Arxiv:2102.04264V1 [Astro-Ph.HE] 8 Feb 2021 1

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Arxiv:2102.04264V1 [Astro-Ph.HE] 8 Feb 2021 1 Draft version February 9, 2021 Typeset using LATEX preprint style in AASTeX62 Periodic repeating fast radio bursts: interaction between a magnetized neutron star and its planet in an eccentric orbit Abudushataer Kuerban,1 Yong-Feng Huang,1, 2 Jin-Jun Geng,3 Bing Li,4, 5 Fan Xu,1 and Xu Wang1 1School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, People's Republic of China 2Key Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics (Nanjing University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210023, People's Republic of China 3Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210023, People's Republic of China 4Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, People's Republic of China 5Particle Astrophysics Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, People's Republic of China ABSTRACT Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are mysterious transient phenomena. The study of repeating FRBs may provide useful information about their nature due to their re-detectability. The two most famous repeating sources are FRBs 121102 and 180916, with a period of 157 days and 16.35 days, respectively. Previous studies suggest that the periodicity of FRBs is likely associated with neutron star (NS) binary systems. Here we propose a new model that the periodic repeating FRBs are due to the interaction of an NS with its planet in a highly elliptical orbit. The periastron of the planet is very close to the NS so that it would be partially disrupted by tidal force every time it passes through the periastron. Fragments generated in the process will fall toward the NS and finally collide with the compact star to give birth to observed FRBs. The model can naturally explain the repeatability of FRBs with a period ranging from a few days to several hundred days, but it generally requires that the eccentricity of the planet orbit should be large enough. Taking FRBs 121102 and 180916 as examples, it is shown that the main features of the observed repeating behaviors can be satisfactorily accounted for. Keywords: Radio transient sources, Neutron stars, Exoplanets, Tidal disruption arXiv:2102.04264v1 [astro-ph.HE] 8 Feb 2021 1. INTRODUCTION The first discovery of fast radio bursts (FRBs) by Lorimer et al.(2007) and consequent report of five similar sources by Keane et al.(2012) and Thornton et al.(2013) opened a new window in astronomy. Since then FRBs become a hot research topic. The isotropic energy released by FRBs is in the range of 1039 − 1046 erg, and the duration is typical several milliseconds. The observed dispersion measure is ∼ 110 − 2596 pc cm−3 (Petroff et al. 2019), which strongly hints that FRBs are Corresponding author: Yong-Feng Huang [email protected] 2 Abudushataer Kuerban et al. of cosmological origin. According to the observed repeatability, these enigmatic events may come from two kinds of progenitors, i.e. repeating sources and non-repeating sources. Many models (see Platts et al.(2019) for a recent review) are proposed to interpret the properties of FRBs. However, the underlying physics { the progenitor as well as emission mechanism remains unclear (Katz 2018; Petroff et al. 2019; Platts et al. 2019; Cordes & Chatterjee 2019; Zhang 2020). Repeating FRBs, in particular periodic repeating FRBs, may provide valuable information about the nature of this mysterious phenomenon. Here we will mainly focus on the periodic repeating activities of FRBs. The most famous periodic repeating sources are FRB 121102 and FRB 180916. FRB 121102 has a period of 157 days (Rajwade et al. 2020), and FRB 180916 has a period of 16.35 days (Chime/Frb Collaboration et al. 2020). Two kinds of models, single star model and binary model, have been proposed to interpret the periodic repeatability of these FRBs. The single star models are mainly concerned with the precession of neutron stars (Levin et al. 2020; Yang & Zou 2020; Sob'yanin 2020; Zanazzi & Lai 2020) while the binary models associated FRBs with the interaction between the two objects in neutron star (NS) binary systems (Mottez & Zarka 2014; Dai et al. 2016; Zhang 2017, 2018; Lyutikov et al. 2020; Ioka & Zhang 2020; Dai 2020; Gu et al. 2020; Mottez et al. 2020; Geng et al. 2020; Decoene et al. 2021). Usually, the precession period of NS is unlikely to be so long as 16.35 days (Chime/Frb Collaboration et al. 2020). Additionally, the fixed emission region of FRBs in the precession models is not addressed properly yet (Xiao et al. 2021). Various observational facts imply that binary models are more likely favored by the periodicity of FRBs. The binary interaction