
Selbyana 24(1): 105-1 1 1. 2003.

Institute of Sciences, University of Gottingen, Untere Karspiile 2, 37073 Gottingen, Germany .

The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA 98505, USA

Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Gottingen, Untere Karspiile 2, 37073 Gottingen, Germany.

Botanical Institute, University of Greifswald, Grimmerstr. 88, 17487 Greifswald, Germany. NICOLENOSKE Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum, Free University of Berlin, Konigin-Luise-Str. 6-8, 14191 Berlin, Germany.

ABSTRACT. A protocol for rapid and representative sampling of vascular and non-vascular (ex- cluding epiphylls) is presented for one hectare of tropical rain forest, including montane forest. We estimate that the inventory and morphospecies recognition (excluding species identification) can be camed out in approximately 2 weeks by a team of six persons, three specialists (one each for vascular , bryophytes, and ) and three field assistants.

Key words: , epiphytes, minimum sample size, non-vascular epiphytes, sampling, species diversity, tropical rain forest

The value of epiphytes also is exemplified by their usefulness as ecological indicators of cli- The enormous diversity of epiphytes, both mate and forest types (Benzing 1990, Frahm & vascular plants (e.g., orchids, bromeliads, aroids, Gradstein 1990, Nadkarni & Solano 2002). Non- ) and non-vascular plants (, liver- vascular epiphytes and "atmospheric" vascular worts, lichens), is one of the most striking char- epiphytes are indicators of microclimate and en- acteristics of tropical wet lowland and montane vironmental quality, as their growth forms and forests. This feature distinguishes these forests physiology make them sensitive to changes in from most temperate forests (Catling & Lefko- the environment (Benzing 1990, Bates & Farmer vitch 1989, Cornelissen & ter Steege 1989, Gen- 1992, Nash 1996, Shaw & Goffinet 2000). Non- try & Dodson 1987, Nadkarni et al. 2001, Nied- vascular plants lack the protective cuticle that er et al. 1999). Epiphytes play a key role in eco- vascular plants have, which allows the free en- system-level interactions in tropical wet forests, trance of solutions, gases, and minerals to the especially in the processes that affect the water living cells of the plants. balance and nutrient cycles of the forest (Coxson As they often live high up in the canopy, epi- & Nadkarni 1995). They are a major source of phytes frequently have been overlooked or un- food and for birds, mammals, amphibi- ans, and reptiles, and offer shelter to a variety derstudied in rain forest studies, because of dif- of invertebrates and microorganisms (Remsen & ficulties of access. These limitations have been Parker 1984, Nadkarni & Matelson 1989). largely overcome by the development of tech- niques for access into the canopy (Mitchell 1982, Lowman & Nadkarni 1995, Mitchell et al. * Corresponding author. 2002). Although many vascular epiphytes may 106 SELBYANA Volume 24(1) 2003 be spotted and identified from some distance, 240 1 Est inventories based solely on observations from the ground will be incomplete and biased, as many small species growing in the canopy can- not be detected from the forest floor. Unless freshly logged are available, inventory of the canopy must be conducted with access from -climbing, cranes, or balloons. Documenting the diversity of epiphytes re- quires uniform, repeatable sampling methods. Haphazard collecting gives a rough impression number of plots of the species richness of a forest, but it does not provide robust data for comparing biodiver- FIGURE1. Species accumulation curves and esti- sity of different . Historically several mated total number of species (Est) of vascular epi- methods have been used (McCune 1990, Shaw phytes in three 1 ha plots in a montane forest of Bo- & Bergstrom 1997, Nieder & Zotz 1998), but livia (after Kriimer 2003), using the MMMeans rich- ness estimator (Colwell & Coddington 1995). In each they have not been widely accepted by the can- hectare plot, up to eight trees were sampled, as was a opy research community. The need for standard- 20 X 20-m plot around each sampled tree. ized sampling of tropical epiphytes was dis- cussed at the Second International Workshop on Tropical Canopy Research of the European Sci- 200 1, Flores-Palacios & Garcia-Franco 200 1, ence Foundation held at Ulm in 1995. The pa- Rauer & Rudolph 2001). Recent studies indicate pers that came out of that meeting (Gradstein et that the MMS of vascular epiphytes is relatively al. 1996) were a first step toward developing a small. About 80% of the total estimated number uniform method for sampling. of vascular epiphyte species in 1 ha of Bolivian In this paper, we present a standard protocol montane forests was tallied by sampling eight for vascular and non-vascular epiphyte sampling trees and a 20 X 20 m plot around each tree in tropical wet forests, including montane for- (Kromer 2003) (FIGURE1). About half of the ests. These methods were prepared in the frame- vascular epiphyte species of a 4000 km2 region work of the Global Canopy Programme (GCP), in Mexico was found in 0.5 ha of forest (Hietz following the recommendations of the GCP & Hietz-Seifert 1995a); and ca. 50% of the spe- workshop held in Gottingen, Germany, on 24- cies of the valley of Sehuencas, Bolivia, oc- 25 February 2002 (Secoy 2002). The protocol is curred in less than 0.1 ha (Ibisch 1996). Eng- designed for Rapid and Representative Analysis wald (1999) recorded ca. 50% of the species of of Epiphyte Diversity (RRED-analysis) within a 0.1 ha of montane forest in La Carbonera, Ve- I-ha plot of forest. It is largely based on the nezuela, in 0.01 ha. research experiences of the authors in tropical The MMS of bryophytes is significantly America (Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecua- smaller than that of vascular plants. Sampling of dor, French Guiana, Guyana, and Panama). 3-5 trees yielded 75-80% of total bryophyte di- RRED-analysis pertains to the inventory of versity of a tropical forest stand (Gradstein vascular and non-vascular epiphytes of 1 ha of 1992, 1996, Acebey et al. 2003). The MMS of homogeneous forest. It is carried out by a team lichens, however, is larger than that of bryo. of six persons, three specialists (one each for phytes (Sipman 1996, Komposch & Hafellne~ vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens) and 2000) and may be similar to that of vascula three field assistants. The protocol for non-vas- epiphytes. cular epiphytes focuses on corticolous, bark-in- Based on the available information on spe. habiting epiphytes. For sampling of epiphyllous cies-area relationships, we propose to samplr species, see Liicking and Liicking (1996). eight mature canopy trees within a 1-ha plot oj forest for RRED-analysis for vascular epiphyte! and lichens, along with five trees for bryophytes We also recommend sampling the epiphyte di Sampling Design and Tree Selection versity on treelets and shrubs in a 20 X 20 n area around each selected tree (see below). Thl Species-accumulation curves, based on the completeness of the sampling may be checkec number of epiphyte species recorded against the by means of species-accumulation curves and, number of trees sampled, provide information species-richness estimator (Colwell & Codding on minimum sample size (MSS) (Gradstein ton 1995) (FIGURES1, 2). Herzog and his col 1992, Wolf 1993, Hietz & Wolf 1996, Shaw & leagues tested the accuracy of different richnes Bergstrom 1997, Annaselvam & Parthasarathy estimators, including ACE, ICE, Chaol, Chao, GRADSTEIN ET AL.: SAMPLING EPIPHYTE DIVERSITY

