February 23, 1910
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No. 8. Sbbrrturmtnt* LOCAL AFFAIRS. March. His father lived on the Bayside ati&frti*roimt». road; he learned the ship-carpenter's and moved to Cleveland m I860. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. trade, URRiLL NATIONAL BAN An aunt, Mrs. Emeline Holt, is living on - H B Phillips—Skins and fur wanted. the original March homestead. -ELL8WORTH, ME. Situation wanted. K W. will B A I Richardson—New F. in the Metho- grocery store. Emery preach LITTLE Burrill N&’l Bank. dist church Sunday, Feb. 27, morning and DROPS OF WATER Obland, Mb; afternoon, at 10.30s and 3. Morning sub- wonderful to Herbert W White—Caution notice. think, make up the mighty ject, “Christian Afternoon South Portland, Mb: Liberty.” ocean. Not more strange, than though, House for sale. address, “The Comforts of God.” No accumulated wealth. It’s all made up of N evening service. savings. Binghamton, Y: Standard Dress Goods Co—Lady wanted. Mrs. Henry L. Russell and family left THE UNION TRUST CO. of ELLSWORTH LITTLE BY LITTLE last week to join Mr. Russell in Warren, SCHEDULE OP MAIL8. where he has a busi- purchased grocery OP NED 724 NEW AOOOUNTS »n AT BLLBWOBTH POSTOFFICE. account grows at our bank. Get a ness. During their residence here Mr. bank In effect Oct. 4, 1909. DURINQ THE YEAR AND book and start an account tor your and Mrs. Russell and their daughters, 1909, and later on Misses Carrie and child, it will buy a college MAILS BBCBIVBD. Lillian, have made HA8 NOW MORE THAN 8,000 education or a business. Prom West-7.18 a m; 4.28 and 6.08 m. many who sincerely their p friends, regret depositors, you are invit- From East—11.07 a m; 12.05, 5.55 and 10.22 p m. departure. We 4 cent, on MAIL CLOSBB AT POSTOFFICB. ed TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT pay per Savings. The farmers' institute, announced to be Going West—10.45. 11.30. a m; 5.80 and 9 pm. held in Ellsworth on March has been WITH US. Liberal interest on check ac- Going East—6.30 a m; 4 and 5.30 p m. 15, postponed until Tuesday, March 29. Hon. counts. No Sunday mail. Postofflce open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. A. W. Gilman, commissioner of agricul- UNION TRUST CO. of ELLSWORTH ture, will be present. Prof. E. F. Hitch- The ELLSWORTH FOOD ings, State entomologist, will make the principal address, the general topic of the FAIR opened with a big boost institute being “Orcharding”. yesterday. Now BOOST for the There will ly a Salvation army cottage meeting at 7.30 this evening at the home rest of the Savings Kept at Home week! of Mrs. Stevens, No. 8 Hancock street. Young people’s meeting at 4 p. m. Mrs. G. P. Dutton, who is spending the Thursday afternoon, in Army hall. Other are in constant of loss lire. Then, too. if you are known in danger by ■vinter in Augusta, is in the city for a few meetings the hall Thursday and Satur- t,. have in the house, it is a constant to thieves. money temptation lays. day at 8 p. m. Sunday services at Bay- Ilou much better to place your savings in the care of a trustworthy side grange hall, 10.30 a. in.; Army hall, institution like ttie Eastern Trust, where you not receive Mrs. Hiram Leavenseller, of Orrington, sword E. only 3 Mrs. Bimmer, bearer; George Davis, A BAD FIRE. but constant semi-annu- s the of her Mrs. F. W. p. ra., topical meeting, leader, absolute protection, interest, compounded guest niece, warden. F. W. Billington, who was Our methods make f >r Capt. Scott; evening at 7.30. al iy. by-mail banking easy everybody. Rollins. appointed sentinel, being out of the city, Rowe Carriage Factory Badly Dam- The Odd Fellows’ L. F. are district convention was not Giles and Harry W. Haynes installed. Music was furnished aged Friday Night. will take place Friday of this getting out lumber for a camp to be built week. during the evening by the male quartet Eastern Trust & There will be afternoon and The carriage factory of Elmer E. Rowe Banking Co., it Beech Hill pond, Otis. evening and by Tito, Rossello pianist. After the BANQOR, flAINE. Branches at Old Town and Marhlaa. 