Town Council ISSUE 


Big Lottery In this issue

awards Fireworks Display See Page 

BradleyBradley SStoketoke The Senior Citizens’ Forum £, for a See Page  Baileys Court Activity Centre - Beacon Park new facilities Council was delighted to learn that the See Page  Lottery Play Fund Portfolio submitted by South Council had been accepted by the Big Lottery, which means that all of the Town Councillors projects within the portfolio were approved. not paid! See Page  Continued on page  u International Women’s Day  See Page  A new New Year Greetings town Community Policing See Page  The Mayor, Town Councillors and staff all join in centre wishing every resident of Bradley Stoke a happy and for Bradley Bradley Stoke Youth prosperous New Year! Stoke Development Team As the twentieth anniversary March when he will unveil a See Page  Full story on page  u year of the Town draws plaque at the Centre kindly to a close the Council is donated by Pearce’s – the Southern Brooks able to list many new contractors who so ably did Community achievements. The largest all the construction work Partnership and most successful and much besides. The Community Festival was See Page  Town Council now has a held in June, followed suite of three premises, each by the largest and most capable of accommodating Bradley Stoke Town Council successful Fireworks display  The Courtyard, in November, followed all kinds of activities. Visit Woodlands, by the commissioning of the Town Council website Bradley Stoke, the major new extension South Glos, BS NQ at Baileys Court Activity for a virtual tour of all the Telephone: ()  Centre. This will be formally buildings and terms and Fax: ()  opened by the Mayor in conditions of hire. E-mail: [email protected]

For more news on your community visit Ñ Continued from front page A ffeasteast ttoo Big Lottery Forthcoming remember...remember... awards AsAs ppartart ooff tthehe yyear’sear’s ffestivitiesestivities Events  thethe TTownown CCouncilouncil ccombinedombined Bradley Stoke withwith BBristolristol AAztecztec RRotaryotary CClublub iinn at Bradley Stoke InternationalInternational WWomen’somen’s DDayay arrangingarranging a ddinnerinner aatt tthehe HHiltonilton £, Community School on Friday evening  March and onon  OOctoberctober ttoo ccelebrateelebrate tthehe Baileys Court Activity Centre on Saturday  March. for a town’stown’s thth aandnd tthehe RRotary’sotary’s thth Beacon The Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Brook Way anniversaries.anniversaries. Activity Centre on the morning of Thursday OverOver  ppeopleeople aattendedttended Park  March. andand eenjoyednjoyed a ssplendidplendid mmealeal andand eentertainingntertaining sspeechespeeches The annual Community Festival will be held byby representativesrepresentatives ooff bbothoth on the weekend of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, organisations.organisations. IItt wwasas hhopedoped ,, , June. toto havehave iincludedncluded BBradleyradley SStoketoke The description of Beacon The annual Fireworks Display will be held on MudMud PPieie oonn tthehe ddessertessert mmenuenu aass Parks Projects to the Lottery Sunday  November at the Jubilee Centre. itit hhadad ffeaturedeatured aatt tthehe PPioneersioneers was that the Beacon Ignition at .pm. DinnerDinner – iinn hhonouronour ooff a mmuddyuddy Playground serves thousandthousand aacrecre bbuildinguilding ssiteite two purposes. The monthly Coffee Mornings and Local Produce – ssoonoon aafterfter BBradleyradley SStoketoke wwasas Markets are held at Brook Way Activity Centre startedstarted  yyearsears aago.go. BButut tthehe Ñ to serve the play needs of on the second Friday morning of every month reciperecipe aappearsppears ttoo hhaveave bbeeneen llost.ost. the children who live nearby throughout the year. ManyMany ttookook tthehe oopportunitypportunity ttoo providing them with high havehave ttheirheir pphotographshotographs ttakenaken quality and varied play The long awaited extension to Baileys Court professionallyprofessionally aatt tthehe eeventvent aandnd environments Activity Centre has now been completed and toto watchwatch aatt lleasteast ssomeome ooff tthehe Ñ to provide a practical is available for hire for meetings, conferences, FinalFinal ooff tthehe WWorldorld RRugbyugby CCupup demonstration to show what parties, etc. Three major rooms have been added onon tthehe llargearge sscreencreen tthathat hhadad alternative approaches to to the facility. Contact the Bookings Secretary beenbeen iimportedmported fforor tthehe ooccasion.ccasion. playful landscape design on   for further information. SadlySadly EEnglandngland llost!ost! A rrafflaffl e aandnd can be achieved within auctionauction ccompletedompleted tthehe eeveningvening certain limited budget and withwith aallll pproceedsroceeds ggoingoing ttowardsowards in keeping with criteria, thethe vvariousarious ccharitiesharities ssupportedupported principles and values set out byby RotaryRotary aandnd tthehe TTownown CCouncil.ouncil. in our play policy. Sites were chosen to represent a cross section of geographical, economic and social factors. The top fi eld at the Jubilee Centre was used as The site earmarked in Bradley the launch pad for the fi rst time and as much of Stoke is the Jubilee Green the lower football fi eld and Jubilee Green as was in Savages Wood Road and possible under health and safety regulations was the project description for used for the crowds who turned out on what was a the application to the Lottery very fi ne evening weather wise. showed that this site would Various estimates put the crowd at more than  demonstrate what could be so the extra viewing space was much appreciated. done for a £, budget as Admission was free, but the bucket collection in aid the site is surrounded by large of the Mayor’s charities – the Urological Prostate areas of housing development Cancer Appeal and Nicola Corry Support Fund which provides open space but – raised over £ – a record for this event. is little equipped or designed for play opportunities. The Kimbolton Fireworks are to be congratulated on high child population in the Please providing another memorable display and we are area and the large open space delighted that Severn Ambulance (who were in made this the sensible choice remember attendance) and the fi re brigade had absolutely for the largest of the Beacon nothing to do! Playgrounds. The target for the fourth of Aztec Rotary Club supplied a range of hot this site is to provide access to food to warm the innards, and their charities also a rich, varied and interesting benefi ted from the event. dedicated play area for regular November... new use by up to  children. Photographs were taken by Graham Bloomfi eld The annual fi reworks display and are reproduced on our website courtesy of the The project will offi cially Bradley Stoke Examiner. start from  April  with provided by the Town Council last the aim of completing by  November on Sunday th anticipated Please remember then that this year’s fi reworks March , but preparation, the fi fth of November with the are on Sunday  November at the Jubilee Centre in planning and consultation biggest and best display yet. Savages Wood Road; ignition at .pm work is likely to start ahead of this date.

