"Wo iifcjL9fer Cd- frfFfrsWnKflfft -? 41fl HT3 4 . ' , - ft '" Ja"Ba"nE'j

" ? , SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25. IBM. THE J - Mr ii h'i..;.i. hEhHmIKMCs IXjWpW !j1 Pbb-bH- MbD aflhaB at jrtM P1bbv aasanr'BBV1 "aaaamjS'Baaalry' j'fcJTt bbbbbbbbbsbI mal h aamMMPVHmhA sh flHat I m v . ia'j iji' T"B iEjHu 1 bbLI IBES??b kbbbbbbbbbIbbI H mxJWPBM nW99vBM'BM,?l hh ppdHjg IFSHQHCPI laH

F SBM ""SbTbC,i25b1 a B!w?!?R5iJMHaMHMMflft"i aaV bbbbbbbbI bbbbLbbbbbbbH eBaaBBBBBBl B3B0HBHSB I bbbB bBbWBPbM wSmbmUBI I IflV BBBBBlV' Ba bFbbbCbbCbb1 . iy wM w hsbbbbsewpi 2jfjjBSiBB ia ifl a""" nw B aBBBBB j B Bf bPpwpb.ll tj ftanBi iPi 'Hflfejiiilif'lj Brooklyn Furniture Company Closing Out 1,000 Chamber Suits, in all the gEagglli eggb $ IIBI Different Woods, at a Big Discount to make room for Holiday Goods. pSW pll


' If. ' 4 . BAXDOX JOTS OF TBE OTHER". American women In this country, and it must two famous FisnnnaiTzr jusrutEn. uExnr rAUKZS. IBB JHI enow CAR. PLEASED WITH IT. rjiOTEcnxa the vxnDZEns. t J i be admltUdthatther did not lack in piquancy. sir S The IftatllBC or Baees Blare-H-aw Yet he might easllr have found in New York Ohlt-- ed Beea Made Issae by All PaatoatlBi by C. O. P. Orator la the rifth Theyi'iiiAre Defended by TxmMlana Vnrmn Li Nr Casts. Peace ant Nolea Ashore for flood. The flraa Old Man of Australia to It Ha a Polltteal jlj Two Mates Coavcraea American Woau morelnterestinir aoeolmens of tho feminine The Ala'e I flreea t Ketl- i- to Private tire. IonllaBa Negroee Avenue Hotel. A alaat the Country Shopkeeper. k Sfli Ib Dialogue Wanlag to Fiiblle Hpeahara. Olalogut than those of whom he makes report. ro-sl- The oratorical mill at tho Republican head- 0M)rtb The oldest and most widely known flshor-rna- n Sir . who was compelled to NewOhlcaxs, Oct 24. Tho negroes of Louis- New Orleans. Oct 2. Tho fight 3 the American people " belong to conso-quen- quarters Avenue Is lor That the A few days ago I heard a notable clergy- in New York waters, Capt John Fonco ot as Premier of In iana aro wrapt up entirely In the political Issue In the Fifth Hotel peddlers In this Stnto his grown warmer, 101 s Anglo-Saxo- n stock" we were ofton by busy nowadays. Fiery-eye- d, am- told tho man of this city preaoh a sermon. He spoke Clifton. B. L, has retired from business. Ho is ot the defeat ot the Government, is tho "tho Jim Crow oar." and aro apparently will- the farmers havo como to (lielr rescue unhrJl i speakers, and especially by tho British speak- - la a way all public speakers ought strong. Old of Australia. Until littlo ing to let all othor questions go for They bitious men hang around the rooms waiting make tho battle for thorn. that now 77 years old, hale, hearty, and Grand Man a It to bo assigned to various stumps. The 'j" era. at the Hcthodlat Ecumenical Conference to be speaking ago very taking In tho lottery fight other Tho peddlers, who do large lr th ' warned against in. He spoke For moro than fifty years ho was tho leading more than a yoar ho was a vigorous are but littlo Interest afternoon a big man with a tnasslvo brow a buslnes Waahlngton. Wo ttate- - d. just held in hoard the far too rapidly; he rattled along as though his waterman among thoso who mado tholr living man, with a profusion ot whlto hair and beard, over which tho Democrats aro so much ditld-e- came out of Ollio Tealo's sanctum with a roll rnral districts of Louisiana, havo been warnis) As ment old we It con- "ff oltener In times than hear In time was short: he worked his tongue and by taking anglers down to the fishing grounds, of remarkable holght active robust and with and Bay that they aro willing to let the of something In his hand. His brow was away from sovorn: parishes on tbe iiretcn'e . tracted, bis ores wore a absorbed look, they lottery cob- - these times, though even as tar baolc as forty jaws y And they distant that woro emlsarlesof tho iL to their utmost capacity, and. if there and hosts ot tho lovers of the sport will a