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February 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984

2-14-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 14, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recreation program 'Daily C£gyptian proposed 8." Paula J. Finlay Staff Writer Tuesday, February 14, 1984, Vol. 69, NO.99 The formation of a special recreation association to serve handicapped pee.,le is being Parr: Restrict farlD ilDports, considered by the Carbondale ~~:ITJ~:?~r th~~~~r~~iP A September 1983 amendment set mininlmn conunodity prices to the state park district code makes it possible for Car­ 8v John Racine purchases of farm land by non­ than we have." bondale .::ity government and stan Writer farm corpoi"ations and non­ Increased imports have put a the park district to jointly resident aliens, and that lid on farm commodity prices, provide a special recreation P.L. Parr, Democratic minimum prices for farm Parr said. He quoted statistics association financed by a tax candidate for the 58th District commodities be established. which indicated that the price of levv. Eacb group could levy a state Senate seat, said Monday State legislation setting producing grain products is ta£ of up to two cents, which that curing farmers' economic minimum prices for farm twice their market price. would provide ablut $40,000 a woes is an important first step "Good management or bad, year for a recreation program in the nation's economic ~~~u~~e c~~dte~ ~~~:::~'::! no business can operate for long for the handicapped, according recovery. wage law, he said. without a profit.-' Parr said. to George Whitehead. park Referring to agriculture as "The world market is not a "Nobody can payoff a $1 debt district director. "the cornerstone in the foun­ free market system and world with 90 cents." A "backdoor" referendum dation of our nation's prices are not determined ~y "As long as we keep tryi!'!i; to would be required to raise the economy," Parr blamed what supply and demand," Parr said. operate under present con­ taxes. Whitehead said. Notice of he called ineffective legislation The United States sets the pace ditions we are only going to get the proposed special recreation for the state of the United for pric ~ on farm commodities, our throats cut economically," program 3!1d f'\.'ssilole tax in­ States .farm economy. . he asserted. he said. crease would be made public Parr spoke at a press con­ "Much of what WE' import is of Parr released figures for the and if no objection were raised ference at Southern Illinois low quality and does not meet seven-county 58th District that within 30 days. it would become Airport. the health standards placed on showed $386,653,864 in total an ordinance. But if a petition Parr, a Union County farmer, domestically raised products." farm eash receipts for 1981. objecting to the resolution is criticized federal policies which he said. "Most countries have to The figures also show that if submitted to either the city or he said have hurt f.. rmers. He protect their farm economies. commodity prices had been at the park district. the proPosal proposed agricultural import Almost all our imported farm parity levels - which allow a would be would be put to a vote policies be changed, that products .:ome from countries in 3 referendum. See PARn, Page 3 legislation be passed to stop with lower costs of produc~ion The program could provide P. L. Parr transportation to park district activities in a van equipped with 'It's a two-way street,' Bush says a chair lift for wheelchairs. Whitehead said. The committee agreed to support the concept of a Special Soviets invited to seek peace Recreation .o\ssociation and Whitehead agreed to have a WASHINGTON (AP) staff member trom a Northern Speakes told reporters He said that no meeting with maneuvered him 15 months ago Illinois Recreation Association President Reagan '<; <;pokesman Monday morning. "We invite Chernenko was now on Bush's to become party leader and speak to the committee at its called Monday on the new the new leaders of the Soviet schPdule, but that they would Soviet president. next meetin~ about the Soviet leader, Konstantin U. Union to work with us in wekome such a meeting. The son of Siberian peasants, possibilities of fonning one iii Chernenko, to work with the establishing a basis for greater Bush, in Luxembourg on his Chernenko emerged as chief CarbondaJe. United States toward greater mutual understanding and way to the Soviet Union, said party ideologist during An­ Before the amendment was mutual understanding and constructive cooperation. the United States wants to dropov's rule. He lacks enacted. Whitehead said, for­ constructive cooperation. "This would apply to Mr. negotiate, but "it has to be a significant policy-making or ming of special recreation Hours after Chernenko was Chernenko and others who two-way street." administrative experience, but associations was thought to be chosen to succeed Yuri An­ seo,ve in institutional positions­ "We go in peace, recognizing was the No.2 man in the ruling practical only for communities dropov as head of the Soviet of authority in the Soviet that this may be an o.,portunily Politburo after Andropov and in northern Illinois because of Communist Party, White House Union_" for the amelioration of ten­ was given the job of arranging their proximity to each other. <;pokesman Larry Speakes said S~akes said Vice President sions," Bush told reporters Andropov's funeral But the amendment allows that any meeting between the new George Bush, on his way to during a stopover. traditionally a job handled oy any two or more park districts Soviet leader and Reagan would Moscow for Andropov's funeral. Chernenko, 72, is the oldest the successor to power. in counties with populations of have to be well prepared and would "stress our commitment man ever selected t" lead the 18- The appointment was an­ at least 300,000 or, in smaller would depend on a reasonable to peace and, in particular, to million member party. which nounced by the Comnm11,st counties, a single park district promise for success in results, the search for mutually ac­ governs the 280 million people of Party Central Committe~ and .:!nother unit of local the criteria that had been ap­ ceptable agreements" dUl;ng the Soviet Union. For 30 years through the official news media government are authorized to plied in the past to such a his discussions in the Soviet he was a close ally of lP-onid I. as the country prepared for the jointly provide recreational conference. capi~1. Brezhnev, but Andropov out- burial Tuesday of Andropov. programs for the handicapped. Bunny Matthews, committee Seith challenges foes on tax indexing president, said that she had talked with James Prowell" executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, about SilDon gets Sierra Club endorseDlent making downtown stores ac­ CHICAGO (AP) for the nomination by dropping the endorsement. Reagan tax cuta went to the rich cessible to the handicapped and that he seemed supportive of ~mocratic U.S. Senate can­ in on a home for abused The official said Simon had and to corporations." uldate Paul Simon announced children, a market prodllCe backNational Cam­ Seith. appearing before normally strong dollar. are in wheelchairs, she said. Denwcratic race f~r the paign Against Toxic Hazards, reporters in a whE'f~lchair to "Seith's proposal is supply­ Whitehead suggested that she nomination to take on the an er_ ,;ironmental, labor and which he },<.45 been confined side economics, which has been also contact Towne Central, an winner of the Republican citizens coalition - including sinct< breaking his leg in a proven a failure," Simon said, organization of downtown primary, either Sen. Charles H. the Illinois Public Action jogging accident earlier this adding that tax indexing would merchants, about making Percy or his GOP challenger, Council, GreenPl~ace and the month, charg!!d that Simon, rekindle inDation. stores more accessible. Congressman Tom Corcoran. Sierra Clu;'. Rock and Roland Bunis, the Cleve Matthews reported that Ar. hour before, lawyer Alex Simon said his news con­ fourth Democratic Senate the City Council had awarded a contract for 1,000 squar'!! feet of Seith told a news briefing that ference was one' of 56 events aspirant, a~ backed repeal of ~us his Senate primary foes should being held Monday in 24 states the law indexing tax brackets to curb cuts for wheelchair ac­ cessibility on East Walnut and explain why they w~re s~p­ and Washington D_C. in support innation. 'Bode porting repeal ,.f a law indexing of new legislation to cootmue Without the law, Seith said, a South Wall streets and that L.E. Cecil Construction Co. would income tax bites to the rate of the federal "Superfund" for person who gets a cost~f-living inDation. ci<".anups of toxic waste dumps. raise is foreed into a higher tax begin work soon. The work is Seith said the law, to take Participants are expected to bracket and winds up with no part of a list of sidewalk and effect in 1985, would help coo­ canvass more than 15 miliion net earnings gain. curbcut improvements tmue a "consumer-financed" households in 300 congressional Seith said the indexing idea, Gus says an e~~emel!t by the recommended to the council by recovery and amounted to the districts, the congressman said which he proposed in similar Sierra folks can't IUlrt - uless the committee. "best tax protection plan the in a statement. form during his 1978 U.S. Senate they expect acid rain to be laid "This is exactly what we'd middle class ever got." A Sierra club official said campaign,. was "the only real to rest, the air mad. pare and hope they'd do," he said. "We the Grellt Lakes cleaned up by feel they're making real Ml>.anwhile state Sen. Simon's record on en­ break working people got" progress.,f President Pt-ilip Rock stumpc-d vironmental issues prompted because "the bulk of the Rext Christmas, Reagan seeks Lebanon plan; News Roundup-- Rodino miffed at Haitian exclusion Israeli withdra wal up in air WASHINGTON CAP) - A move by the Reagan ad· ministration to allow 100,000 Cubans, but not thousands of Haitian boat people. to become ~rmanent U.S. residents has By R. Gre~or} Nokes Hussein and Mubarak for lunch. He said that the United States ang<.:ced Rep. Peter Rodino, chaIrman of the House JudiCiary Associated PTeSS Writer Meanwhile, the White Ho~ supports the May 17 agreement. Committee. announced Monday that Vice But if the two nations agree they Rodino sent a strongly worded letter to Attorney General WASHINGTON (AP) President George Bush would want to abrogate it, the decision William French Smith to include the Haitians in proposals President Reagan met with consult later this week with is theirs, he said. which would give the Cubans legal status. Jordan's King Hussein Monday, Prime Minister Benito Craxi of Speakes said the ad- Rodino said the Haitians "entered thiS country under seeking new strategies to deal Italy and President Francois ministration might explore similar, if not identical circumstances." with Lebanon, and an official Mitterrand of France, both of replacing the American troops said the administration would whom have troops in the with a U.N. force, although no longer fight to save the multinational Lebanese Undersecretary of State Wiring defect found in pacemakers Israeli-Lebanese troop with­ peacekeeping force. Lawrence Eagleburger said he drawal agreement. Presidential spokesman didn't think troops from other LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) - Surgeons will be busy for about a Reagan was asked by a Larry Speakes said that Bush, nations should "go into that month fixing a potentially hazardous defect in p:ao:emakers maelstrom to get shot at." reporter at the start of the on his way home from Moscow implanted in patients between 1980 and 1982, doctors say. meeting in lht1 White Hoose for the iuneral of, Soviet The problem involves insulation on a wire, which under Oval Orfice if he favored President Yuri Andropov, will Eagleburger said he didn't certain conditions could 5oort-<:ircuit and cause the patient to scrapping the May 17 accord, meet with Craxi in Rome on think a U .N . force could be lose consciousness, said Dr. Richard Gentzler, a cardiologist negotiated with U.S. help. Tuesday and Mitterrand in arranged until the situation in at Lancaster General Hospital. "We haven't started our talks Paris on Wednesday, with the Lebanon is stabilized. yet." Reagan said. Hussein also discussions focusing on the de<.:lined comment. redeployment of the U.S. Hussein and Mubarak, both ADA loses sex discrimination suit Also attending the meeting contingent in the multinational leaders of moderate Arab force. nations friendly to WaShington, CHICAGO (AP) - About $370,000 in back pay will go to 225 ;~Sh~re!':.d ~~ ~ifc~ Speakes also said Monday met for dinner at a Washington former women emplayet's of the American Dental Association Farlane, Reagan's national iliat if Lebanon and Israel hotel Sunday night. It was only under a setUement that resolved a four-ycar~d aes: security adviser. decide to abrogate their May 17 the second time the leaders of discrimination suit. Reagan's meeting with agreement, under which Israeli Jordan and Egypt have met Mona Signer, a former assistant department bead, said she Hussein will be foUowed on troops would be removed from since before Egypt was sued after she was denied a promotion and saw that male Tuesday by a meeting with Lebanon if Syrian troops also ostracized by the re.'t of the in Egyptian President Hosni depart, such a step would be Arab world for signing L"e 1m co~:r':o~ w~~i~~O.~ y~t~ ~ Mubarak. T'Ie pa-esident wiD satisfactory to the United c.,mp David peace accords ;vith discrimination against women. Dr. ThonurO' Gin!:;: ADA meet jointly Tuesday with States. Israel. associate director, said, "Our goal is the same as that of the women - to see that we have a system in place where they are Third of state unprotected from fire treated very fairly in both employment Ii3d promotion." CHAMPAIGN (AP) fire department will go out Chca!1tpaign County, agreed. Pockets of rural territory there and fight the fire," said "We ..ill not go out LJere outside fire protection districts Heffley, who added that the unless there is a life in danger," (USPS 16&210, in Illinois are known as "no firemen t.hen negotiate a said Jay. "It is their respon­ man's land" and pose a payment witb tbe property sibility to get themselves Published daily in the Journalism and E([Yplian Laboratory Pllooda\ thl'lJUltl Friday during regular semesters and Tuesday Ihro~h Friday dilemma for firefighters. owner. protection ... during summer term by Southern Illinois liniversily. Com",unit'ations Earle Heffley of the state Fire But in a few cases, Heffley do fluilding, Carbondale,IL62!I01. Set'ond dass posta!!e paid at Carbondale. II. Marshal's Office in Springfield said, firefighters have watched So:,~~im~~,;ertJol~ Editorial and business offices located in Com mtmit'atiol18 Buildin". Nonio says about one-third of the land the fire and the home has recenUy were alerted to a WillI. Phone 536-3311. Vernon fA .. Stone. ii..<;cal offK't'I'. in lili!1ois is in unprotected burned to the ground because it chimney fire at a farm house. Subscription rates are SJO.OO lJer year or "7.50 for sill months ,. i.thin the areas outside municipalities not in their protection area. Firefighters from the Bondville United Slates and $4:-"00 per year or S30.00 11.'1' sill months In :;iI fore'l!Jl and fire protection districts. John Jay, chief of the Com­ Fire Corporation also were ~tries. dispatched .. Postmaster: Send change of address 10 Daily Egyptian. Sou!hE-m I'linois "Most of the time, a dedicated belt Fire Protection District in University, Carbondale. IL 62901 fMC.;,~I«S ...... ,...... 8 rtkDonald5® Presents: ...... ,.... 08 Crisis Collection

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Page 2, Daily Egyptian, FebruarY 14,1984 Bank donates computer to SIU-C Panel discussion to examine

