphysiological levels of

plasma IR—GIP in rats have been shown to cause transient

insulin release (Pederson and Brown, 1976).

There are undoubtedly differences in the plasma

triglyceride levels in the two groups. The inclusion of GIP

in the i.v. Intralipid bolus reduced the peak triglyceride

value, however, as the two curves parallel each other after 5 minutes (in the last 30 minutes both groups show the same rate of decline in triglyceride values of 4 mmol/L/h). It would seem that the two groups react differently only in the first 5 minutes, during the possible hyperGIPaemia. This suggests that the GIP effect is short lived, and only effective while GIP levels are high. The fact that mean basal triglyceride levels were significantly higher in group II merely serves to heighten the difference between the two groups at 5 minutes.

The main flaw in drawing the conclusion that GIP does augment the clearance of circulating lipid, is the lack of

page 171 data, showing that plasma IR-GIP concentrations were in fact

elevated immediately following the bolus. It was possible

that the GIP was very quickly removed, or on the other hand,

it is remotely possible that no GIP was injected at all, and

that the triglyceride results were merely an artefact. Of the

two possibilities, the transient and slight hyperinsulinaemia

seen in group II at 5 miinutes would indicate that the

pancreatic B-cell had been exposed to an insulinotropic

stimulus such as a bolus of GIP.

The detection of a slight rise in plasma IRI in group

II, although it appears to confirm that GIP was in fact

injected into the animals, does complicate the interpretation

slightly since it becomes less clear whether the explanation

for the observed results can be exclusively attributed to

GIP. In the in vitro experiments of Eckel et al (1979)the

stimulation of lipoprotein lipase activity could only be

attributed to the presence of GIP. It may be that insulin has

a part to play, as in the experiment of Wasada et al. (1901),

where plasma IRI was observed to rise "modestly", and the

work of Beck and Max (1983), who showed that GIP augmented

the insulin induced incorporation of fatty acids into adipose


The above conclusions are open to some dispute as they

assume that GIP was actually injected, and that it is

biologically active. The only way to resolve the question of

whether GIP went in or not would be to repeat the experiment

and sample more quickly after the GIP/Intralip id bolus, and perhaps run a GIP only control to see if the presence of

Intralipid accelerates the removal of GIP. Also, it is still unclear what role, if any, insulin plays in the removal of lipid in this context. It must also be borne in mind that

page 172 both this and the previous experiment rely on at least partial bio-activity of the GIP preparation used. It is assumed that there has been minimal degradation of the peptide (a new batch was used) and that porcine GIP is biologically active in the rat.

page 173 5. 3.0

Effect of anti-GIP antibodies on the clearance of plasma

triglyceride following oral triolein in rats.

This experiment seeks to address the problem of whether

GIP augments the rate of clearance of circulating

triglyceride, using a different experimental approach to that

of the previous two experiments. Rather than study the effect

of exogenous porcine GIP on exogenous lipid, this experiment

seeks to determine the effect of the immunological removal of

endogenous GIP on the clearance of endogenous chylomicron

triglyceride following an oral fat load. This is analogous to

the work of Ebert et al. (1979) where anti—GIP antibodies

were used to show that GIP was an incretin, although not the

only one. It was also demonstrated by Wolfe et al. (1983),

using antibodies, that GIP was an enterogastrone in dogs and

that at least part of this effect was exerted via gastrin. It

was subsequently shown that GIP may exert its effect on

gastrin via somatostatin (Wolfe and Reel, 1986)

5.3.1 Methods

12 male Wistar albino rats weighing approximately 175 g

(range 162 - 190 g , mean = 175 + 8 g SD) were fasted for 24 h prior to the commencement of the experiment. The animals were randomly divided into two groups of six, weighed and marked with a number 1 - 6. Each animal was then immobilised in a

Tan/Bishop rat restrainer (Dr. KS Tan, University of Surrey), bled from the cut tip of the tail (0.3 - 0.5 ml), orally dosed (gavage) with 1 ml triolein (Sigma, London) and then

page 174 Injected with 50 mg normal sheep IgG in 1 ml saline (group I)

or 50 mg immune (anti-GIP) sheep IgG in 1 ml saline (group

II). Each animal was then bled (cut tip of tail) at hourly

intervals for the next 5 hours. Blood was collected and

stored in the same manner as for the previous experiments.

The normal sheep IgG and sheep anti-GIP IgG had been

prepared previously by a modification of the procedure of

Campbell et al. (1970). Sheep anti-GIP serum (S687/011580)

was brought to 33 % saturation of ammonium sulphate solution

(AnalaR, BDH, Poole). The precipitate was centrifuged,

resuspended in a minimum of distilled water and dialysed

extensively against distilled water. It was then aliquotted

into 50 mg protein portions, freeze-dried and kept at -20"C

until required. The protein concentration had been estimated

by measuring the optical density at 280 nm and applying the

factor that an Ea## of 1.4 equals 1.0 mg/ml protein. The same

was done with normal sheep serum to give non-immune sheep

IgG. In the standard radioimmunoassay the aliquot of sheep

anti-GIP IgG gave a final titre of 1:6000.

Samples from both groups were assayed for triglycerides and IRI. Samples from group I were assayed for IR-GIP and samples from group II for the presence of anti-GIP antibodies. Analytical data was subjected to analysis of variance or Student's t-test (for paired values where necessary).

5.3.2 Results

The plasma triglyceride results are shown in figure 5.5 and plasma IRI results are shown in figure 5.6. Weights of animals used are shown in table 5.3. No GIP antibodies were

oaae 175 detected in the zero time samples from the animals in group

II. Thereafter all animals showed an excess of antibody

present (on the plateau at the top of the antiserum dilution

curve) when samples diluted 1:5 were assayed. Plasma IR-GIP

concentrations remained in the undetectable range (limit 500

- 600 pg/ml) for the first 4 h of the experiment. However, by

the fifth hour mean plasma IR-GIP concentrations had risen to

787 pg/ml + 140 SEM. If one refers to IR-GIP results obtained

under similar conditions in experiment 4.1, one sees that

these results are to be expected.

The results show that both groups I and II exhibit a

steady increase in plasma triglyceride values during the

course of the experiment. Group II's mean plasma triglyceride

concentrations are generally higher than those observed in

group I, and the 2 and 3 h time points are significantly

different (p < 0.10 and p < 0.0005 respectively). The mean

areas under the curve for group II were significantly greater

than those for group I (p < 0.05). Analysis of variance

showed that behaviour of the two groups was significantly

different; F(l,60) = 7.4708 (p < 0.01).

Oral triglyceride does not appear to stimulate plasma

IRI in either of the two groups and no difference is observed between the two groups by analysis of variance.

oaae 176 Table 5.3

Weights (g) of rats used in experiment 5.3

Number Group I Group II

1 173 180

2 173 168

3 190 171

4 170 178

5 185 172

6______177_____ 162

mean 178 172

SD 8 7

oaae 177 Figure 5.5

Plasma triglyceride concentrations in normal 175 g rats

following an oral triolein load (gavage, 1 ml) and

intraperitoneal bolus (1 ml) of either anti-GIP (•) or non-immune sheep (o) immunoglobulin (50 mg). (n = 6, mean +

SEM). (* = p < 0.1, **** = p < 0.0005)

a: LÜ (/)


UJ Q or o >- CD cn CM

s o Q cn

>- UJ CD Dd

CO <

cn cn CM CD

1 ~7 O Figure 5.6

Plasma IRI concentrations in normal 175 g rats following an oral triolein load (gavage, 1 ml) and intraperitoneal bolus

(1 ml) of either anti-GIP (#) or non-immune sheep (o) immunoglobulin (50 mg), (n = 6, mean + SEM).

Ê to Û-

Q z

UJ C O o

> - CD cn h-

CM cn o cn




' i

c L.

CM O 5.3,3 Discussion

The above results show that, in the absence of any

interaction with IRI, endogenous GIP appears to have a role

in the removal of post-prandial chylomicron triglyceride

which can be partially abolished by the use of anti-GIP


Plasma IRI concentrations were not affected by the

ingestion of fat or by the anti-GIP antibodies. However,

there does appear to be a significant difference in plasma

triglyceride concentrations between the two groups. The group

which received the anti-GIP antibodies showed consistently

Higher plasma triglyceride values for the first 4 h of the

experiment, suggesting that endogenous GIP helps in the

removal of endogenous triglyceride. It may also be possible

that the anti-GIP antibodies had removed the inhibition on

gastrin release and gastric emptying (Wolfe et al., 1983).

This would mean that the difference shown in plasma

triglyceride profiles may have been caused by the removal of

the enterogastrone effect, causing dumping and increasing the

rate of absorption of triglyceride, rather than affecting

removal. However, it has been shown that GIP stimulates

mesenteric blood flow (Fara et al., 1972; Fara and Salazar,

1978), and it may be argued that the removal of any possible enterogastrone effect may be partially, or totally, reversed by the possible reduced removal of lipid from the small

intestine by the mesenteric veins and lymph vessels owing to the lack of stimulation of blood flow by GIP.

It may not be surprising that plasma IR-GIP concentrations remained so low for so long in the above experiment. In experiment 4.1 one can see that the same oral

oaae 180 dose of fat in similar rats gave mean plasma IR-GIP

concentrations of only about 700 pg/ml in several hours from

basal values of only about 200 pg/ml. In addition, one might

expect delayed absorption of triglycerides since, following

an i.p. injection, there might be short lived spastic ileus

of the small intestine (KS Tan, personal communication).

It has become clear that in the design of an experiment

to investigate the role of GIP in the removal of lipid from

the circulation, it is almost impossible to remove all potential interferences and ambiguities. Thus, the experiments in this chapter have sought to improve on previous work, in the light of the experimental data gained, but even this experiment (5.3) is flawed by possible unwanted interactions with gastric emptying and mesenteric blood flow.

Interference from gastric emptying could probably be excluded if the experiment were repeated with intraduodenal instillation of a fat emulsion or an in situ gut perfusion

(Sykes et al., 1980; Dryburgh et al., 1980) rather than an oral load, although such procedures begin to diverge from the physiological.

In conclusion, I believe that the three experiments in this chapter, when taken together, suggest that GIP does have a role in the clearance of circulating lipid.


1) There is a suggestion that in rats, exogenous porcine

GIP administered intraperitoneally augments the removal

of intraperitoneally administered fat in the form of

Intralip id.

2) Intravenously administered porcine GIP significantly

reduces the rise in plasma triglyceride following an

intravenous Intralipid load.

3) Intraperitoneally administed sheep anti-GIP immuno­

globulin significantly reduces "endogenous" plasma

chylomicron triglyceride following an oral triolein


o a a e 1 8 2 CHAPTER SIX



paqe 183 6.1.0 Introduction

These experiments seek to shed some light on the role of

GIP in the entero-insular axis. As in chapters 3 and 4, the

assertion that GIP was an incretin (LaBarre and Still, 1930)

was taken as fact (Creutzfeldt, 1979; Brown, 1902;

Creutzfeldt and Ebert, 1985). This experiment seeks to

elucidate the cellular processes involved in the

entero-insular axis (Unger and Eisentraut, 1969). To this end

the transplantable rat insulinoma (RIN) was used as a model.

The development of the x-ray induced RIN in the NEDH rat

(Chick et al., 1977) made available large amounts of material

for pancreatic B-cell research (Duguid et al., 1976; Gazdar

et al., 1980; Sopwith et al., 1981; Eisenbarth et al., 1981).

The changes in glucose homeostasis induced by the RIN are

similar in some respects to those produced by human

insulinomas (Frerichs and Creutzfeldt, 1976; Flatt et al.,

1982; Marks and Rose, 1981), suggesting its suitability as a

model for the study of spontaneous insulinomas. However, the

impaired insulin response to i.p. glucose and arginine

suggests that RIN cells possess an intrinsic defect which makes them functionally quite different from normal rat and human B-cells.

In the colony of animals studied the islet cell tumour is morphologically well differentiated and contains immuno- reactive insulin (IRI), significant amounts of immunoreactive somatostatin (1RS) but no detectable immunoreactive glucagon

(IRG) (KS Tan, unpublished data). The insulinoma tissue has been found to contain detectable quantities of immunoreactive pancreatic polypeptide (IR-PP), although, the levels were much lower (about one thousandth) than in normal rat pancreas

oaoe 184 (O'Hare et al., 1985).

An impaired insulin response by the RIN to

intraperitoneal glucose and arginine stimulation has been

reported (Tan et al., 1981). It was found that both glucose

and arginine failed to stimulate IRI concentrations above the

high basal levels, whereas glucagon was able to elicit a

potent release of IRI. To further understand the nature of

the tumour B-cell, the responses of the insulinoma to

intravenous and intragastric glucose was investigated with

particular respect to the effects of GIP on glucose

homeostasis in the tumour bearing animals. As has already

been stated in the previous chapters, GIP is currently the

strongest candidate for the glucose dependent insulinotropic

agent released from the gut following oral carbohydrate

stimuli (Creutzfeldt, 1979; Creutzfeldt and Ebert, 1985),

termed incretin by LaBarre and Still (1930). GIP has been

shown to be insulinotropic at elevated glucose levels in the

rat (Rabinovitch and Dupré, 1974; Pederson and Brown, 1976);

this effect can subsequently be inhibited, at least in part, by the use of anti-GIP antibodies (Lauritsen et al., 1981;

Ebert and Creutzfeldt, 1982).

6.1.1 Methods

The colony of insulinoma-bearing animals was established in the animal breeding unit of the University of Surrey in

1980. Breeding pairs were kindly provided by Professors WL

Chick (Boston, Mass., USA) and CN Hales (Cambridge, UK). The insulinoma is maintained by serial subcutaneous transplantation within the colony. A donor rat is killed by cervical dislocation, the tumor (typically 1 - 2 g) is

oaae 185 excised and trimmed of adherent fat and other tissue. The

capsule is cut open and a slurry of blood and insulinoma

cells are scraped from the fibrous capsule with the edge of a

scalpel. The slurry is sucked-up into a plastic 1 ml syringe,

and approximately 0.1 ml implanted subcutaneously into the

scapular region of the rat, with a stainless steel trocar (2

mm outer diameter). The trocar is inserted some 40 - 50 mm

posterior to the scapular region, thus forming a channel for

the insulinoma in which to grow. A single donor rat was used

for each experiment and recipients were male 12 -13 week old

inbred NEDH rats (New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston,

Mass., USA). Transplantion results in hyperphagia, increased

weight gain, marked hyperinsulinaemia, and severe

hypoglycaemia with death of the recipient by 22 - 27 days

(Tan et al., 1981). All experiments were conducted 19 days


The animals were housed in an air-conditioned room at 22

+ 2*C with a lighting schedule of 12 h light (0700 h - 1900

h) and 12 h dark. A standard pellet diet (Spratts Laboratoy

Diet No. 1, Lillico, Reigate, Surrey) and tap water were

available ad libitum.

Six fed and concious insulinoma-bearing rats and 6 age

matched control NEDH rats were bled (0.5 ml into 2 ml paediatric lithium heparin tubes) from the cut tip of the

tail. They then received intragastric glucose (5 g/kg, as a

50 % solution by oral gavage). A further group of NEDH rats,

twelve tumour bearing and six non-tumour bearing were anaesthetised by intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbitone (Sagital, May and Baker, Dagenham; 60 mg/kg body weight). After basal, time -10 and 0 minutes blood samples (as above) all animals received an intravenous

page 186 (femoral vein, as in chapter 5) bolus of glucose (0.5 g/kg,

25% in water). However, half of the insulinoma-bearing group

together with the glucose received 1 pg/kg pure porcine GIP

(Oadra Logic Technologies, GIP III, batch 26). All animals

were further bled from the cut tip of the tail for the

remainder of the experiment, at 20 minute intervals for one

hour in the "intragastric" animals and at 2, 15, 30 and 40

minutes in the "intravenous" animals.

Aliquots of plasma were assayed for plasma glucose and

IRI (the latter by Dr. KS Tan, details in chapter 4). The

results were subjected to Student's t-test for unpaired data.

6.1.2 Results

Figure 6.1 shows that following intragastric glucose,

plasma glucose concentrations were significantly elevated at

the 20 minute time point with respect to basal (O minute time

point) in both insulinoma-bearing rats (7.8 + 0.7 mmol/L vs.

1.7 + 0.2 mmol/L: mean + SEM; p < 0.001) and in control NEDH

rats (10.0 + 0.5 mmol/L vs. 5.5 + 0.3 mmol/L; p< 0.001).

Figure 6.2 shows that the rise in glucose levels was

accompanied by an increase in plasma IRI concentrations

compared with basal in both insulinoma-bearing rats (18.3 +

1.5 pg/L vs. 13.1 + 0.8 pg/L; p < 0.01) and controls (7.8 +

0.5 pg/L vs. 2.8 + 0.4 pg/L; p < 0.001). In contrast to the

above, figure 6.3 shows that intravenous glucose failed to cause an increase in plasma IRI concentrations above high basal levels in the insulinoma-bearing rats. However, glucose, in combination with GIP, stimulated plasma IRI in the insulinoma-bearing rats significantly by 2 minutes (20.6

+ 2.5 pg/L; p < 0.05) and 15 minutes (18.6 + 1.1 pg/L; p <

page 187 0.02) compared to the control insulinoma animals given

glucose alone. Figure 6.4 shows that there were no

significant differences in plasma glucose levels between the

two groups (insulinoma-bearing + i.v. glucose + i.v. GIF) at any time point; both groups showed significant rises above basal values for the two minute time point (p < 0.02). Figure

6.5 shows that in the control non-insulinoma-bearing NEDH rats i.v. glucose significantly stimulated plasma IRI ((10.3

+1.1 pg/L; p < 0.001) and plasma glucose (10.0 +0.8 mmol/L; p < 0.001) by the five minute time point vs. the zero time point.

page 188 Figure 6.1

Effect of intragastric glucose (5 g/kg body weight) on plasma glucose concentrations in insulinoma-bearing (•) and control

NEDH rats (o). (n = 6, mean + SEM). (* = p < 0.001 vs. zero time point for group).

1 0

£ 8 E

S 6 O O Z) _i O 4 < CO < 2 CL

0 L

i i 0 20 40 60 TIME ( MIN )

page 189 Figure 6.2

Effect of intragastric glucose (5 g/kg body weight) on plasma

IRI concentrations in insulinoma-bearing (•) and control NEDH rats (o). (n = 6, mean + SEM). (* = p < 0.01 and ** = p <

0.001 vs. zero time point for group).



D) 3L. 12

Œ < CO 8 < —I CL


L i 1 0 20 40 60 TIME (MIN)

page 190 Figure 6.3

Effect of intravenous glucose

GXP (#) (1 pg/kg body weight) plus glucose (0.5 g/kg body weight) on plasma IRI concentrations in insulinoma-bearing

NEDH rats, (n = 6, mean + SEM). (* = p < 0.05 and ** = p <

0.02 between groups).

* *


1 8

O) 16 ÛC < 14 CO < _l CL 12

10 L

I L J I 10 0 15 30 40


page 191 Figure 6,4

Effect of intravenous glucose (o> (0.5 g/kg body weight) and

SIP (•) (1 pg/kg body weight) plus glucose (0.5 g/kg body weight) on plasma glucose concentrations in insulinoma- hearing NEDH rats, (n = 6, mean + SEM).


LU CO O O Z) _l CD < CO < _1 0_ 0

i 1 10 0 15 30 40 TIME ( MIN )

page 192 Figure 6.5

Effect of intravenous glucose (0.5 g/kg body weight) on plasma IRI and glucose concentrations in insulinoma-bearing

NEDH rats, (n = 6, mean + SEM). (* = p < 0.001 vs. basal).

10 O) 3L

CD <

± ± J 0 15 30 45 TIME ( MIN )

^ 10

CL 1 0 15 30 45 TIME( MIN)

page 193 6.1.3 Discussion

The results demonstrate quite clearly that although

intragastric (oral) glucose causes an increase in plasma

insulin in the insulinoma-bearing animals, which is in line

with the insulinotropic action of the glucose in the control,

non-insulinoma-bearing animals, intravenous glucose has

absolutely no effect on plasma insulin levels in the

insulinoma-bearing rats. However, the addition of porcine GIP

to the intravenous glucose bolus in the insulinoma-bearing

rats restores the insulinotropic action of the glucose. The

The results from the intravenous glucose + GIP experiment

demonstrates nicely the insulin resistance of the insulinoma,

as the large increase in plasma IRI caused by the GIP makes

no difference to the plasma glucose response.

Even higher doses of i.v. glucose have been found to be

non-insulinotropic in these insulinoma-bearing rats (Tan et

al., 1981; Flatt et al., 1982). This Insensitivity to glucose

has also been reported with human insulinomas (Frerichs and

Creutzfeldt, 1976; Marks and Rose, 1981). It would be

interesting to speculate as to whether this insensitivity of

the insulinoma "B-cel1" is an intrinsic function of the

insulinoma or a loss or down regulation of surface receptors

secondary to the hyperinsulinaemia, and whether this could

also be demonstrated on normal pancreatic B—cells. Whilst

responsiveness of the insulinoma to i.v. glucose is lost, its

ability to respond to oral glucose is retained, as in many

human insulinomas (Marks and Rose, 1981).

The above results showing a differential response to oral and i.v. glucose provides strong evidence for the existence of the entero-insular axis and incretin, since any

page 194 neural involvement in this situation is highly unlikely.

GIP is the stongest candidate for incretin (Creutzfeldt,

1979; Creutzfeldt and Ebert, 1985). GIP is insulinotropic

only in the presence of hyperglycaemia (Elahi et al, 1979).

This glucose dependence suggests a degree of coopérâtivity

between glucose and GIP at the receptor or post receptor

level. However, it would appear that the cooperativity is not

absolute and that a degree of dissociation exists between


Jorde et al. (1986) have recently described a similar

phenomenon. Normal human volunteers received intravenous

gastric inhibitory polypeptide at mean blood glucose levels

of 4.9 mmol/L following a priming infusion with glucose. A

significant insulin release was seen during the GIP infusion.

An effect the authors could not repeat without the priming

glucose infusion. This further demonstrates the dissociation

between glucose and GIP receptors. GIP may thus be implicated

in the well characterised priming effect of glucose on

insulin secretion (Grill, 1981).

The interaction between GIP and its receptor was

unaffected by the Insensitivity of the tumour to glucose

stimulation, suggesting that the tumour B-cel1 defect is

specific for the glucose, rather than GIP, mechanism of action. The glucagon receptor on the insulinoma cell surface has been demonstrated to be functionally intact (Tan et al.,


It is interesting to note that GIP was able to stimulate a large and sustained IRI secretion from the insulinoma during conditions of subnormal plasma glucose. However, for the insulinoma-bearing rats "euglycaemia" has become 1 - 2 mmol/L, and the 4 mmol/L obtained after i.v. glucose

page 195 represents marked hyperglycaemia. This may indicate some sort

of "recalibration" of the receptors, in order to take into

account the ambient conditions of actual hypog1ycaemia.

In order to confirm the conclusions drawn above, further

work must be done. If the intragastric glucose load

experiment were repeated in the manner of experiment 5.3,

i.e. with and without anti-GIP antibodies, further weight

might be added to the argument. It might also, in the case of an incomplete removal of the incretin effect, indicate the existence of other possible incretins. If it were possible to

identify and locate the glucose and GIP receptors on the surface of the RIN cell, using differentially labelled agonists or monoclonal antibodies, the case for cooperativity between the two receptors would be strengthened if they were demonstrated to be adjacent to one another.

In conclusion, the above results indicate that GIP is an incretin in the transplantable rat insulinoma, and that the tumour has lost its insulin responsiveness to intravenously induced hyperglycaemia, but it retains its ability to respond to intragastric glucose.


1) GIP is an incretin in the transplantable NEDH rat

insulinoma even under conditions of apparent


2) The transplantable NEDH rat insulinoma has lost its

responsivenes to intravenous but not intragastric





page 197 7.1.0 Introduction

This chapter follows on directly from chapter five in

trying to elucidate the role of GIP in the clearance of

chylomicron triglyceride, but this time in humans. The

reasons for following this line of research are discussed in

chapter five. As an overactive entero-insular axis might be

implicated in insulin resistance and maturity onset diabetes

(chapter four) an overactive "entero-adipose" axis might at

least be implicated in the pathology of obesity fchapter


In an attempt to remove the possible problems of lack of

incomplete biological activity of porcine GIP in humans, and

ethical problems with the infusion of porcine GIP into humans

(not to mention a certain amount of "volunteer resistance" at

this prospect), it was decided to stimulate GIP endogenously.

In order to differentiate any possible interactions with

insulin, two different carbohydrate loads were used; glucose, which stimulates IR-GIP and insulin, and galactose, which stimulates IR-GIP but which does not, or only poorly, stimulates insulin (Morgan et al., 1979; Sykes et al., 1980).

Again, since it would be more acceptable to volunteers.

Intralipid was used as a "chylomicron" source as it has been demonstrated to be processed in a manner similar to endogenous chylomica (Robson and Quardfort, 1979; Hallberg,

1965; Boberg and Carlson, 1964). Intralipid is also free from any possible, unidentified, gut factors which might affect the removal of chylomicron triglyceride.

The use of Intralipid as a "chylomicron" source does, however, present problems in terms of triglyceride analysis.

Intralipid 20 7. is approximately 0.23 M triglyceride; it is

oaoe 198 also 0.24 M free glycerol. The triglyceride assay used

(Lange, unpublished; details in chapter 2), in common with most other enzymic triglyceride assays, hydrolyses the triglyceride to fatty acids and glycerol, and estimates the glycerol, thus giving an answer which includes both free and bound glycerol.

It has been suggested that for accurate determination of plasma triglyceride concentrations separate, free glycerol determinations should be made for each sample in order to eliminate the free glycerol component (Stinshoff et al.,

1977; Welle et al., 1984; Mott and Rogers, 1978). In an experiment where a safflower oil based emulsion was infused into children it was maintained that the free glycerol was quickly removed and could thus be ignored (Cooke and

Burckhart, 1983). The alternative to measuring the free glycerol and/or triglyceride would be to monitor the actual removal of the Intralipid particles. This is done in the nephelometric measurement of the rate of removal of

Intralipid particles from plasma in the routine clinical procedure for the assesment of intravascular lipolysis. The light scattering intensity (LSI) measured -by this technique is critically dependent on particle size. It is consequently most sensitive to changes in the concentration of the largest particles in the circulation following Intralipid infusion.

Lipolysis produces a progressive reduction in the particle size to form remnant particles which are removed by the liver, so that a possible alternative to LSI measurement would be to monitor the rate of removal of the remnant particles. An enzymic methodolgy for this exists but has not yet been widely evaluated (Richmond et al., 1984).

Thus, the experiments that follow seek to establish

page 199 whether endogenously released GIP has any role in the removal

of exogenously infused triglyceride, having established

whether or not the method chosen to assay for triglyceride is

appropriate or not.

7.1.1 Methods

a) measurement of free glycerol and triglyceride

following an intravenous Intralipid load. Four healthy

volunteers (two men and two women) aged 22 - 41 years (mean =

30.8 + 5.1 SEM) were studied. They were all within 10 % of

their ideal body weight and were not under any medication.

After an overnight fast volunteers had antecubital veins in

both arms cannulated. Immediately after a basal blood sample

had been withdrawn from the left antecubital vein. Intralipid

20 % (50 ml, Kabi Vitrum) was infused at the rate of 5 ml/min

into the right antecubital vein. Blood samples were taken

from the left antecubital vein at 15 minute intervals, from

15 minutes before and until 2 h after the i.v. load. Blood

for glucose analysis was collected into fluoride oxalate

tubes, but lithium heparin tubes for glycerol, triglyceride

and IR-GIP analysis. Plasma free glycerol analysis was

performed by A. Thompson using a double enzyme technique

(Wieland, 1984).

b ) effect of endogenous GIP on the removal of exogenous

triglyceride. Four healthy male volunteers aged 23 - 39

years (mean = 28.8 + 3.5 SEM) were studied. They were all

within 10 % of their ideal body weight and were not under any medication. On three separate occasions (at one week

intervals), after an overnight fast, volunteers had

page 200 antecubital veins in both arms cannulated. Immediately after a basal blood sample had been withdrawn from the left antecubital vein, they were given either glucose (75 g in 150 ml water), galactose (75 g in 150 ml water) or water (150 ml) orally. 15 minutes later Intralipid 20 % (50 ml, Kabi

Vitrum) was infused at the rate of 5 ml/min into t-he right antecubital vein. Blood samples were taken from the left antecubital vein at 15 minute intervals, from 15 minutes before the oral load until 2 h after the i.v. load. Blood for glucose analysis was collected into fluoride oxalate tubes, but lithium heparin tubes for IRI (details in chapter 3) and

IR-GIP analysis. Serum was collected for triglyceride estimations.

Samples were stored at -20"C until analysis. Results were subjected to Student's t-test for paired data or analysis of variance (ANOVA), as appropriate.

7.1.2 Results

a) measurement of free glycerol and triglyceride following an intravenous Intralipid load. Figure 7.1 shows that intravenous Intralipid has no effect on plasma glucose concentrations (ANOVA F (15,3) = 1.2824, n.s.). Figure 7.2 shows that intravenous Intralipid has no stimulatory effect on plasma IR-GIP, but a slow and significant downward trend is seen during the course of the experiment (ANOVA F(3,27) =

22.13, p < 0.01). Figure 7.3 shows that, not surprisingly, following intravenous Intralipid there is an increase in plasma triglycerides. However, figure 7.4 shows that following intravenous Intralipid there is no change at all in plasma glycerol (ANOVA F(9,27) = 1.831, n.s.). There was,

page 201 however quite a large inter-personal variation in the glycerol results which could, at least partially, account for

the large standard errors (between subjects, ANOVA F (3,27) =

7.927, p < 0.001).

b ) effect of endogenous GIP on the removal exogenous

tr i glyceride. Figures 7.5 to 7.7 show the triglyceride, glucose, IRI and IR-GIP results for the oral water, galactose and glucose loads, respectively. The IRI response to glucose was maximal at 45 minutes (70.1 + 27.9 mU/L, mean + SEM) and was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the modest peak at

15 minutes for galactose (19.9 + 10.3 mU/L). The insulin peak following galactose was not significantly elevated from basal concentrations, and was almost entirely accounted for by one of the subjects. The plasma glucose concentrations showed no significant changes following oral water or galactose. The mean peak IR-GIP response was significantly greater (p <

0.05) after glucose than it was after galactose (2597 + 557 pg/ml at 75 minutes vs. 1536 + 216 pg/ml at 15 minutes). The triglyceride results show that following oral water, glucose and galactose, peak serum triglyceride values of 3.63 + 0.42,

3.33 + 0.26 and 3.73 + 0.23 mmol/L (mean + SEM) are achieved respectively, from basais of 0.93 + 0.26, 0.83 + 0.20 and

1.13 + 0.09 respectively. The curves are not significantly different from each other, in any permutation, as assesed by paired t-test or ANOVA.

page 202 Figure 7.1

Plasma glucose concentrations in normal human volunteers

■following an intravenous infusion of Intralipid 20 7. (50 ml at 5 ml/ml) at time = O minutes, (n = 4, mean + SEM).





-15 0 30 60 90 120 Time (min)

page 203 Figure 7.2

Plasma IR-GIP concentrations in normal human volunteers

following an intravenous infusion of Intralipid 20 % (50 ml at 5 ml/ml) at time = O minutes, (n = 4, mean + SEM).


O) Cl

O 300 c o Ü a CD 150

-15 0 30 60 90 120 Time (min)

page 204 F igure 7.3

Plasma triglyceride concentrations in normal human volunteers following an intravenous infusion of Intralipid 20 % (50 ml at 5 ml/ml) at time = 0 minutes, (n = 4, mean + SEM).


g 2.0 o Ü m

2L- 1.5 (D Ü

” 1.0

1 1 J -15 0 30 60 90 1 2 0 Time (min)

nanp 205 Figure 7.4

Plasma free glycerol concentrations in normal human volun­

teers following an intravenous infusion of Intralipid 20 %

(50 ml at 5 ml/ml) at time = 0 minutes, (n = 4, mean + SEM).


Ü c o Ü Ô.08 L_

O) O


-15 0 30 60 90 120 Time (min)

page 206 Figure 7.5

Plasma glucose, IRI , IR—GIP and serum triglyceride concentrations following oral water (150 ml at time = -15 minutes) and an intravenous infusion of Intralipid 20 % (50 ml at 5 ml/ml) at time = O minutes in normal human volunteers, (n = 4, mean + SEM).


Serum Triglyceride


8 mM

Plasma CUucose

-1 80 r mUL Plasma IR-InsuUn


I— --- 1----- 1---- - 4-----4-

2600 ngL-1

Plasma IR-GIP



-30 -15 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 min. TIME AFTER ORAL LOAD

page 207 Figure 7.6

Plasma glucose, IRI , IR-GIP and serum triglyceride concentrations following oral glucose (75 g in 150 ml water at time = -15 minutes) and an intravenous infusion of

Intralipid 20 % (50 ml at 5 ml/ml) at time = O minutes in normal human volunteers, (n = 4, mean + SEM).


Serum Triglyceride


Plasma Glucose

r mUL Plasma IR-Insuiin



Plasma IR-GIP



-:50 - 1 9 15 10 45 f.U 75 91) 105 120 min. TIME AFTER ORAL LOAD

page 208 Figure 7.7

Plasma glucose, IRI , IR-GIP and serum triglyceride concentrations following oral galactose (75 g in 150 ml water at time = -15 minutes) and an intravenous infusion of

Intralipid 20 % (50 ml at 5 ml/ml) at time = O minutes in normal human volunteers, (n = 4, mean + SEM).

U mM

Serum Triglyceride 2



Plasma Glucose

-1 80r mUL Plasma IR-lnsulin


4----- 1 0

-1 2600 ngL

Plasma IR-GIP



90 107 120 mm. -JO -15 15 30 45 60 75 TIME AFTER ORAL LOAD

page 209 7.1.3 Discussion

The results from experiment (a) are in accord with the results of Cooke and Buckhart (1983). They demonstrate that under the conditions of this experiment, following intra­ venous Intralipid no significant increase in plasma glycerol occurs. Basal glycerol concentrations were about 0.08 mmol/L, whereas basal triglycerides were about 0.85 mmol/L; thus,

free glycerol represents less than 10 % of the apparent basal

triglyceride concentration. At the plasma triglyceride peak at 15 minutes the contribution made by free glycerol drops to

less than 4 %. One can, therefore, draw the conclusion that separate estimations for free glycerol are unnecessary when

investigating the removal of intravenously infused

Intralipid, as the correction obtained would probably be

insignificant and perhaps smaller than the combined error of the triglyceride and glycerol assays.

The results from experiment (b) disagree with the results of Wasada et al. (1981). They demonstrated that using re-infused chyle, exogenous GIP was able to reduce the peak and augment the removal of plasma triglyceride. The results are, in fact, in agreement with the results of Ohneda et al.,

(1983) who, in a very similar experiment, also demonstrated that endogenous IR-GIP stimulated by oral carbohydrate was ineffective in reducing plasma levels of intravenously infused triglyceride emulsion in dogs.

In the experiment of Wasada et al., (1981) chyle collected from the thoracic duct was used as the chylomicron source. The chylomicra were not purified in any way, save filtration to remove "clots". The chyle was not assayed for the presence of gut hormones. Perhaps a gut hormone in the

page 210 chyle synergised the action of GIP, or perhaps natural

chylomicra contain an unidentified gut factor which can

synergise the action of GIP. In this way one could explain

why the removal of natural chylomicra, but not Intralipid

derived chylomicra, is augmented by GIP.

The lack of effect of IR-GIP on the removal of plasma

triglyceride in this experiment could perhaps be due to a

swamping of the GIP stimulatable lipid clearing system at the

adipocyte, and that lipoprotein lipase had been stimulated by

another means, so that the presence or absence of GIP was


Oral fat is known to produce a larger IR-GIP response

than oral carbohydrate (Brown, 1982). The lack of OIP action might, therefore, be due to inadequate plasma IR-GIP levels.