1 sessions, with suppers at 6 o’clock and on School street was badly damaged M. Y. Me Gown and have installation dancing was enjoyed with by family moved In the midnight. afternoon the initiatory music fire last with a ;o the Stratton house on Lincoln street, by Kelley’s orchestra, of Bar Har- Friday night, together degree will be exemplified by Grindstone bor. I ^ osOl TO? I racated by Henry L. Russell. large number of carriages and sleighs, lodge, of Winter Harbor, and the first and valuable The members of the F. F. E. club will degree by Island lodge, of Bar Harbor. ELLSWORTH REUNION. patterns. entertain a of friends at C. party Embert In the evening Bluehill lodge will work The fire started about 10 o’clock, near at Patten’s this even- All t( Osgood’s camp pond the second degree and Bangor lodge the Indications Point to the Big- the front of the building. The wood- ing. third. gest Ever”. working room was in that end of the Little Charlotte Boston, Feb. 22 — The a Whitcomb celebrated The funeral of Mrs. Sarah E. Partridge (special) gather- building, and large amount of inflam- her sixth last afternoon ing at the fifth annual reunion of the Ells- mable material afforded birthday Monday took place at her home on Main street the fire rapid worth reunion association next by entertaining a number of her little last Friday afternoon, Rev. S. W. Sutton Friday progress. friends. evening in Paul Revere Mechanics’ The front of officiating. There was a very large attend- hall, part the building was fire: insurance: building, promises to be the and Seth T. Campbell and wife, of Island ance of relatives and friends. Among largest practically gutted, but the back part was most representative ever held. not Falls, were in Ellsworth last week, to relatives present from out of town were: badly damaged. Many sleighs in the in of established I can offer at the lowest rates. More than a score who have never at- companies reputation you kttend the funeral of Mrs. Sarah E. Mrs. Maria Howell and Mrs. C. A. Lyon, repository, which occupied the entire tended one of these reunions Partridge. of Bangor, and Seth T. Campbell and delightful northern half of the building, were com- O. W. TAPLEV, Mo. are Ellsworth, coming to Boston from other towns for pletely destroyed, and those in the rear Fullerton Merrill and wife, of Bangor, wife, of Island Falls. The pall-bearers — — no other reason than to the INSURANCE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS w’ere A. John join happy were badly damaged. were guests yesterday of Harry L. Crabtree George Parcher, P. El- throng on Friday evening. Mr. Rowe estimates his loss at about and wife. Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. Crabtree dridge, A. W. Greely and A. I. Saunders. There will be from near- guests all the |4,000. There was an insurance of |3,200 are sisters. Harry Graves, of Lamoine, recently held by cities of Massachusetts, from all parts on building and stock. Hollis C. of with his under fl,000 bonds on the charge of arson Joy, Boston, wife, of Hancock county, and from several other The origin of the fire is unknown. There it that he set fire to the ind Mrs. C. H. Knox, of Chester, Mass., being alleged barn states. Real Estate and was a stove in the wood-working shop Insurance of Fred M. Austin came to attend the funeral of their at North Lamoine, will father, The reunion committee wishes the Ells- some distance back from the front doors, Lfelvin P. have to furnish an additional fl,000 to Joy. worth food fair only the best of luck, but but from the appearance of the charred secure his release from the county jail. A. I. Richardson has opened hi9 new hopes a good many of the present resi- woodwork, the fire seems to have started C.'W. & F. L. MASON Another charge of the same kind, accusing grocery store in the building erected by dents of Ellsworth will take advantage of close to the front doors. him fire to the of of setting barn Capt. railroad FOR him on upper Main street, adjoining the the special rates and will be wdth The Rowe carriage was estab- SALE John O. has been factory Kief, preferred against their old frfends on the 25th. Thu ‘.*tngton Farm, situated on the Surry Hoad about 2 miles from Ellsworth. 2 1-2 story soap factory building. lish sd some thirty-six years ago, and is v him. cause was ho ,- th ell. 10 finished rooms, larjre barn, well fitted. Wood shed, carriage house, Saturday probable found, E. hennery, the farewell last Mrs. C. Bullard, president of the well known throughout eastern Maine* all i- <i repair Ab -ut so acres ol land, large of which is In good condition lor cultivation. Among parties given and he was bound over on this part charge for is a in Cu -«• ns ot hay which could be doubled. Large wood lot. Would make a beautiful week to the RussMls before their association, great believer coming This is the first fire loss it has ever suffered. easily depar- the term under bonds.