

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016;xxx(xx):xxx---xxx



Chronic active EBV : the experience of the

Samsung Medical Center in South Korea

Tae-Hee Lee, Young-Hyeh Ko

Department of Pathology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

Received 11 November 2015; accepted 3 December 2015


Epstein-Barr virus; Background: Chronic active EBV infection (CAEBV) of T-cell or NK-cell type is an EBV+ polyclonal,

Children; oligoclonal or often monoclonal lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD) recognized as representing

Chronic active the spectrum of EBV-associated T-cell and NK-cell LPD with different clinical presentations;

infection; one systemic and two cutaneous disorders including hydroa vacciniforme-like T-cell LPD and

NK lymphocytosis; bite . The systemic form of the disease is characterized by fever,

Mosquito-bite persistent hepatitis, hepatosplenomegaly and , which shows varying degrees

hypersensitivity of clinical severity depending on the immune response of the host and the EBV viral load.

Case reports: We described the clinicopathological findings of two children with CAEBV with a

brief review of the literature.

Conclusions: Recognition of the disease is important for adequate management of the patient.

EBV analysis should be included in the principal diagnostic tests for febrile children.

© 2015 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


Infección crónica activa por virus de Epstein-Barr: experiencia del Centro Médico

Virus de Epstein-Barr; Samsung en Corea del Sur Ninos;˜

Infección crónica Resumen

activa; Introducción: La infección crónica activa (CA) de células T o células tipo NK por virus de

Linfocitosis de células Epstein-Barr (VEB) es un desorden linfoproliferativo (DLP) VEB+ policlonal, oligoclonal o, fre-

NK; cuentemente, monoclonal reconocido como representación del espectro del DLP de células

Hipersensibilidad por T y células NK asociado con VEB que tiene diversas presentaciones clínicas: un padecimiento

picadura de mosquito sistémico y dos cutáneos que incluyen el DLP de células T que semeja hidroa vacciniforme y la

hipersensibilidad por picadura de mosquito. Los síntomas de la enfermedad sistémica incluyen

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (Y.-H. Ko).


1665-1146/© 2015 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. This is an open access article under

the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003



2 T.-H. Lee, Y.-H. Ko

fiebre, hepatitis persistente, hepatoesplenomegalia y linfadenopatías que muestran diferente

grado de severidad clínica, dependiendo de la respuesta inmune del hospedero y de la carga

viral del VEB.

Casos clínicos: Se describen los hallazgos clínico-patológicos de dos ninos˜ con CAVEB y una breve

revisión de la literatura.

Conclusiones: Es importante reconocer esta enfermedad para proporcionar el manejo adecuado

al paciente. El análisis de VEB debería incluirse como una de las principales pruebas diagnósticas

en ninos˜ con fiebre.

© 2015 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A.

Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/


1. Introduction persistent hepatitis, hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadeno-

pathy, which shows varying degrees of clinical severity

depending on the immune response of the host and the EBV

Chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection (CAEBV) is a clin- 5,6

viral load.

ical term initially defined by Straus as a disease related

CAEBV is often accompanied by cutaneous lesions such

to chronic or persistent infection of EBV. Suggested crite-

as severe mosquito bite and hydroa-vacciniforme

ria for diagnosing severe chronic EBV infection includes

(HV)-like T-cell lymphoproliferative disease. Mosquito bite

the following: 1) severe illness of >6 months duration that

hypersensitivity (or mosquito bite allergy, MBH) is a unique

began as primary EBV infection and is associated with grossly

cutaneous manifestation of CAEBV infection characterized

abnormal EBV titers [IgG to viral capsid antigen

by abnormally intense local reaction at arthropod bite area

(VCA) = ∼1:5120; antibody to early antigen (EA) = ∼1:640;

associated with systemic symptoms and signs like fever, lym-

or antibody to EBV nuclear antigen (EBNA) <2], and 2)

phadenopathy and liver dysfunction. EBV genome is mainly

histological evidence of major organ involvement such as

found within NK cells of peripheral blood of MBH patients

interstitial pneumonia, hypoplasia of some bone marrow


who often show NK cell lymphocytosis.