 For more news on your community visit For more news on your community visit Bradley Stoke’s Activity Centres The Senior The Town Council maintains three excellent premises, each with a variety of rooms and Citizens’ Forum sports facilities, for hire by individuals, community and The Senior Citizens’ Forum comprises over  men and women business groups. over the age of  in who take an active interest in the way society treats its senior citizens. All are modern buildings that are clean and bright and can accommodate any size of groups The Forum is not a political body and is not political parties on South Gloucestershire up to a hundred or so in number. affi liated to any political party but it takes Council about matters of general concern. So if you are considering a small an active interest in matters that concern Very popular senior citizens information days business meeting or conference, senior citizens, such as the State Pension, are held in two or three different locations children’s party or social evening, crime prevention, health care and transport. for members and run from am – pm. a game of tennis or a football A Newsletter is published four times each They involve at least two presentations match, it will be worth exploring year and bi-monthly meetings are held in from experts and include free lunch and the facilities the Town Council can offer on your doorstep. locations around South Gloucestershire, refreshments. South Gloucestershire Council Virtual tours of each building can usually between  – pm. One of these gives grant aid to the Forum as do many be viewed on the Town Council meetings could be an opportunity to Parish and Town Councils, including website www.bradleystoke. question the leaders of the three main Bradley Stoke. and details of how to book can be obtained from the Bookings Clerk on  . Membership is free and if you would like to know more, contact the Forum c/o the Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, South Glos BS TR. CustomerFirst - Giving consumersconsumers tthehe cchoice:hoice: Businesses in South Gloucestershire can sign up to a new scheme that recognises and encourages them to provide The Nicola Corry high levels of customer care.

