official organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists See Your Church Clerk for Recorder Address Change On August 1 a new procedure is being implemented which will result in more accurate mailing 7 of the Recorder. On and after that date all changes of address and other changes affecting mail- ' ing of the Recorder will be han- dled by local church clerks. PACIFIC UNION In the past, changes regarding ARIZONA • • HAWAII • NEVADA • UTAH mailing of the Recorder have been reported by those concerned to local conference offices, then VOL. 67 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, JULY 24, 1967 NO. 3 to the Recorder office. After Au- gust 1 all changes will be made by the local church clerks on special cards and sent directly to Annual Offering for Indian Work to Be Received July 29 the Recorder office. If you desire to make a change This year the annual offering for the benefit of our Indian friends will be of address regarding the Re- taken on Sabbath, July 29, in all our churches. These funds are used primarily corder after August 1, contact to help subsidize and support two projects—the Navajo Indian Mission School at your local church clerk. That Holbrook, Arizona, where 125 Indian boys and girls attend this boarding junior person will be able to handle academy to receive a Christian education; and the Monument Valley Mission and your request with both prompt- Hospital in Utah, where medical and dental services are made available to these ness and efficiency. folk on the reservation. The Editor. It is gratifying to realize that many of the young people now in our Navajo Mission School come from homes where the fathers and mothers are former stu- dents of this mission school, and these young people are accepting the Christian way of life and joining the church by baptism. Bible Correspondence Schools The Monument Valley Mission Hospital has made a lasting contribution Win Souls for the Kingdom toward raising the health standards of these Indian families. Nearly 5,000 babies "I believe the Sabbath to be Saturday have been born at the hospital, and the parents have been provided with a good and I hope to join the Seventh-day Ad- supply of food and clothing when they returned to their hogans. Where formerly ventist Church soon. I have been attend- a large percentage of Navajo babies died during early infancy, now statistics reveal ing the Adventist Church for the past that a large percentage of these babies survive. This contribution in itself has fully several months." justified the establishment of this little hospital. Is that the testimony of a person who With the dental clinic now in full operation by the Lorna Linda University has had a Seventh-day Adventist minister Evangelism in both the and Europe School of Dentistry, a greater contribution toward the over-all health of our Indian studying the truths of with will benefit as a result of a special concert by friends will be possible. her for many months? the young men pictured above who are known as These two mission projects are worthy of our fullest support, and I invite you Not at all. Those are the words of a the Wedgwood Trio. As a result of their concert to help with a liberal offering on Sabbath, July 29. Warm clothing and food are lady who has completed Lesson 22 of the appearance at the Lynwood Auditorium, 4100 Bible Correspondence Imperial Highway, Lynwood, on Sunday, August 6 also always needed and accepted by these mission stations. May I thank you for (see Southern California section for full infor- the good offering I know you will provide. ALVIN G. MUNSON. Course. No minister of the faith, or a mation), a youth evangelism crusade in London layman for that matter, has been in her and special youth evangelism programs in southern home. California will benefit. The singing group is now She, like many others, has been quietly associated with the Voice of Prophecy. Thanks for Nothing Honorary Degree Is Given to That which is nothing to us is some- W. A. Fagal by Andrews studying the Word of God at her own pace, A Good Suggestion for Easy thing very worth while to many of our while the weekly sermons of Elder H. M. The honorary degree of Doctor of Di- S. Richards bring direction and comfort Payment of the School Bills workers and believers overseas. For exam- vinity was conferred on Pastor W. A. September and school registration come ple, the used Sabbath School Lesson Quar- to her heart. Fagal of Faith for Today at Andrews Uni- Scores of persons throughout the Pa- altogether too quickly. How difficult it is terlies that you are through with become versity during commencement exercises to find all that money to complete the something really worth while. Also, the cific Union Conference are today studying May 28. Dr. Richard Hammill, univer- the truth-filled lessons of the Voice of registration for Johnnie and Mary! Review and Herald, Youth's Instructor, sity president who conferred the degree, I would like to invite you to try this Guide, and almost any other literature is Prophecy and Faith for Today Bible cor- respondence schools. Their testimony is plan for a change: most useful. Send one-third to the school in July. I have a letter from Harriet E. Duns- seldom read by others than those who Send one-third to the school in August. more, director of nurses, Seoul Sanitarium grade their lessons. Fver, day the lessons come to the cor- It's a lot easier to have the last third and Hospital, P.O. Box 1243, Seoul, Ko- by the time school begins, and it doesn't rea, expressing grateful and deep appre- respondence school staffs. Every day gi- seem nearly so difficult to finance your ciation for any and all of these items. gantic decisions to break evil habits, change a day of worship, or let God answer diffi- school bills. You see, they study the lessons just cult problems are made. Then you have the whole first semester about six months after we do, so please Back of it all is a church member who to be sending in funds for the second continue to send these items. invited someone to enroll in the Bible semester. As far as the picture rolls are concerned, Correspondence School. It's so much easier to pay those school these are most valued by our overseas Maybe that church member was you. bills this way. Why don't you try this brethren and sisters in their Sabbath school If so, thank you for caring enough to en- plan for a change? community out-reach program. Your local roll that good lady. You may meet her in ALVIN G. MUNSON. conference Sabbath school secretary sends the Kingdom of God one day soon! you a pre-addressed label. The entire HERBERT FORD. Order Uniforms Now world field is divided on a "pool" basis so Dr. Richard Hammill confers the honorary degree Attention, all Master Guides and Path- that all of the fields are served. Please be of Doctor of Divinity upon Pastor William A. Fagal, finder leaders! This concerns your official sure to send the used picture roll to the speaker and director of the Faith for Today tele- cast. Master Guide or counselor's uniform. place specified on your picture roll label. If you expect to be in style by Septem- Again, for that which is nothing to us stated that Doctor Fagal's years of televi- ber or October, you need to get your uni- but which becomes a great blessing and sion ministry (seventeen to date, plus six Spotlight • Evangelism form order in as soon as possible. If for any tremendous asset in the soul-winning pro- reason you let the summer slip by without years of radio ministry) were only part Fairfield is covered with literature in gram overseas, they say thank you a great of the reason for the honor. ordering your uniform and wait until Sep- deal. CLARENCE C. KOTT. "Macedonian Adventuring" program. — tember, when Pathfindering starts in real Citing statistics relating to Pastor Fa- Page 3. earnest, you may not receive your uniform facturer will go into production. gal's fruitful ministry, President Hammill • until December or January. You may also For more information and order blanks, added: "The spiritual influence of Doctor A call for volunteers to begin the work find that the cost of uniforms has risen. write or call: Mills Enterprises, 4810 La Fagal's Christian witness enters multiplied in South San Francisco.—Page 4. One other reason for this urgent request Sierra Avenue, Riverside, California 92- thousands of homes and has influenced an • to order is the necessity for a minimum 505. Telephone: 714 689-2773. untold number to make a commitment to Southern provides Good Neighbor Camp order of 300 uniforms before the manu- HARRY GARLICK. Christ." GORDON F. DALRYMPLE. for boys from needy homes.