
RO DERi C H _ DA.\ 'I SO N


Sııroiyo Faroqll i Bir Fr&nsıı muharrir, Bertrand &reilles. 1919 lM'n('Sinde Le Hoppo'" tl«Ttt .lfr hJ COfIIgrh de 8n'li" (fdr~Mi li la S. Porte par XQ raJ 1ıJodory Par1l tJ, p","i" pliıtipotlJtliaif(' ottonUflt n cşrettl, Ra· Lrgıondary tc-xlB have long been of eoı:,ıı ldt'rab .e I m poıu flCe for por kitabı n @ınci ..h ıfeaind'!'n 195 e kadardır . t:ğe r rapor ~~kAot'. th.. aludy ol aociaı anJ religiouıı dt> \'dopnwnta ın fourlftonth to larih..i1l'r için k ıymetlidi r. (ünkü Oıımanh nokta·! naZ&rından 3o"Uıi ­ stxtee nt h-century Anatoli. ; yd poeaibı l ltka offI'Nd by ııı- ııou r ­ m ı, ve ..dnlUam ve harici)''!' v..kili oJan SatW't P....'dan Karatodori Cıe1I are far from exhausted, To the hilltonan. t wu approaches Rem Pa.p'ya, K ara ı odori'Mn Sahe'Ce giden telgraflardan iktibasla" ih· to !;llfer themselvea': in the finst ea., an attrmpt iıı madr to diarn­ tiva etmt'lltend undt'r at ooy. Uauahy, the tipre ı;ıi t he ..int . tmiyor. 8areillea: la hmih(>n yirmi lIt'nE' ıstanbul'da oturduğu içi n, himse lf ia t he een tre of intereoıt : he may be • nal persen of" else ii belki de as ı l metni gÖf"mek l ırutı n. buldu. rigmt'flt ol popular of" Iiterary Im.gin.tıon . lı:. the fomırr eue, il wo ıe n Ne !:iqbakanhk Al"f,ivinde ve ne de Dı ~ iıık-ri Bakanlı ğı lI azi· is n«:essary to ("St.blah the period in the holy man lived and eon tee ı . ne-i Evrakında raponın .uhnı ve ne de onu n kop)ou ını bulamadım . the people with who m he may have bPL." in II t he Iattrr ia ee ı ­ Bununla beraber, Dı.i.krl Rıık. nILtl aı'1ivinde , Si)'ui tuniftI'ki faund to bt' true, the acholar wtn try tc N t_bliah the hillton e. 1 K ıırton 185 w 251 nu m.ra h;:indrkl bir k.li: u lgn( Ba~iIIeıı'in ting for the stcey, These typ..s ol . pproach recoeımend tbemselvee ese rinde IM'f",u lA:I t e l gra fl a r ın aynıdı r . Rapce'da i kUbaıı ~y. when tbe hiııtonal core of the IepnJ i. C1l'lrl y via.lbw and f ıetu al rel a ti ve ıy hü llııa ..klinde veeuen otuz bd.r l r l grafın Hateei, ve ....iv numa­ I'taterJll"nta made in the te xt .re euy to w nfy. ral ann ın I bı t l't'1 buradııdır , Ba",IIIe.·in kit a b ındak i t el gral l . r ın hep­ Where this is not the ease, the l'l.lf'na! can be a pproach~ from ınother ı tory perııon LLL hakikidir . angle. Granted t hat the ploi. of the . nd the o( the saint may be quite imagin.ı")'. the legend ca n Btill be made to Karatodon ~n;:f'ktf'n ra porun mürllifi mi idi ? Bunun doğru l uğu yield information which ilB auth ı>r eonveyed involunt. rily and in isp.t edilmed i, fak.t bu muhtemeldir. .\ I. hmud Cl'laleddin Pa•• T• • which nenber he nor hlB r..adenı were partleulsrly Intt're81ed. In rihi Jl i r'ıd - j /l ıı k i kıı t 'bı 13. cilt, AhUl' nı - 229 I, ayn ı r. poru Ranı­ ıı u c h • case. there obviouııly wu Iittle f'f'lUKIn for f .l ııifl e .Uon . iIIl't"dl'n on IIt'ne l'vv,,1 bllJltırdl. ıl a h m u d Celaleddin, bu layihamn as­ SO f.r. Anatoli. n legt'ndary textll have larg<:"ly bC'e n ex.minE'd lı m fr . ıuı ı z c adan türkçcYt! Çf'vi rdi ve biraz k ı B. I U ı . O, Kantodo rinin ",ith . vlew lo",ard l ıo l at i n g lheir h i ıt or i c a l core, Pl onC'e r ın g ertorta lıi yi ha yı Safvet Pa.p, ' y ıı wrd iği n i lKiy lUyor. Mahmud Ct'laledd in o zii. in this direct ion were made by Fuat KöprülU. who ıı l ft ed the hiııto- man I H-ı181 Bib -ı lh'd", ameo1ci old utu iı;ln , on un ma llım atı nı n doğ . ru olm..ı I iz.ımdır, i No ıın l'""'p' has ~" m.dı> lO Inl rOOu.... Ih.. .. .t " lfO t hı. of _ ı a l Onun için RQPpor t ııeCrf' t gtivt' nilir ve f ayda lı bir vesik ad ı r , ıı n l h ro po l oc )' IMo Ibla alud)'.


n eal a nd 1~~llda ry evide nce available on Mu"a. A hm ~ t Yese ­ the data t hey con tain ha ve been exploi ted in a ıi m il a r man ner, Heriri vi, Yun uıı F.mre an d many ot her ıı '. Abdli took i Gö lpınarll 's work on Pfrenne haa retold t he atoey of how the poor beach comber God ric Yunu s Emre a nd h i ıı contem poraries bı mottvated by Ilimi/a r ai nuı became a wealthy merchant. ınd ı h e re by h.. U1 u ıı t rate .~ f . ·." " iii< .v.f....vv .i i... . of s ai n ı. ' nvee dral tically diUer (rom mode rn hiı toria na in t heir Dı y....ı. JIJIo" . Il.a4ka"It(. Y . y ı n la r . CADk.... i Nf; l_ underatanding of t ime and s pace: eertain a uthen ha ve even poııtu • • Ab4a.i )1_ ,, '1'• • 1< K. ii Xi. t . 110. 121 ı Frlınaa ' y. 11'13 1. ı ' 4- 201 lated a 'mythologicaJ time' whieh eilM r preeedes 'historica.l time' :ı A bdill baı kl G6l puıa r h, 1' LO: ... .,. '1'..""",. bta.. boıl ı Mı . or e1lııe eoexiBtıı with it, albeit on • diUeftnt pla ne. Th is 'mythologi_ , A_ ır oU...... ilft pankıllarly : II J ooıctılno K..ı.IIl.J: : . Du ..... uni ı. , ..~ lk~h ikdr- .,ı. 0I pn. . Tndoc- .. So:v-.<>Ih Otntu1"7 B)'tant ium .• Doo ..... ,_ , t-... Ib ı. ıy pr ol h ı ' I t l .",.,.,pa•• I.,. _tl...,.. : ('-r Qoob h~.., U ı l l:loll ı. 16. ı ı- u _ Sam I*"'. H.c., aıu~h.l i .. CC ,.. R ııı 'o,. o, ,,·. , hdı uı...... ,.. 1 E~l ynp Pa ı ..C..... oA By ...~ : A..d ...... 1rıa«'OIT.plı.1ıt ... hg(otno lCamtıe1odc- . 1110 1. p. :st , --.ı... A ._ı. g~c. n 11"*1. 108-1 211l ; .' ~ ı. ...,...n....· rı ",..cl.d lt " 10 .ı;...... ,. _.IJJIr ~ r. a l>,.....aIdr I .ıı.l ' ''' ''' "'.. B...... ,..... byP.llIID.... A._ E SC, 30 1Ir. ~ 1 . 1 ı1l - u"' , . ... 1• • 1: ..-,..., '" 0._ 11 B_ .... _ Grkll.I v..rv...... H boo k l'.. u l ~ ~_ iqoıor .. I ,...... 101 ...... 1.. . B. &o...... iV··..,'· ...... • • '" ıı.u B.." , B.lloI. · QI _ .. ·• Ir jıı :nı tl 3 .14' •• ...... n<>t U. bl.. .,bl1.. pro' pa l1nır tb.. ııtu el)' . ,fq G ...... ı r , O. Rr acJıoo' Ibtanbu1. 1'211. ______b _ St: RAIYA FAROQHI P IRI BA HA O t' loi I:RZWON