Support Foundation South Gloucestershire Council’s Trader Scheme Network, The Nicola Corry Support Foundation is one of Trading Standards Service has which provide national, launched CustomerFirst, which consistent standards for the Mayor’s chosen charities for the current year. recognises businesses that schemes of this type. Achieving registered charity status on June , are committed to providing the foundation began as a support fund for Nicola The scheme is open to any excellent customer service and to help in her fi ght against cancer. business that deals with to trade in a fair, honest and consumers. Those that apply legal way. to join will be assessed by Friends set up the fund initially in  by organizing Other aims of the scheme Trading Standards offi cers, a promise auction raising £ to help Nicola fund include: to ensure they conduct complementary therapies and childcare costs for her son themselves in a legal, fair Ñ Alfi e. Nicola sadly lost her battle in May  but since giving consumers a reliable and honest way and provide then family and friends have continued with the fund way of fi nding trustworthy good customer care. If an to help others in a similar situation. Nicola’s ordeal businesses and allow application is successful, then really highlighted the severe lack of resources for them to make more the business is expected to people with young families living with cancer and so informed choices abide by CustomerFirst’s code the NCSF aims to: Ñ offering a source of help and of practice. advice if things go wrong Ñ Assist families with childcare costs. This is particularly CustomerFirst is open to all important if a parent needs to regularly visit hospital Ñ enabling local businesses businesses in the district that for a treatment; to demonstrate that they trade with consumers. Any Ñ Donate grants to families to help them afford a have signed up to national businesses wishing to fi nd treat together; standards out more information about Ñ Fund improvements to NHS cancer facilities for families CustomerFirst has been CustomerFirst and obtain with young children; nationally recognised by the an application pack should Offi ce of Fair Trading, and as a contact Trading Standards on Ñ Donate to research into rare cancers. result has been able to join the   or email trading. The Charity has just published its fi rst newsletter and Local Authority Assured [email protected] more information can be obtained from or email: [email protected] or tel:   .

For more news on your community visit  A new town centre for Bradley Stoke

A new town centre for Bradley Stoke is at last becoming a reality after many years of waiting. Building work on the site, adjacent to the existing superstore, began on  December and will last for about  months.

Commenting on the progress, Brooks Public House. The Felix Gummer, Tesco’s Corporate existing site compound was Affairs Manager, said: “For the then closed and given over to residents of Bradley Stoke the the archaeologists to complete town centre has been a long their studies before the new time coming but at last we can road is built. The contractors Baileys Court say we have started building it! are undertaking a full perimeter It has taken us several years of survey with a view to erecting detailed negotiations to ensure all new fences before the main Activity Centre works start. we get the right development Baileys Court Activity Centre has now been greatly but what is planned will be a The town centre will feature extended and all the rooms are available for hire. credit to the town. a new Tesco Extra store with Two rooms have been added which may be used “We now have to fi nd a new a further fi ve large non-food independently of each other or linked together to name for the centre and will be retail units, about  smaller form one larger room. A third self-contained ‘suite’ launching a competition to fi nd individual retail units, cafes, has been created to accommodate the youth clubs that name in association with bars, bistros and offi ces all that used to meet in The Green Hut, which has the Town Council.” located around a town square. been demolished. The centre will have car parking Contractors, Bowmer & for about , cars and a new The original pavilion remains largely unaltered Kirkland, have already bus station with taxi rank. except for a coat of paint that was applied as part of a started clearing the site of rehabilitation scheme for occupants of Leyhill Prison. top soil following extensive The new Tesco store should CCTV has been upgraded and extended and the car archaeological and wildlife be open before Christmas park lighting has been considerably improved. New surveys required as part of  when the existing store safety netting has been included alongside the car will close and transfer its the development’s pre-start park to prevent all but the most spectacular of the operations overnight. The conditions. cricketers’ sixes from slamming into the car park and remaining retail units will be adjacent play area. New storage has been provided for Permanent site cabins were ready at about the same time cricket fi eld and bowling green equipment as well as delivered on  December with the development fully improved exits from the bowling green under health and located behind the Three open in . and safety regulations. The frontage onto Baileys Court Road at last gives a worthy ‘presence’ to the building instead of the original dingy little entrance that was quite hidden Town Councillors are not paid! away behind a rather unkempt shrubbery and a dilapidated green shed. The old entrance door A question raised at a Town Council called to fi ll a seat vacated by a – suitably painted – now forms a smart internal access meeting just before Christmas asked Councillor for whatever reason. between sections of the new building. It is diffi cult to what remuneration and expenses The next election when all local imagine it as it used to be, such is the transformation. were received by Town Councillors. council seats will again become The completely truthful answer is vacant will be in . All in all, the planning, preparation and realization that they receive none at all. There of the project has taken several years. The Cavanna However, any person who Partnership, who designed the building, and Pearce’s, is no salary or honorarium for being is elected to serve on South a Town Councillor and expenses (if the contractors, have given us a splendid new facility Gloucestershire Council is entitled on time and within budget and have been a joy to claimed – and they usually are not) to a range of payments and work with for all this time and especially over the only apply if the councillor is making expenses depending on position(s) seven months of the actual building. Council would an offi cial call beyond the parish held. Anyone interested in further also like to thank the hirers for their co-operation boundaries. There are fi fteen Town information should contact South during this period and hope they are as pleased with Councillors serving seven town Gloucestershire Council. the new building as Council is itself. wards and any payments made to them would increase the annual The election of Members of Details of the rooms and hire charges can be obtained Precept accordingly. Parliament works to a quite different from the Bookings Clerk on   or email schedule, where the Prime Minister [email protected] or via the website Local Council elections in South of the day calls a General Election at A virtual tour of the new Gloucestershire are held every a time of his or her own choosing. rooms is available to view on the website. four years for all seats although By-elections may also occur when sometimes a by-election may be necessary to replace an MP.

