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THE LANDLORDS OF TKEL&RD , Portrait of O'Bb jw.—The hard hands, futfic JO 1BTTB B J L jackets and unshorn chins of Man chester, finding tha t the ever-to-be-reapeeted fenales of tha t town had stolen a march upon them in getting np a painting of t, a tree laboure r earns that be eats ; gets that be Feargus O'Connor, Esq., for the approa chingdemos- •mm: owes no mas hate ; envies so nun's happiness; stration , have liberally subscribed and . purchas ed -»»d of other msai good ; contest under his ova priTV canvass, the same size a* O'Connor 's, and engaged tb * SJb j • and hi* ehitf pride is to the modest comfort * of same artist to paint a fall length likene * of J. B> lis condition.-—Shatapean. O'Brien. It Is how nearly finished and it fa said that it is a Strikin g likeness ; b» &\m in the tX&UOm be nt when asd Gehilkkkh ,—In the outset I in the Convention, in hi* atndy, wHb >jy Lo&ds library, paper *, pens, and ink before him, folly repre- ggjjgj, thit I had und ertaken a difficult task, jet I senting what he in reality la—a one the literary character. Top »jj ^mt I bad sot calculated upon half ob- pirtu wrin the whole does credit both to the bonny lad* NERAL ADVEE of Manches ter, AND LEEDS GE TISEB-. and the artist ^joeatfla -which power , custom, sodal and ela**«- c > -jjj aiiaa, isneraaoe of pastin g tJitBTOitanw *, national YOL. IT. NO. 19^. SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1841. ™ %£% ^>£ " Nationa l Executi ve.—Thi* body met on Tuesday , (not to speak of political bias ,) £ ^ and Wedn esday morni ngs, and went through the preli- ^J ^ oni pr ejudice * minary business. absurdities , had thrown is , cultivatedin the-very rou ghest— I would make HBANOR ;—Mr. ' TheU sittings hare been hitherto _ttfc ill its tra in of wedded that tbft commendation is a stigma npoa yourselves rudest manner; I mean man to a certain extent his own pro- W. Dean .Taylor lectured here private , and tkey have been pri ncipally engaged in meeting me in my progress, or haunting for baviny bani shed honest indust ry froa its native for spade culture is literally the rudest , but yet the ducer , manufacturer , and consumer ; thus relieving the on Friday evenin g, in the Mark et Place. The rage examining the accounts , , gr -nj; each of Yellowism and Blueien wa 8 bo strong that it *& which will be published. tba boar of reflect ion. most excellent, mode of cultivation. When I come to wholesale mark et of it* slaves, and at tha mum time After thi» has been done, they will commence btuioe w -* jn shore. was considered mad t« attempt to address the of a more Gentlemen—An , anxious desire to cheerfulnesswith write a plain system for the poor man's industry, and creating a vastly Increaseddemand in the home market important nature , in giving directions for My Lor ds aad I shall conclude my comment upon the people, but our lecturer would have bo nay . He the carryin g «at the , show exactly for those plan of organization. Pr esent— Igbig the case of my client , tie labourer , before you which an agricultural labourer bends to his lot when wher ein his inheritance lies, you wUl be articles which the husbandman could not said he bad come to lectuce, and he would not go Dr. M 'DooaU , Mr. Jam es Leech, away without ; we therefore accompanied him te and Mr. Jo hn g u early a period as possible, has induced me fairly cast, by once more respeatag the last sentence astounded at the ignoraa oe of your system, aad your manufacture, and other articles which from the ad- Cam pbelL ^^ the ground , and , we acknowled ge, *uot without seme laudably, if not prudent ly) to reTerse the the great poet, consequent loss. The potatoes are good ; no better ; vantages of machinery, be could purchase cheaper | | trust, from the passage of fear. We had an attentive and nmneroua audien ce, PUBLIC FESTIVAL dassifieatiaa , which should b*Te been : First ly, modest cemforto ©f bis the best in the world, because the Savour is not des- than he could make. IN HO NOUR OF MR. H. gdet of " And his chief pride is in the who listened to theclearex paeition of oureternal prin- YINCENT ; AT BAN BURY. of the soil, representin g "" Condition ." troyed by sharp manures. The wheat for the moat You must retur n from aa artificial to a more natvral ciples—-B«veral of whom,,at the conclusion, t 9v material, or barren surface cried ou On Wednesday, the 7th instant , a ex- , in order to rai se that part is good aa to produc e, but miserable as to sam- state of society. You must give to the labourer the in ra pture , who would not be a ChariiB t) public tea part y ptrtiUe to repre sentation : Secondly, responsibi lity, Now, my Lords and Gentlemen was held in Mr. B. Austin' spacious maltho use of hu own produce hel per. —Mr. W ylor * , when, -eairt nre of capital , and tena ncy, represe nting the honest pride by placing him In a pr oper and comfort- ple ; the produce dependin g «n the land, the sample power of regulating the supp ly . Dean Ta preached in the notwithrta ading the unfavour able state of toe weather , Market Place of this town on Sunday evening last, tenant' s title to representa tion : and, able condition, I shall proceed to shew you the loss, upon the tenant , or rather opon the landlor d, whose according to dema nd ; and , above all, if his elevation * nearly MO ladiegand gentlemen wer e present to pay a copying and we only say wo wish, each discourses oowd be tribute of gratitude which rende rs the soil, by cultivat ion, the mighty lo»», to society, by your foolish and Inju- duty, whON especial duty, it 1* to see that above in society be in truth your object, you must let bin to thtlr able aad nncompr omisbur fbird ly, labour , preached in every par t of England every Sunda y. advocate , Mr. H. Vincent aad Us title to representat ion. dicious minagement of yoor ^states. With a view to ail other things, sound, dean , and suitable seed be see the sterlin g labour -stamp upon his handy-work , The room was *plendiata .Tr iable to jmbvi ¦****, TODMORDSN. —-Th» weekly meeting of the illuminated aad beautif ully decorated , word subject, I propose to take sown ; by suitable instead of finding It effaced by the counterfeit enter- some hundred *of My Lords and Gentlemen , I trust tha t in tha the perfect illustrat ion of my , I mean that upland seed from Chartista was held on Monday evening, when several paintings , fca, having been kindly lent and a great pro - , you wffl not recogn ise any infractio n of a «™* " estate of 1,000 acres, let to ten tenants, in a distance be sown in swampy and stiff ground , prise and speculation stamp of " our merchants ," came forward to be admi tted as members , and the fusion of Sower *supplie d foe the occasion - represen tation Mr. Colema a without the introd uc- farms of 1*0 acres each, to shew the little benefit and vice vena ; by dean , I mean that a peck of " oim traders ," and " oua slave owners ." following resolution was. earned :—" Tha t two shil- was called to the chair,- and after the oy condit ion to tr eat my subje et lings' wor th of the ' Address to tea was concluded; poli- has, and also the bad security which weed seed should aot be sown with a bag of wheat My maxim to-day is the same as that which I laid the Eleetas and Mr. J. Osborn, moved that the fol- tion of politics. I do not use the ward here in a which society Non-electors of the Couijij Cork' be sent for to .' the lowing addr essbe pres ented to Mr. H. Vincent , whteb an unpwfitabla disfcrifcutiosi teai, down for you in 1831— " A fair day's wage for a fair . ; before I have conclud ed, I hope to landlords have, from such thereby exhausting the land and producing an Star office," —Any person ean have one by applying was seconded in a very aWe speech by the BfiV. J. tical sense an * which society 's work. and use your political power a prudent , a just , aad benefici al of land; a»d then to shew the great benefit expenditure of much unproductive labour in weeding; day " Give thai, to Mr. Samuel Barker , T©*d Carr. Clarke , and unanimously ,adopted by tbe meetin g ;— prove tfcaA * wise, into man's holiday " Mr. H. Vincent . ' and a honest exereisa of at large, and lan dlords in general , would derive from not that labour is unproductively expended when crops for the conversion of machine ry GLASGOW.—A meeting of the directow and exerc iseof your social power, " Sis,—Toe Elector * of Banbury, politic al a mtre equitakle division of land, corres ponding with require weeding -, bat it might be altogether SftVed, instead of being man's curse ; and then , in the elo- others interested in th» Lanar kshire Universal Suf- Nolthrop, and tout trust , as land lords, would har e rende red of the Hamlets, take the earliest opportunity of cos«rata - oteolaie term - deman d tor the capital, industry , and requirements , of the people and more beneficially applied. qnent - and^startesman-Hkewords Mr. Batterworth , fra ge Association was. held in thei r hall ,, College Lj ^g^rfaao n almost M A p , on the ni lating you on the honoacabl e position yon raaim talaocl the inten»ts of society at large, from the very 'fimndred weight of one of -my illegally incarcerated brethren , yon may O en ght of tike 9th instant , whea it was Msntiti nn has inereasad in exae* proper- mn& The cows produce scarcely a uanim ously agreed to use every possible exertion to at the poll during the late severely contested , pcJ iSeai u>H ¦" and dress your- and when we aba se of soda! poTrer . highest to the very lowest butter a head ; they are made to calve unseasonably go to bed by steam, rise by steam, have all the Chartist electors registered by the 20th look at tfi»*umber of respecta ble, intelli - Uoa -wiih tf» gent , and honourable iadivldual * , yon will have learned by My Lords and Gentlemen , you will have percei ved for want of sufficient shelter ; sad thus much is lost selves by steam, provided steam does not take tbe bed ot this month, when the registration- courts close who recorded their My Bords and Gentlemen vote* in yonr favour , we cannot but d fe to th>* mj object is to bring your estates from a heavy fc-y ren ewiag the stock. A farmer tries to send his cow from the po*r man, and leave him without clothes to here. It was aleo agreed, and speakers were ap- look at the e at, jay quotati on from " the great Poet," that I mean if it can be so called, bat as a preface to the certainty wholesale market into a brisk retail market Do not , so as to calve when the season will suit dress with. " pointed to attend th * various districts ia connection , the rery stro ngest of your prejudice sat once. And for service for the purpose of getting up a new and powerful that awaits you of you being most honourably fetarne ct attack you to be ignorant aa the repres entative fire upon you must be hot When the mind mistake me, and teppose that I hold him ; bat the cow is obstinate and will only be in calf My Lords, end Gentlemen , many a half-witted fool agita tion.against the faction which , by the result for Bonbury, when we again hav * in th is, my the honour of accompanying and judging from the of the vast benefit which the change would confer when she thinks prs per. By this arrangement seventy has gained even a posthumo us fame by one sentiment of the recen t eleotioeB, will shor tly be in power ; you to the polL On look- ]t weak the prejudice is strong ; ing at the varie ty of your order. 1 kn»w thai you are per- cows well, merely not containing a twentieth part of the philosophy of and for using every legal step to carr y the Charter eircumstancea that hare at thi» ha re made of a long aad uninte rrupted pos- generally upon acres, which would rapport thirty-five time operated against you—the «e you apprehension is, that land ' - into law, in accordance with the above agreement .— comparative few woo of power , yonr mind must be weak indeed. fectly awajft of it; but you* keeps twent y miserable things alive ; the land , while the above. Search all yonr writers upon " free trade knew you, or the principle * you have s» mobly and jessioiL divided for agricultural pur- A lar ge public meeting was held at the corner of pr ejudice is against tbe labourer. The cannot be advantageousl y in grass, being a mere oapul morluum , and may be con- " political ecenomy " and "commerce ," and I defy you to Dale-street Brid geton honourably advocated —and the prejudices , that have Yaax greatest , , on the 12th instant ; Mr. now for ever some wise fetter to yonr will ; but poses, with out bringing about a correspondin f sub- sidered as sacrifiwd to the thirt y seres of badly cul- equal it from the catalogue of their united folly, or from Johnston , grocer , was unanimously called to th e vanished , that once clouded the minds of isaot yon can in some of the electors of Banbury, forisrn slate division of political power ; aad you prefer the loss of tbe heap to pick one such grain front the chaff. chair. I t was tbe largest out-door meeting ever we hail your minority jo the labourer of the tenant and in bis tivated crops ; In a state of probation , waiting for its a triumph , and your defeat a victory. The deads that to the loss of more held in that densely populated suburban district and reeogniw your own opp ression a£and misrule , and about ten millions annually in rent , turn to be ploughed, having " seven years' skin upon My Lords and Gentlemen , " political ecenomy" has no appeared in the political horizon when yon entered the pn come stron ghold of Whigined ten-pounders ; and notwith- lest the vksfcim abould a knowledge of than a hundred millions in political patrona ge to your it," which is necessary for producing good potatoes " final ity ;" and , believe me, that the political econo- standing the rai n independent town of Banbury as a candida te for on* ^ndde r Began to poor , literally speakin g, , make him a stra nger in his o*n families relatives and dependants , made pauper s by and wheat ; the necessitybeing created by a want of the mists will never rest satisfied till they make you in bucketefttll , at the oommencemint of the proceed- suffrages have for ever disappeared , and the glorious tjj ose causes which sun of political freedom has aa outcast from his your cruel conditions anne xed to leases and exclusive , or ever can be tenants in your own houses, stewards to your own ings and continued throug hout , still the den se and en- aris en in the power and qook, an alien in his own country, best manure that ever was, or ever will *plend«ur of his majesty, and has sent the mighty ray » upon the face of ths earth dealing in land. To those then, most especially , who applied to land , man's arms and foot, with a spade at estates ; and beggars from the Pole, the Turk, the Rus- thusiastic mass Btood the pelting of the pitiless storm oro home, and a wanderer without flinching. The chai rman of democra tic governmen t amongst us; based upon th» angment the great polit ical patron 's power, by ad- sian, the Prussian and the Americas , upon your own opened the business only true of some restin g place, or market , where God's the end of it of the meeting with a brief and appropria te speech foundation , the political tights of tho- m seuth system, do I address my obser- , , people. to labour ) may be converted into man's herence to the vicious Our next consideration is the number of persons land. The/ wish to pl&eayou upoa the shop-board and concluded by statin g that Mr. koir , the people's pR (stre ngth or " In COBgratnlatln g yon on the noble stand you h»V» sustenanc e. vations. which the lit acres supports. We will estimate the making breeches and coats which tha foreigner m *y representative for Glasgow, would address tnem. moia* of After a short delay, (Mr. Moir not made on democratic princi ples, and tbe philant hropic only witnessed the injustice , Again, I say, that I can very well understand the farmer's family at five, and he will have five labourers ; may not purchase, according to convenience ; while having arrived ,) with Kow, if I, who hare he was seen wending his way down the main street which you have so nobly advocated thos» , as I reason why my L»rd gives up ,£5 .oeo a-year in rent but you know M in Scotland , the practise i» to get single they would make you dependants upon the , mighty principles in Banbur y, fed very warm when writing upon the subject , and was greeted with ra pturous cheering, waving we point yon to th e Ulode irIw for a bishopric ^, a judgeship , aa&dsairsA s or a general' s , foreigner for that which you must have thr ee people' House of Commons ,—thither will we tend acn e do> " "fc*4 mnst ** the feeUnS" ** men, or one man aad his two sons and a man and one of hat s, hankerchiefa , and umbrellas , until he as- * r *° * lieutenancy of his county and ap- times a day, or starve , or do that which you—to wield your powerful talents , and your sterling haxa to the same susceptibilities as myself, and commission, the son ; however I will give you all the advantage of five cended the platform , from which he delivered a se I am guile sure you never could bring yourselves integrity in the ever-glorious cause of demosrati e have drunk deep of the enp ? pointme nt of magistrates , with seme fat livings and families, consisting of a man, his wife, and five child- cuttin g, satirical , and powerfull y argnmentatiye liberty. ^jw io, at you have transpo rted thousands upon thousands for speech on the present position of affairs , car rying is your grea test folly ? Let me expl&n it to minor pickings for his strongest supporters ; but I can- ren each; thus dvmiciliatiB g six families, of seven to a " We beg to thank you most sincerely for coming Wha t ike tame—STEA.L. along with him the whole soul of his attentive and the laboure r in a comfortable n»t for the life of me reconcile with eommtn sense the family, or fcrty-two persons, upon the 100 acres , liv- numerous audience who cheered and reehea red his amongst us a candidate for our suffrages —for the great- yoo. Toa feax to place moral lest from that state oJ blind following of the retired country gentlemaa , not ing in rags , as I have described , like pigs tbut not Now, do not think the picture over painted . Do not home and forcible thrust s at the pitiful prin ciple* you have ao talentedly disseminated ad independent condition , position of amongst us—for your a desire requiring any of those pickings ; and, therefore , to him like fat ones) from year's end to year's end, resting reject the advice because it comes from a " Destruc- tbe Whigs. He was followed by Mr. John Rodger , honourable and gentlemanly local comfort and independen ce should sprin g conduct during your canvass , at the hustings , and at causes for effects. I appeal at night upon a sop of straw upon an earthen Root, tive." Do not despise it because it comes through the one of those master mind s which the present extra- to be politica llygreat You mistak e ordinary movement has the poll—and th e noble feelings that actuated to enforce -acres of land in Ireland , , I sup- only paper in England which dares to support the dr agged forth from tbe ob- Yob suppose that the power at pre sent wielded by A thousand then without one single particle of furniture , or any one scuri ty of domestic life to act his p t t glorious upon the minds of the , assembled thousands the pro - labourer against his every enemy, from the monarch on ar in he priety of prese rving the peace ; and gje Boman Catho tie clergy emanates from popular pose to be held in the most beneficial way ; that is, thing conducing to man's comfort —not one. Is that regeneration of his country. His sincer e and im- we beg to bear our direct from the proprietor , and upon lease. I should the throne who gives assent to laws for his ruin , down passioned manner of speaking, testimony, in conjunction with every inhabitant of hosSi$j to your order , your religion and your pos- right treatment , mj Lords and Gentlemen , for those combined with his Banbury, to the perfect arguing upon the system from a thousand to the policeman who executes those laws—do dot. well-known benevolence and purity of character , tranquillity of the town during asawiB. It does no such thing . It is an eman&t ion be justified in who coin the barren surface of your soil into down beds, the election , attributed by parties of differen t political acres held by a middleman, whereof eight hundred And ever bear tbe alternative in mind , REFORM carried the hearts of his audience along with him. from your neglect, yonr per secution, and your inju s- costly mansions , a well-stocked larder , and a fine ward- opinions to tbe influence your very powerful appeal •r TRANSFER. That you may come to ft He concluded amid great cheerin g, by propssiug the has bad upon the minds of the people , as well towards yourselTe sas towards the people. was sublet , aad two hundred held in hu own bands , robe ? Ah! beware bow yon longer maintain political following resolution:— " Th at this meetin g is satisfied , to keep sober, fae righteous , a just , and a sound conclusion , is th« devout and receive an insult in good humour rather than EemoTe the causes, and the rem oval of the effects the labour of which is gratuitously performed by the power at the expence of social disorganization and a that the Reform Bill has failed in the object con- prayer of temp lated by the working resent it very speedily follow. tenants of the eight hundred acres. This course , how- reversion of all nature 's laws!! i classes, inasmuoh aa it " In conclusion, we beg X3L Your obedient , has conferred the franchise on parti es who are utterl y to request that when another thus keeping up a struggle be- ever, I shall not take , as it is my iatention t» gi-ve you Let us now see what surplus after such support the opportunity offers, you will again come amongst us to Bat while you axe And very humble servant , re gardless of the inter ests and wishes of the great your social power and the priests ' political the best of the system, and to use the most unprofitable farm leaves for traffic and supply in the consuming and solicit our suffrages , and we have no doubt but we twen FiARGue O'Connor. body of the people, and resolve to continue to agitate see that you ytrawelves are aiding results of my system for my argument. I lay aside sci- manufacturing markets. We take a year's produce ;— until the principles of the People ' shall be able to place you at the head of the poll." power, yon da not York Castle , Condemned Cell, s Charter shall be Mr. Vitf cent then addressed the party in a speech change, to prevent which ence, aad come to plain digging at once ; aad, therefore , a, d. the law of the land. " Thi s resolution was seconded sad abetting in the very £ 14th of fifteenth month of solitary of nearly two hours ' duration , of which the following namely, a trans- take oae thousand acres, divided into ten farms one 50 bags of wheat at £l 5s. per bag 62 10 • by Mr. M'Kay .apd on being put by the chairm an, yoa have dtvote d all your energies , *f confinement . is a brief report: — . each. Now then , let us see how this 16 cwts. of butter , seconds and thirds , at was carried unanimously. One of the fustian jackets la of all political power from your hands to the hundred acres then called out for three cheers Whatever ray feeling* were during the contest , they £3 5s. per cwt 52 • 0 for Feargus O'Con- are nothing cemparsd with my h»ii of the Boman Catho lic clergy. is cultivated ; what it produces ; how man y it supports ; 20 barrels of oats, spar ed from horses, at nor , which was responded to by the whole meeting, feelings on the presea * vice and I will trace it to and what sur plus, after cultivation and support , it •ccasion. I feel a pride that, though tbe green flag wa» Point «ut a single popular 10s. per barrel 10 0 0 Cteitet 3Euten feence. tak ing time from tbe Chairman. Three cheers were smitten down reverse leaves for expenditure in the manufacturing and trade given for the Charter , , my friends have sot deserted It I feel fit parent aristoc ratic folly ; indeed , I should 10 fat pigs at 2£ cwt per pig, at £l per three for the other incarce- I am not wwthy of the respect you shew me. I hope folly—the Tiee is yours, while the market cwt 23 • 0 rated patriots , and three for their patrio tic and in- the terms Tiee and YORK. —On Wednesday evening last , Mr. G. J. ge a , you are not come to congratulate me only, but that you is In Munstar the September rent is paid with the Spar ed potatoes.. 21 0 0 telli st Chairm n when the meeting dissolved look further—to God and to our attempt of the peopleto counteract it from failure , Harney, the talented advocate of the People's Charter , with wet ekins, though warm hearts in the cause cause. This shall go> harvest ; and the March rent is paid by the sale of delivered a lecture on the rights of labour , on until every slave shall be made free, uutil the dia> aRed folly. £170 1* 0 and the of liberty. , butttr , pigs, aad seme potatoes. In Leinster the Sep- principles of the Charter , in the large room of the tressed are made happy. I have drawn the public mind Have you ever known a working man in Ireland £ a, d. LEEDS. —-Now that the elections for the to the great principles we advocate. If you feel any paid by a fat , , association, situate in Fessgste. Mr. Demaine iu the with certain employment at eightpence a d*y, and tember rent is c*w a Teal taif snd a *Re%t, say 20s. per acre 10» 0 0 ebair. The room was crowded to excess, and hundreds borough of Leeds and the West Riding are over , attachment to me for the part I have taken in this paid , to be charged with an act ef dishonesty, violence, small portion of the harvest ; and the March rent is, Tithe and county rate 10 0 • bad to go away disappointed , being unable to gain the Chartists are preparing for the coming contest, let us reciprocate this feeling. Thoug h driven Paid to five labourers , besides diet 20 0 0 strugg les. With the Whigs losing ground or outrage ? I lave not; and my experience goes far for tie most part , made up by the sale of Wheat , and admittance. Mr. H. Bpoke for upwards of two honrs . , as they back from the poll , yet we have obtained a victory.. Kanewai of cattle for dairy II 0 • have done , we shall have them agitating the country scores of magistrate Oatmea l, each farmer either turning -what is called a - fully exposing both factions, and concluded by calling Was it nothing U see the great mass of the people m that respect I have heard Wear aad tear , smith' s work , and addi- upon the nen of York to uait e to its base , (if they are cot met by the Charti sts,) —artisans , mechanics, ladies, nwooper ,'' (the g pronounced harsh as the g in for the attainment of all ranged on our side ? admit the same. Do yon not then , in the uncultivated meal " tional men at harvest 2t t 0 their political rights. The worthy lecturer was loudly with a repeal of the Corn Law? , Vote by Ballot , Erery man , woman , and child prayed for my success. state of j-onr lands , and in the unemployed state of the bing,) or griader of a portioi of his own corn into Laid by for children 10 •• cheered during his address. The following resolution and Household Suffrage. The Chartists here will We have achieved a victory which has put fresh - Spent in manufacturing market 0 10 people, discover all the errors of society, and see just me&i, or , having at the doer a ready sale for oats U • was proposed by Mr. Cordeox , and seconded by Mr. meet them with " Universal Suffrag e, and no sur- spirit into the Radicals. By whatever name we are render. " Now is the time for the Chartists to act called , our principles are for self-reproach. those who are more extensive in that traffic Here, Gill, and carried unanim ously :— " That it is the the same. We hold that •uue £170 1» • with firmness , for the Whigs will endeavour again every man shall be prepared for those great national I sballsho wjnstand stir-about ," is the general food ; in iiunster, potatoes. opinion of this meeting, that great changes are necessary When I come to tre at of a farmer , " Now, what interest has the fanner for his capital in the system of Government in this country, in order to cajole the people, as they did with the Reform privileges which (Jed has intended him to enjoy. Look: , large tracts of feeding ground are held icffiaesi cause for the poor man's preference of the prie s t to In Connsught employed as follows ?— to improve tbe condition of the working classes, and we Bill agitation ; but only let the Chartists act upon at our country—at that part of her populati on who have- principle , and we shall have no fear the landlord , in nine cases out of ten. Nay, I will go by breeders of sheep and cattle , aad the system of £ s. d. ate of opinion that no confidence can be placed on the of the result. fought and toiled for her good. Are they treated as they The Coun cil desires that every member would ought to be ? What are father, ani assert, that out of nine cases in every ten , serfdom still exists there to an awful extent Price of 2» cows at £7 a-head 140 0 t factions whUh at present misrule our country, and we at- , the princip les npon which tend the weekly meetin gs of the Association and good Government is founded tenan t, There are comparatively few cultivators in Connaugkt Four horses at £10 each 40 0 • pledge ourselves never to rest satisfied until we are , ? The first prin ciples fcadlord * look with a jealous eye upon a thriving give, by his presence , countenance to its pro ceedings, of Government are to promote the happiness of society, , that is Carts , tackling, ploughs , harrows, Ar c...... 2< 0 0 fully and fairly represented on the principles of the {specially if his improvement is convertible into an upon a small scale , tenants; and the poorest People 's Charter. " Three tremendous cheers were and let every memb er bring one or mor e persons to protect the unprotected , to relieve the distressed. facra * of rest. class of harvest men to be seen in England , and in then given for the " Caged Lion ;" three for Frost , with him , so that they may have an opportunity of The proudest spirit which could actuate the ancient " £2*0 0 0 My Lords and Gentlemen , I beg of you to keep this parts of Leinster aad Ulster , are the mistrable cot- W illiams , and Jones , and three for the Charter , after hearin g what Chartism really is. Baron was, to take care of the poor—to take care of the What interest has be for that which requires £10 serfs. And he was then oas fact in view : it is that I have a meaning in every tiers who hold a sty for themselves and the pig. which the meeting separated. NOTTINGHAM .-At a meeting of the coun- accounted tbe beat man who a-year to keep it up, by the renewal of dairy stock to sel held in the Democratic Chapel performed this duty best, who rendered the hearthston e your grand ohjee- What is most disgracefu l to Irishmen , is the fact , weekly , Rice-place , fae I write ; aad well knowing that its original value ? He has just the £10 a-year, which At the meeting of York Chartista , Nottingham , on Sunday morning last, it W&S of tbe cottage 08 secure as that ef the palace. There ia Sicn to s subd ivision of land ari ses from a dread of that this class of their cflfcntrymen are serrated and he lays by, if all goes welL And what is his remunera - held on Tuesday, the 6th inst, a committee of twenty- resolved to call a meeting of delegates from a mass of misery existing in this country which few are one was elected to carry oat the demonstration , to the oaiinj a Eomerous tribe of agrarian suitors for poli- hooted in Leiaster aad Ulster, while they are inva- tion ? Just the amount of comfort that I have BhOWn var ious towns and villages within the count y of aware of. Few Christians are aware of this : were they ri ably kindly treated by the English people. They take place on tbe release Of Feargua O'Connor , Esq., Nott ingham , to assemble in the chapel they would , aa one noble army, come forward and at- tical pover , I have called the great nat uralist to my him to be part aker of ; and thus , for t wenty- five years which is to consist of a procession and public dinner , , Rice-p lace, are called " spalpeens" (penny mowers/ ; aad are mal- ou Sunda y the 25th instant , at 2 o'clock , when bu si tempt to alleviate it. The duty of government is to pro- lid, in the liope of eomineing 70B of th e little CSCge he and his family unde rtake great risk and responsi- which there is no doubt will be carried out in a manner vide not only for the temporal , treated for competing -with the rewdea t workmen in ness of importance will be brought forwar d f or con- but for the spiritual yes fcsTe to teax io tbe evens of such a result and its bility, and at the end of that time sre more than happy worthy of the martyr fer whom it is intended. sidera tion. It is requested that each place wants of the community. The great body of the people harvestrtima. They pay the res t of some On Sunday, will send reaHsstiDD , that your property would soSst damage , potatoe- if remunerated with his Honour 's bond for £250. the committee met, when an election took a delegate , tha t is within the county , where there is —the labourer , the tradesman—are borne down by the ground and of the sty, i place by ballot, for six marshal s, whan the following character of tbe times. The plague is abroad ; and » 70ET position in society any inferiority. with the p g, and what they can Come , can you deny my position ; and will you say a body of Chartists meet. every save from harvest w«rk , leaving the potatoes to the irere declared duly elected .*—Messrs. Burley, Croft, one knows the plague must go- on, unless arrested by a Yoar constant 07 it, " What.' enfranchise the I do not considerabl y exaggerate my statement in favour Demaine , Inglis, and Williams. On Tuesday last , being BERMONDSET. —At the weekly meeting here , a family durin g their absence ; and when scarcity occurs, power greater than that which produ ced it. Is it not bvellers, sal thus surrender the power to other hands. of the . fanner t If so, take stock of that class ; and I meeting night , seven new members were admitted , the vote of thanks was passed to the br ave Chartists of much more difficult to obtain employment now than it 1 nse of which would be sure to lead to oar immolition , the mother nails up the door , and with htr little teg, effects of Mr. Harney '« address. Mr. Matthtw Bateson Manchester for their forbearan ce, whe n brutally once was ? Is it not more difficult now to make pay- pledge myself that for one fanner holding 16t acres attacked by the Corn Law Repeal ers and their hired sad a consequence of which would be that tbe sacred accompanied with the yonng blood of Irel and , (per- was elected a member of tbe General Council , in place ments goed ? Every one must bear testimony to the who has saved £250 after twenty-five years toil, that I Mr. Charles Stewart After which Mr. E. Burley ruffians , whea seeking discussion ; and a subscription Ban? haps Beven or eight younglings ,) takes to the road , •f fact , that things are getting worse and worse. The called liberty would degenerate into lieeDt>ons- will fled four at least in arrears , with their cattle read the letter of Mr. O'Conno r in the last week's Star, was entered into to support an enquiry for tbe purpose Conservative says barked at by the rich man's dog, and fostered by the of obtaining justice. Our moiety " thin gs are wreng ; we want a fcss and lead te a complete social revolution ," It would marked for rent , and without a fraction in the 'Wor ld. t% the fustian jackets , wbieh elicited loud applause , to the Executiv e will Tory Government to make them better ; we her own class. In Ulster , be sent this week, and we hope , wanfc lad to a revolu tion, and a complete one, in the proper charitabl e of the small In fact a farmer with £250 is a " rara avis"—you call and the meeting broke up, highly delighted with the with the assistance of a good war. " A good war } we want no war , we fanners are much better offi night' s proceedings. every Chartist of Bermondsey, to go on and prosper. was et the -word ; that is, to a perfect one, aid him " a strong man. '' want peace and plenty. Our sufferings have been oc- to ens from -which you w«uld derive the greatest My Lords and Gentlemen , I have thought it neces- —Tbe cause of Chartism HUDDERSFIELD. —CiiAimsT Lecture.—Mr casioned by war. The Whig says, " you are righ t ; this My Lords and Gentlemen , this is tbe week for trying ASHTON-TJJNDER-LTNE. William Martin lectured here on Monday bssfit sary to state so much of customs, for the purpose of is progressing very rapidly in this town. The members evening, in country is in a bad condition. " I eay to him, then, the systenvmade-ro gues and murdere rs in Yorkshire ; the National Charter AModatton Room , Upperhead " You have been in power , but you have not bettered this I exhibiting Ireland to your eye at a glance. Let us of the Associat ion held their usual weekly meetiag on bare said tha t an employed Irish labourer is always and as the paper for which I -write is expetccd to to hear Mr. Storor , who had been delegated Row, to a large and respectab le number of his brother condition. " He is obliged to acknowledge this , but noft- Sunday last, ^JaSsd. I arer that he is syeophauticaUy so, and dispose of a farmsr holding one hundred acres of chronicle their trials , I must now take my leave, with to the Count y Council Meeting ; but it being late be- Cbartists and others , who listened thr oughout the lec- pleads many excuses. Sometimes the King opposed ground. I -will ture with the moat marked toofaupon the contract between him and his master , select the county of Cork ; Limerick a caution to beware how you allow your brains to be fore be arrived , the election sews and O'Connor 's letters attention. He commenced him , and he durst not take a stop in oppositi on to his fcywta eo the latter is th« great benefitter , as a faronr being mere of a grazing county, and Tipperary, Clare , were read from the Star, with deep interest , and all in a very animated strain , congratulating them on the sovereign will. But when they had the Queen and her haunted withthenew science called " political economy." elevated position they had so successfully **ad of a right In a wholesome and Waterford being feeding, and corn -growing counties present were struck with astonishment on bearing of achieved, by Chambermaids with them , they did nothing. Whig state of society It is, believe me, but a phantasm which haunts the wbich they had driven the two great factions to the and Tory are alike , both are interested in keeping things ihs Tmemployed Kerry, very-much resembles Cork ; and some parts the base treachery of Dover and Edwards. Andrew unwilliag idler would be entitled of it unpractised fool in his airy dreams of artificial beatt- elected to the Council , in room of John acknowledgment that the Char tists bad become the as they are. The man who advocates liberty when to i. send forth their emigrants in Newton was Kffiden cy of everything to make life a blessing, harv est aad potato-digging tnde. It is a del usion all ; a proposed corrective for Slater. About nine o'clock, Mr. Storor entered the third great party in the state , holding the balance of oat , how different is he when he gets into the House of b reader m&a'g oppression inoperative , so far as food, time , in the same manner as Conn aught Ten farmers room , and gave a very satisfactory accoun t of his mis- power betwixt each faction. He then called upon the Commons. You should endeavour to understand the social disarrangement ; a substitu te for social economy ; Chartists to strengthen their cause lfciMBt, then , holding one thousand acres of land in the sion ; after which, tbe meeting broko up. by increased union meaning of party. The Radical party is as prejudicial lodging, fuel, aad liberty relate. But Irish- which means the most pleasant , tbe most easy, and the and numbers , and requested all present , U your interests as the Tory, fca county of Cork , who had not unless prepared to give , even when at full wor k , do not enjoy any of those and living upon those farms for twenty- most beneficial application of man 's labour and inge- ABERGAVENNY.—The cause progresses here joined the Association , to do so immediately. Suffice it you your share ia the representation of the country. , iaessap : five years \a time when the family becomes marriage- nuity to the conversion of raw material , and above all steadily. The weekly meetings are well attended , and to say, he delivered a lecture in hia usual anim ated I wish to upset all atta chment to party, and to en- 2=t kt me nsw go , able,) will not , united '.y, have spent £2# per annum considerable spirit is manifested. The cuds have not and impressive style, to the great satisfaction ' of all deavour to form one great party, founded on the prin- further and asswe you that so of the land , into produce for man 's sustenance , sup- received from Manchester » from in the manufacturing market They live very little , been yet , At tbe last meet- present At the conclusion , a vote of thanks was most ciples of justice, of universal intelligence. Let us cast the contente d agricultural labourer envying port comfort and enjoyment ing Mr. Thoma s Howe stated that the infant son of cordially given to him , when if anything, better than their labourers , the lecturer observed that off the swaddling -clothes of political babyhood , and J *** »ppi ieat superiority, be laughs at the foliies with whom My Lords and Gentlemen , believe me, that you Mr. Haines had been christened a few days since, Henry should he join in the v«te of thaaka for himself, he stand forth as men to advocate those principle *. If °8Kd by your easy acquirement of luxury. He sees they breakfast and dine six days in the week ; breakfast must take the whole system into calculati on, before Feargus O'Connor , to commemorate that unflinching would OBly be doing as my Lord Jo hn Russell and the Lord John Russell, Sir Robert Peel, or Mr. Tancred T* ittemp t to do for you selves what be does better being potatoes , and thick milk , " blue," from sixty to of the people's rights , Feargus O'Connor , rest of tbe Ministry had done in Voting a vote of con- advocate those principle s, 1 will give either of them you can arrive at a just conclusion as to the proba- Esq. The statement was received with thundering fidence in themselves. A Too, and glories eighty-four hours old , sometimes boiled into cur ds and vote of thanks to Feargus my most cordial suppor t. What are our principles ? A jj * in his superiority. He looks at the ble result to be produced by passing events. You applause. The father rose, and in an appropriate man- O'Connor was also given, amidst the most « free , whey, an d sometimes cold ; and they have the same for enthusiastic Radical ia a man who wishes the Government of the dear complexion, and straight limb of his must look at all the circumstances, and from the whole, ner , returned thanks , and said , that be weuld use every cheers. country conducted upon the best principles possibl e. He "ti&' dinner , ttl oSjpring, and contrasts them -with the pale from Ule 1st of January to the sist of December. and not from any flattering or fancied portion of means in bis power to bring him up to the cause of LEICESTER—Mr. Coop« advocates cheap government , a government which shall iuxt democrac y. delivered a political ser- l&i biany legs ef pampered aristocrats. He If the farmer can bold possession, and keep the them , you must draw your conclusions. Let me mon in tbe room at AH Saint' s Open , on Sunday night protect every m»:i in- the exercise of mental and **$iti in seeing the huntsman taken from the cabin, stock together , and i f, in the twenty-five assist you. BRADFORD .—The Chartists of this place having last, the weather not permi tting the usual assembly in bodily labour , and throw especially the shield of its protection over the " ^ the field, and beating the hereditary eques- yean, he has scraped together £25 for his learnt that threats ar e held out by a few Whig hirelings the Market-place. Many went away, unable to g for the purpose shall be survivor, to live with the youngest, who seldom • of crushing him ; and then you trade ; discontent ; crime > insecurity of property ; Xee in the chair, who, in a neat and forcible speech, flame. Not a week has passed since the afiair in Ste- Barons said to the serfs, " Let us take prerogative *der that he ihould struggle, under the guidance of or never marries during the life of the old couple. gaols fuU of " political offenders ;" starvation ; and argue d the necessity, phenson 's-square that the lecture rooms have not been £ utility, and right of the pro - by the beard. " They took prerogative by the beard, " ^ ¦•boDeTer desert him, for the means , the only My Lords and Gentlemen, the law tf nature, which revolution. As a superabundance of fictitious money ducers of wealth to a voice in the making of the laws better attended , and number * have been added to the and shook from hi* calUos heart , in the field of £***> tf combat tine yon. If the Chundi oppress thus Implants the duty in the child of taking care »f presses' hard upon and reduces the value of real by which they are to be govern ed; that nothing shOTt association. An addition al degree of enthusiasm has Runnymede , that Charta which i* the base—the frame- y°« tak e if of the spread of political also prevailed. Durin g the last week it was given eat work of all our great national privileges. Lord Grey pirt with the Church the law his aged parents, is in my mind far preferable to the capital , so does fictitious labour press hard upon and knowledge, and a union of ; sentiment and action between the people of Great at the conclusion of the lecture * in the various roems conceded the Reform Bill Tom are told that that ^ * fcffl , yoa law of primogeniture settlement and entail , which reduce the value of real labour. And as the bankrupt ^T take part with the law ,- if the police Britain and Irelan d, could erer emancipate them , for that a capacious room would be opened in Salter -street. measure i* a final measure. Final ! in that which ^T^ww e, or wrongf ully treat him, yon reject makes the son dread his mother brothers and sisters, fails in the midst of surplus wealth, se does the as the one rises or falls, so must the other. The meet- No other means were used to give publicity to must continue to progress 1 How atrocioaaly absard ! 0 {b ing was also it; and on Tuesday evening last What ore you promised by the Whigs aew } j ^ * *** ana gjre ea, e nij ^j disturbers , ihd quarter-day. A letter with a black seal and •perative starve in tbt midst of abundance, neither addressed by Messrs. Wood , Bropfay, and , the time Cheap ^ Patrick O'Hi ggins, announced , the room was crowded to excess. Mr. bread and cheap sugar. Why do they comefat TT jwtp mon would cease if your duties were mourning edge from ,the family mansion, is a G*d-send having the means of acquiring the drug. Thus you in support of the principles of ward ^ Universal Suffrag e, Vote by Ballot, Annual Parliaments , Phillip Knight , a veteran in the cau e of democracy, and promise you thU ? Because they feel that they "dmiairt ered. to th« pining heir , made idle from expectancy ; while see merchants failing in the midst of affluence, and was called to the chair , who, after making "•^1 some Equal Represen tation, No Property Qualification , Pay- a few ap- have not a peg on which to bang their political hat -jfc^ ^ M unnecess ary expence in our whole sys death is an unwelcome messenger to the poor man's the people starving in the midst of plenty. ment of llember s, , propriate remarks , introduced Mr. Wm. Bntterw wrth to So they pat hi these two pegs, and label y* tra ce origin and Repeal of the Legislative Union one of them its to one of your house, froa which, thank God .' system-made ruffianism In my next I shiH shew that tbe 1,000 acres subdi- which are the objects of this association. The meeting the meeting . Mr. B. addressed them for about twenty " cheap bread ," and the other " cheap sugar ," think - %- on the justice of the came, ^^ has not as yet banished all natural feeling. vided into the too-large allotments of ten acres each, was a crowded one, and sever was there more anxiety minute * and tbe necessity of ing thus to have a peg to hang th eir hat * on; bat Yotfc*~ . evinced, by any meeting, for their principles , than »t proceeding with it until tbeir efforts should be crowned they are shockin g bad bata alter all. Our pri ociples " "*&> between eight and nine millions of peo- We aow come to consider how these on* hundred would maintain in affluence two for one, compared with ; It 4 „ ttp loj this, on accoun t of the defeat of O'Connell and Bat- with Success. Mr. Xeech afterwards delivered a lec- are these—Justice for all. injustic e fox n«ne ; happiness fc- Popul ation," in a land capable of maia- acres are cultivated. They axe, for tie most part , your present system ; would increase your rents ; and ton. Several went away exclaiming, " Sur e that' s tbe ture upon the three subjects put forwar d by the falling for the labourer , the artizan , the •hop kwsper. I feel t-J ^*™*fflaence^ health and comfort more than four disposed of as follows ; potatoes , ten acres ; wheat , in twenty-five yean, those i,eeo acres alone would very thing we want * what foola we hire bees, it Whiga, which he handled in his usual able and manly that the spirit of Radicalism must be Mperstood , and all style, for which he received the plaudits of the assem- its principles triumph. What I wumiabej ; and then you mercifully transport the ten acres ; oats, ten acres ; remainder in a transient cause an expenditure of more than £50,000 is those axe the principles of the Chartists we are to* have «mted to you is them. " Several new members were, enrolled , and bly. A vote of thanks was tendered him at the con- true. If there ore any who think '*ith sui littl state between weeds, &nd their next turn for potatoes. the manufacturing market, after having furnished to they can refute me, *«* am** ^ « compunction as yon ttin notices of others , who may be enrolled on Sunday clusion. This room is about the same size as Tib- they are at liberty to come forward. If they canno t *10 * M overstoc ked Upon serenty acres twent y wretched cows and four society a much larger quantity above consumption street, and bids fair to become equally as flourishing. refute me, let them i&^T farm ; and thesa yon , next , were given. This association meets evaaj Sunday cast away all doubt and prejudice "^ ustiioBs portion of society," never rcflscting horse3 , or three horses aad a colt, are supported ; it is thaa the same l,00» acres now furnish altogether- evening, at six o'clock. Hurrah for tbe Charter 1 and lend me their aid.