—Page 6. Lester Park, Kathryn Fisher Southeastern Students Take Join Education Department Three Temperance Awards Two new workers have been called to All three awards given by the American the educational department, Lester E. Temperance Society this year in the Na- Park, who has been principal at Orange- tional Essay contest were captured by stu- POSTMASTER: All notices should be sent to wood Academy since 1958, and Miss Kath- dents from Southeastern California acad- PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, Box 36, Angwin, ryn M. Fisher, who emies. California 94508. has been principal and New Assistant Appointed in Their essays were first presented in the teacher at Burlingame, the Publishing Department conference contest where they received EDITOR Herbert Ford first prizes and were then forwarded as California, since 1965. Samuel V. Cornell has become assistant MANAGING EDITOR Margaret Follett winners on to Washington, D.C., to com- ASSISTANT EDITORS R R. Bietz, Mr. Park will be- publishing secretary directing the student pete with winners from academies all over A. G. Munson, W. D. Walton come an associate ed- literature evangelist program during the EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Ruth Wright North America. The ucational superintend- summer and then to be responsible for the essays may also be used ent to Elder Paul Wip- regular literature evangelists next fall in PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, official organ later as articles in the perman. His primary portions of Riverside and Orange counties. of the Pacific Unicfn Conference of Seventh-day Listen magazine. responsibilities will be Mr. and Mrs. Cornell have come to Adventists (Box 146), 1545 North Verdugo Road, For her essay, "I Glendale, California, is published weekly, fifty with secondary super- Southeastern from the Southern Califor- Am a Sugar Plum issues a year, at Angwin, Ca'ifornia. Second- vision, .evaluation, and Lester E. Park Fairy," Margaret Wie- class postage is paid at Angwin, California. coordination. land of San Pasqual He entered church educational work in SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Two dollars per year. Academy received the 1952 as a teacher and principal at Brake- first award of $35. worth Junior Academy, Birmingham, Ala- Margaret is the daugh- ADDRESS CHANGES should be sent promptly bama. In 1956 he became principal at t ter of former mission- to PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, Box 36, An- Jacksonville Junior Academy, Jacksonville, Margaret Wieland aries, Elder and Mrs. gwin, California 94508, giving, both the old Florida. He moved to California in 1958. and the new addresses with Zip numbers. R. J. Wieland, of Banning. She was born Mr. Park received a Bachelor's degree in Africa. A senior at San Pasqual Acad- emy, she was reported to be a good student, PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE — R. R. Bietz, in religion, history, and education from president; Alvin G. Munson, treasurer; W. D. Southern Missionary College in 1952 and active in the student body, and played first Walton, secretary; (Box 146) 1545 North a Master's degree in secondary school ad- flute in the school band. Verdugo Road, Glendale, California 91209. ministration from La Sierra College in Enid A. Stilson from Loma Linda Acad- Citrus 1-5173. 1964. emy won the second prize check of $25 ARIZONA CONFERENCE — Walter D. Blehm, He and his wife, Betty, have three chil- for her essay, "Green president; Orville 0. Butler, secretary-treas- dren—Dennis, who is a ministerial intern Gold." This is Enid's urer; (Box 10097) 2601 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85016. Phone 277-5773: in Southeastern California; Ted, a student second time to win in at Pacific Union College; and Kathryn the contest as she was CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE — Elmer Ann, three. the first award winner R. Weide, president; M. C. Torkelsen, secre- last year. She is the tary; R. L. Stretter, treasurer; (Box 580) 1691 Miss Fisher will be the elementary su- The Alameda, San Jose, California 95106. pervisor replacing Miss daughter of Dr. and CYpress 7-1584. Elaine Schander who Mrs. Donald Stilson, both physicians at Lo- HAWAIIAN MISSION—A. G. Streifling, presi- has become an instruc- dent; Mun On Chang, secretary-treasurer; ma Linda. Her parents tor at Atlantic Union Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Cornell (Box 4037, Zip Code 96812) 1026 South King College. WO are former mission- St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96814. Phone 64-436. nia Conference where he was a regular aries to Africa and she Beginning as an Enid Stilson NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE—D. E. Dirksen, -elenientary teacher at literature evangelist. He had gone to was born there in president; Gerald Lashier, secretary-treasurer; Brewster, Washington, Southern last fall from Southeastern. Mr. Kenya. Enid is also a good student and (Box 1470) 1095 East Taylor Street, Reno, Cornell served in Southeastern since 1962. was graduated from Loma Linda Academy Nevada 89505. FAirview 2-6929. in 1957, Miss Fisher has taught in our He began his literature evangelism in this year. She loves music and is an ac- NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE— church schools in Her- Southern earlier that year. complished clarinetist. Enid will attend James E. Chase, president; E. A. Schmidt, miston, Oregon; Scotts- Before entering the Lord's work, Mr. Pacific Union College this fall to major in treasurer; Stuart Jayne, secretary; (Box 149) biology and chemistry and thinks she may 1811 Eleventh Avenue, Oakland, California dale, Arizona; and Col- Cornell had attended three years at Fresno 94604. KEllog 4-1710. lege Place, Washington. She was a dem- State College and for several years was a study medicine later. onstration teacher at Walla Walla College. private detective in Hollywood. He has Judy Kay Lamberton got much of the SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE— two sons, Fred and Sam. Both are serving material for her essay, "Opium," firsthand J. W. Osborn, president; H. E. Schneider, Miss Fisher received a Bachelor of Sci- treasurer; (Box 7584) 9717 Magnolia Avenue, in the armed forces in Korea. when she was with her parents as mission- Riverside, alifornia 92503. OVerland 9-1350. ence degree in education from Walla Walla Mrs. Cornell, the former Ann Haradin, aries in Thailand. Her father, Dr. Marshall College in 1965 and is currently working was graduated from Walla Walla College Clark Lamberton, a SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE—H. C. on her Master's degree at the La Sierra Retzer, president; Harold L. Calkins, execu- and this past year was a teacher at Glen- dentist, returned from tive secretary; Albert Hamra, treasurer; campus of Loma Linda University. dale Academy. there with his family (Box 969) 1535 East Chevy Chase Drive, We are confident these two workers We wish the Cornells God's richest about two years ago. Glendale, California 91209. Citrus 3-6231. will add strength to the educational pro- blessings as they join our literature evan- They would like to re- gram of our conference. gelism staff. JOHN W. OSBORN. turn to Thailand next Wills, trust agreements, and annuities should year. Judy's essay re- JOHN W. OSBORN. be made in favor of the legal association Mrs. Busching to Serve Azure ports a true experience I rather than the conference. Write your con- ference secretary-treasurer fcr the exact name. Hills as Bible Instructor happening to her fam- Mrs. Tressie G. Busching has accepted ily while in Thailand. • an invitation to become a Bible instructor Judy has been a stu- in the Southeastern I dent this year at Red- SUINISIET TABLE Judy Kay Lamberton California Conference lands Junior Academy to serve at the Azure where she was a tenth grader and a good (Daylight Saving Time in Arizona, California, and DON'T Hills Church. student. Judy is also musical; she plays Nevada.) Pay Your Bills Mrs. Busching comes the piano. Friday, July 28 to Southeastern from All of us are proud of these three stu- Angwin 8:24 Riverside 7:54 With God's Money the Southern Califor- dents and many others who participated Chico 8:24 San Diego 7:51 nia Conference where in the temperance contests this year. Their • Eureka 8:37 San Jose 8:19 she has been serving work has provided all of us with up-to-date Fresno 8:10 Phoenix 8:32 in the Los Angeles material on this modern social problem Lodi 8:19 Reno 8:16 PUT GOD FIRST Loma Linda 7:54 Salt Lake City 7:48 area since 1957. She that will help to keep many from falling Los Angeles 7:58 Hilo 6:59 had previously served into the temptation to try something new. Tressie G. Busching Oakland 8:22 Honolulu 7:13 as a Bible instructor at M. V. JACOBSON. Friday, August 4 Hood River, Oregon. Before entering de- Angwin 8:17 Riverside 7:48 nominational service she was a nurse aide Chico 8:17 San Diego 7:45 and in other types of seasonal employment Eureka 8:29 San Jose 8:13 All changes of address for the Recorder adio's Finest Hour in Hood River. Fresno 8:03 Phoenix 8:26 are handled by your local church clerk. If We wish Mrs. Busching God's blessing Lodi 8:12 Reno 8:09 you desire a change in the mailing of the /DICE OF PROPHECY Loma Linda 7:48 Salt Lake City 7:40 as she takes up her new responsibilities Los Angeles 7:51 Hilo 6:55 Recorder, contact the church clerk. Your in the Azure Hills area. with Oakland 8:15 Honolulu 7:09 request will be handled promptly. JOHN W. OSBORN. H.M.S. RICHARDS