Indeed, if one looks at the glucose results, by the time plasma IR-GIP concentrations have peaked, triglyceride levels have already returned to basal. Perhaps the experiment would have been better designed if the Intralipid load had been delayed for a further 60 minutes, to coincide with the IR-GIP peak.

The above results might be due to the intervention of another carbohydrate stimulated gut hormone such as, perhaps, glucagon-1ike-immunoreactivity (GLI). GIP inhibits the action of glucagon at the adipocyte (Dupré et al., 1976), so it is possible that GLI inhibits the action of GIP at the adipocyte. Finally, perhaps the early assertion that carbohydrate and fat stimulate different IR-GIP s which have different actions is correct (Brown et al.. 1975).

In conclusion, under the conditions of this experiment, carbohydrate stimulated IR-GIP is ineffective in reducing serum triglyceride concentrations following an intravenous

page 211 intralipid load. Under other conditions, such as when the peak IR-GIP concentrations and peak triglyceride concentrations coincide (as detailed above), the result might be more positive. Perhaps the best experiment would be if the investigation were repeated in pigs with purified pig chylomicra and exogenous porcine GIP.


1) The separate estimation of free glycerol is unnecessary

in the study of the removal of triglyceride from the

circulation following intravenous Intralipid.

2) Under the conditions of this experiment endogenous

carbohydate-stimulated GIP does not affect the removal

of triglyceride following intravenous Intralipid.




page 213 8. O. O

The obese hyperglycaemic syndrome (gene symbol o^> arose

in 1949 as a mutant within the V strain at the Jackson

laboratory. Bar Harbor, USA (Ingalls et al., 1950). The

syndrome is transmitted as a single autosomal recessive gene

(chromosome 6, linkage group XI), and these obese mice have

been widely studied as an animal model to investigate the

aetiology and pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes (Herberg

and Coleman, 1977; Bray and York, 1979). These mice exhibit

hyperphagia, excessive fat deposition and hence obesity, the

severity of which depend on interaction of the mutant gene

with the background genome (Bailey et al, 1982).

Increased insulin concentrations constitute a major

pathogenic influence, promoting excessive triglyceride

deposition and glucose intolerance through insulin resistance

and pancreatic A-celi disfunction (Assimacopoulos-Jeannet and

Jeanrenaud, 1976; Flatt and Bailey, 1981a; Flatt et al,

1982). In fed adult ob/ob mice the extent of the

hyperinsulinaemia is related to both the quantity and

composition of the food ingested (Bailey et al, 1982; Flatt

and Bailey, 1982a, 1984). A direct insulinotropic effect of

amino acids and possibly fatty acids contributes in this respect (Flatt and Bailey, 1982a,b, 1984). However, the

importance of neural and endocrine components of the enteroinsular axis is highlighted by the presence of an

insulin response to oral but not parenteral glucose, and the augmention of insulin response to feeding in conditioned mice

(Flatt and Bailey, 1981a, 1983).

The mice used were the product of a selective breeding programme to provide ob/+ and +/+ lean mice. The heterozygous

page 214 breeding pairs were originally identified by unclassified

lean (?/+) mice from litters containing obese individuals.

The presence of obese animals among the progeny indicated

that both parents were heterozygous. The mice were judged

ob/+ from the matings then served for breeding purposes.

Subsequently, ob/+ mice were identified by the presence of

obese progeny after backcrossing to an established ob/+


The severity and developmental pattern of the diabetic

syndrome in obese hyperglycaemic mice results from the

interaction of the mutant gene with modifiers of the

background genome (Flatt and Bailey, 1981b). The genetic

background of the colony is detailed below. Original C57BL/6J

heterozygous (ob/+) breeding pairs from the Jackson

Laboratory, Bar Harbor, USA. were obtained in 1957 by Prof.

D.S. Falconer of the Institute of Animal Genetics at the

University of Edinburgh. Heterozygous mice were outcrossed at

Edinburgh to two non-inbred local strains: to JH, selected

for high litter size (Falconer, 1960a) and maintained as a closed non-inbred stock for five generations, and to CRL, selected for faster growth rate (Falconer, 1960b) and maintained for ten generations as a closed non-inbred stock.

It was heterozygous mice from this latter stock which were outcrossed to two further non-inbred local strains, and the resultant ob/+ breeding pairs formed the colony at Aston.

These mice were used to establish a closed non-inbred colony with a severity of diabetes between that of C57BL/6J and

C57BL/KsJ ob/ob mice (Bailey et al., 1982; Herberg and

Coleman, 1977).

page 215 0 . 1.0

Immunoreactive Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (IR-GIP)

in the plasma and small intestine of the obese hyperglycaemic


Hyperphagia and hyperinsulinaemia are the prominent

features in the pathogenesis of the syndrome in the mice

(Flatt and Bailey, 1981a). Fed adult ob/ob mice show a marked

insulin response to enteral but not parenteral glucose,

indicating that the hyperinsulinaemia is due to the ingestion

of nutrients (Flatt and Bailey, 1982a). In addition, the

hyperinsulinaemia and hyperphagia follow similar age-related

patterns, and plasma immunoreactive insulin (IRl)

concentrations fall markedly when food is witheld (Flatt and

Bailey, 1981a). The above observations direct attention

towards the enteroinsular axis and therefore GIP

(Creutzfeldt, 1979). Described below is an experiment to

measure IR-GIP in the plasma and gut extracts of fed adult

ob/ob mice.

8.1.1 Methods

Obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) and lean (+/?) mice were provided by Dr. P.R. Flatt. They were bred in the animal breeding unit at the University of Surrey with stock from the

Aston colony. The mice had been housed in an air conditioned room at 22 + 2*C with a light scedule of 12 h light (0800 h -

2000 h) and 12 h darkness. A standard pellet diet (Spratts laboratory diet no. 1, Lillico Ltd., Reigate, Surrey) and tap water were available ad libitum. Fed lean and obese mice

page 216 (11tter-mates) were used at 5-6 months of age. They were

anaesthetized under ether and bled by cardiac puncture. Blood

was collected into paediatric Lithium heparin tubes,

centrifuged immediately and the plasma aliquotted out for

glucose, IRI and IR-GIP estimations. The mice were then

killed (cervical dislocation) and the entire small intestine

from the duodenal bulb to the ileo-caecal Junction (dudenum,

jejunum and ileum) was excised, washed and perfused through

with ice-cold normal saline (0.154 mM NaCl). Surplus liquid

was removed (using fingers as a squegee), weighed, then the

tissue extracted (scissor minced then sonicated for 10

minutes) with 5 ml/g acid ethanol (750 ml ethanol, 250 ml

water and 15 ml HCl). Extracts and plasma samples were

immediately frozen and kept at -20*C until analysis.

Plasma glucose and IR-GIP were measured using the

standard methods shown in chapter 2. The extracts were

diluted with assay buffer and measured in an IR-GIP assay

without the addition of hormone free plasma to the standard

curve. Plasma IRl was measured by Dr. P.R. Flatt, using a

dextran coated charcoal radioimmunoassay. Crystaline mouse

insulin (Novo) was used as standard, having a sensitivity of

0.5 pg/ml and a within assay coefficient of variation for

samples containing 0.1 to 24.5 ng/ml of 1.3 to 4.2% (Flatt

and Bailey, 1981b). Results were subjected to Student's

t-test for unpaired values.

8.1.2 Results

The results in table 8.1 show that the obese mice when compared to their lean litter mates are significantly heavier

70.6 + 4.1 vs. 38.8 + 2.3 g (p < 0.001), moderately

page 217 hyperglycaemic 13.3 + 1.8 vs. 7.4 + 0.3 mM (p < 0.02) and

very hyperinsulinaemic 32.4 + 2.4 vs 2.1 + 0.05 ng/ml (p <

0.001; mean + SEM; n = 6-8). The obese mice had intestines which were 1.4 times heavier (p < 0.01) than lean mice; the

intestinal concentration of IR-GIP was 1.9 times higher (p <

0.01) with the total intestinal IR-GIP being 2.8 times higher

(p < 0.01). Consistent with these changes plasma IR-GIP concentrations were 15 times higher in the obese mice (p <


page 218 Table 8.1

IR-GIP in the plasma and small intestine of lean and

obese mice.


Body weight (g) 38.8 + 2.3 70.6 + 4.1 0.001

Plasma glucose (mM) 7.4 + 0.3 13.3 + 1.8 0.02 f^lasma IRI (ng/ml) 2. 1 ± 1.1 32.4 + 2.4 0.001

Plasma IR-GIP (pg/ml) 289 + 11 4350 + 877 0.001

Intestinal weight (g) 1.9 + 0.1 2.6 + 0.2 0.01

Intestinal IR-GIP

(pg/g) 0.78 + 0.07 1.48 + 0.2 0.01

Total intestinal

IR-GIP (pg) 1.45 + 0.14 4.12 + 0.61 0.01

[Values are mean + SEM, n = 6-83

page 219 8.1.3 Discussion

The above results indicate that the small intestine of

ob/ob mice have an enhanced rate of synthesis and secretion

of IR-GIP. These data are consistent with previous reports

suggesting an increased population of endocrine cells in the

intestine of ob/ob mice (Polak et al., 1975; Best et al.,

1977). As GIP is the prime incretin candidate (Creutzfeldt,

1979; Brown, 1982) the above results lead one to assert that

GIP makes a substantial contribution to the hyperinsulinaemia and related syndromes of the ob/ob mouse. One must be mindful, t)owever, in the light of recent data that GIP is unlikely to be the sole incretin involved in an overactive enteroinsular— axis (Lauritsen et al.,1981; Ebert and

Creutzfeldt, 1982). However, in view of the gross changes seen in IR-GIP concentrations, this hormone is at the very least a good candidate for further study in the enteroinsular-axis of the ob/ob mouse.

page 220 8 .2.0

Involvement of GIP and the enteroinsular-axis in the

metabolic abnormalities of the obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob)


Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP) remains the most

likely candidate for the role of incretin (La Barre, 1932) as

the physiological component of the enteroinsular-axis (Unger

and Eisentraut, 1969). GIP has been cited as the likely

enteric messenger in the enteroinsular— axis in the dog

(Pedersson and Brown, 1976; Takemura et al., 1982), the pig

(Wolffbrandt et al., 1986) and in man (Elahi et al., 1979).

In addition the use of anti-GIP sera has demonstrated that in

the rat GIP is an incretin (Lauritsen et al., 1981) but it

has also been shown, by adsorbing IR-GIP from rat gut

extracts then testing for residual incretin activity, that it

is not the only one (Ebert and Creutzfeldt, 1982). The only

dissenting voices from those acclaiming GIP to be the most

likely incretin candidate are those of Bloom and co-workers

(Sarson et al., 1982) who claim that GIP is only an incretin

in humans at pharmacological concentratons. However, work has

recently been published that suggests that the antiserum used

by Sarson et al (1980, 1982) only partially cross reacts with

human GIP (Jorde, Burhol and Schulz, 1983; Krarup and Holst,

1984). Indeed, the stimulated levels of IR-GIP they obtain

are approximately five times lower than those of Kuzio et al.

(1974), Morgan et al. (1978), Lauritsen and Moody (1978) and

Ebert, Ilmer and Creutzfeldt (1979). If one assumes that

Sarson s porcine GIP assay cross reacts with human GIP only about one fifth as well as the other assays, then when they

page 221 infuse porcine GIP into humans they infuse five times too

little to reach normal stimulated levels. It is not

surprising that they claim GIP to have only pharmocological

effects as an incretin (Sarson et al., 1982).

The experiments below seek to investigate the regulation

of IR-GIP in ob/ob mice, and evaluate the involvement of GIP

in the hyperinsulinaemia and associated features of the


8.2.1 Methods

Obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice and lean (+/?) mice as

detailed above were used in the study. They were provided by

Dr. P.R. Flatt from stock bred in the animal breeding unit at

the University of Aston. The mice were housed in an air

conditioned room at 22 + 2'C with a lighting scedule of 12h

light (0800 h - 2000 h) and 12 h darkness. A standard diet

(Mouse breeding diet, Heygate and Sons Ltd., Northampton) and

tap water were available ad libitum. The standard diet

comprised 2.5 % fat, 17.6 % protein and 46.8 7. carbohydrate

(digestible energy 87.6 kJ/kg).

The mice were adapted to the manipulative procedure for

two weeks before the study. Blood samples were obtained from

the cut tip of the tail in the conscious state at the

appropriate time points. Plasma was separated and stored as

in the previous experiment (section 8.1.1).

a) Basal plasma IR-GIP concentrations with age. To

investigate changes in plasma IR-GIP with age in relation to other features of the ob/ob syndrome, blood samples were taken from fed ob/ob mice at 3, 5, 10 and 20 weeks of age,

page 222 and in lean mice at 3 weeks of age.

b) The responses to fasting and refeeding. The effects

of fasting for 24h and refeeding with a standard diet

available ad libitum was examined in ob/ob mice at 10 weeks

of age. The food intake was monitored in this experiment.

Blood samples were taken at -24, 0, 2, 4, and 6h.

c) Responses to fat, glucose and amino acids, ob/ob mice

fasted for 18 h at 10 - 12 weeks of age were used. Food but

not water, was witheld during the test. The following

nutrients were administered orally (gavage) in a volume

corresponding to 8 ml/kg body weight: (i) a fat emulsion

(Intralipid; Kabi Vitrum Ltd., Ealing) containing 770 mg

fractionated soya bean oil/kg, 87 mg glycerol/kg and 46 mg

fractionated egg lecithin/kg body weight (32.2 kJ/kg); (ii)

2g glucose/kg body weight (32.2 kJ/kg); (iii) a mixture of

essential and non-essential amino acids (Synthamin 17;

Travenol Laboratories Ltd., Thetford, Suffolk) containing

0.8g L-amino acids/kg body weight (132.5 mg nitrogen/kg), and

(iv) a fat/glucose/amino acid mixture (8 ml/kg body weight)

comprising equal volumes of the three preparations. A basal blood sample was taken, and further blood samples at 30, 60, and 120 minutes following the oral load.

d ) Effects of i.p. glucose on the response to oral fat. ob/ob mice fasted for 18h at 10-12 weeks of age were used.

Food, but not water, was witheld during the test. Fat emulsion (as above in (c)(i)) was administered orally

(gavage) at time zero and glucose (2 g/kg body weight) or an equivalent volume (5 ml/kg) of normal saline (0.154 mM NaCl)

page 223 was injected i.p. at 60 minutes. A basal blood sample was

taken at time zero and further samples at 30, 60 and 90


e) Effects of glucose and insulin on basal IR-GIP. ob/ob

mice fasted for 18 h at 10 - 12 weeks of age were used. Food,

but not water, was witheld during the test. Three groups of

mice each received, by i.p. injection, in a volume of 5 ml/kg

body weight either (i) glucose (2g/kg>, (ii) low dose insulin

(5 units/kg) or high dose insulin (Actrapid; Novo: 100

units/kg). A basal blood sample was taken and further samples

at 30 and 60 minutes.

f) Effects of insulin on responses to fat and glucose.

ob/ob mice fasted for 18 h at 10 - 12 weeks of age were used.

Food, but not water, was witheld during the test. Sets of

mice received oral doses (gavage) at time zero of either (A)

glucose (2g/kg) or (B) fat emulsion (770 mg/kg) in a volume

corresponding to 8 ml/kg body weight. Subsequently, at 30

minutes after the oral load, they received either (i) saline

(0.154 mM NaCl), (ii) low dose insulin (5 units/kg) or (iii)

high dose insulin (100 units/kg) by i.p. injection in a volume equivalent to 5 ml/kg body weight. A basal blood sample was taken and further blood samples at 30, 60 and 90 minutes after the oral load.

g ) Effects of exogenous GIP with and without glucose. ob/ob mice fasted for 18 h at 10 - 12 weeks of age were used.

Food, but not water, was witheld during the test. Two groups of mice received an i.p. injection of pure porcine GIP (40 pg/kg; J.C. Brown, batch EG III) either (i) alone or (ii)

page 224 with glucose (2g/kg) in a total volume of 8 ml/kg body


Results were assessed using Student's paired or unpaired

t-tests as appropriate. IRI and assays were performed as in

the previous experiment (8.1). 20 pi plasma samples were

assayed for IR-GIP as detailed in chapter 2.

8.2.2 Results

a) Basal plasma IR-GIP concentrations with age. Plasma

glucose, IRI and IR-GIP results are shown in figure 8.1. The

results indicate that the onset of hyperinsulinaemia precedes

the development of hyperglycaemia; the IRI levels were

significantly elevated (p < 0.05) by five weeks but plasma

glucose levels were not significantly increased (p < 0.05)

until 10 weeks. Plasma IR-GIP concentrations, like those of

IRI, were significantly higher at 10 - 20 weeks (p < 0.05)

compared to the levels at 3 - 5 weeks. It was shown in the

previous experiment (8.1) that the IR-GIP concentrations of

adult ob/ob mice are considerably higher than those of

age-matched lean (+/?) mice. However, in 3-week old weaning

mice IR-GIP concentrations were not significantly different

between the obese (782 + 163 pg/ml; mean + SEM, n = 9) and

lean mice (752 + 188 pg/ml; n =7) , although plasma insulin

concentrations were already raised in obese mice at this age

(4.3 + 0.7 pg/L and 1.4 + 0.5 pg/L in obese and lean mice respectively). Interestingly, the IR-GIP concentrations of weaning lean mice were higher than those of adult mice from the previous experiment (8.1); this may reflect the relatively high proportion of fat and galactose in the milk.

page 225 b) The responses to fasting and refeeding. Plasma

glucose, IRI and IR-GIP, together with food intake results

are shown in figure 8.2. Plasma IR-GIP concentrations fell

during fasting, coinciding with a marked reduction of insulin

and a decline in glucose. Refeeding with a standard diet

available ad libitum evoked prominent and sustained increases

in the plasma concentrations of all three parameters (p <

0.05) compared to the zero time point.

c ) Responses to fat, glucose and amino acids. Plasma

glucose, IRI and IR-GIP results are shown in figure 8.3. Oral

fat proved to be the best stimulus to plasma IR-GIP. Plasma

glucose and IRI concentrations tended to drift upward during

the course of the experiment, but remained far below plasma

levels expected in the fed state. Oral glucose was a moderate

stimulus to IR-GIP, but neither IR-GIP nor IRI concentrations

resembled those of the fed animal. The plasma glucose levels

attained, on the other hand, were elevated to grossly

hyperglycaemic levels. The rate of decline of the plasma

glucose levels was very slow, and these remained elevated for

the remainder of the experiment. Oral amino acids yielded a

plasma IR-GIP response which was roughly equivalent to that

of oral glucose. However, plasma glucose levels showed only a

slight tendency to rise during the course of this experiment,

resulting in only a modest rise in plasma IRI with a

transient peak at the 30 minute time point. When all three

nutrients were mixed and administered orally the resulting plasma IR-GIP levels were equivalent to that seen following oral glucose or amino acids (but still below peak fed' concentrations). There was also (for these animals) slight

page 226 hyperglycaemia, together with a greatly augmented plasma IRI

response which approached levels seen in the fed state.

d ) Effects of i.p. glucose on the response to oral fat.

Plasma glucose, IRI and IR-GIP results are shown in figure

8.4. Oral fat alone did not significantly elevate plasma

glucose or IRI concentrations, although a slight upward trend

in IRI was seen during the course of the experiment.

Consistent with the results of the last section (c), the

combined action of stimulated levels of IR-GIP with

hyperglycaemia caused a large increase in IRI concentrations,

to the fed level. Plasma IR-GIP concentrations were not

significantly different at any time point. It would appear

that neither the hyperglycaemia nor the hyperinsulinaemia in

the second half of the experiment had any effect on plasma

IR-GIP concentrations.

e) Effects of glucose and insulin on basal IR-GIP. The plasma glucose and IR-GIP concentrations are shown in figure

8.5. The plasma glucose results show that both low and high dose i.p. insulin cause significant hypoglycaemia, and i.p. glucose causes marked hyperglycaemia. Neither hyperglycaemia nor hyperinsulinaemia together with hypoglycaemia had any effect on fasting IR-GIP concentrations.

f) Effects of insulin on responses to fat and glucose.

Plasma glucose and IR-GIP results are shown in figure 8.6.

Consistent with the results of the previous experiment (e), i.p. insulin was effective in suppressing basal plasma glucose following oral fat, and also suppressed plasma glucose following an oral glucose load. However, together

page 227 with the lack of effect on basal IR-GIP concentrations shown

in the previous experiment (e), doses of insulin up to 100

units/kg failed to affect either fat- or glucose-stimulated

IR-GIP release.

g > Effects of exogenous GIP with and without glucose.

Plasma glucose and IRI results are shown in figure 8.7. In

the presence of a basal hyperglycaemia, exogenous GIP evoked

a marked, but transient, IRI response without change in

plasma glucose concentrations. In the presence of rising

hyperglycaemia after glucose administration, GIP produced a

similarly marked but considerably protracted IRI response.

Concentrations of IR-GIP achieved during these experiments

(mean values 654, 3383, 5175, 4955 and 2035 pg/ml at O, 5,

lO, 15, and 30 minutes respectively) were similar to those

observed in actively feeding obese mice in the experiments

detailed in section 8.1. Plasma IR-GIP concentratons fell to

693 pg/ml by 90 minutes.

page 228 Figure 8.1

Changes with age in plasma concentrations of glucose,

IRI and IR-GIP in fed ob/ob mice. (n = 7 - 10, mean + SEM;

* = p < 0.05 compared with 3 and 5 weeks of age, + = p < 0.05 compared with 3 weeks of age. Student's unpaired t—test >.




o o o o o o o LO o LO ( l / 6 u ) dI0 Biuseid

o {/) C\J

LO O) cn ro C

o o oo CO CXI

([/5rf) UL[nsuL euiseLd





oo o o 00 c n (XI (L P /6ui) asoon[6 emsc[d

page 229 Figure 8.2

Effect of a 24 h fast and refeeding with a standard diet available ad libitum on plasma glucose, IRI and IR-GIP in 10

— 12—week—old obese ob/ob mice, (n = 8, mean + SEM). All values are significantly (p < 0.05) raised compared with time zero (Student's paired t-test). Mean values for food intake are shown.



(U in 180 O o Z3

nJ E roto 51





2000 CL O 1000


ro X> +J O CM C - Û •I— 4-> cnx: x j jkJ cn

-24 Time (hours)

page 230 Figure 8.3

Effects of orally administered (a) fat emulsion, (b) glucose, (c) mixture of a, b and c, on plama glucose, IRI and

IR-GIP in 10 - 12—week-old obese ob/ob mice fasted for 18 h.

(n = 6, mean + SEM; * = p < 0.05 compared with zero.

Student's paired t-test).

o o o o o o o o o O o 00 cvj o o § O


o o o o o o o o o o oo CO o o o o

([p/Biu) dsoon[B ewse[d ( l/6 it ) ui^nsui eiuseid ( l/6 u ) d I9 Btuseid

page 231 Figure 8.4

Effect of I.p. glucose (•) or saline (o) (at 30 minutes) on fat-stimulated (oral, at zero minutes) plasma glucose, IRI and IR-GIP in 10 - 12-week-old obese ob/ob mice fasted for 18 h. (n = 6, mean + SEM; * = p < 0.05 compared with saline treated mice. Student's unpaired t-test).


"O CD E 540

360 CD

180 Q-

CD 3 c

=3 to C

ro E


2000 cn c

CL CD 1000


0 30 60 90 Time (min)

page 232 Figure 6.5

Effect of i.p, glucose (2 g/kg; #), low dose insulin (5

U/kg;A) or high dose insulin (100 U/kg; «) on plasma glucose

and IR-GIP in 10 - 12-week-old obese ob/ob mice fasted for 18

h. (n = 6, mean + SEM). All plasma glucose levels at 30 and

60 minutes are significantly different from time zero (p <

0.05, Student's paired t-test).


■o cn 540 E

(D CO O 180 O 3 CD fO E CO 05 CL



CL 500 »— I CD 05 E CO fd

Time (min)

page 233 Figure 8.6

Effect of saline (0.154 mmol NaCl/L; •), low dose

insulin (5 U / k g ; A > or high dose insulin (100 U/kg; # ) administered i.p. at 30 minutes, on plasma glucose and IR-GIP after stimulation by (a) fat emulsion and (b) glucose administered orally at time zero in 10 - 12-week-old obese ob/ob mice fasted for 12 h. (n = 6, mean + SEM). There were no significant differences of plasma IR-GIP values between the three groups of mice.

- o m<—

-o- - < M UDo

o ro

"■m- o

oo o o o o c o o o o o o 00 o o C\J

o -«A cn

-O l o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o

(lP/6ui) 9S0Dn[6 eiusp[d (l/6u) dI9 ewseid

page 234 Figure 8.7

Effect of I.p. porcine GIP (40 pg/kg) (alone and

together with glucose (2 g/kg) on plasma glucose and IRI in

10 - 12-week-old obese ob/ob mice fasted for 18 h. (n = 4, mean + SEM; * = p < 0,05, Student's paired t-test).

o ro



O O O O O O O CM CM 00 LO ro cu

O ro




o o o o O o CM LO 00 ro ( lp/6iu) 9SODn[6 çiuse[d ([/6ir) uL[nsuL GmsPLd

page 235 8,2.3 Discussion

Raised plasma IR-GIP concentrations have been reported

in some cases of human obesity, untreated type I (insulin-

dependent) diabetes and type II diabetes (Bloom, 1975;

Crockett, Mazzaferri and Cataland, 1976); May and Williams,

1978; Ross and Dupré, 1978; Deschamps et al., 1980; Brown

1982; Salera et al., 1982; Creutzfeldt et al., 1983), and in

certain spontaneously obese-diabetic rodents, namely

glycosurie Djungarian hamsters (Buchanan et al., 1982) and

both ob/ob (Section 8.1) and db/db (Flatt et al., 1983) mice.

Work is currently underway to confirm the role of GIP in

obese Zucker fa/fa rats (Beck and Max, 1986). A plausible

reason for raised IR-GIP concentrations in ob/ob mice rests,

in part, with intestinal hypertrophy associated with an

increase in the number and hormone content of GIP secreting

cells (Polak et al., 1975; section 8.1). In addition it would

appear that hypersecretion results from excessive

alimentation and abnormal regulation of GIP cell function.

The results in section (a) show that the onset of

hyperglycaemia preceded the develpment of both hyperglycaemia

and hyperGIPaemia. This is in agreement with previous

observations in ob/ob mice (Bailey et al., 1982) and thus

suggests the involvement of other factors in the aetiology of

the hyperinsulinaemia and related disorders. In (b) the

results again confirm previous data correlating feeding with

hyperinsulinaemia in ob/ob mice (Bailey et al., 1982) and extends the relationship to include IR-GIP concentrations.

The IR-GIP results demonstrate that in the ob/ob mouse, as in the normal human, in the fed state, plasma IR-GIP concentrations remain significantly elevated (Jorde et al.,

page 236 1980; Jones et al., 1985). Over all, fat is by far the best

stimulus to IR-GIP (section c). It may be possible to infer,

from the fat data in particular, that the ob/ob mice have a

modified or defective gastric emptying, in that oral fat

produces a peak in plasma IR-GIP by at least 30 minutes. This

is faster than in the human (section 4.2) and certainly

faster than in the rat (section 4.1) where, following oral

fat, peak plasma IR-GIP concentrations are attained after 2 -

3 hours in both controls and fat-pretreated rats. It would

thus appear that the ob/ob mouse has an accelerated gastric

emptying and an enhanced fat absorptive capacity compared to

the rat. However, as the results from the glucose/amino

acids/mixed nutrients experiments do not appear to be

particularly accelerated or atypical, then perhaps the fat

results might be more effectively accounted for by a

defective enterogastrone. Both glucose and amino acids were

effective stimuli for IR-GIP. However, as only glucose caused

marked and sustained hyperglycaemia, it was glucose which

gave the most prolonged IRI release of the individual

nutrients. These results are consistent with previous data

(Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt et al., 1983). On combining the

nutrients a modest rise in IR-GIP was seen (equivalent to

that after glucose or amino acids) and a hyperglycaemia,

which was less than that following glucose but greater than

that following amino acids. The IRI release, however, was

greatly augmented, thus suggesting the action of an incretin.

Studies in man and laboratory animals have suggested

that under normal physiological conditions, feedback

inhibition by insulin on intestinal K-cell function plays a role in the regulation of basal and nutrient stimulated

IR-GIP concentrations (Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt et al., 1983;

page 237 Marks and Morgan, 1984). The results show that both -Fat and

glucose stimulated and basal IR-GIP levels are totally

refractory to any inhibition by either hyperglycaemia and/or

hyperinsulinaemia (sections d, e and f). Indeed, in these

ob/ob mice, glucose induced increases in endogenous insulin

and amounts of exogenous insulin (25 to 500 times those used

in the rat and human experiments in chapter 4) which would be

fatal in lean mice, did not suppress either basal or fat- or

glucose-stimulated IR-GIP release.

The final section (g) confirmed that insulinotropic

action of exogenous GIP is potentiated by glucose (Pederson

and Brown, 1976; Elahi et al., 1979; Brown et al., 1980;

Szecowka et al., 1982).

Although the physiological action of GIP in

normoglycaemic man is equivocal (Verdonk et al., 1980; Sarson

et al., 1982), the above results show that the hypersecretion

of GIP in response to feeding in ob/ob mice is a major

insulinotropic stimulus in the presence of hyperglycaemia.

Additional contributory factors, however, include direct and

glucose-potentiated islet stimulation by amino acids and

neuroendocrine components of the enteroinsular axis other

than GIP (Bobbioni and Jeanrenaud, 1982; Ebert and

Creutzfeld, 1982; Flatt and Bailey, 1983). Thus, GIP participates in the metabolic abnormalities of ob/ob through hyperinsulinaemia (Assimacopoulos-Jeannet and Jeanrenaud,

1976). However, other actions of GIP such as stimulation of glucagon secretion (Unger et al., 1967) inhibition of gastric acid secretion (Brown and Pederson, 1970) and augmentation of lipogenesis in adipose tissue (Eckel et al., 1979; Wasada e;t a 1., 1981) are also likely to be involved in the manifestation of the ob/ob syndrome.

page 238 8. 3.0

Effect of chain-length and saturation in fatty acid

stimulated IR-GIP release in the obese hyperglycaemic

(ob/ob) mouse.

While it was established some time ago that triglyceride

was a most potent stimulus to IR-GIP release in many species

including man (Brown et al., 1975; O Dorisio et al., 1976)

and dogs (Falko et al., 1975), the mechanism of fat

stimulated IR-GIP release has recg* ved only poor attention.

Ross and Shaffer (1981) have carried out an investigation in

humans and Williams et al (1981) in dogs. Both studies showed

triglyceride to be a potent stimulus to IR-GIP but gave

variable results with fatty acids and other digestion

products. The aim of this experiment was to establish the

precise requirements for fatty acid stimulated IR-GIP

release. The previous set of experiments (8.2) showed fat to

be an excellent and most rapid stimulus to plasma IR-GIP

release in the ob/ob mouse, a much better stimulus than in

the rat (section 4.1). In using the ob/ob mouse as the model

for the following experiments one is assured as one can be of using a system where possible interactions of such variables as gastric emptying and fat absorption are optimized and thus their influence in modifying the results are at a minimum.

8.3.1 Methods

Obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice were provided by Dr.

P.R. Flatt. They were bred in the animal breeding unit at the

University of Surrey with stock from the Aston colony. The

page 239 mice had been housed in an air conditioned room at 22 + 2 °C with a light schedule of 12h light (0700 h - 1900 h) and 12h darkness. A standard pellet diet (Spratts Laboratory Diet No.

1., Lillico Ltd., Reigate, Surrey) and tap water were available ad libitum.

The mice were adapted to manipulative procedures for two weeks before the study. Ater an overnight fast (18 h), 16 ob/ob mice, between 12 and 18 weeks of age, were randomly divided into three groups of 5 or 6 mice. Each group first received one fatty acid in one experiment and then after eight days another fatty acid in a further experiment. After a fasting blood sample each mouse received an aqueous emulsion/suspension (oral gavage) of a fatty acid (2.62 mmol/kg, at 7.5 ml/kg body weight). The amount of fatty acid administered was calculated to be equivalent to the dose used in previous mouse experiments (section 8.2). As fatty acids were being used, rather than triglyceride, a three-fold increase in molar dose was required in this experiment. The dose and nature of each fatty acid administered is shown below.

Fatty acid Chain length:double bonds Dose mg/kg

Prop ionic C3: 0 194

Capric CIO: 0 451

Stear ic C18: 0 746

Oleic C18: 1 741

Linoleic C18:2 735

Linolenic C18: 3 730

page 240 Blood samples were obtained from the cut tip of the tail in the conscious state at the appropriate time points (O, 30,

60, 90 and 120 minutes). Blood was collected into heparinized tubes. Plasma was separated and stored as in the previous experiments (section 8.1). Plasma was assayed for IR-GIP as detailed previously (section 8.2) and for triglyceride using the enzymic method described earlier (chapter 2). Results were subjected to Student's t-test for paired and unpaired observations, as appropriate.

8.3.2 Results

Plasma IR-GIP and triglyceride results for propionic, capric, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids are shown in figures 8.8 and 8.9.

Oral propionic acid gave a slight but not significant increase in plasma IR-GIP and caused no change in plasma triglyceride concentrations.

Oral capric acid caused no change in plasma IR-GIP concentrations but did cause a significant and sustained decrease in plasma triglycerides, the lowest concentration being at 30 minutes (p < 0.01), with the plasma concentrations again showing significance at 90 and 120 minutes (p < 0.05).

Oral stearic acid had no significant effect on plasma triglyceride concentrations, although the results do show a slight downward trend over the course of the experiment.

IR-GIP results show an almost biphasic response: highest at

120 minutes but only reaching significance (p < 0.05) at the

60 minute time point.

Oral oleic acid did not have a significant effect on

page 241 plasma triglyceride values although a peak was reached at 90 minutes (4.17 + 0.76 mM vs. 2.69 + 0.54 mM for the zero point; mean + SEN). The plasma IR-GIP results again showed a biphasic rise, reaching a peak at 60 minutes (2158 + 571 pg/ml) but showing significant elevations over zero only at

90 and 120 minutes (p < 0.02 and 0.01 respectively). The stimulated values obtained with oleic acid for the 90 minute point were significantly higher than those observed at the same stage, for propionic, capric and stearic acids (p <

0.05, 0.01 and 0.05 respectively). They were also higher than the 120 minute point for propionic and capric acids (p <


Following oral linoleic acid plasma triglycerides reach a peak at 30 minutes (p < 0.05) and then decline for the remainder of the experiment. Plasma IR-GIP concentrations reach a peak after 60 minutes (2336 + 792 pg/ml) but attain sigificance only at the 90 and 120 minute time point (p <

0.02). The plasma concentrations obtained at the 90 minute time point were significantly different to those obtained for capric acid (p < 0.05), and those at 120 minutes to capric and propionic (p <0.01 and 0.02 respectively). Plasma IR-GIP profiles following oral oleic and linoleic acids were practically superimposable.

Following oral linolenic acid no significant change in plasma triglyceride occurred. Plasma IR-GIP concentrations showed a more gradual rise than for either oleic or linoleic acids. Plasma concentrations were significantly different from zero at 90 and 120 minutes (p < 0.05 and 0.01 respectively), and these time points were also significantly different to those observed for capric acid (p < 0.05).

