CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2137 HON
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December 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2137 Legislative leaders from 20 nations, includ- extending thanks for his many efforts on be- The Federation’s accomplishments extend ing Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, half of south Alabama. beyond the borders of the United States. On Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, f Chios, the Chian Federation has financially the Philippines, and the host Taiwan are ex- aided nursing homes, environmental groups pected to participate. It is unfortunate that, be- PAYING TRIBUTE TO WALTER for reforestation of the island, the Korais Li- cause of our legislative schedule, no member CASEY brary and the Office of the Repatriated Chians of this House or of the other body are able to Organization, in addition to making substantial attend. HON. JON C. PORTER donations to the educational and health sys- However, Mr. Speaker, I did want to take OF NEVADA tems of Chios. note of this important meeting that will focus IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Chian Federation established the Ho- meric Award in 1977, with the idea of recog- on the role of Congress in the various demo- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 cratic governing models, such as the par- nizing individuals who have made exceptional liamentary system and the presidential sys- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to contributions to the Hellenic community. Am- tem. Another important set of discussions will honor Mr. Walter Casey for his numerous con- bassador Vassilakis earned this honor through focus on the issue of legislative elections in tributions to his community. his outstanding service to Greece as a dip- various democracies, how they are conducted, Walter moved to Las Vegas, NV in 1951 lomat, and as a friend to the Hellenic commu- and how they are financed. under the advice of his doctor. He started out nity in New York. I congratulate Taiwan’s political leaders who working for a maintenance company and Ambassador Vassilakis was born on the is- were instrumental in creating the DPU and the eventually started a water conditioning and pu- land of Chios on June 13, 1942, where he Pacific Congressional Caucus. Taiwan’s Vice rification company called Walt Casey Water grew up and received his basic education, President Annette Lu was the prime mover in Conditioning and later Walt Casey’s Culligan graduating from the Commercial High School bringing the DPU into existence and the in the 1950s. Walt Casey’s Culligan is now of Chios. He then attended the Free University Speaker of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, Wang known as the largest water conditioning com- of Brussels, Belgium earning a Licence in Po- Jin-Pyng, was instrumental in establishing the pany in the state. litical and Diplomatic Sciences. Pacific Congressional Caucus and in orga- Walter also dedicated his life to enriching Mr. Vassilakis entered the Ministry of For- nizing such meetings as the one this week- the lives of others in the community. He was eign Affairs in 1972 as Embassy Attache´, and end. a founding board member of the Boys & Girls was appointed Third Secretary of Embassy at This effort in Taiwan has been truly bipar- Club of Las Vegas and served as the vice the Greek Embassy in Tirana, Albania in tisan, with Vice President Lu a member of the chairman of the Colorado River Commission. 1975. In 1977, he moved to the Foreign Min- ruling Democratic Progressive Party, and According to his son, Walter’s optimism istry’s First Department of Political Affairs, he Speaker Wang a key leader of the Nationalist helped him to devote his time and effort to de- was Head of Section for the U.S.S.R. and Party, known as the KMT. veloping promising ideas into large successes. Eastern Europe. He served as a member of Because Taiwan is one of Asia’s most dy- November 30, 2006, just 2 days after Walter various Greek delegations visiting Eastern Eu- namic democracies, it is fitting that Taiwan and his wife, Peggy, celebrated their 60th ropean countries and was a participant in the has been instrumental in forming the DPU and wedding anniversary, Walter passed away North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Caucus and in organizing this symposium. from a heart attack. He was 88 years old. Common Market political experts meetings. I congratulate Taiwan and wish all the partici- Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- In 1985, Mr. Vassilakis was made Consul pants a rewarding series of meetings. ognize Mr. Walter Casey for his outstanding General of Greece in San Francisco, Cali- f efforts to improve the state of Nevada. He will fornia, where he was promoted to First Coun- be greatly missed by the entire community. sellor of Embassy. In 1989, he was appointed RECOGNIZING ALABAMA STATE f Head of Section for Bilateral Greek-United REPRESENTATIVE F.P. ‘‘SKIPPY’’ States, Iranian, Turkish and Arab Countries in IN RECOGNITION OF THE CHIAN WHITE FOR OVER THREE DEC- the Foreign Ministry’s Department of