2 Meetings: Sacramento July 28 It's Pinecrest Camp Time! and 29, Fortuna August 1 to 5 Camp meetings will be held in the Greater Sacramento area on Friday and Sabbath, July 28 and 29, and in Fortuna from Tuesday, August 1, through Sabbath, August 5. The Sacramento meetings will be held Arcata Junior Fishermen Out in the Carmichael Church located at 4600 Winding Way, Sacramento. The program to Serve in Their Community will begin with an address by Elder J. V. Pathfinders of the Arcata Junior Fish- Scully of the temperance department of ermen enjoyed the blessings that come the General Conference at 7:45 p.m. on from giving themselves in willing service Friday, July 28. Speaker for the 11 o'clock as they moved into the weed-infested gar- Sabbath morning' service will be Elder den of Mr. Streit to clean and groom it. Stanley Harris, evangelist for Central Cal- Mr. Streit's wife died a short time ago ifornia Conference. Topic of Elder Harris' and now he lives alone. He is a cripple sermon will be Future Events." and cannot do the work himself. His wife The Fortuna camp meeting will be held had carefully groomed and cared for the at Hammond Grove, California, located flowers and garden and it had been their 12 miles east of For- pride and joy. tuna. The opening ad- The Pathfinders found out about his dress at 7:45 p.m. on predicament and planned a garden clean- Tuesday, August 1, ing on May 23, and shared their faith by giving of themselves in service. Mr. Streit will be given by Elder For the time of your life it's the Pinecrest Camp Covered Wagon Camp where you was overjoyed and deeply impressed. Gordon Dalrymple, di- will thrill to the stories of the Old West. Nearly everybody is going to camp this year, rector of the Bible so plan to meet your friends there. You may secure an application from your church or The Arcata Junior Fishermen are under School for Faith for Pathfinder Club. J. H. HARRIS. the direction of Mr. Paul Flemming. We Today. take our hats off to these Pathfinders and A featured speaker their staff For a job well done. We chal- during the meetings lenge every Pathfinder club to put their will be Elder James J. faith into action by helping others. Del Delker Aitken, secretary of M. C. SAWVEL. the radio-TV work for the General Con- ference, who will be assisted by Del Delker and Brad and Olive Braley of the Voice of Prophecy. Also included on the program of the camp meetings will be a series of morning devotionals by Elder C. M. Mellor, pastor of the Napa Church. The closing address at 7:15 p.m. on Sabbath, August 5, will be given by Elder James E. Chase, con- ference president. "GO TELL."—Pictured are three of our active lay- All those living in and around Sacra- men in the Sonoma Church: Sister Wampler, second mento and Fortuna are urged to be in left, Brother McReynolds, center, Brother Rea, first attendance at these meetings. right, with their most recent converts. These were JAMES E. CHASE. brought into the church as a result of the "Go Tell" program. It is never too late to bring souls to Christ. Sister Hunt, seated, is 91; Brother Important Part of Training DeNure, first left, is 73; and Brother Webb, second left, is 71.—Clarence N. Kohler. at RLA Is Physical Education Mr. Streit stands beside the door of his small and humble dwelling and watches the Pathfinders as they Physical education at Rio Lindo Acad- Attention, Monterey Bay clean his garden. emy is an important part of the school's Academy Alumni "Macedonian Adventuring" in the City of Fairfield Last Month program. The physical education curricu- Reserve July 28 to 30 for the annual About 100 volunteers from a radius lum consists of fitness testing and skills in Yosemite campout. The location is Camp of more than 95 miles helped to cover the badminton, basketball, flag football, gym- 11. For information contact Mel Rub, city of Fairfield with literature and free nastics, paddle tennis, softball, track and 30139 Riverside, Shafter, California, or gift offer material in about one hour on field activities, and volleyball. Through Dick Roth, 5537 St. Helena Highway, Sabbath afternoon, June 24. these activities the student has an opportu- Napa. Drcic Rom. This Macedonian adventuring program nity to develop recreational skills and to will provide selective type leads for Brother gain the benefit from regular daily exercise E. M. Davis, who is a door-to-door worker which is so important to good health and in Fairfield. Brother Davis belongs to our fitness. Rio Lindo requires physical edu- "Double Seventh-day Adventist Team." cation five days a week for both boys and He is not only an S.D.A., but an "S.S.- girls. D.D.A.A." This means that he is a "self- Herbert Heinke, lay activities leader at Napa, with • Fitness testing is carried out three times supporting, door-to-door, Adventist adven- some of the volunteers for adventuring. during the year. One of these tests is the turer." He has an assigned territory where A.A.P.H.E. Fitness Test from the Na- he does home visitation about 40 hours tional Education Association. This test is per week. This is a tremendous work. administered to all five of Northern Cali- Now, friend, could you do more for fornia Conference's academies. Rio Lindo the Lord? Would you like to be a "Dou- had an average score of 73 on this stand- ble S.D.A."? We have many unentered ardized test with national norms. This communities, towns, and populated areas was the second highest score in the con- for "trailer house missionaries." Pastors ference. Our girls took top score in the conference. The scores on Rio's fitness test given at the beginning and at the end of the year Elder Ross and some of the adventurers from give a picture of just how well the program Oakland. is increasing the fitness level of the in- have sections in their districts that can be dividual. The average improvement was assigned to good dependable laymen. If 10 points, comparing the test scores at you want to become a regular "self-sup- the beginning of the year with those at the porting, door-to-door, Adventist adven- SUNDAY, 8:30 A.M. close. Only two individuals showed no turer," you may write to your local con- improvement. KCRA-TV, Channel 3 ference lay activities secretary for further JAMES E. PERRY. Macedonian adventurers from Carmichael. information. J. B. CHURCH. 3 "Your Church in Action," a Wanted! Nightly Camp Meeting Feature Seventh-day Adventist men and women The eight regions of our conference who have the early pioneer spirit of Elder will be featured during the evenings of Loughborough are wanted! One hundred August 4 to 11 with a 20-minute presen- years ago Elder Loughborough arrived in tation by the churches of each area from San Francisco to begin our work on the 7:20 to 7:40, right after the evening song West Coast. service and before the sermon. The city of South San Francisco has "Your Church in Action" will feature Book and Bible House High 50,000 persons living there, yet we have outstanding victories of soul winning in Lights at Camp Meeting no church or organized work in this unen- the area, and should be of special interest As we see the signs of the end, we tered mission field on our doorstep. If you to all. realize that time is very short and this is are interested, contact Elder J. E. Bynum, The areas, chairman in charge, and the the time to spread our literature to the 731 Clarinada Avenue, Daly City, Cali- evenings are as follows: ends of the earth. Camp meeting is the fornia. best place to buy such literature and at San Francisco— William Galbreth Friday, August 4 reduced prices. Here are just some of the Book and Hanford— Richard Renal() Sabbath, August 5 Bible House high lights during camp SPECIAL CAMP MEETING FEATURE.—John Henry Weidner, left, conferring with Herbert Ford on his San Jose— meeting: Lester Ortncr Sunday, August 6 experiences during World War II, which are related in the book "Flee the Captor" by Mr. Arroyo Grande— SUNDAY BOOK SALE Marion Lockwood Monday, August 7 Ford. These men will both be at camp meeting 'Wide Selection where Mr. Weidner will relate his experiences Monterey Peninsula— August 6, 4:00 p.m. Monday, August 7, at 4 p.m.—Public Relations Don Spillman Tuesday, August 8 DAILY SPECIALS Department. Modesto— Each day some item becomes a special Clarence Smith Wednesday, August 9 for just that day. Be sure to check the Monterey Bay Academy Bakersfield— list. Ernest Voyles Thursday, August 10 BARCAIN TABLE Yosemite Gathering July 29 Fresno— Good variety—prices are right. The annual summer outing of the Mon- Raymond Libby Friday, August 11 NEW BooKs terey Bay Academy Alumni Association NEW YOUTH PASTOR.—The new youth pastor for Excellent material from which to select. will be held at Yosemite on the weekend the Fresno area, Paul Schmidt, with his wife and Besides this, a final rally called "Go their children, Steve, Gary, and Lisa. The Schmidts Tell Central" will be featured the last DEsTiNv AND PANDA BOOKS of July 29. The location is Camp 11. come to us from Arlington where he served in the Sabbath, August 12, at 2:30 in the after- Again on special at three for $3.59, regular All graduates and their families are same work. He will coordinate all youth activ- noon just before the ordination. At this $1.50 each. These are very fine books. urged to attend. Activities will include pot- ities for the Fresno area youth groups, also for the time all new members baptized since last luck dinner on Sabbath, alumni church elementary school and the academy. camp meeting will march in and take a We will be looking forward to seeing service, and reminiscing around the camp- reserved section, followed by outstanding each of you at the Book and Bible House fire Saturday night while eating home- experiences and an appeal message by our during camp meeting. made ice cream. conference president. R. W. ENcsmom. DOUG SAYLES. MEL RUB AND C. W. JORGENSEN.


