Billesdon, with the Villages of Tugby, Skeffington and Neighbourhoods
BILLESDON, WITH THE VILLAGES OF TUGBY, SKEFFINGTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. B ILLESDON is a parish, in the hundred of Gattree. the chapelries of GOADBY and ROLLEsToN-containing the village. which once boa:'!ted a ,,,ell-frequented together in 1861, ~09 inhabitants: the population of market, is 93 miles N.N.W. from London, and 9 K. from the whole union being 7,272. Leicester. Although the trade Md population of this TUGBY is a parish, partly in the hnnrlred of G artree. town are now but inconsiderable, there is reason to but chiefly in that of Goscote-the village, a neat aut! believe that in the tiiIJe of the Romans itwasa place of pleasant one, is situatt'd 00 the road le'l(ling from Lei fiome consequence-which opinion is streugthenet! by cester to Uppingham, 12 miles E. by s. from the former, the vestiges of a strolJg Homan encampment existing 7~ w. from the latter, and about 4 w. by s. from Billes in the vicinity of the lown. it enclo~es eighteen acres, don. Lord Bernarrl is lord of the manor. The parish and appears to have been fortified with a high rampart church of Saint Thomas a Becket (which has latt'ly and dee(l ditch; near it was a Roman pagan temple. undergone considerable repairs) is a ~malllleat builc The Uuion workhouse for thirty-six parishes, is situ- ing: tile living is in the gift of the CrowJl; the Rt>v. ated in this parish. The places of worship al'e the George Irving Winslow is the pre~ent incumbent.
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