models can be further categorized into two main classes: wind-like models and accretion/collision-like models. The wind-like models include: the binary comb mechanism (Zhang 2017, 2018; Ioka & Zhang 2020), mild pulsars in tight O/B-star binaries (Lyutikov et al. 2020), small bodies orbiting around a pulsar or a magnetar (Mottez & Zarka 2014; Mottez et al. 2020), and Kozai-Lidov feeding of neutron stars in binary systems (Decoene et al. 2021). The collision/accretion-like models include: collision between a magnetized NS and an asteroid belt (Dai et al. 2016; Smallwood et al. 2019; Dai 2020), and NS-white dwarf interactions (Gu et al. 2016, 2020). As suggested earlier by a few authors, collisions between small-bodies and NS can generate transient events such as gamma-ray bursts (Campana et al. 2011), glitch/anti-glitches and X-ray bursts (Huang & Geng 2014; Yu & Huang 2016), and FRBs (Geng & Huang 2015). Tidal disruption of minor-planets/asteroids around white dwarfs (WDs) has also been extensively studied (Bear & Soker 2013; Vanderburg et al. 2015; Granvik et al. 2016). Recent simulations (Malamud & Perets 2020a,b) show that a planet in a highly eccentric orbit around WD could be tidally disrupted by tidal force and materials in the inner side of orbit would be accreted by the WD. The accreted clumps of materials may be responsible for the pollution of WD atmosphere by heavy elements (Vanderburg et al. 2015; Malamud & Perets 2020a,b). Similar processes (disruption of a planet and its in-fall to the host star) can also occur in NS-planet systems if the initial parameters of the planetary system fulfill the tidal disruption condition. In fact, GRB 101225A may occur in this way (Campana et al. 2011). Much efforts have also been made to search for close-in exoplanets around pulsars (Geng & Huang 2015; Huang & Yu 2017; Kuerban et al. 2020). In this study, we propose a new model to explain the periodic repeating properties of FRB sources. We argue that when a planet is in a highly eccentric orbit around a neutron star, it would be partially disrupted every time it passes through the pericenter. The major fragments generated during the disruption will finally fall onto the neutron star to produce a series of FRBs. This model can naturally repeating frbs from tidal disruption 3 Figure 1. Schematic illustration (not to scale) of a pulsar planet in a highly eccentric orbit. The central star is an NS and the planet is assumed to be a typical rocky object. r is the separation between the NS and the planet at phase θ. rp is the periastron distance of the orbit. 2 rtd is a characteristic distance, at which partial tidal disruption will occur (see text for more details). explain the periodic behavior of repeating FRBs. The structure of our paper is as follows. In Section 2, we present the basic framework of our model for repeating FRBs. In Section3, the periodicity and active window are described in view of the model, and are compared with observations. In Section 4, we address the possible existence of pulsar planets in highly eccentric orbits. Finally, Section5 presents our conclusions and some brief discussion. 2. MODEL The planet disruption interpretation for the pollution of WD atmosphere by heavy elements (Van- derburg et al. 2015; Granvik et al. 2016; Malamud & Perets 2020a,b) and the NS-asteroid collision model for FRBs (Geng & Huang 2015; Dai et al. 2016) motivate us to investigate the periodic re- peating activities of FRBs in framework of the neutron star-planet interaction model. When a planet is in a highly elliptical orbit with the periastron distance being small enough, it might be partially disrupted every time it comes to the pericenter. This periodic partial disruption behavior will lead to regular collisions of the disrupted fragments with the host neutron star, producing periodic repeating FRBs. Figure1 illustrates the general picture of the NS-planet system in an eccentric orbit. We assume that the central star is an NS with a mass of M = 1:4 M , and the companion is a rocky planet with a mass of m, mean-densityρ ¯, and an orbital period of Porb. The semi-major axis (a) and orbital period are related by the Kepler's third law as P 2 4π2 orb = : (1) a3 G(M + m) The distance between the NS and planet at phase θ (the true anomaly, see Figure1) in the eccentric orbit is a(1 − e2) r = ; (2) 1 + e cos θ 4 Abudushataer Kuerban et al. 11.6 e=0 e=0.5 e=0.9 e=0.95 e=0.99 3 11.4 2 rtd(3 g cm ) 3 2 rtd(5 g cm ) 3 2 rtd(10 g cm ) ) 11.2 m c ( p r 3 2 rtd(30 g cm ) g o L 11.0 3 2 rtd(100 g cm ) 10.8 10.6 e=0.999 100 101 102 103 Porb (days) Figure 2. The periastron distance as a function of the orbital period for various eccentricities.
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