—Sun. - " ¦ ¦ '¦ 2 THI NORTHERN STAR. - . \ PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, internal disease. So dreadful were the paroxysm* BIRMINGHAM. Chabtis" t Meeting. A MANCHESTER.—On Sunday evening, the Oaar- trial. Mr. B. now referred to the Church and State are well that he frequently expected death was at hand Cljitrt tet £nteIKo*nt*. was filled to almost suffooacion, separation question. He said he himself wa3 brought Prioe 23. 9d.f 4s. 6d., and 11s. per Box, to meeting wag held in the Chartist Ro om, Freeman-street, tist-reom, Tib-street, Europe America, to be the release him from his suflerings. For a great length on Sunday evening last, at sever , o clock, which was to hear a lecture from Mr. John Campbell, seoetery up as a Churchman, and l«Pt tho Cbtrch at first known throughout *nd ' compulsion ; that he Bhoald fee exceedingly most certain and effectual core erer discovered for of time he had been unable to tit down at «//, even, south-Lancashire delegate addressed by Mr. G. White. " Je entered st aome to the General Executive. Mr. James Wheeler was throHgh Venereal Disease, being compelled to stand at his meals. His next of the , and called to the chair, who, before calling upon the sorry if, in his attack on the Church, as allied to every stage and symptom of the MEETING. length into the grievances workingclasses ia both sexes, including GonorrhcB»} Gleets, Secon- door neighbour having heard of the virtues and Ehowtd up the impossibilityof f &e middle classesever lecturer, addressed the people upon the probability the State, it should be considered he attacked Church- 's Pills, The above meetingtook place on Sunday last, in the tbey had aa much right to worship God dary Symptoms, Striotures, Seminal Weakness, unprecedented success of " " purchased uniting with them to better the! j condition, seeing that of Feargus O'Connor, J. B. O'Brien, and tha cest of men ; that Passages, a mall boxfor him, and en his calling for a second Chartist-room, Brown-street, East Manchester. Pre- prisonersbeing shortly released; wad, as according to the dictates of conscience as be bad ; Deficiency, Mid all diseases of the Urinary they were interested in defror .ding their workmen of the Chartist time, confinement, or hindrance from box, he told me that such had been the astonishing sent—Mr. John Cartledge, Brown-street, Manchester.; their lawful hire. He mainta mere alter' they had laboured and suffered for the cause of the that it was the union of Church and State that he without loss of he was able to at Mill, ined that a ; that in one respeot be did not like to be basinet. They have effected the most surprising effects produced by one bo»% dnan. Mr. Thomas Lnrkss, Oldham, Waterhe&d and ation of the name of the party -who held power would people, it was ws*uestit»ably thei* duty to osanifea* attacked cases, but when and on taking two other boxes, bis pains have I»ft Leet ; Mr. John M'Knight, tailors and shoemakers; and show their sympathy "for these called a Dissenter, for from what was there in the cures, not only in recent and severe not benefit the nation ; tb* t tfce system should be their approbation salivation and all other means have failed ; and wn»n him ; his appetite is good, ana he is able to follow Ml. Jonah Sefeefield , Openslun r and 3>roylsden ; Mx. entirely altered Which kept the worklea in a state of men , in such a sinner as to convince the champions Bible that he dissented ! There was nothing in the , an early application is made to these Pills for the his vocation¦ nearly¦ as¦ well as h» haa ever been in Wtt WiUbaa,Sha» ; Mi. Joseph Ystes Wfcmngtan; prodr £& to the of the good cause that they respected them as much Bible fro m which he dissented ; but he said, in ¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - misery, and gave the of their labour cure of the above complaint, frequently contracted his life. . , ' • Mr. Win. Wfldfcxfte , Mottam; Mr. Win. Piatt, idle few. He then proceed' d to crament on whatwas as before; and, to show their oppressors that they calling Mm Dissenter, if it was meant that he dis- Satta-street , Manchester; Mr. Lloyd Smith, Staly- the ties of affection sented from the Church of England, in that respect in a moment of inebriety, the eradication is generally termed our " commerce ," ai j d showed it to be a com- were not able to cut asunder Mrs. Shaw, wife of Mr. Shaw, yeast dealer, haa bridge;Mt. James Csrtladge, Liverpool; Mr. Wm. of nearly which existed te their hearts towards those who have he gloried in the name of Dissenter. As to Church completed in a few days. . . plete system of fraud, and . the fruitfulsource and unqualified use of been for a great length of time afflicted with a Batterworth, HySe ; Mr. Joseph Eckersly, TJnsworth ; all the heartburnings that Afflicted society. He stated suffered merely because they were advocates of the and State alliance, Mr. B. said, aa to a Christian Tho rash, indiscriminate, Mr. John Hanson, Rstcliffe Bridge ; Mr. Robert Ward, concluded by urging them dispensation, the State Church had not a leg to Mercury, haa been productive of infinite mischief ; severe internal disease. To nse his own expression1 , that if the middle class- « were willing to get the rights of the millions. He antidote for a cer- " paying doctors for her had beggared him, ' so tha t Middleton ; Mr. Thomas Storer, Ashton; Mr. George wish to see to proceed as they had began, in preparing for the de- stand on ; as to its temporal Sovereign headship, under the notion of Its being an " Char ter " for the peop te, still be should , the nntatored think they have only to at last he was compelled to send her to the Wood, Newton Heath ; Mr. John Clarke, Failsworth , the working men organ'u ad, as without proper organisa- monstra tion, which, he believed, would be such a one diocesan constitution , ecclesiastical enactments, tain disease Dickinson, PUkington ; Mr. John Bailey, tithes, patronage, and parochiality. With saturate their system with Mercury, and tho busi- Infirmary ; there she received no perma nent Jlr. John tion they would be jock- M oat of its fruits by the men as would do credit to the working men of Manchester system of Thousands are benefit. Havi ng heard of "Parr 's Pills," he Tib-street, Manchester. Letters were read from Roch- He then pointed oat and its district Mr. Campbell commenced by con- reference to tithes, Mr. B. stated that the Jewish ness is accomplished; Fatal error f who had so often decei' ,^d them. annually either mercurialised out of existence, or purchased a small box ; she began to mend imme- dale and Milne Row. The minutesof the last delegate the excellent position w fcieh the Chartists now occupied, gratulating his hearers upon the rapid spread of the dispensation was a theocracy ; that tithes were a part were read, aad confirmed : after which each , Scotland, and Wales. H« pertaining to the altar ; that, aa the Jewish altar their constitutions so broken, and the functions of diately on taking them , and two more boxes hav« meeting as none of the membf r» who might be returned at the cause in England, Ireland residue of life cured hen She is as well as she ever was in her life. delegate paid in his qaoto towards the expences of tbe present elections coal i forget ttteir immense strength, said that people were sending for instructions as to was swept away by the Christian dispensation, the nature so impaired, as to render the leefcare The following resolutionswere passed tithes was a system of priestcraft ; and as miserable. Tho disorder we have in view owes its eounty *. as shown before their faces at the varioushustings. It joining the Associations from towns which he never system of Mrs. Stephenson after being well discussed-.—Resolved, 1st " That this anticipated would so soon be desirous of having Char* to the patronage of the Church of England, that fatal result either to neglect or ignorance. In the , of Cottingham, five miles frota was now quite clear that the Whigs would haTe to easy to be extin- Hull, has been severely afflicted with a bad leg for meeting deems it highly requisite and advisable, and, resign office; their o> lly hope would then be centered tist rooms to spread those principles of which he and advowsons or presentations to livings were sold like first stage it is alwayB local, and therefore, recommends, that electioneering committees the principles of the by the hand of the auctioneer. In recurring guished by attending to the directions fully pointed more than ten years, and during that period has in the pressure fro jn without The Chartists were in they were adherents—namely, cha ttels injury to tried all kinds of medicines, but without any be tamed throughout the country, composed of Cbar- , . resign it until their People 's Charter. It was encouraging to all well- to the Poor Law, Mr. Brooker said he attacked it out in the Treatise, without the smallest possession of that ' md would never the constitution; but when neglected or improperly permanent relief. After taking four small boxes of tist electors and non-electors, for the purpose of carry- just claims were conceded. He therefore exhorted wishers to the cause, to know that there were no fewer on two points, namely, that the law was unconstitu- g ing oat the plan so nobly acted upon bj the Chart;sts open in England, and that the people tional and unscriptural ; that it was unconstitu- treated, a mere local affection will be converted into Parr's Pills, she is able to go about her day' them to increased, exertion, in order to secure the than ICO rooms pity that business in a manner which for comfort has been of Rochdale; and likewise that every Chartist elector ultimate triumph -cf their principles. In consequence connected with them were all going for the same ob- tional, inasmuch as it had taken the working man an incurable and fatal malady. What a ister as a most importantpoin t" , and placed him upon a young man, the hope of his country and the darling unknown to her for above ten years. must attend to the reg of various reports -which had been industriously circu- ject The speaker then mentioned many places which from the magisterial bench Stephekson 2nd. That a meetingof the Sooth Lancashirelecturers , within the last week or two, sent for card#, a Guardian 's board ; that it separated man, of his parents, should be snatched from all the pros- Signed, Edmund , her Son. " lated by the W bigs to the effect that the Chartists have of Witness—Joseph Noble, Hull, May 8. 1841. take place on next Sunday morning, in Brown-street ! had Veen bribed "by the Tories to oppose them at the for the express purpose of enrolling themselves and wife, and children, whilst those who did it pects and enjoyments of life by the consequeacea Boom, Manchester, to hew a lecture delivered by some ! , through in a body as members of the great National were not amenable to punishment through trial by one unguarded moment, and by a disease which is late eVection hi Us have been extensivelyposted never proves , one of the number wfcos they shall then chooseon the the town, sigrn xi «• George White," in which the base Chartist Association. It was his opinion in jury ; that the law was unscriptural as to separating not, in its own nature, fatal, and which " To the Proprietors of Parr's Pills. principles of the Ch«t«er; after which each tecterer conduct of the " Liberals " is held up in their proper conjunction with thousands of his fellow-men, that man and wife ; as the Scripture had said " those so if properly treated. " Mrs. Ann Lamb, of Haddiugton, in the Parish will be questioned in -seder to ascertainhow far they light, and s, challenge given to them to meet the writer if the people would but be firm, united, consistent, and whom God haa joined together let not man put It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims of Auborn, bought two small boxes of Parr's Pills, agree collectively, sod prevent conflicting aad contra. &t the oi>en air meeting on the following Monday determined, the oppression of the millions, the hunger, asunder ;" and that by Scripture the custody of the to this horrid disease, owing to the unskilfulneas at your Agent's Medicine Warehouse, Mr. Jame* dktory statements feeksg giTen when addressingpublic eve*ing. starvation, and want which prevailed in society, would children is with the parents. Mr. B. said his pruv of illiterate men i who, by the use of that deadly Drury, Stat ioner , near the Stone Bow, Lincoln, for meetings, and to being the lecturers to a geaeral that poison, mercury, ruin tho constitution, causing her son Jesse, who was suffering very badly froflj Pcblic Meeting.—A numerous meeting was held bs soon banished. Truth and justice would combine to oiples might be considered as democratic ; but understandingwith each other for the future; each ensure the people Buccess. The speaker then argued he was no farther democratic than the New Testa- ulcerations, blotches on tho head, face, and body, Rheumatism in the hands, knee?, and shoulders ; h» town to pay its share towardB the expeaees of such at the Railway Station , Duddeston-row, on Monday dimness of sight, noise in the ears, deafness, obsti- is seventeen years of age, and in , but was evening last. The place of meeting is a large fiel d very logically that there was no political party besides ment was ; that he thought the life of the Saviour ^ervie* meeting." Third, ¦" Teat the Chartists ©f Boitsm be the Chartists whs went for full and effective justice for went to a democratic principle : but that he did not nate gleets, nodes on the shin bones, ulcerated sore obliged to leave his place from the complaint. Tho requested to send a lecturer." Mt. Cartledge then adjoining the canal and the London and Birmingham founded throat diseased nose, witk noctural pains in the two boxes completed a cure on him, and Mrs. Lamb Railway, and is considered to be one of the most the people of every country, clime, creed, class, or co- see much difference between a Government , brought forward fee subject of finance relatiTe to the lour— ( cheers)—and that before the people could bs per- on domocracy, and one founded on a limited mon- head and limbs, till at length a general debility of bought a third box of Mr. James Drory, last Friday, txeeaftre, »&&«&.ed whether the Sooth Lancashire commodious places in the town for such purposes. presentative the constitution ensues, and a melancholy death puts for him to have by him, and to take occasionally. At half-past seven o'clock, Mr. Nbbett was called to manently benefitted, they must obtain a power which archy, and that, if the executive and re leetarer would «omtinue his labours whea thef assem- would enable them to have controul over the distribu- principles could be kept pure, (as they Ought) that a period to their dreadful sufferings. Ho has now returned to his place, free from Rhea- to sap- the cbair. He commenced his address by informing effectual in their opera- bled, and wketijer they would be in *eoadraos the assembly, that they bad been called together by tion of the wealth produced. The same results would he felt himself bound to support Her Majesty ; that These Pills are mild and matism. port both ? Tke Delegate from Warrington rose and always continue so long as the millions-were unrepre- Her Majesty 's illustrious father used most nobly on tion, without mercury, or mineral, and require no Thisstatement by Mr.Robt. Lamb,and Ann,big ¦ , thought the County Caaaeil woaW cease -tn address, issued by Mr. G&orge White, wherein ie from " , aid tll&t be defended himself and the Chartist Association from sented. The speaker then, in a concise manner, com- the platform at Coach Makers' Hall to advocate the restraint in diet, loss of time, or hindrance wife, parents of the youth, is given that others may -when the Executive earns into operatic*, and that they pared the Monarchical Government of Great Britain Foreign Bible Society ; and business : possessing the power of eradicating every Me Cartledge the calumnies put forth against them, by the Whigs, cause of the British and benefit by those invaluable Pills, Old Parr ,and they "would take the business in their hauls. with the Republicanism of America, Norway, and Swit- that he understood her illustrious parent just when symptom of the disease in its worst stage, without will willingly answer any enquiries, and feel very ¦aid that the Executive could not interfere with the and challenged them to meet him. The chairman particu- then read the address, after which he called on any zerland , and produced a striking impression, by giving he died took her Majesty in his arms and commended the least exposure to the patient; they are thankful for the good they have done to their son." County Coaocil until the presentplan had beesworked a statistical account at both. He adverted to the noble her in prayer to the Almighty, and therefore he did larly recommended to be taken before persons enter cut. Mr. Sterer, delegate for Ashton, understood that, person who had any thing to state with regard to the Lincoln, April 17, 1841. conduct o; the Chartists at the late election in Bir- struggles of Jefferson , Paine, Franklin, and Washing- feel interested on behalf of Her Majesty. Mr. into the matrimonial state, lest the indiscretions of as Mr. Leecfe was a member of the Executive, be would ton, giving a pleasing detail of the manner in which Brooker concl uded his speech in tho following words: a parent are the source of vexation to him the re- This Medicine is sold by most respectable Medi- not be able to attend to both- Mr. Paries said that he mingham , to come forward and he would be pati- cine Venders in the United Kingdom, in Boxes at tiently heard. No one seeming willing to say any- they achieved their independence : and after fully if , said he, there be anything righteous in justice, mainder of his existence, by afSkting his innocent did net think the Executive would meet at the time illustrating his subject, and comparing the salary excellent in the principles of civil and religious but unfortunate offspring with the evii eruptions of Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and 11s., duty included. The appointed, tetters haying been sent to them, to which. thing, he introduced Mr. George White. Mr. White genuine has " Parr's Life PiIIb engraved on thj addressed the meeting at great length. He challenged of the American President with that which the liberty, and beneficial to a nation ; as they evidently a malignant tendency and a variety of other com- " they had sot sent an answer, and all he believed of the Queen of England receives annually—asked them which go to these points ; let me entreat you to stand for- plaints that are most assuredly introduced by the Government Stamp. strangers that would be present was Mr. Binne, of any man in Birmingham to come for ward in presence of that meeting and shew, if he could, one single in- they would choose had they the power? (Laughter.) ward for the adoption of the People's Charter, the same neglect and imprudence. Sanderlacd. The discussionterminated by the follow- He then went through, in a clear manner, the whole of separation of the Church from the State, and the It isonly by purifying the vital stream from insi - ing resolufaen being earned, " That Mr. Leach be re- stance in which he had deviated from an uncompro- Just Published, mising advocacy of sterling Chartinn, unmixed with the rebellions and wars which had taken place for repeal of the Poor Law. dious disease, that the body can be preserved in quested to-eoiitinnelecturing as he has done, until the centuries, giving an account of the lives lost and the health and vigour. Hence the infinite variety of Executivemeet , and then his labours would c*ase as humbug of any description. The ** Liberals," as they RICHARDSON'S RED BOOK , OR A termed themselves had endeavoured to persuade the money spent; he dwelt at great length upon the complaints an infected state of the blood induces, lecturer far the county." The Secretary then brought , , and ', PEEP AT THE PEERS, , working men that the Chartists were paid by the principles of the Charter, - and other topics 13attftnt£i& #*? and hence the new and deceptive form3 a tainted a resolution and read it from the minute book relative delivered one of the most heart-stirring, stimu- habit puts on, which often deceive the most eminent to the Stephenson-Equaremeeting, and stated that ds Tories, because they would not help the Whigs. He Uniform with the " BLACK BOOK," 109 Pages, would wish to know in what the Whigs had proved lating, convincing, and argumentative addresses it of the faculty, and baffle the best intentions towards the Deleeates had pledged themselves to do something time. He From the London Gazette of Friday, July 9. Price Fourpenee, 'towards paying eff the debt incurred, themselves better than the Tories for the nine years has been our pleasure to hear for a long a cure. he thought it was many times interrupted by thnnders of applause, BANKRUP TS. In those disorders wherein salivation has left the , Ms duty to mention it. Mr. Storer, of Ashton, ob- they held office. Had they not passed the abomina- CONTAINING the Titles Names, and Surnames ble New Poor Law. (A voice, " the Tories helped and retired amid vociferous cheering, no questions , patient unenred, weak, and disheartened, and when \J of all the Lorda " Spiritual and Temporal," served that bis constituents bad sent £3, and they being put to him. A vote of thanks was given by Thomas Stallebrass and Henry Middleton, City-road sufferer bad six BhilliDEB more to send, which he thought -herald them.") He admitted that the Tories helped, but they Finsbury-square, and Tabernacle-walk, St. Luke's, no other remedy could restore the unhappy date of their births, to whom married, their con- would not have had a chance if the Whigs had not acclamation to him for his able lecture, likewise to the to that health which he has unfortunately lost, the nexions, the places, pensions, emoluments of offics , be a good stare. He thought that if they (the De- meeting dispersed timber merchants, to surrender July 15, at one o'clock, j legates) had exerted themselves, the debt would ere introduced it. He then described the workings of Chairman for bis services, and the August 20, at twelve, at the C«urt of Bankruptcy. PuniFYiNG Specific Pills will be found the only sinecures and fat livings, of themselves, their coil* the Sew Poor Law, in Bridgewater, and other Unions, highly pleased with the treat effectual and radical remedy ; and have ever been dren, and relations, in the Army, Navy, Law Courts, that time hare been discharged. (Hear.) He would Solicitors, Mesara. Gardoui and Maltby, Threadneedle- desperate tdl them how he did : he would recommend them and described a visit that he made to the Derby street ; official assignee, Mr. PennelL successful , though administered in many Civil Offices , Church of England, and Colonial De- t* Lectures. Mr. BaiJey delivered a lecture on cases of Evi J, Scurvy, and Leprosy, as well as get pen, ink , and paper, when they wanted to go beg- Workhouse, when on his way from Leeds to Bir- Sunday evening, to the people of 3rown-street Michael William Balfe, Conduit-street, Hanover- 1 partments: their influence in the Commons' House; ging, mingham. The workhouse, at Derby, had been re- , , Aug. j removing Pimples from the Faca, Sore Legs, or shewing the golden reasons for voting away th« because they could write better than they could Lectures were delivered likewise in three other rooms square, music seller, July 16 at twelve o'clock face, and talk, aad the paper had a better cheek than they had. presented as one of the best conducted in England. 20, at half-post eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy. 1 other disagreeable Eruptions on the head, millions of taxes amongst themselves and their de- in the town, in ail of which the greatest enthusiasm body. He went home determined to do hia duty, and got a Bat when he, in company with & respectable trades- prevailed. On Monday evening Mr. Clark, of Man- Solicitors, Messrs Kisley, Jennings, and Chappell, pendents. This little Book -will solve the leading printed, which he took to the Tory Committee, man of Leeds, applied for admission, they were told Quality-court Chancery-lane; official assignee, Mr. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 11s. per Box. of th© Peers " standing by their order." Every they could not be chester, delivered a lecture at Newton Heath, and Dr. must have one of thes» and it made each an impression upon them as caused allowed addmittance, unless they P. M. M'Douall, who arrived, in Manchester delivered Whitinore, Basinghall-street. Prepared only by Messrs. PERRY & Co., Sur- reader of the " Black Book" them to give him £1 lit. Finding that he succeeded bad an order from a magistrate. He maintained that a lecture to the Chartists of Tib-street The room was Arthur Brideson, Dublin, provision merchant, July geons, 44, Albion-street, Leeds, (Private Entrance companions, in order to contrast the splendour of eo well there, he wont to the Whig Committee, tut they were, consequently, not asjlumB for the protec- 19, at half-past ten, August 30, at eleven, at i lie Court the tax-eaters with the misery of the tax-payers, tion of the poor densely filled. He gave a humourous account of the in the Passage,) and 4, Great Charles-street, Bir- they .had the good manners to put it in the fire, be- , but absolute gaols ; for a man might , a d like ise of ef Bankruptcy. Solicitors, Messrs Hill and Mathews, mingham. and work out the grand social maxim—" Knowledge be admitted to any gaol by a magistrate's order. election proceedings at Northampton n w is power; Union is strength 1" cause he told them the butchery was committed at the his conduct at the Convention. Daring the time he St Mary-axe ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basing- t*jf> Observe, none are genuine without the signa- instigation of the Whig Corn Law Repealers. Several He happened afterwards to complain to some of was lecturing he kept his audience in one general ball-street. ture of R. & L. PERRY & Co. impressed in a stamp Now Publishing, other delegates spoke upon the subject, which ended the inhabitants of Derby that he could not gain strain of excessive laughter. At the conclusion a vote John Smith Dantry and John Ryla, Manchester, on the outside of each wrapper, to imitate which ia -with an understandingthat each delegate would collect admittance, and was told the following story, of thanks and confidence was tendered him witb tliree bankers, August 2, 3, 20, at twelve, at the Wellington felony of the deepest dye. POPULAR BLACK BOOK AND ALMANAC, •what he could by tha next meeting. The Wamngton to which he begged they would give their serious inn, Manchester. Solicitors, Messrs. Makinson and attention, as it of cbeera loud and long. Messrs. PERRY expect when consulted by letter FOR 1841; delegate wished to kno-w -when it -wouli suit Hr. Leech ppoke volumes on tha working Sanderson, Elm-court, Middle Temple. the usual Fee of One Pound, without which no to COmfi to Warrington. They bad -written twice to , the blessed. New Poor Law. Three men, who ...... James Petley, Tewkesbury, draper, July 19 and Which has obtained a higher circulation than any had been inmates of ~~—^ notice whatever can be taken of the communication, Dr. M'Don&IL but had received no answer; be thougat ! the Derby workhouse, had August 20, at nine, at the Koyal Hotel, Cheltenham, (postage pre-paid.) other kind in Britain. Also, just now was a favourable opportunity, as the Whigs / been tried before the magistrates of Derby for .the AN EPITOME OF MR. BROOKER'S SPEECH Solicitors, Messrs. Jenkins and Abbott, New lno. Patients are requested to be as minute as possible of that town had been bo disgusted at the election. 1 following oifence:—They had arisen from their beds Joseph Jackson, Romaey-extra, Hampshire , slate VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF in the depth of last winter, when the ground was AT THE NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES in the detail of their cases,—as to the duration of the The candidate brought forward by the Whigs was I merchant, July 19, at five, August 20, at twelve, at complaint, the symptoms, age, habits of living, and WOMAN. By R. J. Richardson Kershaw , of Manchester, who gave up beforethe ncmi- ¦ ' covered with snow, and without any other covering AT THE ELECTION AT BRIGHTON. the White Horse Inn, Romsey-iafra. Solicitors, Messrs. , but their shins had general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to ration day, and let the Tory walk over, which had i escaped through a window and Buckley and Sanders, Gray 'a Inn-square. any part of the world ; no difficulty can occur, as Price Twopence; shewing their claims to a share in brought the Whigs to the conclusion that no good j ran away through the snow all but naked, in order Mr. Brooker came forward and was received with Joha, Nixon Laue, Birmingham , chymist, July 19, ths Legislature and Executive power in th* State. -could , to get rid of the comforts of one of the best regu- great applause, and began his address as follows :— they will be securely packed, and carefully pro- be done until the people were in possession of | u at five, August 20, at twelve, at the Waterloo-rooms, tected from observation. Universal Suffrage. They were now going to form an ' lated workhouses in England. (Loud laughter and Worthy and Independent Electors of the Borough , Mr. Whitelock Aldermanbury, London : J. Cleave, Penny Gazette office , Shoe- Birmingham. Solicitor Fleet-street Hey wood, Oldham- Association, the object of which should be to go for 1 cries of " shame," attended this Btatemeut.) But of Brighton :—Fellow-countrymen, and lovers of John Ryle, Manchester and Macclesneld, banker, THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM lane, ^Manchester, Universal Buftrage, and a RepsU of the Corn Laws. ' that was not the worst part of the story. They were my country : Englishmen ail ; hear me for my August 2, 20, at eleven, at the Commissioners' Rooms, street ; Leeds, Hobson, Star «ffice ; Liverpool, He then stated caught, brought before the magistrates, and sen- cause ; it is a noble cause—it is the cause of is intended to relieve thoso persons, who, by an Smith, Scotland-place ; Glasgow, W. Thompson, that the people of Prescot were -; Manchester. Solicitors, Messrs. Makinson and San- immoderate indulgence of their passions, have ruined favourable to the Charter, and wished some one to come tenced one of them to three months and the others Great Britain ; it is the cause of Britons. We ders , Elm - court , Middle Temple. 9krcularoffice , Princess-street; Birmingham, Guest} «nd giTe them a to other terms of imprisonment, for stealing the are associated together to contemplate and carry their constitutions, or in their way to the consumma- Steelhouse-lane; Edinburgh, Duncan, High-street; lecture. The following letter was read j John Blanthom, Shrewsbury, mercer , July 23, at tion of that deplorable state are affected with any amid applause:— j workhouse clothing . (Shame, shame.) So that the into effec t one of the highest, the most distinguished, twelve, August 10, at ten, at the Guildhall, Shrews- Huddefsfield , J. Leech ; Dublin, O'Brien, Abbey- of those previous symptoms that betray its approach, street ; and R. J. Richardson, 19, Chapel-street, • Mr. Iu. "wi.es s, sir ,—We have engaged a room , and ; chief crime they had committed was, that they had and glorious privileges of the British Constitution.; bury. Solicitors, Messrs. Clark and Medoalf, Lincoln's not left the place as they came into the world. Need the choice of two Members of Parliament. Mr. B. as the Various affe ctions of tho nervOUS system, ob- Salfbi-d ; Newcastle, D. France ; Sunderland, J. all we want now is a lecture r. You must send us Mr. ! Inn-fijlda. stinate gleets, excesses, irregularity, obstructions, Leech as soon it he say any more about the treatment of the poor ? then went on to show the great responsibility that William Browne Wlndeatt, South Brent, Devonshire, Williams. can be made convenient Smi (Xo i you have told us plenty !) He then went on attaches to & Member of Parliament, by saying, weaknesses, total impotency, barrenness, &c. A as word what the expences Trill be, so ttiat we can be ] corn factor, July 22, August 20, at ten , at the Royal perseverance in its use has been the happy means of prepared. We e&n have tie room on Tnssdajs to «xpose the abominable workings of the police when you send a Member to Parliament, as to tho Hotel, Ply month. Solicitor, Mr. Suit, Lombard- , j system , acd commented severely on the treatment bad laws he may be instrumental in making, that relieving many thousands, and of restoring a great Fridays , and Saturdays. I thin k a few Chartist tracts I street number to the permanent enjoyment of life. It is MEDICAL ADYICE. ¦would be very useful You may he had himself received, and was still receiving you put into his hand a key to unlock the closet of William Kirk, Leicester, builder, August 3, 20, at inform him when he j from the Whigs. He described the crnel treatmen t the nobleman that contains his writings ; the iron remarkable for its effica cy ia all disorders of the eoaies to bring a few Ctariist Circulars with him to \ three , at the Castle, Leicester. Solicitors, Messrs. digestive organs, and is especially recommended to offer for sale at the meeting, he had himself received in Wakefield, and asked the chest of the banker and merchant ; the desk of the Holme, Loftus , and Young, New-inn. MESSRS. WILKINSON AND and if you could sen d us a i meeting whether any of them would support men tradesman and fanner ; the chest of the working- these, who, from the irregularities of youthful age, few Stars new and then for distribution , it would very \ Thomas Boult Cojjan, Bristol, tanner , July 27, habits of studious application , or a life of pleasure, much advance the cause. ¦ that would treat them in that manner. (No, no.) man, and the box of the servant-maid ; and to take August 20, at two, at the Commercial-rooms, Bristoi. CO., SURGEONS, You may inform us if you No neither would he. He would never forgive them. from thence auy thing he pleases. He desired them have fallen into a despondent state of mind, and can when Dr. M'Douall will be in Liverpool , so that ; Solicitors, Messrs. Wansey and Tagart, Ely-place. that distressing train of symptoms commonly deno- we should see him, and if von think - he would come As to the plea set up by Messrs. Muntz and not to take his politics from what they heard of him; George Mobbs, Northamp ton, plumber, July 19, No. 13, Trafal gar-street , Leeds, and 34, Print * Scholefiel d, that her Majesty 's Ministers iutended to but to receive his politics from what he said himself ; minated the nervous. In such persons the mental over to Prescot ; or if you thint the expence would be August 20, at twelve, at the Augal inn, Northampton. are not less enfeebled than the corporeal, and to Edward-street, Fox-street, Liverpool, too much; perhaps yon may have some idea how mnch-' reduce the duty on corn, sugar, and timber, they that his politics might have been impugned ; but Solicitor, Mr. Gresham, Castle-street, Holborn. ; had discussed that question in the Town Hall for that he would soon settle that, for that if the Duke them a remedy that acts with efficacy, without inter- bis expences wond be. I have been over to St Helens, Jaui"s Taylor, Brighthelmston, Sussex, bookseller, fering with domestic habits, is peculiarly desirable. HAVING devoted their Studies exclusively for and find that the Stan , six hours and a hall before twelve thousand people, of Wellington , Sir Robert Peel, and Lord Stanley July 19, August 20, at twelve, at the Town Hall, many years to the successful treatment of the are being taken and read there j who almost unanimously voted it a humbug. As to went into office and pursued the 6ame system they Sold in Bottles, price Us.' each , or the quantity of and that the working classes are favourable to the j Brighton. Solicitors, Messrs. Freeman, Botbamley, four in one Family Bottle for 333. (including Messrs. Venereal Disease, in all its various forms ; also, t» «ause , but they think they could not get a room, but ¦ supporting the Tories, he knew them to be the did , and which be expected they would, that it would and Bentall, Colenian-street. the frightful consequences resulting from that . bitterest enemies of liberty, and that they would tend to the ruin of this country : as to the Corn Perry and Co's., well known Treatise on Secret Vice, they could have an open-air meeting. I Uld them I; John Junes and John Boon, Burslem ana TunstaYl, &c.,) by which one 11s. Bottle ia saved. (Observe destructive practice, " Self Abuse," taay W -was makin g ! take great pleasure in hanging such as him, there- Law question, he said ; while he would oppose Staffordshire, ironmongers, July 28, August 20, at Personally Consulted from Nine in the Moraine till arrangements te bring a lecturer down monopoly, yet he would never consent to cast the signature of R. & L. PERRY & CO., on the hare, and I w*ald inform them of his , many . fore it was folly to think that they would support twelve, at the Sneyd's Arms Inn, Tunstall. Solicitor, Den at Night, and on Sundays till Two. arrival and ~ them. After dwelling on a variety of Other topics, agriculture overboard ; that he would advocate outside of each wrapper.) premised to come and hear Ti tm. ' Mr. King, Camdeu Cottage, Camden Town. The Five Pound Chsop (the Brother, in tie eanse of freedom , : and shewing up the villainous conduct of the Whigs a fixed duty on corn ; for that free trade in corn , porchasing of which Attendance every Thursday at No. 4, Geerge- at the nomination in. Birmingham, he concluded by would not do while we had a national debt of DISSOLUTIONS OF PARTNERSHIP. will be a saving of One Pound Twelve Shillings,) street, Bradford (from Ten till Five.) Joseph La"wto>', ! may be had as usual at 44, Albion-street, Leeds, and , Hillock-etre%t, Ko. S, Camp, Pnscot ; declaring his determination to hold a meeting at that 4800,000,000 ; that it had been Baid the working J. Walkington and Co., Leeds, woollen merchants, . place every Monday evening as long as the weather classes, have no stake in the kingdom; thas this in a J. Bites and £. Wood. Leeds, and Crown-court, Cheap- 4, Great Charles-street, Birmingham; and Patients In recent oases a perfect Cure is completed within Af ter the reading of the above letter, it was agreed j permitted, and retired amid loud cheers. Mr. Rd. certain degree he denied: if it was intended that in the Country who require a course of this admir- that Mr. Leech skould go side, woollen cloth merchants. W. A vans and Co., * Week, or no Charge made for Medicine after that to Liverpool, Warrington, ' Thompson then proposed the following resolution : workiDg men had no stake as to property, that he Letds, cloth dressers. Todd and Hargreaves, WnalJey, able Medicine, should send Five Pounds by letter period, and Country Patients, by making only one and St Helens. Three persons were appointed to make " That the thanks of this Meeting be given to our admitted; but he said in a degree they had as great which wiil entitle them to the full benefi t of such arrangements for Lancashire , grocers. J. Davies and Co., Liverpool, personal visit, will receive such Advice and Medi- the meeting next Sunday, Mr. Leech, ; wor thy friend Mr. George White, for his bold , a stake in the kingdom as the greatest nobleman tailors. Owen and Hartley, Manchester, dressers. advantage. cines that will enable them to obtain a permanent Mr. Bntterworth, and Mr. CarUedge. After some con- . manly, and patriotic conduct daring the late elec- had ; they had a stake in their own personal happi- Messrs. Porry and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted and effectual Cure when all other means have Tersation, a Tote of thanks was Cook anil Ashton , Liverpool, rope makers. Lees, , given to Mr. Leech, the : tion s, and several other previous occasions, and also ness ; that this personal happiness was what the rich Hibbert, and Co., Manches ter, commission agents. B., as usual at 44, Albicn-strcet, Leeds, and 4, Great failed. Chairman, aad the Secretary, and the meeting dis- > for his indefatigable exertions in the man sought after and if he had it not, his property was Charles-street, (foar doors from Easy-row.) Birming- persed. :' eanse of , B., and S. Hebblewhite, and Co., Kingston-upon- liberty, truth and justice." It was seconded by of little use to him : so the working man ; he sought Huli , woollen drapers j as far as regards S. Hebble- ham. Only one personal visit is required from a They hope that the successful, easy, and expeditious several in the meeting and carried unanimously. for personal happiness ; and, give him a fair day's vrhite. Stretch, Kainford, and R ibinson, Liverpool, country patient, to enable Messrs. Perry and Co. to mode they have adop ted,of eradicating every sym ptom K IDDERMINST ER — CHASTIST MEETING Mr. White, in reply, wished them to thank him by wages for a fair day's work, and a pork-tub in the cabinet makers. E. and A. Slansfleld , Bank-brewery, give such advice as will bo the means of effecting a of a certain disease, without any material alteration A meeting was held in the large room of the White > following his example, and they would soon be free- cellar, and he would be happy : he said some might near Accrington, Lancashire, common brewers. permanent and effectual cure, after all other means in diet, or hindrance of business, and yet preserving Horse Inn , in this town , on Friday last, for the purpose | men. After an address from the Chairman, the think his adoption of the principle of Universal have proved ineffectual. the constitution in full vigour, and free from injury, «f hearing an address from Mr. George White, of Bir- ; meeting gave three hearty cheers for the Charter Suffrage arose from his pernsal of the Peopl e's Char- N. B. Country Druggists, Booksellers, Patent will establish their claims for support. As this : miBgbam. A menVber of the Conncil was called to the and three for Feargus O'Connor; they then separated. ter ; but he assured them this was not the case ; From the Gazette of Tuesday, July 6. Medicine Venders, aud every other Shopkeeper can Disease is one which is likely to be contracted chair , who cpene d the business A great portion of them moved off to the Chartist- that his adoption of Unifersal Suffrage arose fro m be supplied with any quantity of Perry 's Purifying whenever exposure takes place, it ia not like many by stating th at they : BANKRUPTS. Specific Pills, and Cordial Balm ¦were at all tirces hap py to testi fy their approbation of ¦. room , Freeman-street, where they were again the working of the Poor Law; that he saw through of Syriacuin, with other visitors, oace in life, but, on tke contrary, one men holding their pri nciples , and he was, therefore , j addressed by Mjt. White, Mr. Nisbett, and others. the operation of that law ; that class legislation William Milner, wine merchant, St Martin's-lane, the usual allowance to the Trade, by most of the infection may scarcely have been, removed, when pleased to aee so goad an attend ance , on the present .' Meetings will be h&ld every Monday evening at the would do no longer; that it would not do auy longer Cbaring-crosB, to smrender July 20, and August 24, principal Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in another may unfortunately bo imbibed ; therefore, ccc&iion, for the fairpose ot hearing s msn wfeo had Railway Station, Duddeston-row, previous to the for the rich to make laws for the poor. Iu advoca- at eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy, Mr. Pennel, London. the practitioner requires real judgment in order to exerted himself bo much in their cause. He concluded ' commencement of the usual business at the ChartiBt ting ihe cause of the Charter Mr. B. said that the official assignee. Solicitor, Mr. Dobson, Gray's Inn- treat each particular case in such a manner as not by introducing Mr. Charlton , to address the meeting.— meeting-room, Freeman-street. immortal Alfred laid the basis for the British Par- square. OLD PARR'S LIFE PILLS. merely to remove the present attack, but to preserve Mr. Chari ton was receiv ed with loud cheers liament , that , an d con- DELEGiTE Meeting. , and that the summary of it was " Richard Root, draper, Wardington, Oxfordshire, the constitution unimpaired, in case of a repetition gr atulated them for their upright , peaceable , and firm —Circulars have been issued these two councils should meet twice in the year, or July 27, and August 24, at eleven, at the White- Lion at no distant period. The man of experience can by _ order of the National Charter Association, re- conduct during the election. He said that if he was quiring the oftener if need be, to consider of the government of Inn , Banbury. Solicitors, Messrs. Muntou and Draper, MORE PROOFS that this noted Medicine will ayail himself of the greatest improvements in a Chartist before , such was the disgrac eful conduct of opinions of the various Associations in God's people , how they might keep themselves fro m Banbury. modern practice, by being able to distinguish betweea the counties of Warwick, Stratford, and Worcester, restore to health the afilicted, and continue in the parties concerned in the election, as contrasted with sin, live in quiet, and receive right," dwelling em- Charles Colls, Charles Thompson, and Richard sound health the recovered. discharges of a specific and of a simple or mild the Chartists , that he was, if possible , five times more a as to the necessity of holding a delegate meeting for phatically on the word right, as securing to every the purpose of procuring a proper " " Peckover Harris, jun., bill brokers, Lombard-street, Read the following from nature, which can only be made by one in daily Chartist than ever. After .a few other excellent re- lecturer, and also Englishman, whether rich or poor, an « qual right London, J uly 22, at eleven, and August 24, at one, a soldier, discharged practice , after due consideration of all circumstances. mark s, Mr. C concluded by introducing te their notice devising the best means for his punctual payment. in all the laws end privileges from her Majesty's service as i ncurable, after having It is also determined of the Britisn nation ; at the Court of Bankruptcy ; Mr. Canning, official the advice In the same manner at birth, appearances often Mr. G- White, of Birmin gham.—Mr *White was received to enter into an investigation he stated the franchise under King Alfred went to assignee , Finsbury-Equare. Solicitors, Messrs. Kearsley, of the most celebrated physicians :— take place in children, which call for a proper with a hearty round of applause , and explai ned to the of the cause of the present difference in Birmingham, the payment of if scot and lot ; and which he considered Hughes, Thomas, and Masteriuan, Bucklersbury. " To the Proprietors of Old Parr's Pills. knowledge and acquaintance with the disease, in msetiog his reas ons for being a Chartist His mind ! so that, possible, a friendly feeling should exist to be the Universal Suffrage also amongst the Chartist3 of the day ; he John Smith Diintry and John Ryle, bankers , Man- 11 order to discriminate their real nature, and which was first led to a consideratio n of the merits of Badi- j of those districts. The persons stated that Lord John Russell had made a great chester, August 2, 3, and 24, at twelve, at the Wel- Gentlemen,—I feel it a duty I owe to you and to may be Ihe means of sowing domestio discord, unless Cilism, when in that town ten years ago ; and every i who have been written have been requested to state mistake in grounding the Suffrage on property; and the Public at large, U acknowledge the astonishing in ^heir answers the place which they lington Inn, Manchester. Solicitors, Messrs. Makinson managed by the Surgeon with propriety and skill. th 'ng which he had witnessed since tended more and ¦ think best for to prove this read the following extracts from a work and Sanders, Elm-court, Middlesex, London ; Messrs. benefit I have received from taking ' Old Parr's Patients labouring under this disease, cannot be too more to convince him of Hp •'¦ holding the meeting, and retur n an answer directed Pills.' I was for nearly nine years in the 52ad the truth of his pri nciples. to Mr. G. White, written about seventy yearB ago, and which he highly Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester. cautious into whose hands they commit themselves. then contrasted the state of society as it is, with society I Essex-street, Birmingham, after praised, denominated "An Historical Essay on Hugh Herbert Downman, tin plate manufacturer, Regiment of Foot, but was discharged in the yeai The propriety of this remark ia abundantly mani- as it ought to be, in the course of which, due notice will be given, as a large attendance 1839 as incurable, after having the best advice her which he showed, by is desirable. the English Constitution," and which stated , relative Kid welly, Carmarthen, July 21, and August 25, at fested, by the same party frequently passing the Y»ri ous illustrations , that the presen t was not entitled I to the Saxon law, that, " it considered every man ten, at tho ivy Bush Hotel, Carmarthen. Solicitors, Majesty's eervice afforded, being pronounced con- ordeal of several practitioners, before he is fortu- to be called a state of society, bat one of fraud and ', alike as he came out of the sumptive ; I then returned home to-Hinekley, where ¦ Feasgcs O'Cojo-or.