 For more news on your community visit For more news on your community visit International Women’s Day  International Women’s Day  Bradley Stoke Community School. Entry will be On Saturday  March there will be an afternoon is a treat for women of all ages! free but donations for Southern Brook Domestic of free activities and information from  – pm Abuse Support Group would be welcome. at the newly updated Baileys Court Activity Centre. “Women and Wellbeing” is the Bristol Playbus will be providing a free crèche This will be the chance to: theme for what is becoming an suitable for children up to age  but you need to annual celebration for women let us know quickly if you would like a place as in Bradley Stoke. We have an you must book it before the day. extra treat planned this year with Ñ choose the styles that fl atter your a fashion show to take place on body shape There will be lots to do including free pamper Friday  March   –  pm at time, workshops on Healthy Eating, Indian Head Ñ fi nd the colours that suit your Massage and Taking Control of your Life. There skin-tone will be information from lots of organisations, Ñ brighten up your existing wardrobe particularly focusing on how women can survive in this busy world. Earlier in the day why not join STOP PRESS Ñ change your look with accessories in the guided walk around Baileys Court Activity Centre lead by the SGC Walking to Health Team, Congratulations to Bradley Ñ pick items from the latest trends you will be back in time for a coffee and a cake Stoke Community School before the main events begin. on being awarded Specialist Ñ wear clothes with confi dence Status in languages and Check out the websites Ñ SAVE MONEY! performing arts. The new or www.sbcommunitypartnership status, effective from   September, will give the school an injection of cash to become centres of excellence. It will work in partnership with local primary schools, businesses and the community Bradley Stoke Neighbourhood policing team generally. The school will receive £, in Bradley Stoke Neighbourhood policing beforehand by way of a leafl et drop. Notices Government funding and team has continued its high visibility patrols are always posted on street lamps. This is an £ per pupil for four years. in our “hot spots” with our community opportunity for residents to meet us in their support offi cers Jason Green and Pat street, just outside their front doors. As a Gardener on foot patrol reassuring the result we have had useful information about local community and dealing with local all kinds of matters from parking and other STOP PRESS neighbourhood issues. situations with vehicles to problems we knew nothing about which are now being The Annual Meeting of Every Friday and Saturday evening the station provides a high visibility reassurance dealt with. Recent briefi ngs were held Charity in Oak Tree Crescent and Merryweather will take place in Easter patrol around the sector dealing with any reported anti-social problems. Close and we have further events planned Compton Village Hall at at Huckley Way and Crystal Way. If you . pm on Wednesday  We have recently developed “Scene it”, an would like to see a Street Briefi ng held April. This is an opportunity interactive crime scene for young people where you live, please ring    to fi nd out how this local which we launched at the Engage Festival asking for any member of the Bradley Stoke Charity progressed and which was a great success. This initiative can Neighbourhood Policing Team performed fi nancially be used for any youth groups in the area. during the year ending  Another way we are meeting local residents September . It will be The team is working in partnership with is through our monthly “Have your Say” day. followed with an illustrated South Gloucestershire Council, Southern We attend busy locations across Bradley talk on the work of St Brooks Community Partnership and the Town Stoke with crime reduction literature to Peter’s Hospice. The origins Council in establishing the Bradley Stoke listen to residents’ problems and to prioritise of this Charity date back Safer and Stronger Community Group which the “real problems” affecting our residents. to the twelfth century and determines our beat priorities. We have already been to the large Tesco eight hundred years on store twice and to the Leisure Centre. Many continues to perform within One community priority we are currently people have now been able to discuss an area of benefi t covering dealing with is school parking. We have ongoing problems and, if advice is needed the Parish of Almondsbury set up a “ strikes scheme” working with on any topic, we can assist straight away. as constituted on the schools, parents and local residents to tackle st. January . Today, parking issues at our seven local schools. We have had a really great response so far, so please look out for us. this means that it covers We now hold a monthly “Street Briefi ng” Bradley Stoke-North, Easter which is an informal meeting in a local road If you wish to discuss any of these issues Compton, , most giving residents the opportunity to chat with or wish for the team to attend any of your of and Almondsbury. the team. We hold them in the evening and groups, streets or meetings please feel free The evening will conclude notify the residents of our chosen street to contact us on   . with tea/coffee and biscuits.