an d Oı~ r pec ple of ...-orkily or _piritual renc....n &ii desertbed In a out , thia ı i tua t ion mak~ it im poeeible to appJ)' tbe cri~r ,a "'Iid I ~gffidary text have to be s uspeet from the h is tortan' ı point of vicw. fo r t rad iti oıuı which ca n _t IJJ be eoneeteı from Ii\-ing infomıana. ı-: v l' n if t b~y see m ehronoJogieally poaible. they need to be eonne­ Yco ı tbe ııtudtont ol Anatolian mes toda y I' x iıı t on ly in ve ry Iate t e r i ıı l . ....1' attempt to t'lJ t a b l i ıı h lhl!' (1laOl'of a gtven tale in t he 8)'lIlcm man uscrtpts, and e ven lIueh ın tmmenseıy po pular text 15 the life of lıoci. 1 interac tion that it fn rmMl ll. part (lf. Ho we ver, thl' mi gimı l AtOr)' ( men ak ı b- N o m ıı , \ 'ilayet'llame) of Ji ac ı fk>ktM Aunr iVl'A only narrator'!! tale may well ha ve been aMigned ii funct ion quit e dif­ in v..ry few copies that art' older than the eigbteent h c... ntury". Li n. feren t from t hat pertatnl ng to later vc rs ıons . Whe n Evli)'a Çelebi, gutstic eviderice i ı orten not con d uıı ive ett her, smcc lt wll quite to elle but one example, rec uunted a I... gend. it is reallOna bly c e rt aın common to remodel or embd l tııh i text acco rd ing to the t aıı t r 8 of t hat cnte rtalnment wu i tı primary Iu n cıt on , The a ut ho r attachcd the time in which it wu copied. hi" "torl l"14 to indh·idua./ buiIdin"" muç h as ii mod em tou r i ıı t KU ide OnC(! t hese preliminıry lI~ps have ~n compJetf"d, it ia neces­ would do. When recounting hia ı t ay in Merr.ifon, he ind udt'd a 'Tale sary to find ou t &Omething about t he gene nı.! ...,orld· ... iew that forms of the Eski Hamam' and also a 'StOT)' of the derviıı h con ve ıı t of Piri the bae kground to t he tf'XU undt-r inW'stigation. In th i ı n"IIpt"C1. vn y Baba', both of wh ich deal with the Iei,'t:nd of the local KAint ", IIttle work hu ~n do ne on Anı tol i an legenda. HO"'eV<' r. without For Evliya'• .\It'rzifon i n forma n tıı , ho ....t'\·pr. the ııoc ial functlon ııome basic undentanding of the categorieJI a«ording to which the of thiJl; Iegt"nd may well have boooc-n 'IUitt' dilfetent, in that it provided IW,Vf't-__ or ml'lI4kıb-__ have lJe.to n fonnula ted. It remaina dif. a . )"rnbol \\-ith which all mf'mbe ra of the town cor:ımı;r. i t )' coııIJ rı cuh to undentand ...·hy the a uthon of these text.- ıhou l d have n-ııdily identify. Rh'alrits beı..._ n nelg hbour ing t c...."'a or ıınet ll­ rec:onkd (ictili Oll.ll eVt'ntl in Cff'tIin Inıu nOl!3 and lYmained very arit1J kıca t ed at or.ly a ııhort di. unte from one a notber form ii doee to reality in otht'n . fuo8earcb into th~ qUf1ltiona might in t hı! comıpicuOU$ fpatu", of ıhe !ltOf')'. Eliplanation of tert_in Jocal fl!'atu. futu", bKome an &n'a ol fruitful coopl:'ration lıdw-n hia tori.... ~ ....hich macJe ),Irnifon ıpeeial when compa red to o.m_neık and and antb ropoiogiııts. Amu)"lı. or eVl!'ll singlf'd out Cf'rtain pıı.ru ol the l atl~r town . J,hou ld Qui te often. the roota of a wge nd go bac k far into oral Iit~ra­ th~y ture, al tbough the texu u have oome down to ou r tilllO!S _re 13 V.naııoa, p. ı . uıually composed by wri trl"l for "-,aMn.. A ı Vansina hu pointe-d u V a -ıııa, p.. LU . Illtl. III on I.... qunhon o( ~ ı.>J f\lnet""'. _ \ '. AaIfta. p. u .ı ı . 11 Com...... PlUap an. dj)'..._ . , plru .....larıy 110. 111. nı.. IOO'<'tlo.. of ı ıı.. 8<')l'GI "" . __ . Pt... h'd lo III t lw I>"'...,n ı ıı t " dy furma J a ll Va mollIL 0 ...1 Tnı4,I _. A llt.", ioo H ..' ...... I .ll'p'Il""""OfiI'll" I r . H . ....rt of YOhıme :ı, bu ı iııo.a Iaı-ctly "","ii omltt..d from Iht' prUllf'd .. d ı lloıı . Com. W r ı.: lıl ı Ch .....p. IlMI. p. t OZ. UL _ pi'" ibe ına ııuant pl. v..nlon III Ih.. T opkap' SftU )'l Lib.....y. B.o.t "'"'l K lioıkll SOi. 12 Compoı .... It>e Inl'M>!"""" by AbdUI"'kl Gö l pınar lı LO hı . pu b l lea t loıı p. ı l60.ı ~ Il. For . b rkf ıIıok r l pılOa _ F.. h rn ı K. ...I.,.. r opknp' So ..., , .w ~ ,", . 1 of Lhe "'et ıı d of K...c, kkt ", : M ...aIo;ıb·, H t>« B.. ıı:l ıI , . , V..l i . V ıltl 1"l 1- . ,ı "' u. JII' .. , ..,.llu ;, r...k{'!' Yo ı ..... lor Kor .. ,o ~ .. :i vol.a. ı b 'a ıı bu l . ILLLILL . vol I. L) ...... d AbdUlbakl Göl pınarlı . ı bt . nbu l . ItiMII, p. XX VI. rf. r....Iı. 8 ", ,..• . t56. 110 . UIlI ------+------•

s t:ltAtTA FAROQHI PIRI BA8A OF WERZIFQN ... ahıo be ~garded i. part ol tb. 'community-identiCying' tunetion. lar. and the more enthlJAi...tic among the de m ah orden in general. To pul it eoneeeıety. an inbabitant ol the quarttr ıround the Eski eeem to have IddlT1lSed themııe l v~ Jargcoly to jU8t tm. group of Hamam in ).It."mfon. where Piri Baba IlUppo&edly epcnt • eonside­ peopko. it i8 probably !egitimlte to interpret the life atory of Piri ~ble period of hiA life, ma y well have UaM th e If'gend to m.ke the Baba tn tht' ..me eon ıe s t v. 101l0'o\10g ullt' rt loruı : 'the publil: bath In our quarter i. unusuat be· Llke many dervi ıh legende, the aecocnt of Pi rt Baba rol1lliıtl eause lt hu been honoured by tb f' m idence of • saint . What it i.ıı of two pa ru : the biognııhy of the saint Ioljowed by a short ae­ mor-e , it u ııed to dri p, but the holy man mi racujousty repai red iL" · eount deııerib i ng t he fou ndat ion of a dervts h ecmmunity bearing hi. aleıııı may aıso On parochial Ievel, s toey-tellera and their- publi c na me. In mos t legenda . it W ILII the holy man himaelf who aeted as a hav e pereeived t he wıce r hum an impllcallons of • ılory ıı udı ıuı. the (ou ndı 'r , altha ug h this wu not .I....·a yıı the case : in the eto ry of Sey­ legend of Pirl Ba ba and a!firmed th em by repeetin g th e ıaıe . The ylt Su ltan. who lIuppı»ed l y ga ve hi ıı na me to the famous tekke :o.lerzi fon aa int wu ın unlettered man of reeeet pe...nt taekground, n"ar Dimrtoka. it wu not the hero himllelf but raUKo r h i ıı <:ompan ion ~ m bled wnoee outwud behav iour monoover very much t hat which Rllste m Gazi who foun ded a communi ty'". In t he CHe of Pin Bab&, characteriU1l «- rtaln mental diaturban«1l. Yet accordıng to the ıtory t he tekke as it esdated in later periods w.. appannt1y institutee! b)' such. man could ıoqu ire bot h eıtef'ptionaı religiouı koıming and hil fOı lowen .erne considerable time alter hb death", Thwı it aeema .plritual pow\'r. even thOQgh the ı?gular path of i religiou. educa­ to have been a prime f unetion ol. many !egenda to f'nhanee the m tııı tion wu ob \1ously clo6ed to him" . ın thiı ııeıuıe. the ıt.ory ean be ot the tekke.l \liith ....tK.e foundation tMY were cocınected. jeveı. mın' aa.id to l?lIemble. on i religiou. t hat ol the 'w lf-made' in FAtabliahing o r enhancing t he reputaUon ol i tek" by meana ninetet>nth and twentieth-century Europe. For it pro vided ttw- ıtory ­ of a ı..g"nd obvioualy erreeıed the aoclal poeition of the people re­ ıene r an d hia public with i m~ ol brt"aking throug h the ııoc iıl siding in such a place. e!ther aa ....eaIled deac:endan ta ol the founder e ıru eı u re i mıpnation. i t kou t in the reelm ol Th ereby in tum i ( :aviynlar) or as ordinary de-rviııheıı a nd 1Il"M'&nta. Considering t he sa fe ty veıve wu provlded for t he pent-u p fm ııtrati ona of people in the tower reaehes of Ottoman ııoclety , As the Be kt.aıı h la in particu_ 18 A tı •• LLL. ii. .. u.. lola l llll· prtnclpa.l . dIı. ...lllB _re t lle ...-eıııi " ~ i'''i a nd ~lM& . ıe.. ...an)' of "'lIom were "" ~f/T..U and C'OllMqueııtly d _n uprooı ..d 16 Io'or Uyu. nllnf 1~ Il:~nd. tWP"al of t he mo nl hu aıı.aUe or doı .. _Uyzano:•• • 10$. lo i ii . pooo, o f rn<>d<- nı Ca l ıo, compare ~ ictı-I GllBo-ııan. 8<ıioo l 11"<1 S ..I I lı< Mo· Cu_ . ıılng ı ıı ~ l !k ıı tıty ot Uoe Elltl 1I..'..m compare the ı rtkle . M~n l _ "'...... "'yy "l, A . ~.__y iii 1/hO S.... if>Wgıı 01 R..IIg_. O ıtto td 1I 0ft01T. p tuı 00 80­ toıı . LLL Uı ~ J./G... A..ılr l """,4ı. ' ılA ) . VOLI_1L:: E v ll y ı QtI.t>L i M balh la cal· cıaı An tll ro pololl:)' l Odord. 1113 1. to-d ...._ ... ot Çtıebl. W ~h ll'ld ·. Li one .,...101I ot ttı.. kı..ııd _"ldı .... -ii t r aDAı-M part al lblı Ubr&r)' lb!lmrt. kaowıı aa l he ~kl tu...... of Lite dı-n-IB" ı:ornmu ıılt )' iın H acı bolr t.q ı toolo ,. III tM Cırt>eel Semt Kütüpha_ oıı i otıı., Ioaad !' ıi ,lr ;"" V.lr ıl A hf