ORCH PTER Est Est 0 0 +

number of plots FIGURE2. Species accumulation curves and estimated total number of species (Est) of orchids (ORCH) and ferns (PTER) on eight trees (diamond), on shrubs and treelets in eight 20 X 20-m understory plots (square), and on the trees, shrubs, and treelets taken together (circle) in a montane forest of Bolivia (after Kromer 2003).

MMMeans, and MMRuns, in a study of species Sampling of Trees richness of tropical bird communities and found that the most accurate estimation of total species Representative sampling of the epiphyte di- richness was obtained by using the MMMeans versity of tropical rain forests requires sampling of whole trees, from the base to the outer can- richness estimator (for details, see Colwell 1997, opy. Trees may be ascended using the single Herzog et al. 2002). rope technique (SRT) (Perry 1978). Ground- Trees in close vicinity of each other tend to based inventory (GBI), using binoculars and have a similar epiphyte flora resulting from the sampling of fallen branches, is inadequate to as- clumped distribution of many epiphyte species sess the diversity of the epiphyte communities (Hietz & Hietz-Seifert 1995b, Sipman 1996, (Gradstein 1992, Flores-Palacios & Garcia-Fran- Engwald 1999, Nieder et al. 2000). Thus trees co 2001). Using SRT, Kromer (2003) recorded standing well apart (separated by at least 25 m) more species of vascular epiphytes-including and with crowns not overlapping should be se- three times as many orchids-in one 20 X 20 m lected for species richness estimates. Trees at plot of mountain forest than did Sugden and forest margins should be avoided because of po- Robins (1979) in fourteen 10 X I0 m plots using tential microclimatic edge effects. To maximize GBI. In a Mexican oak forest, 20% more species the information on species richness, preferably were found using STR than by using GBI (Flo- the oldest or largest trees (with the largest res Palacios & Garcia-Franco 2001). Sampling trunks) should be selected. These trees are usu- of the forest canopy by SRT is particularly im- ally richest in epiphyte species because of their portant for assessment of orchid (FIGURE2) and large and highly diversified crowns; they also non-vascular epiphyte diversity. About 50% of have been available for establishment by epi- the bryophyte species of the rain forest may be phytes during the longest period of time (Hietz restricted to the canopy (Gradstein 1992, Grad- & Hietz-Seifert 1995a, Shaw & Bergstrom 1997, stein et al. 2001b), and 60% of orchid species Zotz et al. 1999, Kromer 2003). in Bolivian montane forest can be exclusive to Many studies have shown that bark and can- the tree crowns (Kromer 2003). In a Venezuelan opy structure can have a strong influence on spe- lowland rain forest, 87% of corticolous lichens cies composition of epiphytes. Trees with rough occurred exclusively above 2 m height on the bark have epiphyte species that those with trees (Johannson zones 2-5, see below; Kom- smooth bark lack (Cornelissen & ter Steege posch & Hafellner 2000). 1989, ter Steege & Cornelissen 1989). Trees To analyze species richness, we subdivided with oblique canopy branches tend to collect trees into the following five vertical zones ac- less detritus than thick horizontal branches, cording to Johansson (1974) (FIGURE3): which in turn may affect epiphyte community composition and abundance (Ingram & Nadkar- Zone 1. Basal part of trunk (0-2 m high); ni 1993). For these reasons, we sampled tree Zone 2. Trunk up to the first ramification species that differed in these respects. Tree sam- and excluding isolated branches originating on pling can be achieved by visual selection and by the trunk zone. Following Longman and Jenik sampling of tree species belonging to different (1987) and others (e.g., ter Steege & Cornelissen genera or families. We recommend that not more 1989, Ek et al. 1997, Engwald 1999), zone 2 is than half of the selected trees belong to the same subdivided into a humid lower part of the trunk species or genus (Kromer 2003). (zone 2a) and a dryer upper part (zone 2b); SELBYANA Volume 24(1) 2003