For more news on your community visit  Bradley Stoke Youth Development Team From the Bradley Stoke Youth From the Bradley Stoke Youth Development Team be an opportunity to consider the Muslim religion Development Team we learn we learn that The Festival of Light was a beautiful as the youth work team aims to encourage young that The Festival of Light was occasion. Savages Wood was lit up to celebrate people to learn about their own cultures as well as a beautiful occasion. Savages Diwali. The event included art work made by young other people’s. Wood was lit up to celebrate people on the theme of Global Warming and there The Festival of Light was part of the Engage Festival, were Indian dancers and drummers from South Diwali. The event included art managed by South Gloucestershire Council’s Wild Gloucestershire Asian Project. Helen, a local artist, work made by young people on Roots projects and funded by the Heritage Lottery encouraged people to make lanterns to celebrate the theme of Global Warming Spaces. Images of the event are available in the the event which were made into a dazzling circle of and there were Indian dancers form of postcards and are available from Wild light in the wood. and drummers from South Roots   Gloucestershire Asian Project. Young people from the Jubilee Youth Club were The new youth facility at Baileys Court Activity Helen, a local artist, encouraged involved in planning the event and with great Centre will enable young people to engage in music people to make lanterns to gusto discussed where the lights went, designed projects, art work and discuss a variety of life issues celebrate the event which were the Dragons Den and climbed in the stream to such as bullying, relationships etc. Some of the made into a dazzling circle of heave rubbish out of it. They even got involved young people were involved in raising money for light in the wood. in coppicing hazel to provide frames for the art work. The highlight for them was using the ‘walkie the new equipment for the youth club and really talkies’, with which they really enjoyed talking to enjoyed choosing the furniture etc. Bradley Stoke the lighting engineers and marshals during the Town Council worked hard on developing this facility What’s on for young event about things that needed to be done. and are actively supporting the development of people in Bradley Stoke? They learnt about team working, conservation youth services for the young people of Bradley Stoke MONDAYS -.PM and Diwali. A Hindu priest came to the youth Plans for the new facility include developing a Youth Club for young people club to discuss Diwali and a little bit about Hindi music studio and a safe place for young people aged - years at the Jubilee philosophy. The young people also tried a variety to discuss life issues with Rosemarie – a qualifi ed Activity Centre and Baileys Court of Indian foods and sweets. In February there will nurse - such as new relationships. Activity Centre, p entrance

