.TH3TREET3TILLWATER -. trinity.today. TRINITYLCORG April 2009 Trinity Lutheran Church volume XXXI, issue IV 115 N. Fourth Street, Box 339 www.trinitylc.org Stillwater, MN 55082-0339


.TH3TREET 3TILLWATER -.  TRINITYLCORG Artist Chillon Leach .TH3TREET3TILLWATER -. will be at worship on TRINITYLCORG Sun., March 15 and 22. One of her great gifts as an artist is interpreting worship as it happens. Chillon is a St. Paul artist working in many markets and mediums. Chillon’s artwork Maundy is currently on display in Thursday Lenten Trinity’s Narthex. April 9 & On March 15, Chillon Noon & 7 p.m. will do her interpretation Easter of worship through art; Good Friday on March 22, all who are present will interpret April 10 Worship worship. 7 p.m. Easter April 12 8 & 9:30 a.m. Traditional Festival Worship with Choir & Brass 11 a.m. Contemporary Worship (the Walk) PASTOR DAN POFFENBERGER

On March 29, the Congregational will contact you and, if possible, meet vision of how this facility would Council and the Trinity for Tomor- with you individually to help you expand into the property where row Team will ask the congregation interact with these proposals. We want the current Post Office sits. Trinity to authorize them to take certain every interested person to have access has since invested in the purchase actions to maximize our assets of to the proposals and the homework of the Fourth Street property, the land and buildings. These are excit- that has led up to them. Post Office site, and two properties ing, forward-thinking moves that The proposals that will come before on Third Street. The more the TFT will open up the future for Trinity in you are exciting and important. One team investigated, the more they have new and exciting ways. The details of thing that has become clear over the discovered a vision for growth that these proposals will be talked about past few weeks is that these proposals we have now begun to act upon. The at Information Meetings on really are not anything new. I have proposals you will be considering this Sun., March 8; Mon., March 9, and spent time going through information month are really nothing more than Wed., March 25 (6:30 p.m.). Please work that began in the 1970s and has make sure to attend one of these been on hold, waiting for a moment public meetings so that you will un- The proposals you such as this. Another interesting derstand the nature of these propos- thing is that many of the names of als, the rationale and history behind will be considering the Congregational Councils, the them, and the tremendous opportu- Building and Facilities Committees nities they are for us. this month are really from that era are still here, active and I don’t want to talk about the specific invested in the future of Trinity. We proposals, but instead, want to offer a nothing more than will hear from some of them as they couple of comments. First, it is really work that began in reflect upon what was envisioned, important for you to attend one of and how their forward-thinking these meetings. The proposals offered the 1970s and has investment in land has enabled us to and their consequences are significant consider the future we now can see. and will shape our ministry for years been on hold, Truly, there is nothing really new in to come. So much detail is to be these proposals, although they have presented – the Trinity for Tomorrow waiting for a moment come about by the independent work Team (TFT) has spent almost two of the TFT Team and the Council, years doing their homework, and the such as this. now confirmed by the records of the Council has spent the better part of work done by their predecessors of this past year preparing these plans, saved from the Congregational the ‘70s and ‘80s. that to miss these meetings and then Councils, Building Committees, Interesting, isn’t it? come for the vote at the Annual Property Committees and the like from Please make it a priority to attend one Meeting would be irresponsible. At the late 1970s and early 1980s – when of the informational meetings – I look the Annual Meeting, the Council is the original church building had its forward to the discussions! planning to have the congregation roof taken off, and the huge expansion decide, and the information meetings was shaped around it. Completed in See you on Sunday! are the times for the congregation 1983, the building we now use was Pastor Dan to come and listen, give feedback, really the last major facilities project get excited and get informed. If you Trinity has undertaken. The interesting cannot make any of the meetings, thing is, it was only one phase of what please call the Church Office, and a was originally envisioned. The original member of the Council or the Team drawings show a more comprehensive Finding our way again Ancient Practice: Contemplative Prayer Method: Centering Prayer by Pastor Siri Erickson METHOD: THE GRATITUDE JOURNAL Ancient practice: Ann EXPRESSING GRATITUDE WOlff

History: 4. Observation. Let your eyes travel Expressing gratitude is a fundamental over the abundance of everything God through others. Thank God for component of most religious traditions. they see from where you sit, saying these people. “thank you, God” for each. Behold Paul’s letters are epistles of gratitude. 5. Self-discovery. Write down the the beauty of the snow, trees, and Psychologists, philosophers, and positive things and discoveries you birds outside your window. Focus writers in countless cultures and have been learning about yourself. on pictures of your family, personal historical periods have also recognized Thank God for your God-given memorabilia, special purchases and and endorsed the power of a grateful talents. attitude. Most recently, scientific the happenings and happiness that 6. Acts of kindness. Record acts of studies have shown that keeping a are associated with each. kindness you have witnessed, read or gratitude journal can significantly 5. Music. If there is a specific piece heard about. Focus on the goodness improve our physical and psychological of music that connects with you, of humanity. Thank the Source of all well-being. Keeping a gratitude journal put it on and sit (or dance) in full goodness. is a spiritual practice that can focus engagement with it. our minds and inspire our words and 7. Family tree. Write why you are actions to express a growing awareness, Practice: thankful for each person in your appreciation, and connection with all Experiment with a variety of family. Thank God who has planted the seed. of God’s creation, thus deepening our journaling techniques: relationship with God and making our 1. Five Gifts. Write five things or 8. Resistance. When things are not world a more peaceful and loving place. people for which you are thankful. going well, you don’t feel grateful, For each, begin by writing “I am and you can hardly bring yourself to Process: grateful for…, I am profoundly open your gratitude journal, spend Prepare your mind for journaling in any grateful for….,” etc. Write why you some extra time preparing your mind of the following ways: are grateful. Don’t hurry through and heart and find little, humorous 1. Focused thought or prayer. If you the list. Think of each as a gift from things to write. “At least I made it have a special prayer, quotation, or God. to work without an or a Bible verse that inspires you, write it ticket.” “Well, I didn’t break any 2. Gratitude Density. Start with one in the front of your journal. Read it bones today.” “All of the appliances thing (example - food). Write down every time you prepare to write. are working.” every single thing and person that is 2. Reading. Choose a book, scripture, needed to provide food—sun, water, 9. Refocus. When you’re upset with poem – anything that inspires dirt, minerals, farmers, every piece someone or something, write feelings of gratitude. Giving Thanks of farm equipment, seed, fertilizer, everything good about that situation by MJ Ryan is one recommendation. packaging factories, stores, clerks, or person. Look for the positive and for the goodness. Try to change your 3. Contemplation and Introspection. shelf stockers, etc. Thank God, the own attitude because you know you Clear your mind by repeating original and abundant Giver of all. can’t change that situation or that “Thank you, God” 20 times. Clear 3. Minimalist. After spending time in person. your mind of everything and be introspection, filling your heart and thinking, praising, and thanking mind with thoughts of gratitude, 10. Abundance. Using stream of God. Put your hand over your heart write just one word or one sentence consciousness, write everything for and say thank you with every beat to express what you are feeling. which you are thankful, as it flows of your heart—a gift from God. into your mind and your heart. Each 4. Compliments. Record compliments Concentrate on your breathing and thing will undoubtedly lead to many you have received or heard someone thank God with every breath. Feel others. Thank God for the abundant give to someone else. Focus on God’s spirit filling your lungs and blessings in your life. Write your appreciation and the effects of your body and exhale your thanks. plans to use your blessings to bless expressing appreciation. We know the world. 3 ON Purpose

