Canmore ID 10379 SCRAP ID 2603 Location OS NF 80513 74938 Team Not in team Grid Ref: CUP MARKED ROCK PREHISTORIC Existing Classifications CROSS INCISED ROCK EARLY MEDIEVAL

Date Fieldwork Started 01/06/2019 Date Fieldwork Completed New Panel? No


A1. Identifiers

Panel Name , SOLLAS, CLOCH NA CROISE Number Other names HER/SMR SM Number Other

Classifications And Periods

Classification 1 Natural Feature Period 1 Period Unassigned



A2. Grid Reference(original find site)

OS NGR NF 80500 74950 New OS NGR NF 80513 74938 Lat/Long 57.6506 -7.35783 Obtained By: GPS A3. Current Location & Provenance

Located At original location

Accession no. Not given Section B. CONTEXT

B1. Landscape Context

Weather Position in landscape Topography(terrain within about 500m of panel.) Aspect of slope (if on sloping terrain e.g. S, SE etc.)

B2. Current land use & vegetation

No selection

B3. Forestry

No selection

B4. Archaeological Features within 200m / or visible from the panel

No selection

B5. Location Notes

This large rock is located in the garden a few metres from the W wall of the house. The features on its upper surface and NE face, and on the nearby outcrop are almost certainly natural.

Previous Notes

NF87SW 8 8050 7495 (Area : NF 803 740) At one time an incised cross could be traced on the NW face of a rock outcrop known as Clach na Croise, immediately west of the byre of a crofter's house, called Tigh na Croise or Crosshill, in the township of Middlequarter, Sollas. On top of the rock, near the northern side, is a group of four cupmarkings andincised on the NE face are three rings, two circular and one kidney- shaped, which may be natural. Behind the rock, to the south and on a lower outcrop, are two, possibly five, other cupmarks. (RCAHMS 1928) Pike's plans (J D Lyford-Pike 1941) show nine cups (three of which may be natrual) on Clach na Croise and eight cups (of which six may be natural) on the lower outcrop. Information from OS. RCAHMS 1928; J D Lyford-Pike 1941.

Clach na Croise - as described above, except that traces of the incised cross can still be made out - is at NF 8050 7495. Visited by OS (RD), 18 June 1965.

264. Cup-marks, Tigh na Croise, Middlequarter, Sollas. In the township of Middlequarter, Sollas, about 700 yards north-west of the school, is a crofter's house from time immemorial known as Tigh na Croise (" house of the cross "), but now sometimes called Crosshill. Immediately to the west of the byre of the steading is an outcrop of rock with vertical sides and flattish top, measuring 4 feet in height, 12 feet in length and 7 feet in breadth. At one time it is said that an incised cross could be traced on the north-western face of this rock, which consequently was called Clach na Croise (" stone of the cross "). As the stone is much weathered the cross has disappeared. On the top of the rock near the northern side, however, is a group of four cup-markings, one 3- inches in diameter and It inches in depth, and the others 3 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep.Incised on the north-east face of the stone are three rings, two circular and one kidney shaped, which may be natural. Behind the rock to the south on a lower outcrop are two, possibly five, other cup-marks, the undoubted examples measuring 3 inches and 2 inches in diameter and 1 inch and 1/2 inch deep. Visited by RCAHMS 10 September 1914. Section C. PANEL

C1. Panel Type

C2. Panel Dimensions, Slope & Orientation

Dimensions of panel (m to one decimal place)

Length (longer axis) Width Height (max) Height (min)

Approximate slope of carved surface

degrees degrees

Orientation (Aspect e.g. NW)

Rock Surface Carved Surface Carved Surface

C3. Rock Surface

Surface No Grain No Visible No Rock No Compactness selection Size selection Anomalies selection Type selection

C4. Surface Features

No selection

C5. Panel Notes

No notes added

C6. Probability

The probability that there is any rock art on the panel is not mentioned


No comments added

C7. MOTIFS Visible Tool Marks? No

Visible Peck Marks? No Section D. ACCESS, AWARENESS & RISK

D1. Access

No selection

D2. Awareness

No selection

There are stories or folk traditions associated with this panel No

D3. Risk


No selection



No selection

Comments and other potential threats

No comments added