—It is the intention of the hand of his maker, man Messrs. Jones and Jeffries, Carmarthen ; Messrs. nate enough to obtain a perfect cure. The following Jobbery. He also entered into an inquiry concerning as man, simply detached from any foreign advan- Clarke and MeJcilf, Lincoln's Inn-fields, London. my attention was attracted to Old Parr's Pills. I are some of the many symptoms that distinguish out boasted brave men and women in Birmingham to invite their was induced to Cons titution , and ihowed that there -sras j unflinching frknd , Feargus O'Connor tages one might accidentally have over another. purchase a 2s. 9d. box, and from that this disease :—A general debility ; eruption on the no roch tbin g as a Constitution in this country ; for , j , to Birming- Such aa riches moment I date a renewal of my life ; for on taking ' ham, as soon after his liberation as he can make it , which make the greatest outward kead , face, and body ; ulcerated sore throats, according to Blackston e, the Constitution consisted of ! difference ; but riches with them, constitutionally Just published, in Demy 8vo., one box, I immediately began to recover, and two scrofula, swellings in the neck 6hin King, Lords, and Commons. But convenient to attend , when he will receive such a 2s. 9d. boxes more comp , nodes on the they knew to tfceir reception as was never before witnessed considered , gave no power or authorithy, or any letely cured me. bones, cancers, fistula, pains in the head and limbs, Borrow, that there was no such thing as a House of: in this part right to power or authority, over the poorest BY MESSRS. PERRY & Co., CONSULTING " I am , yours moat obediently, 1 of the country. They also talk of sending a depu- person which are frequently mistaken for rheumatism, Commons in this country ; that it was a House tation to meet him in the state. Every man, under that institution , SURGEONS, " John Osbohn." &c. &c. composed of the nominees ©f Lords and capitalists, on his liberation from York Witness—James Burgess ' Castle. was preserved in his natural and equal rights, 44, Albion Street, Leeds, (Private Entrance in the , Bookseller, &c. &c, and did not in the slightest degree represent what was 1 whether rich or poor." Mr. B. also read another and 4 Hinckley. ive A formerly termed the " common people." He then re- ; SUWDERLAND.—Mr. Williams lec Passage ,) , Great Charles Street, Messrs. W. and Co.'s invariable rule is to g ¦ tured at the extract from the same work, to show, that our Saxon Birmingham, Card to each of their patients, as a guarantee for marked on the altered condition of the people of that ' Life Boat House, on Sunday afternoon, to a nnmerons forefathers founded their government on the common The following place since he had resided there, ' audience. The lecturer extraordinary case of cure has been Cure, which th«y pledge themselves to perform, or namely, eight years entered into an elaborate rights of mankind. They made the elective power ILLUSTRATED BY EIGHT FINE ENGRAVINGS , communicated to the Wholesale Agent for Parr's return the fee. ajo ; for in his trade, where four hundred men were examination of tke nature of the crisis in 1831, and the of the people the firs t principle of our Constitution employed, ' present crisis, , THE SILEN T I IEND , Life Pills, at Nottingham :— there wew not at that tiaat above thirty. ; shewing why the former had utterly and delegated that power to such men as they had Mrs. Joseph Simpson, Church Hill Close, Old For the accommodation of those who cannot con- He conclnded by stating his wish that the Chartists : failed to secure the hopes and objects which the people most reason to confide in. However entertained , they were PRACTICAL TREATISE on Venereal and Lenton, near Nottingham, haa been severely afflicted veniently consult Me88r8. W, and Co. personally* of Kidderminster would c»-operate with their brethren:; of it He then clearly shewed solid grounds curiously cautioas in this respect, knowing well the A Syphilitic Diseases, in their mild, and most for the last thirty years, with a violent cough, and they may obtai« the Purifying Drops, price 4s. Cd., of Birmingham and other towns in the district, passed for anticipating a different issue from the present degenerated principle of mankind ; that difficulty of great struggle on power alarming forms, shewing the different stages of those breathiDg. The affliction has been bo at any of the following Agents, with Printed Direc- a high eulogium on the upright conduct of Mr. Chml- i -which we are just entering. He con- makea a Yast difference ia tha temper a^d behaviour deplorable and often fatal disorders, including ob- Bevere that she could not fulfil her usual domestio tions, so plain that Patients of either Sex may. Cur* ion, &ni resumed his seat amid loud cheers. Mr.: cluded by warning the people against being duped by of men, and often converts a good man in private obligations. Ch&rlton thm proposed a vote of tbanis ¦ the new Reformers, and described servations 6n the baneful effects of Gonorrhoea, She took cold when only fifteen _years themselves, without even the knowledge of a bed* to Mr. White • , in a striking light, the life, to a in office. For this reason, they Gleets, and Strictures. The Work ia embellished •Id , and the cough never left her till she took Parr follew. in a neat address, which waa seconded by a member of difficulties in which Sir Robert Peel would find himself never gave up their natural liberty, 's involved or delegated with Engravings, representing the deleterious influ- Life Pills. She had tried almost every kind of the Council, and carried unanimously. Mr. C&rkson, on taking effiee. their power, of making laws, to any man,for a longer medicine Mr. Heaxon, 7, Briggate; and elector, then addressed the meeting, ; ence of Mercury on the external appearance of the , and had taken laudanum in large quan- and after a clever DERBY.—The Chartists time than one year. With reference to the payment skin , by eruptions on the head, face, and body ; to tities, but nothing afforded relief. Mr. Hobson, Times' office , Leeds. speech from the Chairman, the meeting separated. of this town held their of members, Mr. B. stated anciently Mr. Thomas Butleb, 4, Cheapsid*, London. meeting on Monday evening, in their new room, at members of which are added very extensive observations on She heard of Parr STALEYBRED&E.—A lecture was delirered on Parliament used to be paid for their attendance at 's Pills about last Christmas, Mr. Hartley, Bookseller , Halifax. . Mr. Cotton's, iu Devonshire-street. Mr. Bairstow de- sexual debility, seminal weakness, and impotency, and as soon as she had taken about half a box, she Sunday, the 11th of July, by Mr. John Leech, of Hyde, livered an excellentand appropriate the House of Commons; that the pay for a borough brought on by a delusive habit, all its attendant sym- Mr. DjBWHiRsr, 37, New Street, Huddersfiela. which address, occupying was three and sixpence a day ; and for found herself completely cured, and was never Mr.HABMSON,Bookseller,MarketPlace,BarBsley made a good impression. He was followed by upwards of an hour, which gave great satisfaction. a county six pathies anddangerous consequences considered, with affected in the slightest manner during the Mr. Haalam, of Stalybridge, with a few pertinent re- Several new shillings; which taking into account the difference approved , severe Mr*Haroeovb 's Library, 9, Coney Street, Y«rk. members were enrolled, and the principles the most mode of treatment and cure weather ihst followed, and is now better iu health Pontefract. marks. are rapidly extending. in the value of money between now and then he without confinement or interruption from business, than she has Messrs. Fox and Son, Booksellers, considered an adequate remuneration. Ab «ver been in her life. Mr. Harbison, Market-place, Ripon. CHESTSRFZEU) ajf D BRAMPTON.—At the to form- the whole accompanied by explanatory engravings, This cure does indeed appear wsekJr meeting, oq wol.VBRHAarPTON,—After an excelJent lec- ing the kingdom into (300) districts, Mr. B. consi- with general instructions for the perfect restoration miraculous, but for Mr Lanqdale, Bookseller. Knareabro & Harroga*e Honday evening last, is was ture here, by Mr. Candy, on dered, from tho present numbers of the satisfaction of the most incredulous, . .she has resolTed, " That a general meeting of the members do the 7th, upwards of twenty members being of those who are incapacitated from entering into kind^l Mr. R. Hurst, Corn Market, Wakefield . new members were enrolled on the Association books. too great, that it was an excellent plan. Tne y consented to answer any inquiries, either by Mr. Davis, Druggist, No. 6, Market Place, Man- take place on Monday evening next, the 19th instant , non- the holy state of Marriage, by the evil consequences personal application or by letter in the room, Kill Side, qualification of membership through want of property arising from early abuse, or syphilitic infection. , addressed " Mrs. chester. Holliweil-street, Chesterfield , BttSTON .—Mr. Candy lectured in the Bail Court Sir. B. said gave Joseph Simpson, Church Hill Close, Old Lenton." for the purpose of electing members to serve on the on the 8th, to upwards wisdom to money, and there- This invaluable Work will be secretly inclosed Mr. Johnsom, Bookseller, Beverley. of two thousand persons ; he fore could never be right. With reference to Mr. Noble, Bookseller, Boston, Lincolnshire. General Council, for the next three months ; and ic is was heard with great pleasure, and grea with each box of Perry's Purifying Specific Pills, earnestly requested that all * t good has Vote by Ballot Mr. B. said that aa going to (Price 23. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 11s.) and the Cordial Two remarkable cases (selectedfrom many others) Mr. N0B1.E, Boofeseller , Market-place, Hull.JH members will make an been the result—many fr^ah members being enrolled. an independent principle communicated Air. H. Humon, Louth, Lincolnshire. effort to attend, as other business of importance will We are glad to hear that he Jiked a man Balm of Syriaeum (Price Us. and 33a. per bottle), to Mr. Noble Bookseller and Printer, Bilston is greatly flourishing, should go to the poll and state for whom he voted. and is pointed out t6 suffering humanity as a 23, Market Place, the Agent for Iris Office, Sheffield. have to be broughtforward. The meetingto comreence and that the visit of Jit Candy haa been attended with Silent Hull. at eight o'doek. such glorioui but from the coercion that was going forward, he Friend, to I)e consulted without exposure, and with Mr. Plaxton, of Cottingham, Chronicle Office, LordStreet, Liverpool. results. ebonld much wish (o see the Ballot introduced five ssilca from as a assured confidence of success. Hull, had long been afflicted with a most sever* And at the Advertiser QMet, Lowgate.HullJ ^B THE NORTHERN STAR, 3 Impobtjjkt. IBQttVV. treasury departmsnt to interfere in the triaL The V£Er It will be interesting to A Desirable Colleague.—Sir Frederick Pollock, The Eastern Question.—The new treaty for the Canvassing oi* thb Moobs.—••Foyfher," said a heli»f mothers, and, indeed, to all the Queen's loyal sub- s strapping wench, on his return last week -' Had caused much exeiwmeut and indigna- in canvassing his constituents the other day at Hun- settlement of the affairs tf the East was signed, On farmer' -*•«— tion , which would, however, be removed by a denial jects, to know that the little Princess Royal has tingdon, called upon » publican who came to him Tuesday afternoon , at the Foreign-office, by tho re- from Kochdale market to his sheep farm in the moors SOKGS FOB THE MILLIONS. of the fact. passed two important epochs of ner infancy—namely across yard, hia hands presentative? powers—Austria SpotJand," F~o lender can your pleadinp be denied said ecrp->r»tion shall be " The State Bank of Penn- , assisted by the parochial officers , preserved a vast beauty of this Poor Law, is the very man who wrote ' city of Philadelphia, occasionally, of being kept in Liverpool twelve hours, deal of property, and gave full effect sheet on the bed, which had been turned over tho As sound of cannon o er the •eean booms, sylvania," to be located in the to the operation a letter (I think in tho Globe) reflecting on some deceased, and Sutty was*lying between the blankets. By force uneheci'dthe reign of freedom comes. and that its capital shall be reduced to a sum not by the private disputes between thu Grand Junction of the engines. The churchyard was made avail- observations made ia The Times some short time exceeding fourteen millions of dollars. and the Crewe and Chester Railway Companies. able in depositing vast quantities of property belong- At this the Jury expressed much surprise. Sutty Benjahis Stott The Post-office directs the Irish letters to be carried since. I now lay the whole examination before you always behaved kindly to the children. Mr. Duke, » ing to the houses (eleven in number) where danger to publish what part of it you may think proper. Silver-street, Manchester. on the Crewe and Birkenhead Braach Riilway, in- of fire was likel the surgeon, stated that the reason why Mrs. Saott 68, O'Ccnnell, has been re- y to reach. Several of the houses I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Henry Palmer." , Meath Cowty.—Mr. stead of as heretofore, on the Liverpool and Man- were full of lodgers, and thescene was most distress- suckled four children was that it having been found turned for the county Meath, with Mr. H. Grattan chester line. By this route there is a saving of ing. About seven o'clock, however, all danger of the Whig Household Appointments.—The Earl of bad to bring children up by hand, and the mother —Mr. Corballis, the late Liberal candidate having twenty minutes, which is of great importance in the fire extending was at an end, and the goods were being Surrey has been gazetted captain of the yeoman of one being dead, the mother of the other, who is Bm>fc£, retired in favour of the Learned Gentlemen. de5pa:ch of the Irish letters. Accordingly, a car- taken back to some of the Louses. guard. The absurdity of these household appoint- only sixteen or seventeen, years of age, being very in a letteT riage wv.h the letters leaves the London tTam at ill, Mrs. Scott very kindly undertook, in order, if Genctsb Blar.net.— Mr. O'Connell, Pig ments is exquisite. Why, his lordshi p wont even addressed to ths Daulin Electors, says :—" The ene- Crewe, whilst the passengers are carried ou to Throwing a 's-Head at a Jew.—A power- see the corns he has just been appointed to command , possible, to save the lives of the two children, to give THE ENGLISH CHARTIST CIRCULAK, No. , Liverpool, where they most generally arrive just in fully-built Leadenhall slaughterman , named Perkins, them what succour Bhe could. The Jury, after » mies of Ireland have triumphed, but be not daunted before lie will be called upon to resign it, and his , 25. J. Cleave, Shoe-lane, London. my friends, a petition will unseat the exterminators lime to see the mail packet under-way—able some- was charged before the Lord Mayor, on Saturday, pay wont pay for his new uniform. As for Lord short consultation, returned a verdict " That tho with assaulting Aaron Benjamins, an old Jew deceased children died from suffocation ," but no blame Tins noble, though humble, ally in the glorious of yourselve?, and yonr holy and faered reiigioc. times in open boats, with danger and discomfort, to Marcus Hill , ho having been in office before, will be Ireland cannot bear my absence from tho House at reach it; but often left behind to await the evening olothasman, by flinging a pig'a head at him in the spared the expense of getting a new embroidered waa attached to Sutty. csnss of Democracy is, we are happy to perceive, purlieus of Leadenhall-market. Aaron, who culti- , and, if properly en- this crisis, even for a moment; I have therefore packet. Though the Post-office can over rido tho coat. Joking apart, the recent change is one of the parsons us onward march disputes of tbo railroad companies, vated a beard like a horse'd mane, having been sworn Three Houits after Marriage.—Thomas Tyn& couraged, cannot fail most effi ciently to aid in the accepted the representation of the honest men of and compel the drollest blunders that the Whigs have made. It is was brought before Mr. Maltby, Meath." conveyance of letters, it has no power to direct the on the Old Testament, stated that as he waa pro- understood that in order to spare the Queen at Marlborough- eaase of rignt and justice. Toe number before us, gressing homo to Petticoat-lane any street, under these Bingul&r circumstances. The de- highly interesting matter, contains the conveyance of passengers ; and the public interest whh a " pag" full of mortification in contesting the point of the " ladies besidesother Serious Chasge ! \~Hcrrard Prerard , a fine hoy treasures on Friday afternoon , in passing Leaden- fendant was given into custody for being drunk and People's Charter entire. Thus every working man, of 15, was charged at Hat urn Garden Police Office , is thus sacrificed to the wrangles of two companies, iu waiting," de noio, that immediately on Lord disorderly at a wedding party the preceding evening, which, blind to their own interest, are thus culti- h all-market, the defendan t, who was accompanied John Russell's being out-voted in the Commons, all for the charge of a siDgle halfpenny, can procure for by ill. Ocock, of the firm of Whiaborne and by two or three other slaughtermen , hailed him ; and the charge was sustained by the following evi- ¦himself and bis family an authentic copy of this Oeock, chemists and dru,?t;ist3, of Judd-street, vating—not the good will, but the hostility of the the wives, sisters, and cousins of the present Minis- dence ¦:—Policeman Fox, C 117, stated that his public. complainant immediately went up to them with the ters will send in their resignations, to be replaced most—this all-important document ; acd we sincerely Brunswick-square, with having stolen from the till hope of picking up a bargain, when the defendant attention wa3 attracted to No. 3, Thorn 's-court, taie: that the whole of the masses will gladly avail three half-pence. The prisoner was apprenticed to A SsrG Borough.—Dungannon was the place by the "f riends of her youth ," the Duchess of Duke-street, Hanover-square, by a quarrel, and tha produ ced a pig's-head from under his apron, aud Northumberland, the ladies Jenkinson, and others. themselves of the opportunity. Wo perceive that the prosecutors by hi3 father, who is an officer on where the volunteers of '82 held their memorable asked him what he would give for it, he (complain- cries of " Murder I" On going to the hou3e he was whols of the Back numbers are in print, and can since the prosecutor was meeting, and it will henceforward be famous as On dil, that if tho Tories are successful, the told there had been a wedding that day, and that the h-iL'-pay. A short time ant) refused to have anything to do wilh it, and was Earl of Liverpool aud the Duke of Beaufort are to be obtained f or one shilling ; 3 work, at the price, fined by the magistrate for assaulting this boy. the borough which, in these Reform d3yg, can defeat welkins a eray when tho det'endawt thrust the abo- the prisoner, who had acted in the morning as father containing so large an auaoans of real nsefnl infor- Ths prisoner declared in his defence to the present a Reformer, and send the juvenile Lord ISorthla!:d be the lord steward and the lord chamberlain, and to the bride, had in the evening been foond in a rery acquainted with ; and we hope to Parliament upon the strength minatioa iuto his face. Ho took no notice of this that most probably Lord Castlercagh will again be naaoc, we are not charge thas the half-pence bad been given him by his of seventy-two and went away, but beforo he got the distance of questionable situation. The constable inquired if tb&t every Chartist will aid in its circulation. We master to purchase milk for hi3 breakfast, ban he votes. Let us not be mistaken , the borough of Dun- vice-chamberlain. The matter which is most dis- the bride was a consenting party to this novel twenty yards, the pig's-head struck him a violent cussed is whether Prince Albert's household is to be think that the separate numbers might be most preferred laying it ou; in another way. He was, gannon, although a large and tolerably thriving blow in the back ot " the nock, and upon turning arrangement of matters, and not receiving a satis- excellent to be presented as rewards to the more howeveT , committed for trial. town , can just boast of 124 free and independent held political. The Whigs, of course, would declare factory reply, he said he could not interfere. The round he saw the defendant laughing. Tho Lord an attempt to make it so, tho most infamous, cruel, advanced scholars in oar Sunday and day schools ; Teddt Flyx.n 's Bli.nd Pig —Teddy Fljnn , a big electors. Now, in the late contest, fi fty-two voted Mayor asked the defendant landlord of the house then gave the defendant into for Mr. Falls, the Liberal candidate what he had to say in unjust, tyrannical, unconstitutional thing in the world sad also advise that soma person should have a few Monster man, locating in the classic regions of , which left the his dufence ? The slaughterman eaid he could not custody for being drunk and disorderly. When of each for sale at every public meeting. We hope Lower Shadwell, wiih a string of " retainers" as houseof Knoxseveuty-two votes,giving the promising —a thing so bad, that no one, not even a Tory, could this was done, the faithless bride declared she " dtny having thrown the pig's-hcad at the Jew, but imagine it even in a dream ; but what if tho Tories all engaged in the Chartist agitation will teach and long as the tail of Daniel O'ConneU, or the American peer an overwhelming majority of twenty over his he asade use of bad language, and called him in- would not be separated from her deputy husband practically cany out these suggestions. sea-serpent, marched into court soon after the doors Whig or destructive opponent. And this 18 what should follow the Whigs' own precedent, with Lord for she liked him better than her legal spouse. t'amous names, which aggravated him to do what he Grey at the head of them ? His iordship, in spite of were open, a; toe Tower Hamlets' Court of Requests, her little Majesty from the throne is schooled by did. The Lord The bridegroom said he had met with his fickle her Ministers to describe as Mayor—Yuu hear that Mr. Benja- William tho Fourth, and in defiance of Queen Ade- apparently intent on something of vast import an ce. " an appeal to her mins; you used bad language to tho defendant. rib not more than about four days before he com- GOVERNESSES, OB MODERN EDUCATION Upon the names of " Fiynn agais?t O'Donnell" beisg people." To continue this state of things the new- laide, would meddle with the household of the Queen mitted matrimony. On. the evening of tho wedding born foe of monopol Complainant—S'help ma Cheovah , yer Lordship, I Consort, and compelled her Majesty to dismiss her By JdABUts Rior&ET. June. No. 6. London called by the crier, big Teddy and Jerry U'Dounell, y, Lord John Russell, promul- never shpoke a vord , not a shingle vord. The day he went out to made seme purchases, and to erty that will be sacrificed , to " ponovans," and, by inserting thtir snouts in the crous than the anxiety of tho aforesaid Grogan to of the sjdtem maintained, and with tho leaven of be married to her present husband, and she was be brought to the Woei, The Nomination at Glasgow.—The Scottish like bis ancestor, and if he soil , managed to turn many fine roots bottom up- Patriot speaking convince the town by issuing a green paper ukase Toryism infused into it, who shall say that it would so much taken by surprise that she allowed the depended on me he certainly would. As it was he wards. Upon one occasion, whiie thus engaged, , vf the spirit-stirring proceedings that he had no intention this season ceremony to proceed. connected with the G 1asgowelecuon,says," thehome- of exterminating not work with worse effect ? The once independent nearly lost his poll in the city. Touching the " timber Jerry chanced to espy them , and , seizing a mop- the Roman Catholic subjects of Queen Victoria, and spirit of the industrious classes is already gone. A duties," what does he think is to become of the , trutbs brought lorward on the occasion, were, wo that all the blame yf wooden stick ho rnshed out, and inflicted sunraary pnBish- dare say, rather unpalatable to our fashionable having reported so foul a labourer, for instance, who needs perhaps but trifling trslj uf old England? Does he fancy that foreign ment on the intruders. Jerry whacked away with cor- Elander should remain at the door of the pejiny-a- assistance to enable him to rub through a protracted timber ¦srosjd ruptionists, and , therefore, the mercenaries who keep ont French emnon bails ? his cudgel ,_ tb.e swine howled lustily, and the row Hncr of Saaders. Bribery1 and undue influence, with wiaicr, is denied relief. He is told—" There is the THE lTORTHERIsr STAB,. Noi'siinstanding that I am a Tory to" , between whom and pander to their taste, thought it more consistent Wl'tll the unpopularity oi the Whigs, the backbone, soon bronght out Teddy i'lynn their interest to suppress sentiments so unpopular have also tended to Unic-n lor you ; you and your children will be S&£ the spinal marro-sr, if that's all , I nsnst S3y it Jerry a fight took place, which end&d in the plain- place ministerial candidates beueath their Conser- received." The applicant is pennyless ; he has no SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1841. neeofci no ghost to tfill how ths contest mast terminate tiff's jacket being torn from his back, the alleged with their patrons. Thanks, however, to the pro- vative adversaries ; but gress of intelligence the elite of our Glasgow aristo- all these circumstances work : and at length is compelled to part with the fa the Tower Hamlets. The Conservatives, more's the value of which (4s.) he now songht to recover. would not have conspired to have had this effect but few sorap3 of furniture he has been scraping toge- plrj, bad not a shadow ef s chance. As sure as 1 C^romiisioner—I don 't see how the Conrt can assist cracy were compelled for once to lbten quietly to for the prevalent opinion that the THE MANCHESTER addresses which they would have yelled down ir« contest had more ther for years, and go into tho bastile, from which MASSACRE. shall one day or other return to Clay, though never to you, for one seems aa much in fault as the other. to do with men than measures, and that it involved tho appliance of a few shillings would have saved eonnoE mad 1 hope, so sure did I feel that Clay weuld Tedd y—Och,- blood an' ouns ! only hark at that ! their assembly rooms. The whole of our speakers not so much rights to be aceg In reference to the vote of thanks, which waa spared neither Whig nor Tory misrule—they achieved as pl to be him. The result is obvious ; ho became a confirmed be rctxrxed to enrich the soil of Si Stephen's. It was Sure, I'd jist sot down to me dinner, widthechildher , laid procured and protected. To be caudid. except spirit is cowed ; for he knows that, let moved in the House of Commons b *eU, fey-th e-way, bare the injustice and rapacity of the ' exclusives' pauper ; his y the present that Lmhingicmha4 no occ^ion to when, all in a snddint, I heerd a mighty screech- high-sounding professions, and past services, the him leave the Umou when he may, he has no home, Lord Melbourne to the Bloody Yeomanry who p=J up for this district, as, if he had, he would have ing, an wirit ont, an' found that blaggard with a fearless hand, amidst the plaudits of at least caudidates who stood upon the liberal " " ' Jerry a fifty thousand of their fellow-citizens. But it W3-S side gave us no furaituro, and that he must become a wanderer. met with only half- wal-half disciples, despite of all his ¦vvallopping me poor bbnd pig with a broomstick. little to hope. They were evidently bo hampered This is ono of the evils of the Poor Law Act. But on the field of Peterloo, indiscriminately cut down ¦•SHiEjjness to advocate final ale) Aizy, curing Mr. Moir's extraordinary speech that the 'Jim- " measures." " Jerrf," stz I, " rcmimber the cratbur's get scene became intensely interesting. with ministerial manacles that they found them- let us com plain of, or rather point out other grie- with " newly sharpened sabrea" men women and Lashj relied mainly on the " beer- interest, but his Cbristhkn falujgSj like yerself." Wid that , yer Wurt- Tho thrilling selves unable to be explicit or definite upon any toT-mr sap-porters eloquence and powerful satire of that distinguishe d vances, iu order to show the ferocious spirit in which children, when peaceably assembled to petition for a would have drunk his do-srcfal with chip, he hot me a muriherin' whack, an' thin we ei^jec t, and wo could only gather that they were the accursed Poor Law Amendment Act is carried the freattst alacrity. had a bit iv a fight, an' be split my jaeket. advocate of freedom , while he exposed the duplicity, likely to sustain the Whi " redress of grievances," the Whig Manchester Jerry, extravagance, and tyranny of the Whigc, told with g ministers. We trust out. No later than Monday last, an inquest was held at I: is astenishicg how eagerly " drowning men ir. defec c-?, said the plaintiiTs pigs were continually that tho present defeat will prove a useful lesson, Deptford touching tho death of a woman named Guardian has the following paragraph, which is an etch at simirs." Lard John, d—n him, gra?ps at rooda g up L;s garden , though he had often cautioued irresistible effect on all present; the multuudo rent and warn those who jr -5 the air with bursts of acclamation. The Whi enjoy the publ.o confii«nce Skblton (Skeleton would havo been by far more amusing specimen of lying by inuendo. The para- .Krr , as being that moie of czttjizz oat his Com- him lo ktcp them on his own premises. The Com- gs at first that it is dangerous to surrender to party the whose death it was alleged, had been U-sr pri " looked scorpions," but latterly the rueful aspect appropriate), graph 19 going " the round" of the Whig Prtss. nciples likeliest to tell, for which he was nearly missioners were of opinion that Teddy had no claim of energies which ou#hfc to be devoted to the regenera- caused by starvation—starvation in a land thai has Ksi " neck and crop," out of the city. tke crest-fallen liberals betrayed the mortification t ion of a nation. The following To got rid of the odium attachable to Lord Mel- It is a com- upon the defendant, and dismissed the summons. ihey felt, While the loud llU^h of the Tories, excited is tho atate ot the been oalled " tho admiration of the world and tho for.10 think that when his harvest of iaionity is ripe, The " Jons widdy" and his friends left the office poll at tho close :— envy of surrounding nations." This poor creature, bourne for his memorable exploit, even though it he Triii reap 5 devilish rich reward. hlgHly indignant at the decision , observing that it partly by the wit of the speaker, and the castigauon Mirbiers he was inflicting on the hypocrites, and partly by West (Tory) 3060 it appeared had not even a bed to lie upon. She should be by lying, is -an object worthy of being jot on pretty well in tie boroushs, but formed another strong instance of the necessity of named Dew, who was as badly oif »hea they eame to tie : the long faces which they had assumed, added Crosau (Tory ) 305 1 lived with a man attained even by such means. " dirt7 acres" the po lt tell a " repalicg" the Union. O'Conneil ( Whig) 2977 as hersolf, and who exerted his utmost to procure Terr ai^erent story ; inasmuch a3 in almost every H lbeford.— Somnambulism Extraoedinart. much to our amusement. It was, however, when nutaace — the show of hands was taken for the respective can- Hutton (Whig) 2953 for her the means of subsistence, but without success. Here is the paragraph :— , a Tory is perched at the top of them. The A most extraordinary case of somnambulism oc- Majority of West over O'Conneil »3 Latterly a little tea aud dry crust were all the poor efcpjficb, thaEk God, are thrashing them like blszss, curred in this cny ou Friday week. We can vouch didates, that a deep lesson was taught to the philo- frame. At "It appears from the report of the Leeds Mercury, tad sopher and the stateman. There stood a dense mass Grogan over Hutton 93 creature had to support her enfeebled really tern out to be finer agricultural philosophers :or the fa-cts as we ir© about to relate them, as they length Dew applied to Harman, the relieving-officer , that Mr. Hardy, in his speech at the Bradford nomina- thsa I eoul4 have anticipated. transpired within our own cogniz&ace, and ail the of discriminat:ng men who felt that thoy had a right The excitement during tho election has been tremen- admission for Skelton into the Union. tion, made the following observations :—' L«ok at Lord Tne to be recognised as freemen ; consequentl y, whe and many outrages have been we to obtain Melbourne. Lord Melbourne was Home Secretary at press has bsdn damna'sls all through the elections. parties are personally known to us. On Friday n dous, committed , By this man Dew was sent before the Board, when I Mn apt to swecr, but lying I have iong forsworn. Tory Mr. Oswald was put , the hands held up for him were regrot to say, by tho mobs of the respective parties, ' (He tho time the people of Manchester were cut down, and morning, at half-past fire, a residen s in Wideniarsh- and we fear that consequences one of the *' gentlemen" aven save the mark), moved a vote of thanks to thu *a I am, I confess that tie Times is too bad, th« Glrte street was awakened by the violent nngin? of his ' Like angela visits few and far botweon.' The peo- more fatal Blight brutally said—" I am sure you won't have it," yeomanry.' This state- atror-ousiygiven to tuning round, and the Suz, rc3tcid door-bell. Not bearing any servant answer a second ple knew him to be an old n arrow contracted Whig, have been looked for but far tho admirable arrange- ment is a direct falsehood. The Home Secretary, at Of ErVci half a century at kast behind the spiri t of the age. ments of the efficient Commissioners (meaning, we suppose, an order for admission.) the period in question alteriEg its ccnise, as " true Sun" never ring, he rang his bsii for the man servant, which , of the Metro- Poor Dow was then told by tho " geutleman" ot , was not Lord Melbourne, but tnauM. is the jnest ewaiie luminar? 1 )rnow of ; and howeTsr, was not answered. Mr. Dennistopn had a show considerably lar?«r, poli tan Police, who are entitlod to tho thanks of the Lord Sidmouth ; and this is a fact which, if Mr. Hardy all my for Ho then jutaped out this beautiful Board , to go to a hospital, and named ^itn prediiection the Standar d, I cannot con- of bed, aud pulling aside the window-blind , saw because be is believed to be ranch more democratic community for their untiring exertions.— Wtrld. did not know, a very slight investigation would have Eii tr it ih^n his antiquated colleague. Those exhibited some party who would giva him a recoainiendation rhown him ; and that investigation he ought In duty to as a model of truth and houeitv, but, to sdve what he believed V> be his own horse, saddled and for The Chesterfield Union.—We have heard, with for Skelton. Ia fact, it was clear that they wished eTl1 dne Mr. Campbell were still fewer than Mr. Oswald's ; have made, and not have come forward without it to v, ' eXactJ7 ihB reverse. In short, ftm bridled in the street, and hea d by a strange msn, equal surprise and disgust, of an instance of petty to get rid of the woman, and oared not whither she ta. ,e to ti-prtss those iuward feelings wticb assure me habited as a labourer. Marrelling what they were iike the grey hairs in a >oung man's head, endeavour to blacken the character of a political adver- 0. the could mhive tyran ny in th'e Chesterfield Union (Derbyshire), waa sent, so that she did not trouble the parish. sary by the utterance of a downright untruln. It is superiority of 3 Sibthorp to the scribes brought his horse so unexpectedl at on? here ana there, because the people knew him to , but ehe (ufferen: of the y to his door ?o be a palitician of which has escaped the notice of the Times but Tho woman, it is true, was diseased nothing to say, as possibly may be said, that Mr. Hardy y-nmxls. early an hour, he left his chamber, and , ai the bot- the feudal school ; but when Mr. which we, the opponents of the Times in its whole-* required nourishment rather than medicine ; aud It is a great s&r£act3on to Mills and Mr. Moir were respectively put , there waa believed the statement. The man, who, to disparage me that Gully, though he turn of the stairs, called aloud to his man servant. sale and Hudiscriminating attacks upon the New here the relieving tiflicer and the " gentlemen" of an ojjponi'Hfc ^ iccght hard," got h5s bell of the /ema e domestics rep a foress which the haughtiest Tory or the proudest , makes a statement, which ordinary " yfull" at Pontefraet. Xiie One ' lied lhaz he hid Whi Poor Law, beg leave to recommend to the instant the Board—the humane gentlemen—violated the inquiry ilooi aa he ¦sras, he expressed bis readinessto support gon o down at five o'clock with the intention of g in the empire would have envied. Upon the which expressly would have shown him to be witboutfoundation, we goin^ whole, this was a glorious day for Chartism attention of tke Somerset House Commissioners, if orders of the Commissiouors, ia only one degree less culpable—be is not at all less Dew-fengled eon doctrines of the Government, bnt on the horse to WithiDgton, to see a cow which he , and one they wish the country to believe that they are ap- direct that relief shall be given first, and inquiry uie result, I fancy, triil prove such a blow in the "bread- was to look at for his master. The master thf-n ro- which neither its adherents nor opponents will 6oou j however, inquired first malignant—than the one who invents and propagatesa " forget. pointed for other and better purposes than the re- made afterwards. Harman naked and deliberate lid." fc^ifc w ss will effectually deter him from •• coming to tnraed to his bed-room, threw up the window, and, " ceipt of their salaries,—and that one of those pur- as to whether deceased was the wife of Dew, aud ~5 " in a hurry *?* & ag&in. Besides, mark the poeti- on inquiring the man's business, the reply was, The Bot Jones —The boy, Edward Jones, who, poses is to make amends for the occasional harsh- finding that she was not, ho would do nothing for What " statement" is it, that the writer calls " o- Janice of bis defeat ; those who attemot " Your man, sir, has been thrown from his hor?e in it will j> 8 remembered , has on three different occa- ness of their own minutes, by the repression of her ! So the woman was denied relief beeauaeshe * w?aa others, deserve to be GuV(y)d (!) thems«lves. the meadow ; I was just going by and saw him on sions effected a most mysterious entrance into Buck- harshness in others, when perpetrated at the ex- lived with a man in a state of concubinage. Why , direct falsehood 1" The reader will imagine, and v> itjj reference t* the election, we isay trnly say, the ground, his f ooi Hanging in the stirrup, admission within the the writer thus imagine, that L-eiiagc^e e{ in his face ingham Palace (and , according to his own account, pence of the uufortunate recipients of publio relief. if all persons were to be denied intended that he should Scripture, " Many ^ called (anythingbnt cut and bleeding, and the horse standing quieiiy by. & fourth , bat on which occasion he escaped without We are told that, at Chesterfield , all women enter- pale of right, who live in a state of adultery, some tho " statement" of Lord Melbourne's moving the fotanen,. cut few are chosen." ^iary vrere there who I fear he is much hurt. I led him to my house near dttecti on ,) wa? ing the workhouse are stripped would cut a very sorry figure, if they jrteat , ye , on the 14th of last cioaiii , liberated of their stay*, and thousands vote of thanks falsehood.9 t bnt few, comparatively,arrived at the vin- the turnpike, and there he is now. My wife has from Tothill- street gaol, his period of imprisonment that a room is set apart for the receipt of those es- wero called on to show their " marriage ceremony." in question was the " ' 'ty p o*; while, in adaiUon to their misfortune lighted a fire, for he is sitting in a chair shivering But this is not so ! He does not dare to say this; BK '- , theyJ having expired. Whilst in prison, we are told sential articles of female attire, Where they are hung Harman informed the Coroner, that if ** Dow had well-Wed-tobo-t wiih cold, and cannot speak." The master imme- Joues behaved remarkably well. He wa3 quiet and up, and ticketed,—the unfortunate owners being stated that he was noi married, the case would have he only applies the term " falsehood" to that part of EtCiii=d tie corn question as deeply diately requested the messenger to lead the horse evon jj , ~ i asand roost orierly, a^d exemplary in his conduct ; so condemned to do without this necessary support to been diSmeat." So that, beJioviug deceased to be the . Lord Mixbooenb a?e% y0 mj inow3e s A37 back, and turn him into the meadow and the " statement" which represents. rar>^i s , a ** ^S » "^ n^* so/I asain, much so that the governor had not in any ono the leniale frame, during the whole time of their wife of Dew, he refused her admission to the Union, dear eoms and cheap coins, to ssy nothing of stated that assisniDce would be forthwith sent. A instance cause residence in the presumption is, that if he had known that to bave been Secretary of State at the period named: of complaint. soSince the liberation workhouse, in the barbarous hope and the ZfrT*?' ' bnt ™J I neTer eat hot rolls again, if I can surgeon ai;d or.e of the dome?tics were quickly in oi this youth , who hs^> gained ixmch notoriety, he of shortening their stay by this ingenious refinement she was only his trull, she would have been admitted ! and yet this is do&e in such a manner as t» lead the '"-'fstsEd "what benefit is to result from ins porting our attendance. The man was found exactly in the has been frequentl y seen on Constitution-hill and in of persecution We are told that women, who have Oh, Mr. Harffiau , get up a better tale when next reader to beliove that the whole of the " statement'* ssar««rs loavesf i^mabroad. To me thecontest between state described. The surgeon careiuiiy examined theij aaaediatenei^iibaurJiocd of Buckingham Palace, been accustomed to wear stays all their livep are to you appear before a coroner. The jury were dis- fj^acturexsaa ar,d , is " false." Cunning Isaac ! Sae the gravi ty with aJto agricniturists,is is s. " pull aeril Wker- the body, and happily found that no bone of him which being communicated to the authorities, orders be seen crouching in every possible position that can gusted with the evidence to meet the case, and very ^* gelher. Oce thing certain, yeo«* would •was broken, and no other perceptible injury than the were given to the police to watch his movements, afford a momentary relief from the inconvenieuce properly begged for an adjournment of the inquiry. which ha reproves JJr. Haudt for endeavouring to e***^rise .-Satirist wounds on the face. He was then led home, appa- which wa3 accordingly done, but there was nothing which they experience—restiag their heads upon One witness, a woman in whose house the deceased " blacken the character of a political adversary by rently insensible, only answering to every question in his manner or behaviour different from those who their hands, and their elbows upon their knees—or and Daw resided, told the Jury that the latter untruth," at the very pnt to him, " I don't know." He wss coadncted to daily freqaent the parks EUpply the wants of the the utteraaee of a downright in hopes of obtaining a sight leaning against tho walls in silent suffering. Aud almost starved hiaself to for the purpose of LATEST FROM AMERICA. his bed-room, undressed, and pnt to bed ; hi3 eyes of royalty. Still, it appears, he was deemed a dan- all this for what object ! By;what authority t Not deceased ; that he was a man of excellent character, moment he is lying by inueado lecture T 6556'18 kiTe all the time being wide open, bnt fixed , and the gerous character, and meditated another entrance by the law. Not by any legitimate exorcise of the industrious anil sober ; albeit, he was driven from whitewashing Lord Melbourne ! What a " " -v T° J arrived at Liverpool from New pupils being mnch dilated. At nine o'clock he into the palace. Without ! length the emaciated partner of 1 cri the packet snip Ecg]and, Cai/taia Waite, with , therefore, going iuto authority of the Guardians—for they would have pillar to post, and at Mr Ha«dy gets, oa the enormity of the sin of lying ew i ork pape awoke, and the first question he asked, occasioned details and rumonrs of suspicion, we may state that just as much right to make people sleep in short his misery died at his side. 16 it not scandalous . rs to the 23d; and the packet =hi p by his feeling his cheek sore and bleeding, and ob- ed;? be thus treated, that they because Mr. Raspy happened to say, or happens to ^«mck, Capiain Palmer, with dates from the same he has bten taken quieti y in hand by the proper b , or to stretch them out till they fit long ones— that the poor should serving his clothes not in the position he had placed authorities aud placed on board the Diamond emi- or to order them to stand upon oa© leg whiJe eating should be thus insulted—deliberately insulted by be reported to have said, that Lord Melbowbhb was «'J _ to theib 27th, the latter ship having madeof her P^g? the shorfc space them the over night, " Where am It WLat's the gration ship, bound to Australia, we believe, or some their dinners, as to rob them of any accustomed, and parish officers t There rarely was, before the insti- the Secretary of State, when Lord Sidmottth occu- extraordinary fifteen matter !" He positively had not, and he ha3 not np other of he English co.' in England, a case ot' a huma a *»Te. The England has forty-focr pasBengera. onies. We hear that this innocent, comfort. It may be necessary, in justice tution of the Bastile pied the stool of office ! To make this mistake is an to the present moment, the slightest recollection of adventurous youth left home in good spirits, and not to tho working population, to eouple a provision for being dying for want of thenecefisariesof lift , who h-id a the proceedings of theCongress on the 24th ult., a single cirenmstance that had occurred £rtm the altogether against his consent for relief. To those good old days attempt to " blacken the chanctee" of Lord Native effvnee , but ea leaving, persons out of work wiih conditions sufficiently irk- made application pl^f^ to of M'Leod, took moment he dropped to sleep on the previous night to repeated his wishes that something should be done some to prevent people from throwing themselves of pauper management, we hop© the country Will Melboubke! the moment he awoke at nmeo clock in the morning- There is another case in to-day'ai T^&per, Tie ' for him in this country, as he would rather remain upon the rates, and living at the eiDonce of the return. The facts are these. Lord Melbourne was noi followingfo resolution offered by Mr. Flojd, We may Btate that it waa his intention, the previous at hom© than go abroad, Jeiies has written on more poorer ratepayers when by proper exertion they affording a beautiful illustration of Uuiou manage- ^failed r co.sideratioa :- night to go to Withington, purpose Le had than ono * inquest held on, two children^ wljo were Secretary of State at the time ot the Manchester _ Resolv and for this occasion to Mr. Hall, of Bow-street, could earn a livelihood for themselves—but confine- ment. At an the ed,—That the President of the United pnt 6d. in his pocket to pay the gatw ; but he had re questing that worthy magistrate to prevail on the ment, work, restrictions as to diet and hours, are all suffocated in bed in Lambeth workhouse, evidence massacre. Lord Sidmouth wa8. But Lord Mel- ^ requested , 3w! ** to inform this house whether any doj, aiid has not now, the least remembrance of Government to do something for him, but his appli- that the law contemplates, or allows. Much even was giveu by a woman, nauiod Scott, that she had (then •*' the arffiJ' of lhe United States dressing himself s door the two infants whea alive, but bjubne, called the Hon. Mr. Lamb,") was a ti« o.rb March has, since rising, , knocking at tho girl' , cations to Mr. Hall were not answered. It is of this is harsh and unjust, undor a system, which not ouly suckled Sft* .^ last , been directed to visit the unlocking and nnbolticg ihe door, walking down the though; these applications were in consequence of denies to lab&ur that free agency, which the law, by two others also iu the same establish?jent J The member of tho House of Commons ; sod in that «£.. o: Aew Yorkor for any ofpurpse connected with street to the meadow, unlocking the gste, catching the boy bciiig desirous always woman confessed that phe was not 'compelled to capacity, acting under instructions from the then ^- mpnsonment trial Al not to be a burdtn to his one of its least justifiable fictions, assumes it exander M'Leod, the horce, saddling and bridlicg it, falling off, being parents, who are poor but industrious and honest to po ssess ; but as to tormenting poor old women, in suckle all tho infants. This may be the case ; but Tory Government, moved that Tote of thanks to the 1" B?' C0Iaimir.icate to this house copies of the picked np, led to iho man's house, being examined persons. " , which ought such a thing to be suffered I Could the un- in^. *° On the day Jones left the prison, one of the hope of forcing them to quit that .home butchers for murdering the people ^ocaou B to, and report of, such officer. " by the surgeon, led hese, and put to bed—of all the agents or laanagera of a minor theatre (his oirgbt to be a place of refuge to the aged, the fact is fortu nate children—four children— have received , which was 0 art€r recapitulating the circumstances these events he is perfectly oblivious. We may add father says) sr, have given credence sufficient nourishment to sustain life from the breast passed by the " Hon. House"! c^f'r -i -^' called and offered him £4 per v?eek to monstrous, that we shouldaiot se <£°e wh:Ca t3ie proceedings against M'Leod had that he is a stead y sober person, and we pledge oar- appear on tbs stage for a fortnight, and, at the end t o it, had we not received our information fro m of one woman ! The thing is impos? ble, and the ca 5 a F d i: the general tha llr affords a delectable specimen of tr .odera workhouse Daro tho Manchester Guardian say that this ^ahCrh r ' " "«^3 impression t a selves fc-r the truth oi the case zs we have related it. of lh?.t time a benefit ," but the boy declined exhi- persona , -whose accuracy we cannot doukt.