groat capacity for bard work: but In the whltos settlo It among themselves. and his hands were twitching. As he entered pany, SJ t, rears a?o, there wero In tho American stock a any offices, or who wont around bu ins tip the lotftor were spaces between his words, they were bo sorry to learn that tho old Captain haB sold spring of 1800 ho was thrown from his oarrlago aro apparently careless about tho tho barroom he evidently imagined that ho tho negroos. In Avoyollos parish tliop-ddlfr- j K s strong Ooltlo element and also a Toutonlo olo-- what printers delegation Bopubllcan National was about to mount the platform at some po- wero warned they Its bonifri the call "hair spaoes." It was his sailboats, his shanty, and his traps, and ond had both bones of one log broken. Tho the to tho dlsen-gago- that if crossed ment; not Anglo-Saxo- n, beside still other litical convontlon. for no waved his d they would be dealt with sumnumlr hard for his hearers to understand his vocab- hasbocomoa landsman for good. His part- shock and confinement affected his health and Convention. They Insist, however, that style - racial elements. But In view of tho hundreds hand in oratorical and his lips They have not returned, uml tho frm- JS ulary, and I am sure that few If any of them ner. Harry Nolea, also retires with him, and constitution, and a wound in his leg did not "the Jim Crow oar" law must go. moved rapidly, though no sound issued from ers,. Who havo boon J."' of thousands of who havo como here stopped moment somnwhot Italians able to keop. up with his booming tho two old chums will spond tho rost of tholr heal for several months. He had to bo oarrled and thoy will uso all tholr political thorn. He for a at tho bar, venlenced by tholr disappearance di termlnM :. past hesitated and then strode swiftly to the olgar to TI10 Alliance "V f and multiplied tholr kind during the ten .ought, or follow tho lino of his argument, dayB Legislative Assombly, bed, power, and tako advantagoot the division In takethe mattorin hand. parinh or perceive the bearing of his illustrations, or In the calm that for them follows many a to the and from bis stand. He picked out a big perfecto, lit It and has adopted strong resolutions on tln ms- - J?. t years, and in view of tho millions of Celts. - get any post-has- te morallk-in- hard storm. or couch, at Hampton Villa. Bolmaln, he pro- - tho ranks of tho whltos to bring about this strode back to a oornor opposite the bar, dosorlblng of the k4- Teutons, and people of other races who have benefit from his ject the banlshmont 1., doubt got through, any of blue-fis- passed by Legis- Thero ho sank Into a cushioned chair and dlara as an outrage, contrary to nil I lf.aftor he On the Itomor Shoals, and out on all tho h roBUlt This law was the last roll. provod to iimrdoti uo i. oome here and raised families during the past his hearers oould havo given a summary of lature, oompels to proldo undid the It be a republican form of govornmont, and lnennbr 1 grounds from Sandy Hook to Barnogat. and tho railroad undlo of manuBoript The paper was pea bul- - --V ( fortrreors.lt cannot vory well bo nowmaln- - his sermon .or if any ofthem carried away separate oars for the whltos and negroes. the end of poaoo and the free exercise of aught beyond a confused notion of Its drift tho old sklppor knew moro fish haunts than especially green In color. nese The Alliance denounce the men via V talned that our population is of tho Anglo-- It has been obnoxious to tho old In-- Lot me say to ail preachers, pleaders, and any othor man that followed tho water here- free clement of tho colorod population, alwnys drovo the peddlers out, and express their jl, Saxon stock, though tho original Puritan eet-- h other orators: Do not speak too rapidly; do abouts In bin time Ho built all his own boats. very largo In New Orleans, who enjoyed great tention to protect tho latter In their riclits. .i; tiers of Now England came from England. not rush through