TUESDAYS -.PM Project night at Baileys Court Activity Centre, music, baby The Living Landmarks Project sitting courses and confi dential The Living Landmarks Project has been working Just before Christmas, the project worked with advice about sexual health from since August . This exciting project which the Arnolfi ni Gallery, Bristol. Eight residents Rosemarie, p entrance is funded for the year from August  aims to from Patchway and Bradley Stoke came together Football – free football bring together local children and young people to explore personal histories, keepsakes and coaching -.pm at Brook and older residents as well as families and carers storytelling in partnership with South West artist Way Activity Centre for young to explore what existed in the past through story Tom Marshman. The discussions, advice and people aged - telling, arts workshops and audio recordings. stories shared will help shape the next piece of With the historic and anecdotal information we work for Tom. Feedback has been great so far, and WEDNESDAYS -.PM gather, we will work together with children and the Arnolfi ni are really keen to continue to work Youth Club for young people young people and older residents to exchange, with such a creative and hard working group. aged - at Baileys Court design and create a total of  permanent visual Activity Centre, p entrance On  June we are planning a celebration of and text plaques which will mark important all the hard work, research and input each -pm team sports at Bradley places in the community. school has contributed to create this project. Stoke Community School for Since the start in August, the project has We would also like to showcase some of this young people - achieved great success. The plaque proposals are work to families and carers in Bradley Stoke and Patchway. Naturally the project is really THURSDAYS .-PM well under way and we now wait in anticipation eager to participate in the festival planned for Youth Club for young people from the Highways department for approval. the following day; so watch this space. aged - at the Jubilee Once agreed, we will continue to work with Activity Centre, entrance p schools and community groups to help and We continue to invite members of the advice us about the creation of the plaques. community who wish to share and document The youth club programme their stories about the local area, what varies each week but activities Schools are really committed to supporting the happened, what the towns used to look like, include arts, sports, and Landmarks work, and we now starting work important buildings and prominent people information about life issues. in schools across Bradley Stoke and Patchway. Artists Colin Higginson, who is a visual artist in the area. The detached youth workers currently artist in residence at Bristol Archives Carrie is planning to host several workshops in work with young people and Martin Maudsley, a story teller who has the half terms and evenings to showcase some wherever they are in the town captivated children and young people with of the work to date as well information sharing with the aim of involving them myths and fables, and Carrie Creamer will be and support for the project. So, please get in in local activities, sports and working with school children in years , and . touch if you wish to support us with stories, much more – including trips. We look forward to sharing with you some of photos or other fascinating materials. the stories, and images that we will collect on Southern Brooks Community Partnership Please contact Ruth on  this journey of discovery. & Heritage Lottery Fund.  or  for more information. [email protected] /