SlU·C has receiv~ an IBM our students a chance to get Burroughs said. "We felt this faculty, admir istration salaries computer valued at $250,000 hands-{)n experience with a would be a good way of showing [rum the City National Bank of large computing system," our appreciation." The American Association of 4.49 percent, while associate Murphysboro for use in the SlU· Harre said. "This is soml'thing University Professors will professors' rose 5.51 percen: C School of Technical :areer. we couldn't afford to purchase, SIU i"oundation President sponsor a panel discussion on and assistant profesors' rose The computer, which was thf: but we have to have it in order Stan McAnany said gifts of faculty ana administration 5.71 percent. center of tlte bank's data to expose our students to state· eqUipment are essential to a salaries at 4 p m. Wednesday in system, will be used to provide of·the-art equifment." numoer of sur·C programs. the Universitv Museum Topics for the panel hands-{)n computer experience City Nationa Bank President Auditorium. - discussion will include SIU-C for students in data processing, Raymond Burroughs said that "Gifts like the one City John Jackson, a professor of merit pay guidelines, salary electronics technology and the bank made the donation to National Bank has made meet a political science, will moderate distribution plans ane fiscal management courses, show its appreciation to SIU-C critical need by enab1lng SlU-C discussion between panel problems, equity adjustments according to Paul Harre, for the contributions it has to maintain top-flight academic members John MOIiW, a and salary differences between coordinator of STC's electronics made to Southern Illinois. programs with equipment the professor of g'Jidance and male and female professors. technology program. "We've benefited from the University couldn't affol'd to educational psychology. John "Equipment like this helps us work of SIU-C graduates, and so purchase for lack of state Baker, executive director of An article in the Jan. 25 issue tremendously in terms of !;lIving have ollter area businesses," funds," he said. pl ..nning and budgeting, and of the Chronicle of Higher Joel Thirer, an associate Education reported that, professor of physical education. r.ationwide, female professors Mouw did a comprehensive make 12 pP.rcent less than their PARR from Page 1 statistical analysis of faculty male co'mterparts, while c;alaries, which he presented to associate *,rofessors make 9 farmer to break even - the legislation <;uch as the Grain Ray Olson, president of the the Faculty Senate Dec. 13. percent less and assistant district would have had an Reserve Fund. Illinois National Farmers Mouw's report said professors' professors and instructors 5 and additional $247,114,625 flowing Organization, said that Parr's 1983 salary increases averaged 10 percent less, respectively. through its economy. That bill was sponsored by interest in issues concerning To compete, Parr said, far· state Rep. Bruce Richmond, D­ farmers is the reason his mers are often forced to resort Murphysboro, and guarantees organization has come out in Warm spell causes flooding to practices that result in that farmers will get paid for support of the Democrat. topsoil erosion. products slored in grain By The Associated Press Weather Service for the ele\'ators that go bankrupt. Harold l)(vjd, president of Ule Kankakee, Iroquois, Des "They farm hillsides, Illinois Farmers union. was not Weekend rains coupled with Plaines, Fox and Vermilion waterways and marginal Also on Monday. Parr present but said in a prepared unseasonably warm weather rivers in the northeastern ground that is not suitable for received the backing of four statement that. while his prompted flooding Monday on quarter of the state. row-cropping," he said. "The agricultural organizations, organization does not openly several northeastern Illinois A flood warning also was loss is staggering. For every including the Illinois National endorse candidate, he believes rivers as well as flood warnings issu~ for the Big Muddy River bushel of corn that is rai~ in Farmers Organization, the Parr would "represent the in Southern Illinois. in far southwestern Illinois, Illinois, two bushels of soil is Dlinois Farmers Union, the agricwtural community well." Residents of Wilmington, where the water was expec~ washed into the Mississippi." IUinois Farm Alliance and the where the Kankakee River was to crest on Wednesday at about American Agriculture Dale Nass, chairman of the ,·.nning almost four feet above two feet over flood stage. State government must take Movement of Illinois. Illinois Farm Alliance, and Bir. Ilood level, found the high water a~ricultural the lead in setting Rowe, legislative direct(.r for brought hack memories of Feb. Rapid rises were report~ on policies. he said. Illinois has Representatives of three of the American Agriculture 23, 1982, when the city ex­ the Embarrass River, and the already embarked on that task., the organizations were at Movement in Illinois, joined the perienced Its worst flood since river was at or above flood he said. with the passali!:e of Parr's press conference. two in support of Parr. 1957 stage at both Lawrenceville and Flood warnings were issu~ Ste. Marie. the weather service Monday by the National said.

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Herd of dark horses lightens up campaign

WHILE ERNEST HolliDgs and Reubin Askew may complain that they have !lame-recognitioo problems in their pr~idential cam­ paigns, they are doing better than many candidates. About 130 people have registered their candidacy for the U.S. presidency with the FededraJ Election Commission. These obscure presidential hopefuls range from porn king Larry Flynt to the Rev. W"lllieG. Duke, who says God has given hima plan to end welfare and unemployment. Some candidates, such as Duke, serious iD tbeir bids. Others, however, view their quixotic quests 10 more ligbt-bearted manner. ONE SUCH candid candidate is Richard GrayS(\n, a 32-year-old 1Ulemployeed coDege Englisb teacher from Florida, who has seemingly ignored the constitutional requirement that a U.S. Three years of Reagan president must be 35 vears old. In an interview with Common Cause Magazine, Grayson said he is running because "the presidency is a good job, ud I'm 1Ulemployed. And the White House is a DIce bouse, even if the neighborhood's not great." His tongue-in-cheek campaign is run under the auspices of the has routed T-shirt chic "Committee for Immediate Nuclear War." He says a nucle:u­ holocaust wouid "solve poverty, racism, transportation problems, AMERICA IS back and In the current issue of and, of course, the threat of nuclear war." standing tall and has a nice Public Opinion magazine, Not all the dark horses, however, agree. A few years ago, a group sharp crease in its troU!:ers. Daniel Yankelovich sorts ali of outdoorsmen in northern Minnesota organized the "Fisherman's Perhaps America is bar" this out. He explains that Party," whose presidential candidate ran on a peace platform because its pants are commercials such as because, so they said, a nuclear war would be noisy and keep the pressed. Or vice versa. Hang Charlie's (and the Coke fish from biting. on, campers, sociology is commercials, which an' never smooth sledding aud almost oppressively full of mESJi: FOURTH, fifth and sixth part)' candidat~ should not be (mix that metaphor!) today jolly groups) are part of "the completely laughed off. They have balOed the red-tape and we are ventW'ing into deep struggle with narcissism." bureaucratic forms and have proven that anyone can run for water. When did narcissism creep president in the United States. And come election day they, like Proof of the fact that not in, bringing hedonism with John Anderson iD 1980, will show that not just anyone can win. everything incredible is it? In the '00; and '70s, when Although their defeat is assure1, these obscure candidates are untnre is this bulletin: Last there was a rebellion against nonetheless to be cheered. During the long and often tedious week, the student govern­ Syndicated Columnist "the 1950's pattern of presidential campaign, they add some much--needed diversion from ment at Washington and obligatiOns, rigid roles, and the grim realities of a ballooning deficit, the plight of the nation's University asked the faculty duties." ~ and the explosive danR:e .... of the nuclear world in which we to get the undergraduates let's face it, a lot f,f laughs. live. . into more presentable dress. True, Washington and Lee IN THE '£{Is, the man in the "We don't want to be weird," may not be a fair sample on gray flannel suit slipped his said the stadent body which to base a continental leash and slipped into a T­ l-,reSidcnt but, braving the conclusior. But if people start shirt bearing a rude comment -~ttetS--- 1r.harge of weirdness, the insisting on fair samples, about foreign policy. Nothing • :,tudent executive committee what will happen to punditry? - not the dollar nor NATO asked professors to require Besides, I herewith report a not the family farm - has Films showed horrible tragedy that necktie; be worn in their second instance of cultural been up to snuff since then. In classes. renaissance. A friend of the 1960s there was, of Central American struggle mine, whose politics place Yankelovich says, "a desire THAT SHOULD silence him somewhere between to break out of the 19505." Three cheers for the Central American governments cynics who say it matters not Walter Mondale and Che Today, correct thinkers are Jrganizers of the Big Muddy such as Guatemala, and the who wins elections. Three Guevara, notes with distress trying to break back into Film Festival for bringing us suffering and bloodshed of the years of Reagan and T-shirt that young ladies on cam­ them. In the '60s and '70s, two excellent documentary oppressed. Yate's films show chic has been routed. First puses are again using "self-fulfillment" was all the films on war and revolution in real people weeping at the Grenada, now this. Five more makeup. My friend is rage, but "self-fulfillment" Central America. The films, funerals of their loved ones, who years and college students demented, but not dishonest, involves a heap of wear and "Nicaragua: Report From the were slain with American high­ will be wearing madras so I believe him. I am eager tear and has bred a desire for Front," and "When the tech weaponry and the a:d of jackets during spring to do so because in 1970, when tranquillity and social bonds, MOunta;ns Tremble," together our tax dollars. "When the vacation in liberated Havana. I fled in horror from not to mention neckties. with a talk by co--producer Mountains Tremble" shows There are always a few academic life, young ladies A spokesman for the Pamela Yates, provided a rare that the treatme 1t of the largely faculty members who do not seemed to take as their model necktie folks says their i!l­ view of social upheaval in Indian peasant population i, mind heing weird, and some a singer, Janis Joplin, whose dustry is back and standilU[ Nicaragua and Guatemala. Guatemala is so cruel, at Washington and Lee saw hair looked as though she had tall - Reaganomics works! Most of our exposure to the discriminatory and inhumane. the student government's just stepped on a high-voltage - and is doing a land-office conflicts in Central America is that the peasants' only hope for request IsubsequenUy sof­ cable. She was not a bit like business in skinny ties and through the rhetoric of a humane existence lies in tened to a general exhor­ Charlie. square-bottom ties, which the politicians and government overthrowing their dictatoria' tation to the student body to spokesman calls "a '50s officials. Here at last we see the rulers. The only way to quell thE dress better) as the thin end mE RESTORATION of look." struggles of the p~:.~::.nts rebellion would be to kill all thE of the wedge fascism. Others the ancien regime themselves, who have suffered peasants - but the there would saw it as a sign of the "return neckties, the ruclear family BUT RECESSION also immeasurably for decades be no one to work in American· of the '50S." but, then, some and all that - was under way works for the necktie in­ under horridly oppressive owned banana and coffee professors probably think by Christmas, 1982, when dustry. There is. the regimes, and are now wining to plantations and textile mills. that in the '505 America was Charlie, the thoroughly spokesman says, a fight and die for the hope of a Current U.S. policy is ef­ modern woman who is the correlation between hard democracy. fectively supporting the ::C:!k~:ei=~:ii~:!If? protagonist in Revlon times and grim thoughts and SOme will attempt to nullify systematic murder of "trouble­ Fortunately, he is not a commercials, seriously the wearing of neckties. the message of these films by makers" among the peasants. professor of medieval considered marriage. She did Furthermore, in the 196Q;, Iabel.ling them as "political history. He is a professor of not take the plunge, but when unemployment was ~ganda." However. it is The real struggle in Central journalism. probably will if Reagan is re­ low, men could dress like JUSt and fitting that Americans America is not communist elected and "traditional lunatics (remember the see the falms. After all, we have versus capitalist, but rich YOU MAYBE thinking: A values" get another foor-year p!um~olored dress shirts?) already been saturated by the versus poor. The Central dress code is to be expected dose of his attention. and still get hired. propaganda of the Reag~n American argument in the from a school in Virginia (Remember when President This necktie theor:' of administration, whose media United States is between the named in part, for Robert E. Carter told bureaucrats to history has taken us a long campaigns are funded by our compassionate and those who Lee, who went through West Quit living in sin and get way from Washington and taxes. [t is also very important only see the protection of their Point without a demerit anrl married? They, like the Lee, but I warned you to for Americans to understand financial inveslments.-Chris who, although he was a Russians in Afghanistan, buckle up because sociGlogy the direct relationo;hip be~ Best. Graduate Student, crackerjack soldier, was 1I0t. paid no attention to him.) is a winding road. U.S. military aid to oppressIve Departmeat of Botaay Page 4, Daily Egyptian, February 14, 1984 Professional secretaries group to meet CO'u!lselors say ernploy:ment The Southern Lakes Chapter The guest speaker win be of ProCessional Secretaries Darlene Dwming, professor in :nternational will meet at 7 p.m. MOilday, Feb. 20 in the the Deparbnent of Management outlook better than last year Granada Banquet Room of the at Southea~t Missouri State By Dav~ saelf'ns ~y, Norfolk Western- trends in the e""t1!oyment of Carbondale Holida,i Inn. University staff Writer university graduates In sen~~r:~w';60 O~f=~~ business and industry, 71 Health Serviee to offer poison iv, 8hots EDITOR'S NOTE: 'ibis Is. the positions for gradujiting percent of the corporations fi~t in a SI'rles of Beven articles students. surveyed predicted a better Poison Ivy immunization shots $4.50 booster shot will be o!fered to appear weekly, ellamining Companies recruiting at SlU­ year for business in' 1984. wiD be available through the lor persons who have been the job market, ~areer op­ C this year include May Co., The report states that 23.781 end of April at the Student immunized in the past. portuniUes and job hllOUn, McDonnell-Douglas, Texas inexperienced college Health Service. Carr said the shots must strategies. Instruments, G.T.E. and graduates from a variety of Ken Carr, patient services begin by the first week of April Commonwealth Edison. fields including engineering, specialist at L"e Health Service, because only one shot can be Mal1Y students who are Dick Gray, director of the accounting and liberal arts said a series of four shots will be given per week. For further getting ready to graduate and Career Planning and were hired aft.:r graduation lmlt given for an $11.50 fee. and a infonnation call 536-2391. look for a job may think their Placement Office, said the year, and predicts that 28 015 prospects are minimal because number of jobs in the job graduates from those fields wiD of the state of the economy. But market is increasing, and he be hired this year. counselors at the Career Planning and Placement Office, ~~~~~~~:ex~::: thi:: Gray said that many of the as wei! as many busiDt.'SSeS and provement. recruiters return to SIU-C each ~~tions, have a different According to the Nor­ year because they say the thwestern Endicott Report. a students they inte~"View are Mike Murray, counselor in report based on the responses of prepared to enter the job the Career Planning and 262 companies which shows .,!!larket. Placement Office. said he thin:~ the number of jobs available to graduating college +++t++++++J..~ students is better than last year. He said that although fewer companies are ser.ding recruiters to SIU-C this spring ~ HAN.AII~+ than last fall, the recruiters are offering more positions for Tuesday employment than before. + t --li \furray said one such com- • + ~~S j ~ + Campus Briefs ." ".-.-.._"_.-, Showcase" MEETll'IGS: Blacks in ~ Engineering and Allied Technology, 6 p.m., Tuesday, MaximumR&B OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK : Student Center Missouri Room. - + LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TUES-SUN HAPPY HOUR .. -8 TU·F ! .+,~ MTckey" ~ _ _ L. + l MORRIS LIBRARY will offer 3/$1 25 Malt ./lwlz~.L Spedal Valentines Showl instruction for using the LCS ~ " 12oz6Q4 ~ J... Tuesday & Wednesday Only terminals at 4-5 p.m. on • Tuesday and Wednesru.y; 9-10 'T No Cover 160z. T featurlnl a.m. on Thursday. For further +. 7ozbtls. information call 453-2708. +- Kanlar Hotlln. 549-1233 851 '" 4 on the Floor MEN'S RUGBY Club will begin practicing for its spring ++.++ Every Wednesdgy Night '84 schedcle at 4 p.m. Tuesday FO):Y LADIES NIGHT at the rugby pitch, located next to Abe Martin Field. Interested Don~t Know Which Way To Turn? Diamond Giveaway persons should call Michael at Monthly,.Quarterly, Yearly Flnals 529-5484. lGrand Prize: Trip for two to Los Vegas PI SIGMA EPSILON, Pabst Beer 50« all night national marketing fraternity, SUNDAIS will hold a gene!'3' meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday :.n Lawson 221. Country-Western Night Secret Valentine gifts will be featuring a live country band jl exchanged and Of.::ct:i· elections 687·4212 will be discussed. ItOUMI".W.Murphyoboro .....'lWomlles_'..tMur~~. PETER S. SOMERS, SIU-C ~aduate student, wiD give a seminar on "Statistical Control in the Quantitative Deter­ mination of Compounds from Biological Samples" at noon Tuesday in .~gricuJture 209. SOUTHERN Illinois News Broadcasters Association will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in Comunications 1046. Voting cn a constitution and activities for the semester will be discussed. GAY AND LESBIAN People's Union will present "Get Aquainted with GLPU" at 7 • • p.m. Tuesday in Quigley (~ .------~ 1 Lounge. For further in­ Bring Your Sweetheart'·;~ ;} I Buy one Biscuit B~last 8111.1. formation call 549-4701. BLACK HISTORY Month will Out to Have Dinner with Us. !~~ KIG! present a performance-lecture, I. -, "Dig that ftag: Contributions of • Please present thIS coupon before ordering. • Black Musical Composers," at 7 • ltmlt one coupon per customer Not to be used with • p.m. Tuesday in the Student • other couoons or offers. VOId where prohibited by law • Center Illinois Room. Jan ~ftttfttft Douglas will be the speaker. • this Offer Ixp'" F.... H. 1914 • I Good only durtnQ breakfast hours. 6 a.m, to 10:30 a.m. • Good Only at 901 West Main. Carbondale 1 Puzzle answers ~D€~5 t 1e.,,1...... ------BiscuitBrealrhst Polyn_l.n Cul.ln. Dally Luncheon Buffet •1~~'in limit one coupon per customer. Not to b~.• used With -.1 at 3.85 • other couoons or offers. Void whe,'~ prohibited by law I eomltlnatlo.. Plat_ • !hIs Offer E.,..... , .... H. '914 • startg;9 2.85 I Good only durinG breakfast hours. 8 .. m. to 10:30 I..m. I .~~n.!r~tJO.!~=!.'==~:O=!: ___ ~ Center 5292813" ...... ~U.S .... INOII e'II2 ...... KinO~

