Westminster Fire, Charles Cooper, Kebir terrace; A. E. Chamber of Commerce, 18 Silver street, Decimns Ma!letl Frith, 8o Bridge street & W. Mason, Church street Robbs, sec County Court Office, 24 Market street ; His Honor James GAINSBOROUGH UNION. Stephen LL.D. judge; I<'rederick Merryweather Burton, Board day, alternate tuesdays, at the Board room of registrar & high bailiff ; office open from 10 till 4 ; satur­ Workhouse, Gainsborough, at 10 a.m. days 10 till I The Umon comprises the following places :-Beckingham The County Court house occupies a prominent position m (Notts), , , Bole (Notts), Brampton, Market street : it is a large building of red brick, & W3l , Burton West (Notts), Burton Gate, Butterwick originally built for & used as a private mansion; the West-with-Kelfield, CDates, Corringham, Fenton, Ferry premises having subsequently been purchased by Govern. East, , Gainsborough, Glentworth, Graying­ ment were modernized & applied to their present use : a ham, Greenhill & Redhill, Hardwick, Harpswell, , commodious hall (with private room for the use of the , , Kettlethorpe, Kexby, , judge, & suitable rooms for the bar & witnesses), wherein Laughton, Lea, Marton, Misterton (Notts), Morton, the county court is held, was then also erected at the south Newton - upon - Trent, N orthorpe, Owston, , of the building, communicating with Beaumont street Saundby (Notts), , Scotton, Southorpe, Spring­ The Court is held monthly ; the district comprises the f 1. thorpe, Stockwith East, Stockwith West (Notts), Stowe, !owing places :-Beckingham, Blyborough, Blyton-cnm. Sturton, , Upton, Walkeringham (Notts), Walk­ Wharton, Bole, Bonsdall, Brampton, Bransby, Bulhassocks, crith, , Willingham & ; the pop­ Burnham, Burton Gate, Burton West, Butterwick W~ ulation of the union in 1881 was 29,948; rateable value, Coates, Corringham, Cornley, Craiselound, Ferry East, £202,240 Ferry West, Fenton, Fillingham, Gainsborough, Glent. Clerk to the Gnardians & Assessment Committee, Decimus worth, , Gunthorpe, Hardwick, Harpswell, Mallett Robbs, I 8 Silver street, Gains borough Haxey, Haxey Skies, Haxey Turf Corner, Heapham, Treasurer, Alexander Samnel Leslie Melville, Lincoln Hemswell, Highwood, Idlestop, Kelfield, Kettlethorpe, Relieving&VaccinationOfficers & Collectors to the Guardians, Kexby, Knaith, Langholme (Haxey), Laugh-burton, North district, James J. Hastings, Misterton; South dis­ Langton, Lea, Lound East, Marton, Mellwood High, Mell­ trict, Relieving Officer & Collector 1x.J the Guardians, wood Low, Misterton, Morton, Newland, Newton-on· Joseph H. Uncles, 17 Marlborough street, Gainsborough; Trent, Northorpe, Owston, Peartree Hill,Pilham,Saundby, Vaccination Officer, Wm. D. Ogle, Trinity st. Gainsboro' Scatter, , Scotton,' Southorpe, , CDllectors of Poor's Rates, William G. Parker, 72 Church Stockwith East, Stockwith West, Stowe, Sturton, Sus­ street, Gainsborough ; Francis Moxham, Scatter worth, , Torksey, Upper Thorpe, Upton, Walker­ Medical Officers, Blyborough district, Charles Frederick ingham, , , Willingham, Wil­ George, Kirton-in-Lindsey; Gainsborough district, Draper loughton, Wildsworth, Yawthorpe & Yeolsters MacKinder M.D. Gainsborongh ; Haxey district, Lnther Certified Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, Eminson L.R.C.P.Glas. Haxey; Misterton district, Thomas 1888, William Herbert Hanson, Spring gardens; John B. Stones M.D. Misterton; Newton district, Easton Abbiss Taylor, Haxey; & William Strandring, Epworth l'hillips, Newton-on-Trent; Scotter district, Robert County Police Station, Spring gardens ; Harry Osborn, Eminson, Scatter; · district, Thomas superintendent; Charles Arnold, inspector, & 8 constables Murray Robertson M.D., c.M. ; Willingham Fire Brigade ; steam fire engine kept at Waterworks; fire district, Frederick Sutton, Willingham appliances are also kept at the Board offices, Lord st.; Public Vaccinators, Blyborough, Gainsborough, Haxey, the fire escape stands in Church st.; C. Greenhalgh, supt.; Misterton, Newton, West Butterwick & Willingham dis­ R. Bradbury, capt.; T. Tall, Iieut.; G. Snow,sergt.