Mean incremental areas under the curve for IR—GIP

page 242 -Following propionic, capric, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids were 691 + 350, 216 + 281, 1348 436, 2389 ^

382, 2550 + 691 and 1508 + 665 (mean + SEM pg/ml. h) respectively. Thus the oleic acid IR-GIP response was significantly greater (p < 0.01) than that for stearic, capric or propionic acids but not significantly different to that for linoleic or linolenic acids.

page 243 Figure 8.8

Plasma IR—GIP results following oral aqueous fatty acid emulsion (2.62 mmol/7.5 ml/kg) in IB h fasted ob/ob mice,

(n = 5-6, mean + SEM, * = p < 0.05).

o CM

o cn

-o o VjD

o CO

cz +-> CO # # o

o CM

o CD to OJ +->CJ o c

o CO

Q l c C_) o

o CT>


o CO


Qt- O O

O O o o o o o O O o o o o O O o CVJ ro CM

( [iu/6d) ewseid

page 244 Figure 8.9

Plasma IRI results -following oral aqueous fatty acid emulsion (2.62 mmol/7.5 ml/kg) in 18 h fasted ob/ob mice,

(n = 5-6, mean + SEM, * = p < 0.05).

o OJ

TD o

o ro

ca c . o CO

o OsJ

cn (/) O) o 4-> •o 3


O l c o o

o CO

o cn


o CO


O l. o i o

LO CO OsJ ([/[ouiiu) emsPLd

page 245 8.5.3 Discussion

Ross and Schaffer (1981) showed using children suffering

from cystic fibrosis, that triglyceride hydrolysis (and hence

presumably absorption) is required for IR-GIP secretion. The

same conclusions can be drawn from studies with patients

suffering from chronic pancreatitis (Ebert and Creutzfeldt,

1980). Ross and Shaffer (1981) further demonstrated that

medium chain triglycerides, monoglyceride (which was solid

and hence probably poorly absorbed) and glycerol do not

stimulate IR-GIP release. They also showed that equimolar

amounts of triglyceride (corn oil; predominantly the

glycerides of oleic and linoleic acids) were three times more

potent in stimulating IR-GIP release than oleic acid (in

terms of peak response). However, area under the curve data

showed triglycerides to be just over twice as effective as

the long chain fatty acid. Williams et al (1981) were unable

to show IR-GIP stimulation by monoolein (probably the,

1-monoglyceride), palmitic acid, glycerol, oleic acid and

linoleic acid! Creutzfeldt and Ebert (1985) have described

experiments where the surfactant Pluronic L-81, an agent

which does not impair triglyceride absorption, but blocks the

formation of chylomicrons within enterocytes, completely abolished the IR-GIP response to intraduodenaal fat in rats.

The above results show that the short chain propionic and medium chain capric acids do not stimulate IR-GIP release. The saturated long chain stearic acid is a moderate stimulus, whereas its unsaturated analogues (oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids) were all excellent stimuli to IR-GIP release. The results show, therefore, that only fatty acids which are ester if led to triglyceride within the enterocyte

page 246 (Clément, 1980) are able to stimulate IR-GIP release. Short and medium chain fatty acids are not ester ified following absorption and are transported away from the small intestine, predominantly in the portal vein, as free fatty acids. The degree of saturation of the long chain fatty acids is important. Saturation influences the physical properties of the fatty acid, which in turn influence the rate of absorption and hence the magnitude of the TR-GTP response.

Stearic acid has a melting point of 70*C which is above body temperature, and it is thus relatively less well absorbed than its unsaturated analogues which are all liquid at body temperatures. They are as triglycerides, more readily available to pancreatic lipase for lipolysis and micelle formation. The result that the series of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic : all CIS, but varying in degree of saturation from one to three double bonds, respectively) showed no difference in TR-GTP releasing potential suggests that following absorption no further differences, due to saturation, exist. Thus, once a long chain fatty acid has been rendered soluble enough to be readily absorbed across the mucosal surface of the enterocyte, individual chemical differences are no longer important, merely the ability to be incorporated into tr iglyceride.

The main difference, in this context, between medium and long chain fatty acids is the estérification step. This estérification (or in the case of triglycerides, re-esterification) is an active, energy requiring process

(Clément, 1980). Bearing all the above in mind, therefore, the primary requirement for the release of IR-GIP by fatty acids is the "metaboloic flux" associated with triglyceride

page 247 estérification. This conclusion is not inconsistent with the findings of Creutzfeldt and Ebert (1985) with Pluronic L-81.

Should chylomicron formation be halted, one would expect that the metabolic processes, within the enterocyte, which precede this step would also rapidly be halted through the build-up of intermediate products.

The above is not too dissimilar to the situation shown to exist with carbohydrate-stimulated IR-GIP release. Glucose which is actively transported across the gut mucosa stimulates IR-GIP release (Morgan, 1979) but fructose which has "passive" or "facilitated" (Crane, 1968; Gray, 1975) transport across the gut mucosa does not (Morgan, 1979).


In obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice

1) there appears to be an enhanced rate of synthesis and

secretion of IR-GIP in the small intestine.

2) the onset of hyperinsulinaemia prece^des the development

of both hyperglycaemia and hyperGIPaemia.

3) fat is by far the best stimulus to plasma IR-GIP, and

the peak in plasma concentrations is achieved very

rapidly as compared to humans and rats.

4) fat augments the insulin release caused by other

nutrients when combined with them.

5) both fat and glucose stimulated and basal IR-GIP levels

are totally refractory to any inhibition by either

hyperglycaemia and/or hyperinsulinaemia.

6) the insulinotropic action of exogenous GIP is potentia­

ted by glucose.

7) the pre-requisite for fat-stimulated IR-GIP release is

the absorption of fatty acids and glycerides capable of

being esterified into triglyceride, any physical,

chemical or metabolic interference with this will result

in decreased IR-GIP release.



page 250 9.1.1. The enteroinsular axis

The first experiment in chapter three (3.1) demonstrated

that there was no diurnal variation in the basal levels of

plasma glucose, immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and

immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide (IR-GIP) in

healthy human volunteers following a meal and 24 hour fast.

There was, however, a diurnal variation in basal plasma

immunoreactive motilin (IRM), but it was not clear why. It

was decided in experiment 3.2 to look at whether there were

any changes in the enteroinsular axis following a meal at two

times during the day, 1100 h and 0200 h. This experiment

showed a degree of insulin resistance at 0200 h compared with

1100 h. The intravenous glucose tolerance experiment (3.3)

demonstrated that this difference could not be attributed to

differences in rates of gastric emptying at these times. Thus

the IRM results in experiment 3.1 seemed less relevant. For

the final experiment in chapter three (3.4), observing the

effects of a mixed meal at six time points through the day,

plasma IRM levels were not measured as its role

post-prandially in normal subjects was . not clear. The

experiment showed the diurnal variation in the action of the

enteroinsular axis throughout the day, and that the

enteroinsular axis worked at its best at about 1000 h. Hence

in subsequent chapters when the enteroinsular axis was being studied, this was borne in mind and the experiment timed accordingly.

The experiments in chapter four stemmed from the work of

Dr Jill Dryburgh (et al., 1980) on the inhibition of fat-stimulated IR-GIP release. In preliminary experiments we were seeking to augment fat-stimulated IR-GIP release by

page 251 short-term fat pretreatment of the rats to be used in the

experiment, as the plasma IR-GIP release in rats following

oral fat was not very large. This was probably due to the

fact that the rats normally received a low fat diet, so that

the rate of fat absorption was not maximal. Although the

fat-stimulated IR-GIP release was increased, we found we were

unable to inhibit the response, as expected, with exogenous

insulin. This led to experiment 4.1 where it was found that

the short term pretreatment of rats with a high fat diet

increased the rate of fat absorption and increased the

magnitude of the IR-GIP release, but that this was associated

with a degree of insulin resistance as demonstrated by the

abolition of the feed-back inhibition of fat

stimulated-IR-GIP release. The same was found in humans

(experiment 4.2) although no increase in fat-stimulated

IR-GIP was seen. Again, a degree of insulin resistance was

demonstrated by the fact that the return to normoglycaemia

after an insulin stress-test took longer after a fat load.

The overall conclusion of the experiments in chapter four was

that a high fat diet can, possibly via GIP, cause a degree of

insulin resistance which in the long term could result in glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinaemia and the associated problems of obesity.

The experiments in chapters three and four highlight the importance of diet in the function of the enteroinsular axis in both man and the rat. Even short-term changes in the diet can cause marked metabolic differences. This was demonstrated quite graphically in experiment 4.1, where just 4 days on a high fat diet was enough to cause insulin resistance. Even in man (experiment 4.2) fairly short-term changes in the amount of fat in the diet were enough to decrease the feed-back

page 252 inhibition of insulin on fat-stimulated IR-GIP release and

allow normoglycaemia to be re-established more rapidly

following an insulin stress-test. Experiment 3.4 also showed

that more care should be taken in the fasting of volunteers

prior to experiments, as ample fasting in one situation is

not always enough under other circumstances. So, when

investigating the enteroinsular axis in the future,

statements in the methodology such as "...normal human

volunteers fasted overnight...", will no longer be

sufficient. The subjects' usual diet for the preceding

month(s), in terms of fat, carbohydrate, protein and fibre

should be recorded. The subjects' meals immediately before

the experiment should be the same, and be consumed at the

same times, and they should all fast for exactly the same

length of time. This should hopefully lead to more reliable

results when dealing with "normal human volunteers", and

perhaps produce less equivocal results when compared to

animal experiments where all these factors are controlled as

a matter of course.

Further work in humans was beginning to get difficult as

long-term dietary monitoring and manipulation was going to be

required to extend the work. Thus it was to the obese

hyperglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic (ob/ob) mouse that we turned

to for additional data before future long-term human studies.

In chapter eight a series of experiments were performed

on obese (ob/ob) mice. In the development of the syndrome I there is an enhanced rate of synthesis of IR-(ÿ* in the small

intestine. Hyperinsulinaemia precedes the development of both hyperglycaemia and hyperGIPaemia, suggesting that the hyper­ alimentation of the mice initially causes hyperinsulinaemia, which in turn causes insulin resistance; one of the features

page 253 of this would be an overactive enteroinsular axis, which

would then reinforce the hyperinsulinaemia and hence the

development of the ob/ob syndrome. The experiments in chapter

eight demonstrate that fat is the best stimulus to IR-GIP in

the ob/ob mouse and that fat augments the insulin release

caused by other nutrients. This demonstrates the possible

role of fat in the development of hyperinsulinaemia. The

insulin resistance of the GIP-cells of the ob/ob mice is

demonstrated by the fact that both fat and glucose-

stimulated IR-GIP release are not inhibited by either

hyperglycaemia and/or hyperinsulinaemia.

Thus, the first metabolic role for GIP which was

investigated in chapters three, four and eight was that in

the enteroinsular axis. The conclusion is that GIP may, via

the enteroinsular axis, have a role in the development and

perhaps maintainance of the hyperglycaemia of obesity.

In chapter six the role of GIP in the differential

insulin responses . to oral and intravenous glucose in

insulinoma bearing NEDH rats was sought. It was found that

the insulinoma bearing rats had lost their responsiveness to

intravenous, but not intragastric, glucose, and that in this

context GIP was apparently an incretin. The fact that GIP's

insulin-stimulating ability is glucose dependent (Elahi et

al., 1979) would indicate some cooperation between the

glucose and insulin receptors at the pancreatic B-cell. This

relationship appears to have broken down in the insulinoma- bearing animals. It is interesting to consider this finding

together with the results of Jorde et al. (1986) where they found GIP to be insulinotropic at euglycaemia, following glucose priming. It would seem that in normal man and rat, hyperglycaemia alone and hyperGIPaemia together with

page 254 hyperglycaemia are Insulinotropic. So glucose alone can

initiate insulin release, but for GIP there is a "dual key"

arrangement, where glucose is the other key. However, the

results of Jorde et al. (1986) tend to indicate that "once

the glucose key has been turned and then removed", there is a

lag before the activated mechanism turns off. Indeed, the

results with the insulinoma bearing rats show the

relationship can be altered so that glucose alone can no

longer initiate insulin release, but that GIP is also

required. This is also the case with the ob/ob mouse where

i.p. glucose is not insulinotropic without GIP (whether

exogenous, or endogenously released by fat), but GIP ^

insulinotropic at basal glucose concentrations (figure 8.6),

and oral fat alone is insulinotropic (figure 8.3). However,

it is still not clear what the precise details of these

defects, or even the original mechanisms, are. It is not

clear if hyperinsulinaemia is indeed caused by an overactive

enteroinsular axis (ob/ob mouse), in turn perhaps due to

hyperphagia. But the result of the hyperinsulinaemia

(insulinoma bearing rats) appears to be insulin resistance,

increased weight, and at the B-cell the uncoupling of GIP

stimulated insulin release from glucose dependence. These are

also symptoms of the ob/ob syndrome. From the above

conclusions one could formulate a theory about the

development of obesity. Hyperphagia leads to an overactive

enteroinsular axis, which in turn, via the causation of

hyperglycaemia, uncouples GIP action from glucose dependence.

Fat has a special part to play, as it seems to have a role in causing insulin resistance (at least in the feed back mechanism on GIP release). Now even fat (via GIP) can stimulate insulin release, so that following a mixed meal

page 255 there is nothing to moderate a large and sustained

hyperinsulinaemia giving rise to the sort of symptoms found

in the ob/ob syndrome.

9.1.2. The release of IR-GIP

The final experiment in chapter eight (experiment 8.3)

shows the pre-requisite for fat-stimulated IR-GIP release in

ob/ob mice is the absorption of fatty acids and glycerides

capable of being esterified into triglyceride; any physical,

chemical or metabolic interference with this will result in

decreased IR-GIP release. But we still only know that the

trigger for GIP release lies somewhere between the absorption

of fat into the enterocyte and its transport out again as a

chylomicron. There is still much work to be done in the

future to elucidate the actual metabolic process which leads

to IR-GIP release. Also we do not know what common link or

links exist between fat, carbohydrate and amino acid

stimulated IR-GIP release. So experiments such as 8.3 should

be carried out for sugars and amino acids (most readily with

the ob/ob mouse). With information on how fats, carbohydrates

and amino acids stimulate IR-GIP release it might be possible

to demonstrtate a common link in their metabolism in the

enterocyte, and we may be able to get closer to the nature of

the message sent to the GIP-cell to cause it to release GIP.

It seems that GIP may be a gereral purpose, post prandial,

metabolic hormone stimulated by nutrients, which augments the

rate of removal from the circulation of glucose and probably

fatty acids. Thus, as amino acids also stimulate GIP release

(Brown, 1982) the role of GIP in the removal of amino acids by the liver should be investigated.

page 256 9,1.5. The enterpadipose axis

In chapter five work was begun to investigate metabolic

roles of GIP other than as an incretin. The combined results

of the three experiments, with combinations of endogenous and

exogenous GIP and lipid, showed fairly convincingly that GIP

probably has a role in the removal of chylomicron

triglyceride in the rat. However, in chapter seven when the

experiments switched to humans the results did not agree with

those obtained in the rat. With the benefit of hindsight one

can see that there were flaws in the experimental design. The

hyper 1 ipidaemia following i.v. Intralipid was too short lived

(about 1 hour) to effectively mimic the physiological

response to oral fat, as was the hyperGIPaemia, being typical

for a carbohydrate load (short-lived) and not a fat load

(long-lived). Since everything else to do with the absorption

and removal of fat from the circulation is done at a fairly

slow pace, the possible stimulation of lipoprotein lipase by

GIP may also take longer than was allowed for in the

experimental design in chapter seven. It has been shown that

insulin induced adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase levels take

at least three hours to become significantly elevated (Sadur

and Eckel, 1980). In the future, were the experiment to be

repeated in humans, a continuous infusion of lipid should be

used, ideally purified human chylomicra but probably

Intralipid, mimicking physiological postprandial triglyceride

levels, together with an infusion of human GIP (ideally non-synthetic). Such an experiment should yield results more

page 257 in agreement with those in chapter five than those in chapter

seven. Repeating the anti-GIP antibody experiment (5.1) in

humans is not feasible for many reasons, including ethical as

well as practical difficulties.

9.1.4. Other future lines of research

I have already mentioned above future lines of research

which I believe stem directly from the work carried out in

this thesis. The role of fat in the development of insulin

resistance and hence the development of obesity requires long

term studies in humans to generate additional data. The

mechanism of GIP stimulated insulin release still needs

clarification. The change in the relationship between the GIP

and glucose receptors in the rat insulinoma when considered

with the work of Jorde et al. (1986) on glucose priming of

GIP-stimulation of insulin release in humans, suggests

further areas of research. The most intriguing of these, I

believe, would be to see if glucose priming could , at

euglycaemia (arterial glucose levels), allow oral fat to

stimulate insulin release, and whether this was achieved via

GIP. The role of fat could also be incorporated into this set of experiments, as the theory expounded at the end of section

9.1.1 suggests that the higher the habitual fat intake of the individual the greater the potential for fat-stimulated insulin release. High and low fat diet groups of "normals" could be compared together with obese hyperinsulinaemic subjects.

There is still a need for "a unifying theory" for the mechanism of nutrient-stimulated GIP release. Section 9.1.2 suggests experiments whose results may yield more information

page 258 on this subject. Detailed studies, in parallel, of the

processes involved in the absorption of carbohydrates, fats

and amino acids, and the subsequent release of GIP, will not

be an easy task. Further investigation of the mechanism of

nutrient-stimulated GIP release might also explain the

mechanism by which, in "normal subjects", insulin can inhibit

fat- but not glucose-stimulated IR-GIP release. This also

suggests an experiment to investigate possible feed-back

inhibition of amino-acid-stimulated IR-GIP release.

In section 9.1.3 there is an outline of an experiment

which, hopefully, should unequivocally demonstrate whether

GIP has a role in the removal of chylomicron triglyceride in


As in insulinoma bearing rats, glucose-stimulated

insulin release appears to be GIP, or at least incretin,

dependent. Further information on the relationship between

the GIP and glucose receptors on the pancreatic B-cell might

be gained by running the reverse of the Jorde et al. (1986)

experiment in insulinoma bearing and normal rats. The rats

would be primed with a large i.v. or i.p. dose of GIP, then

when the arterial plasma GIP levels had returned to basal,

the animals would receive an i.v. bolus of glucose. No-GIP controls would, of course, be required. It may be possible to demonstrate GIP-priming of glucose stimulated insulin release. If not, it would indicate a definite sequence of events for glucose/GIP- stimulated insulin release; more a

"combination lock" than a "dual key".

In chapters three, four and eight it has been argued that GIP may have a role in the development and maintainance of hyper insu1inaemia and obesity. An experiment which might provide additional data would be one in which an obese

page 259 animal, or one which should become obese, had all its GIP

cells removed. This could be achieved by immunologically

destroying the GIP-cells with GIP antibodies. The ob/ob mouse

would be an appropriate animal model as it becomes obese, and

it is small, so that large amounts of anti-GIP antibodies

would not be required. Control groups treated with non-immune

serum would be required. The antiserum would have to be

carefully screened in order to check for cross-reactions with

other gut hormones as this would cause problems with the

interpretation of results. It would probably be best to

affinity purify the antibody as this would reduce the amount

of antibody and foreign protein injected into the animals and

reduce the likelihood of anaphylaxis. Should the affinity

purified antibody still cross-react with any other gut or

pancreatic hormones these could be adsorbed on an appropriate

column. Two sets of experiments could be done. One would be

to see if the mice can be prevented from becoming obese. One

slight problem here is that only one quarter of the litter,

from heterozygous matings, are ob/ob, whilst the other three

quarters are lean ob/+ and lean +/+. Another experiment would

be to see if the antibody treatment could arrest or even

regress the development of obesity in the older mice.

One of the problems with the interpretation of IR-GIP

results in humans is that of cross-reactivity of the porcine

GIP antibodies, that we all work with, with human GIP.

Indeed Jorde et al. (1983) and Krarup and Holst (1984) have

shown that antisera from different research groups have widely differing cross reactivities with human GIP. Human GIP has now been sequenced (Jdrnval et al., 1981), and synthetic human GIP has been made and is now commercially available. No data has yet been published confirming 100 % biological

page 260 activity of the synthetic human GIP. A small research project

is alrady underway in our laboratory to purify human GIP

(both 5000 and 8000 molecular weight. Immuno-affinity

purification procedures, developed in the last few years with

my colleague Dr Kamran Beyzavi, will be used to purify GIP

from fresh human intestinal tissue. We hope to produce

material suitable for the production of monoclonal

antibodies, and then go on to purify it further for

sequencing. The monoclonal antibody will be used to develop

immunoassays, hopefully, for both 5000 and 8000 molecular

weight GIP.

Finally, work that I would like to suggest for the near

future would be to establish the existence, or otherwise, of

other incretins. In order to achieve this a modification of

the immunoaffinity techniques that we have developed would be

used. Whole pancreatic tissue would be taken and from this a

receptor fraction produced. This crude receptor fraction

with receptors for both endocrine and exocrine functions,

would be immobilised on our own rigid, inorganic, large pore

affinity matrix. A crude extract (aqueous or acid/ethanol) of

small intestine would be made and passed through the affinity

column. Any hormone for which the pancreas has a receptor

should remain on the column. The extract would then be

fractionated (molecular seive, ion exchange, electrophoresis

etc.) and assayed for incretin activity. A screening procedure for possible incretins would be required, and the easiest technique would probably be an in vitro technique using cultured rat insulinoma (RIN) cells. A likely candidate, once identified, would then be checked in vivo.

This screening technique would require that rat pancreatic and intestinal tissue be used. The use of human islets or

page 261 cultured insulinoma (should they be available) would allow

the use of human tissues, but in vivo testing would be

difficult both ethically and because of the amount of

"incretin" that would be required. Should an incretin other

than GIP be detected, purification, sequencing, monoclonal

antibody production and immunoassay development would

logically follow. Once the receptor column had been produced

the investigation of other possible hormones in an

"entero-pancreatic axis" would of course be possible. This

technique has the potential to be used in a variety of

situations where a hormonal tissue and a target tissue have been identified but where the messenger or messengers have not. The most important of these, with respect to future work from this thesis, would be the "entero-adipose ax is".


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page 282 249 Plasma immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide in obese hyperglycaemic {objob) mice

P. R. Flatt, C. J. Bailey*, P. Kwasowski, T. Page* and V. Ma r k s

Divisions of Nutrition and Fo o d Science and of Clinical Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford g u 2 5XH *Department of Biological Sciences, University of Aston in Birmingham, Birmingham B4 7ET

RECEIVED 31 August 1983


Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), a recognized protracted in the presence of rising hyperglycaemia. component of the enteroinsular axis, is raised in the Orally administered fat, glucose and amino acids plasma and intestine of obese hyperglycaemic {objob) raised G I P concentrations with fat having a parti­ mice. T o evaluate the control of plasma G I P and its cularly strong effect. Glucose and amino acids also role in the hyperinsulinaemia of the objob syndrome, evoked prominent increases of insulin, but fat G I P and insulin were determined at different ages in produced only a small rise in insulin in the absence of fed mice, and at 10-12 weeks of age after increasing glucose concentrations. Consistent with fasting/refeeding and administration of GIP, different glucose-potentiation, a mixture of all three nutrients nutrients and insulin to mice fasted for 18 h. Plasma greatly augmented the insulin response without further G I P and insulin were raised in adult (10- and 20-week- increase of plasma GIP. Glucose-induced increase in old) compared with younger (3- and 5-week-old) mice, endogenous insulin and doses of exogenous insulin up although G I P was not increased in the presence of to 100 units/kg did not suppress basal, fat-stimulated hyperinsulinaemia at 3 weeks of age. Fasting or glucose-stimulated GI P release. The results indicate suppressed and refeeding promptly restored plasma that raised G I P concentrations m a k e an important G I P and insulin concentrations. Administration of contribution to the hyperinsulinaemia and related G I P to mimic postprandial concentrations evoked a metabolic abnormalities of the objob syndrome. marked but transient insulin response which was J. (1984) 101,249-256

INTRODUCTION and possibly fatty acids contributes in this respect (Berne, 1974; Flatt & Bailey, 1982a, 6, 1984). H o w ­ The objob syndrome in mice is the most extensively ever, the importance of neural and endocrine c o m ­ studied animal model of spontaneous obesity and ponents of the enteroinsular axis is highlighted by the diabetes (Herberg & Coleman, 1977; Bray & York, presence of an insulin response to oral but not 1979). Characteristically these mice exhibit hyper­ parenteral glucose, and the augmented insulin phagia, marked obesity, moderate hyperglycaemia response to feeding in conditioned mice (Flatt & and severe hyperinsulinaemia (Bailey, Flatt & Atkins, Bailey, 1981a, 1983). 1982). Increased insulin concentrations constitute a Studies in m a n and experirnental animals have major pathogenic influence, promoting excessive tri­ implicated gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP; also glyceride deposition and glucose intolerance through k n o w n as glucose-dependent insulinotrophic poly­ insulin resistance and pancreatic A-cell dysfunction peptide) as a physiological component of the entero­ (Assimacopoulos-Jeannet & Jeanrenaud, 1976; Flatt insular axis (Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt, Ebert, Na u c k & Bailey, 1981a; Flatt, Bailey & Buchanan, 1982). In & Stockmann, 1983). Consistent with observations in fed adult o6/o6 mice the extent of hyperinsulinaemia is h u m a n obesity and type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) related to both the quantity and composition of the diabetes mellitus (Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt et al. food ingested (Bailey et al. 1982; Flatt & Bailey, 1982a, 1983), increased G I P concentrations have been 1984). A direct insulinotrophic effect of amino acids reported in genetically obese-diabetic objob and dbjdb

J. Endocr. ( 1984) 101,249-256 © 1984 Journal of Endocrinology Ltd Printed in Great Britain 0022-0795/84/0101-0249 $02.00/0 250 p. R. FLATT and others • Plasma GIP in o b /o b mice

mice (Flatt, Bailey, Kwasowski et al. 1983). This study was not possible due to the large volume of plasma investigates the regulation of immunoreactive GI P in required for GI P determination (200 pi compared with objob mice, and evaluates the involvement of patho­ 20 pi for objob mice). Plasma was separated and stored logically raised G I P concentrations in the hyper­ as described previously (Flatt et al. 1982). Basal insulinaemia and associated features of the syndrome. plasma glucose, insulin and GI P concentrations were measured in fed mice at 3, 5, 10 and 20 weeks of age. The effects of fasting for 24 h and refeeding with a MATERIALS AND METHODS standard diet available ad libitum were examined at 10 weeks of age. F o o d intake was monitored in this Animals experiment. All other studies were conducted using Obese hyperglycaemic {objob) mice and lean (-f/?) mice fasted for 18 h at 10-12 weeks of age. Food, but mice from the colony maintained at the University of not water, was withheld during the test procedures. Aston in Birmingham were used. The origin and The following nutrients were administered by gastric characteristics of Aston objob mice have been intubation in a volume corresponding to 8 ml/kg body described in detail elsewhere (Flatt & Bailey, 19816; weight: {a) fat emulsion (Intralipid; Kabi Vitrum Ltd, Bailey et al. 1982). Mice were housed in an air- Ealing) containing 770 mg fractionated soybean oil/kg conditioned ro o m at 22 + 2 °C with a lighting schedule body weight, 87 mg glycerol/kg body weight and 46 mg of 12 h light (08.00-20.00 h) and 12 h darkness. A fractionated egg lecithin/kg body weight (32-2kJ/kg), standard pellet diet (Mouse breeding diet, Heygate & (6) 2 g glucose/kg body weight (32-2kJ/kg), (c) a mix­ Sons Ltd, Northampton) and tap water were available ture of essential and non-essential amino acids (Syn- ad libitum. The standard diet comprised 2-5% fat, thamin 17; Travenol Laboratories Ltd, Thetford, Suf­ 17-6% protein and 46-8% carbohydrate (digestible folk) containing 0-8 g L-amino acids/kg body weight energy 876 kJ/kg) with fibre, vitamins and minerals as (135-2m g nitrogen/kg) and {d) a fat-glucose-amino described elsewhere (Flatt & Bailey, 1982a). acids mixture comprising equal volumes of the three preparations. In addition, 2 g glucose/kg body weight, 40 pg porcine GIP/kg body weight (Professor J. C. Experimental procedures Brown, University of British Columbia, Canada), and Mice were adapted to the manipulative procedures for 5 and 100 units m o n o c o m p o n e n t porcine insulin/kg 2 weeks before study. Blood samples were obtained body weight (Actrapid; No v o Industria, Copenhagen) from the cut tip of the tail in the conscious state at the were given by intraperitoneal injection in a volume of times shown in the figures. Serial sampling of lean mice 5 ml/kg body weight.

15 30 1500

10 z 20 1000

E 10 500

3 5 10 20 3 5 10 20 3 5 10 20 Age (weeks)

FIGURE 1. Changes with age in plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in fed obese {objob) mice. Values are means+S.E.M. of groups of seven to ten mice. *P<0-05 compared with 3 and 5 weeks of age; fP<0-05 compared with 3 weeks of age (Student’s unpaired r-test).

J. Endocr. (1984) 101,249-256 Plasma G IP in ob/ob mice • p. r. fla tt and others 251

Analyses Fasting Refeeding ' 1 1 Plasma glucose was measured by an automated 15 glucose oxidase procedure (Stevens, 1971) and insulin was determined by dextran-coated charcoal radio­ if immunoassay using crystalline mouse insulin (Novo 10 ■ V r Industria) as standard (Flatt & Bailey, 19816). G I F |i was measured by radioimmunoassay (Morgan, Morris & Marks, 1978) using donkey anti-rabbit g a m m a globulin antiserum (Guildhay Antisera, University of --1_____ II_____ 1 —I------1— Surrey, Guildford) for separation of free from bound antigen. Porcine G I P (J. C. Brown) was used to prepare ^^^I-labelled tracer and as standard. Im m u n o - adsorbed hormone-free plasma was used to minimize non-specific interference and parallelism was de m o n ­ strated between the standard curve and serially diluted objob mouse plasma. The GI P antiserum (RIC 34/111; I* Guildhay Antisera) was raised in a rabbit against a porcine GIP-glutaraldehyde-ovalbumin conjugate. This antiserum recognizes both 5000 and 8000 molecular forms of GIP, and exhibits negligible cross­ reactivity with other enteropancreatic hormones. 3000 Assay sensitivity was llOng/1 and the interassay coefficient of variation was 4-1% at 2677 ng/1 and S s 2000 22-5% at 138 ng/1. Groups of data were compared using Student’s paired and unpaired /-tests as 1000 - appropriate. Differences were considered to be significant at P < 0-05. Iff RESULTS Ilf Basal plasma GIF concentrations (Fig. 1)

T o investigate changes of GI P with age in relation to Time (h) other features of the objob syndrome, plasma GIP concentrations were determined in fed objob mice at 3, FIGURE 2. Effect of a 24-h fast and refeeding with standard 5, 10 and 20 weeks of age. Consistent with previous diet available ad libitum on plasma concentrations of glu­ observations, the onset of hyperinsulinaemia preceded cose, insulin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in 10- the development of hyperglycaemia (Bailey et al. to 12-week-old obese {objob) mice. Values are means + S.E.M. of eight mice. All values are significantly (P < 0 05) 1982). Plasma G I P concentrations, like those of raised compared with time zero (Student’s paired /-test). insulin, were higher at 10-20 weeks of age compared Mean values for food intake are shown. with younger mice. As reported elsewhere (Flatt et al. 1983), the GI P concentrations of adult objob mice are substantially greater than age-matched lean ( -f- /?) mice. However, in 3-week-old weaning mice G I P Responses to fasting and refeeding (Fig. 2) concentrations were not significantly different between the objob mutants (782 + 163 ng/1 (s.e.m .), n = 9) and In view of the k n o w n relationship between feeding lean ( + /?) controls (752 +1 8 8 ng/1, n = 7), although activity and hyperinsulinaemia in objob mice (Flatt & plasma insulin concentrations were already raised in Bailey, 1982a, 1984; Bailey et al. 1982), GI P responses objob mice at this age (4 3 + 0 7 pg/1 and 1 4 + 0 5 pg/l to fasting and refeeding were examined. Plasma GI P in objob and +/? mice respectively). Interestingly, the concentrations fell during fasting, coincident with a G I P concentrations of weaning lean ( + /?) mice were marked reduction of insulin and a decline in glucose. higher than reported in adult life (Flatt et al. 1983), Refeeding with a standard diet available ad libitum possibly reflecting the relatively high proportion of fat evoked prominent and sustained increases in all three and galactose in the milk. parameters.

J. Endocr. (1984) 101,249-256 252 P. R. FLATT and others • Plasma GIP in o b /o b mice

(a) 30

STbSIs i 10 h


0 -I____ L 2000

0 ^ 1500 K, E&iwm t i 500

0 J I L 0 30 60 120 0 30 60 120 0 30 60 0 30 60 Time (min)

FIGURE 3. Effects of orally administered (a) fat emulsion, (6) glucose, (c) amino acids and (d) a fat emulsion- glucose-amino acids mixture on plasma glucose, insulin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in 10- to 12-week-old obese {objob) mice fasted for 18 h. Values are means ± s.e.m, of six mice. *P < 0 05 compared with time zero (Student’s paired /-test).

Responses to fat, glucose and amino acids(Fig. 3) insulin and possibly glucose as such (Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt et al. 1983; M a r k s & Morgan, 1984), the Fat, glucose and amino acids were administered orally, effects of intraperitoneal glucose and insulin on basal alone and as a mixture to objob mice fasted for 18 h, to G I P concentrations were examined in objob mice. evaluate the role of individual nutrients in the GI P and Plasma GI P was not affected either by glucose or by insulin responses to feeding. All nutrients raised GI P insulin at a low or inordinately high dose (5 and 100 concentrations, although a particularly strong G I P units insulin/kg). response was generated by the fat emulsion. However, fat and amino acids produced smaller insulin Effects of insulin on responses to fat and glucose(Fig. 6) responses than glucose, while a combination of the three nutrients had a marked insulinotrophic effect. T o investigate the control of plasma GI P further, the effect of exogenous insulin on the GI P responses to fat Effects of glucose on response to fat(Fig. 4) and glucose was examined in objob mice. Consistent with the lack of effect on basal G I P concentrations, The extent to which glucose potentiates the insulin- doses of insulin up to 100 units/kg failed to affect either releasing effect of fat was examined by intraperitoneal fat- or glucose-stimulated G I P release, although the injection of glucose 30 min after oral administration of insulin was effective in suppressing plasma glucose. the fat emulsion. In this experiment the increase of plasma G I P was associated with raised glucose Effects of exogenous GIF(Fig. 7) concentrations and a marked insulin response which considerably exceeded that produced by intra­ The insulinotrophic action of exogenous G I P was peritoneal glucose alone (Flatt & Bailey, 1981a). evaluated in objob mice in the absence and presence of a glycaemic response induced by intraperitoneal glucose. Under conditions of basal hyperglycaemia, Effects of glucose and insulin on basal GIF(Fig. 5) G I P evoked a marked and transient insulin response Since there are reports that GI P secretion is suppressed without change in plasma glucose. In the presence of by endogenous insulin released by glucose, exogenous rising hyperglycaemia after glucose administration.

J. Endocr. (1984) 101,249-256 Plasma GIP in ob/ob mice - p. R. flatt and others 253

G I P produced a similarly marked but considerably 2035 ng GIP/1 at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 30 min respectively) protracted insulin response which cannot be explained were similar to those observed in actively feeding objob by a direct effect of glucose alone (Flatt & Bailey, mice (Flatt et al. 1983). The concentration declined to 1981a). Concentrations of GI F achieved during these 693 ng GIP/1 by 90 min indicating a relatively short experiments (mean values 654, 3383, 5175, 4955 and half-life of this hormone in objob mice.


Ü 500 2000 I I 1000 Time (min)

n o u R E 5. Effect of intraperitoneally administered glucose (2 g/kg; #), a low dose of insulin (5 units/kg; A) or a high Time (min) dose of insulin (100 units/kg; ■) on plasma concentrations of glucose and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in 10- to 12-week-old obese {objob) mice fasted for 18 h. Values FIGURE 4. Effect of glucose (#) or saline (O) on fat-stimu­ are means ± s.e.m. of six mice. All plasma glucose levels lated plasma concentrations of gastric inhibitory polypep­ at 30 and 60 min are significantly different {P < 0 05, tide (GIP) and on glucose and insulin in 10- to 12-week-old Student’s paired /-test) from time zero. obese {objob) mice fasted for 18 h. Fat emulsion was ad­ ministered orally at time zero and glucose or an equivalent volume (5 ml/kg) of saline (0 154 mm o l NaCl/1) was admini­ stered intraperitoneally at 30 min. Values are means+ s.e.m. of six mice. * P < 0 05 compared with saline-treated mice (Student’s unpaired /-test).

