AIMMX: Artificial Intelligence Model Metadata Extractor Jason Tsay Alan Braz Martin Hirzel
[email protected] [email protected] Avraham Shinnar IBM Research IBM Research Todd Mummert Yorktown Heights, New York, USA São Paulo, Brazil
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IBM Research Yorktown Heights, New York, USA ABSTRACT International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR ’20), October Despite all of the power that machine learning and artificial intelli- 5–6, 2020, Seoul, Republic of Korea. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages. gence (AI) models bring to applications, much of AI development is currently a fairly ad hoc process. Software engineering and AI development share many of the same languages and tools, but AI de- 1 INTRODUCTION velopment as an engineering practice is still in early stages. Mining The combination of sufficient hardware resources, the availability software repositories of AI models enables insight into the current of large amounts of data, and innovations in artificial intelligence state of AI development. However, much of the relevant metadata (AI) models has brought about a renaissance in AI research and around models are not easily extractable directly from repositories practice. For this paper, we define an AI model as all the software and require deduction or domain knowledge. This paper presents a and data artifacts needed to define the statistical model for a given library called AIMMX that enables simplified AI Model Metadata task, train the weights of the statistical model, and/or deploy the eXtraction from software repositories.