-- U ffi'Jf ttmtary t-ficer had been de^Datched by the —Bert f c-rd Times- biting himseii;^ fojf so chort a period. ) Chrotiiele * management.— Weekly Dispatch, " statement," is a "-direct falsehood 1" THH NORTH ER N STAR. ~ wll Wf> 4 ¦ ¦ ¦ _ ¦ _ ¦ _ Si_ _. nm iA tk * ^*—™~* ' ' ' • . . .. - .._ .•. ': ' , • ^ J -L..—., we trace*_.._ the*1..l paid beforeV^tnrm the jo bWH was completedftJMUftifltwd. , we EJfajattiikote faitfl hiTit«t thirty Chartist Members, constitut ing the anti-Tory To this man's power, and its abuse " Tory .ta tbeii trjI ng to pTOp BP'AlalUi* natloajk yarti - Cooper's little Leopard, which though compelled Irelan d, and Mi self nomination. . - CfMtrt &t SnfeOt stnrc. in tie Htuse. At th is notioD, weakness of Whiggery, the strength ot Toryism, sale of fieis) mesas, and shew tt» renu jdyfor saving a sinking often to change its skin, yet rarer changes its wad Chart ist et*ff 1 and which we and the rise of Chartism. The weakness of Whig- Had O'Coiwell never touch edcash tffl Ws elient wreck. , flesh ; to meet in downs , Id scores, ia hundreds to whiek we were the first to broach , * TJoble and w*ntr ^»dneT er-jbnnd '' .wanting, undaunt - gery; because, as we hare stated scores of times, cause was gained, we uuh eaitatlaglj declare, tha t 3 SOUTH XAHCMHKmS.--DEl.EGi.TB Meet ing. about Charter snd its Wesangs; to bold rejoice to find the Chronicle and the Sun support , ed Benbow, yxm wffl gWe no q/autet to the enemy. If talk tb * Ministers relied for existeno e upon his pro- he had had coura ge, moral and perso nal,which he hat •—This raeetiig m told in the Chartist-room, Brown- yoar adv ice, they would all have , to prore the advance too bloody old Times, and our Gre at Grand mother, the for the every one bad takes public meetings now and then popu lar favour been a greate r man than either sftnet , Esst Manchester, whldi bad been called to tieath long dinoe. Judging from your are out rageous. So mueh the better. If the fligate support , rather than npon not , he might have b» pmpeae of taking into coMdderatkm the re- been elasuned of public opinisn ; to insist npon a perfect union Grkax , or Croxw klu » u> their true the face; and we pledge our lives that the advoca cy of popular rights might have held popular sulted by O'Connor 's refusa l of presents ; but we ftf t.K * Bridge; Mx.Jobs BaSer, OldhanVCQad, Man. been disregarde d. So much for the organisation of black in interests, -to organise them , and raise such s phalanx be a wattle to crush Tory ism, and for for yet a little longer in abeyance , also have hold his determination to be wise. The re is little cheater ;Me. Gabr iel HwgraTes, Manebeiter ; Mr. publio opinion." result will feeling as will, before bo Terr distant period, wring from a a proper him and the money 's worth ; and Peter Shor rocks, and Mr. Wm-Griffin. Me. Peter Shor- Government those ever. formed an incor ruptible barrier betwee n difference between money and if tw called to the chair , and commenced busi- worthless, despotic sad tyrannical Let us now see how such a force— presuming upon rodu which the laws of the omnipotent These are not times to stand en nice prerogative. people upon the one han d, and between him and he commenced by accepting fustian, or any othe r aess fcy explaining to than tbe reason wfej they bad rights and immunities its completion—co uld be beneficially ap plied. Ruler of the universe, and the laws of nature entitle is divided into the landed class, represented the Government npon the other ; thu s renderin g money's worth, he would probabl y end in looking for been eaDed together a week earlier than , their nsaal For argument's sake, we ahall for the moment Society ttme of meeting, and tben proceeded to read as to. by a political maj ority ; a money, commercial , and his corr upt suppor t of less value by exposure. He money. Had O'Connell made the resolution not Honenred Sirs, there are thousands whose hearts suppose a possibl e evil, namely, that the Whigs, three tetter * wbkfa be had received; tfce first from which they can pay a manufact urin g class, re presented by a political well knew tha t to insure unopposed power , he to accept anything till his work was completed, and * Teargaa O'Connor , Ea% . ; theseeona from Mrs. O'Brien , pant with anxiety for the day on who for nine years have played most fantastic pranks debt of gratitade for your past serrlees ; only a hint minority; and a people made paupers by both—not must destro y in the House, and bani sh from the had he made his interest and the interest of th * sad the third from Mr. Wbu Benbew; *fter which a , has pat fresh life before high heaven for the mere possession of office , long discudoo commenced , amongst tfe© 'delegates that you are abou t to be releasea represente d at all. Can the Whigs, then , m hope to House, all honest and independ ent opinion . He people identical in the completion, it would hav» a* country ; and the question uni versally should now constitutionally deliver power into Tory to the day on which fee above patriots tfaould be re- into file whole as to regain power by their softened down Irish support to the plaee-and-title and well done, long ago. aakfetg is, how can we sufficient ly repay you ? How hands without a just aud consti tutional struggle in deal with the latter class been done, quested to ami re at Manchester. Oa * par ty eomteDd- y wholesale ! can we d» to get up such ft demonstrat ion as England le could and would take part ; we exclusion ! and can they hope to persuade them that standa rd ; and then sold his countr We now proc eed to lay before our readers th * ed for Saturday, whilst the other party wufeed for which , money has been which the peop Monday, which term mated in a resouttioa t» the fol- never saw, and to carry out any act which denies them representati on, can be What ! does he suppose that the far-seeing peo- Charter draftsman , as lately spit upoa which comes in beyond our expectation. mean without ano ther dissolution and an appeal to venom of the lowing eflect :—" Thai the Coamittee at Manchester called for, ple are blind ? Or does he imagine that drowsy ia Dablia. After two Flags and ban ners of the most costly and splendid de- thb people, of wbjch more anon . Snppose , then , that for their benefit ! hia gaping swallowers column * aball again discasa the subject relative to the day on Ireland has not opened her eyes to the fact, that the scription ar e being provide d ; and with everlasting such a force, our duty is to skirmish with The Tori es, it is true , have been much relieved by of rank nonsense, and praise of Whiggery and oar which the demonstration ahall take place, and that to eay that we have M credit to the females, we are compelled during the short the rejectio n of Herbies , Sir Geobob MURRA Y, and men who were scouted from the hustings , for lacking " lovely young Queen ," Old Mortality " »T8 :— €*ch delegate lay the same before hi* eonatitaents , who in the field. the enemy accor ding to our mean s shall dedde which day they wish, and to meet again they bid fair to be foremest Mr. Fitzbo t Kelly—all aspirants for office ; but liberality, in 1832 and 1834, are now too liberal for In conclusion, we, in behalf of oar constituents, of supply campaig n, which ib to commence on the 19th " A damp bad been throw n on the cause of repea l in the same room to-morrow (Sunda y), aad when as- , return you our the re are ample combustible materials left for a the " Liberator " t Does he suppose that the invita - by the foolish conduct of Lor d: sembled, that day on -which the majority ourselves, of our wives and children of next month. We could not be prepared to meet then la this country, «f delegates past, and place unbounded con- q Kildar e, (a Whig, Ebrington at the Castle. (Groans. ) The Qovernmen t come prepared to state -would best nit tfeeir coiuti- sincere tha nks foi the efficiently at that time, and defeat would be dis- grand blow up. Peel and his old followers, Knatch- tion to the Mar uis of and the future , and temain. your s truly them refused to counte nance Repealers, but did it sow refute tnenU, the demonstration will be held whether it be fidence in you for Btrix, GotJLBURN , Egebton , Lord Mahon , Sir H. Anti-Repealer) to become his colleague for the and affectionate ly in the cause of democracy, Univer- astrous. We could not get our forces together so soon ; the support of these Repealers ? Were they not thank * Monday or Saturday." 2nd. " That three persons be Ashley representat ion of Dublin , passes without notice ! sal Suffrage , and no surrende r. therefore the country should petition for the restora- Hardin ge, Lord , and all the old constitu- ful for their votes that day? (Hear, bear. ) Then , appointed to draw up an address to the prisoners." Mr. imagine that the Repeal ers forgot that " Ire- in England ; they 4W con- BaQey, Signed, Williams, and Joxbs ia the first tionalists , will not like to be removed by Lord Stan- Does he there were the Cha rtist * John Mr. Riekard Haslem , and Mr. William , tion of Fbost , to the Rad ical cause. A groan fox Griffin were chosen for that purpose. They were re- By order of the delegates ley, Graham , Tennant , and their expectants ; while land' s only"—the Duke of Leinster , with the help siderable dama ge Peter Shorboc kjj , Chairman . instance , to tr y the mettle of the new House. We the Chartista. (The call was responded to by a deafen- qaested to retire into the Committee-room while the Inglis and his disciples will each press of his tool,—Pibbc e Mabon y, got np the memorable Cbartist-room s, Brown-street , July 4th , 1841. say for Frost , Wilu am3, and Jonbs , because we Sir Robert ing burst of groaning, biasing , booting, and every pos- Others discussed other business which would be brought for a, curacy, or perhaps a plurality of benefices ; as anti-R epeal Declaration ; and does he think that sible mark of disap probation from the immense mnlti * before them. But as nothing definite had been re- , it was resolved, must keep their case alive ; we never ean forget After the readi ng of the address we are now essentially represented by the Protestant they, the Repea lers, will not recollect his, O'Co n- tude j Mr. O Connell continued—I think It right to fleired from either Feargns O'Connor er the rest of the That the Editor of the NartAent Star fee Teqnested to them ; we never will abandon them : moreover , O'Connor made a. prisoners opera the subject of their release , no resolu - " nell' b, recent declaration , that " the Marqnis 0/ tell you, my bl ends, that Feargus insert the above add ress in the next publicat ion." A whoever signs for Bucb. a petition , would cheerfully counties. most deperate attempt to have me assassinated at tion was passed. Shortly, the Committee entered with was given to the three individuals who the son of a man who, though he took vote of tfmnt * Char ter ; and th is both parties will "A little leaven leaveue th the whole loaf." Howick Kildare *tas Leeds ; and I am informed that there are a few ef his Ute following address , which wasread and carried with drew np the addr ess, and also to the Cha irman, and sign for the cclmiBtifjB and Charle y Wood kept continually poking and but little p art in politics, teas, nevertheless, always vagabond Chartist s at present in Dublin. Well, I ^ i*™* thus ended a pleasing and animat ing meeting. understan d. see what colour these fellows are o& ing at the Melbourne Cabinet , in spite, ON THS BIGHT SIDE." would like te TO FEABGU8 O'CONNOR , BSO,, MB. BRON- [This report was received for our last, but was acci- Now, although it is highly important that such hiccupp for (Laughter , and cheers .) These rascally Chartists are- omitted.—Ed.] AND MR. WILLIAM dentall y petitions should be numerously signed , yet as Mr. breakin g up his papa 's family circle ; and when one Pat never bad a patriot , oar enemies—t hey are the enemies of Ireland—they an TERRB O'BRIEN , Particularl y good and wide. only moved on one of the prayers of our scabby sheep was able to infect the whole flock , what the enemies of the Queen, whom they nave grossly BBNBOW. Duncokbe But fell upon St. Slephen' sjteor, word more , and that tea big word, Re- resto ration of Frost amoant of " scab," and " foot-rot ," and "black - libelled. One Patriotic Sirs ,—We, the delegates assembled in former petition , and as the , And always on the biixered sick. peaL (Cheering. ) Yes, Repeal. It Is for the great anothe r of our prayers leg," aud ?• liver-rot ," may that shepherd expect Brown-street, East MMmhflsfrff , on Sunday, July 4th. THE NORTHERN STAR . Williams , and Jones was , " Liber ator " suppose that the extin- measure of Repea l that I am princi pally struggling." many infected sheep on one confined Again, does the 1811, having heard that you are shortl yto be released , JULY 1841. he can constit utionally call the 2,000,609 spirits from who has so , beg moat respectfully to inform SATURDAY 17. guishment of Repeal by the return of anti-Repealers , Of the Repea l question we have befor e disposed, from your dungeon * archives or rather from the burying pasture t To hold office on Tory principles the you, both on behalf of ourselves a&d oar constituents , the dusty , will not penetrate even into the dull minds of his in as far as it has been extingu ished by the " Liber a- popu lar opinion and make them plead whole flock must be kept together ; while to keep that it is with joy inexpressible, that we receive soeh ground for , , nose-led followers 1 Here we find a Royal navy tor. " The groa n for the Chartists will be answered glad tidings. THE MONSTER. the whole flock together , abuse must be multiplied for his clients. Captain ; her e a Royal army Captain , and there an tenfold by the Killarney echo, whose response will Sirs, we hail with delight, mingled with anxious ears of lisgering hope between life Should the Tories not commence the shooting for the seduction of each 1st. expectation, the approach of the time when we shall After nine y anti-Re peal banker , or trader , or barrister , all be " ten groans for ' Old Mortality, ' and the putri d Wbj " in Ireland before February, when the House Now in this state of things the difficul ty which anoe more hvre the pleasure and opportunity of seeing and death, the monster Toryism , refreshed by £ season anti-Repealers ; but none of them poor ones ! carcase of Whiggery. " 70a, and to enjoy your company ; and when your stares all in the face dees not appear to have struck u delin qu ency, strengthened by Whig treachery, and will meet again , and should they allow us to live in started supported and returned As to O'Connor , Old Mortality " knows full tnuiBcendant talents ahall be called into action , unfet- any of our contem poraries , who measure publi c Such men we find , emboldene d by popular hatred of Whiggery, has peace in England during that period , (which is very w well that he told a lie, a wilful lie. But why marv el I tered and free, both with your tongues and pens. When opinion and prosperity by the stamp returns. The for the Repeal county aud bsrough of Car lo , for 70a, as you are ever welcome, shall take your proper been resuscitated ; and in the plenitude of its re- doubtfnl ,) we muBt meet them in full Convention on Could he apeak tru th f Ho knows that Mr. O'C on- difficulty is this. All the money has got into one New Ross, for Ktnsale , Youghai , and for many other stand amongst and assist those who hare .fought the formed power , will no doubt vainly hope to hold the 4th of Februa ry, the usual day for Parliament , places ; while the gallant General who was slander ed nob'8 only observation as to Daw's -rieit to Leeds battle in your absence. Without flattery on out part , hand ,—the hand of steam ; and a preponderance of the reins of Government and to rule British slaves assembling. We have already more than two-thirds and defamed AS BEING A REPEALER , not- was,.*• Let no man riot ; and , should any attempt it we assure you we bare many times bad to lament the political power into another hand—the landed hand ; t according to olden cust om and constitutional prero- of our -49 representatives ; w say 49, for still will withstanding the contradiction of the libel ^ the let him be instant ly restr ained : our interest is to toss of such men as you in one of the most glorious, while, between both, the people are starring. It by gigantic, and enterprising straggles, that has ever occu- ga.tiye. Silly th ought ! They most learn, and that we remain with in the lavrs' sanc tuary. We have keep the pe ace ; their' ais to oreakit." has never struck our sapient rulers that the money Newry Ex aminer Repeal print, is alone defeated. pied the minds and attention of the working millions, »i once, that tie people rejoice in their newly ac- O'Bkikn , M'Dodal l, Sanket , Vikcent , Hanson, t will the old grave-digger say 1 Why name ly to boret the fetters of slvrery, Here then is a new Irish sum for the solution of Now, wha , and stand np in quired strength only as indicative of their approach- PlTKETHLT , HiBNET, LEECH , WlLLIAMS , BlNKS, has got into hands over which they have no controul , ihe digsiiy of freemen , u> gain those rights , liberties , Irish Poli ticians. If it required 2,000,000 signa- just what we say—that a lie, to him, is much pre- Thom pson Coopbs and theref ore they can [have no hope from any ad- sad pririleges which of right belongs to uniT ersal mas. ing and instant and irrevocable destruction. Low ery, Col. , , Richardson , 0 000 to earry Repeal in the House of fer able to the truth ; f or truth never serves the bad mini strative chan ge. They may marshal , organise, tures and £10 , Deeply hvre we grieved that tyrants st heart should be Whiggery, which for nine years acted as a John Ddncan , Abr aham Duncan , Thom assow Commons, with 25 Repeal Members aud a Whig man 's pur pose. allowed to torture and insult you, and injure you both and register , each according to their respective foil to Tory ism, was not the great opponent of Tories Mills, Moir , M'Cr ae, M a&ti k , young Thom p- time-servin g administration , how many signatures However , in the midst of all this hot contest , it is bodily and mentally, especially when we are conscious tactic s; but povert y, the Chartist drill sergeant and , that the rery extent of your crime , has been during the past strugg le for pre-eminence. No ; son, and many others ; in fact , Scotland the land of and how much money will it require to carry curious to see how the netted Chartists haunt th * and consequently of patriots , has nearl y reorutting officer , will prove the better general , and because you possessed feelings of sympathy, those sections of the people who brought Tory martyrs , it with Dariel and his three sons and a Tor y Whig lion at large. Ever y opponent of the " Liber a- generosity and affection for, and manfully and indefati - filled up the list ; however the deficiency will be turn oat in the long run , the most efficient and best strength in advance , in order to have a fair shot at House 1 tor 's," till he met with his over-match , either fell a S&bly laboured to better the condition of what &as been easily made good. disciplined corps. M terme d, by those who lire upon the fruits of our in- the enemy, whom, for nine years , the Whig ranks Answer. —Signatures , now no object ; money is prey to the Liberator 's" slander and abuse , or in If these forty-n ine representatives are backed by All legislation which does not regulate supply dustry, " fee swinish multitude " ;—feeling, as we do, had covered, were the real enemies of Toryism, everythin g. disgust foolishly gave him a trium ph by changing eonTinced that if you had considered your own indi- the country .and supported by 4,«00,0001 signatures and demand , and give to labour its fair represen- . and the real friends of constitutional liberty. , But let ub expose the greatest inconsistency of the sides. Bat O'Connor opposed him from the first , ia vidual interest to the ezdosian of ours, aud hid taken which they will have and more , it will th en become ta tion, placin g its sterling stamp of value upon the «n opposite course, you could and would have been The cry of " give us a fair trial" will not for a " Liberator ;" if we are justified in using so mild 1833, when he discovered his treachery upon the ques- the duty of the people of London , headed by every fabric, i s moonshine ! blessed with eTery priT Qege—bad you consented to go momen t he listened .to. They haTe had too many a term to such a moving mound of rottenness. tion of Repeal ; and , without turning a hair 's breadth hand asd glore with those who are now your and our member of the Convention , to go in procession to " Wa nt teaches man remembrance what man Is; 7 " fair trials ;" and in each and all the people have down, yon mark his favourit e flies ; from bis: course , he has hunted the " Liberator * oppressors, you might, instead of being where yon now with an address to the Queen ; and The great man Is it not strange that in his celebrated puffs and found them wanting ; and however the proud the Home Offi ce The poor advanced , makes friends of enemies." into the arms of Ireland 's bitterest enemies, the are, bare occupie d the >iigh«*«t seats in the senate to the House of Commons with a petition to the advertisements for the sale of himself, of Irela nd, Bouse, extolled asd reward edfor your abilities by those fl esh of Whi ggery may for a long time have Therefore DISSOLVE ; " advance the poor ; make coercing, " the base, the brutal , and bloody Whigs." House , of such nature and quality, as the country and of the Catholics of Ireland , addressed to Lord Who, through the rneJinm el an hireling press , brand tsoTered and partiaii y obscured the deep and festering friends of enemies f' give to Iabonr thirty represen- O'Connor has never lost an opportunity of meeting you -with the epithets of fire-brand *, rebellious, dis- shall decide upon. Meantime , as full notice of the Duncannon , as Home Secretary, in 1836, he should wound of Toryism , jet -vrill the caustio of public tatives , and ypu may defy the devil and all his him pub licly, while at lar ge; and has more than x&ettoas , *a day of presentatio n will be giren , it will become the have stated the non-appointment of Iri sh Catholics Sirs ,—We tha working classes, judging from your opinion very speedily remote the ont ward skin , and imps : on the other hand , turn sulky with the once challenged him to discussion in Dublin. Bui easy, the pleasin g, and the imperative du ty of the to places of emolument , as the great causes of Irish station in society, are sumdently aware that you hare expose the running sore of constitutional disorder— people , aad farewell your power and for ever. no ; falsehood could not stand aga inst truth. O'Cox - people of every town thro ughout the empire to set opposition f Is it not strange tha t his son, Master been actuated by the porest of motfrres ; and seeing the " The Kisg's Evil"—to the naked eye. Therefore , Whigs, DISSOLVE I Again we Bay, nob alone, of all hid marked victims, has battled him poTerty, misery, tyranny, and oppression , the effects of one Monday apart , supposing the petition to be pre- John ,—heir to the Irish potatoes , (the skins being cImh legislation GiTe them a " fair trial ," indeed ! Have not our DISSOLVE ! and , without a blow, the full bloom of single-handed , for eight long years ; being in the first , eTerywhere abounding amongst the sented on a Friday, —(thus giving ample time for for the slaves,) complains that the Irish bar eoalsred millions ef your fellow-creatures—a love for fathers and our grandfathers, our children and our- k Toryism vanishes , and for ever , before the sweet instance , compelled to answer bis daily abuse by th * the knowledge of the trea tment which it and the have not their full shar e in colonial fob- them, yourself, posterity, and your country combined , selves, given them a " fair trial" ? And what has been breath of a great nation. slow, the heavy, and expensive mode which the pub* propelled a&d stimulate d you to exertion in the great procession shall have experienced , to travel to the bery ;—we say is it not strange that the the results ? In power , they hare been ram pant lication of a pamphlet afforded. And let it be work of uniTersa l redemption , liberty, and happiness most distant part of the country)—we say, it will then " Lib erator ", notwi thstandin g all this pleadi ng to alL We haT e came to this conclusion from an im- devils ; in opposition , they have been panting blood- " OLD MORTALITY. " borne in mind , that O 'Connell was the aggressor } become the people's duty to set that day apart , as for Irish Catholic place, pension , and emolument , pression wrought upon our minds by watching your hounds ; cautious in every step, lest in a moment of O'Connell ' aud that O'Connor wrote him two private letters conduct for yean; and , from the bold and disinterested the Chartist jubilee ; a&d , without any nonsense of Bat for Mr. s recent and foulest attack Bhould now turn upon the Repealers who have been ^ over-zeal to attain office , they should , by a lip- upon the Chartists , it was not our intention to notice asking him for an explanation of bis calumny , which manner you bare proceed ed when all the power and declaring their determination to have recourse to sopped off, an d deolare them place-hunters and influence of tyrants was ar raigned against you ; from the offerin g to liber ty , liberali ty, or justice , establish a the acts of treason of " Old Mor tality " (Mr. Daniel might have been erroneously published , thus giving physical force , it becomes their duty to meet and say sold i Is it not stran ge that , in the face of Irish jnanner in which you have braved the storm, beth in danger precedent dangerous to the tyrant' s rul e. O' Connbli o, except to warn him for the future by him an opportunity of correcting any errors before what nixt I and it becomes the duty of the denunciation , the miller Bar onet, Sir David Roche , and out of danger , through erii as well as through reminding him of the past. he publicly defended himself. good report , bidding defiance to police magist rates, To us the plea of Whiggery—ti *t the Tories made delegates io remain ia London to receive the and the Whig Barone t, Sir Denham Nobbe ys, and ftfctsroey-gBner&L judge *, and juries , because you We have followed him throu gh his abuse of every What , then , some person may ask , is O 'Connell 'b . were them villains, is not good ; to it, therefore, we demur , decision . the Whig Attorney- General , David Pioox, and the armed and fortified with troth and justice, and engaged and reply " Not so ; for had yo e living patriot till his vor acious appetite was palled , Trinity grub aim and end ? It is obvious ; it is to keep O'Connor in a righteous and glorious cause. They, poor shor t u r lied upon popular Let the se things be done ; and let no funde , not a , old Dr. Stocks, and the Right Honour - support and at length we have run him to the tombs of the out of Ireland , well knowin g that his pr esence there lighted , empty-headed fools, fancied that whea you— , yon would hare been independent of Tory farthin g, be placed in the hands of the Convention , ables Thomas WYSE, and Little Dick Shiel—is it and the rest of tie good and tree , great dead , for food whereon to feast. would be a signal for revolt from the crooked who have nobly modera tion, and guiltless of the villany." But let beyond the mere necessary suppl y for adver tising, not strange, we say, in the midst of all this denun - suffered like yonrselTes, were taken from us, that the We find him engaged in a vain endeavour to standard of the •' Liberator ;*' but in this he will failr not the Whigs snppo se, meantim e, tha t they can in stationery, and ren t of meeting place. Let each ciation , that the above title-hunters , place-hunters cry against oppressio n would cease, and that it would deface the epitap hs from the grave-stones of the for O'Conno r will again go to Ireland , and dan •hate the thirst for turn play the part of negative tyrants , in the hope e ega u p e ge and Bopped-off Repealers , Bhould still be " My dear liberty in those who were left be- d l te receive f ll and am l wa s from his own immortal Emmett and Lord Edward , and trying him to discussion. hind ; but, alas ! thank God, they never made a greater of again resuscitating Whiggery upon Tory hatred. local treasurer ; and let him re ceive it, like other friend Roche," " My dear friend Pigot," " My dear mistake; for , in the first place, they have not , by their Let them not imagine th at Tory oppression , unop- to substitu te the name of traitor for that of patriot , fri end the Docttr While speaking of Iri sh afairs , we must lay what dnngeens, honest workmen , on every Saturday night , and none ," " My dea r friend Shiel ," and so erased the love of liberty from the breasta of posed by them in the vain hope, not more of obliterating all tra ce is positively flattering to our great cause before our those whom they , will of itself replace Whiggery in in advance ; and let a detailed account of the pro- forth ! Ah 1 the denun ciation is only intended for have bad under their iron grasp ; but , of recollec tion of their noble deeds from the Irish readers. cm the contrary, they, the patriots , have come out of the ascendant. No, it will not. We have now the poor place-hunter , who canno t " but ter the bar- ceedin gs be printed at the close of each week , a few Firs tly, th en the furnace purified , and as giants refreshed with new created the monster ; it is for them in opposition to mind, (which he has debased and brutalised ,) than gain ;" , for negative pro of of our strength. with zsal and copies of which should be sent to each town , to be and not for him who can " grease the fist" of ¦wine ^filled determin ation, have entered deal with it inside j while for ourselves we of furnishin g a justification for his own crooked , We find it in the fact of O'Connbi.i. ' s weakness, the field^with more ar e r ead in different places upon a given day ; and let a the independent " Liberator ," who loves to have his vigour, and are going forward , insignifi cant , and coward ly policy, made more glaring and shrinkin g from public opinion. No doubt it has advocating the princi ples of liberty through the length nothing daunted by its electoral strength , so long as Commi ttee be chosen to draw up such report ; and itching palm tickled with the price of office, even at by contrast with the eelf-devotion of the patriots struck all with astonishment , that the Cobourg and breadth of the land. This ought, above all, to the peop le have the command of the electrif ying let it, when drawn np, and before publication , be the expence of an ardent Repealer . eonTinee the despots , that neither the dungeon , the machine which is now charged , and ready to cam- of 1758. Gardens , (the Palace Yard , the Holloway-head of sword , gnfficient Submitted to the whole body, and its truth and cor- Let us now distiotly show why, nor the scaffold , will be to uphold municate a shock to tyranny, in whatsoever form it He never dreams (old dotard !) that if it be justi- even in his Dublin agita tion ,) has not , during the whole campaign , oppr ession, or «tifl9 the cry for liberty. In the second rectness be thus authenticated ; and then the countr y dying moments presents itself , whether abroad or at home. fiable to resist Tory oppression with a million of , the monst er Chartism haunts the been the scene of action ; whereas of old, 200,000- place, those who hare been left behind , those -whom will hav e an unstamped national weekly organ , the blood feouads at the law have E«t thoug ht sufficien t Iri sh pikes, as threatened by his pacificator-general brain of " Old Mortali ty ." It must be matter noto- Irishmen rushed to th e spot , as if by impulse , without What then have we to fear ? We are aware that divested of falsehood and party spirit , and bearin g the game, have taken the place of yourselves and others, in 1841, it was not less so in 1798. He forgets that riou s to the least observant , that Mr . O'Connell more than a whisper 's notice, upon the announce * and have supplied them to the best of their ability the bold Char tist stands in much greater dan ger sterling stamp of truth. the perpetuation of the same rule (which justified for many years has lived upon the very abuses which ment that the Whigs were in danger. Why is this I —the ill-used working classes likewise began to read th an the boldest Whig ; we are conscious that the Such are the weapon s with which the country think , judge , and rebellion in 1798), after nine years of Reform and he professed to desire power to destroy. It must be Because the " miscreant Chartists ," mayhap , would act for themselves, and thus it -was Whi g jary-cla sswill applaud as patriotic all Whi g should be armed to resist Tory domin ation ; while the thit the fustian jacke ts, the unshorn chins, and the thirteen of Emanci pation , and durin g which time he equall y notori ous that every abuse complained of attend ; and , if nob, police officers , attorney s, patriotic blistered bands haTe att acks upon Toryism, so long as they, the jurors , Whig alternative should be to transfer all the com- met the tyrants upon the same has held the balance of power both in the House has, in turn , been placed uppermost in the show- barrist ers, and the tribe of fatted trad esmen who atage ; stood forward in the majesty of their cause, look eqnally to Whi g and Tory rule as suffici en t bnstible elements of popular discontent into the box ; and that the juggler has invariably produced sad in thousands aud out of the House, is wholly and entirely char ge- never work , would , if left to themselves, cut but a of instances havejbea t them in open protection or class legislation , by whi ch the jury- House of Commons, as a national safety valve. To a new trick and fair discussion, until at length, thou gh we as able upon his treachery and treason . Of what use , or touched up the old one, for ren t sorry appearan ce in the vast space. class thrive ; -while the Bame " sworn jurors of our talk now of longer holding power by majorities and Chartists have suffered more persecution , met with was his power if, after receiving hundreds of thou- day. It must also be plain to the least obser vant , For our positive strength see our weekly notices more opposition bosh from the law, the Government , Sovereign Lad y the Queen " will have no difficul ty in gunpowder , is child 's play—a farce ! that the juggler has invariably by some shuffle the middle and higher classes , sands of pounds , and after the sheddin g of much of rising Chartism in Dublin ; and especially do and all those who wish seeiag a gros s violation of law , and practices requir - We are told that the government of a country or other chan ged the trump to suit his for things to remain as they are, and have blood in his moral and peaceful struggles, that power OWQ hatld. V7e> recommend that in our last to the consideration had our ing, immediate correc tion , in the case of a hon est is, in general, a correct miniature of popular ranks broken into, and ont of them 450 of our best men has not produced one singl e beneficial act , or one Let his career be followed , more especially for the of every English , Scotch , and Welsh workman in Imprisoned ; in a word Chartist. opinion. In this folly th e Leeds Mercury joined , history does not record a single beneficial clause in any aot , for a period of last four years , and do we not find him just at the cause. From it they ' will learn that our Dublin society so much pBrsecu ted and prosecuted as oms has What during the days of Whig ascendancy ! but what rent time deali ng in abu se the most violent of every- been, from tha eommencenieut of out , in SUCh case, then , becomes the bounden thir teen years , during the latter five of which he fri ends have done just what O'C onnor recommended agU&tion for the will the Mercury say now ! We say now, as we C&arter. Ytt, notwit hstanding all tnis you have never du ty of the veritable Chartist ! We hav e over and was all-powerful 1 Of what use, we ask , is that thing English , and trying to court Irish prejud ice two years ago in Convention—they have incorporated flinched , yon have not bended beneath your sufferin gs before said in r eply : " th at such was only a poli- , over again showa tha t law is a farce ; and that , as power , when no man can lay his finger upon one which he has endeavoured to foster by such abus e ? the Suffrage and Repeal Questi ons. Our gallant snd it is with exultatio n that we can without fear of tical truism , when the existing government did Mr. O'CoiraoB has well observed : " There is mor e legislative act, and say " this is O'Connell 's," and Do we not find him stoppin g short , as though he friends have united thei r question contradiction , say, nay -we rejoice ; and pxcfaj™ in a actually represent a majority of the nati on." W ill with our question ", Toiee of thunder , that we axe in a better position danger to the peasant who shoots at the squire ' B " this is good" ? were shot , the moment excitement has served his that is, if Repeal can be considered mor e an Irish than we were when you the Mercury now say that the Tory Governmen t pur pose left us. Tha t we are now har e, than to the Equire who shoots at the peasant' s t and in the midst of all, do we not find than an Eng lish question , which we better organised ; a bette represents a maj ori ty of the nation ? and if not This ram pan t Proteus , now for ever dismi ssed utterl y deny, r understanding exists with head. " This is true ; most true : but , then , un- , every single abuse of which he complained , and each other , and by the drculatien of inform atfon from his position , is frantic ; and , in his mad- ina smuch as both count ries suffer immense damage opposed tyranny acqnires the stamp of custom; and will it say that the government is a constitutional which he promi sed to redress , still iu existence, not - through the medium the Star, and the Chartis t ness, he still , even in the heat of election contest , from the incestuous union. But it is done ; and let , government ! aud , if he admi ts that such is not the press the working classes in every pa rt of usage and custom are most easily transferr ed to the withstandin g his mighty power ? Nay, more ! af ter " Repeal and the Charter " go hand in hand , as the England and Scotland case, is it not our bounden duty, and the bounden duty throws bis venom at the only powerful party in the , and many parts of Irela nd, coun try's records as common law ; whereas vigorous so long a possession of power , do we not find tha i united motto of united have been enabled to read our principles , State—the Ch artists. We thought he had been Englishmen , Scotchmen, which cannot opposition to the infant abuse would have prevented of every good man to arrive at the means of at- the Tories , upou their re-occup ation of Government , help but produce conviction in every honest and candi d taught a lesson by th e chastisement recentl y ad- Iri shmen , and Welshmen. the monster ' taining an object upon which all appear to be have now all the machinery of police, and arms mind of their correctn ess and purity ; and thas have s strength. Hence have the people minis t ered to him by the New York Repeal Asso- We have before stated that the " Liberator " hates they become more intellig ent And, again , many who been most culpable in olden times. Indeed we hare agreed. Bill, and mitigated coercion , all furnished by the once looked upon ua with t s p a t at t g ciation. Our readers are perha ps aware , that in a every man who strengthens hia monster , which he scorn and contempt , have no right to lay equal stress upon popular acqui- I i l in h he Whi s cut a stick ia 1832, " Liberator ," made to hand and read y for use ? And been led, for the sake of the novelty of the thing, to letter to " the real Old Goat ," (Lord Chj lblemont ,) never intended to have slippedf rom its leading-strings , escence at with which the Tories have thr ashed them soundly should the Tories now abuse that power i examine and give those prin ciples a proper investiga- present , inasmuch as the storm of " Old Mortality " denounced the Irish patriots of , who s to but which , like Fran kenstein 's, has now become tion ; and as many have acknowledged, popnlar indignation in 1841. What , then , can the Whi gs do! Can blame—thosa who finding it with a prej u- so successfully kept up against 1793 as traitors ; and that Robert Emmett , the son , use it, or those who too po werfu l for him. diced mind, who after have come honestly forward , the New Poor Law Bill and they go to the shrubbery agai n and select another furnished it 1 , the Rural Police BUI, Thomas Addis Emmett , late Attorne y General Let "Re peal and our Charter " be now our joined our Association and have allowed themselves to is likel Whig switch 1 No ; impossible ; they must go to of be put upon the plu of lecturers , to expound y, if not to cru gh those monstrous ini quities those the forest and cut a Tory wattle , of which they of New York , who was expatriated in 1798, and Why, then , does " Old Mortalit y" now abuse watch-word and onr cry. Let it be constant ly principles which they at one time presumed that - thej to the earth per se, indirectl y to annihilate , not may hold one end and the people nephew to Rob ert Emmett , the patriot , who was Chartism ! Simply because in its establis hment and incessantly repeated ; and before this day nine •were justified in treating with contempt. only them , but the power of their Cramers. the other ; and Then, honoured Sire, if such has been our progre ss then all may hope to annihilate the whole power of bu tchered in 1803 ; that this young patriot was he sees the " finali ty " of humbu g. So long as he months , we shall be able to pres ent the compli- man like to ' Wha t then , we Bay, becomes the people' d M ^riihout yourselves advise with and dire ct s uty ! Toryism. The Whigs cannot regain power by the pre- chairman of the Repeal Association of .New York ; could live upon the wages which Tory oppression ments of four millions of Brit ons to the House," us—if this has been asd is now our position if we Thej must create a power stronger than oppres- (without the money-stamp of a could meet the factions when we sent con stituencies of their own creat ion ; that is and , upon read ing the insult offered by the Liberator would produce , he had no objection to relinquish shilling each being had only a fustian sion '; a national feeling stronger than party or jacket, sad amid all tbt conflicting and numberles s certain ; they have lost power by traffickiag , experi - to his fath er and uncle, he instantly sent in his re- Whig patronage for a season. To the system of turn- affixed to th eir names , demanding a Repeal of the class pr ejudice ; a sense of justi ce greater than the difficulties , and when even be ran the risk of losing his men talising, and fenoing with Tery opposition ; signation , whereupon the Association met , approved about he had no objection ; but to the complete Union , and our Charter. employment —if law s' we could make ahead agai nst such persecution ; and if atta cked unconstitution - yielding to Tory prejudice, instead of bending to the of his conduct , denounced the " Liberator " for his transf er of all power to the people he is mortall y So for " Repeal and the Cha rter," Hurrah i odds, what might we now anticipate when 7011 once ally behind such a ra mpart of moral strength by policy Hurrah for the Charter snd «aore take yoar national voice. They cannot tOBB up any other " has ty time-serving, expediency ; and , after passing opposed . He never was for any org anio change ; Repeal; post—when yoar presence shall gladd en, physical orce , then necessity, which ifl the mother snd when yon to&goee, a> it broken loose from pudding " to catch the hun gry elector s ; they have a spirited resolut ion declari ng that more self-de- he never affected any, the slightest , administrative and ten groans for " Old Mortalit y," and the pa- of invention , will of itself , and npon the moment, bondage, shall excite our oosflfcrymtn, and stimu- gone further in their new cookery than they thought voted or braver patriots than those of 1798 never change. Of what use, then , was " Old Mortalit y! trid car case of Whigg ery, is the responsive echo late them so that thousand * will step create a force stronger than out gunpowder. practicable or pru dent ; and if reinstat ed by lived, requested Emmett to resume his office , which Of great use. He has furnished a lesson of wisdom to the " groan for the Chartis ts." of the routine of their former energies and be alive to a ma- The voice of knowledge has almost silenced the however he declined. t» all the nations of the earth ; he their own interes t is poshing forward our glorious jorit y, it was doub tless their intention to have still pre sents to the '^ ¦^ ¦¦¦¦ *!¦ j and ^ *^™^^^B ^^^^^ ^^^*^^^ j ^j 'j ^ji ^imji ^^ - ^-^^ inuautabl e Charter ? Tea, aoble O'Connor , we, judging cannon 's roar , and nature , ever read y to arm right reli ed upon Tory epposition for the non-p«r fbnnan ce Charlemont and the Whigs , the Duke of Leinster , living the wreck of prejudice and old opinion, while from the elements of "which you are composed, expect against might, will be prompt in supplying her »f clap-trap pro mises. Mahone y his downfall will be s> warning to all future politi- THE ELECTI ONS. great things from you in addition to what you of Anti-Repeal notoriety , and Pibrcb , his have children with the means of cians ; teac hing them that the use of power The following is a summary dtne , in rowing the whole nation by your eloquence, self-defence against What , then , must they do \ They must , as they whipper- in, are now sought to be conciliated by , and of the returns so far their enemies. means of possessing it determin ation, perseven ncs, and generalship, cutting have tried juggling for nine years , now try a fair O'Connbl l. As Mohammed would not come to the not the * is the one thing to as they had been received by us on Thursday :— tight and left at those factions who dre ad yonr ¦i mountain , the mountain resolved upon going to which the people look. The tor tuous policy of thi s approach. The mode of accomp lishing all these desirable game. They must show the people every card in • „ ,. _ Whigs. Tories. natural-bora magician was tolerated as expediency Englishfc Borou ghst And you noble O'Brien , termed as you have been by ; objects is- by a dissemination of cheap politi cal the pack , and tell the people , iu the event of a Moh ammed. ; 176 168 yoar companio n Feargus , the schoolmas ter and a blind following was a tribute paid to his better Eng lish Counties 22 129 of England , ! tracts—the sup port of that press which comes up to fresh deal , how many trumps they, the people, shall If the cause of liberty derived no other benefit Ire land 33 3d we jadge yon likewise from yoar former conduct ; we ? understanding, while in search of tha t power from ha ve a pledge fr om the Chartist princi ple, not only the suppo rt of those hold to stop " a bad lead ," or chan ge a dangerou s fr om the expulsion of the Whigs from office, than Scotland 28 20 you writ ten in almost every page of; the possession of which so much had been pro - the Poor Mmt Guar dian, principles , but the establis hment of a princi ple j that game. the destruc tion of Daniel O'Connell 's wholesale and from your eight years j mised, and so much was expected . Total... 259 345 democratic writings we feel confident that you are np j 13 the English Chartist Circular , for |d. ; the They must DISSOLVE AGAIN ! and withou t borou gh power , the victory would have been great. t© the mark—that your mighty fingers and your pen Scotch Chartui Circular, id.; M'DoaaU' p appearing ridiculous to all the nations of the Talk of the rotten boroughs , indeed , while one John Lawless, Purcell O'Gorman , Mr. Lam- The Whigs have gained 36 seats , one of which is wfll again be brought to bear s chea against the citadel of cor- publication , which we are extr emel earth , by ano ther w vision or " night mare " sales-master holds forty proxies ; the only difference bert , O'Gorhan JIah on, in a Welch Coun ty, and two Scotch counties ; and nptton , and that you wil] bold up the pr esent corrupt ' y sorry to learn /' , they and all who honestly system to the blase of open day, shewing its foul and j is not suppport ed as it ought to be; the Odd need be at no trouble to go in search for the prope r between them and the heredi tary legislators being opposed , or exposed the " Libera tor," were cheerful y the Tories have gained 72 seats, of which 22 are in demoalisiBg character ,- that yon will shew the absur- 1 Fellow ; Vincent ' s National Vindicator , and all bait for the season. We will bait the hook , and tie that the puppets must be present to vots them- offered up as sacrifices to expediency : to this blind- the English counties, three in Scotch counties, and dity and imbecfliiT tf oar nlgn, whether M Whig or ( the other ; aad though last, not least, the glorious the fly, so u to o*tch the tSah ; but the fish must be selve* slaves in propria persona/" fold subser viency, and to the fact that Pan being one in an Irish county . ' ' , THE NOBT HEB H STAB; ^__ - I: - —IM FIKS T BID OF THE AUCTION. Good Nbws THE ro& Shkfpixld.