7:00 • 7:45 9:30 • 10:30 10:45 - 11:45 1:15 - 2:15 2:30 - 3:30 4:00 - 5:00 7:00 - 7:20 7:20 - 7:40 7:40 - 9:00

THURSDAY n W. R. Beach August 3

n n

FRIDAY Douglas F. L. Bland H. M. Tippett G. F. Dalrymple E. R. Walde August 4 Motsenbocker

9:00 - 10:30 10:45 - 12:00 2:00 - 2:30 A. S. Maxwell SABBATH H. M. Tippett Musical F. L. Bland August 5 Sabbath W. R. Beach 2:30 - 3:40 "Rushing Toward School L. R. Rasmussen the End" n, J. J. Aitken SUNDAY D. L. Venden F. 0. Rittenhouse BOOK SALE Del Delker NGS August 6 I Brad and Olive Braley EET 1 M M TI( NTAL

John Weidner TI Tucker MONDAY R. T. Hirst D. E. Rebok AC J. L. AL

TME Hero of the book, August 7 N

ECI "Flee the Captor" AR USIC SP NGS EP

D W. E. Guthrie CH I D. E. Rebok J. J. Millet TUESDAY B. H. Green J. M. Nerness HUR August 8 MEETI C ENTAL OTHER L H. R. Trout M T

ECIA Stanley Harris WEDNESDAY K. W. Smith AR R H. Nightingale D. R. Guild SP EP 9:00 - 9:30

August 9 D Film: "Singapore"

OTHER R. R. Bietz THURSDAY Lloyd Sewake N. C. Wilson R. F. Cottrell August 10 9:00 - 9:30 Film: "Malaya"

H. M. S. Richards FRIDAY W. D. Walton R. R. Bietz G. N. Banks King's Heralds August 11 vQuartet v 9.:00 10:30 10:45 - 12:00 2:00 - 2:30 7:20 - 9:00 SABBATH R. F. Cottrell Musical R. R. Bietz \I, H. M. S.Richards August 12 Sabbath N. C. Wilson 2:30 - 3:40 Ordination School "Go Tell Central" King's Heralds Quartet

WE ARE HAPPY TO PRESENT, ABOVE, YOUR CAMP MEETING PROGRAM for the to grandfathers and older. Also, our Latin-American brethren will have a complete 10- main auditorium on the Soquel grounds. This may be subject to last-minute changes, day long, "camp meeting within a camp meeting," and Sabbath services are planned for but as of the time of writing, we have assurance that every speaker will be there. You'll Italian and German groups. The lay activities, health and temperance, literature evan- note a couple of changes in meetings: the early morning service starts at 7 instead of gelism, and Sabbath school groups will have daily workshops and other features. The 6:30, and we are scheduling just one morning service instead of two as before. Book and Bible House, one of the largest book stores in this part of the state, will be Besides the above program, there will be services, programs, and workshops held in open the entire time. To make it complete, all we need is your presence there. seven other areas daily. Served will be all age groups from the tiniest tot in Cradle Roll E. R. WALDE.