Daily Egyptian, February 14, 11l1M, Page 5 Shuttle called 'cleanest yet,' HEADLINERS STYLING SALON expected to go again April 4 cordially invites you to attend thier CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. proved that the gas-powen-d Grand Opening Celebration (AP) Space shuttle Jet-pack works dUI ing the just Challenger cam,' back to Earth completed mission when they in such good shape that there became the first humans to should be no trouble sending it work in space without a safety For your enjoyment, we will be presenting the latest Hair Styles back into orbit in a record 53 line to the mother ship. and Fashions for Spring and Summer of 1984. Also, the latest days, despite a failed bl ake, :n They and the other three damaged ti.tes, hazy windows crewmen, commander Vance techniques in nail Sculpturing will be demonstrated. and scraped tires, NASA says. Brand, pilot Robert Gibson and The space plane completed its mission spP.cialist Ronald In addition to our Grand Opening Celebration, there will be door eight-day Florida-to-Florida McNair, Monday started five prizes, refreshments, and free samples. mission Saturday with the first days of debrief _lgS on the night lanzing at its launch site, and at their training base in the space agency said it Houston. Join Us Tuesday, February 14th from 7pm to 9pm. returned as the c1eaoest shuttle yet. "Tht!" orbiter is very clean, in better shape than any of the Headliners Styling Salon 1111 E. Walnut others, " Ken Coffey, shuttle Office in the Park, Suite 110 Carborldale.IL mechanical systems officer, told reporters. 451-2612 All major systems are in fine condiuon, he added. The ship's next launct date is April 4, the 11th shutt'.e flight JOIN 'rOJR OlYMPIANS and fifth for ChaUell~er. That means it would be ba.:k in space AND GO Frn. jOSTENS CUD 53 days after landinf" nine days sooner than an}' previous shuttle turnaround time. Landing the shuttle in Florida '!!\, cut six-to-eight days off the ,~~ launch preparation time, eliminating the need to ferry the ; space plane across country on the back of a Boeing 747 jetliner as would have been the case after touchdown at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Most shuttle flights in the future will land in Florida, except for special cases. such as the first flight of the third shuttJe, Discovery, in June and tests of the orbiter's automatic landing systems, NASA wants the added safety margin of the wide open dry lak~ at Edwards for these flights. Astronauts Bruce Mc- ~ Candless and Robert Stewart $2SOFFAll 14K GOlD RINGS See '!bur fo<,tens Rc~tatr"" fOr Jetaih or jostens ~ I'

710 Bookstore:....=---- SILKWOOD I'bcc MERYl S1REEP 1QW'1WSSEU ... ~...... ,iii .- ;OSTENS IS THE OFFICIAl. ~ SUPPUER Of fHE 1984 00Mf'IC GM1('i ~ Vmeltline Luncheon ttmn-l:30pm ~bruZll'V 14.19B4 PRIMATE7pm Boneless Breast of Chicken An~d1he in tadnxg,I_~d Baked Champagne r7 "'\ ...tIon~a:'miJls. and HIGHSCHOOL 9pm o.ld Tossed Sala::~~~ of Dressmg ~.; ... what American U Hot Roll w/Butter tl education does for you._. and to · Peppennint ice Cream 0 " DIn w/Sugar Cookie ~ 0. THE GREAT m il. WHITE HOPE 1 &.9pm Room . 425Ji1J.w: James Earl Jones Is extraon::'~ ary as the first black heavy­ Weight boxing champton-hls ~.::i!ntrcenter ~.r~ every trtumph a new reason for the white world to hate him. ~. ~~

Page 6. Daily Egyptian, February 14, 191M Concert scheduled at :;hryock Chief justice says legal S)tsteDl Pianist Donald P. Beattie. "Children's Comer Suite," and assistant professor of music. Chopin's "Etudes, Opus 10" and will present a ccncert CIt 8 p.m. "Scherzo in B Flat Minor." losing respect, needs refortns Tuesday at Shryock Auditorium. He is a performing artist with LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP) - In his annual address to the On Sunday, Burger at times Beattie will play Bach's ~he Community Educationai America's legal ~ystE'm. ABA's winter com'ention. he was conciliatory. telling "Prelude and Fugue in C Arts Association and composer· mesmerized by the thrill of repeated themes of lawyer lawyers they have made big "ajor." Beethoven's "Sonato in arranger Cor MaganMusic courtroom battles, has grown competence and conduct that contributions to America and F Minor. Opus 57," Dcbussy'c; BlItl}n, publisher.;;, of St LoUIS have marked his 15-years as improved law practi.:e. ~!~ru~~~~~ 'to!fnerrf~r:~~'fo~~ chief justice. He touched off a Park district to hold cheerleading clinic truly dvilized people." Chief furol in 1977 by saying half the But. he said, the proCession The Carbondale Park District with a from 9 Justice Warren E. Burger told natjon'~ lawyers may not be has a lone; way to go. He blamed session a.m. to the American Bar Association. qualified to represent clients in the decline in public trust in will present an "Introduction to noon for girls in grades H2 and "Trials by the adversarial court. lawyers on the increase in their Cheerleading" clinic Saturday. ::lnother from 12:30 to 2:30 p.rn. contest must in time go the way numbers, the willingness of directt'd by former SIU·C for grades ~. Preregistration of the ancient trial by battle and Last summer he said in a some to advertise like used-car ch~rleader Lori Ce<'il. is required. Information about blood." Burger said in a speech London speech that the United d!:'!llers and the absence of registration and fees IS States desperately needs consistent disciplining of The clinic will be in Winkler available rrom the park district. prepared for a mee:ing Sunday School's multi'purpose room. of the American Bar lawyers and law professors unethical attorneys. 5?94147. A<;sociation. He urged lhe "who understand that access to He also ripped "absurd nation's lawyers to lead a justice does not invariably lawsuits·· that I'nly promote fat search for ref(lrms and at· mean access to courtrooms." legal fees. tacked some forms of lawyer advertising and frivolous lawsuits. ~PCVideo He said the legal profession has lost the public's conridence by sticking to its adversarial tradition. "The entire legal profession Presents lawyers, judges, law teachers - have become so mesmeri7.ed with the stimulation of the courtroom contest that we tend to Corget THE EROTIC that we ought to be healers of conflict. "When we see costs of justice rising. when we see our stan· ding in public esteem Calling. FILM FESTIVAL something is wrong," he said. He proposed an ABA· sponsored study, with non· Tonight.. Friday lawyers participating, to recommend major changes in the nation's legal system. "Doctors, in spite of 7&9pm astronomical medical costs. still retain J high degree of public confide!lce because they Ride the elevator to the are perceived as healers," he said. "Should lawyers not be Student Center 4th/loor healers? Healers, not warriors? Healers, not procurers? Video Lounge Healers. 'not hired guns~" Acce•• to M.U.S.I.C. on theKAYPRO Portable Computer A fully intergrated system with 64K RAM, Z-80 microprocessor. A 9", easy-ta-read g:reen monitor. Dual disk drives (400K capacity). A detachable keyboard with numeric keypad. Built-in interfacers for both a printer and communications. CP/M. And the complete software you need for Word Processing/Spelling, Data Base Management and Financial Spread-sheeting. But we don't stop there. "Harmony" ..a communications program designed specifically for students to access M.U.S.I.C.

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Databank Computer Systems, Inc. will be giving free demonstrations of the "Harmony" program on campus Wednesday, February 15, in the Mississippi Room at the Student Center from 9 .. 5. :::.-=;",=g~~~? g'

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\)aily Egyptian, February 14. 1984, Page 7 nl II :i~"n;' .u~~! Bachelor NO'. 3: ~ ~ "You and I are shipwrecked on a ~ ~ desert island and you know a way to -obe rescued. How long would you wai to tell me?" " i ,:':"'" "':. ':, ::., "':::.,. ':,: '" ''',:': ,'" ~ J~~BVJc~~\~<6~~GI e ore t e s ow "Eat Your Hea.rt Out" a~ the Special Valentine's Dinner in the It's t;me for a ~ .. OLD MAIN ROOM, Student Center aOOQOQOOOOQOOOOOOOoo~OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOoooo Data Bu.lne•• INTRODUCTOR Y OF F ER Systems. Inc. (Ends Feb 25th '84) of Marion III, will QUANTUM PERM present a demon­ $M1 $25 stration of Panasonic Office Includes Cut & Blow-Dry Equipment. Featuring: PANASONIC Copy Machines and Typewriters F.llruary 1 '.16 1 Oam-6pm In the Ka.culda Room S.I.U. Stuclent I"'al...... rt. Come and take your coffee break on us and see what we have new I I DAT A BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 818 W. Mtlin, Marion U. Call George Warren: (61') 997-1544 Campus Shopping Center ,,-.,.,..'CiDpIer..,.mnan In hit place. not ~ •.., 549-MANE

Page 8, Daily EaYIJliIID, February 14, 1", Being a ~Iarine C.orps Officer ran open the door 10 opportunities ~ou • Free rnilian ~ing Ies.o;ons may h:n~ thoughl were ~und your l'('3(h. II helped Marine Officer • A ~tu1ing salary of more than $I~,OOO <11ar1es Bolden become a X\.~ astronaut And if }ou're \\illing 10 make the COI1'.mitmenl, il could help ~uu al.'iO. You ran gel ~1ar1ed while ~ou're Immediately upon graduation you could become a Marine Officer. Irs in college \\ith our undergraduate officer commi~.. if mng progr.un. You )uur choice. M:r,be )ou're the kind of mar we're looking for. could take ad\'an~ of getting: r------, • $100 a month while in school • Freshmen and Sophomores IrJin during ~u six-week summer sessions KewantfPU each ~ing more than $1100 • Juniors train in one :en-week summer togoas~ar session and earn more than $1<)00 asyoucan.

