I m p e r i a l ENGINEER PRINCIPAL INTERVIEWED MARINE ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENTS ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT CLIMATE DEBATE CONTINUES ISSUE ELEVEN AUTUMN 2009 For members of The City & Guilds College Association and The Royal School of Mines Association ISSUE ELEVEN AUTUMN 2009 In this issue... 18 NEWS & REVIEWS ENGINEERING NEWS 3 Presidents report 8–9 Engineering developments 4 London walks restart 8 EPSRC funds light-fuelled research 4 Top engineer recognised 9 Magnetic fridge future 4 Recruits to editorial board 5 Bo visits IoW 5 Meet two new presidents FEATURES 5 Engineering Geology centenary 10–11 Logistics survey finding 5 Rooftop greenhouse 12–13 Hydrogen economy 6 Diary dates 14–15 Assessment scheme advantages 6 CGCA AGM 16 Puzzled by patents 6 Association trust reports 17 Historic cofferdam 7 Faculty principal interviewed 18–19 Scottish marine energy developments 22–27 Alumni news & views 20 Book and conference reviews 26–27 Obituaries 21 Alumni share their views COVER PICTURES: Imperial Engineer’s tribute to Charles Darwin, designed by Slim Smith. See 7 22 24 Bill McAuley’s editorial on page four. Imperial ENGINEER EDITORIAL BOARD CORRESPONDENCE and ENQUIRIES Bill McAuley (Managing Editor) Teresa Sergot and Rosie Tipples Bill Bradford Engineering Chapter Peter Darling Level 2, Faculty Building Paul Holmes Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ Chris Lumb Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 1184 Teresa Sergot Fax: +44 (0) 20 7594 1185 Colleen Shilstone Richardson Emails:
[email protected] Rosie Tipples
[email protected] PRODUCTION EDITOR Chapter website:www.imperial.ac.uk/engineering/ Lynn Penfold about/alumni/ CGCA website: www.cgca.org.uk PRINTING Bishops Printers, Portsmouth RSMA website: www2.union.ic.ac.uk/rsm/rsma/ STORY IDEAS FOR THE NEXT ISSUE BY FEBRUARY 8 2010.