Ca cı t ha ı Batı. ~ d~ ~U batl!' . Piri ru regarded LO have lived a nd • the &-ktutıl o rdı.- r probably btogan to de\'elop .. nrly is the fo­ the status ol tbe 'fou n.x-r"s family' had to be est.a bl iı hcd by ııome u rtPC"nth cen tury , it wu ıt that time onlyone ım oıı g mıny moore ıpecial Hac ı device. i n the (i"i1dyd .'";_ ol &ktq LI comparable ai· or i betercdcx grou[M active among nomads ı nd (root ler wır- tu_tion wu eeeclved b)' having the Aint aoopt Fat ma 8&cl. and rio On ly gradu ıll y did thl ı ord er ıı.orb mıny of t be kosa for- thereby aclting up her caüdren aa he iı-. lO the :1111,)' '.However. ma ıı y orgı nbed groups; and when ineorporatlng their t('kk,.", lt LI eelibate branch of t he order exteted, and Itıı merabere erte n see m ge nerally took over their holy patrons aa well" . Th u ıı quite a Iew to have Ielt ınue eympethy for t he d aima of the 'tound.. r ' ı famil y: " ıalntıı who formed part ınd pareel of t he Bektash i tradition in teter Where Pin Baba i ı coneern ed. there is 110 retere nce to a n urnee aeem to have had no oonnt'e tion with the crdee In their o.....n ad option. But gtven t he im portanee of blood lle. to the round! ng trre-ttme. T his fact is quite e rten eenecıed in t heir legends. II one sainı w i ı:ı hed hı Cor whoever lo govern LI group of derviehes, it not ..... i ııh ('S to deline the 'Bekt" hi tradition' In ıı ueh i wıy that only 8urpr ialng t hat Pi ri Baba'. ne phew Ali Dede sho uld have bee n hill persons ori ginıll y eoanected with the order ıı hould be included, the ıın~imng ronower and Iall!'t hUl 8Offiewh.t lIUCCt"SlIOr". Quite retnar­ group Is llIDOIIt narrowed do...."I1 to Hac ı Bt-ktq and hi!! d ıscipl e iii ­ . ıso ıbra him. kabl e is t he man nE't in whieh Hoca who bad piously cım S ultan. lt however, .. aeems rea.sonıble. the trıol i t i an la more donated the buildinga and eppurteneneee ol the tekke, UlIOCiattd broadly defi ned , th"n it _hou ld include &aints who .....ere lUIllOCiıted himse1f with the family of the ..int. For Piri Baba. when ..ring Ho­ ""ith t~ kkt'll ..... hich had atf i li ıted with the Beokwhla. aay, by the Is­ ca ı brahim and hiı bcat during ii ıtonn . demınde..! nut oııl y that ii ter eeventeenth eentuey : ınd it is in t m. k nII(' only that Piri Baba ma.wıoleum be built ovee m. graVt'o but that. ii gir( be devered to his of Mrrlifon ean be Iılid to form part of t ht'& ktaa hi traditiOll". Iol."rvice". 1t la thla girllhat Ali Dede la t be n pn'Mured into marrying. When Wl" e nem pı to ",tıb l ish the ııoci ı l funelion of i story, Wl" eM urlng both t he eau.bliehment of ii 'fou ndtor's family' and i meesu­ muet tind out who told it ınd to w hom. Soci ıl funetion must hıve re of influence (or Hoca ıbrahim. vıri.-d IccordinR to whethr r the atory-tellera wt'n me n or women. Howe ver, the Jegend provided no legi tima tion for one particular a mlte ıını or profesaionalıı . Fuıt Köprü'ü, in his s tudy of the med­ b nuıch of the family as OJlpoııed to another. T he history of Pin Ba­ dahil ' hiLL B tı"l" lIl! ~ thr f ı ct t hs t l.luit... a f...... ımong them wefe de r­ ba's tt kke during t he eightee nth century iıı charae t('riıed by lon g vish t..: unfortunatcly relatively !ittle ia documt'ntcd about the kin dil drawn-out 8truggles bet .....eo:on diff('rtnt membcn of the ' founder 'ıı of ııtt>rit."ll they told. at I t'aııt during t he ıı i ıı: t ee n t h a nd .....venteent h holdin gıı family.' Con trol of the foundation a ppeared to be an im­ ce n t u ri~ . Nor do Wl" know mueh ıbout the public thelr lItOril'll were portant pri ZO!. !Lo that we fi nd the "tn

count. :ıt F or . dei.lıllo«l ~ 'lpUoıı of I b" p~ c:omp"'" ),t . Fuat K6pr1l/0. Among derviab Ie~nlh in rtıera l it is pasaible to iııolıte whıt " • • It H,.,k /I A N okl...... ,"- Orf.~1 ~'" y_~ı 1" ltN.... H. lk " ,.,_ ı ı"., T. riıIı .ır.ı.. migbt be c:aJled i ıı J:N!ci fie Bektubi tradition. However. ılthough . .. O C..,.. ",....,..,,,.. "h_ LO,.. ... ' UlIOh...)'1 L A ı. -AW.I )h ... ı lst...ı..ı. lUS ı .•rtICı.. _Abdal . ro Eyll)'.. B.ıotdııal KlItkll XU. p. S ~ Tb _ta ı.. J'Irt Baı tı. wtIb Haa •• ıı v ıw ~, G61pııı.art ı. ~ . i ~ . ...._ . ..s. p. tıo.t . nd cta ..... t ha t ıbo' t _ ..1111.1 t .....Urd Ioc"'U"' r r...... HOI"&llLII lo A ıaatoIıa n nı. braJM:b ot n.. o l"dıo.oT ...... c:ommGlll)' _tat....ı _b Bal,", 8ultaıı.. ." pe""_"'" of LiI;ıCa A~ T~ . cıompanı t"'" . I1ICIe ·H. n Bo.ktAf' ta l A . 28 I"tuıt K6pt1Uü. _ TO r k l ~ r de H. lk HI.....)' '''C' lI lt ııa. A tı Y addııo ı...r , Y ntdab­ 23 lI_ k. ı..-_ . p. 1 6Iı . ta,.> In ; "'h"""" A..,'...... lcın . TOrk TarUl K urum u T. )' ı.ıı tanD dIoı> \ "11 R.rt, 2~ lI~_ k' '''''''_ , P. i ~i... Sa)'. n . W...... r K OllI)' . '. i l A ıı .... r• . llill16'. p. 391 tt. For .ıı . xample, com­ 25 For 4<>runw-ııu " ta tlı> l" lO 1""'_ diapul.... cıompe.1't' . mon.. oUıen ııa.­ ı- no ; Or ha ıı K6pt'U IU. . V ~ li )'t' I- " . """ 1 Sul tan ş ıı caoddlıı.• Tuki...ı .Vee ...... , bakaı>lık ArtL"I. ~ 1 k>D Cevdet Evk&(. M . 2:133, nıliii X Vıı Ili/U i . 171_18t

