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Filling in the form This form can be filled in and saved for later editing or printing. To fill out this form, position your pointer within a light blue field, click and begin typing. When you have completed a field, tab or click to the next. Periodically save your work (the first time you may be prompted to save with a different file name; you may name your file anything you want). Greater Milwaukee Synod – 2019 Nomination Form

Please TYPE or PRINT CLEARLY Name ______Nominating Information (all information required) Position (check one): Churchwide Consultation Discipline Nominating Synod Assembly Council Representing (check one): At-Large Cluster (if cluster, name of cluster required) ______(Check one): (Check one): Female Male Clergy Lay (Check all that apply): African American/Black Asian American European American Latinx American Native American Other (if other, specify) ______Date of Birth First language, if other than English ______Member of (congregation name and city) ______Personal Information Address ______Street, City, State, Zip

Phone - Work______Home or Cell______Email ______Current Position - Employment ______Education or other experience ______List three significant church-service positions, with dates 1. ______2. ______3. ______List three significant community-service positions, with dates 1. ______2. ______3. ______Are you willing to serve if elected? ______Please return completed form promptly to Mary Romskog at: Email: [email protected] Fax: 414-671-1756 Mail: Greater Milwaukee Synod, 1212 S Layton Blvd, Milwaukee WI 53215 Please direct questions to Mary Romskog (414-671-1212)

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