the harangue In headlong and ovory ono of them prod to buaaablo privileges cvon before tho war. Tho banishment of tho peddlerx In ceuertllr fashion: glvo eaoh and every word Its full and good craft on tho wind. On board ho had Crow car has boon tho bitterest pill attrlbutod to the small country aton keep"- - V Then we have the progonr of the "Dutch and propor sound ; tako at least a short n placo for ovorythlnK and ovortlilng in its Tho Jim With whose trade thny interfered. Theactioa breath tho Louisiana negroos havo had to swallow. - ,j. ,' from Holland" in Now York and somo other between .the sentences, and pause once in a place, and his placo wan at tho tiller. Thut It has already affected the railroad business, of the Alliance will probably cause trouble M- r while at least as long as tho time between tho was Homcthing which in rough weather he twoenthe farmers and the storek.ueperii. v V 8tates. beside tho doscondants of Fronchmcn any many negroes preferring not to trael rather )j and Spaniards in sovoral Southern States. ticks pf a cloak; give the hearer a ohaneeto would no or allow man to touch, and tho than to bo onmpollod to use separate care take in your idoas, to got hold of your logic, to pnrtles who know him best felt most at caso hold to protost A S Island Nine Feet Arross. lis Then it is estimated that we have in tho eeo your illustrations, and to feel the force of when Jack had tho stick. Sevoral mootlncs havo been f your against it. A cltlzons'oommittoa has boon ap- from On r!itUU!plta Itmrd. I1' ' oountrr a million Hebrews, who, however. final appeal whendrlvlng things home." ,,He plckod up tho bonthulldlnc in tho Navy pointed to carry on fight and tho oolored Not long ago a man who was about to n Yard, and when loft tho sorvlco of Undo the Capt of ship Oim- - JJ j stand apart from all othor races. Then again mako ho havo boon askod to preach John Bichnrds the British speech rpolrod it in my hearing boforo Its Sam, many yearn ago, ho began to build for fireoohers pulpit Under theso circumstances brian Monarch, reports hningpaHie, wltnls j, !, it Is not to bo forgottfln that something like a publlo,, delivery in order to get advice himself. All his bo its for a long tlmo woro of the negroes have worked thomselvos up to a half a mile of a pinnacle rock, Hhowingnhoot ;S venth of the population of tho country are about When he was ready to begin thesnmo stamp or model; but laxt ho soven water. In "JO - It tho at high pitch of oxcltomont and tho affair has foot abovo the latitude M '' of African extraction, and also that thoabor- reoitation I said to him. "Blow I" Aftor two from his original linos, and di tcrmined assumod tho form of a Church socia- north, longitude 137' CO west No soundlDtt w V, lffinal Indian Is not yet wholly extinct. orthreo minutes I said. "Blower!" and the to build a craft on a different plan. The rosult crusade were taken and no discolored water wr. bmi very bles and entertainments of all kinds havo been ftT The British people are fond of boasting word was repeated from time to time as he waft a narrow and doup boat, about thirty feet held to raise tho fund to light tho Jim Crow except olose to tho rock. 1 ho sea was smootB. f that Uiey are the posterity of Anglos and Box- - went along, until I had to warn him against pvor all. Hho wan certainly not a thing ot and from topsail yard the rock appoaroau t Is Bate to say majority drawling, hesitation, pomo experts car, and money has been ooliootod from every- the '; ons.but it that the of and monotony. This U beauty, and laughed at hor when sin HJtJtnt pxhses. body in attendance bo about nine feet In diameter at tho wateri Ir ; the population of the United Btatoe in the all the advloe I had to glvo him. all tho criti- fiho was finished. Ho painted her green, not Thequostion has been carried Into ovory but much largorundor tho water. w closing years of tho nineteenth century do not cism I had to make in his case, and It may because thoro was