4 Preparation for Provo Camp Meeting Reaches Final Stage In just a few more days the Provo, Utah, camp meeting will begin. Wednesday night, July 26, at 7:30 will mark the open- Juniors and Youth! ing of the first service. The closing meeting Eighty-five juniors and youth have al- will end at noon on Sunday, July 30. ready applied to spend the days between Three large tents are being pitched in August 13 and 20 at Pinecrest Camp. We which adults and all children's and youth have room for at least 50 more. So hurry divisions will meet each day. A large Book up young people and send that application and Bible House display will also be on which you can get from your local church the grounds. to the MV department of the Nevada- Children's meetings, morning and af- Utah Conference. ternoon, each day of the encampment, have Swimming! Canoeing! Speed boating! been planned by some of our finest leaders. Horseback riding! Outpost camping! Camp- A Sabbath School Workshop will be fire programs! Indian Village! Wilderness conducted by Elder C. C. Kott, of the Camp! Covered Wagon Camp! Hiking! Pacific Union Conference. Crafts! All of the fun-things of camp are Special series of studies by Dr. Leslie planned for YOU. Don't let the good time Hardinge, Pacific Union College, Elder R. pass you by. Be there! M V DEPT. F. Cottrell, Review and Herald, and Miss Mary Walsh, Pacific Union Conference, To Reach Provo Campground have been assigned. Elder Leonard Robin- A. To get to Springville, Utah (about son, returned missionary from Africa, a Hawaii State Fair Booth. five miles south of Provo). most interesting speaker, will tell thrilling 1. Get on Interstate Highway 15 in mission experiences. Many spiritual treats Utah. are in store for those who attend. 2. Get off Interstate Highway 15 at Don't miss this first Utah camp meeting! "Springville exit." CAMP MEETING COMMITTEE. 3. Travel east on "Off ramp" (400 L South Street). B. To get to the campsite (seven miles Application for Reservation east of Springville in Hobble Creek Aloha to the Leggitt Family Provo Camp Meeting Canyon). as They Leave for California • Trailer space without electricity 1. Continue east on 400 South Street (SI() or S2 per day). Monday morning, July 10, saw the con- across Main Street. (Highway 91) Pathfinder Leader George Tom is congratulated by clusion of the ministry of Elder and Sister • Trailer space with electricity Go to the east end of 400 South Miss Hawaii for receiving first award for the Varner J. Leggitt in Hawaii. Five years (S12.50 or $2.50 per day) . 2. Waimanalo float. Street. A camp meeting sign will earlier they had come west to serve first on ❑ Tent space (S5 or SI per day). Bring own tent. be there. the Island of Kauai, and then in 1964 ❑ Information about motels. On Independence Day Elder Leggitt became pastor of the Kai- 3. Turn right at sign and continue on The Fourth of July was a day that muki Church where he has served dili- Name Canyon Road. scored high in keeping Adventism in the 4. Five miles past first sign take left gently and faithfully until the time of his Address front lines of public information in Ha- departure for the mainland. fork road. (Sign will be at fork in waii. road.) 5. Campground is one mile past fork While a number of radio stations on the 'Mail to: Camp Meeting Committee, Islands were carrying the program "Voices Box 1470, Reno, Nevada 89505. in road. A sign will indicate the of Freedom" produced by the General Con- entrance road. ference radio department, an Independ- ence Day parade was in progress on the Twenty Children Enrolled in Quincy Vacation Bible School windward side of Oahu. Many floats were The Quincy, California, Church held Follow-up activities are being planned entered in the parade, but at noon when its- first vacation Bible school since 1962 for our work in Quincy. Please pray for us the awards were extended to the winners, from June 18 to 29, with an enrollment that we may see our church grow as a the grand award of $100 went to the Wai- of 20 children. None were from Adventist result of our evangelistic efforts for our manalo Pathfinders for the most beautiful homes. friends and neighbors. RUTH JAMES. float. The theme of the float was "Freedom Help from non-church members was of Religion," and depicted a church made especially appreciated since our own group of vanda orchids with a bell chiming and is very small. We also want to thank Pas- doves being released from the bell tower tor and Mrs. W. D. Kieser for helping us of the church. through the whole session. We couldn't The Kaneohe Pathfinders were awarded have carried the program without them. second place for the marching exhibit, be- An 11-year-old girl counted the week ing second only to a special U.S. Air Force days on her fingers and said, "The sev- squad. enth day is the Sabbath so this is the true On the same day other conscientious church." Adventists were manning the two Sev- The final program, led by Don James, enth-day Adventist booths at the fiftieth was presented by the children for their par- state's fair. The leading newspapers re- ents and friends. All did very well in recit- ported that the Seventh-day Adventist ing their memory verses, poems and songs. Lacynda Evans receives her diploma from Lewis booth on the dangers of smoking was the L. Dinwiddie, pastor of the Las Vegas Church, as Ted Dunston, principal, looks on. best attended booth of the entire fair. Pictures From Las Vegas For the privileges and the responsibil- ities and joys of making the Lord's work Elder and Sister Varrrer J. Leggitt, Leroy, Karen, known more fully in Hawaii, we wish to and Susan. thank Him. ROBERT B. GRADY, JR. Elder and Sister Leggitt have made a host of friends in the Islands, friends who FILM MIGHT have learned to appreciate them deeply, SAVE YOUR LIFE both as workers and fellow members. Af- ter all, the great work of Adventism is definitely entwined with the lives of men and women giving of their time, talents, and interest in this great cause. Brother Leggitt has left his mark in the

history of Adventism in these beautiful The teaching staff of the Las Vegas Church School islands, and now it is the responsibility for 1966-67 were, from left to right: Ted Dunston, The 1967 graduating class of the Las Vegas Church of those who follow to continue the good principal and seventh and eighth grade teacher; School, from left to right: Joannie Dunston, work. Our warmest wishes to the Leggitts Bonnie Dunston, who taught third and fourth Lacynda Evans, Sheila Jackson, Sherry Smith, as they take up their labors in Beaumont, grades; Phyllis Boehrig, teacher of first and sec- Deborah Turner, Eileen Sisk, James Ray Sisk, Allan ond grades; and Joseph Hieb, who taught fifth Eaton, and Robert Legere. Jamie Bell was not State Fair booth attracts large crowds. California. A. G. STREIFLING. and sixth grades. present for the picture.