Sometimes in life the path to follow The first assignment I was given shines like the yellow brick road. by On Purpose Ministry Director capable of asking me hard questions Gods’ direction seems to allow one Jody Thone, was to complete that required me to confront the the opportunities to choose and act a “Strengths Finder” survey. I painful blocks between where I was decisively in ways that honor your was definitely out of my element and where I wanted to be. During highest calling. There are, however, with that process and I couldn’t our second meeting Jody advised times when the pathways diverge or understand how completing a me to spend some time doing the become indiscernible. What do you survey was going to be helpful things that I loved. Specifically, she do when those moments present to me or anyone else. But as has advised me to start writing, singing themselves? What if those moments happened often in my life, I learned and playing my music. I took her last for days, months, or years? that I was in exactly the place advice and immediately my mood Greetings to all, my name is that God wanted me to be. Jody lifted, my steps lightened and God’s Mike Billington and recently my wife explained that by identifying and light and love reappeared. It truly is Gail and I began attending services at claiming what my strengths are, a beautiful place to be, unstuck and Trinity in Stillwater. Gail and I have those God-given gifts, talents and free to dream. traits that are uniquely mine, I can a blended family of six children and Over the next month I worked one grandson with two sons and our align myself with God to make a difference in the world. on specific ways to develop and grandson still living at home. Our implement a plan to nurture my neighbor, Pastor Kris, invited us to In the ensuing weeks I explored primary calling and to pursue a path an outdoor service in Houlton last the ways that I look at things and of hopefulness and joy. I now realize spring and we’ve been inspired to the filters that I put incoming that I have to follow my strengths, keep coming. We’ve only met a few information through. How did I lean on God and build an efficient of you but look forward to what our talk to myself? What role did fear team if I want to reach my goals. future at Trinity holds. and anxiety have in the way I made On the day of our last meeting When I was offered the opportunity my decisions? Did I actually feel we heard a speaker say, “This is to explore what the On Purpose guilty about feeling happy when I the source of our confidence; the Ministry at Trinity could offer to me enjoyed my work? What stories did I knowledge that God calls on us to I had a fair amount of pragmatism. choose to believe about myself? Do I shape an uncertain destiny.” It was I had just retired from 32 years of have to be an expert in every aspect an inspiring comment and a befitting working construction. While my job of a project that I undertake? As I piece of wisdom to carry with me. was a means to an end, there weren’t made my way through all of these The On Purpose Ministry has given too many days that I woke up excited issues I made the determination me some of the tools I need to help to get to work. In addition, some that many of my thoughts and shape that uncertain destiny. subsequent actions served neither recent health issues and other changes Thanks Trinity. in my life were preventing me from God nor my highest call. Blessings, feeling joyful or hopeful. By nature Could I have gotten to that point on I’m an optimist and upbeat, so feeling my own? Highly unlikely I’d say. Mike Billington that way was somewhat troubling. In working on these issues, I was privileged to have a true listener,

4 Serve Take On the world Hunger Golf Tournament March is Minnesota Food Share Month Trinity is focusing its effort to support two hunger-based ministries: Valley Outreach & ...because hunger isn’t par for the course! Kids Against Hunger. We will use this month to raise funding for both of these ministries as Rain they continue to be part of the solution to end Stillwater Country Club hunger. The purchasing power of your dollar is or multiplied through the bulk purchasing power Monday, June 1, 2009 Shine of these organizations. Take On During the month of March, Valley Outreach Food Shelf is eligible for incentive awards from HungerBest Ball Scramble Event Minnesota Food Share. These incentive awards Golf Tournament10:30 a.m. – Registration are given to the food shelves in Minnesota based on how many donations they receive Noon – Box Lunch; Shotgun Start during the month of March. The more they 5:30 p.m. – Dinner & Silent Auction raise in cash/food donations, the more incentive award money they will receive. During the last $150 entry fee includes 18 holes, cart, week of February Trinity hosted a community box lunch, dinner, festivities (cash bar) meal packing event partnered with Kids Against Hunger. Despite some very difficult economic times our community gathered together in Take On service beyond self and packed 270,864 meals that will help fight hunger locally, nationally, How you can be part of the solution: and internationally. Hunger m Sponsor a Foursome $600 ______• Locally: Meals will be distributed at food Golf Tournament shelves in Stillwater, St. Paul, Mahtomedi, m Be Part of a Foursome $150 ______Hudson, New Richmond, Somerset, Woodbury, Forest Lake, and others if m Sponsor a Hole $300 ______desired. • Nationally: Some meals will be held in m Dinner Only $50 ______reserve in case of flooding this spring or for hurricane response this fall. m Donate a Silent Auction Item ______• Internationally: Meals will be distributed through Christian-based programs (schools, Make all checks payable to: Trinity Lutheran Church Take On hospitals, and orphanages) in Haiti, Jamaica, and Tanzania. A special note: some of the Hunger meals will be distributed through Stillwater Be part of Check Trinity’s web site native Dr. Mark Jacobson’s Aids Orphan at www.trinitylc.orgGolf Tournament program and Hospice Care Teams. the solution Dr. Jacobson truly appreciates your for tournament updates. willingness to support his mission. to end Contact Tom Thiets at 651-439-7400, ext. 146 • These meals will feed 742 children for the hunger! next year. or [email protected] with questions. Your support of these hunger ministries is greatly appreciated. Please make all checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church with “Hunger” in the memo line. For more Proceeds to benefit information please contact Tom Thiets at Mission Tanzania agriculture projects & ext. 146 or [email protected] the food shelf at Valley Outreach

