Statutory Interpretation As Practical Reasoning
Statutory Interpretation as Practical Reasoning William N. Eskridge, Jr.* Philip P. Frickey** In the last decade, statutory interpretation has reemerged as an im- portant topic of academic theory and discussion.' This development is welcome, since few topics are more relevant to legal craft and educa- tion than the interpretation of statutes, now our primary source of law. The recent theoretical views, however, contrast with practicing lawyers' strategies of statutory interpretation. When practitioners give advice to clients about what a statute means, their approach is usually eclectic: They look at the text of the relevant statutory provisions, any legislative history that is available, the context in which the legislation was en- acted, the overall legal landscape, and the lessons of common sense and good policy. But when law professors talk about statutory interpre- tation, they tend to posit a more abstract, "grand" theory that privi- leges one or another of these approaches as "foundational."' 2 The commentators' grand theories contrast with the more ad hoc, fact- based reasoning of the practicing lawyer. How do judges interpret statutes? How should they? Many com- mentators argue that judicial interpretation is, or at least ought to be, inspired by grand theory. We think these commentators are wrong, both descriptively and normatively: Judges' approaches to statutory in- terpretation are generally eclectic, not inspired by any grand theory, * Associate Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center. ** Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School. We thank Daniel Farber, Dennis Patterson, Richard Posner, Suzanna Sherry, and Peter Strauss for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article.
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