5 Wedgwood Trio to Present Concert at Glendale Church The Wedgwood Trio, religious folk mu- sicians from Southern Missionary College, will give a full-length folk music concert Sunday evening, August 6, at 7:30 in the Lynwood Academy Auditorium. Sponsored by the Sandale Club of Vallejo Drive Ad- ventist Church, this concert responds to Invitation: Spanish Meetings the many requests for a repeat performance at Lynwood in August by the Wedgwood Trio which has previ- IN VITACION ously appeared in concert in southern Cal- a ifornia. UN DIA DE REAVIVAMIENTO ESPIRITUAL Members of the trio—Jerry Hoyle, Don Vollmer, and Bob Summerour—have been Para toda la hermandad Hispana del traveling with the Voice of Prophecy camp Sur de California. meeting groups this summer, but they arc .DONDE? En el Lynwood Auditorium, not completely satisfied to work only with 11011 Harris Avenue. Seventh-day Adventist young people. They clCuANno? El 19 de Agosto. also want to evangelize the youth of North to QUE HoRA? Desde las 9 a.m. hasta America and of London. las 10 p.m. According to Elder Michael Blaine, youth d.ORADORES? El Pastor Neal C. Wilson pastor at Vallejo Drive Church, their con- de la Conferencia Gen- cert will aid evangelism in three ways: eral hablara en la ma- "First, we want to raise enough money to nana. Los Pastores B. Good Neighbor campers listen attentively to Camp Pastor James Melancon. send the Wedgwood Trio to London to F. Perez Marcio y Phi- Good Neighbor Camp at Cedar Falls Draws Nearly 250 Boys participate in the lip Follett hablarin en Some 247 junior age boys from needy evidenced that the pastor was getting sponsored 'London Youth Crusade,' " he la tarde, ademas habra families in all parts of Los Angeles, Ven- through to them—they were learning to explained. "And we also want to be one un programa presenta- tura, and Santa Barbara counties were listen. of the first organizations to contribute to do por Loma Linda treated to a week at Cedar Falls Camp by At the campfire program the closing the youth broadcast being planned by the University, La Sierra the Adventist churches of Southern Cali- evening of camp, many of the boys—some Voice of Prophecy. An active youth evan- Campus. fornia, June 25 to 30. of whom had never before attended re- gelism program is also planned by San- RECREACION? Si, Neal C. Wilson This was the third annual Good Neigh- ligious services—indicated their desire to dale." despues de la puesta bor Camp sponsored by our conference. The Wedgwood Trio made their folk- de sol habra recreacion para todos. The two previous camps had an attend- music debut while attending Newbold Venga y traiga a toda su familia y pase ance of approximately 100. The surge of College in England. They have since given todo el dia en Lynwood. Traiga su comida. new boys reflects the reports of good times benefit tours and concerts in England, SAMUEL WEISS. South Wales, France, Sweden, and Fin- and new experiences which previous years' land, performing in such well-known Eu- campers have been sharing with their ropean cities as Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, and Another Scheduling: "Christ in friends. Geneva. They appeared twice on "The the Concrete City," Glendale Campers learned to swim, canoe, ride Best Saturday Night in Town" at Lon- "Christ in the Concrete City," by P. W. horseback, hike, and make crafts. One of don's New Gallery Center, a famous land- Turner, has been scheduled for perform- the little fellows said, "What I like best mark in the British capital. The New Gal- ance by the Thespian Club on Friday, about camp is the food!" He explained lery Personality award was presented to July 28, at 8 p.m. in the Glendale City that at home his family had only one meal the trio on the final program of the season. Church, 610 East California, Glendale. a day, and he was hungry much of the The trio has also given special concerts The Thespian Club of Loma Linda is time. from Massachusetts to Florida and in north- a division of the University Campus Fel- ern and southern California, as well as a lowship Society. The club, under the di- number of engagements in the midwest. rection of Mrs. Mary Ann Frahm of Loma With the Voice of Prophecy's sponsorship Linda, intends by this presentation to Boys at Good Neighbor Camp learn about snakes. they have toured the northwestern and dramatically portray the relevant religious study the Bible, learn to pray, and get central United States and western Canada issues of our time and to make these issues acquainted with Christian youth in their this summer. meaningful to the public. home neighborhoods. The responses made The Wedgwood Trio has recorded three Don Bauer, associate pastor of the Uni- by the boys were passed along to the pas- albums and one single. At the present time versity Church in Loma Linda, states, "We tors, Pathfinder leaders, and Dorcas lead- they are recording an album with Del as Christians need to keep in step with ers of the sponsoring churches. Delker, to be released next spring. modern means of communication." Eighty of the campers were from two Tickets are available by writing to: According to the author, "This play ... specific areas in the conference—Highland Sandale, 300 Vallejo Drive, Glendale, attempts to portray The Passion of our Park and Watts—where day camps and California 91206, or by calling 213 246- Lord Jesus Christ from three points of special youth evangelism are being con- 2476. Adults, $1.50; children under view: Firstly it is the story of something ducted this summer. Eight college men 14, $1. B. MICHAEL BLAINE. that happened. Secondly, the story of are working in these two areas, visiting in The Passion is one of universal signifi- the homes, teaching the Bible, and help- Cooking School Students Have cance, speaking timelessly to all mankind. Campers wait impatiently for mealtime. ing where they can in the community. Classes and Field Trips Thirdly, the crucifixion and resurrection The Good Neighbor Camp served as a After successfully conducting a seven- are events of personal significance, speak- Some of the most important lessons springboard for this summer youth evan- week cooking class, the Tamarind Avenue ing intimately to the individual in the learned by the 9-to-14-year-old campers gelistic activity. PHILIP FOLLETT. Church at 417 South Tamarind, Compton, secret places of his own soul, and urging were how to get along with others, self- continues to meet the last Tuesday of him to action here and now. So, in the discipline in a camping program, and basic each month for additional instruction. play there is a third level of action which lessons in prayer and understanding about Mrs. Eppie Hartsuiker, trained dieti- tries to show the modern equivalent of the God. Many of the campers explained that tian, instructs, demonstrates, and provides events or ideas brought out in the other their families had no Bible in their homes, her students with ample servings of her themes." and many of the boys had never prayed delicious vegetarian meals. KEN HOOVER. before. Around the campfire they learned As a part of the planned "curriculum," the meaning of love, God, and prayer. the class made a field trip to the new The theme of Camp Pastor Jim Melan- University Medical Center at Loma Linda. Have you thanked your station con's twice-daily messages to the boys was At the same time, a tour was made of the how to listen. Elder Melancon, pastor of Loma Linda Market. Many of the prod- the Miramonte Boulevard Church in Los ucts were new arid unfamiliar to the stu- for Angeles, stressed the importance of listen- dents, some of whom are just recently Taithfor ing to each other, to parents and teachers, baptized members. and, most of all, to God. God's voice can Plans are being made for a scheduled be heard in His dealings with people, in the outing on July 26 to Loma Linda Foods things He has made, and in His word, Factory in Arlington. the Bible, the pastor emphasized. The still- You have to hold your mouth just right to drive a MRS. WINNIE CATCHINGS. ness that settled over the full-of-life boys stubborn nail.