scored by presence-absence of species in each Johansson zone and in the understory plots. Out- er canopy branches too fragile to be climbed can be cut, carefully lowered to the ground with ropes, and sampled on the ground (ter Steege & Cornelissen 1988, 1989). Species diversity of bryophytes and lichens. because of their small size, are scored by ana- lyzing small plots within each Johansson zone. Plots- in zones 1-3 are 30 cm X 20 cm (6 dm2 total) randomly positioned at each cardinal direction (N, W, S, E). Plots in zones 4-5 are 60 cm long (total surface depending on branch diameter) positioned on the upper surface (three plots) and the lower surface (two plots) of the branch (Holz et al. 2001). Plots in zones 4-5 usually are studied from cut-off or naturally fall- en branches on the ground. Each species of bryophyte and is collected in a separately labelled paper bag, and studies can be conducted in the field or in the laboratory.

Sampling Shrubs and Treelets The epiphyte flora on shrubs and treelets growing in the shaded understory of the forest usually differs from that of large canopy trees (Shaw & Bergstrom 1997, Gradstein et al. FIGURE3. Subdivision of the tree into vertical 2001b, Kromer 2003). About 20% of the vas- zones after Johansson (1974) and ter Steege and Cor- cular epiphyte species recorded in 1 ha of mon- nelissen (1989). tane forest (including many species of Pepero- mia and hemiepiphytic aroids and ferns but few species of orchids and bromeliads) occurred ex- Zone 3. Basal part of the large branches, up clusively on shrubs and treelets (Kromer 2003; to the second ramifications (about a third of total FIGURE2). Therefore, understory shrubs and branch length); treelets (< 10 m in height) within a 20 X 20 m Zone 4. Second third of branch length; and area around each sample tree also are sampled. This area corresponds to the plot size commonly Outer third of branch length. Zone 5. used in floristic inventories in tropical montane These zones, used frequently in epiphyte re- forests (e.g., Van Reenen & Gradstein 1983, Van search, are a useful approach for analysis of ver- der Hammen & Ruiz 1984, Kessler & Bach tical diversification of epiphyte communities 1999). Vascular epiphytes on shrubs and treelets (e.g., Cornelissen & ter Steege 1989, ter Steege may be inventoried using collecting poles and & Cornelissen 1989, Wolf 1993, Ibisch 1996, Ek binoculars. This approach also may be used for et al. 1997, Nieder & Zotz 1998, Engwald 1999, analysis of trees in secondary forests that are too Freiberg 1999, Kromer 2003). The scheme is fragile to be climbed safely (Kromer 2003). based on tree structure and conspicuous differ- ences in epiphyte community composition, al- Ecological Parameters though each Johansson zone may not coincide with distinguishable epiphyte communities A single tree represents many different micro- (Nieder & Zotz 1998). The three principal com- climates and substrates for epiphytes in "a phys- munities of vascular epiphytes of the rain forest ical mosaic" (Benzing 1995). To document the occur in zones 1-2, zone 3, and zones 4-5. habitat of the epiphytes, researchers measure the These communities differ in species richness following characteristics of the host tree: 1) tree (low in 1-2, high in 3-5), biomass (low in 1-2 height (using a clinometer and measuring tape); and 4-5, high in 3), and frequence of succulence 2) tree diameter at breast height (dbh or 1.3 m (low in 1-3, high in 4-5) (Kelly 1985, ter Steege above the ground) or height above buttresses, if & Cornelissen 1989). present; and 3) general architectural form of the Species diversity of vascular epiphytes is host tree (Hall6 1995). For non-vascular epi- GRADSTEIN ET AL.: SAMPLING EPIPHYTE DIVERSITY 109

