Cooking Instruction
eir DOCUMENT RESUME ED 230 823 CE 036 372' AUTHOR Henderson, William Edwird, Jr. TITLE Articulated, Performance-Based Instruction Objective Guide for Food Service/Food ServiceManagement. INSTITUTION Greenville County School District, Greenville,S.C.; Greenville Technical Coll., S.C. SPONS AGENCY .South Carolina Appalachian Council of Governments, Greenville. PUB DATE May 83 CONTRACT ARC-211-B NOTE 578p.; For related documents, See ED 220 579-585,CE 036 366-368, and CE 036 310-371. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use - Guides '(For Teachers) (052) Tests/Evaluation.Instrumepts (160) EDRS PRICE MF03/PC24 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Articulation (Education); Behavioral Objectives; Career Education; Competency Based Education; *Cooking Instruction; Cooks; Criterion Referenced< Vests; Curriculum. Guides; *Food Service; High khools; *Managerial Occupalions;Nutrition; trition Instruction; *Occdpalional Home Economics; 4cupational Information; Secondary Education ABSTRACT Developed- during a project designed to provide continuous, performance-based vocational trainingat the secondary and p9stsecondary levels, this instructional guide is intendedtO helrteachers implement a lateral* and verticallyarticulated secondary level food service and food bervicemanagement program. Introductory materials include descriptions of FoodService I and II, a discussjon of potential career opportunitiesv descriptions of . secondary and postsecondary food service and 'food servicemanagement programs, postsecondary course descriptions, a discussion of sample tests provided in the guide, and suggested instructional time. Twenty-eight units are provided for Food Service I (10 units) and II (18 units). Topics include safety; sanitation;terminology; standardized recipes; eguipTent; utensils; job duties;menu planning; planning, organizing, and scheduling; serving offoodsi seasoning and condiments; food preparation; nutrition;.ordering, receiving,and inventorying; cost control and recordkeeping; preparingfor work; and career opportunity, Suggested instructional time and task listings 'begin each unit.
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