— Mr. O'Connor hav- BABVSLE 7. rigour. Throwing itself op in a perpendicular posi- the most tbe hall on bold) was held up for it, and on NEWCASTLE AND SUNDERLAND ing received —On Thursda y sight, or early next besl thing to the obtaining of a victory numer ous complaints of the rum- on. Friday morning last, a fire broke out on the pre- tion, it float uuiei tot some time to kali the water the contrary being taken, then were two! Is this not ELECTIONS. Tee insertimof correspo ndenceJrom Sheffield(which mises of Messr s. Young and Co. which was about with its tail in a fearful manner , and made proof that Sankey ia elected f Three trem endous cheers THB BDITOB OF THB KORTH BMI S1aB» fe the known *bew to make a right nae of it. The never arri ved the office J and being most and one cheer more were then given by tbe meeting in ' - *i fortunately got under without much damage having several efforts to regain the deep ; but the " gallant Vfcigihave beea taught by this election that they anxious to make the Star as benef icial an beta doue. Graham," holding on b coun- token of their approbatioa , amidst which tbe noble Re- Dear Sib,—It Appears in the above boro ugh * Prompt assistance was rendered by y the rope, contrived to at Newcastle-npon-Tyne. »o4 tie powerless as a faction ; that their only hope and organ, as possiblefor the whole of every one pr esent to stop the ravages of the fire , teract its motions. After a desperate contest, during publican retired. ? like compliment wa» also paid to th at J. B, O'Bri en, the working classes, has appointed Mr. the caged lion," and owt beloved exiles across the Mr. BinnB, at Sunderland , were placed legally in pep is in the people. But they are deep dogs. and among the most conspicuous in working the which he had the address to inflict numerous wounds " George Julian Homey correspondent f trShef- about the neck and jaws oppo- Water , Frost . Williams, and Jones, God Mess them ! nomination, and that they were, by the respective make the beat of engine was the Rev. Mr. Cooke, Catholic priest. of his formi dable They well know how to their defeat; f ield and surroundingdistricts. Allperson who * nent, dyeing the water around with its Wood , ths and that glorious creed the Charter , after which the returning officers , declar ed dul y elected ; aad thai people be not earefnl to exact the foil may ha ve communications for the Star, from SSMILWOBTH. —According to notice , a conflict was meeting dispersed , inwardly cursing Napier, tc and neither Mr. W. H. Ord , at Newcastle, or Alderman aid if the meeting of rate payers was called #n the 10th of observed by two persons in a boat , who adranta gsoas poati cn Mr. H? *district , mil, uponhis instalment , trans- happe ned to be oat shooting at a short distance. their crew, and declaring that Sankey wmthe only man Thomp son, at Sunderlan d, demanded a poll, and ae benefit of their , they wffl mit the mm to him for arrangment. Mr. Har- Jnne, to take into consideration the laying of a rate either O'finea Rowing to the aid of Graham , the fish, by their that possessedtheir confidence. Now what will be the no resignation was tendered for fjj mredl y be robbed of b© much of it as Whigtreachery tley being, at present, under an engagem ent, as of 2jd. in the pound , the Rev. C. Quarts ey in the result of this decision ? A portion of tbe electors of this Biamr these gentl emen, to all intents and chair united prowess , was at length , and with much dif- or , isd f inessecan filch from them. Lei no man look West Riding Lecturer, respectfull requests that , who stated the reasons for the rate being ficul great metropolis (which coutolns nearly double the num- purposw, axe the legal M.P.' a for those places, y levied. Am ty, drawn hieh and dr y on the sands. The the delegates and managers of his mission, will ong the items was the sum of £32 Btruggl e, ber of inhabitants of Manchester , have placed Hall yet the returns are rilled up with other names , for generosity or even honesty from the Whigs. which had been paid by the Churohwardens ; this it however, was not yet concluded, for i t be good enough to call a meeting at as early a continued to exert itself with such fury that the rope at the head of the poll (Napier being second), but the via.. Ord and Thom pson. Now it being of ail They are essentially trad era ; imbued with the yery time as is perfectly tonvenient to themselves, was cont ended would render the rate illegal , and b people declare Mr. Sankey to be their representative , things most important to the Chartists as » upon this g y which the capt ors had it moored to a stake driven B& of bargaining and trickery; always anxious to forthe purpose of ascertainin g whether or not round, an amendment was moved to into the Band duly elected, and having their confidence ,- and they body, that men like O'Brien and Binug should adjourn for six months . The Reverend Chairman was snapped in two like a piece of regain power , and suable so to do with- some other personcan be substituted for him whipcor d. The party then fired a bullet into its consider Hall and Napier as two unbargained for ser- be iu Parliament , I beg l eave to ask, through during the last month of his time. Mr. H. not thin king of opposition , was bo disconcerted as to vants without characters , who have usurped places in the medium of the what are the necessary the people head , and afte r the mflotion of sundry blows the Star , out , they wOl now seek to feels as he will be still in a part of the West be unable to carry on the meeting; after a few protracted the people 's own House, to the exclusion of their (the steps to effect that purpose. Is it by aa eleotioa word s from one conflict waB broug ht to » close by the cheapen, and banter with those against whom they Riding which requires his services, thai of his friends he declared the meet- death of the people's) own accredited representative. However , petition ! is a committee of the House of Commo ns ing was over but the rate would be levied. The anti- fish about eight o'clock. As the car- feeld dosed the door of the Market-plaee as long as a double service at the same expewe cs.Be was allowed to lie on the beach till Saturday we have got our member (and a Right Honourable the tribuna l that must settle the matter ! if so* to the Riding may be thus performed ; ra te par ty issued placards exhorting the rate-payers member he is), and the electors (ot at least a portion money w ill be required jhey could. The " finality " doctrine , falling short not to afternoon , a number of people from the neighbour- , and it being a national but should the delegates even express a desire for pay an illegal rate. This caused another hood had of them) have got theirs ; •urs, who ia possessed of the question, I beg to suggest the propriety of the their own mark notice t g an opportunity of gratif ying their curiosity of , will now be, of coarse, the fu lfilmentof his entire time, he will most o be affixed to the church door, callin by a sight of it. confidence of the thousa nds, is excluded from our own Executive of the National Chatter Association , Mother meeting for when the Rev. It measured in length upwards of abandoned, and a Suffrage bid will be for thwith cheerful ly obey. Mr. H. also begs to say that he the 24th June , 14 feet, in girth between seven and eight feet, and House I because his constituents &*e lodgers, (and it is ord ering a levy of one shilling per head on the H. M. Villiers, -ricar , took the chair. The church- enlightened ¦ade for popular support. The liouse-holi " will bectme district agent for the Star, and will might weigh about a ton and a half.—Ayr Paper. fell known that lodgers are oftimes more whole of the members , and which I am sure, " gods plan of serving at their own hornet, wardens propos ed and seconded that a rat© of 2£d. than those who claim the house, and, in general , pay poor as the establish a ¦ i i >i m^^^^^i ii i i i i in i t j i in t jii .h mass of member s are , it would be wQl again give forth their influence , and the Bal- who have new to come a great in the pound be granted. An amendment was pro- , possessed of no real con- those \perton * posed for the rent and taxes !) ; theirs readily responded to for such a purp ose. This, ioi-iBongCTs bellow out &e praises of thei r B>er» distance, and at great inconvenience. Mr. H. a rate of jd. in the pound which the Rev. RICHMOND BOROU GH MIDSUMMER QUARTER fidence whatever , are admitted , because they are sent backed by a subscri ption from Scotland , chairman refused to pu ckandise. Indeed, the game is began alread y. At will still lecture tn his district, and as far as t. This brought forth another SESSIONS. in by persons who live in the bottom of a b-o-n-s-e, would, in my opinion , be suffici ent to effect the Barnsley, Chesterf ield, Rotherham , and so forth ; amendment, namely , that the meeting do adjourn " free gratis for nothing ; oars is the advocate of purpose : ouly, if done , let it be done instantly. Huddersneld , an Association iB now forming, having to this day twelve sai d and will, as far as is consistent with his duty to months . The Rev. chairman JULY 8, 2841. the interests of all ; theirs of a class only. Hurrah for O'Bri en and Binns I he would put no motion which had for its object the Household Suffrage and the Ballot for its objects ; his office , be ever ready to obey the calls of those This day, the Midsumme r Quarter Sessions, for the Sankey, whom the enthusiasts have rejec ted ; we will Hurrah for the Char ter ! who think that his presencemay be serviceable defeat of the rate. Gre at excitement prevailed ; the Borough reserve him for ourselves : he is a man of whom we and there is no doobt that the example will be ori ginal motion of Rich mond, was held in the Town Hall, Faithfull y yours, to ihe good cause. As soon as Mr. Harne y was then put and lost by a great before C. H. Elsley, may well be proud , and who, if I mistake not, can be followed throu gh the whole country, if the people majori ty. A poll was deman ded and fixed for Fri- Esq., the Recorder. In the good caase. is settled ; {and he requests his friends to be on The gran d jury were swor n, and the Recorder of nearly as much service to the people out of the Edmund Stallwood. do not put an extinguisher upon the movement in the look out for a suitable residence he tdll day and Sa tnrday 25th and 2tith , from eight to four briefly House as IN it As Tom Attwood once said of himself , J o'clock each charg ed the jury. Ub infancy. And U113, -we tell them, will he done. give due notice of his address and arrange - day. and at the close the rate was ear - The gran d jury he is undoubtedly possessed of great talents , posseses ned by 3 29 to 129. returned with a true bill against ' ¦ We tell them that the time for trimming and ca- ments. Rebecca Siephenson, wife of Joseph Stephenaon , of great influence , and enjoys the confidence of the good THE " JOB CHANCELL OR 'S FAREWELL ? GLASGO W. and true " of all classes. jolery has gone by ; that the people will mock Mxkthtb Tydvil.—Mr. O'Connor leVl cheerfu lly —Testimonial. —It will be recol- Richmond , labourer , charged with feloniously stealing, The injurious influence which was brought to accept the invitation of his Welsh friends leoted by our readers that we noticed some time ago on the 23rd of June last, a glass, entry pretension to liberality, short ot the full mea- the property of Mr. bear against the Reform party during the late con- - as soon as possib le after his liberation ; but the laudab le and unwearied exertions of Mr. James Christopher Westgartn , of the Unicorn Inn— Guilty . test in this city, by theappointmen t of Baron Cam p- sure of universal right. The people must do it, or he is resolved that his next tour shall be M'Birnie to induce the civil authori ties to institute To be impri soned In the House of Correction , at BIRMINGHAM. bell , we never ceased to lament. ihey are traitors to themselves. And we know they one of vroBX—nct of mere " usels; s display; an investigation into the weights and measures used Northallerton , for one ' calendar month to hard ANOTHER DEFEAT OP THE " PLAQUE. " We warned the Whigs of what their " job" would and has therefore, resolved not to incur by the shopkeepers in this district. He was suc- labour. noble stand against the clap-trap , bring abou t ; but they persevered with their eves will do itj their the fatigue and heavy expence of travelling, cessful ; the weights of almost every shopkeeper were Sarah Sugget, late servant to Mr. Wm. The " Liberals " of Birmingham have made another open , and now the y must Croft , w&b attempt to gull the natives, and finding that Douglas, only bear the resuhs. ery of cheap bread , raised at so picked a time, gives witho ut further remuneration than the grett found deficient , and of course they were fined accord- then placed at the bar , charge d -with feloniously steal- Baron Campbell will, however, sit no more. He ss foil eonSdeace. If the oily tongue and hollow pleasure of being tcearied. He xdll not accept of ingly. Gl&tsful for the benefit he had thus rendered ing, on the 5th of J une last, two yards of black silk Edmonds, and Co. were completely laid on the shelf, took his farewell of the professi on t they sent for Mr , Murray, of Manchester , to prop up on Monday. heart failed to accomplish its deceitful pur pose, an invitation from any town or pi act until the the community , a number of the inhabi tants met on ace, and a wire basket, the property of Miaa Mar y After giving judg ment oh some unimportant cases peopl e thereinere prepared to present him with Wednesday evenin g week , in Scott 's Coff ee H ouse, Croft—Guilty. To be impriso ned their falling fortune. Large bills were posted, announc- he stated * ba ring all the specious aid of poverty and hanger , in the House of , as re ported :— petition sheets, for the Chart er, and Restoration Mr. Rober tson in the chai r, when an elegant watch Correction two calendar mout hs, to bard labour. ing two lectures by the above-named individual , on tbe " lhat the motions and short causes being now we ha re no fear of any minor effort being mor e of Frost Williams and Jones, signed according and appendages , value twelve guineas, were pre- Edward Lunn , of Richmond , was next placed injustice of the bread tax , to take place at the Public- finished , the court stood adjourned. took thai at the at eight He successful. The people have been too often bit t» a scale of census to be hereafter laid down. sented to him, by Mr. John M'Nab. The watch bore bar , charged with feloniousl y stealing a number of office, on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, opportunity of stating that he found the practic e in. Suppose 10,000 for Merlh the following inscri ption :—" Presented to Mr. pieces of timber o'clock. to place themselves again within the reach of yr Ty dvil. Then from the building at St. Nicholas, the Ir eland much improv ed and shortened , par ticularl y If r. O'Connor an relieve each locality of all the James M'Birnie , by the inhabitants of Cowcaddens , property of Messrs. Norman and Metcalfe, joiners and At half-past «ev«n, on Tuesday evening, the Pablic- by the aboli tion of e biters. Thtir colours are nailed to the mast office was crowded to suffocation the six clerks , which example th expence of postage and transmission of as a token of their esteem , for his perseverance in cabinet makers —Gu ilty, To be impri soned in the , and the various rooms he considered the courts in England would do well htad—the Charter , the whole Charter , and nothing petitions; and can have the whole pet i- procuring an inspection of weights and measures. " House of Correcti on, at Northaller ton, adjoining completely filled. to follow—that he three monttia to Mr. Murra y attempted to commence his lecture , still perceived matters in which , less than the Charter. Th« mountain may come to tion arranged for the meeting of Par- Appropriate and patriotic addresses were delivered , bard labour. improvements could be introduced, and that ho and the evenin g was spent with that sociality which but was Interrupted with cries of " adjuarn ," " we're Mohammed as soon as it pleases for not one inch liament ; where Ihis cannot be accom- knew it was the opinion of Lord Cottenham thai , plished, Mr. O'Connor' s presence will not be re- such an occasion was calculated to inspire. nearly stifled ," " Stephenson-square ," " Oxford-road ," MR. O'CONNOR TO MR. the pleadings in equity might be greatly will Mohammed bud ge towards the mountain. They quired , as Chartism will not have f ound itself JOHN CAMPBELL. &c At length it was moved and seconded that Mr. shortened MXDDLETON. -Silk Tbade. —The silk trade Benjamin Hill, a ataaightftrward Chartist , should take , for that at present the grea t expence in- pay writhe and mouth , and kick, for a time, against to be in a sound state ; and his visits would be too is growing very inactive, and there is every pign of a York Castle, 11th of 15th month. curred in proportio n to the sums recovere d was in short forimmediate practi cal use forthe purpose tbe chair. This was carried unanimously amid loud many instances tanta mount justice , the pricks, bat finding the people's stem resolution very bad winter for the silk weavers. The Corn- MY dbar. Cam pbell ,—I will not wait for next cheers. to a denial of of initiation. Law-re pealing silk manufacturers have already re- Saturday to correct my error. I do it now and the parties frequentl y submitted (and wisely> taken and immovable, they will be fain enough to The same answer app , and you can Mr. Murra y demurred. He said he had not been lies to Hyde, and scores of duced some fabrics of wor k more , from one weaver, send this by Griffin for Saturday 's Star. My letter to the ori ginal injury rather than seek re- give the fixed price for a new lease of Downing- places to which he has been invited. used to such scenes as that which he then witnessed. dress by so expensive pro - than would have purch ased flour for two weavers. w&b to Shorrocks ; and if you look at it you will find ( Shout s of "Perhaps not ; we're wide awake here. a process. This street , and ag ain take office as the servants of the 3. W. a—"O'Connor '* Release" shall appear in a Block Pbiwti.no.—This trade is very bad at that I was addressing it to you thus, "M y dear C ," ceeded chit fly from the plaintiff, in his bill, We'll have none of your Manchester doings here, " Ac) telling his story iu hia own favour , which frequentl y people—arden, t zealous, and honest, this time, week er two. presen t, and there is every sign of it being still and then corrected myself, as being on public business, Finding it was no use to object to the apppointment of T. C. asks, "If a person is unabl e to procure a re- worse. turned out a thri ce-told tale. This might be greatly because compelled to be bo. and your name being associated with the Executive , a chairman , he then stated his wish that the meeting gister of the exact time of his birth, owing to I thought the letter should be to you, and that the shortened by the: parties merely putting forward should ba adjourned. A show of hands was taken on their grievancesand their reasons some negligence, either on the part of his paren ts letter to me was from you. Therefore , when I said that the subject , when it was decided that the business for seeking redress , or thej Urrk, at the time he was baptised —will Salford Hurdbed Quarter Sessions.'-T h e which in many oases mig t ! 1 REGISTER ! 1 ! , Ashtom Rioters. I wrote to Campbell , I should have said to Snorro cks, should proceed. ht be done by peti ion, and REGISTER 1 REGISTER the testimony of both his parents, accompani ed —The tw enty-six men indicted for an ord er of reference ac once made thereon . That , ri oting and destroying houses during the election at and yon all bother me very much by not putting any Mr. Hill then addressed the meeting, and declared ELECTO BSJ-R EGISTER 1 REGISTER! tcith a written statement in the fami ly Bible of address to your letters. You have not put any, and in the lawreforms which he had already introduced, ) Ashton-under-L yne, and whose names are , James his determination to procure a fair hear ing for oil parties note of preparation at the his and the rest of the children ages as they I am therefore obliged to send this for you addressed to be had the aid of the English bar freel y given him % How odd to see such a came into Broster , Richard Adcrof t, John Court , James Hall- who thought proper to address them. and in the contempl ated changes he now had in. existence, be sufficient to establish that the good veteran , Wheeler. Mr. Murra y endeavoured to procure a hearin g, but bead of an article in the organ of the unreprese nted; fact?" We should think it would. worth , Joseph Carter , William Marsland , Jacob view, he had every reason to expect the like aid Lockett , John Howard , W illi am Harris, Joseph Yours , very faithfully, such was the crowded state of the place that it was from the Ir ish bar ; but he mainl upon fcui so it is—register—register—reg ister. Let every Jose ph Roweix.—They do not. Fear gvjs ' Cha irman (who exerted himself y relied tha The Nottisgham Bratt , William Shelmerdine. John Royle, James O'Con n or. nine o clock before the co-operation of that accomplished lawyer Sir. Qjartist who can afford to pay all taxes, on the 20th Chakt j sts wish to have the name with all bis might) could procure him a hearing. He . of some one of the National Charter Association Oaks, Benjamin Roberts , John Briggs,John Clarke, Michael O'Log hleo, who decided with that happy July, prepar atory to having his name placed James Pri ce, Job Tankard , John Cookson, Charles at length proceeded with the usual statement s of the aptitude for meeting of in-Newry, Ireland. , interrupted with shouts of the justice of the case eo desira- for this reason ; Sutton , Thomas J enkinsoD , Richard J oule, John FROM ODE LONDON COBRESrONDENT . anti-Corn Law advocates ble in an equit able judge. That he was quite aware ajBOBg the list of voters do so : and Natiosax ChJlbtek Association.— The Provisional " When we get the Charter we'll repeal all bad laws," , Secretary writes us:—"/ wish you to notice to Clare, James Boulton, and J ohn Stockton , were Wednesday Evening, July lib. before he could carry these changes into tffect , h% eat Chartis t vote has now become worth fifty of brou ght up on Saturday ; and Dr. Brown , who ap- " We have heard all you said a hundred times over." might be reduced to Hull, Leeds, Keighley, Nantwich, Milnrow, Martlebone. —The members residing in this dis- declared himself no Whig. He was no the situation of a private per- Whig or Tories. It is no harm to have a peared on the part of the prosecution , stated , that, Mr. Murra y son ; but that was no reason why he should nut COE» either Dewsbury, Deiph, and Sunderland , to send me trict met on Sunday evening last , at their room , " The bit-by- bit reformer . He was tot the peop le gettin g shouldnt ' ase it; so Register, and their addresses. as this Court had not the power to inflict that pun- Worki ng Men 's Hall," when they unanimously resolved tinue his exertions for the public benefit ; and ha th ing, even if one William Worsdell, of Hull , ishment on the prisoners , if they wer e found guilty, their rights , but he would take what he could get gal, unconstitu- wrote for cards, but afforded me no clue to hts " That the use of tee ball be given for a ball, to be felt that he had , while holding this high situation , is time we fihall point out all the le which ths law provided , t hey would be tried at tho After a drawling and ineffective address , the lecturer filled it well." • . " address." held therein during the first week of August, for the concluded by informing the meeting that as be would tional, bothering, puzzling, acts to be performed We have received no Scottish Patriot this week. assizes. To this the prisoners maie no objection ; benefit of Bronterre O'Brien . The members connected Now, Baron Campbell has Bat altogether iu th« Registration. We are near some- and they were then informed by the Chairman , that have other opportunities of addres singthem he should fcefow the day of Thb Notice of Mr. BolweWs lecture at Devonport, with the Ball committ ee afterward * assembled and conclude and reserve to himself the right of answering Ir ish Court of Chancery about twenty hours . He which took place on the 4th instant they would be tried at the ensuing assizes. They transacted their business. retire? , and on the death of Lord Manners or Lord thing. Let us be as well prepared as we can. See , was not were then removed from the dock. any person that thought proper to oppose his views. postedfor us until the \3th, and did nrt reach us St. Panceas Plunket—th e one in Mb 87th year, and the other at Gateshead we lost an efficient representative , by Ikq pisitobi al Mode Administerin g Inj us- The usual weekly meeting of the The Chairman requested tbe meeting to keep order , until the I5th—just eight days later than it ought of members here , was held on Monday evening last , at the upwards of 76—receives £4,000 a year pension, sot haviag two electors honest enough to propose tice.—A superintendent of the police force, e so that an arrangement should be made as to tbe time to have done. News to be of any value at all nam d Feathers , Warren-street , Tottenham Court Road, Mr. that each speaker should be allowed to occupy. He which, taking the average of human life, he will and second Masos. Let this not happen again ; bo must be sent to us when freih. Castle, sta tioned at Wolverhampton , was brought enjoy for thirty years. Twenty hours , we believe before two of the Goodfellow in the chair. Several sew members were thought that as it was rather late ten minutes would be * J. Shith , Pltmouth. — We know not what he means Mag istrates for that boroug h , on enrolled , and after the usual business put it to tbe meeting . It was contain some 1,200 minutes ; and £4,000 a year for Register ! Tuesday, the 6th instant bad neon gone sufficient He then thirty will give £120 by "great dissatisfacton prevailing among the , upon the charge of at- through , the meeting separated. unanimously agreed to. years ,000—bo that it require s The 29th of July is the last day for Bending in 1 tempting to commit a rape upon the body of his not to be very deeply read in Cocker to arrive at the Western Reids ' by their matter being treated Count y Mr. John Collins then addressed them. He said eouaty claims ; and for £10 voters paying poor-ra Us with neglect." If there be any neglect it is their servant , a girl of fifteen yeara of age, named War- Middlesex Council.—This b«dy is about conclusion that Biron Campbell will receive, for the ner. This very excellent sample of the corps , it being dissolved, for the purpose of being re-conatituted. that one of the statements put forth by the lecturer and assessed taxes is bor oughs. mm—not ours. We have always inserted every- seemed to him rither stran ge. He had told them that term of his natural life, ju st One Hundred Pound * thing theyhave sent us, and have never delayed seems, by the statemen t of the Staffordshire Ex- Next Sunday will be the last day of acting on their for every minute he. sat as our Lord Chancellor !— Csfst y Electors who are not already registered present plan. From the extent of Lond on, he was no bit by bit reformer , and yet he was an advo- w it fora single week when received in time. The aminer, went down stairs early on Sunday morning, it is requi- that is, at the rate of £6,000 per hour * And besidos for the same propert y, or who have chan ged their &ad finding the girl engaged site there should be a central body meeting, so as to cate for a bit. As to the question of the Corn Laws, he complaints of the women about a deficiency of in cleaning the fire-p lace agreed with the lecturer that they were unjust ; in fact, this he had a Peerage 1 Lucky Baron Campbell , since last July, u , on or before policenews of a front room , forcibly carried her into a ba ck room , take advantage of every movement , and it is to be say we 1—Dublin Monitor. places of abo de m st , murders, rapes , %c , shall receive boped that the people bad found that out twenty-five years since, . all due attention, with doe time and circumstance. and took liberties with her person of a nature so dis- , by aa efficient County Council being the 20ih of Ju ly instant, send to the overseers of the chosen, the apathy of London will be shaken off. and had been letting the country bear of it time after M'CAKT jrET gusting that we cann ot publish the particulars. The pa rish in which their property is situated their Bkkk aed , of 13, Cross-Hall Street, Li- girl , immediately she was released Borou gh time. But the parties who were now crying out foi verpool, will feel obliged to ihe person who wrote , hastened home to of Martlebone Electi on Commit- their repeal neTer said a word about them until they #or % 0mins Ci)artf 0t Reeling* elaims to vote, which must contain a description of her parents , who r eside in Stafford-street , and made TEE. —This b*4y met on Monday evening last, Mr. to him from London, under the signature of known the occurrence. On Monday morning, the Laurie in the began to suffer themselves. The working classes hod ¦ their places of residence, the nature of qualification, Cosmo, forhis real name ard address. Chair. Mr. Wall in a most masterly been so used to suffering, that their skins were now Oldham. —Mr. Hill will preach in Gro avenor- indignant father applied for a warrant to apprehend style, explained the clauses in the Reform Act, which stre et Chapel and Us situation, or the tenant 's name ; and they The report of the election meeting at Ketlering,h6lden Castle u pon middling thick , and he, for one, would allow the manu- , on Sund ay week, the 25th instant , the charge , and asserts that he met with give so much power into the people 's hands , if they afterno on and evenin g. siust send with each claim a shilling. on the 8th instant, reached us on the \6th.— some reluctanc e in obtaining it, and that upon his were brought into play. facturers to have a taste of what the working classes Bosough Electobs who lire iu £10 houses will Rather too stale. requiring it should be placed in a constable 's hands had previously suffered. He would not help them un- Hull. —Mr. Hill will preach in the large r«om» The Finance Committee brough t up their report , less they consented to help the people to get the Charter. Mr. Waix begs to slate, in answer to the kind invi- for execution , he was refused , and told thai the case No. 8, Church Side, to-morrow (Sunday) morning, lose their votes unless they pay, on or before the 20tb from which it appears , the total amount subscribed (Loud cheers. ) It was well known that the manufac- at half- past tea o'clock, and in the evening at six. tation fromsome of the friends in Brighton and must be heard in private. This , it appears , was towards the late election for Marylebon e of July instant , all poor-rates and window taxes due Maidslone , that he will feel pr ovd to accept of done ; and the superintendent , who rested his defence turers had the power of applying all the benefits that Sund erland. —Mr. Binns will lecture at the Life prior to the 6th of April last , " whether demanded " their offer , when he f inds his duties will permit upon the plea that he had merely bared the com- Is £21 11 5f might arise from a repeal of the Corn Laws to their Boat House, on Sunday afternoon , at half-past Expended ... 19 14 10 advantage. He therefore would not trou ble himself two . by the collector " or not." him. His friends shall hear fromhim in a short plainant 's person in a sort of joke—that she had used time, paper for lighting fires which he wanted f or about the C«rn Law question , until they gave him a Mr. Harney will lecture in Suuderlaad on Frid ay Scot aad Lot Voters s c se u e s and If he can by any means spare time to another guarantee in the shape of a vote, which would insure will be di fran hi d nl s visit them , he will. purpose, and that he had turned up her clothes to Balance in hand £1 U 7$ evening. they pay, on or befor e the 30ih of July instant , all chastise her for it—was fined 40s. and costs. The to cover debts to the amount of nearly £6. Further him a Bhare of the benefits to be derived from a re- Deeey.—Mr. Bairstow lectures here on Sund ay peal of the Corn Law& There were also other bad the poor-rates which have been demanded of them complainant , however, positively swore that he had claims to be rated for the purposes of the Reform Act, afternoon next , at half-past five o'clock, and on were banded in, laws that ought to be repealed , and if they were to agi- Monda y evening at seven o'clock. to that day. Mb. Williams, Stxdebl and. — The increase of exposed his own person in the liberties he took and after a long discussion between i? order to Sunderhnd ] with her , and that they were of a very the members the meeting separated. The Members and tate first for the repeal of the Corn Laws, and of ter- Mr. Baibsxow will lecture at Heanor on Tuesd ay, , on June 9th , wasfor that different • repeal of tbe New Poor Law , and s» on, week only: the increase to Robson and Farr ow nature to that alleged by Castle. It does not friends of this body will sup together on an earl; wards for a at Ukeston on Wednesday, at Stap lefovd on Thur s- was occasion. ha thought that looked like bit by bit reform ; he day, and at Burton on Friday, Saturday, and not ordered to be continued, and was, there- appear that he received the eastigation he deserved , join it THE PORTRAITS. fore, taken to be the same as your oven, and sent or that he has been dismissed from his sitnation , therefore could not Sunday, each evening at seven o'clock. for that veek only. as he ough t to have been , if the facts -were as ADDRESS OF THE MEN OF MARTLEBONE AND PAN- At the conclusion of Mr. Collins' address , tbe Darleston. —Mr. Candy will lecture in the opea CRAS TO THE FRIENDS OF THE CHARTER. meeting commenced a general ebont of '* White , air , at the Bull Stakes , on Monday evening. PORTRAIT OP BOBEST ZMMETT , THE IBI5H A C05STA!rr RkaDKB , Corstob phi.n.— We never sent stated by the aggrieved parent. These private the paper : ice do not know the person : hearings or secre White. " Mr. White , who stood in the prisoner 's dock, HoLLiK woBrH. —Mr ; J ohn Leech , from Hyde, PATRIOT , WHO WAS BUTCBERED IN 1S03. we never t examination s savour too much of Brothers ,—We have had , a3 you are aware , a long access to the platform. received any letters before the one dated Jul y the inquisitoria l tribnnals of the Continent ever to stated that he cou\d not gain will lecture at the Char tist Room , H oHiDgworfch j oa fight with oar enemies tbeTVhigs and Tories , and though He was immediately lifted over the iron spikes , and Sunday, Jul y 18th at six o'clock in the evening, OS Saturday next we shall present a splendid portrai t 11th : and tee do not give portraits to any but become palat able to the people of this country. If uasuccessful , we feel confident that our conduct has , subscribers. ust landed comfortably on the magistrate 's table , amid instead of two in the afternoon . of Robert Emhett , to our Yorkshire readers. j ice is really the thing mean t , those who are to met with the approval of all friends. lecture of Mb. Debba ge, Nobwich. — Whoever has informed dispense it ought not to be ashamed of di°pensing it loud and repeated cheers. He said that tbe Notti.n gham.—Mr. G. Black and Mr. Harrison On the following Saturda y, to our T-a "gRghi^ A base and dastardly triek having been played upon Mr. Murray was made up of the usual statements put will preach in the Frost Jul y 18th , him that we supply the Star at Z±d to Agents in the face of the world. But if the object be to the people of the borough of Marylebone , we ctnslderod , ou Sunday, if rea ders, and on the Saturday folio-wing, to all oar knows nothing screen the guilty, foiw&xdby the advocates of Corn Law repeal , iu fact , •he weat her be favourable ; if otherwiFe , their about the matter. Ytedt not do and disgust every impartial person , it necessary to vindicate our character by placing Mr. the argument used by Mr. other readers. In consequence of the press of so in any one instance. One penny per paper then the proce edings of these Wolverhampton Ma- such was the flimsiness of friends will meet them , as usual, is the chap el, Rice VilHers Sankey in the field. We did do so, and we Murray, that a few minutes would suffice to overthrow ' assize and electisn news, ire *>>an be compelled to - is the prof it we allow ta all, and we treat all gistrates wer e eminentl y adapted to the attainment were beaten , Place, at two o clock in the afternoon , and at six ia and our strength appears to be small, but them. But why troub le themselves with again going the evening. postpone the publi cation of a narative of the alike. of it. If this poor girl h ad been the child of one of vrby ? through the treach ery of those electors who, after these Solons, it is a question if the offence would into the question ? Had they not held a meeting in Calverton. — There will be a tea-party at Mr. patriot , and Mb celebrated speech, till the week POB THE WIVES 15D FAMILIES OF THB INCARCERATED promising for us, voted against us. time previous , and held a dis- have been so snugly disposed of, or the offender let the Town Hall a short Harrison's, of Calverton , on Monday, Jul y 19;b. It CHABT1STS. Tbe election has , of course, involved us to a small cussion for six hours and a half with some of the after next off with impuni ty; for what effect will a nominal fine extent is hoped as many of our democratic friends , from £. B. d. , and we ask ot you , Brothers and Friends , to cleverest men in the country, before twelve thousand Nottingham and its vicinity, will attend as can make From Slonkweannouth —an enemy to op- of 40s. have upon him ? assist us, so that no burthen ¦will be thrown on the St ras ge if Tnt 'E. — At the haunted house at people , who , after patiently listening to both bIiU's of it convenient. prf ssion ... 6 1 0 shoulders of our late respected Candidate , corn sugar , and timber SI05MOUTH COtET HOUSE. Cle-ner, near Windsor, the other day, an elderly the question , had voted the , L eeds.—Iu consequence of the unfavourable state „ Sunderland , Mrs. Cummins 0 0 6 We are, yours in union , question to be an insult to the Buffering millions? He of the weather on Sund ay evening last, the eewaon * gentleman was floored by a cross-buttock from Thomas Wiii , B?£CI>ie >-5 of the Monmouth Cour t House will shortly the maintained that not only was the paltr y measure an announced to be preached by Messrs. T. B. Smith FOB FBOST 'S DBFEJiCK Fr^D. -fist of the goblin who tenants that myste- Thom as Smith , be in tbe han ds of our Agents ; and we invite rious domicile. Nothing was seen insult , but the bare fact of calling a meetin g of work - and J, Parker could not be delivered ; if possible the From Bishop Auckland and Sunderland, per , but ver y consi- w«. Beck , ing men, in order to appeal to their reason and judg- particular attenti on to the Plate , as being fax derable inconvenience was felt, by the venerable John Hum phre ys, services will be held on Sunday evening next , ia Mr. Williams ... us 9 ment , and afterwards refusing them a vote, on the the Vicar 's Croft SBperior to anything ever before given with an gentleman. James Henwood , , and on Hunslet Moor , as previ- 7 ground of ignorance , was a most outrageous insult to ously announced. Ufwsps>>ei or publication. Every liienesa iraa POLITICAL PB.ISOXERS' AND CHABTEB C03VENTI0S Outra ge at Waterford — Eleven Persons Shot. Robert Marle y , , and oa such ought to be resented. H. B. Marie y, the working classes Pecich am.—A public meeting will be held on taien espcially for the engraving, and ar e Frh'D. —On Thursday evening, about nine o' clock , a crowd But what after all did the advocates of Corn Law Tuesday evening next at eight eight o' at the per- of children assembled in the , James Fearn , , clock, fect, Manor and were shout- repeal propose to do for the working classes ? They fUsemary Bran ch, Southampton-street , when a lec- and beantifully executed. The execution of From Wingate , per Robert Arkle o 5 0 ing, " Down with the Tories ," " Wyse and Barron R. A. Goodfellow, this say they want to increase trade , and also to give the ture will be delivered by Mr. John Watkina. A engraving has been much more laborious, te- for ever," with several exclamations of a like natur e, people cheap bread. Now his friend Murray would POB MBS. FBOST. ¦who Mar ylebone.—Present Stru ggles and want full attendance is requested . dious, and expensive tha n Mr. O "Connor had when a monster , named Morgan , resides in admit that the trade of this country had increased Livebpool. War - Henry-street of Confidence. —We have , notwithstanding all that —On Monday, July 19th , Mr. anynoti en of; but having promised it, no expence From Choriey, per W. Pittfiel d 0 3 3 , opened his door , and deliberately fired more than ten-fold within the last fifty years , and he drop, of Dumfries, will disonss the question of Free «. the Chartists cf Gateshead 0 7 0 a pistol , loaded with balls or slugs, on the young and the Whig press may state to the contrary, and they has been tpared to make it in erery iray "worthy a _ have lied enormou sly of late , no confidence would ask the meeting whether they were Trade , as opposed to Monopoly, in the Queen's The- Liverpool , per E. Da-ries ...... 0 6 2 innocent crea tures ; he then reloaded and fired agai u , what ever in (" , no, worse 11) Well , place in every poor man's cottage. „ the present representatives (?) of this borough. (Sir ten times bette r off ? No atre , with a Tory opponent , Mr. B. Dix, lire. Frost' s Committ ee, Manchester , and then Bhut his door , and fired a third shot from then , if an increase of trade had made the eeting Agents -who have Benj. Hall and Sir Chas. Napier , two knightl y state A m of th» Female Chartists of Manohes- not paid their accoun ts Trill not per Peter Sfcorr ocks 0 13 0 his window. He succeeded in his deadly purpose. people worse off, what conld be thought of the ter will be held on Wednes day evening next , in tke receive their plates or specimens. Will it be credited , he wounded eleven defenceless paupers , who glory in Malthusian Whig princi ples, and FOB MK. HOET. advoca te free trade (?) ) It is true they have been re- anti- Corn Law doctrine ? The anti-Corn Law men told Chartist Room , Tib-street , to pass an address to childr en , three of whom arenot expected to recover .' them that th ey conld not compete with foreigners ; their sisters of England , Ir el and, and Scotland. From s Friend at Hcrfeory Some boys, indignant at this horri d and brutal out- turned by a large majority ; a majority which has left ...... 010 Conservatives , but he maintained that tbe people of this country were tt &eatoev aritf rage , assailed the residence of this wretched and those aristocr atic Cabbell and Hamilton not competing with them , but with some of the 0 Comgjictt&rote blood-stained man , and broke the windows in front (who have spent thousands ) and our own more than cleverest English mechanics, who bad left this countr y ¥e l^uttg 3$atn *t0t of his house but they were stopped by a few discreet ever priz ed Sankey in the larch ; but still we have no , yery on account of the oppression under which they laboured. %t)cal at© General 3bxteTLi*ente neighbours. The police conducted the prisoner in confidenc e in them ; they may do well for, and This fact had been admitted by the lecturer. Even Sia&s to I reland. —Mr. P. Brophy, No. 4, Worm- doubtless serve , those Malthusians well who have On April 16th , the son Mr. and Mrs. Beck, aood-gau perfect safety to the Mayor ' s office. The following admitting all the statements of the Corn Law repealers of , Dublin, has received, from Mr, JF , named wounded elected them, nay, mere , they may possess the con- St. Pancras , was registered in the name of Wm. Ruutil, of Nottingham, 250 S\iVL uTZRItAXTD.—Lectdbe on Teetotalism. persons (all being under the age of to be true , he would ask them whether it was just or ^Nort hern Stars , eigh teen) Bat at the side bar :—Johanna Henneberry , fidence ot a few frequenters of the pothouses , whose Fear gus O'Connor Beck . 200 Chartist Circulars , 220 Illuminators , about —On Mond ay evenin g last , Mr. George Binns deli- lore for fumes and intoxicating beverages so mantle reasonable that the mechanic in England should be On Wednesday, 150 Al ice Foley, Mary Doyle, Alice Keating , Michael compelled to work for the whole world , that he might July 7th , Mrs. Sarah Musgrave , miscellan eoustract' $, and 130 Chartist Rush- vered an able and el oquent address in t he Arcade their clear reason , as to prevent them from judging for Pottery Field , of a ' son, who has been dul y regis- lights, forihe Irish Room, on (be subject of Teetotalism Kelly, and Mar tin Magrath. Some of the other be enabled to procure the mere necessaries of life for , who cannot see that they are . Thi s lecture persons wounded were sent to th e Leper Hosp ital , themse lves ; but the; never can, and what is more , tered by the name of Thomas Feargus O'Connor slaves. was delivered in compliance with a special invitation never will, possess the confidence of the enlightened himself and family ? Hod Providence placed some par- AxchibaU) and others are in eo dangerous a situation that they ticular curse on the labourers of England , that they Musgrave. Lbght o>-, Hav obth , has sent us a from the Committee of the Total Abstinence Society, portion of either Whig, Tory, or Chartist in Marylebone. Registered on the 16th ult., John Feargus 'Con- reply u> an article in the Leeds Mercur y and when it is remember ed that this Committee cannot be removed. Amon g the latter are a son of should be compelled to waste their lives in the stink O of the , Mr. Thoma s Torpey , a little girl named Mountain , I have noticed this at Beveral of their election meet- nor Marshall , infant son of Edward and Eliza Mar- ord instant, in which, in a report of electioneer- or a part of them , r efused the use of the room for a ings, Napier' and smoke of factories for thirteen »r fourteen hours wp and a boy named Quilty. About half-past ten the s especially, (whose first meeting had well shall , shoemak er, Peckham . pr oceedingsat that place, he is charged tcith tea to Messrs . Williams and Binns, on their libera- nigh created a riot.) I have traced it front the saicon a day, in order to keep themselves alive, whilst Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Bentley , of Mill- being " prisoner Morgan was bro ught forward , when the enjoying the sunshine ? No, no," and a traitor , a liar , a man of bad principle, tion from pri son, the fact of their inviting Mr. to the tap-room , aye, even to the hustings , where the foreigners were <" bridge , was safely delivered of a daughter , on the and a Chartist Tory Binns now is a strong proof that a more liberal and Mayor re&d the information of some of the wounded cheers.) For his part, he wanted to see men well fed agen t. These statements , people, chargin g the prisoner with haviDg fired two " no confidence " expressions were most manifest. I 3rd ult., which has since been duly registered he saps, the peopl e of Haworih well know to be rati onal spirit pervades the members of it. It also have seen Naples , the Idol ot pot-aud-pipe-men , rave and clothed, without enduring so much misery ; sad if •faf e . So shewa that Char tists and Chartism are pistol shots . The Mayor said he should commit the foreigners wanted manufactured goods, let them work Elizabe th Feargus O'Connor Frost Bentley. do we; and so does every one who differe ntly prisoner like an idiot at the manifest confidence in him. I have A t Sutton-in-Ashfield Sarah the wife of William knowsArchibald Leig estimated now. The room was crowded , and the , and would not take bail. Since writing the for themselves. He maintained that the boasted com- , evehton half as well as we knom above, we have heard seen thousands wave him off the hustings (in Port land Braml ey, gave birth to a son on the 13th of May, af il^ ry me slse thai knows any- enthus iastic manner in which Mr. Binns was received, that the child named Moun- mercial system of this country was a mass of fraud and 5° ' *° *"^ < tain has died of her wounds. Morgan is fully Place) without an hearing ; I have heard their excla- which has b«en duly registered Feargus O'Co nnor «*»? oi all of the Mercury : the only wonder the cheers throu ghout his address and at its close, mations , their groans , reckless gambling, and that from it proceeded all the ovuld proved that the audience appreciated his committed. — Abridged from the Waterford Chro- their aootings and hissing ; and I Braml ey. be that truth should appear in its columns services. have said to myself, by whom is he esteemed , and by miseries and heart-burnings that afflicted society. He Mary Yates , of New John- M all. The It. was announced , at the close of Mr. Binns' nicle. was for doing away with the whole system, instead of , wife of Aaron Yates head and front of Mr. Leighton' s s whom considered , *' a fit and proper person " to repre- street , BirmiH gham , w«s safely delivered of a offending appear s to be, that he refused to be a address , that in compliance with a similar invita- Capture op a Whale. sent so importan t increasing its evils, which was the avowed object of the istered Alice O'Con- tool Mr —A Email whale , of the a borough as Marylebone ? and com- workin g daughter , who has bean duly reg h do the dirty work of the Whigs. He says : tion , . Williams would deliver an address in the finner species that frequ ent the Atlantic , an d usually mon sense repli es—merely hit pot-house friends and Corn Law repealers. He did not believe that nor Yates. • I hold that every man has a right to his own same place, next Monday evening. follow the herrings in their electors. This want of confidence men were brought into this world to be the Thomas and Wim migrations , was caught incre ases our poli- im- Recently, at Kidderm inster , Principles, and, therefore, he has a right to de- at the stake-nets of Mr Scott , sear the conflux of tical struggl es in this quarter , »nd makes our cause mere machines of other men—to create for them Sharp, had a dau ghter duly registered Eliza O'Con - fen d them XTTJDDZJHSFIXIXiD.