, ------+------662 SU RAI Y" A FAROQHl PIRI BABA OF 7oI ERZh' o :-ı

nwn.ı.o rormed part of th e re ~rlOi"" of certain _rn ing the life of t he Ilaint were bl,' ing to ld In his properıy and upon hia raturn teeated his appeemiee with .'ı peei. ' ıf cr zi fon at that time. lndeed he is eucuee 50 much apace in Evli· consideratron. A second. much funer jegend of the ..me ...ınt hu ya '. eeccunt that be mu.st bave . truek the . uthor u aome thmg of 8U I"Vi Ved in Evliya ~lebi ·. trawl book - . It eontains ekmf'nla whielı a kıcal ct'lebrity. An analyata of the t ..-O "t'mons may (Iuity ıao~ are not t OlLnd in any OC the oÜ\(>r ex tant \"eraions. partieul&rly re­ ol t he issue. : ferenees to the conqu...t of tunir. FinaUy. t he Topkapı Saray ı Jibrary in I ııı anbu l ~ a Ilm.1I undated man uscript of eig bte-en pa ges. which giV<'lI the only fu ll biography ot the salnt that hu become f..I1OW<'ta <>i' P I.ı s. ~ wue no lonıe r allv.. Lo)' tiı e be ı l nrılnı: ..r Ihe _ tıc t ..., n t b ~ ~ n l u . )' . known so far. In IllighUy diff ere nt veretces, the l ıO ri ee related by SIl(btl)' more lPf <.or rn l&!loCl c..n be f ouııd m • Ia t..r ...... la l~ r. IacltenrW pıort of Ibe "'t IN ılucr1bLDa' ibe ,...... ' of Rwa III mutene (Şami ıoğl u). but who ..... mOBt likely a rel!lilknt of ).ler , ibe )'ean 1I81.1!l3/ı:;7t_ :• . A...... UM __ ,",bkııl u b Ba)'..zll la ı aı ııı ..-. dt4 ITK sı . p. Ihl. _ er. Ih IA InformaU..... ın 1.L&'l """I' lu.n t-... out of zifon. h i.ıı t orical Iİ dal....ınce ii la uıı l lk e ly tlu.1 ı lle &&me po" _ ah<>ı.ı l d h_ve t't1l11In ..d ''',lll lot As far aa the llfe-t trne of the Plri Baba ecncerned ov ..' l'lfl)' )'u •• . Til v.." <>t iL d<'tvlo'hu ntlon«l. w lıo ...... I'e lorm.lly 1,' .0' ıı uch iıı (if lndeed there w • • one persen and the legendary figure not ı..d ..lI.. ın p t from pe nt ta rtı· i' ~i )oi! . nd 'ekdli!.; ör' i)l Il... VUI<ıt"''' ( "nkllr_. 113"1 , xr..11 pol tnUaI r..r elIpa n .loIı . yeı Evli)'. elaıına t "'t m ıı ı. t ime II poax <1 • t ~ p. tT. "'rEll' nu mber of Ibtnldlqa, ...... Imp...._ l" Ih&.a of tM ...... Itb)' t ada . Oamaııet k ıo Cocn poı. ~ _ .. I" ı nd 1. ­ t_ of KoYU. Ba ba III ' Batdat K6tJo;G 3001 , p. sn b l . How m..., h ol eooı lrn~ıJ:Ne Iuı n Cotnpa" -. 20 tbla LA pu... rbetone la of ... til It ll ...d .... DO _,. of rıı...ckfac Evlı,..·. daim Illat __t i '" hı.>ıı d...... dirn'to.Iwtı _ fa ...... S2 Bqbakazı1>. ArtlYl. aect_ Tapu Talu'ır t T'f l. DO. to. P. ı sı ocı )' at_t .. Illat ~kulu I)OO

______b _ r

66. St..: R"-IYA F AIt{)QHl I' IRI BABA Of' MERZ1FO N' 665

are taken to predict the eonq uee r ot lıı ta nbu l. The Sultan deela­ V<'l'1iion ı (Hoca ı bra h i m i rrz himseff IBtlsfied. Su lta n 'ıı Seetion A : The "I i racl~ . work i r, g Apprentice 15. r irl Ra ba refuees t he ofCf'r of girtl:. (bıma neı k nkı ı. Introd uct ton : Piri Baba 'ı fAmily baekı;:round and . rrival in Mer­ 16. Koyun Baba OC the Su ltan for donaUon. and .:tfon one bri(>ny deseribed. ae k now led ~ıı the greatneu of h iıı riv a ı. itı 2. Pin Baba ia Iate (t'tehing water. His muter dcee not undentand li. The conqueat ot l6tanbul announOt'd to the Su ltan. the prcferred e xplanation and gf'ts a np-y a t him. IS. pjri Ba ba f requen tıı; the apol where hia trkke ia to be built and 3. vaneucn or 2 ; Piri Baba brinp Zrmzem "" ater Cor hi. master diN t here. to drink. Not belie \1.ng his explanation. the master tn" to pu­ ~Uorı C : Foundation of the Sanctuary. ııiah h im. 19. In a dispute between Narince and xre reırcn oone.ming t he 1,,1,. m ai n ıı ıownemee 4. The mm!'r f'mbar k. on • pilgnmage to Mt'kka. Wh ile at t he K. " of the wnt . tm- retain the upper hand. !n. Pin Ba ba brinp him Iıdnr prepered b)' his wtre at homlı' and 2(1. Kara Fı:1)a i ı: !tE'nt to ı s t a nbu l to alOk (or omeia l Iw-Ir in f'tItabli,.. "'tum. in S miraeulO\l.llIY _ba rt ttme, HilJ master'. wife brlie\'f"II hlng a m ln/ .. he d ies ",..ıttiou t havin g Behiewd hi. purpoee, in him. 21. ı.ce-ıt preesure to estab l itıh B piOWl foundation i. brought to bear 5. Vari.tion OC 2 and 3: Pin Baba bri np wat..r from Ker~ l a . upon Ali ~, a ",IBU\'e and folkwo...r ol the ..int. The IBUn Wlwn hia muter again disbelie\'ea h iıı e xpıan. ıio n . one of his attt m ptıı. to avoid the- issu e. e>_ luna blind 22. Pin Baba'a i nterventicn "VN Şaml~lu Hoca ı brah i m from 6. f"t-ople ı.ı..gin to believe in Pi ri'a aupernatural po"'...... The mu­ dr1wming in B ..tom. lIoca ı brah i m promi_ to bui ld a Ilah· te ıs w ıre convinCX'a her hllBband by reoou nting him the mlncldı etuary over the n int's v a\'e and ded icate a girl to his se rvice. peevioWllY performed. 23. Construction ot the tekkr. t'lltablia hınent ol the ·fou nde-r·.. fa · j . VariaUon of i) : Peorık- ~.. ho Ilave eeen pjn Ba ba in Kl:'rWla ecn- mily', and compoıı. itlo n of the kog~nd are bridly reccunted and firm his mirac:uloua t rawla. round olf the ıstory. 8. Variation oC 6 and 1 : Piri Baba'a mothl:'r aeeepte him .. a &aint. Venlion n. (Evli}'a Çelebi) (corre.sponding mainly to Ve nı ion I, Seenon B : The Saint ol the Eııki Ham am r-:o, ı -u 9. Pirt Baba drivN a nail into the sıoee with his bare handa, B. Comp la inı.s are brought betoee thl' Sultan conce m ing Piri Baba'. 10. Pirl Saba j oi nı a pienie and miraculously cooks the meaı. se rvice to t he women in t he lıall'llJrIl . 11. Variation 0110. : Pirl Ba ba hall g r apeıı rtpen out ol -.ııon. 1\vo bı Sultan Murat threatens LO kill tht' n int, who half d i aappe arıı oCt he bunches ah! paten, while one ls set u ide to prove the oc­ into t he ~"B.ıı (co mp81"l' ı. 9 1. eUl"l' nce of the miraclE'l. ei Pin Ba ba exho rtıı the SultBn to con 'luer b mir, 12. Piri Ba ba. tt'pai", t he J.;ıı k i Hamam by mea rı.ıı. of h iı IUpl"rnatu . di He knfa dll t wo leaves of bread out of ıı t one and, ıcivi n ı: tht'm to ra l JlOwera. the Su ltan and Crown Princc Mehmet, pred ı e t ll the con'luellt of 13. The aaint Iol v", a problem posed by a wise man from Gila n. l ıı tan b ul . 14. Hi ı residl:'l\ee hı th e hama m having gi ven t i ııe to eom p l a i n tıı, ('. The prophccica are fulfil led. w h e reuı ıo n the Sultan t'fIta blUlht'S a Piri Baba ia viı Uro by t he SuJtan. H ı.' approaehE.-S the ru ler In ri ch fou ndation, a rat her unoonventiona l manner and pronouneea w ordıı whk h