See yoiu officer seledion officers, Capt Boyd or GUIIIIe1Y I SSt Gray at the Student Center I'dJruary 16 It 17 or aJll JI4-263-5817 collect .>,.> .•> ~>,~>:.~'>'~,~>'.>,.~~ .~>'.>~fI1 BUBBA. We made it ""lears, AEP'hi's: D~bbie .AnJre~. Mary 0, I Love You more than · and ,have many to lO. Bu th~ Monlque, Davlta, i.\obtn, Lori, ever'!! Happy Valentines Day, 'eIttiIlO A~~~~ ~r~~ Love A s ~ka~~~'v~~m/:~:~e, Wbere's My ~ug? XXXOOO To JCHDVD Officer Dls·Ease Dee tJ!, . Wo':,e ~~J':t!lih ~::'~n':' T~ ~Xl~~~ki:tn r:!~.~J~a~!i'..!~~ ~~aIM~trF~,:i~/\I~. Hil~) and now that you have "!y phone Love you! Vour Cookie , j~'r <~ , number you better use Il Love Happy perverted Valentine's Day Tri:lngle Z ' A Big Valentine wh(t-Kiss ror the to my cutie. Let's Love thra life ' ',M,,' only Wbo·Bear in my wbo-Iife together. Love always, Flabs ~ Doug (Hubby)·Thank you ror being Lmie, your Mappy )~,., YOU even Wbehan I'm InLoot mye ya To the SUp'erlover.Reggie ~:;~~~:, ~~iller!:~I, m!:va'iwt l':;'~ (i:J:.·' mwaifeyemeveryk ppy. ve ou, H· B b I II 10 \,:'-,,'9,:" s~~t~~~~·L~t~' o~o~e, VJlyO::e Won't you be mine? Your Goopy .~_ ~8!;~~~~~~~i~~e";:I~~~~ Kennedy. Pee;- I Love you- spooker'1=:r,'x all my kids. Love, Con Coo ~~3Iar~re~~t:~~'tr~ay~mlrl:.e P. M. Thank you ror the wonderful ,;',"~~,,'1,1_:",,' Tim, Hart,Pf Valentine's Da~ Ed, I Love You. Colleen =ela~;;:''¥!-:!fiej::~vemet ~ ~:~~u V~~~~b.E~,~~, Linda ~[h~~~1 ~1~=.Je~tt:'~c:f- ~1~~::'Wln~t.:'a":t~r;n~:.;t !,\'~,;I• ',) Amers. Vou are the greatest FOf"eva- as (jne, Love Steve there, I Love you, Love Scbmoe ~I ~oomm~tel an~ ~rieDnd ,evLer! !! Ginger, The Sweetest Spice or Life. RBL·I Love you. Tbank you ror ".~,'h;"," J:!f.fY a enhne s ay. ove, being you and loving me. ~:sPY~a::~ D~t~E~::: Sometim'25 it wasn't easy. Vour i,IJlM,,'I' !Iw~,i~~toro~!e.r.;::pfpyor alike I Love you~. Love, Sam _w_ife_,_S_I:S8ll_~______\~ Valentmes, your, L'Ouvertuen B W ' I '" Chris, Ros~s are red, skies are (1' PerkillS .. ~~~" coor revaf~nk rri~-:cs. ~~6 ~fR:SD:~f~~qW~~ J;:,,~ " ~.!'a~. Let's stay close 4ever. I<~) t;,~t":~'fu~c~~o~~l: -.... ~o~,.~gy~t~~~:i:-~ ,,~ year great for me. Your good Stlnkfac:e NO.1 T~ Bear, H you could read ~ir' ~~~~~ ~:7 f~:I}o:~~eln!1::s ~:/·VunnC~~\, i'otl?e~ J.!':~~ir:;:: mv n,ind you'd know that you are L· da lovinS you is eas>Hbecause ~ to be next to mine XXOO, Bbeenear·theTbe..R.atsolt Im~y Y~ea,.rsl bLoavvee what love means! I Love you witb me always, Thoughts of l~'re' beaut .". KISS· A ag;e <_ UC> IiI f' Beth wrestling you to the ground and yonle: Lov DaveW ~ '''" Flash, Oh well, this could happen you megatons '" always will! -sheD _Of"_ev__ er_. ____. ______to any 01' college student. Happy Lil Buddie, you are the bestest one ~:~ -:-:n ~l:rti'::!:.1 Hi Bunny: You drive me crazy! Valentine's Day. Love, Meg To Stumblina and Vanessa. Pee ror me! Lots of CW's, and T6:T's, Thanks for a fantastic time! Can't Wee loves you. Happy V.Day rrom forever! I Wuv You! Lil Bud =~o:~~al,= :~I ~n~!~~~ C. G. wait till tonite! Love, FI'lIlIk Moana and BeLynda·does·the- E· N r I door. B. W. L. C. y~C;v! afw~l;S 6::n ~!:r:i:'e ~~ y!.!r;v:Jou just the way you Fred· A Valentine once brought us and ['m here for you. Love, Kelly To Marilyn at Winkler: You're The Lick Creek Staff, Can't Be tn~~.:t.!.e~ll~=o~~~. Number one on my list too, Honey! beat, Happy Valentines Day to To the other woman, we partied in Love, and miss you lilte crazy. Love, Jack eaell of you. Signed The Boss Altanta, we two-step~d in New ~ou~Irr:~~~!';dr,:~! F. H. ·L. B. Mell., on the Boardwalk we did and would do anything for you. Mike, ------we wanted to say thanks in a skate, what fun could we have nex! Tom H. big way for last Wedriesday nigbl To sh_ y:ou that I miss vou in this You Dynamo! JM 6: Jeanne r::b~ :'!'!~u~!ea:::neDt :~ Vito, you ha.'.! made the past two Valentine. Your travelling affair. years the bappiest of my life. I Love You IllIW and foreva-. Beth !!! Papa G_, Forward to mana Rain Rider, you made the D. E. ~~~~a!'::vcU! bunches an ~fu~~:::~:r!~fSCo!~rf:~s To my BuddY Pal, Cbuml. ... I Dear Hua Ja, Even thouglt we are If you will be mine, I want to si!II t the blues cause you are so nne. I'm ~W:~lf~;~rtr;;: ~~~~ ~t:1i. 't!~: :::.. r!:a ~~~e H:t; Baby·bunkins! Have aHa:? 1'0 my ravorite Pity R. , Just wa. gonna buy you new shoes. CIDJ MPL, Mh man, kiss me, bug me, I Juli~ S: The river is silver the ~r~~aR~~~~~:~ !n'7y~=J:~ l~':r ~~t>~8"d Mike: I Love You not only for what do, love i be mine (always) Love l\hadow:s are fleeting merry You, CM Ismayhme and merry our Leah if my heart could speak it Love and Miss Va Luvmunchi ~: !.7th ~!yr H!:M ~~.w~~ meeting. Don would have so much to say to you. ~~i~~m See ya soon Bobbi Mark, Oh Pointy Birds, Pointy :~~.y Valentines Day Love, t=. ;.:..s,",'=let,:ri~ Su~an, Lone Ranger or Br ~ii~i'w~"f!~~ ~~~~e:'i;o~-:3 Elly May: Have a Happy VaI~ Hogun W::!;htlappy Valentines' • The tines Day - And Stay away from :l~~~ ~~a~ra-::~ l:p that 110-00 herb. Love, Blizzo Carolina Moon is my Valentine ~crYf:~p'a~o~ ath':t ~ ~~ Dearest Horse, I Love you in the Lorie I treasure times that we have Her cooking is always fine, and h ~n~;.ol~'7r~: ~ e&'r psycbolCJ8ist. I kilo",! Love, Me shared and look forward to sharing l'lving is subline. love our life together, Nina =.,~~ lTv~ve their thwsands more! Matt rr~ffeYoY31r:~es Day Jim, From M.ommy. Thanks.for getting up: Spunky, I Love you when you wltb me everynlght. I sorry ~f:~{.?:e:~ ~~~v~~:s,~t~ !:;tf~'l'r r-w':bn::~~r cuddle up next to me in bed, and ;::.m~~vs you. kiss· bug, seaSoned. True. I can't eat just Darnella Andrews the girl of my to end. Luv Va!! Deb sexy thoughts to me! once' dreams, may ali your dreams E~= come true. Happy Valentine Love, ------Paul W. ~,~me!·Val~:1:eor:. =r' Peabody, Please be mine! You've :~~~~~:W!~!~ Anyways, you blow when! I'm al made my days so much brighter, glad its only 7 ilays till 21 YOP Suiishine .•...... •.. Sweet Dreams Love ya Always Fl'lIlIkie are made of 0- ...... Ooner Schooner, Me and Oonle ••..•. CUtelJoy Paul, you show that you love me in ~:~~~~.!~ur.o':e ;::. love you. George. many ways that is What makes us Baby grow cloSer, I love Vou SheDy Patti Lynn, I Love You bunches Lawrence, let's make it another .. 8". Lots-a·love, Laur .. Buster Dear Lover, Roses are red, Violets ift~e~·.!~ll:,~~my H Toots, be my Valentine now and t~~ebl~~ !~t Wt!':e T~e:r;fIi To tbe best Cbow Pot Kusbu forever. Love Always. Rooter. Munchkin, Vou're still ~eous! Women Rooter Wallace·To the one and Thanks ror your ~iaJ love that only cupid in my life- now and =:nl-=~~I~~t~ makes life liVeable. Love, Micbeal ~itt~m~~~Lov~~ Kurt, Have a Happ, Valentines ~:~~r.l Love you so much· Bear the times ~Dt with ~ou are and everyday. PAS r.:r~v!ea~:ar:,~~!! P. S. ~~a;:!, :y~==e::'no~=n lot.. Love always, Tommy ~~Ior.ttmled~ wards H:s."";IIII! IIAR~ Gr~-you make ~ Chocolate Paul S: Looking forward 10 . . Sharing more space" with L' Mike IT.C No.57l Thanks for ~ut &~a:::~P urnp. Luv. this semester! Happy V-Day! Babycakes Pam ~':i!mllla~:~lfr~~r ~~.:-n Dear Toots, Thanks for kee~in~ me Happy Birthday Rosaline with love My Op'lrest Chris, your always on :::~fe~i;~i! 'r!~f,E' d;k~ 5 and from the boys. Jimmy. Joey and JIm :~a~~/¥!!: :rw':~~Rrctve a Dear Rob Petrie. June 6? We'U ------~--.------r: :;a~~I~~fin':.; 'l!~ ~r!.~o:! S~~I Tracy, Will I wish evervday could To Becky Ronaghy. Lets spend the ~b~:~~S~":lBo~e me Pierce Gang. Times at Fred's and :!:!~ tb~~e:~:[;t!~~ J:~~~ ~~r~r~eJ::ea~!~. t!~:~nf::~: SOH· Haplll Valentine's Day to and hot :icks :~WofYf~~~~IYa~ae;!' ~~~~ LS, CC, HK . 1~~ ~~d ~F' only one. I love you! 7108Horner Sweet Susan, Sweet Susan, you are ~::.n~~, Happy V-D, I Love ~YsRwe!~J:;.sI~,:!~.a?~~~:~ ~ ';'!!sl !:viJ'~~0'J. ~. each Valentine's Day anil T. D. L. Happy one year girlfriend "Salahamida" Tammy. The future mav be cloudy Love K. S. ~~~-~- hut my love for you is certain. D. John, Thanks for saving my life. I Dear B. B. One "p~r ago I loved love you more and more each day. r!'f:s~:t.~:r and K~~ !:h~ ~.US~oday I love you even more. May 25, 1985' L,ittle Bunny world!! Love, ~r.lan and ?? Diana. I miss ya. Jack !.o; :gT~~pf1v~:~e;~~~i.?~. ~o ----- ~eg. I:d ira o~~ 'T'th~~ JJH~~e ~ love you very much, Love Carla ;'1:~b:t~1 ~o;.1 Yafw:~~ y~~ ~ity. Be ~ine! Love Ya, A. J. forever. Love, Jean. Jane and ()()()()h Jimbo, you -are- sooo cute! Trudy. I Love You dearly! Happy Jeff, I love you, I love you, I love Valentines Day! Love, Lynette It~~ !1~ls !t1En~oW~os:nJd you from ,;nw until forever! You'll ~ve ever guessed~ i Love You, always by my Guniguhu! Robin r..fJ:f~ ~~::!Jl~r::;: Pa~~~e a~e':!~ ~;~Ii:.~~~mn:yU:::r'~ f~~~o;~, Sweetie, WiShi~ you buttern~ Attendant Uschy. Mike ~~~a~r~:e v~ Happy WMM - Theres somethings too ------I' lM-.autifui for words, you and our Nix. Our love can do nothing hut i!~~ ~'f!:ys,af.rv./~er love. I love you Michael. Lisa Hey you sexy thing! I'D be bowlinl Lynn Ann, Happy Anniversary, I Dear Jalil, as my Mooshi. I think Fu~~e":~~fl \~~c!or::::wt~~ r!tUforw:bor'!~=~aJ:ay bU Love You, James R. Donnie, Even though we are being Love Miles ~i~~=~' Love you, your kept apart, you are still the son Suzanne, We've made iI this far wllo captures my heart. Love Eleanor- u"n't wait - best thin~ babe, I say we go the whole nine ~~th!\~rJ y'=l!eam~~=~~~ Daddy b~s. J love you PYT. Murry I love you buriches! Yours, Lynne ~~":l:~uJ!' .~t~.:it reo:~os~~~. ~!~~;rl:iJt~::rr'O~Sf~l:~ :~:;y Rocky Bear: Here's to firsts. 1 blSQUlt you bate I'll be... GMF To Randy Behrends, the sexiest Dave Thomas: I'm glad we're r'~~I?ea.i~~;~:}re/~I~iiI ya in ~~~~d,!lyaPPJit~al~~ne'i~ ~~,~ rk:nt~~:~! l.o~~~ One friends! We've had some fun times Dear Matthew, Tbanks for all the r.r. Valentine's Day' rLove You! just talking. Take care! •• Gin' " good times we shared. May they NS • CG - Happy Valentine's Day Dave Dear Sid. Even though its 1984 you Le:ri!,:~er and better. Love, Debhie, for all of the love and can still trust me, cause I Love ~ar;:~ r»:en~ :'';k~,e My sweet Bill. always yours, You, Esther MGO Teresa =~on~Y::U:~V~~i~v;.? Kiddo, Memories • Dreams . ------~~~--- Maureen,; whatever we do, be it J. C. I'll love you always, even if To ihe loveliest RA in Schneider. Deborah, these are the best of ~~a~tim~yin~en~;' yr:~~ you can't love me B. F. Sib floor of course. Make those Gary ::ts:!re~ 'i~: !:o'!et~~r, ~:e~r ~~~':~ou~~~~ether Mr. Shoulders: This is so U will ~~I~_~_ ~~ line~uess~h~~ Amy, I Love You! Bob know it isn't just for kix. You're Cayang, I Love You. Aayang. ~~~~~ %~~gl~~ T;!: ~~deni~~~ol~~e~f ~t v:f •• POOl" DoBo, Thank you for being ~t ~YR~ne I: On1yA I Luv U? Transit [k;,.~r;;i;-I~;:-:·l-t feels like I'm Snowy ~------~n::~~r'Wo!.1x:er&O r:o~ in Love" From: Kelly Marie To my sweet Babboo. you'U always Love, Pug e t.b~louDeI Monte peacbes.. Your De..;r Pam Sue. I Lo"e Ya all very ~~lu~;hn: cb::si:w ar:;r mlX'h B. W. C. Irri~ting. Love Betty ro, ~oxo= Attn. U of Iowa, Catherine Anne Steven· meeting you at Ratsteller Dear Steven. Our love S1iU grows wasthebestlhilig for me. Your my =:~Io= ru:: r~lfy~~ Monica Perkins, just want to let after 8 mos. Lei's continue to ~~ =~'1~litTci:ev;,.1hsm.!Ie, one and only_LOve, Pamela nurture Its beauty! Love U Janie all over agal.J, Love always ·'S.. Joe, My honey bunches, Honel:' v:.~en= ifU;~ ~C:nt~':,. ~ir:y DK, 11Janx for I :aking yesterday a ~:ee~, ~~d:/~v~ezw':;~ • ~1:J::d~:~(.~,. h~~1I1,~h~~~ dream of ha.l!piness and every ~ f~u::t~~11o~:t!id forever, Sue I tomorrow a VISion of hope. Love ~ Happy Valentine·s Day. r::!~n,gs:~~~Ch, just let me JV. Dino, 10 the best bird in the world! Dear Nate, The last 2 years have I would fly to the highl!st treetop to !:n~~ I~e~to.:~e:;l Hi Little Duckfeet. Happy V-Day. been wonderful. I mal not say it nest with you. Love TIl Congratulations for ~ur ~u;~~sweet always for me, l!~~ L~;J;~'blnc::.r: my only Kissie Bear: God knew what I ~r:~!o;.~~::~;:,~ ~res': Y~~ needed; He gave you. . til eternity, Ocea~ EteS, Lets marry and &0 )'0lIl" beauty queen r:=g.lill'=~~l.!~erl~ ~':~r~~~ ~~~:I ~~~ r!.ne for diamonds. Your Hero IW!~ ~~=.::;;.~ihtS~~z . Happy Birthday Mom. Love Mare Wally, Let's be Special Valentines Carl, Remember three years ago today we meet and feU in love. I Litlie Love, I am patientlle Amelia, I also love the memories Felix, • fn sounds ~ but fall of ~~~~eto~~o,: ro~s Y.ut:.~tr BabydoD hope we have more happy years. t::wst;:~ a;! ' ~ ~~ ~!Lu':\.~ what K. McF. :~~~~~Ioha~~saoo DW • Just ill time to write a rhyme I love you more than yesterday, SWeetpea • 1 give to you my most Chim-Chim here are your sort won't you be our Valentine? LOve, but less than tomorrow. Happy srecious vafentine. It's deman- words. I love you DOW aail forever ~~e.!~~i:::, ~r~e fI:e ~ Carolyn. Dave, Jerry, Jim. 30th Anniversary ....23-84 Love. SpnteJ J. mahn f~~!!v~n~~;~s' I:;~~, y~ ser.sitive. It's full of Jove lor June, Jean, Denise and 02. Happy ~ihe!'~~':tn:~:e6 AYOlo Ir:tillli~\{:;t ~ I a~u:e ;:a~~ ~~r~!fur ?~ugua~: y you._.- U's me. JulieBean ~=~::i~a~ l00blue you in :Dr:: life. I am yours forev!!!". ~Wate~ountain" tonight 9:JJl? ~~ing much too Quietly Ma To John M Yow, Roses are red, The Grand Pooba: Be my To my sis Cank! Anonymous ~o 1~~Irt~y!~3'!C ~~: Valentine, at school, in Texas, ~ii~~ :;~e~~~1;tine's Day! !:."d~ts~rre:':u. ~8i:rars my heart. Happy ~-Day, ;!u~~ .:ad forever. I Love To me and my sbadow, Happy To our favorite slumlord H~. Sthoolboy Cindy, There is a s~ial agent Valentine's Day from the Botisey May you find roaches in you beiI. ------~I}t'as! special love for you in Twins, Slick and Flash Tenants of Cabrini Green H~ Fur! Happy Valentine's Daf ! ~::V;t!~toO:a~':' ft~~ t~~ ~,~ tLreaJM!sl:~ f:'v~!!!!'!! WRT - Happy Earth Day. Have you Dear Fatty, Can't hide it all yt!ar, M~ V-Day Julie BooHe, the ~fI~JlDlIbo,~al!~~n~:SD. T. ~~~ seen the stars? S-Dale ~u:'~::: t!~os:.=! See you on To the dearest Valentine Jackie, T. P. " Come on, little Whitey doD't be a To the love thllt makes my life goon We'll have our Valentines Brian, Happy Valeninte's Day!! complete, Happy: Valentines Day . rC:;~~J!::e~e:'~~~~tharl::y Day in June Love, Mrs. NeedmOl'e all your help in Love Always aM forever, Me :IJa~efa~Lo:;,e o::'t ~o::g =~ ~or For the Scbmedhead that makes always, Jaw Fuss!, ::a Me Brenda, thank you for oomilll into my heart red. ~Cw~::~~ Valer~~~1n: To DeIois, A valeDtine like you, is a I my life. Love you very much its biggest goon¥rLove you, PJF. Valen- DOW and forever. Pumplrin Robyn, Happy Valentines Day. ~'brwar~~~oR~t:.~ ~'!:'O:~1..~er!na~ The boat is almost ours. FOllr let it grow MMMMMM Cee Jay Pet. I'm a 1itt1e teap!." and I 'AYe L~ is a record. Love Mike and :::~~DaY ~':lestH~r,rr.. ~=~TL~ 'M~ ::an! ~ a:tOO:d~';A a Love Guy ~UI, I'll Always Love You!! Beall! 7 years aiiil _ keep OR ~te~ doiq the ~::,y~.::;:= H~ Pia. 41SfM!Cially cftams ::...,vr forever;-Me 6: Clewis ~D&~~.J.:~,r~ are what we've foUnd together. All HOFM I can offer is my low farever. YTG Good ~~~~r..!~~ WendeU Butt. Iudt next year! For ~ with tile geldea _rt. Cedrie. OUr love will last lorwei'. Your a greJl)t friend - _'D miss Your beauty and your smiles ='.:tt~ ~~to;,e~ your. bOOmba! Love your fUD warm the ....ld for miles. Love :.~re~'7!~.~X- could Jay -- xx Joe Ty, Everytime (see II bandage ('U ~'!ie I::;~nr fo::t:o~r& H:ilr To ~I~cl~~e:!e::! ~~~~~~r: always be near. Love, Tamara I:nch of moronic afrociOO5 lovable ~i~~ ~~J;:'yu c~ptfde ~~~me I apes. ~:!t'R~lfl C:~: S::e:t~~tl';~! a8: Robboo. with !'vei"F" passing Secret Pal: I like V. bul V hurl . ~:I~~~rnes toS:::~o s!!f~ I bar. I Love ya (I admit if) xox ~etLree~kor ~f~~~ ~~~~ that this world has known. Ste.e moment I love tfu more ana me. How can we be friends if V Tam thilllling ~you, Kim. Love, Phil can't find time (or me when I'm 2 Herbie's owner U we\"(' right fl's S:;~~~br~~gJ:r F and VDay. down and need someone to talk to' Daddy Poop, Get me and throw me Jean, I enjol bei':t; with you a lot. t~~~~1 ~~r~.!:-ille~appy y. Music Man ~~YH~;-~~~~ ~I!l:,:~~hp~. :n~g~~[hi~~es~~.:r ~~e~TI;; ~~ l:e~~~lf I~~ ~!~~co~:J essence of mj existence Thanks for bein~ sucb II good ~"!'v~~r;;;rn:~~::::; !'7th I~~ :~?'t~o:Ei~~~''i:lla ~ ~~ friend. P. S. I 1I':c!d oil far my of my love, Your Halvshsky ~~~mp this year' I Love you, car. Love, Tim ~"a?:r!~!~~i~~~~7i~t:: Vicki, What more can ( say other than ( luv you to someone .,5 }~~~C:!~~~:a~iIVa~~=: ~il\"tl.i!l Y;;u~~~ ~~i~~1 ~~J special as you. Frankie Marie Bell ReClnour, Swet'test A babysitter V .. lentmt'S Day oe filleil with !fr ~a:;:~r~~~:iy~ massive sensual eniovment! M.G. g:~~.:~nfili~~~~~el~v:~~,11 of =Tschmoochable, March 4th is one Today, you are 21 and for me, you ~::::I t:~=si~og:~:,i'1a:nHave a ------r,;,~e ~~hm~~h "Ws:li:fy:at?'a'v~ Dad, you are one guy that does not ~:::: :.~ ::ni~l, be mine fir ~~~e~=r ~~e~/'t~_ Ir:;P mooch Ke~in, Hold on too yow' bw:s. Its ~y heart turned on for yO'" Love ~~~ ~a,wS!~ ~~jfl my heart. ~:;ft( ~:Je! y~~Pr!:le! ~ the girl with the ..:eWest B:lt· Weavet:', Jensens were made to KDK, How about a good Wings In Dental Hygiene - Your mu;;;:. Be with me on lakes and two Dear Matt, to live my life in lo'~ IiUe maintainance man. lanes iorever. Love. Doc Hey older than me, Great clam oockg~mmon tame for Valentines with you, is all I ever want :0 ~J. ability. P:!e :~~PlT alentines Day. I Love always, Lorie M.D. - ,"ou'll always have a special PaUl, We've shared many W!~t;~0Vr>, K~r ~Pa~hat ~ace in n).beart. No matter what Dear Matcho. Loving Y'," feels ~ Bufroons. appy V-Day. Love - ~~~aJ;~ne~~~de ~:~~".:!.J~e Jesse, ('m glad you're a part of mv ~~~~e~~, h~arfrthro~ f~nd ~ so good! You're fantastk!! I and Morgan does too' Love Mefiln Love you always. Mrs Sq'.iIrrel ~lf!1or~~( iSr!~ ;~~~~liday. ~!~!. ~a~7 J~~~I1:t":tyW!'rve Moyer ~a:li:I:C~es:~~n ~~ :~jn, Carolyn, So your game is gems and C 0000000000000000000 ~oM'W ;::;~~gH~~i~' D~~MC~~~ Love you very much. Love Tiger you ruby is red but the beSt. of all is fob:~~re ~\hets f~:u;re:!~tea~ Walk on the Wild side Love U alwys! Bones wher. in the bed, u,..: Don special. HHe's to tomorrow! AM OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoor"-N fl.