anything Irish In his mind sided ovor deliberation ot the Cabinet negro tlchards says ho Is euro that it was not'l 1 M ; . belong Anglo-Saxo- n the nogro club and association, and tho who to the stock. be serviceable to others than the reciter ho was born In Bordeaux but because ho con- objected to contributing Crow floating object gl k question. Council. He has passed through many to the Jim fund believed that that color would last longer than has boon denounaodnsanonomy of his race ' Bitting opposite to me In an elevated train any othor that ho know of. Ho was at a loss troversies without losing his grip, but it Is Brloklayora Union, There are many people, both men and to llnd an appropnato namo for tho boat until and Masons' the ' S, the other day there wero two deaf mutes, a his advanced age he will ochanlcs Club, tho Cigarmakors' Union, tho LEG women, one morning when bin little daughter saw her KEASIKO) A BURNING SORE - nowadays who would Uko to be great retlro pormanontly. Arts et Motlors, and all but onoof tho labor or-- HIS BFRCB. stalwart, stylish young man and a handsome for tho first time "Ain't ho green 1" ox- - Ho was In Btonelelgh, Warwickshire, on P: orators, applause by born f:anl7-ation- in whloh there aro many nogroos, began - young win eloquenoe, and stand tho child. settled Mho was May Hydney Ho crossod his legs and to read. HI woman, ongaged in conversation. With That It 27, 1815. and ho emigrated to In liberally. of J, up as rivals of Demosthenes and Cicero, Burko aunched and christened. In letters of gold contributed Tho I'rosldont fervor rose as he road. HIh disengaged hand Doctor! $r skill. Brace, and vlvaolty tho fingers and foa-- 1HM. His parents woro poor, and ho had to one of those sonlotles, the Artisans', refused to began to move In rhythm with the expression Ulcer Form. Hospitals and ontor-tai- n ter namo appeared upon tho stum. Ain't mors Cured ' pair woro brought play and Webster. Wo Amorlcans aro apt to I co to somo place wnero labor counted for on tho ground that It was purolya In speooli. It was evidently real useless. Crazed with I'nlii. t tores of the mute Into Oroonl" than It did In u rural parish. He worked as a organization not a political one. and the a by Itcincdles. U j the notion that almost any smart follow to abor and ponderous. G. P.P. kind of a speech, Cutlcura in the dialogue. Now it looked to me as it It didn't tako John lone discover thattho clork In a hardware store, as a laborer In a le has boon denounced by tho colorod citlzons woro has In blm the stuff of whloh oratory Is made, llttto boat was a wonder, but ho endeavored to of toys choss-mo- n. and tho witnesses just uiwoll aware ot A :'i: they woro holding an argument; then ltlookod foundry, and as a maker and as "aslavo" and an onemy to his raoe Its oontonta as though It had been actu- About olght years ago I wrote you froo yet the stuff Is rare for all though thoro keep tho soorcit for u tlmo in ordor to havo In tho eourso of tlmo ho opened a store Itaoo fooling growing strong In tho Bopub- how our wonder- - 11 M if be were giving an account of something; that some fun with hor. Yliouonr any boat oamo Bale toys. Ho always is ally dollvorod. When the last page bod been Wllkosbano. Pe, describing pe manyalib-tongue- d people among in for tho ol was llcan party, and tho negro loaders Boom deter- big up ful mo of 1 torrlDie r ;. at one time tholr facos wero radiant while us. along to her up ho would jam nor fiat Into ready to discuss social und political questions, finished tho man, oarefullr rolled the remodles completely cured What are tho qualifications of tho great ora- tuc thsle bteulthily up mined to make It a party of negroes. They manuscript again, while an expression of caso of eczema or salt rheum Imustnowwu Bret-cla- tho ot tho wind and haul Homo of Ills tlmo ho gave to com- eommunlcatlng with each othor through silent tor, and what tfio characteristics of ss and sotro are carrying on n blttor wan just now against satisfaction over youwhatCUTICUl'A ItKMEDir.S haosraln her board. Thunshu would lienullfully .stole his faoe .'