—Ma gistrates ' Office, mense fortunes , whilst they who produced all were in either publicly or privately. It is veil Satitbdat , Jci.t io.—Mr. Copstock , cabinet-maker , the Pow Burn , on the afternoon of Thursday . The progress rapidly ; as & first step, it induced our leading nor Sharp, in honour of that noble of nature , knezen to all , and particularly by those who zdsh perBon in charge of the nets, an old man of the friends to brin e tbe lowest depths of misery. He felt that be was a > teetotaller , and anti-Corn Law repealer was charged out our hitherto retiring, bat able with less than full Fear gus O'Connor. * misTepretent me, thai I hold Radical princi - ¦wi th having brok en the name of William Gr aham , while standing at the and unwearied advocate , Stephen Villiers Sankey, man, and would never be content t the 10th inat., was registered is the P*«, nor am I windows of Mr. Turner , and complete justice. (Loud cheers.) The lecturer On Sa urday, Aiher ashamed or afraid to defend curri er, by throwing stones on Tuesday, the 21st of door of his hut , about two o'clock, then high tide, who, though below all the other candidates in point of session records of the parish of Linlitbgow .and bap- ™ * prin ciples, which are embodied in the Char- observed an object of considerable size rolling about votes, studs had admitted that the princ iples of the People's James W. Fear gus O'Connor to, as Jane, when the coun ty candidates were about to confessedly highes t in public estimation, true ; the men of England bad tised on the Sabbath, , far as I am of ability to do so; and I address the people the stakes, within a few yards of the shore , and aa the at tentio n, applause , and shew of hands Charter were just said infant son of William Calder, shoemaker. hur l defiance , who had peaceabl y assembled to , proves. found that no man could controvert those principles. in the teeth of these personswho hear them , when the base and brutal Whigs made blowing up streams of water as if from a jet d'eau . Hurrah for VilliersSankey, the only truly elected repre- . are to well verted m calumny and falsehood1* , He therefore called on them never to eea&e their en- BU TO the bloody attempt to ride them down without the Wi thout any one to assist—for he was alone at the sentativ e of the industri ous classes, and the respected SSATBB. ^ I&elakd. —It will be a favour if subscribers time—th e courageous fisherman deavours to obtain their establishment , and they could » least provoca tion. The case was defend ed by Mr. hastened to the even of the Whj gs and Tories ! On the evening of his 'he Star , in the Bradford district, vill hand spot , aid , with no other implements than a pocket then repeal the Corn Laws, and all other laws that On Sunda y last, m the 17th year of her age Clay, whose great abilities were unable to shake ever-to -be-rementbered nomination , the glorious 30th comforts and happiness of them- third daughter of the late * °*er their paper, safter reading them, to Mr. gully, and a rope which he brought with him , rushed of Jun e, we bad interfered wita the Elinbeth , Stepn ea ¦jlaerson the evidence of the witness, who swore to havi ng two splendid Chartist election meet- selves and families. Mr. White retired amid repeated Pickering, of this town. , tailor, Bank-street, to beforwarded to teen the stone thrown by the prisoner break the in , middle deep, to the attack. The dorsal fin of ings, in aid of sending him to the poll on the succeeding Ir elan d. Tiuy must be postedbefore seven days the huge animal alone was seen as cheers. On Sat urday last, at Bridlington Qaay , Susanna h Oi( square. Although many moTe were broken , the he approached , day ; one at the Working Men 's Hall, Circus-street , * *> istrates fined him 4s. Would this have been the wat er bein g more than sufficient to cover its New Road, at eight o'clock, and the otherat the Black Mr. Mur rat said a few words in reply. He bad Bowes, aged 23, second daughter of Mr. J. Wade, T^2 Mag hia Burma ntofts. Chastist s op Dsbbt re quest that all comrnu- the case had they proved it against the Cb artists ! entire body, though somewhat shallower furth er Horse , Rathbone Place, at ten. That in the Hall was not heard either Mr. White or Mr. Collinsobject to rotations to them may be addressed to Mr. J. out. The fish , in so way entangled with the nets , crowded to excess, and when the people's candidate ¦riews as to the evils of the Com LaWB, and should not Oa Tuesday , ihe 13th iuat., aged 28, Sarah , the Ja ckson, Co-operative Store, Green Lane , Dei- Shockin g Accidekt.— On Thursday, the 8th must have been sick, otherwise it might easily appear ed , the cheers were trul y deafening - A resolu- interfere In their political opinions, although he vsta wife of Mr. John Hobson , doth-d ressflry «f7Wi»d\ B Jy- _ instant , as four gentlemen vrere retaining from have escaped. Graham , however , ran great risk tion was for getting what he could. The Chairman gave notice Bottom , Big VaJley .near Hudder sfld^^ -^TfT ^.SN Tlsz moved by Mr. Wall , (Wall, to whom the Cha kust Bou) " shull be- inserted nest HudderBfiel d to Honley, in a tar , the horse took in attemptin g to capture it. With the utmost ChaitiBta are indebted for the rise of Char- that the meeting was adjourned to tbe following even- In September Ia3t , at New York , ASaer ^K»»i f.? . tcerifc.—' IK-*, fri ght, near Armitage Bridge , and Mr. John Bot- ing, when it would be held at Duddeaton -row. ' ' *¦ p caution and activity he succeeded in making tism, in a united form, in St Pancras ) that 42, Josep h, eon of the late Thom as ¦Soalf^r Euw of "'/¦' i - Ker roj .—fiu lines, " To the Lark," f haU op tomley, joiner , of HoDley, leaped out , and received an incision in its tail with his knife , and in though there were several candidates contendi ng for the Three heart y cheers were then given for tbe People's Littlet horpe , near Ripon. *^T'T C? v 7*rr-/ '£¦ ' * £ **°r' a severe injury on the back part of his head. He attachin g the rope to it by a running-hitch ; but representation of MaryleboBe , Mr. Sunkey was the only Charter , and the same with right good will for On Monday last , aged 26 years, ¦m£38i *$iei1'?$ ' 3> . C S"™m Poetical was taken to ihe Black Bull Inn , Armitage Brid ge, be had no Booner C'Conaor , after which the meeting se- of Mr. Francis Brown ' " Favorus dedintd. accomplished this than the pon- man tha t possessed the confidence of the people; when Feargus , cloth-dr awer t w£l$ey,4»ax 7 ^ £ **« Diyrsox.^ - Wc have no reom. where he still remains in a very dangerous state. derous anim al {gave symptoms of uudimiaiahed it was pot to the meeting, 698 bands (out ot the 700— parate d. this town. < lf/.v *-«Vy<7', ' v //?' '~ : ¦ * ' ' ' ** ¦*¦ ' *-¦ ' 't - ' . •', '' h* Hvmzg ^W&J £ YORKSHI RE SUMME E ASSIZES. again they would haTe to consider not only the quts- WEST RIDING ELE CTION. long period of oar connection , which has now lasted East Cumber land Election. —Riots at Wigton in politics. (Several voices here cried out " What do tion of the genuimeneaa of the instrument alleged to be THE DECLARATION. through eleven years and five Pa rliaments—after the —The quiet of our town has been disturbed with the ye think of the Charter ?") The Colonel replied, rather the intent of tbe party charged. With which we hav» been parties and the scramble for power of the two great factions , who in an angry mood, I know nothing about the Charter. forged , but also , at noon transactions to " " The commissions of Assize for the cily and county of respect to tbe question of the genuinessa of the instru - Monday last , was the time fixed by the terms we have been on together—I hope that , before are now moving heaven and earth for the supremacy. After thia his remarks were Indistinctlybeard , even by York were opened on Saturday last On Friday High Sheriff for delaring officially the nnrafeers allow me to say a few—and but a Earl y on Thursday mornin g, every vehicle was put those standing beside him. and h« soon after Mt ment , it might be that the name ef the actually existing candidates we part , yon will down. erening , F. w. T. V. Wentworth , Esq. , the . High and real person should app ear on the intrument ; it polled by each of the at the West Riding few—word s farther upon points pertaining more to in motion for the purpose of bring ing the voters to Tbe Sheriff then announced that Mr. Duncan would next Sheriff , arrived at the Geerge Inn. On Saturda y election. The town of Wakefield was early filled by the poll ; and in the evening, after the poll was over , address them, possibly might be the hand writin g of such person ; bat , my own rela tions with you. I am willing to flatter an announcement which was received eren ing, the Sheriffs for the City and Connt y, with the if realty done for the mere parp&se of fnud , if it should parties wearing blue favours very few of the yellow myself that even with my political opponents , I leave a number of boys paraded the princi pal streets of with cheers, waving of hats and flags, which seen. The two factions 1 lasted asaal esralcade of halbertmen and trade smen, pro * appear that the person whose Dame appear *on the bill party being to De had it all benind noth ing but political differenoea-H ^ hear , the town, bearing an effigy of Captain Stephenson , several minutes. Mr, Duncan began by observingthat ceefied to fee Railway Statien , in Tanner Bow, to is not tbe person represented by the party, to theinsekes—the Chartists not deeming the occa- " from the Tories)—and that we may separate the Tory candidate. They finally baited at the he fcjt himself placed in a noble position. To him -weather Tery them there importance for hear that meet the Judges , and although the waa is clearly a fraudulent intention. As for example : if sion one of sufficient them ; their without any ground for angry retros pect or for per- Market Place , immediately opposite the King's Arms day wascommitted the illustration and defence of those unf avourable, the spectators were numerous. a parson bearing th« same name as tiiat of an eminen t object is to pnrade principles, not gew-gaw flags and sonal offence. But as to those with whom I have Inn , where a number of the supporters of tnat gen- principles which the good and the wise had cherished After waiting above an hour , Mr. Jnstiee Wightman ribbons. It mast, however, have struck the minds geeater happ iness of agreeing—now that so tleman were loiterin g about , waiting for an account in every age, an* in defence of which the ten thousands hanker should forge a bill representing himself to be forcibly, on seeing the change had the «riv»d by the mail train from London, at half-past that banker, it would be equally a forgery, though the of all persons very in many recollections of considerate kindness—of dis- of th« state of the poll from the different places of before him were ready to go to the death. He eight o'clock. He thea took his Beat in the High hand writing might be the writing of a genuine person. the relative positions occupied by the two factions interested real—of generous forbearance of past voting . It appeared to be the intention of the boys honoured their patriotism and vowed bislife 's allegiance. and proceeded to the Castle and within the space of one short week. At the nomi- Sheriffs carriage, Tie f orgery is in the raise making of the instrumen t in a struggles—and of past victories—come rushing at to burn the effigy ; but they were prevented by the (Cheers.) Admiral Adam had appeared before them Chzil.ihall , where the commissions were opened. the name of another who is represented to be a par - nation, the Bloodies " were determined that once upon my mind—I feel what language cannot interference of the police, who went in amongst that day to render an account of bU stewardship, feat if On Sunday mornin g, his Lor dship attended divine ticular person. They would take that in to their consider- nobod y but themselves should represent the Riding— embody and thanks cannot convey. I have learned , them : it was torn to pieces, and the fragments his gallantry in the ccsan was of the same east as bis servic * ia the Minster. f orgeryas the flag of Wentworth had been unfurled, and it Gentlemen, even to love tho inanimate features of throwu at one another. Hodgson, the chief officer patriotism in the senate, the less history mentions bis ation because it had been said it waa not a conquer, because it conquered in 1807. So sun Lot l Chief Justice Denman did not arriTe ia the there was a parson of that name bat by no means the must ^ your natural landscapes with which I have grown of police, received a blow fro m some of the frag- name the better for his fame. (Cheers and laughter.) C&tj Lill .Monday morsiisg . person intended by the forger. The forger usually my Lord Milton, in whose precious person was em- familiar during my repeated canvasses—your heath- ments, and at length Dr. Corson struck one of the The Gallant Admiral cannot like hU friend, the Colonel, GUILDHALL , Jclt 12. represents the person whose name, would be likely to bodied the intelligence of a long line of ancestry. clad hills and your wide-spread vallies ; but bow lads with his stick. The boya now sallied forth to say be knows nothing about the Charter, for he haa the Well might it be said, " How are the mighty fallen!" much more then has my spirit bounded in answer to the polling booth; which was erected in front of the glory of voting for its rejection in Parliament ; he there- This mornin g, at half-past eight o'clock, Mr. Justice acquire credit, when, in truth , it is not the nam e of And now what an insult to Lord Morpeth ; and how Wightma n took his seat on the bench. After the that person, nor the hand writin g of the individual the cheer which roused the mountain echoes, or to Church rails ; this they quickly set on fire, and after fore must have studied its principles, contrasted them strikingly does it illustrate the gratitude of thai the welcome which ushered me into the busiest staying a while with the fire, they returned again with the principles of the Reform Bill, and hare /satis- usual "onna'lities had been gone throug h, the follow- whom it represe nts. There were two cases in the party whose "baseaess" has been placed on record ing gentlemen were impanntlleil on calendar which be approached with some reluctance. haunts of your living industry. I trust I need not to tho inn, and on their way they came in contact fled himself thatthe latter is the best instrument fo* These were cases of rape. They differed entirel y from by their master ! Lord Morpeth w&3 placed degra- debar myself from the hope that in the varied with the Governor of the bastile, to whom they gave good government ; he Mr. Duncan would ask the Gal- THE GRAND JURY. ding at the bottom of the poll, as the fitting re- opportunities may present themselves a sound drubbing. The windows in front of the lant Admiral, through this meeting, each other in their circumstances . They would not , , course of life, what were his John Prast , Esq. , Foreman. however , fail to bear in mind hoy easy it was to nuke ward of eUren years of political degradation by his to me of showing my abiding sense of gratitude for King's Arms Inn were next broken, and afterwards objec tions to Universal Suffrage ? The Charter declares Mr. Thomas Kelson Champney. such a charge, and how difficult it waa to refute it. own party j—a mere lad, who cannot utter two con- your past favours ; and I cannot help declaring— those of the inn where the Whigs were sitting, as no man intitled to a Tote who is a criminal Could Mr. Richard Bur dekin. They would be guided by ths conduct , the demeanour , secutive sentences of plain English, having been though it may seem to bespeak a more poignant well as those of Dr. Corson. The windows of other this be said of the tea pound bill ? The Charter pro- Mr. Benjamin A ear. and the condition of the prosecntrix soon after the purposely paraded that the Riding might be carried, sense of the loss I have sustained—that I do not houses shared the same fate, particularly if the vides that none of the insane shall vote ; were this speak of took place. From even at the expen ce of the defeat of the Irish Mini- think I could reconcile myself for the present to inmates were at all unpopular. These disturbances applied to the present constituency how many would Mr. Leonard William Sedgwick. circumstances she might ster. So innch for Whig generosity, for Whig gra- Mr. Charles Potter. these cirenmstznees their judgment would be formed occupy any other seat or represent auy other con- caused a great sensation in the town, as an affair of be disfranchised he need not state ' Their whole Mr. Samuel Fowler. whether the case irzs a genuine one or not There was titnde, for Whig consistency ! Even Lord Morpeth stituency. And now, Gentlemeu, that I have to the kind never occurred before. On Friday, large conduct since they had been entrusted with power was Mr. Jjines Thonm Cteus3en. another case which he approached with greater reluc- will now bid farewell—a long farewell—to the take my leave of you, bear with me if I adopt, for numbers of shopkeepers and others were sworn in one continued act of insanity, a trampling upon the Mr. John Bell. tance than those which he had named ; but he shoul d Yorkshire Whigs. one moment, a more solemn tone than I might as special constables, and in the evening another poor who had given them their rights, and Mr. Matthew Rymer. make no other observation upon it than this : if it The two parties were arrayed en the hustings in otherwise have thought it fit to use on any such effigy was brought out, but did not proceed far ere mean subserviency to the rich. Intelligence and Mr. George Brown , jun, was possible that the witnesses could have the same order as at the nomination. The High occasion. But I cannot refrain from put- they made a halt. The police attempted to seize it, good conduct, the Admiral therefore, despises. He ilr. John Britton. been under any mistake in that case, he should Sheriff arrived, attended by a numerous corlei,£t at ting up one fervid petition that the Disposer but were foiled ; so a number of the specials went (Mr. D.) would be bold to say that there was not a Mr. Robert Ferrer. recommend them to form an exception to the twelve o'clock ; and after the necessary formalities of all events and the Giver of all good, may visit with the police into the very centre of this Lilliputian working man before the hustings bui would harere- Mr William Watson. rule which he laid down in the first instance had been gone through, he declared the state of the each and all of you with his choicest and most abun- army, and brought away-the effigy in proud triumph, presented these counties better in Parliament, BO for as Mr. Christopher Ware. (ucleE3they were satisfied thai th ere was no probability poll to be as follows t— dant blessings ! May He store your garners wicb. ainiust the yelJing of tho vanquished ; but As it grew intelligence, integrity, and honesty were requisite in a Mr. Well s Hood. of the witnesses being miitaken) and they would give For the Hon J. S. Wortley... 13,165 increase, and reward your industry with plenty ! dusk , it was evident the specials thought themselves Member of Parliament He sheuld also, through this Mr. Thomas Marsh. the accused the benefit of a doubt It would be more For E. B. Denison, Esq 12.780 (Hear.) May fla scatter the seeds of order—of unfit to cope with the rabble boys, so they despatched meeting, like to ask the Admiral why he objected to the Me. Joseph Severs. conduciTB to the pnblie goed, however , if such cases For Lord Milton 12.080 temperance—of the domestic and public virtues, far a messenger to bring a troop of horse, who had payment of Members of Parliam ent ? The duties wera Ml. JokaSampcer. were suppressed. It was only a stron g probable case For Lord Morpeth 12,031 and wide amidst all your ilw ellings. May He crown b;cn laying all day in readiness, at a village two onerous ; they requi re to devote much time to reading Mr. WDJiam Hadson. that should warrant the m in sending it for trial. He Majority of Mr. Wortley over Lord each hearth and home with peace—with comfort— miles distant, by whom order was soon restored, and and studying of all the old laws, with a view to their Mr. John H&rewood . w&3 not aware of any other case in tbe calendar which Morpeth 1,134 with content—with thanksgiving ; and ever supply all afterwards remained peaceable. alteration and amendment , an intimate acquaintance , however , there should you with those who can (I will not say more faith- with which only can be had by extensiv e research ; a After the proclamation against rice and immorality rtquired particular notice ; if Majority of Mr. Wortley over Lord FtFE. —Chartism Trium phant. —Thursda y, the arise any difficulty in the course of their enquiries in Milton 1,085 fully) but more efficiently serve you ! These, gen- thorough knowledge c? all the conflicting interests had been read , - tiemen, are my latest words. Thanks again to you. 8th instant, was the day appointed by the Sheriff for which are daily growing up in British society ; and, Mr. Justice WiGHTMA?f addressd the Grand Jury. which he could render them any assistance he should Majority of Mr. Denison over Lord the nomination of a candidate to represent the County be happy to do so. He aited them to permit him , in Morpeth 749 Fare you well, and all good be with you. above all, those principles which regul ate trade and He said he rejoiced much that on the present occasion in Parliament. The day waa fine , and by breakfast- wages ; in addition to this, fca shaald have to o^ccpy a very small portion ef their conclusion , to make one observation which occurred to Majority of Mr. Denison over Lord The Hon. J. S. WonrLEY then moved a vote of they give their close attend- him in the perusal of the calendar. There were thirty- thanks to the High Sheriff; which, in due course of tinifi, numbers of the people were seen moving to Cupar , ance in the House of Commons from five in the after- time. There we»a in tJFset bat two cases, and thesa Milton 700 tho scene of action , from the surrounding villages. By Cases compithended three prisoners only. In the case sirs prisoners charged with tbe commission of offences courtesy, was to have been Beconded by one of the noon till an early hoar in the morning. Singular that The an nouncemen t of the numbers was received twelve o'clock , the streets of Cupar were pretty throng. the same man that will do all this without reward, and of one of them they would hare to inquire into the in the calendar , and out of these, fifteen only were able wi;h great cheering by the friends of the respective defeated candidates, but Mr. F. H. Fawkes persisted to rviid and write , &ud all the teat were wholly unable in thrusting in his claim to be heard, and the vote of A few minutes before twelve, the Chartist candidate , be proud of the honour of doing it for nothing, will not circumstances attending the deith of a person named parties. Mr. John Duncan , of Dundee , the two Chartist electors , Warren , and they would haTe to consider to co so. It appeared that the most heinous and the thanks to the Sheriff was not seconded ; the public perform the easy task »f a British admiral , whioh con- whether there Silence having been proclaimed and immediately Messrs. M'K»y and Henderson , from the parish of Ken- sists of drinking wine aboard ship. ¦was s-- .£Hcient evidence against a perion named Plews heaviest of tbe offences bad been committed by those obtained , Mr. Wortley, as the senior successful business of tbo Court terminating without its being the cabin of a and. ' who were incompetent to read ; and he could not but put. noway, who were to nominate and second Mr - Dunean , giving a few orders occasionally about the sailing of the the psr ty charged , to p-jt him on his trial for man- c n , then proceeded to address the meeting. and all tbe members of the Chartist Committee , walked slaughter. If a sadden affray shcald srise, and in the observe , as it had frequentl y been observed before , that a didate After the declaration had been made and the Vessel. For such admiralty duties he receives thou- it very much concerned gentlemen of influence , of rank , Mr. Wortley said—Gentlemen , fellow-country - requisite returns nMed np and signed, the members arm-in-arm from Mr. Duncan 's lodgings to the School- sands ; but for the heavy duties of membershi p he would course of the conflict or stragg le it should happen tha t bill , where the hustin gs were erected , accompanied by , ac d station , to forward as much as they possibly could men, and at length my constituents,—The proud wero chaired r?und the town. deem it dishono urable to receive pay. (Loud cheers.) He death ensues unless the party inflicting the wound pro-eminence in which you have done me the honour mu->ic and a number of flags : and within a few minuted should like to Know, also, on what ground he voted was acting strictly in self-deff cce it would be their duty the instruction of the poor. They had too much reason after they had taken their place upon the hustings , the to be aware that exten t of knowled ge is not a sufficient to place my name, notv gives me a title to present the continuance of imprisonment for the Chartists. to pat the party so inflicting the wound on his trial for myself before you in die character of your repre- Sheriff arrived , who was followed by CApt. C. Wemyss the eriiae of mansla nshier. That -was tbe only obserra- guarantee against lie cociinisEion of crime ; but at least (SHIctt ton ^fog. Had they ever used stronger language for the Charter they knew this, that tbosa who were able to read and sentative. I am sure no man in this large assembly, and his committee , attended by a band of music and a than had been used for the Reform Bill ? Had there taon he would make on the case of Plews. The) tacts few fl.igs. Tho Sheriff read the wri t for the election, and would be detailr U fry the witnesses, and as &i write were not s» liabl e te commit offences as others or in the whole extent of this Riding, uuder-rates been a thousandth part of the property destroyed under who are destitute of those qualifications. It was the immense value of that triumph. It shows, at CARLISLE.—East Cumberland Election.—A the Act against Bribery and Corruption ; he then asked Chartist agitation , that bad taken place under midd le as he had been abl e to learn of the state of the de- to nominate a person to sirable to afford as ran ch education and instruction to Iea9t this—that tha voice of the West Riding is uo C r n , writing from Carlisle, says, T any one, who was an elector , class agitation for tbe Reform Bill ? He was fcme that eaa fr>:m the depositions , it would present longer to be commanded by a close influence. It or esponde t hough represent this county in Parliament. Captain Ayton some circumstances not Tery favourable to the tbe peor as would enabl e them to read and understand the Whigs have gained a conquest, yet it is tanta- he stated the truth , that there was not an old nervous the principles of the Gospel—the best and surest shows that the voice of the West Riding is not to be mount to a defeat, if we consider the great majority then nominated Captain E Wemyss, as a fit and pro per lady in the land who had been disturbed by an agi- police of the city of York , because if they had bought. It shows that the representation of the when they person. Mr. Bobert Ingiis, manufacturer , MarKincfi , interfered at the time , as they could haTe done , the guarantee of moral conduct. He would not longer they had at the last contested election, tation unpar alleled for its extent and depth of feeling, detain them by aiiy other observations. West Riding is not a mere appendage to a noble defeated Sir James Qraham by a majority of upwards seconded the nomination. The Sheriff then asked if which had been continue d for five years, for the Char- fatal result might most possibly haTe been prevented. h , however high its station, and however de- d , we have no hesitation in any other individual had any other person to nominate ? ter ; yet a liberty -loving Whig—an Attorney-General — The other case was cne -were two persons named C01SISG . ouse of five hundred. Indee Ward served the popularity of the members of that house. declaring our firm conviction, that, if Mr. WiUiam Mr. M'Kay, from Baneto wn , parish of KennOWay, prosecu ted , and juries selected from the middle classes and Kirby were charged with hare broken into a dwell- moved that Mr. John Duncan -was a fit and proper John Scaife, 38, and Ann Scvifc, 39, were charged And , Gentlemen , we have now to thank our op- Jamea had not been in compan y with the Hon. Chas. convicted , hundreds of poor men for demanding pro- ing house and stolen a quantity of property therein. with karing in their possession , on the 1st of -March , at ponents as well as yourselves for the extent of the Howard, he would have most certainly been the re- person to represent the County of Fife in Parliament , tection to their lives 2» o person , as they would easily suppose , would be pre- , their liberty, and their property ; Hall , a mould for the purpose of coining. victory we have gained ; for they have not only jected of East Cumberland. But such is tho influ- r.ml made a few pithy remarks in support of bim. Mr. while tae gallant Admiral has recorded his Tote again st sent linriiuj tiis actual commission of the efisnee ; bat in Mr. Abmstkos g and Mr. WILSON were for tbe placed me here, but placed by my side my worthy and so strongl Henderson , from the same place , seconded the nomi- oonsijtiring the gxnli or innocence of a party, or whether ence of the Earl of Carlisle, y was it them , and , in effict, has said let all that love liberty die and prosecution ; Sir GEEGOBT Lewin defended the co]Jeaguo. I undertook in the first place to demand manifested by all his covey of agents and hangers- nation. Tho Sheriff thea ctesired ail who were in rot. Mr. Dunca n then , after some remarks , closed his they were so satisfied that there was prebable cause to prisoneis. for the West Riding that which we all felt we had a that not a single tenant dared to vote against his favour of Captain Wemyss to hol d up their hands , warrant them in putting the prisoners on their trial , on , address with an able review of the sugar , corn, and On tbe day in question , from information which the right to ask—I undertook to a?k for it a voice in the aon aud Mr. James. Such has been the unprinci- when a considerable numbe r were raised ; but when he timber dntics , every sentence of which enlightene d and It was a most material cireninstenee to inquire how police of Hull had received , they went to search the legislature of the country. Wo fought for it, bat pled and vacillating conduct of the latter gentleman put the same question on behalf of Mr. Duncan , such Boon after the ccremission of the olwnce the stolen pro- 3 , electrifie d the meeting. He impressed upon all the prisoner ! house, and , whilst there , a thumping was we met with the resistance of a determined monopoly. that he need never again show his face in Cumber- a multitude ef hands were held up as made Wkiggery unrepresente d the necessity of pruden ce, energy, and pertj was found on the party charged, because the heard in one of the rooms up stairs. The police went hustings, at the day loot pale. The Sueriff then declare d that air. Duncan speedy finding of prsperty affords a very frequent The time was when we made a moderate demand— land. His reception on the of determination. The Sheriff then toot a show of hands into the room and fennd a quantit y of fragments of a when we asked for a share in the representation, of uomination ou^ht to fully convince him tha was duly elected to represent tbe county of Fife in for Colonel Abercromby, for whom about thirty were suspicion, at least, that they upon whcHJ it is f ound are haif-crown mould , and a hammer , which had appa- and with which we should be satisfied. But how ut ter inatility of again showing his faca in Carlisle. Parliament, the people cheered in their majesty, and hold up. the guilty parties. It was not necessary for them (the He then asked a show of hands for Mr. rently receaHy been nssd , as whiting adhered to the have they treated us ? They f ought us twice, but This same shuffling f ellow had the audacity to state niaJe the City ring. The Captain demanded a poll , Duncan , for whom there were thousands: the Sheri ff Grand Jmyj to do more ffcan to raise & sufficient face of it. A great quantity of good money wa3 found they did not persevere with the same means and in- upon which Mr. Duncan taid ho should retire , as the ground to sand the prisoners on tis«T trials. It was iu his place in Parliament, that tho New Poor Law accordingly declared Mr. Poncaa duly elected , and Col. in tbe bense , and among it two counterfeit half-crowns. struments as before. They undertook to withdraw had worked well in the North, but he was obliged CUartiats had only wished to test the feelings «f the Abercrom by demanded a poll, which Mr. D. declined, uot their duty to try the parti es ; thty were only to see Tbe prisoners stated that a person named Bell, who a memb-r who had given satisfaction to a great , by declaring ho had people at the hustings. Ths Sheriff hereupon said that there was probable caose to send them to another to eat his words on the hustings and Col. Abercr omby was declared representative for lodged in the house , had left there the articles that nu mber of his constituents, and declared war to ex- been misinformed on the subject, and that, more- that the election was null and void , and he again the thirt y bands held up for him. The Chartists of tribunal , in order trst the guilt or innocence of tbe par- were fonad; but he was called to show that he knew tirtoination. What did we do ? We did as English r, he had changed hid opinions as to the principal asked all those who thought Captain Wemyss a fit and ties c'-i&rged migLt f» investigated. In conclusion , he ove this county feel bonad to declare that Sheriff Talt acted nothing of them. As the fema ' e prisoner was supposed men always do under similar circumstances. We clauses iu tho Bill. The Whiga blamo the Char- proper person to represent them in Parliament to hold throughout toe whole of the proceedings with great (the Lramed Jadge ) stated tLat if in these , or any other to act under the control of the mile prisoner , the cried '* To arms, away with the scabbard , brought forward by tho up their hands; when the former small body again Casts tiiat might corte before them , tt ey should find and we ti ts for the opposition firmness! Three tremendous cheers were then given Jury, under his Lordship 's direction , fousd her Not will Bghi to victory." And that victory we have at Tories. WearegJad of this, f or they always pre- reared their hands in support of their man , who was for all incarcerat ed prisoners , and Feargus O'Connor, thetn ;tlYes under acy difScu'.ty and should require any Guilty. last achieved ; and it is a victory of which the effects Chartist3 wore au insig- declared by the Sheriff to be duly elected . The Cap- advice or assistance from him , he should be inuit happy viously protendod that tho and the meeting quietly broke up, being complimented Sir G. Lett is addressed the Jcry for the male are not to be confined within the limits o* the Wet-t nificant body. The following is the state of the poll tain then addressed the meeting in favour of the Whi g by tbe Sheriff upon thoir quiet and peaceable conduct. to render it.—The Gra nd Jnrv then retired to their gaye prisoner , and called witcesses , who him a g*od Riding. The Hon. Gentl«mas, after alluding to the at its close :— administration. Mr. Duncan then addressed the people , Since the nominatio n the Whi gs appear quite chap- ro.-m. character . Not Guilty. responsibilities of his post , in a pure Chartist style, laying bare the hollow-hearted The Learned Jadze then proceeded to the M&nsion- thus concluded. I have Hon. C. Howard (Whig) 2082 fallen and dispirited : the Tories taunt them with the John Wood, 38, pleaded guilty to having on the 27th onl y to thauk you all for what you have done in tho Wm. James (Whig) 1988 and deceptive conduct of thu ju ggling Whigs , iu a man - entire loss of popular support , and the people despise Hou3? , wbei* ho brisk lasted with the Lord Msyor and of Jnne , at Bradford , stolen a roan heifer the property causa so far as 1 am concerned. I go—1 1'cel not ner that made thei r suppor ters wince. He showad the cTfeTii oi tha corp jrite bvdy. \V. W. Ssephenson (Toryj ... 15)01 both factions, conscious of their own strength , and Sf of Matthew Chapman. merely as the representative of the majority of this Inconsistent nature of tfeo law which only allowed a being the for Lanark.— Thursday week was the numinatioa at resolved to use it for their own advantage. YOPvS CASTLE , Jnr 12. SrDtenct def-.rred - riding , but I ^oas member thii ^reac district man to vote for a Member of Parliament if he tras Cftar- .es Wadsworth, ii. was char ged wltli having on to represent all Us classes to attend to all its in- this place, and there being but one candidate, the worth ten pounds a-year , and allowed a man to be "Mr. Jus ".\M vTlGUTMiS losl his Bfttfc oa iiie Bsnen , at Quick , stolen black mare , the jo business was soon gone through. The faction , hew- sent to Parliament , who was not worth a farthing. He ths 16th of June * terests , make no distinction between parties , so CAPTAIN ROUS AND THE WELSH MARTYRSL at trove o'clock. Alter the magistrates of tie three property of Henry Fisher. far as public business is entrusted to uiy c^re , and to ever, did not escape quite scot free, for Messrs. showed also bow labour was the source of wealth, and Bidirtr-s , &c, had been called oirer , the following gen- Qy being on tho hustings, The attention of all classes is directed to the follow- Mr EB.ESD conducted the case for the prosecution ; do all I can to make it efficientl y conducted. You M'Williams and Malcolm how those who laboured none lived in splendour , aud ing letter from Capta in tlfesien were sworn on About half-past nine obtained permission to put a f ew questions to the those who perfo rmed the labour , wera many of them Boua, the newly-elected member tie prisoner was undefe nded. may depend upon it—aud yon flatter me by plac- for Westminster , to Henry Grifiiths. It is in Yeply to T HE GBA>T> JURY . o'clock on the night in question the mare was left fas- ing me in tVia Bituation—you may tni>t me that Member, Mr. Lockhai t. These questions were— -wretched in the extreme , and treated as an inferior and ' , and at half-put seven Would he support a graduated property tax ; a total degraded class, and that it was impossible they could some questions put to him concerning the total abolition William Rookes Cronspton Stansfield , Esq., M.P., of tened in the prosecutor s field no exertion , no attention to your iutei'&$is phall be. of the Poor e'clock on the following morning he found the wall repeal of the Corn Laws ; such a reduction of ever be better until they obtained the Charter. Law Amendment Act, the introduction of Eab :-hal3 , Foreman. wanting on my part ; and I trust the next, time L an Eight Hours ' Factory Bill, and the immediate libera- -'2 adjoinin g the fUld pulled dewn and the mare taken meet you to render an account of the charge you taxation, as to enable the farmer to compete with When Mr. Duncan had finished , the Captain moved a Bir ChiS. Ibbeison. But., of Dsnton-park. 1 tion of Frost , Williams, and Jones :— a * ay. On the night of the robbe ry the prisoner was have confided to my hands, you may find that 1 the foreign grower ; and the liberation of all Char- vote of thanks to the Sheriff , which was seconded by Tiivnias Birstow , Esq., of Garrow-Hiil , near York. were either met by a direct Mr. Dunorui. Tbe Sheriff acknowledge d it Sir ,—1 have rectlved your letter of the 2d of July, ' ' jdortimer Esq., seen going in the direction of the field , and it appeared shall be able to give a satisfactory aucount of that tist prisoners ? These , and thanked E.i ^^j Biines, of Bell-hall. not far negative, r , but were loudly responded to by the people for their orderly conduct. He declared that requesting my answer to several queries , respect ing the " , Esf., M , of Thirsk. that he had sola the mare to a person residin g charge , and that you will think I havo not be- o evaded Poor Laws , Jw as Bell -P- distant. trayed the trust I first a^ked at your hands. the assembled masses. Immediately alter the nomi- what tho pooplo were struggling for was their natural tbe Factory Question , and the restoratio n AicXinder Srown , Esq. , of Bsilby-Grange. nation the Chartists had a splendid out-door meet- of Front , Williams , and Jones to their civil rights. Christo pher YTillisni C.vrter Chaytor , Esq., of Sjwni- Guilty.—To be transpo rted for the term of ten years. E. B. Dennison , Esq., then pr. ;s.ini? ;l himself.— , right , and that their conduct that day, showed they The Court then adjouraed. ing, which was attended by about 3,000 persons, were fully qualified to exercise it The Chartists I beg to inform you that I shall five each topic mj thoni&-h aIL He said—Onservatwe Eievtors oi tae We-a hiding ! bsst consideration , and that I shall al ways be an Three times we have fought together : twice were at wh'ch Mr. Giffiu , of Strathaven, presided. Afcer cheered him, but we fear many of the Whigs do not advo- Alfred Horatio Darle y, Esq., of ElTi ^on-hiiL CROWN COURT.—Tvesjut, Jclt 13. , cate for mercy where it can be shewn to misguided men, ' . we defeated , bat at last , by great cff-Tts, the vic- some introductory remarks he called on Mr. Wm. like to hear us so complimented. In all , from begin- J- ^iphDrnt , Eiq-, .-f Kibstun-park. M'Williams to read the following resolution to the ning to end , provided it gives no encouragement to others to rebel . W*iganUiQrpe. HIGHfF .iT BOEBEBT AT SOCIHOWfiAM. tory is your «. Atiow me to offer you iu the most it wa3 a splendid triumph for Chartism in Win. Gariorih , E.q. . of meeting :—" That it ia tha opinion of this meeting Fife, and such as will make a lasting impression. A against the State and against the Constitution of this Esq , of Xewton-Kynie. 29, re spectful terms my thanks for the honourable and great countr y. Wuiiani Marshall Hatfield . Joseph Sharp , 39. and John Sharp , were charged that no permanent good can be derived from either soiree took place in. the evening, which was attended by John Hutio n, E^q., of Sowber-hilL with-having on the 17th of May last , at Southowram , distinguished position in which your votes havo I remai n. Sir , placed me. I hope I am duly sensible of the import- of the factions, Whig or Tory, at present contending a number of genuine friends of liberty. Mr. Roberts 'Jh ^mas Lzjcozk, Esq., of Fisiiergate-House , near violently assaulted John Pear son, and stolen fr( m his for power ; and that nothing short of the People 's was in the chair; Mr. Duncan wts placed on tbe chair- Your obedient servant , a farthing, and a basket. ance of the posiiiou in which I stand—that 1 feel Tork. person Is. 6d-, a half penny, Charter will secure them a full measure of justice." man 's right , Mr. Roberts opened the proceedings , by a HENsr Rous. , cf StocK on-halL HlLDVAEJ j conducted tbe prosecution. The the full Talue of the trust you have reposed in me, July 5th , 28, &eo- I.!oTd Esq- Ml. and I hope so loug as I have that trust in my keep- The resolution, afcer an excellent address by Mr. few very appropriate remarks , and then called upon Chap el-street , Grosvenor-aquare. Gi^. Llidell, Esq., of Sanoa -bonsa. prisoners were undefended. The facts of the case are ing, that I shall be able to discharge its duties for Malcolm, of Glasgow, was carried unanimously, and Mr. Crockatt , of Markinch , who addressed them upon To Henry Dowell Griffiths , W'iliiaa Bennett il=xtin , Esq., of Westboroagh-tall. these. The prosecutor is a currier, residing at Pump- , for Frost, No. 11. Wincliester -row, May, he was at the benefit of the public at large—that it will enable after throe hearty cheers for the Charter the people being tbe legitimate sour ce of all power. Francis Mor ;ey. Esq., of Marrick-park - hill , Sonthowram. On tho 17th of m , and Jones, for O'Connor and the other They were also addressed by Mr. Luiniden , from Bain- E jgeware-road , London. " Scott, Esq. , of WoodhalL , and about half-past eleven &t night , he was me to add to the comforts of the great bod y of the Willia s T\ rn- Lister Pen ten Halifax people, and the prosperity of all her Majesty's sub- Chartist prisoners,and votes of thanks to tha speakers town , upon the Charter , and by Mr. Duncan , upon the Henry Willousbby, jus., Esq., of BLrdsalL proceeding along the road towards bis own house, and the meeting separated. conduct of the Chartist pton -hall , be met two per- jects ; so that when I am called on to return that and the Chairmau, candi dates at the present elec- DISTRESSIN G ACCIDENT AT Z>I= :taew Wilton, jnn. : Es% ., of Esleton-haiL when he arrived near to Shi tion. Several fine songs wt re sung, and recitations of MANCHESTER- Richar d Moaktoa illlnea , Esq., M.P., Ribston-halL sons, one ef whom he identified as John Sharp. On trust into your hands, I hope you will fiud it even a Birhinsham.—The Late Election—The Tone3 FOUR LI VES LOST. Shar p struck the prosecutor on bri,ghti.r gem than it is at present. I hope, n have entered a protest against the return of Mr. a soul-stirring nature were delivered , by others of tbe Tie T>podamalion against Tice and immorality was coming np to him, John alo g company, till a late hour , On Friday mernining a most shocking accident the bead , and knocked his hat off, and the other per- with my honourable friend , having the honour of Scholefield , and demanded a scrutiny. Various when all went to their homes tbea read. being the representative of the W«sr. Riding, that all highly gratifiei with the transactions of tbe day. occurred at the tep of Bradfor d-road , by tbe fall of part Jud ge charred the Grand Ju ry. He obserred son , who was reeogniBed to be Jose ph Sharp, seized reports are afloat with regard to tho result, sono6 of Messrs. Gilmore and Kelly' TLe Jo seph parties, Conservatives, Whi^s, and KadicaJa, will s factory. This factory, that , mon thia the first occasion of his havin g the him by the thighs and threw him on hia back. stating that Mr. Scholefield received upwards of 200 Clackmanan and Kimioss.—Tho nomination for which is one of the largest in the town , is situate oa * prose cutor's throat and force d the consider U3 equally their repre^eutativea. I, for one, bad votes. Ifi that turns out to be correct, the bonoai to addre is the Grand Jur y of the county of Sharp took hold of shall know no ciiff.Teuce in their opinions when they these counties todk place on Tuesday week , at Dollar , the south side of Bradford -road , at the distanc e of , it was a subject of congratulation to him that blosd from his mouth , and his eyes were swollen in worthy M.P.'h majority of 120 will look " rather and was another glorious proof of the triumph of Char - ahout fi fty yards from the street ; and the proprie tors Y»r k was robbed «f an Ame- approach me. I ain most gratei'ul for the honour confident of success. the numb er ef prls>ners in the calendar was so few, their sockets. The prosecu tor blue." The Tories seem tist principles. Since the passing of the Reform Bill, had recently enlarged it, by the erection of a wing, ex- * rican coin, 6d. a farthing , and a half penny, and a you have done me, and therefore, as your represen- t hese counties have been misrepresented by Admiral but , v.the siiue time, he could not but regret that the Is- tative, I most gra:efully make my bovr. Dublin.