&~~'i;:}~~m;t~~~I~~i~:,~kD!~ Dusty· Ho~ Jour d;y is full or To the way honed units 011 Pecar. with much more to say? So nexi :=~~:~'f~u~~:I~:~I~fw~~ Streeet: for you Buds ( mi~t be F:::,~')ould roam, to a room in your care about you. Love, Usa-<,han ~~~ ~~ti:g~"i::~~cl:~ persuaded to eat some Qwcbe. ~'~rJ'l sv.:~ri~~~:YSJ~70m Jon, Roses are red, Violets are g:~"f\!~~e~OuHBa~. Vtt~::ines :!:ji~ry~~:::~~~ ti~a~ S~i~~ Day, blue, sugar is sweet and so are :C:~:Va~~KflR~~rljneS ~o:' I LOve You' Hugs" Kisses, Happy Valentine's Day, ~idtown To Joe, The •. frisky" man in my Bangladesb Baby: You have Boy life. You make ell~ day SlJeCial. helped, me so ml:C'h. ('II always Hi Sprout, Happy Valentines, To Sgt. Rock Hardo- Keep wearing Valentine DdY. working together will bring us To Klesa Christian from your S A, Love you for it. Love Banana ~~~ Lil;'~, success. Caring" Cuddles will Bottom make our love grow. Lym, RSB ~~~:~~~ ~:!i~:urou ~~~ti:v~'Y~'f:n~ such a Meeker, I Love you. You're a d::1 w!!ndel'lUI, and understanding Jorge, Wanna go out with some\)~ Dear A. S. P , Your bite may have person, Love always Hot Dog ~o'"1e~!~a~eY,o~f:t itJv~a~~~\ N~JJoves you on February 25? killed Cleopatra, but I'll take you uniform grow the mustache back' till anytime. Sincerely 29X Sue T. I really do love you and Jerry Rcses are red, Violets are Cakes, I'll always Love You' Baby Egg r~~i-ea-rr~a¥~~fn'::'~ ,},~"J~:I~ always will, Surprised? Love B. P. ~~':::' f~:::. iVJ~an't cook, (like in loft tonight Love HCF To my' iiI' Monkey ears you brin§ i::~e!:/'.P.'n:ire. LOve alw3ys an ,f e.EW Guitars Upto25% OFF Thru Feb. 2. COME IN NOW and Sign Up for c.r-1_App...... -- ...1' ...,... ••

Class ~March 2. 1984 Before the Ozzie Osbourne concert. West Park Plaza 2447 W, Main St .. C"dale

No Gimmicks-No Guesswork The Hair Lao's expertly trained staff is here to serve you with the highest quality service and pro­ ducts. Our clients do not receive mass produced looks, Instead they are tw.ated as individuals with special needs, We give free consultations with every appointment. ------*=O==UP=O=N~~------Free $5.00 conditioning \Alith • •I Hair Cut & Airwave I I THE HAIR LAB I I 52t-l"5 715 S. Unl"erslty I.' L------______~_~ ______J

Page 12, Daily Egyptian, February 14, 19M L "!'J,l, ,·.lJ .t ..... toi.·)'lJ1 ttl4·~ ...... tA. A rena ticket sales ACROSS 45 Girls' schoo Group to hold essay contest kept orderly by 47 Withdraws Phi Beta Kapfa will hold its SIU-C undergraduate students 1 Cowboy gear 51 Hamlet. e.g. Today's second annua essay com- enrolled for at least six 6 Headgear 52 Painted 'unusual'system 10 Weakens 54 Treat petition on the topic, "The ~emester hours. University and the Market- By John Krukowski 14 Terror 58 Caution 15 Dismounted 59 Chilled place: To what extent should Tho? paper should be sub­ Student Writer 16 Local map 61 Badger's kin puzzle the goal of a college education mitted to the English Depart­ 17 Hockey 62 Female: sufi. be a job'!" - me ... t office. Faner Hall Room The line of several h... ndred palace 63 Remain The competition is open to 2370 by March 10. fans of The Police gathered 18 Hindu 64 Turkish city outside the SIU-C Arena "Olympus" 65 Title paper recently seemed unusually 19 Milrln mOllf,y 66 UK river Freedom From Smoking clinic to be held Alaska Pretend Puzzle answers quiet and calm for such a large :.J 67 The Jackson County Health be from": t, 9 p.m. on Monday, pen:"~"la gathering of rock fans. 22 _. -oil: DOWN are on Page 5. Department on Monday, March Feb. r. in the Public Health Conversation among those toniC 5 will sponsor a Freedom Froll: Office. A $15 fee will be waiting for line resen'ation 24 - accompli 1 Auditors: Smoking clinic at the Publi( charged, with $8 refundable if tickets to the Friday, Feb. 17 26 Pride abbr. Health Office 10 Murphysboro all classes are attended. Police concert seemed limLed member 2 Rodent 23 Earth 42 Tr..e part for P,eOple who want to luit to commpnts about the value of 27 Mon:~: 3 Once I'1ore 25 Path 4~ Quarry smoking. For information contact the 31 C"real 4 Apron 27 Gem product Registration for the seven Jackson County Health stc.nding around in the cold rain 32 Oecantlo 5 Beetles 28 Center 44 Exec•• t"d s~";".,,, in the class series will Dp~rtment at 687-4357. just to receive a number and 33 LP 6 Amateur 29 Albacc;e 46 Damagt' conjecture as to why SIU-C has 35 Drunkard 7 Fish sauce 30 Drosses 47 Marry pga,n such an unusual ticket system 38 English 8 Alpine area 34 Extort 48 Growing <-... t ------, to begin with. composer 9 Painstaking 35 _ - 49Ala - Carol Smith, promotions 39 Telephones 10 First-aid item record 50 Corp. VIP director for the Arena, had an 40 Revamp 11 Vibrant 36 Polish river 53 Doye, !'Ale!!~5i ~ O~~,.., 41 Pasture 12 Reduces 37 Canadian 55 Rat -- .. l explanation for those people 42 Protrude 13 Show biz politico 56 Weavf. type who look back with fondness on 43 Cadence names 39 Comb.. tant 57 Spirot the days of simply buying a 44 Deer 21 Machine tool 40 Traitor 60 Stain :~ Prennte~.j~.J;11 ticket to a concert and being i Coupon for: . _~~~ 1 done with it. good "We used to let people camp I ~..... Expiration date: .~ _. _. I out," Smith recalled, "but once when sl)me people camped for a • ~ Presented b,/: C1uilibu A I concert they set fires to keep warm using oil drums, which L~~~!C_l!anclJi!!" 'irCie-'r-~ J buckled and destroyed some of the pavement in the parking lot. They also useu saplings planted around the Arena as fuel." Hoping to avoid further ex­ pensive incidents, the Arena staff began experiml:nting with alternative systems to prevent mobs fr:JIn descending upon the Arena. "We listed several alter­ natives in the Daily Egyptian about three years ago and received several hundred responses from concert-gaers," Smith said. The idea which received the most positive response was a proposed system of line KILLING US SOFTLY.~ reservation cards, similar to the current system. with one ADVERTISING'S IMAGES major difference. "We had student workers . .- h'-r~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ OF WOMEN stationed around campus in vossession of the reservation ~~. SERVlNQ THE BEST cards." Smith said. "It would A film presentation and discussion on then be announced where these ~~ ~~!~~~~!CA~~~!!tlO!l-'t-l how women (and men) are stereo­ students were located. anli ___ __ typed, objectified and {'xploited by the people who wanted to bu~ tickets would come looking for I I IS",& I mpoia_ them." F,/,',/99, Un;' Wednesday, Feb. 15, 7:.00-9:00 p.m. The plan did help prevent L______l i Cyr" in Pifl I damage to Arena property • Ohio Room, Student Center Smith said, but in the meantime I HOURS:lo..IOptI -..,...... L____ !!~fl ___ J students were rushing around campus in their cars, causing ~ b 201 S. IIIiMit COUPON ooco 2/1Jil4-2/"/14 • ~;::::- ha7.ard to pedestrians, and most of the student workers panicked when they were suddenly mobbed by rock fans. A revamped system was t·····~·······~:······~······· ... : introduced last spring for an REO Speedwagon concert. Reservation cards listing the place in line the bearer o! the : ,j!.~'J1~J!~~.lOhE : card would have when tickets went on sale were handed out at the Arena box office by a lot­ •• :ry-type system. Originally, all six ticket windows were open, THE : but Arena workers found that ~/rm~ some students were going to all six windows in hopes of getting the lowest possible number for : 35. DRAFTS St. Yalentlnes Day the ticket line * * : Now only one window is kept :SI"OOOUART MASSACRE ~ open, which sometimes results in a long line. as happened when • DRAFTS the Polic{' reservation cards • WITH: ftl~ dAD D()I~ Spinning !~ were l.anded out. But Smith insists that such a long wait for • ~ St SPEED.AILS I n~ PVI (7 The Best Dance ~ cards is rare, 'and has only • Music anywhere! : taken place at one other time - when Journey tickets went on sale last year. : n,Amnm, . : GOLDEN : WHIIL.F F.RTUNI 'die ''Da,... •••eII" ...... ,.. ., SCISSORS • sponsored by ! Our very awn Mad Dog will be The SIU Brew Crew ~ Perm $ft•• iC (haircut extra: f( giving the quiz every week until Deslgne,. of Travel Unlimited . ! with « Spring Break, but the only way ~ FrGl'lk Tregoning ~ to enter is to be there 'Ivery In conlunctlon with ~ 687-4042 .. Tuesday until Spring Break. The Great Tuesclay MallClcr. : . ,rrOWolnuf M't-oro, III. • . '. irl ir ••¥ •••••••••4 ...... ¥ ....¥ ••••••••-¥ •••••••¥~-