phytes, other important characteristics include 4) tropical crustose lichens. For RRED analysis, plot height above ground; 5) inclination, cardi- therefore, it may be necessary to exclude the nal direction, and diameter of branch; 6) bark microlichens. texture (smooth, rough, scaling); and 7) thick- ness of arboreal soil. Measurements of other Time Frame physical parameters, such as light, moisture con- tent of bark, and pH of bark, are beyond the RRED analysis of vascular and non-vascular scope of RRED-analysis. epiphytes, including preliminary identification of morphospecies but excluding full species Assessing Species Richness and Abundance identification, can be completed in 14 days by i six persons, three specialists (one each for vas- Species richness of epiphytes is determined cular plants, bryophytes, and lichens), and three by means of enumerating presence-absence. field assistants. Tree analysis consumes 8 days Abundance is determined by the number of trees (1-2 days per tree), and processing of collec- or plots in which a species occurs. Estimation of tions and identification of morphospecies takes cover of species is time-consuming and 6 days. The proposed RRED-analysis may be- therefore omitted in RRED-analysis. Epiphyte come the standard protocol for rapid and repre- volume and biomass, critical for studies of eco- sentative sampling of vascular and non-vascular system processes (e.g., water and nutrient cy- epiphytes. cling) but laborious to measure, are not dis- cussed here (see Van Leerdam et al. 1990, ln- gram & Nadkarni 1993, Wolf 1993, Hietz & Hietz-Seifert 1995a). This sampling protocol was written in the framework of the Global Canopy Programme, Identification GCP (www.globalcanopy.org). We are grateful I to Andrew Mitchell, Director of the GGP, Dr. Taxonomic specialists often are needed to William Foster, and two anonymous reviewers identify plants to species, especially in species- for their helpful comments on the manuscript. rich groups and for those poorly known taxo- This project was supported by grants from the nomically. Notetaking in the field on growth German Research Foundation (DFG 1588/3, habit, morphology, and flower colors of living 1588/5), the German Academic Exchange Ser- plants is essential to support efficient identifi- vice (DAAD), the A.EW. Schimper Foundation, cation of vascular epiphytes. For orchids, Aow- and the National Science Foundation (DEB 99- ers should be collected in 70% alcohol. Collec- 74035). tions should include mature sterile plants, since these can be divided into morphospecies. Some of the sterile material can be cultivated, which may result in positive identification. Many epi- Acebey, A., S.R. Gradstein and T. Kromer. 2003. Spe- phytic plants can be easily removed from the cies diversity and habitat diversification of epi- substrate and transplanted. Survival rate of such phytic bryophytes in submontane forest and fal- transplants is usually high when the plants are lows in Bolivia. J. Trop. Ecol. 19: 9-18. well-protected against desiccation. Flowering of Annaselvam, J. and N. Parthasarathy. 2001. Diversity cultivated orchids usually occurs within a few and distribution of herbaceous vascular epiphytes months after transplantation but can take up to in a tropical evergreen forest at Varagalaiar, West- ern Ghats, India. Biodivers. & Conserv. 10: 317- a year for larger plants, such as bromeliads. 329. When fieldwork does not extend over a period Bates, J.W. and A.W. Farmer. 1992. Bryophytes and of several months, staff at a local field station Lichens in a Changing Environment. Clarendon may be enlisted to maintain the living collection Press, Oxford, U.K. over a longer period of time (Hietz & Wolf Benzing, D.H. 1990. The Biology of Vascular Epi- 1996). phytes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Although genera and morphospecies of U.K. bryophytes and lichens can frequently be rec- . 1995. The physical mosaic and plant variety ognized in the field with a handlens, micro- in forest canopies. Selbyana 16: 159-168. Catling, P.M. and L.P. Lefkovitch. 1989. Associations scopic analysis usually is required for species of vascular epiphytes in a Guatemalan cloud for- identification. Identification manuals are avail- est. Biotropica 21: 35-40. able for tropical bryophytes (e.g., Gradstein et Colwell, R.K. 1997. ESTIMATES: Statistical estima- al. 2001a) and macrolichens (H. Sipman un- tion of species richness and shared species publ. data: www.bgbm.fuberlin.de/BGBM/ from samples, version 5. [Online]. http://viceroy. staff/wiss/sipman/keys), but are lacking for eeb.uconn.edulEstimateS 110 SELBYANA Volume 24(1) 2003

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