6 The story of one of the greatest Advertisements A ventist wartime hoes

Limited to Seventh-day Adventists except where a service may be rendered to members. Full information obtainable from local conference office through which all advertising must be submitted. The RECORDER assumes no responsibility for advertisements it prints. Advertise- ments accepted for one insertion per month only, printed as space permits. Rates: Cash with advertisement, $5.00 for 50 words or less.

FACTORY NEW VOLKSWAGEN, Mercedes, Por- home, guest cottage, barn, spring water, half sche, BMW, Opel automobiles at discount mile frontage on beautiful Hermon Lake, prices to all Adventist members. Factory war- good fishing and hunting. Ideal for stock ranty and coupon hook. Fast delivery or pick ranch, dairy, resort, or home. "Just simply up in Europe. Fully insured delivered to out of this world" might describe this place. your nearest port. Contact Hugo Eickman, Dean Dudley, Moyie Springs, Idaho. Box 3113, or 2593 Mt. Pleasant Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95116. Phone 408 251-2020. LEAVING LA SIERRA.—-Home with 3 large bed- rooms, new w/w carpeting throughout, 13A PSYCHIATRIC PRACTICE, ORANGE COUNTY. — baths, electric kitchen, drapes, soft water, Available immediately. Average gross $50,- sprinkler system, 2 patios, fenced yard. Excel- 000. Above average in every respect. Excel- lent value, $19,500. FHA approved. Muriel lent location in top medical building with Dick, 5383 Rose Ave., Riverside, Calif. 92505. beautiful wood paneling and furnishings. Phone 688-0446. 100% financing possible. Contact Mr. Siebert, Professional Practice 'Sales, Box 1313, Laguna FOR SALE.—Hammon-d C-3 organ, like new, Beach, Calif. Phone 714 494-7015. with percussion, PR-40 speaker, and music lamp. Ideal for church or home. $2,400. ADVENTIST DOCTOR.—General practice, sale or Write: Owner, Box 8217, Riverside, Calif. lease. Fully equipped office in beautiful town 92505. Phone 714 689-4781 or 689-2429. of Vista, Calif., 25 miles from San Diego. Large general practice established 18 years. Immediately available due to death of Lin- OBITUAR I ES coln L. Owen, M.D. Write: Dale Fristad, Executrix, 10908 Evans, Loma Linda, Calif. Phone 796-4642, evenings. YouNG—Edith Adelia Johnson Young was The born Sept. 5, 1887, at Duluth, Minn.; and DISCOUNT ON BAND- I NSTRUMENTS.—Nationally died in Mountain View, Calif., Apr. 23, 1967. advertised makes of new, high quality instru- Survivors: 2 sons, Bertrand and Jack; daugh- ments available at a substantial discount. ter, Mrs. Arlene Horsemann; 3 sisters, Mrs. Write for free price list and brochure. Indi- Dorothy Kindopp, Mrs. Hazel Logan, and cate kind of instrument desired. Terms avail- Mrs. Ruth Gimbel; and 2 brothers, Walter alikeliest able. In business 30 years. Satisfaction guar- and Edwin Johnson. anteed. Hamel Music Company, Arpin, Wis. 54410. HumANN—Hedwig -H umann was born Oct. 30, 1896, in Austria; and died Apr. 30, 1967, WANTED for Cochise- County Hospital, phys- in Dinuba, Calif. She is survived by a step- ical therapist; also pharmacist. Good all- Nero son, E. S. Humann. year climate. Church school available. Con- tact Administrator, Cochise County Hospital, TAvEs—Lena Taves- was horn at Mountain Douglas, Ariz. Lake, Minn., Nov. 5, 1883; and died in Fresno, Calif., May 3, 1967. She was one of the first From induction to decoration WANTED. — 3 salesmen to cover Bakersfield- Adventists to participate in the Ingathering the war experiences of Des-. Fresno area, Sacramento-Stockton area, and work at its inception. Redding area. Older men preferred to sell mond Doss vividly described first aid supplies and safety products to in- BABB—Lester Lawrence Babb was born in dustry and agriculture. No experience nec- Wisconsin July 13, 1892; and died in Porter- by Booton Herndon, author essary. No weekend or evening work. Good ville, Calif., Dec. 3, 1966. Survivors: 3 daugh- income. Please send resume to Newport First ters, Mrs. Shirley Tiffin, Vivian Babb, and of The Seventh Day. Aid Supply Co., 512 Twenty-ninth St., New- Marion Babb; and 2 sons, Lester and Howard. port Beach, Calif. 92660. GuLEB—Stephen Guler was born in Switzer- Camp-meeting Special $2.95 Regular Price $3.25 ECHO VALLEY GUEST RANCH for vacationers, land Mar. 21, 1877; and died in Fresno, Calif., also for senior citizen retirement. Wonderful Apr. 8, 1967. Survivors: wife, Anna; son, E. S. place to live, in beautiful, healthful Sierra Guler; 2 daughters, Mrs. Nina Wiegart and When ordering by mail, remember Mountains. Pure, fresh air; no smog. Pure Mrs. Margucrette Fittze; a grandchild and 2 to add 20 cents for the first book spring water, ideal climate. Home baking great-grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Mary and 5 cents for each additional and delicious vegetarian foods by experienced Mason. cooks. Open year-round. Rates on request. book to one address. Sales tax Box 367, Oakhurst, Calif. Phone OVerbrook CosTA—Norbina Costa was born in the Azores where applicable. 3-4684. Nov. 27, 1891; and died in Anderson, Calif., Apr. 27, 1967. Survivors: 4 children, Mrs. WANTED. — Adventist- man acquainted with Mary Barcallo, Mrs. Gilda Borges, Gilbert Order Now From Your and capable of working at migratory beekeep- Costa, and Ruth Hubert; and 14 grandchil- Book and Bible House ing as done in California. Steady employment dren. for qualified man. See or write: J. P. Mc- Daniel, 22607 Road 6, Chowchilla, Calif. Woon—Florence Nigh- tingale Wood was horn 93610. Phone 209 665-3852. Nov. 28, 1884, in Loup City, Nebr.; and died in Temple City, Calif., May 12, 1967. With EXCHANGE 2 weeks in my beach home (ocean her husband she served as a missionary in lock, Calif., May 19, 1967. Survivors: 3 daugh- John, Jr., and Ralph A.; 13 grandchildren, front) for painting at your convenience. 535 China from 1912 to World War II, and ters, Hazel Bradbury, Lucille Fate, and Kath- 10 great-grandchildren, and 6 great-great- Esplanade, Redondo Beach, Calif., or phone among other responsibilities she was secretary ryn Brown; 2 sons, Fred and Dick Cooper; 8 grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Lee Anna Bryan; 213 371-7812 or 372-4983. of the Sabbath school department of the grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and 2 and brother, George Edward. East China Union Mission. Her husband, great-great-grandchildren. 41/2 ACRES with commercial well near business Elder Kenneth H. Wood, died in 1964. Sur- JACKSON—Betty J. Jac- kson was born Nov. 25, center on main street in La Sierra. Suitable vivors: daughter, Janet LaGourge; son, Elder SANumn—Alma Sanfo- rd was born Mar. 19, 1871; and died Jan. 12, 1967, at Sacramento, for apartments, medical buildings, florist, or Kenneth H. Wood; 4 grandcildren and 2 1878, in Sweden; and died Apr. 28, 1967, in Calif. Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Mary Pevy; nursery. Open for development. Occupant, great-grandcildhren; and a sister, Dr. Zoe Glendale, Calif. Survivors: son, Dr. Harold son, Jack; brother, John Compton; and sister, 11405 Doverwood Dr., La Sierra, Calif. 92505. N. Bulpitt. Sanford; daughter, Mrs. Mildred Magan; and Maud Laird. 90 ACRES MEADOWS AND TIMBER, 3-bedroom sister, Techak Peterson. LUCAS—Laura Mayc- Lucas was born Oct. 8, HILL—Edith Irene Hi- ll was born July 4, 1900, 1870, at Fort Bidwell, Calif.; and died May MCCLUSKEY — George Melbourne McCluskey at Benton, Harbor, Mich.; and died Mar. 28, 17, 1967, in Pasadena, Calif. Her husband, was born in Canada Apr. 24, 1895; and died 1967, at San Andreas, Calif. Survivors: hus- Special Notice Elder Volney H. Lucas, died in 1941. Sur- May 1, 1967, in Glendale, Calif. Survivors: band, Albert Hill; 2 daughters, Lucile and Mrs. Carmelletta Barney; son, Herbert; 6 The last of September and first of October vivors: daughter, Mazie Lucas; and son, Wil- wife, Myrna; 3 sons, Richard, Stanley, and grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Esther Wines Faith for Today's Pastor Gordon F. Dalrym- liam Harold Lucas. Archie; 7 grandchildren; 3 brothers, Will, and Mrs. Beth Gary; and brother, Wilson. ple will be conducting a decision series in Archie, and Steven; and a sister, Mary Han- Ottawa, Canada. We would like to have Woulurz — Carl Fried- rich Woertz was born sen. BAKKE—Amalia K. Bakke was born in Nor- every possible name of friends and loved Feb. 28, 1885, in Germany; and died in way Sept. 1, 1880; and died in Lodi, Calif., ones who you know might be interested in Arcadia, Calif., May 19, 1967. Survivors: wife, RICKS—Minnie Ricks- was born in Anderson, May 15, 1967. Survivors: 3 children, Mrs. attending these meetings. Hilde; son, Herbert; and 4 grandchildren. S.C., Aug. 1, 1880; and died in Pomona, Calif., Send names to: Elder Philip Moores, On- May 18, 1967. Survivors: 4 daughters, Mrs. Jean Ketner, Mrs. Helene Mahoney, and A. tario-Quebec Conference, 1110 King Street CoorEK—Cora Ann Cooper was born June 17, Jennie Hudgens, Mrs. Alberta Harris; Miss E. Bakke; 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grand- East, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. 1871, in Knoxville, Iowa; and died in Tur- Corine Pitts, and Mrs. Gladys Rollins; 2 sons, children. 