7 r

lı ı.: KAI VA . -AH.OQHI r -ı aı HAllA O.' Wı:.ttZlI'ON 667

it is !ikt'IY that Evliya did not use the book by Hoca ı b ra hi m over the getewey to the teklu of Seyyit Cui to t be ~df.ra~ le or Li tut cloM I)' related to it . even if one .110....1'1 for the Cact tha t number of places where the tcctstepe of All, Muhammed ' son-m­ ht' cn en pe rm itred h i mııel C . 11 kinda ol liberties ....ith hi. lIOUrct'a", law or scme other ııa.int are Itll1 twing , havro". In a noth~r lM"ction Hcwever, ecme cloııe p.raJll'ls tetween the It'gt'nd ot Pin Blba and ol the I·Udye l.,,6nu!'. we (inci H acı Bt-Ir.lq c ıı tt i n g the rock aa it it the 1"i /dYf' t!«i ırıt' of Hac ı Bektaş an.- readlly appanmt : Pi n Baba', were a eecumber-s, mi raculoua p.l lgıimage to the Ka ba i i. t i is modl"Ued clo&t> ly upon But the rnoıııt aipiCieant parallel undoubtedly eoncel'Tlll the mi· Li aimiJar t'xploit by Ha cı B..-ktq". There iL i" Lok man ·ı Pl!'rf'nde raeulouı RSCU~ from a ıı tonn cı. 221 which ,uppoeedly prompted ..... ho. whiie at pr. yer on Arafi t. wi:Jhes (or !LOLnr (nUt'1'1I which are Hoca ıbrahim to have the tekke erected... Wlthin the I·jldyet. llld me• jıu; t now ~ing prepared in his home, Hacı &>kU., taketl it upon t his ' 10f)' even oeeu ~ three ueee, a l ı hough it is not there can ' hirr&llf'U to bring th..m to hi m. [)iCCerent hcwever from Pin Baba'. nected with the laundalion of the zodye. Kather. one of the ıı.eafa· rattıe r J..- aai ntly muı..- r, Lokrnan ta quick to grup the . igniCicance non o ,"e'd in this laa hiOll. , mE'rehanl, , haw, his gratlıude by ot t be ",ent. Ht' hilnJ't'lr ea rrieıı home the lray as Li proof of his pr-entinJ; th~ ..int ...ilh a coruı l df' rab le ı um ol moıwy ~ a pi ~ 1I . ıudEo n t'a miracle, and upon hi. reuıee informs the other membera donation (Jlnir) , The o1lM-r. a an captain by the name of Kıra ~ ol the e:ummun i ıy . it il probable that the atory beard by Akkay a, eve n joiM the ci re~ of Hac ı Bekta4'. dervish-. Difl~n'nt from Pi· where Lhe tny alııo h.. such an important role to pJay, 'A'ti ~'~n ri Baba. bcwevee, Hac ı Bekt .. doea not in t ~ nııra ~ aaııu ı:ıe rnore ' trongly ırül ll~ nced by the Lokman- ı Peee nde tradition than tlıe shape ot lin ammal ; oeıee he appt'Al'8 wi Uıuu I . ny dia,UUM!, ",hı le wu the C&IIe' . 'ith Hoes ı brahim'a ,~ion. in the second episode ht- takts 0ıI lhe fornı of a compleUly nalr..ed A noth~r paral~1 is 'ppaf?nt in the aWf)' of Piri Baba ', grar-. deniah". if on the other hand, Piri Baba is eeen by Hoca l brahım ll, 111 According lo tlw l' ildyd · lIId _ of Hacı IWIı:ta.t, the Mint. aa' deve, t his ıraditiOll may well ha'"e resulted from contaminatioıı eeeceıpemed by HlZlr. m illi th~ garden of a et'rtain &Jı,eddin in oi tbe ' resc\le--from -Uıe- atorm ' atery with the E'pi8Ode in whiclı Ha­ aptingtirne". The visiton ask for rn ~l orı s., . ·hich the hoet is unable c ı Bekta4 meeıe the dem.hes of Rum. For it i, by I ppearing aa a to providoe at such ' n ", rly "&lIOn. Ha cı &lı:tq t lM-n ca l1M1l thrre don' thal Hacı Bekt.aıı onl'COml'8 the resiatance of the ftItab1ished mf'kms to riJW'n and is given two by the uton hıh ed gardenE'r. who holy men , nd managdl to kttle in ttwir le rritory" . ~ta ı l'l» the third to take hom~ at night. Ap in Bahuddin is; nıher Tbese parallels do not ıtrictly prow that the .~p le w~~ l'e'­ q ıı icb r to gn'p the apiri tua.l mf'aning of this e~nt than Piri Ba· Ia-ttod J"iri Baba'. miraclt'tl "'er'(! in taet acqualnted wttb t he V ı ld yd · ba', f~ lI ow Wwnllmt'n: ht- becomt'S a dt-voted foll ow ~ r ol the &aint. Na_ diNCtly. Lt is con~ i v.b le that the com pUo nı of tbf> 1"''0 if"­ ?iri Baba', a u peoma t ııra l ability LO .allen 8tone. attested both ~nds simply u tiliıtod tradition_ c ıı rrt" n t in ıhe ome milie1l. But a in the Hoca ı bra h i m and Evliya ~Iebi "eraions, O. 9: U, b. d i a180 knowledge ol thf> ııt o r y of Ha c ı Bt-kı... is , till rather Iı k: ly . if lıo. hu i ı. p aralle iıı in the I ~gend of Ha c ı IWk taş. The lalt~r oint oppna thf> period in which t hiıı k-gt'nd wu compHed would prov ıde a ter­ a window in hia plıı «o ol rt'trn t, or çild ane, by t h~ ııimple ~xped i e nt minWl ante 'luem lor t he compollitian of P ı rt Baba'. men akı.b-Jlame" , of hitting the wall with hiıı fi ıı t ... Fı.ırt h~r parallels can be found In Iocal Anatolian lege nda. from the imprint8 of Ha c ı IWkta,', t~th 31 h ..yu. i "{"'r . p. 11. LOLL . ıKI .. ı... w....,.. 3 ~ V ,/dY" ' · fd. Gölp ın a 'Iı. p. n · V Ild Jl"' - ..ı 33 CoolC\"nı ln" i u"", E vli,... n'.ek of hlol -..~.. e<>mpa ıı ., k u re ıı: ... n. 311 ...... k'". _ , p. l:\.a/ t>...... d . GOIp,n.rh, p. M -n. 71. V Jıtll'"" "..ı ,"~. t lı lr 4 H ıı c . ~.- ı:',1I" (·....11 1 s..1ı,,1I . ' , B;" lood Cildi."", K".",."k"'" Vu r B, .. A.....,lrr. 40 ord. G11lp'n.,h, p. Tl . I.. iM ..p....,.., a.,kta, _ . ( laU nbul. i~' , p. U tt. ... ndıı H,Kt r to ...y bo&l In 4anvr ol .ı n k ln" . :1'1 ." k ,II· p. :ıa n . Vlldr , 4 , f'd. G11 l pınat h. p. t;.1 . tl V i ıa"", ·." ", ,, 4. C.6lp ın a r lı . p. LB . "'!'ıo n V ı/ıt l/ d - :ti'> .ii "k,/)- P 800, V ;l ıt ..,.. , .•,j , ..ı . GöJp,ndrli. p. 2%·21. U G6lp'nar" in "'" Int ...... t o t l><' .." ...... p. XXV a....m... du r ı n lı ı ! nft,...ot lı :ıt; " ,1,, /)-..,,"'. , p. LIb. VIL" l"" ...4 4. Gö lpınuh. p. 38. t hat in LU pr...... t rorm lt wu cuonJ>Olf<"d .. Ih. M'COn4 .. of I I><'