5 GROUPS & Teams Circles Enrich lives

Circles have enriched women’s lives for many years and continue to do so. More than 125 women are currently members of eight circles at Trinity. Some of the names and faces have changed over the years, but circles continue to be caring and trusting places where women can be authentic, learn and grow together, contribute to make a difference in the world, and experience God in their relationships with one another. Some members recall circle history as far back as 60 years. Norma Swanson of Martha Circle joined a circle in 1949 when she and her husband, Leroy, joined Trinity. She has been the leader of the Martha Circle for the past 15 years. “Even though we are getting older, our members continue to support one another in Christian fellowship, Circle members support spiritual growth, and mutual care as well as a wide variety of projects reach out to others in need,” stated Norma. including Tanzania, JESUS Delivers, Bible studies, Lutefisk Donna Dielentheis and Betty Wasmundt, Dinner, funerals, world leaders of the Dorcas Circle, remember G s hunger events, Lenten rou am with love and humor members who have ps Te lunches, food shelves died. They thank God for the mentoring of & and more. While some these special women and believe they are members are now retired, better people because of their examples. “We they continue to use their remember Betty June Larson, who modeled skills as mothers, teachers, nurses, administrators, and most important, humility, Esther Ammerman, who remained servants of Christ. “We feel privileged and blessed to serve our church positive no matter what the adversity, and and community in so many ways” said Dellzie Hodler. “As we serve and Fern Lundeen, a true servant and always study together, we grow in our faith and our friendships deepen.” gracious” said Donna. Ruth Circle recently lost a beloved friend, Joyce Arones, who will Most of the year, the Ruth Circle is busy serving the world with always be remembered for her giving heart. donations, time and talents. “I believe it’s a blessing to serve our church and community,” said co-leader, Diane Sauers. Like most, the Ruth Circle Today, Trinity’s eight Circles connect in meets monthly for study and fellowship. For the past eight years, because important ways to support Trinity’s mission they want to have quality time to celebrate of friendship, they to love, transform and serve. In addition retreat each May at Cove Point Lodge on Lake Superior. Members glow to monthly circle meetings, leaders meet as they reflect these special times together. together throughout the year to discuss new ideas, challenges and support one another. Sandy Wendt joined the Anna Circle one year ago at the invitation of It’s the sharing of ideas and experiences that Kristie Anderson while they were serving side-by-side on the Katrina helps keep circles forward-thinking. “We Mission Project. She shared, “Participating in circle has broadened my gain so much from each other” said base of acquaintances so when I’m at church, or anywhere for that matter, Julie Jolivette, Circle Leader Coach. While it’s great to see people that I feel I know a little bit and will converse with all are committed to a common covenant, rather than just saying “Hi,” or “Good Morning.” My favorite part is that each circle has developed its own distinctive sense of belonging through rich community and fellowship.” life force and the freedom to empower itself If you are interested in learning how you can join a circle, group or team, to connect with the world. please contact Julie Jolivette, Director of Group and Team Ministries, at ext. 108 or [email protected]

6 worship & learning survey results Thank-you again to those who Worship*Worship* Service Service Attendance Attendance Worship*Worship* Service Service Attendance Attendance participated18-2918-29 in the3939 Trinity Worship SeptemberSeptember thru thru May May SummerSummer Months Months and Learning Survey. Information *Top*Top three three responses responses for for applicable applicable questions questions *Top*Top three three responses responses for for applicable applicable questions questions from30-3930-39 the congregation3636 is valuable in ministry planning. Survey results Sunday Sunday 40-49 129 13%13% Sunday 8%8% Sunday will40-49 be shared in two consecutive 129 9 9a.m. a.m. 9 9a.m. a.m. Drive-In Drive-In issues of the Trinity Today. The first 50-5950-59 104 104 SundaySunday 29%29% SundaySunday issue will cover information on the 53%53% 38%38% 10:3010:30 a.m. a.m. 62% 1010 a.m. a.m. survey60-6960-69 demographics, worship, 76 76 and 62% technology. The second issue will SaturdaySaturday SaturdaySaturday cover70-7970-79 information 45 on 45 Adult and 5 5p.m. p.m. 5 5p.m. p.m. Children’s Learning. Age in years of respondents in years Age Age in years of respondents in years Age Number of services attended Number of services attended 8080 + + 1313 NumberNumber of of Survey Survey per month: Survey Demographics: per month: Respondents:Respondents: 247 247 4=40%; 3=34%; 2=20% 3=30%; 4=23%; 2=23% UnknownUnknown 9 9 Worship* Service Attendance Worship* Service Attendance 18-29 39 During the winter months, Most frequently spend weekends: 0 30 60 90 120 150 September thru May Summer Months 0 30 60 90 120 150 respondents living in a different Home = 74%; Cabin = 28%; *Top three responses for applicable questions *Top three responses for applicable questions 30-39 36 geographical area: Travelling = 14% No= 95%; Yes = 5% 13% Sunday Which factors8% determine theSunday worship 40-49 129 Which factors determine the9 a.m. service attended: 9 a.m. Drive-In worship service attended: Style of worship = 62%; Time = 50%; 50-59 104 Style of worship53% = 65%; Sunday Day29% of the week = 35% Sunday Time38% = 55%; Day of the week10:30 = 30% a.m. 10 a.m. 60-69 76 62% Saturday Saturday 70-79 45 Technology*: 5 p.m. 5 p.m. (*top 3 responses for applicable questions) Age in years of respondents in years Age 80 + 13 Number of Survey Most valuable technology-based communication: Respondents: 247 E-mail = 90%; Home phone = 68%; Cell phone = 60% Unknown 9 Most valuable technology-based communication for children: Cell phone = 68%; Text messaging = 64%; Facebook = 43% 0 30 60 90 120 150 Utilize Trinity podcasts: No = 83%; Yes = 17% Utilize podcasts or webcasts at work, home or leisure: NumberNumber ofNo of Services Services = 69%; Attended/Month: Attended/Month:Yes= 31% NumberNumber of of Services Services Attended/Month: Attended/Month: 40 40 30 30 35 35 25 30 25 30 20 25 25 40% 20 30%30% 20 40% 15 20 34% 15 15 34% 15 10 10 23% 23% 10 23% 23% 10 5 5 5 20%20% 5 0 0 0 0 FourFour ThreeThreemaking TwosureTwo that the bulletinsFourFour got handedThreeThree out, offeringTwoTwo and Living head count taken, sanctuary tidied, and congregants warmly greeted and seated. DuringDuring winter winter months, months, respondents respondents MostMost frequently frequently spend spend weekends: weekends: Trinity’s livingliving in in a adi erent di erent geographical Herbgeographical has been area: area: a member here at Trinity since 1957. He and 40 40 40 40 35 35 Maxine were married for35 35 56 years until she passed away in 30 30 30 30 25 25 40% 25 25 40% 20 40% 20 40% 20 34%2005, and they raised five20 children: Steve,34% Debbie, Bill, Denise 15 34% 15 34% mission 15 15 10 10 10 10 5 5 and Jim.20% 20%Herb was a plumber5 5 by trade before retiring20%20% in 1963 0 0 0 0 Herb Berger is quite a guy. HomeHome CabinCabinand hasTravelingTraveling shared his skills inHome manyHome jobs hereCabinCabin at TrinityTravelingTraveling including I met Herb three years ago when I Sunday School teacher and superintendent, and of course, took on the responsibility of the Usher Ministry here usher coordinator! at Trinity, and was thrilled to find that Herb had been Please thank Herb for his long history of service (and by the coordinating the early service ushers for…well, he’s not Number of Servicesway, Attended/Month: I am looking for someoneNumber to fill of Serviceshis capable Attended/Month: shoes in quite sure for how long, but we are talking a decade40 or coordinating the 9 a.m. ushers).30 Faithful, cheerful and always 35 25 30 more! For those many years Herb has faithfully25 recruited40% ready to share a kind word,20 Trinity is grateful30% for Herb. 20 34% 15 15 10 23% 23% ushers—calling them, pinch-hitting as a substitute10 usher, – Zanny Johnson 5 20% 5 0 0 Four Three Two Four Three Two 7 During winter months, respondents Most frequently spend weekends: living in a di erent geographical area: 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 40% 25 40% 20 34% 20 34% 15 15 10 10 5 20% 5 20% 0 0 Home Cabin Traveling Home Cabin Traveling Contact the Gratitude Grateful Team directly by at email Hearts [email protected] or by leaving a message

in the offering.TH3TREET plate or 3TILLWATER -. in the Church Office. LIVES  TRINITYLCORG