-- oratory ? crnb positions and poetical effusions. In 1848 he nearly all tho whlto l'enuhflcans who hold tin the 'd of mantBuvrea; at another tlmo a thoughtful The best description of the orator Is lo rose ponderously, etrodo up to the bar. dono for me. - ago whllo the other bunt passed lilm to wlnduaru, found moro nouzonlal employment, ontered pfflco, notably Collector of Customs; I had the mis- , appeared In again that given long byClcoro In his treatise and each crow had uillfToient causo to laugh. Hold, agitated Wnrmoth. whiskey in a. strong voice, gulped UasAP!ja last September lr mood the countenance or on tho subject. This master of tho art of tho political and tho abolition Katon. Postmastar. and Smythe, Huporlntond-on- t own half a glassful, and disappeared Into tho ir. fortuno to bruU.1 my letr. and f resolute spirit, or yet again somo But when tho Blaploton Yacht club ot tho transportation ot English crimi- of oustom-or- y KVcS 1 other mental and shows that, to the orator, all came out for ono f tholr grand ro- - tho Mint Hlthorto it ban been oorridor. taLn Put ' I'lf" "' l'it'r condition. Perhaps all my inferences as to Intellectual accomplishments aro necessary. nals. Two years nftorward ho founded the to divide the ltopubllcan delegation to the friir tor on It. InMdoMeof a weokj the He tho Ain't I Grcnl was ontored and tho i'mpirt for tho promulgation ot his view, and National Convention, giving half negroos ,B leg, n of sign language were orronoous, must possess an aptitude for dialectics and toys laughed again, whon tho raco camo on, totho xueown xtnro noizixo BPBvras. "at laf had a terrible nature their a thorough training therein; he must bo a continued it without muoh profit for seven and halt to the whltos. but it Is prohablo that a "TS) pneamo frlghteiied and ml; stand ready to wager nickel some scholar, however, u moro surprlxod set of sports It years. He was a capable, combative and nearly solid negro delegation will be sont to to a surgeon. . fl but I a that a man of broad knowleilgo and famil- would bo difficult to find afloat Hho simply on public affairs, and he entered New ZJht Upon the Pate of th Chrlatlaa I li) vised mo to co of them were right, ss they wore foundod on iar with publlo affairs; ho must be a xtudont ran awuy tho fleet and won tho the next Convention. I'V wont, and doctored "J J or nature and the of from prlee tho Legislative Assombly. In 1850. For many la Jaaaa Two Caatnrte ago, mouths, but no good was done t analogy. Julian Hawthorne who maln- - sciences nature for the After that tho Aln'tlUroou had many scraps In years were stirring tlmos In colony, V""? JT me .'W Itls there the V sake of Imagery; he must be a profound phi- was victor, In com- LIS Any one who reads book on Japan will besides t oft nir fj taint that the time Is coming when mankind losopher, knowing proc- allot whloh she the and and. Parkes lnorcasod the discussion of colo- Fleatr or ta This Tom, Kw .me. hff had W ""! J i the thoughts and tho paratively lata years, oven In hor old ago, she to of he 1 told, ever V will oease to indulge vocal spoooh, esses of, thought, as well as the desires and nial affairs by contributions tho oolumns isn't ofton nowadays tho typloal that if ho visit th yi&K JStlniormeillnlonnulc.r.wl in which. ofton astonishou tho crews of many a smart tho Monilht Herald. In 183a ho became Colo- It that of Nagasaki, if aooording to his opinion. Is a vory Inndeaunto tho passions and the ways of men and of man- yacht Mho hoard of whon doing duty 1870 frontior town of Bret Harto's storlos Is heard harbor that he must look at the of poor kind. Ay, and still othor and further qualifica- tnt last nial Secretary, and In he was sent tor by of descending exponent thought, and a substitute for as a pound net boat somon hero tm tho Jorsoy Kir Alfred btephon to form his first Ministry. of, tho