elements, uveitis, lymphadenitis, persistent hepatitis or

HV-like LPD is an EBV-associated polyclonal, oligoclonal,

splenomegaly, and 3) detection of increased quantities of

or monoclonal cutaneous T-cell lymphoproliferative dis-

EBV in affected tissues by anticomplementary immuno-

1 ease characterized by recurrent vesiculopapular eruptions,

fluorescence for EBNA or nucleic acid hybridization . In

mainly on the face and arms. It shows a broad spec-

early reports, the cellular lineage of EBV-infected cells

trum of clinical aggressiveness and usually a long clinical

has not drawn attention; however, subsequent reports doc-

2,3 course with risk to develop systemic . As the

umented that EBV mainly exists in T-cells but not in

disease progresses patients develop severe and extensive

B-cells, as revealed by dual staining immunofluorescence

3 skin lesions with systemic symptoms including fever, hep-

analysis . Just as the accumulation of clinical and labora-

atosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy. Classic HV, severe

tory data for CAEBV, it has been recognized that clinical

HV and HV-like T-cell lymphoma constitute a continuum

and laboratory findings of CAEBV are of a broader spec-


spectrum of EBV-associated HV-like LPD.

trum than initially thought. Because individual cases do not

Recently, the three disorders indicated above have been

fulfill the diagnostic criteria initially proposed, Kimura and

recognized as representing the spectrum of EBV-associated

colleagues modified the diagnostic criteria for CAEBV as fol-

T-cell and NK-cell LPD with different clinical presentations;

lows: (1) illness ≥3 months duration [EBV-related illness

one systemic and two cutaneous disorders including HV-like

or symptoms including fever, persistent hepatitis, exten-


T-cell LPD and MBH.

sive lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia,

uveitis, interstitial pneumonia, hydroa vacciniforme (HV),

and hypersensitivity to mosquito bites (HMB)]; (2) increased

2. Case reports

amounts of EBV DNA or grossly abnormal levels of EBV

, for instance, detection of EBV DNA in tissues

The patients described in the following two case reports

or peripheral blood by Southern blot hybridization; EBV-

depict typical clinical manifestations of CAEBV with MBH in

encoded small RNA-1-positive cells in affected tissues or 15

2.5 children. Case 2 was reported previously.

peripheral blood, >10 copies of EBV DNA/␮g of DNA of

peripheral blood mononuclear cells; and grossly abnormal

levels of EBV antibodies (anti-VCA IgG titers ≥5120 or anti- 2.1. Case 1

EA IgG titers ≥640), and (3) no evidence of previous immuno-

logical abnormalities or other recent infection that might A 15-year-old Korean boy was admitted to the hospital with


explain the observed condition. chronic intermittent dermatological and various systemic

Based on the accumulated data, CAEBV of T-cell or symptoms and signs since he was 5 years old. Birth weight

NK-cell type has been recently defined as a systemic was normal and adequate for gestational age. At a recent

EBV+ polyclonal, oligoclonal or often monoclonal lym- visit to a pediatric department, he showed adequate height

phoproliferative disorder (LPD) characterized by fever, of 163.7 cm for his age, but a low body weight of 39.6 kg.

Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003



Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical Center in South Korea 3

Figure 1 Case 1. (A) Mosquito bite hypersensitivity at 12 years of age. (B) Erythematous scaly skin lesion of the face at 15 years

of age. (C) Similar skin lesion in the neck.

At 5 years old, fever, cough, and abdominal disten- NK lymphocytosis, CAEBV or EBV-associated lymphoprolife-

tion suddenly developed. count was rative disease was considered as other differential diagnoses

× 3

12.1 10 /␮l ( 70%, segmented neutrophils and relevant tests were established.