 For more news on your community visit For more news on your community visit Youth Development Team Community Radio Station Southern Brooks Bradley Stoke Community Radio Station will soon be a reality. Following on from the very successful BBC Radio Bradley Community Stoke in September , Southern Brooks Community Partnership (SBCP) has been helping some residents to set up Partnership Julie Snelling, Director. a radio station in the town which will broadcast around the time of the Bradley Stoke Festival in June this year. Southern Brooks Community successfully led on a bid to The station will operate under the umbrella of SBCP and will Partnership has enjoyed an Awards for All to fund the be mainly run by local residents. The aim is to build community exciting few months in Bradley programme. You can see the spirit, empower the individual and showcase the wide and Stoke, with Winsome helping full programme on our website, varied talents in the town by involving all section of the to set up the community radio and it includes things like community and all age groups in all aspect of the project. station, and our family support Ñ Making the Most of There will be opportunities to learn how to produce and team working with increasing Volunteering broadcast programmes. If residents have a burning interest numbers of families in the town. Ñ Communication and in a topic they will be able, with help, to make a programme. If your family is going through Relationship Building and Additionally, we’ll have chat shows where we’ll be interviewing a diffi cult time and you’d like Ñ Cultural Awareness some non-judgemental help people who have contributed to the growth of the town. On Wednesday  June there and support give Corrina a Enormous opportunities are there for the primary and also is going to be a celebration ring on  . Bradley secondary schools in and around Bradley Stoke to involve their of volunteering at Folk Stoke Safer and Stronger Group students, for churches to get involved and publicise their many Centre. If you’d like more is a partnership between the contributions to the town, and for voluntary groups to be more information please ring Nicola Police, Town Council, Safer visible. Small businesses can get involved by sponsoring the on    South Gloucestershire, Southern project in exchange for publicity. Residents of Bradley Stoke Brooks Community Partnership, We also have our own training will hear what events are happening in the town, and what Neighbourhood Watch programme which includes businesses are operating here. Groups and other organisations Youth Work Training, Partnership If you are interested in being part of this exciting project then in the town. Working and Dealing with please contact SBCP and ask to speak with Winsome, the Challenging Behaviour. All We’ve combined our Toy Library community development worker. workshops are free to attend with Bouncing Babies at the – check out our website or give Email: [email protected] Jubilee Centre on Tuesdays from us a ring for more information. Tel:      – pm, and more and more We work closely with other people are coming each week. organisations that provide We have a new student, funding for training and if you, Michelle Davies, working as an individual, or as part of a alongside the family support community group, would like team. Our Domestic Abuse St Peter’s Hospice a course put on let us know and Support Group also has a new St Peter’s Hospice is about to open its latest shop at Unit , we’ll see if it’s possible. worker, Margaret, and any Bailey’s Court, Bradley Stoke, and is appealing to the public woman living with domestic We have a Directory of Groups for volunteers to help work in the shop and donate any abuse can contact her on that exist locally and nationally unwanted goods.   . Be assured of a to support families. It was put The new shop is the th in an ever expanding chain and sensitive and confi dential service together several years ago was opened on Saturday  February. It will be open from and we are currently updating The Coffee Morning and Local .am to .pm for anyone who has anything to donate. it. When it’s fi nished it will be Food Market, a partnership Easy access to the front of the shop means anyone wishing available on our website, and between the Town Council and to drop off donations can quite literally pull up and open through libraries, schools and Southern Brooks, is going from their boot!!! Anyone unable to get to the shop can contact health visitors. If you know of strength to strength, with really the Collection hotline on   and your goods will a service locally that you think positive feedback both from be collected free of charge. should be included, please ring people attending the coffee the offi ce or email kateobrie Safron Chapman, Operational Manager for the new shop morning and the stall holders. said “St. Peter’s Hospice is the fi rst charity shop to open in n@sbcommunitypartnership. Bradley Stoke so we are hoping that the local community Just before Christmas we ran We’re also trying to put will really get behind us and make it a big success. a consultation with residents together an email list for ALL We really need local people to help run the shop alongside around Rosemary Close play of the community groups and our managers and also donate any unwanted items to area and a report was presented associations that meet in the ensure we have good range of goods available. We can to Bradley Stoke Town Council. town. The purpose of the list is accept a variety of things including clothing, shoes and We look forward to seeing the to be able to provide information accessories as well as bric a brac, books, CD’s and DVD’s.” development of this area. and advice about funding, things going on in the town and St. Peter’s hospice is the only adult hospice in Bristol and in We’re working closely with initiatives that we think groups  will be celebrating  years of providing specialised Patchway, Filton and the Stokes would be interested in. If you care free of charge to local people with life limiting illnesses Volunteer Centre and the other are involved with a group, please and St.Peter’s Hospice Shops raise in excess of £. million volunteer centres across South email jackielewis@sbcommu a year which goes directly towards patient care. Gloucestershire. We have a new training programme The Anyone wishing to volunteer to work at the shop should for volunteers and those information will only be used contact Safron on   . organisations working with by our organisation. them. Volunteer Centre Continued on back pageÑ

