Nomination Report 301 21St Avenue E, Seattle, WA June 2015
1902, 1907 addition Edmund S. Meany Middle School (demolished); 1941 addition, 1954-55 addition, 1961-62 addition 301 21st Avenue E/ 300-315 20th Avenue E 2825049008, 0688000090 See Attached “Exhibit A” Seattle School District Number 1, Seattle School Department of Parks and Recreation is the owner of a portion of the building located on parcel number 2825049008 MS 22-336, PO Box 34165, Seattle, WA 98124-1165 Seattle School District Number 1 School 1941 addition: Floyd A Naramore; 1954-55 addition: John W. Maloney; 1961- 62 addition: Edward Mahlum 1941 addition: J.B. Warrack; 1954-55 addition: Hedeen Construction Co.; 1961-62 addition: Unknown Joseph A. Wolf, K-12 Planning Coordinator, Seattle Public Schools MS 22-336, PO Box 34165, Seattle, WA 98124-1165 (206) 252-0657 August 17, 2015 WA Subdivision Guarantee EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: Lots 1 through 16, inclusive, Block 2, Francis A. Bell's First Addition to Seattle, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 60, records of King County, Washington; Together with all of the vacated alley as platted within said Block 2, Francis A. Bell's First Addition to Seattle; And together with the East half of vacated 20th Avenue East abutting Lots 5 through 8, inclusive, said Block 2; And together with the North half of vacated East Harrison Street abutting Lots 8, 9 and the vacated alley, all in said Block 2; all of which were vacated by Ordinance No. 83169 of the City of Seattle, and attached thereto by operation of law. Parcel 2: The East Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 25 North, Range 4 East, W.
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