Last$EAR$ONAND'AYLE fall, during a time of financial How did you teach your children distress that a large portion of us to be grateful and generous? have never before lived through, 16% Since our children are 17 and 21, more4HE'RATITUDE4EAMISGRATEFULFORYOURFINANCIALLEADERSHIP7ERECOGNIZETHATBECAUSEOFYOUR families pledged their financial I asked them directly how they support for 2009 than the previous year. GLADANDGENEROUSHEARTS 4RINITYISABLETOLIVEOUTITSMISSIONTOLOVEEVERYONE TRANSFORMLIVESlearned about gratitude when they Together, we pledged to give 6.5 percent THROUGH*ESUSANDSERVETHEWORLD were growing up. Both responded more money in 2009 than in 2008. What that it was never really an option. a proclamation of faith, compassion, Giving of time and gifts, and saying and gratitude! In the words of *USTASTHEEARLY#HRISTIANSGATHEREDWITHGLADANDGENEROUSHE“thank-you” was a part of beingARTS THE'RATITUDE4EAMINVITESYOU in Dag Hammarskjold, Swedish diplomat our family. (1905-1961)TOGATHERTOGETHERWITHAFEWOTHERSTOhBREAKBREADINOURHOM “For all that has been, ESANDEATTOGETHERv7EWANTTO thanks.SAYTHANKYOU TOHAVESOMETIMETOSHARE ANDTOHEARWHATVIS For all that will be, yes!” When our children were in theirIONSORPOSSIBILITIESYOUHAVEFOR 4RINITY elementary years, both had moments when they weren’t sure how they could give. We asked each !MEMBEROFOUR'RATITUDE4EAMWILLCALLYOUSOONTOINVITEYOUTOONEOFOURDINNERSANDof them to make a list of all kinds of things they were gifted and skilled to do…everything from singing in the choir to cleaning windows. The ideas gratSCHEDULEADATE7ELOOKFORWARDTOSHARINGAMEALANDCONVERSATIONAROUNDTHETABLEeful came from their own experiences and journey, so the choices they listed belonged to them. Our role as parents was to help support them by helping 'RATEFULLY hearts them show up, and process the experience after. Several examples of these choices include when the city of St. Peter In the next few months, groups, experienced a tornado. Jenna and I went and helped the residents clean-up. teams, and individuals are encouraged 4HE'RATITUDE4EAM Another example is Mark partnering with Ben on scouting service events, to share with each other stories of especially experiences that included the environment since this issue was a moments!NN7OLFF $AN.ORMA7ILSON *AN,YNN-OST *ULIE*OLIVETTE #HRIS*OHNSON 2ALPH3TEINER in time when they were filled concern for Ben. These events were chosen and thus valued by our children, to overflowing with gratitude. The and became part of their personal journey. Gratitude Team is collecting stories and pictures for a book that will be In addition, the opportunities were fun because while we helped others, published in the fall. Mark and I were able to spend time with our kids and have very intentional conversations about a variety of topics. Each time a story of gratitude is shared connections are made, community is We also have encouraged “thank-you,” whether it was a note or a verbal strengthened, faith is deepened. This is a affirmation. Our kids have been invited and encouraged to not only write really exciting opportunity for us to tell a thank-you, but also to thank people in person who have reached out to our stories of God in our lives. them on their journey. The blessings of gratitude, both given and received, enrich both the family and individual journey, and offer the chance to If you have a story to share or if you experience life as God desires. hear a story that should be shared, please contact Julie Jolivette at ext. 108, Karen Gieseke or [email protected]

8 care UPcoming ministries concerts@ Trinity With Pastor St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Jubilate Bells benefit Kris Linner Vivaldi and Handel concert Life is filled with disappointments, Thu., March 26, 8 p.m. Sat., May 16, 6 p.m. – Worship Center because life is filled with expectations. The SPCO’s Dale Barltrop leads This concert will feature the newly We expect that our kids will be able Baroque favorites including music formed Bell Choir with many to live the American Dream. We by Handel, Vivaldi, and Telemann. favorites including Joyful Joyful, expect that the chemo treatments Handel’s opulently scored , Praise to the Lord, will be successful. We expect that the Concerto Grosso, which he wrote to the Almighty, and many others. The pregnancy will result in a healthy baby. be performed with his oratorio in purpose of this concert is to raise We expect that the job is secure. We celebration of the power of music, funds to refurbish our four-octave expect the marriage to be until “death Alexander’s Feast, shares the bill with bell set. They have not been tuned do us part.” Life’s disappointments Telemann’s vivid portrayal of scenes or serviced since 2003. Each year come when our expectations do not and characters from Cervantes’ they are left untreated increases the meet with reality. Don Quixote and Vivaldi’s thrilling risk of breakage and bad intonation. violin concerto La tempesta di mare. Because Trinity has invested the Joan Chittister, in her book, Scarred by For tickets call the SPCO box office money to purchase the bells, it is Struggle, Transformed by Hope, writes at 291-1144 or visit www.thespco.org. our commitment to bring them back this about life’s disappointments, “Our to total functionality. It is our hope own struggles begin at those junctions The Metropolitan that the free-will offering during the in life where the past disappears and Symphony Orchestra concert will help us to accomplish the future seems both unclear and Sun., March 29, 4 p.m. our goal. Please plan on attending totally unacceptable. It is irreparable The Metropolitan Symphony this joyous event and enjoy the interruption. The loved one dies. The Orchestra commemorates the 150th beautiful sound the bells produce. job fails. The money disappears. The anniversary of the birth of British Please contact Debi Orff at 351-7397 promise is broken. The illness fells us. composer Edward Elgar with a with questions. The marriage ends. Joy goes dry.” performance of his transcription for What do we as God’s people do in such full orchestra of J.S. Bach’s Fantasia times? One thing we can do is take and Fugue in C minor as the opening our cue from the Psalmist. We lament work on this concert led by Music by directing our hard, unanswerable Director William Schrickel. The questions to God. Walter Brueggemann Concerto for Oboe by Elgar’s fellow writes about the honesty with God that English composer, Ralph Vaughan the psalmists model for us, “The psalms Williams, spotlights the MSO’s know that life is dislocated. There principal oboist, Joseph Peters. need be no cover up. The Psalter is a Free and open to all. collection of the eloquent, passionate songs and prayers of people who are at the desperate edge of their lives… Will you forget me forever? How questions nor can we take away Most of the lament Psalms are the voice long must I bear pain in my soul and another’s pain. That is not what is of those who are mad as hell and are have sorrow in my heart all day long?” needed. Most often what is needed is not going to take it any more. They the psalmist confidently says, “But I the presence of one who cares. are not religious in the sense that they trusted in your steadfast love. I will Henri Nouwen said it well, “The are courteous or polite or deferential. sing to God, because God has dealt person who can be silent with us in They are religious only in the sense that bountifully with me.” William Ward our time of difficulty, who can tolerate they are willing to speak this chaos to writes, “Our faith can make us larger not-knowing, not-curing, not-healing the very face of the Holy One.” than our losses, greater than our griefs, and face with us the reality of our We honestly speak to God about life’s stronger than our struggles and more powerlessness, that is a person who disappointments, but we also trust that powerful than our problems.” Have cares.” faith endures. The psalms always end hope that faith can carry you through. In the face of life difficulties be honest on a note of trust. After the Psalmist in Lastly, we can be there for one another. with God, trust in an enduring faith Psalm 13 cries, “How long, O Lord? We cannot answer the unanswerable and draw on the support of others.