—This week here has been one, the like tending from the main body of the building neatly up ch'ractrr of some of the eases was so heavy, there basket—Guilt y. Sentence deferred. of which was never Been by the oMest inhabitants, Adam , tbe iick-spittle of the Wliij ? Ministry, -who has to Bra iford-road , and connected on that side with the Lord Milton then presented himself , and said retired to make ro'j m for Colonel Abercromby, who iu miil chimney. beics no less than four cases of murder in the calendar , SSA & SHEFFIELD. unless those who saw 1803. Previous to tho election The wing, which is five stori es high , attenti Te and fean'al BrBGXABT —Gentlemen , you now see before yuu on© of the the last Parliament misrepressnted Stirl ing county. two stories, less ttsan the main bcilding, BoinC- of whica rrqoired tJts moil Joseph Turner , 22, and Win, Hmudey, 29, were beaten candidates for y oar suffrages. Our opponents every &tt and devico that O'Doubleface and his was nearly eonsiierst ioa. But befcre he proceeded Tery britfl y to charged with caving , on tbe 26iU of Jla y l&St. at Eccles- party could suggest, or his satanic majesty invent, The Colonel' s canvass was a perfect burlesqu e ; be finished , and the boiler and some of the machinery had &ny observation * va the more important of the have won themselves a golden triumph , and have crept through the counties more like an evil-doer than been placed in it The painters and plaster ers off=r fifel d, burglariously entered tbe dwelling-house of Wm. now fouad themselves a sovereign remedy for their in divide the people were resorted to. Largo bills were offencss , be woaia point out to tbem that it was n»t theref rom three printed dresses , wero pl , representing Dan a representative of the people; meeting in public -houses employed in some of the lower rooms , and a number of Dyson, and stolen former misfortunes. (Hear , and laughter.) How acarded w ith wood cuts with a few of the obsequious electors , whose hungry their proTinca to try the prisoners , but to send the three shawls , two cotton shirts , six silk and cotton hoWiutj up a big loaf, aided by his merceuary col- women were at work in the upper story just before the Bev«rM. cases for trial , -anltas they were reasonably long the effect of these golden honours will !asi I sons he promised to provide for out of the plur.d er accident occurred. handkerchiefs , and other artic les. cannot say , but I doubt the effects to bo very lasting league Button ; while West and Grogan were seen eatifisd of the ianosane e of the parties , that there was Pashley appeared for tho mi taken from an oppressed people. Mr. Abrah am Dun- About ten minutes before twelve on Friday morning ilr. Heatos and Mr. in this county. They have opposed those wi»e on the other side with half a loaf. This ght bo , no ground for a cliarge being made. With respect to prosecution ,- Sir G. Lewis defended Houseley, and thought to down the enemies of cheap bread ; but can who was stlected as tha Chartist candidate for the whole of this building suddenly fell to the ground , -re imvwrtaut case of murder , which had hap- measures—ilasghter)—in the sternness of their (he.se counties , has held large oat-door meeting s these leaving only a small portion of the the m^ SIr.. "WiLKiK5 appeared for Turner . strength. Tiiey have thwarted that which iu the not so, for on the Sunday before the nomination, end wall standing, pened in the neighbourhood of Kaardsbr *', be had only verdict of Guilty. Sentence there was posted iu every avenue leading to the last, four weeks, in every town in tho two counties , at next to Bradford -road , and which was connected with The Jury relumed a end would add to their prosperity . They m*y w hich lie haa shown the peopl e the beauties of Whig- to ob- .rre that , if they found the decea sed came by hk deferred. l l , representing the Haying the large chimney of tha milL The oceorrenee is de- the hand of oi.e of the parties , that the others thwart it for a time, but they may as well attempt chapepriests a secondtriang p acardles with a burl and gery , ami pointed out to the people what they have to scribed as having been sudden in the death Ly STPALT.NG CATTLE. to str>p the ccurse of tho sun as to *uop the progress of a at ihe , y officer, extreme. It wiC present were engage d in one common design, and that the Conservative candidates looking on ; the latter hope for from middle-class legislation ; it may be said , preceded only »y a loud cra ck , which being h*ard by in furtherance of ttiat common Joseph Race, 24, -was charged -with havin g, on tbe of those measures which have been proposed to tha without any exaggeration , that wero the half of Eng- the women the i/ljW vrs3 given country, I have to thank you alJ, not oul the had words of the vilest kind put into their mouths. who were employed in the upper story, design , in that eise, tioss person Trio wers present , 28lh of May, at Notton , stolen two heifers , the pro- y And , to add to the whole, a third placard was issued, land , Scotland , and Wales, in as good a state of pre- they had just time to effect their escape before the u_h they did not theais^lves actually itflict perty of Timothy Arnold- Orange, but also the Blues, for that kind reception paration as these two conntits , the fate of Whigs and building was converted thc- which they have universally given me. Althoug h 1 exhibitiug the burning of a priest—the violation of a into a heap of ruins. The un- tbe wound , would bs accesabie to the same pn- ilr. 0v£BEND appeared tor the prosecution ; tLe virgin by the soldiery—the pitch cap on an inoffend- Tories would be determined , and Chartism made fortunate workmen who were employed below, not princi pal. There were prin- prisoner was undefended. am politically opposed to them on political prouuds, triumphant in twenty-four hours. It would have bearing the noise ri si.iDtEi as £Le yet I trust in private life I shall never find them my ing priest, to which a soldier is putting a torch—the , and not apprehendi ng any danger , cipals in the firs t and second degree ; but the crime < Guilty. Sentence deferred. sacking and burning of nouses—and what adds to none the heart of a lover of liberty good to have seen remained in the building, and were most of the» was the szme. Tierc was a case ci i enemies. Gentlemen , I havo to thank y»u once the brave and good men of Alloa, Alva, and Tillicoultry buried beneath the ruins. And the pusisimsn: ¦ HOUSELBEAKIKG. more for the kind way in which you have listened all this is, that it is all to be acted again if the As far as can be yet ascer- S melancholy descr iption—that of a wonuin being Tories succeed to power. Monday passed off very on that mornin g unfurl ibeir flags, and atrike up their tained, seven persons wer e in the Vuiiaiug at the time J with tlie murder of her illegitimate child. In | William SiniiA, 33, and James Bailey, 15, were to me, and I beg now to make my bow, and I hope well. Tuesday brought the polling, and on Tuesday music , all uaicbing with joy and glee to the scone of that it fell. char ge last, at you will be w&ll represented by those yon havo nction , with Mr. Duncan at their head ; while this cac-e, one of the princi pal points for the Grand , charged with haVing, on tbe 31st of March night, although O'Doubleface had the majority, the the Gal- The alarm and excitement created in the neighbour ' , would ba whetlier they were satisded 1 Low Ash, near Sheffield , brofcen into the dwelling-house chosen on tho present occasion. lant Colonel stole along like a condemned criminal in a hood by the extraordinary Jur v to considxiT le, and stolen therefro m six , in order to deter the electors, broke a many occurrence were indescrib- that tie child wai tern a!:*e. If they were of opinion , of William Wilson Ting Lord 5'obpjeth spoke as follows:—Inhabitants of mob hackney coach. The Chartists far and near , met together , able, and cr« wds collected from , the ' dessert forks, two sLver ta ble spoons, aud other windows belonging to persons whom they thought all directions to wit- that tie woun-a fcaa bs=n i^fllcttd after child had the West Riding of Yorkshire. I coma yet once would be likely to vote on the Conservative aide. haviag first marched east to give a welcome to their ness the spectacle. As soon as it was pessible to ob- , this was one of thvse cases which they should articles. again before you—C without a cocked hat")—ia the brethren froni Kinross , many of whom had travelled tain requisi te breatbt d Lewis and Mr. Pickebin g were The coal porters were engaged to bring up voters ; assistanc e, a strong body of men, front send for triil as a casi; of mur.kr. Oa the otker band , Sir GB.EG»BT ly assigned to me a3 the lowest on tho poll. upwards of fifteen miles that morning , having tke same fifty to one hundred , were for the prosecution ; Mr. Wilkiss appeared for the order du aud bow well they have succeeded may be learned set to work to remove tha if it s'sould appear that the clald had been barn dead , I am tho last person, and it would be tho last from the fact, that not a few of those whom they distance to return in tbe evening—no sl ight proof of rubbish , in order to extricat e the unfortunate sufferers. thonrh tke wound ebc-ula have been itfiicted , the defenca. object I have in view to aim at dissembling the their devotion to Chartism. The Sheriff having gone In the course of The doori and windows of the prosecutor were thought to coerce to vote for O'Douhlefaoe, voted the afterno on the bodies «f. two men crime of murder conid not be cymaiitted ; the party magnitude of tho triumph which our opponents havo for tho opposite party. A proof that the eyes of tha though his part , called upon any elector ¦who had were tak en out of the rui ns, and removed to the Farm not be guilty of homicide , unless the child had ; fislened on the night before the robbery, and about wrested from us. On the contrary, r y think a candidate to propose. This brought tip Admiral Yard public-hou se couid 'clock on the following morning he found ' 1 eall le are being opened to the villaay of the Whigs, adjoining. Another man was taken been b-irn alire. Thu-e was aao ^isr case which was of] haif piBt five o that it is the moat sigual vad tha most decisive peop A.da\u , the late member , -who thanked them for having out alive, and conveyed the of that bis house and stab le bad been broken open , and aud their supporters, be they of whatever name, to the Infirmary, but we regre t & very peculiar char &cUr ; i: ^as case a ptreon . which has yet been attached to the Conservative car party, or creed. A Roman Catholic councillor four times elected him. (Several voices in the crowd to learn there is little hope of his recovery. of Wilieit, who rr&s cLaxcsu -R^th th& ; various articles taken therefr om. On tbe ni^ht before of reaction. I have to resign ihs representation of cried out, " ab , we didna ken ye, Charlie " ) He then of Uic rarne anot her man were seen ( .Vlackey) voted against G'Doubleface, and has The cause of this melancholy event cannot be exactly mur-.iw of a v:ts- >tl who appeared to have died by ; the robbery tbe prisoners and the Wes: Riding of Yorkshire into the hands of went on to state that he had alway s been tha friend of ascertained ; somo - near the premise *, and about six o'clock on the following written a letter in justification of his act, in which attribute it to the injury done to the Tlol mce, but it w_-uld be a question for thc-m to cca- j Mr. Wortley. I say of Mr. Wortley, for let my he gives the base, bloody, and brutal Whiga their Reform— (" ye mean , Cbarlie , a rope 's end and high building by the late heavy xains. Crowds were col- whether violaice had been done by a blow , or ; morning tie prisoners wtre obser ved passing through defeat have at least that alleviation , I must be pay ;" )—he "would support our glorious Constitution , lected near slier the toll-bar between Low Ash and Sheffield , and Bailey true characters. The week haa ended in rejecting the spot the whole of the afternoon d trhethtr or not , iu truth ., the par ty had been Etupifitd i allowed to consider him my immediate conqueror. the tuaa of the people" by a clear majority of 76 ; waich had always resisted regal tyr anny and democra- Friday, and the attendance of a strong body of police by liquor , and was not jun ] was caTTyinc a sack. We \re old competitors. I have alread y, as he has " tic violence, and had ever conferred by a blow, or pxcb*biy accoste d the prisoners and but it is likely that it will be greater, for 45 of those real happiness was necessary to prevent them from pressing too closely over 3 carria ge ; and tiiat tbe cause of dtatb was, in ] lit. Gtor ge Wild thai day told you before to-day, met him twice in this glorious upon the people. He concluded by proposing Colonel t-7" the other man in the stre ets ai Sheffield, when the third who voted for the leader of the gulls are expected upon the rains. Up to a late hour at night no: wore of trot h, fcv the cxrnzse passing over him , and not by a: warfare; and he knows better than I can tell him Abercromby, the grandson of the immortal Sir Ral ph the bodies had been " the party who ! man ran away. He took tbe prisoners , and on Smith to be knocked off. found. Some of the men em- blow. But if they were satisfiid that that there are recolleciiou3 and passages of our Abercromby , as a future representative. {" Tak him ployed in the building had an almost miraculous blow had left the deceased ia such a; was found a double-bladed knife , with the point of one former lives which must make me prefer inglet.—A correspondent says, that, daring the awa wi ye, Charlie. ") A Captain Andereon haa irflicted the of a blade was found in him to B , of Kin- escape, by running through the doors which com- he was in danger of being ran over by a of them broken off A piece almost auy other man, as my successful rival. But late election,the walls of this place have been covered cardine , »3conded the nomination. Mr. Andre w situation that prosecutor 's honse, and it correspon ded exactly with the municate between the wing and the main building in cart, and was actin g in tbe pro secution of in transferring my late portion of the representation with placards, headed " intimidation," calling upon M'Kenzie , of Alva, then came forwar d to pr opose Mr. each story. sSray, then tbe crime would be maa- prisoner 's broken blade. The priso ners ' boots were also of thi3 Riding to his more fortunate baud, all those who had lost their work through voting for Duncan. He had suppor ted the Wfligs, an illegal on the premises , I can- both with his From further inquiri es, we learn that the wing of But in the eTent of the party giving the compared with the foot-marks found not dissemble the prico and spiendesr of -he dower. the Conservative party, to apply at their Committee, influenc e and his purse , in the hops tha t something alau sfcter. and they also corresponded exactly. Part of the stolen the buildin g which has fallen was not entirely new ; blow, havj ig done so in self-defence—either in pro - I have been too fond of it—too proud of it for that. and employment should be provided for them. One wouLl be done through tb eni for tho people ; but three stories from any other property was found on the prisoners. had been up some time, and Mr. Hale ,, » tecting himself from being robbed , or Koff , gentlemen, notwithstanding tbe issue of the of the respectable Conservatives, a millowner, whan he reviewed the whole of their profligate builder , bad been engaged to runIt up two atoriea down , and the cart had Guilty. Sentence deftared - recent strugg ,—I for one can never regret that career , he, cacK and had knocked him le we thought their cause waa so rapidly progressing, that along with tha electors of Alva, higher. It was nearly finished, the roof , which waa by accident gens over him, then the party would not ASSAVLT. fought the battle double-handed ; for I think, oon- he would set an example of the good deeds which considered the Whigs as the people's ¦worst, enemies. case, iii arched , having been turne d, but not " pitched. " The be euilty of any crime. There waa another Wi'fra Holdndffe , 30, was charged with having, on sidering what the declared opinions of the Riding is expected to be obtained by a Tory Government, The nomination was seconded by Mr . Wm. Campbell women , who were Barrett was charged reelers , were employed in the upper- ¦which a ptrson of the came of the 28th of April last, at North Newbold , in the East have been &ni what was the uature of the questions by running his mill full time. The honourable Wright , of Alva, in a few appropr iate remarks. No most Btory of the old part of building, and effected with -wilful murder. In that case ths only question submitted to it3 decision—the withdrawal and gentleman accordingly commenced on Tuesday last, other candidate being propose d, Colonel Afeercroiuby ' R'.ding, assaulted Thomas Towle, bis master , and stolen their escape by means of a door which communicat ed for tL=Ir consideration seemed to be the identity of the from his four sovereig defeat of ouo would have been tantamount and reported the same to the Conservative Com- addressed the meeting, but his recep tion was far from with the larger the per *on n*. building. Mr. Hale, the builder , waa party clivged. Tbe ™" was not in custody : still Guilty. Sentence deferred. to the prostration of both. (Hear, hear, hear.) mittee the same evening, for which they very hand- fl itterin g. He went intoana nalysis of the W hig measures in the the fifth story at the time of tha accident , and , and they would have Nor, Gentlemen, not less in his hoar of defeat, lause, of import duties and caseVi-uld be presented to them HOCSBBSXAKIXG. thaa somely rewarded him with three rounds of app the fixed duty upon corn ; l»<* said feeling it giving way, ran towards the mill, and had to ac: neon it in the same manner as though he was m when I stood in this place on Monday last,surrounded hoping at tbe same time that others would go and the former of these would give an impetus to trade , just reached a recess in the wall of the old building seph PiUing, 32 , Samuel Laycock, , and David custody. Ho had mentioned these cases with more Jo 25 by all the appea.ra.nce3 at least and perhaps some of do likewise; but to the astonishmentof the neighbour- and all that tho working m.in wanted at present was when that from whioh he had escaped fell, and he wm particularity, because they appeared the far hesmest Laycock, 24, were charged with having , on the 4th of the anticipations of triumph ; uoi Ic33 do I feel per- hood, this noble Conservative bethought himself on moia employment. A reduction on duties would thus provi dentially saved. of a April last, at Shelf, brok en into the dwelling-house t>l suaded that the opinioEs ana raeajares esses in th» calends? ; there were some others of which I the third day following to begin his old plan—that produce this effect, and also have a tende ncy to in- The names of the sufferers are John Bridge , of Clay- lighter ctescripti Qa, but still of eonsideK Ke importance. George Carver , and stolen therefrom 9J d- Mr. Wasne y was then the feeble representative and advocate, are is, of running short time again as usual, four days crease the reven ue of the country, which was much Thom pso ton , plaster er , taken out dead ; Thoma s Curly, labourer , There was i person char ged with aiministariBg dregs and -Mr. F. n conducted the prosecution , and even now myriag in their forward though uuseeu a week. The work people of this place say that if wanted at this time. On the Corn Laws his remarks Fawcett-str oet, , JC tvros appeared for Samuel Liycock. ta ken out dead Boon aft er the accident ; "Witii in teat to procare abortion . The point "was not for Mr track, and hastening to their accomplishment. Bu t, the-example shown by this high-bred Conservative were few ; ha trusted soon to see this country entir ely Jklichael Connor , labourer , taken to the Ancoats Dis- them to consider whether the dreg s were of a noxious The Jsr y found th> prisoner Pitting Guilty , and tie Genilemea, I feel that I am no longer in a position is carried into eff ct by an honourable house of the free of foreign corn from the improveme nts that were psnsary alive, but died in the cours e of an hoar after ; BStare ; but they would hav» to consider the intent other two prisoners Not Guilty. Sentence deferred. which entitles me to trouble you with my opinions same breed, it will be " God help them." Tbe reason taking place in land. He would vote for the fixed duty, John Flan nlgan , labourer , Store -atreet «f the party in appl ying them. There were also sevsral The Grand Jur y ignored ths bills against Wm. Lome upon political questions, or upon matters relating to why three full day3 were run, was not for the benefit because it wonld give us trade with the com growing To the public it may 1 , as charged with committin g an unnatural dime at Nun (" ?) To bo satisfactory to leam that the csaee in tbe caterd? ' of cuttin g and stabbing ; and your own concerns. Goon.' yourselves I ma>' of those whom &e employed, but to suit his own countries of five or six inilliyns a year , although when older building, tbe mill, is unaffected by the accident, in the oti>e* eaael» fc** mentio ned, they would have Monktoa , and Francis Buckle, charged with torgerj at properly an d safely leave them. You havo already, purpose to make up an order wkich he had received we had a good harvtst even ur.iitr present, circuiu - wer e Bradford. and there is no fear of any further disaster. This to eonsidsrtbe lnte n: with which the wound ' in your day and generation, does noble service in for warps and weft, and if ho had not sprung up the staccea we would be independent of foreign aid. He buiiding -was const ructed -by Mr. K-j rr, a fewyear? sinCfy ca^es cf forgery ; and here The Cuurt rose about half-past Ste o'clock. inflicted. There were also the cauic of our common couutiy. But after the tliree full days he could not ha,vs accomplished it. would consider Lioiself the r<--r.reseataiive of all parties WV.l '.3 remar kable fyr its stre ngth . __ THE NORTHE RN STiJEt. 7 BO>TBRRB O'BRIEN , H.P., FOR NEWCASTLE. When I last left, just immediately after the Fren ch CASE OF R. J. RICHARDSON. innocen t, and that evidence can far distant when there will be another election ; let Rerolu tioa of 18S», I left the labouring classes be produced sufficient In conclusion, I beg once more to tender my gratef ul rgxom the following letter from Mr - O'Connor, whieb eom- to elear them, providi ng a good legal defence Doctor Price's friends and the Tories return him then, paratiT ely well oS, and, though far from being contented , TO THE XDITOB. OF THB K O&THBBK STAR. can be thanks to the committee for their kind sympathy, and ££ been banded to us for publication , the Chartists got up forthe m. The laws of the country demand that for the inter est they take in my welfare. I received bat I will have nothing to do with him. perceive thai it is Mr. O'Connor's decided opinion yet they knew their friend s, the Whi gs, were agita - Si a,—Tour columns hare erer been opened to make e d ^Te taix lama of , your injured friend, Till ting for & Radical ?«?fv * trial—the humanity from Birming ham £3 some time ago. The manner in I am gut petition to the Home, praying for the unending Reform in Parliament, and that with known the grieT ances of any individual who might be forbid• that the innocent should But still well-wisher, * the peopl e at their back , parading the stree ts with suffer t which It was sent enhanced its value ; at the same time of tbe ret urn from Newcastle, on the ground that the suffering in the causeof freedom. Now, Sir , allow me A committte e has been formed to get np theif I can never have . William Edwards. the cheering words, " Reform , Peace, and Retrench- to lay before you a statement of a series of circumstances an objection to its being noticed pub- jitti ag members were sot declared " duly elected " defence and it ia hoped that their exertiena maj not be licly whea necessary. It was Very acceptable , and I Newport, July 6th, 1841. the show of hands to taken ; and their cot ment ," they would soon be able to driTe the Tories out that press heaTily on me, and which threaten , at no rendered powerless vben of office ; and then , under their rule , for want of a little pecuniary assist- felt much obliged for it, and should there be at any been elected by a majorit y of Totes afterward s, the land would distant period, to ru in me, and bring disgrace upon our ance. Subscri ptions will taring be radiant with smiles of happiness and joy, and be, be received by Mr. Jamea future time anything to send, if it was bnt 6s., I should (no poll being taken} mu&t end ia the asating of in cause. I hare long though t of my present step, and Arthur , bookseller, Carlisle. prefer its being BALANCE SHEET OF THE NAT ION AL fact, what it had neTer been yet, a " wilderness of hare, sent direct to me, for then I should have Mr , O'Brien as the respresentative for Newcastle. up to this moment, aToided laying my ease be- As the assizes will commence in a few weeks all an opportunity of returning my thanks to the parties MMITTE E, FR OM THE sweets," and a perfect " sea-girt Elysium." fore the public , lest it should do us an injury, but subscrip tions VICTI M FUND CO jIt. O'Connor, tco, it -will be Been holds * similar must be sent in immediately. who send, and there would be no delay. TO THE 13th OF JULY , conn ected "with the retam of A prophet seldom gets much credit in his own necessity now compels me to that which prudence 24th OF APRIL opinion Chartist * country; and I was actually hooted and jeered at when With my kind respects to the comtnittee , '2- in several other places ; and he might otherwis e bare forbidden ; justice to myself and I beg to remain , respectfully, 1841. as M-P- I slightly alluded to the fact, that Whigs and Tories public GLORI OUS also expresses bis determination to have the cues my family commands it , and I trust that the TRIUMPH OF CHARTISM AT Dear Slr , £. «. d. were " much of & muchness ," and thou gh they some- will make an allowance and appreciate my motives. SELBV. biri y tried . This is an important question .'—one times squabble in joke to keep up the farce ytt tiwy Yours obliged , Money in Mr. Heywood's hands, *8 deserting of the greatest atten tion on (be par t of the , In the years 1837 , and 1838, 1 took a Tery actire part , 57 U 3 always Bfree and are in earnest when they are abtut to TO THE EDITOB M. Frost . Treasurer ...... ulngiians." To them we commend iu If they, With and expended Tery great sums of my own money, in OF THB NORTHERN UTAH. To Mr. T. P. Gr«en , Corresponding Secretary, &c. From Coventry, per Thomas Paia ... 14 0 plunder , and coerce the people. Since then , I haTe forwarding the cause of Universal Suffrage. Havi ng jjri O'Connor, deem the struggle worth rwaVrn gt they Sib,—Doubtles s you will be astonished at receiving [In connexion with the above correspondence , From Mr. Campbell, for sale of Cieave's seen little to alter my opinion. The Whigs haTe now Tisited the great demonstration in Palace Yard , Lon- anything we «iQ proTide the means. , like an accoun t of a spirited Chartist meeting have pleasure in giving the following letter from Mr. pamphlet ...... 0 2 3 thing, too, in this letter , been nine years in office and in consequence of gross don, and in Hollowayhead , Birmingham , I resolved from the Anoth er we would draw cruelty, hypocrisy, and incapacity, to «uit the wants, hithert o sleepy town of Selby ; but at length Pitkethly, from which it will be seen that the sum of June 7, Penny subscription of pKticol&r attention to: the rpirit of the proposed reso- in my own mind that we would haTe a large meeting we have arous ed from exigencies, and intelligence of the age, are now going in Manches ter our slumber • we have heard the £76 12a. 8 Thomas Da vies. •witb, they hare , most undoubtedly, the power in a lase speech on a hustings, where a poor man of due importan ce Youra most sincerely and most faith fully, " one month , but I was obliged to fly {not from govern- when I inform you that it was the first ever convened jJ. H. Stanfield. of appeal to a poll of the electoral body ; but used to keep his cows, a policeman now is stationed. " ment persecution , for that I had braved ) but from the L. Pitkethl y. President, Saul. Chamberain. Mr. Bronterre O'Brien been there in person , here by working men, and also when you learn that bid Thousands are out of employ ; for steam and persecution of my friends , from s sheriff's officer the opposition of the Whigs was great Secretary, Peter Shorrocks. had he resigned after being declared duly eleettd, machinery supersedes the in consequence xnd necessity of mere manual armed with a writ I was an outlaw for one month , of the rough handling which the " old hack and cradled THE MONSTER WHIGS. Treasurer, Abel Hetwood. ther e is no power Tested in any person to reverse the lab-jar, and it is said that one man, woman , and when I ventured from my hiding-place, I was lord " received at our blistered hands upon their , until tie hour for closing the poll shall haTe pre- £ s d retu rn or child , can now regul ate the working of 2»0« Berred with an exchequer writ for fobty pounds am> sumptuous appeal ; the one to the party acts of Belt and The following is a genuine copy of a letter by Mr. y of Manchester 10 0 arri ved, when the Terdict of the peopie may be reversed spindles , where formerly it required one person to Plaxton , to the Honourable H. Finch , Ma 2S, Mr. W. B. Jackson, costs, at the suit of George Condy and Mrs. Jane associates, and the other to a connexion with the bouse George , in 1711 Mr. Broadbent, of Ashiou-uudsr- by the Totes of the electors. But how much stronger each. - . Leresche. I put in appearance in the hope that my afterwards fifth Lord Winchilsea, who, in his peculiar O'Brien was not there to of Wentworth , which, judging from the sample that Lyne 1 t 0 does the case become, when How often h&Te you and I talked oTer and ad- friends would bestir themselves. A committee was appeared in our market , style, describes the then Whigs to be, what every dis- ; asd, if there , he could not resign , nor could mus t be a bad sack. Mr. Duke, ditto 10 0 raic n mired the philanthropic exertions of a Sadler and an formed in Manchester , the matter was taken up by the Sir , we are satisfied to join in all expences for main- cerning man has proved the faction to be, at this Mr. Daffey, of Sheffield 10 0 he racate his seat, otherwise than by accepting the Oastitr , and haTe we not always agreed that they South Lancashire Delegate meeting, and steps were taining a lecturer in concert with our brothers of the moment. Hundreds ," or some substantial unseating began at the wrong end ? Instead of agitatin g for a Mr. Hoey, of Barnsley 10 0 " Cbiltern taken to raise the money, but , Sir , from that moment West Riding, and being within an hour 's steam of your " Vow, as for Whigs, I have traced them out, and 30, Mr. Ridings, of Bradford ...10 0 situation under tie Crown. Then how much stronger still ten hours' bill for the murdered factory children , they to this (the men of Oldham excepted) the South Lanca- found them out, and find them predominant in all 1 0 0 O'Bri en become when his seconder head-quarters , we shall expect constant visits from Mr. Rushford, ditto ...... doc» tbe case of should haTe petitioned for a limitation or restriction shire delegates and the committee at Manchester have lecturers , which , I assure yon, will not be lost. We ranks and orders of creatures ; every part of the crea - Mr. Hutton, ditto 10 0 otjects to withdraw him, or to be party to his resigna- over the machinery, so that the factories ot mills, 4c done nothing. I am now in danger of being annihilated are moat anxious to have a visit from one or both of tion is troubled with them , and you find no set of Mrs. El izx Jones, of Tradegar... 10 0 tjoii .' >"ow, let us test eTerything, both by common should open and close at stated hours. We agreed un less the people of South Lancashire anJ the people animals but there are Whigsters amongst them. Firstly , then , for practice. our members. Mr. Pitkethly and Mr. Harney, for June 7, Mr. David Lewis, of Abergavenny 10 0 sense, and by practice - that, considering the tender age of the employed , they of England and Scotland come forward to my assist- such, we ehall hold them to be, " At sea and land , in saltwater and fresh, you have Mr. James Goodwin ditto ... 1 0 0 and seconding resolutions in the should commence work in summer at seTen in the well knowing that all , you have tigers , , The practice of murin g ance. I will say nothing as to myself , my political that was rotten was hired by faction to oppose them , them. Thus , amofig quadrupeds Mrs. Morgan, of Newport ...100 Bouse of Commons is, perhaps , the most saalagous ar- morning and end at one, and in winter at eight , and character is before the world , and I leave the matter in wolves, bad gers , boars , foxes, jackalls , rats, wild cats , of Barnsley ...10 0 adduce in illustration. In such p.k. while all tbat was sound waa preve nted by poverty, as Mrs. Ashton, pauent s which I can leare off at two Thus they would haTe time for your hands—if I fall no few cf our enemies will was well observed by Mr. Pitkethly, from atte nding to foulmarts , weasels, with many others. Mrs. Crabtree, ditto 10 0 ease, then, the mcrrer of a reselution , or even of an health, instruction, enjoyments, and al! manner of com- rejoica—if I stand I may yet be able to fight the battle " Amongst birds , we have vultures, kites , screech support them. We could poll one hundred to one for , , 16, Mr. Smethios, of Bradford ... 1 0 0 amendment , cannot withdraw his resolution or amend- forts, and fit thtmselTtsa for being, what our Whig So!ons of freedom. I appeal to the sense of the people , them. We are also most anxious to havo a visit from owls, bnzzuds , rooks , daws, carrion crews hawks Mrs. O'Brian, of Lancaster ... 1 0 0 ment , without the consent of the seconder. That , ob- would call it, worthy of the suffrage. ETen in six hours whether they think I haTe not done enough , spent jays, cormorants , magpies. Mrs. Brown, of Birmingham ...100 the colossus of Chartism , the Hon. M.P. for Leeds, Mr. , aligators crocodiles , sharks , por - Berre , only affects the actire parties ; but see how they can do as mucii wtrk for their masters by machinery, enough , and snffered enough in the cause of the people Leech, or Mr. Williams , his colleague, who were also " Amongst fishes , Mrs. Roberts, ditto ...... 10 0 rmeh stronger it becomes when I inform you that as they could do for tL« whole six weekly days without that I should now be compelled to bear the burden of ly hir ed poises, pikes, eels, swordflsh , and gongers. Mrs. Peddie , of Edinburgh ... 1 0 0 defeated factions. Amongst serp ents, vipers , snakes, adders , scor- either, or both , cannot withdra w a resolution or amtnd - it, and why should they n»f. haT§ the benefit of such this debt alone. At the close of our proceedings a very handsome " Mrs. Bonbow , of Lond on ...10 0 Bent without the consent of the House. Now, then , regulation. Then, indeed, " machinery" would be a R. J. RlCHABDSON. subscription was made for our pions , rattlesnakes. July 6, Mrs. Marshall ,, of Sheffield ...100 ill-tr eated Irish friend wasps bugs, maggots, suppose Mr. Atkins and yourse lf, to be the proposer and blessing, but as yet it has been a dire curse ! How- Duffy. Who will now say that a prejudice exists in " Amongst insects, hornets , , Mrs. Booker , ditto ...... 1 0 0 secoEder of a resolution , and the people to be the eTer, I shall enter more fully on this important subject lice, spiders. Mrs. Bennison ditto 10 0 ' yon can TO FE ARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ. the English mind against Irishmen ? Our Irish , this- , renwiDd er of the House, ti"^^" of withdraw in my next brethren must give us less strikin g proo fs of tha nk- " In the fcingdsm of plants , there are nettles Mrs. Foden , d itto 10 0 your resolution without the consent of the ether ; neith er WhereTer I go the extremes of luxury and poTerty SiR ,—Enclosed you will receive a Post-office order , fulness for cheerfully allowing them to compete with tles, hemlocks , tares , quicks , cockles. Mrs. Holbury, ditto 10 0 can you, unitedly, except with the consent of the in this cur beloTed country preTail, and you cannot amounting to 15s. 2d., for the benefit of Peter Hoey, us, and take " But amongst men , they abound under the name s Mrs . Penthorp, ditto ...... 10 0 " pot-luck " with what faction and class haughty hypocrites, discontented , dis- people, who lose all distinct ckaracter of electors and wonder muck that feelings of " enry, hatred, malice, being the proceeds ot a subscri ption ra ised by twtnty- legislation has left us. They must and shall behave of knaves, fools, Mr. Bell, of Bolton 10 0 non-electors the moment the question is put and an- and all uncharitableness, are fast gaining grouad two hand-loom weavers , a carpenter , and a shoemaker. carded , sour, ambitious , proud , illnatured , Billy, of Manchester ...100 themselves. , cheats , Mrs. Barker , swered by show of hands : so much for practice from between ri«h and p«or." The priesthood dots but add You may tell Peter Hoey that he owes this trifle to A Workin g Man. malicious , intriguers , wheedlers , covetous Mr. Barker , di tto 1 0 0 cw teachers ;and now for common sense, fuel to the flame, and the squalid appearance of the your generosity in mentioning his cast* in the Star. fl byrchils, liars, atheists, deists , and nullifidiatlS. Mr. David Lewis, of Abcrgavcnny 2 6 0 erery man , except a partisan Toter , half-fed, half-dad labourer in contra-distinction to that I am requesUd by the subscribers for the above mm In short , every man that is not loyal, orthodox , and Mr. Walter Meredith of Ross Must it not strike " is a Whig. , , or the hired editor of a sheet of foolscap, that Hinde of the pampered and Linghty aristocrat ami.es toe to tender you our sincere thanks for the Void and FROST, WILLIAMS, AND JONES. honest , " Brecoiwhire 10 0 asd Ord, so far from being elected, were the only two difference but too apparent. Soma firtat change io straightforward manner that yon hove ad vocated our MRS. FBOSl's FVSD. PHSOBS in the whole world tchohad beenrtjeded : they, e-ridently brewing, and if Borne master spirits Ao not claims for Universal Suffrage and the ri ghts of labour , 32 0 0 , csuae some fundamental principles to be acted upon At the usual weekly meeting of the Birmingham TO THE W ORKING MEN OF NEWPORT. thfciefora, and they aJon« of all others are deficient is and to tel! you that we place our entire confidence in you General Committe e for the restoration of Messrs. Frost , Expences of Committee 0 13 1 all the qualities of membersh ip; they haTe been ejected , speedily and practically, rmrs »f blood will assuredly as a leader of the people. Fellow-Townsmen ,—The following ia a statem ent deluge the land. On whose heads this terribla curse Willia ms, and Jones , held on Tuesday evening last at election , or rather rejected , by the tonstiistioxol body (I lore We haTe proposed a plan among ourselTes for disse- the Charter Association Room , Freeiuan-et , Birmingham, of facts relative to the conduct , at the late of a £32 13 1 it) will most deeply fall, the tell-tale time will discoTer. minating the grand principle of UniTersal Suffrage, and member for the united boroughs of Momuo uth , New- that word when it hss a bit of fustian in , and not it was unanimously resolved , " That a copy of the restored to possession, or put into possession, by the The Tories say they can goTern with the army—the we wish that it was generally adopted ; that is, for port , and U&fc:— Whigs with their new police. What sort of gOTernments letter sent to Mrs. Frost , with her reply to the eame, court of appeal. The Sheriff has no power beyond every Chartist in the United Kingdom to purchase a be sent to the Editor of the Northern Star for insertion , 1st. On Tuesday night , June 22nd , 1841, at a meet- <£t)avtt st what the law gives him ; and the law upon that point these would be, the people wuuld soon be made aware Star, and tend it to Ireland, or any other place in 3Eut *Utscuce. of, in erder to call the attention of the public to the situ- ing of the Chartists of Newport , a person proposed me (being supposed tha t it would be only useful to faction and from the specimens we haTe had heretofore of England and Scotland where our principles are least as a fit and proper person to be nominated to bring the military law' and police law, no great gift cf pro- ation of Mrs. Frost and family. Also, tbat the hono- as divested of all the quack , quibble, and ambiguity known. rary members of this Committee be called upon to principles of the People's Charter before the public , to STAPX.EFORB.—On Wednesday, Mr. W. Ddan which renders it doubtful when appeale d to by the phecy would be-necessary to define it. You and I ought If this plan was adopted by eTery Chartibt who try to get a show of hands in favour of tho se princi ples. Taylor lectured here ou the science of government to know something of camps, couits, and soldiery, and respond to the call of the persecuted wife of Mr. John , people] has been made plain and simple ; and the whole reads the Star, and repeated at short intervals, we are Frest; they being two hundred in number , may effectually The proposition waa seconded , and every man in the the nature of the representative system, its present rnle of law from beginning to end has been Tielated by if the Tories are mad enough to place dependence on the of opinion such a blaze of starlight would be thrown Before the meeting country, class legislation as the army to arrest the reTolutionary tide assist her at the present moment" room held up his hand s for me. inequality in this the ShsrifL This i& fortunately) not one of these , why they depend into the dark places of Ireland, that your " prick-the- broke up, however, a man named John Mor ris pro- first caHsa or national misery, and the monopoly of on a Tery rotten stick. Since that glorious and tTer-to- It was also resolved , " That Mr. Guest, the treasurer , caseswherefaction»n say to honesty," O, you haTe your loop" politicians could no longer carry on their nefarious do forward to Mrs. Frost tho sum of £3 10s. 7^(1., being posed that Dr. Price , Of Nawbrid g©, Glamorganshire , power by church and state as the secondary causes legal remedy against the Sheriff" Ko, we haTe ne be-remembered time when we used to cram Mother trade without being detected. If yon would give this should be invited to come forwa rd. Another person of that misery. We have not often heard mich Roskeridge s frssh boiled beef , at the Royal Miliiary the amount remaining In the Committee 's hands of the a legal remedy, because, in such case, none is prescribed ' idea of agitating publicity in a more tangible shape, we Defence Fund. " seconded the proposition. The secretary was directed dissection given of these two tyraut powers a? it was by ls.-tr; and ouz appeal is to a committee ef the House Academy, Woolwich, and listened with rererencs to wouid be obliged to you. the quadratics and formula of Dr. Olinthos Gregory By order of the Committee te send a letter to Mr. Buttery, of Monmouth, to inform our pleasure to hear from the above-named gentle- UpOB Souee-mad* laws, and -which I defy tiezn, without In the course of a week or bo we intend sending a him of what had been done , and to ask him whether man. It was fully expected that the " Yellow perjury, to violate, by confirming the return made &nd Peter Borland, and with smothered lauebter Star each to our brethren in Ireland. If eTery R. Thompson, > T . . o . . T. P. Gkeen , point-Secretarie s. he and the Monmouth Chartists approved of the plan Lambs" of Whig authority would have interrupted by the sheriff for Newcastle. Now, the case of when Old Peg-leg Charley Warin, the French Master, Chartist could be prevailed on to do this, what au or not I enclosed the secretar y's letter in the follow- our proceedings but we had a very orderly meeting. Lotrrie at Edinburgh is eTen stronger; that is, the occasionally faToured us with a lecture, ending inTaria- impetus would it give to the causa, at a very trifling ing oue of my own :— seat is more secure, because in Scotland no Property bly with the emphatic sentence," He not loae his Stg in espence! Birmingham , June 24, 1811. Newpor t, June 23rd , 1841. XtXESTOHB. —On Thur sday, Mr. W. Dean Tay- being thrown cut of a bawdy-house wii.dow, " Qnsliikation is required, and the most we can expect but lose We understand Peter Hoey is an Irishman. The sub- Dear Madam ,— I am requested by the General lor lectured here in the open market-placa to a very , it fighting for his king and his country, by God!" Since scribers for the above are all Seotchm&n. So much for " Dear Br/TTERT ,—You will see by the enclosed large and attentive andience : and althoug h tho from a decision on O'Brien's case is his return which Committee of Birmin gham for the restoration of friends here have invited me to allow myself to cannot be reversed but upon petition, for want of pro- the time when we were drilled by Sergeant Major being prf judiced against the Irish 1 that our Whigs had threatened to break his head , if he dared Messrs. Frost, Williams, and Jones, to inquire of you be put ia nomination at Monmouth , to give me an yet he boldly stood f orth peKy qualification ; but, as no notice of such deficiency Fortune, of immortal memory, or put through our The Chartists in this neighbourhood are doing well. personally (so far as you please to make public) as to to come, , not hing daunted , facings by Corporal Slirgsheep, or endured the eratiou Kone takes tha least interest whether Whig or Tory opportunity to brin g our principles before the public ; to ad vocate the rights and expose the wrongs of the was Served publicly, by placard, publication, or de- your position relative to certain property you bold, and and , if you cannot find a better man so to act , I will do claration, cr otherwise, at the election; and, as the of old Tomisy West;—iisce the time whea we were wins : no one cries " God save King K.'cUard .' " A the liabilities of the same, indus trious millions. The meeting conclude tBertors of those rights contained in \ht People's j and our silTer, and would leare us to perish in juDgles, wants and privations. The Mayor , in his great anxiety but when too late I found my money was all gone foul charges cf indiscriminating enemies. opportunity or speak- t&tta, without which they will neTer rest the bank not paid , and to crown my afflictions , that 4th. If there is any blame to be attached to any one, then sat down to give him an and to be deToured by tigers and jackals. This must to preserve the peace of the town , caused to be engaged own while the audience called for him to mount the deifi ed, sad for which they will still struggle eTen to a great number ct special constables in addition to the .£1000 had been drawn from the French funds of my it 18 not to me, but rather to Dr. Price , and hla ing, not be. We will speak to the warriors—they haTe The Mayor of Monmouth gave the Doctor and rostrum ; but no, he believed retreating to be tho hearts as well as us—thoy oje men as -wsrll as ne. The regular police force ; to which circumstance, we be- money ; in. short that all my money was gone. I men- party. into those tion this in justification of my leaving Newport with a his friends a fair chance ; and if an elector had come better part of valour. Mr. T. entered ilOTed iy Mr. O'Connor, and seconded by . j lands of the paclms and priests plundered from -us, lieve, may be attributed most of the mischief that masterly style of argument ; in- B£t to jumj ensued ; for the very appearance of this hired force large family, when I ought to have remained and recom- forward to nominate the Doctor , instead of Townsend , questions with a Work at O&ce, in fall time 1 will put yon j the soTereign people, shall be held ia guarantee for the elector, all would have deed, the Whigs will long remember the thrash- rffs^sioiiof of feTery step to be legally taken for the ; payment of all the warriors who may cheose to aid us only tended to supple and irri' ate the minds of the menced business, which I should have done , had I been the lawyer , who Is not an Honourable yeur We try to permitted to keep been right ; and , as there were two electors with the Jnff *W rAftftlved from his bands. The T^mg cause. will haTe Newcastle j in obtaining our just rights, and they may afterwards people. As the Whig party were retiring from the what I had. I was invited to London , then finding his Bchenae all foiled by the at- 1 &st and that will goTero all the others. hustings to the Crown and Mit re Inn , they were rather to Glasgow , to Merthyr , with a promise of support in Doctor, I want to know why they did not come forward Doctor j™^ ; So, j retire to the bosom of their seTeral families with their duty. I knew nothing of the tention of tbe people, and the rivetting eloquence ««*a for the rtal , James roughly handled by the crowd , but not half so much business , but I could not commence anywhere without like men, and do the ir Member for Newcastle full tulub; or pay for life!" s intention to go to the poll ; nor did I know of the lecturer, bought » quantity of penny loaves, iSnmt«re O-Britn > so as we hare seen Sir James Graham , and others. s capital , consequently, I chose to remain here with a Doctor ' them amongst the crowd, and engaged The '>'OR. charge the crowd ; this they did in a fierce and ferocious pro bably will and may naturally ask me made at the conclusion, and the manner in which h« 10 J ames green lands—some to their cherished rocky mountains, manner. One of them , named Jardine , more savage been the cause of all ttiiB wrong ? This Is a sore and when I went into court, nor that they were trying to Sinclair, Gateshe ad. and the rest Kt doTm uader the shade of their own fool of me. announced it was such as to cover with shuns those than the rest, rushed forward in the midst of tender place to touch. I must decline answering, and make a and who went away, before the Tines and" fig-trees , in thsir deurly bei OTed grazing or the crowd , and laid about him with his staff , both I know you will excuse me. This I must tell you, it If ever & man did his duty fearlessly, I did it that who had money^ >< beef-eating lands, while t-:e f ttol'; kingdom was one day. I gained all I wanted , namely, a show of bands in collection was made ; in fact, one gentleman, a ^M A WOOLWICH CADET" FBIENJD right asd left, paying no regard to age nor sex, was not Mr. O'Connor. He had nothing to do with my stood till the hat came up, pat in his twopence, TO HIS bright jubilee, redolent of plsnty, peace, and happi- advancing yo» will see favour of the principles of the Charter. I spoke for Tory, having struck down a little boy about ten years of age , money for the defence ; but princi- and then inquired if he might go. A. number or 11? THE '> EAST." ness J who could not get out of the way. Jardine in conse- that advancing money for the defence, rendered me in- nearly an hour and a half in elualdation of the ples of the Charter ; and I am sorry tha t the good I did Rushlights and Illuminators were sold, an d this 3" !. i>Ea k Chcm•¦ ,—When we parted in Benga l, in I mist n5w say gocd bje. Ren ember me kindly to quence i f this bruta lrty was struck on the head with a capable of paying our bankers. This is the money the meeting jj <* Moersbs, And, in ban kers to the cause that day should have been undone by the Bever-to-be-forgotten conoluded with three ^ r f- a Cawnpore deTil," little did I imagine , the " OJd " if be still is in existence * stone, vrhich felled him to the ground , after which , it country is now called upon to pay, for if the cheers for O'Connor, three for the Charter, and all 111? tie meanti-Jje, I beg to atsurj yen, is said , he was struck by some one with a stick. The sell the property, I shall be snipped indeed. I sincere ly late senseless riots and demented violence. u Jr ?: on<* again in poor old England , what a All who will read the above statement , may see that its advocates ; three for all the Chartist prisoners ; _ «MwiDd« or My dear Chum, consequence was, that he died in a few hours after- hope that Mr. Rogers , of Lond on, has received the sums for Mr. W. long-tried and " rumpus " was brewing in it, from Star, and then jf the electors of Newport have been disappoi nted in and three Dean Taylor, the V*&Q "b £nd to Jo hn O' Groafs wards. One "ian Ijas been tolly committed oa the which I have seen acknowledged in th e having been no opposit ion to Mr. well-proved advocate of the suffering millioBg. , and actually extend- Oft-6 goodwill aad friendship of corone r' I hope that that trou ble will soon be removed from my consequence of there jjf^ 1 MSQ wide into the heart 's core of the Emerald s inquest for the murder of Jardiae , and another not my fault 2 believe the time is not Hurrah for the Charter. A We ofcwirH Cadet as an accessory. It ia believed that those men ar e mind. Blewitt, it was ¦ " ' ' ¦ ' • ¦: " ¦ ' 8 THE NORTHERN STAR. . . . :. .; . . ;.- , : ; . - . ., , . - , .- ,;-: . ^ ; ; :;-/¦ ;./ ¦ .