Daily Egyptian. February 14, 1114. Pa,e 13 MURPHYSBORO f'CRNISHED CEDAR LA'ets. Rechargable Batteries li:i!:ee~ ~ersi~.~~l 57'~~g~1i;s TIle Daly ElYptIa. c .... lie AA-2 Pak $4.50 APARTMINTS TNpoasi'~ lor man tho _ SIUCl~1ot 4 BEDROO~i FURNISHED house day's illcGrrftt iIIHrtiaII. Ad. Recharger $4.25 saphomor.. and up and apartment near ClImpus. No verdlen .n! respoasib.. for 1___ M_O_b_I_le_"_OIII_e_. __ ...1 NOW ..N1INO fOIl ~y ~~wS:e~ ~~~~~a4~~b~ cbeclling their adverti8e.. enl far Battery Holder IUMMI.a.AU erran. E ..... not tile fallli of tile 1970 CHAPP ARELL 12x60. New advertiser which ..._ tile v.hIe wl2 Batteries $5.95 ""tvrlng: Eftkl....:I... 2 '3 bel. THREE BEDROOM, 402 E. Split ICIYCII apts. Walnut, $195 a month. 457-4334. aI tile advertisement WiD lie .d­ !h~.c;a:!ri~~.-c::!~9?~r -----.... SI028b1l8 jasled. If , .....d appean .. occupancy. 549-7513. 4798AelOO With: Swimming pool correcll). or If,.. wislo Ie cancel I Air .anditlClfllng NICE 2 BEDROOM house. 3 miles your ad, caU531-33l1l1efare 12:. IOXSO FURNISHED TRAILER in Wall 10 _lIcerpatlng _ far caDCella •• billie Mr.1 I ""SJbnID715 S. University f"llyluml ....d ~~ti !a~~le:!~y~~~ties. da,·...... I m't~· ~~:t &,r:n ~o!:t~nt~~. 54t-1501 CabI.rv ..rvIcCI _ 4!111f\8h.lJl2 I Must sell·no reasonahle offer MalnlenaMe ..rvl •• COMfo'OKTAHLE. LIVABLE IlsIy ad wbicb is cam:eDed bf!Iore CharcoallJl"ilIl flllpiratiOll will be chal.. ed a $,'!.:V PRESENTABLE. 2 bedroom h"use Oil Linden St. with new II!I'Vice ree. ItrJy refmd under a.oo I refused.10xs0 TRAILER 549-6808. WITH 4x84823AelOO tipout, [-----'_...;....Mu.lcal____ -J ANDYlT will be forfei~ .iue to the cost new furnace well·insulated. new VliRY CLOSE TOCAMf'US ~rpe~~gw:r::~:m;.lIer ~P&~~: rugs. new floors, washer-drjTer Fo< Informatiaol .top by hoOkup. Pets OK. Must see. fdeal MUSIC LESSONS, SAXOPHONE, ~Phone457.3321. B5104B 108 tlf~~ified. The Quad, CIallifJed advertising m.. t De ~.'~;~ student. S3100'J:1m2 ~:{;'. ~:Atf, jazz Apa~~~-:,c:.s 4787An100 1207 S.Woll ==:a:=::~~~ 12x65. FULLY FURNISHED. III HOUII MUNTIn Dartially remodeled, insulated. PA RENTAL WITH Sound man, 12 4.' .. '" ....syClUt..-.'-""....-d? quiet locatilJD, underpinned, stove, channel board. 3 way mains, 2 SHOW APAIlTMI ..."';"~ III HOUSI MUNTIn refrigerator. washer.dr~er monitors. 100 ft. snake. Call Dave, Man .. w.d .. fri .. ""-3376 457-7858 4786An99 La ...... rt ••lty =::S,ra:~~.. O. ~e:. Sat1-"".. 11-3pm 7OOW.Mcrin FOR SALE, USED beginners CARBONDALE. 10XSO. NEW N_ Ioking Spring .anlracts for AutOllloltll.. Very =::tCo:o~r::.~~~: ...i.i....:I ... 1 t..draom and 2 ....-d. NOW RENTING FOR f:~:Jl~~ac~A;:'I:n=':: 4838Anl03 shed, storms.1urmshed. No.75 raom apl. 3 black. fram Campus. FALL OR SUMMER '78 MUSTANG 302·VB. Auto. Trans. Malibu Village. S32OO. 4864AeIOO WANTED DRUMMER AND No.,.,.. AC, lIS, Db, T·lcJp. am·fm stereo. I· keyboardist Cor rock'n'roll band. Ot.ft "'111_..... hI .. NEwtY REDONE 833-5151 aays, 867·2731 niJZhts. Can COZY 10x50. Good woodburner. SlOS. ....I ..... ty Tim. .f714AalOS Must ha~il'meat, experience APARTMENTS AND HOMES =-t54~~3~kirting. ~i~\~ and trans atlOn, Call for info; 457-7Mt "'.2454 CLOSE TO CAMPUS (6IB) 497. 4874An101 0-10 _ t..draom ...... _ SOUNDCORE • YOUR COM· 0-ta four bCIdtoom...... -,. MIscellaneous PLETE music store. i' Hou... Stnotocalllers, $435. PA rentals and I 529-1oa2 or 549-3375 1976 MONTE CARLO. Air. powe!' r- sales. Rehearsal and recordin1. brakes, tilt steering, very good SOUTH WOODS PAlUL ..... , conditian. $1475, 457·541B. ~t~ities. 715 S. Unille~li bedroom horne on Pleasant Hill I Now .entl... 'or Sprl... 484IAal02 Road. $200. 529-1539. 84475Bbl03 H_ CI_ to c...... ,. ...wly ...... l ... NICE HOUSE FOR Rent. Close to Furnished or Unfurnished lGwn .. campus. 4 or 5 bedroom. ,·a,'nl ~ ra 1_ 4·hdrf!O"': 405S ...... e- .. SPIDER WEB. " BUY and sell used furniture and antiques. South a:.'We::3::~~~~ 201 HoIpilol DrIve f 549-4935. 4711Bb1OS 209 w.. t Charry on Old 51. 549-17112. 84839AOIO ...' ___ A_PG_rt_m_._n_b ___ ..... 2·lCIdraom 504s ...... n POLICE TICKETS. SEcrlON R _ I VERY NICE oI-BEDROOM IJrick fumllhCld house. furnished or unfUrnished, 2 Row I, main floor. $15.SO each. 549- 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED in M9-D76 5H.ll". 3560, 549-4315 after 5:00 B489IIAfl02 beautiful colonial style house. miles. east. quiet area. =t108 ar Water. sewer" trash pickup' included. Close to campus .. 1_ .... -..-..... IIDE._. FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE for i,~-..!..~..=.. .::.':; 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 4dr, lIS- II.tronla ~=ty Mall. $390 ~n:, rent. 405 West Colle~. 'h block from University, one block &am """'Ion""...... MalI. C!'it;;~ ~.:ii~~a:~::r~ CARBONDALE BRAND NEW =r.'ing ceuter. Furn~8b~~ I...... ~~= 5941. 4891Aa101 KAYPRO II PORTABLE com­ highly energy. efficie~ 2 !=~A"""~':"~~': 19B3 TOYOTA TERCEL. Four putt-r. 2 disk drives, lots of soft· wheel drive. 5.000 mdes, assume ~r:. ~t'1~ ~rn:c.. ~ L,~RUtilrJ~ :::.=:t.bor~ a.r-...--...... ~a:i~~~rer"t:tp~:.e. $1350. teda~ Lake. Wiu take lease attic. 549-161B (eve.) Sf&.ffll .....-- _ ...... _ .....1...... -, loan. Must sen. Call 457·7!164 after 5 .s,~ 484OAg100 until Mayor August 84. 529-ISOI (day.) 48OOBbl02 __ .... - ...... · p.m. 411MAal03 after 5 p.m. 4685Bal03 19'TlOLDSWAGON. AM·FMradio, I HM. HOUSE. Partially fur· 41'.... FURNISHED EFFICIENCY nished. Crab Orchard Estates. air. new transmission, best offer. APARTMENT COl' rent. Close to 52!H937 after 5 p.m. 5095Aal03 $l~month plus deposit. 687-4349 :iW~~·. ~ler~~~airicr: after Sp.m. 4816BII99 Mobil. Homes 1978 VEGA. 4 cltlinder, 4 speed. included. 529·3929, 457.542~~45~ 4 BEDROOM, REMODELED. 7403, 457·213-1. 846101la1OS EXCEPTIONALLY ,\lICE ~=: Relia e. S8004~ta~ ~~::~dAv~iT~~t~~'m~t:e ~: = 820 W. WALNUT, 3 bedroom, ~ ~RAlli~~, W:5~~~';:~ :t~e C':tV!mW~G~~. D~~~. month, ~4. 114437Ba99 ~:i::l~r m~\~IW r~ose to cam!eus .. University ugly. "soorbest?er. r.:AalOO NOW TAKING SPRING cantracts QUIET CLEAN FURNISHF D, 4 m":~~ ~~a' er par\l::~ room professional person. No ~~. ~~::d~~m.:J~~s~~u~fs~ Transportation needed. SOUTH WOODS PARK. 2 Parts aMi SeAle-. duplex. 529-1735. 457 -6956 as-- t I manth and part utilities. :~Ji,gg bedroom. $130. 3 bedroom, 842T7Ba99 ALTERNATORS It STARTERS ~~1~:qt\~: ~~~~lsJ9~at, NOW AVAILABLE. APART· CRAB ORCHARD ESTATES. Nice 84474Bcl03 =!~'~'kesd~~, ~':.rn MENT for rent, Make sublease. ~~~~own Apt 5D. ~~J!~:; l:a=iin~~e,;~t:f~. ~~Ii TRAILERS CLOSE TO cam~. r.a;:~If:11 work guara:~~I~ 549-3850. 486IBIet Still a few lert from 8t25 to . 19" ZENITH COLOR T. V. $150. Don't waste maney. n us. ft:l9- __".-_. 457·2473 after 5p.m. 5103Ag100 2·BEDRooM APT. TOWNHOUSE MURPHYSBORO. 2 BEDROOMS. 4444. B4278BcIOS style. Very near campus. Completelv new interior. 11,2 ONE BEDROOM REDUCED rent. I. ~~~'::~to~m=l~:r' t~lr'~ =sr:~~1 gas, carpe~2~~ No pets please. 457-8352 after 4 pm. ~torcycl.. II 5777 or 457·7352. B5061 Ba 104 B44428clOS ':lONDA 36OCL. 1975. Less than Customer' Someone who knows you BARGAIN HUNTERS, 2 bedroom ~!k!tB'u,~O~Eh~ CONCERNED ABOUT WINTER heating bills? c:. .• e bedroom knows me and has learned Close to campus, !II) pets.~=Oo l:~~~~~at:r.~W~ =~ apartments. Comcletely fur· that Stereo and Television Goss Property Manag~~~. I Repairs need not be expen­ NICE HOUSES. COMPLETELY ~:te~de~1 ~or ~~e~ or =~e:r -:s:'::::::iM sive not" time-consuming.. I University Mall. Heat, water trash LOw Motorcycle ht.. make reFairs for I.. s, off..­ GARDEN .~ARTMENT NEAR J:,nr!o~!~~ ~r!n~~er. pick·up and lawn maintenance same day service, and offer IY.lsl!ital. Quiet area, low utilities, Cherry for 5 women. $645. No pets. Included. Rent range $155 t8 $172 a Alto l';~. InterviewB':iW~ month. Available now! PllfJne 549- 1uID...... fr ....timates with a 90 LeaseS begin May IS. 54~Bb1l7 day warrant_. like that 6612 days, 549-3002 after 5&S'i'ikl01 ...... ~&Graup someone you know. call NICE AND CLEAN. 2-3 bedroom BEAUTIFUL HOUSES. ONE. tw( Allen's T.V_ and Save. finished basement. 1l.2 baths. or three bedrooms. Avail. immed TWO BEDROOM REDUCED rent. AYALA INSURANCE Gas heat. well insulated. C1ol5e to Available now. No pets please. 457· 549-5936 Allen ga~.roftt~sc~~Jr!~:~,~ 8$2 after 4 p.m...... 18cl0) 41'-4123 .t03 S. Graham ~ke five Arcade, 529-3483. Keep campus, lake woods and mall. lrjiDl. . B5098Bal00 $200, 457-2978. 85089Bbll7