97 Greening Our Work Community Dinner Learning Sunday 9 a.m. – Living Room and Speaker Series Sunday 10:30 a.m. – Garden Room April 7 Matt Simcik, Ph. D. & growing March 15 Five Pillars of Energy Minnesota’s waters Efficiency May 5 Dennis Anderson Register for all classes & events at www.trinitylc.org with Doug Karnuth Minnesota’s wildlife March 29 Bicycle Commuting with habitat Raising Boys: Parenting Mike Johnson, Matt Simcik Boys Beyond Male Stereotypes Minnesota Water: Life Upstream Thu., April 16, June 18, Tue., April 7 with Matt Simcik, PhD 7-9 p.m. – Living Room Free dinner served 6-7 p.m.; Presentation 7-8:30 p.m. Come join other parents of Garden Room young boys to learn more Come enjoy a delicious meal and learn more about the about the development of current state of Minnesota’s environment. boys, share stories and Matt SImcik is a Trinity member and Associate Professor of wisdom, and grow in your Environmental Chemistry in the Division of Environmental ability to parent your Health Sciences, School of Public Health at the University of boys. Each session will be a Minnesota. He has a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from group discussion based on a different G3 Rugters, the State University of New Jersey. He does research book about raising boys. on the fate and transport of organic contaminants in the atmosphere and aquatic Books include Raising Cain, Speaking systems. Matt lives in Stillwater with his wife, Deb, and their four sons. of Boys, The Wonder of Boys, Boys Adrift, and Real Boys. A schedule of which book to read for each session Greening the St. Croix will be emailed to you when you sign 9 a.m. – Living Room G3 up for this group. Led by Deb and 10:30 a.m. – Garden Room Matt Simcik go green with April 5 – Designing a GOD Bible Study: Rain Garden Difficult Sayings of Jesus with Angie Hong, Water Resource Education Specialist, March 14, 21, 28; April 4 East Metro Water Resource Education Program 8:30-10 a.m. – Living Room Discover the Secret to Leisurely Landscaping Lent is often a time for thoughtful Angie will talk about the Blue Thumb – Planting for Clean Water program and how reflection, increased contemplation, it can help people to plant native gardens, raingardens and shoreline plantings that and attempts to tackle issues that may are beautiful and help to improve water quality. Angie will present an overview of be difficult. Come join a lively group raingarden basics, as well as financial and technical resources available in Washington discussion of eight of the “Difficult County to help homeowners create these gardens. Sayings of Jesus.” Pastor Steve has been facilitating a Saturday morning Bible April 19 – Health of the St. Croix River study at Trinity for about 20 years; those who have attended will attest to with Dr. Brenda Moraska Lafrancois, Aquatic Ecologist, the life changing insights of a candid, St. Croix Watershed Research Station free flowing, and often humorous Dr. Moraska Lafrancois is an Aquatic Ecologist with the National give and take between both long term Park Service. She works mainly with 9 parks in the Great Lakes attendees and those new attendees who region (Apostle Islands, Grand Portage, Indiana Dunes, Isle Royale, haven’t been involved in this type of Mississippi National River, Pictured Rocks, Sleeping Bear Dunes, St. Croix National Bible study before. It’s a great way to Scenic Riverway, and Voyageurs). Her current research is wide-ranging and includes start the weekends of Lent! Led by studying the water quality and biological integrity of large rivers (like the St. Croix), Pastor Steve Hokonson the Great Lakes, and inland lakes and streams. April 26 – Photographing the St Croix River with Eric Lindberg

10 Half-Day Mindfulness Singles Connection Hope and Healing in Meditation Retreat Special Event: Grief Sat., March 28, 8-11:30 a.m. Live your Strengths Sun., March 29, 10:30 a.m. Ascension Fellowship Hall, Fri., April 17, 7-9 p.m. Living Room Cost: $15/person or $20/couple Garden Room – Cost: $2 Grief is a difficult and long journey of These retreats are an introduction to Qualify for a door prize if you bring a adjusting to life without one’s loved an early Christian practice of Mindful friend. Living your strengths reduces ones. If you are on that journey, you Meditation or non-supplicative stress, improves results, and brings more need not walk alone. Join others to prayer. This practice helps participants joy to your life. Who wouldn’t want learn about normal grief and hints for quiet their mind, relax their soul, this? Come learn about your unique coping at the “Hope and Healing in and become more centered. All are design with two fun guys from Trinity’s Grief Class.” If you would like more welcome regardless of previous On Purpose Team! Come discuss and information, please contact Kris Linner, experience. Dress in comfortable explore with other singles how you can Pastor of Care Ministries at ext. 107 or clothes and bring a cushion if you focus your life around your strengths. [email protected]. have one. Contact David Teschler, Led by Dick Dunnigan and Tim Gillis 612-991-5117 or [email protected] with questions. Men’s Ministry Enneagram II: Brainstorming Session Good Friday Men’s Personal & Spiritual Mon., March 23, 6:30-8 p.m. Growth Living Room Prayer Breakfast This is an informal meeting of men Sat., April 25; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri., April 10, 6:30 a.m. – Garden interested in formulating the direction Trinity Gym Room of Men’s Ministry. A handful of Cost: $25, includes lunch Come and enjoy a great breakfast, an opportunities for men to engage with * Introduction to the Enneagram, or outstanding speaker, and beautiful other men at Trinity exist, but there previous Enneagram study is a music. Our special guest speaker will hasn’t been an overall direction or plan. pre-requisite for this retreat day. be Rev. Dr. Richard Bliese, president This meeting will be an opportunity This retreat will continue our of Luther Seminary. Music will be for people to share their ideas and exploration of the Enneagram and focus provided by Phil Kadidlo. Please offer suggestions, such as men’s small on application in our lives.We will learn sign-up in the Commons. A $3 groups, Bible studies, adventure trips, more about our wings, our arrows of donation is suggested. Any surplus service projects, book clubs, breakfasts, integration and stress and how we move funds will be used to support Trinity dinners, golf outings, fishing outings, up in our levels of health. Please wear mission programs. Please invite your etc. We are looking for people with comfortable clothes as we will do some family, friends, and neighbors. ideas. No commitment is necessary physical movement. Led by Jody Thone other than helping us brainstorm. Easter memorials