their head, pat forth a defiance of the lauded interest , Mr. Hkatoh wm heard in reply, and Mr. T. ©. French of Merino , proposed Robert Inqusst. —On Saturday night, ao inqnest was A FBBFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR eifrttow &tto$. actually entered Jod gb decided that the case should proceed, LongfUld Esq., barrister-a t-law. held at the Nag's Head , Hunalet , before John Black- - and after hunting about for candidate , The , ¦ *,--,- .. ^- . - ... . — the field , last Saturday, and nominated CoL Cheney and After all the evidence had been heard , Mr. Samuel WaUls Adams, of KUbre, amidst the burn , Esq., on the body of John Scales, 34 years of been drinking on.Thursday , CATALO GUE WITH ENGRA VINGS PO ST- ¦ had ¦ seconded the nemUwttoa oC Mt. Long- age. deceased uproar , ' The grea test ¦ Gkegobx Lewis raised an objeetura as fatal ¦ ,) ¦ Mr. Qlsborne, (the rejected otNawport, hie of Wight Sir ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦• " Huddkbs7iki ,i>. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :;-; • ¦ :¦ , ¦ ¦ /• ¦ ¦ —On Monday morning week the ¦ . • • . . . - . . • being then against Halford and Pack *, ttw Tory Members in the to tbe ease that the receipt eould not be called a ne((L : and about seven o'clock in th e evening, AGE FREE. gentry of the town assembled early, for the purpose pat of it was torn off. Mr. Richard Victor Roche, of RiUnntin , proposed very drunk , he left the Nag's Head to go to his of meeting th eir Wak efieldL Car- l&te Parliament. Tbe CmU«-vmO wu denselycrowded. valuable receipt as a candidates at Ju dge was of the same opinion, and after Mr. J ohn Keleher as a fit and proper person to repre- lodgings, which were not far off; bat instead of rp HE Material is so like Silver thai it can only be xiages and horsemen continued to leave the town for The Chartists, in a firm phalanx, had possessionof the The J. Uld from it on reference to the Stamp by central ground , la frsnt of the uniting *, first Next Sir G. Lbwih had made a few remarks to the sent them in Par liament. doing this, he asked a lad to let him go and lay down Per - •btctsI hours, amidst the cheers of nameron s spec- times before. He sons well acquainted with it. Many spvbi ooi tators. Late in the evening , great numbers assem * came up the Tories oa their left , and then the Whip, Mr. J ohn O'Hea, of Clonakilty, begged leave to se- among the hay, as he bad done at cond the nominat ion. went into the hay-loft , and was no more seen till next Ixranoits are being sold. The genuine Metal , Wed on the Shore Head, to wait th eir return , and with a baad of about forty ruffians in white billy-cot The Jt tok state d it as his opinion that the in- which we warrant stor e durable thin Silver failed , inasmuch as it did not suffi- The High Sheriff having inquired if any other elector morning, when he was fouad suffocat ed betwixt two , is only ¦when the proce ssion armed they were greeted with bats, armed with bludgeons, on their right The billy. dictment had to be had at oar Warehouse. It is th e same eoU exerted all their strength to break the central ciently appear that the money was in the possession had a candidate to propose , and no one appearing, trusses of bay, amongst which it is supposed he had Colour the most rapturou s plaudi t*—On Thursday mornin g The jury throughout , and can be engraved th e same as Silver. Ridin g candidates phalanx of Chartists; but the appearance of Cooper and of Travis so as to entitle him to prosecute. Mr. E. B Roche addressed the meeting at great fallen in attempting to get over them. week, the polling for the West , without any As A criterion , Spoons and Forks full-sizadtab le, ¦eoninienoed in good earne st by both parties. Earl Bairstow upon tke hustings vU"*** d their seal, and Tbe Jury found the prisone r Not Guilty. length t and Messrs.Leader and Longfleld attempted to returned a verdict of " Found dead 12s. ; dessert , 10s.; tea, 5s. per doxeo.* y but were received with hideous yells, groans, and marks of violence on the body." in the morning a great number of vehicle*rolled in after a hearty volley of cheers, and a significant beckon- JTOBGEBT. do so, The Catalogue cont ains the Prices, with a stout and effectual all manner of unearthl ynoises , so as to render them all Eagra r- in different directions , whilst numbers of them began ing as to where the danger lay, Joseph Parker , 46, was char ged with having, on Death 6t BuBKiso.-^-On Saturday evening, an ings, of every Ironmongery Article necessa ryto tht Ma rket Place where the stand was kept up against the Whig " billy-eoU" tat inaud ible. inquest waa held at the Green Man , Dewabury t© assemble in the , booths tbe 30th of January last, at Hudderafield , ottered a Mr. Kelehe r was prevented from addressing the furnishing a House of any size, 25 per Cent, und er were erected. The most lively interest was evinced Final! f, when the Tuffi&ns grew too impatient to 06 , before John Blackbu rn, Esq., on the body forged Bill of Exchange, purporting to be drawn by meeting, being threa tened with a share of the expences Road any other old established House. by the Don-eieotors, wh« formed themselves into withheld from throwing the crowd into confusion, and for the payment of 419 6a. 6d., of Mary Milner , a little gir l four years of age, who , their bats Wm. Yates, with attend ant upon tbe election if be did to. RIPPON and BURTON , 12, Wells Street , Ox- small companies , when the respective merits of the made a desper ate attempt on the centre intent to defraud Henry Hirst and his partners. was so dreadfull y burnt by her clothes tak ing fire , ford Street. Established 1820. four candidates were freely discussed. The general were seised, and wen men flying and torn la all direc- Sir G. Lewin and Mr. Wasnet appeared for the as to cause her dea th the day after the accident , tions, and they were compelled to ret reat After the feeling was in favour of the Blues, in consequenc e prosecution ; the prisoner was undefended. MERT H YU TYDV1L ELECTION . which happened on Friday. She bad gone into a of the treache ry of the Whigs. As th« hour for nomin ation of the Tory and Wh ig candidates , Cooper neighbour 's house, to take some fire out of the grate , can- On the day in question, the prisoner went to the Tuesday last having been appointed for theDomi- LOCAL MARKETS polling ap proa ched, great numbers of electors and Bsirstow were also nominated as the Charti st warehouse of Messrs. Hirst and Co., in Hudders- which she pat into her slip, to make a bonfire of. mar ched into the town , didates ; and when the show of han ds was taken, the nation of a fit and pro per person to serve the office Accidental Death . with their respective colours, field , and there asked to purchase some fancy goods. of a burgees in the new Parliament the town was all Verdict , all confid ent of success. The largest processi on was numbers were fully as much in their favour as in those , Lsbss CoBif Market , Jtot , however, They had some conser vation together ; and certain alive at an ear ly hour. Obdeb of Fbeb Gardeners .—The Star of Beth- 13.—Tie supply of from Meltham, consisting of horsemen and carriages of any of the other w1»rtw *—- The Sheriff goods to the amount of Grain to this day 's mar ket has the Whigs, and a poll , £2* 0a. Id., were set apart Sir J. J. Guest , the ex-member and Whig lehem Lodge held their annual meetin g at the Spin- been smaller than ef every variety. During the morning, Sir Geor ge gave his decision in favour of for him. The prisoner went away for a short time, last week. There has been attir demand was demanded by the Conservatives. The contest was candidate , was proposed and seconded by Messrs. ners Arms , Timble Bridge, on Monday last , when for Wheat , Armyta ge arrived , followed by a numerous tenantry, and then came back to pay for the goods. He pr e- at an advance of la. per quarter. Oats and Beans bearin g his coat of arms. The good old English a most miserable failure on the part *f the manufac - Crawshay and Jam es. about forty members sat down to an excellent dinner ' sented a Bill for £11 6s. 6d., signed by William Mr. Argust then proposed Mr. Morgan Williams provided by Mr. and Mrs. Hodg son, the worthy host very little alteration. The weather has been very feeling was richly exhibited in the smiling coun- turers. At the close of the first day s poll, the Mayor showry since last Tuesday. Hotel , aud actually Yates, of Cleckheaton , and the prisoner put his as a candidate (tremendous cheering and stamping and hostess in their usual good style. The afte rnoon tenances of the whole tenantry, whose appearance appeared on the portico of the Bell name (Joseph blubbered like a ehild ! He has secured for himself, for Parker) at the back of the bill. of feet and indeed more than once it was expected and evening was agreeably spent in mutual recita- w*3 generally admired. Peace reiened trium phant. He was asked did he mean the Mr. Yates who was THE ATERAGE PRICES FOR THE WEE K until a part y of YellowB, on their way home e life, the emphatic soubr iquet of " weeping John , the that the frail tenemen t in which they were assembled tions, toasts, sent iments and songs, and occasional EWDING JfftT 13TH , 1841. , arm d the manufacturer , and he said yes. The prosecutors St. Peter 's Church at Longroyd Bridge, when one of the par ty, named first man in the boro ugh." Throughout the contest , would come down to the ground. ) peals on the handbells by the Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye. then took the bill in payment for the goods, but in Mr. Henry Thomas seconded the nomination. ringers. The most perfect harm ony and good fellow- Beam. Feme, SamuefRamBden (a man generall y nnder the patro n- the Chirtists openly and manfull y avowed their deter - returned to mination to aid the Tories in preference to the Wbigs. a shor t time afterwards the bill was them The Returnin g Officer then put it to a show of ship were everywhere manifest , and the company did Qxs. Qra. Qrs. age of th e Whigs, when a little dirty work requires by William Yates, who denied all knowledge of Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. being done) , commenced abasing all that came in his The policy commenced at Nottingham , has thus been hands ; but he declared that he could not undertake not break up until a late hour. 4610 510 10 113 4S it. The prisoner was therefore taken into custody. to decide which party had it. A second show of way, man , woman , and child. At length , a general consistently maintained by the men of the Midland Ther e was another person named Yates , a labour- Thb O'Brien Committee have received from— £s.d. £0. d. £ s. d. £s. d . £ 8. d. £g.d cttack was made. A desperate struggle followed Counties , te the close of the struggls; and in spite of hands was then ta ken, and the Returnin g Officer 3 5$i 0 0 0 14 2 #0 , ing man , res iding at Cleckheaton , and he likewise declared it to be in favour of Mr. Morgan Williams. Mr. J. Fright , of Sittiugboura ... 5s Od 3J 1 17 5J 2 6 & the combatants using sticks and stones, which con- all the calumnies of their enemies, the men of Leices- prisoner any such bill. Mr. W. Brook ...... & 2d Leeds Ctora Maekkt. —•Though there , , confidently rely denied that he had given the (Tremendous cheerin g.) has not tinued for a full hour. Barin g the engagem ent the ter Lougbborough , and Nottingham Guilty. A few Friends at Lincoln, per Mr. William been any extraordinary or greatly improve d deman d brid ge was taken and retaken three or four times ; on the future to prove the correctness of their foresight, Mr. David Jam es then demanded a poll, which ... J ames Shui e (68) wa9 charged with having on the the returning officer appointed to take place next Hariss ...... 10s 6d for goods dur ing the past week, there has on the b*I>pilyj no T«T serious injury was sustained. The and tj pro duce a harvest of advanta geto Coartisai. whole been rather more business transacted 1st instant , at Gargrave , sta bbed John Brownies , day at eight in the morning, to close at four in the MANCHEST ER. —On Monday afternoon , the , both in treat hero of the fight , we understand , was taken Dublik. —Th« foUowingplacard was freely circulated with intent to do him some grievous bodil y harm. — tbe Cloth Halls and wareh ouses. Prices ar e rnrn- into custody. On Friday morning the polling was during the City contest by Mr. Patrick O'Higgins :— afternoon . labourers walk ed in procession at the funeral of ously low Mr. "Wassk y was for the prosecution. The pri soner Some convers ation then took place, and the rn- ; and country manufac turers complain thai resumed, but the Whigs appeared as though they " City of Dublin Election.—Patrick O"Hi ggins, of No. the three men who were killed by the fall of the they are not remunerated was undefende d. The prosecutor is ft vender of turnng officer adjourned the court to a field , in , and asser t that they most had not slept, so pallid were their cheeks. Daring 14, North Anne- *tre»t , will vote at the present election faotory , mentioned in ano ther column. As near as either meet with a greater demand spectacles, and on the 1st instant he was at a public whu;h hustings had been elected. No sooner had six hundred for thei r goods , the polling, a drunken voter of th e name Of Paine, for Messrs. O'ConneU and Hutton , profited tbst they house at Gargrave where he saw the prisoner. Th» we could guess, there were abo ut , or still fur ther reduce their oper ations. , the hustings been taken possession of by the parties in the greatest decorum, keeper of a beer-house , was brought up by the give him a pledge in writing, that they will support no prosecutor is an Irishman , and the prisoner made who walked four abr east , Yellowsin a chaise, hot offered his rote to the Bines. administration but one, that will give Its offici al than the field w*s filled with people. to pay the last tribute of respect to their unfortunate Br adford Market , Thcbsdat , Jot ,t IS.—Woof some insul ting remarks to him about his countr y, The meotin g was addsessed briefly by Messr s. assemble d to —We notice a little mor e As both parties claimed him, hi3 vote was refused , advocacy to the great and paranrant measures of when an al tercation took place, which led to the pri- and departed brothers. Thousands activity and cheerfulness in consequence of being drunk. About four o'clock Universal Suffrage , Vote by Ballot, Annual Parl ia- Guest and Craws hay. witness the sight, consisting of workin g people- in this department , but prices are steady. The stock soner being turned out by the landlord. When the Mr. Mor gan Williams then came forward , and of those who of eld Wool in the the Paddock bastile flag was seen in the streets , ments, Equal Representation. No Pro perty Qualincv pros ecutor left the house , soon afterwards , he met no mana gers, no cotton lords—none mar ket is not heavy , but as the accom panied by a band , playing the tune of " Oh I tion , and Payment of Members of Parliament for their addr essed the assembly, at great length , first in live upon the industry of the masses. No, no; tbe new clip is now coming in, the supply is equal to the prisoner , who threatened to kill him , he having a English and then in Welsh. He said that at a dear , what e&n the matter be V This was followed time and services.—Dated July 5th , 1841." Mr. knife in his hand at tbe time. Prosecutor knock ed poor men were dead , and , of course, of no mor e the demand. Y*rn— There is a stead y business by a great number of blue banners , oa which was O'Higgins obtained thirty signatures to this document ; former election he had supported in the strongest service. We heard the deep Bijths of many, and doing and prices firm. The short-time running is him down twice, and just before he went into his manner Sir J. Guest , while he was opposed by that inscrib ed a number of excellent mottos : the last all of whom stood true to it. The parish priest of lodgings the prisoner came up to him and stabbed siw the big tears running down the cheeks of their very generally adopted , which prevents an accumu- one in the procession claimed the most attention ; it Ann-street took it to O'Doubleface who refused to very Mr. Crawshay who now supported him ; but poorer br ethren , with repeated expressions of " poor lation m the hands of Spinners. Piece—About an him severely on the left breast. It appeared that he (Mr. W.) now opposed him because he saw that families average "wa s a black flag, with the following very ominous sign, aud so lost the thirty votes. This is doing busi- tbe prisoner was a native men," and " what will their poor wives and amount of business has been done to day. of H amburgh , and had he was not what he had professed to be—the friend Bortb wick's Church , Figured goods are utill in active demand Inscrip tion :—* The downfall of Whi ggery ! the ness in the ri ght way. been a Boldier.—Guilty. doi" Before reaching St. , especially uuji k u xa of the people. Ho was the support er of a Govern- Ljvsey-street , the place of interment , the throng had thouo composed of Cotton Warp and Mohair £*w}uc *o tuu. a icw minutes , no* a ^^^ .^ , or yellow card or ribbon was to be seen in the whole ^ 8TAB1IHO. meat which had not offered them any of those so greatly swelled. Alpaca Weft. No alteration in pric es. called blessings which they now hel d out , until the town. At the time this procession moved by the VORKSH1BE SPRING ASSIZES. Samwl f re!dert 25, was char ged with having, on Ch artism. -—The female Chartists of this Richmond Corn Market ¦George Inn , an old woman eleventh hour , when they saw that they were about , Jvlt 10th.—We had had monnted a wooden (Continued from our sixth page.) the 1st of May last , at Leeds , stabbed Matthew town have re solved to enter the field with new a tolerable supply of Gr ain in our market to-day, ¦tall , and addressed a vast multitude for ab»nt half Thackray Kirb y, with intent to do him some to lose t heir places, and were prepared even to vigour and determination—they have chosen a com- an hoar CROWN COUKT —Wednesda y, Jblt H. go the length of doing what one of their own bu t the sale was rath er dull:—W heat sold from , which created great anima tion, and kept grievous bodil y harm. mittee from amongst .themselves , likewise a secre- 83 3d to % «d; Oats , 3s to 4a; Barley, the people in excellent Gre gory Lewih , and associates, Lord Melbourne , called an act of mad- spirited meeting ©f females 4s to 4s 3df humour. All remained (Before Mr. Justice Wightman. J Sir was for the prosecution ness tary and treasurer. A Beans, 53 to 5s 9d per bushel. peaceable, and after parad ing the streets for a short Mr. Wilkins for the defence. , thro w this country on foreig n nations for was held in the Tib-street room on Wednesday SHEEP STEALING. the means of getttng its dail y bread ,90 that if we were time, the people separated , and return ed home, Wm. Walton was charged with having on the Sir G. Lewin stated that he did not think that , in evenin g, under the expectation tha t Mr. George Newcastle Corn Mabket , Jult 10.—The sup- highly delighted with the , 37, to quarrel with them we must be starved for want plies of Wheat from our expected retnrn of the Blue 24th of April , at Greasbro ,' stolen an ewe sheep, the this case, it would amoun t to more than a common Binns, of Sunderland , would be present t© address neighbourhood , and the cand idates. On Frida y evening, a man was seen assault. He understood that the prisoner was of that br ead which we had forced our own farmers them , but that gentleman not having arrived , coast likewise, continue on a very moderate scale, pro perty of — Jackwn . to give over growing for want of a market. A great walking m the Btreet s with a lanthorn and besom, Mr. Pashlet was for the prosecution; the prisoner willing to plead guilty to the assault , and he thought Griffin , Bailey, Murray, Mahon , and Ihinavon and we had a good demand to day at an advance of -for the purpose of finding the Whigs, and destroy ing he would be justified in not pressing the more boast had been made about their intention of giving exoellent addresses had 2s. per quarter on last week's prices. Fin e was undefended. cheap bread to offi ciated for him. After Rye is •11 yellow cards , lest they might get into Mr. Brook's serious charge. The prisoner then pleaded guilty to the working man , but what did cheap been delivered and a vote of thanks given to the in demand. Grinding Barley very scarce . Malt. The prosecutor is a farmer residing in the parish bread mean ! Why , cheap bread mean s cheap , dam, and choke it! of Greasbro. ' The prisoner was a mechanic , and the assaul t. Chairman , the meeting was adjour ned till Wednes- JBeana , and Peas meet little attention. Oats ia 8TABBINO. labour; that was to say, that they would fir st reduce es who wish for moderate supply, and prices firmly support ed. Kkighlf lived at Old Holland about 500 or 600 yards from a the day evening next , when all femal The t.—The election proceedings here on last Ely Hopkinson, 17, was charged with havin g, on price of bre ad by admitting the corn of the liberty for their husbands , brothers , themselves, demand for Floor duri ng the week has been exten- Thnrsday and Friday , passed off without anythi ng field in the occupation of Mr. John Hawley , where foreigner at a low duty, and then they would lower sive, the sheep were depasturing at the time the offence the 86th of June , at Clifton, stabbed Daniel and children are invited to attend. and although the arriv als are large, the whole rem arkable. Durin g the forenoon of the forme r day, Walker. the wages of the workmen to meet the lowered price has been cleared off at oar quotations; and as o«r numerous bodies of electors continued to arnte was committed. Mr. Jackson agisted twenty-two of corn , for every one knew that the price of labour LIVERPOOL. —Mr- Wardrop, of Dumfries, lec- from Mr. Wasney and Mr. Athebton conducted the tured here on Wednesday evening. millers ha re to-day agreed to advance their prices Is. the different townships, accompanied with music and sheep in this field , and on the 23d and 24th of April , was regulate d by the price of corn. Now, with per sack th ey were Been in the field, bu t on the following pro secution, and Mr. Wilkins defended the pri- , a similar improvement may be anticip ated banner s, and other insignia, mostly yellow. The soner. respect to this very measure of a filed duty of 8vaX 33*tt0tou0. while the French were well employed. Tc>be sure , he sat up all Tuesda y night, and after all missed of Wheat , 2,780 quarters of Oats , 890 quar ters - of tihanber , and commenced ringi ng for the victors. and they corresponded exactly. There was also a instead of giving them the means of maintain ing the post by » few minutes-, and was unable to meet Barky, 7,250 quarter * «f Beans, 390 quart ers- of Thi» having been previousl y forbi dden by the rector considerable quantity of blood. A knife was found themselves by konest labour , they offered them the Peas, and 9,070 barrels of Flour ,- du ties , ' Lord Gria- with any other conveyance by which it would reach at the same lie rn sbf d to the door of the belfry to stop the mis- in the prisoner s house with marks of blood and Hebtfohd Count y.—Three Tories ; meroies of the New Poor Law , and the starvatio n us in time. time havin g been paid! ufon only €63 quarters of chief, but all in vain ; the ringers grease upon it , as if it hvl been recent ly used. ston , Mr. Rider , and Mr. A. Smith. Union workhouses, (Loud groans. )' The Govern- Whea t 25 quarters of Peas haricg locked the The prisoner 's defence agreed with the statement BARNARD CASTOR—MuBDEB.-0n Sun- , , and 40 barrels of Flour. door to prevent interruption , and his appeals for en- Lincolnshire —{ Lindsay Division)—Lord Wor- ment , instead of diainishing the taxes that ground Continued unsettled weather has given increased tr ance were only answered by the peals of he.made to the constable. Guilty. sley, (Whig;) Mr. Christopher , (Tory.) the poor workman to the dust , actually increased day ^ast , a most barbarous murder was committed firmne ss the bells. at Barnard Castle , which has caused great excite- to the Wheat trade ; the millers and dealers ' To make the poor gentleman 's situation still wor&e , MANSLAUGHTER. Radnorshire. —Walsh, (Tory. ) them, and were now going to levy a tax on bread , have - purchased of free parcels to a moderate - South Essex.— st an almer, both- ment in the neighbourhood. The name of the de- * crowd of boys and young men collected around Joh n SyJcet, 26". was char ged with the manslaug hter Bram on d P tha t they migh t bave money to cover a deficiency extent 1, at fully the prices quoted on this d&v of Johu Kadcliffe , at Halifax. Sir Gre»ost Lewis Tories. in the revenue , caused by their own bad conduct and ceased is Matthew Chappetow , a residen t at se' him, and commenced ringin g in his ears a variety Startforth in Yorkshire though adjoining to nniflht , whilst from Zj@#O to 8,000 quar ters of «f new peals about Easter dues zni Mr. Hall appeared for the prosecution ; aud East Sussex —Darby and Fuller , both Tories. incapacity. He frequently referred to » pap er wkioh , , forei have changed hands in bond , which it 13 said has ( Barnard Castle. He was- discovered in an gn* , at rather over *o offended him that he decla res he will now enfor ce Mr. NY ilkins for the prisoner. Northumb erla.ni>— North.)—Two Tories , Lord he held in his haad , ia support of his proposi- t he rate s then , obtainable ; good Balt ic red and mid- Sir G. Lewis very briefly stated the case. The Oesulston and Mr. B. Cre83well. and he was- loudly cheered throughou t his entry in Brid gegate , one ataas of wounds dling them at all hszirds. A few instances bare occurred tion *, and br aises, which are supposed to- have been Dantzic have brought 63. 6d. and fine 63. 9i. ef Whig man ufacmrers turning their weavers off for deceased an! the prisoner were fighting, and the South Likcoli *shike.--Two Tories , Tumour and address. In the middle of his speeoh , hwwever, the per 7IRte. Free Flour has also been somewhat Trollope. inflicted with a heavy bludgeon , or by kicks better daring to express their indifference ab»H t Whig sue- deceased had a poker in his hand. The question was crowd was seized with a panic , occasioned, as- it so'd , at 35s. per barrel , the price for the general whether the prisoner had taken the poker out of Cokwwall—(East.)—Two Tories , ESot and Rash- was supposed , by some One throwing a stone with the feet. When found * he was alive, but eess, and several more have declared their determi- , not cap able of giving any account of tbe transaction. runs of Canadian. _ Vnder liasited demand , Oat s and nation to shut np shop altogether , rather than carry the deceased's hand, and, by giving him sundr y leigh. which it was feared would lead to a serioue dis- Oatm eal may again be noted the turn cheaper . Soitth Derb y.—Tw» Tories , Muaday and Col- The police were immediately on the alert , and have No- on business under a Blue Tory Government. blows on the head with it, had caused his death. It turban ce. However , all passed off quiotl y. Ms. chan ge as regards Barley or Beans. Our stocks of appeared , fr om the evidence of Mr. Robertshaw , ville. Morgan Williams called on them to be peaceaWj, apprehended three men whose names are Robert KOXBt rBGH. —On Tuesday last , ThompsoB , Jose ph Dent , and William Middleton ; ree Peas-are trifling , and ase held for higher prices ^ the nomination of surgeon , th st when he was called upon to attend the South Leiestkbshib *.—Alford and Packe , both for if they were not 90 it would be laid to-nirn. This I n ad dition candidates for the county of Roxburgh took place is Torie?. but at th» tisoe oar ao ^oaat left the the coroner 's to the Wheat sold in bond , alr eadj deceased, be found some wounds on his head , and produced an evident effect on them. He com- named, about 2,400 barrels ef United States sweet Jedbnrgh. Every exertion wag made by both Whigs Ea*t Suffolk.—Tw» Tories ,—Lord Henneker inquest had not been held. th at , in his opinion , the immedia te cause of death mented in severe tesms on the readiness of the I'lour have changed hands , under lock at 23«. 6d. to cod Tories to bring u many of their trapportera to the resulted from ery sipelas, and the erysi pelas was and Sir B. Vera. Whigs to promise ,, but their utter disregar d o2 NEWCASTLE.—(From ovrroum Cbrriypondent.) 24s. Id., aomination as they eould, after it tcj —Egerton and and in the beginning of th e week 1,400 brla. known that the caused by the wounds. He ordered the deceased to South Cheshire. —Two Tori es, their promises when * they had obtained their pur- —I have this moment left the meeting ; Mr. James of Fiour , at 20a. per barrel . Chartists meant to nominate Mr. Jobs Fraser , of Edin- keep still ; but he had not done so, and it was pro- ToUemache. pose. He was much cheer ed. Sinclair in the chair. The chairman opened the burgh. Every village and hamlet in the county -was bable that if he had kept still, and had not taken South Durham. —Two Whigs,—Vane and Bowes. Mr. Morgan Williams being then asked ' whether meeting by redeeming the pledge be made at the Makche web Corn Marks *, Saturda y, Jdlt 10. agitated by the different parties for supporters. The drink , that erysipelas would not have supervened . Eabt Norfolk.—T wo Tories ,—Wood.a«use and he intended to go to the poll, said he did not. last public meet ing, viz. thai? the correspondence —The arri vals from abroad comprise Whigs held out the 7,251 quarters temp ting bait of a big loaf, parad - The erysi pelas began with the wound at the back of Burrsughes. A Hhe Returning Officer then declared Sir J. Guest from Mr. O'Brien and Mr. O'Connor should be read of Beans, 9#72 barrels of Floar , and 1,450 quarters ing the streets of H&vick with a large and Email loaf— the head. It also appeared , from the statement of SCOTL ND. dul y elected, and the meeting separated ,, the Char- at a public meeting. Mr. O'Br ien's of ihe 1st of Whe at , the entire of which is entered in bond , the Iaree one inscribed " Elliot 1 Loaf ," and the small 1 * the other witnesses, that on Saturday night , the 8tb Wick Bur ghs.—J. Losh , Esq., (Whi g.) t ista rejoicing as from a victory, and tbe Whigs instant was rea d amidst unremitting cheers. the duty on.al l ar ticles being,unvaried . Fro m Ire- ene " Scott 's Loaf. " This , no doubt, had its effect on of May, several persons met near the canal at IREL AND. annoyed at being bearded and hissed , and at being Mr. Feargus O'Connor 's of the 9th wa» likwise land and coastwise the imports amount to a fair many ; still the Chartists continued firm is their reso- read amidst the most deafeningcheers. Thesnbstance Sowahy Bridge , among whom were the prisoner and Belt AST.—Two Tories ,—Tennant and Johnstone. disturbed in the " even tenor of their way>" avera ge for the season. At this morning 's market lution , and mustered in great numbers at Hawiek, on (he deceased , when a quarrel took place, and the is with pleasure that we do the Returning of Mr. O'C. 's, of the 3ed, was announced ,) upon there was not much passing, the Monda y ereniny, aad KrssALB has returned a Whig, Mr. Watson , who If bat the full curr ency of" after walking in procession , deceased struck prisoner with a poker. The prisoner Offi cer the justice to say that ho did his duty in the ¦which, many hearty thanks and blessings-were re- this day se'hn ight was firml y demanded by many Mx. Fraesr addressed them in the Market-place. At was returned by a majority of 18, but i» threa tened echoed from all took the poker from him , and struck him several with a petition against the return. most fair and impartial manner , and wa» evidentl y quar ters. A; letter from> Colonel holders of Wheat. The scarcity of superfine quali- the conclusion of his address , the question was pat times. . Sykes also knocked the deceased down, and actuated by an intense anxiety to give satisfaction Thompson was likewise read j.in which he states the ties of fre sh manufactured English Flour enabled to the meeting whether they considered Mr. Frazsr Dubli n (City.)—Tw o Tories ,—West andGrogan ; ih-m opinion Parliamentar y kicked him, apparentl y, several times on the head. Dan and his man thrown out. to all parties , which seemed a very difficult matter of an eminent counsellor factors to obtain an advance of 6d. per sack , and a fit and proper person to represent the county in The deceased was shewn to be in a per- whore there was so much violence and party feeling to be, that Mr. O'B. was legally elected. My. O'C. 's secondary qualities were likewise more readil y sold Parliament , when a whole forest of hands waa held up fect state of fury before the figh t took displayed , but we have heard since that all parties r esolution was proposed , in Mr. O'C. 's name , from at nearly a corres ponding improve ment amid great cheeri isg.—Tuesday morning was wet and in value. place, he havin g fough t with another man, and, ac- CORK COUNTY ELECTION. were perfectl y satisfied with his conduct ,, and were the chair , which was seconded by Mr. Mteeo , in a The trad e in. Oats and Oatmeal was without anima- lowering, yet the Chartists turned ont in considerable cording to the statement of one of the witnesses , convinced that he wished to act in the very spirit of TOpy able speech , and carried unanimo usly. The tion , , and no alter ation can be noted in the quota- numbers aud m&rehed to Jedbnrgh, a distance of ten the deceased's hair at the back of his head was wet the solemn oath he bad just taken .— Wehhpaper. room , at this stage of ihe proceedings , was tion s of those or any other article. miles, where , by all the means which wealth enabled NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES and Btiff before the fight with the prisoner took ~ ? crowded almost to suffocation ; and it caald not the factions to make use of, the numbers of people col- place , but she could not say whether it was blood oi contain- near half of those who wished to«attend , London Coaw Exchan gb,Monda y, Jul y 12th. — The nomination of cand idates for the representa- RELEASE OF BL ACK OF NOTTINGHAM. There was lected together was unprecedented on any similar occa- not. tion of this connty was fixed for Monday by the and we had to adjourn to the street—the speakers only a moderate quantity of whea t from sion. A number of Chartists attende d from Galashiels , Hall , Essex, Kent r and Suffolk for this day 's market t Mr. Wixkiws addressed the jury for the prisoner , High Sheriff , James Barry, Esq.. From , an early TO THE EDITO R OF THE NORTHKBN STAR. to- address from the window of the i think , wi h Kelso, and other places in the county. Mr. Bell, of contending that the case was so full of doubt , that ther e could not be less than -1,500. Mr. Haney, in a ery limited - show of barloj s, beans, and peaa from tour the passages to the Court House we*e densely Sin., allJ these counti es Hnnthill , iCrown Agent for Scotland, with a handsome they could not convict the prisoner. The jury, tided. —There appeared an account in the Star some a very able speech, in whicfehe beautifully , showed ; of oats there were pretty good alary ), nominated the H on. John E. Elliot, and Mr. time ago ef the arrest .of George Black, of > Nottingham , tbe villawy of the factions with whom wo hare to resh arrivals ,, having several vessels ia from Ire- without hesitati on, found the prisoner not guilty. Sh >r tiy before t welve o'clock, Mr. Leader appeared ,- land Hurray, fanner , ascended him. Sir Q. War render no- and at Pontypool , M onmouthshire , and of bis committal do*: the effect that would deriv e to the unprotected , with a few from our own coast and Scotland. BOBBERY. on the hustings with his proposer and seconder , for a month' s hard labour to the House of Cor rection at The imports oft foreign wheat minated the Hon. Francis Scott, and Mr. Bailie, of a few friends , and shortl y after was followed by Mr. labourer from that Whi g, boon , the repeal of the dur ing the past week Mellertam , seconded him ; Mr. Frazer was prop osed by George Burkinshaw , 32, was charged with having TJsk. You requestediSOine of the friends about Ponty- Corn Haws, &c, &c. ; moved the following resolu - have been rather large , but of other articles only to on the 19th of November last, at Sheffield , stolen G. S. Barry and Mr. E. 3. Ro«he and their friends , Mr. John Hsig, and seconded by Mi. WalUr Willan , y speaking the friends of the latter , pool to give some fattier information about him , but tion , which was abl y seconded by Mr. Morgan , and a limited extent. There wae-a good steady demand from the Royal Hotel , in thfl oecup&tion of William or more pro perl the would-be Chartists there for whea t both of Ha wick- The speeches of ttie Wnig and Tory for in respec t to friend s the "~ auld Member " was, , did not think it worth carried unanimousl y, vi&t—Resolved , " 1'hat the , prime samples - commanding fully the movers and Beconfiera were of the common stamp, the Travis , £29 in gold, silver , and copper , and an ac- while either to give tbe readers of the-&far , or any of more tio facilitate the carrying out of the foregoing ra tes of this- day se'naight ,. and althoug h the mid- countable receipt of the Sheffield bank , for the sum like " the last rose of summer , left weeping alone." dling and one lauding and the other condemning the pres ent Go- y after these gentlemen , the High Sheriff the Chartists of the seighbourhood , any. such informa - resolution , this meeting hereby pledges itself forth- secondary qualitie s of English were not of £100, the property of Wm. Travi3. Mr. Heatok Immediatel tion. We are very roach surprised at this, for a better , taken off freely, t vernment and their plans for caring the evils und er and his Sub , Mr. William J ohn son ,, and Major with to become members of the National- Charter hese descri ptions wer e not cheaper. which the country is labouring ; and the speech of Mr and Mr. Pickkrtk g were for the prosecution , and hnneste r , and a more disinterested advocate of the Association of Gre at Briiain , and , by theic uni ted Free for eign was selected< bv our town millara in Sir. G. Lewin and Mr. Wilki ns appear ed for the Brownri gg, R.M. , and Mr. Gore Joaes , R.M., F. Soott was & medley of the opinions of other men on great deal of cr ushing and cause , does not eaist than George Black , of Not- energies , combat all who. may be opposed to their small quantities , for which, they paid quit e as much prisoner. The prosecutors in this case were a so- appeared. After a tingham. money ; the proposed measures , he all the time declining to give M thumping, squeezing and screeching, cries of silen ce acqjHrement of those rig&ts to which the ? are en- the stock of thm description here is reduced any opinion of his o-vn on the subjec t. Mr. EUiet was ciety, called the Norfolk Sick Society ." It was We understand tfcat he has now left the prison , and titled by the laws of God(.andof common humanity." to about KjO Oftitrs., consisting of middling and institute d by poor persons , their object being to con- and yells, _ _ for anything knowa to the contrary, pennyless and in ordinary sot present Mr. Fr?zer made a most effective speech, The Sub-Sheriff read the precept for holding the ifc. Crothers moved the third resolution , which was qualities. Bond ed wheat was held firmly which was listened to thr oughout ¦with the most pro- tribute monthl y small sums of money, in ord er to want We trust , bkat his case will be made known seconded by Mr. Duffy, and carried unani- at las t week's prices , and the sales effected were provide for their necessities in sickness and old Election . , found attention by the immense multitude. He was in p e t t through the columns of the Star andithat he will meet rao arfy—3rd. "That the thanks of this meeting ia only to a limited extent . Good mark s of ship flour age. The prisoner was a member of this society, The High-Sheriff , calling silence, roclaim d ha with that sympathy, which his case deserv es. We were the ttie centre of the hustings , the Whigs being on his right the County Electors , by virtue of the, writ they had most sincerely tendered: to Feargus O'Conaor , Esq., tarn dearer , and in tai r request. Gri nding: and the Tories on hia left, t« each of which he dealt which was established at Sh effiel d , and its meetings know he is not tha man to make his sufferings known , fo* the very active park he is taking in assisting the barley made the rates oftla st week , with a moderate were hel d at the house of 5lr. Travis. In Jul y, beard read , were entitled to put Candidates in nomi- and we know , at the same time, he has done very much i tome home thrusts. On the show of hands being taken , nation for the represe ntation of the County of Cork working men of Newcastlein procuring (hat seat are emand. Pri me season asade malt was quite as- file number * for Elliot and Fraser appeared nearl y equal , 1840, tfie prisoner was elected president of the for the cause in ISonmouth and ttlaioorgan. Parli ament to James * Bronterre O' srien , Esq., to dear ,: with . a» stead y sale. Beans and peas broug ht, society for the year ensuing. Among the persons in Parliam ent .—(Yells.) The goods taken from him ware of considerabl e fully the Yery few being held up for Scott, and the Sheriff de- Barr y, ex-memher then presented himself which he is dul y entitled by tho suffrages- of this bo- Bates of this day se'nnight , with tolerably elected to other offices at the same time was Thomas Mr , , value , and we toast that their worth will be mad e up. Mr. Mason good _ dentandw The oat trad e cided that Elliot had the majority in hia favour. Mr. before them , for the purpose of announci ng, and they rou gh. moved the fourth resolution , 86- was unaltered in value. demanded a poll, and Mr. Frazer Best, who wa3 appointed the senior warden , and Mertb yr will da its share towards such an object , ami : conded by Mr. Atkins , " I bee leave to fiBopose that fine fresh.thrash ed con* comman ding a Scott said that while might rest assured he did so with regret—(here * moderately , he admitted the justice of the Sheriff' s decision he de- who is now the president. By the rules of the , let the ChartistB of Pontypool maJte up for their neg- ; Fear gus O'Connor , Bi^., be elected treasurer to the good sale to the cottsuraers , and all other Borts were society, meetin gs are held on the first Monday in tear was seen to trickle down his. cheek)—th&t he lect by giving, their share towards.it. clined going to the poll. Thus ended s ceremon y which was retiring from the honour of being a candidate O'Brien Pet ition Fund by the meeting. Thre e hel d fo» folly as much money. Nothing of moment Will be long remembered on the Borde r , as the first every month , and a box was provided , in which -was cheers were given* for Jam es Bronterre O'Brien passing m linseed * Odessa is various for the representati on of this great county in the The Council of ihe Association , . worth 48s. per qr. lrbere ihe voice of the people and of truta was heard deposited tbe books and other prop erty Mertbyr SKydvil. * Esq., M.P.; thre e cheers for FeargusO ^Ctonor, Esq., One small lot of 9b qj». new ra peseed belonging to the society, and that box was placed next Parliament. (Load cheering. ) Circumstances was on sale from the nomination bus tings in Jsdtrarjb. It "will not rendering that necessary. (A and all the incarcerate d patriots ; three chetr j for to-day from Kent , %»e first sample of this yeatfa in a room in the house, &ad vr& s kept had lately arisen t ,, fce ths last, and although we did not succeed in carrying Voice—" Tha t' s very, very bad treatment , indeed." ) the Charter ; and the meeting separated at a few grow h and itf such condition from being housed- in the show of bands, yet we are confident that an impression locked with three locks, the key s belonging to which IiEEDS.—Freaks of th& Fair. —On Wedaes- minutes to eleven, e'clock. wet weather , that U is alre ady warm in differed from one another. One of the keys was kept These circumstances were the temporary defaat of sacks on so bai been made by Mr. Frazn 's visit "which will result day last , an ill-looking gixL of the town , named short a voyage as from Sheerness , too inferior- in by the president , and each of the others by the senior Ireland' s Liberator , and he did bo to mako a de- Murray, was charged before Messrs. Ben- in good to the cause of freedom at no distant date. The | monstration in his favour , and shew his political Elizabeth consequence for the iseedsmen, and held too high.for polling dosed on Friday, -when Mi. Scott, taeBuccleuch ! and junior wardens. By the rules all the monies yon and Cadma n, at the Cburt-house , with having FBOM OWK LONDON CORRESPONDENT. he-crushe rs ; an opening price is had to be deposited in the box, and only certain por- opponents that O'Coonell was still dear to the thus not estab- nominee had a majority of S3, and of course carried stolen a silver watch and watch-guard , the property Thursday Eveainff, July 15. lished. Tares were inqui red for , and held higher tions of the money were left in the hands of the people of Irel and. (Shouts.) They kn ew it was the who had been so smitten wiik her " the election. The polling commenced here at the usual only recompense they could make him for bis defeat of a simpleton, than of late. on Thur sday, and proceeded without interruption , presiden t, who paid what was necessary to those charms on Mon day evenisa, as to accompany her to The ciRctatsTANCE of damp, rainy, and disagree- tear members who had claims on the Bociety during the —they all knew that it was unnecesss ry for him to t ania ll would have pissed quietly eff if it had not been d o d her abode in a cellar ia York-street. Heie after able wea her , which we in Londo n have experienced London Smithfield Cattle Mark et, Jt j« \%— ensuing month. No money could be deposited in or pass a panegyric or eulogium upon him , an he w ul for the last ten days, appears Althoug h for the brutal cendnet of the Edinb urgh police, by Bayin g, that though it was havin g par taken of sundry glasses af blue ruin , he to- have a most nar- the supply of Beasts offering in our market taken out of the box except in the presence of the therefore conclude , a state of happy i cotic influence over politics and t c , o e e of to-day was betw een twent y and thirty of whom had been broug ht one of the greatest honou rs to which he could aspire , fell asleep, and whilst ia gnorance, poli i ians f r th r , oa the whole, moderate , the Beef the town the previous night They were ordered president , the two wardens , aud two of the members his dtere amie stri pped him of his watch and appen- is r eally nothin g to do, or doing. You only bear the trade , parti cularly for the finest qualities into called assistants. A meeting of the society was held the representing of his native county in Parlia ment , , swing to to dear the inn yard , in front of which the polling dages, with which ske decorated herself : and left grumblings of poor Whiglings , who have now mad e a large portion of the arriv als coming to hand in on Monday the 2nd of May, and on that occasion the so it was the greatest compliment that could be paid a most wondrous discovery—namely, that the Ballftt middlin g booth was erected , and in doing bo, they struck with in favour of Mr. O'Con- him. He was soon after aroused by. a woman and inferior condition , and to the at tend * sum of £13 S3. 7d. was deposited in the box as that him to request him to ret ire the bouse , and having discovered is the grand panacea for all their troubles , tho se anoe of buyers beiig pretty their heavy bludgeons all that came in their way. nell. (Here his eyes again filled with tea rs, and who was ia numerous , waa animated , boyB were severely cut in the head ; they even evening 's receipt. There was in the box besides his loss, set off ia search. Having made the police troubles being loss of place , power, and overbearin g at an enhancement on last Monday 's curre ncies of Several this the sum of £14 6s. 7d., and an accountable re- his utterance becam e choked , strong ly evidencing tyranny. struck them on the ground afte r knocking them down. gentlema n was forced to acquainted with, the circumst ances, Elisabeth was from 2d. to 4d. per 81b., the pri mest Scots readi ly ceipt which -mis given by the bwk of Paikei , Shore, that the unfortun ate Bpeak I will merely give you f7ii« icrit&ted the people so much that none of the against his feelings.) He should conclude by pro- soon found , and with her the silver watc h-guard , one instance of their