& 12men tricts, same as Medical Officers ; Scatter district, Thomas Inland Revenue Office, 8 Lord street, Robert Reid, officer Benjamin Franklin Eminson, Scatter Pilots' Office, Albert Iveson, clerk to the sub-commissioners Superintendent Registrar, Albert Iveson, 12 Lord street, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1st Volunteer Battalion (J Co.); Gainsborough; deputy, Joseph Craven, 12 Lord street, orderly room, Town hall ; Capt. William Henry Lievesley, Gainsborough commandant; Henry Wright L.R.C.P.Edin. acting sur­ Reg-istrars of Births & Deaths, Gainsborongh Sub-district, geon ; Sergt. William McGowan, drill instructor William D. Ogle, Trinity street, Gainsborough; deputy, Old Cemetery, Ropery lane, Morton road, Samuel Hayes, Joseph L. Fox, 28 Trinity street, Gainsborough; Marton sec. ; William Bend, sexton Sub-district, William Hill, Marton; deputy, John A. Hill, Public Cemetery, Coxhill; Albert Iveson, 12 Lord street, : Misterton Sub-district, James J. Hastings, clerk to the burial board l\'listerton ; deputy, John H. Hastings, Misterton ; Owston Provident Dispensary, Trinity street, Draper MacKinder Sub-district, Robert Sharp, Owston Ferry ; deputy, John M. n. Henry Wright L. R.C.P.Edin. Theodore Cassan L.H.C.P. S. Calam, West Ferry, Owston; Scotter Sub-district, Edin. George Fyfe M.D. & J oseph Farrar M.D. surgeons; Robert Eminson, Scatter; deputy, Edward Slight, Scat­ William Ancoats, sec. ; James Jackson, resident dispenser ter ; Willingham Sub-district, Frederick Sutton, Wil­ Town Hall, Market place lingham ; deputy, H. Deabill, Kexby Temperance Hall, Rpital terrace, J aspar Hannan, lessee Registrar of Marriages, Gainsborough district, Richard William Fort, hall keeper Barlow, Trinity street, Gainsborough ; deputy, Joseph L. Public Officers. Fox, 28 Trinity street, Gainsborough Assessor & Collector of Queen's Taxes, John Arthur Herburt ~·ark house, Lea road, forms an extensive range of buildings, N aylor, 10 Jubilee crescent, Spital terrace erected in 1837, & will hold 196 inmates ; adjoining is a Burgess Constable, Edward Pearson chapel, erected in 1861, at a cost of £8oo, by the late :lliss Certifying Factory Surgeon, Draper MacKinderM.D. 3 Cask­ E. M. Anderson of Lea, in which is a beautiful stained gate street window in memory of Thomas Oldman esq. the former Clerk to the Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage, Coroner for the clerk to the guardians, who held the office from 1837 to Kirton District of Lincolnshire & Steward of the ~Ianors I86o; Rev. T. T. Hedges, chaplain ; Draper Mackinder of Gainsborough & Kirton Lindsey, Albert Iveson, 12 1\I.D. medical officer; Joseph Hubbard Lane, master; Mrs. Lord street J. H. Lane, matron ; William Henry Candwell, iichool­ Deputy Coroner for the Kirton District of the County of master ; Alice E. Stonar, schoolmistress Lincoln, William Septimus Bladon, Morton terrace RuRAL SANITARY AuTHORITY. Collector of Poor's Rates, WilliamGravesParker,72Church st Inland Revenue & Probate Officer, Robert Reid, officer, 8 Board day, second tuesday in the month, at the Board Lord street room, at the Workhouse, Gainshorough, at 12 o'clock. Inspector of Police, Chas.Arnold, Police station, Spring gdns Clerk, Dccimus l\'llllett Robbs, 18 Silver st. Gainsborough Inspector of ~'eights & Measures, & Superintendent of Treasurer, Alexan ler Samuel Leslie Melville, Lincoln Police, Harry Os born, Police station, Spring gardens Medical Officer of Health, Henry Wright L.R.C.P.Edin. Town Crier, William H. Oyitch, Shugar's yard, Bridge st Spring gardens, Gainsborough Vestry Clerk, Joseph Craven, 12 Lord street Inspector of NuisJ.nces, Wm. Eyre, 5 Kebir ter. Gainsboro' Places of Worship, with times of services. ScHOOL AtrHNDANCE COMMI'ITEE for Gainsborough Urban All Saints' Church, Rev. Richard Edward Warner ll.!. & Rural Sanitary Districts. vicar; Rev. John William Faulkner M. A. curate; 10.45 Clerk, Decimus .Mallett Robbs, 18 Silver st. Gainsborough a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily 4.30 p.m. except fri.; serm n Attendance Officers, William D. Ogle, Trinity street, 7.30 p.m. fri G.;.insborough; Joseph W. Uncles, 17 l\Iarlborough street, Holy Trinity Church, Rev. George Langton Hodgkinson ll.A. Gainsborough; James J. Hastings, .Misterton vicar; Rev. Frederick Colborne Fisher B.A. & Rev.Robe~ Inquiry Officers, Joseph W. Uncles, 17 l\Iarlborough street, G. Fookes M.A. curates; 8 & 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Gainsborough; James I. Hastings, .Misterton daily 7-45 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. ; sat. 5 p.m St. John's Church, Rev. Charles Edward Laing, vicar; Ref. Public Establishments. William Thomas Jennings M. A. curate; 8 & 10.45 s.m. ~ All ert Ilall, Trinity st. John Reynolds Fox, lessee & managr 6.30 p.m. ; daily 8 a.m. & 7.30 p.m