Each year at Easter, our worship services are highlighted by our beautiful Easter Flower Garden. If you would like to give a plant “in In memory of honor” or “in memory” of someone, please use this form to place your order. You may In honor of pick them up after the last service on Easter morning. Plants not picked up by this time may Given by be delivered to community residents. o Azalea – $12 o Lily – $12 Phone number o Mum – $12 o Tulip – $12

Remember someone special at Easter with a Total $ amount enclosed monetary gift toward Local Hunger Ministries. Please designate the amount to be given: Form & payment must be turned in by Sun., March 29 Complete this form, attach your check (payable to Trinity), and place it in the $______offering plate, drop it off in the office or mail to Trinity. 11 Camp Quadna 2009 Want to be a Camp YOUTH Looking for a fun adventure this Counselor? summer? All students in If you are in ninth grade or older you MINISTRIES grades 7-8 are invited to Camp can apply to be a CIT (Counselor In Quadna! Confirmation students Training) at Bay Lake Camp (students Youth and Family choose a week, either July 26-30 in grades 3-6) or Camp Quadna Pancake Breakfast or July 31-August 4. These camps (students in grades 7-8). College-age are open to anyone not enrolled in students are needed for all camps April 26, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Confirmation as well, so bring your including Bay Lake, Quadna and Everyone is invited to the Youth & friends! Camp is held at Quadna Florida Beach. Counselor training Family Pancake Breakfast on April 26! Resort and Retreat Center in Hill starts in May. CITs (counselors under Enjoy pancakes and support the youth City, MN. Get ready for a youth band, 18) pay for lodging and travel. Pick ministry camp fund with a donation. dynamic speakers, great counselors up a camp counselor/CIT application This is the last Sunday morning and tons of fun activities. Tubing, in the Youth Center or go online. of children’s programming for the golf, tennis, 9-square and beach time Applications are due May 1. Contact year, so stay and celebrate with us! are just a few examples of fun at Cindy Jones for more details at ext. 137 Youth attending camp are invited to camp. The cost is $285 per camper. or [email protected] volunteer at the breakfast. Sign up in Fundraisers and scholarships are the Youth Center. Contact Cindy with available. Registration is now open. any questions [email protected] or Registrations and a $100 deposit are at ext. 137. Florida Beach Camp due March 11. Pick up a registration July 6-12 for students in grades 9-12 form in the Youth Center or go online Join us as we road trip to Mexico Missionaries to to register. Contact Cindy Jones for Destin, FL for a week packed with more details at ext. 137 or fun in the sun! We hang out, play and lead Worship [email protected] Sat., March 28, 5 p.m. worship on the beach! This trip is open Sun. March 29, 9 & 10:30 a.m. to anyone in grades 9-12; the cost is Join us as the Mexico Missionaries Trinity scholarship $425. Fundraisers and scholarships share how God used them to bring are available. Pick up a registration applications due April 1 form in the Youth Center or online. God’s love and hope through a new The Trinity Lutheran Church roof and new friends. Hear stories and Contact Cory Jones at ext. 144 with Scholarship Fund promotes and any questions. see the impact of this life-changing trip! encourages higher education. All applicants and recipients must have Gracias Banquet been baptized at, confirmed at and be Help fund your camp members of Trinity Lutheran Church Mon., April 6, 6:30 p.m. – Garden Rm Are looking for a way to make money of Stillwater, MN. Scholarships are Everyone and their families who toward camp this summer? Jr. and sr. awarded on the basis of academic sponsored a Mexico Missionary is high students are invited to help with status, co-curricular achievement invited to the Gracias Banquet! This three different fundraisers. Help with and good citizenship. All original is a special event for the missionaries the Family Ministries pancake breakfast scholarship and renewal applications to enjoy a meal with and thank their April 26. Sign up for a time slot in the are available online and are to be sponsors and tell them about their Youth Center. Or, sell Guatemalan postmarked no later than April 1, and experiences on the trip. Contact Cory coffee. Talk to Pastor TJ about getting mailed to: for more information at ext. 144 or coffee to sell. Help out with Drive-In Trinity Lutheran Scholarship Fund [email protected] hospitality on June 14 or June 21. Trinity Lutheran Church Sign up for these will also be in the P.O. Box 339 Youth Center. Contact Cindy Jones Senior Recognition Stillwater, MN 55082 for more details about these fundraisers Service and luncheon at ext. 137 or [email protected] Congratulations to all Trinity’s graduating seniors! We would like to the The River is a place where sr. high students recognize you at worship on May 17 G – like you – can come and be a part of what at the 10:30 a.m. service. You and your >K:God is doing at Trinity. The River is an opportunity for family are also invited to a luncheon , you to get and stay connected with friends and God! Come and immediately following the service in worship through awesome music, learn and experience more about who honor of your accomplishment! Please Jesus is and have fun with friends. The River meets at 7 p.m., Wednesdays in RSVP to Denise Voran by May 8 at the Garden Room. See you there! For more information contact Cory Jones at [email protected] or ext. 134. 439-7400, ext. 144 or [email protected]. Remember to look for and join the River group on Facebook.com 12 March & April Children’s Join us this summer Ministry Mission Project CHILDREN’s for FUN! Rainy Day Baskets for Valley Outreach We have a wide variety of camps and Over the next several weeks, we will be MINISTRIES activities for kids this summer. We collecting items for Valley Outreach. hope you are able to join us! Baptism instruction Think of things you like to do at home Sun., April 26, 10:30-11:30 am. JUNE on a cold and rainy day. Do you like to Luther Hall How Does Your Garden Grow? play card games, board games, watch Begin a journey of promise, prayer, (Age 3-grade 2) movies, bake or cook, or do craft praise and process. Through time in Bay Lake projects? We are sure you have great conversation and learning, families (Grades 3-6) ideas, too! At the end of April, we will be will learn how God has something Rome at the Drive-in putting these things together in a gift bag wonderful to share through baptism. (Kids from birth – 99) and delivering them to Valley Outreach. You will have the opportunity to learn Summer Stretch more about God’s amazing promises (Grades 7-9) Easter Faire and gifts shared with us as God makes us God’s own child. As God joins us for JULY Sat., April 4, 9:30-11 a.m. our time together, we trust that it will Florida Beach Camp Gym & Garden Room be blessed. To register, please contact (Grades 9-12) $10 per family donation Laura at [email protected] or Helping Hands We had an awesome time at the visit us online at trinitylc.org. (Grades 3-6) Easter Faire last year and this year it Friends & Fun with Jesus is going to be twice as fun. Join us for (Age 3-grade 2) games, crafts and an Easter Egg hunt. First Communion Sonshine Music Festival To register, please contact Laura at instruction 17-Hour Blitz [email protected] or visit us Sun., May 3 & 10 (Grades 9-12) online at trinitylc.org. First Communion Service: Sun., May 17 Quadna Camp Easter Faire Donations – to help Children of any age are invited to (Grades 7-9) with the Easter Faire, donate candy participate in First Communion AUGUST or plastic eggs, please contact Laura at instruction with parent/guardian [email protected] discretion. The two-week instruction Vacation Bible School will help families discover the (Age 3-grade 4) marvelous gift of God’s grace, through Be the Story…A Drama Adventure fun activities and conversations that (Grades 4-6) make this a special first experience. You may register online at All participants will conclude their trinitylc.org or pick up a registration Registration experience with a group celebration form or more information at Trinity. as they participate in their First To register, please contact Laura at Now Open! Communion. To register, please contact [email protected] or visit us Fall 2009-2010 Laura at [email protected] or online at trinitylc.org. for the visit us online at trinitylc.org. program REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!