Page 14, Daily Egyptian, February 14, 1984 i ,~~,' IB- .J'fH,.'·~·'1·.III)!~~ t.ll~ 12l1SCl ~'RONT &: Rear Bdnn. One or two person rate. One mile south ROOMMATE NEEDED, LARGE I TYPING - RUSH JOBS and ATTENTION SIU SUNBATHER ... · ofSIU. Jay529-1291. B5030BcnO Bedroom In, quiet neigh- regular. Cassette tapes tran­ Surf's up but our prices aren'.: Merge OK'd ~~~fs~~~~-month til~o\e~~ scribed .. Termpapers, theses­ l2xtiO. 2 OR 3 bedroom. furnished dissertations. bOok manuscripts. ~ii:r i:;! ~~:ny ~1? h':li or unfurnished, carpeted ac, So ROOMMATE WANTED. 1.5 miles W6~~i~i~~i~~~~~~~' ~J;~~et~::J1::\Z~~e!~r.!! for Texaco, :=~:'~;;:"de~~r' rry f!"nm Grand Ave. on Giant City 3374EI59 clubS, too! Call, Luv Tours (800) B5033BclOl 368-2006, ask for Annette. 44:KJU9 =~~«& Lot~ of ALTERATIONS AND SEWING. ONE AND TWO bedrooms in nil:e B4867BeHIO Men " W"'men. custom tailoring GREAT SKATE TRAIN - Ladies Getty Oil exre;rt !llteratlOlls of all kinds. The ~~~t~~'ei:~t:':~I~~~7 ~}fe~ ~~:~l~ every Sunda~1.'~ WASHINGTON (AP) - The 4p.m. 4822BcI02 ~~~A~ob:eo~"llr.:AWoo-:~7h ~:~~~~~.~~~~::~~. Federal Trade Commission plus utilities, Cail 549-2259 ' I~ 4455EIOO .. NEW CREDIT CARD"! No one tentatively approved the CLOSE. TO CAMPUS. 2 bdrm., iII!er 5pm. S076Bel00 refused! Also, information on natural gas, cable T. V.• custom TYPING EXPERIENCED, LOW nation's largest corporate TWO FEMALE ROOMMATES ~~~:ft J.~k.,.ar~~h~~~ merger ever Monday, voting to ~;::';n:~:~i1~~~e ~arr.l~ needed for 4 bedroom Lewis Park :~~k.'!aif:s7-'4~~· et~~1 Call602-95H266 Extensi0D-458. allow Texaco to buy Getty Oil mile south. Highway 51. 5048Bc112 439OJI04 :rc:u~ocr' May 84sJ:1I~~~~ PERMANENT HAm REMOVAL r:o. available at The Hair Lab. Call The commission voted 4-1 to ~oc:~~n~~~:'pet,C~:;'\~al.l~~~t GET YtdAT YOU want in a allow the $10.1 billion takeover, "1265. 4857Bc99 roommate! Largo? listi", Two's ~=~pis~.~~~~:5:z:=-rology although it will require Texaco ~=~k~~mate ':~rA B4440EIOI t6 make Sl)me divestitures to CARBONDALE. '125. NICE 2 satisfy antitrust concerns. Bedroom. Furniture ca~et, G FEM"'~ 1'1) SHARE comfortahle Monday 1>'as the deadline for :e~~~~atural ~~ the commission to act 10 block =~'~~:~~k=-s:~~~ the merger, if it wanted to do so, REAL SHARP 12x50 2 bedroom. rl.femtp::~ ~wft:;rs~~~, under federal antitrust laws. ~:o.unc::~:/~~~o~~~:l: 536-4441. 4905BeI02 An agreement between the 2663. 85074BcIOI ~-''''U-fJ{j'HJ' ~ commission staff and Texaco reportedly called for the sale of "65. EXCELLENT 2 Bedroom, .­ Dupl.... RIDE STUDENT TRANSIT to c. Trash, water, lawn servo free. Chicago" suburbs. Runs every t\\'o of Texaco refineries, one on Carbolldale, Good deal. 684-2000 the East Coast and one in the after 6 p.m. 4871BclO2 3 BEDROO~ DUPLEX in ~~~~tUn.Dffl~~t: ,:~~'...;P:. beautih:i colollial style house. Midwest. along with the sale of Chicagoland. Comforta'ble a Getty-owned oil pipeline in ECONOMICAL I-BEDROOM, washroom equipped coaches. 8X40. in smaD quiet trailer park ~~~tl=~ ~:a~ DISCOUnt $39.75 roiiJKItrip extended California, and for Texaco to r Umversity Mall. $390 ~ month. throus: Thurs. $47.75. Tickets ensure continued delivery of close 10 caml!us and univers~ 529-2533. 84447BI\I9 RM' ~~~::.~~ MarchBl~us :~Fri~9:~m-l:~a:~rs' crude oil now supplied by Getty CARTERVILLE 2 BEDROOM. to independent marketers in the 12l170, 2-BEDRooM, 2 baths, ~r:r~:ri~ ~':i ~~kr:::':f~ West. central air, washer and dryer, ~:;r.~~O.!.p~~~' very on Is.iIIle.) !i092PI02 The merger would allow microwave, dishwasbef-, fuB un- Texaco, the nation's third largest oil company. to double ~~~':~!~:t:7'~c:tuP. its oil reserves. It would still be 4872BclOl ------I _Ie - I No. :I. however, behind Exxon Corp. and No. 2 Mobil Corp. NOW RENTING FOR IIUIIlmer and RACCON VALL~Y,=-" NEW fall. Quiet cOllDtry setting, Z The approval allows Texaco bedrooIn central air, low summer ~a:-!:=e:.ewebl£~d&a':: to begin buying stock in Getty, rates, ciih 457-2179, _)days. B5067BclOI ~~::n~ ~Je~l:s.~':m':."~~'~ the nation's 14th largest oil 6167. 85057BI1I8 BOLEN FURNITURE REPAIR company. Texaco has made a OLDER ONE BEDROOM, $100 per oifers you over 30 yrs. f'Yperience, lender orter of $128 a share for . BIG, SECLUDED SHADY mobile ~~::m~:~!y Pa~~fp~::S~:~ the 79.1 million shares of Getty ::~s~~\~~~r.aYB~~~i home lot. First month free. $45- outstanding. month. We $100 for moving. results. 337 Lewis Lane. Phone 457- NICE ONE AND two bedroom my 2924. B54mElI7 There are still possible ley. to ~:8~~~-'l,~ SouthB~rB~~iI roadblocks outstanding, =~i~;_~~ose ca=~r~ I AIM DESIGN STUDIO. GAR­ however, in the form of suits MENTS deSi~ned, clothinfi con- N,,,,,, brought by the Pennzoil Co. and ROYAL RENTAU ;"'t'-1:IO,:: I :r~:~:!a =~~B~li~' others opposing the merger. BRAKE WORK, WWEST rates 0Ii'f' AVAILABLE NOW CRUlSESmps ARE HIRING! 'U.· around. Guaranteed. 529-2287. Services held for ~arr! ~~~rde~w~rie:~~ 4733EICJ1 it. 2 Bdrm. Apt. $3OO-mo. Newsletter. 1-(916)-9H-4440 Ellt. ""., faculty member Southern Illinois Cruise. 4297Cll I .. 404 E. College Funeral services were held Corpeted, All Electric. *f~=, "\f~:t:.~~rlif.l! Monday for D. Kathleen Eads, 39,000. Worldwide! Call ror "",11.. former assistant professor of Furnished. A/C. P;m!~~~idetll~~sA~~i~'e/~ ,,..,, library services at SIU--C. who No Pets D1inois Air. 4298CUI died Thursday at Styresl Nursing Home in Carbondale. 457-4422 AIRLINES HIRING! STFWAR- ".'.", Miss Eads began tea,,:hing at if IiIff SIU--C in 196t. and was a past ~~~~S\vo~f3:,~~:~io(!:\f f!:­ presi

Daily EgyptiAn. February 14, 191M, Page 15 Men netters downed by llIinois THE ANSWER By George Pappas against some tough players, ueKort had his first start of the Staff Writer and with the hmiled practice season and lost to Tom Frei 3~. CUT YOUR we've had, they're doing a 6-7 at NO.6. The Saluki men's tennis team pretty good job, :umbled to an 8-3 season start "Ileel the team is improving In No. 1 doubles, Wadmark UTILITY after losing to lIIinoia 8-1 Cl.spite our record. They know and Nilsson were thumped toy Sunday in Danville. thej're shooting fOl' the MVC Goodman and Adams U. 1~. The only Saluki lictory wu in toumament and that's what And at No.3 doubles, Rasch and BILL_UP No.2 doubles from Gabriel Coch counts right now." Steve Quanor lost to Scott and Chris Visconti. The pair The Missouri Valle Coo- Bowden and Frei 2~, 4-6. beat the mini's Jolm Losito and fetT4Ce is beginning to ~pe up Mike Meyer 604, H. H. This Wichita State's way. The The Salukis are stiU ham­ T030%1 was the second straight week Shockers beat highly rBl.. \ed pered with injuries. Wadman THE QUESTION Coch and Visconti have woo. SIU-E Friday 5-4. had influenza all last week and Last week they beat Bill Koch was stiD a little aick on Sunday. WHAT CAN and Frank Guengerich of In­ But. other than No.2 doubles, Quanor caught the nu and is in MAGNmC diana 7-5. 7-3. the Salukis dido't win a set in bed. Oliquino is still out with a "They've dooe a good job the rest of the matches against knee problem and Scott INtI.1OII STOIIM trying to hold this team the W Illini. In No. 1 singles, Krueger is still out with back k'gether." Saluki Coach Dick Jolin Locito ran into a tough problems. WINDOWS DO' LeFeue said. "Both Chris and battle but still edged Saluki Per .1t_~fttAil Gal'le have turned into good Wadman 7~, H. IlIini David The Salukis' next test wiD be MOII...uClMllft .. tennis players." Goodman, who was beaten by against Wisconsin and lOWS_WOlIN nMII AI 1"1e Salukis haven't woo a Saluki Rollie Oliquino last Nebraska Feb. 18-19 at ...:mIl AI AlUMINUM. m~

OFFICE ;8181529-4545 Hour. By "PIIO"'.men. 1IOol1E.'gmtD._ "tier "-Emergency PO B... 3AaoI MUI,.,..". c•• bondIIe, III,,,,,,, sao,

DAYTONA BEACH FWRIDA * 8 dayS/7 nights at the Whitehall Inn on the beach in the heart of the action * 4 penons per room, all rooms with ocean view * Kitchenette option * Side tours * Poolside Parties and Concerts * Round trip motor coach transportation * SIU Bash and savings book $209 per person plus $20 deposit in the

_-=____ Oh. sure. we could cui erlcan Tap This is down on 'he Sile. use artificial cneese. ....imp ---~--.....-- Happy Hour 11 :30-8:00 no chea'p on the items and ttIen sell it two for one. Bur we pizza ! juat don't believe in doing 404 Drafts business that way. For owr 20 yea,., we've t2._Pltchen been making the best piua we knoW hoW. and -.lbwENBRAu _'"" been deliltering it free. in 30 minutes or leU. 704 Seagram.' Call us, tonigtIl II. 75, Jack. Daniels r------.------~ 7~ Speedrails IUIO oft any 18" pizza •I One CXIUIIOrI pet' pizza • On Special All day & Night ~UUPON EJU'lII£S: .1 .1UN13D. t .. FMt, FNe DIiIIwrIIJ • 616 'E Low...... SI =-:.=.walnut •: Tanqueray Dra'.. o,.U.... ·a.n • •. ~ ___ l2Oao. = ·.• O~ Crowllao,.••• •• I II:. •• =~-___ k I• 7.~ ....~-.---- ..~__i' ......

Pace I., DaiJy F.mttJIn. Ve..r,. 14, lW Swimmer Ratcliffe receives GCAC player of Week honor Ry Steve Koulos home appearance, won the 200 Staff Writer free in 1 :52.89, the 500 free in 4:58.34, and the 200 breast in SIU-C's Pam Ratcliffe was 2:27.89. named the Gateway Collegiate Athletic Conference Player of "I was really pleased with the Wf'ek for women's swim­ Pam's performance," Coach ming. Tim Hill said. "I am pleased 529-1862 Ratcliffe won three events in Pam has kept herself in the the GCAC Swimming and proper perspective. She's Diving Championships last trained well, and has set her weekend at the Recreation sights on the NCAAs. She Center pool. She won the 200 continues to have confidence THE STUDENT TRANSIT freestyle, the 500 free, and the and I believe she'll be keyed up 200 breastroke to help the for the National Independent Salukis claim the GCAC Championship and the NCAAs." TO CHICAGO AND SUBURBS championship for the second Departs fridays 2pm consecutive year. SIU-C won 19 Ratcliffe, a three-time AIl­ o~ 20 events and easily out­ American and a member of Returns Sundays dlstanped second place Illinois Hill's initial recruiting class, State, 809-537. has been a key performer for Ratcliffe, a senior from the Salukis throughout her Carbondale who made her final career. ONLY $39.lS ROUNDTRIP GATEWAY from Page 20 If Purchased B, Thursda,s Re •• 545.15 Irick claimed first in the 100 event with 380.15 points. while Ticket sa~es Office Located At back with a time of 1:01.03. teammate Cheryl Olszewski Paula Jansen finishPd third for was fifth with 337.70 points_ 715 S. UnivC!rsiw ron the islandJ the Salukis at 1:02.54 and "I expc'Cted Angie to win on Royalty was fourth at 1 :03.42. both boards, .. diving Coach Open Mon-Thurs 11 :30am·5pm Friday 9:30am-I :30pm Royalty won the 100 Oy with a Dennis Gulden said. "I saw a lme of 58.47. Roxanne Carlton few problems in her dives but was third at 59.21 and Westfall overall she dove very steady." SPRING BREAK TICKETS NOW ON SALE tlnish fourth at 59.94. •••• ,' , ,f'" .",.. II , , IF II II • ••••"... ,.,. r.,.,.. ,,, ""." •.•. ,... Carlton led the Salukis to the lO» four places in the 200 1M With a time of 2:09.72. Irick was second at 2:09.92, Royalty was third and Brown was fourth. Amar.da Martin won the 100 breaststroke with a time of 1:06.17, Carlto:! was second at 1 :09.68. Coontz finished fourth in the event with a time of 1 :11.119. Wittry was the winner of the 200 back with a time of 2: 11.50. "DEAl IE, BlAB !I!" Jansen claimed third. Hill said his team would have to c('~tinue to improve in order to win their second National UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Independent crown. "The girls will really have to rise to the occasion to win the is now taking orders for NICs," Hill said. "We'U need some good performances from fu: tt:~:e~~~t~~~,s~:~~~ CAPS'" GOWNS and Irick) if we want to win." Saluki diver An~ie Faidherbe won both spr.ngooard diving events. On tte one-meter board SAVE $1.00 Faidherbe took first with 386.5 points, eight pc..;nts ilh~ad of the second-place finisher Erin by ordering before Moore of Illinois State. 'taidherbe won the three-meter Skier gives U.S. MARCH 31, 1984 first gold medal Assoc. & Bach.. $8.95 SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia (AP) - Unheralded Debbie Arm­ Masters strong, relatively new to in­ $18.95 ternational competition, gave the United States Team its first Doctorate $19.95 gold medal of the 1984 Winter Games Monday as she out­ dueled teammate Christin Fi.a. D.adlia. April 12. 1984 Cooper in the women's giant ~lalon. Armstrong anz Cooper added gold and sih'er medals to the (one silver placing that Kitty and Peter Carruthers scored in pairs figure skating on Sunday and ended the U.S. medal drought. Annstrong, 20, who had never finished higher than third place in any World Cup race, out­ dueled Cooper on the second p.m to give the United States its first Alpine gold medal in 12 years and its first in the giant slalom in 30 years. "1bose were the two runs of my life," said Armstrong, of Seattle, Wash. Cooper, 24, of Sun Valley, Idaho, led the first run, with AT THE CROSSROADS Armstrong second and only one­ tenth of a second behind. Cooper OF THE UNIVERSITY slipped early in her second run_ She didn't go down, but the mistake cost her precious time, and the steadier Armstrong UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE finished half a second faster in STUDENT CENTER the run.

Daily ERYptian, February 14, 1984, Page 17 , Saluki-Tulsa game is one stop in Midwest for pro cage scout

Bv Jim ~.exa Illinois State Coach Bob Helm said. "Sometimes, whf!n a SPorts ~ditor Donewald was an assistsmt fairly good player like Smith coach to Knight from 1973-78. goes out with an Injury, the Among the 6,375 fans who During that time span, Indiana others will rally around and watched No. 12-ranked Tulsa won 123 of 148 games and the actually play better for a while. knock off the Salukis 86-76 at the 1976 NCAA title. Then the toll begins to take Arena Saturday was Dick The belief that a team will win effect after a couple of games. Helm, men's basketball coach is a "big ingredient" in its "But on any given night, they at North Central College at success - or failure, Helm said, can be beaten." Naperville. which is what makes North Two of the biggest surprises .. GRADUATING SENIORS ,. No, Helm was not there to Carolina as good as it is. ···················t in collegiate basketball this scout for his Division III squad. "They believe that they season have been No.2 DePaul, .. IN SCIENCE ,. Helm's role that day was to should win," Helm said. which will probably drop in the ~ ,. watch Ricky Ross, one of The Tar Heels, who probably poD after being beaten by st. .. may make advisement .. I'uls=!. 's two star guards, and wiD lose their No. 1 ranking Joseph's last week, and No. 8 ;anybody else whom Hp.lm after being beaten by Arkansas Illinois, Helm said. .. appointments for sum mer or ~ thought could be a future fixture Sunday, are the top squad in .. . fall in Neckers A 160 .. .vith the Seattle SUpersoniCS. basketball, in Helm's opinion, "DePaul is foung, but quick," Ross is averaging 17 points eve!' with the loss of freshman Helm said. "I d have to say that .,. 50 .. per game on percent shooting point guard Kenny Smith. Illinois rates as the greater from the floor and 81.8 percent "They have been playing the surprise. Lurking in the back of from the free-thr ow Une. The 6-7 steadiest and most consistent people's minds is 'Can they stay ...... senior made sb. free throws - hall of any squad this spason." up there,'" Helm said. en route to 2'. points - in the final 42 seco'.ds to help seal the Tulsa win. Helm, in his first year ,is a Midwest regional scout for the Supersonics, ~,aid he got the job after inquirmg about it to Seattle's general manr Jer, Les Habaggar. Helm's job is to try to find a "sleeper" who is hidden in fIe Midwest, he said. Bring Your Sweetheart "Seattle sends scouts out on whom they would like you to Jut and Have dinner see," Helm said. "They're With Us. -presents- looking for specific players to fill specific needs, not A necessarily the best player in s. llIilOis college. 1..01...... of .. IIllnole r=~illif ~ "You can't always find a Jack Sikma (Seattle forward from CARDOILE illf ,.' Illinois Wesleyan), but you may Free ChamJlagne for Ladies be able tv find a player who can 529·1. (4·6PM) be drafted somewhere around the sixth through eighth rounds who will be able to play for you." Helm said he regularly scouts the Big Ten, and will be scouting at the NCAA regionals and the NAIA championship at Kansas City, Mo. "I'm trying not to leave any stone un turned, " Helm &lid. Saturday marked the first time that Helm had seen SIU-C 6-9 PM and Tulsa play. He has seen Illinois State, the Missouri ALL NIGHT Valley Conrerence leader. "Illinois State is a well­ disciplined team," Helm said. "They come out of the Bobby 4l)( DRAFTS Knight (Indiana Hoosier coach) Old tradition." Iliinois'Douglas r=()l? Ul?I~1\ ~IT adjusts to college 11 Featunng system playing oJ ",~ny )Ii~ed Drink CHAMPAIGN, m. (AP) - Iowa Coach George Raveling 6PM·2AM didn" have any kind words for his own players, but he couldn't TQNITE say enough good things ab:out Illinois guard Bruce Douglas. "He gives .: valuable C.R. & GITHER dimension to play but he's worth more because of his leadership," Raveling said. "~"e's worth three scholar- Sh~~~ling s assessment of Douglas as "one of the most SPEel!L underrated guardill in the league" came after the lUini a&&JaA7 ..... whipped Iowa 73-53 S~ ndaj to move back into :& t:.e with This exuberant company of 10 superbly fluid. tech­ "lICk ~anie's 15. Amaretto Purdue for the Big Ten lead - nically accomplished dancers synthesizes the disci­ Mixer l' Stone Soor each with 10-1 conference pline of classical ballet with the pizzazz of show records. dance! However, Douglas - a star at Quincy High School- had early problems at !llinois. As a fresh­ Saturday, February 18, 8:00 p.m. LA! ..I~I~ '.I~~.e man last year. he missed .LIY •• I~. practices, did not start five $9.50, 8.00, 7.00 'I'! .. '!:1~ ~~ ,ames, and had trouble ad­ Justin, to Lou Henson's Shryock Auditorium defenslve system He and Henson had dif­ Celebrity Series ferences at the beginning of this Box office open Mon-Fri: 1l:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. U ...... ~ season and the coach did not Mail and credit-eard phone orders accepted start' Douglas against Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Call (618) 453-3378. Yugoslavia or Utah.