town of Kootenai, Idaho, Is trying lofty rock Psppenberg, shoor for ly the. subtler methods of expression to whioh tions this orator must have, according to tho coast. after- but somo hundreds of feet Into the deep water. lloman Cicern. Ho linld the l'remlorslilp several tlmos to amount to somothlng hospital If I con! I hell"-'1- .. j1 snuUs are accustomed. Most ot Capt Fences oustomors woro jolly ward, lip In office practically in that dlrootloiu It He Is turthor Informed that In the seventeenth and seo l" b t J'"i ,1 will ho admitted without debate that not and had been the contury, whon thoro wore many con- toepvorallioroln tho cltv.in turn, It Oormans, und although tho "Cap" Is French slnco 1887, In his speeches he frequently per- has a population ot 1,000 and tho death rato ot Christian a lr-ll;- 0 leg. ,1 allof oar ourrout orators aro thus quallllod. 11 verts Japan, thousands of could do mo any good. Iliad 1 K believe," said the Ror. Dr. neber Newton to tho tips of his n go r nails, ho was always a mitted his uttoranoos to overstep judicious city ot 15,000. Is hoadquartors of In them wero cast doll 11. "I Another error prevalent among us Is a It tho the cliff. remain-boro- a with a hole In It as big ns n pain my hearing, that great fnvorlto among thorn. Tho blueflsh bounds. He was a but expe- Into the sea from this It will be J h In "that thero will be greater mons ho are groat in any lino, eminent au- anglers he called " blues." Tho blacklist! and contractors of tho Oroat Northorn Hallway, that there was a rebolllon ot Christian that almost sot mo cmzr 'fi'&niViSiFME. haages thors, or soldlors, or stateBinon, or Invontors. " rienced lcador. and a locality was until about two In Japan, undertaking it. and determined to tr f,j In the world before the ond of our senbtiss fiends ho called nlggar heads." Tho Careless In monetary affairs ho has been. It that southern th rebel to and Ins la of five St century hnvo any must possess the power of oratory. Wo call noakflsh rosthotes ho named squegcos." Tho months ago ono of tho most lonely, bar- overthrow the uo ornment and establish their DIES. I obtained a ever ,M than there been at othor uponono otthuxomtnfora "speeoh," and.lt Is said, actually forced Into, retirement at ren, and desolate stations along lino now as tho rollglonof week my log healedft. up well as It - word "squetnHKUti" was too much for him. offloo In 1887 the faith state Japan. It was af V- tlmo slnoo tho advent of Thoro Is a to ho Incapable of delivering It tlmos, and when ho took he was In town, wos.oxoeptlho l e ',l ;j Christ" he is found a ho over fishes attain and the probability Is obliged to mako n satisfactory settlement with now a booming full of thlovos, after tho suppression of this rebellion that the torr wr ',' 'rr,i! $f notion of this kind in the minds of many peo- - roastorpieco of eloquence, he Is ant to fall ho will own Ho tbuffH, and gamblers. Betwoen il.000 and frightful persecution of the Christians began. mlnderof what vtns on. " ' '".Vifi suspicion of being that will It bo for his fun. has his creditors, but It Is Bald thathenevor en- 4,000 nro Mortli"'0their T crack-bralno- In- under tho a blockhead nftor money It, laborers In tho vicinity support Dr. Ilelss. a professor In tho University of These BEMEDIDJ fi pie nowadays wlioaronot - gr,-a- mado enough to give him plenty of riched himself at tho expenso of the oolony. all. iottheic uro men of mind abloto and ho In still well ublo to enjoy Is quiet retired, de- thorn. The thefts and highway robberies Toklo, has rocently been investigating tho York. oladlng people who cannot lo great spuochl-(rin- g, It In his home life he and BOoHN New & forecast tho nature things, though lncapublo of Capt, Fence's partner, Harry Nolon, who re- parrots watch- have boon so numerous und exasperating records of, this Christian rqbelllon. Ho has TniEL. fild st. ", and wo had, now havo, lighting In talking to his and reoently fron- 243ja: of the