)Ol uch leq ııign i ncllrı t are the pa ralle1B between the story of Pt­ ",millnil doubtful in \"Iı riO U$ reepeete. Th e language of the text poinlll ri Baba and oth...r b mo us It'Kt'ndary texts bt'lon ging to the Bektashi to tht" seventeenth rather- tb ıı n to the tinıt half of the ı i xt een t h cen­ Irad it ion. such Lu those rol ati ng to Abd al ıı u.sa . KılJ l Deli. Hıı cım Iury". Wh ile this Iıl11 t e of . (( aire. ma y ot eeurse bt' d ut' to latt'r Sul tıın or ŞiJcao>dd in Baba. Th t' mira culoutı. BOf1ening of .tont' ıılso adapta t ton, it doee not t'nclly ı ncreese contidence in a n ",arly dau­ eecura in tbe Il!gt'ltd of lkyyit Ali Sultan or Kı z ıl Dt'1i. "'hile U. eım of romposition . MO l""O\"~r. il Şamhothı Hoca I bnıhim did in faet ıı hamı Hs cı Bo.-ktllf·s power 10 change into ii eove ıı t wilı . an d Ş ü ­ fi n ıın ~ repain to the- tt'kke, ..y in the eeventeenth eeruury, ht' eeeodı n ~f~ the gi!ta of!t'red him by one of his wealthy edhe­ m iı:ht have had an intereet in nown ling the JMIIQkIINI<ı1l'W to . uit ren ta", HOIl~ Vf!r. the twc {irst-namt'd tıılt'll mııy jus t as "'~ii h ıı v t' hiıı own t'nda. Un,u.r u ıeee cireuma ııı nOf"l . it iıı fortunate that Ev­ ecme f ro m t he l'ildyet-MrM' of Hac ı Bektq direct.ly. and the third liyıı ·. eeeccet gh"ell us ii welf-de veloped versi on of t ht' legend . ·hkh i$ \Iı~ıı - n igh univerdi in the biognphit'll ol eeeeue uinta". Com. muııt have bt-flı current about 1600. Due to itti ecstence, t he ({un­ partaon with th_ k-gt'ndıı tht'reby doea not ıı dd to ou r knowiedge Uan IILL to when Hoca ı brahim really wroee ~ ıe.. preuing. in ii wııy Il'hich would belıı us date tbe story of the Menifon ..in ı- if the cJa.imaı ut Hoca ı br ıı him ıı re to be ıaken ıı t ııli M'riou ııly , ""'"' "".ı.ı. lo fııtd ..IUtt' . _ OK ın. oU , . I ıı ı ıw ı ..k .... _pk... -ı, ~ ....1IdıIıP u.ıı boo -.,.0 .pouı LrOIII i .... i Tlıı ı. " _ \ii ,,_ ol I... the MnIodkıb-OIO'",," of Piri Baba &houkl ha ve been oomJX*'d not too " 'PriQI>« f.oc1 tlut I lM! ....ı&dıııp ot Bo-ktaaIIl- l..k.w., -nh i .... "ll.CO'pUOII ot IM I., ka. -.-xiaıı-S Iong after t he dt'ath ol its bero. For the au lbor ckMJely _re l"t'plarl,. _ lroTf'd ....11 klt.a. WlIhmul ii ~ ..... ı n. Soolır.tulIl hi. acccunt wıth the conııtru etion or the lt!kke, which llu l'poııNly ...... m UM. •_pare. .. _ ...... pk __ır ıa.a.i\,. Ilafnoldlrl A nı ''1 l ilfot. toolı: place whilt' Piri Baba'. nepbew was et üı al ive. even tbough by liooı ce...ı E " kat...... 136Il4II. thıı t timt' ht' Il..... very old nuın. sıeee the tt'k ke wiu ! unctioning 11 ıua _ bHOtı ~lhW to ı. i.....iu... 011 1110- i . ~ ol p\rt Haba. _ h ıdı by about 1520. the original verstcn of the kogt'nd ıı hould have been .ppea" LO hau ..ıı0 lIlK.lpl-': _ ot LIIC'rn. bo­ y"'anı ııt Iateııt corıcluaion "'Ti U"'n during thoMo the -'. Howevee this _'. tıNıGP LO. «'rt.lll ..I·...... Y-..f Baba aad la dalf'd I M ' 17n-... A DO­ tlw."'" la ...... f'd lı , • u. k lUlıl i_f ...d _ ... Yfl' wor ıı _"pi_ dalf'd _I ıı.' . A••oU..... IDtI>c.ator. p>ıotıııa- iii tl... "n'" ••...,1_. la ftIIIıW'C lf'd .1111. 1233/ llll1· I&. tlw towl....i _ dal.. of ILW ı ..k .... ol Ko7"1I Ba ba ILI e.:ı.n.ı ...... k- A CC<>r lo ...... ı ı... ~_ ot IM aCWa, tr..... Gı1aD. .... ır-- Lo P"'a' 101' ll... fOı~ır )"..ar. W lıll " II l.ııttonaıı11' boot...... Pin Baboa .nd KO)'Ua Baboa ' ıı~ p,...t_ m i "," .....i o...... ır of rtam H.ınlt . H _ ••. 1110- .....,rt pt ...... , _LI ıw p"'''I' tktıllo Ibe fad ı haı U,.. lall'" ...... Uo..NI .t all hWaııa of """If011 in T • •k•.,. Vd'" A"""..,.. tloaa fOO ..-q_ II' !Ala """"'" _ that Ibe "P*>de' _ Id 1101 ha" .. ~ ii .....11'"' dowu m \Kb lietou iw ...... ı. loaIt do _ rıa d ..._"'"ii.. ".ıı...ı . rı It \rı UM i ...... pı ı TT 80 , p. 131 tt. or tboo flfl...... lh ...... 111.,.. T'!' Ml . p. 3106 •. Tlıı IlO ı. ııli i .... n ualortun.te aa i ahou ld Mn ,,"ii DO tt F o' A bdal ..__ ııoı:e 2. atao . ''...1 K6p'Ulli. e )l" ,' ·da IkkÜ4'llk.. . eaaooıı lo ....r... to • _ ·.." ı.I..a l piace of _ ..blp. Lo tbat i .... dat .. qf Lu COII· r "'Iuıı Ih.t ıoc. ı t,.dll lCJ 01..1 rı .. should ha..e U"..d in Ih.. t ın...... ırı e.-ıı ıu " . 11010l""••• II la hard ı o ..,. U A ~ ~ "rtl lnıı, to H"". Ihr. lıı " , ·. (i.Im. ıı.. ""d .n .."p...... "'" "Y..' ı n ı Iıo...... 1' Ilıla tradltltın . houl