Lake Area Discovery Center is a Christian-based early childhood program for children ages two to five LADC will offer the same class options at Trinity that are available at other To register online, visit LADC locations. Trinity’s LADC will, however, be providing an extended care www.trinitylc.org or for those needing programming options from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Register now at www.ladcfamilies.org or contact Rebecca at ext. 125 with questions. contact Rebecca at ext. 125.

13 worship opportunities .TH3TREET • Wednesdays, 7 p.m.: The River (Grades 9-12 youth worship) 3TILLWATER -. • Wednesdays, 7 p.m.: The River (Grades 9-12 youth worship)  • Saturdays, 5 p.m.: Evening Worship, Communion TRINITYLCORG • Sundays, 9 a.m.: Traditional Worship, Communion, Nursery • Sundays, 10:30 a.m.: The Walk, Communion, Nursery

.TH3TREET3TILLWATER -. Baptisms trinity transportation TRINITYLCORG • Gabrielle Laurette Lalande, daughter of Marc-Andre & Sunday van schedule trinity.today. Sara (Odell) Lalande Trinity’s van is available during the Publication Number: USPS 509-650 • Lucas Andrew Wieczorek, son Sunday 9 a.m. worship service. A Published once per month by of Marcus and Nancy (Richert) van ride is available for members Trinity Lutheran Church .TH3TREET3TILLWATER -. TRINITYLCORG Wieczorek or non-members lacking other 115 N. 4th St., Box 339, Stillwater, MN 55082 means of transportation. Please Editor: Mary Steffl Congratulations to... Design & Layout: Amy Shalles call the Church Office (439-7400) • Pastor Siri & Seth Erickson on the Articles for the next Trinity Today between 9 a.m. Wed. and 4 p.m. birth of a daughter, Zella Celine on (May issue ), are due Wed., April 1 to begin Thu. to reserve your seat each week. arriving in mailboxes April 16. Feb. 13 Estimated pick-up times at senior Office:651-439-7400 ; Fax: 651-430-2935 E-mail: [email protected] Sympathy to... .TH3TREET3TILLWATER -. residences for Sept. 7-May 17 are: Web Site: www.trinitylc.org TRINITYLCORG • Ken & Ute Erickson, whose 8:15 a.m. – Boutwells Landing Trinity Today.TH3TREET is also available in full-color for daughter, Sabine Bugs, passed away 8:25 a.m. – Raymie Johnson download at3TILLWATER -. Trinity’s web site. • Dr. Jim Jenson, whose brother Postmaster: Send address changes to 8:35 a.m. – Croixdale TRINITYLCORG Maurie, passed away Trinity Lutheran Church, PO Box 339, 8:40 a.m. – Oakridge Stillwater, MN 55082. 8:45 a.m. – Rivertown Commons Reserve a Christ in our Home Devotion Trinity’s Proposed Future informational Annual Report 2008 As a part of our effort to go green and Annual Reports will be available make wise use of our resources, Christ meeting online on Fri., March 13. If you in our Home devotionals will now be Wed., March 25 – 6:30 p.m. would like a printed copy of the offered by reservation for $5 per year If you haven’t yet attended one of 2008 Annual Report, please fill for all devotional books to make sure the informational meetings to find out the request form below and that we order only what we need. To out the latest on Trinity’s proposed submit it to the Church Office or reserve your annual subscription, please future, this is your last chance! It is the offering plate. In an effort to sign-up and pay in the Trinity office important that you educate yourself respect God’s creation, Annual during the week or in the Commons on these issues as we will take a Reports will only be printed this on Sunday morning. Each quarter, we congregational vote on them at the year by request. Requests can also will hold a devotional book for you to Annual Meeting on March 29. be made by emailing your wishes to pick up at Trinity. If you would prefer Updates will be given on: [email protected] to receive Christ in our Home directly • City Parking Ramp in your home, we will help you order • Proposed purchase of the Drive-In an individual subscription directly from • Current Post Office site Please print an Augsburg Fortress. • New Post Office facility Trinity Worship Services • Proposed Capital Appeal this fall Annual Report 2008 broadcast on local cable • Financial report by Council for me/us Future action items: Trinity’s 9 a.m. Sunday worship service • Trinity expansion/renovation Name:______is broadcast at 11 a.m. on Sundays on • Fourth St. Property best use Channel 18. A recorded service airs on ______• Capital Appeal goals and timeline Wednesday at 1 & 7 p.m., Thursdays at 1 & 6 a.m., Fridays at 4 & 10 p.m., and Phone:______Saturday at 4 & 9 a.m. Email:______worship attendance Note:______Feb. 14 & 15 Feb. 21 & 22 Feb. 28 & March 1 March 7 & 8 5 p.m...... 98 5 p.m...... 140 5 p.m...... 106 5 p.m...... 189 ______9 a.m...... 209 9 a.m...... 280 9 a.m...... 278 9 a.m...... 343 10:30 a.m.....275 10:30 a.m.....268 10:30 a.m.....287 10:30 a.m.... 326 ______