impending changes, or foretell tho ery have and Amor- tires with him. Is a Norwegian. Ha was a rail-o- r, ing kangaroos hop about He has been the that men who havo lived on thu shown quite conclusively that the rock of time at which tliey will occur, as it has been lcans ot that kind. Jon Hwixtox. and may boolnssod as an water- most wFdoly carleaturod man lt the colony, tier for many years, and never been obliged to l'apponberg was not used for the purpose RESOLVCNT i ', man. For two years was James Gor- youthful oarry weapons before, go arraod and ready for to tourists. No mention of throwing CUTICURA d foretold by LloutTotten of Yale Coltogo. But he with anil his poetical efforts, mostly ot his by well IiRVe " don Dounett on the Dauntless, and he can tell as weapons the toughs day as as night Men tho Christians ovor tho rock Is made In any of and grratcst i, lame meantime, even the cynloa can sustain A Novel by Bucket!, days, have been used against htm. been robbed In broad daylight and tho round- the contemporaneous records, and Dr. ltelss The new Blood and Bkln rurlller r tiatlr spirits with tho assurance t hat thoy will plenty of queer stories about tho strango of Humor Bomcdlos. Intor.illy (to clw"""' The Duchess d'Uzos, who has distinguished things often lirtppenod on board that ers have defended thomsulves with revolvers says that It would have boen absurd to have poisonous l ,y y. Terr soon know all about them ; the end of the that With DyaaaUt. and knives when attempts have boen made to drnggod prlsonors to distant place. blood ot all Impurities nud A, century is not far off. herself in sculpture in painting, and in famous old yacht lie was always, and Is still, Plon.hU: stop day the that menta, nd thus romove the tause). nm a Mr. He snyu 1 them. Jn one there wero seven rob- What .happened, however, was even, more a great admirer ot Bonnett, ho Sub-so- il ploughing dynamite one ot OyitA.tho HUn Cure, and CUIIUJ" Jl musical composition, has Just published a good-nature- with beries, two Hhootlng scrapes, great was a wild, d young follow, a fatal and several frightful, and the soone was quite different M'ernsUr , was Sunday to novo, which, of tho new methods in tho South, and It I sold unpleasant Incldontslnt ho illBtiirbanoeot tho In SOAI'. an oxijuislto hkin li..autilb;r. IM . w. Deference made hore last the if some tho Paris orltlcs aro to yachtsman all over, and an plucky n willor as Tho rebolllon occurred Hhluiabaro. (to clear the skin nod aid restore colloquial genius of In reply ever was dronohod with Boray, Is a pity," to bo equal to the proooss ot trenching used peace The verdict of tho frontier, "Camo to whose lntorlor has for its most conspicuous cure fe American women. bobollood, entltloshor to a place In litera- It bis death at the hands of persons unknown," object volcanlo hair), spoedlly ond iierm.inenflj who Sho he adds, "that ho is only an old steamboat by market gardeners to loosen tho earth to a a mountain innss, called of Itohlng, burning. f.;alr. 'fujJJS 7J ye' 'to writer donlod Its existence I notice ture. exhibit? or publishes hor works ppoared again a in tho days ot '40. Onsenga, which is said to hao ono ot species 4 man nowl" depth ot feet and allow ab- Plmplr. scrofulous, nnd hureilllarv MMf f that the subject Is tuken up by the Parisian, pseudonym of Hanunla. And It may bo two or throe the tho largost cratera In tho world, while and humors, Infancy to ace from plrnpie rf Urn by (to slope and are full ot boiling from kUxO'Rell, In his new book, " A Fronchman said that at least the first pralso Hanuelagot Sympathy ftr Faaaatt u Troeataa. sorption ot a good deal ot water for sustain- In Natural Oaa. base to scrofula. V ' wav to Hnnucht and not to the Duehoss. sulphur springs In constant stato of effer- inAmerloa." After ho h&d spent some In noted headquarters of ing vegetation during a drought The In- trcmlU mtui4lpkta atari. a tlmo The, tltla of the novel is "Jullon In front ot tho the Thirteenth