A. the conquest ol Iıtanbul Lt ment lcned in the meJIaklb-lwme. the i ıı poesible t hıt the role of He u ce. ~I u hım med'ı firat wıre ınd one earliefll and I ıt nt ımon g the Ilkely . aurrounding him. Rf>mırli:a eceeee­ ning t he names thei r offıp ri ng ıı hoo ld be given. Aıı thelıe appeoar to nin g family life are al l the more IJignifica.nt as this is • topi c on have gone on for quite eome time btofore the notablea of the to.,..n which we Lo Car have wory limited information". began to object.. At It"lBt in Hoca ıbrahi m ' . version. the prominent Pin Ba ba'. Iı tOry ~ginı. \lo1.th the obsorrvation that hi. motlH.'r citikm complaining ıbout tbiı matter befoe-e the Su ltan claimed b roııgh t him to Me~fOll and 'Ppn!D ti ~ him. TIıia makes iL !ikelr to be eoevteeee of Piri Ba ba'. &aintline., and auppoHdly only that slıe wu • wtdcw, for ctberwtse her husb&nd wculd probably prctesıed becauıte of the gt'neral principl ea it ıvelved, Piri Baba'ıı haw laken tbe initiative in this matter. 3ol0re0ver, the lege nd maltll'S jUlltification for hiıı behaviour iıı aiso of ııome ınte reeı, Pnognant no eererecee at al l to Piri Baba'ı fıt ~r, ı l tbough inhabitantJI ol tbe wo men , he is made to lIIy, ıhou l d be conaidfored aa brood·mares of OttOrDan Empire "'...re nomıally identified .. 'X lIOn (daughter) of the faith. for they mig ht well give birth to many exal ted Idt'ftt4. He Y.' Pirt Baba'ı mouıer OCC'U ra ceee ıpi n in the COUnle ol the ırtory : hinuıcl f should be oonııide nod i .tabkoboy, who N hbed down the After the ..int'ı miraeulo\UI poyı-ers have a.lread)' woo a meuure of mans and Itept tbem in gccd wndition. It ""u probably by remarka rewgnition in the eommunity, abe formaUy ackDo""led gN his lpe­ OC tbi ı tn)@' thıt Piri Ba ba had camed his ",putation iia holy fooı " . cial gifts and rommits Mnlel! to hia proteetion", Puaing from the family into the wider rommu nity. wc fi nd Anothı:or ..pect of family life is toucbed upon when deseribing tıl" rtai n obııo:o rva tlo na ro~rn i n g the ""I. tionship bet wf'oe'n m"l~r Pirt Baba', appreııti oeahip . Appareotly tbe boy no Ion~ r ıtared and ıpp re n titıl". 1be rt ght of the maaler lo be.t an ı ppnm t itıl" Db­ ",ith biı mother, but Iived io the house of his master. There he "'aa viCU81y conatit utea the background for lIeveral of the t' piııodea bet­ expecUd to obll'y not only the ordera of the master hi~If, but alııo W('4:'n Pin Baba and t he M~ rzi fon ıhoem . lte r he WU IM'rving. Ho­ thoae of the muter 'ı wife. C&.nyiog food from the bouııe or wıte r ""ever the pov.-er OC the Iıtte r iı not depicted .. unlimited, for evt"n from the fcuntain w.. probably a rommon chore and .. ıuch tbeae ı t • time when no one ....·. 11 a.a yet ıware of the boy ' ı minculou ıı. fl'lturt'll are duly emphlUlized in the ıtory. Wit hin the family, the powen. Pin was one.: s panod i beıti n ı; becaıae 'othe",' interVE'nerl. opinion of the mııter 'ı wife ıppeoara to bıve eounted for ııomething . Nothing i ıı ııaid ıbout the identity of tbele peopl e. but pl'Pllumıbly ="'ot only wu ıhe t~ (jrat to recognize Pi ri Baba'ı miraculoUl po­ they .."...re neighboura, and if th e ıh(l('m akfon of Men ifon ""t'rt' mon wo:'rI, ahil' LIIfO con vinced her hUlhand th ı t he was deıiin g not with or leııa ron~ntrated in one p l ı ce , t hey mıy well ha"" beton the maa· i lazy and overimaginıtive apprt'ntice. but with a young sa int ... It t er 'ıı fellow guildılmen " . In Iluch a rontext it iı ",mırk ıb I I" that this

tT Compe. .. !tonaıd C. J eQOlll1'a, . Wo m...... F....r ly 171h C<-nlU ' 7 {)Ilom. n Ju dıclal Rnotd• • nı. sn..ı. Courı of A nl ol laıı K. ,....rt. . Jooı .....l 01 LA. 1>0;0' !LO Evli)''' BatıSal KÖJl kU no. ~ . p. St . h. • 0 ...... 11 6...... ' H ioı l ""Jf 01 Ille 0 ...... 1, XV IIL l, U97 ~ I . ~ ~ . 1l ~ . M Evll y.. Ra'dal KÖJlkU. no. 301. p. S4. b. 48 Jl~",,"'cl>...... _, p. 6a;tı . 112 W.. Cd e not M r brk1' gll m ı-e- of l he ..l aı L-.h lp belwt'O'n ma. l rr and ______411 N ,,_ p. :Lb. 1 a pp'''lll iee ...h.... Pırt Babıfa ın u t..r makc. h ı . Pffperal loıı. for l h. ptlv1mall"e. _ r

6i2 St:KAIYA F AROQHI P IRI 8 A1JA OF M ERZ I FQ:-ı 613 account of life among a rt i Sll mı contam s no reterence to a for mal was not epparentty affiliate d witn any particular order ", Even guil d struct ure no t- to th e tradit ions current tb ere in. though the legend of H a c ı Bekt aş probably Influenced the biography Aside from th e cra ftsml." n. the text alsa retere se veral tim es ot Pirl Baba, t he story doea not usociate tbese two ı:ı a i n tı:ı in any t o th e ı aem a. Unlike ma ny etertes belcngtng- to t he Bektashi tradl­ way. Among t he holy men of Anatolia known from other eou rces, tion in th e na rrowe r serise of the word . the e ııta bli ıı ht"d rcligious Pi ri Baba ili eoneldered only to have been in eome ecntect with Ko­ Icaders of the eommunhy are treated with a rcaecn able degrce of yun Baba. patre n of th e ııan ctua ry jocated in the nea rby to wn of reepeet ". When Piri Baba re f u ııc ıı the gifts offered him by the Sul­ Osman cık. Rivalry iL:! depicted as t he dominant feature of thi s re. tan. he a uggestıı th at t hey be give n to t he loca l rdcmfl I neı e ed. IIQ tattonship. and Koyu n Baba ia definitely mad e out to be epirttually t hat th ey might pra y for the saıva ucn of h i ıı sö ul'". At th e ıı a me inferior to the hero of th e legend", While Piri Baba re jecıe the tim e. Piri Baba is made to surpass th e u ı,. ma in knowledge. This iıı gi ftJı oitered to him by t he Su lta n and is quite displeased when sorne de mo nıı t r ated in th e Iı tOry of the ııc ho l ar from Gilan. who had pcsed ot his d isc i p le ıı ıı how fewer ecruplea, Koyun Baba Ls deptcted LLS as· a diffien!t rengtcue question to th e ulcfM (lf Amu ya"'. As he did king t he ruler for gold , foundation Iandil and woollen fabrice for hiıı not r ece ı ve an answcr, he wcnt on to ~ I e rl.i f on . where the local tear­ ri"rv illoh l'll-. Much of th iıı rivalry should prcbably be asc ribed to the ned men were equally perp lexed. However, Pin Baba went out of fac t th at th e two senctuanes were ıccated very close to one a rı ot her . his way to eave the pride of t he ule ma . In fact he did not even ent er But etnee Koyun Baba wee considered a fol\ower of Olman Ba­ Into any direct eontact with th e scholar from Gilan. It was one of ba. one of t he major ('Olonizing dervishes of t he Halkans, it iıı atec the ı oca t rel i gi ou ıı leeders who passed th e queation on to t he ss tnt, posaible that the atory wa ıı meant to highllght dif fert'nce8 in ge­ and when the ı auer wea requeeted to keep süenr abcut t he inctdent neral wortd-vtew between th e t wo dervish teaders. the det ette of he showed no hesitation a bııu t doing so. whic h escape Us today. if t h i ıı esaumpt ton ia at aU reeltsttc, it is al­ According to the legeud as rclated by Hoca İ brah i m , Piri Baba so Iikely tha t th e author of Piri Baba's lege nd i n t e rı ded to deser-ibe him as rather a 'moderate' figure. in splte of the outward eccen­ t ricityof h i ıı behav iour. T~ a pp' ..nll « LıI to rem" ln in h l ~ m,,~ le ". hOIlM', bul In Ih.. dII)'tln'.. ~ •• Reapect for the ulema did not however preelude veneration for "" p"(Ir<-l he, l' lrt·. m ol h wn ••kl'd to. h", """...nl. maKe to Mekk a, and his ııeeo nd tr ip to the ııan c tuary of Imam Hü­ in t h.. ca.., of tra" eı ıı n , me rch.a n t•• a pp nt ict'. wc. e IIQm..Ume. laken seyin in Ker bela. Moroover. it wu the second pllgrimage whi ch ..lon, . lt .. a pPll.enl f ro m .n .. nı.)' Int o i i><- A n k.ıı •• k.ıı d ' .Idı ı.. t l , ~ Et n og ra f )' '' first bccame known to outsiders and M>t ablished th e modeııt shoema. M il ı "';' A nk. .., v oı. V . p. 31 _32. no. HO t l'lJl t in • ...,h c....·.. lh.. COn.s<"nt o f l tı .. ker 'ıı pa tO'nu wn n~cı"d . In I h ı. put lelila r ca..... Lı i. wo rt h n'-'Ung lhal bol h I"-'. ..nı . , apprentice as a local eelebrity. hiıı not Ju.I ı lı<' f. t h a pP". . ..d aa pl" ln tl ff" belo.... Ih .. "'ıd . wn.,n l he bo)' had if Piri Baba kept diatance from t he mighty onca of th ia '-n ....ld Into ı.." y. wor ld. it iı> alSl) posıı i bl e th at h ı' wu not ver), hig hly thought of at s.3 COn' p".... Ih e ..l oT eo ll"e ı ..d In 1)1ı . lı l1n y , ld ır 'm . T., ı< li del.;.... ı ".d.. ~ i ' .., ~ Hıııt ü . Bakan lı t' , M ıllı 8 ..1<1..,i T ip ;. " B.. F'k " 1I" • ...... v..rnt l . Folk- :id Compare In th tıı !:On l"" t \'11 11141' . HAN . I Cııııı.n ve N d k.... _1 c....._ sü. ı.:ıa lre al Ya )' ın la n : bı )'atı lu. LS Ha lk Ed.. DlX kIl l : 2 l A n ka ra. 11116 ). I,,),nu...lye . " " lel EfendI, no. 212. a n d Abdülha kl G6l pın a.lı , ~ )l e n " k l b- I m c..l M .lIeııok ,b ·.... me . p. 12&. Clh';'n •• Tiork iN<" .V~ Nll II