J. Endocr. (1984) 101,249-256 254 P. R. FLATT and others • Plasma GIF in o b /o b mice

30. - W






Ü 1000


0 0 30 60 90 0 30 60 90 Time (min)

FIGURE 6. Effect of saline (0-154 mm o l NaCl/1; O), a low dose of insulin (5 units/kg; A) or a high dose of insulin (100 units/kg; ■) administered intraperitoneally at 30 min, on plasma concentrations of glucose and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIF) after stimulation by (a) fat emulsion and (b) glucose administered orally at time zero in 10- to 12-week-old obese (ob/ob) mice fasted for 18 h. Values are means+s.e.m. of six mice. There were no significant differences of plasma GIF values between the three groups of mice.


10 •— 0



0 0 5 15 30 0 5 15 30 Time (min)

J. Endocr. (1984) 101,249-256 Plasma GIP in ob/ob mice • p. r. fla tt and others 255

DISCUSSION the insulin-releasing actions of fat and amino acids are potentiated by dietary carbohydrate (Flatt & Raised plasma GI P concentrations have been reported Bailey, 1984) mediated partly through raised G I P in some cases of h u m a n obesity, untreated type 1 concentrations. (insulin-dependent) diabetes and type 2 diabetes Studies in m a n and laboratory animals have (Bloom, 1975; Crockett, Mazzaferri & Cataland, 1976; suggested that under normal physiological conditions, M a y & Williams, 1978; Ross & Dupre, 1978; feedback inhibition by insulin on intestinal K-cell Deschamps, Heptner, Desjeux et al. 1980; Brown, function plays a role in the regulation of basal and 1982; Salera, Giacomoni, Pironi èt al. 1982; nutrient-stimulated GIÇ,concentrations (Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt et al. 1983), and in certain spontaneously Creutzfeldt et al. 1983; Hampton, Kwasowski, Tan et obese-diabetic rodents, namely glycosurie Djungarian al. 1983; Ma r k s & Morgan, 1984). A breakdown in this hamsters (Buchanan, Alam, Hanna et al. 1982) and mechanism has been suggested as a factor contributing both objob and dbjdb mice (Flatt et al. 1983). The to the increased GI P concentrations in certain cases of present study evaluates the raised plasma G I P h u m a n obesity and diabetes mellitus (Brown, 1982; concentrations of objob mice and demonstrates an Creutzfeldt et al. 1983; M a r k s & Morgan, 1984). In important physiological role of G I P in promoting objob mice, glucose-induced increase in endogenous insulin secretion, especially in the presence of rising insulin and amounts of insulin tested which would be hyperglycaemia. Thus, the insulinotrophic action of fatal in lean mice did not suppress basal, fat-stimulated exogenous GI P was potentiated by glucose as shown or glucose-stimulated G I P concentrations. Thus in­ elsewhere (Brown, 1982; Szecowka, Grill, Sandberg & sulin at the inordinately large dose used in the present Efendic, 1982), and a powerful insulin response to study was an ineffective inhibitor of G I P secretion fat-stimulated G I P release was unmasked by an in objob mice. accompanying increase in the level of glycaemia. Since Although the physiological action of G I P in glucose alone constitutes a poor insulinotrophic normoglycaemic m a n is equivocal (Verdonk, Rizza, stimulus in objob mice (Flatt & Bailey, 198In), these Nelson et al. 1980; Sarson, Wo o d , Holder & Bloom, observations indicate an important glucose-dependent 1982), this study has shown that hypersecretion of GI P role of GI P in the maintenance of hyperinsulinaemia. in response to feeding in objob mice is a major insulino­ The changes with age and the effects of fasting and trophic stimulus in the presence of rising hyper­ refeeding on plasma insulin and G I P concentrations glycaemia. Increased G I P concentrations therefore are consistent with this view. However, the onset of promote hyperinsulinaemia, although additional hyperinsulinaemia by 3 weeks of age, before the contributory factors include direct and glucose- increase of either basal GI P or glucose concentrations potentiated islet stimulation by amino acids and suggests the involvement of other factors in the neuroendocrine components of the enteroinsular axis aetiology of the hyperinsulinaemia. other than GI P (Bobbioni & Jeanrenaud, 1982; Ebert A plausible basis for raised GI P concentrations of & Creutzfeldt, 1982; Flatt & Bailey, 19826, 1983). objob mice resides in part with intestinal hypertrophy Accordingly, G I P participates in the metabolic associated with an increase in the number and abnormalities of objob mice through the hyperinsulin­ hormone content of G I P secreting K-cells (Polak, aemia and its associated pathological consequences Pearse, Grimelius & Marks, 1975; Flatt et al. 1983). In (Assimacopoulos-Jeannet & Jeanrenaud, 1976). addition, hypersecretion of GI P is thought to result However, other actions of GI P (Brown, 1982), such as from excessive alimentation and abnormal regulation stimulation of glucagon secretion, inhibition of gastric of K-cell function. Administration of fat, glucose and acid secretion and facilitation of lipogenesis in adipose amino acids confirmed that all nutrients raised G I P tissue, are also likely to be involved in the manifesta­ concentrations with a particularly marked response to tion of the objob syndrome. fat (Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt et al. 1983). Whereas glucose and amino acids evoked prominent insulin responses, fat produced only a small rise in insulin ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in the absence of an accompanying increase in glu­ cose. The effect of fat and the pronounced insulin re­ The authors acknowledge the excellent animal care sponse to the combined nutrient mixture indicate that provided by M. Gamble, P. Behan and B. Burford.

FIGURE 7. Effect of intraperitoneally administered gastric inhibitory polypeptide (40 pg/kg) (a) alone and (6) together with glucose (2 g/kg) on plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin in 10- to 12-week-old obese (objob) mice fasted for 18 h. Values are means ±s.E.M. of four mice. *? < 0 05 compared with time zero (Student’s paired t-test).

J. Endocr. (1984) 101,249-256 256 p. R. FLATT and others • Plasma GIP in o b /o b mice

REFERENCES Flatt, P. R. & Bailey, C. J. (1984). Dietary components and plasma insulin responses to fasting and refeeding in genetically obese hyperglycaemic (objob) mice. British Journal o f Nutrition 51. Assimacopoulos-Jeannet, F. & Jeanrenaud, B. (1976). The hor­ Flatt, P. R., Bailey, C. J. & Buchanan, K. D. (1982). Regulation of monal and metabolic basis of experimental obesity. Clinics in plasma immunoreactive glucagon in obese hyperglycaemic Endocrinology and Metabolism 5, 337-365. Bailey, C. J., Flatt, P. R. & Atkins, T. W. (1982). Influence of (objob) mice. Journal o f Endocrinology 95, 215-227. Flatt, P. R , Bailey, C. J., Kwasowski, P., Swanston-Flatt, S. K. & genetic background and age on the expression of the obese Marks, V. (1983). Abnormalities of GIF in spontaneous syn­ hyperglycaemic syndrome in Aston objob mice. International dromes of obesity and diabetes in mice. Diabetes 32,433-435. Journal o f Obesity 6,11-21. Hampton, S. M., Kwasowski, P., Tan, K., Morgan, L. M. & Berne, C. (1974). Studies on the lipid metabolism in the pancreatic Marks, V. (1983). Effect of pretreatment with a high fat diet on B-cells of mice. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis No. 215. the gastric inhibitory polypeptide and insulin responses to oral Bloom, S. R. (1975). GIF in diabetes. Diabetologia 11, 334. triolein and glucose in rats. Diabetologia 24,278-281. Bobbioni, E. & Jeanrenaud, B. (1982). Possible role of the CNS in Herberg, L. & Coleman, D. L. (1977). Laboratory animals ex­ regulating insulin secretion via humoral factors. International hibiting obesity and diabetes syndromes. Metabolism 26, 59-99. Journal o f Obesity 6, SappXA, 21-25. Marks, V. & Morgan, L. (1984). The entero-insular axis. In Recent Bray, G. A. & York, D. A. (1979). Hypothalamic and genetic advances in diabetes, vol. 1, pp. 55-71. Eds M. Nattrass & J. V. obesity in experimental animals: an autonomic and endocrine Santiago. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. hypothesis. 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J. Endocr. (1984) 101,249-256 Bioscience Reports 5, 701-705 (1985) 701 Printed in Great Britain

Effects of fatty acid chain length and saturation on gastric inhibitory polypeptide release in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice

Piotr KWASOWSKI!, Peter R. FLATJl, Clifford J. BAILEY2 and Vincent M ARKS! ^Department of Biochemistry, Divisions of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition & Food Science, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.; and '^Department of Molecular Sciences, Division of Biology, Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.

(Received 12 August 1985)

Pl a s m a gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) responses to equimolar intragastrically administered emulsions of fatty acids (2.62 mmol/7.5 ml/kg) were examined in 18 h fasted obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice. Propionic acid (C3:0), a saturated short-chain fatty acid, and capric acid (C10:0), a saturated medium chain fatty acid, did not significantly stimulate GIP release. H o w e v e r , the saturated long-chain fatty acid stearic acid (C18;0), and especially the unsaturated long-chain fatty acids oleic (C18:l), linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) acids produced a marked GIP response. The results show that chain length and to a lesser extent the degree of saturation are important determinants of fatty acid-stimulated GIP release. T h e GIP-release action of long-chain, but not short-chain, fatty acids m a y be related to differences in their intracellular handling.

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is secreted by the K-cells of the intestinal mucosa during the alimentary processing of food (Brown, 1982; Creutzfeldt, 1982; Marks & Morgan, 1983). In addition to its possible role in the control of gastric acid secretion (Brown, 1982), GIP exerts a glucose dependent insulin-releasing effect on the pancreatic islet B-cells, and constitutes a physiological c o m p o n e n t of the enteroinsular axis ( B r own, 1982; Creutzfeldt, 1982; Marks <5c Morgan, 1983). Studies in m a n y species, including man, have sho w n that GIP secretion is stimulated by carbohydrates, proteins and fats (Brown, 1982). Dietary fats provide an especially potent stimulus for G I P release (Brown et al., 1975; Falko et al., 1975; O'Dorisio et al., 1976), but the m e c h a n i s m is not established. Thus, in contrast to the prominent effect of triglycerides, variable GIP responses have been observed to fatty acids and mono- and di-glycerides (Ross & Shaffer, 1981; Williams et al., 1981). Recent studies have identified the genetically 702 KWASOWSKI ET AL.

obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) m o u s e as a valuable model to investi­ gate G IP release. This model exhibits intestinal hypertrophy (Flatt et al., 1983) and enteroendocrine hyperplasia (Polak et al., 1975), with enhanced basal and nutrient-stimulated GIP concentrations (Flatt et al., 1983, 1984). T h e present study investigates the effects of fatty acid chain length and saturation on GIP release in ob/ob mice. Materials and Methods

Groups of Aston obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice from the colony maintained at Surrey University were used at 12-18 weeks of age. The origin and characteristics of Aston ob/ob mice have been described elsewhere (Flat & Bailey, 1981; Bailey et al., 1982). Mice were housed in an air-conditioned room at 22 ± 2°C with a lighting schedule of 12 h light (0700-1900 h) and 12 h darkness. A standard pellet diet (Spratts Laboratory Diet 1, Lillico Ltd., Reigate, U.K.) and tap water were supplied ad libitum. This diet comprised 3.596 fat, 21. 5 % protein and 4 8 % carbohydrate (digestible energy 14.2 MJ/kg) with added fibre, vitamins and minerals. Fatty acids (Sigma Chemical Company Ltd., Poole, U.K.) were administered intragastrically as an aqueous emulsion (2.62 mmol/7.5 ml/kg) to conscious 18 h fasted mice. The dose corresponded with the overall composition of the fat emulsion (Intralipid, Kabi Vitrum Ltd., Ealing, U.K.) previously tested in ob/ob mice (Flatt et al., 1984). T h e fatty acids (with n umbers of carbon atoms: unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds, and dose in mg/kg) were: propionic acid (C3:0, 194 mg/kg), capric acid (C10:0, 451 mg/kg), stearic acid (C18:0, 746 mg/kg), oleic acid (C18:l, 741 mg/kg), linoleic acid (C18:2, 735 mg/kg) and linolenic acid (C18:3, 730 mg/kg). Blood samples (60 pi) were taken from the tail-tip of conscious mice immediately before and at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after fatty acid administration. Plasma GIP was measured by radioimmunoassay (Morgan et al., 1978) using donkey anti-rabbit g a m m a globulin antiserum (Guildhay Antisera, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.) for separation of free from bound antigen. Porcine GIP (Professor J.C. Brown, University of British Columbia, Canada) was used to prepare 125i_Gip and as standard. Immunoadsorbed GIP-free human plasma was added to the tubes of the standard curve used to minimize non-specific interference, and parallelism was demonstrated between the standard curve and serially diluted ob/ob m o u s e plasma. T h e G I P antiserum (RIC 34/III; Guildhay Antisera) recognizes both 5000 and 8000 molecular forms of GIP. It exhibits negligible cross reactivity (less than 1 % ) with other entero-pancreatic hormones, including cholecystokinin, glucagon, gut glucagon-like immunoreactivity (enteroglucagon), insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, proinsulin C-peptide, secretin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Groups of data we r e c o m p a r e d by analysis of variance ( A N O V A ) . Differences were considered to be significant if P < 0.05, and these were confirmed using Student's paired and unpaired t-tests as appropriate. Results

Mean basal plasma GIP concentrations in the experimental groups of 18 h fasted ob/ob mice were 526-614 pg/ml (Fig. 1). Oral administration of propionic acid, a saturated short-chain (C3:0) fatty FATTY ACIDS AND GASTRIC INHIBITORY PEPTIDE 703

Propionic acid Capric acid Stearic acid 2000 (C10:0) (C18;0) A691 ± 350 A 216 ± 281 A1348 ± 436 j


Oleic acid Linoleic acid Linolenic acid — 3000 (018:1) (018:2) (018:3) A2389 + 382 A2550 +691 A l 508 + 665



0 30 60 90 1200 30 60 90 120 0 30 60 90 120 Minutes Fig. 1. Effects of fatty acid chain length and saturation on plasma GIP concentrations in 18 h fasted ob/ob mice. Fatty acids were administered intragastrically as an aqueous emulsion at a dose of 2.62 mmol/7.5 ml/kg. Numbers of carbon atoms and unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds are shown in parentheses. A values represent the increment above basal for the GIP response expressed as pg*ml“^*b, calculated as described in the Results. Values are presented as means ± SEM of 5-6 mice.

acid, and capric acid, a saturated medium-chain (Cl 0:0 ) fatty acid, did not significantly alter plasma GIP concentrations. However, the saturated and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:I), linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3) produced a 3-4-foId elevation (P < 0.01) of plasma GIP concentrations between 60 and 120 min. Mean increments above basal areas for the GIP responses were calculated as the sum of values at 30-120 min minus 4 times the basal value, and divided by 2 to give final expres­ sion as pg*ml“l*h. T h e increments above basal were: propionic acid 691 ± 350 ( m e a n ± S E M ) , capric acid 216 ± 281, stearic acid 1348 ± 436, oleic acid 2389 ± 382, linoleic acid 2550 ± 691, and linolenic acid 1508 ± 665. T h e GIP response to oleic acid was significantly greater (P < 0.05-0.01) than the responses to propionic, capric and stearic acids, but not significantly greater than to linoleic and linolenic acids. Discussion

Fat-stimulated GIP release is dependent on intraluminal hydrolysis of triglycerides and absorption of the digestion products. Accordingly, GIP release is compromised in conditions of impaired fat digestion such as cystic fibrosis and chronic pancreatitis (Ross Shaffer, 1981; Ebert <5c Creutzfeldt, 1980), and in the latter condition extracts of pancreatic enzymes partially restore the GIP responses to oral fat 704 KWASOWSKI ET AL.

(Ebert & Creutzfeldt, 1980). In contrast, retardation of fat absorp­ tion with cholestyramine impairs GIP release (Ebert & Creutzfeldt, 1980). Previous studies on the relative importance of triglyceride digestion products in fat-stimulated GIP release have produced equivocal results. Thus, medium-chain triglycerides, monoglycerides, glycerol and both saturated and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids such as palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids have all been reported to lack stimulatory effects on GIP release (Ross & Shaffer, 1981; Williams et al., 1981). In the present study, oral administration of the short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids, propionic (C3:0) and capric (ClOtO) acids, failed to produce a significant G IP response. However, equimolar administration of a long-chain saturated fatty acid (stearic acid, C18:0) and especially the long-chain unsaturated fatty acids (oleic C18:l, linoleic C18:2, and linolenic C18.3 acids) produced a marked GIP response. Short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids are absorbed more rapidly than long-chain fatty acids, and the more potent GlP-releasing unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are absorbed faster than their saturated counterparts (Clement, 1980; Thomson & Dietschy, 1981). This indicates that G I P release is not related only to the rate of cellular uptake of fatty acids, an event which does not demand energy expenditure (Clement, 1980; Thomson & Dietschy, 1981). It is therefore likely that the stimulus for fat-induced GIP release is generated during the intracellular handling and metabolism of fatty acids. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids are transferred across the intestinal epithelium without estérification. However, long-chain fatty acids are conveyed to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum for estérifi­ cation prior to incorporation into chylomicrons and exocytosis into the intercellular c o m p a r t m e n t (Clement, 1980; T h o m s o n & Dietschy, 1981). T h e GlP-releasing action of fatty acids m a y be coupled therefore to the extent of estérification, an energy-consuming metabolic process confined to long-chain fatty acids (Clement, 1980; Thomson & Dietschy, 1981). Previous studies on the m e c h a n i s m of carbohydrate- stimulated GIP release have shown that only actively transported sugars, such as glucose and galactose, stimulate G IP secretion (Sykes et al., 1980). Thus there may be a common link between metabolic and secretory events responsible for nutrient-regulation of GIP release from the intestinal K-cells.

References Bailey CJ, Flatt PR & Atkins TW (1982) Influence of genetic background and age on the expression of the obese byper- glycaemic syndrome in Aston ob/ob mice. Int. J. Obes. 6, 11-21. Brown JC (1982) Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide. Monographs on Endocrinology, vol. 24, pp 1-88, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Brown JC, Dryburgb JR, Ross SE & Dupre J (1975) Identification and actions of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Recent Prog. Horm. Res. 31, 487-532. Clement J (1980) Intestinal absorption of triglycerols. Reprod. Nutr. Develop. 20, 1285-1307. FATTY ACIDS AND GASTRIC INHIBITORY PEPTIDE 705

Creutzfeldt W (1982) Castrointestinal peptides - role in pathophysiology and disease. Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 17, suppl. 77, 7-20. Ebert R & Creutzfeldt W (1980) Decreased GIP secretion through impairment of absorption. In: Frontiers in Hormone Research, vol 7, pp 192-201 (Creutzfeldt W, ed), Karger, Basel. Falko JM, Crockett SE, Cataland S & Mazzaferri EL (1976) Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIF). Intestinal distribution and stimulation by amino acids and medium chain triglycerides. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 41, 260-265. Flatt PR & Bailey CJ (1981) Abnormal plasma glucose and insulin responses in heterozygous lean (ob/+) mice. Diabetologia 20, 573-577. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ, Kwasowski P, Swanston-Flatt SK & Marks V (1983) Abnormalities of GIF in spontaneous syndromes of diabetes and obesity in mice. Diabetes 32, 433-435. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ, Kwasowski P, Page T & Marks V (1984) Plasma immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice. J. Endocrinol. 101, 249-256. Marks V & Morgan LM (1984) The enteroinsular axis. In: Recent Advances in Diabetes, vol 1, pp 55-71 (Nattrass M & Santiago JV, eds), Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Morgan LM, Morris BA & Marks V (1978) Radioimmunoassay of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Ann. Clin. Biochem. 15, 172-177. O'Dorisio TM, Cataland S, Stevenson M & Mazzaferri EL (1976) Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIF). Intestinal distribution and stimulation by amino acids and medium chain triglycerides. Am. J. Dig. Dis. 21, 761-765. Polak JM, Pearce ACE, Grimelius L & Marks V (1975) Castrointestinal apudosis in obese hyperglycaemic mice. Virchows Arch. (Cell. Pathol.) 19, 135-150. Ross SA & Shaffer EA (1981) The importance of triglyceride hydrolysis for the release of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Gastroenterology 80, 108-111. Sykes S, Morgan LM, English J & Marks V (1980) Evidence for preferential secretion of gastric inhibitory polypeptide in the rat by actively transported carbohydrates and their analogues. J. Endocrinol. 85, 201-207. Thomson ABR & Dietschy JM (1981) Intestinal lipid absorption: major extracellular and intracellular events. In Physiology of the Castrointestinal Tract, vol 2, pp 1147-1220 (Johnson LR, ed). Raven Press, New York. Williams RJ, May, JM & Biebroeck JB (1981) Determinants of gastric inhibitory polypeptide and insulin secretion. Metabolism 30, 36-40. REPRINTED FROM:


Aims Now entering its sixth year of publication, Regulatory Peptides has realised its aim to handle all submitted manuscripts efficiently, wisely and fairly and to publish accepted articles as rapidly as possible. It is the policy of the Journal to expand to meet demands so that articles will not be delayed by an inflexible publication schedule.

Scope REGULATORY PEPTIDES publishes reports of interdisciplinary studies on the physiology and pathology of peptides of the gut, endocrine and nervous systems which regulate cell or tissue function. Articles emphasizing these objectives may be based on either fundamental or clinical observations obtained through the disciplines of morphology, cytochemistry, biochemistry, physiology, pathology, pharmacology or psychology. EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Floyd E. Bloom (La Jolla, California, U.S.A.) Rolf Hakanson (Lund, Sweden)

ASSISTANT EDITORS Marvin Brown (San Diego, California, U.S.A.) Frank Sundler (Lund, Sweden)

EDITORIAL BOARD J.D. Baxter, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. R.A. NIcoll, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. S.R. Bloom, London, U.K. J.M. Polak, London, U.K. G.J. Dockray, Liverpool, U.K. J.F. Rehfeld, Copenhagen, Denmark J.D. Gardner, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. E, Solda, Pavia, Italy V.L.W. Go, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. L.O. Uttenthal, London, U.K. I.M. Modlln, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. N. Yanalhara, Shizuoka, Japan

Manuscripts should be submitted to: Floyd E. Bloom Rolf Hakanson Division of Preclinical Neuroscience Department of Pharmacology and Endocrinology University of Lund Research Institute of Scripps Clinic Solvegatan 10 10666 North Torrey Pines Road S-223 62 Lund La Jolla, CA 92037, U.S.A. Sweden

© 1985/86 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division) Printed in The Netherlands Regulatory Peptides, 13 (1986) 163-168 163 Elsevier

RPT 00444

Differential insulin responses to oral and intravenous glucose in the transplantable rat insulinoma - a role for GIP

K.S. Tan, P. K w a s o w s k i a n d V. M a r k s

Division o f Clinical Biochemistry, Biochemistry Department, University o f Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, United Kingdom (Received 18 April 1985; revised manuscript received 19 June 1985; accepted for publication 12 October 1985)


W e have previously demonstrated an impaired insulin response to intraperitoneal glucose and arginine by the transplantable N E D H rat insulinoma. The nature of this tumour B-cell defect has been further studied by investigating the response of insu­ linoma-bearing rats to intravenous and intragastric glucose. Intravenous glucose failed to stimulate plasma immunoreactive insulin (IRI) above high basal levels (14.5 ± 1.1 /tg/L). However, significant elevation of the plasma IRI concentration was observed following an intragastric glucose load (17.1 ± 1 . 5 jUg/L; P < 0.02). In view of the different effects of oral and intravenous glucose on insulin secretion in the RIN, implicating an involvement of incretin factors from the gut, the response of the tumour to GI F was investigated. Plasma IRI concentrations rose significantly in these animals (20.6 ± 2.5 jUg/L at 5 min, P < 0.02). W e conclude that (a) the transplantable rat insulinoma is responsive to GIP, and (b) that whilst the tumour B-cell has lost its insulin responsiveness to hyperglycaemia produced by intraperitoneal or intravenous glucose, it retains its ability to respond to intragastric glucose. This could be due to incretin factors from the gut of which G I P is currently the strongest candidate.

insulinoma rats; incretin; G I P

Address for correspondence: Dr. K. Tan, Biochemistry Department, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, U.K.

0167-0115/86/503.50 © 1986 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division) 164


The development of an X-ray induced transplantable insulinoma in the N E D H rat [1] has ma d e available large amounts of material for B-cell research [2-5]. This islet cell tumour is morphologically well differentiated and contains immunoreactive in­ sulin (IRI), significant amounts of immunoreactive somatostatin (1RS) but not de­ tectable immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) ([!]; Tan, unpublished data). W e have previously reported an impaired insulin response by the rat insulinoma (RIN) to intraperitoneal glucose and arginine stimulation [6]. Both glucose and ar­ ginine failed to stimulate IRI concentrations above high basal levels whereas gluca­ gon produced a potent release of IRI. To understand further the nature of the tumour B cell defect, we have investigated the reponses of the insulinoma to intravenous and intragastric glucose and studied the effect of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) on glucose homeostasis in these tumour animals. GI P is currently the strongest candidate for the glucose-dependent insulinotropic agent released from the gut following oral carbohydrate stimuli [7] termed ‘incretin’ by L a Barre and Still [8]. G I P has been shown to be insulinotropic at elevated glucose levels in the rat [9,10]; this effect was subsequently inhibited, at least in part, by the use of anti-GIP antibodies [11,12]. The response of the R I N to G I P m a y throw further light on the nature of the tumour B-cell defect.

Materials and Methods

Animals The insulinoma was maintained by serial subcutaneous transplantation within a colony of inbred albino N E D H strain of rats [1]. Transplantation resulted in hyper- phagia, increased weight gain, marked hyperinsulinaemia (36.0 ± 2.7 fig/L), severe hypoglycaemia (0.8 ± 0 . 1 mmol/L) with death of the recipient by 22-27 days [6]. All experiments were conducted 19 days post-transplantation.

Experimental protocol Intragastric glucose (5 g/kg) was administered by trocar in conscious fed animals into six insulinoma-bearing rats and six age-matched control N E D H rats. Another group of six fed N E D H rats were given intravenous glucose (0.5 g/kg) via the femoral vein following anaesthesia with sodium pentobarbitone (Sagatal, Ma y & Baker, Da g ­ enham, U.K., 6 mg / 100 g body wt.; intraperitoneal). Blood sampling was performed by tail bleeding. T w o groups of six insulinoma rats were further anaesthetised. Glu­ cose (0.5 g/kg) was administered intravenously via the femoral vein into one group, whilst the other group of animals received glucose (0.5 g/kg) plus GI P (1 jug/kg; Dr. John Brown, Vancouver, Canada). Blood samples were obtained from the tail at different time intervals and assayed for plasma IRI and glucose.

Chemical analyses Plasma IRI was measured by radioimmunoassay using guinea-pig insulin anti­ serum (Guildhay Antisera, Guildford, U.K.), rat insulin standards (Novo, C o p e n ­ 165 hagen, Denmark) and ^^^I-insulin (A mersham International pic, Amersham, U.K.). Plasma glucose was determined by a Cobas Bio Analyser using glucose oxidase (Roche Diagnostica, Herts., U.K.).

Statistical analyses A two-tailed Student’s t-test for unpaired data was used. Results are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6).


Following the intragastric administration of glucose, the plasma glucose concen­ tration was significantly elevated at 20 min in the insulinoma rats (7.8 ± 0.7 mm o l / L compared with basal = 1.7 ± 0.2 mmol/L; P < 0.001) and in the control N E D H rats (10.0 ± 0.5 m m o l / L compared with basal = 5.5 ± 0.3 mmol/L; P < 0.001) (Fig. 1). It was accompanied by an increase in plasma IRl concentration in the in­ sulinoma rats (18.3 ± 1.5 fig/L compared with basal = 13.1 ± 0.8 fig/L; P < 0.01) and the control N E D H rats (7.8 ± 0.5 /rg/L compared with basal = 2.8 ± 0.4 /rg/L; P < 0.001) (Fig. 2). In contrast to this, intravenous glucose failed to raise plasma IRl concentrations above high basal levels in the insulinoma rats (Fig. 3). However, glucose in combination with GIF, significantly stimulated plasma IRl in the insuli­ n o m a rats by 2 min (20.6 ± 2.5 jUg/L; P < 0.05) and 15 min (18.6 ±1.1 /rg/L; P < 0.02) compared with the control insulinoma rats given glucose alone (Fig. 3). N o significant differences in plasma glucose levels were observed between the 2 groups at all time points, although both groups were significantly higher than basal values (P < 0.02) at 2 min (Fig. 4). In control N E D H rats, intravenous glucose significantly stimulated plasma IRl (10.3 ± 1.1 /zg/L; P < 0.001) and plasma glucose (10.0 ± 0.8 mmol/1; P < 0.001) by 5 min (Fig. 5).

10 20

8 16


4 8

2 4

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 TIME ( MIN ) TIME (MIN ) Fig. 1. Effect of intragastric glucose (5 g/kg body wt.) on plasma glucose concentrations in insulinoma (#---- @) and control NEDH rats (O O). Results are mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6). * = P < 0.001 compared with values at zero time of each group. Fig. 2. Effect of intragastric glucose (5 g/kg body wt.) on plasma immunoreactive insulin (IRI) in insuli­ noma ( # ------#) and control NEDH rats (O O). Results are mean ± S.E.M. (« = 6). * = P < 0.01 and ** = />< 0.001 compared with values at zero time of each group. 166


8 4

6 3

4 2

12 1

-10 0 15 30 40 -10 0 15 30 40


Fig. 3. Effect of intravenous glucose (0.5 g/kg body wt.; O O) and GIP (1 ^g/kg body wt.) plus glucose (0.5 g/kg body wt.; # # ) on plasma immunoreactive insulin (IRI) in insulinoma rats. Results are mean ± S.E.M. {n = 6). ** = P < 0.05 and * = P < 0.02 compared between the two groups. Fig. 4. Effect of intravenous glucose (0.5 g/kg body wt.; O O) and GIP (1 ng/kg body wt.) plus glucose (0.5 g/kg body wt.; # ------# ) on plasma glucose concentrations in insulinoma rats. Results are mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6).

10 10

8 6

6 2 I

15 30 45 0 15 30 450 TIME ( MIN ) TIME( MIN) Fig. 5. Effects of intravenous glucose (0.5 g/kg body wt.) on (A) plasma immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and (B) plasma glucose concentrations in control NEDH rats. Results are mean ± S.E.M. (« = 6). * = P < 0.001 compared with basal values at zero time.


Changes in glucose homeostasis induced by the transplantable rat insulinoma are similar in some respects to those produced by insulinomas in ma n [13-15] suggesting their suitability as model for the study of spontaneous insulinomas. T he impaired insulin response to i.p. glucose and arginine suggests, however, that RI N cells possess an intrinsic defect which makes them functionally quite different from normal rat and h u m a n B-cells [6]. This defect has been further investigated in the present study. A n impaired insulin response to glucose was observed in the RIN. The inability to increase plasma insulin 167 levels after i.v. glucose could be due to too low a plasma glucose increment since a glucose threshold might exist in these rats which have been hypoglycaemic for some time. However, at higher glucose doses (2 g/kg body wt.), w e were still unable to demonstrate insulin release from these rats [6,13]. It would appear therefore that the inability of the R I N to respond to i.v. glucose is a genuine defect. This insensitivity to glucose has also been reported in hu m a n insulinomas [15,16] and in the hamster insulinoma [17,18]. N o defects in glucose uptake or glucose phosphorylation were found in the hamster insulinoma cell but there was a failure by glucose to stimulate calcium influx. Whether this is also true of the RI N remains to be established. Whilst responsiveness of the RI N to intravenous glucose is lost, its ability to respond to oral glucose is retained as in ma n y hu m a n insulinomas. This differential response provides further evidence for the existence of an ‘enteroinsular axis’ in which incretin factors, released from the gut in response to nutrient ingestion, stimulate insulin secretion since neural involvement is extremely unlikely in this situation. G I P is currently the strongest candidate for the role of incretin and its role in mediating the insulin response of oral glucose has been suggested by several authors [7,12]. Whilst intravenous glucose failed to stimulate insulin secretion, the R I N was found to be responsive to GI P wh e n administered together with glucose. This diver­ gence is interesting because G I P is insulinotropic only in the presence of hypergly­ caemia [19]. This glucose dependence suggests a degree of cooperativity between glucose and GI P at the receptor or post-receptor level. However it would appear that the cooperativity is not absolute and that a degree of dissociation exists between them. The interaction between GI P and its receptor was unaffected by the insensivity of the tumour to glucose stimulation, suggesting that the tumour B-cell defect is specific for glucose rather than the G I P mechanism of action. W e have previously demonstrated an insulin response to glucagon in the R I N [6] indicating that the glucagon receptors on the insulinoma cells are functionally intact. Since the addition of GI P to i.v. glucose also results in insulin release, it is suggested that the receptor for this peptide is also preserved, and that the tumour B-cell defect is not related to these peptide receptors. These findings are consistent with data obtained from in vitro studies using dispersed cells from the RIN. Although glucose failed to stimulate insulin secretion from these R I N cells, responsiveness to G I P was retained however (Tan, unpublished observation). Further work, however, is needed to understand the exact nature of this defect. The ability of GI P to stimulate insulin secretion from the insulinoma under the condition of a lower plasma glucose level than in normal rats was observed. This is interesting but the reasons for this are not clear and further studies on the glucose sensitivity for the GI P effect in the insulinoma and control rats are needed to under­ stand the underlying mechanisms. Glucose clearance in the insulinoma rats after intravenous glucose with or without GI P was almost identical despite a huge differ­ ence in their insulin responses. This is probably due to the marked insulin insensitivity in the insulinoma rats as previously reported [6]. Insulin administration failed to lower the plasma glucose concentrations in these hypoglycaemic insulinoma rats. W e conclude that care ought to be exercised wh e n using the R I N as a source of B-cells for metabolic studies in view of findings reported here. However, it is un- 168 doubtedly a useful model for studies relating to G I P and other incretin factors and also studies in the mechanism of insulin secretion.


This work has been supported by the M R C .