Pige .1. Daily EIYJIliaD. February 14, 1" .--.~ ...... II...... ~_ .. _._+_._. ___ .__ ... ~ ...... __ ... _~ •.• _..... ___ ...... _____ . TERRIERS ...... from Page 20 I-Tech & Reference by as moch as nine points with NEW Book Sale }'45 left in the third quarter, but then Carbondale's man-to-man 65%-90% defense took effect. "The last 11 minutes of the game was the best man-tl:'-man SAVINGS defense we've played in a couple years," Carbondale ORIGINAL PUIIJSHB) PRlCES-=~~ Coach Doug Woolard said. Come Pick up a stack of high-level "Defense comes from the heart Valentine Special scientific and te<.hnical books from and from pride. This group reached down into their hearts leading publishers. Our selection and pulled out that pride." CARNATIONS ranges through numerous disciplines Bentno's Bruce Baker, who including physics, chemistry. medecine, scored 12 points in the flrst half, mathematics, engineering, computers was beJd to six points in the "0.M for One Dozen second half. He scored only one and more_ Your savings ...ange from ~"ii!iiiiiii basket after the fIrSt minute of Cosh. Carry a tremendous 65% to an unbelievable ..... the third~. CarbonciaJe's 90%. Joe Hamilton, 6-3, had Ule responsibility of guarding the &- 7 Baker . .. Joe is the quickest ~ayer that j've ever coacbed," Woolard said. "He played IP"f'8t guarding Bruce Baker." Baker continually motioned for the basketball in the fourth quarter, but Hamilton kept himself between Baker aud tfie BOOKSTORE' ball. Hamilton also scored 18 710 S.II. Ave. 549-7304 points, 12 in the second half. Saluki Coach Allen Van Winkle said, "Joe has done a great job for his size in the middle." l M!;~r': =~u: :: r-@;_~"«==·""o«""W"""""'''<''<''"'"'««0"1 hand in the fIrSt half, missing several long jwnpshots. He scored 10 second-half points, thougb, and wound up with 16, in addition to his eight assists.

". knew • was missing a lot of shots in the fIrSt half," Martin Better hurry ... said, "but I was (.onficient that • would start hitting them in the second half." Martin said he has been contacted by at least five colleges. In addition to Nor­ thern Iowa and Colorado State, three Missouri Valley Con­ is on its way ference teams have been in louch with Martin: Illinois State, Bradley and Drake. Van Winkle said it his not his policy to discuss recruiting during the season, but he has seen Martin play several times this season and a "bunch" last I season. "Glenn Martin is a very flne player," Van Winkle said. "He's a smart player and is a major part of a team having a great year.

". may be a coach in this town, but I'm also a fan." Woolard said his Terriers have to "keep their feet on the ground" for the rest of the season. The Terriers have ~~r( ":~!U!!,E:S IJ)AY clinched at least a tie for the South Seven Confere!k.'e title in the with an 11-0 conference mark. Carbondale will try to clinch the Woody Hall Cafeteria & Student Center Cafeteria title outright this weekend when the Terriers he?d to Centralia lO:3Oam-l:3Opm Friday night berore hosting Harrisburg SatJrday night. Carved Roast Beef AuJus Baked Potato wlButter a..,d Sour Cream i----A-~------Tossed Salad w/Choice of Dressing Hot Roll wlButter I tiA Sweetheart Cake I from $2.85 IMem~ Decorated Cup Cakes in the Student Center Cafeteria, Woody Hall, OasiS and Big Muddy .20 ea. or$1.99/doz. Decorated Heart-Shaped Cakes Sold in the Bakery and Woody HaJJ $2.99+ tax

o.ily Egyptian, February 14. 1984, Page 19 George earns starting role with de ense Ry Daryl Van Schouwen Winkl~ considered having him Ohio, when he was in the sixth Staff Writer dE"fense Ricky P.oss or Steve grade to ~ with his ailing Harris. the Hurri.-ane's high­ gramJrn.Jther. Chris George is sm-/:"s scoring guards. Arter averaging 19 points and resident intern of dunk. You'll Van Winkle discarded that 13 rebounds his senior season at often find him diagnosing a idea, though, and put George on Columbus' Briggs High School, Saluki Cast break from near the 6-10 lierbert Johnson. who George was an all-Ohio sideline, Circling toward the scored six points. Get-~rge made selection, His college basket and then terminating the seven of nine sho~, tallied 15 pos:;ibilities were limited to the rush with a thlUlderous slam­ points and di~,hed out six Junior college scene since his dunk. assists, grade point average was under "Yeah, I do look for it," said George said i'e learned to 2.0. George, a 6-6 jun8lr forward. "I play defense at B.;.rton County He chose Barton "because I like to dunk, It gets the crowd (Kan.) Community College . wanted to get away from into th.:! game, and then the from his coach, Jerry Mullen. home," then averaged 13 points team plays better." "He emphasized dt-!ense," and 11.4 rebounds his second George has slammed home George said. "He wrote a book year. While playing at Barton several ally-oop passes from on it, and his method was easy against Midland, he saw Nate Bufford, and displyed a to learn. You just had to move Midland guard Bufford hook up particularly stylish stuff at your f... et." with several teammates on the Wichita State. On that one, he George's first start was in the ally-oop play. stole a pass and glided toward Salukis' o"ertime win at Bufford, of course, is now a the hoop untouched, switching Bradley Jan.• 9. Since then, he comrade of George, and they've the ball from his right to left has averaged 8.4 points and 4.1 conD@cted on the same play hand at the last moment before rebounds per game. several times this seas()n for the ramming it home. "I didn't ~are if I started or Salukis. "I saw (North Carolina's) not," George sai.t "The same "I knew he could do it, so we Michael Jordan dunk one on TV goes for now - as long as I practiced it before the season," two days before and decided I'd play," he said. like to do something out of the At 190 pounds, George said he After Barton, George said he ordinary if I got the chance," wants to 1m weights in the off­ narrowed his choice down to George said. season in order to add some Drake, Arkansas State, Tdaho Despite his flair for the bulk to his lean frame. State, Texas Christian, sp.."Ctacular, George earned his ''I'd like to put on 10 pounds," ~ebraska, Middle Tennessee way into the starting lineup four he said. and SIU-C, weeks ago with workman-like He said he feels he can im­ 'Everything was right here," defensive skills, not with his pr'::',e his shooting touch, and he said. "I liked the conference, ticket-selling potential. will work on that, too. He may they brought in some good "Chris has done a good job in play summer ball in the Rucker players and it was close enough the second half of the league League in Manhattan. New for my parents to come and see (schedule) for us," Saluki York. me play." Coach Allen Van Winkle said. "There are some nice players "He earned his way into the in that league," he said. "A lot George said he is pleased with lineup with his defense." of college players will be there his decision. George, who is very quick, and a few pros." '" think we'll definitely take always covers the opposing George spent the first years of fl)urth place this season," he team's top forward. In Satur­ his life near there. in Brooklyn. said. .. Next year, I f'C.<;!1 that day's 86-76 loss to Tulsa, Van His family moved to Columbus, we'll definitely contend." . -- Depth, speed earn GCAC title ..~~ • .;flli I Staff Photo by Sc:ott Slta. SaJllld Cbris George has earned a starting role wilb his ddease for swilDlDers; NICs are next wbile his slamdunks have tbriUed SIU.c erowds this __ . By &0" Rich The Salukis' :;n'l medley r~lay "Pam swam really well." Hill Staff Writer team started the meet on a said. "I think she was a little winning note by placing first in disappointed with h~r per­ The SIU-C women's sW:.m­ the event, ~ix seconds ahead of formance in the 200 individual Terriers' weekend wins ming team showed over­ second-place Western Iilinois. medley. but she'll get better in powering team depth in winning The Saluki women also won the the next few weeks." its second consecutive Gateway other three relay events, the 200 Freshman Armi Airaksinen keep squad No.4 in poll Conference championship, and free, 800 free and 400 medley also won L"trec eY~nts for the Coach Tim Hill said his team relay. Salukis. Airaksinen It'd a team­ Bv Jim Lexa The Terriers made a second­ will need speed and good depth SIU-C senior Pam Ratcliffe, sweep of the top four places in SPorts Editor half comf'back against Benton to win the National Independent swifTlming in the last home the 400 individual medley with a Friday night to pull out a 6!Hi7 Championships Feb. 22-24. meet d her career, won three time of 4:38.14. Linda Bell took The Carbondale Terriers victory before 2,700 at Bowen "The NICs won't be aD easy individual events. Ratcliffe won second, Brown took third and solidified their hold on the No 4 Gymnasium. Carbondale beat meet." Hill said. "There are the 500 freestyle with a time of Claudia Zierold took fourth. ranking in the boy's basketball West Frankfort 64-58 Saturday ,orne tough teams and we'll 4:58.34, 11 seconds ahead of the In the 100 free Airaksinen was Class AA poll with a pair of night to stretch its record to 21- have to continue to sharpen our second-place finisher. In the 200 the top finisher at 52.82. The weekend wins. O. ,peed if we want to win." free Ratcliffe led !I 1-2-3 ~alukis took seven of the top Carbondale received three of Carbondale Coach Doug The Saluki women captured Saluki finish. Wendy Irick was eight place'> in the 100 free. 16 first-place votes and tallied Woolard called his squad's 20th 19 of 20 events and used a second and StaCY Westfall was Ai.aksinen won the 200 but­ 202 points. No. 1 Evanston win special. combination of speed and team third in the event. Ratcliffe was terfly with a time of 2:06.32 and garnered 12 first-place votes "It is a great milestone for depth as they won the Gateway also the top finisher in the 200 Janie Coontz was second for the and 252 points, while No. 2 any team, any year," Woolard :rown by more than 200 points. breaststroke, clocking in two Salulds at 2:06.82. Peoria Manual received the said. SIU-C scored 809 points, seconds ahead of teammate Coontz won the 1,650 free with other first-place vote. West benton had postponed followed by Illinois State :;37, Laura Brown who was second in a time of 17:02.8. Irick was Aurora hung on to the ' 3 the milestone win for Car­ Western Illinois 314, Ea."tern tbe event. . second at 17:24.2. ranking With 216 points, just bondalt. The Rangers had led nIinois 206 and Northern Iowa Hill said be was pleased with eigh. behind Peoria Manual's 116. Ratcliffe's performance. See GATEWAY, Page I~ 224 points. See TERRIERS, Page 19 Men post big win in Saluki meet

By Sc:~ Rich Pw'duc 421.5, Bradler 287.5, Iowa State Frigo was also the top finisher in the 100 relay events during the invitaticnaL Staff Wriler 263.5 and Eastern Ilunois 189. back with a time of 53,30, while Phil SIU-C won the 400 medley relay at Saluki distance men Andrez Wittry was fourth at 53.63. 3: 25.04, the 400 free relay at 3 :06.64 and Fresh off a big win in the 16th annual Grillhammar and {'ary Brinkman Larry Wooley won the 200 breast­ the 800 free relay at 6:44.80, an SIU-C Saluki Invitational, Coach Bob Steele turned in NCAA qualifying swims stroke with a time cl 2:06.73, tw(l pool record. and the men's swimming team are during the invitational. seconds under his lifetime-best, Woole-j looking down the road to the National Grillhammar qualified for the also won the 100 breast, clocking in at Nigel Stanton was the top Saluki Independent Champiooshirs Feb. 22-25 NCAAs by winning the 500 freestyle 58.IiB. Chris Shaw was fourth at SS.IO. divet in the invitational. Stanton won in Columbia, S,C, wit& a time 01 4:25.00, 0,36 secon~ Tom Hakanson won the 50 free with a the three-meter !;pringboard event with "The meet (Saluki Invitational) muSer the qualifyi-, standard. Erwin time of 21.04, and was second in the 100 541.75 points, 13 points ahead of Illinois' again showed me the great depth of our Kratz was second in the event and free at 46.60. Carlos Henao was third in Wessell Zimmer-mann, Stanton was team," Steele said "I think we have 16 Brinkman toot third. the 100 free at 46.79. second on the one-meter board with guys that can !JCOI'e in the NICs, and it Brinkman met an NCAA standard in Barry Hahn was the winner in the 200 491.60 points. Jim Watson was third on will take good team depth to win the the 1,650 free by p1aci-. first with a free with a time of 1:40.49. Brinkman the one-meter with 455.15 points and meet." time of 15:24.68, more than one second was third at 1 :"1.87. Tom Wentland was fourth with 454.25 The Saluki men 1rnD 12 of 18 events in under . the qua~:J standard, Shaw was second in the 310 individual points, the invit3t~onal and won the cham­ Grillhammar was in the event medley with a time of 1 :54.60 and KralZ pionship by bearly 300 points. with a time of 15:46,63, finished second in the 400 1M at 3:59.43. "I was really pleased with aU of our SIU-C notched their 16th Saiuti In­ Giovanni Frigo woo two individual Gerhard vonderWalt was third in the divU's," diving Coach Dennis Golden vitational championship by scoring 801 events for the Salukis. Frigo won the 100 butterfly with a time of 51.21 and said. "We were very consistent and the points, MissoUri was second with 538 3)0 backstroke with a time of 1:53,42. was fourth in the 200 fly at 1:54.73. mistakes were small things, nothing points, follo... ed by Illinois 449,5, while Kratz was second at 1: 54.66, The Salukis also won all three of the that a little poli~ing won't fix."

Page 20, Daily Egyptian, February 14, 1984