vescence. Dr. Belss sars that the greatest Bold everywhsrn. rrlce CIJTICU" A, PJ y& Hew 7ork, he wroto thus: Mftsly." Jullen is a vory comman man Ward Bopubllcan Association in Bodford ventor drills hole, two or three feet deep and An Inventor In Buffalo, N. Y has devised a number of victims ot the rage ot heathen BOAP. 00 I'wparg Mf to making In-sn- se HlWOI.VtS. &, more I seo of tho American women the indeod. who. when a boy, saves a prlnoo from avenue, Wllllamsburgh, aro four ancient troea. five feet apart making, 1,000 .the acre In rooes for ice by utilising the Japan were taken to Onsenga and hurled from by the POTTEIt DltUQ AND CHEMICAL "The death. The prlnco saves him omo years after- oaoh be puU an explosive and, after tamp- oold created by the expansion of natural preolploe on the mountain side Into tho holi- SWBATION. v3' morq confirmed I hecomo in my Impression From these troea, high onough above the ing, discharges it. the whole number gas when llboratod from tbq, high pressure at f.ng sulphurous springs Japanese BoHton. .. j TO3 that they nro typical, moro so than tho men. ward and then dies. The widow of tho prlnco leading below, mr Send or "How to Cure Bkln Disease!. p They no other women I Unow, takes Jullen under hor protection and arranges sidewalk to bo beyond tho reach ot tho pre- being connected with a wiro to which It Iflsuoa from thu wolls. In the experi- Bouroos of Information oolnolde with the mis- 04 pqg0B.IOIIIUBtratlons.and lOOtestlmcnj! !; arollko Tho marriage In datory boy, suspended a battery. In a reoent experiment the explo- mental plant tho gas Is usod at Its Initial press- sionary report was the form of ex- brilliancy of pomprnntlon. tht nn excellent for him. But he falls small are iiortralts of small-sUe- that this ""f f' 'if thflr animation Vroo-ma- n. h d dyn- ICO re- BlurLKH, bUck.Uil rwl mnh cbpft. lovowitli tlw priniosft and becomes her mur-dor- Candidates J, Bloat Fassatt and John W sive usod was of a ure of from to !!W pounds to drivo a ecution commonly employed, and that It ft of their features, tho ubsuncu of tUT. tntlon In amite cartridge, with about an ounce of Judsoa small engine After use in tho engine period. Bhlmaliara rill tlncur4by CUTU'flU MM!'. MJ !' their manner, inaKothi-u- i unliiuo. Tliuio uro through this passion. Tho book Is not Tho singular minroprlatouoBS of their the mained in uso foraloug long, but In. full of dramatlo situations. All positions was appreciated by the small boy. Thesurfacootthe ground appeared gaa exhaust Into a olosed .box. and the is almost an Islam) In a groat inlet on the west MUSCULAR STRAINS p, no womnn to compare to thorn In it di awing a few small clod expansion geuorate oold to big of Japan. aX Uf rodsv There are none with whom 1 so Paris is wondering bow a woman who spends who In response to a request from a companion Edpr. two or three feet sufficient. form elds of Kluilu. the southern island Isck k ' feel so muoh time in society. In hunting, attending to help him got someetonoB to those up. to the height ofa house it slabs ot loe throe f polios thick to tho amount It Is connected with the mainland by a narrow BBjfn4rln th. IWV'i bH y sjsnoi at ease," "fire at three-quart- er VbUIbT Bistuui. rlK't """."i, ttJa races, and other sport, and In. directing all guys." said: was broksn to tho depth of thirty inches at ot ot, a ton In a day. Isthmus. The volcau o mass, of Onsengn, In vHlaaV Vtliar"'" Aat.rg afl , Kax O'Sell gives some xampUs of dio-- explosion up-pil- J I .,, the sorts of benevolent enterprisesfound time for " JSaw, I ain't jroln' to shoot, at any fellow the points ofthe and SldewUefora .It is claimed that the principle can be the centre ot the district. Is plaluly inarkvd on VKmf Flu.lrr. 1h. rr.l mi unly iH" m b talvrti whw la tho looltty ol wtiUDftnuaoYtl WOVi up a tre. Bin there mritU.'' p&rfoi tGe dUtancf bttwetn litt holes. economically vn n largo scale any good map. i?v'?SxlttitUlJn;i'UUr.'' &tf$r-&ff- i, hl tffSA.