For more news on your community visit  Ñ Continued from page  Academic Year Useful Southern Brooks Community Partnership / Term :  Sept –  Oct TelephoneTelephone Southern Brooks Community Brooks Community Partnership, Term :  Oct –  Dec Partnership has enjoyed an Neighbourhood Watch Groups Term :  Jan –  Feb () Numbers exciting few months in Bradley and other organisations in the Term :  Feb –  April Stoke, with Winsome helping town. In November we held Term :  April –  May Term :  June –  July South Gloucestershire Council to set up the community radio a meeting at Bradley Stoke Services Main Switchboard station, and our family support Community School with residents, / Number:   team working with increasing to fi nd out what their issues Term :  Sept –  Oct numbers of families in the town. Term :  Nov –  Dec Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre and concerns are. Many of the   If your family is going through Term :  Jan –  Feb problems were addressed quickly. Term :  Feb –  April Bradley Stoke Library a diffi cult time and you’d like By the time you read this, a Term :  April –  May   some non-judgemental help second meeting will have taken Term :  June –  July Dog Warden and support give Corrina a place at St Mary’s Primary School.   ring on  . Bradley Education - General Enquiries A meeting is planned for  June ChildLine   Stoke Safer and Stronger Group at Meadowbrook Primary School is a partnership between the Travellers from .pm – this is your chance ChildLine is the free -hour helpline   Police, Town Council, Safer for children and young people in the as residents to fi nd out what the Trading Standards South Gloucestershire, Southern UK. Children and young people can Police are doing locally, and to call the helpline on   about   Brooks Community Partnership, share any problems and concerns any problem, at any time day or night. Neighbourhood Watch Groups about living in the town. The nearest SORT IT!* Centre and other organisations in the (Civic Amenity Site) to Bradley town. For more information please Blood Doning Stoke is at Station Road, Bradley Stoke Safer and Stronger ring the offi ce. Opening Hours Group is a partnership between As always, we’re here to help The Bradley Stoke Monday to Friday Jubilee Centre Gates Open .am any resident who wants to start the Police, Town Council, Safer Session Times  Gates Closed .pm South Gloucestershire, Southern something new in the town and .-. & .-. Saturday & Bank Holidays  Jan,  Jan,  Feb,  March, Gates Open .am  April,  may,  June,  Aug, Gates Closed .pm  Oct,  Nov,  Dec. Sunday Gates Open .am ForthcomingForthcoming EEventsvents in Bradley Stoke Gates Closed .pm Directions  March   March  ,, June   November  From the roundabout travel south towards Bristol on INTERNATIONAL EASTER EGG HUNT COMMUNITY FIREWORKS the A. When approaching the WOMEN’S DAY FESTIVAL fl yover fi lter left, and then turn left at the traffi c lights into Gipsy Patch Lane. Shortly you pass under FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT CORRINA ON   a narrow railway bridge - turn OR BRADLEY STOKE TOWN COUNCIL ON   left immediately afterwards into Station Road. The SORT IT!* site is half a mile ahead, on your right South Glos Council’s Streetcare and SORT IT! Helpdesk can be reached FurtherFurther IInformationnformation on  . You will then be given a choice of numbers for the Council’s services for Highways, Members Of Parliament of our representatives for the South of the Parish may ask questions during Open Spaces, Street Lighting, Waste Gloucestershire Council Ward of Bradley public question time. Times of meetings Dr. Doug Naysmith MP (Lab) covers Services and Fly Tipping or email in Stoke North, but does not sit on are posted on Council’s notice boards. the southern part of Bradley Stoke and on [email protected] the Town Council. may be contacted at Unit , Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Grant Aid Others , Bristol BS PY or Councillors Bradley Stoke Town Council has tel:   , Fax:   . John Ashe, Roger Avenin, Julian Barge allocated a sum of money each year Filton Airfi eld Complaints Lines Mr. Steve Webb MP (Lib Dem) covers (Chair) Morgan Baynham, Caroline for grant aid to be awarded for small    &    the northern part of Bradley Stoke and Charlton, Ronnie Conway-Haskins, projects that benefi t the local (For any problems arising from the airfi eld) may be contacted at Poole Court, Poole Keith Cranney, Mark Forsyth, Sandra community (maximum grant is £.). Filton Police – Community Beat Court Drive, Yate, Bristol BS PP, or All applications are considered on Hobson, Brian Hopkinson, Robert Jones Offi ce Direct Line (Vice Chair) Sarah Pomfret, David Skeet, their merits. Application forms may tel:  .    Dr. Elizabeth Todd, Benjamin Walker be obtained from the BSTC Offi ce. Police Community Support Offi cer Bradley Stoke Town Council (Jason Green) Bradley Stoke Town Council came Meetings Councillor Surgeries   Councillor Surgeries are held on the into being on  April . There are As well as Full Council, there are Standing Pet search (Lost/Found Pets) some , on the current Register of Committees for Planning, Environment fi rst Saturday of each month between    Electors and  elected Councillors in & Amenities and Finance & Leisure. .am &  noon at Bradley Stoke seven Wards. Four Town Councillors are All Council and Standing Committee Leisure Centre for community residents Sofa Project also Members of South Gloucestershire meetings are open to the public and the to speak to their Councillors on any (Furniture Recycling Charity) Council. Councillor Jon Williams is one press. At any of these meetings electors matter concerning the town.  

The Town Council welcomes your comments and opinions. Please make your views known via the Clerk. Correspondence for Council and Councillors may be sent to: David Chandler, Town Clerk, Bradley Stoke Town Council,  The Courtyard, Woodlands, Bradley Stoke, South Glos, BS NQ Telephone: ()  Fax: ()  E-mail: [email protected] Feedback Feedback

 For more news on your community visit For more news on your community visit