21%, eosinophils 1%, and monocytes 8%). Qualitative flu- Serologic tests showed positivity of EBV VCA-IgG, EBV-

orescent antinuclear antibody was negative. Following a early antigen, and negativity of EBV VCA IgM. Using a whole

clinical diagnosis of intestinal perforation, he underwent a blood sample, real-time quantitative PCR for EBV DNA was

subtotal colectomy and ileostomy. One month after surgery, performed to determine the viral load in blood (11,450

subset counts by flow cytometry showed low copies/5 l of whole blood). Subsequently, he underwent a

numbers of B- and T-cells, with markedly increased NK-cells regular checkup of viral genome copy number, which was

(CD16 + CD56+ = 68%, normal range 5.6-31%); 1,579/␮l (nor- found to be consistently high, ranging from 212.5 copies/␮l

␮ ␮

mal range 100-430/ l). to 1,562 copies/ l of whole blood. His skin problem associ-

He was subsequently hospitalized five times in 3 years ated with mosquitoes or bugs had occurred intermittently

because of acute pharyngotonsillitis, upper respiratory ever since, while intermittent episodes of febrile illness

infection, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia and experienced devoid of skin lesion had also persisted. Nonspecific skin

recurrent fever two or three times per month. At 10 years problem persisted for 15 months. Physical examination

old, he was hospitalized because of upper respiratory tract revealed erythematous to brownish scaly patches with yel-

infection. Splenomegaly of 10.76 cm was found inciden- lowish crusts on his face, neck, scalp, upper chest, and upper

tally during workup. From the age of 10, intense skin back. He was treated with topical steroids and oral anti-

responses manifested at mosquito- or other bug-bitten sites under impression of seborrheic dermatitis for

that were characterized by an initial bullous change fol- 11 months (Fig. 1). Tw o months prior to examination, his

lowed by ulceration, crust formation, and scarring with symptoms became aggravated and he visited a dermatology

pigmentation (Fig. 1). Most lesions were <1 cm in diameter clinic. Tw o skin biopsies from his face and neck were taken

and were frequently accompanied by fever. Such cutaneous and EBV in situ hybridization was performed. The biopsies

lesions tended to occur in the summer and on the upper showed increased lymphoplasma cells in the superficial and

and lower extremities. Laboratory tests performed at the deep dermis with occasional periadnexal distribution. There

time of severe mosquito bite allergy showed mild elevation was no clear atypia in most lymphoid cells. Immunohisto-

of aspartate transaminase/alanine transaminase (AST/ALT) chemistry showed many CD56+ lymphoid cells. There were

with significant elevation of alkaline phosphatase (200 U/l) numerous lymphocytes showing a nuclear positive reaction

and globin (4.5 to 4.8 g/dl). to EBER in situ hybridization. Retrospectively, EBER in situ

A skin biopsy obtained from a lesion was reported as hybridization was applied to both the skin biopsy of the

indicating a possibility of Sweet’s syndrome. Abdominal lower leg taken for severe mosquito bite allergy and that of

sonography indicated splenomegaly. Differential counts of the perforated intestine resected 10 years ago (Fig. 2). Many

peripheral blood showed low B- and T-cell populations, and lymphoid cells with a positive reaction were identified, not

NK-cell lymphocytosis [CD16 + CD56+ = 62%; 3520/␮l (normal only in the skin but also in the intestinal wall and sinusoids

range = 70-1200/ l)]. The serum IgE level was increased to of the liver and lymph node, which confirmed CAEBV infec-

20,370 U/ml although no specific response to various aller- tion with mosquito bite allergy and NK lymphocytosis. The

gen stimuli was identified. Despite no proven family history, patient was treated conservatively. Tw o years later he was

a clinical impression of hyper-IgE syndrome was made as readmitted because of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis

the first differential diagnosis. A genetic study that included (HLH). He was treated according to the HLH-2004 treatment


STAT3 sequencing was performed but failed to find the guideline and responded transiently, but later developed

expected mutation. In considering the clinical course and bowel perforation and died of sepsis.

Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003



4 T.-H. Lee, Y.-H. Ko

Figure 2 Case 1. (A) Perforated colon at 5 years of age. (B) Microscopic findings show acute and chronic inflammation with

granulation tissue. (C) EBER in situ hybridization reveals EBV-positive lymphocytes. (D) EBV-positive lymphocytes are positive for


2.2. Case 2 Lymph node biopsy was performed revealing widen-

ing of the paracortex with infiltration of heterogeneous

A 10-year-old Korean boy presented to the Department inflammatory cells including small lymphocytes, histiocytes

of Dermatology complaining of intense skin reactions at and many eosinophils. The inflammatory infiltrate was

mosquito bite sites. He exhibited multiple scattered, punctuated by scattered large mononuclear or multinuclear

punctuated ulcerations on bilateral lower extremities. In Reed-Sternberg (RS)-like atypical cells, which had large

addition to the marked cutaneous reaction, he also endorsed eosinophilic nucleoli and thick nuclear membrane. Using

systemic symptoms including fever following insect bites immunohistochemical study, the RS-like cells demonstrated

throughout his childhood. A skin biopsy was taken and local a strong membranous stain for CD30 and perinuclear staining

treatment for the lesion was administered without further for CD15 and were positive for PAX-5 and LMP-1, but negative

systemic evaluation. At 16 years of age, the patient admit- for CD20, CD3, and EBNA-2. Atypical mononuclear and mult-

ted with a palpable mass located on the left neck of 2 3 inuclear RS-like cells showed a positive signal by EBER in situ

weeks’ duration. On physical examination, a conglomer- hybridization. Aside from the RS-like cells, many small lym-

ate of large lymph nodes was present in the left neck, the phocytes scattered in the background were also positive for


largest of which measured 7 5 cm. Due to his history of EBER in situ hybridization. No abnormal findings were noted

skin lesions, careful inspection of his legs was performed, in the bone marrow biopsy except for a few EBV-positive

revealing multiple shallow ulcers with healing scars. Com- small lymphocytes. The skin biopsy from the region of

puted tomography and positron emission tomography scan mosquito-bite allergy in 2002 was retrospectively reviewed,

showed multiple poorly enhancing and variable sized homo- revealing severe of the epidermis and upper dermis.

geneous lymph nodes involving the left cervical region and There was infiltration of small lymphocytes, histiocytes and

bilateral inguinal areas. In addition, there were multifo- many eosinophils around the blood vessels and hair follicles

cal lesions demonstrating increased 2-deoxy-2-[fluorine-18] and the blood vessel lumens were often obliterated by red

fluoro-D-glucose uptake in the skin and subcutaneous layer blood cells (RBCs) and fibrin. Immunohistochemical analysis

of bilateral cheeks and buttocks. On hematologic exam- revealed that the infiltrating cells were heterogeneous in

ination, blood cell counts and lactic acid dehydrogenase their lineage; some were positive to CD3 and CD4 or CD8

level were within normal limits. Anti-VCA IgG, anti-EA and helper or cytotoxic T cells, whereas others were NK cells

anti-EBNA IgG were positive and anti-VCA IgM was negative. positive for CD56. Many EBV-positive cells were documented

The EBV DNA copy number was 529.8 copies/ l of whole by EBER in situ hybridization. The diagnosis of chronic

blood. active EBV infection with mosquito bite hypersensitivity

Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003



Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical Center in South Korea 5 (yrs



ago of Onset 42 33 9 5 Since childhood 3 57 20 severe HLH, HLH


perforation, perforation,

nausea, infiltration



nephropathy Infancy

oral cytopenia, hypereosinophilia, HLH vomiting ---IgA ------Eye Bowel 8 HLH, UParoxysmal K 1dyskinesia, 0 Headache, pancytopenia, lung Cytopenia, --- Myalgia, vision pneumonia, thrombocyto- penia, HLH Others

NK lymphocytosis UK UK + UK + UK UK UK + presentation


--- U K + + ------MBH findings


Clinical disease.