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Endocrinology, 97 (1975) 442-447. 18 Shapiro, S., Kaneko, Y., Baum, S.G. and Fleischer, N., The role of calcium in insulin release from hamster insulinoma cells. Endocrinology, 10 (1977) 485-493. 19 Elahi, D., Andersen, D.K., Brown, J.C., Debas, H., Hershcopf, R.J., Raizes, G.S., Tobin, J.D. and Andres, R., Pancreatic a- and )?-cell responses to GIP infusion in normal man. Am. J. Physiol., 237 (1979) 185-191. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Submission of a paper to Regulatory Peptides is understood to imply that it has not previously been published (except in an abistract form), and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted in quadrupiicate, and be complete in all respects (including 4 copies of all illustrations). Only manuscripts which deal with original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication in other journals will be considered. 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Effect of Pretreatment with a High Fat Diet on the Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide and Insulin Responses to Oral Triolein and Glucose in Rats

S. M. Hampton, P. Kwasowski, K.Tan, L. M. Morgan and V. Marks

Division of Clinical Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK

Summary. Male Wistar rats were pretreated with 3 ml triolein controls (plasma glucose nadir 2.6 ±0.48 versus 1.6 ±0.15 orally for 4 days in addition to their normal diet. A similar mmol/1, p<0.05). Fat-pretreated rats showed significantly control group were allowed free access to normal laboratory higher insulin and glucose levels compared with the untreated food. Wh e n given an oral fat load (1 ml triolein) plasma gas­ rats when given oral glucose (plasma insulin: 6.2 ± 1.2 versus tric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) and triglyceride levels were 2.5 ± 0.59 pg/1, /7< 0.01; plasma glucose: 10.2±0.39 versus significantly higher in the fat pretreated group. Inhibition of 8.9±0.41 mmol/1, /><0.025). Pretreatment of rats on a high fat-stimulated GI P release by exogenous insulin was de m o n ­ fat diet causes (1) increased GI P secretion in response to an strated in the untreated control group (plasma GIP: 663 ±4 9 oral fat load, (2) abolition of the feed-back inhibition of versus 853 ±9 2 ng/I, mean ± SE M p < 0.025), but pretreat­ exogenous insulin on fat-stimulated GI P release, and (3) some ment with an oral fat load abolished this effect (plasma GIP: degree of insulin resistance. 1008 ±9 5 versus 1116 ± 100 ng/1, p NS). Plasma glucose levels were significantly higher in fat pretreated rats given oral Key words: GIP, insulin, triolein, dietary adaptation. fat and intraperitoneal insulin compared with untreated

The concept that the gut can modify insulin secretion tor in the altered GIP response. Willms et al. [11], for ex­ has been well established since experiments in 1964 by ample, found that 5 days of calorie restriction abolished McIntyre et al. [1] demonstrated that intrajejunally ad­ the exaggerated GIP response to a fat or mixed meal in ministered glucose led, on a molar basis, to more than obese subjects, suggesting that a previously high calorie twice as much insulin release as intravenous glucose. intake might have been responsible for the excessive The intestinal hormone gastric inhibitory polypep­ GIP production. tide (GIP) is a potent stimulator of glucose-induced in­ We have therefore investigated the effect of pretreat­ sulin secretion [2] and is currently thought to be one of ment with fat supplements on fat and glucose-induced the major endocrine components of the entero-insular GIP release in rats. The inhibition of fat-stimulated GIP axis. GIP is released after ingestion of glucose [2,3] ami­ release by exogenous insulin was also investigated. no acids [4] or fat [2,5], the latter being especially potent. Exogenous insulin [2, 6] and C-peptide [7] have been shown to inhibit fat-induced GIP release and may play Materials and Methods a physiological role in the regulation of GIP secretion. Obesity in man is characterised biochemically by Male Wistar rats weighing between 240 and 290 g were used. The basal hyperinsulinaemia and an exaggerated insulin- 160 rats were divided into two equal groups. The first (fat-pretreated aemic response to glucose and most other insulino­ group) was given 3 ml triolein (24 kcal) a day orally for 4 days before the experiment as well as being allowed free access to rodent breeding tropic stimuli [8]. The cause of the hyperinsulinaemia is diet no. 1, expanded (Spratt’s Laboratory Services, Barking, Essex). still controversial but it could be due, at least in part, to This resulted in a diet with a final fat content of 21%. The second an overactive enteroinsular-axis. Exaggerated GIP re­ group (untreated, low fat diet group) was fed rodent breeding diet sponses have been observed after a mixed meal in obese alone, the resultant diet containing 3.5% fat. Animals were weighed each day and fasted for 24 h before each experiment. Three experi­ subjects [9] and exogenous insulin fails to inhibit fat- mental protocols were performed on fat-pretreated and untreated stimulated GIP in this group [10]. However, the compo­ rats, during which they were anaesthetised with IP pentobarbitone sition of the diet preceding the test appears to be a fac­ (100 mg/kg body weight). Blood was collected by cardiac puncture s. M. Hampton et al.: GIP and Insulin Responses to High Fat Diet 279

1200 Plasma glucose was measured using a glucose oxidase method (Beckman glucose analyser) and plasma triglycerides using a fully en­ zymatic UV kit (Boehringer, Lewis, Sussex).

800 Statistical Analyses O) Results were compared using Student’s t-test for unpaired data and a analysis of variance. 400


o 60 120 180 The unpretreated control rats were slightly, but signifi­ Time (min) cantly heavier than the fat-pretreated rats throughout Fig.l. Plasma GIP levels following oral triolein (1 ml) in fat-pretreat­ the study. There was, however, no significant weight ed (O — O) and untreated control rats (#— —#) (mean ± SEM, gain in either group of rats on completion of the fat-pre- n = 6 ) treatment (control rats 297.0 ±4.14 before pretreatment versus 297.5±4.13 g after pretreatment, p NS; fat-pre­ treated rats 280.2 ±4.96 before pretreatment versus 279.0±10g after pretreatment, p NS; mean±SD, into lithium heparin tubes and the samples immediately centrifuged. n = 60). There were no significant differences in fasting Plasma for hormone and glucose estimation was divided and stored at plasma glucose, insulin or GIP levels between the two -2 0 °C . groups on completion of the fat-pretreatment.

Experimental Protocols Time Course of the Response to Oral Fat Time course of responses to ora! fat: Fat-pretreated and untreated groups of rats were each divided into five sets (six rats/set). Set A Mean GIP levels were consistently higher in animals in from each group received no triolein. Animals in the other four sets the fat-pretreated sets, but the differences did not reach (B-E) of each group received 1 ml triolein (8 kcal) orally. Blood was statistical significance at any single timepoint (Fig. 1). collected by cardiac puncture at Omin (set A) and at 30, 60,120 and However, when the data was subjected to analysis of 180 min after oral dosing (sets B-E respectively). variance (two-factor with replication) the two groups Effect o f fat-pretreatment on responses to oral fa t with or without IP in­ were found to be significantly different at the 5% level. sulin: Fat-pretreated and untreated rats were each divided into three Plasma triglyceride concentrations were similar in sets (10 rats/set) and given; set A: 1 ml triolein orally 2 h before IP in­ the two groups at the beginning of the experiment but sulin (1 U/kg body weight); set B: 1 ml triolein orally 2 h before IP sa­ were significantly higher in the fat-pretreated rats than line (0.154mol/1); set C: 1 ml saline (0.154mol/1) orally 2 h before IP saline. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture 20 min after the IP in­ in the controls 120 and 180 min after receiving oral fat jections in all cases. (basal plasma triglyceride concentrations were 0.56 ± 0.04 and 0.42 ± 0.04 mmol/1 in the control and fat-pre- Effect of fat-pretreatment on the response to oral glucose: Groups of fat- treated groups respectively). At 120 min plasma triglyc­ pretreated and untreated rats were each divided into two sets (10 rats/ eride levels were 2.08 ±0.15 in the control group versus set). Set A was given 3 ml 2.78 mol/1 glucose (5.8 kcal) orally and set B 3 ml saline (0.154 mol/1) orally. Blood was collected by cardiac punc­ 4.91 ± 0.84 mmol/1 in the fat-pretreated group,p < 0.01 ; ture 60 min after oral dosing. at 180 min they were 2.39 ±0.41 and 7.1 ±0.46 mmol/1 respectively < 0.01 : mean ± SEM, n=€). The plasma in the fat-pretreated group had a marked lipaemic ap­ Chemical Analyses pearance which was not apparent in the controls. Immunoreactive insulin was measured by a double-antibody radioim­ munoassay using an antiserum raised against bovine insulin (Guild­ hay Antisera, Guildford, UK, MF/GP/10-VA), iodinated bovine in­ Effect of Fat Pretreatment on the Response to sulin (Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, Bucks., UK) and a rat in­ Oral Fat with or without Exogenous Insulin sulin standard (Novo, Copenhagen, Denmark, lot no. RC 791009). The sensitivity of the assay was 0.5 pg/l and the interassay coefficient Intraperitoneal insulin was associated with a signifi­ of variation 15.6% at 0.5 pg/1 and 6.7% at 6.0 pg/1. [Insulin values are cantly smaller rise (Fig. 2) in triolein-stimulated GIP se­ expressed as pg /1 as the rat standard used was calibrated on a weight cretion in unpretreated rats than in those given IP saline basis (1 |ig = approximately 25 mU)]. Immunoreactive GIP was measured by a double-antibody radio­ (663±49 versus 853±93 ng/1, /><0.025). This differ­ immunoassay [12]. The antiserum recognizes the larger molecular ence was not observed in the fat-pretreated rats which form of GIP (mol. wt. approximately 8,000 daltons) as well as stand­ showed similar triolein-stimulated GIP levels whether ard GIP (mol. wt. 4,977). A porcine GIP standard was used, but paral­ they were given IP insulin or saline (1008 ±95 versus lelism was demonstrated between the standard curve and a serially di­ luted sample of rat plasma containing high levels of endogenous GIP. 1116±100 ng/1). Plasma glucose levels in rats given IP The assay sensitivity was 110 ng/1 and the interassay coefficient of insulin after oral fat fell significantly less in the pretreat­ variation 4.1% at 2,677 ng/1 and 22.5% at 138 ng/1. ed than in the unpretreated controls (2.6 ±0.48 versus 280 S. M. Hampton et al.: GIP and Insulin Responses to High Fat Diet




Fig. 2. Plasma glucose, insulin and GIP levels following oral triolein (1 ml) in fat-pretreated Q and untreat­ Saline Triolein Triolein Saline Triolein Triolein Saline Triolein Triolein ed control ^ rats (mean ± SEM, Insulin Insulin insulin n= 10; V < 0.05, 0.025)

GLUCOSE INSULIN r. GIP (mmol/l) (pg/i) (ng/l) I 10 1000

800 -



Fig. 3. Plasma glucose, insulin and G IP levels following oral glucose (5 mg/kg body weight) in fat-pretreated Q and untreated control @ Saline Glucose Saline Glucose Saline Glucose rats (mean±SEM, n=10; *p<02S, **/?<0.01)

1.57 ±0.15 mmol/l, p<0S)5) although plasma insulin GIP and triglycerides after dosing with oral triolein. levels 20 min after insulin injection were similar in the The increased triglyceride levels seen in the two groups (4.1 ±1.7 versus 4.7 ±1.2 pg/1,p NS). fat-pretreated group probably reflect their increased ca­ pacity to absorb a large oral fat load. Deschodt-Lanck- man et al. [13] showed that pancreatic lipase activity in Effect of Fat Pretreatment on the Response to the rat is stimulated by a high fat diet. An increase in li­ Oral Glucose pase activity in the fat-pretreated group of rats would Following oral glucose, fat-pretreated rats had signifi­ result in an increase in the rate of absorption of the cantly higher levels of plasma glucose (10.2 ±0.39 ver­ large oral triolein load. The increased GIP response to sus 8.9 ± 0.41 mmol/l, p < 0.025) and insulin (6.2 ±1,2 oral triolein seen in the fat-pretreated group could be versus 2.5 ± 0.59 pg/1, p<0.01) levels 1 h after dosing due to their increased rate of fat absorption. GIP secre­ than their untreated controls (Fig. 3). Plasma GIP levels tion apparently depends upon absorption of nutrients showed a tendency, significant at the 10% level, to be and not their mere presence in the intestine [14, 22]. higher in the fat-pretreated group compared with their There is some evidence that the rate of absorption is al­ untreated controls. so a factor in determining the magnitude of the GIP re­ sponse. A reduction of nutrient absorption rate in cer­ tain diseases, untreated coeliac disease or marked mal­ Discussion absorption from any other cause, for example, causes a reduced GIP response to enteric stimuli [15,16] and the addition of the unabsorbable carbohydrate guar to a The administration of a high fat diet to rats for 4 days meal both slows down its rate of absorption and de­ resulted in significantly increased levels of circulating presses the GIP response [17]. s. M. Hampton et al.: GIP and Insulin Responses to High Fat Diet 281

Creutzfeldt et al. [10, 11] reported an exaggerated 4. Thomas FB, Mazzaferri EL, Crockett SE, Mekhjian HS, Gruemer GIP response in obese subjects given a high calorie HD, Cataland S (1976) Stimulation of secretion of gastric inhibito­ mixed meal. This was not, however, observed in their ry polypeptide and insulin by intraduodenal animo acid perfu­ sion. Gastroenterology 70: 523-527 subjects after 5 days of dietary restriction, although 5. Falko JM, Crockett SE, Cataland S, Mazzaferri EL (1975) Gastric weight loss was minimal. Our data support the concept inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) stimulated by fat ingestion in man. J that composition of the previous diet is more relevant Clin Endocrinol Metab 41: 260-265 than body weight in determining the magnitude of the 6. Crockett SE, Cataland S, Falko JM, Mazzaferri EL (1976) The in­ GIP response to oral nutrients and is supported by pre­ sulinotropic effect of endogenous gastric inhibitory polypeptide in normal subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 42:1098-1103 liminary results obtained in healthy human subjects 7. Dryburgh JR, Hampton SM, Marks V (1980) Endocrine pan­ eating diets of widely different composition. creatic control of the release of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Various workers [2,6,18,19] have demonstrated that Diabetologia 19:397-401 intravenous infusions of either insulin or glucose reduce 8 . Karam JH, Grodsky GM, Forsham PH (1963) Excessive insulin response to glucose in obese subjects as measured by immuno­ the rise in plasma GIP provoked by fat ingestion and chemical assay. Diabetes 12:197-205 have suggested the existance of a negative feedback 9. Ebert R, Willms B, Brown JC, Creutzfeldt W (1976) Serum gastric control of insulin upon GIP release. In the present inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) levels in obese subjects and after study the control group of rats on a low fat diet showed weight reduction. Eur J Clin Invest 6:327 inhibition of fat-induced GIP release by insulin but the 10. Creutzfeldt W, Ebert R, Willms B, Frerichs H, Brown JC (1978) Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) and insulin in obesity: in­ fat-pretreated ones did not. A similar defect in feedback creased response to stimulation and defective feedback control of of insulin on GIP secretion has been demonstrated in serum levels. Diabetologia 14:15-24 obese human subjects by Creutzfeldt et al. [10] but was 11. Willms B, Ebert R, Creutzfeldt W (1978) Gastric inhibitory poly­ not investigated by Willms et al. [11] in their study of the peptide (GIP) and insulin in obesity: II. Reversal of increased re­ sponses to stimulation by starvation or food restriction. Diabeto­ effects of dietaiy restriction on GIP secretion in obese logia 14:379-387 subjects. 12. Morgan LM, Morris BA, Marks V (1978) Radioimmunoassay of The abolition of the negative feedback control of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Ann Clin Biochem 15:172-177 insulin on fat-induced GIP release in fat-pretreated rats 13. Deschodt-Lanckman M, Robberecht P, Camus J, Christophe J may be explained by a decreased responsiveness of the (1971) Short-term adaptation of pancreatic hydrolases to nutri­ tional and physiological stimuli in adult rats. Biochimie 53: GIP-secreting cells to insulin due to a reduction in in­ 789-796 sulin receptor numbers, though other explanations are 14. Sykes S, Morgan LM, English J, Marks V (1980) Evidence for possible. Investigation of insulin receptors on human preferential stimulation of gastric inhibitory polypeptide secretion monocytes has shown that insulin receptor number in the rat by actively transported carbohydrates and their ana­ logues. J Endocrinol 85:201-207 can be altered by dietary changes [20] and that these 15. Creutzfeldt W, Ebert R, Arnold R, Frerichs H, Brown JC (1976) changes can occur rapidly - within 24 h [21]. Even a Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), gastrin and insulin: re­ short period of pretreatment made the rats in the pres­ sponse to test meal in coeliac disease and after duodeno-pan- ent study resistant to the hypoglycaemic action of exo­ createctomy. Diabetologia 12:279-286 genous insulin. Circulating insulin and glucose levels 16. Besterman HS, Cook GS, Sarson DL, Christofides N, Bryant MG, Gregor M, Bloom SR (1979) Gut hormones in tropical malabsorp­ were also significantly higher after oral glucose in the tion. Br Med J II: 1252-1255 fat-pretreated animals providing further evidence that 17. Morgan LM, Goulder TJ, Tsiolakis D, Marks V, Alberti KGMM the high fat diet predisposed to insulin resistance. (1979) The effect of unabsorbable carbohydrate on gut hormones: The normal laboratory rat diet contains very little modification of post prandial GIP secretion by guar. Diabeto­ logia 17:85-89 fat, unlike the typical diet consumed by people in the 18. Cleator IGM, Gourlay RH (1975) Release of immunoreactive gas­ Western World and caution must, therefore, be exer­ tric inhibitory polypeptide (IR-GIP) by oral ingestion of food sub­ cised when assessing the relevance of these findings to stances. Am J Surg 130:128-135 man. Nevertheless, the data do provide evidence that 19. Verdonk CA, Rizza RA, Nelson RL, Go VLW, Gerich JE, Service diet can be of considerable importance in the develop­ FJ (1980) Interaction of fat-stimulated gastric inhibitory polypep­ tide on pancreatic alpha and beta cell function. J Clin Invest 65: ment of insulin resistance and changes in activity of the 1119-1125 entero-insular axis. 20. Pedersen O, Hjollund E, Lindskov HO, Schwartz Sorensen N (1980) Increased insulin receptors on monocytes from insulin de­ Acknowledgements. P. Kwasowski and K.Tan acknowledge financial pendent diabetics after high starch high fibre diets. Diabetologia support from the Medical Research Council and L. M. Morgan from 19:306 (Abstract) Guildhay Antisera, University o f Surrey. 21. Schluter KJ, Petersen KG, Kerp L(1980) Rapid changes in insulin binding affinity of monocytes in male and female volunteers after breakfast. Diabetologia 19: 313 (Abstract) References 22. Ross SA, Shaffer EA (1981) The importance of triglyceride hydro­ lysis for the release of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Gastro­ 1. McIntyre N, Holdsworth DJ, Turner DS (1964) New interpreta­ enterology 80:108-111 tion of oral glucose tolerance. Lancet 2:20-21 2. Brown JC, Dryburgh JR, Ross SA, Dupre J (1975) Identification Received: lOJune 1982 and actions of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Recent Prog Horm and in revised form: 13September 1982 Res 31:487-532 Mrs. S. M. Hampton 3. Cataland S, Crockett SE, Brown JC, Mazzaferri EL (1974) Gastric Department of Biochemistry inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) stimulation by oral glucose in man. J University of Surrey Clin Endocrinol Metab 39: 223-228 Guildford GU2 5XH, UK Abnormalities of GIP in Spontaneous Syndromes of Obesity and Diabetes in Mice PETER R FLATT CLIFFORD J BAILEY. PETER KWASOWSKI. SARA K SWANSTON FIATT. AND VINCENT MARKS

pend on the mutant gene and its interaction with the back­ SUMMARY The role of GIP in the pathogenesis of spontaneous ground genome.® ® This study examines immunoreactive GIP syndromes of obesity-diabetes was examined in ob/ob in the plasma and intestine of ob/ob and db/db mice of mice of the Aston stock and db/db mice of the C57BL/ different genetic backgrounds. KsJ background. Compared with lean controls, fed adult ob/ob and db/db mice, respectively, exhibited 1.8- MATERIALS AND METHODS fold and 2.1-fold increases in body weight, 1.8-fold and Groups of Aston ob/ob mice derived from C57BU6J stock 2.8-fold elevations of plasma glucose, and 15.4-fold outcrossed to four noninbred local strains^ and C57BI_/KsJ and 5.6-fold elevations of plasma insulin. As indicated db/db mice from a background in repulsion to the misty {m) by the relative magnitude of the hyperglycemia and hy- perinsulinemia, db/db mice displayed a particularly se­ coat gene® were used at 17-26 wk of age. Their respective vere form of diabetes. Plasma GIP concentrations of age-matched lean littermates were used as controls. The ob/ob and db/db mice were elevated 15.1-fold and 6.2- mice were maintained on a standard pellet diet (Spratts lab­ fold, respectively; the increments closely corre­ oratory diet no. 1, Lillico Ltd., Reigate. United Kingdom) and sponded with the degrees of hyperinsulinemia. Small tap water ad libitum. Blood was obtained from fed mice by intestinal weight was increased 1.4-fold and 1.8-fold in cardiac puncture under ether anesthesia for determination ob/ob and db/db mice, respectiveiy, but the intestinal of plasm a glucose," insulin,® and GIP.'^ Immunoreactive GIP GIP content expressed as p.g/g intestine or jxg/intes- was also measured in the small intestine of these mice. The tine was raised only In ob/ob mice (1.9-fold and 2.8- duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were rapidly excised, washed fold, respectively). Since glucose stimulation of insulin with ice-cold 0.154 mmol/L NaCI, weighed, and extracted release is defective in both mutant strains, the results strongly implicate pathologically raised GIP concentra­ with 5 ml/g acid ethanol (750 ml ethanol, 250 ml water. 15 tions in the hyperinsulinemia and related metabolic ab­ ml concentrated hydrochloric acid). normalities of the obesity-diabetes syndromes. It is GIP was measured by radioimmunoassay using donkey suggested that hypersecretion of GIP results in part anti-rabbit gamma globulin antiserum (Guildhay Antisera. from loss of normal feedback inhibition by endoge­ University of Surrey, United Kingdom) for separation of free nous insulin. DIABETES 32:433-435, May 1983. from bound antigen Porcine GIP (Dr. J. C. Brown, University of British Columbia, Canada) was used for the preparation of '‘®l-tracer and as the standard. Charcoal-treated hormone- free plasma was used to minimize nonspecific interference. he possible involvement of gastric inhibitory poly­ T The GIP antiserum used (RIC 34/111. Guildhay Antisera) was peptide, commonly referred to as glucose-depend­ raised in the rabbit against a porcine GlP-glutaraldehyde- ent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), in the m eta­ ovalbumin conjugate. This antiserum exhibited negligible bolic disturbances of human obesity and diabetes mellitus has recently attracted considerable interest.'^ How­ ever. the role of GIP in the pathogenesis of spontaneous Presented in pari at the Glaxo International Symposium on Gut Hormones syndromes of obesity and diabetes in mice has not been and Disease. London. September 1982 investigated. The most extensively studied examples are the From the Department of Biochemistry. Division of Nutrition and Food Science, and Division of Clinical Biochemistry. University of Surrey (PR F . P.K . S K S obese-hyperglycemic {ob/ob) and diabetic-obese {db/db) F. and VM ). Guildford. United Kingdom, and the Department of Biological syndromes.^^ These mutant mice exhibit hyperphagia, ex­ Sciences (C J.B ). University of Aston in Birmingham. United Kingdom Address reprint requests to Dr. P. R Flatt. Department of Biochemistry. Uni­ cessive fat deposition, hyperglycemia, and hyperinsulin­ versity of Surrey. Guildford. Surrey GU2 5XH. United Kingdom emia. The severity and duration of these abnormalities de­ Received for publication 1 November 1982

DIABETES. VOL 32. MAY 1983 433 ABNORMALITIES OF GIP IN OB OB AND DB DB MICE cross-reactivity wittr ottier enteropancreatic hormones and Release of GIP from the small intestine in response to provided an assay sensitivity of 110 pg/ml with an interassay nutrients' ® can be envisaged to provide an important stim­ coefficient of variation of 4,1-22.5% over the concentration ulus for insulin secretion in both ob/ob and db/db mice. range of 138-2677 pg/ml Although the physiologic action of GIP in normoglycemic man is equivocal,®® the insulinotropic cyclic AMP-mediated RESULTS effect demonstrable in rodents®®®® undoubtedly constitutes Both groups of mutant mice exhibited the characteristic fea­ a major stimulus for insulin secretion at the pathologically tures of obesity (reflected by enhanced body weight), hy­ raised concentrations of GIP and glucose encountered in perglycemia and hyperinsulinemia (Figure 1 ). The db/db mu­ both strains of mutant mice. Consistent with this view, plasm a tation gave rise to a particularly severe form of diabetes on GIP concentrations were higher in the ob/ob mutant, cor­ the C57Bl_/KsJ bact

100 - 450 rPO.OOli

^ 360 - 80 II rh § ®'® 3 20 * 40 ^ 180 g I ?0 I 90 I'” 0 0 J1 ob/ob db/db ob/ob db/db ob/ob db/db colony colony colony colony colony colony ob/ot d: dr I olonv deny FIGURE 1. Characteristics of lean and otw se dl- at>etic mice. Vaiues are mean * SEM of groups of rP O.OS -p-O.OOIt seven mice from the ob/ob colony and groups of □ : eight mice from the db/db coiony. The genotype r+i of lean mice from the ob/ob colony was undeter­ mined ( + /?; expected genotype frequencies 1 □ + / + :2 +lob). Lean mice from the db/db colony consisted of equal numbers of -L/+ and +/db mice, distinguished by the misty (m) coat gene.* rj £ Û Statistical comparisons were made by Student's f ob/ob db/db ob/ob db/db ob/ob db/db test: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 compared colony colony colony colony colony colony with lean mice from the same colony.

434 DIABETES. VOL 32. MAY 1983 PETER R FI ATT AND ASSOCIATES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS to glucagon and arginine in Aston ob/ob mice: evidence lor a selective defect in glucose-mediated insulin release. Horm. Metab. Res. 1982; 14:127-30. Mutant colonies were descended from heterozygous ob! + '* Flatt, P. R , Bailey, C J , and Buchanan, K. D : Regulation of plasma and C/D/+ breeding pairs kindly provided by Dr. I. W. Atkins immunoreactive glucagon in obese hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice. J. Endocri­ (Department of Biological Sciences. University of Aston in nol 1982; 95:215-27. '• f^latt, P. R., and Bailey. C. J : Development ol glucose intolerance Birmingham, United Kingdom) and Dr. P. Trayhurn (Dunn and impaired plasma insulin response to glucose in otiese hyperglycemic Nutrition Unit. Cambridge. United Kingdom), respectively. (ob/ob) mice. Horm. Metab. Res. 1981; 13:556-60. " Flatt, P. 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Effects of exogenous and endogenous gastric inhibitory polypeptide in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice

PETER R. FLATT.* CLIFFORD J. BAILEV.t glucose, a similarly marked but considerably protracted PETER KWASOWSKL* TONY PACEf and insulin response was observed. Plasma glucose concen­ VINCENT MARKS* trations increased steadily and exceeded 30 mmol/l at * Divisions of Nutrition and Ftwd Science, and Clinical 30min. The insulin response cannot be attributed to the B iochemistry. Department of BÙK'hemi.stry. Unicer.sity of hyperglycaemia perse, since administration of glucose alone Surrey, Guildford. SurreyGU2 5XH. U.K.. and produces only a small insulin response (Flatt & Bailey, ] Department of Biological Sciences. University of Aston in 19816). The dose of GIP administered resulted in plasma Birmingham, Birmingham B4 7ET, U.K. Gastric inhibitory polypeptide, also commonly referred to as glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide or GIP, is a 42 amino acid hormone synthesized and released by the K- 40 cellsof the small intestine in response to nutrients. Previous studies have shown that plasma GIP concentrations are inordinately raised in obese hyperglycaemic {objob) mice, 30 and that oral administration of carbohydrate, protein and especially fat evokes marked plasma G IP responses (Flatter 3 Ü al., 1983a; P. R. Flatt, C. J. Bailey, P. Kwasdwski, T. Page rs 2 0 & V. Marks, unpublished work). Overfeeding, K-cell hyperplasia and iniscnsitivity of these cells to suppression by endogenous insulin are envisaged to generate the hypergi- paemia (Flatt et al., 1983a,6). Since GIP is a recognized component of the entero-insular axis (Brown, 1982), the raised concentrations in objob mice suggest an important pathogenic role in the promotion of hyperinsulinaemia and 30 60 90 180 related metabolic abnormalities of the objob syndrome Time (mill) (Flatt et ai, 1983c). The present study examines the

insulinotropic action of exogenous and endogenous GIP in 40 relation to the prevailing hyperglycaemia inobjob mice. Obese (objob) mice from the Aston colony were supplied with a standard pellet diet and maintained as described previously (Flatt & Bailey, l98lo; Bailey c/ o/.. 1982). The c 30 mice were used at 10-12 weeks of age and starved for I8h before experimentation. The insulin response to exogenous 3 Ü GIP was examined by intraperitoneal administration of « 20 porcine GIP (40/ig/kg) (Professor J. C. Brown, University of British Columbia, Canada) together with either glucose (2g/kg) or an equivalent volume of saline (0.154 mmol/l NaCI). Blood samples for determination of plasma concen­ trations of glucose, insulin and GIP were taken from the cut tail-tips of conscious mice at 0, 5, 15. and 3()min. Plasma disappearance of GIP was followed until 180min. The 0 30 60 90 insulin response to endogenous GIP was examined by oral Time (min) administration of fat (Intralipid. 870mg/kg) followed at 30min by an intra peritoneal injection of either glucose Fig. I. Pla.sma insulin to e.xogenous and endogenous (2g/kg) or an equivalent volume of saline (0.154mmol/1 ga.stric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in 18 h .starved objob mice NaCI). Blood samples for plasma glucose, insulin and GIP (a) Plasma insulin concentrations after intraperitoneal determination were taken at 0, 30, 60. and 90min. Insulin administration of GIP (40//g/kg) with cither saline (O------and GIP were measured by radioimmunoassay (Flatt et ai. 0)or 2g/kg glucose (------# #). (6) Plasma insulin concen­ 1983a). Statistical evaluation was made by Student's /-test. trations after oral administration of fat (Intralipid, As shown in Fig. la. intra peritoneal administration of 870mg/kg) followed at 30min by intraperitoneal injection GIP with saline evoked a marked but transient plasma of either saline (O- * O) or 2g/kg glucose (---- # #). insulin response. Plasma glucose concentrations (not illus­ Each graph shows plasma GIP concentrations (□------□ ) trated) were not significantly changed, being within the for the saline-treated group only; GIP values for glucose- range 7-10mmol/l. When GIP was administered with treated mice were similar. Values are means+ S.E.M. of groups of four to six mice. *f <0.05 compared with insulin Abbreviation used : GIP. gastric inhibitory polypeptide. concentrations of glucose-treated group.

1984 607th MF.RTING. I.ONDON 791

GIP concentrations similar to the maximum values ob­ plasma glucose concentrations. Thus it is envisaged that served in actively feeding ohiab mice (Flatt et al., 1983a). elevated plasma GIP concentrations in the presence of post­ Plasma GIP concentrations declined quickly indicating a prandial hyperglycaemia make an important contribution relatively short half-life of the hormone in objob mice. to the hyperinsulinaemia of objob mice. Fig. 16 shows the plasma insulin responses to endogenous GIP released by oral administration of fat. A substantial increase in plasma GIP concentrations was achieved Bailey. C. J.. Flatt. P. R. & Atkins. T. W. (1982) Int. J. Obesity ft, similar to values in fed objob mice. In mice treated with 11-21 saline at 30min, basal plasma glucose concentrations (not Brown. J. C. ( 1982) Ga.uric Inhibitory Polypeptide, Springer Vcrlag. illustrated) were maintained within the range 7-10mmol/l Berlin throughout. In these mice there was only a very small Flatt. P. R. & Bailey. C. J. (l9 8 lo ) Diabetologia 20, 573-577 increase in plasma insulin concentrations. However, mice Flatt, P. R. & Bailey. C. J. (19816) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 9,220-221 receiving an intraperitoneal injection of glucose at 30min Flatt, P R.. Bailey. C. J.. Kwasowski, P., Swanston-Flatt, S. K. & showed a rise in plasma glucose concentrations exceeding Marks. V. (I983

Short-term effects of wheat bran supplementation on glucose and lipid metabolism in man DAVID J. MOORE, FIONA J. WHITE, medication. Each volunteer’s normal diet was supple­ PETER R. FLATT and DENNIS V. PARKE mented with 0.3 g of unprocessed wheat bran/kg body Divisions of Nutrition and Food Science, and Biochemistry, weight per day for 6 weeks. At the onset, and after 5 weeks Department of Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, of wheat bran supplementation, 4-day semi-quahtitative Surrey GU 2 5 X H . U.K. records of dietary intake were made to determine if the con­ sumption of wheat bran had altered the diet. Fasting blood Extensive studies in man and experimental animals have samples were taken before and 6 weeks after the addition of demonstrated that the addition of certain plant fibres to the wheat bran to the diet. A 0.5 ml aliquot of whole blood was diet is accompanied by a significant decrease in plasma used for glycosylated haemoglobin determination (Kynoch cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose concentrations (Kay & & Lehmann, 1977). Aliquots of plasma were used for the Truswell, 1977; Jenkins er al., 1978; Anderson & Chen, determination of cholesterol (Rudel & Morris, 1973), HDL- 1979). Several water-soluble fibres such as pectin and guar cholesterol (Allen et al., 1979), LDL-cholesterol (Friedewald gum have hypocholesterolaemic and hypoglycaemic effects etal., 1972), triglycerides(Soloni, 1971) and glucose concen­ (Jenkins et al., 1977) but the effects of the water-insoluble trations (Stevens, 1971). fibre wheat bran have been variable in this respect (Chen & An increase in dietary fibre consumption by 34% was Anderson, 1979). Mucilaginous fibres, although effective associated with only minor changes in the intake of protein, modulators of glucose and lipid metabolism, are of limited fat, carbohydrate, alcohol and cholesterol. As shown in palatability. The present study was therefore undertaken to Table I, there were no significant changes in plasma clarify the possible short-term effects of dietary wheat bran cholesterol, triglyceride or glucose concentrations after supplementation on lipid and glucose metabolism in man. 6 weeks of wheat bran supplementation. Plasma HDL- Seven healthy University students (three males and fbur choleslerol was significantly increased while both LDL- females, aged 18-22 years) volunteered to take part in this cholesterol concentrations and glycosylated haemoglobin study. None of the subjects smoked or received any form of were significantly decreased. The lack of effect of wheat bran supplementation on plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose concentrations is in agreement with previous studies (Jenkins et al., 1975; Truswell & Kay, 1976). Abbreviations used: HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low- However, the increase in plasma HDL-cholesterol after density lipoprotein. 6 weeks is interesting with regard to the suggestion that this

Table I. Short-term effects of wheat bran supplementation on and lipid metabolism in man Values arc the means+S.E.M. for seven subjects. Statistical significance was evaluated by Student’s paired /-test : *P<0.05. **P<0.001 compared with the value before wheat bran supplementation. Duration of wheat bran supplementation

0 weeks 6 weeks Plasma total cholesterol (mg/100 ml) 186+17 193+11 Plasma HDL-cholesterol (mg/100ml) 72 + 5 I0 5 ± 7 * Plasma LDL-cholesterol (mg/100 ml) 8 5 ± 7 64 ± 6 * Plasma total triglyceride (mg/IOOmI) 73 + 9 5 3 ± 7 Plasma glucose (mg/IOOmI) 89 + 3 96 + 4 Glycosylated haemoglobin (%) 11.0 + 0.6 6 .0 + 0.2*

Vol. 12 »

Clinical Endocrinology, (1982) 16, 89-95



Department of Biochemistry, Division of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey G U 2 5 X H

(Received 3 June 1981; revised 13 August 1981; accepted 20 August 1981 )


Melatonin, free and total cortisol, insulin, C-peptide and glucose-dependent insulin-releasing peptide (GIP) were measured in the plasma of twelve normal volunteers (eight wo m e n and four men), at hourly intervals for 24 h following a meal and subsequent fasting. On e volunteer was excluded from calculations due to a possible effect of stress on melatonin secretion. Melatonin and cortisol showed the normal 24-h variation with peak values at 0200-0500 h, and 0900 h respectively. Following post-prandial stimulation, gut hormones remained basal throughout the sampling period. N o significant relationship was found between 24-h melatonin secretion and basal, or stimulated gut hormone secretion. Melatonin secretion did relate significantly to body weight, suggest­ ing that data concerning pineal effects in endocrine physiology and pathology, and affective disease, should be reviewed in the light of these observations.

