JULY, 1921. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 418 BIBLIOGRAPHY. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY. RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY. C. F’ITZHUOH TALMAN,Professor in Charge of Library. C. F. TALPAN,Profeamr in Charge of Library. The following have been selected from of books recently received as The following titles have been selected from the con- likely to be useful to Weather tents of the periodicals and serials recently received in meteorological work and studies : the Library of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected hgstr6m) Anders. apers and other communications bearing on Ap hcations of heat radiation measurements to the problems of and cognate branches of science. This is $e evaporation from lakes and the heat convection at their sur- index of all the journals from which it has faces. 16 p. 243 cm. (Separate from Qeografieka annaler, It shows only the articles that appear . 1920, H. 3.) to be of articular interest in con- Barros Fournier, Luiz Mariano de. 0 problema das seccaa do nordeste. Rio de Janeiro. 1920. 165 p. of the $eather Bureau. 23 cm. Ahnautical jozwnal. . v. 25. -4ug.,1921. Besson, Louis. Ritchie, E. G. Effect of atmospheric premaure and temperature La cldtication d6taillCe des nuages en usage il l’observatoire de upon the performance of a petrol engine. The use of super- Monteouris. . 1931. 2211. 25 cm. conpression in aero engines. p. 421454. Bragg, William. Ameriran philosophital society. Proceedings. Philadelphia. v. 60. The world of sound. London. 1920. 196 p. 19) cm. m. 1. 1921. Eredia, Filippo. Hobbs, William Herbert. The fixed glacial anticyclone com- Le abbondanti pi0 e del settembre 1930 sul Veneto orientale. pared with the migrating anticyclone. p. 34-42. 24 25 cm. (%%ratto dagli .4nnali del Consiglio superiore Anvriean society of kating and rentilating engineers. Jozbml. New delPdacque, Roma. An. 1921. Fw.2.) Ilirk. 11. 87. Juhy, 1981. Great Britain. Meteorological omce. Katz, S. H., d. Trostel, L. J. Coniparative testa of air dustiness Cloud forms according to the international classification. The with the dust counter, konimeter, and sugar tube. p. 619-528. definitions and descriptions approved by the International meteorological committee in 1910. With nn atha of photo ra Jhs dnnales de gdogmphie. Paria. 30 aa. 15 jtdl., 1921. of clouds selected from the collection of Mr. G. A. &wke. Gaussen, H. PluviositB estivale et p6netmtion de la v6g6tation London. 1921. 10 p. 34 plates. 343 cm. mediterran6enne dans les PyrlCnBes franqaises. p. 349-256. Hamood, W. A. Association of Ameriucn geographers. Annals. New Ymk. v. 10. Cloud observations made in India between 1877 and 1914. Cal- 1990. cutta. 1920. p. 537-565. 24 plates. 30 cm. (Indmn met’l Cox, H. J. Weather conditions and thermal belts in the North dept. Memoirs. v. 22, pt. 5.) Carolina mountain region and their relation to fruit growing. hunt in^, Ellsworth, & Cushing, Sumner W. p. 57-68. Smith, J. Warren. Rainfall in the great plains in relation to cul- Pnnciples of human geography. New York. 1921. 430 p. tivation. p. 69-74. 23) cm. Whitbeck, R. H. The influence of Lake Michigan upon its opp Johansson, Oscar V. site Shore, with comments on the declining UBB of the lake aa a Meteorologins sand unkt och nyare str&anden i Skandinavien waterway. p. 41-55. samt synpunkter br dew framtida utveckli i Finland. Hel- mqfom. 1918. 71 p. 233 cm. (Finska vetezapa-mc. Bidrag. &let term. Brwelles. 57 an. Mai-juin, 1921. H. 78, 3.) Deschevrens, Marc. Siyulier phbnomhe de rbonance 4lec- no. trique dans un circuit a nen. p. 89-93. Korhonen, W. W. Jaumotte, J. Le bulletin quotidien du temps. p. 69-74. Untersuchungen fiber die Niedemchlagshiihe in Finnland. Hel- singfore. 1921. 98, 93 p. 25 cm. (Suomen valuon meteoro- . Aeadimie des sciences. Comptea rendus. Paris. T. 172. lomen keskuslaitoksen toimituksia, no. 9.) 1991. Milduwi@, Y. Wehrli5, Ph. Sur la notion de periode dans l’4tude des noyaux de Thhemathematique des ph6nomPnes thermiques produita par variations de pression. p. 324387. (1. mat.) la radiation solaire. Paris. 1920. 339 p. 33f cm. France. Bureau antral mbt8orqlogkp. Paria. Annaks, 1914. Netherlands. K. Nederlandsch meteorologisch instituut. Mhnoirs. Oceanographische en meteorologische waarnemingen in den Angot, Alfred. hides sur le climat de la France. R6gime des Atlantischen oceaan. December, Januari, Februari, 1670-1914. pluies. Pt. 4. R6gion du sud-est; r4aum6 general. p. 67-156. Tabellen. Utrecht. 1919. 213p. 32cm. Brazier, M. C.-E. Recherche8 exp6rimentales sur lea moulinetu Redway, a ues W. an6mom6triques. p. 157400. Hanibs of meteorology. New York. 1921. 294 p. 22 cm. GeoyraphricCrl journal. London. v. 58. Aug., 19.91. Richardson, Lewis F. The function of cyclonic activity in the interchange of polar and Cracker balloons for signaling temperature. London, 1921. p. equatorial air. p. 148-149. 97-116. 24 cm. (Gt. Brit. MeV1 office. Profexmonal notes, Gnat Ben. Metembgical om. Monthly mcteomlogkal charta, no. 19.) htIndzan seas. dug., 1921. Richardson, Lewis F. Smith, H. T. Marine meteorology. History and methods. Lieard balloons for signaling the ratio of reeaure to temTerature. London. 1921. p. 75-93. 24 cm. kt. Brit. Met 1 office. Iwiia. Meteorological department. Cabuttu. M&s. v. 2.8, pt. 6. professional notes, no. 18.) 1920. Earwood, W. Cloud observations made in India, 1877-1914. S-J Carl. A. Exemplea de rayonu aur0rau.x d6ppasaFt dyaltitudea de 500 kilo- Internaticmal inetitute of agrimltwa. Rome. Intematioml rsvisw. . mken au-dessua de la terre. Kr1etuma. 1921. 6 p. 2 pl. v. 11. July-Bug., 1920. 31 cm. (Geofyaieke publ. v. 2, no. 2.J Mati, G. Climate of Cyrenaica with special reference to ita influ- S-r, Carl. ence in the cultivation of cereals. p. 819-820. [Abetract Ra port sur une expedition d’aurores bor6ales B Bosseko et Store U hof, J. C. T. Effect of temperature on the geographical 3mtri- &snm pendant le rintemps de Yam& 1913. &stianiS. %ution of different species of Opuntia. p. 823-825. [Abstract 1921. 269 p. 104 pgte~. 31 cm. (Geofysiske publ. v. 1, from Journal of ecology, London.] no. 5.) Wickson, E. J. Climate of California and its effect on the growth Sum, J. X+ of fruit trees and vines. p. 821-823. [Abstract.] A contmbution to the study of the rainfall ma of . Jow~lde chimie ph sique. Paria. v. 15. 1917.. 367-414. 13 maps. 25) cm. [Excerpt %om Roy. soc. 8. Gu e, Ph.-A. !ur lee Variationu de la denat4 de l’air et la loi de &ma. ”ram., Capetown. v. 9, pt. 4,1921.1 %omis-Morley. p. 661-576.

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