14 march 14 – april 10 calendar Sat., March 14 Mon., March 23 Mon., March 30 10:30 a.m. Sunday Learning 8 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Meals on Wheels week 6:30 p.m. Gracias Banquet Set-up: 8:30 a.m. Bible Study: Liv. Rm 6:30 p.m. Tai Chi: Gym 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Gym 9 a.m. the WALK Rehearsal: 6:30 p.m. Congregational Council Mtg: 6:30 p.m. Tai Chi: Gym 7 p.m. the.source Alt. Worship: Worship Cntr Office Conf. Rm 7 p.m. Bible Study: Living Library Commons 5 p.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION 7 p.m. Bible Study: Living Library Tue., March 31 Mon., April 6 Sun., March 15 Tue., March 24 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library No Sunday Learning 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 8:30 a.m. Bible Study: Liv. Rm 6:30 p.m. Mexico Mission Gracias 9 a.m. G3-Green Collar Economy: 8:30 a.m. Bible Study: Liv. Rm 9 a.m. Little Tots: Rm 104-106 Banquet: Garden Rm Library Conf. Rm 9 a.m. Little Tots: Room 104-106 1:15 p.m. Prayer Group: 6:30 p.m. Tai Chi: Luther Hall 9 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, 1:15 p.m. Prayer Group: Office Conf. Rm Office Conf. Room Tue., April 7 NURSERY 7 p.m. the WALK Rehearsal: 7 p.m. the WALK Rehearsal: Worship Cntr 7 a.m. Gratitude Min. Mtg: 9 a.m. G3-Greening Our Work: Worship Cntr Office Conf. Rm Living Rm Wed., March 25 Wed., April 1 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 9 a.m. Little Tots: Rm 104-106 NURSERY 9 a.m. Pilates Stability Ball: Narthex 9 a.m. Pilates Stability Ball: Narthex 1 p.m. Martha Circle: 10:30 a.m. G3-Greening Our Work: 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Living Rm 9:15 a.m. Heart of the Home Moms Home of Inez Sandeen Garden Rm Noon WORSHIP-Lunch following 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Chapel 1:15 p.m. Prayer Group: 7 p.m. the.source Alt. Worship: 4:15 p.m. Elem. Bell Choir: Choir Rm 12 p.m. WORSHIP-Lunch follows: Office Conf. Rm Commons 5 p.m. Joyful Noise: Choir Rm Garden Rm 6 p.m. G3-MN Environment: Mon., March 16 5 p.m. Allelulia Choir: Worship Cntr 4:15 p.m. Elem. Bell Choir: Choir Rm Garden Rm 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 5:30 p.m. Family Pizza Hour: Gym 5 p.m. Joyful Noise: Choir Rm Wed., April 8 9 a.m. Retired Men’s Team 6 p.m. Club 56: Luther Hall 5 p.m. Allelulia Choir: Worship Cntr 5:30 p.m. Family Pizza Hour: Gym 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Office Conf. Rm 6 p.m. Conf. Leaders: Narthex 9 a.m. Pilates Stability Ball: Narthex 6:30 p.m. Tai Chi: Gym 6 p.m. Wednesday Learning 6 p.m. Bible Explorers: Youth Cntr 6 p.m. Conf. Ldrs, Gr 7-8: Narthex No Wed. Choir/Children’s 7 p.m. Bible Study: Living Library 6 p.m. Bible Explorers: Youth Cntr Learning 6:30 p.m. Jubilate Bells: Heritage Chapel 6 p.m. Wed. Learning (3 yrs-Gr 2): Tue., March 17 6 p.m. Club 56: Luther Hall No Confirmation 6:30 p.m. Conf. Leaders (Gr 9) 6 p.m. Marriage Group: Liv. Rm 7:30 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Rms 108A-B 6:30 p.m. Confirmation (Gr 7-8) 8:30 a.m. Bible Study: Liv. Rm 6:30 p.m. Conf. Leaders (Gr 9): 6:30 p.m. Marriage Group: 6:30 p.m. Confirmation (Gr 7-8) Office Conf. Rm 1:15 p.m. Prayer Group: 7 p.m. Confirmation (Gr 9) Rm 108A-B Office Conf. Rm 6:30 p.m. Jubilate Bells: Herit. Chapel 7 p.m. the River Worship: 7 p.m. the River Worship: Garden Rm Garden Rm 7 p.m. the WALK Rehearsal: 7 p.m. Temple Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m. the River Worship: Worship Cntr Garden Rm 7 p.m. Temple Choir Rehearsal: Choir Rm, Worship Cntr Choir Rm, Worship Cntr Wed., March 18 Thu., March 26 7 p.m. Temple Choir Rehearsal: 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Choir Rm, Worship Cntr Thu., April 9 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 7 p.m. Confirmation (Gr 9) Maundy Thursday 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Living Rm 9 a.m. Little Tots: Room 104-106 Noon WORSHIP: Lunch Thu., April 2 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 8 p.m. St. Paul Chamber Orchestra: 9 a.m. Little Tots: Rm 104-106 following in Garden Room Worship Cntr 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 7 p.m. Temple Choir Rehearsal: 9 a.m. Little Tots: Rm 104-106 12 p.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION Choir Rm Fri., March 27 2 p.m. Caregiver Support Group: 7 p.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION No Wed. Choir/Children’s 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Joseph’s Restaurant Fri., April 10 Learning 10 a.m. Knitting Ministry: Liv. Rm 7 p.m. Dorcas Circle: Good Friday No Confirmation Sat., March 28 Home of Dolores Jacobson 6:30 a.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Thu., March 19 8 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Fri., April 3 Garden Rm 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 8:30 a.m. Bible Study: Liv. Rm 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Mexico Mission Trip 5 p.m. Singles Connection 12 p.m. Mpls. Prof. Women’s Lunch 7 p.m. WORSHIP Returns Worship/Restaurant 5 p.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION Sat., April 4 Fri., March 20 8 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 7 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library Sun., March 29 8:30 a.m. Bible Study: Living Rm 9:30 a.m. Linden Sr. Communion 9 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, 9:30 a.m. Easter Faire Interested 1:15 p.m. Rivertown Sr. Communion NURSERY 5 p.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION 9 a.m. G3-Green Collar Economy: in Trinity Sat., March 21 Library Conf. Rm Sun., April 5 8 a.m. AA Mtg: Living Library 9 a.m. Bible Explorers: Garden Rm Palm Sunday membership? 8:30 a.m. Bible Study: Liv. Rm 9 a.m. Two-by-Two: Rm 110 9 a.m. Club 56: Luther Hall 5 p.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION 9 a.m. G3-Greening Work: Liv. Rm 9 a.m. Two-by-Two: Rm 110 Complete information Sun., March 22 9 a.m. Club 56: Luther Hall 9 a.m. Marriage Group: Rm 108B on joining Trinity can No Sunday Learning 9 a.m. Sunday Learning 9 a.m. Bible Explorers: Garden Rm be found on Trinity’s 9 a.m. G3-Green Collar Economy: 10:30 a.m. Hope & Healing in Grief: 9 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, Library Conf. Rm Living Rm NURSERY website at 9 a.m. Sunday Learning 10:30 a.m. G3-Greening Work: 9 a.m. Sunday Learning www.trinitylc.org/ 9 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, Garden Rm 9 a.m. G3-Greening the St. Croix: membership. Complete NURSERY 10:30 a.m. Bible Explorers: Luther Hall Liv. Rm 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, 9 a.m. Marriage Group: Youth Cntr an information form NURSERY NURSERY 10:30 a.m. Bible Explorers: Luther Hall online or contact 7 p.m. the.source Alt. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Learning 10:30 a.m. G3-Greening the St. Croix: JulieJolivette at Commons 11:45 a.m. Annual Mtg: Worship Cntr Garden Rm 4 p.m. Metro. Symphony 10:30 a.m. Marriage Group: Rm 108A, ext. 108 or jjolivette@ Orchestra Concert Rm 108B, Library Conf. Rm trinitylc.org with 7 p.m. the.source Alt. Worship: 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP, COMMUNION, questions. Luther Hall NURSERY

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Trinity Annual Meeting Sun., March 29 11:45 a.m. It is important that you attend this Annual Meeting as we will be voting on several things that will have a significant effect on Trinity’s future. Annual Annual Reports will be available online Report on Fri., March 13. If you would like a Annual printed copy of the 2008 Annual Report, 20Repo08rt please fill out the request form on page 14 of this newsletter and submit it to 2008 the Church Office or in the offering plate. Trinity Lutheran Church • 115 N. 4th St. • Stillwater, MN • 651-439-7400 • www.trinitylc.org Trinity Lutheran Church • 115 N. 4th St. • Stillwater, MN • 651-439-7400 • www.trinitylc.org