In experimental animals, several lines of evidence indicate that the pineal gland ma y have a role to play in the control of carbohydrate metabolism, possibly via an effect on insulin secretion (Bailey et al., 1974; Gorray et al., 1979). Fe w data are as yet available in man, although several cases of familial insulin-resistance with hyperinsulinaemia and pineal hyperplasia have been reported (Barnes et al., 1974; West et al., 1975). Plasma melatonin is at present the best peripheral index of pineal function in ma n and in-vitro inhibitory effects of melatonin on insulin secretion have been described, albeit using pharmacological dose levels (Bailey et ai, 1974). We have therefore investigated the relationship of circulating melatonin in normal volunteers, to body weight, and basal and post-prandial insulin, C-peptide and GIP. Free and bound plasma cortisol were determined as an index of stress during the experiment. W e have also determined the

Correspondence: Dr J. Arendt. 0300-0664/82/0100-0089S02.00 © 1982 Blackwell Scientific Publications 89 90 J. Arendt et al.

extent to which the concentration of plasma melatonin at particular time points during the night is indicative of the total secretion during 24 h,


Sampling Twelve normal, healthy volunteers, four m e n and eight wo m e n , aged 20-39 years, (x =27-9 ±1-58 S E M ) took part in the experiment. Three of the w o m e n were taking contraceptive steroids, otherwise no volunteer was under medication. Following a standard breakfast of cornflakes, toast, tea, coffee or milk at 0710-0730 h, followed by doughnuts, tea or coffee at 0945 h (695 kilocalories total, 1 0 % protein, 3 6 % fat, 5 4 % carbohydrate), 10 ml blood was sampled by indwelling venous catheter at hourly intervals for 24 h starting at 1000 h. During this period subjects were fasted but allowed unlimited drinking water. During the day subjects occupied themselves with light activities (reading, calculating, watching television). During the night most subjects slept between (and sometimes during) blood sampling. Plasma was immediately decanted, frozen and stored at — 20°C until assay. Volunteers were weighed and their height measured immediately before the sampling period. Sampling was performed between the 5.3.80 and 10.3.80 with the exception of our volunteer (female) wh o was sampled on 29.4.80. Night-time samples were taken in dim artificial light.

Assays All hormones were measured by previously published radioimmunoassay (RIA) techniques (Arendt et al., 1977; Mo r g a n et al., 1978; Ha m p t o n et al., 1980; Elliot et al., 1980). All samples from any one individual were measured in the same assay. Assay coefficients of variation were similar to those quoted in the above references.

Analysis Basal secretion of the gut hormones was taken to be the baseline values following post-prandial stimulation at the following times: 1600-0900 h (insulin and C-peptide), 1900-0900 h (GIP). ‘Total’ secretion of each hormone was determined for the sampling period by integration of the area under the secretion profile after subtraction of the assay limit of detection in the case of melatonin and cortisol, or after subtraction of me a n basal values in the case of the gut hormones. Integration was accomplished by cutting out and weighing the area under the curve. Correlation coefficients were determined by simple linear regression. ‘Total’ melatonin secretion and individual peak plasma melatonin concentration was compared with body weight, obesity index (height/weight^ x 100, Baird et al., 1974) and ‘total’ and basal secretion of the other hormones. The plasma melatonin concentration at different time points during the night (from 2300 h to 0600 h) was compared with the ‘total’ secretion during 24 h.


M e a n plasma levels of all hormones throughout the sampling period are shown in Fig. 1. Melatonin and hormones of the entero-insular axis 91

8 0 ~ 4 0 • 70 130 • I 6 0 Ë 20 ■ 3 5 0 Ç 4 0 o 3 0 II 13 15 17 19 21 23 01 0 3 0 5 07 0 9 h •5 2 0 ^ 10 8 0 6 II 13 15 17 19 21 2 3 01 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 h 4 250 r 2 200 15 II 13 15 17 19 21 23 01 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 b 2000 150 - 10 100 O' 1000 5 5 0 li. II 13 15 17 19 21 2 3 01 0 3 0 5 07 0 9 b II 13 15 17 19 21 2 3 01 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 h Fig. 1. Mean plasma levels of melatonin (MT), free (— ) and total (—) cortisol, insulin, C-peptide and GIP in twelve normal volunteers, at hourly intervals for 24-h following food ingestion. See text for sampling conditions. SEM shown, n = 12.

0 -3 0 ■ 0-25 ■

0*20 ■






20 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 250 200 300 MT (pg/ml) 0 2 0 0 h Fig. 2. The relationship of total melatonin (MT) secretion during 24-h to the plasma concentration at 0200 h in twelve normal volunteers. r = 0-9667. 92 J. Arendt et al.

Plasma melatonin showed a night-time rise and low to undetectable values during the day. Melatonin did not show episodic secretion during the day, although seven of the subjects showed evidence of two or more secretory episodes at night. Only one volunteer gave two spikes of secretion during the day comparable with night values. Mean maximum levels reached a plateau between 0200 and 0500 h. Melatonin concentration (pg/ml) between 2300 h and 0600 h correlated well with ‘total’ secretion over 24 h: correlation coefficients varied from 0-9004 (P<0-01, 0600 h) to 0-9667 ( f <0 01, 0200 h). Fig. 2 illustrates the 0200 h relationship and indicates the usefulness of single time-point determination of night-time melatonin, as an index of total secretion. The mean plasma levels of the pancreatic and gut hormones peaked 75 min after food ingestion (Fig. 1). In view of the sampling conditions, we were unable to estimate the individual peak values: in view of the rapid post-prandial rise, more frequent sampling would have been necessary. Following stimulation, values remained basal for the rest of the sampling period and cyclic oscillations were not detectable. Plasma free and bound cortisol showed the well-known 24-h rhythm with mean peak values at 0900 h. Serious problems with the cannula during the night in one volunteer were reflected in a massive increase in free, and to a lesser extent, bound cortisol, and very high melatonin was recorded: (volunteer S.P. 0400 h, MT =151 pg/ml, group mean = 54-1 ±7-8 pg/ml,x±SEM , «=11; free cortisol = 45-2 ng/ml, group mean = 5-7+1-1 ng/ml, X SEM, « = 11). In view of a possible effect of stress on melatonin secretion (Lynchet al..

Table 1. Significant relationships between MT secretion and different variables in eleven normal volunteers, three men and eight women

Coefficient of No. of correlation Significance Variable I Variable II pairs (r) level

‘Total’ MT secretion body weight (kg) 11 0-6482 P<0-05 during 24-h sampling period (arbitrary units)* 8 0-8279 P < 0-01t height ^ - ^ ^ 2 x 100 11 -0-6080 f <0 05 weight

8 -0-8530 P < 0-01t Peak MT concentration body weight (kg) 11 0-6681 P<0-05 (pg/ml) 8 0-8880 P < 0-01t height — 1^ 2 x 100 11 -0-5950 P<0-05 weight

8 -0-887 P < 0-01t ‘total’ insulin secretion 11 0-6134 P<0-05 during 24-h sampling period (arbitrary units)*

* Defined in text, t Women only. Melatonin and hormones o f the entero-insular axis 93

1973; Leone et al., 1979), this volunteer was excluded from further calculations. In the remaining eleven volunteers, melatonin did not relate to cortisol secretion. The significant relationships between melatonin, body weight and other hormones in the remaining eleven volunteers are shown in Table 1, No significant correlations were found between melatonin and C-peptide, or GIP, or between ‘total’ melatonin and insulin secretion. It was noted however that peak plasma melatonin concentration correlated with ‘total’ insulin secretion. Body weight in these volunteers ranged from 46 5 to 97-0 kg (7 M 8 ± 5 04, x ± SEM, «=11) and was found to relate significantly to both ‘total’ and peak plasma melatonin values with greater significance when women were considered separately (Table 1). The individual obesity index also correlated to ‘total’ plasma melatonin with greater significance when women were considered separately (Table 1). In women only, a weak relationship was noted between total insulin and body weight (r= 0*5819, f <0 05). In a further group of eleven male volunteers, aged 39-70 years (53-7 ±2*6, x +SEM), who served as controls for a recent schizophrenia study (Perrier et al., in preparation) melatonin concentration at 2400 h again related to body weight (r=0 66, f <0 05). Neither peak plasma melatonin concentration nor ‘total’ plasma melatonin related to age in the present group of subjects.

DISCUSSION Previous reports of episodic melatonin, insulin and C-peptide secretion in man have employed shorter sampling intervals than those reported here. In the case of insulin and C-peptide, Langet al. (1979) have reported cyclic oscillations of basal values, with small amplitude and a period of 10-15 min in ten volunteers, which would not be detectable with our sampling conditions. In the case of melatonin, the daytime plasma values reported by Weinberget al. (1979) in five subjects and described as episodic secretion are so high (up to 20-fold higher than those reported here) that the probable contribution of cross-reactants to their values should be considered. A further report of episodic daytime melatonin secretion by Linsell et al. (1979) using gas-chromatography-mass-spectro- metry, concerns one subject. If episodic daytime melatonin secretion occurs, it is probably below the limit of detection (7-14 pg/ml) of our assay. In view of the possible non-specific elevation of plasma melatonin in response to psychological stress, it is clearly important to control for stress when assessing pineal function. However, the lack of a significant melatonin-cortisol relationship in the majority of subjects is in agreement with the observations of Vaughanet al. (1978; 1979). Plasma melatonin may be affected by stage of the menstrual cycle (Arendt, 1978; Tapp et al., 1980) and possibly by oral contraceptives (Tapp et ai, 1980) in the morning, but the evidence is inconclusive. Total secretion as assessed by 6-hydroxy melatonin sulphate determination did not change during the cycle in five women (Fellenberget al., 1980) but this study provides no information on possible changes in the timing of melatonin secretion during the menstrual cycle. For the present experiment it is assumed that menstrual cycle does not significantly affect total secretion, and it is not possible to assess any contribution of contraceptive steroids due to the small number of subjects. This is the first report to our knowledge of a relationship of body weight to melatonin in man. It is possible that melatonin is related more to body fat than size; four of the female volunteers in the present study exceeded ideal body weight by more than 10%, and all weight calculations were more significant in females. Clearly, however, more information 94 J. Arendt et al. is required in order to confirm or deny this suggestion, and all deductions must be tentative in view of the small number of subjects in this study. It is conceivable that there is a cause-effect relationship between melatonin secretion and body weight. Evidence for a pineal involvement with growth indicates that in rats (Relkin 1976) and sheep (Forbes et al., 1981) it ma y mediate the effects of photoperiod on growth. Also, brown adipose tissue (BAT) is currently thought to be of importance in weight control (Rothwell & Stock, 1979): melatonin administration increases B A T in hamsters (Heldmaier & Hoffman, 1974) and it is possible that B A T is modified by pineal secretory products in man. Obesity is kn o w n to be associated with high circulating insulin levels (K a r a m et al., 1963) and it is possible that the association of peak melatonin concentration to stimulated insulin secretion results from both hormones being related to body fat. However the general lack of association between stimulated and basal levels of the entero-insular hormones and melatonin production suggests that pineal indoleamines are not concerned with long-term regulation of pancreatic and gut-hormone secretion. An y acute effects of melatonin on pancreatic and gut hormone secretion might be sh own by feeding during the night under suitably controlled conditions. M e a n plasma melatonin values at 2400 h under fasting conditions reported here (51-7+15 pg/ml, X + SE M ) were similar to those of a group of eleven volunteers with the same range of age and weight sampled at 2400 h at the same time of year as this study following an evening meal (68-0 + 8 pg/ml, x SE M , Arendt et ai, 1980). Thus it is unlikely that short-term fasting affects melatonin secretion in man. Possible effects of the pineal gland on growth and maintenance of body weight in ma n merit further investigation, inter alia with reference to anorexia nervosa and the associated endocrine abnormalities. Data concerning melatonin levels in the course of puberty ma y prove mo r e rewarding if considered in conjunction with the gross changes in body weight that occur at this time. Furthermore, when comparing control and experimental or pathological populations, matching for body weight is clearly of importance.


W e thank the M R C for financial support during this study.


A r e n d t , J., W etterberg, L., H e y d e n , T., Sizonenko, P.C. & Paunier, L. (1977) Radioimmunoassay of melatonin: human serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Hormone Research, 8 , 65-75. Bailey, C.J., A tkins, T.W. & M alty, A.J. (1974) M elatonin inhibition of insulin secretion in the rat and mouse. Hormone Research, 5, 21-28 B a ird , I., Silverstone, J.T., G rim s h a w , J.J. & A s h w e ll, M. (1974) Prevalence of obesity in a London borough. Practitioner, 212, 706-714. B a rn e s , N.D., P a lu m b o , P.J., H a y le s , A.B. & Folgar, H. (1974) Insulin resistance, skin changes and virilization: a recessively inherited syndrome possibly due to pineal dysfunction. Diabetologia, 10,285-289. E l l i o t , P R., Powell-Tuck, J., Gillespie, P.E., L a id lo w , J.M., Lennard-Jones, J.E., E n g l is h , J., Chakraborty, j. & M a r k s , V . (1980) Prednisolone absorption in acute colitis. Gut, 21, 49-51. Fellenberg, A. J., P h illip o u , G . & S e a m a rk , R. F . ( 1980) Specific quantitation of urinary 6-hydroxy melatonin sulphate by gas-chromatography mass spectrometry. Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 1, 84-87. Forbes, J.M ., Brown, W.B., Al-Banna, A.G.M. & Jones, R. (1981) The effect of daylength on the growth of lam b s. Animal Production, 32, 2 3 -2 8 . Melatonin and hormones of the entero-insular axis 95

G o r r a y , K.C.. Q u a y , W.B. & E w a r t , R.B.L. (1979) Effects of pinealectomy and pineal incubation medium and sonicates on insulin release by isolated pancreatic islets in vitro. Hormone and Metabolic Research, II, 432-436. H a m p to n , S.H. & M a r k s , V. (1979) Development, validation and use of a human C-peptide radioimmuno­ assay. British Diabetic Association Meeting, Bristol, 1979. Diabetologia, 17, Heldmaier, G. & Hoffmann, K. (1974) Melatonin stimulates growth of brown adipose tissue. Nature, 247, 224-225. K a ra m , J.S., Grodsky, G.M. & Forsham, P.H. (1963) Excessive insulin response to glucose in obese subjects as measured by immunochemical assay. Diabetes, 12, 197-204. L a n g , D.A., M a tt h e w s , D R., P e to , J. & T u r n e r , R.Ç. (1979) Cyclic oscillations of basal plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in human beings. New England Journal of Medicine, 301, 1023-1027. L eo n e, R.M., S ilm a n , R.E., H o o p e r, R.J.L., C a r t e r , S.J., F in n ie , M.A., E d w a r d s , R., S m ith , I., F r a n c is , P. & M u l l e n , P.E. ( 1979) A routine assay for methoxytroptophol and melatonin in the peripheral circulation using gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometry. Progress in Brain Research, 52 , 263-265. Linsell, C., M ullen, P.E., S ilm a n , R.E., L e o n e , R.M., F in n ie , M.A., C a r t e r , S.J., H o o p e r, R.J.L., S m ith , 1. & Francis, P. (1979) The measurement of the daily fluctuations of 5-methoxytryptophol in human plasma. Progress in Brain Research, 52, 501-505. L y n c h , H.J., E n g ., J.P. & W u r tm a n , R.J. (1973) Control of pineal indole biosynthesis by changes in sympathetic tone caused by factors other than environmental lighting. Proceedings o f the National Academy o f Science, 70, 1704-1707. M o r g a n , L.M., M o r r is , B.A. & M a r k s , V. (1978) Radioimmunoassay of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Annals o f Clinical Biochemistry, 15, 172-177. Relkin, R. (1976) The Pineal. Eden Press, Montreal. R o t h w e l l , N.J. & S to c k , M.J. (1979) A role for brown adipose tissue in diet-induced thermogenesis. Nature, 281, 31-35. T a p p , E., S t. J o h n , J.G. & S k in n e r, L. (1980) Serum melatonin levels during the menstrual cycle. Abstract, International Symposium on Melatonin, Bremen, 1980. V a u g h a n , G.M., A l l e n , J.P., T u l l i s , W., Siler-Khodr, T.M., L a P e n a , A. D e & S a c k m a n , J.W. (1978) Overnight plasma profiles of melatonin and certain adenohypophyseal hormones in men. Journal o f Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 47, 566-571. V a u g h a n , G.M., M c D o n a ld , S.D., J o r d a n , R.M., A l l e n , J.P., B e l l , R. & Stevens, E.A. (1979) Melatonin, pituitary function and stress in humans. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 4, 351-362. W e in b e rg , U., D ’E l e t t o , R.D., W e itz m a n , E.D., E r l i c h , S. & H ollander, C.S. (1979) Circulating melatonin in man: episodic secretion throughout the light-dark cycle. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 48, 1 14-118. W e s t, R.J., Lloyd, J.K. & T u r n e r , W.M.L. (1975) Familial insulin-resistant diabetes, multiple somatic anomalies, and pineal hyperplasia. Archives o f Disease in Childhood, 50, 703-708. NUTRITION REPORTS INTERNATIONAL


Peter R. Flatt*, Clifford J. Bailey’*’, Peter Kwasowski*, Sara K. Swanston-Flatt* and Vincent Marks*

*Divisions of Nutrition and Food Science, and Clinical Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, U.K., and ’^’Department of Molecular Sciences, University of Aston in Birmingham, Birmingham, B4 7ET, U.K.


In a 42 day study, energy intake of young adult (12-16 weeks old) obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice was increased by 45% with a supplementary cafeteria diet, and decreased by 47% when the feeding period was restricted to 2 hours daily. Compared with control mice (8% increase in body weight), body w eight was increased by 20% in cafeteria fed m ice and decreased by 18% in diet restricted mice. Cafeteria feeding considerably increased (up to 138%) plasma concentrations of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), associated with a smaller increase (50%) in plasma insulin, and no significant changes in basal plasma glucose or oral glucose tolerance. Dietary restriction substantially reduced plasma GIP, insulin and glucose concentrations (up to 33%, 25% and 30% of control values respectively), but only glucose reached the concentrations observed in lean (+/+) mice. Insulin resistance, assessed by insulin hypoglycaemia tests, was decreased in diet restricted mice but not significantly altered in cafeteria fed mice. Diet restricted mice also showed a marked reduction in the glycaemic response to a test meal. The results indicate that in young adult ob/ob mice, energy dissipation is increased during extra energy intake, while energy conservation is increased when intake is reduced. The results are also consistent with the view that additional food consumption enhances nutrient-induced GIP secretion which promotes the hyperinsulinaemia.


The inordinate adiposity of genetically obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice has been attributed to the combined effects of increased metabolic efficiency and hyperphagia (1,2). Increased metabolic efficiency is evident during suckling, when energy intake is normal, implicating this disturbance as a causative influence in the genesis of obesity. Hyperinsulinaemia, a prominent endocrine abnormality of the ob/ob syndrome, also arises before weaning (1). However, it is the hyperphagia which grossly exacerbates the hyperinsulinaemia after weaning. The hyperinsulinaemia promotes the obesity, insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia and multiple metabolic disorders of the ob/ob mutant (3).

Amelioration of the glucoregulatory abnormalities of ob/ob mice during dietary restriction has been documented previously (1,4), but little attention has been given to the effects of overfeeding. A recent study has shown that the hyperphagia and obesity of ob/ob mice can be increased using a varied diet of palatable cafeteria food items (5). The effect of extra energy consumption on


the hyperinsulinaemia and impaired glucose homeostasis of ob/ob mice has not been examined. This issue is addressed in the present study by comparing the changes in plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in ob/ob mice overfed with a cafeteria diet or subjected to dietary restriction. The study includes measurements of plasma gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), a glucose-dependent insulinotropic hormone released from the intestine during feeding (6). GIP concentrations are markedly raised in ob/ob mice (7,8) and appear to constitute an important part of the overactive enteroinsular axis linking the hyperphagia and hyperinsulinaemia.


Animals. Aston obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice and lean (+/+) mice bred at the University of Surrey were used at 12-16 weeks of age. The origin and characteristics of the Aston strain of mice have been described previously (9,10). Mice were maintained in an air-conditioned room at 22 + 2°C with a lighting schedule of 12 hours light (0700-1900 h) and 12 hours dark.

Diets. Mice were supplied ad libitum with tap water and a stock laboratory pellet diet (Spratts laboratory diet no. 1, Lillico Ltd., Reigate, U.K.) comprising 48% carbohydrate, 21.5% protein, 3.5% fat, 2.7% fibre; metabolizable energy 3400 kcal/kg. The cafeteria diet used in the present study consisted of 14 different items supplied as two different items daily in addition to the stock diet. Table I lists the food items and the amounts consumed. The mice readily consumed each of the cafeteria food items, and a particular preference for tuna fish was observed from amongst the selection provided. The overall composition of the cafeteria diet consumed during 1-38 days of study was 38.3% carbohydrate, 13.8% protein, 22.2% fat, 3.0% fibre; metabolizable energy 4035 kcal/kg calculated from food tables (11).

TABLE I Composition of cafeteria diet æ d amounts of cafeteria food items consumed by (ob/ob) mice

Food Item Amount consumed Energy consumed (g/mouse/24 h) (kcal/mouse/24 h)

Tuna fish 6.9 + 0.4 19.8 + 1.2 Peanuts 5.3 + 0.4 30.1 + 2.4 Madeira cake 5.1 + 0.5 20.1 + 1.9 Muesli 4.6 + 0.2 17.0 + 0.7 Cheese 4.4 + 0.3 18.0 + 1.2 Milk chocolate 4.1 T 0.4 21.7 + 2.1 Chocolate digestives 3.7 + 0.3 18.2 + 1.4 Crisps 3.7 + 0.2 19.6 + 1.2 Luncheon meat 3.5 + 0.4 11.0 + 1.2 Mars bar 2.7 + 0.3 12.0 + 1.2 Frankfurter 2.2 + 0.2 6.0 + 0.5 Macaroni 2.1 T 0.3 7.9 + 1.2 Gingernuts 1.5 + 0.2 6.7 + 1.0 Dates 1.4 + 0.2 3.6 + 0.5

Values are mean + SEM of 6 mice receiving each cafeteria food item on 5 occasions. Two different cafeteria food items were supplied ad libitum each day as a supplement to stock diet, also suppiied ad libitum.


Experimental Procedure. Equal numbers of male and female ob/ob mice were assigned to each of 3 groups. Control mice were supplied stock diet ad libitum. Cafeteria fed mice were supplied stock diet plus two cafeteria food items daily ad libitum. Diet restricted mice were subjected to progressively shorter feeding periods during which stock diet was supplied ad libitum. Access to food outside of these periods was prohibited. The feeding periods were 7 hours/day (1000-1700) for days 1-7; 4 hours/day (1000-1400) for days 8-14; 2 hours/day (1000-1200) thereafter. The study was continued for 42 days, and body weight and food intake were monitored daily for 1-38 days. Blood samples (100 pi) for plasma glucose, insulin and GIP analyses were taken from the tail tip of conscious mice at the times shown in Figure 2. For comparison at the end of the study these parameters were also measured in age and sex matched lean (+/+) mice supplied stock diet ad libitum.

Test Procedures. The following tests were performed at 1000 hours on days 39-42. Insulin hypoglycaemia tests were undertaken on the three groups of mice. Control and cafeteria fed mice were studied in the fed state and received an intraperitoneal injection of monocomponent porcine insulin (Actrapid, Novo, Copenhagen, Denmark), 100 U/kg body weight. Diet restricted mice, which had been deprived of food for 22 hours received 20 U insulin'/kg body weight. Glucose tolerance tests (2 g glucose/kg body weight, administered orally in a 40% w/v solution) were conducted on freely fed control and cafeteria fed mice. Food was withheld during both the insulin hypoglycaemia and glucose tolerance tests. A 2 hour test meal of stock diet ad libitum was given to control and diet restricted mice. The control mice were fasted from 1200 hours on the previous day (i.e. fasted for 22 hours), corresponding to the period when food was withheld from the diet restricted mice. In each of the three tests, blood samples (20 pi) were taken from the tail tip for plasma glucose analysis at the times shown in the Figures.

Analyses. Plasma glucose, insulin and GIP were measured as described previously (7,8). Data are presented as mean £ SEM of 6 mice. Student's paired and unpaired £-tests were used as appropriate for statistical comparison. Differences were considered to be significant for P < 0.05.


Body weight and energy intake of control, cafeteria fed and diet restricted ob/ob mice are illustrated in Figure 1 and summarised in Table II. Supplementation of the stock diet for 38 days with a variety of palatable cafeteria food items increased energy intake by 45% compared with control mice. The overall partition of energy intake was 90% from the cafeteria diet and 10% from the stock diet, with daily variations of 65% to 98% from the cafeteria diet, depending upon the items supplied. Body weights of the two groups of mice did not significantly differ, although the cafeteria fed mice showed a significantly (P < 0.05) greater increase in body weight than control mice (20.4% and 7.6% respectively). Conversely, a restricted feeding period of 2 hours daily reduced total energy intake by 47%, accompanied by a progressive fall in body weight.

In cafeteria fed mice, plasma GIP concentrations were increased (56% and 138% respectively) at 28 and 35 days, and the level of hyperinsulinaemia was increased (50%) at 35 days (Figure 2). The level of hyperglycaemia in cafeteria



O) 80



« ■q

./ Cafeteria ^ 20

Stock ••t’* 20 Days FIGURE 1. Panels a and b illustrate body weigtit and energy intake in control (------), cafeteria fe3 (------) and diet restricted (•-•-•) ob/ob mice. Panel c illustrates ttie partition of energy intake between cafeteria food items and stock diet in the cafeteria fed mice. Values are mean + SEtvl of 6 mice.

TABLEn Body Weight and E^rqy Intake of Control, Cafeteria Fed and Diet Restricted ob/ob Mice

Body Weight Energy intake

Initial Final Change Change Total (day 0) (day 38) (days 0-38) (days 0-38) (days 0-38) 9 9 g/mouse % kcal/mouse

Control 79.5 + 4.7 65.6 + 3.2 + 6.1 + 3.3 + 7.6 865 + 50

Cafeteria fed 76.3 + 5.2 91.9 + 5.3+ +15.7 + 2.3® +20.4*= 1257 + 20*=

Diet restricted 75.0 + 5.3 61.2 + 4.1+^* -13.8 + 1.4*=* -18.4*=* 460 + 10®*

Values are mean + SEtvl of 6 mice. P < 0.05, P < 0.01, ^ P < 0.001 compared with control mice. ♦ P < 0.001 compared with cafeteria fed mice. ^ P < 0.001 compared with initial body weight.


fed mice was not significantly altered. Diet restricted mice consumed substantially less food than control ob/ob mice (for example 3.9 + 0.1 compared with 7.5 + 0.2 g/mouse/day on day 37, mean + SEM, P < 0.001). THis amount was slightly less than that consumed by lean mice fed ad libitum (5.4 + 0.5 g/mouse/day, n = 6, P < 0.05). The diet restricted mice showed reduced concentrations of the three plasma constituents measured. Plasma glucose concentrations fell to 5.9 + 0.7 mmol/l. This was within the range for fed lean mice 7.3 + 0.4 mmol/l. Plasma insulin and GIP concentrations, although markedly reduced in diet restricted ob/ob mice, remained in excess of values in fed lean mice (1.6 + 0.3 ng/ml and 289 + 11 pg/ml respectively).

Insulin hypoglycaemia tests conducted at the end of the study are illustrated in Figure 3. Due to the severe resistance of ob/ob mice 100 U insulin/kg was administered intraperitoneally to control and cafeteria fed mice. The insulin induced fall in plasma glucose was similar in these groups. However, a smaller dose of insulin (20 U/kg) produced a much greater fall in plasma glucose in the diet restricted mice, demonstrating a less severe state of insulin resistance. Consistent with these data, oral glucose tolerance was similar in control and cafeteria fed mice (Figure 4). Moreover, the glycaemic response to a 2 hour test meal was reduced in diet restricted mice compared with control mice (Figure 4),


20 g l u c o s e 100 10 0

40 S Pla sm a insulir 20 ng/ml 0 30 60 M i n u t e s 0 FIGURE 3. Percentage change in plasma glucose concentrations of control ( • ------•), cafeteria fed (■- - -■) and diet restricted 4 (a a ) ob/ob mice during intraperitoneal P la s m a insulin hypoglycaemia tests conducted at the GIP end of the study. Control and cafeteria fed ng/ml mice were freely fed and received 2 100 U insulin/kg. Diet restricted mice were deprived of food for 22 hours and received 20 U insulin/kg. Values are mean + SEM of 6 0 mice. 0 7 14 21 28 35 Days

FIGURE 2. Plasma glucose, insulin and GIP concentrations in control ( • ------•), cafeteria fed (■------■) and diet restricted ( a a) ob/ob mice. Values are mean + SEM of 6 mice.


40 30

P l a s m a 30 20 g l u c o s e mmol/l

20 10

0 0 0 30 60 0 2 5 M i n u t e s H o u r s

FIGURE 4. Left panel; plasma glucose concentrations of freely fed control (• ------•) and cafeteria fed (■ m) ob/ob mice during oral glucose tolerance tests (2 g/kg body weight). Right panel; plasma glucose concentrations of 22 hour fasted control (• ------•) and diet restricted ( a a ) ob/ob mice during a 2 hour test meal Values are mean + S E M of 6 mice. despite the consumption of more food by the diet restricted group (3.8 + 0.1 and 1.5 + 0.1 g/mouse/2 hours) in diet restricted and control mice respectively, P < 0:001).


The results confirm that hyperphagia in ob/ob mice can be increased by supplementing the stock diet with a variety of palatable cafeteria food items (5). The mice consumed much greater quantities of the cafeteria foods than the stock diet, and generally exhibited a preference for the more fatty food items (12). Without knowledge of the energy content of the mice at the beginning and end of the study, and of energy expenditure during the study, an accurate determination of metabolic efficiency cannot be made. However, the relatively small increase in body weight of the cafeteria fed mice (20%) compared with control mice (8%), despite the 45% greater energy intake in cafeteria fed mice, indicates that mechanisms for energy dissipation were increased during extra energy intake. Preadult ob/ob mice examined previously (5) stored a larger proportion of the additional energy consumed during cafeteria feeding than the young adult mice in the present study. This is consistent with the more rapid accretion of adipose tissue at the younger age (10). Although the capacity for energy dissipation is severely compromised in ob/ob mice (1,2), older ob/ob mice may possess a greater capacity than preadult ob/ob mice. This cannot be attributed to increased energy expenditure in physical activity, since ob/ob mice become less active with age. Whether there is an age-related alteration in the thermogenic activity of brown adipose tissue, or the activity of other energy consuming processes in ob/ob mice is not clear (1,2,13). The effect of overfeeding in ob/ob mice contrasts with lean animals, which show a much greater capacity for dietary induced adiposity at a younger age (14). As previously noted (1,4,13), diet restricted ob/ob mice are even more highly efficient energy conservers than freely fed ob/ob mice, although the biochemical basis of this adaptation awaits elaboration.

In the presence of hyperglycaemia, GIP is a potent insulinotropic agent (6), and excessive production of GIP particularly in response to dietary fat.


contributes to nutrient induced hyperinsulinaemia in ob/ob mice (3,7,8). Raised GIF concentrations may promote the adiposity of ob/ob mice by directly stimulating lipogenesis as well as via insulin (6,7). Thus the increased quantity of food and the greater proportion of fat consumed by the cafeteria fed mice (22.2% fat compared with 3.5% fat for stock diet) could account for the additional concentrations of GIP. This in turn would contribute to increased hyperinsulinaemia and obesity (15). Consonent with this view, dietary res-triction markedly reduced plasma GIP and insulin concentrations. However, the concentrations of these hormones in diet restricted ob/ob mice did not reach those of lean mice, despite consumption of less food than lean mice. This emphasises that hyperphagia alone is not entirely responsible for the raised insulin and GIP concentrations in ob/ob mice, although the hyperplasia of islet B cells and intestinal K cells associated with hyperphagia represents a major contributory factor. The fall in glucose concentrations in diet restricted ob/ob mice to within the range of lean mice, and the reduced glycaemic response to meal ingestion, supports other evidence that chronic hyperphagia is important in the development of hyperglycaemia and glucose intolerance in ob/ob mice (1,3). This may be related in part to the reduced insulin resistance. However, the insulin dose (20 U/kg, ip) required to produce a marked fall of plasma glucose in diet restricted mice was still some 80 fold greater than required in lean mice (16). Although hyperplagia strongly promotes the pathogenesis of the ob/ob syndrome, the additional intake of energy induced by cafeteria feeding did not cause a further significant deterioration of hyperglycaemia, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. This is likely to reflect the short duration of the study and the age of the ob/ob mice used. Also, the inordinate severity of these abnormalities in young adult mice may obscure the measurement of subtle changes by the tests employed. However, the coexistence of similarly raised glucose concentrations but greater hyperinsulinaemia in the cafeteria fed mice indicates an aggravation of the ob/ob syndrome.


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Accepted for publication: July 11, 1985.

854 OCTOBER 1985 VOL. 32 NO. 4 Acta Endocrinologica 1986,112: 224-229

Immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide and K cell hyperplasia in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice fed high fat and high carbohydrate cafeteria diets

C. J. Bailey^, P. R. Flatt^ P. Kwasowski C. J. PowelF and V. Marks^

Department o f Molecular Sciences^, Aston University, Birmingham and Department of Biochemistry^ University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Abstract. The effect of diet composition on plasma as a physiological component of the enteroinsular and intestinal concentrations of immunoreactive gastric axis (Brown 1982; Creutzfeldt et al. 1983), and inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) and intestinal K cell den­ hypersecretion of GIP has been suggested as a sity was examined in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) factor contributing to the hyperinsulinaemia of mice. The mice were reared from 3 to 11 weeks of age ob/ob mice (Flatt et al. 1984a,b). The raised GIP on either stock diet, a high fat (HF) cafeteria diet or a concentrations of ob/ob mice render this mutant a high carbohydrate (HC) cafeteria diet. The HF cafete­ convenient model for studies of GIP physiology. ria diet increased the concentration of GIP in plasma (75%) and in the intestine (118%) and increased the As noted in other species (Brown 1982), orally density (54%) of GIP-secreting K cells in the upper administered fat elicits a greater acute plasma GIP jejunum compared with the stock diet. Plasma and response than other nutrients in ob/ob mice (Flatt intestinal GIP concentrations were not significantly et al. 1984a), but the long-term effects of different altered by the HC cafeteria diet, although the density of dietary components on plasma and intestinal GIP K cells in the upper jejunum was increased (45%). The remain to be established. extent of hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia in The present study examines the chronic effects ob/ob mice was not significantly altered by the HF of excess fat and excess carbohydrate on the de­ and HC cafeteria diets. The results indicate that an velopment of raised GIP concentrations in young increased amount of dietary fat chronically stimulates ob/ob mice fed for 8 weeks on high fat and high the production and secretion of GIP, and enhances intestinal K cell density in ob/ob mice. carbohydrate cafeteria diets.

Obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice exhibit a par­ ticularly severe obesity and hyperinsulinaemia, Materials and Methods Animals marked hyperphagia and moderate hyperglycae­ mia (Bray & York 1979; Bailey et al. 1982). Recent Obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice and lean (-(-/+) mice on the Aston background were housed as previ­ studies have identified excessive concentrations of ously (Flatt et al. 1984a). The origin and characteristics immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide of these mice have been described elsewhere (Flatt & (GIP) in the small intestine and plasma of these Bailey 1981; Bailey et al. 1982). mice (Flatt et al. 1983, 1984a) associated with hyperplasia and increased hormone content of Diets the intestinal GIP-secreting K cells (Polak et al. Groups of mice were fed either stock diet (Mouse 1975). Considerable evidence has implicated GIP breeding diet, Heygate & Sons Ltd., Northampton, UK)

224 or approximately isoenergetic high fat (HF) and high mouse plasma. Porcine GIP (J. C. Brown, University of carbohydrate (HC) cafeteria diets. The diets and tap British Columbia, Canada) was used to prepare *^®1- water were available ad libitum. The metabolisable labelled tracer and as standard. The GIP antiserum energy contents of the diets were; stock diet 12.2 MJ/kg (RIG 34/111, Guildhay Antisera), raised in rabbit against (26% protein, 8 % fat, 6 6 % carbohydrate); HC cafeteria a porcine GIP-glutaraldehyde-ovalbumin conjugate, diet 13.2 MJ/kg (10% protein, 7% fat, 83% carbohy­ recognises the 5000 and 8000 molecular forms of GIP, drate). The HF and HC cafeteria diets were supplied in and exhibits negligible cross-reactivity with other en- the form of 2 food items daily. Five pairs of food items teropancreatic hormones. Details of the assay sensitivity were used in rotation in each cafeteria diet. The pairs of and specificity have been described previously (Morgan HF cafeteria foods were chocolate and fish cake, fish etal. 1978; Flatt etal. 1984a). paste and corned beef, sardines and pork pie, marzipan and roast beef, beefburger and sausage. For the HC /mmunocytochemistry cafeteria diet the food pairings were white bread and Rehydrated paraffin sections (5 pm) were cut trans­ matzo, rice krispies breakfast cereal and malt bread, versely from the segments of upper jejunum. The cornflakes breakfast cereal and jelly, sugar puffs and sections were immunostained by the unlabelled per- weetabix breakfast cereals, madeira cake and rye crisp- oxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique (Sternberger bread (Bailey et al. 1985). Nutrient composition and 1979) using rabbit anti-porcine GIP antiserum (RIG metabolisable energy values were calculated from food 34/111) described above. Sections were incubated with tables (Paul 8c Southgate 1978) or manufactures infor­ the antiserum (1:1500 dilution) for 16 h at 4°C, fol­ mation. lowed by incubations with donkey anti-rabbit antiserum (Guildhay Antisera) for 40 min at 4°C and with rabbit Experimental procedure PAP complex (Dakopatts, Glostrup, Denmark) for 40 Three groups of ob/ob mice were matched for sex and min at 4°C. Peroxidase activity was visualised using body weight immediately prior to weaning (3 weeks of 0.05% 3,3-diaminobenzidine (British Drug Houses, age), and weaned onto either the stock diet, HF or HC Poole, UK) in citrate-acetate buffer, pH 5, and sections cafeteria diet. A group of lean mice was also weaned were counterstained with 0.5% Harris’ haematoxylin onto the stock diet. The mice were maintained on their (British Drug Houses, Poole, UK). Control sections respective diets until 11 weeks of age, when 24 h food were treated with normal rabbit serum instead of rabbit intake was monitored (Bailey et al. 1985) for 4 consecu­ anti-porcine GIP antiserum. Sections were washed twice tive days. Body weight was recorded, and a blood for 10 min with saline in 0.05 M Tris buffer, pH 7.6, sample (150 pi) was taken from the tail tip for determi­ between each incubation. Thirty-five representative nation of plasma glucose, insulin and GIF. sections were selected from throughout each tissue Mice were killed by cervical dislocation at 12 weeks segment. Positively stained GIP cells (K cells) were of age. The intestine (duodenum-jejunum-ileum) was counted per whole transverse section at x 250 magnifi­ rapidly removed, cleaned by perfusion with ice cold cation. Sections were focused up and down to ensure saline, weighed and the length measured. One cm inclusion of all cells throughout the thickness of the segment was taken exactly 15 cm distal to the duodenal- sections. Only sections with villi at right angles to the pyloric junction (corresponding to upper jejunum), lumen were used, and only cells with a surface area fixed for 24 h in Bouin's fluid, dehydrated through equal to or greater than a nucleus were counted. The graded ethanols, cleared in toluene and embedded in area of each section was determined using a grid, and paraffin wax. The remaining tissue was re-weighed, the number of K cells was expressed per mm^, to extracted with 5 ml/g acid ethanol (Flatt et al. 1983) and accommodate variations in area. assayed for GIP. Statistical analysis Assay Data were compared using Student’s unpaired ( test. Plasma glucose was measured by an automated glucose Differences were considered to be significant for oxidase procedure (Stevens 1971), and plasma insulin P < 0.05. was determined by double antibody radioimmunoassay using crystalline mouse insulin standard (Bailey & A hm ed-Sorour 1980). GIP was measured by double Results antibody radioimmunoassay (Morgan et al. 1978) using At 11 weeks of age ob/ob mice fed stock diet were donkey anti-rabbit gamma globulin antiserum (Guild- characteristically obese (as indicated by greater hay Antisera, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK) to separate bound and free antigen. Immuno-adsorbed body weight), hyperphagic, hyperglycaemic, hy- hormone-free plasma was used to minimise non-speci­ perinsulinaemic and exhibited raised plasma GIP fic interference, and parallelism was demonstrated be­ concentrations compared with lean mice fed the tween the standard curve and serially diluted ob/ob same diet (Fig. 1). The ob/ob mice fed a HF

15 Acta endocr. 112. 2 225 Body weight Energy intake Plasma glucose Plasma insulin Plasma GIP (g) (kJ/mouse/day) (mmol/l) (ng/ml) (ng/ml) 100 20 b e 150 -X. 30 1 , 1 a • • a e ac -UjI- _i_ 100 _L e 4" e rL 50 1 e # 10 20 # e — 1— e 50 - e e e e # e e r

I I lean stock diet i m obese stock diet

0 obese HF cafeteria diet Q obese HC cafeteria diet

fig./. Body weight, energy intake, and plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in lean (+/+) mice fed stock diet, and in obese (ob/ob) mice fed either stock diet, a high fat (HF) cafeteria diet or a high carbohydrate (HC) cafeteria diet. Values are mean ± s e m o f 6 mice. Energy intake values were calculated during the last 4 days of the study. All parameters measured were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in obese mice than in lean mice; a: P < 0.05 compared with obese HF cafeteria diet; b: P < 0.05 compared with obese HC cafeteria diet; c: P < 0.05 compared with obese stock diet.

cafeteria diet, but not those fed a HC cafeteria mice, and the HF cafeteria diet increased the diet, showed a greater body weight than ob/ob intestinal GIP concentration (118%) and content mice fed a stock diet. However, energy intake (71%) compared with stock fed ob/ob mice. The during the last 4 days of the study was similar in intestinal GIP concentration and content were not ob/ob mice fed the stock diet and the HF cafeteria significantly altered by the HC cafeteria diet, diet, and slightly lower in ob/ob mice fed the HC although the mean values were higher (45% and cafeteria diet. The extent of hyperglycaemia and 25% respectively) than in stock fed ob/ob mice. hyperinsulinaemia was not significantly different Quantitative evaluation of histological sections in the three groups of ob/ob mice, but plasma GIP of upper jejunum confirmed that the density of K concentrations were considerably raised (75%) in cells in this region of intestine is similar in lean the group of ob/ob mice receiving the HF cafete­ and ob/ob mice fed a stock diet (Fig. 3). However, ria diet. the density of K cells was increased in ob/ob mice Intestinal length and weight were characteristi­ receiving the HF (33% and 54%) and HC (25% cally greater in stock fed ob/ob mice than in lean and 45%) cafeteria diets compared with the lean mice (Fig. 2). The HF and HC cafeteria diets did and ob/ob mice fed the stock diet. The distribu­ not significantly alter intestinal length in ob/ob tion of K cells was similar in all sections, being mice, but intestinal weight was lower in ob/ob mainly at the neck of the crypts and near the base mice receiving the HF cafeteria diet. The intesti­ of the villi, with very few cells in the apical region nal concentration and content of GIP were about of the villi. There were no apparent differences in 200% greater in stock fed ob/ob mice than in lean the intensity of staining.

226 Intestinal Intestinal Intestinal GIF Intestinal GIF length weight concentration content (cm) (g) (ug/g) (ug) 80 ■ 4 • 8 ■ 4^bc 4FO 1 60 - _ 1 3 • 6 - JJ - • • • 4- • _L 40 • 2 • • 4 - • y^ • 4- à # • 4 20 e y^i- 1 • 2 e y!t • y^ • e y^ 0 n

I I lean stock diet i m obese stock diet

@ obese HF cafeteria diet Q obese HC cafeteria diet

Fig. 2. Intestinal length and weight, and intestinal concentration and content of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in lean (+/+) mice fed stock diet, and in obese (ob/ob) mice fed either stock diet, a high fat (HF) cafeteria diet or a high carbohydrate (HC) cafeteria diet. Values are mean ± s e m of 6 mice. < 0.05 compared with lean mice fed stock diet, a: P < 0.05 compared with obese HF cafeteria diet; b: P < 0.05 compared with obese HC cafeteria diet; c: P < 0.05 compared with obese stock diet. K cell density of upper jejunum (cells/mm^)

Discussion 4Fc 10 Obese (ob/ob) mice readily consumed the varied JL. I I lean stock diet yk- and palatable cafeteria diets, showing a greater 4- m obese stock diet preference for the HF than the HC cafeteria 4- foods (Bailey et al. 1985). Although energy intake Q obese HF cafeteria diet from the HF cafeteria diet and the stock diet was similar, body weight was greater in mice receiving obese HC cafeteria diet the former diet, supporting previous evidence that metabolic efficiency is increased by this diet (Bailey et al. 1985). Whereas the extent of basal Fig. 3. hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia in ob/ob Density of K cells in the upper jejunum of lean (+/+) mice was not significantly changed by the cafete­ mice fed stock diet, and of obese (ob/ob) mice fed either ria diets, plasma GIP concentrations were raised stock diet, a high fat (HF) cafeteria diet or a high by the HF cafeteria diet. This cannot be attributed carbohydrate (HC) cafeteria diet. Values are mean to hyperalimentation since ob/ob mice consumed ± SEM of 35 transverse sections from each of 6 mice. ■¥■ P < 0.05 compared with lean mice fed stock diet, similar amounts of the HF and stock diets, thus a: P < 0.05 compared with obese HF cafeteria diet; substantiating acute studies showing a potent b; P < 0.05 compared with obese HC cafeteria diet; GIP-releasing effect of fatty acids (Brown 1982; c: P < 0.05 compared with obese stock diet. Flatt et al. 1984a). A sustained insulinotropic 227 effect of GIP in ob/ob mice appears to be depend­ Acknowledgments ent upon a rise in the extent of hyperglycaemia The authors gratefully acknowledge the excellent ani­ (Flatt et al. 1984a), which may explain why the mal care provided by Melvin Gamble and Wayne raised GIP concentrations in the HF cafeteria fed Fleary. ob/ob mice were not associated with a further increase in basal hyperinsulinaemia. Consistent with previous observations, the stock fed ob/ob mice exhibited an increased intestinal References concentration and content of GIP compared with Bailey C J & Ahmed-Sorour H (1980): Role of ovarian lean mice (Flatt et al. 1983). This was associated hormones in the long-term control of glucose homeo­ with a similar density of K cells in the upper stasis: effects on insulin secretion. Diabetologia 19: jejunum, although increased numbers of K cells 4 7 5 -4 8 1 . have been observed in more distal regions of the Bailey C J, Flatt P R & Atkins T W (1982): Influence of small intestine in older ob/ob mice (Polak et al. genetic background and age on the expression of the 1975). Feeding a HF cafeteria diet to ob/ob mice obese hyperglycaemic syndrome in Aston ob/ob mice. Int J Obesity 6: 11-21. produced jejunal K cell hyperplasia with a further Bailey C J, Flatt P R & Radley N S (1985): Effect of high increase of the intestinal GIP concentration and fat and high carbohydrate cafeteria diets on the content. Thus, chronic stimulation of GIP release development of the obese hyperglycemic (ob/ob) syn­ by increased consumption of fats appears to pro­ drom e in mice. N utr Res 5: 1003 — 1010. mote K cell proliferation and function. K cell Bray G A & York D (1979): Hypothalamic and genetic hyperplasia of the upper jejunum was also ob­ obesity in experimental animals: an autonomic and served in ob/ob mice fed the HC cafeteria diet. A endocrine hypothesis. Physiol Rev 59: 719—809. concomitant increase of the intestinal GIP concen­ Brown J C (1982): Gastric inhibitory polypeptide. tration and content was not observed, suggesting Monographs on Endocrinology. Vol 24. Springerr that the GIP content of K cells in HC cafeteria Verlag, Berlin. C reutzfeldt W, Ebert R, Nauck M 8c Stockman F (1983): fed ob/ob mice may be less than in HF cafeteria Disturbances of the entero-insular axis. Scand J fed ob/ob mice. This coincides with the relative Gastroenterol. Suppl 82, 18: 111-119. potencies of carbohydrate and fat for the stimula­ Flatt P R & Bailey C J (1981): Abnormal plasma glucose tion of GIP release (Flatt et al. 1984a), but differ­ and insulin responses in heterozygous lean (ob/4-) ences in the intensity of K cell staining in mice fed mice. Diabetologia 20: 573—577. the cafeteria diets were not apparent with the Flatt P R, Bailey C J & Buchanan K D (1982): Regula­ present technique. The lack of a significant effect tion of plasma immunoreactive glucagon in obese of the HC cafeteria diet (83% metabolisable hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice. J Endocrinol 95: 215 — energy from carbohydrate) on plasma and inte­ 227. stinal GIP compared with stock fed ob/ob mice Flatt P R, Bailey C J, Kwasowski P, Page T 8c Marks V (1984a): Plasma immunoreactive gastric inhibitory may reflect the already high carbohydrate com­ polypeptide in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice. J ponent of the stock diet (66% metabolisable Endocrinol 101: 249-256. energy from carbohydrate). Flatt P R, Bailey C J, Kwasowski P, Swanston-Flatt S K & It has been suggested that GIP increases glu­ Marks V (1983): Abnormalities of GIP in spontane­ cagon secretion in states of glucose intolerance ous syndromes of obesity and diabetes in mice. Dia­ (Salera et al. 1982). Thus GIP might contribute to betes 32: 433-435. the hyperglycaemia in ob/ob mice by maintaining Flatt P R, Bailey C J, Swanston-Flatt S K, Best L, inappropriately raised plasma glucagon concen­ Kwasowski P, Buchanan K D & Marks V (1984b): trations (Flatt et al. 1982). GIP has also been Involvement of glucagon and GIP in the metabolic reported to stimulate lipogenesis in adipose tissue abnormalities of obese hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice. In: Shafrir E 8c Renold A E (eds). Lessons from (Brown 1982). Hence, in combination with the Animal Diabetes, pp 34 1—347. John Libbey, London. hyperinsulinaemia, raised GIP levels might pro­ Morgan L M, Morris B A & Marks V (1978): Radio­ mote obesity in ob/ob mice. The present study immunoassay of gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Ann indicates that in addition to enhanced GIP secre­ Clin Biochem 15: 172-177. tion, dietary fat is also an important determinant Paul A A & Southgate D A T (1978): The composition of K cell number and intestinal GIP content in of Foods, 4th edn. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. ob/ob mice. London.

2 2 8 Polak J M, Pearse A G E, Grimelius L & Marks V ( 1975): Sternberger L A (1979): Itnmunocytochemistry, 2nd Gastrointestinal apudosis in obese hyperglycaemic edn. Wiley & Sons, New York. mice. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol 19: 135-150. Stevens J F (197 I): Determination of glucose by an Salera M, Giacomoni P, Pironi L, Cornia G, Capelli M, automatic analyser. Clin Chim Acta 32: 199-201. Marini A, Benfenati F, Miglioli M & Barbara L (1982): Gastric inhibitory polypeptide release after oral glucose: relationship to glucose intolerance, dia------betes mellitus, and obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab Received September 16th, 1985. 55: 329—336. A cceptedjannuary 13th, 1986.


Involvement of glucagon and GIP in the metabolic abnormalities of obese hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice

Peter R. F L A T T S Clifford J. BAILEY^, Sara K. SW A N S T O N - F L A T T * , Leonard BE S T \ Peter KW A S O W S K I * , Keith D. B U C H A N A N \ and Vincent MA R K S *

^Department of Biochemistry, Divisions of Nutrition & Food Science and Clinical Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK; ^Department of Biological Sciences, University o f Aston in Birmingham, UK; ^Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, University o f Brussels Medical School, Belgium and * Department of Medicine, Queen's University o f Belfast, UK.

Abnormalities of glucagon and GIP in genetically obese hyperglycemic(ob/ob) mice are described. Evi­ dence is presented that glucagon contributes to the hyperglycemia and that GIP contributes to the hyper- insulinemia of the obese mutant. A scheme is proposed in which unchecked food consumption leads to hyperplasia and hyperactivity of GIP secreting cells and other components of the enteroinsular axis, result­ ing in hyperinsulinemia. The hyperphagia and hyperinsulinemia in turn promote excessive fat deposition with the production of insulin resistance, pancreatic A-cell dysfunction and hyperglycemia.

Introduction The obese hyperglycemic syndrome (gene symbol ob) arose in 1949 as a mutation within the V strain of mice at the Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, M E , USA*. The syndrome is transmitted as a single autosomal recessive gene (chromosome 6 , linkage group XI), and obese mice have been adopted widely as an animal model to study the etiology and patho­ genesis of obesity-diabetes^’^. These mice exhibit hyperphagia, hyperinsulinemia, hypergly­ cemia and obesity, the severity of which depend upon interaction of the mutant gene with the background genome. W e report some recent observations concerning abnormalities of glucagon and GI P (glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) in relation to the meta­ bolic disturbances in the Aston strain of objob mice.

Experimental procedures The origin, breeding and characteristics of lean and obese mice from the Aston colony have been described elsewhere^’®. Blood for determination of plasma glucose®, insulin^, and C-terminal immunoreactive gluca­ gon (GGLI)^ was obtained from the cut tip of the tail of conscious mice. Plasma GIP was determined using blood obtained by cardiac puncture from anesthetised mice®. GIP and N-terminal immunoreactive glucagon (N —GLI)® were also measured in duodenaljejunal-ileal extracts prepared with acid ethanol***. The insulin releasing activity of intestinal extracts was measured using perihised obese mouse islets. The same proce­ dure was used to investigate the insulinotropic action of factors released by nutrient stimulation of obese mouse jejunum. The jejunum was everted and placed in a perifusion system in series with isolated islets. The mucosal surface was bathed in medium containing glucose, phenylalanine, methionine and valine at concen­ trations of 18.0, 7.0, 5.5 and 12.8 mmol/l respectively. The final glucose concentration of the perifusion medium was less than 4 mmol/l in all experiments. Values presented in the figures are means ± s.e. of groups of 5-14 mice. Data were compared using Student’s f-test.

Results and comment Inappropriate hyperglucagonemia. Glucagon is an important regulatory hormone, recog­ nized for its stimulatory action on hepatic glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and insulin secre­ tion**. Thus, inappropriately raised glucagon concentrations m a y contribute to hyperglyce­ mia in conditions of insulin deficiency and/or resistance*^. Indeed, hyperglucagonemia has been noted in hu m a n diabetes mellitus** and spontaneously diabetic rodents, including fatty (fa/fa) rats*®, K K mice*\ db /d b mice*®, B B rats*® and djungarian hamsters*’. As shown in Fig. 1, Aston obese mice exhibit hyperglucagonemia relative to the prevailing glucose and insu­

341 Fig. 1. A: Plasma glucose (mmol/l); B: Plasma insulin (ng/ml); C: plasma C- terminal immunoreactive glucagon (C- GLI [pg/ml]) in fed and 24-h fasted lean (open columns) and obese (hatched col­ umns) mice between 5 and 40 wk of age. j r Æ *P

i L Æ ± J ^ \ m \ m Fed F a s te d

lin concentrations, as noted with this mutation on other genetic backgrounds*®"*®. Plasma glucagon concentrations were paradoxically raised in these mice irrespective of age, nutri­ tional status and prominent age-related changes in the severity of the hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.

Abnormal regulation o f glucagon secretion. The co-existence of hyperglycemia, hyperinsu­ linemia and hyperglucagonemia in obese mice suggests a defect in a glucose - or insulin- mediated mechanism to suppress glucagon secretion. Plasma glucagon responses to i.p. glucose load in lean and obese mice are shown in Fig. 2. In the fed state, glucose suppressed glucagon in both genotypes, although glucose tolerance was impaired and a positive insulin response was lacking in obese mice. After a 24 h fast, i.p. glucose paradoxically increased glucagon in obese mice. This effect was associated with the restoration of a small positive insulin response, but glucose tolerance was further impaired. The action of glucose to sup­ press glucagon in fed but not fasted obese mice suggests a dependence on the marked hyper­ insulinemia associated with feeding. Moreover, heparin-induced elevation of free fatty acids reduces glucagon in fasted obese mice, thereby precluding a general defect to suppression by metabolic substrates’. The ability of exogenous insulin to suppress glucagon was examined in fasted mice (Fig. 3). The insulin dose effective in lean mice (0.25U/kg) was not effective in the obese mutant. A 400-fold greater dose of insulin (100 U/kg) was required to suppress both glucagon and glucose in obese mice. This demonstrates that the pancreatic A-cells of obese mice are in­ sensitive to the normal inhibitory action of insulin. The abnormality could account, in part, for both the impaired hypoglycemic action of insulin and the exaggerated glucagon response to arginine in these mice’'*’’**'**. Receptor and postreceptor faults have been identified in other insulin sensitive tissues of obese mice, including muscle and adipose tissue*®. The nature of the lesion responsible for impaired insulin suppression of glucagon secretion is un­ determined. According to current theory’’*^'*®, the defect m a y involve reduced A-cell glucose metabolism mediated through alterations of insulin receptor binding and postrecep­ tor events such as adenylate cyclase activity.

Significance o f circulating glucagon. The relative hyperglucagonemia of obese mice, together with severe insulin resistance*® and a marginal reduction in glucagon-receptor binding*’, implicate glucagon in the hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. Consonant with this view.

342 Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Plasma glucose «mol/I

Plasma insu I in ng/ml 4 o-

Plasma C-GLl pg/ml

Plasma C-CLI pg.m! 150 i 100

Time (nln) Fig. 2 (above, left). Plasma glucose, insulin and C-GLI responses to up. glucose (2 g/kg) in 20-wk-old fed and 24-h fasted lean\(o — o) and obese (* — mice. Fig. 3 (above, right).Plasma glucose and C-GLI responses to i.p. porcine insulin (Actrapid^, 0.25 and 100 U/kg) in 24-h fasted 20-xuk-old lean and obese mice, (o—o, lean 0.25 U/kg; • — • obese, 0,25 U/kg; ■— "obese 100 U/kg). exogenous glucagon markedly increased plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in fed obese mice (Fig, 4), T he physiological significance of these findings was directly evaluated by injection of specific C-terminal glucagon antibodies’ in a quantity sufficient to neutralize > 1,5 times the total pancreatic glucagon content^®. As shown in Fig, 5, induction of gluca­ gon deficiency normalized the glucose concentration of fed obese mice, with only a small decrease in plasma insulin. These observations indicate that glucagon makes a substantial contribution to the hyperglycemia of obese mice, but factors additional to glucagon are un ­ doubtedly of greater importance in the hyperinsulinemia.

Abnormalities of gut GLI. The existence of extrapancreatic glucagon-like immunoreactivity (GLI) is well established^’, but the physiological significance of this heterogeneous group of peptides remains to be clarified, G L I is located predominantly in the gut and is sometimes termed enteroglucagon. Postulated physiological actions of GL I include stimulation of insu-

■0 g Time (nin) Time (min) *•0

Fig, 4 (above, left). Plasma glucose and insulin responses to i.p. glucagon (1 mg/kg) in 10-wk-old fed lean (O— O) and obese (•— •) mice. Fig, 5 (above, right).Plasma glucose and insulin responses to an up. injection of specific C-terminal glu­ cagon antiserum in 20-wk-old fed lean (open columns) and obese (hatched columns) mice.

343 lin secretion and gut mucosal growth^°’^‘. In view of the hyperinsulinemia and enlarged intestine of obese mice®, N GL I was determined in duodenal-jejunal-ileal extracts after separation of multiple molecular forms by gel chromatography®*. Consistent with a possible pathological effect, the yield of dried extract from obese mouse intestine was 18 times greater and contained an increased amount of 3500-12 000 mol wt N-GLI per unit of extract (Fig. 6 ). However, the obese mouse intestine was apparently devoid of >2 0 00 0 mol wt N-GLI. This could reflect rapid cleavage into smaller N-GLI components. Since there is a link between glucagon and feeding®®, it is noteworthy that parabiosis experiments have seeded the hypothesis that hyperphagia in obese mice results from absence of a putative satiety factoi^^.

Importance of the enteroinsular axis. A case for an important role of the gut in the hyper­ insulinemia of obese mice does not rest merely with the possible insulinotropic influence of increased amounts of small to m e d i u m mol wt N-GLI. Compelling evidence that the entero­ insular axis is involved in the hyperinsulinemia has accumulated in recent studies®’*®’®®"®*. For example, age changes in hyperinsulinemia show a similar pattern to that of the hyper­ phagia, and plasma insulin concentrations decrease markedly w h e n food is withheld. In addition, parenterally administered glucose fails to produce a positive plasma insulin response in the fed state, whereas orally administered glucose evokes a pronounced insulin response. Voluntary ingestion of protein, fat and especially carbohydrate also evokes a marked eleva­ tion of insulin, and conditioning to intensify neuroendocrine pathways associated with feed­ ing augments the insulin response to food ingestion. Furthermore, there is hyperplasia of enteroendocrine cells in obese mouse intestine®®’®’. Indeed, both an extract of obese mouse intestine and intestinal factors, released by a glucose-amino acid mixture, stimulate insulin release from perifused islets of fed obese mice (Fig 7).

Obese mouse intestine Lean mouse intestine

M3 H4 M3 M4




C 45 Elution volume (ml) Elution volume (ml) Time (min)

Fig. 6 (above, left).N-terminal glucagon-like immunoreactivity (N-GLI) in acid ethanol extracts o f intestine of 10-wk-old fed lean and obese mice after separation o f multimolecular forms by gel filtration on a 45 x 1 cm Sephadex G-50 column. 50 mg of each extract was applied to the column and eluted at 8.5 ml/h with 0.1 mol/1 acetic acid. Elution positions of molecular markers are: Ml, blue dextran; M2, cytochrome C; M3, I-insulin; M4, ‘*® I-glucagon. Fig. 7 (above, right). Insulin release (ng/mllmg) from perifused islets: (a) islets of fed lean (0.—0) and obese — *) mice exposed to 3 mmol/l glucose and 100 pg/ml dried extract of obese mouse duodenum- jejunum; (b) islets of fed obese mice exposed to 3 mmol/l glucose and factors released from obese mouse jejunum by a glucose-animo acid mixture{•— «Test: everted jejunal segment exposed to glucose- amino-acid stimulation on mucoasl surface and perifused in series with islets; o o Control: islets perifused without jejunal segment.

344 Abnorm alities o f GIP. Although several gastrointestinal hormones have been reported to possess insulinotropic activity^®, only GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) satisfies the necessary criteria to be ascribed a physiological role in the enteroinsular axis^*. As shown in Fig. 8 , the concentration and total intestinal content of GIP were raised in fed obese mice. However, most notable was the 15-fold elevation of plasma GIP concentrations, an increment similar in magnitude to the degree of hyperinsulinemia®. GIP and glucagon stimulate insulin secretion b y a c o m m o n cyclic-AMP-mediated mechanism^*’^®. Since glucagon is a potent insulin secretagogue in obese mice (Fig. 4)**, pathologically raised GIP concentrations are likely to m a k e a major contribution to the hyperinsulinemia, especially in the prevailing environment of hyperglycemia. Hypersecretion of GIP might be related to hyperalimentation or enteroendocrine hyperplasia. However, GIP is normally subject to feedback inhibition by insulin^®’^‘ and C-peptide^'*. Thus raised GIP concentrations could well result from insulin insensitivity of GIP secreting K-cells^' analagous to the situation observed with pancreatic A-cells. Moreover, C-peptide formation and/or action m a y be defective in obese mice. Hypothalamus Intestinal Intestinal Plasma # \ GIP GIP GIP Appetite Satiety concentration content concentration M9/g H9 ng/ml Hyperphagia

Enteroinsularjj^^^ntestlne Aris

Insulin -Insulin Hyperglycemia Hypersecretion Resistance

^ Hyperglucagonemi

Adipose Tissue i O b esity OL oL Fig. 8 (above, left). Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) in acid ethanol extracts of intest­ ine and in plasma of 17-26-wk-old fed lean (open columns) and obese (hatched columns) mice. Fig. 9 (above, right).Proposed involvement of glucagon and GIP in the metabolic abnormalities of obese (ob/ob) mice. Insulin hypersecretion can result from (1) direct action of insulinotropic amino acids on the pancreatic B-cells, and (2) indirect action of nutrients (especially dietary carbohydrates) mediated by neural and hormonal components of the enteroinsular axis. GIP has been ascribed a q)ecial importance in the enteroinsular axis, and its action is likely to be potentiated in the presence of hyperglycemia.

Involvement of glucagon and GIP in the metabolic disturbances of obese mice. There is accumulating evidence that glucagon and GIP contribute to the metabolic disturbances of h u m a n obesity and diabetes mellitus**’^‘. The role of these hormones in the pathogenesis of spontaneous obesity-diabetes syndromes in rodents has received comparatively little atten­ tion. It is evident from the foregoing sections that obese mice provide an animal model in which abnormalities of both glucagon and GDP are implicit in the metabolic derangements. Figure 9 proposes a scheme indicating the possible involvement of these hormones. It is envisaged that hyperphagia promotes hypersecretion and hyperplasia of GIP secreting cells and other hormonal and neural components of the enteroinsular axis. This provides an indirect mechanism for stimulation of B-cell hyperplasia and insulin hypersecretion which markedly augments the direct stimulatory effects of nutrients such as amino acids. A direct stimulatory effect of glucose is not important in this respect. Hyperinsulinemia in turn exacerbates insulin resistance which lifts the normal feedback restraint imposed by insulin on GIP-secreting K-cells and glucagon-secreting A-cells. T he hyperglucagonemia contributes to the hyperglycemia, which potentiates the insulinotropic action of GIP. In an environment of hyperphagia, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and mounting insulin resistance, excess calories are stored by adipose tissue thereby leading to obesity.

345 References 1 Ingalls, A.M., Dickie, M.M., and Snell, G.D.: Obese, a new mutation in the house mouse./.Hered. 41: 317-18, 1950. 2 Herb erg, L., and Coleman, D.L.: Laboratory animals exhibiting obesity and diabetic syndromes. Metabolism 26: 59-99, 1977. 3 Bray, G.A., and York, D.A.: Hypothalamic and genetic obesity in experimental animals: an autonomic and endocrine hypothesis. P/iy«'o/. Rev. 59: 719-809, 1979. 4 Flatt, P.R., and Bailey, CJ.: Abnormal plasma glucose and insulin responses in heterozygous lean (ob/+) m ice. Diabetologia 20: 573-77, 1981. 5 Bailey, CJ., Flatt, P.R. and Atkins, T.W.: Influence of genetic background and age on the expression of the obese hyperglycaemic syndrome in Aston ob/ob mice. fnt. J. Obesity 6: 11-21,1982. 6 Stevens, J.F.: Determination of glucose by an automatic analyser.Clin. Chim. Acta 32: 199-201, 1971. 7 Flatt, P R., Bailey, C.J., and Buchanan, K.D.: Regulation of plasma immunoreactive glucagon in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) m ice./. Endocrinol 95: 215-27, 1982. 8 Flatt, P.R., Bailey, CJ., Kwasowski, P., Swanston-Flatt, S.K., and Marks, V.: Abnormalities of GIP in spontaneous syndromes of obesity and diabetes in mice. D iabetes 32: 433-35, 1983. 9 Flatt, P.R., and Swanston-Flatt, S.K.: Stimulation of antiglucagon antibodies in rabbits and guinea pigs using a glucagon-carbodiimide-albumin conjugate.Endocr. Experimentalis 15: 3-16, 1981. 10 Kenny, AJ.: Ex tractable glucagon of the human pancreas. /.Clin. Endocr. Metab. 15: 1089-105,1955. 11 Felig, P., Sherwin, R.S., Soman, V., Wahren, J., Hendler, R., Sacca, L., Eigler, N., Goldberg, D., and Walesky, M.: Hormonal interactions in the regulation of blood glucose.Rec. Prog. Horm. Res. 35: 501-29, 1979. 12 Unger, R.H., and Orel, L.: Glucagon and the A cell. Physiology and pathophysiology. Part 1.New Engl J. 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346 31 Barrowman.J.A.: The trophic action of gastrointestinal hormones. Digest/on 12:92-104, 1975. 32 Flatt, P.R., Bailey, CJ., and Swanston-Flatt, S.K. Heterogeneity of glucagon-like immunoreactive peptides (GLI) in the intestine of obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice. Horm. Metab. Res. 33 Mayer, J.: Physiology of hunger and satiety. In Modem nutrition in health and disease, 6th Edn, Goodhart, R.S., and Shils, M.E., Eds. Philadelphia, Lea ic Febiger, 1980, pp. 560-77. 34 Coleman, D.L.: Obesity and diabetes: Two mutant genes causing diabetes-obesity syndromes in mice. Diabetologia 14: 141-8, 1978. 35 Flatt, P.R., and Bailey, CJ.: Importance of the enteroinsular axis for the insul-secretory response to glucose in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice.Biochem. Soc. Trans. 9: 220-1,1981. 36 Flatt, P.R., and Bailey, CJ.: Role of dietary factors in the hyperinsulinaemia of genetically obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice./. Nutr. 112: 2322-36, 1982. 37 Flatt, P.R., and Bailey, CJ.: Glucose and insulin responses to conditioned feeding in lean and gene­ tically obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice Metabolism 32: 504-09,1983. 38 Polak, J.M., Pearse, A.G.E., Grimelius, L., and Marks, V.: Gastrointestinal apudosis in obese hypergly­ caemic mice. Virchows Arch B Cell Path. 19: 135-50, 1975. 39 Best, L., Atkins, T.W., Bailey, CJ., Flatt, P.R., Newton, D.F., and Matty, AJ.: Increased activity of the enteroinsular axis in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) m ice./. Endocr. 72: 44P, 1977. 40 Creutzfeldt, W.: The in cretin concept today. Diabetologia 16: 75-85, 1979. 41 Brown, J.C.: Gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Berlin, Springer Verlag, p.88, 1982. 42 Szecowka, J., Grill, V., Sandberg, E., and Efendic, S.: Effect of GIP on the secretion of insulin and somatostatin and the accumulation of cyclic AMP in vitro in the rat. Acta Endocrinol 99: 416-21, 1982. 43 Sharp, G.W.G.: The adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP system in islets o f Langerhans and its role in the control of insulin release. Diabetologia 16: 287-96, 1979. 44 Dryburgh, J.R., Hampton, S.M., and Marks, V: Endocrine pancreatic control of the release of gastric inhibitory polypeptide: a possible physiological role for C-peptide. Diabetologia 19: 397-401, 1980. 45 Flatt, P.R., Bailey, CJ., Kwasowski, P., Page, T., and Marks, V.: Plasma immunoreative gastric inhibitory polypeptide in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) m ice./. Endocrinol. 101: 249-256, 1984.

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Effect of Diet Upon Response to Oral Fat and Glucose in Man; Modification in Control of the Enteroinsular Axis

L. M. MORGAN, J. A. TREDGER, S. M. HAMPTON, P. KWASOWSKI, J. WRIGHT, M. DUNN & V. MARKS Department of Biochemistry (Divisions of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition and Food Science), University of Surrey and St. Luke’s Hospital, Guildford, Surrey, U.K.