T.. rill Drrgiai F : fJ ,r


the Sultan', eoert. Whlle the ı wry f'mphasi u-ı the Cact that Pin and • « m in equilibri um had been reecbed. Unlortunately we do Baba did not wu n to demand elther preeenta or fıvuunl from th.. not ~ally know where to ı ceeee ı h ı. point in ti mot. euıee, t hl ı may have been no moee than • face-saving dev ıee », \\lIen Ccmpared to the Byı.antin e le J{f." ndıı. ı t ud i ed by Evelyne PaU a­ hiı di acipl.. Kara Baba . Ut'r the death of the aa int .....ent to ıstanbul gean. urban eoeıeı y aa lt is depicted in the atory ol Pin Baba ap­ to petiUon Su ltan Meh ml"t for help in eıı t a bliı h ing • foundation, he ı ~a nı oomparatively ıta~ and eeeu re. Thia ia true ,ıBo il we com­ "''&ıl kept ...... iUng and d ied wilhout receivmg the expected ıdl " II pere it to t he open cou nt ryside aa deseribed in the Iegenda of Hac ı WaA dul' to the etfom ol t he l oaı l ci tiz.ıe nry . and partkuıarl y of Ho­ Btokla, . nd Haerm Sul tan. Ikmonic enlitiUt'S. so commo n in Byun­ ca ı brahim. that . tek ke and. ml ll$Oleum weee riD'lIy ereeeed. line hagiography. are totaııy '~nt l rom the atory ol Pir! Baba ı.. far .. the k-gend ia coneerned, no explanation is ofiend for and co mparatiYotly rare in the other t we legenıh. ....rhie h howotver the rnpectful . Ioofneu . how n by the Su ltan. However,• puııage MYot their- (air ahare of robben, qtıarft'iaomot holy men, tynnnk a) repcrted only by Evli)" may help \ILI penetrete eomewhat turther. Iorda and t ear.iDllpiring rulen.. A ı the aame time, the life atory of When de noundng Pin Ba ba for R m ng t he women bathen in the t he ME'n:i!on Nint doea not _ m to be mııch ecneereed witb the Eski Hamam, the local not.b ı ~ UHd epithet...... hich weee normally moral edifiattorı of i uı pubhe, In thi. reatu",. tht' If'gend d i rfE'nı reR~ for heterodox el... """'pa r., 11,+"" M ~ Uko"•• ı... rll....1 du 113 A,el:Otdln l" l o TTı81 . p. 386. compllNl d"r ln ır ttı . u rl)' )'••" of K . ..,, _ ~I ..... Dcr h ı...... 39 I ltllWl. 180- 192 . nı Bil l.)'m.n. t he ",mm"..II)' CODı lıoı. d ot 239 t.mUl.,•. 66 .lI ""..lrob-ot.. ",.,. p. llb. ______1i _ 6,6 SORAI YA F AR OQH I P IR . RA BA Ot· NERZIF'ON 677

Any ~spec t able miraele' wcrker must be able to see into the runee. and Piri Baba pro,," his ıneU Ie by pnodlcting the ronquest of IstanbuL. Furt ~rmoft he acts aa a kind of t utelary epirtt to t he Eski Hamam. which at Iegt aocording to E" liya Çelebi wu sup­ poııed to have he_Iing propertiefl·'. Probably beeause of tbese protectlve qualiti('ll, the Inhabitanta of t he vIIIage where be waa bom ume to )ferzifon ahortly al ter hia dea th to ela lm hia body, and it waa only alter heated diıK:uuion t hat the townsmen ma naged to )n; ıtz l FON' LU z ı a r BABA keep lt... These features ILli point to the Sıl i n t aa _ aymbol ata nding tor t he unity ol the urban eommunity and the enhanOfment of ila ftputation _p.ilUit outsidera. be they viII_ger&. inbabilants of nearby Ri va ~ t kabilinden )·uılm" meün jer, xtv. iil XVi. ..ı r lu ara· _ında gelişme l e r yapılan ıowa.. or even the Su ltan h l mııoe lt . An_dolu'daki _yal ve dini üurine taht­ m_lar ic:in büylik ön..m t&4ı mak tadı r. Mf'nifonl u Piri & bıı hiki­ y..-i de bu tü r mettnl..rden biridir. Ömrünün bUyük bı r k ı ıı m ı n ı Merzifon'da E.


ayrıca İstanbu l' un fethini ön«den h.~r vermeltMo de ~ı~ğj gö• rebilme kabiliydini iııpat1amıttı r . Şi t. vnld özelliklere ..hip olan Eııki Hamam'I n koru yuro nı hu olmu•. ölümünden hel1M'n lIOn,.. doğ­ dutu köyün hallı:ı ~I ern(on· . ~lip kendisine sahip çıkmı, ve bu Ila· rtıamın d. Idarriini Uurlf'rine .lml,larol. PIn Baba ' nın bu öu llik· leri tehir toplumu nun birli ği Için daimi bir se mbct olank k.l mı.tt ı r.


A lc.rtI1ll1r w V. Bold ur

T he etege of Plevn a t t'Ieven i ia but one of t he epiecdes oC the RUIllIO·Romen Turkish wat of 1877-1818. Hcwever it has been of ntn'me importance in the course of the wer'. During nve montha the Ru ıı ııian ertny was nailed down around this 5t ronghold an d the . ns _ul lered dere_u ",-hlch put the problem of ii ntn at of the RUBSian . ım f to the ldı bank ol the Danube an d the cnAtion aJtogeıhf'f ol h05tilities. PwVt'n ""U not • man-m. de fol"UY'M built of stcee or bricb. It w.. builı by N _tıı ", itaoel( : a hollow eurroueded by ~~raJ billocka. and tbe rt ver Grivitaa nowing through it, The PIevna ep~ bfogi na ~i t b tbe Cr'OlIIing ol Oama n Puha'ı army. unobserved by the Rwlliana. (rom Vidin to Psevee. The Ruıı l ana did not ",.liR t he I mportan~ of thia move. Witb the

1 1.,_ "'"lloiMIııııj .... Lin·'n" ını. HıatM)' tA tbe w.. un.un ı . v. I-II I. Buc .... "'.ı . t $81 .ı8a8 . o~_.'" ...... '.re'.k..' ...... , l ım -'ıt7" iN. """D. ' ı.c..r. corniaii 0.... Shta t.. 111M o-crıpt _ of ule R_ h,ltlalr W . ı ot ı S7 ı · un . f'dIt0'4 b)' tlw mU ı ıuy. hıator. commlut.oıı ol o., ıı..dqua rt~.. i R....' " . ı- ıv . 81. . h · t ~..bu rl". 11101 . G<-n &:""1.,11. Ad...... 1 fal",*, ...p.... ,. ~ .", ... l llfat or lcal Tnılh . bou ı 1·1...... 1. ı. ..ı. Ilın . G<-n. Ro du Rolı..UL P ....,_ i . ..'" ...... ,.....,...... :i1Od 14 ...... 1>0.... D.. 1671 _

______b _ 1009

, --.,'...' varak : 1·2, ...,

1010 S. FAROQll1 S. FA ROQll1

:/.... Vara k : 3 ~ 4. Vnrak : ~. 6. 1012 8. FAROQHI 8. FAROQlJ/ 1013

i ., ı . ! ,i V. rak : t ••. V. rak : • • 10. l 1015 1014.

·..r) Varak : LL· 12. v arak : 13 · U . !Uı6 S. f'AROQll1 S. f'MWQIII 10\7

P:rl Ba tN!: ı li r t.....·ıı: h' 1lI\I!lluk lar

Varak : U · 16. 1

/ 1018 s. FAROQ1ll

Pı r t Baba TO r b e ıd. kubbea l


if i

Plrl Baba Ttlrbes l ı Ç süelemetert.