7 liam M. Landeen, Norval F. Pease, and Lowell R. Rasmussen; current University President David J. Bieber; and Ronald D. Drayson, Maybe! Jensen, and Richard C. LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY Lewis. Also on July 10, a separate news item misspelled the name of William J. Key, new instructor in business and economics Summer Commencement August 12 as a teacher, lecturer, and writer of text- on the La Sierra campus. in the La Sierra Church books and articles in the field of shorthand Suggestions for Your Summer and office procedures. Sessions each day Leisure Time Reading About 70 graduates will receive degrees How to Budget Your Income at Loma Linda University's summer com- will run from 8:30 a.m. to noon. The long, hot summer stretches out mencement August 12. The ceremony is The $37.50 workshop fee is payable at From time to time I hear folk discuss ahead and with it, supposedly, come hours scheduled for 8:45 p.m. in the La Sierra the time of registration, 8 a.m., July 31, ways and means by which they budget and hours of lovely leisure time for every- Church. in the Chaparral Room of The Commons. their income. For many years I have worked one. As we've mentioned before, some sort No advance application is necessary, al- on this simple plan for handling my per- of summer reading program for the young Construction Progress Continues though inquiries may be directed to Irene sonal finances: folk in your family is an excellent idea. It on the La Sierra Campus E. Ortner, professor of secretarial admin- First, pay God's tithe and provide for makes school a little easier to go back to, The new high-rise men's residence hall istration on the La Sierra campus. PersOns liberal free-will offerings. and keeps active young minds from plot- on the La Sierra campus is virtually com- wishing to live in campus residence halls Second, pay myself something in the ting mischief and mayhem. We'll furnish pleted, with only final interior finishing during the workshop should make imme- form of a savings account. (After all, I some bright new additions to your jouve- to be done. Campus Business Manager diate arrangements with Vivien E. Smith, want to get something out of my earnings, nile list, as well as a few suggestions for Robert H. Hervig expects the functional dean of women. too!) adult spare time reading. new building to be ready for occupancy Third, pay everyone else with what's * * * Speakers Scheduled for Several late next month or early in September. left. Here one must be sure he doesn't We can't say enough good things about Appointments in August Workmen are making steady progress create bills and obligations beyond what Deborah, a brand new book for juniors in construction of the new home economics La • Sierra campus spokesmen will be may be left from that salary and income. (and others) by Margit Strom Heppen- building for the La Sierra campus. The guests at local church programs and spe- If one follows this plan, God will "open stall. This is one of the most outstanding two-story structure is scheduled for Com- cial events next month, according to Rob- the windows of heaven" to pour out a bless- books Southern Publishing Association has pletion in time for teaching utilization ert L. Osmunson, director of church-re- ing that there won't be room enough to ever published, and young people will be second semester of the coming school year. lated affairs for the campus. Among the receive. Why not prove the Lord in this happily inspired as they learn to under- scheduled appointments are: matter? ALVIN G: MuNsoN. stand the faith of Naaman's little Jewish Report From Admissions Office San Diego Broadway Church- captive maid. Based on the account in Indicates Large Enrollment Ahead 11 a.m., August 5 2 Kings 5, Deborah has 'all the necessary About 150 more students have applied John J. Robertson, elements of surprise and suspense, plus assistant professor of religion for study at the La Sierra campus of Loma some excellent lessons in the art of Chris- Linda University than had applied at the Arizona Camp Meeting—, Weekend of August 5 tian witnessing. same time last year, according to Associate President David J. Bieber * 5 * * * Dean of Admissions Robert L. Osmunson. Arizona Camp Meeting— Glendale Youth Have Chinese Also for the junior group is Stories of By July 10, 1,750 applications had been Week of 'August 5 Dinner for Investment My Grandmother, an excellent new col- received, with 1,426 students accepted. Andrew N. Nelson, Ph.D., The 27 members of the Glendale Sab- lection of Ellen G. White's experiences professor of education The acceptance figure represents an in- bath School Youth Division recently served well told by Ella M. Robinton. Authentic crease of 127 over figures for the same Spanish Camp Meeting, Lynwood- 4 p.m. August 19 a Chinese dinner to raise funds for Invest- in every detail, this personal perspective time last year. Raul Hayasaka, instructor in Spanish ment. Leaders for the division are Dr. and of an outstanding denominational leader Of all those applying, 1,077 are return- makes her ministry seem more meaningful Elder Robertson also was guest speaker Mrs. Homer Dunford. Youth Investment ing students and 673 are seeking admis-, to the younger age group. From Southern at the Mentone Church July 8 and Mr. secretary is Areta McCabe, and chief cook sion for the first time this year. was Dr. Ed Wong. Publishing. Osmunson at the Santa Ana Bristol Street * * * * * Food was served from 6 to 8:30 p.m., Student Missionaries Begin Church July 22. Children in the primary age group will and approximately 130 people arrived at Service in Various Countries the adorable the Dunford home. The back yard was fall in love with Cookie, Five Loma Linda University students Addition to Loma Linda University attractively decorated in Chinese and Ha- cocker spaniel who comes to cheer up are among eight student missionaries from Division of Religion Faculty Kenny, a little sick boy. Theo Norris is an waiian style. The young people prepared Adventist colleges in North America sched- Edward V. Heppenstall of the Andrews excellent storyteller from start to finish. all the food for cooking, decorated the uled to begin two-to-twelve month periods University theology faculty joins the Loma yard, served the food, and cleaned up Cookie does a good job of helping Kenny of service in the Inter-American Division Linda University Division of Religion as get well, and along the line everyone afterwards. Results were $110 for Invest- this summer. Two other university stu- professor of theology and Christian phi- learns a few valuable lessons in getting ment, plus many hours of good fellowship dents are working in South America and losophy August 1. Doctor and Mrs. Hep- along with pets. A Southern Publishing and activitity by the young people in two more leave shortly for Hong Kong. penstall are residents of La Sierra, but his planning the occasion and successfully release. Daniel L. Rathbun, senior theology teaching responsibilities will be centered • * 5. * carrying out the plan. major, is teaching French for one year at on the Lornah Linda campus, according to Adults who are biographically inclined At the end of the first six months all but Colombia-Venezuela Union College, Me- Division of Religion Director A. Graham will really appreciate Josephine Cunning- four of the Arizona churches have reported dellin, Colombia. Senior theology majors Maxwell. ton Edwards' new biography of Elder and Investment. Some churches have already Tim Berry and Dick Duerksen will spend Mrs. Roy F. Cottrell. Entitled Pioneers Roland R. Hegstad to Be Guest gone over the $6 per member goal. Your a year in chaplain's service at Bella Vista Together, this book traces the lives of these Lecturer for Coming Seminar help is also needed in the Investment pro- Hospital, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. two devoted pioneers from childhood to gram. G. H. FRIEDRICH. Cheryl J. Gettys and Sharon L. Beck, A seminar in Current Developments China, with many fascinating stops in be- seniors in the School of Nursing at and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, tween. The lives of two people so thor- Loma Linda, are currently serving for two offering two semester hours credit, will be oughly dedicated to God present an inspir- conducted July 31 to August 11 on the Your local church clerk now handles all ing example for Christians in the church months at the same Puerto Rico mission changes of address for the Recorder. If hospital. Their classmates, Marilyn J. La Sierra campus. Guest lecturer will be today. A Southern Publishing release. you desire a change of address or other * * * * * Carey and Heather A. Parkinson, are at Roland R. Hegstad, editor of Liberty mag- azine. correction, please contact your church In the Sabbath afternoon listening de- Stahl Clinic, Iquitos, Peru, for two months cleric. Do not write to the conference office ending in mid-August. This study program is designed to help partment, there are three brand new or to the Recorder office. Teaching at the Sam Yuk School in history teachers, Bible teachers, and others Chapel records available, all featuring ar- Hong Kong for the coming year will be to gain a more thorough understanding tists from the Voice of Prophecy broadcast. a Stranger Come to Call," to name a few. Thomas L.hDvbdahl and Richard L. Don- of the current times. Interested persons "Onward, Christian Soldiers!" combines aldson, senior theology majors. should contact Vernon H. Koenig, Ed.D., The King's Heralds are featured in both Brad and Olive Braley on organ and piano summer session director, Loma Linda Uni- solo and group performances in their lat- in an outstanding collection of instrumen- Workshop for Shorthand Teachers versity, La Sierra Campus, Riverside, Cal- est album. Each member of the quartet tal numbers. In addition to the title song, to Begin July 31 on LS Campus ifornia 92505. sings one or two numbers alone or with there are gospel favorites like "Near the A shorthand workshop for teachers of choral backup. Then the four are joined Cross" and "Shall We Gather at the shorthand will be taught on the La Sierra Corrections by H. M. S. Richards in a spirited arrange- River?" along with more classical compo- campus July 31 through August 4. The The names of several persons being rec- ment of one of his favorites, "Look for sitions, like "Lento" and "Marche Pontifi- course, offered through the department of ognized in other ways were mistakenly the Wavmarks." An album well worth cale." business and secretarial administration, included in a list of award recipients pub- adding to your collection. In "Mv God Is a Real God" well-known carries one semester hour of graduate credit lished in the July RECORDER. Actually * * * * * contralto Del Delker sings an excellent for qualified participants. receiving awards at the June 27 ceremony Whatever you choose to occupy your group of gospel favorites: "Day Is Dying Teacher for the week-long workshop were former La Sierra presidents Godfrey leisure hours, have a good vacation! in the West," "I Got a Robe," and "Just will be Madeline S. Strony, well-known T. Anderson, Erwin E. Cossentine, Wil- PAULA BECKER. (Continued in Column 3)