SPRING TERM 2021 Course Syllabus Department: Pastoral Prayer Book: Introduction to Anglican Worship PT 641 Credit Hours: 3 Mondays/8:30 am – Noon [Chapel attendance is expected to enable class discussion] Instructor Archbishop Robert Duncan Thistle Hill, Donegal, PA 15628 412-475-0900
[email protected] or
[email protected] Course Description This course challenges students to prepare and lead worship in the living Prayer Book Tradition of North American Anglicanism. Pastoral, biblical, theological, liturgical, aesthetic and missional coherence are all lenses through which students will be encouraged to examine their efforts. The Book of Common Prayer 2019 and The Book of Common Prayer 1979 will be primary texts, evaluated with reference to each other, to earlier (especially to the Book of Common Prayer 1662 of the Church of England) and to contemporary (global) Anglican prayer books, and to wider Christian practice. The shape, rationale and logic of each service in the Prayer Book will be considered in a “hands on” style. For those students expecting to serve in non-Anglican worship settings there will be opportunity to assess substantial differences and also possibilities of convergence as each prepares and leads worship. Course Goals, Objectives, Outcomes Goals: - To learn to plan biblically and theologically sound, pastorally and missionally effective, aesthetically delivered and liturgically coherent worship according to the Book of Common Prayer, for a broad range of circumstances. - To understand the rubrical and textual choices available for leading worship and to make use of worship resources (hymns, songs, illustrations) thoughtfully and artfully. - To grasp the value of “admirable simplicity” in Prayer Book worship.