------+ ------U K --- + + --- Bowel ------Non-specific skin


+ + UK --- + UK + ------+ + LD


+ + ------+ + + + UK + + + + + HSM EBV


+ + ---+ + + + ---+ ---+ ------+ U K + + + Abnormal LFT chronic


+ + + + + + + Fever patients



of T-LPDT-LPD + +

with with with with


F F M M M M M F M M F M M Sex laboratory



16 10 16 16 24 22 27 34 43 58 10 10 14 admission Clinical


11 13 12 3 8 9 2 5* 6 10 7* 4


Table Patient Age

Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003



6 T.-H. Lee, Y.-H. Ko HLH,







EBV+ of


hematochezia HSM,


hepatic HLH UK HLH at HLH, ANKL Sepsis, Causes Acute unknown. leukemia;




Died Alive Alive Died Alive Died Died Died Alive Died Alive Alive Outcome Died Aggressive

FU lymphohistiocytosis; ANKL,







lost 2 1.5/lost 1 0.5 13 2.5 11 10 13 5 FU 3 3 ND,






protocol protocol


2004 2004 PBSCT

disease; vacciniforme;

CVP CHOP, UK None ABVD None IMVP16 None HLH Allo CHOP HLH None Treatment hydroa


l ␮


Lymphoproliferative IgM/IgG


VCA LPD, copies/5

l l


␮ ␮ transplantation; l l IgM-

35 EBNA+



␮ ␮ l test;

␮ ␮ ␮

cell whole


IgG+, IgM+, in

copies/5 copies/5 stem EA+

copies/ copies/5


copies/5 copies/5 EBNA+ VCA VCA


load copies/5


blood Liver

VCA (---/+), EA+, EBNA+ EA+, 326.40 150 6936 17,230 blood/Serology EA+, 7,000 1,562 ND ND ND 1143 7.5 EBV LFT,




1. ␥ hypersensitivity;

ND polyclonal ND ND ND polyclonal ND polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal Monoclonal polyclonal polyclonal rearrangement TCR Case

Continued 7*: (




Lymphadenopathy; Case

2 4 8 10 12 13 9 11 7* 3 5* 6 LD,

MBH, 1

Table Patient 5*:

Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003



Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical Center in South Korea 7

and polymorphic lymphoproliferation simulating Hodgkin’s Ethical disclosures

lymphoma was made. The patient was treated with ABVD

(Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastin, and Dacarbazine) for Protection of human and animal subjects. The authors

six cycles with complete remission. Currently he remains declare that no experiments were performed on humans or

free of disease for 7 years after treatment. animals for this study.

Confidentiality of data. The authors declare that they have

3. Discussion

followed the protocols of their work center on the publica-

tion of patient data.

The clinical course of CAEBV patients depends on the bal-

ance between EBV-related factors and host immune function

and can be smoldering, progressive, or aggressive. Some

Right to privacy and informed consent. The authors


patients develop EBV+ T/NK cell lymphoma/leukemia.

declare that no patient data appear in this article.

From 1998 to 2014, 13 patients aged 10---58 years (median

age 22 years, nine males and four females) were diag-

nosed with CAEBV disease at Samsung Medical Center, Conflict of interest

Korea (Table 1). The common clinical findings included

fever (13/13), hepatosplenomegaly (9/12), lymphadeno- The authors declare no conflict of interest of any nature.

pathy (7/11), NK lymphocytosis (3/4), MBH (4/13), and

HV-like LPD (2/13). Some patients presented with bowel

perforation, chorea, or brain infarction. In the median References

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Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003



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Please cite this article in press as: Lee T-H, Ko Y-H. Chronic active EBV infection: the experience of the Samsung Medical

Center in South Korea. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmhimx.2015.12.003