Bilateral FEDERATION AND ADAMANTIOS ADES OF PUBLIC SERVICE Economic Relations. In 1990, Mr. Vassilakis (DIMIS) TH. VASSILAKIS PERMA- entered the Department of European Commu- NENT REPRESENTATIVE OF HON. JO BONNER nity Affairs. In 1991, he was named Deputy GREECE TO THE UNITED NA- OF ALABAMA Permanent Representative in the Permanent TIONS, RECIPIENT OF THE 29TH Mission of Greece to the United Nations, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ANNUAL HOMERIC AWARD Wednesday, December 6, 2006 in 1994, he became Charge´ d’Affaires. In 1998, he was promoted to Minister Pleni- Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, it is with great HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY potentiary (1st class). From 1999, Mr. pride and pleasure that I rise today to recog- OF NEW YORK Vassilakis served as Director General for Eu- nize Alabama State Representative F.P. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ropean Affairs and Director of the Centre for ‘‘Skippy’’ White for his dedicated, faithful pub- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 Analysis and Planning in Greece’s Ministry of lic service to the citizens of Baldwin and Foreign Affairs. In 2002, he was appointed to Escambia Counties. Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay his present position. Representative White has been a tremen- tribute to the Chian Federation, which is pre- Ambassador Vassilakis is married to Fay dous advocate for all of south Alabama for senting its 29th annual Homeric Award to Malouf-Vassilakis and they have two children, over three decades. He began his public serv- Adamantios (Dimis) Th. Vassilakis, Permanent Theodore and Athena. ice career as a councilman for the city of Pol- Representative of Greece to the United Na- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me lard, AL, and served for 7 years. In 1982, he tions. Their gala event has been organized in recognizing the Chian Federation and its was elected to the Alabama House of Rep- under the leadership of the Chian Federation’s honoree, the Honorable Adamantios (Dimis) resentatives and served in that capacity for 24 President, George Almiroudis, and the Event Th. Vassilakis. Chair, who is also First Vice President of the years. f During his career in the Alabama State Leg- Chian Federation, Alexandros Doulis. islature, Representative White worked tire- The Chian Federation was founded in 1974. TRIBUTE TO JERRIS LEONARD, A lessly on behalf of south Alabama. He was Since then it has educated and empowered GREAT AMERICAN distinguished as an outstanding legislator and the Hellenic American community to exercise served on the House Rules Committee. their rights and fulfill their obligations as Amer- HON. RALPH M. HALL Mr. Speaker, the faithful service of out- ican citizens. The Chian Federation has a OF TEXAS standing Americans like Skippy White has strong record of advocating human rights and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aided in an immeasurable way to the well striving to promote democratic ideals. In addi- being of our community. I would like to offer tion to its political objectives, the organization Wednesday, December 6, 2006 my congratulations for his many personal and sponsors a dance group; cultural events; a Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I am honored today professional achievements. I know his wife, Web site; a magazine; business card ex- to pay tribute to a great American, outstanding Clara; his children, Todd, Hugh, and Sarah changes; food, clothing and toy drives; a Sen- public servant, and an esteemed colleague Anne; and his family and many friends join ior Citizens’ breakfast; and lectures on topics and good friend, the Honorable Jerris Leon- with me in praising his accomplishments and ranging from archaeology to health care. ard, whose sudden passing on July 27, 2006, VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:52 Dec 10, 2006 Jkt 059061 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06DE8.121 E08DEPT1 jcorcoran on PRODPC62 with REMARKS E2138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 8, 2006 was mourned by his family and countless Kathleen (Kate) Leonard, Francis Leonard and able electricity and curbing demand for power friends whose lives he touched. Jerris’s life wife Kelly, and Daniel Leonard and wife Kelly, transmission equipment. Given this impor- was devoted to God, family, country, and his 16 grandchildren, and four great-grand- tance, we must continue to support initiatives fellow man, and he leaves a legacy of integrity children. He was greatly loved. to improve transmission, increase generation and service that will long be remembered and Mr. Speaker, many of our colleagues in the nationally and encourage renewable energy appreciated. House of Representatives knew and admired and conservation. Jerris received his undergraduate and law Jerris Leonard. I valued his friendship and ad- Effective renewable energy policy must in- degrees from Marquette University, where he vice, as did so many others, and we will great- clude the significant invested energy available was president of the Marquette student body ly miss him.