The GI hormone Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide their fat intake to approximately 150 g/day by (GIP), whose secretion is stimulated in response supplementing the low fat diet with 250 ml double to oral carbohydrate and to fat, augments cream/day. Each subject underwent two tests— glucose-induced insulin secretion (1) and is cur­ one on day 7 and one on day 9 of each modified rently considered to be an important endocrine diet period. The tests were: (a) 100 g oral fat (b) component of the entero-insular axis. Exogenous 100 g oral fat -f- insulin iv 0.2 U/kg body weight insulin (1) and C-peptide (2) inhibit fat-stimulated (c) 75 g oral glucose. Venous blood samples were GIP release and may play a role in the regulation collected for 3& h following each test and assayed of GIP secretion. Dietary modification can effect for plasma immunoreactive GIP (5), IR-insulin, G IP secretion. In man, a previously high sucrose IR-C-peptide, glucose and triglycerides. Volun­ diet increases the GIP response to oral sucrose teers did not show any significant weight change (3). Feeding rats a high fat diet for 4 days increases during the study period. Insulin significantly GIP secretion in response to oral fat, abolishes inhibited GIP secretion when subjects were eating the feedback inhibition of exogenous insulin on a low fat diet [Incremental area under the post­ fat-stimulated GIP release and increases insulin prandial plasma GIP curve 3979 ± 547 pg ml"' h resistance (4). W e have, therefore, investigated (x ± SE M ) after fat + insulin (n = 8) versus the plasma GIP response to glucose and to fat 5490 ± 599 pg ml"'h (n = 4) after fat alone p < and the feedback control of exogenous insulin on 0.01]. This did not occur when subjects ate the fat-stimulated GIP release in human subjects high fat diet (Incremental area under the post­ maintained on low and high fat dietary regimens. prandial plasma GIP curve 5652 ± 962 pg ml"' h Nine healthy volunteers (normal dietary fat (n = 8) versus 4503 ± 654 pg ml"' h (n = 6), intake <130g/day), participated in the study. p = n.s.) (Fig. 1). Plasma triglycerides were sig­ They ate a low fat diet (LED) providing approxi­ nificantly higher following oral fat, whilst the mately 30 g fa^day for 9 days. They resumed their subjects were on the high fat diet (Incremental usual diet for 15 days and then consumed a high area under the curve plasma triglycerides fat diet (HFD) for a further 9 days, increasing 1.27 ± 0.09 mmol/l"' h (n = 6) than whilst on the 100 Short Communications






3000 IV insulin 0 2 U/kg

oral fat Û. 2000 lOOg



0 60 120 180 Time (min)

Fig. 1. Plasma GIF levels in healthy volunteers on either a high (# ------# ) or low ------(O O) fat diet following 100 g oral fat with or without iv insulin. Mean ± SEM, * p < 0.Ô5, ** p < 0.025.

low fat diet ^0.38 ± 0.12 mmol/r* h (n = 4), ing triglyceride levels following oral fat and (iii) p < 0.005) (Fig. 2). Plasma glucose fell sharply causes faster recovery of plasma glucose levels after iv insulin on both dietary regimens. H o w ­ following hypoglycaemia produced by iv insulin. ever, the subjects recovered significantly faster It did not affect the metabolic response to oral when they were maintained on the high fat diet glucose of any of the parameters measured. This (plasma glucose 150 min. post insulin 3.9 ± impairment in feedback control of GIF could lead 0.23 mmol/l on the high fat diet (n = 8) versus to inappropriately high GIF secretion and an 3.2 ± 0.26 mmol/l on low fat diet (n = 8), p < increase in the contribution of the enteroinsular 0.025). There were no significant differences axis to insulin secretion. A high fat diet has been between the two diets in plasma glucose, insulin, associated with glucose intolerance and hyper­ C-peptide or GIF following oral glucose. insulinaemia in experimental animals (6). It is W e conclude that a high fat diet for 9 days (i) possible that an early event in the development abolishes negative feedback control of insulin on of this type of insulin resistance is a change in the fat-stimulated GIF release (ii) increases circulat­ secretion of one or more hormones of the Short Communications 101

T 2 0

o E 1-6

3 ID zz 0) 1*2 J. O)

(0 E 0 8 (0 jg a 75 ^ 0*4 o> E Q) k. Q B 0 FAT ALONE FAT + INSULIN

Fig. 2. Incremental plasma triglyceride levels in 9 healthy volunteers on either a high ( #------# ) or low (O O) fat diet following 100 g oral fat with or without iv insulin (0.2 U/kg body weight). (Mean ± SEM), * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.005.

enteroinsular axis component of insulin secre­ 3. Reiser S, Michaelis OE, Cataland S, O’Dorisio TM, tion, leading to excessive insulin production. (1980) Am J Clin Nutr 33, 1907-1911 4. Hampton SM, Kwasowski P, Tan K, Morgan LM, Marks V. (1983) Diabetologia 24, 278-281 REFERENCES 5. Morgan LM, Morris BA , Marks V. (1978) Ann Clin 1. Brown JC, Dryburgh JR, Ross SA, Dupre J. (1975) Biochem 15, 172-177 Recent Prog Horm Res 31, 487-532 6. Grundleger ML, Thenen SW. (1982) Diabetes 31, 2. Dryburgh JR, Hampton SM, Marks V. (1980) Dia­ 232-237 betologia 19, 397-401 110 Short Communications

Hypergipaemia in Genetically Obese Hyperglycaemic {ob/ob) Mice: Relationship to Hyperphagia and Intestinal K-Cell Insulin Insensitivity

P. R. FLATT*, C. J. BAILEYt, P. KWASOWSKI*, T. PAGEt, SUSAN M. GEE*, SARA K. SWANSTON-FLATT* & V. MARKS* * Department of Biochemistry, Divisions of Nutrition & Food Science, and Clinical Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, and t Department of Biological Sciences, University of Aston in Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK

The ob/ob syndrome in mice is characterized by Obese {ob/ob) mice derived from the Aston obesity, hyperphagia, insulin resistance, hyper­ colony (1-4) were used at 12-16 weeks of age. glycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic A- Mice were maintained for 5 weeks on a standard and B-cell dysfunction (1-4). The obese mutant pellet diet provided either (a) ad libitum for 24 has also recently been shown to exhibit markedly h/day; (b) ad libitum for 24 h/day with a varied raised GIP concentrations (5); an abnormality daily selection of cafeteria foods (7), or (c) ad proposed to contribute to the hyperinsulinaemia libitum but for a restricted period of as little as and related metabolic disturbances through the 2 h/day (8). Mice fed (a) and prefasted for 18 h stimulation of insulin secretion and the promotion were used to assess the effects of exogenous of lipogenesis in white adipose tissue. The factors insulin on basal, fat-stimulated and glucose- responsible for the hypergipaemia remain to be stimulated GIP concentrations. Blood for plasma established, although hyperalimentation can be GIP determination (5) was obtained from the cut envisaged to make an important contribution. To tail-tip. evaluate this issue, we have examined the effects Obese {ob/ob) mice characteristically exhibited of dietary restriction and cafeteria feeding on GIP hyperphagia and overweight (Table I). Imple­ concentrations of ob/ob mice. Furthermore, since mentation of time-dependent restricted feeding GIP-secreting K-cells are normally subject to produced the anticipated changes in energy intake feedback inhibition by insulin (6), the effects of and body weight (8). However, hyperphagia exogenous insulin were investigated. evoked by a cafeteria diet did not increase body

Table I. Effects of dietary manipulation on plasma GIP concentrations in obese (ob/ob) mice.

Energy intake Plasma GIP Dietary manipulation Body weight (g) (kJ/mouse/day) (pg/ml)

Freely fed 85.6 ± 2 .1 5.45 ±0.11 2041 ± 462 22-hour fasted 85.4 ± 3.0 7.92 ± 0.06t 820 ± 125* Dietary restricted 6 1 .2 ± 2 .8 t 51 ± It 845 ± 115* Cafeteria fed 92.0 ± 3.2$ 2.90 ± 0.29td 5512 ± 373t$

Dietary restriction and cafeteria feeding were imposed five weeks previously by reduction of the feeding period to 2 h/day (8) and by supplementation of the stock diet with palatable food items (7. such as chocolate and cheese) respectively. Energy intake was calculated from the daily food consumption values of the previous five weeks. Dietary restricted mice were fasted for 22 hours prior to blood sampling. Values are means ± SEM of six mice. Statistical significance was evaluated by unpaired Student’s t test: * p < 0.05, t p < 0.001 compared with fed mice; + p < 0.001 compared with dietary restricted mice. Short Communications 111

Table II. Effects of insulin on basal, fat-stimulated and glucose-stimulated plasma GIP concentrations in obese (ob/ob) mice.

Plasma GIP (pg/ml) Dose of Oral insulin Insulin-treated administration (U/kg) Control mice mice

None basal 5 469 ±46 475 ± 77 None (basal) 100 501 ± 111 615 ± 152 Fat 100 1882 ± 297 1510 ± 206 Glucose 100 612 ± 40 729 ± 95

Monocomponent porcine insulin was administered intraperitoneally to untreated mice or to mice treated 30 min previously with either oral fat (Intralipid, 32.2 kJ/kg) or oral glucose (2 g/kg, 32.2 kJ/kg). Blood was collected 30 min later. Values are means ± SEM of six mice. Fat and glucose significantly raised GIP in control mice (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively by unpaired Student’s t test). GIP conentrations were not modified by insulin treatment.

weight as expected (7), indicating retained modified by relatively short periods of food dep­ capacity for diet-induced thermogenesis in adult rivation or excess. Oral administration of glucose ob/ob mice. Plasma GIP concentrations of the and particularly fat provoke large increases in obese mutant were substantially higher than those GIP which are not suppressed by insulin. The of lean mice (289 ± 11 pg/ml, mean ± SEM, K-cells should therefore be added to the growing n = 8), and were markedly reduced but not nor­ list of target cells which exhibit insulin insensitiv­ malized by a 22 h fast. Extended dietary restric­ ity in ob/ob mice (1, 3). The results support the tion did not produce a further disease, but view that hyperphagia and K-cell insulin insen­ cafeteria feeding markedly raised GIP concen­ sitivity promote the hypergipaemia of obese trations. Since nutrient-stimulated GIP secretion (ob/ob) mice. is normally suppressed by 1 U/kg insulin in rodents (6), the effects of insulin were examined REFERENCES in ob/ob mice. As shown in Table II, doses of up 1. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. Horm Metab Res 1981, 13, to 100 U/kg insulin failed to suppress either basal, 556-560 fat-stimulated or glucose-stimulated GIP concen­ 2. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. Horm Metab Res 1982, 14, trations. This indicates that the K-cells of the 127-130 3. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ, Buchanan KD. J Endocrinol obese mutant are grossly insensitive to the normal 1982, 95, 215-227 inhibitory action of insulin, and that the marked 4. Bailey CJ, Flatt PR, Atkins TW. Int J Obesity 1982, GIP releasing action of nutrients such as fat are 6 , 11-21 5. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ, Kwasowski P, Swanston-Flatt responsible for the massive GIP response to SK, Marks V. Diabetes 1983, 32, 433-435 feeding. 6. Hampton SM, Kwasowski P, Tan K, Morgan LM, To conclude, the present study confirms the Marks V. Diabetologia 1983, 24, 278-281 7. Trayhum P, Jones PM, McGuckin MM, Goodbody existence of hypergipaemia in ob/ob mice and AE. Nature 1982, 295, 323-325 shows that circulating GIP concentrations are 8. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. Metabolism 1983, 32, 504-509 Short Communications 213

Immunoreactive GIP in Plasma and Small Intestine of Obese Hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) Mice

P. R. FLATT, P. KWASOWSKI, S. K. SWANSTON-FLATT, V. MARKS & C. J. BAILEY* Divisions of Nutrition & Food Science, and Clinical Biochemistry, Dept, of Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, UK

Hyperphagia and hyperinsulinaemia are promi­ dependent on factors generated by the ingestion, nent features in the pathogenesis of the ob/ob enteral presence and absorption of nutrients. For syndrome in mice (1,2). As shown in Fig. 1, example, fed adult ob/ob mice exhibit a marked unchecked food consumption with resulting insulin response to enteral but not parenteral hypersecretion of insulin promotes excessive fat glucose (4-6). Furthermore, the hyperinsulinae­ deposition through the production of severe mia and hyperphagia follow similar age-related insulin resistance linked to the development of patterns, and plasma insulin concentrations fall pancreatic A-cell dysfunction and the manifes­ markedly when food is withheld (1,2). These tation of hyperglycaemia (1-3). Several lines of observations focus attention on the enteroinsular evidence indicate that the hyperinsulinaemia is axis, in which GIP has been ascribed special importance. T o assess the possible involvement • On research leave from the University of Aston in Birmingham. of GIP in the hyperinsulinaemia of the ob/ob mutant, we have examined immunoreactive GIP Hypothalamus in the plasma and small intestine. / \ Fed lean and ob/ob mice derived from the Appetite Satiety Aston colony (1,7) were used at 5-6 months of Hyperphagia age. Blood samples for analysis of plasma glucose, j insulin and GIP (7,8) were obtained by cardiac Intestine puncture under ether anaesthesia. The small GIP and other lac tors* intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) was excised, washed with ice-cold 0.154 mmol/l NaCl, Insulin ^ Insulin Hyperglycaemia weighed and extracted with acid ethanol (750 ml Hypersecretion Resistance* ethanol, 250 ml water, 15 ml hydrochloric acid). As shown in Table I, ob/ob mice characteristically exhibited overweight, moderate hyperglycaemia Hyperglucagonaemia and pronounced hyperinsulinaemia. In ob/ob mice; the intestine was 1.4 times heavier than Adipose Tissue lean mice, the intestinal concentration of GIP was 1.9 times higher, and the total intestinal GIP Obesity content was 2.8 times greater. Consistent with

* Insulin hypersecretion can result from (a) direct these changes, the plasma GIP concentration was action of amino acids on the pancreatic B-cells, and 15 times higher, indicating an enhanced rate of (b) indirect action of nutrients (especially dietary carbo­ synthesis and secretion of GIP by the small intes­ hydrates) mediated by neural and hormonal compo­ nents of the enteroinsular axis in which GIP has been tine of ob/ob mice. The results confirm the ascribed special importance. enlargement of the intestine in ob/ob mice and demonstrate that the concentration and total con­ Fig. 1. Proposed relationship between hyperphagia and hyperinsulinaemia in the metabolic abnormalities of tent of GIP are increased. This is consistent with ob/ob mice. previous reports suggesting an increased popu- 214 Short Communications

Table I. Immunoreactive GIP in plasma and small linaemia. However, recent studies suggest that intestine of lean and obese (ob/ob) mice GIP is unlikely to be the sole component of the Lean mice Obese mice enteroinsular axis in ob/ob mice (6), and other insulin-releasing gut hormones are likely to con­ Body weight (g) 38.8 ± 2.3 70.6 ± 4.1$ tribute to the severity of the hyperinsulinaemia. Plasma glucose (mmo(/l) 7.4 ± 0.3 13.3 ± 1.8* Plasma insulin (ng/ml) 2.1 ± 0.5 32.4 ± 2.4$ Plasma GIP (p^ml) 289 ± 11 4350 ± 877$ Intestinal weight (g) 1.9 ± 0.1 2.6 ± 0.2$ REFERENCES Intestinal GIP (ug^g) 0.78 ± 0.07 1.48 ± 0.20$ Total intestinal GIP (ug) 1.45 ± 0.14 4.12 ± 0.61$ 1. Bailey CJ, Flatt PR, Atkins TW. Int J Obesity 1982, 6 , 11-12 Values are means ± S.E.M. for 6-8 mice. Statistical 2. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. Horm Metab Res 1981, 10, significance was evaluated by Student’s t test: *p < 556-560 0.02, tp < 0.01, $p < 0.001, compared with lean mice. 3. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ, Buchanan KD. J Endocrinol 1982, 95, 215-227 4. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. Biochem Soc Trans 1981, 9, lation of endocrine cells in the intestine of ob/ob 220-221 5. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. Biochem Soc Trans 1982, 10, mice (9,10). Since GIP is viewed as a powerful 29-30 potentiator of nutrient-induced insulin release, 6. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. J Nutr 1982, 112, 2332-2336 the magnitude of the increase in plasma GIP 7. Flatt PR, Bailey CJ. Diabetologia 1981, 20, 573- 577 concentrations suggests that this hormone makes 8. Morgan LM, Morris BA , Marks V. Ann Clin a substantial contribution to the hyperinsulinae­ Biochem 1978, 15, 172-177 mia and related abnormalities of the syndrome 9. Polak JM, Pearse AGE, Grimelius L, Marks V. Virchows Arch Cell Pathol B 1975, 19, 135-150 (Fig. 1). Gastrointestinal factors therefore appear 10. Best LC, Atkins TW, Bailey CJ, Flatt PR, Newton to represent the major stimulus to hyperinsu­ DF, Matty AJ. J Endocrinol 1977, 72, 44P ^ British Journal o f Nutrition (1985), 53, 467-475 4 67

The effect of guar gum on carbohydrate-, fat- and protein-stimulated gut hormone secretion: modification of postprandial gastric inhibitory polypeptide and gastrin responses

B y L. M. M O R G A N , ! J. A. TREDGER,^ A. MADD E N , ^ P. K W A S O W S K P A N D V. M A R K S ! Divisions of ^Clinical Biochemistry and ^Nutrition, Department of Biochemistry, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH

{Received 18 June 1984 - Accepted 30 November 1984)

1. The effect of incorporating guar gum into predominantly single-component meals of carbohydrate, fat or protein on liquid gastric emptying and on the secretion of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), gastrin and motilin, was studied in healthy human volunteers. 2. Volunteers were given either 80 ml Hycal (carbohydrate meal), 150 g cooked lean minced beef (protein meal) or 200 ml double cream (fat meal) either with or without 5 or 6 g guar gum. Liquid gastric emptying was monitored in the fat and protein meals by taking 15 g paracetamol, consumed in water, with the meals and monitoring its appearance in circulation. 3. Postprandial insulin and GIP levels were both significantly reduced by addition of guar gum to the carbohydrate meal. Postprandial GIP secretion was also reduced by addition of guar gum to the protein meal, but protein-stimulated gastrin secretion was enhanced by guar gum. There was a significant negative correlation between peak circulating gastrin levels and the corresponding GIP levels. Postprandial GIP secretion and plasma motilin levels were unaffected by addition of guar gum to the fat meal. 4. 5 and 10 g guar gum/1 solutions in water possessed buffering capacities between pH 2-75 and 5-5. 5. Guar gum at 5 g/1 caused no detectable change in liquid gastric-emptying time. 6. The observed augmentation of gastrin secretion by guar gum following a protein meal could be due either to the buffering capacity of guar gum or to the attenuation of GIP secretion. It is possible that the chronic use of guar gum could be associated with changes in gastric acid secretion.

Gu a r g u m is an unabsorbable carbohydrate derived from the seeds of the Indian cluster bean {Cyamopsis tetragonoloba). W h e n incorporated into a meal it reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia (Jenkins et al. 1976, 1911 a, 1978; M o r g a n et al. 1979) and has been used successfully as an adjunct therapy for both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetics (Jenkins et al. 19776, 1980). Used on a regular daily basis it can also lower plasma cholesterol levels, and has been used in the treatment of patients with hypercholesterolaemia (Jenkins et al. 1979). The mechanisms by which guar gu m exerts its effect on glucose tolerance and circulating cholesterol levels are not yet fully understood. Previous investigations have centred primarily on the effect of guar g u m on carbohydrate absorption and metabolism, where it has been shown to slow do w n the rate of absorption of glucose from the small intestine (Caspary et al. 1980) and to diminish postprandial insulin secretion (Jenkins et al. 1977 a). Secretion of the insulin-stimulating gastrointestinal hormone, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), is also reduced by the addition of guar gu m (Morgan et al. 1979) and this reduction has been postulated as being partly responsible for the reduction in insulin secretion observed. In addition to its insulin-stimulating properties, GI P has the ability to inhibit gastric acid secretion (Brown et al. 1975). Gu a r gu m has also been shown to delay the gastric emptying of a liquid test meal in animals (Leeds et al. 1979; Rainbird et al. 1983, 1984) and in ma n (Wilmshurst & Crawley, 1980; Blackburn et al. 1984). Gu a r gu m ma y exert an effect either directly or indirectly, via changes in GIP, on the secretion of other gastrointestinal 'X 468 L. M. Morgan and others ^ hormones, namely gastrin and motilin, hormones involved in gastric acid secretion and gastric motility (Christofides et al. 1919 a). The effects of guar gu m on motilin and gastrin secretion have not previously been studied. W e have therefore investigated the effect of incorporating guar gu m with predominantly single-component meals of fat, protein or carbohydrate on the secretion of the gastrointestinal hormones GIP, gastrin and motilin. The effect of guar gu m on liquid gastric emptying was also monitored.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Clinical studies Nineteen healthy male volunteers took part in the study. They were aged between 19 and 35 years and were within 1 0 % of their ideal body-weight. Each subject gave his informed consent and the study was approved by the Ethical Committees of St Luke’s Hospital, Guildford, and the University of Surrey. Subjects attended after an overnight fast on two separate occasions at least 1 week apart and were assigned to one of the test meal protocols. Carbohydrate meal.VwQ subjects consumed 80 ml Hycal (Beechams, Brentford) diluted to 250 ml with water. This provided the equivalent of 50 g glucose in the form of glucose and glucose polymers. O n one of the occasions the solution contained 5 g guar g u m (Norgine, London) of a high viscosity grade (O ’Connor et al. 1981) which was whisked into it immediately before consumption. Protein meal. Six subjects were given a meal of 150 g lean minced beef, providing 30 g protein and 7 g fat, either with or without 5 g guar gu m which was incorporated into the meat before cooking. Paracetamol (15 g) was consumed simultaneously on each occasion with 300 ml water and plasma paracetamol levels measured as an index of gastric emptying (Holt et al. 1979). Fat meal. Eight subjects consumed 200 ml double cream which provided 96 g fat, 3 g protein and 4 g carbohydrate, flavoured with 5 g Kool Aid (General Foods Corp., N e w York), a soft-drink flavouring of no nutritional or energy value. G u a r g u m (6 g) was whisked into the test meal immediately before consumption. In an attempt to provide two meals of a similar consistency, the cream in the control meal was whipped to a firm texture. Paracetamol (15 g) was consumed with each of the meals, as before, and plasma paracetamol levels measured as an index of gastric emptying. Venous blood samples were collected from an indwelling venous cannula kept patent with 0-123 M-sodium citrate whilst the subjects were at rest in the fasted state, and at intervals for 150 or 180 min from the start of the meals. In the initial experiment (carbohydrate meal), blood was collected for 180 min. As the maximal changes in circulating hormone levels occur between 30 and 100 min, postprandial sampling time was reduced to 150 min in subsequent experiments.

Chemical analyses Blood glucose was measured using a glucose oxidase {EC technique. I m m u n o ­ reactive plasma insulin, GIP, gastrin and motilin were measured by double-antibody radioimmunoassay techniques (Dryburgh & Brown, 1975; M o r g a n et al. 1978) using antibodies supplied by Guildhay Antisera (University of Surrey, Guildford). Plasma tri­ glycerides were measured using a fully enzymic u.v. kit (Boehringer, Mannheim). Plasma paracetamol was measured by high performance liquid chromatography using a 100 x 5 m m O D S (C^g) Hypersil (5 fim) column and a running solvent consisting of 0-05 M-sodium acetate (pH 4-6) in methanol (80:20, v/v). Benzoic acid was used as an internal standard and the eluate monitored with a u.v. detector at 249 nm. Modification of gastrin and GIP by guar gum 469

Light-scattering index Light-scattering indices were measured on a Thorpe Nephalometer (Thorpe Instruments, Cheshire) as an index of postprandial chylomicronaemia.

Buffering capacity of guar gum Solutions containing 5 and 10 g guar gum/1 in 50 ml water were prepared. The pH change was measured when they were titrated, in triplicate, against a solution of 0-1 M-hydrochloric acid and compared with a control of 50 ml water.

Statistical analyses Results were compared using Student’s t tests for either paired or unpaired data, where appropriate. Areas under the curve were calculated using the trapezoidal rule. P values of < 0 05 were accepted as statistically significant. Correlation coefficients were calculated by Spearman’s rho.

RESULTS Carbohydrate meal. Plasma insulin and GI P levels following oral glucose are shown in Fig. 1. Postprandial insulin and GI P levels were both significantly reduced by addition of guar g u m to the meal (areas under the plasma insulin curve 0-180 min: 63 3 (se 17-4) compared with 21 3 (SE 3 6) mU / 1 per h for control and guar gu m meals respectively, P < 0 01 ; areas under the plasma GI P curve 0-180 min: 2710 (se 416) compared with 1760 (se 256) ng/1 per h, P < 0 01). Addition of guar g u m to the carbohydrate meal did not significantly affect peak blood glucose levels (5 7 (se 0 3) mmol/l compared with 5 0 (se 0 3) mmol/l for control and guar g u m meals respectively). In the second phase of the experiment (90-180 min) the addition of guar gum, in each case, prevented the fall in venous blood glucose to below fasting levels, thus effectively ‘smoothing’ the postprandial glucose curve compared with that of the control. Plasma motilin was not measured after the carbohydrate meal, as circulating motilin levels fall after oral carbohydrate to levels below the sensitivity of the assay (<50 ng/1). Protein meal. Plasma gastrin and GI P levels following ingestion of the protein meal are shown in Fig. 2. Postprandial GI P secretion was significantly decreased by addition of guar g u m to the meal (area under the plasma GI P curve 0-150 min: 1744 (se 118) compared with 1265 (sE 100) ng/1 per h for control and guar gu m meals respectively, P < 0 05). In contrast, postprandial gastrin secretion was enhanced by the addition of guar gu m (area under the plasma gastrin curve 0-120 min: 43 (se 11) compared with 68 (se 14) mU / 1 per h for control and guar g u m meals respectively, P < 0-005). There was a highly significant negative correlation between peak plasma gastrin levels and the corresponding plasma G I P levels (Fig. 3) in both control and guar gu m meals (r 0-80, P < 0-01). Plasma motilin levels rose postprandially but were similar after control and guar g u m meals (basal motilin levels 108 (se 18) ng/1; peak levels for control and guar g u m meals 155 (sE 37) ng/1 and 140 (se 22) ng/1 respectively). The area under the plasma motilin curve 0-150 min (control meal 142 (se 34) ng/1 per h) was not significantly affected by addition of guar g u m to the meal (guar g u m meal 121 (se 11) ng/1 per h). Peak circulating levels of paracetamol were obtained 20 min after ingestion of both control and guar gu m meals (Fig. 4). Gastric emptying, as assessed by the appearance and concentration of paracetamol in the circulation, was not affected by adding guar g u m to the meal. Plasma glucose and insulin were not significantly elevated above basal levels at any time point after consumption of the protein meal. A

470 L. M. M o r g a n a n d o t h e r s


3 E




g I 800 (3

i GOO " - a 51 400


0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Period after administration of meal (min)

Fig. 1. Plasma insulin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) concentrations (mean values with their standard errors represented by vertical bars) in five healthy subjects following a 50 g glucose meal with (O ) or without ( # ) 5 g guar gum (* P < 0 05,**P < 0-025).

Fat meal. Plasma G I F levels rose following oral fat but were not significantly affected by the presence of guar gu m (area under plasma GI F curve 0-150 min: 1775 ( s e 240) ng/1 per h compared with 1707 ( s e 169) ng/1 per h for control and guar gu m meals respectively). Plasma motilin levels were similarly unaffected - they rose from a me a n basal level of 299 (sE 58) ng/1 to 356 ( s e 108) and 463 ( s e 108) ng/1 for control and guar g u m meals respectively. The area under the plasma motilin curve 0-150 min (control meal 248 (sE 83) ng/1 per h) was not significantly affected by addition of guar g u m to the fat meal (guar gu m meal 257 ( s e 67) ng/1 per h). Plasma triglyceride levels did not rise significantly until 60 min following the fat load. The me a n plasma triglyceride level at 120 min was significantly higher after the control than after the guar g u m meal (2 29 ( s e 0*6) mmol/l compared with 1 49 ( s e 0*3) mmol/l for control and guar g u m meals respectively, P < 0 05) but the area under the plasma triglyceride curve 60-150 min (control meal 0 78 (sE 0 6) mmol/l per h) was similar on the two occasions (guar gu m meal 0-27 ( s e 0 25) mmol/l per h). Plasma light-scattering indices (as an index of postprandial chylomicronaemia) rose significantly following the meal but were unaffected by addition of guar gum. Plasma paracetamol levels following the two fat meals were unaffected by guar g u m Modification of gastrin and GIP by guar gum 471

3 E

to a E ?- ^ ---- % Û.



E: 800 0 1 I 600 Î Î Î


0 30 60 90 120 150 Period after administration of meal (min)

Fig. 2. Plasma gastrin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) concentrations (mean values with their standard errors represented by vertical bars) in six healthy subjects following a meal containing 30 g protein with (O ) or without (@) 5 g guar gum (* P < 0 05,** P < 0 025).

(Fig. 4). However, circulating paracetamol levels 20 min after ingestion of the fat meal were significantly lower than after the protein meal, and peak circulating levels were not attained until 40 min after meal ingestion. Plasma glucose and insulin levels were not significantly elevated above basal levels at any time point after consumption of the fat meal. Buffering capacity of guar gum. The titration curves of a 5 and 10 g guar gum/1 solution in water are shown in Fig. 5. Both concentrations of guar gu m exhibited a buffering capacity between p H 2-75 and 5-5.

DISCUSSION Addition of guar gu m to an oral glucose load reduces the postprandial secretion of both G I F and insulin. These findings are in agreement with previous studies where addition of guar gu m to a high carbohydrate solid or liquid meal was found to reduce GI F and insulin secretions in both normal and diabetic subjects (Morgan ct al. 1979; O ’Connor ct al. 1981). The release of GI F from the gut in response to food m a y be related to the rate of active absorption of carbohydrates (Ebert & Creutzfeldt, 1978; Sykes ct al. 1980). Because guar g u m increases the viscosity of solutions, it has been suggested that addition of guar g u m to meals reduces the rate of diffusion of nutrients in the gut towards the absorptive surface (Caspary ct al. 1980), although the total absorption of carbohydrate, as measured by urinary xylose excretion or breath hydrogen studies, is unchanged (Gassull ct al. 1976; Leeds ct al. 1978). GI F secretion is also related to the rate of gastric emptying and conditions where rapid gastric emptying occurs result in an increased G I F response (Creutzfeldt, 1981). 472 L. M. M o r g a n a n d o t h e r s




3 1 100 I “ 80 E a I

0 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 Plasm a GIF (ng/1)

Fig. 3. Correlation between peak plasma gastrin concentrations and the corresponding plasma gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) concentration in six healthy subjects following a meal containing 30 g protein with (O ) or without (@) 5 g guar gum (r 0 80,P < 0 01).


_ 160

- 120



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Period after administration of meal (min)

Fig. 4. Plasma paracetamol levels in healthy volunteers given fat (A , A ) or protein (© , O) meals either with (A , O) or without (A , ® ) guar gum. Mean values with their standard errors represented by vertical bars, n 6 for protein meal, n 8 for fat meal. Modification of gastrin and GIP by guar gum 473


5 0

4 5

4 0

3 5

3 0

2 5


- 4 M 0 10 50 100 500 1000 HCI (jumol)

Fig. 5. Titration curves of suspensions of guar gum in 50 ml tap water titrated against a solution of 0-1 M-hydrochloric acid. Mean values for triplicate estimations. O, Tap water; # , 5 g guar gum/1; A , 10 g guar gum/1.

Delayed gastric emptying in humans has been shown by adding guar gu m (Wilmshurst & Crawley, 1980) and a mixture of pectin and guar gu m to a liquid meal (Holt et al. 1979), and guar g u m alone delays gastric emptying of a liquid glucose meal in rats (Leeds et al. 1979) and pigs (Rainbird et al. 1984). GI P stimulates insulin secretion during hyperglycaemia (Brown et al. 1975), and the diminution in insulin response to test meals by the addition of guar gu m is probably, at least in part, due to diminished GI F secretion. Addition of guar gu m to the protein meal also resulted in diminished postprandial GI P secretion. Intestinal absorption of free amino acids, as with glucose, takes place via active transport systems and therefore guar gu m is also likely to slow do w n the rate of amino acid absorption, as has been shown in vitro (Elsenhans et al. 1980). In contrast, gastrin secretion was enhanced by adding guar gu m to the protein meal. The mechanism by which guar gu m exerts this effect is not clear. The products of partial protein digestion provide the main stimulus to gastrin secretion in response to feeding. Gastrin secretion can be affected by both the rate of gastric emptying and the p H of stomach contents. Gu a r gu m did not affect the rate of gastric emptying of the liquid phase of the protein meal as assessed by the appearance of paracetamol in the circulation. This method of assessing liquid gastric emptying has previously been found to correlate well with sequential scintiscanning techniques using ^^^™In D T P A (Holt et al. 1979). In a subsequent study (J. A. Tredger et al. 1984) using ®®™Tc-labelled filter paper incorporated into minced beef, we have shown that guar gu m does not affect solid-phase gastric emptying of the protein meal. The results in hu m a n s are in broad agreement with work carried out in pigs which showed that guar gu m had no effect on the rate of gastric emptying of dry matter after consumption of a high-solid mixed meal (Rainbird et a/. 1983).

16 NUT 53 474 L. M. M o r g a n AND OTHERS

The differences in gastrin secretion observed cannot, therefore, be explained in terms of the length of time the food was in contact with the G cells. In the present study, suspensions of guar g u m in water exhibited a significant buffering capacity at p H values above 2-75. G u a r g u m m a y possibly affect gastrin secretion by virtue of this buffering capacity since gastrin release is inhibited by acid acting directly on the antral G-cells. A m i n o acid-stimulated gastrin release is 80 % inhibited in normal ma n (Walsh et al. 1975) by a luminal p H of 2-5. Fasting antral p H is usually in the region of 1-3 (Dotevall, 1961) and rises after ingestion of a meal, the exact extent depending on the diluting and buffering capacity of the food, the volume of gastric acid secreted and the rate of gastric emptying. G u a r g u m m a y raise postprandial intragastric pH, as has been found with other fibres (T adesse, 1982), by virtue of its native buffering capacity thereby diminishing the contribution of the negative feed-back loop in inhibiting gastrin release. Modulation of GI P secretion by guar g u m provides an alternative explanation for the observed differences in gastrin secretion provoked by the control and guar gu m meals. GI P was initially na m e d for its capacity to inhibit gastric acid secretion (Brown et al. 1975) and exogenous G I P infusions have been shown to inhibit gastrin release (Villar et al. 1976; Arnold et al. 1978), the effect seemingly being mediated via an increase in gastric somato­ statin secretion (McIntosh et al. 1979). Studies in dogs by Wolfe et al. (1983) using anti- G I P antibodies have shown that GI P can function as a physiological inhibitor of gastric acid secretion through its effect on gastrin release. It is possible that attenuation by guar gum, of the GI P response to the protein meal, leads to an attenuated somatostatin response and hence unrestrained gastrin secretion. The highly significant negative correlation (P < 0-01) between circulating gastrin and GI P levels is consistent with this hypothesis. G I P secretion was unaffected by the addition of guar gu m to the fat meal. Although serum triglyceride levels are not the ideal indicators of fat absorption, especially in the first hour following ingestion, plasma triglyceride levels were similar after both guar-gum-supplemented and control meals, suggesting that other factors are more important in determining the rate of fat absorption. This is further supported by the failure to find any differences in the plasma light-scattering indices, a measure of chylomicronaemia, between the control and guar gu m meals. These findings are in contrast to those of Jenkins (1978), w h o reported that guar g u m was associated with an elevation in postprandial triglyceride levels after a mixed meal which he postulated was due to an effect of guar gu m on postprandial chylomicronaemia. Plasma paracetamol levels (which are an index of liquid gastric emptying rates) were similar after control and guar gu m fat meals, although levels 20 min after ingestion of the fat meal were significantly lower than after ingestion of the protein meal. This suggests a slower rate of empyting for the fat meal and is consistent with previously published studies on the effect of meal composition on gastric emptying (Hunt & Stubbs, 1975). It seems probable that guar gu m is unable to exert any additional effect in delaying gastric emptying in this situation. Motilin is released in response to oral fat and protein and is implicated in altering the rate of solid gastric emptying (Christofides et al. 19796). However, in the present study, guar gu m did not affect the secretion of motilin in response to either fat or protein nor were any changes in gastric-emptying rate of the liquid phase detected. The present study has indicated that guar gum, in amounts that would normally be consumed at each meal, affects the secretion of G I P and gastrin, both of which are implicated in the control of gastric acidity. As the use of guar gu m in the therapy of diabetes and hyperlipidaemia is, of necessity, a long-term one, it would be desirable to ascertain whether the chronic use of guar g u m is associated with changes in gastric acid secretion and whether guar gu m can affect the rate of solid phase gastric emptying in humans. Modification of gastrin and GIP by guar gum 475


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